#i based my muse off my OC cherry lol
chellychuu · 8 months
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If you have fashion dreamer, let’s be friends! I’d love to style an outfit for you! ^^
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e-m-p-error · 2 months
Tagged By: Stole This
Tagging: Anyone That Wants To Do It!
Man, I write so many characters, but I'll do the ones that are awake the most often. Assume that any of these can be threesomes/moresomes.
Valentino - Vox, Angel Dust, Vox's Assistant
Velvette - Vox, Valentino, Chaz
Niffty - Husk, Valentino, Alastor
Alastor - Valentino, Angel Dust, Niffty
Ostello - Valentino, Vox, Alastor
Anya - So far she's only ever been shipped with other OCs! I don't have canon ideas for her as of now, but she is bi!
Mammon - Ozzie, Fizzarolli, RoboFizz
Ozzie - Fizzarolli, Mammon, Beelzebub
Andrealphus - Striker, Stolas, Stella's Male Friend
Paimon - Barbie, Cash, Mr. Butler
Charlie - Vaggie, Velvette, Cherri Bomb
Barbie - Paimon, Chaz, Fizzarolli
Chazz - Velvette, Glitz/Glam, Valentino
Glitz - Mammon, Chaz, Verosika
Adam - Lucifer, Lute, Sera
It depends for me. In Hazbin, with Sinners, I don't care too much about the age gap on when people were born. That said, if the younger character is under 18 I won't write any usft with them, but I am open to letting Teens Date Teens. Teenagers date, and that's perfectly acceptable. I don't care as long as they're within two or three years of each other as teens. If they could share a biology class in high school I'm okay with it.
I would say once pants are coming off or things go beyond second base, usually. I'll put things in a community thing for sexual content. I will put things under a read more only if my partner does.
Not usually! My muse may be low for certain ships, though.
Going with the same list as before! Assume that OCs are welcome with everyone provided there is chemistry! Any of these can be threesomes/moresomes.
Valentino - I will literally ship him with anyone but Vaggie. I don't like erasing canon LGBTQ+ characters' sexualities due to trauma I have personally with that. Val's type is vaguely bipedal and possibly a heartbeat.
Velvette - I am willing to throw her at anyone, but I really like Cherri Bomb/Velvette and I would LOVE to play with it.
Niffty - Literally will throw her at any man period, minus Angel for the same reason as Val/Vaggie. Love her with Pentious, too.
Alastor - Rosie, Mimzy, Vox (Tentatively)
Ostello - Literally any man that likes men and will give him attention lol
Anya - Anyone of any gender. She is particularly fond of Val but mine won't give her the time of day.
Mammon - Beelzebub, any of the Sins really, Adam
Ozzie - Stella, Stolas, Paimon, Charlie
Andrealphus - Any male character, though he prefers either a Distinguished Gentleman or a Wild Man.
Paimon - Anyone that isn't Poor (minus Barbie and Cash, they are exceptions)
Charlie - I'm hesitant to say 'no' to ships for her. I'm most interested in Valentino, Niffty, and Emily (and OTPs).
Barbie - I'll throw her at anyone that isn't Moxxie and Millie, tbh. I've shipped her with Mammon before, that's a fun ship. I'm hesitant to ship with Verosikas, however. That is one we have to work up to/I MUST trust you to write.
Chazz - He's a slut, I'll ship him with anything twice.
Glitz - She'll ship with anyone pretty much, though preferences for OTP/3 is important here.
Adam - I'm willing to try him with anyone, though he may need time to warm up to people.
I prefer that we talk a little outside of the rp before we assume we're shipping, but most of the time I will say 'yes' even if we haven't written much/at all. I'm pretty flexible with shipping and I always love seeing how dynamics grow!
Obsessed. I am so not normal about shipping. I will ship all the things, please hit me up if you want to try a ship. I will most likely say yes, even if it is a crackship. Sometimes even especially then.
Honestly, I cannot lie and say it isn't VoxVal. I love them, and I always have the most muse to write them. Val's muse can be finicky but he's always up for writing with Vox.
¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
I'm quite literally a ship whore and a collector of ships I really like. I have like, twelve Voxes and Angels for Valentino, for example. It's not hard to ship with me, really, just follow these guidelines.
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Got bored and made a list of pretty much every major OC I've ever put on paper. Under the cut so as not to take up too much room lol
(Edited because I found characters I forgot existed)
Acaia--original character for a short lived RP. Don't remember much about it other than it was fantasy themed.
Ace--Alice in Wonderland inspired. Ace of Spades specifically and ended up beheaded by the Red Queen.
Aiden--Ouran High School Host Club OC
Alice--original character for a story I wrote freshman year. She was a living puppet of sorts and a prisoner to her stage.
Ariel--Legion OC turned sort of original character. An angel that lost one of her wings in a fight with another angel
Ava--X-Men OC. Code Name is Echo. She can remember and mimic any sound she hears but has no voice of her own.
Azazel-- original character. Fallen angel and one of the boys that lives with Jacqueline.
Belladonna--The Devil's Carnival OC. Named after the poisonous plant that's nicknamed "devil's cherry".
Burton--Undertale OC. Pumpkin headed monster that tries to be scary but is a total scaredy cat.
Catherine Chambers--Bioshock OC. Has one of the most effed up tragic endings of all my OCs
Camryn--Repo! The Genetic Opera OC.
Chiyo--original character. Protagonist for a comic I never got to called I Wanna Be A Magical Girl!
Daemon--original character. Crystal hearted, soul eating Dad Friend.
Daisuke--I Wanna Be A Magical Girl! character. Secretly a magical boy and has a crush on Chiyo.
Deanna--original OC. Can manipulate and travel through shadows.
Drakir--Atlantis: The Lost Empire OC apparently?? I don't remember much about him
Elijah--original OC. Half angel based on a dream I had and love interest to Gwendolin.
Eva--Doctor Horrible OC. Wannabe villain in training.
Evyn--Homunculus turned original character. He can mimic a physical trait of someone else by touching them.
Fehl--A character for a book my friend is writing. I remember her being afraid of heights.
Gwendolin--original character. Came from the same dream as Elijah and has beautiful lavender hair.
Hattie--Alice in Wonderland inspired. Decapitated by order of the Queen but later resurected by the March Hare.
Haru--I Wanna Be A Magical Girl! character. Chiyo's best friend that keeps her from getting hurt on her quest to be a magical girl.
Haruko--original character. Demon girl from the days of Neopets RPs.
Ira--original character. Man made demon full of rage and chronic pain
Izz--Invader Zim OC. In charge of scouting out unconquered planets and gathering data.
Jacqueline--original character. Started as my persona but gained a life and story of her own.
Jaelah--Labyrinth inspired oc. Born from my friends calling me Jareth's Sister and Queen of the Labyrinth
Jakob--original character. Inspired by a Kesha song and likes eating men both sexually and literately.
Jezebeth--Supernatural OC. Fallen angel turned demon and likes flirting with everyone
Jill the Killer.exe--"original" character. Parody and clusterfuck of Creepypasta OC cliches
Katherine Sparrow--original character. Vampire pirate, goes only by her surname and has severe self hatred issues
Kiinamare--Arc the Lad OC. I literately just found a doodle with her name on it mystery effin' solved.
Kiki--Bleach OC??
Kitty--Digimon OC. Basically just a self insert lol
Kyli--original character. Only one with a tragic backstory that isn't angsty about it
Kylixant--Kingdom Hearts OC. More specifically an Org. XIII character using my full first name. her weapon is a giant incense ball.
Liam--OFF OC. Never sure if he was an Elsen or not but his scarf became snakes when he freaked out
Luna--Fullmetal Alchemist OC. One of my oldest and most revamped characters to date.
Lunah--possible D&D character. White Dragonborn sorcerer that came to me in a dream.
Luune--.hack character. Used for a middle school RP and really nothing else after.
Lylith--D&D character. Half-Elf ranger with chaotic red hair and a hatred for Gnolls.
Lynn--Soul Eater OC. I was obsessed with scythes at the time so she could become a scythe like Soul :P
Medera Flamel--Homestuck OC. Pumkin's Dancestor and known as "The Alkemist" Post Scratch
Michael--original character. Abusive, angry and entitled older brother to Willow and vengeful spirit.
Mikazuki--Inuyasha OC. THE oldest and most revamped OC I have memory/proof of.
Mizuki--Vampire Knight OC. All I remember is she was a half blooded vampire.
Muse--Rise of the Guardians OC. Responsible for giving children their imaginary friends and  encouraging an active imagination.
Nerys--original character. She's an elf with slicked back hair and purple tipped ears and thay's all I remember about her
Nova--original character. A fallen star in human shape and absolute cinnamon roll
Olivia Wimberly--Welcome to Nightvale OC. Severly underdeveloped but I think she was blind?
Phoenix--original character. He truely believed he was a 300 year old vampire but this was not the case
Pink Tourmaline--Steven Universe OC. still working out her backstory
Pumkin Flamel--Homestuck OC. Pretty much a trollsona obsessed with alchemy and dead things
Quill Wimberly--Welcome to Nightvale OC. Olivia's brother and possibly mute.
Reese--Supernatural OC. Actually well adjusted for a hunter and both parents still alive.
Rei--original OC. Part of a story i never got around to writing
Rika--The World Ends With You OC. Never played the game  but watched my friend play and loved
Rune--+Anima OC. She's a +Anima that had wolf like features because I liked wolves lol
Saia--Tsubasa OC. I never even watched the anime but my friend showed me bits of it so I made an OC
Samhain--original character. Hypothetical child for my character and a friend's character inspired by Samhain in Trick R Treat.
Sammie--Being Human OC. Werewolf girl that loves making wolf/dog puns and inside jokes with herself
Spite--Fullmetal Alchemist OC. Specifically a Homunculus OC who I had a RP blog for for a bit
Tinker--Steam Powered Giraffe OC. So named because I couldn't stop messing with and tinkering with her design every few months
T.V.--Don't Hug Me I'm Scared inspired. Literately had a TV for a head and a liking for turning people's brains to mush
Ulyssa--Fullmetal Alchemist OC. Spite's creator and eventual cause of death
Vance--Soul Eater OC. Lynn's meister and best friend
Vigdis--original character. Asgardian warrior inspired by a friend calling me "Warrior Princess of Asgard" whenever I killed a bug lol
Wendy--original character. One armed pirate and that's all i really remember about her
Willow--original character. Murdered by her older brother and her spirit was trapped in the house she died in.
Wren--Cirque du Freak OC. From a RP between friends that didn't get very far lol
Xylia--Adventure Time OC. Vampire with a pet penguin that loves bright colors
Yin--Avatar the Last Airbender OC. Firebender living in the shadow of her much more talented sibling.
Yukito--I Wanna Be a Magical Girl! character. Mistaken for a magical boy and Chiyo's initial love interest
Zirces Dimter--Homestuck OC. Blue blooded and first fantroll I made when i first got into the comic
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Hospital Blues ( Jean Havoc x Oc one-shot)
Hospital Blues Authors note: This was actually meant to be apart of a larger fanfiction I was originally writing with two other people under the pen name Milexal, but that fell apart after a spat. (As most of my relationships do at this point lol) Regardless, I hope you enjoy this piece. The hospital was small and out of the way. Which was why Lieutenant Hawkeye chose it, it would be less dangerous for Roy Mustang and Jean Havoc that way. Presumably anyway. In truth, Noemi F. Markwardt was not privy to that sort of information-- and sure the main hospital would have been closer to her home and shop, but she couldn't care less as long as the Second Lieutenant was safe-- or well as safe as he could be. Noemi nodded politely to Mrs. Davidson, an elderly woman sitting in the lobby sewing. Her husband caught pneumonia, and she was visiting him. Noemi ran into her earlier and the woman nearly chatted her ear off. The young woman mused, with a half-grin. As a pink uniform-clad nurse approached her, Noemi’s tawny hand tightened on her bag. ‘Please don’t ask to see what’s inside. Please.’ The book thief Alchemist let out a breath she did not realize she was holding when the nurse stopped in front of the elderly woman. Not wanting to test her luck, Noemi scurried away quickly until she reached room fifty-five.  It was six pm, and supper was being served.  The book clerk reasoned that the Flame Alchemist was in the cafeteria as the bed next to Jean’s stood empty. The Second Lieutenant stared disinterestedly at the plate in front of him. Every so often the plastic spork would splash gravy on one end of the plate to another. Noemi watched him for a few moments before announcing her presence. “Meatloaf and mashed potatoes are your favorite, Jean,”
She quickly made her way over to the cushioned window seat next to the occupied hospital bed. For the week or so that Noemi had been visiting, the window seat had quickly become her favorite perch. Pulling a face, Jean made a big show of stabbing the brown meat with his spork and stuffing it into his mouth. “You don’t understand how awful this stuff is,” Jean whined. “I have had better gruel in the Mess Hall on base.” Noemi wrinkled her nose at the limp, green sprouts that passed for green beans. “That’s only because they don’t salt anything.” The staff claims that salt is bad for the body, but Noemi secretly suspects that they are just sadists-- torturing their patients while they heal them. While she spoke her hand moved quickly in her bag. “Being the benevolent goddess I am,” Noemi gestured grandly. A holy chorus sang out behind her as she spoke. “I have come  to ease the suffering of you, poor mortal.” Jean watched on, unimpressed by her antics. The book thief alchemist’s cheeks puffed up into a pout and she glared at him for a few moments, willing him to be more thrilled. Before relenting and pressing stop on the boombox she transmuted to play a holy choir sound. ‘I suppose if I was him. I would be grumpy too.’  Getting to the point of this visit, Noemi pulled a clear jar out of her bag. It was filled up with a reddish-brown, grainy substance. “This is a recipe my grandpa taught me. From his home country. It’s called Baharat. It’s a seven seasoning mix, with cumin, paprika, and a few others.” Jean gingerly accepted the spice mix and scooped a little bit over his food. “Yeah, don’t use too much. Less is more with this stuff. But, the best part is, even us regular people who don’t enjoy burning our mouths on spicy things can enjoy it.” Noemi babbled nervously. She had never shared any of the Ishvalan recipes that she knew, as few as they may be, with him before. Noemi picked up a magazine she pulled from the nightstand, something bland about cars. If the book clerk knew Jean as well as she thinks she does, she imagined that he was disappointed there were no topless girls in it.  ‘He probably doesn't bother with those magazines now that he has a girlfriend.’ Something her throat swelled up and Noemi coughed into her hand. Jean, who was studying the ingredients list-- that she wrote down earlier, in case someone he shared it with had a food allergy, did not seem to notice her brief fit. The Second Lieutenant poured a bit into his spork and mixed it in with his mashed potatoes. As he took a bite his facial expression did not change. He closed his eyes and took another and another. It felt like, to Naomi, an eternity before he turned to her. “It’s savory but not salty… not quite spicy…” Jean trailed off. Noemi’s crimson eyes darkened. A fake smile flashed across her face, she opened her mouth to tell him, “It’s alright. You don’t need to finish it. I can request you get another plate.” Jean spoke before the book thief alchemist could. 
“This is delicious,” Jean mumbled after swallowing a large chunk of meatloaf. A deep cherry red blush flashed across his face as he noticed how his friend’s face lit up.  ‘Oh jeez.’ Jean mused. ‘I never noticed how much her eyes look like a sweet pomegranate,’ He quickly looked away and pretended to have a great interest in his green beans. ‘Noemi even brought me a jar of her family’s secret spices to cheer me up.’ The irony of the situation hit the second lieutenant like a ton of bricks. Previously, he thought his luck had finally turned around as a beautiful woman who had finally shown interest in him. Per contra, his luck had only gotten sourer by the moment as the woman turned out to be a Homunculi and is the reason he could not feel his damned legs. In his mind’s eye, he saw Noemi hiking along with him when he decided to go for a bit of exercise at one of the local parks. He saw her chiding him when he had not bothered to eat breakfast, the way she forced a scone into his hands. The book thief alchemist reading novels on the couch beside him, as he did his paperwork. Her bringing his office snacks, because she saw it in a recipe book and decided to try it out. The way her eyes brighten as she finds some anomaly that she wants to figure out…  This whole time there had been a wonderful girl by his side, and he never even noticed. Heck half the time he had forgotten she was a girl, to begin with… Noemi stood, arching her back, and lifting her hands in the air. She padded over to the end table beside Jean’s hospitable bed. “Remember to hide that. They have a super strict no outside rule here.” she handed him the big black book from her bag. “Inside the cover is hollow, so you can keep it in there,” Noemi flipped it open and showed him how to open and close the hidden nook. Jean placed the container in its new home and turned to thank her, only to get a full view of his friend’s generous cleavage in his face. The water pitcher was on the other side of his bed. Noemi was filling up his cup. Beep. Beep. Beeep! Beeep! The heart rate monitor went nuts! What happened next was a bit too fast for Noemi to follow. Jean’s nose squirted blood all over the place and several nurses were rushing in to check on him, and one grabbed Noemi’s bag and escorted her out. 
“Mister Havoc needs to rest now. Please come visit him during hours tomorrow,” Nurse Amy told book clerk, handing her, her bag. “It appears to have too much excitement for him today,” As she pushed Noemi out the door. ‘What on earth?’ Noemi gave one last glance to the very red Jean, as she left-- Promising to check on him later.
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