#i bid y'all goodnight
What is life if not a series of fun little delusions ✨
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flockrest · 10 months
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well. we done did it! thank you @gloryseized for volunteering your link ( you didn't even need to say anything. i just took your like and ran with it <3 ), muses' thoughts under the cut :)
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cannonfullofcanons · 3 months
as much as I want to hit serious thread replies & answer more asks I have already pushed myself w a y over my limit for how long I should be awake. I've been up since about 3:40 AM, it is now 9:30 PM and I feel like I'm dying. when I got this weak about lack of sleep I may never know, but regardless, I need to go collapse immediately. I'll throw more tomfoolery in here tomorrow!
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sadistic-sakamaki · 1 year
Do you ever like... be minding your business and then the DL x Sanrio collaboration randomly pops up in your mind and you get reminded that Hello Kitty cosplayed as Ayato?
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'Cuz I do.
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4) SEBLOSSSS 😭😭😭😭😭😭💔💔💔
I'm not okay thank you very much <3
Anyway!! Ricky and Gina's date was SO CUTE!!!!! It was literally the most adorable thing ever and I'm not okay :'DD. And I just- PUPPIES!!! Awww my babeys 🥰🥰. Also the fact that it was all because he made fun of her childhood favorite show a bit :'D stop that's so cute <33 your honor I love them so much :). Also the secret hallway meeting and the notes (written on Camp Shallow Lake stationary!!! But sir did you steal that lol-) were adorable :'DD 🥰! And AAHHHH Troy and Gabriella :DDD!!! Our babeys 🥰🥰🥰 <33. Y'all are gonna slay, congrats :D.
ASHLYNNNN honeyy 😬👀. Girl a) your thing with Maddox is sus as heck xD, b) you gotta tell Big Red!!! I mean you can come out whenever you feel comfortable but like. I think he deserves to know xd. Considering everyone else does xD. Though I do see her reasoning that it shouldn't be done over text - and while "steal his gay thunder" is funny XDD, it is a nice thing to do lol. Like, not do that I mean. Also L I V I N G for her and Carlos friendship <33. And AAHHHH congrats on Kelsi girl :DD 🥳🥳🥰!!! I know you're gonna slay it 🥰🥰.
Kourtney honeyyy :'((( you gotta go to therapy bestie <33. I mean you can't put it off :((. I get the feeling something bad is gonna happen because she keeps putting it off. Like, besides just gradually worsening from stress and whatnot, but an Event I mean. Like a breakdown or something :(. And I won't be able to take that :'). Thank you guys, I will die :'p 😭 xD. But seriously, I hope she's okay (in the end) 🥺 <33. But besides that!! AAHHHH GIRL YOU SLAYED SO HARD!! I mean, acting a biiit to Sharpay, but you're not mean to people (hopefully a yet is not needed here :') ) so I'm cool with it xD. And speaking of CONGRATS ON GETTING SHARPAY GIRLLL :DD!!! You're gonna slay 🥰🥰🥰🎉🥳!!
ALRIGHT Y'ALL, IT'S CANON THAT SEB WAS A HOMESCHOOLER!! LET IT BE KNOWN FAR A WIDE!! This is amazing news <33. Idk lol it's just fun xD. Also Big Red is the SWEETEST :'DDD!! I hope he's enjoying and slaying in Cairo 🥰🥰. Also, once again, miss you EJ and Nini <33. Oh and about Seb again - SIRRR HOW DARE YOU NOT AUDITION 😭😭💔. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME SEB!!?! I can't believe this 😭 :'). But let's be real, this is the only way he couldn't be cast as Sharpay 😤😔 /j /lh xD. Kourtney totally deserves it lol, I just miss my boy <33. In general and as Sharpay lol.
CARLOS!! Honey you are going through it 😭😭 xd. But yeah also maybe talk to Seb lol. Also I love how it's like-
Carlos in Episode 1: I'm dealing fine with everything happening with Seb :D 🙄! He'll come around
Carlos in Episode 2: :'))). this is fine. everything's fine. he hates me :'))).
Bro is going through it and I am going to love it if it gets worse XDD. Like, if he continues farther down that self destruction lol (as in he is being destroyed not he is destroying himself lol). Lovely <33. Also I'm suffering 🥰. ANYWAY! Love his and Ash's friendship 🥰🥰. AAAAHHHHHHHH CONGRATS ON BEING RYAN CARLOS!!! You're gonna slay :'DDD!! I love him so much 🥰. Also how dare he pass his assistant position on to Emmy :')). How could he do this to me <33. But also fair enough lol even if it hurts me, drop something if you need to xD. Though I love how he still read the cast list.
Speaking of Emmy, I love her xD. Girl is slaying lol. I do wish she wasn't replacing Carlos, but it is funny that she's being the errand freshman xD. Also her information gathering skills are HILARIOUS and also ಠ⁠_⁠ಠ o.o xD. OH and :(( poor girl getting kicked out of the movie, I'm sorry honey D:. Also though Carlos describing her as Broadway exile was amazing xD. And AAAHHHHHHH TAYLOR :OO :DD!! CONGRATS GIRL!!! You're gonna slay :DD. I didn't have a guess for that casting but I wasn't guessing that!! Slay for her though, good job girl :D.
Miss Jenn is going THROUGH IT lol xD. Like girl is not having a good time lol. Her dressing up to disguise herself was AMAZING though oh my gosh xD. I think she's just going to be constantly disguising and hiding and sneaking around security guards this whole season and I love that so much xD. I'm so excited for it lol. But! I'm glad her and Quinn are on a bit better terms now, with the apology and the casting of Gina and whatnot :)). Like, not great, not even good really lol, but they have to work together (a bit) :)! And I hope they will, when needed 😌. They probably won't much but eh ah you know lol. Anyway I wonder if for some reason she actually will play Ms. Darbus since we've seen her in the costume pieces xD. That would be wild lol. "I think I was playing Troy at one point" takes on a WHOLE new meaning lol. Imagine if they're constantly switching Darbus's throughout the show xD. Oh my gosh that would be hilarious lol. Either form emergencies or just because they cast so many people as Darbus (despite having so few for the rest lol). Anyway xD. If you do end up as her, congrats Miss Jenn, you're gonna slay lol XDD. I love her <3
I love how they actually read the cast list for the others too, lol xDD. We're acknowledging the side characters <33. And it's lovely xD. But also WHERE ARE STEPH AND RICO AND KADEN AND KAISON 😭😭😭💔😤!!!?! We don't deserve this </333. AND NATALIE!!!! Maybe they were all seniors lol. Still, nonetheless </3. Miss them <333. Anyway slay everyone who got cast :D.
Imagine we get Seb as Chad :')). I really doubt it lol but still xD it would be lovely <33. And I deserve it <3 XD.
ANYWAY!! The dramaaa between Mack and Dani o.o 😬. Also I was thinking maybe Gina would recast her but a second after Quinn said SHE was in trouble I was like "OHHHH yeah, Gina's getting cast" XD!! I was sure of it lol. But AAHHHHHH how excited they all were!! As they should be!!! Like that situation is like :O :D!!! But yeah, I'm so nervous and so excited :)).
Listen anything added to that song is cool xD but OH MY GOSH!!! I LOVED IT SO MUCH :DDD!! HOLY COW :O :D!! Also I just loved the tension and drama, and all of them running away to audition xD 🥰🥰😍🤩❤️. It was amazing <333.
All of the music this episode was GREAT!! I loved it all so much :D. As I said, Now or Never was amazing and Ricky's serenade to Gina was so adorable :'D. I think there was more but I don't know and anyway they were all amazing 🥰🥰.
I loved this episode so much!! It was so good :D. I think things are gonna start moving super quickly from here in out (not that they've been slow or anything), just because of everything going on lol, which includes everything we've got to GET done lol. Anyway, I am so freaking excited and not at all ready 🥰🥰🥰.
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frozenambiguity · 1 year
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A silly little video to sum up today's experience.
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summerskissed · 2 years
honesty hour : isabel conklin, prue halliwell & peyton halliwell.  
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shotmrmiller · 3 months
another thing i had in mind for ex husband simon was that this time you're more resistant. no touching, no nicknames that make you weak-kneed, nothing. divorce means divorce, and the wedge that split the two of you up would probably still be there.
fine by simon, he follows the rules to a T. hands to himself, polite greetings and only talks about the children. maybe for a birthday for the boys, he takes the family shopping for gifts since it's a tuesday and there won't be any party or whatever and when y'all come back home, the lights are on.
they'd been off when y'all left. simon quickly opens the middle console and pulls out his weapon and tells you to get in the drivers seat. should anything come running out, pedal to the metal.
a little bit of time passes, you're about to be driven crazy with anxiety but simon finally comes out, except he's empty handed.
comes to the side and opens the driver door. "whoever was in there is gone. probably hopped the back fence. i've already called the guys."
you're a sobbing mess because how dare someone come into your home? your sanctuary? what if-
and you come to a startling realization. what if you and the boys had been here? alone?
simon's looking down at his phone, and furrows his brows. "i gotta go get-" but you don't let him finish, trembling fingers grabbing the front of his shirt. "you cant leave us here. don't leave me alone. don't- just please. stay."
you're too upset to resist his embrace or correct him when he calls you sweetheart. the guys get there eventually, price and gaz waste no time in sweeping the area and you, accompanied by simon, tuck the kids to bed.
price calls it later, that the place seems to be clear. nothing really taken nor left behind. they all leave, johnny and kyle deciding to stay overnight across the street their car and simon also turns to bid you goodnight, except you don't let him.
you practically beg him to stay, that you won't feel safe without him here. the couch won't do because he's too far away, what if whoever that was comes in through the bedroom windows.
you seek comfort in him and in the dead of night, he whispers promises into your ear as he slides home. promises to keep you safe, to keep the kids safe. that he'd let nothing ever happened to you, not while he still lived and breathed.
when you're finally dozing, with his spend drying in between your legs, he grabs his phone and texts johnny that it's done, they can go home now.
johnny responds in seconds, telling him that he tore his very nice jeans jumping that rough hewn fence of theirs and that simon owes him a new pair.
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lazyjellyfish300 · 29 days
The Woman He Didn't Choose Part 6🥀
AU Bachelor!Miguel O'Hara x Fem Contestant!Reader
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Synopsis: After the big rose ceremony fight, your future in Paradise is uncertain. But one thing is for certain, a new storm is brewing... Word count 4.8k
Part 1(previous parts linked in the post)
A/N: EEEE, thank you for all the support and love this AU has gotten with all the recent asks as of late, just TY TY so much! 🖤 I think there will only be 3 chapters max after this then we will bid this series farewell 😢 going back to my Jersey Shore roots for this one as the inspiration mixed in!
DISCLAIMER: I have changed the name of the show for copyright purposes, I don't own or have rights to the TV show The Bachelor or Bachelor in Paradise and all credit goes to the rightful owners.
Jason Donner speaks in a voiceover: "Tonight on Singles in Paradise... 
Jason takes a deep breath as he addresses the anxious group that are setting in various spots in the common room. You and Felicia are holding onto each other's knees cross legged on the floor. Miguel is watching Jason's face intently for any detection of the news he is about to share. George has an arm around MJ who is fiddling nervously with her necklace. Ben is locked in a dead stare at a spot on the floor. Peter B. is noticeably absent. 
"Alright, y'all , I know there's been a lot of madness around here lately. Just a little update on Dana: she will not be returning to paradise." 
You and Felicia do your best not to crack a smile as you slowly turn to look at each other. 
"Now..." Jason warns. "I do not condone anything that took place at the rose ceremony tonight. Physical violence will not be tolerated on any show of the Eligible Suitor Nation. However..." He pauses, motioning towards you. 
"I understand that some of it was provoked by some words that were exchanged between fellow cast mates..." He continues, putting it vaguely. “....and I want you to know that we do not condone that either. Due to Dana's departure, Miguel?" 
Miguel slowly looks up at Jason, a hopeful look on his face. 
"We will let you stay another week. However, if you do not have a rose by that time, you will be going home for good. Understood?" 
Miguel nods silently and smiles, uttering a murmur of gratitude. 
"Great." Jason says. "Well, everyone, it's been a long night. Why don't we call it here. We'll have some fun surprises to look forward to tomorrow as well as a group outing. With that, I'll bid you all goodnight. Everyone behave from here on out, got it?" He points a finger at the room with everyone nodding and mumbling in silent confirmation. 
"Good. Goodnight everyone." He turns, fastening one of his buttons on his light tan suit jacket as he steps out, walking away into the night. 
Everyone sighs and Felicia pops up, offering both of her arms to you and grunts in unison with you as you use her to stand up as well, your feet and legs like television static from sitting cross legged on the floor. Felicia turns to Ben and gives him a hug in silence, talking quietly amongst each other before it's time to separate for bedtime. 
Miguel takes you by the hand, your cheeks growing a little warm as you look up at him. 
"You good?" He murmurs lowly at you. 
You yawn loudly, raising your free hand over your mouth, nodding your head as you release it. "M'fine..." 
You let go of his hand for a moment as you place both hands on the small of your back, bending backwards a little bit as you stretch your spine, holding your breath for a moment then letting it out with a deep sigh. "Just need some sleep I guess." 
Miguel nods with a hum. "Want me to walk you to your room?"
"Um..." You hesitate a little, looking around then squeezing past Miguel to get your blanket that's sitting behind him on the couch. "I'll be alright. I was gonna walk back with Felicia anyways since we're staying in the same villa." 
"Right, right..." Miguel nods, trying to disguise his disappointment by looking at a spot over your shoulder. 
"Well, thank you, you know for having my back with everything...and g'night." You sort of bend your knees in a little bow of farewell with your blanket and your sandal wedge heels in your arms as you turn around, Felicia skipping quickly to walk by your side as you both stroll down the moonlit path to your room. Miguel watches you leave with a bittersweet look on his face. 
The camera sits in front of an unoccupied bamboo chair in the confessional area, until Peter B. comes into the frame, sitting down with a grunt. 
He blows air out of his cheeks, shaking his head as he runs his fingers through his hair, sitting back in the chair and letting his arms flop dead to the side, the rose you gave him knocked askew and holding on by just one pin to his white button down. 
One of the producers talks to him from behind the camera, the voice a little muffled and so the question is broadcasted across the screen in subtitle captions. 
"What's going through your mind right now, Peter?" 
Peter laughs pathetically, shaking his head and sitting up, leaning forward a little with his elbows in his lap, fingertips touching, hanging his head a little as he thinks silently to himself before he looks at the camera. "There's a lot on my mind now...but I just... there's nothing. You know? You know that feeling where you have so much on your mind that you just end up staying frozen where you are? Yeah. That's what I'm feeling like right now." 
"Are things over between you and y/n?" 
Peter B. puffs air out of his cheeks again. "I don't know." He shrugs, a tired look in his eyes "I don't know. She wants nothing to do with me right now." 
He stares into space for a moment. "I'm over the bullshit. Miguel and George. Those two are a problem. They need to watch themselves. And, Ben's my boy, you know? But I was not expecting him to turn, *he snaps his fingers* ...like that." 
He pauses once more, fuming silently, until he presses his face to his palms, hanging his head. "Things are gonna get ugly. Just watch."
The sun rises on another day in paradise. The group shuffles into the common area, grabbing smoothies from the bar and bowls of cereal and oatmeal, eating in quiet silence as you all slowly start to wake up. 
You approach Ben and Felicia at their table with your wet suit half on, asking her for help zipping you up the rest of the way. She nods, sticking her spoon in her mouth as she scoots forward on the bench, zipping you up. 
The resort's bartender, James calls over to you. "Morning, ladies. What's the plan today?" 
"Um surfing lessons, apparently. Hence, the wet suits." You gesture to your torso. 
James nods with a smile as he wipes down the bar. "Nice nice. I heard things were quite eventful last night." 
You scoff. "That's putting it lightly..." 
"Wanna catch me up?" 
You and Felicia look at each other. "Girl you do it..." 
"Okay so basicallyy..." Felicia sits on one of the bar stools, scooting in closer. "It was ladies choice this week right? It was me and Ben, y/n and Peter, MJ and George. Web-Slinger went home. And Dana offered Miguel a rose but he declined so he was gonna go home. Then out of nowhere, the man decides to drop a bomb that Dana and Peter were caught fooling around in some bushes. Everyone started freaking out. The guys started getting into it. Then Dana and I got into it. Then she and Dana fought and Dana got her ass laid out. So how she's in the hospital, they're giving Miguel a second chance, and I guess now we're going surfing." Felicia concludes, nearly out of breath. 
James chuckles and shakes his head. "I regret asking for an update." He leans on the bar, addressing you this time. "So where do you and Peter stand as of right now?" 
"Right now?" You ask, taking a deep sigh as you contemplate. "Honestly, I don't even know. I think I'm over it, to be honest." 
"Speaking of..." James reduces to a murmur. 
You cheeks get hot as you sense Peter standing behind you without turning around. 
"Can I speak to you for a moment?" Peter asks, his face twisted into a slight plea. 
You turn around, giving him a dry nod. Felicia cranes her neck as she watches you walk away with him. 
You and Peter walk a short distance away, standing under the shade of a nearby palm tree. You raise one of your hands, cupping it in a visor over your eyes and squinting due to the sunlight as you look up at him with your other hand on your hip, waiting for his half ass apology with a slight aura of impatience wafting off of you. 
Peter takes a deep breath. "I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for my actions last night. I was unfair to you, and I just hope that we can walk away on civil terms if anything." 
You twist your mouth a little in annoyance. "You lied straight to my face, Peter. I mean.....what do you want me to say to that?" 
"Nothing." Peter answers. "Nothing really. Just uh...." He's silent shaking his head. "I don't know. I just wanted to apologize and it wouldn't have felt right if I didn't at least say sorry before we ended things." 
You nod, staying quiet for a moment. "Well, I mean I appreciate you trying to do the right thing. But I agree, I think we should end things, you know. Clearly, you still have some unresolved things to work out. I really didn't deserve that though." 
"You're totally right, you didn't." Peter agrees, shifting his stance a little. 
Peter blows air out slowly. "Well..." He holds his arms out but you shake your head. 
"Um...not this time, you know? I'm just not feeling it..." 
"Right right..." Peter stuffs his hands back in his pockets in mild embarrassment. "Sorry." 
"You're welcome." 
"Alright." You nod in mutual conclusion and turn around, walking back to Felicia and Ben while Peter walks in a separate direction. 
"Well?" Felicia, Ben and James await at the bar. 
You shrug, having a seat next to Felicia, leaning forward with your forearms on the bar. "It's done. We're done." 
"Just like that?" James asks. 
"Just like that." You echo. 
"I'm so sorry dude..." Felicia gives you a sad look of sympathy. 
"No, you know? I'mI'm a little bummed, not going to lie. Yeah I liked him, but I really have no patience for it anymore, you know? You either want me, or you don't. And he can't decide what he wants. So to that I say: see ya." 
"Amen." James says with an impressed hum. 
"Girl, I'm so proud of you. Good for you." Felicia praises. 
"So what does that mean for you now?" James asks. "Anyone else here you got your eye on?" 
"Well..." You sigh, looking off. "Miguel still really wants another chance." 
"You think you'll give it to him?" James inquires. 
"I don't know..." You admit. "I mean, that's the thing. With Miguel, there's history there too, but you all saw how that ended and so now, I'm just feeling nervous about the whole thing. I would love nothing more than to just go up to him and say yes, yes let's do it, I'm all in. But are you gonna hurt me again and switch up the next day? I don't know."
James hums in agreement. "Can't say I blame you there. But, in Paradise, you gotta take risks. Who knows? Something about paradise: anything can happen. In fact..." 
James bends down, retrieving a small wooden box with a slit in the top and setting on top of the bar. You and Felicia have looks on your faces that only say one thing: "oh shit", when you realize what it is. 
"It's Truth Box Time." 
Ben's eyes scrunch in curiosity. "How does this one work again?" 
"Completely anonymous. But one hundred percent honest. Write down anything you wanna say to either a specific member of the group, or the group as a whole. Confessions, observations, complaints, truth bombs, dirty laundry. It all goes in here." James explains, patting that cursed box. "It's time to shake things up a bit. And the rule is: every single person needs to participate."
"That's the last thing this beach needs right now." Felicia groans. 
Your mind buzzed with what drama and messy thoughts the box could bring forth, Miguel, and your future in Paradise as you made your way down the beach for your surfing lesson. 
Miguel gives you a smile as he comes walking down the beach to where you and the others are waiting, his floppy brown locks and sculpted ab muscles on full display with his half zipped up wet suit. "Good morning." 
"Morning." You give him a little nod, grateful that you're wearing a pair of sunglasses to disguise your wandering eyes. Allowing yourself to indulge in staring at the man's behind as you help zip him up. 
Throughout the surfing lesson, you're having a hard time paying attention to the instructor, things like the truth box and your future in Paradise and Miguel still plaguing your mind from earlier. Still, you manage to enjoy yourself, soaking up the healing rays of the sun and letting out a squeal and a wave to your friends on the shore when you finally manage to stand up on your board for longer than 2 seconds, shortly before the salty waves swallowed you up.
You and Felicia figure that's more than enough for one day, ordering a drink from the beach side attendants and applying a fresh layer of sunscreen while Miguel and Ben knock themselves out, surfing it up to their heart's content. 
"We so needed this." You mutter to Felicia who gives a low hum in response as you both bask on your beach towels, eyes closed. 
You can't help but become aware of some bickering coming from a short distance away, lowering your shades a little bit to make out who's starting off the drama fresh and early in the day this time. 
"Fine, go lay down then. Oh my goddd, Mary Jane. First it's your hair doesn't look right, then it's your stomach hurting, why don't you be honest about what it really is?" 
"I didn't even wanna do this dumb hang ten, surf's up, shit anyway. Alls I said was thank you! What, you want me to say go fuck yourself?" 
"It's not what you said, it's how you said it." 
"Oh my God Mary Jane! Let me just run everything I say by you before I say it. Would you like that, would that make her royal Highness happy? Let me ask Queen Mary Jane before I call my mother and wish her a happy birthday how about that? Since she gets mad if I even breathe in the direction of another female!"
You don't make out the rest as you watch the pair wander a little further down the shore before you see MJ storm off and George throwing his hands in the air as he walks back towards the group. 
"Damn. Poor MJ." 
"I know the girl hates me but I can't help but feel bad for her. George is the biggest flirt. Everyone knows it." Felicia stretches out. 
"You think I should go talk to her, just see if she's okay?" 
"I mean, good luck if you do." Felicia retorts, reaching for her water bottle in her beach bag. "I could never get through to the girl."
"Hey!" Miguel and Ben come up, Miguel sitting himself down next to you. 
"Stawwwp!" Felicia giggles when Ben wags his hair, spraying her like a wet dog. 
Miguel grins at you, panting from his exertion earlier, looking heavenly with his wet mop of dark hair and wet droplets coating his sunkissed skin. "Having fun?" 
"Yeah, I am. I'm gonna go do some damage control though." 
Miguel's brow furrows. "Who?" 
"MJ and George." 
Miguel shakes his head with a sigh, running his hands through his hair. "George can be kind of a douche." 
"That's what I keep hearing." You say, sitting up and standing up. "So I'm gonna go try and see if I can help MJ. You know? I feel bad for her. She doesn't have anyone else here in Paradise." 
Miguel nods slowly, but can't help but be a little apprehensive about the situation. "Be careful. I'd hate for you to get mixed up in anything." 
"I won't." You give him a reassuring smile. "Be right back." 
You find MJ talking with James at the bar. Her voice tapers off when she realizes someone is behind her. She raises an eyebrow in a mixture of surprise and suspicion when she sees that it's you of all people. 
You don't say anything at first, just give her a kind smile as you take the bar stool next to her. You both sit in awkward silence for a moment, then you break it. 
"I know we haven't talked a whole lot or anything. I know you're thinking this must be so weird since we both dated Peter and everything but I just noticed you over here by yourself and wanted to see if you were okay?" You start off carefully with an overly sweet tone to demonstrate you pose no threat, testing the waters. 
MJ softens a little then lets out a deep sigh, figuring what is it going to hurt to be honest at this point.
 "Thank you. Just needed to get away for a sec...But I'm okay...and no, it's fine. Pete is never gonna change who he is. And I am who I am so..." She huffs and sips her margarita, then wiping her eyes. "But with George, he's literally perfect. Like it's so good when it's good but when we're not..."
You look at her with sympathetic eyes, not saying anything. 
"Lately we've been having disagreements because I don't know if he realizes it, but he flirts with other women all the time. And he says to me, babe I'm just being nice. And I tell him, like I understand that, but to those women and to me it comes across as flirting." 
"Right, right. No, I get you." You nod, leaning on your elbow. "Like it's just a respect thing." 
"Exactly!" MJ rests her head in her palm, twirling her margarita glass in circles on the bar. "All I was trying to say was it's not what you say, it's your tone and how you say it. But once again, I'm the bad guy." 
You nod, picking at your cuticles while you listen, lost in thought and also relieved that she's willing to open up to you. 
"I'm gonna go to the spa for a bit." She sighs, pushing her empty glass away from her. She thinks for a moment, then decides to take a chance. "Can I ask you to do something for me, though? Woman to woman?" 
"Oh?" You perk up, a little surprised but willing to hear her out. "Sure, what is it?" 
"Just, please tell me if he flirts with anyone again? If you see something, tell me. Fairytale Suites are next week, and I just don't have the time or patience to deal with anymore bullshit." 
"Oh, of course." You nod profusely. "Absolutely. I'll keep my eyes open, girl. Don't worry." 
MJ gives you a hint of a smile. "Thanks, girl. Good luck to you..." And leaves for the spa. 
After she leaves, you sprint down towards the beach with your freshly poured cup of tea. 
"Jesus..." Your audience of Felicia, Ben, and Miguel sit with the news you just unloaded on them, puzzled but not surprised at the revelation of George and MJ's trouble in Paradise. 
Miguel leans back on his towel. "I called it honestly. George has a wandering eye, we've known this ever since he was on Rio's season." 
"It's a bunch of drama." Ben shakes his head. "I don't wanna see you, or you." He nods in your direction. "Get in another scrap like last night. Let's just chill, and end this last week or so that we've got on a good note." 
"Amen." Miguel sits up, stretching. 
"What are your guys' plans for tonight?" Felicia asks. 
"Um..." You look up at Miguel. "Well, I'd like to just relax for a bit. You and I can hang out here for a bit, then Jason said the group is going clubbing tonight. Wanna meet at the common area for dinner at, say 5 ish?" 
"Sounds good to me." Miguel nods, then looks at Ben. "You down to go golfing?" 
Ben wraps his towel around his neck. "I'm down. Let's go," before he gives a goodbye to Felicia. 
"Call me if you need anything. And stay out of trouble." Miguel gives you a playful smile and a grip to your thigh, then walks off with Ben towards the resort. 
Some time later, you're fully zoned out, both you and Felicia laying out like two iguanas in your element, when she sits up with a gasp. "Dude...look." 
You groggily sit up, then the sight in front of you delivers you immediately to full consciousness. 
George is standing ankle deep in the water some distance away, chatting it up with Christine, the short, curvy, blonde surf instructor. He's laughing, looking like he's having the time of his life as she occasionally reaches out, touching his arm and chest as she speaks to him. 
"Are you seeing this?!" 
"Girl, I am definitely seeing this." 
He leans in a little closer putting his hand on the small of her back, dangerously close to her ass. 
"What...a...little....bitch...George Stacy...you...slimy dog you...." Felicia shakes her head. 
The couple turn towards you and both you and Felicia immediately turn into mummies, laying back on your towels, holding your breaths, pretending like you weren't just honed in on the crime taking place, before George gives her a nervous nod and smile and walks away.
Later that night, you and Felicia are all dolled up as queens of the night, wearing tight fitting cocktail dresses, showcasing both of your deadly curves and  that carefree twinkle of paradise vacation on your skin making you both look even more alluring than you normally do, leaving Ben and Miguel with hearts in their eyes and warmth pooling in their chests. 
You're all dancing at an outdoor bar, local music pounding your eardrums, margarita number three working its disarming magic in your veins, twirling and holding your hair in a sexy display of feminity on the dancefloor with Ben and Miguel close by. Peter B. sulking in the corner. 
You bite your lip as you watch Miguel snap his fingers and move his hips with a smirk on his face, a little far off memory coming back to you of the night you shared together in a hotel room when you experienced those bewitching movements firsthand underneath him. 
Your thong under your tight dress gets a little wet as your eyes rake across his figure, letting them linger on every faint line of muscle accentuated under entrancing disco lights, and the opening in his black button up shirt, with his chiseled chest on display. You spin around, letting your body press up against his a little longer than it should. 
Miguel utterly groans, switching his glass to his left hand as he touches you with his right, continuing to move to the beat. You lay your head back against him and your pretty lips fall open as you feel his ring  lightly graze your tits until his hand hugs low on your stomach, gently guiding and pressing your body to synchronize with his hips as his full lips brush against your ear, making your eyelashes flutter. 
But, the song ends and you open your eyes, temporarily snapped out of your horny fantasy as the crowd claps and cheers, begging the DJ for one more song. Miguel joins in the applause, setting down his glass for a moment and giving you a bashful smile as though to apologize for letting himself get carried away as the new song starts. 
The sight of an angry MJ pushing past people in the club makes itself known in your peripheral vision.
You grab Felicia, yelling "Look!" over the deafening noise of the crowd as you both watch her angrily leave and hail a taxi in tears. 
"It's George." Felicia mouths to you. 
"Where is he?" You try and communicate back. 
"Let's go." 
You and Felicia signal to Miguel and Ben that you're gonna "go to the bathroom". Miguel nods but hardly acknowledges, holding his sides and wheezing in a fit of laughter as he watches Ben valiantly face off with an older woman in a dance battle. 
The scene you were expecting to find when you see George is even more juicy than you could have imagined. He has an entourage of four women grinding on him with his shirt unbuttoned, his face red and sweaty with the unmistakeable flush of intoxication, sipping a beer from a bottle as he watches a brunette in front of him bend over and shake her ass directly over his cock. He bites his lip and puts both hands on her ass, beckoning for her to turn around. 
The camera zooms in as yours and Felicia's jaws damn near hit the floor when he starts sloppily kissing her, only for her drunk friend to start joining in in a three way nasty drunken makeout sesh. 
It's a damn shame none of you are allowed to have your cell phones right now. 
After the nasty kissing subsides, you notice him stand up, holding a new mystery woman with curly hair's hand and what appears to be a small piece of paper being slipped into his fingers as she whispers in his ear and he bites his lip. 
You both have seen quite enough, darting back to Miguel and Ben in a fit of sweaty bodies as the night at the club wanes on. 
Back at the resort, it's getting close to truth telling time. You and Felicia and James sit together in a somber meeting at the infamous bar which is soon to become the second most popular location for tea spilling once the dreaded truth box hits the fan. 
You and Felicia are not quite at the level of sobriety you probably should be before you make this decision. 
"She needs to know." 
James nods in agreement, pushing the box towards you. "Let it all out." 
"I feel bad about doing it anonymously though, like what if she finds out it was us? Or what if George finds out?" You shiver a little at the thought. 
"Dude, MJ hates me." Felicia whispers. "I know you think she's chill, but trust me, she's not as reasonable as you think she is. She is crazier than me. And that's saying a lot." 
You raise your eyebrows at the last statement. 
"I'm serious! When Peter tried to hit on me after they broke up, no joke, all I did was send her a screenshot with 'hey girl, I'm coming to you as a woman right now, just wanted to let you know your man was in my inbox' and you wanna know what this girl did? She sends me a SEVEN MINUTE LONG voice note. Absolutely bitching me out about what a hoe I am, and how could you do this to me, you know what he and I have been through together, as one of the girls who was also on the show I would've expected you to be more considerate of my feelings and blah blah blah. I'm telling you dude. It's better this way." 
You blow a long steam of air out of your cheeks. "Okay, okay, you know what? You're my bestie, I'll take your word for it. Let's just do this." 
You take the pen in your hand, starting to draft the wretched confession. "Dear.....MJ..." you lick your lips in concentration. 
"Today....at the beach, when you left upset, George put his hand on the surf instructor's ass. He was flirting with her and she was touching his arm and chest while they were talking...." 
"Mhmm...okay go on." Felicia twirls a strand of hair in deep thought as you continue writing. 
"When you left crying at the club, George made out with two girls. He was also dancing and grinding with multiple mystery women. He also held a girl's hand and took down her number." 
"Yep." Felicia nods. "It's harsh but it's the truth." 
"Ben and Miguel know." You bite your lip. "Should we add in here that multiple people know so it doesn't look like it's coming from us?" 
"Yeah..." Felicia thinks for a moment then nods. 
"Multiple.... people on this beach know. Therefore, you should know the truth. There, boom." 
You and Felicia examine the note over and over, muttering silently as you reread it before you slip it in the box. 
"It's done." 
You both look at each other and clink your glasses together, your confession stowed away in what's surely going to turn into Pandora's box in just a few hours. Savoring a few seconds of quiet with your bestie before all hell breaks loose. 
Jason Donner speaks in a voiceover: “Find out what happens next week in another drama packed episode of Singles in Paradise!” 
Tags 🖤: @miguelhugger2099 @kodo1221 @mimiemie @laysmt @cheerrioeoz @spicydonut25 @thisistotesnotspam-heart @famouscattale @thekidscallmebosss @librababe99 @cl3stevu @irishbl0ss0mz @nommingonfood @mauvecherie-writes @royale-skeleton-key @thesilenthill @dimitri-needs-therapy @a-lil-whore @aisyakirmann @sylveon-of-heart @hobiebrowns-wife @weirdothatwritess @reader-1290 @thesmutconnoisseur @koyukilove
@hardlystrictlystarwars @lareinamorgan @serpentineaerodynamics
@envyjmoney @clementines-valt @the-pan-liquid
@stellasloth @migueloharasoulmate @cynwing
@ddreabea @what-the-jams @loaves4me @p1nkliquor @mcmiracles @tojishugetiddies @1-800-choke-that-ho @daddyfroglegs @leonsbimbogf @thatone-writer
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strangermarvelss · 2 years
the pain of letting you go- e.m (pt 7)
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Pairing: Ex!Eddie Munson x Ex!AFAB!Reader
Summary: eddie and you begin to patch things up a bit, leading to something unexpected happening as you bid him goodnight
Warnings: SMUT 18+ (van sex, oral [f], fingering, p in v sex, praise kink), confessions, some wholesomeness, angst, eddie being an idiot, sad reader, it’s not a nice ending
Word Count: 5.3k
A/N: part seven of the series is here! thank you to everyone for the continued support! i was so excited to write this chapter and ngl some of y'all might not like it but oh well ! reminder: if the topic is sensitive for you, please do not read. enjoy! :) -sava
series masterlist
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november, 1990
You watch Eddie scoop a sleeping Christopher in his arms, flashing you a smile as he rounds the corner of the couch and making his way upstairs to tuck him in. You feel a smile of your own creep onto your face, turning and walking into the kitchen to clean the dishes from the family dinner you prepared tonight. For the first time in months, you felt happy that things between you and Eddie were civil, and that his attitude had completely changed from when the two of you started your separation.
It’s been a month since Eddie took you home from your drunken night at the bar, where you let it slip that you and Steve had been intimate and you just emotionally vomited all over him. Luckily for you, things have gotten better since that night, with Eddie reaching out to you more, offering to take Christopher more if you needed more alone time, and being emotionally available for you and your son, without any hostility residing between the two of you when you would child swap. It felt nice to be on better terms with him, finally feeling a breath of fresh air instead of impending dread when he would come over. 
You even started having family dinners as of last week, as requested by your son. He was taking notice at the polite and friendly behavior going on between you and Eddie, and you noticed how much happier the young boy was because of it. Things around you were changing, and with Thanksgiving just next week, you were optimistic about having a nice, drama-free family gathering with your parents, Eddie, and Uncle Wayne, not letting the separation and drama from the year ruin the mood of the holidays.
Lathering up the dishes, you scrub away any food residue and remnants of the meatloaf you prepared for the night. The weekly dinners also gave you an excuse to cook again, usually opting for something quick so you could have some kind of free time to yourself after getting off a long day at work, then coming home and jumping right into mom duty. Usually you had Eddie here to help with getting Christopher down for bed and doing the other household tasks, but thanks to the separation, it left you to doing all the chores and being full time mommy. 
Putting the dishes in the drying rack, you pat your hands dry and exit the kitchen, rounding the corner to see Eddie plopping down the stairs with a smile on his face. He always had a gift with getting Christopher back to sleep so fast, something you always wanted to pick his brain about and learn all the tips he had to share. 
“He’s down for the count. No big deal or anything,” he tells you, a smirk dancing on his lips as he leans against the banister. You chuckle to yourself and cross your arms, looking up at him with a genuine smile. He missed seeing that smile, it was always one of his favorite features about you, and seeing you so down these past few months made his heart twinge. 
A comfortable silence falls between you for a moment, just exchanging looks between one another and then with the ground or ceiling. It was finally the time in the night where you two parted ways, and it was your least favorite part of the night. There was the part of you that was still mad at him for everything that’s gone down, but every other inch of you was wanting to scream for him to stay. The couch was comfy enough for a full nights rest, and Christopher would love to spend the mornings with him again. Plus he always made the best coffee, and that was another part of having him around you enjoyed.
The two of you walk towards the door, Eddie grabbing his jacket from the rack that sat next to the exit. He slings the leather over his shoulders and loops his arms in the holes, smiling at you as his hair flips from the inside and rests against his shoulders. You bite your lip and cross your legs before extending your arms and wrapping them around him, taking in his musk as he returns the gesture.
“Well I better not keep you from Shirley any longer,” you tell him, digging your hands deep in your pockets as you pull away. Eddie bites his lip for a moment and looks away from you, his brows furrowed a bit. You knew him well enough to know when there was something going on in his mind, wanting to say something but not sure how, or even if he should. “Eddie? Everything okay?”
“Yeah. It’s just, um…Shirley is a non-issue now,” he reveals, turning back to you slowly. You open your mouth to speak, but feel nothing come out as your brain stops momentarily. They broke up?
They broke up.
“W-Why’s that?” you finally muster out, taking your hands out of your pockets and crossing them in front of you.
“Well, for one, she was using me for my ‘status’, and apparently thought my life outside of Corroded Coffin was boring and not worth her time,” he explains, using air quotes and gesturing his hands as he spoke. You mentally laugh a little, knowing she was not fond of the idea that Eddie had a kid and wasn’t always in rockstar mode. “And also…I’m a complete idiot for letting you go.”
You feel your breath hitch in your throat as Eddie’s words leave his mouth, his eyes staring deeply into yours as the sincerity and depth of his words hit you. Months of heartbreak and sadness, night after night of crying your eyes out into the pillow that he used to lay his head on, all came down to regret and jealously on his side? You were truly at a loss for words.
“Eddie-“ you let out, shaking your head as you shift your weight from one foot to another, still trying to wrap your head around the whole scene that was playing before you.
“No, Y/N, I just need to get this off my chest. I’ve been a complete asshat to you and Chris for months, and that night you slapped me was a real wake up call for me.”
“Sorry about that,” you butt in, kind of lying. It was pretty freeing to lay the hit down.
“No, don’t be. I totally deserved it, I really don’t blame you, it knocked some sense into me. Y/N, I don’t know what I was thinking when I asked for the separation. I had a good thing going for me and I can’t believe I let my own idiotic reasons keep me from seeing that. I know I was completely out of line when I said those things about you moving on with Steve, and I’m not sure where you stand with him currently, but I still love you with my whole heart. I’ve been trying to find the right time to tell you within the past few weeks we’ve been seeing more of each other, so I’m putting my heart out there for you.”
You sigh, running a hand over your face and looking at him with confusion seeped into your expression. Eddie’s chocolate brown eyes were looking deep into yours, his brows furrowed and lip jutting out ever so slightly. You knew the words he spoke were genuine, you always knew when he was being sincere. It doesn’t help the fuzziness in your head.
“I don’t understand why you need to say this all now. Why now Eddie?” You question, crossing your arms and shifting all your weight onto one leg. 
“Because I saw how close I was to losing you for good, and I know it is stupid as shit to say I was jealous when I have no right to be, but I was. You were the only person to ever truly love me, and letting a momentarily lapse in judgement get in the way of the most pure and beautiful thing I’ve ever known was the dumbest thing I’ve ever done,” he continues to explain, taking your hands in his and sending you a pleading look with his eyes. You feel a frown form on your lips, your eyes darting to the floor as the intensity of his gaze becomes too much for you all of a sudden. He lets out a sigh, breaking free of your grasp after a few minutes of silence. “I don’t expect you to ever forgive me, but if I have to spend the rest of my life making it up to you and showing you that you’re worth any kind of hurt I deserve, I will do it and take it with a smile.”
You turn your attention as you watch the door open, Eddie’s figure slinking out and closing it lightly, catching the sad expression on his face as he makes his exit. Even his body language was sending a stabbing pain through your heart, shoulders slumped and tears on the brink of spillage from his lash line. You stand there for a second, letting his words sink in. Eddie's attitude towards you was so sour at the start of this whole new situation between you, and now it’s completely changed. Did he really mean what he said, about wanting to make it up to you? Did he really regret calling the whole thing off?
You open the front door of your house and see Eddie opening the driver’s door to his van. Stepping out into the cold November air, you speed walk to him, watching him turn to you. You let out a sigh as you finally approach him, inches away and looking him deep in the eyes. 
“Did you mean everything that you said back there? You’re not fucking with me or anything? You want…you want to try this again?” You ask timidly, the vulnerability in your voice evident. Eddie’s soft eyes leave yours momentarily, looking at your hands as he takes them back in his and giving them a squeeze. 
“I’m not messing around this time. I love you Y/N, you’re it for me sweetheart. I know I have a shit ton of making up to do, but I really want to try it again,” he answers, a soft smile etched onto his face. 
You waste no time closing the gap between you, your lips pressing against his. The familiar taste of stale cigarettes and minty fresh gum flood your senses, the two things you didn’t think you’d ever long to inhale the scent of again. You feel Eddie’s hands pull you closer, snaking around your waist and holding your back firmly. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you press yourself to him as close as possible, throwing caution to the wind and feeling overcome with the need to just be on him
“Eddie-“ you whimper out, feeling his lips move from yours to your neck. You feel heat creep up your neck and onto your cheeks as you take in your very public surrounding, thinking of what your neighbors would be getting a show to if you stayed here. “Eddie, stop.”
He breaks away from you and search your face with concern. Did he hurt you on accident? Did you change your mind about wanting to start over? “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, everything is great! I just…I just don’t think the neighbors want a front row seat to, um…this,” you say, hiding your face in his chest, nose brushing against the patches that accompanied his vest. He leans back and takes your hand, walking you towards the back of his van and opening the door for you. 
You felt like a teenager again. Sure, your teenage years weren’t so long ago, but the fact that you were sitting in Eddie’s van with a wet spot growing in your panties really brought you back. Eddie shuts the door and crawls his way to you, slotting himself between your legs and presses himself against you, running a hand along your face and biting his bottom lip. 
“This work better for you sweetheart?” He questions, a playful smirk dancing on his lips. You nod, grabbing the lapels of his vest and pulling him down. You lips connect once again, lips melting into one another as you feel his chapped lips glide against yours. The man always had an issue with keeping up with the consistency that was chapstick.
You worm your hands under his vest, attempting to tug it off his figure. He gets the message and helps you guide the denim off his body, tossing it towards the doors of the van. You tug at the hem of your shirt and throw it on top of the vest. Eddie’s hand immediately fly to your breasts, kneading the lumps and eliciting a moan from you. His dexterous fingers slide to your upper back, unclasping your bra in an instant and freeing you from the restrictive confines. 
Eddie lets out a low moan, taking the pert nubs between his calloused digits and rolling them gently. A long low whine leaves your lips, hands rubbing his exposed biceps. The lack of physical contact you’ve desperately been craving over the past few months had been killing you, so being this close with Eddie again, your hands exploring each other like you’ve been touch starved your entire lives, erupting a fire deep inside you that you didn’t know resided there.
Your hands fly to his belt, unbuckling it in a flash and guiding the black denim off his body. He lays next to you for a moment, kicking the pants from his ankles and allowing them to pool at his feet, softly kicking it towards the growing pile of clothes. You take the opportunity to unbutton your own jeans, lifting your hips and sliding the fabric off your body. Eddie’s eyes linger on your bare thighs, traveling down as you slide the rest of your pants off of you and flying towards the rest of your clothes.
Eddie slots himself between your legs once again, his calloused hands running up your soft legs and resting on your hips as his lips make contact with your neck. You were mentally thanking yourself for the shower you took this morning, and all the preparation you did. Not that you had planned on jumping Eddie’s bones after family dinner tonight. It just felt nice to feel nice.
Your back arches at the feeling of Eddie’s lips traveling further south, brushing your collarbone and working his way down to the valley of your breasts. His hands caress your sides, the cool metal of his rings coming in contact with your hot skin, making you shiver at the touch. You feel the wet sensation of his tongue circle around your harden nipple, latching onto the bud and suckling it. Your hands fly to his hair, playing with the frizzy curls as you moan softly at the delightful feeling.
He readjusts himself and starts moving lower along you body, pressing kisses as he makes the journey. You feel a fluttering feeling in your tummy when he kisses your belly button, Eddie sending a smirk your way before moving to kiss your hips. He presses his nose into your mound, kissing your clothed heat and making you jolt.
“Eddie,” you whine, shifting a little as the cool metal brushes against your inner thigh. He shushes you softly, dragging out the sound as his fingers dip into the waistband of your panties, tugging them down your legs as you lift your ass just enough for the fabric to travel pass the curve. He takes the panties in his hands for a moment, sniffing them briefly before tossing them behind him, making you giggle at his silly behavior. 
A trail of wet kisses are pressed along your thighs, the soft ends of Eddie’s long curls tickling you and enhancing the wonderful feelings he was pulling from you. Rubbing at your thighs, his tongue dives in, unable to resist your dripping cunt anymore. You bite back a loud moan, soft whimpers escaping your lips as you feel his tongue lick a broad stripe from your wanting hole to your swollen clit. You tangle your fingers in his long locks, tugging at the brown strands as his lips close around your pulsing bundle of nerves.
“Fuck you’re so soaked baby,” he lets out, the words sending vibrations through your cunt. You throw your head back as he continues his assault on your needy cunt, wrapping your legs around his face and all but crushing him between your legs. He moans into you, snaking his ring clad hand up your thigh and circling two fingers around your hole, probing ever so slightly. 
“Need your fingers Eds. Please,” you whine, biting your lips and looking down at him. His eyes meet yours, a devilish smirk playing on his lips as he sinks the digits into your dripping pussy, the squelching sound of your juices filling the entire van, the lewd sounds down-right pornographic. There was something so erotic about Eddie’s head between your thighs that made you more wet that you ever thought. The long hair, his big brown doe eyes looking up at you as you fell apart at his tongue, it all just made your senses dialed up to 11.
“Takin’ my fingers so well baby. Let me hear your moans pretty girl,” he tells you, his lips latching to your clit once more and suckling the bundle of nerves as he begins thrusting his thick fingers in and out of you slowly. You close your eyes and lean your head back against the rough material of his van floor, letting the pleasure overcome you and moaning at the sensation. 
He curls his fingers up and begins pressing against the special spot inside you, eliciting more squeals and moans from your lips as that familiar white hot feeling of bliss starts coiling in your tummy. Your eyes roll back into your head, small mutters of curses tumbling from your lips as the fastening pace of Eddie’s fingers moving in and out of you. The bubbling feeling of your orgasms is quick to dissipate however, letting out a frustrated groan as you look down at Eddie’s fleeting figure, smirking at you as he climbs up your body and planting a kiss on your lips, the taste of your slick coming in contact on your tongue.
“You’re not coming until my cock’s inside you sweetheart. That bit still hasn’t changed,” he whispers, taking your lips in his again. You melt into the kiss, feeling his tongue dance with yours and his hand finds purchase on your hips. You feel his leaking tip rubbing against your slick covered lips, one of Eddie’s hands snaking down to pump his cock a few times before lining up with your entrance. Pulling away, you shake your head and bring your hand up to comb through his hair.
“Do you happen to have a condom babe?” You ask timidly. 
“Thought you were on the pill?” He questions, dipping down to latch his lips to your neck and beginning to leave a mark. 
“Nope,” you say, popping the p as you spoke, tilting his head up so he could look at you. “I, um…haven’t really needed to be on it for the past few months.”
He nods, separating himself from your grasp and turning towards the pile of clothes resting at your feet, giving you a nice few of his ass. It was so round and pale, the view making you bite your lip. Leaning up a bit, you reach your hand out and give his bum a nice slap, earning an exaggerated moan from Eddie and a giggle falling from your lips. He turns back to you and slots himself between you again, his classic smirk plastered on his face as he holds the foil packet up to you.
He tears the packaging open with his teeth carefully, knowing one of the last time he did so, your son was brought into the world. He throws the packaging to side and glides the rubber onto his painfully hard cock. You rest your arms around his neck as he lines up with you again. His big brown eyes meet your own as he begins his descent into your waiting heat, low moans filling the van coming from both of you. His thick dick stretches you so good, hugging your gummy walls with every inch he continues to sink inside you.
“Fuck you feel so good baby,” he moans out, hand coming up to rest on one of your breasts and kneading the fleshy mound. Your hands cup his face as he bottoms out, pressing your lips to his as the two of you lay there for a moment so your pussy readjusts to his length.
“Forgot how good you stretch me Eds,” you let out, letting your hands fall to his chest before snaking them around to his back and giving it a scratch as he begins to thrust in and out of you. His mushroom tip dragging along your velvet walls felt as through you were on a cloud in heaven, if there was even a heaven to begin with. You almost forgot how good sex between the two of you was, even if months a part isn’t that long, but it was long for you.
The two of you were used to fucking like rabbits, which is probably how you ended up being a teenage mother in the first place. It was a constant need between the two of you, never stopping from keeping your hands off each other and the two of you even considered soundproofing your bedroom so you could spare your son any trauma from the lewd noises that would echo down the hall and spare his curiosity from causing him to see something he would later regret. You should’ve seen it coming when the touches became less frequent, and the sex becoming non-existent. But that was not what was happening right now.
His ring clad hand comes to rest on your cheek as the other pulls your leg up and wraps it around his waist, reaching deeper inside you and tickling the special spot that had you turning into a moaning mess every time. You weren’t able to form words, the only things coming from your supple lips were incoherent phrases and broken moans. Eddie’s lips dip down and bite at yours, little nibbles mixed with soft kisses as his spare hand reaches between where your bodies connected to circle your clit. 
Bucking your hips against his, the pace Eddie previously set was becoming quicker, his cock barely leaving your cunt as he plows into you. The fiery feeling was bubbling in your stomach once again, the coil you knew all too well building and wanting to be snapped at any moment. Your nails dig into Eddie’s back as you match his thrusts, his hot breath fanning over you as he begins to chase his own high. You knew all the signs of when Eddie was going to finish, spending the better part of 8 years memorizing all the time you spent with one another.
“Fuck sweetheart, I’m not gonna last m-much longer,” he chokes out, his breath uneven and bangs sticking to his sweaty forehead. You nod, your mouth hung open as the pace on your clit gets faster, the swollen nub pulsing under his touch as you feel the tingling euphoria you loved begin spreading throughout your body. “You’re doing so g-good for me baby. Come for me, cover my cock in your sweet cum.”
That was enough for your body to be sent hurdling over the edge, a loud moan ripping through your body as you shake under Eddie’s form. He’s chuckling above you, proud of himself for allowing you to feel as good as you do. His pace remains the same, although his thrusts are becoming sloppier with every buck of his hips. You rub his back as you continue coming down from your high, feeling him still above you and empty his load into the condom, head buried in the crook of your neck as he moans your name in the prettiest pitch of his beautiful voice you’ve ever heard from him.
After a few moments of just laying on top of you, he pulls out of you with a sigh, the feeling of him leaving your cunt making a whine tumble from your lips. You can already feel the ache beginning to spread between your thighs, your spent pussy not having been through that kind of activity in so many months. But it was a nice kind of pain the resided within you, a familiar feeling you didn’t know you missed as much as you did. 
Rolling over, Eddie lays next to you, clutching his vest as he rummages through it, fishing out a joint he pre-rolled before the dinner. He grabs his lighter and flicks a flame against the end, inhaling the drug with a content sigh. He offers you the joint, but you shake your head.
“I’ll pass, but thank you,” you say, curling up against him and running your fingers along his bare chest, twirling your index finger within one of his few chest hairs. You can’t help the smile that creeps onto your face as you take in your situation. The old habit of Eddie’s post-sex smoke just really hit home for you, allowing you to take in the events that just occurred. Not being with Eddie for these past few months felt awful and you longed for the embrace that you were soaking up right now. Eddie’s hand runs up and down your arm as he pulls you in more.
It felt right laying here with Eddie. The guilt that resided deep in your stomach after your foreplay adventures with Steve ate you alive for days, scared that the love between you and Eddie was official dead and put to rest six feet under. But maybe everything happens for a reason. Not sealing the deal with Steve allowed you to rekindle things with Eddie and have a new outlook on your marriage, trying again and finally allowing yourselves to be happy like you once were.
“Fuck I missed this,” he says after taking another puff of the joint, let out a low laugh which you knew was his tell of the drug already taking effect. You look up at him and see the glaze in his eyes, the whites turning to a light pink as he takes another puff, blowing it away from your face before leaning down to take your lips in his. “Can’t believe I ever doubted this.”
You pause for a moment, leaning back with your eyebrows twisted in confusion. “What do you mean?” You chuckle out.
“It’s soo stupid, really. Probably shouldn’t even tell you,” he says, bopping you on the nose with his finger. You sit up and pull away from his grasp, digging around for your bra and panties and pulling them on. You turn back to him, giving him a serious look. Eddie had a habit of not being serious when he was high, hell, you couldn’t blame him. But he also spoke his truth and his words already peaked your interest.
“Enlighten me Eds. Please?” You ask, a half hearted smile working its way onto your face. He rolls his eyes and sits up as well, throwing on his underwear to cover his softened cock.
“Okay, fine. So,” he begins, before taking another puff of his joint and blowing it out in the opposite direction of you. “Gareth, you know Gareth? Course you do. Anyway, right before summer began, he got it in my head that it wasn’t very ‘rockstar’ of me to already be married with a kid. On top of that, he thought it wasn’t ‘rockstar’ of me to have only been with one girl ever in my life. And so…I guess I thought I should be a rockstar,” he explains.
What. The. Actual. Fuck?
“I’m sorry?” You question as you cross your arms at him. He freezes for a moment before directing his attention back to you, a coy smile on his face.
“Yeah BUT it didn’t feel right after a while, not even with Shirley I felt 100% of the kind of feelings I have for you. Like I said, it was a stupid explanation and I’m so glad we’re back together-“
“I never said we were back together, Eddie,” you hiss out, rummaging for your shirt and pants and throwing them on your body. He sits back and now has his own eyebrows twisted in confusion. The gears in Eddie’s head were only working on half capacity, but he sensed such hostility coming from your end, leaving him a little speechless. Things had started to look up for you two, so why the sudden cold shoulder?
Then it clicks in his head, the haziness that was clogging his mind momentarily parted and he saw it as clear as day: he word vomited and told you the thing was trying to spare your feelings from.
“Y/N, wait I can explain what I meant,” he rushes out, stomping out the rest of his joint and reaching his arms out for you, but you put your hand out as you back yourself into the corner of his van near one of the double doors. Hot tears were filling your eyes as his words sank deep within you, the clarity of why he didn't want to be with you anymore finally coming to light, the thing you’d been begging for for almost 6 months.
“No Eddie, don't bother trying to 'charm' your way out of this one. I should have never even thought that you could change. Not back in high school, and not over these past few weeks. You risked tearing our family apart, so you could keep that bad boy reputation that you tried so hard to have in high school? Eddie, grow the fuck up. You can have a successful music career and have a fucking family, plenty of fucking rockstars now have that. You’re just a dick,” you scream at him, opening the door to the van and hopping out, slamming the door shut behind you.
You felt miserable, more miserable than you did when he told you he wanted the stupid separation in the first place. All so he could get his dick wet and have some more experience under his belt for the sake of a rockstar persona? The Eddie that helped you welcome your son into the world or the one you said ‘I do’ with would have never given up on you for some silly comment coming from Gareth that didn't even have any backbone to it.
Even you knew that Gareth was joking about the comment, because he always loved your and Eddie’s relationship. He’d tell you that constantly. You just can’t believe that Eddie was so insecure about his reputation and your relationship that he’d do something like this. Now you felt like a huge idiot, trying to jump back into things and sleeping with the biggest asshole you’ve ever met.
“Y/N wait!” Eddie shouts as he comes tumbling out of the van. His shirt was stuck over his shirt as you kept walking towards the front door. You almost made it through the threshold of your home and nearly had the door closed before his foot comes in between to stop it, a yelp coming from his lips. “Y/N please just hear me out.”
“I really think you’ve said enough Edward. You need to leave and just…you know what? Maybe you should go back to Shirley or whatever other girls you’ve been with instead of being here with me and Christopher. I’m done trying to think I was ever enough for you,” you tell him. You kick his foot from between the door and the doorway, sweeping the door to a close and locking both latches before sinking to the floor and letting the sob you kept in your chest nearly rip you in half.
You should’ve never given that freak a second chance.
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taintandviolent · 8 months
lizzie's kinktober - week one; overstimulation ; James Patrick March.
warnings & a/n: 1k words! overstimulation, mild knife play, mentions of death. // this is short, but at least it's something for kinktober! I hope y'all enjoy it!!! sorry if it feels rushed and/or clunky! also (not) sorry that I always make James kill or hint that he kills reader -- he is a serial killer afterall!!
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Conflicted; adjective — having or showing confused and mutually inconsistent feelings. To feel conflicted was to feel confused, lost, torn in two different directions. Something that you were, almost literally. You never orgasmed unless you were really turned on. The kind of turned on that had you writhing on your bed, searching for a pillow to grind your pathetic, dripping cunt on just for some relief.
Something about this uniquely dressed man with a molasses-smooth voice had you that turned on. When he’d invited you upstairs to his hotel room, you’d agreed, thinking that you were going to get off once or twice, and then bid him goodnight and think about him for the rest of your days. The one night stand in that weird old hotel…
You had, in fact, gotten off once or twice, but it hadn’t stopped there. After the fourth orgasm, you had stopped counting and had started crying, embarrassed that your body was convulsing with pleasure. Still, he continued. His fingers were masterful, moved quickly and pleasured you in ways that you had never even fantasised about.
It almost became too much. You were acutely aware of everything you were experiencing, down to the sheen of sweat that covered your entire body, and weighed down your delicate tresses. You’d lost track of how many times this man had made you cum, but you knew that you’d passed the point of pleasure, and were heading full force into the territory of pain. Something that he seemed to enjoy… deeply. Every whimper and mewl from you had him craning his neck in unadulterated pleasure, growling with pursed lips.
“Pl-please…” you begged, senselessly. It wouldn’t matter, not to him.
“Please?” He crooned. “Please what? Stop?”
“Y-yes….. please…. S-stop.”
“Awh, you know I can’t do that. Follow through with everything you do, that’s what my father always said.” His fingers ghosted near your clit again and you desperately wrenched your body forward, quivering as intensely as a woman riddled with fever.
“I can’t.”
“You can,” he said. “I know you can and I plan to make you, my dear.”
With both hands, he forced your legs open at the knees and inserted himself between them. Even if you attempted to close them again, they’d be around him. His hand dropped to your thighs again, delicately stroking them. You lifted your head feebly to look into his eyes. Dark eyes so void of anything remotely nurturing, soulless, black and colder than a mausoleum. As he smiled fluidly, you accepted that there was nothing there for you, no mercy, no understanding. You winced as he made contact. The pad of his finger massaged your swollen clit, circling the sensitive nerves. He dipped down quickly, collecting a fingerful of your ample wetness, and returned to the stimulation. You squeezed your eyes shut, pulling roughly on the restraints. He’d tied your hands tightly, arms stretched outwards and secured on hooks in the wall. The euphoric adrenaline, surely, was helping your body not to ache as much as it should be, given your hanging position. You’d tried, many times, to find some relief from gravity, but your big toe barely touched the floor.
He fingered you with slow, deliberate motions and your cunt felt hot. Again. He picked up speed, rubbing his palm against your clit. Everything was so swollen, so sensitive, and so wet. No friction, only white hot, fiery pleasure coursing through your poor little body.
“That’s it,” he said, feeling the warning clench.
You came again with a scream, gushing out over his hand, filling up the cup of his palm. At that point, you weren’t sure what was coming from you; blood, piss, some euphoric orgasm liquid that spattered his floor… perhaps a combination of the three. You didn’t have it in you to care.
“And now,” he said, wiping his hand on his leather apron. “Now, it’s time for me to have mine.”
Your body was filled with energy, seem to pulsate with trepidation. You didn’t think that your body could handle another one. You’d pass out. Maybe just die right there. You violently kicked your legs, screaming through your teeth. “Are you trying to kill me!?”
“No,” he said, seeming offended that you’d even suggest such an atrocity. “That comes later.”
“Tell me you want it.” He ordered, dragging his finger down the front of your torso. With his free hand, he unbutton his trousers, reaching inside them to free his stiff cock. “Tell me.”
Somehow, you knew exactly what it was you were supposed to say. Maybe it was because you really did want it, and deep down, you wanted another one. “I want you to fuck me, Mr. March…” You didn’t know what his first name was. He hadn’t told you. Only insisted that he be referred to as ‘Mr. March’ and nothing else.
“Good, good.” he said, pressing the squishy head of his cock into your folds. It bumped into your clit, sending a violent shudder through your body. The insides of your legs were wet.
“Watch.” He instructed, before gripping your hips with both hands. Your head dropped heavily forward to witness the breach. You had a better visual now, and so did he. He lifted your hips, angling them upwards so he could line up his cock. As he slid himself into your drenched cunt, he let out a deep snarl. He buried himself within you, your walls hugging his cock and surrounding it in slick and warmth. Mr. March quickly found his rhythm, hammering into you with purposeful, deep thrusts. Your eyes rolled back, lids fluttering helplessly. Your body quivered, shuddered, convulsed unwillingly every time he hit a point of pleasure, pounding into you. Every whimper that fell from your lips fuelled in some sick, undisclosed way.
You felt each clench of your pussy, laboured and aching. Exhaustion riddled your system, sending you into a delusional wavelength. As you felt another one rearing, you said his name, begging for relief. Whatever relief that may have been.
Your eyes fluttered open once more, though your lids were unimaginably heavy, and you saw his hand close around the handle of a shimmering blade. You feebly shook your head back and forth. As he came, coating your insides in ropes of white, you felt your consciousness slip between your fingers like sand. And all things considered, that was probably for the best.
t a g l i s t : @kaismanwich / @pursuedbyyogibear / @elsamars / @silverzoomies / @tatesdisasterofalover / @thewolveswithin / @80strashbag / @twinkiemaximoff / @spill-the-t / @stucktothetwo / @evansb1tch / @enchanting-evan / @yesdevineruler / @anonymous0316 / @eventually27 / @violetharmonscupcake / @my-own-walker / @kai-slut / @demxnicprxncess / @fuckedbykai / @iluwmycats / @dewberryobssesed / @the-goblin1 / @dirtyfairy97 / @jellyluvr / @strangerthings420 / @kai-anderson-whore / @piecesofcain / @lilthbunny / @quickandsilvers / @tatelangdonsweater / @ifeeltoofuckingmuch / @howtobesasha / @randodummy / @throwinginmythai / @hyperharlz
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pythonpie · 5 months
Finished this while answering asks. Thank you for joining me, I must bid y'all goodnight!
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witchybitchy222 · 4 months
Azriel x Reader
Renewal | Chapter 5
Azriel x Female Reader
The LONG anticipated chapter 5 of Renewal! This is a big one y'all! I hope you like it! I took it in a different direction than I originally planned so I apologize for any inconsistencies! LOVE YALL
Azriel had flown for hours, cursing himself for getting so worked up over nothing. He never lost it like this. In his centuries of life he’d perfected controlling his emotions and he’d be damned if he lost it over a human girl. A beautiful, kind, extraordinary human girl, but a human girl nonetheless. He was a powerful fae warrior, he couldn’t lose his cool over a little unjustified jealousy. He just needed a distraction. 
Azriel dropped down along the Sidra, planning to find somewhere to drink his troubles away without the distraction of said human girl. He walked to one of Velaris’s more popular bars, not as famous as Rita’s by any means, but busy nonetheless, and immediately downed two drinks. 
He was ordering a third when a pretty strawberry blonde female dropped down in the seat next to him. She was pretty enough, but not like Y/N. She was petite where you were curvy, blonde where you were dark, and she lacked all the little details that made you, you. 
But, he was determined to distract himself, so he conversed with the female all while downing more and more drinks. 
Before Azriel knew it, the female had him by the hand and was leading him to her apartment across the street. Getting into bed was a blur, and he couldn’t remember taking off his shirt, or whether she had starting kissing him, or he had started kissing her. 
She was undeniably sexy, and her hands were all over him, but despite his best efforts to remain in the moment, he couldn’t help but feel that this was wrong. 
Azriel gently placed his hands on her shoulders and pushed her off his mouth. She looked down at him, a small frown marring her pretty face. 
“I’m sorry,” he began, “I can’t do this.” 
Her face twisted in confusion before looking down at his decidedly un-excited groin, her lips parting in a soft “oh.” 
She slid off him and he sat up on the bed next to her, feeling extremely awkward. 
“Do you… prefer males?” She asked as she stared at him, her head slightly tilted to the side. 
Azriel huffed a laugh, “no”, he said with a slight grin, though it’d probably be nicer if he did. He could’ve just married Cassian and been done with it. 
“I’m definitely attracted to females, and you’re very beautiful, it’s just…” He trailed off, the female looking at him expectantly and he suddenly felt very sober. “I have someone else on my mind.”
“Oh!” she breathed, “I understand.” and she gave him a sweet smile. 
“Really?” he asked, brows furrowed in confusion, he thought she’d have protested more, or maybe try to kiss him again, not give up in understanding.  
She let out a laugh at his confusion. “Of course I am! It’s not like I was expecting a love match from this.” She smirked at him, causing a blush to rise to his cheeks. 
“It’s actually good to know you’re in love with someone, I was starting to worry you thought I was gross.” Azriel’s face flushed even further at her use of the word “love,” but he was relieved she understood. 
“No,” he began to reassure her, “you’re a lovely female, I just….I can’t sleep with you.” 
“Honestly?” she said, “It’s kind of nice to know there are males out there like you, devoted enough to turn down a half naked and willing female in their bed.” He huffed another laugh before grabbing his shirt and bidding the female goodnight. 
Azriel flew home feeling a bit lighter, with the word “love” bouncing around in his mind. 
“Get up” a harsh voice called as the curtains were ripped open. Unforgiving sunlight burst into the room, assaulting your half-asleep mind. You blinked, holding your head as you sat up from under the covers, you knew shots with Cassian were a bad idea. 
“Amren?” The petite female was standing in front of the window, arms crossed, her usual look of boredom in place. 
“I’ve made a potential breakthrough and I’m not letting your overconsumption stop me from testing my theory.” She tossed a small bottle at you with a smirk. 
“What’s this?” you picked up the bottle, inspecting the odd green liquid inside. 
“Hangover cure.” The female stated, as if it were obvious.
“Be down in ten minutes or I’ll come up and douse you in ice water.” And with that she walked out, shutting the door behind her. 
You glanced at the window, trying to discern the time by the sun’s position, but winced as soon as the light hit your eyes. You have Amren’s green liquid one last look before popping the cork and downing it in one gulp. Almost immediately your headache was gone and most of your energy restored. “Fuck, I love magic.” You smiled. 
You dressed quickly, less worried about your appearance and more worried about getting downstairs before Amren’s ten minutes were up. 
You opened the library door to find Amren sitting in a circle of books, some so old the looked like they’d crumple at your touch. Rhysand sat in a chair by the lit fire, looking as bleary eyed as you felt when Amren awoke you minutes ago. 
“Good, you’re here. I have a spell I’d like to try.” Amren looked up from the tome in her lap, looking almost giddy. You worriedly glanced at the High Lord, he merely shrugged. 
“I’m here for moral support.” Rhysand gave you a tired grin, and you sat across from Amren on the floor. 
“I need you to stay calm during this. Drop your shields and Rhys will help.” 
“What’s going to happen?” You asked, eyeing the small knife Amren had procured seemingly out of thin air. 
“I’m just going to cut your arm, nothing deep. Just a bit of blood for the magic.” She looked almost annoyed at your hesitancy. “Then hopefully the spell I read will work and we’ll finally have some answers.” 
You nodded at the female and dropped your flimsy shields, allowing Rhysand into your mind. 
The blade stung as it cut your skin, but Amren was honest, the cut wasn’t deep, just enough to make you bleed. You watched as she took your blood, telling you to close your eyes and focus on her voice. 
You felt Rhysand in your mind, slithering through your thoughts.  
Amren spoke in an odd language, the sounds flowing and light, but something about it seemed familiar to you. That prickling feeling in the back of your head started again, and you started to feel a pull in your gut, weak at first, but rapidly growing stronger, like the feeling of freefalling, gravity tugging at your body as you plummeted toward the earth.
 Amren grabbed your hands, stinging the cut on your palm. Your eyes flew open, the pain intensifying at her touch, the once gentle pulling in your stomach growing into a ripping pain, and the room blurred around you. You distantly heard Rhysand’s voice, his prying at your unshielded mind, but all you felt was pain, searing, intense, pain. 
You felt your mouth open but couldn’t hear your scream over the ringing in your ears. Images flooded your mind, so fast you couldn’t comprehend any of them, and soon your mind was so full of thoughts, images, and feelings, you were certain it’d burst. The swirling thoughts continued, spinning and spinning and trapping  you in a vortex of pain, mania, and confusion. Rhysand was in the background of your mind, witnessing your physical and mental pain but helpless to stop it.  Just when you couldn’t take it anymore, when the pain was so intense you could only see white and you were sure you’d die, the spinning in your vision stopped and the room came into view. You took a breath and felt it catch in your throat, you tried to cough and immediately turned to the side and vomited. Thick black sludge expelled from your mouth, choking you as it came out. You vaguely felt someone come behind you and hold back your hair. You felt cold and hot at the same time, like your body was ripping itself from the inside and reforming into something new. You felt different, sharper, clearer, and somehow more like yourself than you’d felt in a long time. 
When the vomiting ceased, and the pain in your stomach dulled to an ache, you finally looked up at the room and fae surrounding you. You were still on the floor, covered in sweat and remnants of blood and your strange vomit. Azriel sat beside you, his hands still in your hair, his hazel eyes filled with concern. Amren stood across from you, a stern look on her face, the ancient book she’d smeared your blood on torn to shreds. Feyre and Cassian stood to the side, and for the first time since you’d awoken, you could feel the faint trace of magic emanating from them, as if they’d pulled it to the surface in case they needed to strike. You knew they were staring at you, noting the changes that had been made when the curse broke. They’d have questions, so many questions. 
Finally your eyes found Rhysand, and the look on his face cut you much deeper than the shallow knife wound. Your vision was sharper now, and you could see the flecks of stars in his violet eyes, reflecting your own. 
It was as if time was frozen, no one knew what to say. You could feel the confusion seeping off every fae in the room, its orangish tint flooding your senses. 
Rhysand spoke, breaking the incessant silence, “Where’s Nyx.” he demanded, never removing his eyes from you. 
“Mor and Nesta have him at the townhouse.” Feyre replied, her voice soft in the quietness of the room. 
Rhysand nodded. “Everyone out except Y/N.” You held his gaze as everyone filed out. When the door shut, he let out a shuddering breath and tore his gaze from your own. He sat down heavily in the plush velvet chair by the fire. He remained silent as you pulled yourself up from the ground, aching and dirty, and gently lowered yourself into the seat across from him. The High Lord let out a deep sigh, “Do you remember who you are?” he asked as he stared into the dying fire before him. “I remember everything, brother.”
@strawbwebbie @judig92 @bankerfrog @amdiriel @kristalhi
@meritxellao @everyonehatescarmen @reareaikea @nothxney
@toothhurtyam @goldentournesol
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thankeywa · 1 year
Star-crossed | Lo'ak x fem!human!reader pt. 2
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Part two of my Lo'ak x reader fic (you can find part 1 here), also posted on @lucozadehulahoop. Trying to post all of my avatar stuff on this account, so follow me on here like the 7 badasses who already have done so! Thank you all so much for the love, this story is ongoing so let me know if you want to be on the tag list. I will be getting to some requests next! Unfortunately, it is exam season for me y'all, but keep the requests coming because writing keeps me sane.
part 3 part 4
Warnings: once again, both Lo'ak and the reader are 20y/o, and there will be eventual mature stuffs, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT with this or anything on my accounts.
words: 1K
summary: reader is a human left behind on pandora, she grew up with the remaining humans who'd been aloud to stay on the planet after the war and has been friends with the Sully clan her entire life. She and Lo'ak were best friends until he began to pull away from her in their teen years for seemingly no reason. This story is about them reconnecting on the day of her twentieth birthday, and dealing with the feelings they have for each other and the obstacles that come with them being from two different worlds.
Translations for this chapter:
Ngaru lu fpom srak? = Are you alright?
Eywa ngahu = (May) Eywa be with you
Y/n stepped outside the bunker and turned around the corner. Lo'ak was there, after all, hastily trying to get up and off his ass before she could see him. He cussed, giving himself away, but only managed to get back up on his knees, before freezing in his tracks. He hadn't seen her face to face in so long, he didn't know what to do with himself. Why was it so hard for him to even say a word all of a sudden? Lo'ak felt like he couldn't breathe.
The sunlight had gone, but now the entirety of the forest was a glow with the night, along with the 'freckles' on the Na'vi's skin, making him look like a constellation come to life. Y/n could see it: how much taller Lo'ak had grown since the last time she'd seen him. He'd also filled out his lanky features a little more; she imagined it was due to all of that training Jake and Neytiri put their kids through. "Hey..." she hugged herself, not really dressed for the cold air of the night. "Ngaru lu fpom srak?" She asked in concern, but he simply stared back at her. "Are you hurt? Is something out there...?"
"I'm fine." Lo'ak managed finally, and y/n looked away.
That was all he had to say to her after all those years?
All of a sudden, Y/n felt stupid and naive. Who was to say he'd come to see her on purpose? It had just been her own wishful thinking playing tricks on her. With how much of a clutz she remembered Lo'ak being, he'd most likely just fallen out of a tree by accident. She'd just wanted to check he wasn't in any immediate danger.
"Well." She quipped. "If there's nothing I can do for you, Eywa ngahu." Y/n bid him goodnight, and Lo'ak had to bite his tongue to stop himself from calling out to her. He'd made the mess they were in, and now y/n probably thought he'd shown up just to mess with her head. Eywa knew, he hadn't meant for y/n to see him. He'd just wanted to get a glimpse of her, tired of hearing his family constantly talking about her with him no longer being a part of her life.
By his own fault, nobody else's, as Neteyam had said.
But no, it wasn't just that. What did his brother know? What did any of them understand of the pain he was in? He was in love with a human. With his best friend. Someone who could never want back him the same way he did. Someone so infuriatingly understanding and accepting of him, she'd just talked to him with the same kindness and patience in her eyes as she'd done since they'd been kids together. As if he hadn't thrown it all back in her face. As if the past four years had never happened.
Why couldn't she just hate him?
"You know what—" He started, but was immediately cut off.
The second y/n was a about to turn away and walk the other direction, a blood curling growl was heard from the not so far away distance, and she immediately reached out for Lo'ak, who was about to run his mouth as always. Too distracted with what was going on in his own head to see the danger around him. He'd knelt down to her level, which made shutting his mouth a lot easier.
Y/n hadn't even thought about the fact that she'd basically pinned the Na'vi against the outside wall of her home, as if she could shield him from whatever hell was out there, until she could feel his laboured breath against her skin.
Something was moving out there, and that was all she could think about.
"I-N-S-I-D-E." She signed across the plane of his chest. "N-O-W." y/n looked into Lo'ak's yellow eyes to see if he'd understood that they would have to reasume talking another time.
She leaned against his side, guiding them slowly through the dark, when suddenly the damn fool decided to hoist her up and start running. It didn't fail to alert the Thanator that had been out prowling nearby for a midnight snack. Y/n dug her nails into Lo'ak's skin, probably drawing blood, and struggled to keep quiet as they got through the door. She yanked the Na'vi inside with her, not trusting Lo'ak not to do something stupid like stand outside and fight the apex predator of the forests of Pandora.
"Shit, shit, shit‐"
"Shut. Up." They snapped at each other in the dark in hushed tones.
She put out all the lights and they both lay down on the floor, holding onto each other as they listened to the beast's heavy paws prowl the grounds just outside her door, along with the slight snarl it made every time it exhaled. Lo'ak held her close, maybe a little too tight, while his other hand went to his dagger.
If the Thanator did decide it was going to attack the bunker until it got through, Lo'ak was going to throw himself at it with everything he had. He wanted to say everything he hadn't told y/n up until that point, realizing how cruel it would be for either one of them to die thinking their once best friend hated them. Y/n saw the Thanator's shadow on her kitchen floor as it passed by the window, and closed her eyes, pressing her forehead against Lo'ak's shoulder.
"Eywa, please, not him. He is he one of your people... I'll do anything. Please..." She chanted, mustering up her best Na'vi as tears began to stream down her face.
Y/n couldn't believe it. She actually was praying. Not that she didn't believe Eywa was a very real goddess. Y/n simply didn't think humans had the right to ask anything of the Mother of Pandora. Yet she meant it, wholeheartedly. She would have repaid any debt in exchange for Lo'ak safety, knowing full well that the words that were leaving her mouth were not to be taken lightly.
And Lo'ak knew it too.
He was the one to muffle her ramblings this time, covering her mouth with his overly large hand, eyes wide with fear, and his ears now pointed backward. Y/n had just vouched for his life to be saved at any price.
What have you done?
Lo'ak wanted to scream at her, and he knew she could see it in his eyes. Y/n didn't care.
Her prayers had just been answered and the Thanator was gone.
tag list for the people who asked for part 2: @aleromania, @ghostjoohoney
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copper-wasp · 11 months
Warm Offer - Cidolfus Telamon/Fem Reader
⮚ (there's no way y'all didn't see this coming)
✦ Rating: Explicit ✦ Warning Tags: None, but I did choose a random name for Cid's lady to avoid using y/n ✦ Words: 2465
• 🙪 ● AO3 ● 🙪 •
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Cid groaned as he slowly made his way back inside the Hideaway, many hours past when he should’ve arrived, the night nearly dark as pitch. He knew everyone had gone to sleep already - well, nearly everyone, seeing a familiar figure as he headed towards the solar. 
Wylla was at the mess, a lone candle lighting the page of the book she was reading as she nursed a mug of something in one hand.
“You’re up late,” Cid said by way of greeting, walking over to join her.
“Can’t sleep,” she explained, taking a drink from her cup. “What’s your excuse?”
“Unplanned…detour-“ he began, but noticed her nose start to wrinkle as she sniffed the air, leaning forward in her chair. She covered her mouth with her hand when she realized the awful smell was coming from him .
“Ungh, Cid, you stink like a bog!” she said with a laugh, trying to fan the air away from her with her unoccupied hand. “Did your detour take you through a sewer?”
“Is it really that bad?” he asked, trying to smell himself, the awkward heat of embarrassment flooding his skin.
“Yes! Please go take a bath before the whole hideaway starts to reek of it.”
“Care to join me, Wyl?” he offered with a smirk, knowing she’d roll her eyes in response. He couldn’t help but tease, she was always so receptive, usually having a prepared quip of her own to fire back at him. He tried to ignore the tug of attraction to her that pulled from behind his navel, but it didn’t always work.
“A kind offer but, no thank you, Cid. You’ll just trick me into washing your back for you.”
“Ah, you’ve found me out,” he replied, pulling out one of his cigars to light on the walk back to the solar. He didn’t miss the wistful little smirk on her lips, nor the way her eyes traced down his body, but he kept it to himself. “G’night, Wyl,” he called with a wave, hearing her bid him goodnight in return.
Cid rarely filled the bath all the way, but thought he’d make an exception this time, piling his clothing as far away from him as he could, deciding to deal with any lingering scent in the morning.
He sank into the water, the heat soothing his sore muscles, eyes closing to focus on the heat. He chuckled to himself as he replayed his exchange with Wylla, hoping that she’d manage to get some sleep, regardless if she needed a cask of wine to do so. It was nice seeing her out of her leathers, wearing a soft white nightdress and robe with her feet bare, her normally tightly braided hair gathered in a loose knot at the base of her neck. The two of them were the hideaway’s insomniacs, often meeting in the wee hours of the morning to commiserate about their bodies’ refusal to rest.
Cid heard the door unlatch, his eyes springing open to find the woman haunting his thoughts gently closing it behind her. She turned to face him, and Cid was very aware of how clear the bath water was, trying to quickly cover himself with one hand.
“Wylla? Why..? W-what…are you doing here?” He rarely stumbled over his words, but never in a thousand years did he think she’d actually play into his teasing.
“Joining you in the bath,” she replied nonchalantly, setting the candle she’d brought from the mess down before shrugging her robe from her shoulders to pool on the floor. Cid didn’t reply, he could only stare at her as she walked slowly towards him, trying to moisten his bottom lip with a suddenly very dry tongue. “Unless that was not a serious offer you made to me just now?” 
“It’s serious if you…want it to be,” he said, watching her intently as she re-tied her hair on top of her head to keep it from getting wet.
“I think I do want it to be serious,” she said, barely above a whisper, the promise in her voice hardening his cock.
“H-hurry in then, ‘fore the water gets cold.” His eyes greedily roved over her body, waiting for her nightdress to come off to reveal herself to him.
“Turn around,” she said, twirling her finger at him. He gave her a look, but she only grinned at him, daring him to challenge her. “Turn around so I may take my clothes off, Cid.” With a mighty groan, he did as he was told, shaking his head as he turned his back to her. 
“Bloody tease,” he mumbled, hearing her tut in reply. He focused entirely on the sound of shuffling fabric, having a better time imagining what she might look like than he thought he would. He knew she had a puckered scar above her left hip, he’d been with her when she’d been slashed by the soldier’s blade, but everything else about her was an intriguing surprise. He felt her move into his orbit, her palms soft and warm when she placed them on his shoulders.
“Scoot forward, go on,” Wylla encouraged, giving him a light push.
“Because I’m going to wash your back for you,” she replied, squeezing his shoulders.
“Come on Wyl, you know that wasn’t serious,” Cid sighed, but he couldn’t stop a pleasured groan from slipping out as she dug her thumbs in with just a bit more pressure. 
“Scoot, Cid,” she said once more, and he complied, her tender touch welcome on his tired body. He felt the water ripple when she climbed into the basin behind him, her legs moving on either side of him and her chest against his back. She pressed a kiss to the base of his neck as he placed his hands on her calves, caressing as far down as he could reach without needing to move away from her soft lips. He felt her shift, grabbing the soap from the edge of the tub and dunking it beneath the surface. 
A silent moment passed before Cid felt her hands glide across his skin, the light scent of lavender in the air. He sighed, removing the weight of the world from his shoulders for just a little while. Wylla began to hum, nothing he recognized but beautiful all the same, and soon his eyes shut, allowing her to continue with her delicate work. 
She thoroughly washed his back and shoulders, and he let her guide him to lean back against her so she could run her soapy hands across his chest as well. She kissed his neck, feeling his pulse beat heavy against her lips as she trailed her hands down to his abdomen, feeling raised scars and peaks of muscle, an interesting sculpture for her fingers to trace.
“Wyl?” he murmured, almost completely under her spell.
“Yes, Cid?” she replied, pausing her ministrations. 
“…You are far too good to me,” he admitted, not being able to remember the last time he’d felt this cared for; usually it was him doing the caring, but he couldn’t deny how damned good it felt to be on the receiving end. All the little things she did for him came to the forefront of his mind, insignificant at the time but all signs of her generosity and concern.
“Don’t I know it,” she quipped with another kiss to his jaw. He turned his head to look at her, finding her looking unsurprisingly smug.
“Don’t let it go to your head,” he replied, covering her hands with his where they rested on his chest.
“The great Cidolfus Telamon paid me a compliment, of course I’m going to let it go to my head. I’ll make sure Gav never hears the end of it, how I’m your new favorite and how you’ll start sending me on all the good missions-”
“Get over here, you,” Cid interrupted, exasperated. He adjusted their positions until she straddled his lap, and not an insignificant amount of water was on the floor. He tried to come up with another remark, but the look on her face robbed him of speech. She reached a hand up to caress his cheek, a smile playing on her lips. She looked happy, and not just the forced mask that she normally wore, the smile reached her eyes and the chuckle that came afterward was sweet as a bell. Perhaps just for the slightest moment she’d forgotten about the torture she’d endured at the hands of her masters; forgotten the nearly worse pain of removing that damned brand from her cheek.
Cid grasped her chin, his lips meeting hers in a soft kiss. She melted against him, her eyes closing to fully enjoy it, her hands moving to either side of his neck. He was gentle, yet insistent, one hand sliding around her waist to the dip of her spine, flattening his palm there to draw her nearer. She sighed against his lips, feeling him there between her legs, stiff as he tried not to rut against her.
He moved his mouth to her neck, drawing every tiny noise she held within her to the surface, his palms rounding over her arse while his teeth nipped at her skin.
She whispered his name, maneuvering his face back up to meet hers for a kiss hotter than the bath. She grasped his wrist, dunking his hand beneath the water to rest between her legs. 
“The cheek on you,” Cid teased, gently tracing her slit.
“Oh, you think your constant teasing had nothing to do with this?” 
“Of course it did,” Cid chuckled, circling her entrance. “Took you long enough to realize it.” He slid his thick middle finger inside her, her head falling forward to rest on his shoulder. He waited patiently for her to adjust to the intrusion, adding a second when she began to rock her hips, his thumb rubbing her sensitive nub in tandem.
Her breathing quickened, on the precipice embarrassingly fast, her fingers digging into his shoulders. She was so close, but she didn’t want this here, no, she needed to feel him, feel his weight atop her. 
“Cid, w-wait-“ she stuttered, finding his eyes. He stopped moving his hand, beginning to withdraw at her request.
“Are you all right?”
“Yes, just-“ she paused, searching the room for where he slept. “Would you…take me to bed?” He gave her a gentle nod, kissing her again before standing so abruptly that even more water splashed to the floor.
Cid helped her out of the bath, pulling her into an embrace as they stumbled to his bed, a trail of water in their wake. Helping her onto her back, Cid guided his hand back between her legs, watching her expression change as he slid inside her once again, two to the hilt. His lips wrapped around her nipple, and he felt her fingers weave into his hair, a quick scratch at his scalp making him groan. He fucked her open on his hand, so warm and wet she was that his cock was leaking in anticipation.
“Please, Cid-“ she begged, spreading her legs wide enough to accommodate him. 
“Aye… patience , love,” he replied with a sweet kiss, spreading her slick over his length. Cid hooked one hand beneath her thigh, guiding her leg over his hip and supporting it as he pressed himself inside her. 
She moaned softly, her chest heaving to try to quell her increasing heartbeat, her eyes foggy with lust; the most beautiful thing he’d seen in many moons. He caressed her cheek, letting her wrap her arms around him to keep him close when he began to move, ramping up in intensity when she dug her heel into his lower back.
They were being far too loud, the solar filling with the sounds of their coupling, but they didn’t care, feeling relaxed and cared for and loved after so many years without. Cid kissed and nipped at her neck, one of her hands fiercely trying to find his; he chuckled, grasping it and weaving his fingers with hers.
“Oh, Cid- I… I’m… fuck ,” she cursed, biting her lip. He grinned, mumbling filthy things in her ear before taking the lobe between his teeth and biting hard, a moan of absolute pleasure erupting from her throat. Wylla dug her fingernails into his shoulders in reply, her body stilling for just a moment before he felt her clench around him, choking on her cry. He slowed his pace, taking a moment to lightly trail a line of kisses up her jaw.
He didn’t want to pull out of her, but her cunt was about to make the choice for him, so he withdrew, but not before holding out as long as he could. He fell to his side facing her, wrapping his hand around his cock, nearly upon his own climax.
“Let me,” Wylla offered, still catching her breath. Her hand slid down his abdomen, fingers taking the place of his around his girth. He wasn’t expecting her to be quite this willing, and the surprise of it had him cursing. It was her turn to lavish him with attention, turning to face him so she could lick his lips, coming in for a kiss before he felt her teeth nip him gently. She moaned his name, laying it on thick to usher him over the peak, the groan he made something she burned into her memory to revisit.
“Fuck me, Wyl,” he said, thrusting into her hand until he finished on her stomach, her fingers insistently stroking him until he was fully spent. 
The both of them gratefully fucked, they locked eyes, grins spreading across their lips. Cid leaned in to kiss her forehead, softly stroking her hair before rolling to the edge of the bed. 
“Hold on, I’ll clean you up,” he said, gesturing with his head towards her abdomen. She turned onto her back again, Cid returning quickly with a cloth that he used to wipe her stomach clean. He fell back onto the bed with her, drawing her in for a deep kiss, her palms resting on his chest. 
“Well,” Cid began, “Not how I was expecting my night to end, considering how it began.”
“If only we had done this sooner,” Wylla replied, tracing circles on his bicep. 
“No, the timing was…perfect, Wyl,” he assured with a caress down her side. “Think you’ll be able to get some sleep now?”
“Oh, yes, I’m going to sleep like a baby.” Her eyelids were already heavy, Cid’s warm chest a perfect place to lay her head.
“Don’t feel like you need to go back to yours,” he teased, Wylla already snuggled up tightly to his side, one arm draped over his stomach. 
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
• 🙪 ● 🙪 ● 🙪 • • 🙪 ● 🙪 ● 🙪 • • 🙪 ● 🙪 ● 🙪 •
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Ready To Run- A Linger On Drabble
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Series Masterlist | Series Playlist
Summary: Tommy tries to talk Joel out of getting married. The Miller family grows.
Rating: E MDNI 18+ (this is just a blanket warning for the whole series)
Warnings: angst, childbirth (non detailed, just mentioned)
Word Count: 800
Author’s Notes: I'm still not back to this fic yet but here is a little something to tide y'all over
July 1999
“Ya don’t have to do this, Joel.” Tommy says to his brother. “Ya shouldn’t be doin’ this.” He says more quietly. They are standing outside of the Travis County Clerks Office waiting for Joel’s turn. Joel is dressed in his best button-up and his nicest jeans. He’s tamed his wayward curls into submission. Tommy is dressed similarly, the only difference is his ever present, well worn cowboy hat atop his head. 
“Drop it, already, Tommy. You’ve said your piece. Several times.” Joel snarls. Tommy had been on about this for the last two weeks. Trying everything he could to talk Joel out of doing what’s right. He even resorted to bribery. Said he wouldn’t join the army if Joel just took some time to think about it. But all Joel has been doing is thinking. Thinking about the child he’s bringing into the world with a woman whose last name he just learned. Thinking about the woman he loves being in pain because of him. Thinking about how badly he wishes his parents were here to give him advice. To talk him out of this, or into it. Anything. 
“Her flight isn’t until six. You can still make it.” Tommy says one last time, hopefully. “I’ll drive the getaway car.” He offers.
“I’m not gonna say it again. That’s enough.” The sound of the door opening behind them cuts the conversation short.
“Joel! Its out turn!” Val calls. 
“Alright. But I don’t wanna hear any cryin’ when you regret this.” Tommy grumbles as he follows his brother inside.
Twenty minutes later Joel is a married man. He thought he’d feel happy, or at least lighter for having done the right thing. But all he feels is hollow. An empty ache has settled inside his chest. Where it will remain for a decade. 
The trio retire to the Miller house along with Val’s mother. They picked up takeout from Matt’s El Rancho and Joel’s new mother-in-law brought a cake. She does her best to get to know Joel and Tommy, but she doesn’t miss the heavy atmosphere around the table. As soon as dinner and cake are done, she bids everyone goodnight. Once she’s out the door Val heads upstairs to sleep and Tommy stomps out the front door, off to meet his flavor of the week. Joel walks to the hall closet where the extra blankets are stored, pulls one out, and settles in on the couch to sleep. 
Two weeks later
“Joel!” He jumps up from a dead sleep when Val cries out. He runs up the stairs.
“Joel! Hurry!” Tommy beats Joel to her side.
“What’s wrong?” He shouts
“I think we’re havin’ a baby tonight, brother!” Tommy exclaims. As upset as he is with Joel for hurting Sweets, Tommy can’t wait to be an uncle. All he can talk about is teaching his nephew to play football and how to fish. Joel hasn’t seen him this excited since the day they picked out that ring for Sweets. Joel is the only family his brother has had since their parents died. He’s going to be a great uncle. 
Fourteen hours and a lot of curse words later, Joel sits in a chair in Val’s hospital room. The baby wrapped in the pink blanket in his arms feels impossibly small. “Hello, Sarah. I’m your daddy.” He whispers so he doesn't wake his sleeping wife, she deserves all the rest she needs after what she had been through. Joel strokes his baby’s cheek with his large finger. “I’m always gonna be right here for you. For the rest of my life.” 
That night when he gets home he picks up the phone. He dials the number that he had to practically beat out of Tommy. He didn’t want to give it to him. After the spent the night holding Sweets as she cried for hours, he didn’t want to give Joel another opportunity to hurt her. The only reason he gave it up is because he thought Joel would eventually come to his senses. She's still the first person he wants to tell when he has news. The phone rings once then twice. She picks up on the third ring.
“Hello?” She asks. Joel's voice is suddenly caught in his throat. He doesn’t know what to say and hearing the sound of her voice makes the ache in his chest throb.
“Hello?’ She repeats, sounding annoyed. Joel hangs up. She probably doesn't want to hear about the baby he has with another woman anyways. 
Taglist: @jenispunk @noisynightmarepoetry @serendipity22086 @megamindsecretlair @immyowndefender @hiddenbabynyc @justagalwhowrites @cannolighost @pattwtf @morgaussy @marisemonteiroo @planet-marz1 @joeldjarin @ilovepedro @callmecath1 @tloubarbie @jay-zzle @romanarose @partyofone3413 @disassociation-daydreams @beccerjune @marvel-redemption-omega @maryrhodalouandted @diversemediums @jediknight122 @suzmagine @persephone-girl @dizzyforyou @walkintotheriveranddisappear @survivingandenduring @lhymer1995 @mysticalrebeltaco @xthejazzdalorianx @marie-151515-blog @spookyxsam @loveisacowboyyy @anoverwhelmingdin
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