#i believe in [ CRACKSHIP ] supremacy *
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i have no explanation for this
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for nico’s use only ( do not reblog )
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puthyflapps · 2 years
Honestly, leachel and dotin supremacy. Dotin from day 1 and the Leachel chemistry was brewing in season 2. Their dynamic is alluring. I’m glad you see it too. I’ve seen a few bringing up the crackship idea of Rachel and Martha. Reign and Jenna are besties, so I wouldn’t hate to see how that would happen. Too bad the writers would never have the guts.
People mix and match the girls so much it’s crazy. I mean its like hard to keep up with sometimes. I think it was last week when people started going feral over the idea of Shelby x Fatin. I even saw someone say that Shelby x Leah would be interesting 💀😭😭 not the two most mentally unstable girlies cmon now y’all be serious
But yes, this blog believes in dotin and leachel supremacy. Dotin were vibing from day 1 and by day 2 they were married. They were literally going to uhaul and move in together in California and let’s not act like leachel weren’t serving that enemies to friends to lovers vibe or as I once described it: enemies to crazy comrades to lovers vibes. People gotta open their eyes and stop playing around 😤😤😤
I think I’ve read a few fics where Rachel and Martha are a thing and it was cute. I do kinda like that the fandom just believes all the girls are certifiably fruity except for Martha. Martha is the token straight and her bf is Marcus 💋
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enbylesbianism · 3 years
ANY WAY THE WIND BLOWS: Simon Snow trilogy wrapped! (review)
Hi, there! It took me a while to finish this post, as I could talk about it for... a long time (not necessarily a good thing), but I got it! I like praise, so if anyone wants to tell me I did a good job... Also, I might edit this post later on. I don’t remember anything else I’d like to add, but I wouldn’t be surprised if I did after posting. My brain does not obey me. Anyways, off to it! By the way, I won’t give this book a real rating.
While this is a review on Any Way the Wind Blows, I intend on analysing some points of the overall series too. The book starts where Wayward Son left off, the end of the road trip, Simon and Baz having problems in their relationship, Penelope helping Shepard with his curse... and the whole situation of the NowNext vampires. Rainbow Rowell only seems to remember the first part. That leaves us with the second book of the series ignored almost completely, with the exception of Simon and Baz’s feelings as well as Shepard’s existence.
Don’t get me wrong, aspects of the book are mentioned, but never in a truly important way. Lamb, the Vampire King, is mentioned by Simon, but only focusing on his and Baz’s relationship, never about the fact that there are a bunch of vampires (supposedly ‘evil’) in the U.S. but I guess what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right? I could count on one hand the times the NowNext vampires were mentioned (like, literally, this isn’t an exaggeration, I looked up ‘NowNext’ on the e-book and only got five results), all of them either being one of them considering telling someone else about it, then not following through with it, or dismissing it as a concern for Lamb. Which makes the plot of Wayward Son completely useless for the trilogy. Now, that wouldn’t matter as much if everything else had been properly developed, but we definitely can’t say that.
We are introduced to a brand new, poorly developed villain, Smith-Smith Richards, whose character arc is as ridiculous as his name. He’s one of the fake Chosen Ones that started appearing after the events of Carry On (and the only one to be mentioned and/or defeated, for that matter). It becomes clear that presenting as Simon Snow-ish is part of his brand, especially when Baz describes him as looking like the Netflix adaptation version of Simon, and that he was raised and guided by his uncle, who’s just... there. I don’t think it would’ve been hard to make him manipulating Smith-Smith into believing he’s the prophetic savior of the Magickal World, which would not only make both of their characters more interesting, but it could also serve as a parallel of Simon’s relationship with the Mage. Richards also has some special powers such as increasing a mage’s magic for a limited amount of time, but taking it away afterwards, as well as making someone immune from spells. It’s worth saying those aren’t skills that are usual in the Magickal World, or else there wouldn’t be so much confusion and shock from people (specially Baz and Penny, who would definitely have heard of something like this before), but we get no explanation on why or how Richard has them.
Then, we have the Salisbury’s. We, as readers, already know Lucy and Davy are Simon’s parents, making Ruth his grandmother. It’s noticeable that Rowell builds up to that discovery, by making Simon get along with Ruth instantly, him thinking about Lucy a lot etc. It makes us excited to read the part where they actually figure it out, to know how Simon would deal with that, him dealing with the fact that he’s the Mage’s son and the fact that, technically, he killed his father. I suppose that’s the point, but actually getting to that part was incredibly underwhelming. The way they discovered about Simon—being able to lift a family sword—hadn’t been mentioned or hinted at before. One would’ve expected Simon, who’s particularly interested in swords as it’s mentioned many times throughout the series, to notice a freaking Excalibur at the Salisbury’s place before. 
And speaking of noticing things: when it’s finally revealed that Simon is Lucy’s son and the Mage’s heir, Baz pointed out the uncanny similarities between his boyfriend and the deceased Watford principal. “Those narrow eyes. That tilt of his head. I thought... I thought he’d learned it. Was imitating it.” + “Merlin, Simon, you even look like him.”  (Any Way the Wind Blows, chapter 86) Simon was the Mage’s protégé for years and I assume the Magickal authorities knew that he was the one to inherit all of his money and personal belongings, but no one, in the whole British Magickal community, thought about them being related? I refuse to believe there were no conspiracy theorist teachers at Watford or that Mitali or even the Pitch’s alongside everyone who was against the Mage didn’t at least check to know if there was something behind those characteristics. Baz literally said (chapter 88), “I think it’s undeniable. I’d cast ‘Flesh and blood’ on them, but it would bounce right off of Snow (...)”, so there is a spell for that. Plus, we didn’t even have one whole chapter of Simon dealing with this information! The chapters (no more than five, out of ninety-one) were divided between Simon, Baz and Lady Ruth’s POVs. He’s the main character, so one would think he’d get more development.
Another point that felt rushed was the romance. While Simon and Baz’s relationship wasn’t, as it’s been a topic Rowell has explored for three books (we’re not counting Fangirl here, as their ‘participation’ on it was minor and their personalities weren’t as consistent as in the trilogy. Not that it is that consistent there), the others just felt like she wanted everyone to finish the trilogy with a pair. I’ll start with Shepard and Penny. There were fans who liked them together before Any Way the Wind Blows, but it wasn’t hinted at—it was more like a fandom thing. I personally like them as a couple, but it could have had development and, maybe, foreshadowing in Wayward Son. I mean, they did fight monsters during a huge part of a road trip together.
The next one I’ll talk about is Agatha and Niamh. I love them, don’t get me wrong. Actually, it’s precisely because I love them that I wish they’d gotten a better treatment. Niamh wasn’t introduced before Any Way the Wind Blows. I get why she wasn’t introduced in Carry On—it was interesting to see a character who wasn’t caught up in Simon and Baz’s drama during the school years—but a hint of her existence could’ve been left in Wayward Son. Agatha is an important character on it, and a mention of her father training an aspiring veterinary could’ve fit somewhere, as a hint, maybe. (Also, Lucy, the dog, being absolutely forgotten during this book when a lot of Agatha’s time is spent in a veterinary clinic...) Besides, we could get the vibes from them, but after they kissed, there was barely any content. We didn’t get them calling each other ‘girlfriend’ (or if they even like that label at this point), or the aftermath of the kiss, or a POV from Niamh. Or Niamh appearing the epilogue? If Agatha was taking care of the goats, I’m sure Niamh would have a part in that too. Still on Agatha’s character, but not on Niamh’s, it felt like Rainbow Rowell was setting up for aromantic and asexual Agatha, specially because of this quote: “It was like she'd pulled the feeling right out of my heart. I could have kissed her. (I still wish sometimes that I wanted to.) (That would feel like an answer to... the question of me. Then I could say, 'Oh, thats who I am. That's why I've been so confused.')” (Wayward Son, chapter 4).
And I was leaving the best (I need to be sure everyone knows I mean this sarcastically) of the romance topic for the end: Fiona and Nicodemus. It’s just... so forced and undeveloped. Not even because, to me, they’re both gay as hell. There was just... such a lack of development! I don’t think we had any interaction between the both of them before Any Way the Wind Blows. There was no foreshadowing or why would Fiona, a vampire hunter from a family of vampire hunters, would marry... a vampire! I’d already find it weird to see fanfiction of them as a crackship, but it’s canon?! Like, canon as in they’re going to get married and use Fiona and Natasha’s mother’s ring? Seriously, nothing will take from me that this is a lavender marriage (as I’ve already discussed with my best friend, which inspired this post of theirs.)
I’d also like to speak about a topic that’d been hinted throughout the series, especially post-Carry On, which is the criticism towards the Magickal Community in the U.K.. That criticism is very much embodied in Shepard’s character. It’s explicitly said that the British mages have some kind of supremacy towards other supernatural beings, such as vampires for example, gatekeeping literal magic. Up until relatively recently, mages with weak links with magic couldn’t attend Watford (and that’s a major plot point in the final book) and there’s a denial towards any other kind of magic except the ones that are part of their craft. Even within the Magickal community itself, there are more important families that are more likely to succeed, like Natasha receiving criticism for marrying Malcolm, as a Pitch. It felt pointless not to tackle the issues you’ve set up yourself in your own universe. Penelope has very strict morals related to magickal law and beliefs, something that she could’ve deconstructed, especially considering Shepard, her love interest, symbolises that. Another point related to that is, the trilogy is very clearly heavily inspired by Harry Potter, where many of those points are very clear (e.g. wizard supremacy in relation to other species, such as werewolves and domestic elves and the status quo that makes some traditionally magical families more influential than others, like the Malfoy’s vs. the Weasley’s), so it’s not an easily forgettable concept.
The series also had a lot of inconsistencies. The one I’ve seen talked about more often is Simon and Agatha’s... intimacy status, let’s call it that. Simon’s whole thing in the first book was that he struggled controlling his magic when experiencing intense emotions, which makes it hard to believe that he managed to have sex withount an... accident. Besides that, though, there’s this quote, “She (...) presses a kiss into my temple. No one has ever kissed me there. No one has ever kissed me anywhere but on my mouth” (Carry On, Chapter 27), but in Any Way the Wind Blows, when Simon’s about to have his wings cut, Agatha says, “It’s a strange feeling to look at someone’s chest and know it’s nothing to do with you anymore, but still to remember kissing every inch.” (Chapter 14)
So, we have established that Rainbow Rowell’s work, both character and plot driven, is flawed. “But we got the characters interacting for the closure of the series, at least!” Well... we got interactions between the canon romantic relationships, yeah. But besides that, we didn’t get much. There were no interactions between Agatha and Penny, or Shepard with Simon and Baz. Or Penny and her mother figuring stuff out. Or literally anyone with a therapist. And not gonna lie, the interaction we got between Baz and Dev was underwhelming, to say the least. Niall is nowhere to be seen, too.
Rainbow Rowell’s writing is beautiful: she writes poetic lines that make the book seem perfect at first glance, if you don’t think about it for too long. Her words are very shiny, but once you get use to that light and see what’s behind them, what’s between one shiny quote and another, it has so many flaws and plot holes that it reads like a first draft. There are many concepts in there that are genuinely good: the rest of the trilogy focused on the protagonist dealing with the trauma of being a child soldier instead of being entirely an adventure, Simon being unlabelled, a fake Chosen One that gives mages fake hope... Those are all good ideas, but so poorly explored that, despite being an entire book/trilogy, it still feels like a writing pitch or something among those lines.
I felt iffy about other things during my reading of the series, but they aren’t exactly plot points, so I’ll just list them below:
Mitali, Penny’s mom, including ‘discovering your bisexuality’ as a mid-life crisis thing 
As I’ve seen people talking about biphobia/bi erasure in the books, I’ll be including this post that features both unlabelled and bisexual individuals talking about the topic (it isn’t my place, as a lesbian, to talk about this, that’s why I decided not to do so.)
Romanticising of Baz’s suicide (a.k.a. chapter 61) in the first book. If you’re not in a good place mentally, like I was when I first read Carry On, I hope you know that a kiss or romance doesn’t help any mental illness you or others might have. Don’t let anyone use your guilt to manipulate you. Paraphrasing Alice Oseman in their graphic novel Heartstopper, love can’t cure a mental illness.
Any Way the Wind Blows was... very horny. I can’t point out how this makes the book bad exactly, but it wasn’t something I enjoyed. One of Rainbow Rowell’s strongest skills is that her quotes, when loose, are good. They tend to be poetic and just beautiful, overall. But in the... explicit scenes, these skills were barely used, and I felt like I was reading NSFW tweets off of someone’s private account on Twitter. Besides, the first two books of the series weren’t written like that, so the change was very sudden.
The older people could’ve been more explored. Penelope and Mitali’s relationship and how similar the both of them are compared to each other, Daphne and Professor Bunce’s insecurities and why they believed in Smith-Smith, Fiona, Nico, and Ebb... Also, the Mage and Lucy. We could’ve had more on them, y’know. 
The pop culture references. They made the book read even more like Twitter’s feed. Honestly, if I wanted to read prompts and nice ship content alongside memes from Twitter with some horny thoughts sprinkled all around, I would’ve opened the Twitter app. Or Tumblr, Instagram, whatever.
The POV switching felt lazy to me at times. It’s nice to know how different characters are experiencing that situation, yes, but sometimes, like during the discovery that Simon is a Salisbury, it read as if Rowell wanted to create tension, but couldn’t think of any other way to do it except the switching around.
Narrative wise, I think Simon and Baz should’ve spent more time broken up. 
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meanscarletdeceiver · 3 years
Duncan for the ship asks meme? :0c
💞✨  OTP ✨ 💞:
Duncan/Madge supremacy!!!!!
I love their ep—Madge brings out his best and most vibrant side but he’s still in character. (Also, Madge herself is just a Rock. A Unit. Love ‘er!)
Other Ships That Are 👌: In a world where Madge didn’t exist—so, I guess, RWS?—then I guess I would have to vote for James.
They’re almost too similar? But in their case it’s more “they have the Exact Same emotional needs"—and I think they’re capable of meeting them, for each other.
That they can’t see each other on the regular would only help, I think. Given that I think both are easy to love, but tough to live with!
Interesting But Fence 👀: See below.
Better As Friends 😊: The rest of the SR fleet. I don’t believe any of them will ever think of Duncan as anything more than “my grumpy adrenaline-riddled coworker.”
Meh 😑 / Overrated : I propose that Duncan/Rusty is, bizarrely, both overrated and overhated.
I guess that’s the occupational hazard of being the Only ship most people consider for at least one of the two characters.
Anyway, I don’t think it quite works? Or definitely Better As Friends? Yet, it’s not bad. Unlike some of his bigger “mean engine” counterparts, Duncan certainly knows how to make a sincere and heartfelt apology: “Rusty, thank you for helping. I’m sorry I was rude… Let’s be friends.” That seems legit to me!
I know in TVS Duncan turns right around and is a dick to Rusty again, but, well, whaddaya want. In RWS it sticks. Pretty pure stuff. I can see it shipped.
(omg they’re the narrow-gauge Edward/James HELP—)
It Happened Once In A Dream 🌑 (or AU 🤔): In a world where Victor exists (so, in TVS) I can see Duncan having a massive, embarrassing crush on the gentle, competent, caring engine at the Works! Even if he's quite happily with Madge, I still think this would happen.
Yeah, the thing with Duncan is, he’s really sooooo insanely sensitive and impressionable.
I think it’s really plausible (and really cute!) to imagine him helplessly crushing on his “doctor” and unable to quite hide it as well as he thinks he is—
If I Had to Put Them in a Polycule 💗:
I just wouldn’t. Duncan has such old-school vibes in terms of his emotional outlook… I don’t see him ever comfortable in a polycule. He either has to be the right person’s One and Only, or he will bullhorn his way through the world on his own, thank you very much.
NOTP 😤: No strong feelings. I'd give anything a whirl.
Though I will say—the crackship of Duncan/George kept popping into my head as I wrote this!
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cappymightwrite · 3 years
New fan here. How did you come across the Jonsa ship ?
Hello! Well...to quote Mr Darcy:
I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun. 
But really, I think maybe it was just through being on Ao3 that I stumbled across it and thought huh...interesting, don’t mind if I do *clicks on fic* Because R+L=J is/was such a big theory, that even as a casual fan just getting into the series (both books + show) when Thrones started, I was aware of it. I was aware that it was very likely that Sansa and Jon were in fact cousins, and suddenly the fact of them not growing up especially close started a-ringa-ding-dinging. Plus, I’ve read Jane Austen, and though it’s not my fave (Emma is), I do like Mansfield Park, so I’m not immediately anti the cousin thing, if in the context/world the characters live in it’s not uncommon/is universally accepted. 
You know, I think it is telling that Sansa has the most fanfic written about her, the most romantic pairings too, and that’s because she is essentially the most romantic character in the whole series. She is arguably it’s key romantic heroine, its romantic heart, but her actual romance hasn’t quite started yet (there’s been several false knights, false beasts to her beauty, false princes), though all the foreshadowing is there for the real deal (Jon), IMO. So, I was ready to ship her with someone, because I love her character and recognise that being able to love romantically/be loved is very imporant to her. With Jon (arguably the most romantic hero)...the puzzle pieces all came together. They fit. Jon, who I also love, who I also want to feel loved and love freely, for who acceptance and belonging is really important. They want the same things — home + family, love + care, Winterfell, and to be a Stark (something Jon always wanted, something Alayne Stone has lost). Like, I know it won’t be without angst (the bitter) but the payoff (the sweet) will feel so satisfying and deserved for them both.  
For my bigtime ships, I like to ship for a reason: because these characters would be good for each other (brave, gentle & strong), because they would make sense personally/thematically/narratively together, because they’d be balanced, not one being just a prop for the other. It’s fun to have crackships, and I definitely do, but with Jonsa...I was blown away by the meta I subsequently found (and looked for) on tumblr — because it is pretty much completely dismissed or ignored elsewhere. The amount of thought people put into their metas here on tumblr is actually insane, and it’s utterly convinced me, it really has. I truly think that’s where things are headed in the books. Because it isn’t just one thing that alludes to them in the text, it’s several repeated motifs/parallels/subtextual references/subversions, but also parallels in other GRRM works (Ashford Theory, Jonnel + Sansa Stark), and other literary influences! Like...the supremacy of that?? Quite frankly, incomparable. 
So yeah, I started first with s1 of the show (rage quit during s5, but I’ve watched subsequent Jonsa scenes), swiftly followed by the books, but I didn’t become a Jonsa believer/fan during s6 like I know quite a lot of people did, I’d discovered it before that point, through fic then confirmed by tumblr meta :)
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partywithponies · 3 years
BELOVED TASH Julian for the ask game? 🥺👉👈
a song that reminds me of them
Love Me Normally by Will Wood is a Julian song. It just is. I mean:
I drank myself to death
To be the afterlife of the party
When the after-party came
I was rolling in my grave
And I'd rather be normal, yeah, so normal
I suggest that we keep this informal
'Cause a normal human being wouldn't need
To pretend to be normal, to be normal
Well, I get that that's the least that I owe you
To be normal in a way I couldn't be, yeah
Come on, come on and love me normally
Come on, it just is.
what they smell like
Sweat, sex, booze, and expensive cologne. Probably hair gel as well. But mostly sex and booze. He probably doesn't mind.
an otp
Let me explain.
Okay so Robin and Julian are boyfriends, right? We all know this. Trouserless chess husbands. Love them. But!! Robin is canonically poly and wouldn't mind sharing, Julian is no stranger to threesomes and foursomes, and this is where Alison comes in!
Okay, so. Admittedly yes, it is something of a crackship, born out of that most important of shio dynamics: my favourite character/my other favourite character, regardless of how little sense it makes.
But isn't that dynamic just a little bit enticing? Isn't it just so much fun to write about?
The Julison Dynamic™️ is in the little things, like the way Alison actually always giggles at Julian's inappropriate sense of humour despite knowing she shouldn't, and the way they actually hang out together and Alison actually takes his advice, but only when she's very drunk. It's in the bickering and the height difference, and the way Alison smiles fondly at Julian's bullshit when he isn't looking, even when everyone else is judging:
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It's in the sweet, sweet, chaos.
(And don't worry about Mike, he's going to have a ghost boyfriend of his own when I kill him in fic, we already established this. And I'm sure Mike's chill sharing too, mass polyamory saves the day once again.)
Oh yeah! And back when only series 1 was out, Thomas/Julian was my OTP, and it still has a very special place in my heart. The way Julian softly reassures Thomas when Thomas is startled by the toaster, when he easily could have mocked. 🥺
a notp
None. Julian is allowed to bone whoever the hell he wants, I've given him my written permission.
favorite platonic/familial relationships
Julian with any kids will always make me soft, I'd love to see him be Jemima's irresponsible uncle. 🥺😭
a headcanon that is popular in the fandom but that i disagree with
Anyone who headcanons this man as straight and/or neurotypical. Oh baby no this is my bisexual ADHD icon.
the position they sleep in
Limbs sprawled out, taking up as much space as possible, dick on full view to anyone who wanders in.
a crossover au i’d love to see them in
I desperately need to see this man interact with Jim and Humpy from Yes Minister.
my favorite outfit they’ve ever worn
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This <3
Send me a character and I'll tell you...
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do u also believe in coltkasa supremacy?
IS THIS SOME SORT OF MEME?? I always see it on twitter, I thought it was a crackship but everyone keeps yapping about it so I feel like I'm missing something 😂😂😂
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sxpremacist-a · 7 years
❤ , ◈
mun related meme
◈  ━ share some headcanons that you have for a muse of your choosing
Not much is known about Lucius’ childhood and that is perfectly fine with me. It means I get to make up my own childhood for him. For my Lucius, I believe he was very boyish in his younger years and very much of a mama’s boy. His mother was the opposite of Abraxas —- she was gentle, while he was hardened; she was affectionate, while he was almost heartless; she didn’t care about blood status, while he was all for pureblood supremacy. If you’ve seen Game of Thrones, their marriage was basically Margaery and Joffrey’s relationship. Sylvia Malfoy was THE lady of all ladies and she knew how to play Abraxas like a fiddle. She knew exactly the kind of wizard her husband was and she knew she wouldn’t be able to change him, but she wasn’t going to let him pass on his traits onto their son. She loved Lucius, yes, but I believe there was some manipulation on her part in a way that she made sure to bond with him so that he would more likely listen and take after her than his father. Abraxas eventually noticed this and as a result became much colder towards Lucius and Sylvia. It was only when she died that Abraxas became active in Lucius’ life, warmer, displaying care and concern for him as any father would. He knew that with his wife out of the picture, his son, young, impressionable and still very much mourning his mother, would be his to shape and mould to be the perfect pureblood —- and shape him he did.
Music has always been a source of shame for my Lucius. For his mother’s love of all music, Lucius tried to learn how to play the piano as a young lad —- tried being the key word. Unfortunately he was not musically inclined and was ‘far too logical’ according to his instructor. So, being the persistent wizard that he is, moved onto the violin, then the cello, then the flute. Eventually he took the hint and locked himself in his room for a whole day before his mother came to console him, encouraging him to play anyway because she would still like to hear it regardless of quality. 
In later years, he used to play the piano (very horribly) for Draco when he was still a toddler and would playfully praise himself to his son about how ‘wonderful daddy was’. This has become somewhat of a running joke between himself and his family (including Severus, yes).
❤ ━ do you have any crackships for your muse? 
Lucius/Luna - No underage Luna, guys. It just sounds hilarious, tbh.
Lucius/Pansy - This was caused by this fanfic I read ages ago and it wasn’t even about these two specifically. Again, no underage Pansy. 
Lucius/Lockhart - I mean, come on. They’d never get to their dinner reservation because their hair ‘doesn’t look right’ that night. 
Lucius/Ginny - Again, I read this fanfic ages ago lol. It was about Ginny rebelling and wanting to piss her parents off and what better way than to date Lucius Supremacist Malfoy? Also, again, no underage Ginny. 
Lucius/Harry - I was so fucking surprised to see there are so many fics on these two?? Again, fanfic, no underage Harry. The fanfic was about Severus/Hermione and these two was kind of a slap in the face because I wasn’t expecting it lol it was pretty hilarious though. Plus it’d piss off Draco.
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not many thoughts and this edit is meh but alice and joaquin could really be it.
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for nico’s use only ( non mutuals do not interact )
psd cred: psd #31 by cavalierfou
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okay but tell me they wouldn’t look great together
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for nico’s use only ( do not reblog )
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for nico’s use only ( non mutuals do not interact )
psd cred : unknown but not mine
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this psd is giving me everything
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for nico’s use only ( non mutuals do not interact )
psd cred: world on fire by interstellarresources
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i just think that they
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for nico’s use only ( non mutuals do not interact )
psd cred: psd #25 by cavalierfou
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for nico’s use only ( do not reblog if you’re not me )
gif credits : f.c. + k.n.
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for nico’s use only (do not reblog if you aren’t me)
gif credit goes to maurawrites , osvaldrps & gifhunts4all
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