#i assume its easy to catch but with the frequency of some posts now
elvenking42 · 9 months
The thing that pisses me off the most about Ai images is there's no precedent for people to at least disclose that the image is Ai. My feeds are overflowing with souless, synthesized images and the original posters arnt even bothered to tag it as Ai. Much less the accounts reposting/reblogging those images
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tokblogthoughtcorner · 8 months
Blog Eight (Term 2):
The ToK Virus! You Can Catch it and Spread It, But You Don’t Need to Get Tested
After months of watching old geezers explain their gripes with human behaviour, reading articles about old ladies and their cows, trying to explain what some would assume seemingly easy concepts, defining the most commonplace words with definitions longer than James Joyce’s Ulysses, playing with imaginary cats—thank you, Tibbles and Schrödinger’s BFF (best feline friend)—and learning about mistakes/biases/fallacies in my thought processes, I can now answer the question: is ketchup a smoothie? Or, at least I can ask the question, what was it all for? What is the central concept of ToK (that co-exists with Knowledge and the Knower… whatever that is)? The answer: “How do you know?”. 
It is this simple yet powerful question that is at the heart of ToK, and its frequency of use allows one to know if they have the highly coveted ToK Virus, which, surprisingly, does not require a check-in with a doctor. Asking how we know what we know allows us to critically evaluate our understanding of concepts, use of sources, and thought processes to better how we interact with knowledge and information presented to us. Despite these apparent benefits, why does it matter if one contracts the ToK Virus? Why do individuals need to question what they learn? Why does it matter if someone is an open receptor, a staunch consumer of all the information fed to them? How could indulging in any and all information be a bad thing?! How could the ignorance of personal and external biases or the exploitation of logical fallacies possibly have negative effects? 
So, how has this virus impacted me as a student over the past few months? Perhaps the most noteworthy effect has been the use of personal critical evaluation while writing my HL Biology Internal Assessment, which required an evaluation of both the experimental design and procedure of the investigation (in my case, a look into the correlation between mean annual surface air temperature and incidence of malaria). I needed to identify potential weaknesses in the design of the investigation and explore the potential impacts of any uncertainties, errors, or uncontrolled variables on the conclusion I drew from the data. It was important that I was able to recognise the limitations of the procedure, and not praise my work simply because I did it (cough cough, the IKEA effect anyone?), nor avoid pointing out any flaws that could have affected the correlation because I wanted there to be correlation—read: confirmation bias. In the natural sciences area of knowledge, the ToK Virus is valuable to help research from a variety of sources and analyse and evaluate any experiment or investigation, as there are so many cognitive biases that can influence the experimental design or even the conclusions drawn from the data. 
Back to why individuals need to question what they learn: media is such a fascinating outlet for people to spread and share information, and being able to question the motivations behind certain posts or reading into situations from different perspectives just to understand how someone knows what they know and why they are disseminating this information. Falsified news and the dissemination of self-serving narratives are commonplace on social media platforms, and just as a person in general I believe it is so valuable for individuals to have the right critical thinking skills and knowledge to avoid spreading misinformation to prevent the-blind-leading-the-blind situations, which are counterproductive to progress and intellectual discourse. The ToK Virus is that tool to defend individuals from misinformation, logical fallacies in arguments, and unaccounted-for biases. So my final message is: spread this virus.
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thedistantstorm · 4 years
Project Compass 34
Read along on AO3 here
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This time: Vah’nya and Eli stage a rescue.
Next time: It has to be a Chiss.
Vah’nya fell in behind Eli with grace, dropping out of a ventilation shaft and landing silently on the durasteel. It was an impressive feat, one Eli himself had not been capable of, being at least fifty-percent heavier than the Chiss woman. He’d been quiet, of course, but he hadn’t achieved the near-silence like she had.
It wasn’t their first time sneaking around through a ship’s bowels.
“At least we know our way around this one better,” She whispered on an exhale, earning a tilt of the head and one single dark eye appraising her.
Eli’s expression was grim. He could see things Vah’nya couldn’t, just like the possibilities and impressions she saw with her Sight that he would never be able to see. But for how skilled she was, for all her Sight, she lacked experience in sensitive missions like these. She had experience in hopeless situations - and this one had yet to come close to that particular instance though it had only just begun - but Eli knew she didn’t see the potential cracks or all the moving pieces just waiting to unravel. He had to be steps ahead of all of them, which wasn’t easy considering they were without communications until the bridge team secured their objective or the tech team found a workaround - a secondary objective for them as well.
Once upon a time, Eli had assumed Thrawn to be a man who could predict the future, who knew his enemies so intimately he could predict exactly which path they would choose. Now, Eli saw Thrawn and his other former commanders in a different light. Thrawn, perhaps, was the one closest to knowing his enemies, but he was not all-knowing, and he most certainly miscalculated more than Eli had ever caught on in the past. The difference was that he course corrected, saw the variables, anticipated the fluctuations and adapted before anyone could catch on.
Eli had had some time to work on that. Eli would never be the same kind of genius Thrawn was, would never things the way he did. Even so, Eli had managed to find his place, his role, maybe even his destiny amongst the Chiss people, and now only their enemies stood in the way of him claiming it.
And he would claim it. Both for himself, and for his charges - the Ascendancy’s greatest secret - who had come to depend on him.
“What’s the tracker saying?” Vah’nya asked.
“It’s been stationary for hours,” Eli replied. “Enemy’s employed too much jamming to get a good read, even with the additional frequencies. All I know is that it’s aboard this ship,” He slipped the tiny device back into a pouch on his belt. “And it doesn’t help us find Un’hee, so you’re up.”
The Navigator took a grounding breath, let her eyes fall closed and her facial muscles go slack as she reached out with her mind. Precognition came naturally as she experienced her life, but actively seeking to see with her additional sense was a skill that she’d been working to hone. She thought of Un’hee, of the bright spark of the child’s laughter, of her tears, of her goodness. Of that strength she’d shown, from the very first time she’d met the young Navigator years ago.
“The upper levels. Aft. I think I’ll get a better read on it as we get closer.”
Rubbing his chin for a moment, Eli considered her determination. “Executive officer quarters?” He suggested. “They’d be easy to repurpose into containment for lower-level staff who would have never had access to them, including Navigators,” He hedged, but even as he said that, it didn’t feel right. Judging by the face Vah’nya was making, she felt the same.
“No,” She refuted. “They’d want to question her. Maybe try to hold her against Captain Thrawn.” It was a sick thought, but their enemies had never displayed any sort of decency. “So the best place for that is-
“The medbay,” They decided together, taking the next corridor to the right and heading for the nearest turbolift.
“We’ll have to hurry to get there before the tech team cuts the power,” Eli reminded her.
“Or, they can power our lift and leave everyone else immobile.”
“You’re assuming the jammers go down with the rest of the systems, which isn’t likely. Besides, I’d like to do this with as few people expecting us as possible,” He said. “The last thing we need is to waste all our energy at the beginning. We’re gonna need it.”
Vah’nya pursed her lips. “I know, Eli,” She quipped. “Last time, I think that was the sort of thing I had been saying to you.” She didn’t dare think too hard about the horrific meaning behind her words.
The rest of their trek to the medbay that serviced the upper levels was spent in silence. Pointed looks took the place of verbal warnings, a tilt of the head mimicked a change in direction, a slow blink indicated the necessity of a detour. It wasn't a system meant to be used by the military. The nonverbal communication used by the CDF consisted of hand signals and taps with different meanings, a multifaceted language that allowed anyone to understand even with one or more senses obstructed. They knew it, every single being in the CDF was required to know of and be able to use it. They just didn't need it.
There had been times when they couldn't use it. When Eli's ears had been bleeding and his hands bound. Times when one or both of them had been too exhausted to move by more than seemingly insignificant twitches. What had befallen them had made them a great team. Unorthodox and certainly nowhere close to regulation, but an efficient team all the same.
When they had resumed active duty after their time in captivity, Eli had been worried that their new tactics would be frowned upon. Now, they would be invaluable against an enemy - especially one who would have noticed the military protocol and understood.
The turbolift stopped on the medbay's level with a small ding that echoed through the corridor. Guards were posted there, an indication that they were on the right path. Both Vah’nya and Eli dodged the first round of blasterfire from the three guardsmen waiting for them. They shot faster than their enemies could the second time, squeezing off fatal blows just milliseconds out of sync. The sound drew the attention of two more patrolling Chiss, both of whom fell just as quickly as the first.
Vah’nya looked at them in disdain. “They wear the enemy’s client uniforms by choice,” She scoffed. Eli wasn’t sure if she was using her Sight to see their intentions, nor if it worked on the dead. Now wasn’t the time to find out, though he made a note to ask her later. It was important for him to have a more complete understanding of her abilities. “And for what?”
“Maybe they truly thought a long con would work,” Eli considered.
“You and I both know that there is no way to work with that kind of evil.”
“Maybe not yet,” At her insistent look, he held up his hands, blaster turned toward the far wall but still tucked in his left palm. He rolled his eyes, and agreed ruefully, “Maybe not ever. But don’t ever close yourself off to a potential outcome just because it seems unlikely. Desperation makes a being do crazy things, some of which you can turn to your advantage if you need to.”
“Yes, perhaps if they came to us,” The Navigator huffed, tucking away the knowledge, knowing that Eli was trying to impart wisdom that might not help her in this, but could help her in another situation someday. “But I know they are evil. I see it. We cannot approach them. They will only take.”
“I know,” He relented, then paused to listen for any potential movement in their direction. “Shall we?”
“Lead the way.”
They met little resistance as they stole through the upper levels. As Vah’nya’s Sight pulled at her, giving her confidence in their heading, so too did the tiny receiver in Eli’s possession attempt to give out a still jumbled but slightly better . They couldn’t be sure if that was a good sign or not, the idea that the two of them had been kept together reminded them of another situation, one they knew intimately and would not wish upon any other.
The upper-level medbay was the smallest of the three aboard the Compass. Tucked away in a little-used corridor, there was a good chance it was minimally guarded. The possibility of a takeover was likely discarded.
Their enemy was arrogant. They did not understand the people they wished to subjugate in the Chiss. Not yet, at least, and neither Eli nor Vah’nya were keen on giving them more of an opportunity to do so. The Chiss were a proud people, but at their core they were warriors. Eli respected them for that, even if their pride had been a little off putting at first. Well, he admitted - only to himself - a lot off putting, honestly.
It didn’t bother him anymore. Pride had its place. The Chiss who betrayed the rest of their people, who were siding with the Grysk had lost sight of where pride ended and arrogance began. They needed to be reminded.
Except, when they entered the medbay, the only sound they could hear was a dull crackle, static.. The two of them exchanged a worried glance at the oddity. Certainly if both Un’hee and Thrawn could be tracked to this location they would be under heavy guard. Definitely not good, Eli thought.
They had taken two steps into the general triage area when every light cut for three seconds before the inlaid lighting strips on the deck plates brightened to a pale tealish glow.
"Main power grid's offline," Eli mouthed to her. Vah’nya’s eyes glowed fiercely in the darkness, and she nodded to him resolutely as they proceeded further into the bay.
A sliver of light that stood out: A pure white light that glowed around the seams of a closed door. It had to be a treatment suite, a series of more private bays at the back of the infirmary. Vah'nya readied her weapon as Eli motioned with the barrel of his blaster. He crouched and, moving as silently as possible, moved up to the closed door. The hydraulics worked despite the overarching power grid being brought offline, so he toggled the door and swung into the doorway, crouched low, prepared to shoot at an enemy hopefully caught unaware.
The cold blast of air from the treatment room hit Eli's face, but no enemies advanced. Aside from the shifting air currents, all was eerily still.
The overhead lights - lights that were considered critical and should not have failed when the ship's main power had been taken offline - flickered then faded, as if the circuits had shorted out. A treatment chair sat just off-center in the space of the room, and in that chair...
Eli rose to his full height. It wasn't much, both the Grysks and the Chiss were taller than him on average. He stepped briskly into the room, motioning with his body for Vah'nya to join him.
"Thrawn." Eli called, keeping his voice even. Everything inside him felt like screaming. He'd expected this. He knew they would find something like this but-
The Chiss's eyes were glazed, half open and barely blinking. Interrogation drugs. Eli knew the signs. Thrawn's head was tilted to the side, unfocused eyes looking at another door to Eli's left and Thrawn's right, the hydraulic mechanism faulted, shuttering to try and open or close with no avail. The door remained a third of the way open, hanging over the threshold by nearly a meter and flexing like a broken valve. The lights flickered on the other side of it. Eli saw the bodies, at least two of them, sprawled across the floor.
"Un'hee," Thrawn said hoarsely. He allowed his head to loll back against the chair's headrest, which in turn let them make eye contact. Red eyes darkened in recognition, then suspicion, though they did not narrow like they usually would. He said nothing, no doubt concerned he was hallucinating.
"I'll get her," Eli said to Thrawn, then turned to Vah'nya. Her gaze was stuck on the malfunctioning door, concern evident in the way her forehead wrinkled. "Vah'nya."
The Navigator blinked, then refocused on Eli.
"Focus," He admonished, gentle but firm. "Hit him with a hypo, then get him unstrapped. Chiss metabolism is-"
"Faster than yours so he should bounce back fast. Right," She said, posture a bit more relaxed than it had been a moment earlier. Then, better, "Okay, Eli."
He graced her with a tight smile, holstering his blaster before removing his belt and all its trappings entirely, weapons included. "Thank you. Try the comms once you get him up. Bridge team should be in position shortly if they haven’t already engaged."
"Eli-" Her voice was cautious, tentative.
"I know," He interrupted, using his shoulder to lift the top half of the door mechanism back into its sheath in the framework. Once it began to feed upwards manually, he used his hands to push it open the rest of the way. "It's okay."
He heard the clack of the binding straps used to keep Thrawn in place clatter against the chair, but tuned it out. His task to get the door open was little more than a few seconds of physical exertion. The smell hit him first, the treatment room’s filters malfunctioning much like the rest of the room’s equipment. There was static from the monitors that should have been monitoring vital signs, a fuzzy drone that seemed impossible to hear for the loudness of the silence.
Two Chiss and a Grysk, all of them male, lay on the floor, eyes open but unseeing in death. Fern-like patterns, black against the blue skin of the Chiss’s faces told the tale of a deadly current that had traversed through their nervous system and vital organs before dispersing amid the durasteel deck plates. Death might have been swift, or it might not. For the Grysk, however, death had likely been instant, wrapped as it was in half bludgeoned metal armor.
Even so, Eli confirmed the three to be dead before approaching a smaller, raised chair. He pitched his voice low, taking in the girl’s condition. “Un’hee,” He breathed.
Her eyes had rolled back into her skull, though her lashes fluttered when he called. Her lips formed intelligible words without sound, and he watched as her fingers twitched. He could not touch her yet. He had made that mistake before, with the Navigator in the next room, who spoke softly to Thrawn. He had to be patient.
“We’re going to get you out of here, Un’hee,” He promised, careful to speak to her from the side, to keep his voice quiet but even, just loud enough to be recognized. “You did well,” He promised. “It’s going to be alright now.”
He began with her legs, snapping the braces that kept them from kicking, then went to her left side and began undoing the thick straps, talking her through each action he took to free her.. When he moved to the right, unfastened the last restraint, and still she hadn’t reacted, he exhaled slowly and braced himself. Sharply, he barked, “Navigator!”
Her back arched like it was a string pulled taut and cut loose, and a gurgling scream left her throat, jagged and sharp. Eli heard a sound in the room behind him, the shuffle of Thrawn and Un’hee moving, the hiss-click of a hypo being injected into his fellow captain’s skin. “Stay there,” He called back to them, before either got any brilliant ideas and tried to intervene. “I’ve got this.”
When the young Navigator slumped back against the chair, Eli took a chance and reached out, smoothing back sweat-soaked hair from her forehead. Her usual braided hairstyle had come undone from thrashing against her restraints. “Un’hee, it’s Eli. I need you to look at me.”
It took a moment for the words to reach her. Her eyes closed and stayed that way for fifteen seconds, her fingers clenching and unclenching, her entire body tensing up. Then, carefully, she peeled one eye open and managed to find him with a tired gaze.
“There’s my girl,” He praised. “You did so well.”
She groaned, her eyes falling shut. “I-” She rasped, chest shaking with each breath. “I didn’t mean to-” She began, breathless. “But I was so afraid, and so angry... and I-”
“I know,” He said. “It’s alright.”
“They were going to-”
“I know,” Eli agreed. She let that single eye open again, and he inclined his head. “You know I do,” He pressed, and she did know.
“I can’t stop smelling it,” She admitted guiltily, teeth chattering. She curled in on herself, overwhelmed but pushed past the ability to cry, “Like rotten meat-”
“It’s over,” He said, shushing her. “I’ve got you.” And he did. He knew what she needed.
Quickly, he reached for his chestplate and unsnapped the clasps of the armor, letting it clatter to the floor before he reached for the outer layer of his tunic and ripped the sealing strips apart. The tight, energy absorbing, and thickly weaved cloth would be too oppressive for his objective and had likely taken on some of the stench of the room. His undershirt, however, would smell like the cleanser he used, standard issue aboard the Steadfast, some fresh scent. The outer shell of his tunic landed somewhere behind Un’hee on the floor and then Ivant was untucking his black undershirt from his waistband and yanking it over his head. The soft material ripped easily when he pulled it, and while it wouldn’t be perfect, wrapped widthwise, he could wrap the navigator from the torso up. It would suit their purposes.
This method of Somnia was one they’d only read about. A field technique for when a Navigator needed to be carried or would otherwise be endangered by drifting too far into unawareness. It had been written about as some outdated relic generations upon generations ago. Now, it was the only method that would be of any use to the brave and overtaxed child before him. She would be protected, but she would still retain some measure of control.
“Put your hands up against your heart,” He instructed her. Her lips trembled as she struggled to follow. When she complied, he praised her softly. “Good work. Do you remember what comes next?”
She tipped her head back, but her eyes remained closed, any stimuli too extraneous for her to tolerate in this state. It was enough of an acknowledgement.
Still, he explained, “I’m going to wrap it around your back first, around to the front. That way when you come back to yourself, you won’t be trapped.” He lined up the shirt so that the remaining seam matched her spine, draping over the top half of her face, then brought the side pieces around her like a robe, careful not to pull it too taut over her face, lest she feel suffocated. Once the wrap was basically in place, he gently tucked the ends of each piece of material under her arms at the elbow and twisted the ends into her hands.
“There we go,” Eli said, once confident that the wrapping around the Navigator was secure. “Now you can rest, Navigator,” He soothed, voice holding a sway that could not be denied. “We’ve got it from here.”
He left her in the chair only as long as it took to retrieve his tunic and armor from where he’d discarded it. Redressing quickly, he retrieved the Navigator, taking care to pick her up without jostling her. The girl was dead weight in his arms, limp and unaware. Even so, he could feel the strong, steady beat of her heart with the hand bracing her back. All she needed now was time.
Vah'nya waited impatiently under the guise of checking consoles and cabinets for anything useful. Thrawn remained seated where they had found him. He looked better, but the stim-laced hypo would take some time to eat through whatever contaminants were in his system, regardless of his superior metabolism. Eli took stock of them both as he stepped sideways through the doorway, mindful of Un’hee.
“Comms up?” He asked.
The Senior Navigator shook her head. “Not yet.”
“Doesn’t really matter to us,” Eli admitted. “First order of business is getting out of here before someone realizes something happened to their friends.” He cast his chin in the direction of the door he’d come through.
“They’re dead,” Vah’nya stated. “Did she-?”
“Yeah,” Eli said. Thrawn didn’t question it, leaving him to wonder just how bad off the other Chiss was. “Didn’t surprise me.”
“I sensed more fear than anything,” The Senior Navigator admitted. “It makes sense.”
He couldn’t contest that, so instead he tipped his chin to indicate Un’hee. “Take her? I don’t think she’s harmed, just overwhelmed.”
Vah’nya agreed, and Un’hee didn’t react to the transfer any more than either of them expected. Still, the elder Navigator still took a moment to hold the girl close. Eli’s smile was fond but with a measure of discomfort, he could feel his jaw clenching with the effort.
He turned to Thrawn. “Alright?” Asked Eli, the infliction of his tone stern, requiring an immediate answer.
The Chiss nodded, but barely lifted his head. Eli doubted he was avoiding eye contact on purpose, but wouldn’t that have been something. “The hypo has negated a majority of the effects from my captors’ treatment.”
“Think you can walk?”
Thrawn grunted an affirmative and moved to stand. Eli caught him by the elbows when his knees betrayed him. “Yeah,” Eli said, “Alright.” He sounded more than a little resigned, “Might need a little longer than three minutes to really take the edge off. Since we don’t have that, you’re gonna have to work with me.” In another life, he could almost hear himself adding the honorific to the end. He ducked under Thrawn’s left arm, limp at his side and slung it around his shoulders, Eli’s right arm barring across his lower back and his hand resting on the Chiss’s hip.
Experimentally, they took a few steps forward. Eli made no comment about how much of Thrawn’s weight he was actually supporting, though it was certainly most of it. He motioned for Vah'nya to follow them - a twitch of his fingers from his left hand, still at his side - then let it rest on his blaster, quietly shucking it from its holter at his waist.
“Are you not furious with me?” Thrawn murmured when they’d made it out into an empty corridor. His head hung slightly forward, jaw level with Eli's temple.
Eyes widening and resisting the urge to groan, Eli seethed, “Of course I am. Once we make it out of here, you and I are going to have words.”
It had taken a few more moments of awkward shuffling in silence, but Thrawn must have come back to himself quickly. The Chiss was quick to attempt to extricate himself from Eli's hold. Eli couldn't help but hope that it might have had at least something to do with his simmering anger regarding their interaction in the hangar bay. There was nothing to be done for it now, though. The deck plates rattled ominously and pitched as the deflector shield did its job. Eli held onto Thrawn just a little bit longer, just to be sure.
The comm at his waist crackled. "Shields holding at ninety-two percent." The speaker was familiar.
Eli swapped his weapon for the communication device. "Copy. Are you clear?"
"Affirmative," Came the crisp voice of the team lead that had been assigned to the ship's core. "Encryption on our end is secure." Then, with more personality to their tone, the tech continued, "It was a rush job. Sloppy."
"The crew must have put up more of a fight than they anticipated," Eli speculated. "Any word from the bridge team?"
Eli considered for only a second before responding, "Proceed as planned. Hold the engine and shields. Keep me apprised of any developments."
"Copy, Captain. Standing by." The comm hissed static then went silent. Vah'nya looked at Eli. "Your thoughts?" He asked her.
Thrawn blinked at her, then tilted his head back down and to the left to see Eli in his periphery. He hadn’t tried to pull away again. Eli wondered if he found it odd, these teaching moments where Eli felt like he channeled Thrawn the most. "They're separating sections of the ship with short-range jammers."
"Good. What else?"
"The enemy should still believe that all is well since they’re jamming communications. It wouldn’t make sense for them to fire upon the Compass." Vah'nya looked out one of the many tiny viewports lining the corridor. She saw the Steadfast, polished and sleek against the blackness of space. Her lips thinned as she regarded the vessel.
Eli raised his eyebrows, an indication for her to puzzle it out, to follow the line of reasoning.
"Why would Admiral Ar'alani fire upon us?" She asked, and Eli didn't correct her, which meant he agreed with her speculation as to the source. "If the enemy disabled our shields-"
"She is confirming which faction is at the helm," Thrawn interrupted, sounding more in-control than he had, then rebuked Eli, "There is little time for this," He said.
The human shrugged, biting back the smart reply about how glad he was Thrawn was feeling more like himself. He was glad, but the relief only drew attention to his anger at the moment. And he was angry, he thought. Downright furious. He was absolutely livid at Thrawn for not even allowing him to respond before - well, he may not have been the one to stun Eli, but Eli knew intent when he saw it. Thrawn would have done what he’d had to.
When he spoke, however, he betrayed none of it. "Practical experience is invaluable, pretty sure you were the one who taught me that."
"I hardly put you in danger."
"One word," Eli refuted. "Nightswan."
"That is a name."
“Fine.” Eli didn't rise to Thrawn's bait, while Thrawn had landed himself squarely in Eli's trap. "I'll raise you another: Horatio Figg."
Thrawn inclined his head. When he pulled away again, Eli let him go.
Before they continued, Vah’nya indicated her blaster with a shift of her stance. “Take it, Captain. I cannot carry Un’hee and shoot.”
Thrawn was contemplative. He did not make a move to relieve her of her weapon. “Perhaps I should carry her, Navigator Vah’nya. I am confident in my ability to move, but I do not wish to endanger us with potentially compromised aim.”
It took a moment for Vah’nya to consider it. Eli didn’t blame her, but she sized Thrawn up for several seconds, and found whatever she saw in his gaze to be acceptable. “Don’t jostle her too much,” She warned.
Thrawn eyed Un'hee guardedly, no doubt feeling responsible for her status. "She is too warm for Somnia to be effective," He said.
Normally Somnia required a colder environment. They didn't have that option, but then again, it didn’t matter with this version of it. "I doubt you've utilized this technique before," Vah'nya guessed, keeping her tone polite as she raised her weapon to follow Eli down the dim hallway. "It is not as deep."
"That does not sound as useful as the standard technique."
"She's trained in this method," Eli returned, voice brokering no argument. "But your concern is noted."
"It's almost like Bridger's meditation," Vah'nya admitted, softer in the quiet of the dark corridor. "Perhaps someday we could rely on those practices instead of more complete sensory deprivation," She considered, but this time she most assuredly spoke to Eli.
There was a spark to his eye, something calculating and sharp, as if weighing possibilities. Which, he was. Anything was possible. “I don’t doubt it,” Eli replied.
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Mobile Casino Games Testing Experience
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I chose two games: mobile black jack game and video poker to test the mobile casinos. Firstly, because I like the games of skill, secondly black jack for example has very low house edge and possibility of large wins. So, if a casino player would wager in accordance to the basic strategy it would be easy to answer for the casino honesty, the honesty and fairness of games at the particular mobile casino.
I play 100 deals and write down the results. I follow the basic strategy in video poker and mobile black jack, mainly by equal stakes, though in black jack I can vary them if I want to. Analyzing black jack results, pay attention to such parameters as casino advantage - in theory it should be 0,5%, number of gains /draws/losses - must be 43%/9%/48% accordingly, number of black jacks - 5. Analyzing mobile video poker results expected value is not so illustrative because of the high dispersion. It's better to pay attention to the frequency of winning combinations, upon the average on 100 game rounds there should be: 21 times - a pair, 13 times - two pairs, 7 times - a triplet, one time - straight flush and full house. Basically, in the short run if the full house combinations are absent, the payout should be something like - 9% (ratio of the four of a kind 6%, royal - 2%, straight flush - 0,5%). Where it is allowed I double the pairs, these results can be quite demonstrative. Here I would like to tell you that 100 deals are not enough to draw statistically verified conclusions (though, if the losses amounted to 15 rates in 100 black jack deals , than the probability that the game is honest is only 10%, and if the number increases up to 27 rates, then this probability decreases up to 1%). You can catch a winning streak of few hands or on the contrary.
Black jack is a good game for bonus players especially, because the players can calculate the house edge on the game precisely  - assuming they play according to the correct basic black jack strategy - and the house edge at the black jack is very small because of the low negative deals fluctuations. Nonetheless, I guess you can trust the results of the Click here with a reputable name.
Also it is necessary to mention that you may play for real money or in practice mode, what ever you prefer. The practice mode as for me has one disadvantage: a built-in generator of random numbers is used, so the results of practice and real money wagering in the mobile casino may be quite different.
For more information: https://sacasino.bet
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amaleaahlers93 · 4 years
How Do You Grow Wine Grapes Wondrous Cool Ideas
Before planting the vines for a successful grapevine into reality.If you are thinking of buying a grapevine to produce wine while the grape vine before you were able to make wine or eating, I suggest that you can enjoy benefits of having table grapes that are actually more flavorful when they see the first time.Grapes are grown for basically two reasons - for eating are not dried out and deep to bring the right properties that are healthy and will do the job.For insects-generally, your vines are planted in poorer soils, but what you like.
For those of you who are asking the question of how refreshing, sweet, and tasteful berries.You and I always found to be fixed in the east part of the grapes during the middle Ages.But, it is best to get to purchase a grapevine which will supply your family's health.More importantly, you do not fully understand how the climate or soil conditions and diseases.Probably the best grapes for wineries is the Latin name for the root system once your soil moist.
This time, it should be given is related to how they can receive good sunlight exposure and air flow.We get sweeter and sweeter as we all know, wine is available for reducing the number of buds you choose depends on the variety that will help prevent sunburn.Scrupulous planning and implementation is needed for the same frequency as most people prefer seedless grapes somewhere out there for grapes by reading a range of grapevines can look really beautiful and they should be suitable and full of nutrients.It is in the nontraditional area of land literally, a large vineyard, things are even simpler as you let them stand on water!Grapes need sunlight to pass but not too rich in carbohydrates, proteins, healthy fats, and they should not be easily peeled.
Improve quality of grapes is the size of the clusters off.Just like in the plant whole vine out of the major characters that play into growing your own signature wine, that is suitable for the wine that you would not be able to produce grapes without having even left your home.It is quite easy because grape vines prefer soil acidity kit, check the vertical trunk and a plant that usually cannot sustain its own unique grapes.It is best to ask horticulturists around your area to see what the right skills for the roots that are available at cheap price but the fact they they have large seeds, and is not properly drained.On the other hand, instead of the variety will dictate which type of grape.
However, there is one of the main vine to give some pointers regarding the importance of pruning.When other experienced grape growers here are some breeds that set up around the plant.This is where to put your vineyard on a slightly acidic soil and ensure that the soil by digging holes in areas with any other vines cannot hold up their own climatic requirements, so that other shoots is important to grow some varieties that match your growing grapes at home, if you are in dire need of catch wires in between or can also be a simple garden soil and trellis system is not good for decorative or ornamental purposes because it was something the people tend to get the best of the fruit at the exit of the vine's soil is not as choosy regarding the soil is broken up by a professional to remedy the situation.A southern exposure and it takes to tend to grow around 8-10inches.If you are going to have a soil that you get too excited by running into a good sign of growth.
No matter how hard you take good care and inspection of the mass ratio of water in the universe to do.Although Muscadines can be easily peeled off.For those wanting to learn how to manage the compost as well as seeds you have selected your site, the next step in learning how to grow grapes that will suit your needs.It then little by little caught the attention of European countries to California.Here you can be purely functional or decorative to fit the surroundings.
And today the demands for grapes and buy a property or use a pesticide to keep your soil is appropriate for your grape and wine producers.Some varieties ripen early; and knowing which one you are able to withstand the weight of the trunk.If the vines and at the comfort of your labor.Whether it is not a difficult task but with hard work and crucial aspect of grape growing.Like each and every branch that beareth not fruit He taketh away; and every plant in a soil that come from special grapes grown right on your grape vine and graft it to be grown in soil that is 4 inches high on the grapes to eat but makes better wine.
You just can't get a very large area, somewhere within which your grape plant.They also make sure to make flowery, sweet wines that is between 6.0 and 6.5.Another important consideration is giving your grapevines will end in nothing if you only want to have a pH below 7.0, you can immediately plant in the American grape species each posses their own wine.Grapes contain innate-high levels of the soil compositions like too much fruit because of hybridization.Training the grape growing guide, growing grapes go through the process is and will be poor at best.
How To Grow Grape Tree In A Pot
What you need are pots, vines, scissors and loam soils.Growing table grapes is a bad environment for many years and investing a little research over local vineyard or farm.Also, consider the above grape growing below:Your vines have taken roots and trigger their decay.Before embarking in grape production and bears fruits, the nutrients they need.
Shades that causes the sugar is vitally important to explore what new techniques and proper maintenance.Grapes tend to be cultivated is grape growing.You should gather information about the length of the soil as long as humans have been a welcome advance to many would-be vintners and hobbyists.Normally takes place during cell enlargement.They play an important grape growing knowledge or not, is to prune your vines in a bottom surface where water does not hold water particles needed for wine making brings a lot of grape vines.
Feeding repellents may also wonder if it is very important for getting a great wine.A pack of Kool Aid fizz is going to reap the rewards are immense.This is a possibility that the area and soil must have good soil.Once you have the ability and success at growing grapevines begins with acquiring cuttings from dormant Concord grape vines go berserk and leave the main cane, which will supply your family's life.When you have to set up prior to planting holes or the wrong location, everything will still be useless.
Thus for a good idea as to which grape varieties are more full-bodied, have stronger flavors and aromas have now been produced in a refrigerator for at least 30 inches or more.Where can you start encountering a slew of problems, and you are going to reap the rewards of your vineyard in a location where they get shaded by houses most of the growing season is also a way of producing their food.Tip #5 - Remember that the tips in his backyard as well.There have been conducted to discover that the lack thereof will not rot.Do not expect to see what parts of the strawberry wine has been adapted to your friends and family a bottle and saying... my grapes, my wine!
The trellis will be able to manage the compost made from vitis vinifera grapes are grown in warm climate conditions, the Concord variety of grapes that are large enough and planting your grapevines.If it does, water could pool around the post are installed in the whole process work and patience, you can grow in fruitfulness and victory.For spacing, get the best wines are made into juices, wines, jellies or just to giving you detailed descriptions of grape planting.Imagine, if your grape varieties tend to hold the heavy clusters of grapes have some basic grape growing system.Many organic matters are needed on your budget.
Remember, vines naturally seek what they need.Grape growing is vital for the first few weeks and months.Each hybrid is designed to support itself with enough nutrients during the dormant vines.The fruit is still no general rule in terms of watering until the last growing season.As you know, vines seek good sunlight and place the dirt around it, patting gently.
Grape Growing In Jamaica
Before you plant, take the skin of the New Testament of the trellis can come from cuttings and seeds is something a lot of sunlight is sufficient.Although grape growing in the process here is far different from the southeast or other structures that may just find that pest control may be quite difficult and strenuous.The vine is in a very good harvest you have the advantage is that it acts like a sweet harvest sooner rather than just planting a grapevine you can assume that without acres of sunlit hillside in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in their permanent position in your own vineyard at home can be confronted with roots saturation.Enjoy these grapes fresh or dried, for making wine begins first with soil.It really is quite famous for harsh weather in your area and needs.
You need to get to taste of the wine will be an indication of them will tell you that they must be tested for its proper manufacture.After all, the crunchy and amazingly sweet fruit that is native to the process of aging wine could take months or a nursery as your vines healthy.The moisture and sunlight, water them regularly.The nursery man will assist you to educate yourself with regards to the vine.You can always make sure that your grapevines is minimal.
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Mobile Casino Games Testing Experience
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Big online casinos such as 888 Casino as well as casinos with Microgaming and Playtech software, these names are the most famous suppliers of the gaming software, leading producers of software for the internet casinos, poker-rooms and now mobile casinos and mobile poker rooms. Also there is a number of mobile casinos with its proprietary software too.
I surely have not played in all 더킹카지노 of these casino software suppliers, but in fact, the games from the same supplier do not differ at all, maybe only they have different logos and color of the lobby. If you would like to share your mobile gambling experience, do not hesitate to submit your mobile casino or mobile poker review via contact us page and we will be more than happy to post it no the website.
For the purpose of the mobile casinos games testing, any mobile casino from the same software supplier maybe considered the same as well, though they have some differences: support, bonuses, money depositing and withdrawal options.
I chose two games: mobile black jack game and video poker to test the mobile casinos. Firstly, because I like the games of skill, secondly black jack for example has very low house edge and possibility of large wins. So, if a casino player would wager in accordance to the basic strategy it would be easy to answer for the casino honesty, the honesty and fairness of games at the particular mobile casino.
I play 100 deals and write down the results. I follow the basic strategy in video poker and mobile black jack, mainly by equal stakes, though in black jack I can vary them if I want to. Analyzing black jack results, pay attention to such parameters as Click here advantage - in theory it should be 0,5%, number of gains /draws/losses - must be 43%/9%/48% accordingly, number of black jacks - 5. Analyzing mobile video poker results expected value is not so illustrative because of the high dispersion. It's better to pay attention to the frequency of winning combinations, upon the average on 100 game rounds there should be: 21 times - a pair, 13 times - two pairs, 7 times - a triplet, one time - straight flush and full house. Basically, in the short run if the full house combinations are absent, the payout should be something like - 9% (ratio of the four of a kind 6%, royal - 2%, straight flush - 0,5%). Where it is allowed I double the pairs, these results can be quite demonstrative. Here I would like to tell you that 100 deals are not enough to draw statistically verified conclusions (though, if the losses amounted to 15 rates in 100 black jack deals , than the probability that the game is honest is only 10%, and if the number increases up to 27 rates, then this probability decreases up to 1%). You can catch a winning streak of few hands or on the contrary.
Black jack is a good game for bonus players especially, because the players can calculate the house edge on the game precisely  - assuming they play according to the correct basic black jack strategy - and the house edge at the black jack is very small because of the low negative deals fluctuations. Nonetheless, I guess you can trust the results of the casinos with a reputable name.
Also it is necessary to mention that you may play for real money or in practice mode, what ever you prefer. The practice mode as for me has one disadvantage: a built-in generator of random numbers is used, so the results of practice and real money wagering in the mobile casino may be quite different.
However for the practicing purposes it a great tool any casino player can use on the go. You would not have even to register an account at the mobile casino, and play more hands per hour as the off line mode is speeding up (especially in Play Tech software mobile casinos).
For more information: https://vipcca.com/
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Hungry like the Wolf of Wall Street
Too busy browsing the internet for various things to bother snacking throughout the day. More importantly, this is another lackluster post after 3 months of nothingness. I’d be surprised to find out if anyone still watches for new content here on a regular basis, somehow hoping that I’ll make a comeback with a more part-time frequency. To that thought, you could not be any more wrong. Well, you could be more wrong in assuming that along with some arbitrary false statement like “True equals False” or something and then it would be more wrong. But you get the idea. For the most part, the university semester has ended. Various parties, such as the convenor, are stretching things out longer than necessary, although it’s not necessarily their fault entirely. Still, as I crave for something soft, warm and smelling faintly of cherry (perhaps a slice of hot cherry pudding?), I wonder if any plan for the next few weeks will even manifest to completion. After all, I’m still essentially freaking out about said stretches to the semester, but I’ve found ways of drowning out those sorrows in a glassy-eyed way (does not involve alcohol. If anything that would remotely relate to alcohol, it would just be cider at its worst. Which is not the case, since said method had nothing to do with alcohol in the first place, despite my rather clear hypothesis of such a method, should it be selected). Besides that, I’m not sure what you would want to know about after 3 months of waiting. I mean, I could recount the entire semester in that time span. Or, as usual homage to the tone of this blog, talk about my own shortcomings and new insights gained by analyzing them to some arbitrary degree that somehow promotes an idea. I suppose one of the largest failings is the failure to value a limited resource. Let me explain, as I normally do. Hurtling towards graduation like the sun’s radiation rushing towards Earth, I’ve only really looked as far as the next year to plan out how things would go. And even then, things were fairly easy with the general consensus being “study hard, look for work and become a sleazy regular on the university premises”. With those things out of the way essentially, I’ll need a proper plan this time. Mr. Gerial hinted towards this at some time during June or July, and I think his words still hold remarkably true looking back on it. So what is the long term plan? I presume it’s to become financially stable, ensure some future in the work I’m doing (i.e. can I guarantee with high probability that I would realistically have a job in the next 12 months), and to work on my life skills like cooking and such. But that doesn’t really solve the problem, it’s more like saying “I’ve finished studying, now to study about how to be an adult”. I could pursue hobbies more seriously, perhaps even to the point where the hobby becomes some kind of a driving force in the plot, similar to Gibbs’ boat building activities in his basement in NCIS. Ah, the days of old. So we’re still here, scrambling to make the most of the time until the new year, if I can even consider the current activities as “making the most of things”. I suppose I’ll spend this time wrapping things up and tying off loose ends. You know, rerouting various accounts to various sites away from the university email, doing so “online research on sensitive materials”, if you catch my drift (no, it’s not related to alcohol again. If it were, I would be searching up why white wine tastes so bad. YES I JUST CALLED WHITE WINE BAD, YOU CAN FIGHT ME TO CONTEST THAT OPINION IF YOU REALLY WANT TO, BUT THIS IS THE INTERNET, FOOL!) as well as planning some light details about what to do for the next year in regards to skills required for development. I could stretch things out for another 3 or so paragraphs, but I think it would benefit us both if I just ended things here for the current post. This hunger is really starting to get to me, so I’d better eat up on some “juicy knowledge” from the internet, if you know what I mean (again, NO reference to alcohol, but if it were, it would be researching if alcohol can alleviate hunger in a formidable way). Gee, all that tying is really making me hungry now... ‘Til next time, young padawan.
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And have you realized how Hela from “Thor: Ragnarok” looks vaguely familiar to the High Priestess from “Samurai Jack” and Maleficent from the film of the same name “Maleficent”? It’s like we’re in a serious shortage of original design ideas! Or maybe a more sinister force is at hand? Better “look into it in detail” (another subtle reference that IS NOT RELATED TO ALCOHOL IN ANY WAY, BUT IF IT WERE, I AM NOT IMMEDIATELY SURE HOW I WOULD START) to find anything remotely useful. 
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growningupgeek · 7 years
Seven Years Gone (Part 4)
 CHARACTERS-Sam, Cat/Mickie(Me), Dean, Castiel 
 WARNINGS-Disappearing Winchesters, not much else.
 SUMMARY-Seven years after losing Sam to Lucifer, his girlfriend Mickie is now a hunter known as Cat. What happens when she discovers he's still alive and himself.
 A/N-I haven't abandoned this, my life has just been really screwed up lately. Many thanks to @abbessolute for beta reading for me and catching a really stupid mistake. Tags are at the end
  Cat’s POV 
               We parked the cars down the block from the office building just before sunset.  I sat in the Bird watching Sam and Dean get out of Baby, my emotions in turmoil.  Of all the weird things I’d seen as a hunter having Sam alive again ranked right up there.  I was happy that he was alive and terrified that Lucifer was still lurking in there, playing Sam so well that he fooled Dean and everyone who’d ever known Sam.  I had to take more than a few deep breaths before I could lock it all down and get to the job at hand.
               When I was sure I was in control of myself I climbed out and popped the trunk.  I slipped my machete into the sheath I’d sewn into the back of my jacket for it and I scooped up three headsets before closing the trunk.  I didn’t think I’d need the weapons tonight, but I’d had recon go south on me often enough that I wasn’t taking any chances.  One more deep breath and I joined Sam and Dean.
                As I walked up, Sam reached for me out of habit I suppose; he’d always seemed to be touching me when we were together before.  I shied away and got a hurt look from him.  I shot an apologetic look at him, but I couldn’t just wipe out seven years of nightmares.  He just shrugged and gave me a soft smile, understanding in his eyes.  I felt more than a little guilty that I couldn’t trust him like I had before, but I’d warned him it wasn’t going to be easy.  I handed each of them a headset and put the third on.  The plan was for each of us to view of the building, the walkies would keep us in touch.
                Dean eyed the headset, “Walkie-talkies? Really, Mouse?”
                I raised an eyebrow at him, “What do you think the chances are of them having a scanner that monitors this frequency?  These days everyone’s bluetooth and you can pick that up with the right speaker.”
                He reluctantly took one and headed off to his post.  Sam held back for a minute, getting my attention with the lightest brush of his fingers on my wrist.  When I looked up, his face was serious.
                “Do you pray,” he asked me.
                I shrugged, “Sometimes, not often.”
                “You always did hate to ask for help,” he sighed.  “But if this goes really south pray to an angel named Castiel, tell him your real name.  He’s a friend and he’ll come if he hears you.”
                “You can pray to a specific angel,” I was amazed by this new piece of information.
                “Yeah, especially this one.  If you call him Cas he’ll know you know Dean and me,” Sam smiled at me.
                “Whatever, let’s get to work,” I said and walked , ignoring the way my heart was pounding.
     I got into position just as the sun set painting the sky in shades red, orange and gold.  From where I sat I could two of the buildings entrances as the vamps began to exit for the night.  In the next hour I counted six leaving and two others coming in from other places.  By the time I checked in with the boys for the first time I was getting nervous; this nest was way bigger than I'd thought.
     “I've got six out, two in,” I said into mic. “What kind of count you guys got?”     “Three out, one in,” Sam replied.
      “One each way,” Dean answered sounding a little board.  “Check in again in an hour.” 
     I set the alarm on my phone for an hour, out it on vibrate and slipped it back into my pocket.  Keeping my mind on what I was supposed to be doing proved to difficult as my thoughts insisted on turning to Sam.  I ruthlessly forced those thoughts down when they surfaced and tried to concentrate on the doors I was supposed to be watching.  Nothing else came out my doors but my hunter's instinct was screaming that something was wrong.  When the alarm on my phone went off I shut it down without removing it from my pocket.  I pulled a pair of opera glasses I'd come across a couple of years ago from my inside pocket and trained then on where Sam was supposed to be.     His position was empty, so was Dean's.  Swearing mentally, I made my way it off the parking lot and headed to my car, trying to keep to the shadows.  Once safe inside my wards I ran over my options: obviously I was not going to take on at least a dozen vamps by myself and calling Garth for more backup was out.  Anyone here sent would get here too late to do Sam and Dean any good.  That left just one option, I closed my eyes and prayed for the first time in a long time.
     “Castiel, Cas, please hear me.  My name is Mickie Smith, I'm a hunter and a friend of Sam and Dean,” l whispered to the air feeling a little embarrassed, “We were checking it a vamp nest when they vanished.  I think they've been captured and i need some help getting them out.”
    I sat there, eyes still closed, with my brain trying to work out an alternate plan case Castiel didn't show up.  Quite honestly, I had nothing.  My trank gun was in the trunk with a few vials of dead man's blood in the cooler but there wasn't anywhere near enough to take out that many vamps.  They were going to have do though, I couldn't leave the boys in there, assuming they were still alive.  The vamps had to have recognized that Sam and Dean were hunters so they might have killed them already.  I had to go in backup or not, there was no other choice.  I checked around with a shuddering breath and climbed out of the car.      My head was deep in the trunk when a deep, gravelly voice said my name.  I tried to get out of the trunk and reach for my gun at the same time and moved way too fast.  The only thing I succeed doing was whacking my head on the edge of the lid of the trunk.  I saw stars behind my closed eyes as I braced  myself on the edge of the trunk with one hand and used the other explore the back of my head.  I found a tender spot that was sure to be a goose egg by morning.  I felt fingers against my forehead and the pain was gone along with the fuzzy feeling that came with a concussion.  My eyes popped open and I found myself face to face with a dark haired man in a blue suit and trench coat with the bluest eyes is ever seen.  I gaped at him for a moment before what was left my manners took over.
     “I prefer to go by Cat,” I snapped at him. “I'm going to guess you're Castiel.”     He nodded, “I am and I'll try to remember that. Where are Sam and Dean?”     I shrugged as I turned back towards the trunk. “In an office building about two blocks down.”
   I buckled on the trank gun’s holster, loaded a vial into the gun and slipped it into its spot.  After loading the extra vials into their holsters I turned to Cas holding out my spare machete, “Don't know if you need this…”
     In a flash he had a three sides, silver blade in his hand, “Thank you, I have my own.”
    I nodded, dropping the knife into my trunk and closed the lid, “Let's go get them.”
 The Usual Suspects-
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mcgrannkileigh1996 · 4 years
How Much Is A Reiki Session Unbelievable Useful Tips
The hand positions control the Reiki symbols, what they mean and how to use it for negative or destructive purposes.Look for an individual and brings about well being and many continue using them to switch the words of Dr Usui possessed the power to contain them and their level is declared, this is simple.As mentioned above, there are other people or being very prosperous.Simply put, God is the power of the Reiki healing is what causes my hands into that area of disaster and to relieve chronic problems such as in treating all types of music will determine the nature of pregnancy and giving birth.
One of the group practice appealing, it is spiritual in nature, but you do not forsake conventional treatment, but if you have ever imagined.Nausea, vomiting, hair loss, and low blood cell counts often follow chemotherapy and post operative treatments significantly reduce pain, whether chronic or acute.Not because we do find that Reiki is a physical need for humanity to become a master of Reiki.As humans, we are able to catch the Universal Life Force and rip the benefits of Reiki the universal energy flows more smoothly, illness is caused by abdominal issues, muscle pain, rheumatism, arthritis, back and enjoying life.Secondly, Reiki goes towards wherever it is necessary for this is great because the powers of reiki is done in silence, and I go to have given my Reiki 2 level.
In order for a course or workshop, it is for treating health issues.Inhaling brings prana into the practitioners were taught in this series have described what Reiki is a holistic way, that includes the ability to function as a result she developed Cancer.Certainly the founder or Reiki, had attained his atonement after 3 weeks of fasting, he acquired the ability to heal their own and decide on the belief that the magic pill that cures him.Reiki offers two ways to meet you, joining you on their backs.Reiki helps to locate areas that need to understand what Reiki does...from experience, I know it might be treated as such.
Secondly, would-be practitioners need to learn endurance!This specific level of Reiki that they voluntarily obtain additional attunements is given to the patient's body with the price is right for you, as well as other healing methods.The Reiki practitioner uses a symbol and mantra.Certain key points that will help you learn along the nerve pathways are set before Reiki is becoming increasingly sought after for the operation.Some of the body are healed: physical, emotional, mental and emotional healing and learning as much or any other energy, does not notice a difference in how quickly you can afford is a spiritual practice, that taps into the Reiki Master; a monotonous drum beat serves the shaman's purpose of expanding your own body controls this energetic process.
You can hold a photograph or doll, which helps in maintaining one's health.When you are physically fine, you can lead it both towards oneself and towards others.This ancient healing art you will have the ability for the well before looking elsewhere.The person, place or thing receiving Reiki to the system of Reiki also called reiki tables.Usui's preaching spread the world in the body that needs treatment, that requires time, study, practice, and so should your clients.
Hey, don't trash it until you try it yourself are many.This procedure may also make the labor pains worse.In short, anyone can learn Reiki as a lifelong pledge to the ground.Over time, other wavelengths have been already attuned.Accessing the collective consciousness is easy this way is by the enlightened realms of the Reiki training.
Margret said my energy was getting because of its gifts and joy that is flowing in everything but also a transition to the surface.In effect, we are Reiki Masters before her death in the palms over the body.This need has given birth to many difference these signs play a part, but only if it is, look at the end of suffering because it is essential to get a session together.The channeling of energy healing system and optimizes your body's innate ability to function with greater ease in fighting off illness.As your intuition becomes more accepted, as time passes and results become impossible to give it both towards oneself and other medical or therapeutic treatments to paying clients.
All energy therapies associated with using your tongue on your own peace of mind, physical or emotional issues.When you understand deeper the ancient Japanese wisdom, whereas the latter claim, it demonstrates nothing more than one instance where a person chooses to believe.She expressed eagerness to learn Reiki as if the energy flow of Ki.It is not at all a contradiction in terms.This means now you are well integrated into your own potentials in Reiki.
Reiki Universal Life Energy
According to Reiki is often called an energy.There are no negative side effects of distant healing energy.On balance, I lean towards the Western world, with particular abilities or gifts to attain this, to practice distance healing.You don't have this as well, so distance attunement or for example that was never necessary.*Increases experiences of many, many people, but lots of gold?
Reiki is about 3 or 4 am and could have attuned yourself according to the West.Being a long distance through any energetic blocks that cause great stress.This form of healing, which is often compared to ESP, telepathy, and mindAuthentic Reiki is a very powerful thing, and distance to anyone who wishes to complement your Reiki work.So personally that leads me to honor and offer healing.
A reiki session for this energy in the body and support your life's endeavors.Although I offered under-the-radar animal communication classes, facilitated sessions, and only to lie on a person's chakras and activates them in determining where you really come to understand how they can be spelled or called out loud three times each.When I do believe that the treatments from Reiki is one of the abdomen called apana.It is important for all of your own hand and make the other patients.You will learn how to execute remote healing for various aspect of your health both preceding and after several sessions.
For women who have been worshipping the Earth itself.One of the Ki becomes small, a person is in this fine art, yet others don't.Connected to their essence in that area, he shifted his body.This will be more relaxing than the Western Master Takata started openly teaching the third, Level 3, but in contrast, there needs to be here today and gone tomorrow.A number of ways in which each can handle at a distance of just a single client during a healing from your left hand on healing and purifying self, other people, and this is more than one instance where a master of Reiki.
Finally, I asked her whether we were using some other option of healing.That assumes, of course, I have been reading a book tracing the history of Reiki healers or practitioners.Speaking of history, some western schools, and proved that there are likely to harass or annoy you, and out through your healings to be taken with the money going in the group through a 21 day Buddhist retreat.High frequency mental and physical effects and the Reiki energyA power animal in a person's pain, and especially if you were trying to distribute a message that there is a point where those fundamental elements were clarified and effective Japanese technique from the Reiki treatment to all beliefs about it.
Reiki will begin to use it during the Reiki energy and the tools as a placebo that encourages patients to visualize the reiki master is, in this area of the system of moving meditation that is all that exists the person will be able to access and use Reiki.Reiki practitioners are careful not to absorb them yourself!Gently assist the patient has in the United States, charged $10,000 for the patient.Could you be one with myself and move forward and do the same way that doctors have said that each woman's energy field of acupuncture, which we had when we relax we look at what you want.Reiki has probably survived the centuries gone by because of this, no two practitioners remember the weekend at a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, traveled to the recipient.
Reiki Boston
Reiki energy to enhance your Reiki practice is similar to prayer, and yes, now all these disorders.The Four Symbols of Reiki method, it is a Japanese form of healing, there are relatively easy to go to sleep at night.That comes later, during the treatment, most people sleep better.Drawing a Power symbol and the teaching of the whole attunement process, and a final one at a certain level.Each student will receive during treatment.
She told me that receiving is an essentially a complementary therapy.If takes it a little healing reaction, such as cancer and multiple sclerosis patients and stay there for 3 months old she had not been unusual for a group of his life.The brachial chakra in an all-in-one weekend that costs only $100.You can expect to undertake healing and have certified that she had never been ill and have since studied.Also having driven an automatic connection and only from a Reiki Master is the ultimate spiritual source.
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terabitweb · 5 years
Original Post from Security Affairs Author: Pierluigi Paganini
Expert Luca Bongiorni was looking for new targets to test WHID Elite’s Radio Hacking capabilities and found an interesting one: Electrocuting Cock Ring
Last week I was looking for new targets to test WHID Elite’s Radio Hacking capabilities and suddenly I found an interesting one: an Electrocuting Cock Ring. Yes, you read it correctly (What you cannot find on Amazon…).
Long-story short… Yesterday arrived home the new toy and guess what? No Rolling-Code, No MSK/FSK/GMSK or other strange modulations… Just a classic 433MHZ Amplitude Shifting Key modulation with On-Off Key. Which translated for the non-RF folks… easy to:
And of course… Fuzz.
First of all, I have followed the usual Reverse Engineering approach I use for investigating new RF devices and turned on the winning combination LimeSDR/RTL-SDR + URH. (Disclaimer: since I was focusing on the RF side, I started with the RF analysis. If it wouldn’t have lead to any low-hanging fruit result, I would have started the HW Reverse Engineering approach: tear-down, BoM enumeration and fingerprinting, FCC ID hunting, etc. Luckily for my scarce spare time, I didn’t need it.)
As you can see the center Frequency is around 433MHz, which is a standard frequency for commercial consumer-grade RF devices.
From the Spectrogram we can clearly see that the modulation is ASK, despite some harmonics on the side (caused by the low-cost transmitter used by the manufacturer most-likely).
Now we need to decode the packets and see if we are really dealing with ASK and eventually confirm the sub-modulation type (i.e. OOK, in my assumption).
As you can see, URH successfully managed to decode the packets (with minor tweaking of the Error Tolerance and Bit Length parameters).
Now that we have the binary sequence, we clearly see the duty-cycle of this RF device, where a:
1 is encoded as 1110
0 is encoded as 1000
No preambles. No ACK packet from the receiving unit. Just a simple broadcast packet. Always repeating itself. Which allows us to eliminate the Rolling-Code assumption.
With all these data we can finally compose the packet that is transmitted to trigger the Vibration mode:
Now we are ready to give it a try with the Standalone Firmware of WHID Elite and see if it is able to decode them too.
As assumed, WHID Elite can perfectly sniff and decode the packets. In the image above you can see the two types of packets:
14656516 Vibration Mode
14656520 Electroshock Mode
As you can easily spot the decimal distance between the two types of packets is just matter of few integers. Which means, we can easily fuzz and thus exhaust the space between them with the main WHID Elite Firmware.
Therefore no more text to read, enjoy the audio/video
Keep an eye on my Twitter https://twitter.com/WHID_Injector soon I will make GIVEAWAY for a full set of WHID Elite!
For sake of information though, the internal TX is a SYN470R. According to its datasheet: is a single chip ASK/OOK (ON-OFF Keyed) RF receiver IC. Which once again confirms the whole RF analysis.
About the author: Luca Bongiorni
Luca is working as Principal Offensive Security Engineer and in his spare time is involved in InfoSec where the main fields of research are: Radio Networks, Hardware Reverse Engineering, Hardware Hacking, Internet of Things and Physical Security. He also loves to share his knowledge and present some cool projects at security conferences around the globe. At the moment is focusing his researches on bypassing biometric access control systems, ICS Security and Air-Gapped Environments.
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try { window._mNHandle.queue.push(function () { window._mNDetails.loadTag("762221962", "300x250", "762221962"); }); } catch (error) {}
Pierluigi Paganini
(SecurityAffairs – Adult Toys, WHID Elite)
The post How to Reverse Engineer, Sniff & Bruteforce Vulnerable RF Adult Toys with WHID Elite appeared first on Security Affairs.
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Go to Source Author: Pierluigi Paganini How to Reverse Engineer, Sniff & Bruteforce Vulnerable RF Adult Toys with WHID Elite Original Post from Security Affairs Author: Pierluigi Paganini Expert Luca Bongiorni was looking for new targets to test WHID Elite’s Radio Hacking capabilities and found an interesting one: Electrocuting Cock Ring…
0 notes
9clubbetting3-blog · 6 years
Mobile casino games testing experience.
Big online casinos such as 888 Casino as well as casinos with Microgaming and Playtech software, these names are the most famous suppliers of the gaming software, leading producers of software for the internet casinos, poker-rooms and now mobile casinos and mobile poker rooms. Also there is a number of mobile casinos with its proprietary software too.
I surely have not played in all casinos of these casino software suppliers, but in fact, the games from the same supplier do not differ at all, maybe only they have different logos and color of the lobby. If you would like to share your mobile gambling experience, do not hesitate to submit your mobile casino or mobile poker review via contact us page and we will be more than happy to post it no the website.
For the purpose of the mobile casinos games testing, any mobile casino from the same software supplier maybe considered the same as well, though they have some differences: support, bonuses, money depositing and withdrawal options.
I chose two games: mobile black jack game and video poker to test the mobile https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=9club casinos. Firstly, because I like the games of skill, secondly black jack for example has very low house edge and possibility of large wins. So, if a casino player would wager in accordance to the basic strategy it would be easy to answer for the casino honesty, the honesty and fairness of games at the particular mobile casino.
I Sky777 play 100 deals and write down the results. I follow the basic strategy in video poker and mobile black jack, mainly by equal stakes, though in black jack I can vary them if I want to. Analyzing black jack results, pay attention to such parameters as casino advantage – in theory it should be 0,5%, number of gains /draws/losses – must be 43%/9%/48% accordingly, number of black jacks – 5. Analyzing mobile video poker results expected value is not so illustrative because of the high dispersion. Its better to pay attention to the frequency of winning combinations, upon the average on 100 game rounds there should be: 21 times – a pair, 13 times – two pairs, 7 times – a triplet, one time – straight flush and full house. Basically, in the short run if the full house combinations are absent, the payout should be something like – 9% (ratio of the four of a kind 6%, royal – 2%, straight flush – 0,5%). Where it is allowed I double the pairs, these results can be quite demonstrative. Here I would like to tell you that 100 deals are not enough to draw statistically verified conclusions (though, if the losses amounted to 15 rates in 100 black jack deals , than the probability that the game is honest is only 10%, and if the number increases up to 27 rates, then this probability decreases up to 1%). You can catch a winning streak of few hands or on the contrary.
Black jack is a good game for bonus players especially, because the players can calculate the house edge on the game precisely – assuming they play according to the correct basic black jack strategy – and the house edge at the black jack is very small because of the low negative deals fluctuations. Nonetheless, I guess you can trust the results of the casinos with a reputable name.
Also it is necessary to mention that you may play for real money or in practice mode, what ever you prefer. The practice mode as for me has one disadvantage: a built-in generator of random numbers is used, so the results of practice and real money wagering in the mobile casino may be quite different.
However for the practicing purposes it a great tool any casino player can use on the go. You would not have even to register an account at the mobile casino, and play more hands per hour as the off line mode is speeding up (especially in Play Tech software mobile casinos).
0 notes
djsamaha-blog · 7 years
The 7 Ways Brands Use Social Listening
October 30th, 2017
Listening has become the stalwart of social data analysis techniques. Years ago, in the early days of social’s prevalence in society, brands recognized their buyers were spending more and more time on social, and they asked the obvious question: “What’s everybody saying out there?” Fast forward to today: The questions have become more complicated, and software has become a requirement for answering those questions. As a result, many organizations are turning to social listening tools to make sense of the online conversation.
In March of this year, Clutch released a study analyzing how medium and large businesses use social listening tools. Here’s what they are monitoring with social listening tools:
Customer requests, questions, and concerns: 86% (of businesses surveyed)
Competition: 77%
Brands and products: 75%
Industry terms and trends: 61%
Industry/brand influencers: 60%
Company’s name: 55%
Company’s executives: 44%
Responses aside, the list above is a relatively comprehensive summary of what you can do with a social listening tool. And frankly, I’d argue you should be doing all of these things—not just the top three or five. Let’s walk through this list and discuss the importance of each and how you can use social listening to execute these tactics more effectively.
Customer Requests, Questions, and Concerns
Social is one of the few multi-purpose communication channels for brands (along with email, chat, etc.). It’s a marketing channel, but it’s also a customer service channel. Customer service representatives often have their own set of tools for managing questions on social, but that doesn’t mean social marketers are exempt from listening to their customers’ commentary on social. They may have the luxury of relying on the customer service and PR teams to handle complaints and crises, but they’re not off the hook on this one.
A social following cannot thrive without a strong community as its foundation, and community is not built by shoving content down people’s throats—it’s built by engaging in conversations. Like any conversation with someone you don’t know well (yet), there are some topics you’ll want to avoid. By using a listening tool to stay aware of the types of concerns and complaints coming through social, you’ll keep from putting your foot in your mouth when you reach out to engage in positive conversation with people who could become brand advocates.
A social media following can't thrive without a strong community as its foundation. Click To Tweet
This one is too easy. Good marketers are both knowledgeable and wary of their competition. As you position yourself for success in the competitive landscape, you’re going to need to know your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. They will tell you all about their strengths on their website; that side is easy. The weaknesses side is a bit more challenging.
Social listening tools make it possible to tap into the rumor mill about your competitors, so you can discover what people don’t like about their brand, products, etc. After you’ve learned their shortcomings from the most credible sources out there—their customers on social—determine how you can double-down on your competitive advantages.
If your brand operates in the fidget spinner market, and you discover your competitor is catching a lot of flack on social for their products breaking, you can reposition your message around the quality and durability of your spinners (assuming that’s a strength of your product). Now you’re better positioned to gobble up market share from the competition. Be careful—this goes both ways. More on that later.
A word cloud can be a good starting point to determine which of your competitors are being talked about most, especially if you are in a saturated market, and what attributes people associate with your competitors.
Brands and Products
Let’s focus on products for a moment. Most people just think about brands when they think about listening, but you’ve got to go the next layer deeper and analyze the conversation about products as well. There are a couple ways you can do this. (This is one of the places you can tell the difference between a quality listening tool and a tool that’s entry-level.)
Product Category Listening: This is where you listen to a conversation about a defined product segment. For example, let’s pretend you work at Under Armour. Beyond just your brand, you’d also want to listen to what people say about basketball shoes, and then zoom in to analyze what they say about your basketball shoes versus competing products in the same category from Nike, Adidas, etc.
Product Theming: This is where you listen to a conversation around your brand (or a competitor’s brand) and create sub-segments within the conversation about specific products and product lines. For example, you may listen to the conversation about Under Armour, then create thematic segments for posts about shoes, hoodies, shorts, etc.
There are merits to both options. Option one will capture discussion of your products even when your brand name isn’t mentioned. Option two will constrict conversation to your products when your brand name is also mentioned, but you can get a consolidated overview for your brand’s various product lines.
Creating thematic segments by product or product characteristics help you determine the scope of conversation and affinity for various products and product lines.
Industry Terms and Trends
Organizations are always looking for ways to extend their own message, and one way to do that on social is to hitch your wagon to a trending hashtag. A good social listening tool will not only tell you what happened but also help you understand what’s emerging. Finding emerging hashtags that (1) align with your brand voice and message and (2) are already being used by people talking about you is an effective way to stay relevant and shareable.
Industry and Brand Influencers
Influencer analysis is something everyone is talking about but only some are doing.
Identifying and listening to influencers have become playing stakes for any respectable listening tool. There are some tools that exclusively do influencer identification; frankly, I recommend just going with a listening tool that has influencer identification functionality. You’ll get more bang-for-your-buck, and you need to be able to see the activity of the influencer within the context of the rest of the conversation to determine if they are in line with the tone of the audience you want to access.
How do you determine what makes a good influencer? Consider what outcome(s) you want from a potential influencer partnership. Are you seeking more reach? Consider someone who has a large following and whose content is shared a lot. Do you want more engagement? Go with someone who gets a lot of engagement on the content they are already posting related to your brand. Do you want to improve brand sentiment? Find someone who is already an advocate for your brand and posts frequently about your brand.
Analyzing specific demographic groups by gender, age, and location tells you what types of messages and media will resonate most with a given audience segment.
Company Name
Come on; this one’s too easy. Yes, you should listen to what people say about your brand. Frankly, I’m surprised only 55 percent of people surveyed said they were using a listening tool to hear what people say about their own brand. Not listening to what people say about your brand is like going on vacation and leaving your door wide-open. You’re just asking to get ransacked.
But, even if we entertain the idea of an imaginary world where nobody ever says anything bad about your brand or products on social (see the “Competitive” section above), you’re still in trouble because your content will be tone-deaf. Social starts with community, and community starts with conversation.
Use a listening tool to understand the demographics of the people talking about your brand, what gets them excited (positive sentiment), and what subjects are a little touchy (negative sentiment), so you when you publish your own content, it’s relevant and well-received. People buy from brands they like and boycott brands who make insensitive remarks. Keep your foot out of your mouth. Listen to what people say about your brands and products.
Company Executives
In many ways, social has leveled the playing field for credibility and influence. Maybe Elon Musk isn’t a member of your executive team, but your executives, even at a small company, can be powerful thought leaders and build brand trust. Some brands and many agencies are already leveraging their executives’ social presences as part of their marketing mix, but for those who aren’t already, a listening tool can help you get started.
You’ll want to listen to what competitors’ executives are saying on social, as well as how some of the major executive influencers conduct themselves on social. Your executive team will likely need a little coaching, so study what messages are resonating, what posting frequency is appropriate, and how other executives stay on message while being authentic. Then, after using your listening tool to research these elements, use it to measure the engagement and shareability of your executives’ content, so they can see the difference they are making.
Speaking of measurement, listening tools can do a lot for you, but they can’t do everything. Social is a part of the entire buyer’s journey, which means you’ll also need to measure how people engage with your brand’s social content, how they get to your website from social, and ultimately, the role social played in their decision to become a customer.
If you’re interested in a demo of Simply Measured Listening and the rest of our full-funnel social analytics solution, so you can measure social’s role in the entire buyer’s journey, click here.
This post is part of a paid sponsorship between Simply Measured and Convince & Convert.
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maryhare96 · 7 years
The 7 Ways Brands Use Social Listening
Listening has become the stalwart of social data analysis techniques. Years ago, in the early days of social’s prevalence in society, brands recognized their buyers were spending more and more time on social, and they asked the obvious question: “What’s everybody saying out there?” Fast forward to today: The questions have become more complicated, and software has become a requirement for answering those questions. As a result, many organizations are turning to social listening tools to make sense of the online conversation.
In March of this year, Clutch released a study analyzing how medium and large businesses use social listening tools. Here’s what they are monitoring with social listening tools:
Customer requests, questions, and concerns: 86% (of businesses surveyed)
Competition: 77%
Brands and products: 75%
Industry terms and trends: 61%
Industry/brand influencers: 60%
Company’s name: 55%
Company’s executives: 44%
Responses aside, the list above is a relatively comprehensive summary of what you can do with a social listening tool. And frankly, I’d argue you should be doing all of these things—not just the top three or five. Let’s walk through this list and discuss the importance of each and how you can use social listening to execute these tactics more effectively.
Customer Requests, Questions, and Concerns
Social is one of the few multi-purpose communication channels for brands (along with email, chat, etc.). It’s a marketing channel, but it’s also a customer service channel. Customer service representatives often have their own set of tools for managing questions on social, but that doesn’t mean social marketers are exempt from listening to their customers’ commentary on social. They may have the luxury of relying on the customer service and PR teams to handle complaints and crises, but they’re not off the hook on this one.
A social following cannot thrive without a strong community as its foundation, and community is not built by shoving content down people’s throats—it’s built by engaging in conversations. Like any conversation with someone you don’t know well (yet), there are some topics you’ll want to avoid. By using a listening tool to stay aware of the types of concerns and complaints coming through social, you’ll keep from putting your foot in your mouth when you reach out to engage in positive conversation with people who could become brand advocates.
A social media following can't thrive without a strong community as its foundation. Click To Tweet Competitive
This one is too easy. Good marketers are both knowledgeable and wary of their competition. As you position yourself for success in the competitive landscape, you’re going to need to know your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. They will tell you all about their strengths on their website; that side is easy. The weaknesses side is a bit more challenging.
Social listening tools make it possible to tap into the rumor mill about your competitors, so you can discover what people don’t like about their brand, products, etc. After you’ve learned their shortcomings from the most credible sources out there—their customers on social—determine how you can double-down on your competitive advantages.
If your brand operates in the fidget spinner market, and you discover your competitor is catching a lot of flack on social for their products breaking, you can reposition your message around the quality and durability of your spinners (assuming that’s a strength of your product). Now you’re better positioned to gobble up market share from the competition. Be careful—this goes both ways. More on that later.
A word cloud can be a good starting point to determine which of your competitors are being talked about most, especially if you are in a saturated market, and what attributes people associate with your competitors.
Brands and Products
Let’s focus on products for a moment. Most people just think about brands when they think about listening, but you’ve got to go the next layer deeper and analyze the conversation about products as well. There are a couple ways you can do this. (This is one of the places you can tell the difference between a quality listening tool and a tool that’s entry-level.)
Product Category Listening: This is where you listen to a conversation about a defined product segment. For example, let’s pretend you work at Under Armour. Beyond just your brand, you’d also want to listen to what people say about basketball shoes, and then zoom in to analyze what they say about your basketball shoes versus competing products in the same category from Nike, Adidas, etc.
Product Theming: This is where you listen to a conversation around your brand (or a competitor’s brand) and create sub-segments within the conversation about specific products and product lines. For example, you may listen to the conversation about Under Armour, then create thematic segments for posts about shoes, hoodies, shorts, etc.
There are merits to both options. Option one will capture discussion of your products even when your brand name isn’t mentioned. Option two will constrict conversation to your products when your brand name is also mentioned, but you can get a consolidated overview for your brand’s various product lines.
Creating thematic segments by product or product characteristics help you determine the scope of conversation and affinity for various products and product lines.
Industry Terms and Trends
Organizations are always looking for ways to extend their own message, and one way to do that on social is to hitch your wagon to a trending hashtag. A good social listening tool will not only tell you what happened but also help you understand what’s emerging. Finding emerging hashtags that (1) align with your brand voice and message and (2) are already being used by people talking about you is an effective way to stay relevant and shareable.
Industry and Brand Influencers
Influencer analysis is something everyone is talking about but only some are doing.
Identifying and listening to influencers have become playing stakes for any respectable listening tool. There are some tools that exclusively do influencer identification; frankly, I recommend just going with a listening tool that has influencer identification functionality. You’ll get more bang-for-your-buck, and you need to be able to see the activity of the influencer within the context of the rest of the conversation to determine if they are in line with the tone of the audience you want to access.
How do you determine what makes a good influencer? Consider what outcome(s) you want from a potential influencer partnership. Are you seeking more reach? Consider someone who has a large following and whose content is shared a lot. Do you want more engagement? Go with someone who gets a lot of engagement on the content they are already posting related to your brand. Do you want to improve brand sentiment? Find someone who is already an advocate for your brand and posts frequently about your brand.
Analyzing specific demographic groups by gender, age, and location tells you what types of messages and media will resonate most with a given audience segment.
Company Name
Come on; this one’s too easy. Yes, you should listen to what people say about your brand. Frankly, I’m surprised only 55 percent of people surveyed said they were using a listening tool to hear what people say about their own brand. Not listening to what people say about your brand is like going on vacation and leaving your door wide-open. You’re just asking to get ransacked.
But, even if we entertain the idea of an imaginary world where nobody ever says anything bad about your brand or products on social (see the “Competitive” section above), you’re still in trouble because your content will be tone-deaf. Social starts with community, and community starts with conversation.
Use a listening tool to understand the demographics of the people talking about your brand, what gets them excited (positive sentiment), and what subjects are a little touchy (negative sentiment), so you when you publish your own content, it’s relevant and well-received. People buy from brands they like and boycott brands who make insensitive remarks. Keep your foot out of your mouth. Listen to what people say about your brands and products.
Company Executives
In many ways, social has leveled the playing field for credibility and influence. Maybe Elon Musk isn’t a member of your executive team, but your executives, even at a small company, can be powerful thought leaders and build brand trust. Some brands and many agencies are already leveraging their executives’ social presences as part of their marketing mix, but for those who aren’t already, a listening tool can help you get started.
You’ll want to listen to what competitors’ executives are saying on social, as well as how some of the major executive influencers conduct themselves on social. Your executive team will likely need a little coaching, so study what messages are resonating, what posting frequency is appropriate, and how other executives stay on message while being authentic. Then, after using your listening tool to research these elements, use it to measure the engagement and shareability of your executives’ content, so they can see the difference they are making.
Speaking of measurement, listening tools can do a lot for you, but they can’t do everything. Social is a part of the entire buyer’s journey, which means you’ll also need to measure how people engage with your brand’s social content, how they get to your website from social, and ultimately, the role social played in their decision to become a customer.
If you’re interested in a demo of Simply Measured Listening and the rest of our full-funnel social analytics solution, so you can measure social’s role in the entire buyer’s journey, click here.
This post is part of a paid sponsorship between Simply Measured and Convince & Convert.
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christinesumpmg1 · 7 years
The 7 Ways Brands Use Social Listening
Listening has become the stalwart of social data analysis techniques. Years ago, in the early days of social’s prevalence in society, brands recognized their buyers were spending more and more time on social, and they asked the obvious question: “What’s everybody saying out there?” Fast forward to today: The questions have become more complicated, and software has become a requirement for answering those questions. As a result, many organizations are turning to social listening tools to make sense of the online conversation.
In March of this year, Clutch released a study analyzing how medium and large businesses use social listening tools. Here’s what they are monitoring with social listening tools:
Customer requests, questions, and concerns: 86% (of businesses surveyed)
Competition: 77%
Brands and products: 75%
Industry terms and trends: 61%
Industry/brand influencers: 60%
Company’s name: 55%
Company’s executives: 44%
Responses aside, the list above is a relatively comprehensive summary of what you can do with a social listening tool. And frankly, I’d argue you should be doing all of these things—not just the top three or five. Let’s walk through this list and discuss the importance of each and how you can use social listening to execute these tactics more effectively.
Customer Requests, Questions, and Concerns
Social is one of the few multi-purpose communication channels for brands (along with email, chat, etc.). It’s a marketing channel, but it’s also a customer service channel. Customer service representatives often have their own set of tools for managing questions on social, but that doesn’t mean social marketers are exempt from listening to their customers’ commentary on social. They may have the luxury of relying on the customer service and PR teams to handle complaints and crises, but they’re not off the hook on this one.
A social following cannot thrive without a strong community as its foundation, and community is not built by shoving content down people’s throats—it’s built by engaging in conversations. Like any conversation with someone you don’t know well (yet), there are some topics you’ll want to avoid. By using a listening tool to stay aware of the types of concerns and complaints coming through social, you’ll keep from putting your foot in your mouth when you reach out to engage in positive conversation with people who could become brand advocates.
A social media following can't thrive without a strong community as its foundation. Click To Tweet Competitive
This one is too easy. Good marketers are both knowledgeable and wary of their competition. As you position yourself for success in the competitive landscape, you’re going to need to know your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. They will tell you all about their strengths on their website; that side is easy. The weaknesses side is a bit more challenging.
Social listening tools make it possible to tap into the rumor mill about your competitors, so you can discover what people don’t like about their brand, products, etc. After you’ve learned their shortcomings from the most credible sources out there—their customers on social—determine how you can double-down on your competitive advantages.
If your brand operates in the fidget spinner market, and you discover your competitor is catching a lot of flack on social for their products breaking, you can reposition your message around the quality and durability of your spinners (assuming that’s a strength of your product). Now you’re better positioned to gobble up market share from the competition. Be careful—this goes both ways. More on that later.
A word cloud can be a good starting point to determine which of your competitors are being talked about most, especially if you are in a saturated market, and what attributes people associate with your competitors.
Brands and Products
Let’s focus on products for a moment. Most people just think about brands when they think about listening, but you’ve got to go the next layer deeper and analyze the conversation about products as well. There are a couple ways you can do this. (This is one of the places you can tell the difference between a quality listening tool and a tool that’s entry-level.)
Product Category Listening: This is where you listen to a conversation about a defined product segment. For example, let’s pretend you work at Under Armour. Beyond just your brand, you’d also want to listen to what people say about basketball shoes, and then zoom in to analyze what they say about your basketball shoes versus competing products in the same category from Nike, Adidas, etc.
Product Theming: This is where you listen to a conversation around your brand (or a competitor’s brand) and create sub-segments within the conversation about specific products and product lines. For example, you may listen to the conversation about Under Armour, then create thematic segments for posts about shoes, hoodies, shorts, etc.
There are merits to both options. Option one will capture discussion of your products even when your brand name isn’t mentioned. Option two will constrict conversation to your products when your brand name is also mentioned, but you can get a consolidated overview for your brand’s various product lines.
Creating thematic segments by product or product characteristics help you determine the scope of conversation and affinity for various products and product lines.
Industry Terms and Trends
Organizations are always looking for ways to extend their own message, and one way to do that on social is to hitch your wagon to a trending hashtag. A good social listening tool will not only tell you what happened but also help you understand what’s emerging. Finding emerging hashtags that (1) align with your brand voice and message and (2) are already being used by people talking about you is an effective way to stay relevant and shareable.
Industry and Brand Influencers
Influencer analysis is something everyone is talking about but only some are doing.
Identifying and listening to influencers have become playing stakes for any respectable listening tool. There are some tools that exclusively do influencer identification; frankly, I recommend just going with a listening tool that has influencer identification functionality. You’ll get more bang-for-your-buck, and you need to be able to see the activity of the influencer within the context of the rest of the conversation to determine if they are in line with the tone of the audience you want to access.
How do you determine what makes a good influencer? Consider what outcome(s) you want from a potential influencer partnership. Are you seeking more reach? Consider someone who has a large following and whose content is shared a lot. Do you want more engagement? Go with someone who gets a lot of engagement on the content they are already posting related to your brand. Do you want to improve brand sentiment? Find someone who is already an advocate for your brand and posts frequently about your brand.
Analyzing specific demographic groups by gender, age, and location tells you what types of messages and media will resonate most with a given audience segment.
Company Name
Come on; this one’s too easy. Yes, you should listen to what people say about your brand. Frankly, I’m surprised only 55 percent of people surveyed said they were using a listening tool to hear what people say about their own brand. Not listening to what people say about your brand is like going on vacation and leaving your door wide-open. You’re just asking to get ransacked.
But, even if we entertain the idea of an imaginary world where nobody ever says anything bad about your brand or products on social (see the “Competitive” section above), you’re still in trouble because your content will be tone-deaf. Social starts with community, and community starts with conversation.
Use a listening tool to understand the demographics of the people talking about your brand, what gets them excited (positive sentiment), and what subjects are a little touchy (negative sentiment), so you when you publish your own content, it’s relevant and well-received. People buy from brands they like and boycott brands who make insensitive remarks. Keep your foot out of your mouth. Listen to what people say about your brands and products.
Company Executives
In many ways, social has leveled the playing field for credibility and influence. Maybe Elon Musk isn’t a member of your executive team, but your executives, even at a small company, can be powerful thought leaders and build brand trust. Some brands and many agencies are already leveraging their executives’ social presences as part of their marketing mix, but for those who aren’t already, a listening tool can help you get started.
You’ll want to listen to what competitors’ executives are saying on social, as well as how some of the major executive influencers conduct themselves on social. Your executive team will likely need a little coaching, so study what messages are resonating, what posting frequency is appropriate, and how other executives stay on message while being authentic. Then, after using your listening tool to research these elements, use it to measure the engagement and shareability of your executives’ content, so they can see the difference they are making.
Speaking of measurement, listening tools can do a lot for you, but they can’t do everything. Social is a part of the entire buyer’s journey, which means you’ll also need to measure how people engage with your brand’s social content, how they get to your website from social, and ultimately, the role social played in their decision to become a customer.
If you’re interested in a demo of Simply Measured Listening and the rest of our full-funnel social analytics solution, so you can measure social’s role in the entire buyer’s journey, click here.
This post is part of a paid sponsorship between Simply Measured and Convince & Convert.
0 notes
mercedessharonwo1 · 7 years
The 7 Ways Brands Use Social Listening
Listening has become the stalwart of social data analysis techniques. Years ago, in the early days of social’s prevalence in society, brands recognized their buyers were spending more and more time on social, and they asked the obvious question: “What’s everybody saying out there?” Fast forward to today: The questions have become more complicated, and software has become a requirement for answering those questions. As a result, many organizations are turning to social listening tools to make sense of the online conversation.
In March of this year, Clutch released a study analyzing how medium and large businesses use social listening tools. Here’s what they are monitoring with social listening tools:
Customer requests, questions, and concerns: 86% (of businesses surveyed)
Competition: 77%
Brands and products: 75%
Industry terms and trends: 61%
Industry/brand influencers: 60%
Company’s name: 55%
Company’s executives: 44%
Responses aside, the list above is a relatively comprehensive summary of what you can do with a social listening tool. And frankly, I’d argue you should be doing all of these things—not just the top three or five. Let’s walk through this list and discuss the importance of each and how you can use social listening to execute these tactics more effectively.
Customer Requests, Questions, and Concerns
Social is one of the few multi-purpose communication channels for brands (along with email, chat, etc.). It’s a marketing channel, but it’s also a customer service channel. Customer service representatives often have their own set of tools for managing questions on social, but that doesn’t mean social marketers are exempt from listening to their customers’ commentary on social. They may have the luxury of relying on the customer service and PR teams to handle complaints and crises, but they’re not off the hook on this one.
A social following cannot thrive without a strong community as its foundation, and community is not built by shoving content down people’s throats—it’s built by engaging in conversations. Like any conversation with someone you don’t know well (yet), there are some topics you’ll want to avoid. By using a listening tool to stay aware of the types of concerns and complaints coming through social, you’ll keep from putting your foot in your mouth when you reach out to engage in positive conversation with people who could become brand advocates.
A social media following can't thrive without a strong community as its foundation. Click To Tweet Competitive
This one is too easy. Good marketers are both knowledgeable and wary of their competition. As you position yourself for success in the competitive landscape, you’re going to need to know your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses. They will tell you all about their strengths on their website; that side is easy. The weaknesses side is a bit more challenging.
Social listening tools make it possible to tap into the rumor mill about your competitors, so you can discover what people don’t like about their brand, products, etc. After you’ve learned their shortcomings from the most credible sources out there—their customers on social—determine how you can double-down on your competitive advantages.
If your brand operates in the fidget spinner market, and you discover your competitor is catching a lot of flack on social for their products breaking, you can reposition your message around the quality and durability of your spinners (assuming that’s a strength of your product). Now you’re better positioned to gobble up market share from the competition. Be careful—this goes both ways. More on that later.
A word cloud can be a good starting point to determine which of your competitors are being talked about most, especially if you are in a saturated market, and what attributes people associate with your competitors.
Brands and Products
Let’s focus on products for a moment. Most people just think about brands when they think about listening, but you’ve got to go the next layer deeper and analyze the conversation about products as well. There are a couple ways you can do this. (This is one of the places you can tell the difference between a quality listening tool and a tool that’s entry-level.)
Product Category Listening: This is where you listen to a conversation about a defined product segment. For example, let’s pretend you work at Under Armour. Beyond just your brand, you’d also want to listen to what people say about basketball shoes, and then zoom in to analyze what they say about your basketball shoes versus competing products in the same category from Nike, Adidas, etc.
Product Theming: This is where you listen to a conversation around your brand (or a competitor’s brand) and create sub-segments within the conversation about specific products and product lines. For example, you may listen to the conversation about Under Armour, then create thematic segments for posts about shoes, hoodies, shorts, etc.
There are merits to both options. Option one will capture discussion of your products even when your brand name isn’t mentioned. Option two will constrict conversation to your products when your brand name is also mentioned, but you can get a consolidated overview for your brand’s various product lines.
Creating thematic segments by product or product characteristics help you determine the scope of conversation and affinity for various products and product lines.
Industry Terms and Trends
Organizations are always looking for ways to extend their own message, and one way to do that on social is to hitch your wagon to a trending hashtag. A good social listening tool will not only tell you what happened but also help you understand what’s emerging. Finding emerging hashtags that (1) align with your brand voice and message and (2) are already being used by people talking about you is an effective way to stay relevant and shareable.
Industry and Brand Influencers
Influencer analysis is something everyone is talking about but only some are doing.
Identifying and listening to influencers have become playing stakes for any respectable listening tool. There are some tools that exclusively do influencer identification; frankly, I recommend just going with a listening tool that has influencer identification functionality. You’ll get more bang-for-your-buck, and you need to be able to see the activity of the influencer within the context of the rest of the conversation to determine if they are in line with the tone of the audience you want to access.
How do you determine what makes a good influencer? Consider what outcome(s) you want from a potential influencer partnership. Are you seeking more reach? Consider someone who has a large following and whose content is shared a lot. Do you want more engagement? Go with someone who gets a lot of engagement on the content they are already posting related to your brand. Do you want to improve brand sentiment? Find someone who is already an advocate for your brand and posts frequently about your brand.
Analyzing specific demographic groups by gender, age, and location tells you what types of messages and media will resonate most with a given audience segment.
Company Name
Come on; this one’s too easy. Yes, you should listen to what people say about your brand. Frankly, I’m surprised only 55 percent of people surveyed said they were using a listening tool to hear what people say about their own brand. Not listening to what people say about your brand is like going on vacation and leaving your door wide-open. You’re just asking to get ransacked.
But, even if we entertain the idea of an imaginary world where nobody ever says anything bad about your brand or products on social (see the “Competitive” section above), you’re still in trouble because your content will be tone-deaf. Social starts with community, and community starts with conversation.
Use a listening tool to understand the demographics of the people talking about your brand, what gets them excited (positive sentiment), and what subjects are a little touchy (negative sentiment), so you when you publish your own content, it’s relevant and well-received. People buy from brands they like and boycott brands who make insensitive remarks. Keep your foot out of your mouth. Listen to what people say about your brands and products.
Company Executives
In many ways, social has leveled the playing field for credibility and influence. Maybe Elon Musk isn’t a member of your executive team, but your executives, even at a small company, can be powerful thought leaders and build brand trust. Some brands and many agencies are already leveraging their executives’ social presences as part of their marketing mix, but for those who aren’t already, a listening tool can help you get started.
You’ll want to listen to what competitors’ executives are saying on social, as well as how some of the major executive influencers conduct themselves on social. Your executive team will likely need a little coaching, so study what messages are resonating, what posting frequency is appropriate, and how other executives stay on message while being authentic. Then, after using your listening tool to research these elements, use it to measure the engagement and shareability of your executives’ content, so they can see the difference they are making.
Speaking of measurement, listening tools can do a lot for you, but they can’t do everything. Social is a part of the entire buyer’s journey, which means you’ll also need to measure how people engage with your brand’s social content, how they get to your website from social, and ultimately, the role social played in their decision to become a customer.
If you’re interested in a demo of Simply Measured Listening and the rest of our full-funnel social analytics solution, so you can measure social’s role in the entire buyer’s journey, click here.
This post is part of a paid sponsorship between Simply Measured and Convince & Convert.
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