#i apologize now
hunnam · 1 year
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mreynoldsx · 2 years
Special Delivery for: @xvictordangelox
To say there was a lot to get used to on the island was an understatement. Mike had been there for a couple of weeks now and he still barely understood what was going on. There were just men having sex everywhere. It was truly baffling to him. Obviously, he knew that was part of the whole brothel thing but he assumed that people would be a bit more modest. He was, clearly, incorrect. Whatever floated their boat, he supposed. It was really none of his business, now was it?
Mike was needing some relaxation time at the pool and luckily for him, the area was empty. He was pretty uncomfortable with hoards of people around, even if he was just sitting around with his feet in the water, which was currently what he was doing. The retired agent on the edge of the pool, wearing an old t-shirt with some black swim trunks, swishing his legs around, just enjoying the cool water and the peace and quiet.
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tododeku-or-bust · 7 months
Shout out to all the Black ppl that can no longer participate directly in the fandom they love because of the stresses of racism 👍🏾 you contain multitudes of value and I'm sorry that the color of your skin and the power of your voice makes people not want to acknowledge that.
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mintybagels · 1 year
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Days seem sometimes as if they’ll never end
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galaxicnova · 3 months
you forget to charge yourself so your body automatically enters low power mode. you reach for your cable, but autonomous movement was deemed lesser than core function, so all your servos go offline at once, leaving you trapped in your own body.
you lay there in a heap, fingertips millimeters from your charger. yet you aren’t worried. your core can last for weeks in this state, without all those hydraulics and higher processing power draining your electricity cells.
your partner finds you hours later, though in your drained haze it felt a lot shorter. her touch imparts a brief static tug back to awareness, your subdued sensors briefly overwhelmed after so long in such a low power environment.
she lays on the floor, filling your cameras viewport with her face (eventually recognized as “smug”). she asks you something, but your taxed system’s language recognition fails to identify a meaning.
you just lay there in response, endlessly buffering.
she sits you up against the wall, letting you see her in her entirety as she grabs your charger and begins fiddling with your access ports, her fingers grazing the unshielded metal of the outlets.
biostatic impulses are a lot stronger than most organics realize.
she finds the right port and gently inserts the charging cable, instantly filling you with sensations as all your previously-dampened subsystems flare back to life, your body subtly jolting back to working order.
your movement and vocal systems still won’t work for a while as a precaution until your battery level gets higher, but the instant spinning up of your fans lets your partner know exactly how you’re feeling.
with a kiss, again lighting up your newly responsive sensors, she leaves, eagerly awaiting your return to full functionality.
you stay seated, replaying the sensation of her kiss over and over.
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elegyofthemoon · 7 months
It's still surprising to see people say that when they see the upcoming strike post I made that this is the first time they're hearing about it, especially because I've seen several posts now talking about the same strike.
That being said: regardless of what kind of blog you are, please spread the news about the genocide, the strikes, boycotts, etc.
Even if you are a small blog, spreading word allows for more people to know what's going on and also do their part in protests and strikes, and maybe even the right people will be able to do more than what you're able to do.
And reminder: there is an upcoming strike on February 18th-25th. Prepare accordingly, protest, boycott, call your reps, and spread the word so more people are aware.
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wingsforthewicked · 4 months
Woe, my passion project be upon ye-
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And that's it! For Now!!
Thank you so much for reading and i hope it comes in handy for any of your wingies needs :3 This took me... a While, more than it should've, but is finally here! And maybe i've been slacking a little on the tagging for this blog specifically, but i recommend besides reading all of this, to go check my Guides tag, as i'm missing a few little things here and there that i couldn't for the life of me find a way to explain, and i've already re-done this Way too much for my liking o(-(
But you can also just go around this blog to get some inspiration :o I got a Lot of different wing styles here, and again i gotta go back to tagging (and fix my blog web theme, don't worry about it—) but other than that, you're free to explore this lil blog of mine
Two last things—First, i did all of this for free, i want it to reach as many people as possible (which is why soon-ish i'll translate the entirety of it to spanish and add image descriptions to both versions, i need a break....), but if you liked this enough and would like to leave a lil' tip on my kofi (@/rainbowpinyata), i would appreciate it a lot... Second, my inbox is always open if you or someone you know is in need of a more in-dept explanation on any of the parts of this, as i had to resume most of the info, or just needs a little bit of advice. I'm gonna explain wings Much more than i already have on the next part, but that... is going to take a bit, so...
Anyways, many thanks to my friends for always being there for me, i don't think i would've gone past the first draft or the many others after that without their encouragement, suggestions and general help with keeping me going. It means everything to me.
Also, click for better quality pls, the pages are pretty big but... this site....
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moxyphinx · 9 months
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"I just thought, 'I really want to go and lounge around on some sofas and do absolutely nothing and drop some funny lines.'" ROSAMUND PIKE on playing ELSPETH CATTON in SALTBURN (2023)
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diadraws · 1 year
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*knocking on mlb fandoms door* what if theyre dating as civilians but are rival supervillains who wanna steal each others miraculous to make the wish. and they fucking ahte eachother. where are you going come ba
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identitty-dickruption · 5 months
one of the worst things in the world is that feeling unloveable can (and will) make you act in ways that reinforces itself. I feel unloveable so I don’t respond to messages so people reach out less so I feel unloveable. one of the hardest things in the world is fighting back the brain demons long enough to break the cycle
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cattnipt · 8 months
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Fucked up looking dog you got there
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egophiliac · 9 months
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I've had a beast of a cold for the last few days, but I wanted to get this out before the new year! while I've sort of made my peace with my first take on Lilia's UM poster, I really wanted to do a version with the new context that chapter 6 gave us. because. c'mon.
(don't worry, Lilia can carry ALL HIS KIDS AT ONCE)
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yayee-pspsps · 4 months
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Kiss kiss fall in love
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hopeinthebox · 3 months
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bts + reductress headlines pt.14
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jq37 · 6 months
I am feeling a way about Aelwyn continually inviting Adane to hang out at her apartment even though it's a disaster area with her ten ornery cats and scattered microwave dinner trays. I know a part of that is Brennan just wanting a reason to show the audience the very funny contrast from, "I came here to fuck!" to "Nooo Hector :(" But there's also something to her being like, "I want you here with me even though it will entirely ruin any possible remaining mystique around my cool girl persona"--something she absolutely still cares about in a general sense as she tells Adaine not to tell Fabian anyone else about what her apartment is like. It's one thing to be nice, but it's another to be vulnerable, especially when you've been raised in such a way that every weakness was used as a future attack--so much so that her entire brand of magic is protecting herself and not being vulnerable.
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majosullivan · 4 months
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