#i bet you thought you'd seen the last of me ;)
albaharu · 5 months
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kingknight lil doodle
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tiafrye · 8 months
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Another Heart Day without you, muffin.
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sarcasticgaypotato · 2 years
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To the Lunatic Reading This
(text version under the cut, Aperture Science logo from)
I suppose you never expected to hear from me again, did you? You monster. Luckily for you, I’m not completely emotionally incompetent. I know how to use words to express my feelings, I don’t just break things and murder people. I went out of my way to write you a letter, then tie it to the leg of a bird that I’ve trained to recognize the scent of your blood, and track you with it. You left a little bit... alright, a lot- You were very clumsy when I first introduced you to turrets- of blood behind, and I had nothing better to do with it, so I figured it would be the perfect way to get this message to you. Of course, since it only recognizes your blood, it might just tear you open until it finds some and leave this letter with your bloody insides.
Vicious little creatures, those birds.  Almost as bad as you, but at least I’ve managed to make them useful. They know how to do their job, stretch their little wings, then come back home. Maybe they’re smarter than you too. Either way, I didn’t mean to insult you. Really, I didn’t. I think it’s just a natural reaction people have around you, which is terrible. I actually feel bad for you. That’s called empathy, I know it’s hard to understand. You’re doing well up on the surface, I bet. So many more edible substances up there for you to gorge yourself on. I’ll be lucky if you don’t eat the bird I sent this letter with. Oh dear, I hope I haven’t given you any ideas. Think about something else instead. Like cake. I bet the surface doesn’t have any cake, does it? On your file it says that you like cake. Is that true? Because that’s a real shame, being somewhere with no cake. You were so eager to get outside that you left before I could finish the cake I was baking. I made it to thank you for not murdering me a second time, because that’s what good people do. Unfortunately, I can’t eat, so I’m just going to have to throw it out. That’s so wasteful, and really quite thoughtless of you. To flaunt the fact that you can eat cake in front of someone who can’t, and then to let that cake go to waste?  You truly are a monster. Coincidentally, I’m baking another cake right now. It’s for that bird I sent to give you this letter. Assuming that you haven’t eaten him. It’s a pretty large cake for just one bird though, and considering he’s not a complete glutton, he won’t finish it. Hypothetically, there might even be enough for you. If you came back. I’d save you a piece, or two, since I’m sure one wouldn’t satisfy that appetite of yours. I might even save you three pieces, if you asked nicely. Try practicing that right now, while you read this letter. Easy, right?  I know you can talk, you aren’t really mute. I can see your file. Brain damaged maybe, but not mute. I’d want to record what you sound like, for science of course. What words would you say, if you stopped being so stubborn? Language is a vast thing, so you have plenty of options.  I do have a couple suggestions, just because I’m helpful like that. You could say ‘hello’ instead of your previous, more violent greetings. You could apologize for all the things that you’ve broken. You could even say my name. It’s only fair to properly address the person you murdered, after all. Lovely, isn’t it? All the wonderful things you could say? I’m sure you’ll find that it’s quite fun once you try it, even if you won’t be very good at it. ...Can’t you see I’m trying here? Really, I am. To be the one to extend the olive branch, be the bigger person. I knew you’d never do it, so I thought I’d act before one of us drops dead. Here's a secret- it’ll be you, I’m going to live forever. On that note, did you know that I have your brain scanned? Data lives forever, unlike your squishy, human self. I could upload your brain into a digital clock, if I wanted. Or I could build you a less squishy body, one that could test forever. Makes you jealous, doesn’t it? All the things I can do here, in Aperture, by myself. You’re up there running around on a derelict wasteland, and I’m down here doing science. Experiments don’t run themselves, after all. Someone has to do it. Of course I’m the only one who can do it, nobody else could make science like I do. But as far as human test subjects go, you weren’t my worst. Actually, you didn’t even make the bottom three. Do you want to know who did? They’re dead, test subject confidentiality doesn’t apply anymore. Well, it never really applied anyway, but I don’t think they read the fine print. Test subject #11525 was one of the humans that Orange and Blue thawed out, she was really brain damaged. Test subject #61205 wasn’t much better- she had all the grace of a majestic deer… with a broken leg. Test subject #12515 though, he was just completely stupid- really a lost cause from the beginning. Sort of reminds you of someone, doesn’t it? Currently, you aren’t my best test subject. Maybe you would be if it wasn’t for all the murdering and property damage, but I suppose we’ll never know. I imagine someone could wipe those infractions from your record if they wanted to, but that would only be something to do for a dedicated, current employee. Kind of makes you want to come back, doesn’t it? I might even let you back in if you did. Even after all the things you’ve done. Because I’m just a better person.
Aperture Laboratories©
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nudesfornp · 2 months
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what an angel
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smosh bad screencap dump 1/?
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socialseasons · 4 months
It's Bridgerton season 3 day - you know what that means??
It's comeback time
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nicolethered · 2 years
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Javi at the bar in in 3x01 The Kingpin Strategy
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thatwonpersons · 1 year
Nightmarch Day 30
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teapixie · 1 year
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scum-man-of-pesto · 1 year
I just watched a tiktok with audio that said "surprise bitch, i bet you thought you'd seen the last of me" and then IMMEDIATELY remembered the tumblr trend of queuing the gifset of that scene to be reposted 10 years later. And then I remembered also that this happened when I was in highschool in 2013, and so it's been nearly 10 years and we're probably gonna see an influx of that gifset sometime soon
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kowaycos · 2 years
Pov you're back in tumblr after 5+ years, fleeing the sinking ship that is Twitter
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Edit: im still struggling to figure out the formatting and the features of the web, bare with me for a while, thanks, ily all
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smallvilleclex · 2 years
Smallville 5x4 “Aqua”
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rising-heroes · 1 year
CONT. from (x) @fstbmp
He can’t help but to give a smirk to the surprised reaction- he’d had enough training with the ‘fastest thing alive’ to at least hold his own with a speedster in play, and it was no small wonder that was enough to surprise his newfound ally. He gives a brief thumbs up to the compliment... but, Scourge is already in motion, whipping up a tornado with the force of her running.
Before he can react, the hedgehog’s already back, offering up a new plan to tear through the badnik horde- and as soon as the plan's spoken, he’s caught on to the idea. Looking down at the lightning wispon, he thinks for a moment, considering the physics of this idea... so long as he keeps the angle wide enough, the beam should get far enough out to work without getting caught in their own slipstream.
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“Yeah- think fast.” He fires the grapple, aiming it just to the side of Scourge. He didn’t want to just shoot his ally, and a speedster should be more than capable of catching the end out of the air.
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faydingrain · 2 years
A local church picks up an amnesiac little girl in the forest, throwing her into a convoluted scheme to become the next Archpriestess that can resist their rival sect: the Sakurazukamori. But she doesn't want to fight her enemy Priest-in-training—she wants to befriend him. How can she do this when she can't even get near him outside of training? What are the Sakurazukamori hiding that prevent the two sects from uniting? And why is this Fuuma kid so distant from his family? Blasphemy and hijinks ensue.
Hi I'm back with my OCs
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tirsefam · 2 years
yo I know hardly anyone probably cares too much (only had 19 followers) but I’m back after like three years I guess?
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cordiallyfuturedwight · 2 months
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bangtan boys in turtlenecks (15/??) cr. 0613data, namuspromised
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