#i blame yansim
wereh0gz · 1 year
I blame the stupid amount of "x sonic character is a yandere" aus and the overall popularity of the yandere trope on yansim
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eclipseunmuted · 3 months
I didnt grow up on any substantial vampire media i am simply like this. It came free with my neurological disorders
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Oka Ruto
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Name: Oka Ruto
Gender: Female
Class: 3-2
Club: Occult
Persona: Lovestruck (Coward)
Overall: +30
Liked: 0
Respected: +100
Feared: -10
Crush: Taro Yamada
Strength: Incapable(?)
Oka is pretty overloved, and I'm pretty sure that this is because YanDev's only goal was to make a "shy girl" character, as well as the "big titty goth gf" character. Of course, I could always be wrong, but in all honesty I'm not even sure why any type of school would promote an occult club, especially considering that the club itself doesn't have too many BIG benefits regarding a normal playthrough.
But enough about the functions, I'd like to get into the ideas for the story. Originally, in the story I wrote so long ago, I stopped posting after I finished Oka's week, although I'm not sure why. But in these chapters, I put to use the demons, the 3rd for bathroom ghost, and every member of her club in a way. This was of course because I desperately wanted them to be useful for something. By all means I'm fine with the supernatural being a canon thing in YanSim, I just never understood why it was there in such an easter egg manner.
I hope that this can function as a decent week(s) to represent her, although it will take a good minute to get all of them done. As of 5/26, I've finished a single chapter and plan on posting it every five students (excluding Aishi and Taro).
I've more details about Oka's relations with her club and such beneath the cut.
Shin is trustworthy, Oka knows that, but if she's not around, he's usually just as timid and quiet as the rest of the club. Of course, she can't blame him or her club for their own anxieties and appreciates his ability to step up whenever she's around, but sometimes it worried her when she was gone. On the note of Shin, though, despite his feelings for her, she can't bring herself to feel the same. It's a great trait to want to protect the one you love and make sure they follow a safe path, but Oka's already anxious enough as it is. Oftentimes, her anxieties are completely unwarranted, and even when they are, Shin treats her as if everything she conspires about is completely true or normal. Oka appreciates this, but she really wish she had someone a bit more... normal, so to speak. More normal than her, more normal than Shin, and more normal than her club.
Which is unsurprisingly where Taro comes in. Taro is a pretty regular guy and holds his own minimal charms. He can tell her when she's overthinking something or when something she comes up with simply doesn't make any sense. Simply because he's normal. Oka loves her club and all of her friends, but with all of the anxiety that's been built up after having believed in this for so long, it makes sense for her to be so exhausted of it. She can believe in ghosts all she wants, but it didn't mean that she had to surround her every waking moment around being anxious about it. That's why she'd like to try to be a little normal. Maybe even leave the club and get together with Taro. Not only to experience a normal friend, but to experience a normal relationship as well.
Supana is one of her friends, as well as her first and best right now. They knew each other outside of school and met similarly to how Budo and Oka met each other- through their parents. While Supana was simply interested in all things supernatural, Oka's parents convinced her that they were 100% real and have bashed this thought process into her head since she was a child. Supana knows this and knows firsthand how anxious Oka can get because of how she was raised. She'll be another one of the more important club members.
As for the 3rd floor bathroom. I assume you can guess why she would have a fear of it all things considered. I imagine she often switched chores with Dora or something at the end of the day but will eventually get caught by a teacher and be forced to clean her assigned bathroom, which in turn will trigger her interaction with the ghost. I don't want to spoil too much, but I will say that Sumire most certainly wants Ayano dead. At practically any cost.
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g0ldgauntlet · 1 year
I do not feel sympathy for Michaela Laws.
This is sort of a vent post (and likely the only post I'll ever make about Yansim since anything else I could say has probably been said by several other people), so feel free to scroll past this if you're not interested.
If you are, then proceed below. (Tw for grooming)
A few days ago, Michaela Laws resigned from her role as Ayano Aishi from Yandere Simulator after learning that its developer had groomed a minor. I want to first make clear that I am glad that she left, and she did the right thing by leaving. However, all I could keep thinking was one thing: Why did it take her this long?
So many people already knew about how horrible Alex Mahan (aka Yandere Dev) was. Surely someone must have told her-
Oh wait.
I found out that multiple people did, in fact, tell her about his past actions. Her response was to defend him, and then she doubled down on defending him when she was informed of the more current actions that Alex had committed at the time.
If you don't believe that's her, the post is still up on Tumblr via this reblog and here. Michaela knew about all of this as far back as 2017.
I find it most interesting that in these screenshots and posts, she referred to everyone who despised Alex as "anti-dev masses," and she ignored the things he said and did because she is, in her words, "an intellectual who can separate fiction from reality."
She even claimed that the people telling her that he treats women differently (which he does) are "sexist," even when said people told her that he very well could have hurt other people even if he was nice to just her.
The cherry on top of this is her unironic usage of the term "SJW," which tells me everything that I need to know about this. And you know what? Her saying in her resignation tweet that she still hopes that the game gets completed makes perfect sense to me now despite how out of place it feels compared to everything else. If she believes in separating fiction from reality, then she likely believed that she could still separate content from the creator.
In Alex's case, I strongly disagree with that notion, but what feels more contradictory is this other statement in the tweet:
I did not join to be a defender or arbiter of anyone's actions outside of the project.
However...That is literally what Michaela did. As I said, she defended Alex because of the "rumors" being spread about him.
She doesn't get to cry on Twitter about things turning out like this when she willingly claimed that Alex was only getting so much bad attention because "people don't like him."
She was the one who said "don't believe everything you hear." It was her who downplayed Alex's actions as "mistakes" or "accidents," and she claimed that he is "just a guy trying to make a game and be a game developer."
She doesn't get to backtrack now and pretend that she didn't knowingly defend Alex and stick by him for six more years after the making of that Tumblr post.
It took her six years and another minor after sisefs getting hurt for her to acknowledge what most people who knew about Yandere Simulator already knew about this man - That he is a terrible human being.
To be clear, I am not putting any blame on Michaela for what happened to the victims. I do not believe that she could have known about the current victim, or even the past one at the time of when the information came to light. Also, I do appreciate her giving support to all of the victims involved and correcting her previous statement since some (myself included) thought that she was perpetuating victim-blaming. However, that is as much benefit of the doubt that I could possibly give her. As for everything else? I cannot do that, and here's why:
It is my belief that she was well aware of what she was doing, and she either didn't see anything wrong with what Alex did or just didn't care until she finally realized how badly this all reflects on her now that Alex has been shown up-front once again to be an awful person (I also believe that this is connected to the backtracking in her resignation tweet as well).
Basically, my frustration comes from how far things had to get before she finally decided to denounce Alex and his actions.
She made her choice. Given that she previously claimed that she does not care about trying to look better and said that she would delete attempts to "sway" her about Alex, it seems clear that this was also the hill that she was willing to die on. Well, look where that got her. I cannot, for the life of me, understand how she didn't expect that a terrible person with a rightfully terrible reputation would end up doing something even more terrible, and that she was willing to ignore everything up until now. I don't understand how she didn't think that this would also negatively affect the game by association of the developer, but at this point, whatever happens to the game doesn't matter nearly as much as what Alex has done and likely will continue to do since it's been proven time and time again that he will never change as a person.
So no, I don't feel sympathy for Michaela Laws. I don't feel bad about her saying that she stuck with this game for almost ten years despite sticking up for Alex and sticking by him for six of those years. She did this to herself, and Yandere Simulator is probably something that she will be connected to for a long time since she is well-known as the voice of the game's main character. She could have left sooner, but chose not to and made it clear that she didn't want to until the truth had to be shoved right in front of her face.
So for that, Michaela only has herself to blame.
I would like to add this Twitter thread that proves the point I was making here.
Michaela, three years after the Tumblr post I linked, straight up admits that she doesn't care about what Alex does, and she accuses a victim of Cryaotic (another groomer) of lying.
Even if Michaela apologized for the latter bit, it just goes to show that she was more than willing to ignore what people told her about Alex and still stand by him and the game.
This whole thing is a recurring trend with her. Had Alex not been exposed again, she probably would still be defending him even now.
She isn't sorry about being a part of the project at all.
And if she isn't sorry, then I don't feel sorry for her either.
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liainettofficial · 1 year
So about that...
I'm neutral towards Dev, all I can say that they're (Dev and that girl) both to blame.
Let's just say: they're both acted carelessly and strange.
*sigh* let's just hope that everything will be fine, I'm ompimistic.
I'll post YanSim of course, I just don't want to talk about that drama, if it turns out that our opinions are very different.
Love cats, be strong :)
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I was HUGE on yansim at that age bc I had ~early developing bpd~ and I blame it for all of my worst hyperfixations. Yansim itself, yanderes in general, horror/gore and guro anime, torture, gore, heck, I even fault my cannibal hyperfixation (DONT ASK) on it by proxy of my gore fixation 😭 I know it did NOT fuck me up as much as I pretend it did but it was like a gateway drug for fifth grade me straight into binging Higurashi at age 11
For me it was like "reading yandere FNaF x reader fics and being obsessed with YanSim > watching gore documentaries on popular gore videos and gore internet urban legends and a weird attachment to the yandere trope in general" pipeline
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dayundying · 5 months
I dont remember but its basically been my whole life. For as long as i could have a utensil and paper, i drew. I got mostly into digital art and got on social media in 2016, though. I think you can blame my existence here on YouTube forcing you to sign up to Google+ to comment, it's funny i have a image memory of wanting to comment but then having to sign up, i was watching a yansim video.
Nothing specific, like very rarely do i have a single song i only listen to. I like variance! Hmm but i did fall asleep listening to kate bush's army dreamers on repeat...
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And to answer the layer question, i have!
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hiii!! me again akjsdhkjashd
omg i think i am 'people' (the type of person who has patience for the latter : visual novel and not the former : working w children askjdhakjsh) i think i just dont have the capability to be able to handle children i cant even handle myself asjdhajsldh
wait thats so cool that your mum works with kids as well! its relatable for me to bc i do computer science and my sister did and her bff does and my bff does its crazy akjsdhkasjh its like a domino affect from person to person lmaooo
oh yeahh i totally get the thing w poorly trained dogs i mainly talk about those tiny harmless ones ir if they are big those sweet chill oness!! ur uncles' dog sounds adorablee!! and so do your cats omg! and thank you <3 i know not alll cats are like that and if i see a cat i will try to pet it ajlsdhalsjhd unless its scared of me ofc
omg i know you mentioned before that your hobbies are sewing and stuff and that you were sewing a trouser but like i didnt know you MADE trousers!! thats soo coolll youre basically a fashion designer!! and lilac trousers i would sooo wear those omg SEQUINED HEARTS AHHHHHHHHH this sounds soo cute
im a sagittarius! one of my best friends is a scorpio!! so whenever i see her now ill think of you!!!! asdaslkdjasld so real w atla lmaooo and also so real w swimming asdjhjasdh
oh yeah i love art too! and spending time w your sister sounds so cute and fun!! and then a date w your gf sounds soo adorable this sounds like such a comfy classic cozy day! i would spend my day probably by playing guitar, art and for the majority sleeping or going on my phone ajksdhkd if its a rainy day id go for a nice hot chocolate and a brownie coated in whipped cream bc who doesnt love whipped cream asdhsaj stardew valleyyy!! my childhoodd!! i like playing games but its mainly like yansim (i swear im not crazy askdjaslkdj i just find it too addictingggg) AKLSHDJKASHD competitive i sooo get that i get really competitive in games as well lmaoo to the point its unhealthy ahhhh
they sound like awesome compliments! for me any compliment is my fav ajksdhkjs i love compliments on my singing, intelligence and this is lowkey weird but my hair ajkshdjsd my hair never looks good for some reason so if someone says it does one day then i will be beaming and happy for the rest of the day ahhh i also love compliments in my art and my coding! and yes professional compliments ESPECIALLY from children are the best validation ever akjshdjksadh
my question for you: what's something about the modern-day world that bothers you, and what’s something about it that brings you joy?
byee! have a lovely dayy!
-swiftie spring exchange anon idek askldhalsjd
Hello again! Apologies if my answer is short, I am ill and very tired but I wanna reply.
Computer science is so cool!! What sort of stuff do you do with that? Programming or uhhh...here's where I show my lack of computer science knowledge...anyways I'm curious XD (Saw you said coding later!! That's so cool!!!)
I getcha XD My other uncle has dogs too! Ex racing greyhounds, he likes to give them a happy retirement. They can be chaotic but I can't blame them too much, they were trained to chase small things after all! As a kid I accidentally stepped on one of their tails...I felt so guilty!! But the dog was chill and I gave him a treat to say sorry XD
I've been making a lot of trousers recently cause I realised I owned like...2. Except then I get more and more ideas and have to narrow them down XD The current pair are...sort of almost done. Made, fabric hearts sewn on, the sequins will go around the edges of them, but it's gonna take a while. Wearing them anyways in the mean time XD
Your day sounds good too!! Brownies my beloved...I have such a sweet tooth it's unreal XD And nah I've played Yansim too. Not for a while, but no judgement! And look if one isn't playing to WIN then what's the point in playing XD (I say that, in games like Stardew Valley I'm more relaxed, but that's not pvp soooo)
Sounds like good compliments!! I used to get compliments on my hair back when it was longer (I was like 18 at the time). It was so long it was inconvenient, I had to move it to sit down lol. And now it's super short XD Complete 180. I'm sure your hair is lovely however!!
Modern day world...tbh how often you need to call people. Like some places don't have emails anymore?? Or require calls anyways?? don't do phone calls really and I HATE the trend of "phone or nothing".
Does government stuff count too? If so like. Governments. They're run so poorly I swear to god. I don't think that's new to the modern world however XD What about you?
Adding to that topic: what's something you hope to see in the next five years? :)
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nyanderelovesyou · 8 years
ok weird rant but people seem to be confusing “yandere” with just plain “murderer”?? like yeah yanderes can be murderers (the best ones are ;3) but like;;;;; so many yandere blogs i see have posts that are just like “i kill 4 fun” and general sadism and like thats COOL and all i can dig it but without the obsessive lover component its kinda not yandere, ya kno?
thats called yangire its a different thing
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polyghoul · 3 years
Heya! I've asked u Icons before ^w^ I'm a fan of your blog!
I have a couple of questions- of certain media that is censored/blacklisted in your blog. I'm not trying to make you whitelist them or anything! It's pure curiosity. Why is Helluva Boss and Hazbin Hotel blacklisted? Is it because they're not horror? I can understand horror media such as Nightmare on Elm Street 2010 (i think we all do) and YanSim, but it causes me curiosity. (I think I can already see why is Killing Stalking blacklisted, it makes me tremble-).
Only respond if you feel comfy! :D
You’re all good sweetheart, I appreciate your consideration and cannot blame your curiosity.
I’m not really comfortable with H*lluva Boss/H*zbin Hotel due to the controversy surrounding the creator, and would rather not indulge in any of her creations. As for Yandere Simulator, the creator of that is also incredibly problematic and that just makes me uncomfortable.
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wereh0gz · 1 year
I blame Markiplier and other youtuber bait let's players for yansim's popularity.
YEAH FR like I didn't watch markiplier as a kid but I knew Of him and how his playthroughs boosted the popularity of a lot of games like horror and stuff and made them popular with kids especially
I watched aphmau tho who also played into it and was how I learned of the game in the first place even tho I don't remember if she played it herself or if she just did minecraft videos themed after it
I'm so glad I grew up and stopped watching this stuff. It's all so gross in retrospect
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sakis-sweets · 4 years
No I totally understand your point, I’m just saying I see other people’s logic, you know?
I don't, or I do and it's bad logic ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it's pretty simple, either you understand your own responsibility to regulate the content you see or you don't, and the latter usually tends to be teenagers and children who the game isn't directed towards. I got into YanSim as a teenager but I always understood and admired the aspect of choice in that I could always choose the peaceful option if I didn't want to hurt anyone. Not once did I blame YandereDev for designing his game to have Yandere-chan do bad things because Yandere-chan is not a good person.
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Wake up, wake up! Something's fricked up! YanSim's underage fanbase apparently supports the crossover (Well I assume most of them.) and I'm afraid they actually got to the QT communities as well with all the support in QT's subreddit.
Ive done aome thinking on this whole crossover, and honestly fuck yandev and the qt devs, I went to their twitter and saw the announcement (ew btw) of ayano and info being in the game, most of the replies are of fans being disgusted that they are in the game and that the devs haven't said anything about the backlash they got. Alex's fans aren't really to blame for this because most of them are very young and ignorant to the issues with this. This isn't a diss on you, anon btw. I still think it's bad that yansim fans are encouraging it but most of them likely don't know better.
- Mod Natsuki 🍭
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How do I tell fans or others about how the dev isn't a good person without them saying the usual stuff like "that's in the past, stop being a dick, leave him alone!" Or other things like that? I really want to help them but I don't know what to do. (Sorry if you've already answered this before!)
I guess you can point out how beliefs he’s expressed before are influencing his actions now, i.e. his view on women and sexuality and how his mindset is shown in yansim. Also bring up the fact that he’s never apologized and has only deflected, using excuses like “it was so long ago” and trying to blame others for his own actions (victimization). 
If they still refuse to listen to you, I wouldn’t push it. If people wanna ignore the info about yandev then there’s nothing you can do to force them to change their mind, and they’re not the kind of people you’d want to spend that kind of time and energy on anyway.
- mod mata
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pinkprettycure · 6 years
i just saw someone blame tumblr for “ruining” yansim and making everyone hate the game ksjhfadf literally everyone who makes anti yansim videos and posts gets their info from kiwifarms??? literally everyone who follows yandev news knows this too like how out of the loop are you
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is-osana-here-yet · 7 years
are you seriously upset about organ trafficking and possible sex trafficking when you can kidnap and torture someone and have them commit murder-suicide, bully someone till they kill themselves, poison someone, burn someone alive, put a body in a wood chipper and grind it up, electrocute someone to death, kill a person by cutting them down the middle with a circle saw, push someone off a roof and convince the police its suicide, chop bodies up and put in a cello case? Seriously? pt.1
pt.2 At the base concept of the game, Yandere-chan has 1 trait that does not change no matter what type of person you play her as, and that trait is that she will literally do anything to prevent another girl from having Senpai, she will kill, kidnap, and manipulate to get her way. Yandere Simulator is not a game for kids, it has always been this dark, and hopefully will stay that way.
yes. because unlike the elimination methods, sex trafficking is an actual real world issue. it also continues to sexualize the underage girls of yansim.
golly gee it’s not for kids!? im so shocked. but the issue is that dev never put warnings or restricted his own game for those who are a mature audience. dev has very young fans. very impressionable fans. i dont blame dev entirely for this issue but he’s done nothing to help it. and theres being dark, and being “edgelord” the game. like the way its going its gonna end up looking like Hatred.
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