#i became a shooter for him as soon as he was announced
gunwookstan · 1 year
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KIM GYUVIN | zerobaseone   NOT ALONE  ♬  230420
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skzwithrei · 2 years
It felt too real | Lee felix
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genre : angst to fluff
summary : sometimes when we dream, it feels too real to be true...
📎rei's notes : i didn't feel like posting on my main so, i posted it here on my spam blog🫥 in other words, the format is different :/
Felix came over to your section. He smiled when he spotted you in the crowd. He waved his hands at you, which obviously made other fans think he was just waving at everyone in general.
The music quiets down. Felix smiled at you as you returned a smile back. Suddenly a gunshot was fired. Felix's eyes widened as he panicked for the safety of you, his members and his fans.
Everyone began running out of the concert hall. The security guards patrolling immediately chased down the shooter while some helped to evacuate the fans to safety.
Felix overlooked the crowd, trying to see if anyone got injured. When his eyes landed on yours again, the smile on your face faltered.
Felix's mouth gapped, he knew that meant you were the one who got shot. Your eyes rolled back as everyone's screams around you became deafening.
"Y/N! SOMEONE HELP! CALL THE AMBULANCE!", felix's voice could be heard on the speaker through the attached microphone on his face.
He jumped down the crowd, making his way to you. Tears were streaming down his face when he finally held you in his arms.
"no no no NO! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!", felix pleaded as his cries got louder.
Your eyes were shut, barely having the energy to open back up. you could barely hear his voice.
"Y/n...please stay awake for me, just a little while baby, they're going to get help", felix kissed your forehead.
You sluggishly nodded your head. He held your hand in his.
"Did anyone else get hurt?....", you spoke.
Felix shook his head before muttering out a 'no'. He was surprised to see you more concerned about the well-being of the mere strangers around you who he calls his fans.
"That's good... it's alright felix. I'll be alright... we'll be alright", you squeezed his hand lightly with all the strength you had left before you passed out.
Felix's breath hitched as his heart pounded loudly. He heard over his in-ear that the shooter was apprehended. The police were on the scene and paramedics are making their way to felix.
"felix, I need you to calm down, we are sending the paramedic over, be strong alright", he heard the voice of the staff in charge of their in-ear monitor.
He nodded his head even though he knows they can't see him.
"Can you tell me where you are so that the paramedics can find you. Calm down okay, we are here for you"
Felix tried to control his sobs as he looked around, trying to identity the pen he is at before telling the staff through the microphone.
"Felix, the paramedics was coming your way, okay? she's is strong, she'll make it through it. Hold on, alright?", the staff tried to calm him down.
Felix mumbled out an 'okay' which the staff sighed in relief.
"Hold on please", felix leaned his head against your forehead. His tears dripped down your hair.
The paramedics took over you. Felix was hesitant to let them touch you but he knew they were his only hope of keeping you alive at this point. The paramedics did their thing that they knew best.
felix let out a sigh of relief when the paramedic said you were stable and you are going to make it out alive.
"Thank you...", felix sniffed as he quickly followed the paramedics into the ambulance.
The stray kids fan who got shot in the unsuspected shooting during their concert was felix's fiancee which he announced a couple months back. Her identity is being protected and fans are strongly discouraged to post her pictures online. According to JYP ENT. Felix's fiancee is recovering well and would be making a speedy recovery soon.
Felix hopes that fans would be considerate doing this time of period as he takes a hiatus. He hopes those fans involved in the tragedy, a speedy recovery.
Official stated that no one else got serious injury except felix's fiancee who was targeted by a angry fan. The identity of the shooter is being protected due to law. Rumored that the identity shooter will be revealed once the trial begins.
Till then, upcoming fansign, vlive and concert events would be postponed. Officials would be tightening up their security measures to prevent the same/similar unfortunate events from happening again.
Felix's eyes shot opened. He sat up, heart pounding loudly as he tried to calm down. He turned around to look for you. You stirred around in your sleep before opening your eyes.
"felix? is everything alright?", you asked still feeling drowsy.
He cleared his throat before nodding his head. "I'm fine...". You looked at him with worried eyes.
"Come here", you opened your arms wide. A small smile appeared on his face as he layed down on your chest. You stroked his hair gently, making him fall back asleep quickly.
The realistic nightmare was soon forgotten as he found peace. This time when he slept, he dreamed about the good things only.
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silent-neutral · 2 years
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Digging through my files and I came across this ahah. It was for shits and giggles, but after my recent posts, it has me reminiscing the og RE4 (well since RE4make comes out in 2 weeks) So I’m going to indulge in memory lane (and spaz about it so beware) in time of it releasing soon. I doubt I’ll play it because I don’t have time for games anymore, sadly. But, they are part of my childhood/teenagehood and it feels nice to reflect on nice things. That’s why I, or anyone, makes fanart, right?
I was still heavy in my DMC phase ever since I asked to borrow my friend’s DMC1 copy and afterwards he recommended me more games, RE4 being one of them since we spoke about how ‘’DMC1 was meant to be RE4 but it was too far from RE so it became DMC’’.   Anyway, I remember letting his burnt copy sit in my room for weeks until my brother came over one day and was excited that I had it. So I watched him play.. honestly, I thought I wouldn’t be good at it bc RE at that point took a turn toward what looked like an FPS to me (I was about to discover the joys of 3rd person shooters). Reluctantly, I tried it after more coaxing.. and it wasn’t until I smashed through the window of the village that I thought jumping out of windows and pushing people off ladders was fun. Nek minit; I was addicted. And I love that it was so long haha it never got boring! .....until I reached the labs...fk, as soon as I heard the regenerators; no, as soon as that goddamned unnerving soundtrack plays when you enter the labs! I remember I was too scared to play one night and waited for my brothers to come home because I was alone at the time lmaooo..   Ever since RE4make was announced that’s all I could think of; how much more scarier could they make those damn things!?!? TT_TT That brEATHING, UGH. And super chainsaw man in mercs also scared the fk out of me, I always avoided playing the water level hahah Well, that’s the scariest thing about it; encountering it the first time, wasting all your ammo on it bc it’s not dying and then not knowing how to kill it and it’s geTTING CLOSER. arghh it’s flailing toward me! IT’S BITING MEUDJGH And the death scenes made me adamant to not die, holy shit T_T;; But with those things it was scary af.. Also, I do not want to see my beloveds get decapped, thanks...not even Wesker ;_; unf Wesker <3 rofl.   ...But then you sell off the scope later cos it takes up space? and it was only really needed to fight those things anyway lol I was grateful that Ada’s campaign didn’t have those damn regens. It was too short though.. c: ...(God she is gorgeous in re4make... I really wanted her og VA to return though, sorry but for me noone’s voice can be as sultry as Sally Cahill’s unff...) And my god, I loved Saddler, his lines just made me laugh, he was such a suave/calm/cocky villain. I hope he’s as amusing in the remake. The exchanges between him and Leon too hahaa..(and Luis lol) But bc of all that, RE4 helped me grow the nerve to play SH. And I became a SH fan as well. And P-Head looking fineeee in the SH2 remake as well, Leon has some competition hurr  Ahem.. yes, RE4 is a damn good game.   Also, I wanna say lastly, re4make Leon looks like idk, the Cloud Strife of RE x’D He’s even more pretty. While RE6 Leon looks like what Dante’d look like if he were fully human, haha ....And no the pic isn’t me lol but his face suits Leon imo.
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heyitsmerose · 3 years
Russian Roulette | Mafia!Seonghwa
Pairing: Mafia!Seonghwa x Assassin/Sniper!Reader
Genre: Angst, Mafia!
Word Count: 11.2k
Summary: A part of the infamous Park gang, your life is never short of crazy. You've never met the man himself, but tonight something is different. He accompanies the rest of the gang to one of your usual Friday night outs. It all goes south however, as you discover the night doesn't turn out as it's supposed to, a dangerous obstacle in your way. You are forced to pick between the lives of your boss, your best friends and young boy in a menacing game of Russian Roulette.
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Warnings/Disclaimer: I am aware the Mafia life is nothing like I am portraying it. It is definitely not full of attractive, young, single people and many nasty/dirty things happen behind the scenes. Furthermore this is quite a serious topic as some people lose their lives over this. I will not be portraying the reality of mafia gangs, instead just an idealised version (thus remember, none of this is real). That being said, a little imagination and creativity never hurt anyone did it? Also this is my second SeonghwaxMafia fic oops.
Blood + Wounds
Mafia + Gangs
Guns + Weapons
Underage Drinking + Assault
Youtube Playlist
1:55  ───|────── 4:45
|◁              II             ▷| *I've spent a few weeks on this, I'm sorry if there are spelling errors, I've read the entire thing maybe 5-6 times.
Friday. 6 pm. After-work hours. What were you doing? What every other normal friend group would do; go to the nearby bar to relax. Except you weren't normal. You and 14 or so others in the bar at the moment, had a dirty secret. You were a part of a gang, a mafia gang to be exact. In all honesty, unlike the movies or stories that had portrayed them, the public rarely knew about mafia gangs, let alone knew if they existed. You could roam around freely without the need to worry about someone recognizing you. No one would know that such a pretty face hid such a dark secret.
Besides, this was your lifestyle now. You knew the gang was political and focused on some power struggle but you couldn't care less. Frankly, the only reason you joined the gang was that you were broke. You were introduced to it after you stumbled into this exact bar at the age of 16, wanting to become a bartender as you knew it paid well. You tried applying for the job but it turned out you were underage and couldn't work at the bar yet. While you were slapped by reality, however, someone was watching your every move. She was young too, maybe 15 or 16 and she had noticed you the moment you entered the bar/club. Not too many new people came along so she was intrigued. Immediately when she sensed your aura and your personality, she knew you'd fit in well with the gang.
She noticed how confidently you carried yourself and noticed your dark fashion choice. She stared as you made your way to the counter, swaying your hips as you got the attention of the bartender. The way, you leaned against the counter cooly, your lips parted slightly as you waited for a response. As she kept looking at you you looked back, feeling someone glare holes into the back of your skull. You noticed a young girl, hair a burgundy color with full black clothes. She smiled at you softly and you only raised your eyebrows before rolling your eyes and averting eye contact. What a badass personality you had. Perfect.
Despite really wanting a friend in the gang, and wanting to recommend you to the boss, she couldn't. Alas, she was only a young hacker and her position was not too significant. What she didn't expect was for you to come up to the group yourself, and introduce yourself. You got your response from the manager, and it was not one you were too happy with, you scoffed and turned on your heel, looking for a way to better your situation and rotten mood. She picked up her drink and gulped it down after you looked away. She looked back at you and you were gone. Her eyes widened as she sighed. She knew you'd get along but she was never going to see you again. The last thing she expected was to hear a voice from near the central table.
"Listen up people. Is this some sort of badass, thug gig? Are yall hiring? Can I be a part of this?" You announced. She spat out her drink and choked, hearing your words. Not only were you an outsider intruding on their business, but you had also shamed the gang in front of the underboss, one of the people present there.
Being somewhat new herself, She got nervous thinking of the consequences you'd face for messing with the mafia world. She heard a deep chuckle from behind her, somewhere and chills ran down her spine.
"Actually, we do have an opening" One of the taller males whispered in a low voice. At this point, no one could tell if he was being serious or whether he just wanted to chop your head off. She gripped her drink harder and stared at both of you. She noticed it was none other than the boss's right-hand man and most trusted member, the underboss, San. Should anything happen to the boss, the gang would be given to San.
You twirled a piece of your hair in between your fingers as you smiled back. You weren't intimidated. Besides, he looked no more than around 5 years older than you. You stepped closer, staring into his sparkling, yet cold brown eyes. You noticed how his hand gravitated dangerously close to your personal space and you were slightly more alert. Through the corner of your eye, you noticed how his hand was moving closer to your waist but none of you broke eye contact. Before his hand made contact with your waist, you grabbed his wrist. The hand that was twirling the piece of hair swiftly snapped down, grabbing his wrist tightly. His eyes widened and he tried pulling away gently while you kept the firm grip, not breaking eye contact. The others around you gasped but you kept glaring at him while he had an amused smirk on his face.
"What kind of opening?" You gritted out. Sure, you were desperate, but you weren't going to let people throw you around and use you. Your eyebrows furrowed as you tried to assert dominance but he just looked at you and tilted his head. A smile broke out on his face, a genuine one this time. You loosened your grip, letting go of him, still a little cautious as he simply massaged his wrist, still maintaining a smile on his face.
"I think you'll like it more than you think"
Although you had originally joined because you needed money. You found that this lifestyle had fit you more than you thought. You enjoyed the thrill and you couldn't imagine yourself working anywhere else. It had been around 5 years since you joined and you were now 21. Meanwhile, the burgundy-haired girl, Ashe, became your best friend and you even lived together. The bond you shared was to die for, you loved each other to bits but also were each other's biggest supporters. You maintained your bitchy persona and starting rubbing off on Ashe too. Soon, she also developed a colder more confident aura. You were with her through thick and thin. Your position now was a spy and secondary shooter. Despite shooting not being your main pursuit, out of the gang, you were one of the most skilled in using them. Some even compared you to the boss, but you shrugged them off. San was for sure the best shooter out of the entire gang though.
Surprisingly, San, the underboss, who you found was 22 at the time was now 27. You had developed a close bond. Your relationship consisted of a lot of teasing and inside jokes as well as a lot of protectiveness from San. Although your relation started rough, it slowly transitioned from mean comments to teasing names and now playful banter. You had a sibling relationship and he was like the brother you never had. You both were the best with guns in your entire gang so you bonded quite a lot as you spent a lot of time training and practicing together. Not to mention when you'd both geek out over specific new models that were brought into the weaponry.
Back to the present, you were at the usual bar. After joining the gang, you quickly realized that this was the go-to spot for after-work hours. It wasn't mandatory to come here, but it was kind of a tradition every Friday to come and just let loose for a bit. Most of the gang was here and it was usually the same people every time. Today though, something was different. The boss had come in. To outsiders it would seem casual, as if a normal friend group was getting wasted, to everyone in the gang though, you knew that was far from the truth.
The boss had never come with you guys, and although it was after working hours, you all couldn't help but be on your best behavior. He had often heard that his gang members would meet up after work on a friendly basis and he wanted to know what this was about. He heard San talking about it during work once and was intrigued ever since. Thus, here you were... here he was... along with the 14 or so others who usually came to the bar.
To be completely honest, coming to the bar was your favorite part of your job, scratch that, your entire week. You looked forward to it all week and when it finally came you let loose. It was a known fact that you and San were the crazy daredevils of the group. You both had absolutely no fear or shame in the things you did. Today though, you both had tried to be on your best behavior. Despite being his right-hand man, San was still a little intimidated by Seonghwa and you often used to playfully gossip about him, so you both made sure to behave today, or at least tried...
Seonghwa stuck out like a sore thumb. It was clear no one was expecting him to come, and to be honest, nobody wanted him to come either. He was leaning against a counter, eyes scanning the crowd carefully while sipping a rather small glass of whiskey. Typical Seonghwa, being cautious and defensive even off the job. You hadn't had too many personal encounters with Seonghwa, you had just seen him around a bunch.
Meanwhile, although you and San had agreed to tone it down a bit, you couldn't help it. Drunk was an understatement. You rushed over to the front as soon as the adrenaline hit you and had roughly shoved some people off the raised platform of the dance floor. You were shouting random lyrics into the crowd and hyping everyone up while pulling a few random strangers onto the stage. After swaying your hips a bunch and screaming song lyrics into strangers' faces, you realized this still wasn't enough. You staggered to the DJ and snatched one of the many mics and went back to the stage.
Acquired with a new toy to distract you, you began to get everyone's attention.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen" You slurred into the mic. By now, most of the gang members had gotten used to your crazy shenanigans and didn't mind. Although many were initially afraid of San, you had defiantly changed him for the better. He finally found someone to match his energy and charisma and he let loose a little, finally free to show his true self. Everyone had gotten used to it at this point, but this was different, the boss was here.
Most of them immediately sobered up hearing your booming voice from the gigantic sound boxes. Ashe was hooking up with some random girl somewhere else, but as soon as she recognized it was you, she immediately began to look for you.
"How's everyone doing tonight? Are we having funn?" By now, you had gotten the attention of everyone in the bar, including Seonghwa. He looked at you with a dangerous gleam in his eyes, he recognized you. You were the little minx that caught his eye the day you joined the gang, you barely spoke to him, but he could sense the confident aura radiating from you.
The mic was roughly snatched from you, by one of the guys, you assumed was the manager, and you scoffed, rolling your eyes, walking towards the dance floor. He wasn't going to stop you, no one was. Since you had gotten everyone's attention, everyone's eyes were on you. You hopped over to the center of the dance floor, hair bouncing as you fully let go. You swayed your hips and ran your fingers through your hair.
You heard a few whistles and hollers around you and a bunch of hands touching your waist. At this point, you were too drunk to even react properly and just continued dancing, enjoying the attention. You hyped everyone up and began jumping to the beat, hair bouncing over your shoulders as you shook your head from side to side at the beat.
By now, you had caught Seonghwa's attention too, he was intrigued by your carefree persona outside work and admired your ability to separate your two lives. Meanwhile, Ashe had rushed to your side, trying to pull you away from everyone. Despite being drunk, her motherly instincts kicked in and she felt the need to protect you.
"Y/n, what are you doing? The boss is watching!" She practically yelled. You just gave her a disapproving look and pulled her into the middle of the circle.
"Asheeee, just let loose for one night, why are you always so uptight?" You slurred to her, caressing her waist. She gulped and looked back at your eyes. You raised your eyebrows and smirked, if only you knew the effect you had on her. As if on cue, the DJ played the worst song possible, a slow, sensual one.
You whispered the lyrics into her ear as you wrapped your arms around her neck. You caressed the back of her neck with your fingers and tugged on the smaller strands of hair in the back. You slowly started moving your waist to the rhythm as she tried steadying you, you were drunk, this was not okay. You pulled your hands away from her neck and caressed her cheeks in both of your hands, inching closer. You kept whispering the lyrics and she felt your warm breath on her lips. She was slowly gaining confidence and eventually grabbed your waist in her hands. You looked down at her hands and smirked. You brought one of the hands caressing her cheek to softly trace her bottom lip. You stared at her lips, inching closer and closer, warm breaths mixing.
All of a sudden you turned around, your back facing her, as she steadied you again. You began moving again, bending forwards purposely to rub against her. You swayed your waist and pushed backward. She knew what you were doing and slowly inched her hands downwards towards your ass. Although you were best friends, there was no doubt that there was some sexual tension between the two of you.
She began tracing patterns on your hips and butt as one hand remained on your waist. She felt around your waist, trailing patterns around your skimpy black dress until she felt a harder material near your chest and stomach. She blushed immediately not meaning to touch you there and placed her hand back on your waist. You chuckled as you ground against her harder, now definitely trying to start something. She lightly moaned as she gripped your hips, trying to pull you back up, she wouldn't be able to hold herself back for much longer like this.
"Goodness me, what have I walked upon here?"
Way to ruin the moment Choi San...
Ashe froze upon hearing his voice. She immediately pulled her hands away from you and stepped back, a dark red blush now coating her features. Meanwhile, you were too drunk to think straight and simply frowned at the lack of contact, you were just about to get laid.
The second the others saw Ashe step away from you, random strangers started touching you again. One of them grabbed your waist, as another gripped your chin. You closed your eyes and continued moving to the beat and San sighed.
"I think that's enough, step aside before I make you" San huffed, a hint of frustration and anger at the end. Everyone obliged immediately upon sensing his dominating aura and you were once again alone. You sighed, eyebrows furrowing as you looked around, most of the people around you had moved away. You stumbled slightly and tried stabilizing yourself, only to fail miserably and almost fall over.
San rushed over and held you by your shoulders to steady you.
"Why hello there, handsome man" You sloppily winked at San and he rolled his eyes.
"Y/n what on earth are you doing? You made quite the scene just then..."
"I was having fun... you're such a killjoy, Saniee." You slurred, sticking your pointer finger into his chest. He simply pushed your finger away, trying to be strict with you.
"Yeah, your definition of fun being screaming lyrics into the mic nearly deafening everyone, throwing yourself at random people, grinding on Ashe and almost kissing her, and practically falling on the floor and eating shit" He was frustrated, but he couldn't help but feel protective over you. Despite scolding you, he still had an arm around your waist, looking deeply into your eyes, hand on your back, holding you up so you didn't fall. It was subtle things like this that showed that he deeply cared and under his strictness, he was just a big softie.
"I- I what?" You sighed trying to step away, now that he was recalling the events it started setting in.
"Yeah, how about we sober up, hmm?" He asked and you nodded as he dragged you back to the counter. You looked back one last time, only to see Ashe looking at you with heartbroken eyes. You looked away feeling guilty as tears glimmered in her eyes. To you it was just a bit of fun, to her it meant the world. Even just a few minutes where you seemed interested in her made her feel special. Deep down, you knew she might have liked you, so why did you lead her on and rub yourself against her?
You sighed shakily feeling immensely guilty. San looked down at you, as he noticed tears falling down your eyes.
"Aren't you a mess?" He chuckled and you breathed out shakily
"Shut up san" Your voice broke as you softly spoke. His eyes widened and he sat you down on a barstool.
"Why are you crying, what's wrong?" He asked as he rubbed under your eyes with his thumbs, gripping your jaw with one hand.
"I might have ruined my friendship with Ashe," You said softly and he sighed.
"Why would you think that?" He said, looking into your eyes as you tried averting eye contact.
"Deep down, I had a feeling she liked me, and I made things worse by leading her on. I rubbed myself on her like an idiot and I fucking led her on, gosh I'm such a bad friend!" Your voice cracked as San 'hmmed in understanding.
"Well, why did you do that?" He asked as he gripped your chin making you look back at him.
"I- I... I was drunk, I AM drunk." You clarified, stuttering a bit.
"No you're not," He said matter-of-factly. You raised your eyebrows in confusion as you urged him to continue.
"Y/n, I've known you for more than 5 years now, I've seen you drunk over a million times, I can tell when you're actually drunk... You may have fooled the others, but not me. Here's the real question, why the fuck are you pretending to be drunk?" He asked all of a sudden and you felt vulnerable.
It was crazy how he could read you like an open book. Your eyes widened as you tried looking away, there was no point in continuing the charade at this point. He looked back at you expectantly and sighed, as he saw you getting nervous.
"It's alright, I don't think anyone else noticed either, now please tell me what's wrong?" He said in a soft tone as you sighed.
"I can't tell you San," You said looking back into his eyes.
"Why? We aren't on duty, why are you being so secretive? Especially with me?" He specified the word 'me'. It was true, you usually never kept anything from each other so this was a bit weird.
"I just can't tell you I'm sorry" You sighed, tugging on the roots of your hair, as your hands gripped your scalp. He just sighed in understanding and got up. As he was about to leave, your hand snapped back and you gripped his forearm.
"I'm sorry San, but I can't help it. One more thing, don't you dare tell anyone." Your voice dropped an octave lower and he gulped, he had never seen you so serious before.
"Act as if you know nothing, I'm sorry it has to be this way, but just carry on with whatever you were doing and please stay out of my business just for today." His eyes bore into yours dangerously but you didn't back down. You had never commanded him before, so this must have been serious. He eventually realized it must have been something important and walked away, but not before scoffing at you.
You sighed and looked down, feet dangling over the barstool. That was close. With your cover now blown and known to San, you had to be a little more careful now. You were glad no one else had figured out though, not even your best friend Ashe. Your thoughts went back to Ashe and you felt incredibly guilty. How stupid you were, willing to throw away your friendship of 5 years, your only real friendship just to put on an act and sell your drunk state. Pathetic. You sighed as you looked back to where you were a couple of minutes ago. Although you felt immensely guilty, you couldn't help it, it was a part of your act.
Trying to go back to what you were doing, you eyed a few of the people at the bar. Although you had to act drunk, actually drinking was off-limits for today. You ordered a sparkling lemonade for yourself while looking around. Meanwhile, your eyes caught on Seonghwa. He was leaning against a counter, head leaning back. his eyes were closed and his soft bangs fell over his forehead. He brought his drink up to his lips and took a small sip. As he swallowed you saw how his adam's apple bopped up and you gulped feeling giddy inside. You tried shaking yourself out of it, but when he placed his drink aside and ran his hand through his soft, black hair, you almost lost it. You could barely see the sheen of sweat coating his forehead as he brushed his fingers through his hair.
Luckily for you, you were interrupted by the bartender bringing over your drink, and you looked away embarrassed. You shook your head to get rid of any weird thoughts or feelings as you were sure you were practically drooling. Without looking, you brought the glass to your lips to have a sip. Just as you were about to take a sip though, you caught a whiff of a rather familiar smell. You pulled the glass away from your lips and looked questioningly at the bartender.
He just looked the other way and raised his eyebrows, ushering you to follow his gaze. As you did, you found a well-built, tall, brown-haired man staring back at you. You looked back at your drink and swirled it around a bit. You noticed that it was an alcoholic drink and there were some undissolved white particles at the bottom of the cup. You looked back up at him and he simply winked at you, smirking. Pathetic. He just tried to fucking drug you and thought you'd fall for it.
You smirked realizing your act worked and he actually thought you were drunk. You tried to cover up your discomfort and simply flashed him a lop-sided smile. You turned around, tilting your head back and lifting your hand to your mouth, acting as if you had just downed the drink. You sneakily slid the drink over the counter into some far corner, so no one would notice. You messed up your hair slightly before turning back around to catch his attention to further solidify your act. As soon as you turned back around to look at the guy though, you noticed he was gone. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked around, trying to find him.
"Looking for me, honey?" You heard someone sensually whisper into your ear from the side. Chills ran down your spine, but you tried to cover up your discomfort and disgust. You turned to him, looking him in the eyes, making sure to look a little droopy before calling out to him.
"Hi~" You slurred, making sure to breathe out so your warm breath hit his face. His eyes immediately rolled in pleasure, jaw-dropping as he took in your sexy aura. You almost scrunched your face in disgust but clenched your jaw to stop your reflexes. He opened his eyes again and inched closer to your face as he spoke again.
"You're so gorgeous, damn, how have I never noticed you?" He said, his breath hitting your face. Your nose scrunched as you smelled the alcohol in his breath. Luckily he thought you were just reacting to his compliment. More importantly, however, you confirmed he was drunk... Perfect. He would most likely let down his guard so you had a solid chance at executing your plan. He also revealed that he was a regular at the bar, another important piece of information you needed to confirm your suspicions.
You giggled as your hand slowly trailed up his chest. You rested your hand firmly on his chest as you tried to push yourself further into him. He hummed and trailed a hand down to your waist. Although you didn't want his hands all over you, it was inevitably a part of the job, so you tried your best to just power through it and ignore it.
He leaned in closer until his bangs fell over your forehead. He secured his hands around your waist and held you tight. You flinched from the roughness and tried squirming around to loosen, his grip but he didn't budge. Soon a hand trailed to the side of your hip and you knew where this was going. You sighed and looked down at his hand. Normally, you would have instantly pushed him away, but this mission was far more important than how you were feeling at the moment.
He rested his hand near the dip of your waist, right above your hip, testing the waters. Remembering that you needed to act drowsy, you looked back up at him, your eyes fluttering as you smiled one last time, before falling limp in his arms. You heard him grunt as he easily threw you over his shoulder. Although this should have seemed like a major red flag to anyone around you, people weren't paying attention and they probably didn't care either. You internally whined at the situation you were in and slyly looked around, he was walking towards the back of the club, near the backrooms. You wiggled around a bit in his arms and he resorted to pressing a hand against your ass. You moved around slightly, still acting as if you were drugged, trying to get his hand off you, you couldn't directly push it off as he'd know something was up.
"Where are we goingg" You slurred, trying to indicate you were still conscious.
"Don't worry about that, honey" He whispered, smacking your ass. What a pathetic sick fuck he was. You groaned at the impact, bracing yourself for what was to come next.
Meanwhile, Seonghwa was simply looking around, observing his surroundings and being cautious as usual, when he noticed a man carrying one of the ladies into the backrooms. He knew she was unconscious, most likely drugged and being taken into the room against her will. It seemed as though the people around them didn't even care. He looked a little more closely and noticed what she was wearing. A bodycon black dress up till her thighs, with studded embellishments on the waistline and straps. It was you. He has seen you around the headquarters, tagging behind San all the time.
"Y/n?" He whispered, beginning to get a little angry, it was one thing to mistreat a woman and force yourself on her, but it was another to mess with a member of his gang. He saw how you were thrown over his shoulder, head hanging upside down, hair cascading down halfway to the floor. He huffed in anger, looking around for backup, ready to stop him, but when he saw the man smack your ass and feel up your dress, he lost it. He smashed his glass of whiskey onto the nearest counter, glass shattering as he did so.
He immediately pushed past the people around him, trying to get to you. His head tilted slightly down, eyes locked on his target, a few meters ahead. He looked psychopathic in all honesty. His bangs covered his forehead and eyes slightly. With his head tilted down, he was able to cover up his deadly eyes and killer expression. He couldn't care less about the people around him at that moment, his only concern was teaching that guy a lesson for messing with his gang.
He pushed past some people, shoving a couple of guys on the way until he was about halfway there. He was ready to just fully commit and barge across another load of people before he was interrupted.
"Uhh Hwa? What are you doing? Why do you look like you're about to kill someone?" He heard someone next to him say. He whipped his head to the side, ready to punch whoever it was that came in his way, before realizing it was San
"Because that's exactly what I was about to do, before you came in my way, now move." San shivered at his tone. Never had Seonghwa ever commanded San in such a way. Sure Seonghwa had been angry a lot in the past, but his frustration this time seemed more emotionally fuelled.
"No, no, no, that isn't a good idea, how about we think about this for a secon-"
"I SAID MOVE! Can't you hear me?" Seonghwa growled as San violently flinched at his loud tone.
"Why what's so urgent, is everything alright?" San inquired, straightening his clothes a bit, and regaining his composure.
"I'm not obligated to tell you that" Seonghwa finally said, before shoving San out of the way and walking towards the direction the man was walking before. What he didn't realize though, was that in the time it took him to talk to San, the man had seemingly disappeared.
"What's wrong?" A voice from beside broke him out of his thoughts.
"Look what you've done, I lost the man now" Seonghwa replied, massaging his temple, trying to calm his frustration.
"What man?"
"Someone threw the girl- Y/n over his shoulder and took her to one of the back rooms" He claimed, gripping the bridge of his nose in annoyance. San's eyes widened and he gasped. He knew you were up to something tonight but was this a part of your plan?
"What?" Was the only thing he could muster. He wanted to ask why, where, and how you even got in that situation, but he was too stunned.
"Not only that, he had the guts to slip his hand under her dress and feel her up, not to mention inappropriately grab her and spank her" He sighed, beginning to look around again. San gasped and immediately began frantically looking.
"Why didn't you tell me earlier" He panicked, looking around, running towards the backrooms trying to find you. He didn't doubt that you could defend yourself, but what if someone did drug you. He knew you knew better than to accept drinks from strangers and were always cautious, but he couldn't help but worry. His breath quickened and he began pacing around frantically.
"Calm down, we'll find her" He felt a pat on his shoulder, reassuring him. He let out a sigh, before nodding and continuing to look around.
"Why does this girl mean so much to you anyway?" Seonghwa dared to question, voice slightly laced with a negative tone. Was he shaming him, threatening him, genuinely curious, or maybe even slightly jealous of the way you were able to bond so easily?
"You don't even know the half of it."
Meanwhile, the man had dragged you into one of the rooms in the back, locking it before, dropping you on the bed. Your legs dangled off the bed as he slowly approached you. He unfastened his belt and slowly pulled it through the belt loops. Through the corner of your vision, you were able to see exactly what he was doing and you knew where this was going.
He dropped the belt and slowly climbed on the bed, hovering over your legs. Meanwhile, your fists clenched unconsciously, head slowly turning away from him as he approached you. You really didn't want to do this, but you had no other choice. You had to keep him occupied for another hour or so and you had no clue how else to. You couldn't poison him or knock him out as you had no clue what tracking devices he could have had on him. Your jaw tightened and your hands unconsciously gripped at his shirt, subtly trying to push him away. Feeling some rustling from underneath, he looked down at your hands and noticed you pushing him away.
"Aw, honey there's no need to be scared" He whispered and you internally sighed.
"I never got your name, by the way, I bet a pretty face like this has a pretty name too..." He whispered into your ear from above.
"Y/n" You weakly grumbled.
"Yours?" You dared to question him back.
"Jungwoon, but I doubt you'll remember it tomorrow," He said, caressing your face. You sighed and realized he was right, you had to act as nothing had happened.
You shouldn't be able to even remember that his name was Jungwoo- Wait. His name is Jungwoon. Jungwoon? That wasn't the name you were told earlier when you were informed of the mission. Unless you got the wrong person... Your eyebrows furrowed unintentionally as you tried processing the information.
"Why? surprised honey? I'm second in line to the Kwon empire, brother of the infamous mafia boss, CJ Kwon" He said snickering a little. What an idiot, he just admitted his identity and now you confirmed your suspicions. You got the wrong fucking person.
You scoffed realizing your mistake, and he simply looked at you, confused. You shoved your knee in his groin, as you lifted yourself upright. He flew backward slightly at the impact, feet back on the ground as he tried regaining his composure.
"What the fuck is wrong with you? How aren't you out?" He questioned, still bent over, clutching his sensitive area. You just ignored him, standing up and tilting your head to the side, trying to figure out what you were going to do. The whole reason you couldn't knock him out was because of any tracking devices he might have had. Now knowing he was the son of a big Mafia empire, you had to be careful.
"Okay I mean no harm, I don't want to hurt. You're a trash person, but I still don't want to get into any trouble, so if you could excuse me" You raised your hands, trying to get out of the room as soon as possible. He made it quite difficult for you though, as he pulled out a gun from one of his back pockets, aiming it at you.
"Absolutely not! You're a crazy lady and you attacked me, I can't let you go" He aimed the gun right at your chest as you raised your hands above your head. You slowly started walking towards him, but he cut you off.
"Don't come any closer!" He gripped the gun harder, finger on the trigger. You examined his posture and the way he was holding a gun, for some indicator or weak spot. You looked at his fingers and then the gun. Aha!
"You leave me with no choice, I wasn't going to hurt you, but seeing as you're literally pointing a gun at me, I can't help it." You sighed, hands dropping to your waist, as you looked him dead in the eye.
"I'm gonna shoot you first, you crazy bitch." He huffed, readjusting his stance, now aiming the gun at your head.
"You see, the gun you're holding is a Kahr MK9-1, so the ejection port is visible. It isn't pushed back completely, meaning the gun is unloaded. Furthermore, the magazine release is triggered, meaning there aren't any bullets loaded either." You sighed, pressing your temples. His eyes widened as he pulled the trigger, only for a soft click to be heard. He removed the magazine, inspecting it, indeed, he forgot to load his gun.
"You're an idiot, you brought an unloaded gun, what good is that?" You scoffed, now walking towards him. You cracked your knuckles before raising an eyebrow at him. He backed up, a little scared of you now, you seemed to be well versed with guns and Mafias, you must have been a part of a gang. You were smaller than him, but we were aware that you could very well be capable of more.
"No, no, no, I'll let you go" He nervously said before gulping.
"Now what fun is that?" You said, tilting your head and snickering at him. He backed up into a corner of the room as you walked closer towards him.
"How does it feel huh?" You whispered as he looked down at you afraid for what was coming next.
"How does it feel to be backed into a corner? I bet it sucks, right? Well, that's what you've been doing to a bunch of innocent girls at the bar, so take this as a lesson before trying to pull something on anyone else next time." You sneered as he looked down at you blankly. His attitude and facial expressions were getting on your nerves so you decided to teach him a lesson.
You shoved your right arm into his jaw, with a clean uppercut. Shoving him backward as he stumbled, falling back into the wall behind him.
"Do you understand, you sick fuck?" You yelled as you grabbed the collar of his shirt. He nodded his head rapidly as he held his jaw in his hands. You just scoffed and left the room, head mildly aching from the idiot you just had to deal with.
As soon as you left the room, however, you remembered your mission. You panicked realizing you might have fucked up everything. You got the wrong person, meaning the real target was somewhere out there. You started brisk walking until you reached the main area, away from the backrooms. You fixed your hair quickly, trying to look for your target. Knowing what Jungwoon looked like, finding his brother, now shouldn't be too hard. You jogged through the crowd, looking around, scanning the place the best you could.
You looked back at the usual seating spot for your gang and realized it was practically empty. Your eyes widened as you quickly ran over to the seats there, looking for any familiar faces. You reached the area, noticing there were a few cigarette packets, vapes, and half-empty drink glasses, however no people in sight. You inspected the area, trying to look for any clues as to why and where they would have gone.
Sweat started collecting at the back of your neck, realizing this may have been your fault. It was your responsibility to occupy CJ tonight and you failed. What if he got to your gang? What if he had gotten to Seonghwa. You shakily sighed, a hand going up to your face to press your temples. You gulped dryly before thinking of a possible explanation. Your thoughts were cut short though, by a loud booming voice from behind you.
"Hands where I can see them bitch!"
Meanwhile, Seonghwa and San were going crazy, trying to look for you. San was admittedly panicking more, while Seonghwa was mildly frustrated.
"Where is sheee?" San whined. By now he was starting to get genuinely worried. Of course, he believed you could take care of yourself, but the whole night you seemed extremely shady. You were hiding things from him and were pretending to be drunk. What if you got caught up in some dangerous schemes?
"Calm down, we'll find her, we just have to-" bang! Seonghwa started, only for him to be cut off by a loud bang. Both of them knew better, it was a gunshot. They exchanged knowing glances, before scurrying to their side of the bar. Although your safety was quite important too, it was Seonghwa's duty to make sure the rest of his gang was alright too.
With people screaming and running around, getting to where they wanted was a little harder. San roughly pushed through the crowd, while Seonghwa stayed a little more cautious, one hand clutching the gun in his back pocket.
"Move!" San roared at the passersby. His voice startled the people around, and they made way for them. San ran over to their usual corner, pulling a gun out of his pocket, firmly grasping it with both hands, holding it in front of him, remaining cautious. Meanwhile, Seonghwa, followed behind closely, running a hand through his hair, chains of his belt jingling as he paced around the area. San squinted, his gun still in front of him as he looked for the gang members. As soon as they reached their side of the club they realized what all the commotion was.
"Drop your weapon, let him go!" San yelled as he witnessed one of the members from an opposing gang hold a knife to one of the young spy's neck. He simply snickered, tightening his grip, the knife now cutting through the skin of his neck slightly as blood dripped down his neck. The young boy squirmed, only for the knife to dig deeper into his neck. He grunted, tears pooling in his eyes.
"What a fucking coward, going for the younger ones, eh?" Seonghwa growled, a dangerous yet playful tone to his voice. The growl was heard in his voice as it dropped in pitch and volume, deliberately trying to scare the man.
The man with the knife didn't budge, however, simply chuckling before, running the knife along the neck of the boy, cutting horizontally across his smooth skin. The boy cried, as his hands came up to grip the knife, only for him to feel lightheaded and nearly pass out. The rest of your gang members gasped, some even whimpering at the young boy's situation. The man with the knife looked back at your gang members as they looked helpless. They couldn't do anything, they knew if they did, he would cut the boy's neck cleanly in half. He looked back and deeply chuckled before refocussing his attention on the two men in front of him.
As he looked ahead though, he realized they were nowhere in sight. He looked around only to be greeted by a cold hard piece of metal pressing against the side of his head.
"I said let go" Seonghwa grumbled lowly, his voice deathly commanding and serious. The man gulped, looking at the gun pointed at his head, through the corner of his eyes. Before Seonghwa could fire his shot, however, a strong pungent smell spread across the room, he furrowed his eyebrows as he heard coughs and whimpers.
"Not so fast, Park" He heard someone snicker. He noticed how San, who was standing right in front of him, began to stumble, gripping onto a chair next to him. It must have been poison or some sort of toxic gas. Seonghwa felt the room spinning, his vision getting blurry as he looked around at his gang members coughing and clutching their stomachs.
"Cover your mouths and noses" He tried to warn them, only for it to come out as a bare whisper. He looked around, most of the members now passing out. He saw San, clutching his stomach, before looking up at him. His eyes fluttered as they got droopier. San simply grunted in pain before mumbling a soft 'sorry' and passing out, his head falling straight to the floor. Seonghwa felt helpless, he tried resisting it, but everything in his body burned. His throat burned and his ears rang.
He clutched his ears, a loud ringing noise making its way to his ears, overwhelming his senses. He let out a gasp, feeling breathless as his trachea burned. His eyes soon fluttered shut as he tried gripping onto the last strings of hope, before succumbing to the poison and passing out...
"Hands where I can see them bitch!" A loud noise made its way to your ears. You slowly raised your hands as you slowly turned around. Behind you was probably your worst nightmare. Most of your gang members had passed out cold, behind the man. Some of them even tied up to chairs. San, Seonghwa, Ashe, and a young boy were tied to chairs, while the rest were still on the ground. You looked up at the man in shock, your eyebrows furrowing as your tried to process the situation. His face resembled Jungwoon's so there was only one logical explanation, this was his brother, CJ, the man you were after all along.
"Is this some sort of sick game to you?" You dared to question, walking closer to the man. He simply chuckled at you, firing the gun in your direction. It didn't seem as if he tried to kill you, although he aimed for the top of your shoulder, the bullet grazing your acromion. You screamed in pain, crouching down, your hand instantly flying to your shoulder. Albeit a mere flesh wound, it managed to dig quite deep, leaving a deep open would. Blood gushed through the wound as you pressed harder, trying to stop the blood flow.
"Well, it could be if you wanted it to be" He claimed, laughing at your situation. You looked up at him from the floor, shooting daggers with your eyes. He chuckled as one of his members passed him a water bottle. He snickered, before opening it, taking a sip, and clearing his throat. You furrowed your eyebrows, how was he so relaxed, the fate of an entire mafia gang was in his hands.
He chucked half the bottle into Seonghwa's face, and then another quarter into San's. He threw the bottle into some distant corner and yanked at Ashe's hair. Meanwhile, Seonghwa gasped, regaining consciousness, which must have only been a temporary toxin. His hair was wet, water dripping down his bangs, as they fell over his face. He glared daggers at the guy, before trying to get up, only for him to realize he was tied up. He struggled in the ropes, the rough edges, digging into his silky smooth skin.
San had also regained consciousness, gasping as coughed and choked. He blinked realizing the situation he was in. He looked around, noticing Seonghwa, and Ashe, and the other younger boy, as well as the rest of his gang members, and then finally you. His eyes widened as he struggled to try to free himself.
"Y/n?! You're okay?!" He questioned, sighing in relief as he finally found you. His relief was only short-lived, however, as he noticed you clutching your shoulder. He noticed the dark red stains on your hand and neck, a pool of blood on the floor, dripping from your shoulder down to your elbow and onto the floor.
"What did he- What did you- YOU BASTARD! WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER, LET HER GO!?" He yelled, tugging on his ropes. He didn't care about himself at the moment, only what happened to you. You noticed how he started pulling harder, the ropes now digging into his skin as he tried pulling out. His wrists were bruised as the soft skin of his arms cut due to the rough edges of the rope. Blood trickled down his arms as his arms got raw from the pulling and tugging of the rope.
"San-ah, don't resist, I'm fine" Your voice wavered, as you tried regaining composure. Seonghwa's eyes softened as he noticed the sheen of your eyes, tears collecting. He sighed, looking down, unable to look at your current state, you must have been in so much pain, both physically and emotionally.
"I-" You started, only for your voice to break, a strangled sob escaping. Seonghwa's head whipped up as he noticed how you squeezed your eyes shut, tears now falling down your cheeks. You bit down your lip, as your shoulders shook. Your head faced the ground but it was clear you were crying. Whimpers and sniffs echoed as members of the opposing gang simply laughed.
Seonghwa felt anger bubbling up, but he had to stay calm. Seeing you break down like this in front of everyone, evoked a feeling of fury and seething rage. He simply looked away, unable to take in the sight of you being so vulnerable. You had always been one of the toughest ones in the gang.
"Now, now, no need to cry honey" You heard CJ whisper. He roughly yanked Ashe's hair once more and you winced at the way her neck snapped to the side. She got up with a sharp inhale, and a loud groan as she tried to understand the situation. CJ walked closer to you, his hand gripping your chin, tilting it up towards him. Seonghwa grunted as he tried tugging harder at the ropes.
"Don't touch her, you son of a bitch" Seonghwa finally growled. His eyes glaring daggers at CJ. This was the first time you heard him speak tonight and it was a tone you weren't too pleased to hear. His voice had a slight rasp to it, voice lower than the deepest trench of the ocean. Water dripped down his face and neck, making the side of his face shine in the light. His dampened clothes clung to his body as his eyes glared through his bangs.
"Oh, don't worry, I won't have too much fun. Now, if you could please get up for me, my darling I have an important mission for you" He maniacally giggled. You mustered all the energy you had and pushed yourself onto your feet, one hand still clutching your shoulder. He handed you his gun and your eyebrows furrowed. He stepped back and you instantly took the chance to point the gun at him. Your breath quickened as you tried to calculate his next move, what on earth was he up to.
"ah-ah darling, it's not me you'' be shooting. It's one of them" He pointed behind him to your four other gang members tied up in chairs. Ashe gasped as she let out a strangled sob, San gasping as well, as Seonghwa simply sighed, taking in your expression. You looked blankly back at him as you readjusted the grip on your gun with your wounded arm.
You shifted your gaze behind him, only to notice, four other men, standing behind the chairs, a gun pointing to each of their heads. "Shoot anyone else, and a bullet goes through all their skulls... that wouldn't be a pretty sight, would it?" He claimed, laughing at his own crazy scheme. By now Ashe was crying hysterically and you couldn't help but feel emotional too. You tried looking away, knowing the second you would look into any of their eyes, you'd break down. You roughly wiped at your nose, nodding, agreeing to his terms.
"I love a game of Russian roulette." You sniffed, chuckling sarcastically.
"May I spin the barrel?" You asked innocently and CJ simply chuckled loudly.
"I knew you had it in you!" He laughed, roughly patting your back. You rolled your eyes before inspecting the gun a bit. You opened the barrel, realizing there was only one bullet, he must have known when the first bullet would go off. You internally smiled realizing you had cracked the code.
You locked the barrel in place, before spinning it, the bullet clanking across the cylinder. Your arms shivered slightly as you raised the gun. Bingo! You were never one to be afraid when it came to guns. The shivering was an act. An act to shake the gun a little to hear where the bullet was clanking. You heard the clanking on the bottom of the barrel, realizing the bullet was going to fire on the 5-6 shot. Realizing it had already gone off once when CJ shot you, it was only logical that the bullet was in the 5th chamber.
You smiled before aiming the gun at San first. His eyebrows furrowed as he realized you were proceeding with this absurd plan. The moment he saw you smile, however, he knew you had everything under control. Besides, he trusted you. You winked at him, before placing your finger over the trigger.
"Just to clarify, If I shoot all of them once, you leave us alone? Whether one of them gets shot or not?" You spoke up, glancing from the corner of your eye.
"That is correct. Now, take your shot lady." You smiled back at him, before pulling the trigger while the gun was aimed at San. He flinched slightly at the noise but quickly covered up as a laugh erupted from him.
"This one got lucky... try the next one" CJ urged you. You rolled your eyes as you walked over to the unconscious boy. He looked young, maybe 16 or 17, and his neck was slashed, blood oozing from it at a slow rate. You quickly looked away and pulled the trigger. Despite knowing it wouldn't go off, you still had to act as if you were scared. Ashe yelped from next to the boy at the loud noise and Seonghwa sighed in relief.
"Well, well, well, I guess they both got lucky... How about your best friend now, you both seemed to be getting it on the dance floor no? It would be a shame for this epic love story to end so tragically." Ashe blushed a deep red as San chuckled from the side laughing quietly. You huffed in annoyance before pointing the gun at her. Her eyes filled with tears as she tried to speak.
"Y/n, if this gun goes off right now, just know that I forgive you, it's not your fault, no matter what-"
"Shut up Ashe" You yelled. The last thing you needed was a sad emotional goodbye, as you knew the second you saw her cry, you would too.
"No! Listen to me, never for a second think that you're responsible for any of this. I love you a lot, and I'm still mad at what you did back then, but it-" bang! Ashe squealed as the next gunshot went off. CJ's jaw dropped, another one was left unscathed. You winced slightly as she flinched. You didn't mean to be rude, but she was getting a little too sappy and you already felt terrible.
"You've been lucky so far, but it's a 1 in 2 chance now. Chances are, the legendary Mafia boss, Seonghwa Park will die, right here, tonight. Not just that, but to the hands of one of his most loyal members." He chuckled maniacally and you pointed the gun at Seonghwa. He gulped as he noticed your finger on the trigger, awfully close to pulling it. You looked straight into his eyes and could sense the fear in them. He gulped, eyes shifting around the room as his foot bounced impatiently.
You sighed, mouthing a "trust me" subtly, and smiling at him. His eyes widened as he realized you had planned this all along. You knew exactly when the bullet was going to go off. He should have known, besides you were the second-best with guns in the entire gang, of course, you would know. His eyes softened, as the corners of his lips tugged upwards.
You returned the smile and readjusted your stance. Meanwhile, CJ on the side had no clue what was coming. He believed with this next shot, the mafia boss of the Park gang would be dead, already coming up with plans to take over the empire.
You pulled the trigger and Seonghwa didn't even flinch. He simply chuckled deeply, before tilting his head back... that's how much he trusted you at that moment. CJ's jaw dropped. This wasn't the way it was supposed to go.
"ONE MORE!" CJ yelled at you as you flinched at the sudden loud voice. Seonghwa's eyes furrowed as he heard him. Your eyes widened as you processed the situation.
"I said one more! Take one more shot, or I'll drive a bullet through Park's head. I don't care who you shoot, but one of you is not going to leave alive today, and I will make sure of it." CJ grumbled, another one of his members passing him a gun. He pointed the gun at Seonghwa's head shoving it into his forehead. Seonghwa inhaled sharply before looking back at you, worried. It was obvious to everyone now that whoever you shot was going to die now. The last chamber had the bullet, so it would fire.
"Why do you care so much about someone dying today!" San yelled from the side.
"You took away one of my young hackers. You shot him right in the back. He's paralyzed now! FUCKING BASTARD SAN! I don't take such matters lightly, and for ruining his life, one of you is now going to pay with yours! I don't care who it is, one of you is going to die!" CJ yelled, gripping San's collar. He gulped realizing CJ found out about one of his missing hackers. Truth was, San helped him fake his paralysis to get him out of that vicious gang. He was now working for you, but CJ could never know that, or he'd go after the young boy.
"So it doesn't matter who I shoot?" You clarified, your voice shaking slightly to sell the act. CJ grinned from ear to ear, looking back and nodding smugly. Seonghwa looked at you with concern as he knew you were up to something. His eyes furrowed as you lifted the gun.
"What about this?" You asked, now pointing the gun directly at your chest. San gasped from the side, Ashe yelling at you to stop, while Seonghwa's eyes widened.
"I supposed that is acceptable too. Now get on with it!" He yelled as both the gangs waited for your next move. You took in a deep breath of air before pulling the trigger of the gun. You gasped at the impact, and fell to the ground, clutching your chest.
The next few seconds were a bit of a blur. Not from the actual shot itself, but the commotion around you. You heard the footsteps of the opposing gang members as they scurried out the club. You heard a bunch of cries and whimpers from presumably San and Ashe.
Your back made contact with the floor with a loud thud, as you winced from the pain. Seonghwa immediately felt a surge of urgency, as he tried breaking free from the ropes. He yanked as hard as he could, cutting through his wrists slightly, as the ropes snapped. His wrists were bloody and his arms were bruised all the way p, but he couldn't care less.
He roughly yanked at San's ropes, loosening them a bit, just enough for San to free himself. His breath quickened and his eyes widened as he approached you. He rushed over, immediately crouching down to your level. He sat down on his knees, desperately trying to hold you up. He shifted next to you and brought your head to rest on his lap. Your eyes fluttered shut, as his big arms cradled your face, holding your cheeks in each hand. His cut wrists, left a trail of blood, on the exterior of your face, your hair clinging to your face from the damp blood and sweat.
"No, no, no, you're strong Y/n, you're going to survive this" He whispered to you, his breath caressing your face as his shallow breaths continued. He must have really freaked out. He began lightly, tapping your face, shaking your head in his hands slightly. He, brushed your hair away from your face as his fingers rested on your temple. You heard him let out a whimper, as you felt a warm droplet fall onto your cheek. Wait... was he crying? It couldn't have been... The legendary Park Seonghwa crying over one of his members dying. What a sight. He shifted slightly, moving one of the hands that were cradling you to press at your chest. His large palm, pressed softly at your chest, rubbing against the bottom of your left breast. That's where you drew the line.
"Uh-uh, hands off me" You claimed, pushing past Seonghwa, trying to get up. His eyebrows furrowed as his eyes widened. You promptly stood up, as he remained seated on the floor, not understanding the situation. You walked over to the younger boy, untying him too, before grabbing a tissue, pushing at the large wound in his neck. You looked around, trying to find someone to help you, and looked at San. His eyes were wide as he was frozen in place.
"Stop staring and come help me, you ass!" You yelled, ushering to come over. He quickly rushed over, before cupping your cheeks.
"I thought you were going to die..." His voice broke, as you scoffed.
"Come on now, I wouldn't leave you that easilyyy" You whined before guiding his hand to the boy's neck.
"Hold it in place, we need to get him medical attention quickly, or he might bleed out." You passed him the tissues, before walking to untie Ashe. As soon as her wrists and arms were untied she pounced on you. She engulfed you in a hug, sobbing into your shoulder.
"You dumb bitch" She cried into your shoulder, as you patted her head, cradling her face. She pulled away and you looked down feeling guilty.
"I know, I'm sorry" You whispered out, only for her to scoff, before pulling you into another bone-crushing hug. You winced in pain, as your shoulder was hurting quite a bit. You simply resorted to rubbing her back for now. Your little moment was broken by a small cough heard from the ground. You looked down, only to notice, Seonghwa was still sitting on the floor, eyes wide, as he tried processing what was happening.
"Mr. Park... You're uh, still on the floor..." He looked right into your eyes, his eyes narrowing as he pushed himself up to his feet, walking towards you. He looked down at you as you tilted your head up, making direct eye contact.
"Firstly, I am touched and flattered that you cried for me, who would have thought..." You said, more to yourself, as Seonghwa brought his hands to his face, touching under his eyes. He realized his cheeks were wet with tears, as he roughly rubbed at them, sniffing and scrunching his nose.
"Secondly, that was inappropriate, dude! You can't just go around groping women you know?" You yelled as his eyes widened. You pointed back at your chest, indicating where he had tried pressing before. You knew he was trying to prevent, possible bleeding, but you couldn't help but tease him a little. He refocussed his attention to your chest, staring at the hole in your dress.
"Eyes up here buddy" You caught his attention. He scoffed, before bringing you into a hug. Engulfing your smaller body in his larger build.
"Ow! my shoulder, be careful, Park!" You scowled as he pulled back.
"Y/n what the fuck? You're supposed to be dead" He finally said, before bringing his hands, to your shoulder, to inspect the wound.
"Actually no" You pulled back, pulling the neckline of your dress down. His eyes widened as a blush grew on Seonghwa's cheeks. You flipped the top of your black lace bra outwards showing a navy blue thicker lining underneath.
"Bulletproof lining, I managed to push it up from my stomach to my chest when I uh, broke down" Seonghwa sighed, pressing his temples.
"You weren't crying?" He asked, a hand cupping your cheek as he spoke.
"Well no, it was a distraction, to bend over and push up the lining to my chest. The tears from before as well, they were fake too, sorry San, I had to sell my act..." You mumbled but San still heard. He scoffed as he walked towards you.
"I figured as much" He smiled back at you.
Seonghwa tightened his grip on your jaw as he realized something. You gasped as you tried pulling away.
"You knew what was going to happen? Why the fuck didn't you tell me?" He said a little louder. You didn't budge, knowing what you did was right.
"Because! If I were to tell you, you would have brought around 20 other bodyguards accompanying us. Besides this wasn't even the original plan... I was supposed to sleep with CJ, distract him for the night so he couldn't carry out his plan. Turns out I got caught up with his brother and had to... deal with him first." Seonghwa loosened his grip on your jaw before sighing, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear.
"Regardless, I'm proud of you, you know? You outsmarted them all and saved our lives. I owe you thanks." He said before stepping back. You felt dampness on the side of your head. Realizing it was blood, you grabbed his forearm, before inspecting his cuts and bruised wrists.
"Why did you do this to yourself?" You scoffed, before, walking over to get him a tissue to wipe the dried blood for now.
"For you, Y/n... I thought you were dying..." He sighed as gripped onto the base of your dress.
"So what? It's a part of the job. I knew what I was signing up for. I very well knew that death was a possible risk. Besides, why care about me so much? I'm rather expendable actually." You said matter-of-factly.
"No, you're not. Never feel like that. You mean a lot to the gang, a lot to me. Even though we don't interact often. I know how much you do for the gang, how much work you put in for everyone." He said, looking at you sincerely. You smiled back at him softly, booping his nose, turning on your heel.
"Let's get cleaned up shall we?"
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Far away - P. Parker.
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This is an overload of angst, inspired by - and named after - ‘Far Away’ by Nickleback (yes, I’m a nickleback fan, I’m sorry). There WILL be a part two.
No this was not requested, and the gif is not mine. I hope y’all like it!
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
WARNING: the contents of this story may be triggering to some readers. This story contains: domestic arguing, mentions of familial death and guilt, mentions of violence, mentions of abandonment, pregnancy, Peter and Y/N both being bitches, and all round angst. Please do not read if this may cause you any offense or trigger you in any way
It had been near 2 months since she had seen Peter. In person, that is.
The relationship between Y/F/N and Peter Parker was an odd one. Best friends through middle school, they were like two peas in a pod. Inseparable to the point where Y/N was adopted as an honorary Parker.
In high school, tragedy struck both of them. Y/N’s mother left, divorcing her father and leaving for California. Ben Parker died, shot by a lawless mugger when he was out looking for Peter. Peter blamed himself. Y/N fell in with the popular crowd, looking for any chance to distract herself from her overwhelming anger. Peter became distracted, finding any and every excuse to escape school once he began an internship with Mr. Tony Stark. Peter and Y/N often vied for the attention of Liz Allen, their crushes on the woman making their anger with one another overflow whenever they were in each other’s presence.
In University, they reunited and decided to start over. One thing led to another and they quickly became lovers, with distance between.
Until she fell pregnant. 7 months into their relationship, she found out about the new life growing inside of her. She was ecstatic, but full of nerves. Peter was anxious, worried for his child and the woman he loved.
Life as Spider-Man was hectic. He grappled with the thought of her getting hurt because of him every day. He had seen the danger that had come to Pepper, what happened to Ben, Ned, almost everybody he held dear.
Her first trimester went by with a rocky start. Y/N fought with her own fears, wondering how she could be a mother when her own wasn’t there to teach her. Nevertheless, she loved peter. She gave her all to him, but he was distant, growing more so every day.
She didn’t want him to go. He had risked his life - and their relationship - far too many times in the past year. He knew it was a risk, he knew his life would be in danger every second he was undercover, but he still went.
Then Tony told him to go undercover.
She was in New York, about to hit her third trimester, and he was in Belgium, unaware of the life growing inside of her.
He broke the news to her of his undercover mission with Clint three nights before he left. That same day, he had missed their scheduled appointment to find out the sex of their baby.
To say there was an argument would be an understatement.
She had printed the picture up, gotten a card for him, and left it waiting on their shared bed for when he got home. Spider-Man was only half of his job, the other half was spent with incredibly long hours at the lab with Tony working on whatever their incredible minds could think of that day.
Sometimes she felt as if their relationship had been mostly made up of her waiting on him.
He had walked in the door, moving to gather his stuff together from the spare room they had in their apartment that housed his gear. They were set to turn it into a nursery.
He told her of the mission as soon as he walked in, immediately erasing the excited grin from her features.
“How long is it going to take?” She fought the nerves from building, knowing that the longest mission he had been on before had been two weeks. Tony told her when her and peter moved in together that Peter wouldn’t be expected to go on a mission any longer than that.
Peter sighed, grabbing a large bag. He had to head back for debriefing, and training before the mission began. He didn’t expect to be back home before he had to leave. He didn’t want to leave her, but he had came to terms with the fact that he was Spider-Man before he was Peter.
“I don’t know, Y/N. At least a month and a half-“
“You can’t go!” She interrupted.
Peter chuckled softly, paying no mind to her growing anger. “Yeah, I do. Clint and I are the only ones that can go unnoticed. Nobody has seen my face, and Clint has done so many undercover missions. He’s practically living a new life every month.” He hustled around the room once again, grabbing every box of spare cartridges for his web shooters. “After all, this is what I do.”
Y/N scoffed. Recently, he had been putting everything before his family. He missed their anniversary in favour of working on a new web formula with Tony. Her birthday was spent alone with nothing but a 10 minute phone call from him because he was on patrol. Now, he had missed the day they had both been looking forward to for months.
She didn’t want to be selfish, she loved him fiercely, but his child needed him too. Every time he left the house with his suit, she feared for his life. Now, she had the baby to think about too. It was about more than just her.
She tried to push down her feeling that he didn’t even want to be a father.
Peter rolled his eyes at her scoff. “Y/N. I’m Spider-Man. That means that I need to help people, not just be here when you want me to.”
“That’s not what it is, Peter!” She exclaimed, eyes widening at his words. “I’m due in three months!”
He rubbed his hand down his face, huffing. “Y/N, can you just stop? Please? I need to go, and you’re not going to stop me. This is my job. Tony and May are here.”
“I thought your ‘job’ was spending hours with Stark and forgetting that I exist,” she snarled, making quotation signs with her hands. Tensions had been high between them lately, the past two weeks turning their house into a war zone. She was sure her news would bring a happier note, but the news was all but forgotten at the time. “We are your family, Peter!
His eyes were blazing with anger, his bags in his hands as he slipped past her to the door. He spared a look at her swollen stomach, almost sadly.
“Peter!” She called after him as he ignored her, stomping through their apartment.
She tried a few more times, latching onto his hand as he got closer to the door.
“Please, don’t go. The last mission you were on, you came back with four broken ribs and a concussion. I can’t lose you, we need you,” he refused to look at her.
“You won’t lose me, y/n. I’m an adult, I don’t need you to babysit me. Enough, I need to go. This is about more than just you, so please cut the crap,” he sighed at her, anger pulling his brows down and crinkling his nose in the way she had memorized.
Y/N had struggled with trust issues since before her mother left, and she had used all of her courage to trust peter, but the anger and fear were too much, her mouth working without instruction. “Why don’t you just fucking admit that you don’t want to have a family, Peter? You’ve made it perfectly obvious that the baby means nothing to you!”
That set him off. “Grow the fuck up, Y/N. This may shock you, but this isn’t about you, for once! Don’t you ever say that I don’t want this child.”
She scoffed at him again, spitting, “you couldn’t even bother to fucking show up for the sonogram today. Our baby is fine by the way, not that it matters, obviously.”
His laugh was evil. “You’re so fucking perfect, aren’t you? I’m sorry that I have a job, unlike you. I fucking save people, every day. I don’t have time to hold your hand through fucking everything because you’re a narcissist!”
She was taken aback by his shout, her next words flying out without the filter between her brain and mouth coming into action. “You know what? Fine!” She shoved his arm away. “If you walk out that door, don’t fucking bother coming back. You don’t care that we need you here, so don’t even bother being apart of this.”
“You’re kicking me out because I’m going on a mission?” His laugh was sarcastic, almost full of disbelief. “You really are selfish, Y/N.” He wrenched the door open with his free hand, not bothering to kiss her like he always did before a mission. No further words were exchanged, only a longing glance at her stomach and a fleeting look in her eyes.
She was left in the quiet apartment.
She trudged to their room - her room, now - fighting the tears threatening to fall. The photo of their baby was sitting carefully on the bed right next to the card.
The dam broke, tears streamed down her face and sobs ripped from her chest.
She picked up the photo of herself and Peter from when they announced their pregnancy. He was on his knees in front of her, hands on either side of her small bump, smiling brightly with love in his eyes, and she was looking at him the same way.
She flung it against the wall, watching the glass shatter from the frame and fall to the ground.
She pulled the card up from its spot, reading over the words inside.
‘I have loved you all along, Peter. Thank you for beginning this journey with me. We’re so far from where we began.
I know that our little girl will be as perfect as you are.
All my love, Y/N.”
The two months has passed agonizingly slow. Her heart wrenched each day when she woke to an empty bed. Their baby grew steadily, now a month away from making her entrance.
Her new routine had been to watch the news every morning before her daily run. Her work hours had decreased, but she filled her schedule to clear her head, in order to stop the pain.
She hadn’t spoken to peter since he left, she barely even knew where he was.
Jedd Walters was on the news, his booming voice echoing through her house as she watched from the kitchen.
“This just in,” his voice grew more urgent. “After months of being undercover, we are saddened to report that beloved Avengers, Spider-Man and Hawkeye are missing after a KGB detonated bombing brought down the building they were in. After two days of searching, neither man has been found, but many Belgium citizens have been wounded, with no casualties as of yet. More information will come available as the story progresses.”
The scream that tore from her throat was full of pain, and the tears that fell from her cheeks burned.
Tag list: @starshonerose @another-lonely-heart @mantlereid @snookiebrookie @theanswertoeverythingisl0v3
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Code Silver - Life in the ER
This is the continuation of my “Life in the ER” series. This takes place two months after the previous installment. As always, you don’t necessarily have to read the previous installments but it may help clarify any questions you have.
Now take note of this MAJOR WARNING - there is an active shooter situation in this chapter. There will be blood, cussing, needles, surgery and death in this chapter. You have been warned.
I do not own Dr. Leighton. His name was originally used in Code Black, which is one of my favorite medical dramas. I do not own that name. And Dr. Weasley is named after the famous red-headed family in Harry Potter - I don’t own that name either.
As always, feedback would be wonderful and much appreciated. Buckle up kids, this is going to be a doozy of a ride.
June 10, 2021 11:00am
He never wished for a normal day while working in the ER but he wished for one today. Wishing for normal days, usually, meant that the hours in the ER were filled with chaos and craziness and somehow even more casualties than an average shift. He sighed as he thought back on the long night he had. Mack had been up most of the night, and usually Race could get her settled down but he was at his wits end. Spot ended up getting up to help him, making the 5am wake up call a struggle.
“Get it gear, Conlon.” Plums teased as she stood at the nurse’s desk giving a look. “Coffee not kicking in?”
Groaning, he looked up from the keyboard he was staring at a little too intently, nodding to the white cup sitting beside his hand. “This is my fifth cup; if it hasn’t kicked in yet then I don’t think there’s hope. Little miss only wanted me last night.”
“Ahhh those days are fun. Addie is in a Jack phase right now and I’m chopped liver.” Plums grinned. “Hopefully that won’t last long?”
Spot shrugged. “It’s been a week already. It doesn’t help when I’m working the early shift. She loves to party between 2 and 4.”
“Ugh do not miss those days. Addie is finally sleeping all the way through the night. She gets up at 5:30, just as I’m walking out the door though.” She smiled as Albert slid into a chair. “You okay, Al?”
He grinned. “Yea, patient in room four needs a checkup at some point. What’d I missed?”
“Noted - thanks. Spot’s kid throwing a rager from 2-4am.” Plums pointed out.
Albert chuckled loudly. “Ahh that sounds like fun.”
“Don’t laugh - this’ll be you this time next year.” Spot pointed his index finger in Albert’s direction. Finch and Albert had announced their little bundles of joy would be arriving around the beginning of December.
The grin slid from his face as Spot’s words made him pause. “Shit. I guess I will be taking notes from you both before that time.”
A call came over the intercom as Plums grabbed a chart before heading down the hallway. “Duty calls. Meet you guys in the cafe around 1 for lunch?”
“See you then.” Spot saluted her as he finished typing up his notes, looking over his shoulder at Albert who was writing in his own chart. “You doing good?”
A smirk crossed Albert’s face. “Doing well. Finch mentioned that we should have you and Race and Jack and Kat over for a cookout.”
“That’ll be fun.” Spot sighed, typing something in the chat he was having with another doctor, groaning as he stood up. “I’ve got to go draw another vial of blood. Don’t miss me too much.”
Albert blew him a kiss as he watched him walk away with a shake of his head. “Don’t worry, pooks, I won’t.”
Spot quickly drew the vial of blood from his patient in bay 12 before walking it upstairs to deliver Elmer. “Got some fresh, still warm blood for you. Orders should be in your inbox.”
“How’s the world of emergency today? Quiet?” Elmer accepted the vial before typing a few keys on his keyboard, giving Spot a quick smile.
Spot sighed, leaning against the wall, trying to stretch his back. “It’s quiet but two ambulances were pulling up just as I escaped up here. Is it 6pm yet?”
“Sorry, you still have 6.5 hours to go.” Elmer was way too cheerful as he delivered that news to Spot, who merely groaned.
The hospital phone that was attached to his hip dinged with a message that made him smile. “Hey if you haven’t eaten by 1, we’re planning on eating in the cafe. Come by.”
“I’ll see if I can get away. These results will be in your patient’s chart by the time you get back downstairs.” Elmer grinned.
Saluting him, Spot grinned. “Thanks, Elm. You’re the best.”
Whistling along to a song that was stuck in his head, he headed back downstairs, via the stairs. He hopped down the stairs as he thought about everything that he needed to do before his shift ended. Just as his foot hit the bottom stair, the intercom blared to life with a “Code Silver” followed by the Emergency Department as the location. Words you never wanted to hear in a hospital. A shiver ran down his back as his brain processed the words. Gripping the handle of the staircase he faltered in his step. Active shooter.
Throwing open the heavy stairwell door, he found himself in a surprisingly empty hallway. His shoes squeaked softly as he made his way to an empty patient room, quickly darting behind the door for protection. Grabbing the blue hospital issued phone, he opened it, silencing the volume. He sent a message both to Plums and Albert asking them where they were.
As he waited, all he could hear was someone yelling and the blood rushing through his ears. The phone vibrated in his hand as he quickly brought it up to eye level. From Plums: Patient’s room, door locked, everyone okay. You?
Ignoring her message for now, he started making his way back towards the center of the Emergency Room. In the back of his mind, he knew he should get out while he could but not while his sister-in-law and best friend were in the middle of danger.
“Where the hell is Nicole Ridder?” A loud voice raged, catching his attention as he slid under a desk. “Where is she?”
A gunshot went off as several more screams pierced the air as a hand slammed on a desk. “Where is she?”
Looking around the corner, Spot’s eyes went wide, as he took in the scene. Albert was under the desk, the very desk the man was loudly banging his fist on. Sadie, a nurse that Spot didn’t know too well, was staring down the man. “Sir, there is no Nicole Ridder here. I just checked our in-patients and there’s no one here by that name.”
“She texted me and said she’s here and now you won’t fucking let me see her.” The man screamed as another gunshot exploded, breaking the silent air. All Spot could do was watch Sadie crumble as the bullet hit her.
The man hit his hand once more before taking several steps, waving the gun in front of several other nurses, the air returning quiet. “Nicole, where are you?”
The man neared Spot’s position, as he tried to make himself smaller. “NICOLE!”
His shouts became more desperate as he started pushing open closed doors. Spot tried to regulate his breath as the man’s footsteps came closer.
He stopped at the desk that Spot was sitting under, his hand pounding the top. His voice was gruff as he cocked the trigger of the gun. “I know there are more people here - just tell me where in the hell Nicole is and I won’t shoot up the place.”
A cry broke the silence, as both Spot and the man looked towards a closed door. Within seconds the man was standing in front of the door, the butt of the gun banging against the solid wood door.
His hand tightened around the door handle, jiggling it to open it but found it locked. “NICOLE, OPEN THIS DOOR! I know you’re in there.”
A noise behind Spot made him look. Albert and a few other nurses made a break for it, running for a door that would lead them outside. Spot felt a rush of air escape his mouth. Albert was safe. But he feared for Plums’ safety.
Plums’ POV
The jiggling of the door handle sent a shiver down her back. She was currently hiding behind the bed, with her patient and her patient’s child, trying to keep them both safe. Putting a finger to her mouth, she locked eyes with the two.
She had been about to discharge Josie, who had strep throat, when the Code Silver had come over the intercom. Immediately she had shut the door, locked it and put the chair under the handle, blocking them in the small room.
“NICOLE, OPEN THIS DOOR! Goddammit I know you’re in there.” The jiggling continued as tears crowded her eyes. She attempted to calm her breathing.
Grabbing the blue phone, she quickly typed something in and sent it to both Albert and Spot, hoping the two of them got out before this madness began.
“NICOLE DAMMIT OPEN THIS DOOR.” The man’s voice pleaded as his fists hit the door, each bang louder than the previous.
She slipped her hand into the little girl’s, giving it a squeeze, as she prayed that the ordeal would end soon.
Spot’s POV
He felt the phone vibrate in his hand as he opened the message.
I’m in the room with her and her daughter.
The gasp escaped his mouth before he could help it but the pounding on the door told him the gunman hadn’t heard. He wished he had his personal cell on him but the hospital frowned upon that. He just wanted to get a message to Race.
His thoughts stopped for a minute. Race. His husband who was out on summer break, at home with their daughter. Or maybe he and Jack took the girls out for lunch and were at least together. Leaning his head back, he stretched his neck muscles, praying that he’d get to see his daughter and husband at least one more time.
Taking a steady breath, Spot’s mind started turning. He needed to get that gunman away from that door if Plums had a chance to get away.
Opening up the phone, he quickly typed out a message to Plums Right outside the door under the desk.
His butt was falling asleep as he sat scrunched up under the desk. He slowly adjusted himself, cussing when his shoe squeaked. Spot cussed under his breath as the pounding on the door came to a standstill. “Who’s there?”
Eyes wide, Spot bit his lip in an attempt to stay quiet. “Show yourself or I will put a bullet through this door. This isn’t a game.”
Another gunshot sounded as screams pierced the air. Several more gunshots were fired in quick succession as the man growled under his breath. “Damnit, Nicole, get your skinny ass out here now. Quit playing these damn games.”
Another several gunshots were fired through the door, wood splintering as the bullet made contact. Several screams pierced the quietness, one of which was most definitely Plums.
Spot could hear the man pacing in front of the door, as his shoes squeaked with each pass. Every few seconds, the butt of the gun would knock against the door. Spot could hear him growl, growing frustrated by the situation at hand. “You leave me no choice, Nicole.”
Before he could take another breath, the gun was fired in quick rounds, several bullets hitting the wooden door as screams erupted from the small room. Spot eased out from his position, looking at the man as he screamed and unloaded his gun into the small room.
He heard the familiar click of the gun, signaling that it was out of ammunition. Spot took that moment to stand and look at the man. He moved stealthily, as he made his way to the man. Before he could think, he punched the man, successfully crumbling him to the ground. The gun went sliding down the hallway as Spot punched the man a few times. “Plums, get them the hell outta here.”
The man attempted to hit Spot back but was unsuccessful and several seconds later, the police came in, slapping handcuffs on the man before helping Spot up.
Spot stood, chest heaving as his brain caught up on what had just happened. He faltered in his step just as a police man caught him. “Sir, you okay?”
“Dizzy.” He mumbled just as he collapsed and fell to the ground.
Plums’ POV
Holding up her hands, she hurled herself over to the police and told them to get the hell in there, that the gunman had been subdued.
Without another word, she watched several police officers make their way into the building as she was led to a makeshift medical area. She was led to a stretcher where her vitals were checked and she was given a check over. She had some cuts from glass and bruises but nothing life threatening. The mental reminders would take some time to overcome. Albert wrapped a warm blanket around her shoulders as she sat on the bed. “It was Spot.”
Albert’s hands stilled as he took her blood pressure. “Spot what?”
“Spot subdued the gunman by hitting him and knocking him out.” Plums whispered as she looked at Albert.
Albert dropped the stethoscope, before pulling her into a hug, as she lost it. The tears, fears, relief all came bubbling to the surface. He hushed her, brushing his hand up and down her back as he attempted to calm her down. “Hey it’ll be okay. Jack, Race, and Finch are all outside and as soon as you’re done, I’ll bring them all back, okay?”
She nodded, her breath coming out in gasps, as he took her blood pressure. He did a few other checks, she figured for bullets or any other damages before jotting down something on the piece of paper at the makeshift table. “Do you want me to stay or go get them?”
“Can you stay and have someone get them? Also, where’s Spot?” She asked, eyes wide with the fear still radiating through her body. She knew the adrenaline would be cursing through her body for some time yet.
Albert nodded, stepping out for a moment before coming back in. “Maddie is going to get Jack, Race, and Finch and she’s checking on Spot.”
“Albie?” She asked, clutching the blanket tighter around her.
“Yea Plums?” He asked, scribbling something on a chart in front of him. He looked up, looking at one of his family members, trying to keep it all together.
She sniffled, looking at the cut on her hand. “Was anyone killed?”
He stilled with the question, dropping the pen before walking over to wrap her in a hug as she broke down crying. “Shhh.” He whispered as he ran a hand up and down her back.
Tears clouded his eyes as he listened to her heartbreaking sobs. Soon they turned to snuffs as she pulled away from him and wiped her eyes. “Sorry.”
“No, Kat, you have nothing to apologize for.” He shook his head. “You’re safe and your body is trying to regulate itself. It’s okay. But to answer your question, I haven’t heard anything about anyone. Once I got out, they checked me out and said they needed help with injuries so I’ve been doing this. I was just relieved to see you run out.”
Looking up, she gasped seeing Jack, Race, and Finch all standing there. Before she could do anything, Jack was pulling her into a hug as she busted into another round of tears. Jack was mumbling stuff in her ear and running his hand through her hair as she immediately felt safe in Jack’s arms. Leaning back, she pressed a kiss to his lips. “Love you too.”
Stepping away from Jack, she pulled Race into her arms as he sniffled. “I’m so glad you’re okay. Where’s Spot?”
“He was the one who subdued the gunman. He’s probably talking to the police.” She mumbled, watching Race’s face crumble.
She watched many emotions cover Race’s face as he faltered. “He did what?”
“I don’t know how but he knocked the gunman out and told me to get out of there.” She looked at him. “He’s a hero, Race.”
Tears clouded Race’s face as she pulled him back into a hug. “He was fine when I was running out of there so I’m sure he’s talking to the police.”
She soothed him, by rubbing a hand up and down his back. She watched Jack talk to Albert and Finch. “Where are our girls?”
“Medda has them.” Race pulled back, wiping his eyes. “Jack and I were hanging out at your house when she stopped by. When this came across the news, Jack said we needed to get down here. We held our breaths every time the door opened. We got here just after Albert came running out.”
Nodding, she sat back on the bed, wrapping the blanket around her. She looked over at Finch, whose fingers were laced with Albert’s. “Hi Finch.”
“Hi Kat. Glad you’re okay.” He smiled, squeezing Albert’s hand.
Nodding, she looked at the men in the room, sighing. “Hey Al, can you go check with Maddie?”
He nodded, leaning over to kiss Finch before escaping out of the medical area.
Sighing, she kicked her legs, antsy with wanting to know what was keeping Spot. She figured the police would want to talk with him but he should be done by now. She felt Jack stand behind her with his hand on her shoulder. She knew it would be a long time before he would be able to have her out of his sight.
Albert’s face was stoic as he returned with a police officer. “Plums, this is Office Ramirez. He’d like to talk to us for a few minutes.”
“Katherine Kelly, sir. This is my husband Jack and our friends, Tony, Albert, and Patrick. Tony is Sean’s husband. Can you tell us what’s going on with Sean Conlon?” Plums sat up straight, trying to look more authoritative than she felt. Her heart plummeted into her stomach as he was introduced. Usually having a police office come talk to them was never a good thing.
Officer Ramirez shifted, pulling his hat off before looking at the same group of friends. “I was first through the doors when I saw Sean on the floor punching the gunman. Several officers took care of the gunman while I went over to Sean. I got him to his feet when he mumbled that he was dizzy and before I knew it, he had fainted.”
“Doctor White was in the vicinity and immediately started checking Sean. In the initial check, he had blood on the left side of his scrubs. Several nurses and Dr White loaded him onto a gurney and rushed him upstairs to surgery.” Officer Ramirez’s face was grime as he relayed the information. Race gasped, processing the information. “If you’d like, I will escort you up to the surgery floor where you can wait?”
Kat sat back as the words hit her. She looked over at Race, who staggered a bit, only for Albert’s arm to wrap around his waist. “That would be great. But I have one other question - was anyone killed today?”
The officer paused. He was conflicted on how much he should actually tell them. “There were two nurses and an orderly that were killed. There were several that were injured by the stray bullets.”
Tears crowded Kat’s eyes as she thought about her coworkers and their families. Hanging her head, she let a sob out as someone put their arms around her. She looked up at Race whose face was tight with a mix of emotions as he hugged her. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she looked at Officer Ramirez. “I’ll need a few minutes to talk with some of my colleagues but after that, can you escort us upstairs?”
“Absolutely ma’am. There will be a police officer outside the waiting room just for some extra protection. And we will need to speak with you and Mr. DaSilva at some point.” The office said, as Kat nodded.
She pushed the blanket off of her before she looked at Jack. Leaning up, she gave him a quick kiss and hugged Race before walking out into the still mayhem scene.
Maddie came up and gave her a hug. “I’m glad you’re okay. Any word on Spot?”
“He’s in surgery but that’s all I know. We’re going to head up to the surgical waiting room. Can you let the head honchos know?” Plums asked, giving the young nurse a look, as she looked around the mayhem of police officers, nurses, and patients.
Maddie quickly nodded. “I can do that. Do you want me to have food sent up?”
“Thanks, that would be nice since all of us just want a status update.” She smiled at Maddie.
“Consider it done. Just let us know when he’s out and doing okay?” She asked, as Plums quickly agreed before going back to the medical area.
Making sure they had everything, Kat gave Officer Ramirez a look as he led them through the eerie empty halls of the Emergency Room to the elevators. Katherine moved quickly, not wanting to be reminded of what had happened there just a short while ago. The group was silent as they got on the elevators, watching the numbers slowly rise up to level 8, the surgical floor.
Several police officers were already waiting outside of the waiting room as they stepped off the elevator. Kat led the group into the room, where a couple of styrofoam containers were on a table along with two sets of scrubs. “If you need anything, my officers will be outside. When you’re ready to talk to us, just let us know.”
“Thank you for everything. Let us get changed and get some food, then at least I’ll be ready to talk.” Kat told him before she looked at Albert, who nodded.
Officer Ramirez gave her a slight smile before stepping out of the room and closing the door behind him.
She watched Albert and Finch walk over to the food as Jack and Race hovered near her. She smiled weakly at them both before picking up a pair of scrubs and walking over to the bathroom to change. Not wanting to see the scrubs she had on ever again, she threw them into the trash before joining the men in the waiting room. As the door closed behind her, she pulled her hair down, wanting her hair to be done, instead of up in a ponytail like it normally was when she was on shift.
Jack and Race had styrofoam containers balanced on their knees as they ate. Finch and Albert were throwing theirs away.
“There’s a sandwich and mac and cheese there for you.” Jack motioned over to the table as he continued to eat.
Nodding, she sat at the table, immediately opening the mac and cheese container and eagerly eating the cheesy goodness. “Any word?”
Shakes of heads were her answer as she sighed and banged her head against the wall. She knew she should go downstairs to get hers and Spot’s stuff but she just didn’t have the energy.
Her eyes darted around the room. Apart from the eerie quietness, the people in the room were okay. She just wished she could find out what was up with Spottie and why it was taking so long. Her brain kicked into medical mode and she wondered how serious Spot’s injuries really were.
“Kat?” Jack broke her train of thoughts by softly calling her name. She raised an eyebrow at him. “The police are ready to talk to you if you are.”
Nodding, she quickly threw away her trash, grabbing a water bottle before she walked out of the room, ready to be done with the day.
Jack looked at Race who was twiddling with his hands, looking absolutely lost. “Race?”
“Yea Jack?” He asked, looking up from playing with his wedding band.
“I know it’s a stupid question but you doing okay? Do you need anything?” He asked.
Race shrugged, sighing. “I just want to lay eyes on him and make sure he’s okay. My mind keeps playing the what if game and it won’t stop until I can see him.”
“Do you want me to have momma bring up the girls?” Jack asked, knowing Kat would want to see Addie sooner rather than later.
Race was torn. On the one hand, it would be good to hold Mack until he knew about Spot; on the other, the little girl would want to explore the unfamiliar place and Race didn’t know if he could be patient with her as his nerves were already frayed. “As much as I would love to say yes, she’s better off with momma at the house.”
Jack nodded. “Do you want to play cards?”
Race loved his brother but he could slug him at the moment. He understood what Jack was trying to do but he just wanted to know how the hell Spot was doing. “No Jack. I’m fine. Just anxious to hear how Spot’s doing.”
Silence fell over the room as Race began to day dream. He thought back to earlier that morning. Did he even say he loved Spot as he said goodbye to him? Did he say have a good day or that he’d text him later? Race let his head fall backwards as it collided with the wall. Tears crowded his eyes at the lack of updates and knowledge of what the hell was going on.
Race wasn’t going to lie. It was painful to see Jack and Kat along with Albert and Finch reunite as he sat there awaiting the news of his husband. Race just prayed to whoever that Spot was okay and he would be back by his side soon.
His eyes met the clock on the wall. 1:35. Just over two hours since he heard the news about an active shooter at the hospital and his heart damn near stopped.
Pulling out his phone, he noticed there was a 40 in the top corner of his messages. People had been contacting him to find out if Spot was working and if he was okay. Race just didn’t have the heart to reply to any of them. The only one he opened was from momma as she had sent a photo of Kenzie sleeping. He smiled slightly before locking his phone and putting it back in his pocket.
The opening of the door caught his attention as a nurse slipped through. “I’m Maeve. Is this the family of Sean Conlon?”
Nodding, Race looked at the young nurse with a pleading look. “I’m his husband. Is he out of surgery?”
“I was in the operating room. The doctor is just finishing up surgery and will be in shortly.” Maeve tight lipped smiled at them.
Race cleared his throat. “Is he okay?”
“I’m sorry but the doctor will be out shortly.” She apologized as she slipped out of the room.
Jack stood, stretching his back. “I’ll go let Kat know. Anyone need anything?”
Everyone shook their heads, watching him leave the room. Race tapped his feet, a renewed energy knowing that soon he’d have some answers and maybe he could see Spot sooner rather than later.
Kat joined Jack as they came back into the room. Before she took a seat, she held something out to Race. “I had the police collect his belongings from downstairs. He has quite a lot of missed calls and texts.”
Race accepted the phone and Spot’s canvas bag with a nod. He didn’t go through it, and merely pocketed the phone. “How was your talk with the police?”
“Okay. They just wanted to make sure they had all their ducks in a row. They’re going to want to talk to Spot and you, Albert.” She directed her last words to him as he nodded, fingers laced with Finch’s.
“It might be a few days before Spot’s up for it.” Race gave his sister-in-law a look.
She quickly nodded, looking at him. “The police are well aware of that fact. His doctors will have to clear it before he is able to do so. Plus he’ll have us by his side when he does talk to them.”
The door opened once more as they all looked up. “Doctor Leighton.”
“Katherine, I’m glad you’re doing okay.” He gave her a side hug as he turned to the other four. “I’m Doctor Leighton, I did Spot’s surgery.”
“This is Tony, Sean’s husband. My husband Jack. You know Albert and his husband Finch.” Kat made the introductions. “How’s Spot?”
Doctor Leighton nodded at all of them before taking a seat. “Spot’s okay. He’s in recovery at the moment. It was tough and go for a while. He had a bullet hit him on his left side. We ended up having to remove his spleen but he lost a lot of blood. We’re currently giving him blood transfusions to try to replenish what was lost.”
“Will he make a full recovery? Can he live without his spleen?” Race asked, looking between Kat and the doctor.
The doctor nodded his head. “Yes, he will make a full recovery and at this point, we don’t see any cause of concern. We’re waiting for him to wake up. And yes, he will be fine to live without his spleen.”
“What are your concerns for him in the next 48 hours?” Kat asked, as Race was glad she asked because he didn’t know what else to ask.
Dr. Leighton sighed. “You know the concerns, Katherine. Since the spleen is so instrumental in fighting infections, I’m a bit more concerned with him catching infections going forward. He will need to make sure he’s up to date on all of his vaccines after he’s discharged.”
“So I should be more concerned when he comes down with a cold?” Race piped up as the doctor nodded.
Kat nodded. “Yes, especially in the next year as his immune system adjusts.”
“When can we see him?” Race asked, his toes tapping anxiously, just wanting to lay eyes on his husband.
Dr. Leighton looked at Race, smiling softly. “Give us about 20 minutes to get him moved to a room then you can see him.”
“Thank you Dr. Leighton.” Kat stood, shaking his hand as the rest of them did the same. He gave them a tight smile before he left them alone.
“Well he was helpful.” Race choked out as Jack Finch, and Albert both snorted.
Kat shook her head. “He’s a brilliant surgeon but he’s got little bedside manner. I’d request him in a heartbeat, a thousand times over some of the surgeons in this hospital.”
Race nodded, trusting her 1000% with anything medical related. Standing up, he started pacing, just wanting the time to go by fast so he could see Spot. “Race?”
He stopped, looking at Kat who softly called his name. “Do you need anything?”
“Just to see my damn husband.” Race sighed. “Sorry but I can’t think of anything else until I lay eyes on him.”
Kat nodded, as she couldn’t imagine if that was Jack in surgery and wanting to see him to make sure he was okay. “You heard Dr. Leighton, Race. He’s okay but I understand your frustration. Do you want us to hang back when you first see him?”
“Do you mind?” Race asked, his voice small, not wanting to give away how scared he truly was.
She stood, pulling him into a hug, running her hand up and down his back. “Of course not. You should be the first to see him. We’ll hang around while you go to visit him. Al still needs to talk to the police so he can do that while you go see him.”
The door opened and the nurse from earlier stood there. “We’ve got him settled into his room. We still have him sedated but you can go ahead and see him.”
Kat nudged Race. “Go see our boy and give him our love. We’ll hang back and see him later, alright?”
Nodding, Race hesitantly stepped forward as he followed the nurse down the hall to a room in the corner. “I’ll be right at the nurse’s desk in case you need anything.”
She propped open the door as he silently walked inside. There were two IVs, one going in each hand, one fluid of clear liquid, the other full of blood. He stood at the foot of the bed, looking at the step up, two chairs, one on each side of the bed, along with a table and two chairs off in the corner. Stepping around the bed, he sat in one of the chairs, and being careful of the IV, lacing his hand with Spot’s.
“Hey Spot.” He whispered, torn between waking him up and letting him sleep. Race had always loved watching his husband sleep, due to the fact when he was awake, he was never still. Spot was always moving around, unable to really settle unless he was sick or sleepy. “I heard through the grapevine that you’re some kind of hero. You saved a lot of people today, Spottie.”
Time, Spot only needed time. Time to heal, time to recover, time to wake up. “I know you want to sleep but I really want to see your pretty brown eyes. It’s been a pretty rough afternoon and I need to tell you I love you, because I’m not sure I actually said it this morning.”
“I’m not leaving, Spot. Wild horses couldn’t pull me away.” Race promised, squeezing his hand. “Kat, Jack, Albert, and Finch are out in the waiting room. Momma is at the house with Mack and Addie. As soon as you wake up, I’ll get her to bring the two of them up to see you.”
He continued to ramble about random things, always being told that patients could hear when they were unconscious. He didn’t want Spot to be alone and promised to fill the quiet room with his cheerful chatter.
Race held his breath, knowing that Spot would wake up with time but he wasn’t the most patient person. Squeezing his hand, he felt himself relaxing in the chair for the first time since arriving at the hospital. Race kicked his feet up onto the bed and let his head fall back to the back of the chair, listening to the constant beeping from the monitor, his eyes closing as he dozed off.
Kat’s POV
She watched Race leave the room, wanting to join him as he saw Spot but knowing Race needed some time to adjust to having Spot in the hospital bed. Standing up, she felt antsy from waiting so she paced the room as she answered texts from family and friends concerned about her.
“Kat?” Looking up from her phone, she looked over at Jack who had concern written all over his face. “You okay?”
She sighed, walking over to him and sitting beside him. “Just antsy. I’m glad Race gets to go see him but I want to check up on him as well.”
Pressing a kiss to her head, Jack nodded. “I know. Despite our rough start, Spot is like a brother to me and it’s hard when we don’t know what the next few days or even weeks will look like. But we have to go along with the doctor who seems optimistic that he’ll be alright in the long run.”
Kat reached over and laced her fingers with Jack’s. “We’ll see him soon. Let’s give Race some time with him.”
She looked at Finch and Albert and smiled sadly at them. “You two doing okay?”
“Just hanging out until we can see him.” Albert looked as worried as she felt. “You two hanging out for the night?”
Jack shrugged, giving them a look. “Depends on what Race wants us to do. We’re kinda letting him dictate what we’re doing. I just checked in with momma and she said the girls are down for their afternoon naps.”
She didn’t get a chance to answer as the door opened slowly as an older man poked his head in. Standing up, she weakly smiled at him as surprise was evident in her voice. “Dr. Weasley.”
“Katherine, they told me you were up here. I just wanted to check in with you, Spot, and Albert to see how you were doing.” He said as she nodded.
Motioning for him to come in, she sighed. “Spot had emergency surgery and he’s in a room down the hall. This is my husband Jack and Albert’s husband, Finch. Guys, this the director of the ER, Dr. Weasley. We’ve just been hanging out here waiting to see Spot after his surgery.”
Dr. Weasley nodded. “I heard that he had to have his spleen removed - he’s a tough nut and will be okay. I’ve come to tell you that you and Albert have the next week off. There will be a check-in before you’re allowed back into the hospital, per guidelines. As for Spot, we’ll take it day by day with him and when he’s cleared to return.”
“Is there anything we need to do in the meantime?” Albert came by Kat’s side as he was curious what the requirement was going to consist of.
Dr. Weasley smiled at them. “You’ll both need to see one of the hospital’s trauma specialists before you’re released to come back. You will also need to take the mandatory 5 days off before you step back in here.”
“How long will the ER be shut down for?” Kat asked, knowing it was only one of three emergency rooms within the city.
Dr. Weasley shook his head. “It’s going to be shut down for tonight but obviously the hospital doesn’t want it down for too long. They’re hoping to have it back up and running tomorrow morning.”
Frowning, Kat shook her head. “It doesn’t seem right. There were people killed in that ER earlier today and tomorrow it’s back to business like their lives don’t even matter.”
“I agree with you Plums but you know how the head honchos are.” Dr. Weasley agreed as he shook his head.
She rolled her eyes with a sigh. “It’s just not right. But I make pennies compared to them and I know nothing.”
“Keep up that attitude Plums and you’ll be alright.” He smiled, looking between her and Albert. “Do either of you need anything?”
Albert shook his head with a smirk. “Million bucks, new scrubs, better hospital food?”
“Noted but not sure what I can pull out of my magic hat.” Dr. Weasley looked between the two of them with a shake of his head. “You have my number if you need anything. I’m glad you two are okay.”
Watching him leave, Kat shook her head as the door shut gently behind him. “That was nice of him to check up on us.”
“You know it was because we’re not down at the ER with the rest of the staff.” Albert told her with sarcasm laced in his voice. “He knew it would’ve gotten around the ER if he didn’t come check up on us and Spot.”
Kat nodded. “True. I’m going to check up on Race. You guys staying here?”
Albert agreed while Finch and Jack stayed behind, letting the two of them go. Her shoes squeaked as she walked down the hallway. Pushing open the door, her shoulders immediately relaxed as she took in Spot’s appearance in the bed. A noise drew her attention away from Spot and to the chair beside him where Race was snoring away.
Stepping up to the bed, she looked Spot over as his quiet breathes matched Race’s deep snores. Albert shook his head as he reached up to wipe his eyes before taking Katherine’s hand and squeezing it. “He looks better than I thought he would.”
“What did you imagine?” Kat asked, looking over at him with a smirk.
Albert shrugged. “Bruises, black eyed, ruggedness. You know, someone who just got into a fight but he actually just looks normal.”
“Excuse you, I’m ruggedly handsome.” A voice drew their attention from each other to the bed. A smirk was on Spot’s face as he looked at two friends.
Kat’s eyes immediately watered with tears as she looked at him. “Spot.”
“I’m sore . . . what happened?” He asked as he tried to move but felt instant pain.
Albert stepped up, giving him a look. “You had surgery. They removed your spleen due to a bullet. You fainted in the ER just after the police came to take the gunman away. Race was really worried about you and had been in here for about 20 minutes before he must’ve fallen asleep.”
“Is that what that train sound is?” Spot asked, craning his head to look over to Race, who quietly snored away.
“Yes. He’s been worried sick about you.” Kat smiled. “Do you want me to wake him up?”
Spot shook his head. “Nah, let him sleep. Who’s got Kenzie?”
“Momma’s got her and Addie. Last we knew, they were taking their afternoon naps. Jack, Race, and Finch have been here most of the afternoon. They watched Albert run out.” Kat explained.
Spot nodded, as he bit his lip as a wave of pain coursed through his side. “Anyone killed?”
“Two nurses and an orderly.” Kat frowned. “But thanks to you, no one else was killed. There’s a few injuries but you saved a lot of people, Spot, including Nicole and her daughter.”
Spot shook his head. “I about died when you texted me that you were in the room with them. I knew I had to draw him away from the door in order for you to escape.”
“I’m thankful that you did but I almost passed out when I saw you slugging him.” Kat shook her head. “You’re an idiot Sean but I do love you.”
“Love you too Kat.” He reached over and squeezed her hand. “Do you want to go get Jack and Finch? I don’t know how much longer I’ll be awake.”
Albert rushed from the room, leaving Kat and Spot alone with the sleeping Race. “He doing okay?”
“Worried about you but he’s been alright.” She smiled. “He has your phone but hasn’t done anything with it. I got your stuff from downstairs.”
Spot nodded. “Thank you, Kat for everything. Any idea how long I’m in here for?”
“Dr. Leighton didn’t say but I’m sure he’ll be around to see you later.” Kat shrugged. “I’m guessing in a few days you'll be released. Albert and I are on mandatory leave for the next week and we have to see one of the trauma specialists before we’re allowed back in the ER.”
Spot didn’t say anything as the door was opened as Jack and Finch stepped into the room with Albert behind them. Kat stepped back, letting the two talk with him. Albert came over and wrapped his arm around her. “Counting your blessings?”
“Something like that.” She smiled, laying her head on his shoulder. “Just really glad my family is okay. Really glad my closest coworkers are alright. Sad that we lost some good people but happy that everyone else is okay.”
Albert shook his head. “Love you Kat.”
“Love you too Albie.” She squeezed his shoulder. “Are you and Finch heading home?”
Nodding, Albert sighed. “I just want to go home and put today out of my mind. I have a feeling we’re in for a few rough days.”
“Agreed. We’ll be around if you need someone to talk to.” She smiled. “I’m only a phone call away, okay?”
He nodded, a ragged sigh left his mouth. He watched Jack and Finch joke with Spot as he started to doze off. Once he was asleep, Finch and Albert made their way out, leaving Kat and Jack with Race and Spot.
“What do you want to do? I’m sure you could use a shower and some Addie cuddles.” Jack suggested as he looked between the two sleeping men in the room.
Kat stretched, a groan escaping her mouth. “You’re probably right but I just don’t feel right just walking away after everything we’ve been through this afternoon.”
“Kat, you’re not walking away.” Jack gave her a look. “How about I take you home, you can shower, cuddle Addie, then we can come back up here and bring them food? Does that sound like a plan?”
Nodding, she pushed off the way, pressing a kiss to both Spot and Race’s foreheads before walking out of the room, hand laced with Jack’s.
An Hour Later
The rustling of bedsheets was the sound he heard as he slowly woke up. Cracking open his eyes, it took a minute to figure out where he was. The hospital, active shooter, Spot surgery all came rushing back to him.
Sitting up in the uncomfortable chair, he cracked his back as he looked at the bed. The most beautiful sight he had seen was staring back at him. Spot, with a smirk on his face, and eyes opened as he stared at Race. “Hi.”
“After all this time and scaring the literal shit out of me, all you can say is hi.” Race was out of the chair and sitting on the side of the bed smirking. “Hi yourself. How are you feeling?”
Spot grimaced. “Sore, really sore. But other than that, okay. Kat and Albie filled me in on everything that had happened when they were here earlier.”
“You were awake and they didn’t wake me up?” Race frowned, giving Spot a look.
Squeezing their linked hands, Spot looked Race in the eyes. “I asked them not to as you were in a deep sleep. I’m sorry I didn’t wake you but I needed to know what had happened.”
“You doing okay, Spottie?” Race asked, worry in his voice.
Spot sighed loudly. “To be honest, I don’t know how I feel. I’m angry that someone interrupted the safe space the ER was. I’m upset that I lost coworkers. But I think I’m mostly grateful that Albie and Kat are both okay and safe.”
Leaning forward, Race captured Spot’s lips in a kiss. “I love you and it’s completely okay that you’re not okay. There were a lot of emotions involved in today but I’ll be here for you as we go through the next couple of days, weeks, and months. Kat and Al aren’t going anywhere and they’ll be here for you, when I can’t.”
“Love you, Racer.” Spot smiled slightly. “Also, you did tell me that earlier this morning before I left the house.”
A light blush raised on Race’s cheeks. “You heard me?”
“Yeah . . . but it was a big foggy so I couldn’t actually tell if you said that or if it was my mind playing tricks on me.” Squeezing his hand, Spot sighed. “I kept kicking myself that I didn’t have my phone on me. I only wanted to get you a message that I was okay and that I loved you. I’m just glad I have the opportunity to tell you that now.”
“Love you Spottie.”
“Love you too Racer.”
Later that Evening
He found himself sitting up in bed, a course of antibiotics and pain medication surging through his body. He was happily slurping on a strawberry milkshake while Race was cracking jokes with Jack. Kat was watching her husband and Race with an amused smile on her face. A few of their coworkers had stopped by to check up on them both, not staying long but to say their thanks to Spot for being a hero.
“You okay, Plums?” He asked over the crackle of Race’s laughter at something Jack had just told him.
Looking up from her fast food chicken nuggets, she smiled. “I’m fine. I got to cuddle Addie and Kenzie, take a shower, and pet Basil for a little bit. I had a good cry in the shower.”
“Promise me, you’ll text if you need anything?” Spot gave her a look, knowing full well that she was just as likely as him to keep things bottled up.
Nodding, she smiled. “Of course. I’ve been made to promise by Jack, Albert, Race, and now you. I scheduled my appointment for the trauma specialist for next week.”
“Good. I’m proud of you for scheduling it out already.” Spot said, giving her a look that he knew what she was thinking.
She couldn’t say another word as there was a knock on the door. Kat raised an eyebrow to Spot, silently asking if he knew who it could be. He shook his head, as she got up and answered the door. She smiled at the guests as she reached out and grabbed Addie. She pushed open the door as Momma walked in, Kenzie in her arms.
“Momma!” Spot sat up and grinned despite the pain on his side. Race stood, taking Kenzie from her arms before kissing her cheek loudly. “What are you doing here?”
“Thought it might be a good idea for you two to see your daughter. Addie is just along for the ride, though I thought her parents could see her too.” Medda grinned, watching Jack take Addie from Kat’s arms. “Besides, I wanted to check up on you to make sure you were okay.”
Spot grinned at the woman who had been the replacement momma in his life. Ever since he and Race started dating, Medda had taken him in as one of her own. “Doing alright momma. Will be laid up for a little bit as I recover but I’ll be just fine in the long run.”
“Good.” She patted his foot. “You make sure that son of mine takes care of you, waits on you hand and foot.”
Race, cuddling Kenzie, looked up at his mother with an insulted look. “Hey! As if I wouldn’t wait on him hand and foot! I take offense to that.”
Laughter sounded around the room as Medda shook her head. “I’m just thankful you, Spot, and Katherine are okay. I checked in with Albert and Finch earlier and they’re doing as well as could be expected. I’m just glad all my babies are okay and here with us tonight.”
Kat looked around the room, locking eyes with each of the people in it, giving them a smile. “I’m glad today is almost done and tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow we start to move on from today and though we'll never forget, we will start to move on.”
Kat and Spot locked eyes. Though they had always been close since college, it seemed their bond had dug a little deeper. And she smiled, there was no one she’d rather have in her corner than Spot Conlon, as he would always have her back, just like she always would have his.
Feedback would be wonderful and I'd love to hear your thoughts!
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imposterellie · 4 years
Imprisonment - Febuwhump Day 3
Peter doesn't know where he is, or why his powers aren't working; all he knows is that he's desperately hungry, and that Tony doesn't know he's missing.
Will he be found in time?
**TW - violence, swearing, description of vomiting, pain infliction, food being withheld from characters, passing out, panic attacks**
The air was bitingly cold as Peter swung among the streets in Queens. This patrol had been quiet, and he’d spent most of it sat on the rooftops, trying his best to keep himself warm. Even with the built-in heating system in his spiderman suit, it was still bitter outside, and he was beginning to consider calling it a night. He harboured too much guilt to go inside sooner than was absolutely necessary; what if he woke up and there was a story on the news about someone who had been robbed and he wasn’t there to prevent it! So no, he would brave the weather until he could barely feel his fingers, just so that it was still safe to swing home.
He sighed in relief, upon deciding it was best that he went home, and leapt off the side of the building he’d landed on 20 minutes earlier. He swung towards his apartment building, looking forward to getting out of his suit and snuggling up in his bed. It was the weekend so he could have a nice lie-in in the morning whilst he let May sleep in from her night shift. Peter was invested in the thought of a hot shower and his cosy bed, so invested that he didn’t pay attention to his spidey senses. He didn’t notice the drone until it was far too late. By the time he realised something was wrong, the drone had fired a shot of electricity at him that was specific to his suit and powerful enough that it short circuited the systems. He lost control of the web shooters and dropped like a stone. Plummeting towards the ground, Peter tried everything to get Karen back online but to no avail. He hadn’t been too high off the ground when he was shot but he hit the street head-first and it was enough to knock him out.
Peter woke slowly, his head throbbing fiercely. He groaned, thinking his enhanced healing would take care of it soon enough, before realising with a jolt that he was not at home as he had expected to be. The room felt wrong, even laid down with his eyes closed, he felt off balance somehow. He fought past the pain in his head to open his eyes carefully and was surprised when his vision was blurry. He squinted and tried again but his sight didn’t change. He couldn’t see anything clearly much further than a metre away. It was like his sight before he had been bitten by the spider.
“What the…?” He mumbled to himself, confused, and becoming a little worried. It was then that Peter came to a little bit more and realised his wrists were restrained. But it was weird, the cuffs didn’t feel like the ones he was usually tied up with (he’d think about being concerned how normal being tied up was once he was out of the situation). He spent a few minutes messing around with them, seeing if they had any mechanism, he could use to get out of them but he had no luck. They were staying on until he was let out of them. He felt that they were digging painfully into his wrists, so he shifted to try and dislodge them, but a bright flash of white, hot pain seared in his head. He paused to let the pain subside, breathing heavily. The second he halted his movements, the pain stopped.
“Ah shit.” Peter whispered as it dawned on him just what the cuffs were doing to him. Somehow, someone had figured out a way to dampen his abilities and had practically reverted him back to his pre-bite self. Ah shit indeed. This was not an ideal situation at all. Especially as he remembered the massive hit to the head he’d gotten which he was very, very aware was not healing itself.
He sat up gingerly, careful not to worsen his headache, and took a look around him. The lack of windows and only a bed, toilet, and iron bars in the room indicated to him that he was very clearly in a cell. Where though, he had no idea. He also had no idea why. From what he could remember, he hadn’t pissed off any bad guys recently so he couldn’t fathom why anyone would have cause to kidnap him. And yet, here he was.
Peter spent what he assumed was a few hours just sitting there, waiting for someone to come into his cell and start torturing him or something but no one did. He just sat there, wallowing in self-pity and boredom. After the first few hours he realised just how desperately hungry he was. And yet no one came.
At one point, he tried to bend the bars, but with his power dampened it barely even creaked. He was well and truly stuck. And no one was coming for him.
He lost track of time. What could have been days was merely hours. The lack of sunlight to track the time meant he just had to sit there, getting hungrier, thirstier and more frustrated as the time went on. He tried to yell out, but his voice just became hoarse without a drink to keep him hydrated, it also made his headache worse as his voice echoed around the small chamber. Without his enhanced eyesight, Peter didn’t see the camera in the darkness. It was in the corner of the chamber outside his cell, just recording consistently and that recording was being streamed directly to a phone. It was a good thing Peter didn’t know about the camera because if he knew who the footage was going to, he’d want out faster.
Tony Stark was sat in his lab tinkering away at one of his newest inventions. It was 6am and he had not yet ventured to bed. Pepper would be furious, but he was so excited to show Peter, that he couldn’t possibly sleep until it was done. The hours following passed by quickly, Tony periodically checked the clock and ate food every so often before finally stopping at around 4:30. It was Friday, the day Peter came up to the compound to spend the weekend with Tony. As much as tony wouldn’t admit it, he counted down the days until Peter would be coming over. He loved that kid as if he was his own, but again, would never tell him that.
There had been radio silence from Peter the past few days but that wasn’t concerning, Pete’s finals were coming up and Tony knew he would be busy so just sent a quick check-up text and left it at that. The next two hours dragged by slowly and Tony began worrying. Peter was often late but he’d usually text to let him know. Nothing. Until FRIDAY said,
“Sir, there is an incoming video call from an unknown number. Would you like me to answer it?”
Tony felt his stomach drop. Usually that meant Peter was injured or in hospital or something. He knew he should better answer it in case it was the kid’s friend Ted. Ned.
“Yeah, patch it through to the tablet.” Tony said as he picked his iPad up off the table, preparing himself for the worst.
“Already done sir”
The image that came through was worse than the worst that Tony could’ve possibly prepared himself for. It was video footage of Peter, trying to yank apart the bars of a cell he was in, yelling. Tony turned to the side of the desk and vomited straight into his bin. Peter looked awful, malnourished, bruised, and he was squinting as though he either couldn’t see or had a horrendous headache. Why couldn’t Peter get out of the cell? He had superstrength, Tony couldn’t help but wonder what was going on. It took Tony a minute of staring due to the grainy footage to notice the cuffs around Peter’s wrists. They were menacing looking things, causing blood to trickle down his arms if he moved and Tony immediately realised they were dampening Peter’s abilities. He vomited again.
“FRIDAY?” He said quietly. “Can you trace the IP of the stream?”
There was a moment of silence.
“I’m sorry sir, the IP has been heavily encrypted. I cannot get through.” Tony wracked his brain, trying to come up with another way to find the kid.
“See if you can find locations in a 30-mile radius that fit the specs from the stream. Anything with basements that are in a quiet area where no people walking past would hear a kid shouting. And do it quickly.” Tony stood, clutching the tablet in his hand. He brought up a large hologram map of the area, watching as FRIDAY indicated locations that matched the description.
“Sir, there are 5 possible locations that Peter could be. I’ve also scanned his condition and it appears as though his metabolism is still intact, despite his main powers being dampened. There is no evidence that this video is live so there’s a high possibility that Peter will be very dehydrated and malnourished when he is found.”  Tony paid very little attention to the information his AI was presenting him with. His logical brain had shut down, panic starting to take over. He retrieved his phone from the desk and tapped on the speed dial. The phone rang several times before someone picked up.
“May.” Tony sighed a little in relief to hear her voice.
“What’s the matter? Has something happened to Peter? Do I need to come and get him?” May asked, suddenly frantic. Tony was confused, it sounded like May already knew Peter was in danger.
“May, where is Peter? Is he at home?”
“No. He left a note saying he was spending the next past few days with you. Has he not been at the compound?” May panicked further, “What’s going on?”
Tony settled himself, knowing that if he panicked too it would only make things worse.
“I think you should come over here as soon as you can, that note wasn’t from Peter. He’s in trouble.”
FRIDAY barely had time to announce May’s presence when she burst in through the doors. She looked a mess. It was clear she had just finished a long shift and she’d spent a lot of the drive over crying, due to the tear tracks staining her face. Tony met her in the communal room, it was a slightly more welcoming environment than the entrance lobby.
“Where’s my nephew?” She demanded as soon as she saw Tony. Tony didn’t say a word, just pulled up the footage that had burned itself into his memory. When it finished, May’s face was grey.
“Oh god.”
“I know, we’ve narrowed down the places he might be and I’m getting the team together to go looking for him right now.”
“He looks so ill.” May’s hand covered her mouth, she was swaying on her feet so Tony took her arm and guided her gently to a seat. He crouched down in front of her, meeting her eyes and grasping her hands in his.
“I promise I will find him May, whatever it takes. I’ll find him and I’ll fix this mess.” She nodded blankly and stared into space, as if she had lost the ability to function in her grief. Tony’s phone rang, the name ‘Steve’ popping up on the screen. He took one long look at May before leaving the room and answering.
Time was nothing anymore. Nothing but pain filled his senses. He could barely breathe without pain in his head, in his chest, in his everything. He’d been tortured before, sure. But this was a whole different level. He’d never been starved before and he’d decided very quickly that he never wanted it to happen ever again. Peter had no energy at all. His injuries weren’t healing and he could barely keep his eyes open. He’d given up shouting for help what felt like years ago.
His throat was dry and every time he swallowed, it felt like knives raking down into his lungs. Is this what it felt like to die? Alone and hungry in a tiny cell, drifting in and out of consciousness with nothing but the ever-present darkness as company.
He closed his eyes as the pounding in his head grew louder. He just wanted it all to go away.
“Tony. ‘m sorry.” He mumbled, letting himself finally start to drift off.
“No you don’t kid, we’re gonna get you out of here.”
They had found him. It took the whole team and several breakdowns from Tony to pinpoint Peter's exact location. They fought the guards enough for Tony to get through and find Peter. The rest of his team were upstairs, dispatching the culprits. He got to work lasering through the bars with his suit.
“Ben?” Peter whispered, “Tha- you?”
“No kid, it’s Tony. You’re not dead, not if I have anything to do with it.” Tony felt his heart shatter, he knew they were running out of time. His lasers were struggling to get through the cell bars; It was very slow progress but it was working.
“Good.” Peter smiled softly, “knew you’d come for me.”
Tony spoke past the thick lump in his throat, “Always Underoos. Always.”
Peter didn’t respond, he’d finally passed out.
“We’ve dispatched all the guys upstairs; Nat is interrogating the ones who are still alive now.” Steve spoke from behind Tony.
“Good.” Tony replied grunting with the effort of keeping the lasers steady, he was almost through the thick metal, almost had his kid back in his arms. The metal split with a groan and Tony leapt into action, attempting to yank the bars apart where they’d been split. He kicked it hard in frustration when it refused to budge, even with the suit’s extra strength.
“Here. Here Tony, we’ll do it together.” Steve interrupted before tony injured himself. He positioned himself on the other side of the bars to Tony and braced himself to pull them apart. “Ready?” Tony nodded, barely concentrating but a new set of determination in his eyes. “Pull!”
The bars groaned as they bent apart, Steve’s muscles straining. They reached a point where Tony could exit his suit and squeeze through the gap. He rushed straight to Peter’s side. The boy was out cold, thin and shivering. Tony bundled him into his arms and squeezed straight out of the cell, dashing up towards the Quinjet. Steve was covering his back as they ran through the building, though there were no men left to fight. Their shouts could be heard throughout the area as Nat went to work extracting information. Tony had no idea what they were doing to them, and quite honestly, he didn’t want to know.
They reached the aircraft in record time. They could’ve flown home in Tony’s suit but Peter’s condition was too severe. A medical team met them on the ship, Bruce Banner at its lead, as they took Peter from Tony’s arms and got straight to work.
They took off immediately. Tony collapsed against the wall, sliding down onto the floor. He felt the panic rise up in his chest, the fear a tight ball in his lungs. His breath became sporadic and short as his vision became fuzzy. His jumped as a hand rested gently on his shoulder.
“Breathe Tony.” Steve said quietly, crouched down in front of the man. “They’re looking after him, he’s safe.” Tony continued to hyperventilate.
“Tony.” Steve said more forcefully, “look at me.” Tony managed to look at him, his vision still blurry but he focused on Steve’s face. “I need you to breathe with me, I’ll show you look, breathe with me.”
Steve started to breathe loudly and steadily, focusing on Tony’s chest. His breathing slowly started to even out as his panic subsided. They sat in silence for several minutes, both using each other’s company to combat the fear.
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ressyfaerie · 3 years
For the Bryan/Mariah I was thinking like a cute date sort of thing. Like they go for coffee or get ice cream in the park and walk. Like he's not sure why people do these things but he was told this is the type of things you do with a girl you like. Hope that helps! So excited
This sounds SO CUTE. I have been thinking about this for a few days… and I think you’re going to enjoy this :) Anyways, it’s 2AM here, and I sorta ship them now lmao.
“It’s the end of the tournament, and you’re springing this one me now?” Tala sighed. 
Bryan knew he shouldn’t have said anything to his team captain, but he was desperate, after all, in a few weeks, he wouldn’t be able to see her again. 
“Y- Yeah, it has to be now. Because soon- I won’t be able to see her.” 
Tala raised an eyebrow, “she better not be one of the girls from the competition.”
Bryan didn’t make eye contact, Tala rolled his eyes, “Seriously?” 
Bryan nodded. 
“Well then? Spit it out.” 
Bryan looked at him quizzically.
“Who is it?” Turns out, Tala is a bit of a gossip queen. 
“I’m not telling you.” Bryan put up his defense, the truth was, he really wanted him to know, he needed advice. Bryan had no clue how to deal with a crush. 
“There’s only so many girls in the tournament I can easily guess.” 
Bryan rolled his eyes. 
“Are you nuts?” Bryan smirked. 
“J- Julia?” 
“Naw man, plus I know you think she’s hot-”
Bryan was surprised to see Tala blush a bit, Tala shook his head and continued.
“Not a girl-”
“Oh, right.” 
“Oh.” Tala’s eyes grew wide, “Don’t tell me- Miriah?” 
Bryan felt his face heat up in red hot waves. 
“Oh my god, Bryan.” Tala began to laugh, “you know, Ray will be pissed.” 
“I know-”
Tala kept laughing.
“What!?” Bryan asked aggressively. 
“I didn’t know you were into big titty catgirls.” 
“Shut up- it's not like that- I actually do like her. I don’t just think she’s pretty. 
“Really?” Tala was taken back, his friend’s first real crush, it was hilarious, but strangely- cute. 
“Yes! So what do I do?” Bryan begged for answers, when it came to the realm of love, he was completely lost. 
“You think I know about girls?” Tala scoffed, “me?” 
Bryan shrugged.
“I don’t know Bryan. Just ask her out, what do girls like? Coffee? Movies? Dinner? She seems like she would like those.” 
“Not a bad idea… I’ve seen her drink… Tea.” 
“Do it, ask her out.”
Bryan knew the best time to ask her out would be after her practice with the white tigers. She always stayed a bit longer to practice and clean up, so she left alone. 
He approached her confidently, with a note Tala told him to bring in his hand. 
“Um.” He walked up to her adjusting his collar. 
Miriah turned her pink-haired head to stare at him, she blinked, “Um, can I help you?” 
“Hi, it’s me, Bryan- um” His face started to flush, he was really out of his comfort zone. 
“I know who you are Bryan,” she smiled. 
Her pretty smile just made him more nervous, his eyes darted side to side, “Uh, do you think, you would be interested in an- arrangement- I mean.” 
He held the note tighter. 
She put her hands on her hips, “what kind of arrangement?” 
“Um- Coffee- and a movie? Kind-of-Arrangement..” 
Miriah gave him a surprised expression, he got nervous, suddenly he felt the overwhelming fear of possible rejection. 
“Ugh- here!” He threw the note towards her, she grabbed it suddenly. 
“Bryan?” She asked, but he had already started running away from her. 
He was gone, and she was left holding a note. She opened it, it had directions to a coffee place and a time. 
The next day Bryan wore his nicest casual pair of clothes he had. He waited in front of the coffee place. He was positive she would be a no-show, but she showed up, five minutes early, in a summer dress, with her hair tied up. 
“Hello, Bryan!” She grinned standing in front of him. 
The sun shone down and reflected off her pink hair. He was baffled by her beauty, that was of course, not the only reason he liked her. Her personality was great, he saw her battle, and he admired her courage and determination- 
“Bryan?” She looked up into his eyes to try to kick him out of his daze. 
“Huh? Oh, um- Hi.” 
She blinked a few times, but still wore her playful expression. 
“Do you want- a drink? I’ll buy it for you.” Bryan accidentally sounded overly friendly, but she didn’t seem to mind.
Inside the coffee shop, it was pretty busy, they had to stand close to each other to fit in line. Bryan could smell a dash of sweet perfume when he got close to her, or maybe it was her shampoo? Would it be weird to ask? 
“What are you getting Bryan?” He was much taller than her, it was especially noticeable when they stood this close. 
He stared down at her, “Um- I’m not sure. What are you getting?” 
“It’s hot- I think I’ll get a cold drink. I’m going to get a tea-lemonade.” 
“Tea-lemonade, that is so cute.”
And he realized he said that out loud. 
“Really, you think it’s cute?” She teased him.
He blushed, his mind swirled, was she really… Teasing him right now? 
“Are you getting coffee? Or something sweet?” 
“Coffee?” By a miracle, he managed to use words, only one, but it was a start. 
“Cold? Or hot?”
“Cold?” He guessed.
“Do you want me to order for you?” 
He nodded. 
She ordered for him, he handed her some cash from his wallet. He worried maybe he wasn’t being assertive enough, but to be honest, he kind of liked her taking control. 
They walked along a beach boardwalk sipping on their drinks. Bryan became aware that he didn’t like coffee as much as he thought he did. He kept drinking it because she ordered it for him, and he loved that. 
“Did you want to see that movie you mentioned?” She asked while rearranging the straw in her drink. 
“Yeah, of course.”
When they got there, Miriah looked at the cheesy romance movie that was advertised. 
“Are you sure you want to see a movie like this?” Her face kind of scrunched up. 
“Don’t girls like movies like this?” He was worried, did he make a bad choice?
“Hmmm, I do, but I’d rather we do something we would both enjoy… I saw an arcade on the way here?”
Bryan grinned, his kind of girl, “That’s not a bad idea.” 
At the arcade he got a bunch of change and gave her a handful, when he dropped it in her open palm, he touched her fingers with his, this sent a shock through his body, he tried to play it off. 
“What kind of games do you want to play?” 
She thought for a moment, “You’re good with guns right? Can you show me a shooter?” 
“You want to watch me play a shooting game?” He didn’t understand. 
“Yeah!” She clapped her hands together with glee, “Can you show me how?” 
Bryan had guided her to some kind of zombie shooting game. He put some change in the machine and picked up the fake gun. 
“This is easy to use, you see the guides?” 
She tried to angle herself so she could see over his shoulder, “Not really…” She admitted. 
“I guess your angle is off… Um- here.” 
He held out the gun to her, she hopped on the small stage and accepted it. He was close enough to smell her sweet scent again, this time mixed with tea-lemonade. 
“Okay, hold this part to your shoulder, and now look through these two holes- you need to line them up- there,” he stood back a bit, he watched her form, “perfect.” 
“You think so? I’m still not sure how to line up the holes…” 
“Here…” He leaned into her, he reached for her hands, she nodded to say it was alright. He places his hands on hers and leaned his head on her shoulder, “like… This.”
“Oh! I get it. Thank you.” 
He was jealous, she didn’t even stutter, she was so confident, he felt so small. He needed to show her he could be confident too. 
He stayed in the position he was in, he didn’t want to move, he wanted to stay like this. He could feel the sleeve of her dress against his cheek, he savoured every moment. 
Then he felt her whole body move, she had started shooting, and he was thrown away from her. 
“Sorry, Bryan! These zombies just started appearing!” 
He laughed, his kind of girl. 
They played different games for hours. Until they were comfortable making casual conversation, and the arcade started to die down. No one was around this secluded corner. 
“Oh my god, DDR!” 
“That dancing game?” 
“Can we play?” She sounded so excited, she was already putting coins into the machine. 
“Dancing? Me? That stage is so small, I’m afraid I’ll break it.” 
“You’ll be fine,” she leaned over the bars, matching his height. Her hair was now undone and dangled over her shoulders, her face was uncomfortably close to his. 
“Okay, I will. You’ve convinced me.” 
“Yay!” She squealed, and put more coins into the machine. 
Bryan stepped onto the adjacent side of the stage, the old metal squeaked a bit under his weight. He knew how to play, the rules were simple, but he wasn't prepared. 
When the arrows came down Miriah moved expertly, he was more like an elephant lost in a thrift store. 
“Ah!” He complained, but she just giggled. 
He joined in laughing with her, until he lost his balance.
“Bryan!” She held out her arms helping him regain his posture, but she was- holding him. 
 The light from the machine illuminated the arcade, the announcer kept yelling about their low score, but they didn’t move. He got himself upright, but they still held each other’s arms.
“Why did you ask me out Bryan?” She asked just above a whisper. 
“I think- I think you're remarkable.” He admitted and managed to keep eye contact with her. “I think- you’re really cool.” He grinned. “What do you think about me?” 
Miriah gently pulled a hand away from his grip, she let it fall down his cheek. The feeling was foreign, and he felt his body melt in euphoria. 
“At first I thought you were just another angry demolition boy- but- After today.” She let her thumb glide down to his chin, just barely grazing his lower lip. “I think you’re really cool too.” 
He let out a singular laugh, air got caught in his throat, he decided to go for it before he made himself overthink. 
He leaned into her, angling his head just a bit, so their lips touched. 
He wasn’t sure exactly how to do it- but it felt nice. They pulled apart for a moment, he angled his head a different way, and they did it again. 
She giggled, “You have really soft lips actually…” 
“Actually? How dare you-” He teased her, bending down to do it again
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I Love You
Pairing: Mark Sloan x Reader
Summary/Request: Mark and Reader have been very close friends, but he realizes that he wants more after she is shot during the shooting. (We’re gonna pretend that Mark and Lexie were never a thing) (In this one you are a Neuro fellow) (And I’m definitely changing quite a bit about what happens in the episode)
Authors Notes: This is my first fic ever... I hope you guys like it.
Trigger Warnings: Shooting, injury, cursing, blood
“Hey Callie you coming out with us for drinks tonight?” you called to your best friend.
“Who’s all going?”
“Just me and Mark so far, I thought that we could just have a nice night... you need to get your mind off of she who must not be named.”
“I don’t know...”
“It’s decided. You’re coming”
“Ugh... fine”
“Let’s go”
You and Callie finish up your charts and go to find Mark.
“Your ready to go?” you call to him after you find him at the nurses station talking to some nurse, no doubt flirting, and although you had seen him flirt with countless women tonight your stomach had a weird feeling.
Was this jealousy? No, no, Mark is your best friend... this was just being tired or something.
The three of you drive over to Joe’s where you find a table.
“I’ll get the first round,” Mark says confidently walking towards the bar.
While he’s standing there waiting for drinks you catch yourself staring at him and not listening to a word that Callie is saying.
“I’m sorry what was that?”
“Did you hear a word that I said... whatever. Who are you staring at?”
“What are you talking about?”
“You’re staring at the bar at someone, but the only person that I see is Mark,” she gasps, “(Y/N)(L/N), were you just staring at Mark?”
“What, no I wasn’t, whatever”
“Mm hmm okay...”
-The next day-
“Oh my god, Mark, I am exhausted.”
“It’s only 9 am, how are you going to survive today?”
“Yeah I have no idea-” you’re pager goes off.
“Crap, I’ve gotta go, see you later?”
“Yeah see ya, bye”
You run to the elevator to catch it before it closes, breathing a sigh of relief once you make it in. You’ve basically been running the neuro department even though you’re only a fellow, ever since Shepherd became chief of surgery you had been running the department along side Dr. Nelson, more commonly referred to as “Shadow Shepherd”, but with that came a lot more stress and running around the hospital for you.
As you get on you notice a man already on the elevator.
“Excuse me could you tell me where to find the chief”
“Dr. Shepherd? He’s uh probably in his office”
“Yeah, I’ve been to his office before, I can’t seem to remember how to get there, I keep going in circles”
“It’s in the east wing. That’s over by labs across the cat walk”
“I’m sorry that’s-”
“You just uh cross through the patient floor on three and then follow the signs to the main lobby and then you should find it no problem.”
“Thank you”
“Mmm” you say lost in your own thoughts.
As he gets off of the elevator, he turns to you and says, “have a nice day”
“You too,” you smile back at him.
The elevator closes, and you have only moments before you are out the door of the elevator to answer your page in radiology.
“Hi Dr. Nelson what do we have?”
“Well-,” right before he tells you what’s going everyone’s pager begins to go off. You look down at it, “Is this a drill?” you whisper to Dr. Nelson. The two of you look around.
“I don’t think so”
You go to close the door, but right before you do you catch a glimpse of the guy from the elevator out in the hall. You hesitate before ducking below the window, because in your experience at this hospital there is no shortage of irony and cruel jokes, so it would be fitting that someone that you helped would be the reason the hospital is on lock down, and in that short amount of time he sees you.
Maybe he didn’t see me. Maybe he’s not the problem
“What happened (Y/N-”
The door swings open. “Are you a surgeon?”, he says looking you dead in the eye, pointing a gun at your forehead.
He takes a moment, looks around the small room, and says “I won’t kill you because you showed me kindness earlier today, but you’re still a surgeon and for that -”
There are no words to describe the pain that you felt. You brought your hand to your stomach looking down at the red liquid that was gushing out of you.
“(Y/N), (Y/N)!”, you hear Dr. Nelson saying, his face above yours.
You could barely hear him, but your mind wasn’t on him. The only thing on your mind was Mark. You knew that there was nothing that you could do right now, but all that you hoped for was that he was safe and that he hadn’t encountered Gary Clark.
“Oh God,” you gasp before passing out.
“Ok Jim you can do this..,” Dr. Nelson says quietly to himself, waiting for a little bit and then quietly walking out into the hallway in order to find supplies to keep you alive. As he’s grabbing everything that he thinks he’ll need, he hears somebody , and it sounds like they’re in a lot of pain, but he ignores it because he knows that if he were to go out there you would definitely die, and while he wasn’t a fan of you upstaging him, he did consider you a friend, so he took back off to the room that you were currently bleeding out in. 
When he gets back to the room he begins to get to work, digging up the knowledge from his internship and residency that would help him. He began to panic, because even though he was an attending, he was only one person and the way that things were going he was not going to be able to do this himself. After fully examining the wound he decided to pack the wound and go see if there was anyone else on the floor, and he ran back to the room that he had heard the moaning coming from he tried to open the door, but it was locked. 
Of course
He knocked because he could tell that there were definitely people in there, and he just needed one other doctor. He knocked again. No answer. 
“Please, I need some help” he pleaded in hopes that the people in the room would realize that he was not the shooter and would get some help. “This is Dr. Jim Nelson, I’m a Neurosurgeon here and one of my colleagues Dr. (Y/N) (L/N) has been shot and I need an extra set of hands-” The door burst opened and he was greeted with the sight of Mark Sloan looming over him.
“Did you say Dr. (L/N)?”
“Yeah, um-”
“Where is she?” he demanded.
“Follow me”
The two attendings ran through the hallway not caring if someone heard them or if Gary Clark came back.
When they entered the room Mark froze. He looked at you laying on the ground in a pool of your blood.
“Oh god (Y/N)” he whispered.
However, he knew that if he didn’t move quickly you would bleed out and die, and he could not let that happen.
As he and Dr. Nelson began to work, he realized that he had left Lexie and Alex alone. He turned to Dr. Nelson, and said, “I need you to go back to the room and tell Dr. Grey to come here, can you handle Dr. Karev? He has a gunshot wound, and we have him stabilized for now, but should something go wrong...” 
“Yeah I’ve got it”
As soon as Dr. Nelson left Mark let a single tear slip. He loved you. Like really loved you and, he had never realized until now. He always knew that he loved you as a friend would, but in these moments that you were on the brink of death he began to realize that he would die without you. You had always been a light in his life and if youe died here he thought that he would not be able to go on. Thankfully Lexie coming in to the room snapped him out of his thoughts making him focus on the task at hand. Saving your life.
The two of them worked tirelessly to stop any bleeding, and while they had stabilized you for now both of them new that if they didn’t get into an O.R. you would die.
While Mark generally didn’t believe in God or anything like that, he thanked every single God and his lucky stars that it was soon announced that the shooter had been taken down, and because of that the lock down was lifted. He swooped you up into his arms and ran to the elevator telling Lexie to get any medical personnel she could find to an O.R.
When he got there he laid you onto the table and quickly scrubbed in. As he was finishing he was met with some familiar faces that were going to help him, and as he was going to walk in he heard the familiar voice of Callie Torres.
“You’re not going in there.”
“What are you talking about, I have to. I have to be with her. I have to help her.”
“Listen Mark you are not going to be any help to her. You are a mess. You are just going to have to let them do their jobs, I’m sorry”
Mark realized that he was crying and after he felt one tear he broke down. Callie then took him up to the gallery to watch, which was one of the worst experiences that Mark had ever been through.
“I love her, Callie”
“I love her, I always knew that I did, but I never realized that I love her love her. Now, I’ll never be able to tell her and she’s going to die.”
“No! She’s going to die on that table all alone because I couldn’t help her”
“Mark you did everything that you could have. She’s going to be okay”
“How do you know that?”
“I don’t know. I just do”
Countless hours and after the seemingly longest surgery that either of them had witnessed, the surgical team was done. You were stable for now and alive.
After Mark and Callie came down from the gallery, they found Teddy who was the lead surgeon.
“What’s going on is she okay?” Mark asked desperately
“She’s stable. She’s in the ICU, and we’ll know more once she wakes up.”
Mark didn’t leave your bedside until you woke up. They even set up a cot in your room so that he could sleep in there.
When you began to wake up you look around and see Mark sitting beside your bed, your hand in his, asleep. You squeeze it gently in order to wake him up, and when it doesn’t work, you squeeze a little harder. He slowly looks up at you and when he sees that your awake he jumps up and runs to get a nurse.
After they extubate you and take your vitals, Mark is there holding your hand and kissing your forehead. You look at him and before you get a chance to open your mouth Mark says, “I love you, and I don’t mean like just as friends. I mean I am in love with you (Y/N). I was so scared-”
“I love you too”
“Right before I passed out all I could think of was you and that I hoped you were okay... Mark I love you.”
He looked at you with the kindest eyes and kissed you gently, yet with passion. It was the most magical thing that you had ever experienced
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dopescotlandwarrior · 4 years
Bluegrass-Chapter 24
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                    Much love to @Statell for making my stories flow.
Previous chapter on AO3
Chapter Twenty-Four
The shop owner bent over his worktable and pried the stones out of the gold setting. The ring was fourteen karat gold and would fetch a nice price. When the bell above the door tinkled, he looked up at a lady coming to the counter. She tossed a large ring on the counter.
“Sell or pawn?”
He looked at her and reached for his loop. She looked like a street person so how did she come by this, he wondered. To his amazement the diamonds were real, and the gold tested to eighteen karat. His heart was ramming.
“Who’d you steal this from lady?”
“It’s mine, you ignorant asshole.”
“Sorry, I can’t help you. Try down the street.”
She grabbed the ring and looked at the man with her one good eye. “Fuck you.”
He watched her carry her bulk toward the door and waved his hand in the air to chase away her body odor.
The woman tried two more pawn shops and the third was owned by someone with fewer scruples. He bought the ring for one thousand dollars plus a gun. It was a lady Smith and Wesson five-shooter. She grabbed a box of shells on her way out, looking at the man defiantly. He ran to lock his door and start making calls. This ring would sell quickly for ten thousand. If it wasn’t hot, he could ask fifty thousand easily. He flipped open his phone book and started dialing.
The sweaty woman stumbled into Walmart and felt the cool air inside provide a little more energy for the last item she needed. Twenty minutes later she held her new phone to her ear and ordered a taxi to take her to the Motel 6. She paid the driver without a tip and heaved herself out of the car. There were working girls and ugly people all around the place. She would fit right in.
Walking up to the desk, she pulled her shirt down over the roll of fat that bulged from her tight waistband. The clothes she was arrested in were now three sizes too small. Prison food is created to keep hundreds of people full for a few hours. Not much thought went into the caloric intake or a balanced meal. Carbohydrates and fat were the main ingredients of her diet for eleven months and she tipped the scale at two-hundred and fifty pounds. The clothes she wore were donated by the prison and they were cutting her in half.
Pulling her coach wallet out of her bag she pulled her license and scooted it toward the clerk. Ten minutes later she was locking her door and scowling at the traffic noise right outside her window. It would have to do.
She was exhausted. It took all night to get processed out of jail and then shown the door to freedom at five o’clock in the morning. She would sleep a bit and then call her father. He will want her to come home because there was nothing for her in Kentucky. He would put her mother on the phone who would beg and cry for her daughter to come back to Scotland. That could wait as well, she decided.
For eleven months she has thought of little else then Jamie Fraser, the man who stole millions of dollars from her by denying her any rights to the business or his new horse. Word went around the prison that Midnight Runner won the Triple Crown and that meant an extraordinary life was now his to live while she was shipped back to Scotland like yesterday’s trash. God she hated him.
Isobel laid down on the bed but thinking about Jamie got her so riled up she couldn’t sleep. Maybe a hot shower would help. The rundown hotel had a small mirror in the bathroom, the first clear mirror in eleven months. She looked at her face and tears rolled down her fat cheeks. One of her eyelids opened only a slit after she was punched in the forehead during a prison fight. The nerve damage was permanent. She looked at her hair cut almost to her scalp. A going-away present from the bitches who hated her and kept her in solitary much of the time. She recalled being held on the ground while the meanest of them cut off her hair. It stuck out in all directions and she tried to smooth it down with water, but nothing helped. She was raging inside at what he did to her. This was all his fault.
Isobel’s father kept money on her books, the maximum allowable at the insistence of her mother. Isobel had nothing but disdain for other women making it quite impossible to make friends who could help her. She bargained her commissary for favors and finally found someone with a relative who would look up Chad’s whereabouts. He was in the Kentucky State Penitentiary in Eddyville and she wrote to him every day and couldn’t wait to hear back. Months went by with no word and she became hurt, and then mad. She sent another letter and on the outside of the envelope in small letters, she wrote “you little puke of a man why won’t you answer me?” She didn’t expect a response and when one came it was short and to the point.
‘Enduring your disgusting presence and vomit worthy sex was a means to an end. You self-absorbed cow. You never figured out I was gay because you were busy looking at yourself, with or without a mirror. It made it easy to manipulate you. Happy now?’
That was Jamie’s fault as well, she stormed in her head. He deserves to be skinned alive and forced to watch. She wouldn’t risk him getting the upper hand, so she had to settle for a bullet in his head.
She picked up her purse and left. There was a liquor store on the corner and she needed whisky, and a lot of it.
Claire woke up in an empty bed and noticed a note on her side table. She smiled as she read it.
“It is a perfect day to sit on the sundeck and read. There is nothin you need to do today, and I won’t be long with Michael.”
They had purchased a new double-wide ergonomic chase and had not tried it out yet. Maybe they could read the book together. While she waited for Jamie, she chose pages throughout the book to read and was very impressed with Michael’s writing. The theme running throughout the book was about kindness to the horse through various means, particularly the whip. He advocated the elimination of pain as a motivator. It would change horse racing completely because the competitors would be running because they wanted to win. The horse had to love running and it could be done, according to Michael, but training and reward had to change.
Claire wondered how this book would differ from Nosh’s. He was coming to Kentucky the following week and would spend the day with them. She was excited to fulfill her promise to finish her story, whether he believed her or not.
Jamie dropped Michael at his hotel just after noon. He would be joining them for dinner tonight and would UBER back around seven o’clock. Jamie looked forward to an afternoon lounging with his best girl.
For the rest of the day, Jamie and Claire took turns reading the book and powered through half of it before cuddling on the chase to nap a bit.
“Sassenach.” Jamie ran his hand down her arm until she opened her eyes. “Will ye come with me to bring the horses in?”
She smiled up at him and nodded yes before pulling her jeans and boots on. They walked to the barn and discussed the book, both commenting on how much they had forgotten about those crazy days. They brought fifteen horses in, two at a time, then went to bring in the mares and babies. Claire laughed at the antics of the foals, running ahead and then freezing with fear when they couldn’t see their mothers. When all were put away for the night, they made one more trip for Runner and Porcelain. When Jamie watched them running to the gate, he looked at Claire with a big smile.
“I’d like to bring Porcelain into season early and breed her in February.”
“To him?”
It was settled. Porcelain would be Runner’s first cover and Claire was thrilled. A touch of romance in an otherwise clinical setting of the breeding room. They would be each other’s first.
As they walked home, Jamie threw up his arms and announced he had finished the repairs on Runner’s stall, and they could move them back to their larger accommodations. Claire held his hand and told him tomorrow would be soon enough. She had a shower and cooking to do.
It was a delightful time to sit with their old friend, spoil him with steak, roasted vegetables, and copious amounts of whisky. Claire considered inviting others to dinner but decided she didn’t want to share Michael’s time. They ate at the table outside and simply moved to more comfortable seats to continue the discussion.
Jamie answered the doorbell and spoke to a neighbor before announcing he would be back in ten minutes. The neighbor needed a jump. Michael offered to come and help but Jamie told him to relax, he had this.
Michael had Claire in giggle overload reminding her of times they were on the road. Claire got up to grab the coffee pot and stopped in her tracks.
“Michael, do you smell something burning.”
He stood up and said he smelled it too. When Claire opened the front door, she screamed for Michael. It was definitely a fire and somewhere close. They started running and a quarter-mile never seemed so far. The closer they got; they were more convinced it was the barn on fire. Claire punched numbers into the keypad, and Michael opened the roll away doors as smoke poured out.
“Chase them all out, Michael!”
Claire ran down the aisle pulling stall doors open until she got to Runner and Porcelain and they were not moving. None of the horses were running outside. She slapped Porcelain hard on the rump knowing Runner would follow. The mare whinnied loudly and took off for the big doors.
Claire looked at the smoke filling the barn and coughed into her shirt. She saw horses running by but could not see Michael. She continued to work her way down the aisle smacking horses so they would run to safety. She looked up and saw babies running alongside their mothers and knew Michael had gone to the dams’ wing to set them free.
Jamie waved to the neighbor as he drove down their shared road. He caught the scent of burning wood and jumped into the bed of his truck to look for smoke. Finally, he saw the embers rising into the air on his own property! With a hammering heart, he drove through the gate and saw horses scattered all over. He knew someone was at the barn and drove as fast as possible, ever watchful for a horse running across the road.
Jamie ran to the barn. His heart rate was in the stroke zone and he started coughing the second he was inside. He called for Claire as he ran down the aisle looking for any stuck horses. The dams’ wing was empty, where the hell was Claire and Michael? Or whoever let the horses out. He turned the turbines on that pulled air from the interior. They were all over the roof so he ran as fast as he could flipping them on high.
He called the fire department as he ran for Runner’s wing. The door was open and something inside him told him to proceed with caution. He could hear Claire and Michael coughing. Why were they in there? When he heard Isobel’s voice his blood turned to ice. He forced himself not to cough and give away his presence. He searched frantically for a way to get the drop on her. He had to do something before Claire and Michael died from asphyxiation.
He ran to the back of the barn where the smoke was too thick to see. He ran his hand along the wall until he felt the switches for the turbines. Filling his lungs with air he ran into the equipment room and pulled out a ten-foot length of steel pipe, very relieved it wasn’t burning hot and ran back.
Claire wasn’t coughing any more and Jamie knew she passed out with death coming for her. Without another second to think he rammed the door open and kept running as Isobel’s startled face came into view. She raised the gun just as he rammed the pipe into her stomach, impaling her on the back wall. He threw Claire over his shoulder and helped Michael to his feet pulling them outside to safety.
The fire engines were coming in slowly with no siren because Jamie explained there were horses scattered all over the property. Michael was bent over coughing and Claire was silent, unconscious. Jamie lowered her to the ground feeling more terrified than he had been in his life.
“Claire! Claire!”
The EMT’s pulled him away to render lifesaving aid to his wife, his soulmate, his whole world. Fire hydrants were installed on the land according to zoning rules and the men soon had two flows of water directed at the fire. Jamie heard more sirens coming only to go silent as they negotiated the gate and keypad.
The ambulance EMT’s were given instructions to open the gate and wait for it to close to make sure no horses escaped. The driver knew there were critical injuries and it took all his training and willpower not to barrel ahead to the injured. Jamie was covered with soot and sweat as he gripped his wife’s hand.
“Please Claire, ye must fight yer way back to me or I will surely die with ye.”
He was pulled away as they wheeled the gurney into the ambulance, Michael was loaded into a second vehicle. Jamie sank to his knees as a great crash came from the barn and a plume of embers rose into the night sky. Jamie didn’t flinch. He couldn’t move as he was locked into his pleading prayers to God.
A great fireball exploded into the dark sky and men were yelling about a secondary fire. Jamie heard none of it and continued to pray.
The captain pulled Jamie up and brought him under the light spreading out a schematic of the barn interior.
“Is there anyone else in the building?”
Jamie pointed to Runner’s wing. The fire captain pulled him to the large engine and told him to sit down. The huge fire engines took up all the space available in front of the barn and police cruisers were lined up behind them. Officers were standing by a short distance away and the captain went to speak with them.
Jamie felt the tears fall off his face, he knew his business was in ruins, his prize horse chased into the darkness, but none of that mattered as much as Claire’s pale, soot-stained face. He looked up at the commanding voice above him and stared at the officer with blank eyes.
“You identified an area where someone was left inside. I am sorry to inform you that the roof caved in above that wing about five minutes ago. Did anyone go back inside to pull the person out?”
“No. I impaled her against the wall with a ten-foot length of steel pipe.”
Jamie stood up and walked toward his vehicle but never made it. It took five officers to hold him back and he was finally cuffed and dropped into a cruiser. He had no comprehension of what was happening, and he fought against the restraints until he felt a blinding pain as his wrist separated. He slumped forward choking through this added suffering.
“Mister Fraser! Stop struggling I have news of your wife. She is in intensive care, so is the other man, but they are expected to pull through. They are gonna be fine. You have confessed to a capital crime. You belong to the Lexington police force now so you might as well cooperate and sit still. You’re a big man and tasers hurt, so walk when you’re told, sit where you’re told and answer our questions. It’s the best advice I can give you.”
Jamie did as told and explained who Isobel was, how she tried to kill his horses before. He did not know she was released on parole. She had set fire to the barn and held Claire and Michael at gunpoint as they slowly choked to death in front of her. She wore an elaborate gas mask and just stood by as they struggled to breathe. She had raised her gun to Jamie’s head as he rammed the pipe into her stomach. He did not bother to go back in to save her because he was too busy with his wife and friend.
“I didn’t know if she was alive or dead. I didn’t care.”
Jamie was a pillar of the community and the officers made quick work of releasing him with the warning to not leave the state. There was an officer waiting to take him to the hospital. Jamie sat in the back seat holding his throbbing wrist. The officer decided to break the rules for the poor man and turned on his siren as he raced to the hospital.
Jamie piled out of the car and ran into the emergency department. He approached Claire slowly with tears streaking through the grime on his face. He was so overcome at the sight of her his whole body started to shake.
The nurse taking her blood pressure almost fainted at the sight of Jamie but recovered quickly as his face softened looking at his wife.
“She has been asking for you if your name is Jamie that is.” She had a warm smile and a concerned face.
“It is… my name is Jamie.”
The nurse ran for the chair that was shared among the visitors because it looked like he would fall any minute. She pushed Jamie into it and asked if he was alright.
“As soon as this lass opens her eyes, I will be fine.”
“She is doing really well physically. Her doctor may keep her tonight, not sure yet.”
Jamie looked down at Claire’s open eyes, looking at him. She seemed to look at everything she could see and then he watched her dissolve in tears. She was fighting to stop crying but she just couldn’t. She tried to speak to him, but no sound came out.
“Her voice will come back. Two or three days.”
Claire was asleep again and Jamie felt lost suddenly. She just closed her eyes to the pain that was making her cry, leaving Jamie alone. He picked up the phone and called Jason, then Angus. He knew he had to leave her and get back to what was left of their barn. He kissed her face and walked toward the entrance, there lingering at the doorway was the officer who drove him to the hospital.
“Mister Fraser, I waited to take you home, sir.”
Jamie looked battle-scarred and fatigued at the moment, so they headed for his home without further comment. The fire was out, and firemen continued to crawl through the haylofts and roof structure looking for live embers. They had done an excellent job limiting the damage. The fire marshal approached Jaime and shook his hand. His voice was commanding yet tempered with understanding that Jamie appreciated.
“Mister Fraser, it’s a tragedy to be sure, but we minimized the damage and found all the clues, I think. The fire was set on the north-facing side, right here.” He pointed to Runner’s wing on the barn schematic. Gasoline was used as an accelerant that was provided by your fuel tower. The perpetrator used your five-gallon buckets that were stacked at the hose in back, filled them with your fuel, and left the nozzle open to drain the fuel into the ground. When embers landed there it all went up in a fireball. You will have an ugly reminder for a while I’m afraid. It’s safe to bring the horses in except for this area. The roof caved in and it’s burned badly. It is where we found the body of a woman, but I hear you have given a statement to the police already and believe her to be responsible. The coroner has removed the body. I will be in touch as the investigation progresses. He walked toward his vehicle throwing his clipboard on the seat before getting in.
Jamie looked around feeling lost until he saw Rupert and Angus walk out of the barn with two leads each and lariats attached to their belt loops. They looked at Jamie’s haunted eyes and simply nodded as they made their way to the pastures. The horses were tied to a fence once caught so they could be identified and counted. Jason and Lulu pulled up looking shell shocked. Lulu was crying and asking about Claire. Jason ran to the barn for halters and leads and handed a lead to Lulu as they left to search for more horses.
Molly and her fiancé were next, followed by two of the vets that Claire had befriended. They would check the horses that were brought in and treat any issues. As word spread, neighbors and owners came in to join the search and by afternoon, all but two horses had been rounded up. The missing horses, Porcelain and Runner.
The horses were split up into groups and led to graze in the multiple pastures. They would stay outside for the day and let the barn air out. Jamie continued to call Claire, to say I love you and give progress reports. Jamie’s voice cracked when he said they had not found Runner or Porcelain and Claire sobbed for the lost horses but mostly for Jamie. Michael had fared better and was released to rest in his hotel room. Jamie wandered through the pastures calling for Runner until dark.
Jamie stayed with Claire overnight. She was moved out of critical care and there was a fat Lazyboy right next to the bed. He had full trust in his crew, so he stayed until she was released the next day. She mostly cried when she was awake, and Jamie couldn’t wait until he could hold her and give her comfort.
Driving into the compound was very hard on Claire as visions of Isobel taunting her, saying she would shoot Jamie in front of her and then let them die, came back to haunt her. Jamie explained that he had killed Isobel, but Claire expected her to jump out from every corner.
Claire couldn’t yell for Runner, but she insisted on walking the far pastures to help look for him. To no avail, the two of them were gone. Jamie held Claire through the night, waking up every few hours because she was crying and shaking. He eased her back to sleep much quicker than he was able to follow her. By the next day, he had deep circles under his eyes as he drove the property in search of his horses.
The other horses were returned to the barn, back in their original stalls because there was very little damage to anything but Runner’s wing. Jamie shivered to think he wanted to go back to the barn and move Runner and Porcelain back to their original stalls. He closed the wing off with plans to rebuild once the insurance was settled. Not one of the owners moved their horse to another barn. They knew Jamie was honest and ethical. This was not his fault and he had taken care of the problem.
Jamie sat down hard on his office chair in the early evening. The silence was such a relief after playing hero for the past two days. He wasn’t a hero. He was terrified about what could have happened and what will happen next. Could his business recover, could Claire feel safe again, could they find a new normal without Runner? Picking up his ringing phone he heard the deep voice of Dunsany, and he lost it.
“Jamie, it's going to be alright. You aren’t hurt, you will repair the damage and go on. Now listen to me son, get it out, and then get back to work. That’s a good lad, I’m here for ye, depend on that.”
Dunsany waited, speaking quietly to encourage Jamie, trying to infuse him with the will to start over. They talked for almost an hour and Dunsany told him arrangements had been made to bring Isobel’s body back to Scotland. She could never threaten them again. The older man worried deeply about Jamie pulling out of this nightmare and his anger at Isobel kept him secluded from his family for several days. It wasn’t right for a father to hate his own daughter and he would keep that to himself.
Jamie walked the pastures as the sun was coming up. He had a distinctive whistle that all the horses were used to. It always brought them in, no matter how far they had roamed. He heard a whinny and turned his head, heart beating like thunder in his chest he watched the pasture turning in all directions and finally saw her. Porcelain ran toward him crying out her fear in loud whinnies. She came to him and snorted while he slipped the halter on her and snapped a lead. He started walking back expecting Runner to run up on them any second. When he closed the door to Porcelain’s stall, he dropped his head in defeat.
“Where have ye gone laddie?”
Jason, Lulu, Rupert and Angus put the barn back together, ordered supplies, rented stalls, answered calls from worried owners, and assisted whoever and whatever was needed in the moment. Their fearless leader searched for Runner day and night and Claire was not often seen. She looked shattered and they didn’t know how to approach her, so they didn’t.
Michael came on the fourth day and took Claire to drive the property boundaries. Claire searched the pastures through field glasses as they continued to drive for two hours. He was just gone. He jumped a fence and just kept running she assumed. There were thousands of acres of forest that bordered their land and he was lost in that forest somewhere, starving to death. Claire’s sobbing broke Michael’s heart. He stopped the car and pulled her out to hold her to him. He promised her they would find him.
“We need to walk the land, Claire. He’s scared and hiding somewhere in the trees. Let him see us walking.” He pushed a lead in her hand, and they ducked between the white slats of the fence to walk the endless acres of Bluegrass.
Runner watched them from behind the trees. He watched her mostly and wanted to go to her. He could hear in her yell, something foreboding and fearful. If she would just get on his back, he could ride her to safety. He tried a couple of times to break out of the tree line, only to retreat in fear. They were getting closer to him. He was about to turn toward the forest and run but he saw images in his mind of Claire hugging him. It made him so happy. She was telling him she needed a hug. In the next second, he bolted toward the fence boundary and jumped it with ease running toward her, happier than he had ever been.
“Stop Claire. Turn around.”
Claire turned to see Runner galloping toward them. She started to giggle and then she held her arms out like she always did, for him to run into. He stopped ten feet from her and showed her images of being hugged. She kept her arms out and walked to him until she could wrap them around his neck. She put her hands on his cheeks and Michael could swear they were having a conversation as Runner would nicker at times and drop his head on her shoulder.
Are you hurt?
I do not hurt.
Where you afraid?
I was afraid.
She kissed his face a dozen times and asked him to walk back to the barn, assuring him the smoke was gone and he would be safe. She dug a handful of sugar cubes out of her pocket and he feasted on them.
Very hungry.
Let’s go home.
Michael called Jamie to tell him they were walking back, with Runner, and he started running to meet them. Runner nickered and lifted his head when he saw Jamie running toward them. Claire unsnapped the lead and Runner took off stopping right in front of Jamie’s beaming smile. They were still hugging when Claire and Michael caught up to them.
Porcelain whinnied loudly in the air and stomped all over her stall. Rupert looked at her and wondered what got into the lass when he saw the movement in his peripheral vision. He was almost in tears when he saw the three of them with a giant black horse behind them. Runner went to Porcelain for a make-out session and Claire could see images of Rupert pouring grain into his feeder. She laughed quietly to herself.
“Cheeky bastard.”
They said goodbye to Michael at the airport and made him promise to visit soon. Claire hugged him and cried while Michael complained she would surely melt with any more tears. Once on the road home, Claire leaned against Jamie and wrapped her arm around his middle. They had not made love since the fire and the feel of him was suddenly intoxicating. She kissed his neck until she was breathless and when she pulled his belt away and grabbed his zipper Jamie pulled onto a logging road into the forest where he pulled her to him and kissed her deeply.
They were frantic to join their hungry bodies after a long hiatus from passion. Jamie pulled her shirt over her head and reached around to unclasp her bra setting her breasts free to bounce with their efforts. When she finally pulled him into her body, they both moaned loudly before the rhythm of arousal took them to a new plane of existence.
Officer Josh Baker was heading back to the station while he daydreamed in heavy traffic. When he saw Jamie’s pickup truck veer off the road, he shook his head and blinked several times. It couldn’t be, he told himself. What are the odds of finding them in the same predicament as before? Some people never learn he thought. He pulled off onto the logging road to wait.
Traffic along the four lanes where Jamie took the detour slowed way down due to the cruiser parked along the side of the road, presumably for radar speed checking. The officer pointed his radar gun out the window and waited. When he heard Jamie’s engine start he pulled into traffic, and they were none the wiser about his protection.
Slowly, life at Highland Brothers returned to normal and Jason, the new custodian of Claire's truck, would pick her up for a day of medical treatments and do his best to remember any of the details when she asked him. On long rides she would describe the lab assays they would run to get him used to the terminology and procedure. From February to June, she would reduce her hours away to ten hours per week so she could take care of the breeding operation. She was anxious to be working with Jamie again.
Claire sat across from Nosh at the kitchen table and looked at the sheets of pictures. There had to be at least five-hundred pictures of her and runner. She answered Nosh’s questions thoughtfully and held nothing back. Nosh recovered quickly from the declaration that she can talk to animals. He always knew there was a major component of the story missing.
“I have wondered how an untrained jockey could ride that horse through all those races.”
“It was my yoga training. My balance was very good and if you hadn’t noticed, I didn’t move at all, once the race started, I just hung on to is mane for dear life. He told me what to do, when to do it, and I felt safe after a while.”
“How could he hear you during the race, there’s too much noise?”
“Are you saying you believe me?”
“You are an educated woman Claire, a veterinarian, and you won the Triple Crown as a novice jockey. I’ve been on the track all my adult life, so I knew there was a secret to your success. What I wouldn’t give for photo evidence of you racing him on foot.”
“Oh! I have photo evidence. Jamie took loads of pictures from the equipment barn where he hid for the first month. They are amateur at best, but I will be happy to show you..”
Nosh was on his feet in seconds, “please, yes I would love to see them.”
Claire settled Nosh in a chair close to the computer monitor and brought up the pictures. There was a perfect sequence of them at the starting line, Claire running full speed around the track, and Runner staying on the rail to pass her. Claire bent over panting and Runner circling her with his head and tail in the air. In the last picture, Claire is scowling at the horse with her hands in the air.
Nosh laughed so hard and sputtered “pure gold!” when he could catch a breath. “Good God, I haven’t laughed like that since I was a kid. Name your price, I’m sure the magazine will pay it.”
“Certainly not! You can have them with my thanks.”
This was the icing on the cake to Nosh. The book he had dreamed of for the last year would be better than he could have imagined.
Claire told Nosh everything from cutting Runner out of his dam to winning the Triple Crown and all the baiting and psychological tricks she used to keep him wanting to win. The story was told, and she sat back and took a deep breath.
“How would you like to spend some time with Runner?”
They walked out to the pasture and the two horses made a bee-line for them. Claire stood in front of Nosh and opened her arms for two frothy-mouthed horses to assault her with smells and snorts. She stepped aside pulling her phone out of her pocket and launching the camera app. Nosh seemed frozen as he watched Runner come toward him. Claire moved farther away and started snapping pictures. Nosh, nose to nose with Runner, the colt draping his head over Nosh’s shoulder from behind, stroking his neck, laughing at the assault on his pockets looking for treats. Claire kept snapping until she had sixty-five pictures of Nosh and Runner. She would transfer all the pictures of Runner including these to a thumb drive and send it to Nosh. It made her happy inside to give something back.
Claire walked the reporter out to his rental car and hugged him, thanking him for everything. Nosh saw no reason they might meet again so he made his words count.
“You feel like the daughter I never had. I am so proud of what you’ve done. If your actions with Runner are any indication of motherhood, I hope to live long enough to see your kids cure cancer and win the Nobel prize. Goodbye Claire, and thank you for the interview.”
Motherhood? What an odd thing to say, she decided and waved goodbye.
Claire walked back into the house feeling her mood turn dark when she looked at the ugly furniture she and Jamie had failed to replace. She wished for a happy feeling when she opened the door to their home and hated this furniture even more after the fire. A call to the Salvation Army to pick up a high-end living room set pushed her to the front of the line. They would pick it up this afternoon. When the living room was empty, she called Jamie and asked if he could finish early because there wasn’t a chair or couch to sit on anymore. They needed to visit the furniture stores in town.
Claire got dressed up with straight hair and makeup because it felt like a special trip, something to be remembered. They would finally take ownership of their space and rid the memory of the most heinous woman on earth. With only one week until Christmas, she was excited.
Jamie watched a beautiful, confident woman walk toward him when he came home. He looked at her long pretty hair, short dress, and high heels, feeling his stomach do flips.
“Yer beautiful Sassenach, and our living room is empty sure enough.”
“You have ten minutes James Fraser.”
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mingtiddies · 5 years
genre: fluff at some point, a little funny??, prince au
word count: 2470
warnings: blood, gun violence (one shot fired), (it’s not very detailed but it’s there), mentions of sex
a/n: for some reason everytime i write for jihoon it’s super long jzhgdzjhg
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● jihoon wished you would shut up
● which you’d understand if you were blabbing like prince soonyoung
● but your job made it kinda hard NOT to talk to jihoon
● you were the daughter of a high government official
● and you were following in the footsteps of your mom, by overseeing laws made by the royal family
● and also by advising the crown of laws they could make to improve the life of the kingdom
● and since prince jihoon was getting ready to be crowned king, he was already given the responsibility of making laws
● you’d seen first hand what some of the people were going through
● although crimes weren’t that big of a problem (your mom and the king had passed enough laws for the people to think twice about committing any crime)
● poverty was one that broke families apart and even started to take a toll on the economy of the kingdom
● and you had so many ideas to try and improve their lives
● the downside was that you had to talk to jihoon so he’d provide insight and actually submit the laws
● and prince jihoon hated it so much
● jihoon likes to be alone
● all the time
● so he avoided his staff as much as he could
● and jihoon loves to sleep
● and he’s also a terrible morning person
● but as future king, there’s no such thing as sleeping in
● the entire staff dreaded waking him up
● pls save them
● they thought it was a literal chore
● “rock, paper, scissors, the loser wakes up prince jihoon”
● so when you started barging into his room at 7am while the staff was deciding who would go in and wake the prince up, they felt so relieved
● so now you woke up jihoon on a daily basis
● “okay so i was thinking...”
● and the prince is irritated to no end
● one day you came to your mother’s office to review a few law requests
● and there was one from jihoon !!!
● (he rarely submits any)
● “y/n cannot speak nor approach prince jihoon for five to twenty minutes of his choosing each day”
● you laughed, albeit bitterly
● but boy almost hates you as much as soonyoung
● which is funny because soonyoung is a good friend of yours as you’ve helped his kingdom for a few months
● he has so much trouble trying to get rid of other princes
● for some reason??? they think jihoon’s kingdom is a good place to chill
● received a snap from prince seungcheol, from just outside the palace at the window
● creepy mf
● has once locked you in the dungeon
● the staff was so confused but so conflicted because your mom scares them but jihoon is the prince and his parents are the king and queen
● but you found it funny
● because you once locked jihoon in the dungeon too
● no one even noticed because he hides so much from the staff that they assumed he was hiding again
● has also locked you and prince soonyoung in the dungeon at the same time
● “for annoying people like YOU”
● worst decision he ever made
● because that’s when soonyoung became your best friend
● (you also befriended soonyoung’s future wife who had so much trouble keeping him in his own kingdom)
● soonyoung now texts jihoon privately too
● he mostly told him to listen to you
● another reason jihoon wanted to lock you in the dungeon:
● you always kept finding him????
● how????
● not even the staff could find him
● at some point (none of you notice) he stops being irritated when you come see him
● he still wouldn’t talk to you but at least he wouldn’t grumble and groan at everything you said
● sometimes he’d smile !!!!
● and if you pointed it out he’d scowl and go back to being expressionless
● while all of this occurs
● tension grew between the wealthy class and the poor class
● so jihoon had to listen to you now
● and so one day you were walking the public royal garden with jihoon
● (which now seems like it was a terrible idea but the people knew who you were so being seen with jihoon was a good move when public relations had purposely spread rumors of the crown working on laws to improve the life of the lower class)
● suddenly someone in the garden screamed at the two of you
● they were clearly angry and they were talking about laws to help people like him
● and before the guards accompanying you could react, the man fired a weapon in your direction
● which was originally aimed at jihoon
● but hit you instead
● the bullet hit you in the arm near the shoulder, went right through
● panic spread so fast that it took them a second to realize it was you who’d been shot
● the screams from everyone had kinda drowned yours
● jihoon was the first to hear you and he almost flipped
● just as a guard laid eyes on you (and all the blood dripping down your arm)
● (finally)
● so they rushed you to the nearest hospital
● whatever went through jihoon’s mind, his entire demeanor changed
● you think you blacked out because you can’t really remember anything from after being shot
● like it was so surreal to you
● so now you’re in a hospital bed, your arm hurt as fuck and you still don’t understand how tf this happened
● jihoon was sitting next to your bed when you woke up, on his phone trying to calm down all the princes who had seen the news
● “you look like someone died”
● (for a second prince jihoon imagined his life without you in it, and not only was it boring but it was also lonely)
● “you almost did”
● “but i didn’t”
● “but you almost did”
● “but i didn’t”
● he wanted to kill you for a hot second
● “yeah well you still got shot”
● and it’s so obvious that it bothered and affected jihoon
● but before you could say anything else, prince soonyoung barged in
● a nurse tried to stop him because “prince soonyoung you can’t risk startling a patient”
● but soonyoung barely heard the poor nurse
● he hugged you but it hurt you so he apologized
● and then he started hitting jihoon????
● lightly hitting because well soonyoung doesn’t really have a death wish
● still very brave of him to even touch prince jihoon
● the prince’s patience was running so thin
● to get him off jihoon’s case, you pretended your arm hurt more
● and it worked lmaoo
● because soonyoung immediately came to dote on you and make sure you were okay
● jihoon didn’t know and even he glanced at you worriedly before seeing your face
● your “i’m up to something” face
● and then you have like five princes in your room
● two of them being soonyoung and jihoon
● and the others were princes you’d advised on some laws
● prince minghao, prince wonwoo and prince chan
● you made one joke about being shot and everyone scolded you
● “who do we kill”
● “i need a name and a description”
● “i have royal hitmen on speed dial”
● “i already ordered his execution”
● jihoon said it so calmly?????
● it’s when he said it that you realized you were looking at him and him at you
● all the princes turned to him
● because
● that’s not really how it works here and even they know that
● the shooter would definitely be charged, but there was a protocol to follow
● and by ordering the man’s death, prince jihoon completely overlooked that
● (cough he did it for you cough)
● the princes tried to tell him
● but all jihoon replied was “he’s lucky i’m not the one executing him”
● and well it’s jihoon so would he ever admit he did it because he was angry because he almost lost you
● well surprise !!!! because he did admit to it
● the man was long found and killed 
● you had joked about prince jihoon killing to avenge/protect his people
● and he had muttered that it was just you and that he’d do it again
● which shouldn’t have been such a big surprise to you since you’d seen the look in his eyes when he had said he had ordered the execution
● oh and jihoon’s parents were pissed like seriously pissed
● a struck of luck would have it that the shooter’s actions had been so dangerous (not just for the crown and the royal court but also the people) that public relations released an immediate statement about executing the shooter as soon as he was found
● anyway so like “it’s just you though, and i’d do it again for you”
● !!!!!!!!!
● he then submitted a law that stated you should never be allowed outside of the palace’s premises without at least two royal bodyguards
● which your mother approved of, but not as a law lmaoo
● but it touched you that he cared enough to give you big men to protect you
● you teased him so much for hinting at him liking you
● and he tried to submit another law that said you weren’t allowed to talk about his feelings for you
● which !!!! actually proved to you that he did have feelings
● “you do realize my mother’s office deals with important laws right?”
● and you had the request for the law in your hand, neatly written, with the prince’s seal at the bottom
● he sat at his desk, nose buried in paperwork
● and you had a shit-eating grin on your face, leaning against his desk
● “i’m glad you’re admitting you like me though”
● the prince blushed madly and you tore up the official paper
● jihoon was almost offended as he watched the pieces dropping on his desk
● but that was okay
● because you then leaned across his desk and pecked his cheek
● it was funny because while your mother was very wary of the relationship you two began to share, the king and queen actually supported it
● your family was well respected across many kingdoms
● and it would be a plus for them to have you stay as your mother moved on to another kingdom
● it’s when the queen started pressing you and jihoon into making an announcement about getting engaged that jihoon thought
● ‘i do wanna marry her’ and that no one could be a better future queen than you
● so he did what he thought would make you both laugh at how ridiculous it was but also make you happy
● he submitted a law stating that he was to marry you at the date and location of your choice
● the squeal you let out scared tf out of your mom lol
● and she was even more confused when you ran out of the room but you’d tell her later
● it was morning
● and prince jihoon did not expect you to be reading it so early in the morning
● so when you barged into his room at like 7am he just groaned and told you to go away
● “prince jihoon, prince jihoon, prince jihoon, prince jihoon, prince jihoon”
● “let me sleep or i’ll call the guards on you”
● to be fair, you were extra annoying on purpose, bouncing on his bed and everything haha
● “jihoon~”
● he groaned again and covered his head with his covers
● which you found adorable
● your grumpy prince
● “come back in five hours”
● so unreasonable
● so you got up to leave and you were about to
● but who would you be if you didn’t tease him more? haha
● “hm i don’t know if i’ll still want to marry you in five hours, but suit yourself”
● and of course you were out of his room before he had time to process your words
● you greeted the staff on your way back to the office
● behind you people gasped and you could hear running?
● (i mean the staff hadn’t seen the prince running since he was a kid and some had never seen him run at all)
● so your words did have an impact
● although you did not expect the prince to trap you into his arms in the middle of the hallway
● “nevermind the five hours, please marry me”
● you were going to tease him a bit more
● but hearing the words coming out of his mouth rather than being written on paper kinda did things to you
● honestly you almost squealed again
● but you kept your cool and told him you’d marry him right now if he wanted to
● which he almost took to heart because he said let’s go
● you stopped him because there was no way the two of you would be getting married right now
● so he invited you to breakfast
● you had already eaten
● but you said yes regardless
● on your way to breakfast, you stopped by your mom’s office, leaving prince jihoon outside for a second
● jihoon totally heard you and so did the staff walking past the prince
● he was so red lmaoo
● it was a tiny bit worth it
● you talked less and he hid less
● well at least he hid less from you
● the staff still struggled to find him, and he usually was with you
● as for you talking his ear off, it started to become a telltale sign for your nervousness and stress
● e.g when your work was stressing you out
● when you were trying to make surprises for him (birthdays were Not surprises rip)
● or when you got pregnant
● which is how he found out
● you had started advising him more than usual about laws
● just nervous blabbing about the future of children
● most of them were about protecting children, laws for orphans, laws for school
● and he kinda just put two and two together
● jihoon’s parents found it so funny that you got pregnant before the two of you were even king and queen
● parenthood had its ups and downs and both you and jihoon were relieved that you could raise your little one before being crowned
● jihoon didn’t think he could handle being a king and raising a baby
● by the time you were crowned your little prince was almost 10 years old and the two of you tried to avoid making a second one lol
● at the end of the day, if you were to be pregnant again, jihoon would be happy regardless
● around his third or fourth year of being king, jihoon developed baby fever
● him and his son both being only sons played a huge part in wanting to have another kid
● (he literally brought it up when you were having sex)
● “wouldn’t the gap be too wide between the two?”
● “let’s have two more then”
● you grumbled about being the one carrying the children for nine months
● but you ended up having two children anyways lmao
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seungcheol ║ jeonghan ║ joshua ║ junhui ║ soonyoung ║ wonwoo ║ jihoon ║ seokmin ║ mingyu ║ minghao ║ seungkwan ║ vernon ║ chan
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Untold Tales of Spider-Man 14: My Enemy, My Savior – by Eric Fein
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This story’s title page features a great John Romita, Sr. illustration of J. Jonah Jameson sweating it out as he watches Spidey fighting the Scorpion on a viewscreen, with Alistair Smythe gaping at him from another screen. (We don’t know where Jonah is but will soon find out that he’s inside a spider-slayer.) That’s a good way to start.
In the story itself, J. Jonah Jameson has just won the Humanitarian of the Year Award, chosen by the citizens of New York City. After working late at the office on his acceptance speech, he climbs into his limo, heading for home. But suddenly, the limo swerves out of control, running up on the sidewalk. The driver claims he can’t release his foot from the gas and the car is not responding to his actions. When he tries to turn the ignition off, he convulses and falls unconscious. The car drives into a dead-end alley and crashes into the wall. JJJ, bloodied and dizzy, crawls out of the car. Before falling unconscious, Jonah sees “the form of a large man approaching him.”Like that scene? Here it is again from a different perspective. A man “at a control console in a dimly lit lab” watches JJJ get into his limo. He presses a button and a “spiderlike droid” attaches to the car’s rear bumper. The man pushes another button. The spider-droid shoots out “a bundle of fiber-optic tendrils.” Some of them attach to the steering column. Others bore “through the floorboard: where they grab “the driver’s right foot, attaching it to the gas pedal.” These tendrils contract, forcing the driver’s foot down on the gas. After the limo crashes, the man speaks “into a commlink,” saying, “Mr. Gargan, our prey has been subdued. Please, take the necessary action.” Those of us in the know recognize Gargan as the real name of the Scorpion. Of course, those of us who looked at Johnny’s opening illustration already know the Scorpion and Smythe are the villains in this piece.Meanwhile, Spider-Man webs his way to the Daily Bugle. He drops down into a nearby alley, changes to Peter Parker, and takes his latest pix of Spidey battling the Rhino to the city room. There he finds all sorts of frantic activity. Robbie Robertson tells him that “Jonah’s missing” and presumed kidnapped “or worse.” Kate Cushing sends Peter to the crime scene to get some photos. “I’m sure Jonah will be all right,” Peter says, “He’s a tough old goat.”Just then, JJJ wakes up, chained down on a hospital gurney in a lab. He sees “a large mechanical construct twenty feet tall and ten feet wide, surrounded by scaffolding and held up by suspension cables.” “Several smaller robots” service it. The lab’s resident reveals himself as Alistair Smythe, which makes Jonah realize that the robots are spider-slayers. Smythe tells JJJ that he has “inherited my father’s journals and his lab equipment. And I have inherited his crusade. My father’s enemies became my enemies.” And, for Jonah’s pressuring of Spencer Smythe into making more slayers, Alistair blames the publisher for his father’s death.
Then Mac Gargan joins the conversation. Smythe says he and Gargan “recently crossed paths and he explained to me how he was another victim of your crusade,” of how Jonah financed Gargan’s transformation into the Scorpion with “no thought to the psychological damage the treatments had done to Gargan.” (These guys sort of have a point.) When they learned of Jonah’s Humanitarian of the Year award, “the hypocrisy [was] too much…to swallow.” So Smythe built a giant spider-slayer designed to carry Jameson as a helpless passenger. “I’m going to arrange for you to finally be the hero you’ve spent years saying you are, by letting you destroy your favorite public enemy, Spider-Man,” Smythe tells Jonah, “Of course, there is the chance that Spider-Man will finish you off first.” With that, the Scorpion loads JJJ into the giant slayer.Some time later, Spidey is on the Daily Bugle building’s roof expecting an attack. He has received a tip from a “street source” about an event at the Bugle. “And the guy behind it was the Scorpion.” When the giant spider-slayer attacks, Spidey knows that Smythe is also involved. He grapples with the robot. 
Just when he thinks he has won, the slayer jettisons four legs. One of them wraps around Spidey’s leg and administers an electrical shock. Ignoring the pain and further shocks, Spidey rips it away from his leg. Whereupon the slayer blasts a hole in the roof.Inside the slayer, JJJ winces at the destruction to his building. As the slayer burrows from floor to floor, attacking innocent people, he starts to wish that Spidey would stop the robot. “What a revelation,” says Smythe over the radio, “Rooting for your greatest enemy to succeed.” And, sure enough, Spidey yanks on some wiring and circuitry and stops the slayer, only to have a voice announce, “This mechanism will self-destruct in sixty seconds.” Hearing this, Spidey picks up the slayer, takes it to the roof, and throws it toward the East River. As soon as he does, the Scorpion attacks him. But the Scorpion also opens his big mouth, saying, “First you knock off Jameson for me, then I kick your butt.” Realizing that Jonah must be inside the slayer, Spidey puts a spider-tracer on Scorpy, snags the robot with his webbing and climbs onto its back.Even as Smythe taunts Jonah, Spidey rips the top off the slayer, climbs in and frees JJJ from his bonds. 
But then the slayer lands in the river. Spidey drags Jonah, who is “unconscious and very pale” from the wreckage and brings him to shore. Just as he is about to administer mouth-to-mouth, Jonah comes to. Spidey promises to bring help and tries to web-sling away, only to find his shooters clogged up with “river muck.”The Scorpion is ready to celebrate the deaths of his greatest enemies but Smythe tells him both Spidey and JJ are still alive. “I saw you disobey my direct orders by making yourself known to Spider-Man before Jameson was dead. As a matter of fact, because of your big mouth, they’re both alive,” Smythe says, adding, “You’ve ruined everything, you thickheaded lout! I should kill you, but I have more important things to do. So just get out.” Scorpy doesn’t take well to this and attacks Smythe with a “stinger-blast.” Smythe sics his mini-slayers on Gargan. Then Spidey shows up, having followed his tracer (and he had extra web-fluid in his belt) and defeats both foes. 
Rather too easily, unfortunately. As he does so, he says something that may well be the theme of this story, “Oh, here we go again, another chorus of ‘My life stinks and it’s all your fault.’ Well, let me tell you something, bug-boy, I’ve had it with you idiots. Neither one of you can admit to the fact that you’re both responsible for the shambles that your lives have become. Yeah, Jameson helped by making the offer or funding the projects. But you dopes embraced his cause all the way.”The next night, at the Humanitarian of the Year dinner, JJJ gets up and refuses the award. “It would at this point strike me as hypocritical to accept it,” he says, “having just come face to face with two villains whose origins in a small part can be traced to me.” Still, he promises to “continue to crusade against the costumed vigilantes and other superpowered crazies that they attract. Especially that menace Spider-Man, who I can assure you exacerbated the problem with Smythe and the Scorpion.” Jonah gets a standing ovation for his speech but Peter doesn’t take a photograph. He has changed to Spidey to stop “a band of heavily armed men about to break into the banquet.” And so it goes.
This story was merely okay. Pretty much every story has strived to represent an aspect of Spidey’s mythos and this story zeroes in on Jameson. What’s a bit more baffling is the story’s placement. The prior story was set in the very early 80s during O’Neil’s run on Spidey before Roger Stern. This story though could only occur after ASM #373 as that was when Spidey first encountered Smythe after he became the Ultimate Slayer.
However, given how he went into custody this makes one wonder how Jonah didn’t know about Alastair’s upgrade? I can let that go since it’s by no means the first or most egregious fo continuity errors in this anthology thus far. What’s more problematic is that we’ve jumped from like 1981 all the way to 1993. Which is doubly baffling when you consider this book was put out in 1997. For a book titles ‘Untold Tales of Spider-Man’ why would you skip over 10 years worth of material in favour of an era less than 5 years old? Surely there would be plenty of great tales to tell during the Alien Costume Saga alone, which would in turn represent the symbiotes, another iconic aspect of the Spidey mythos.
Beyond that there isn’t much to say about this story. it was kind of cool to check out Smythe and Scorpion teaming up as they are the two villains most associated with Jonah. But other than that...I mean we’ve kind of seen this before haven’t we?
It’s not that it’s poorly executed but it’s just pretty ‘same old same old’. I suppose you could say the same of ‘Livewires’ but at least that told a typical Spidey story set during an oft forgotten era with oft forgotten supporting players. This story is something we’ve seen before since the 1960s.
At the end of the day this is a story that’s skippable as far as entertainment goes but sort of necessary in terms of representing a key component of Spidey lore. From that POV it would’ve been conspicuous by it’s absence.
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thefallennightmare · 5 years
Soldat [2/10]
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Paring: Bucky Barnes x Reader and Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings: language, angst, fluff, violence, smut(eventually)
Summary: Captain America and Reader have worked together at SHIELD for over a year. What happens when they have a run in with The Winter Solider and Steve finds out the secret Reader had been hiding from him all this time?  
A/N: Here is chapter two! Sorry it’s so short! I know it may seem like a Steve Rogers story right now but trust me, the angst/fluff with Bucky is coming! And honestly, who could be mad with a little bit of Rogers love? Let me know what you guys think! :)
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                                       People always say that losing someone is never easy, especially someone that you looked up to and respected. Nick Fury was gone, not surviving the three gunshot wounds to his chest, and all I could think about was the shooter; the man responsible. 
The muffled voices of Nat, Steve, and Maria Hill were a mere annoying pest in my ear as I burned holes into the ground of the hospital hallway. 
54, 55, 56. 
Snapping my head in the direction of Natasha’s voice, I stopped counting the tiny squares in the floor and let out a deep breath. 
“Did you say something?” I questioned. 
“You haven’t said one word since you guys arrived an hour ago,” Nat pointed out with a creased brow. 
“I’m grieving, Nat.” I shrugged. 
Steve shook his head before stepping closer to me. “You’ve been distant since we chased the shooter.” 
“Jesus, can you just give me a damn minute!” I snapped while pushing myself off from the wall. “I just watched my friend get shot and die right in front of me so sue me if I’m not my chatty self!” 
Running a stressed hand through my hair, I turned on my heel to leave however felt a tight grip on my elbow. My eyes glanced to Steve’s worried ones and I felt my attitude lighten. 
“Y/N, what’s going on? You froze on that roof and almost got yourself killed.” Steve spoke softly, so the others wouldn’t hear. 
“Steve, please drop it,” I begged while clasping my shaking hands together. 
His soft mouth opened to speak but shut it when a voice stopped him. 
“Cap, you’re wanted at Shield Headquarters.” 
We both looked over to Rumlow and Steve nodded. “I’ll be a minute.” 
“Now,” Rumlow demanded. 
“I’m having a private conversation.” Steve nodded towards me. 
“They want Y/N too.” Rumlow announced. 
I squinted as I tried to read his body language, my specialty, but when I couldn’t get a good read all I did was nod before looking at Steve. 
“Don’t want to keep the boss waiting,” I joked, speaking of Alexander Pierce, and walked past Rumlow with Steve trailing close behind. 
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Feet scurried passed as I sat in the uncomfortable chair outside of Pierces office waiting for Steve. There was an unreadable, thick, tension the second we stepped through the door of headquarters and we were worried what exactly was going to happen. My mind tried to think of what Pierce could want with Steve and I, however, all I could think about was the man from the roof. 
I squeezed my eyes shut, covering them with my hands hoping that would keep the past memories from playing in front of me like I was sitting in a movie theater. It had been almost three years since those thoughts have haunted me, giving me nightmares, so I would be damned if that happened again. It was the worst 5 months of my life. I couldn’t go back to that. I wouldn’t. 
“Time to go.”
Steve, not too gently, pulled me from my chair as he exited Pierce’s office and dragged me down the long hallway. 
“But I haven’t talked to him yet.” I tried to turn back towards the office but he continued to pull me down the hallway. 
“Trust me, you shouldn’t say one more word to him. We need to leave.” Steve demanded. 
“Wait, Steve. Slow down.” I intertwined our fingers and gave a gentle tug of his hand. “What happened?”
Steve came to a halt before looking into my eyes with a sigh. “They think I killed Nick.” 
My mouth dropped while I shook my head. “You didn’t! I was with you when it happened!” 
“Pierce doesn’t care. They’re just trying to find anyone to blame which is why we need to get out of here.” 
We started walking again and as we turned the corner, Steve’s shoulders straightened and his face became hard as we walked past a familiar one. 
“Captain,” the blonde started. 
“Neighbor,” Steve snapped, fingers still intertwined with mine. 
I ignored the way my heart fell to my stomach when Steve dropped our hands as we stepped onto the elevator. As we waited for it to descend, I studied his back as it tensed under his suit while he stared outside. Steve was carrying so much quilt on his shoulders for what happened to Nick, I could practically see the words my fault sitting on his shoulders. 
“It wasn’t your fault,” I spoke softly. 
He nodded. “It wasn’t yours either.” 
We smiled at each other before the elevator doors opened with a ding, Rumlow and two other men from the Strike Team stepping inside. Sliding into the corner of the elevator, Steve remained in his spot; the middle. 
“Cap, I just got word that forensics got a fiber from the roof where the shooter was. Want me to get the tac team ready?” Rumlow suggested. 
Steve shook his head. “No, let’s wait to see what they find.” 
Rumlow gave him a curt nod before silently having a conversation with one of the men he stepped on with. I studied the way his lips barely moved, almost knowing that I would be watching. The other man had his hand close to his holster guns; not directly on them but close in case he needed to use them. Biting my lip, I remained calm as the doors opened again, more men from The Strike team stepping inside followed by a few more men dressed in business suits, one of them clutching a briefcase close to him. 
Steve looked around himself, studying intently the way one guy couldn’t help but sweat in the cool elevator, and suddenly pulled me closer to him, his lips grazing my ear. 
“You have your knives right?”
Ignoring how much I loved feeling his breath on the back of my neck, I gave him a slight nod. 
“Good, get ready to use them.” 
Steve looked into my eyes and I gave him another nod, understanding what was about to happen. 
“Before we get started, does anyone want to get off?” Steve questioned the group of men. 
An eerie silence flooded the elevator before all hell broke loose. Bringing my elbow back into the man’s stomach behind me, I sent my heeled boot into the man’s face in front of me. Arm’s wrapped around my stomach and threw me into the glass windows of the elevator. Landing on the ground with a groan, I reached for the knife in the side of my boot but Rumlow was a step ahead of me, grabbing my wrist and wrenched it behind my back while pulling to my feet. I screamed out in pain as I felt him press his body into my back. 
“Leave her alone!” Steve bellowed from the other end of the elevator. 
Some of the men had him trapped, making him unable to move. 
“You know, I’ve always wondered what Cap saw in you, Y/N. I mean you don’t have that cute of a face but your tac suit does wonders for your ass,” Rumlow groaned in my ear. 
“Fuck you!”, Steve spat after landing a punch to someone’s face. 
“You know what I’ve always wondered about, Rumlow?” I ignored the way his hand slowly ghosted over my leather covered ass and continued, “I’ve always wondered how the hell you got on Shield’s Strike team when you didn’t even notice when a girl has reached for the knife she had hiding in her hair?” 
“What?” Rumlow questioned. 
Bringing my head back into his nose, immediately hearing a crack, I pressed my forearm into his throat and my eyes sliced into his.
“If you ever touch me like that again, I’ll make sure your sex life is non existent,” I seethed, pressing the knife into his crotch.
By now Steve had broken free from the grasp of the other men and we fought back to back, throwing kicks and punches. Soon it was just Rumlow and us, him holding his taser charged batons. 
“Easy there, big guy. I just want you to know this isn’t personal.” Rumlow said, out of breath. 
Steve blocked a few of his punches and threw him up into the ceiling, Rumlow’s body falling to the floor with a thud.
“It kind of feels personal,” Steve breathed, kicking his shield up towards him, catching it with an attractive ease. 
“Are you okay?” He asked while cupping my face.
“I’m fine.” I assured him with a smile. “But we need to get out of here.” 
He nodded before pressing the button to open the doors, more men dressed in black and guns drawn surprising us. 
“Drop the shield and the knives and put your hands in the air!” Someone ordered. 
I frantically pushed the button to close the doors as Steve broke the wire to the elevator, dropping thousands of feet in mere seconds. He pried the door open but cursed, quickly closing them. 
“Give it up, Rogers. Open the door! You’ve got nowhere else to go!” Muffled voices shouted. 
Steve looked out the window before locking eyes with me. 
Rolling my eyes with a groan, I slipped my knife back into my pocket. “Fuck you, Rogers. I’m still picking out the shards of glass from my hair from last night.” 
I didn’t have time to register the bluntness of Steve’s flirting because he pulled me into his chest and we both jumped out of the window falling straight through a ceiling. Steve’s body landed on top of his shield with a thud while his arms were wrapped tightly around me to protect my fall. 
Scream echoed around us as I shook the shards of glass out of my hair and just for a fraction of a second, I marveled at how blue Steve’s eyes actually were. 
“We need to go,” Steve breathed. 
“Right,” I nodded, pulling Steve to my feet with me before running out of headquarters, a group of men following close behind. 
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logicallyanxious · 5 years
Now on Ao3:
Words: 2649
Characters: Roman Sanders and Remus Sanders.
Warnings: Blood mentions, injuries, evil/nonsympathetic Remus (idk what tags to use for him yet like we have for Deceit), fighting/violence, gun/shooting mentions, fire mentions, death mentions, intrusive thoughts/nightmares. A lot of angst.  Let me know if I should add anything else.
Summary: Basically a prologue for my fic Creative Differences, but both can be read separately. As kids, Roman noticed Remus becoming darker and banished him from the imagination. After years, he returns, stronger than before and ready to fight. Now Roman must deal with the hits – both physical and mental – as his brother tries to take control of their territory.
Roman rubbed at the sore spot on his head as he made his way to his room. Him and Remus had fought a lot growing up, but he’d never thought his brother would actually hurt him. He knew his brother played dirty, but that, in there, was just straight up nasty.
He pushed open his door and immediately felt his headache worsen. He groaned, rolling his eyes as he saw Remus lounging on his bed, waiting for him.
“Leave me alone, Remus,” he called, frustrated at how the other side hadn’t even looked up at him as he’d entered. “I don’t particularly wish to see you at the moment.”
“Pity,” Remus replied, still refusing to really acknowledge his brother, “as I don’t particularly feel like leaving at the moment.”
Roman felt a growl of annoyance as he glared down his brother, who’d finally looked up at him.
“You see,” Remus began, a twisted smirk on his face as he pushed himself into a sitting position, “this just so happens to be my room too. So if one of us is leaving, it’s not going to be me.”
Roman stepped back at that, shocked. It was true, what Remus claimed, but it hadn’t been the case for many, many years.
As children, they’d shared the imagination. They’d gotten along then, if only just barely, and Roman could recall hours spent playing with his brother. The floor was lava was a particular favorite of theirs.
But Roman imagined fantasy worlds, showing Thomas what’d it’d be like to be a prince riding on a noble steed. Showing him magic and wonder, helping him see a world where all his dreams could come true.
Remus though… Remus always drifted to darker thoughts. He’d help twist shadows into ghostly figures, creaking floorboards into the screams of the damned. He’d enact revenge fantasies, thoughts Roman didn’t dare indulge in, one’s where classmates Thomas didn’t like died in a fire.
“Remus, this isn’t fun anymore!” Roman remembered shouting, his first shaking at his side. 
His brother had ignored him, keeping the gruesome daydream going.
“What, don’t like fire? How about a shooter then?” He replied, shifting the scene.
Roman grimace as he heard bullets ring out down the hall, the kids in Thomas’s class screaming and ducking under their desks.
“Stop it!” Roman had cried.
“They deserve it!” Remus had bit out, turning to glare at his brother. “They’ve been bullying Thomas all year. There’s no hurt in imagining, it’s not like Thomas actually wants them to die.”
Roman had stepped away, watching his brother laugh in glee as bullets tore through the air. He knew that in reality Thomas was just zoned out during a math lesson, but Roman couldn’t help being worried. Something inside Remus had twisted, his eyes dark and crazed. He was changing.
Remus began hanging out with who Roman dubbed as the Dark Sides. He watched Remus continue to change, his clothes shifting from white, having been matching his own, to black. Roman watched his brother grow darker and darker and didn’t know how to stop it.
Remus had always antagonized him, always been chaotic, but Roman had never believed he was capable of being evil.
So, he’d pretended everything was okay. He was an actor, after all.
“The floor is lava!” Roman had announced with a laugh, jumping onto the nearest couch.
The ground underneath them shifted, the carpet growing hot, steam rising. Lava bubbled out from under it, the furniture floating, becoming safe havens.
Remus held onto an armchair before swinging over to the table. Roman jumped over as well, but his foot slipped. He cried out, grabbing onto the ledge and trying to pull himself up.
“Remus, help me!” He’d pleaded, struggling to get up, the heat below him singeing his pant legs. 
His brother had looked down at him, his eyes dark. Roman froze, feeling every nerve of his body go on edge. For the first time ever, Roman felt true fear when looking at his brother.
He could no longer recognize Remus. This was no longer his brother.
“R-remus, please!”
Remus had crouched down, grabbing Roman’s hand. For a second Roman felt relief. Of course Remus would pull him up.
But then he’d smiled, a broken caricature of a grin, and the fear returned.
“Goodbye, Roman.” He’d whispered, slowly lifting his fingers, one by one. “I think one creativity is enough, don’t you?”
Roman heard Remus laugh as he fell, as he felt the lava burn him. He’d sunk into it, unable to even swim. But he couldn’t die, not really. He’d just reappear later, good as new.
In that moment he decided Remus was right. One creativity was enough.
The next day Remus wasn’t surprised to see him. He didn’t look remorseful for what he did either. 
“Good morning, brother.” He’d greeted in between bites of deodorant.
“You don’t get to call me that anymore.”
That had Remus looking up, his head tilted.
“I beg your pardon?”
“Then beg.”
Remus let out a laugh, finding Roman amusing. 
“Still mad about yesterday, I see. Honestly Roman, when will you learn that daydreams aren’t a big deal. It was all fake. You’re fine.”
“But you’re not. You’ve changed. Ever since you started hanging out with… With them. So now it’s time to choose. Them or me.”
“Don’t be absurd.”
“Them or me!” Roman shouted, pulling out his sword and pointing it at his brother. “I want my brother back because I don’t know who you are.”
“I’m still the same old Remus.”
“You aren’t!” Roman stepped closer, his sword inches from his brother’s face. “So right now, I want you to choose. Them or me?”
“Roman, please don’t make me do this.”
There were tears in Roman’s eyes as he pushed the sword against his brother’s throat.
“No, don’t make me do this.”
“You’re making a mistake, brother. You hang around with Patton and Logan, but you don’t know who has the real power.”
“It’s not about power!” Roman screamed, pushing them both closer to the door. “They’re my friends. Can you say the same about Deceit? Or- or Anxiety?”
Remus let out a laugh as the door pushed open and he stepped out into the hall.
“This isn’t the end,” he’d said, a wide, unsettling, grin on his face. “One day I’ll be back. And when I return I’ll be stronger, stronger than you. And then Thomas will get a new creativity. A better one. You won’t be able to stop me.”
“Is that a threat?”
“It’s a promise.”
“Goodbye, Remus.” Roman felt tired as he pushed the door closed.
“Goodbye, brother.”
Roman shuddered at that, the room suddenly feeling cold. Empty. He felt so alone, more alone than he’d ever felt. But still, he’d felt more at peace than he had in months. As if a weight had been lifted off his shoulders.
And so he’d become Thomas’s main source of creativity, taking full control of the imagination. Of course, Remus was still there, leaking through at night as intrusive thoughts. But, luckily, he was kept in check and soon it became easy for Roman to forget he’d ever had a brother.
Or, almost forget, at least. He’d still be reminded at times where his ideas were shot down or when what he produced was lackluster. He’d still be reminded that his replacement stood ready, waiting for him to slip up, to disappoint Thomas. So, he’d spend hours creating, perfecting his ideas, determined to be the best creativity. Though, his brother’s promise always remained in the back of his mind.
Which is why he wasn’t surprised to see him again, not really.
“You remember my promise?” Remus asked, jumping up and making his way towards Roman. 
Roman nodded, gripping his sword. “I chased you off once, I’m not afraid to do it again.”
“Do try your best, brother. I know how much you enjoy a good fight.”
He lashed out, his weapon digging into Roman’s gut. Roman looked down at the red seeping into his white uniform.
“Stop. Y-you can’t-”
Remus hit him again and Roman fell to his knees with a grunt. Remus grinned, grabbing a fistful of Roman’s hair and forcing him to look him in the eyes.
“I told you I’d be stronger.” He let go, kicking Roman to the ground before walking off. “I think it’s about time that I take back what’s rightfully mine. Don’t you think so too, brother?”
Roman felt his consciousness begin to slip as he watched his brother go. His wounds throbbed and he was thankful that at least as a side it was impossible to bleed out. He tried to push himself up, tried to follow after Remus, to stop him, but it was no use. He watched him disappear, vowing that tomorrow he’d do better.
Unfortunately, the next morning followed the same pattern. Any time Roman got close to Remus he’d lash out, his weapon cutting into Roman, causing him to collapse. He willed his wounds to heal, forcing himself to stand, but he was getting so tired.
He swayed as he stood, holding out his sword. “Y-you can’t do this!”
Remus had just laughed at that. “Oh, but I already have. Fight back all you want, we both know it’s no use. Besides, I’m the better creativity, you’re just holding Thomas back.”
“I’m not!” Roman protested.
“You’re weak. A failure. So easily replaced. Unwanted…”
The list kept going but Roman pressed his hands over his ears, shaking his head. He swung his sword forward, but barely managed to slice through the fabric of Remus’s shirt. 
“So he does know how to use his sword!” Remus feigned excitement.
“Please, just leave me alone. Please.”
He thought his brother took pity on him, as no more blows came to him, but Remus turned to other forms of torture. Each time Roman closed his eyes images of dog butts or Thomas’s Aunt Patty naked came to his mind. He pushed them away, exhausted, his eyes heavy and tired. He lacked the energy to fight back, his wounds still fresh, as he was no longer strong enough to have them heal themselves. 
Still, Roman refused to give in, to surrender. This was his territory too, he refused to admit defeat, admit that his brother was stronger than him.
“I’ve gotta admit, you’ve lasted longer than I would have guessed,” Remus noted nonchalantly as he watched Roman stumble past, half dead.
“Well, I am Thomas’s creativity.”
Remus rolled his eyes at that.
“So am I.”
Roman grimaced, hating that he had to share that title.
“Just give up already, relinquish your power.”
“Never,” Roman looked up, glaring at his brother, “the longer you’re in here with me, the longer you’re leaving Thomas, and my friends, alone. I’d fight you for the rest of eternity if I could.”
“Friends?” Remus let out a laugh, “you’re still on about that?”
“Of course.”
Remus’s laugh deepened, growing darker. “You know they don’t really care about you, right?”
“Yes they do.”
“They use you for your ideas and the second you don’t meet their standards they’ll cast you to the side.”
“You’re wrong!”
“Fine,” Remus’s eyes darkened, “then I’ll show you.”
He pushed Roman to the ground, bringing his foot down on his face. Roman felt his lip split, a coppery taste filling his mouth. His head smashed into the ground and everything went dark.
Roman blinked, suddenly no longer in his room. His brain felt foggy as he stood with Thomas and the others. He must have been summoned.
“So, Roman, give us the ideas for the next video,” Thomas requested, the others eagerly awaiting his reply.
“I, uh…” Roman searched his brain. Hadn’t they just finished a video? “What if we uh…” He did his best to think, refusing to let Thomas down. “Make slime?”
Everyone collectively groaned.
“Really playing to the algorithm with that one, huh?” Virgil commented, seeming annoyed.
“It’s completely unoriginal!” Patton protested.
“Besides, slime is so last year,” Logan added.
Roman flinched. “I’m sorry, I just need more time. I promise I’ll-”
“More time?” Thomas scoffed, “You’re my creativity, you should have ideas at the ready.”
“I know, I’m sorry I-”
“You know, I’m sure my friend Remus could do better,” Virgil said and Roman tried his best not to look hurt.
“Yes, I think Remus could really challenge the viewer and push the boundaries of this channel,” Logan nodded in agreement.
“No, guys, I’m creativity!” Roman reminded, sounding panicked, “I’ll think of something.”
“We don’t need you anymore,” Virgil told him.
“We don’t want you anymore,” Patton added.
“What if we do… Uh… ASMR!”
The others began booing and conjured tomatoes. They threw them, hitting Roman. 
“Go away, we aren’t friends with you anymore!”
Roman felt anger pulse through his veins. They couldn’t treat him like this.
“I demand you stop! I demand you stop now!”
“We hate you, Remus is the better creativity,” Logan told him, throwing another tomato.
Roman grabbed his sword, lunging forward. In an instant, it had cut through Logan, who crumpled to the ground.
“You killed him!” Patton shouted, “You’re no better than the dark sides! You’re not my son! I hate you, get out of here! I-”
Roman couldn’t take any more of Patton’s yelling and slashed out, the sword slicing through his throat. Blood sprayed out, covering Roman in red as he watched his friend fall. He turned to Virgil, who stepped back, his eyes full of fear.
“I-” Roman couldn’t find the words as he looked down at his sword, at the blood on his hands. He looked up at the fear in Virgil’s eyes and felt his stomach twist. “Virgil, it’s me. We’re friends.”
He took a step forward and Virgil took a step back, shaking his head.
“P-please, don’t hurt me…”
Roman felt like he’d been punched, tears streaming down his face. 
“I-I’m sorry, I-I don’t know what happened, I don’t-”
He dropped his sword, falling to his knees. He sobbed into his hands, letting out anguished cries.
Suddenly he felt metal biting into the back of his neck. He gasped, looking up. He turned to see Virgil gripping his sword, Logan and Patton standing with him, each one covered in a sickening crimson.
“Wait…!” Roman held out his hand but Virgil ignored him, swinging down with full force.
Everything went black.
Roman opened his eyes with a gasp, back in his room, his brother standing over him.
“Well, that was fun, now wasn’t it?” 
Roman ignored him, too busy retching on the floor. He wiped his mouth, turning to stare at his brother with broken eyes.
“Th-they would never… I would never…”
“But you did. I didn’t control your actions.”
Roman shook his head, feeling dizzy. It was a nightmare, just a nightmare. Twisted thoughts that his brother had forced onto him. He stood, stumbling forward.
He had to get out of there, he couldn’t breathe. He needed to steady himself, steady his mind. Everything hurt, his mind was swirling, the thoughts wouldn’t stop.
He hurried down the hall, his brother’s laughs echoing before finally fading away.
Where would he go? Who could protect him from his brother, from the chaotic voices that screamed in his head.
He fell against a door frame, bringing a shaking hand to the wood. When no reply came he knocked again, this time louder, more urgent.
He heard a voice inside, but his head was pounding too loudly for him to make it out. The door was pushed open and after a few seconds of stunned silence the other person spoke.
“I-I’m sorry,” he managed to speak, his lip throbbing, “I-I didn’t know where else to go.” 
He stumbled forward and the other person caught him.
In that moment, he felt safe.
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newagesispage · 4 years
                                                                            JUNE    2020
FX and Ryan Murphy will bring us season 10 of American Horror Story next year. The cast includes Mac Culkin, Kathy Bates, Sarah Paulson, Evan peters, Billie Lourd, Lily Rabe and Finn Wittrock. There will also be a spinoff called, wait for it, American Horror Stories. Woo Hoo!!
Reno 911 is back
I happen to have a clementine in my butt. –Jimmy Kimmel
NASA got their dragon launch. It is unfortunate that they had to compete with the current cycle.
Sam Springsteen (son of Patti and Bruce) has been sworn in as a Jersey City firefighter.
Ryan Murphy’s Hollywood is great. I don’t know how to feel about the fast and the loose and the nice made up endings like Once upon a time in Hollywood.  Will this be a trend??** Another great one on Netflix is, Have a good trip.
Are there biopics in the works for Michael and Janet Jackson, Whitney Houston, the Bee Gees and Bowie?? That is the word.
Days alert: Look for Lani to become pregnant. Eli and Justin are both thinking marriage. Claire is back which will bring Shawn and Belle back. Gabi may be kidnapped. Word is that July will have a wedding every week that will lead to a funeral.  Allie Horton is all grown up and heading back with a secret. Will she be like Mom, Sami?? Brady thinks that ruining Titan will get back at Victor. Sonny and Will may get a chance at another child. Eve may be back later in the summer. And, C’mon Xander, do something wonderful to get your woman back. Lucas may be on the way back and Orpheus is leaving. ** Judi Evans (Adrienne) had a serious horseback riding accident on May 16. She had broken ribs, a collapsed lung and 2 chipped vertebrae. The good news was in the hospital they discovered a blood clot so the whole thing saved her life.
Morton Buildings is being sued by 2 women for harassment and discrimination. One incident claims an employee said, “God created women by lining up all the men and castrating the stupid ones.” Another lawsuit was filed in 2009.**Thanks for the tip, Di.
If you expect elementary school children to endure the trauma of active shooter drills for your freedoms, you can wear a mask to Costco. –Sara Elizabeth Dill
House republicans have sued Pelosi to block proxy voting.
Seth Rogan, Steve Carell and Ben Schwartz are donating funds to bailout Minneapolis protestors after the death of George Floyd.** The country has been turned upside down as another cop kills another black man. No need to rehash, we have all seen it. I wonder if those four horrible cops are proud of what they have done to their city. Could we finally have a tipping point in this time when racism is spotlighted with our racist President? After many incidents in just the past couple of weeks and everyone on edge with coronavirus, it has boiled over. Scary Clown threatens to start shooting as Minneapolis burns down. Burn down a police station, get a cop arrested (finally)? Seems worth it to me. The way the killer looked into the camera as if he was just so proud is gonna stick with us as it should.  ** A CNN crew were arrested live on the air but released later after Jeff Zucker spoke to Gov. Walz.**  Liberate Minnesota was the Trump tweet, well, they are working on it.** I am hearing people saying in all sincerity lately that it is time for the humans to go, we are ruining each other and the planet.
If you have not seen the Killer Mike speech from Atlanta, you need to check it out.** Netflix, Hulu and Paramount are taking a stand and showing support for the Black lives matter movement.
John Cusack put out video of police coming at him with batons and pepper sprayed him as he protested in Chicago. More than 1000 were arrested and it continues.** In Flint, Sheriff Chris Swanson and other police put down helmets and joined the protestors. Police in Schenectady took a knee and joined the march. The behavior is spreading and look what a difference it makes, could they be starting to get it?
Never thought I’d say this but in light of everything that is happening, the DNC made a big mistake in not backing Berne Sanders. –Pete Buttigieg ** Ok, first, of course he is right but you helped set this all in motion. It is a bit late for that …or is it? Biden is not the OFFICIAL nom, the deal is not done yet. Will Bernie jump back in the race?? Perhaps we will soon see BERNE FOR PRESIDENT again.
American carnage was a self -fulfilling prophecy, alas. –Susan Glasser
Scary Clown 45 has designated Antifa a terrorist organization. ** There is no legal authority for designating a domestic group, any such designation would raise significant concerns. –ACLU
In any season, police violence is an injustice, but its harm is elevated amidst the remarkable stress people are facing amidst covid-19. Even now, there is evidence of excessive police initiated force and unwarranted shootings of civilians, some of which have been fatal. –American Medical Association.
Washington Week had a great discussion about how all the ills in US history have played out in 2020. Impeachment, pandemic, depression and civil unrest are all here at once.
Word is that Trevor Noah has been proven much more popular than the other late night hosts since they have been at home.
I predict the picture of the upside down flag with the backdrop of the burning liquor store will be the lasting image of the Trump Presidency.
This is the Presidency George Wallace never had. –Max Boot
Spanish flu, Polio, Aids, Covid-19: Why don’t people get any smarter? The masses (and sometimes those in charge) can get it wrong over and over again. From Dr.? Phil and Dr Oz and their cavalier attitude toward death to Rosie wanting her son to take a leave of absence from the grocery store, we just do not learn. Even before that, I can’t forget the woman who wanted to change her vote after she found out Buttigieg was married to a man. Is she even a dem? Do your research people! Respect others, people!! Have compassion, stop being so selfish and use your brains!!** Puerto Rico was a pre curser to the pandemic response.
Amy Cooper Chris Cooper? WTF? Another liberal who is not really liberal.
Crime in general is down and police shootings are up. And yes, now the opportunists are out of control and anger is boiling over but protests against police brutality causing police brutality is WRONG!
Check out the book, What makes a marriage last, from Marlo Thomas and Phil Donahue.
Ben Taub, Barry Blitt and Colson Whitehead have won the Pulitzer Prize.
Word is that Nick Cage will play Joe Exotic of Tiger King fame. Of course he will.
I refuse to wear a mask because God did not have us born with one.- Nino Vitali** How many people have you heard say, “The President isn’t wearing a mask, so I don’t have to.”
It looks like Apple will partner with Paramount for Scorsese’s adaptation of Killers of the Flower Moon.
Oh my: Scary Clown is having a twitter feud with twitter!  He has to, of course, lash out and now signs an executive order targeting social media. He is going on about section 230 which gives immunity to social media companies against being sued over content.  It could curb liability protection. Experts say it will only encourage lawsuits because he does not want to be edited.
If Native American tribes were counted as states, the five most infected states in the US would all be native tribes. –Nicholas Kristof
Did ya see that Jeff Epstein doc from James Patterson. It is lays blame in all directions. Why does it seem like all these old guys on there with all that money have such yellow teeth?
Lindsey Graham is urging Federal judges in their mid to late 60’s to step down so they can fill the spots with republicans.
Richard McGuire tried to live at Disney World in a zoological park that was closed down.
Caterpillar, Levi, Black and Decker and others have cut jobs but gave millions to shareholders.
Axl Rose and Steve Mnuchin had a twitter feud.
China announced plans to introduce a National Security law in Hong Kong. The law enables mainland Chinese National security agencies to operate in the city for the first time. Using a rarely used constitutional method, they bypassed Hong Kong legislature. Since the former British colony became a semi-autonomous region of China more than 20 years ago, they have manages its own affairs. The law will affect media, education, politics and international business. Many acts will now be criminalized. Hong Kong is party to international treaties guaranteeing civil liberties that China is not. The U.S. is urging Bejing to reconsider. Pro- democracy demonstrators in Hong Kong were tear gassed as they yelled, “Liberate Hong Kong, revolution of our times.”
The Michael Flynn charges were dropped.
Holyoke soldier’s home in Massachusetts lost 70 souls to Coronavirus. AP photographer David Goldman got a projector and cast big pictures the vets onto the homes of loved ones. Each one had a story including one vet who was sent to Nuremberg to guard Nazis. He claimed to have filled Hermann Goring’s glass with toilet water.
The swimming Dinosaur, Spinosaurus has been getting a lot of attention.  The Sahara desert which was once massive rivers kept the first intact aquatic dinosaur.  With a snout, teeth and jaw like a croc, it is so far the only known kind of dinosaur that lived in the water.  The 50 foot long bizarre fin-like tail is like a giant paddle.  Paleontologists encourage others to have a look at other fossils to see if there are more.
Octavia Spencer is said to have been telling everyone she is a year younger than she is. She is turning 50.
The $69 million ventilator scam. Really? The White House heard from a guy who told them he could supply the product so the WH told NY to order them and stood behind the guy but it was a scam. Scary Clown sure loves his shady people, intentional or not.** A Florida woman, Rebecca Jones claims that she was asked to fudge the numbers to make reopening look better. ** Georgia moved their dates around on a graph to make their cases seem flattened. ** For 17 months, Florida investigated voter fraud for Trump and Gov. Scott. They found NOTHING!!
Amazon stock price is up 25% yet they have become notorious for the terrible way they treat their workers. Bezos is set to become a trillionaire.
We have to remember that order comes from chaos. True enhancements can come from large scale crisis. What will we learn from this one? This is a warning!!** Universal health care? No more buffets? ** Prices will probably go up everywhere what with the closings and all the extra cleaning. I hope this means that hotel bedspreads will be cleaned after every stay.  It looks like there may be no cocktails or food on planes.
Take a virtual tour of the statue of liberty. All the fun without all the swaying.
Local PBS stations are making it easier to learn. Students will be able to put on a channel for lessons that does not need cable or internet. Woo Hoo!!
Insiders say that Trump threatened to sue his campaign manager because he did not agree with his assessment and the poll numbers in a 2 day rant.** Just one more example of Scary Clown double talk. Then: Less testing, less positives. Now: So much testing is a badge of honor.**Doctors without Borders are now here, not the third world countries that they usually help, it is US.
Haven’t we had enough of powerful men being accused? A female Dem candidate would have been nice and Bernie did not seem to have any baggage that way either.
Will the Senate see fit to ok some more stimulus $? 4 trillion to prop up Wall Street seems per the usual. Enough for them, let’s take care of those small businesses and those really in need.
Thao and the get down stay down is one of the best in this internet entertainment era.
Check out Stars in the House with Tony Shalhoub and others.
The Detectorists on Acorn TV is a great little show!!
Happy Day! There is a new season of At Home with Amy Sedaris!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It looks like Pier 1 will permanently close as well as JC Penney, J Crew, Sears and Neiman Marcus.
Check out the wonderful, This is about Humanity!!
Have U seen the trailer for The King of Staten Island?? OMG Pete Davidson, Steve Buschemi and Marisa Tomei , just to name a few!! I can’t fucking wait!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bill Maher looked really high on his 5-22-20 show. This working from home makes him much more mellow!!
3 Russian doctors treating coronavirus have fallen out of windows in about a weeks time.** Russia boasts that it has more ventilators per capita than the U.S. After they made fun of us, on May 22, the first shipment of U.S. ventilators headed to Russia. They are a gift from Trump and the U.S. taxpayers. –Julia Davis
State Department Inspector General Steve Linick is out.  Was he investigating Pompeo?  Trump never knows anything about any of it. Why are all the protectors of the rule of law thrown out?  ** Was Pompeo throwing lavish foreign policy dinners with Reba, Dale Jr. and the owners of that horrid chicken sandwich place? ** The clean water rule has been suspended which cuts protections for most of the country’s wetlands.
The market facilitation program has been helping small farmers over the last few years in a $28 billion bailout. Trump’s sanctions brought this on and the corona virus has made it worse.  Mostly the money has helped bankers and bigger farms. Much like the stimulus $ that was earmarked for small business, there are loopholes that screw up the ‘rules.’ The cap is not being followed like they may say because the $ is going to “investors” in the farm and often not the actual farmer who works on a smaller scale. A small farm run by family members may not get the bailout. It seems to be more important to get a good lawyer who can manipulate the paperwork.  Sad that taxpayer $ is used this way.
Just in time, the Space Force flag and plans for the super duper missile have been unveiled. WTF??
Paula Poundstone is a woman I knew I liked. She was recently talking about not liking couches. I thought I was the only one, People are always telling me how much they love their couches and I don’t get it.
Jeff Gibbs and Michael Moore are upset after Youtube pulled their doc, Planet of the Humans. After 8.3 million views, there was a copyright claim by Toby Smith of about 4 seconds of footage.  Now , this is not the first time that Moore has had problems with content in one of his movies.  Many have claimed there is a lot of fiction in this latest venture. I think I would just remove the possible copyright infringement and move on. It can now be seen on Vimeo.
A Florida law that restricts felon voting is found unconstitutional by a federal judge.** The RNC filed a lawsuit against California to stop mailing ballots to registered voters.
R.I.P. Little Richard, Roy Horn, Jerry Stiller, Sam Lloyd, Ann Sullivan, Mike Cogswell, Michael Keenan, Shirley Knight, Irrfan Khan, Hana Kimura, Forrest Compton, Jimmy Cobb, George Floyd, Ken Osmomd, all the corona victims, Lynn Shelton, Richard Herd, Larry Kramer, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Anthony James, Fred Willard and Carolyn Busch.
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connorssock · 5 years
Any chance for some 4some action Hank/Connor/Gavin/Nines. Gavin acts like this isn't serious and doesn't want to get attached. He's trying to play it off and jokes about it. But inside he wants a family. They are on a call and Gavin pushes Hank out the way and gets shot. Has to be looked after. Is on meds that make him share stuff and act all cuddly.
I am finally free to write for the fandom again! This has been sat in my ask box for so long, I thought I was going to go mad because it was all plotted out from the day I saw it but just couldn’t write it. I hope the wait was worth it, even if I did forget about Gavin being shot on a case and made it happen a little differently.
Barbwire Heart
They were at a bar, the four of them messing around as per usual. It had been Gavin’s idea. Going for a meal was too cosy, too intimate and he couldn’t bring himself to ask for that, not when he’d spent so long convincing the others that it was only a fuck-buddies thing he was interested in. The other three could love each other all they wanted, could play house at Hank’s but he’d only rock up for the great sex when he felt like it and never stay the night. He had strict rules for that, no more than three nights a week there, no falling asleep and definitely no cuddling. The few times he’d fallen asleep he’d laughed it off, made excuses and beat a hasty retreat. Nines and Connor probably suspected that Gavin was lying to them all, especially himself, given their fancy scanners and everything while Hank was an observant man. The only person really fooled by his antics was Gavin himself and even he knew it was all an act.
So he was trying, slowly easing himself into the idea of being wanted, not just for good sex but also for being himself. It was a heady and ridiculous prospect but he hoped that the other three would either catch him or gently let him go when he was no longer desired. It was how they ended up at the bar, a relatively quiet one that wasn’t likely to be visited by anyone they worked with.
The way they sat, Connor and Nines were next to each other on one side, Gavin was in the corner next to Hank who had been put in charge of getting drinks. It had all been going well, Hank had an arm slung over the back of Gavin’s chair, his fingers played with the soft hair that brushed against the back of his neck. It was how he felt Gavin tense up. Both Connor and Nines looked at Gavin sharply too, anxious concern drew their brows low.
Chaos erupted around them as Gavin barrelled into him. There were many things Hank wished he never had to hear or live through again, or ever. One of those was the thud of bullets sinking into a body, accompanied by a startled, sharp gasp as the pain registered. Hank was on the ground, there were shouts and screams all around them, the sounds of a scuffle and a few more shots. The heavy body on top of him and growing warm wetness drew Hank’s back. Gavin was limp over him, breath a wheezing rattle. It was a struggle to get out from under him and take in the blood that was soaking rapidly through his shirt and staining everything it touched. Hank swore, pressed down on the two wounds which elicited a small whine and a futile twitch from Gavin.
It took Nines and Connor minimal effort to take down the shooter, call for back-up and secure the scene. Within ten minutes police and ambulance turned up, paramedics took over from where Hank was crouched over Gavin.
The place was a mess, giving statements soaked in cooling and drying blood wasn’t ideal and for the first time, Hank really appreciated Ben’s crime scene manners. It was weird, being on the opposite end of the conversation, worried sick about Gavin and wanting to rush to the hospital, evidence and job be damned. Connor and Nines had it all under control, their memories had already been transferred to one of the other androids for filing and they were waiting on Hank to give his statement the human way.
Once done, Nines insisted on driving them home first to clean up a little. Despite the water eventually running clear, Hank could still feel echoes of Gavin’s blood all down his front and on his hands. Those bullets had been meant for him, would have probably killed him and the only reason he was unharmed was because Gavin had spotted it. Had shoved him out of his seat and taken the bullets himself. Rather than mull it over and agonise over the memories, Hank hurried out of the shower and threw on a clean shirt.
At the hospital, they were greeted by harried looking nurses and orderlies rushing around.
“He’s in recovery still,” someone finally told them. “It’s perhaps best to wait, he’s not reacted well to the anaesthetics.”
A cold shiver worked its way up Hank’s spine and both Connor and Nines seemed to loom over his shoulder as he demanded what that meant.
“He’s very combative.”
Ignoring shouts, Nines led the way towards the recovery room, having hacked the system already to find Gavin. They tumbled into the room and stopped. Gavin was propped up on the bed, eyes scrunched shut. Each wrist was tied to the edge of the post and as someone walked by, the struggled, obviously distressed.
“What the hell?” Connor was the one to growl.
“Excuse me, you cannot be in here,” one of the nurses approached them.
“As far as I was aware, family could were allowed to visit relatives,” Connor stared her down and got a flickering look in return that assessed the three of them.
“Yes,but only immediate family.”
“Excellent,” Nines sounded too sunny as he steered Hank around her. “As his boyfriends we qualify.”
They approached Gavin who blearily watched them but there was no hint of recognition in his eyes just yet. Mumbled, tearful “no’s” were interspersed with gasping breaths as he struggled again.
“Hey sweetheart,” Hank murmured as he sat next to him and pushed a few stray strands of hair from his face. “It’s okay.”
On either side of the bed, Connor and Nines were undoing the ties, cupping his hands in theirs and gently holding them away from whatever harm Gavin seemed intent on wreaking.
“No,” Gavin’s breathing came short, “please. Hank. Is he okay?”
“I’m fine.” The kiss to his forehead helped ease Gavin a little. “I’m here, you saved me. Connor and Nines are here too. Can you feel them holding your hands?”
A meek “yes” was all the reply they got. Gavin whimpered a little and the three of them tried to help sooth the best they could. Slowly, his breathing calmed, still laboured under the oxygen mask but it no longer was accompanied by aborted whines and a face scrunched up in distress.
When the nurse walked by again, her disapproving frown had turned into a surprised smile.
“He’d clocked one of the nurses on the jaw before we could restrain him,” she said as she took the stats. “It took several of us to be able to restrain him at all. Pulled quite a few of his stitches while he was at it too.”
They sat with Gavin until he stirred again, somewhat more cognisant as he slurred a tired “Hank?” and squinted to peer round.
“Right here, Gav.”
“Okay?” The meaning behind his words was evident and Hank’s heart clenched. Even while coming out from surgery, Gavin’s focus and worry was on him.
“We’re all just fine. You got to play the hero and saved me.”
“Good,” Gavin’s reply was barely a sigh but he shimmied a little in bed like a happy slug to get closer to Hank. His hands squeezed both Nines’ and Connor’s ones.
Out of the recovery ward and in a private room, Gavin was kept in for several days until the doctors were satisfied not just with how he was healing but that his medication wasn’t going to cause any undue problems. Their fears were well founded, the painkillers certainly cut a lot of Gavin’s inhibitions. He was lying on his front in his bed, dozing lightly when visiting hours rolled around. As soon as he saw Nines walk through the door, his face lit up and he struggled to sit up. Only a hand to the small of his back kept him where he was.
“You came!” he sounded inordinately happy. “I wasn’t sure if you would.”
The worried pout was wiped from his features when Connor presented him with a small gift. A new phone as his old one had not survived being doused in blood.
“You shouldn’t have!”
There were only two chairs in the room, Hank took the one next to the bed while Connor pulled the other one closer. Peering around, Gavin looked at Nines who stood by the foot of the bed and merrily patted the mattress next to him.
“There’s room for us all,” he announced and crooned in delight when Nines sat primly on the edge. “What’s this nonsense? Come here.”
The tug on Nines’ arm wasn’t powerful but Nines let himself be pulled down all the same. He helped Gavin rearrange them until his chest became a pillow for Gavin who snuggled close to him. Helplessly, Nines looked up at Connor and Hank who both seemed on the verge of cooing.
“This is nice,” Gavin observed from his place, utterly oblivious. “But I think it would be better if one of you lay on the other side of the bed. Like a sandwich.”
Obligingly, Hank laid down behind Gavin, mindful of the gauze and bandages, careful not to press on the thicker padding that protected the wounds.
“Better,” Gavin hummed. “But still missing a piece.”
Gingerly, Connor sat on the edge of the bed and let out a startled yelp when Gavin yanked him down with a giggle. He ended up in an inelegant sprawl on top of Nines and partially on Gavin too.
“I got into an argument today,” Gavin solemnly informed them. “The nurse from recovery came to tell me I was lucky to have such dedicated workmates who would lie to see me while off my rocker on drugs.”
The anticipation in the air was heavy and none of them dared interrupt Gavin’s monologue.
“So I told her that she was wrong. You’re not just workmates. You’re family. And I love you all very much. She was outraged, began spouting about monogamy and all that crap. So I gave her Fowler’s office number and told her to take her complaint there.”
The silence stretched long until Nines leaned down to press a kiss to the top of Gavin’s head.
“We love you too, dipshit,” he echoed the name Gavin so often called him with fondness.
“While you might not believe it sometimes,” Connor added, “you are as much part of us as we are of you.”
“And for what it’s worth, each night you leave, we keep a space for you on the bed, in case you return,” Hank joined.
A happy sigh left Gavin, content with his lot in life for possibly the first time. It wasn’t ideal, it wasn’t conventional but he was exactly where he wanted to be. Loved and loving in return.
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