#i came first!!!! i was born before the movie!!!! that movie owes me royalties!!!!!
navree · 1 year
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how to take part: go to pinterest, search "[your name] core aesthetic" and create a moodboard from the first nine images!
coziness, countryside, couture, all with a dash of frenchness — the amélie moodboard
tagged by my dearest @snckt and tagging whoever wants to!!!! if you see it you're tagged go do it <3
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wonderlustxennial · 3 years
Thoughts on TFATWS Season 1, Episode 3
This shit has gotten ridiculous, so I’ve decided that I’m going to start doing reaction posts, rather than posting 20 individual observations. The following was written after my second viewing.
DISCLAIMER: Some of these are my observations, but others I didn’t notice until my favorite YouTube and Tumblr analysts pointed them out. I’ll try to drop credit where it’s due.
NOTE: There’s something I wish more people were talking about, and it’s down in the Madripoor section. If I’m reading this wrong, I would appreciate getting some help in seeing it. So, if you’re game, please check it out and let me know your thoughts. (#tw:racial bias)
[spoilers below the cut]
Walker Raiding the Flag Smasher Sanctuary
Here we get a further illustration that Walker not a defender; he’s working in the interest of fascists. Also, he’s on an invisible countdown to flip his shit. ALSO-also, dude just told the GRC cops not to give anyone “a second…to breathe.” (Marvel, what are you doing? I am not accustomed to relevance from you.) Did you notice the juxtaposition of Bucky asking the cops, “Don’t you know who he is?” to get the cops to stop harassing Sam, against Walker asking, “Do you know who I am?” while roughing up a refugee for not cooperating with him? Same asshole move, very different contexts. Anytime someone thinks it’s a good idea to say, “Do you know who I/this am/is?” they’ve already lost face.
Zemo in His Cell
Clearly, I’ll have to get better about zooming in on stuff, because this is the first time I’ve seen anyone catch that the book Zemo is reading in his prison cell is about Machiavelli AND Leonardo da Vinci; specifically, about how their friendship and exchange of ideas was highly influential on the future of the world. So, does Zemo think he’s Machiavelli or da Vinci, AND who is his “silent” partner? [I didn’t notice that, until The New Rockstars pointed it out (at 04:00 https://youtu.be/xHXhbw_EGL8) annnnnndddd now I’m going to have to read that fucking book (Fortune Is a River: Leonardo da Vinci & Niccolò Machiavelli’s Magnificent Dream to Change the Course the Florentine History by Roger D. Masters, and the bump in book sales is about to have Masters owing Marvel BIG TIME).]
Zemo Is “Royalty”
And here we have my first problem with this episode. BARONS ARE NOT ROYALTY. They’re nobles—low-ranking aristocracy. But do you know what does check out? Zemo and his butler’s thinly veiled distain at entertaining the two low-born Americans.
On the Plane
Look out, y’all: Satan just took the wheel.
If Bucky has Steve’s notebook, what happened to the one he had in Romania? In CA:CW, I was stressing throughout that WHOLE fight and chase sequence that followed Bucky running from his apartment; not for his safety, but because I hated how vulnerable it left him to have to run without his notebook. I’m not even kidding. Because Steve picked up that notebook, right? Did he think to take it with him? Surely, an embassy or intelligence service swept Bucky’s living space afterward, so who has it now? THIS is the shit I obsess over. Who has that fucking notebook? WHO??!
There are at least three different things at play here. First, Sam’s enthusiasm and nostalgia for this relic made me tear up a little. He was so hopeful that Bucky would share Steve’s appreciation this classic piece of socially aware art. Second, we get more evidence that Bucky might be having a harder time adjusting to life as a white man in the 21st Century than we’re led to believe Steve did. Third, we know from Zemo’s interactions with his steward just seconds before that, when he praises Troubleman, what he’s actually doing is virtual signaling to build trust with Sam and put Bucky on the back foot. Fourth, I don’t think Sam knows for sure if Zemo appreciated it as much as it says, but he intuits enough about Zemo’s character to be aggravated at the inference they might have something in common; or, that Zemo might be manipulating him to empty rapport. (RIP, Marvin Gaye. You weren’t done.)
The New Rockstars win again. (Seriously, I have to start paying closer attention.) A book using mythology to explain the psychology of relationships, just before Zemo namechecks Red Skull. Oh shit, y’all.
The slipperiest thing about Zemo is that nearly everything he says has a kernel of truth; you just have to dig out what his true intentions are. Honestly, this is what makes him…I don’t know that he’s the most dangerous villain in the MCU, but it certainly sets him apart. He’s both educated AND smart (the latter doesn’t necessarily follow the former), and he’s particularly insightful in his ruminations on power and its potential to corrupt both the people who hold it and the people who admire them. Bucky and Sam both loved Steve deeply and believed wholeheartedly in the capacity he served as a defender; however, they have a tendency to over-romanticize both. Multiply that problem by the millions who never personally knew him and, when he’s gone, you get…fake!Cap.
More Relevance from Marvel
I read that Marvel had to do reshoots because a few of the themes in this show hit a little too close to home after the pandemic hit (also because the Black Widow movie was supposed to hit first, but again…global fuckery, so they had to shuffle a few plot points.) But also, refugees? “Displacement” camps? Hoarded resources? You don’t say?
Or “When Murder-Sugardaddy Goes Slumming with His Awkward Sugarbabies and Heinous Fuckery Most Foul Ensues”
THE POWER BROKER. THE POWER BROKER. THE POWER… Soooooooo. Many. Name drops. At this point, I don’t even care to speculate on the identity of the mother-fucking Power Broker. Just surprise me already.
And here’s my (potential) second problem with this episode: The Black bartender doesn’t recognize the Black man he’s presumably seen before.
A CAVEAT TO START: I bartended very briefly in one of my many former lives. I was terrible at it. But here’s what’s relevant for the moment: when you work in the service industry, you meet a lot of fucking people, and you don’t necessarily remember them all. I would work giant events where I would serve 1,000+ people in a night, and people would complain all the time that I was carding them even though I’d served them previously. (1) I live in a state where alcohol is highly controlled, and the ABC Board is zealous about doing stake-outs to catch vendors serving to minors. The ABC Board enforcers would only see me serving someone without having carded them first—not all the times I served them previously. None of these people were EVER worth going to jail for over alcohol. Get your fucking card out—EVERY. GODDAMN. TIME. (2) Dude-man-bro, I’ll have served 1,000+ people by the end of the night. Get your fucking card out, EVERY. GODDAMN. TIME.
I’m not saying this bartender in a rogue nation should’ve carded all of his patrons; I’m only saying that when you work in the service industry, you can sometimes serve someone 20+ times before you finally recognize their face or learn their names, and the process can start all over again if they haven’t come in for a while.
Here’s the real issue with this scene, as I see it: In-group bias is an actual thing. There are disciplines of social psychologists and sociologists who specialize in studying it. We’re supposed to believe that the “Smiling Tiger” person Sam is posing as is well-known enough, both by reputation and in that establishment, that the bartender remembered his favorite drink but not Sam as an imposter? I can believe Selby, a Caucasian-European woman, didn’t recognize him on-sight. [Frankly, Whites can often (regrettably) get away with not making any effort to overcome cross-racial bias.] But what about this bartender not recognizing a notable local criminal’s face when they belong to the same racial group, when we’re led to believe he’s served him many times before? And how did he know Tiger-whatever’s favorite drink if the guy had never been in the club? Are we to infer this guy wasn’t high enough on the local criminal food chain to have merited an introduction to Selby?) Is this a plot hole, or am I reading too much into this? I just wonder, given how much this series has devoted to exploring racial relations.
Sam just saw Bucky the most vulnerable as I think he ever has. For the first time, very little was left to Sam’s imagination as to what it must’ve been like for Bucky and Isaiah to have been exploited. And Sam is so good, he can’t help but jeopardize the mission to check on the friend he can’t acknowledge to himself he’s found in Bucky. (He also has no guile, which is so very Steve of him! I’ve just loved Mackie’s performance this whole show.)
I don’t know what to think about how easily it came to Zemo to objectify and use Bucky, again—even if only to pretend.
Bucky is the MCU character I most identify with, but I don’t care to analyze the way the bar scene made me feel. I will say this much, though: THIS is how badly Bucky wants this whole thing resolved. He subjected himself willingly to the stuff of his nightmares, even if to just to perform in the world’s most dangerous live-action role play. As many people were taking pictures in the bar, it’s pretty safe to say that this charade is going to going to have long-term consequences.
People are talking about Bucky “suddenly losing his super-speed” when they had to hoof it away from the bar like it’s a lapse in characterization, but it’s not. Bucky could’ve taken off and left both Sam and Zemo sucking dirt, but he lagged to stay with them. He didn’t ghost them.
Godammit. I despise the practice of the filthy rich removing fine art and cultural artifacts from the public view so they can use them for tax breaks and currency. Way to push my buttons, Marvel! And I’m so sure the National Art Gallery of Art and all other art museums worldwide will I mean WON’T appreciate Marvel calling into question the authenticity of their collections, seeing as museum funding and attendance is already anemic thanks to the pandemic. I know it’s bad priorities on my part, but that’s temporarily preempted how much I should probably sympathize with her after her abandonment.
EDIT: The person who gave Sharon the intelligence will figure she had something to do with his demise just a few hours later. I wonder if that will help/harm her ability to do business. Also: holding the barrel of that assault rifle while it fired off rounds should’ve burned her hand horribly.
Did anyone else think “Sprockets!” when Zemo started dancing??!
This is two references to Langley in one episode. For anyone not aware (especially non-Americans), “Langley” is commonly used to reference Langley, Virginia, which is where the most prominent institution is the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency (C.I.A.) headquarters. Both Hoskins and Nagel name dropped them in the same episode. Shit.
The Sugars Roll Up to Zemo’s Latvian Bolthole
Bucky’s mission just got a helluva lot more complicated. Sam might have bought the “just going for a walk” bit, but I doubt Zemo did. Bucky owes the Wakandans, but he still needs Zemo. Oh, boy.
I’m going to keep coming back to how unexpected it’s been to me that Marvel has finally started to course correct, focusing on characterizations and bringing in themes that are relevant to current events. WandaVision’s explorations of Wanda’s mental health and Monica’s forging of her new identity and TFATWS trying to engage with the audience on topics like race, violence, exploitation, and identity is hugely compelling to me. It’s a fucking TV show, but at this point in popular cultural history, I can’t think of anyone/anything else better positioned to address all of this in an entertaining and accessible way.
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indulgnces · 5 years
hi howdy hello!! i go by jess and this is my first time playing my sweet bb girl, so i’m pumped! more about my girl audrey below the cut!
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❛  ( SARAH JEFFERY )  ◈  dude, shut up ! AUDREY ROSE from DESCENDANTS is on screen. their fans swear they’re just DETERMINED & OUTGOING, but we’ve all seen their JEALOUS & STUBBORN side ! according to TRUMAN WIKIA, they’re TWENTY-ONE years old, BISEXUAL, & identify as CISFEMALE ( SHE/HER ). they’re currently a STUDENT & are RELIEVED about life in truman. luckily they have HER DIARY & HER SONGBIRD NECKLACE with them & can visit THE FAIRY COTTAGE whenever they want. penned by JESS.
sooooooooo confession: i’ve never watched a descendants movie from start to finish 😬 I know! crazy considering I’m playing a character from the movies, but like, have you guys ever seen a character and just be like wOW, that is My Type of character? cause that’s what happened with audrey. descendants 3 came out and was trending, and I checked the tag and like was 👀👀👀 to audrey to the point that I watched queen of mean and got HOOKED. caught a replay of the movie and watched all the audrey parts while skipping over the rest. since then I’ve been in love with my girl and she’s been on my mind so much that I’m returning to rp after a small break to play my girl. In preparation I skimmed through descendants 1 & 3, and adurey’s youtube short story so I’m good to GO. 
“A lifetime of plans, gone. Our family status, gone. Audrey, you were supposed to be his Queen, and you let him slip through your fingers. Your mother could hold onto a prince in her sleep.” 
daughter of sleeping beauty and prince phillip, princess audrey has been groomed since she was a child by her grandmother to become the queen of auradon. she’d been friends with prince ben since she was a child, and was expected to marry him when she got older.
grew up used to the finer things of life, and as such, audrey was a bit self-absorbed and spoiled. became the most popular girl in school due to her status and beauty. was cheer captain. finally became romantically involved with ben at some point in high school. life was going exactly as planned. 
then ben decided to invite 4 villain kids (vks) from the isle of the lost to auradon, and everything went to shit. the stark black and white, good vs. evil mentality was deeply ingrained in audrey’s psyche, so she was very much AGAINST the idea of any isle kids coming over. convinced the vks were up to no good, she never warmed up to the them, and bullied them (mostly mal) at times. and you know what? she was RIGHT
mal used a love potion to steal her boyfriend, who then humiliated audrey by serenading mal during a tourney match, where audrey was cheering at. no one gave two shits though?? or suspected foul play at all?? they just cheered and were like “ah, cool! our soon-to-be-king has suddenly declared his love for this new vk who’s only been here for a few days! how awesome and totally natural !! “
audrey was still plenty popular by the end of the movie, but her fairy godmothers decided to treat adurey to a spa trip, which turned into an extended trip that required her needing summer school bc she missed so much school (aka why she was absent for descendants 2)
by the time audrey came back in descendants 3, everyone was ALL up mal’s ass crack. ben proposed to mal in front of everyone, serenading her with the SAME song he did in the first movie when he ceremoniously proclaimed his love for mal while simultaneously dumping audrey, and everyone cheered AGAIN for their union. damn thing broke audrey’s whole ass heart. on top of that, her grandmother chastised audrey for her failures in securing ben and basically failing the family. 
she also lost her status come d3??? like, at the end of d1, she was still cool as fuck. but come d3 girl is not even being invited to her friend’s birthday parties anymore?? she has no friends?? no one gives two shits about how she must be dealing with everything? and wow does that not help things at all.
that night, in her loneliness and anger, audrey decided to steal the queen’s crown from the artifacts museum. it was a petty thing. she was hurt, and just did NOT want to see the crown she’d envisioned as her own for all her life be placed on mal’s head. she didn’t have a goal beyond taking the crown. however, when she went to the museum, maleficent’s scepter sensed audrey’s emotions and desires for revenge, and revealed itself to her. it’s glow lured audrey to it, fed into her emotions, and bing bang boom, audrey became the ultra fabulous QUEEN OF MEAN 
under the scepter's influence, she put half of auradon under a sleeping spell, the other half she turned to stone, then she made ben a beast after he rejected her, and made mal an ugly old hag. she was foiled at the end by mal, and ended up falling under a sleeping curse as a result. with no True Love’s Kiss to awaken her (rip), the heroes ended up getting Hades to use his magic to wake her up.
at the end, she apologizes for her crimes & her emotions were finally acknowledged when mal and ben stepped up and apologized for their inconsiderate past actions to audrey (wELL, they never actually apologize?? they say ‘I owe you an apology” but both don’t like actually say sorry, and that’s 100% something audrey has noticed for sure). she celebrates at the end with everyone else when the barrier is brought down and is last seen dancing with harry hook 
totally headcanon that she’s still not 100% happy as she’s shown in the end while dancing around okay
she’s STILL lonely!! she STILL wants those apologies!! she’s STILL lost about what to do with her future now that her whole life plan has blown up in smokes. she’s HURT okay. her friends? abandoned her! ben? abandoned her! that one hurts the most bc after spotting that pic of audrey/ben as children together, I 100% hc that they have been best buds for years before falling into a relationship. and while it’s clear ben was not really ~in love~ with audrey ( i image they ended up getting together bc it was just Expected yknow?), audrey still had feelings for ben. even if it wasn’t true love (she def wasn’t In Love tho she thought she was), she did still love ben. he was her best friend, and the fact that he never came around to apologize to her for humiliating her the way he did after the love spell broke HURT. 
also hc that she had to take a remedial goodness class following her stunt 
the ending given to her is life a brief showing of her and harry hook smiling at each other all soft like before dancing, which like, i’m game for, but in terms of her actual future, audrey was trying to figure out just how to do life moving forward following everything
“Tell me it was all a bad dream.”
yeah so I said audrey was relieved about her life in truman? 100000% true!
her life was incredibly sad and lonely before, so convincing her that all that shit was all just a bad dream was an incredibly easy thing to do for the descendants actors okay (im sad for her bc of this tbh)
her life as she knows it: she still comes from a family of high status and money. not technically a princess, but she sure does act like one. believes she was born and raised in truman, but was sent to boarding school at auradon prep since she was a child, where she thrived and grew into a typical Popular Girl (head of cheer team/one of the most beautiful girls), before returning to truman after graduating. basically she believes she had the same perfect life she had before in canon, minus the vks, ben, and the whole fairy tale/royalty stuff (basically everything that ruined that perfect life).
all that other extra stuff, including going all queen of mean and losing ben and being drop kicked by literally everyone, is just POOF, fuzzy memories, bad vivid horror story nightmares! every now and then she’ll witness an engagement, or spot a serenade, and it’ll trigger an overwhelming sense of sadness, but for the most part, she’s content putting her life behind her. her new life is a much happier one. that could totally change once she starts encountering people from her past life again.
only really recognizes her family members as family members, and maybe recognizes some past auradon friends (maybe chad charming as her ex since he’s the only one who didn’t totally abandon her rip)
since “returning” to truman, she’s entered university on the island. she wasn’t sure where she was going with life, but she knew she’s always been really good at drawing and really good at event planning. so in uni, she decided to keep her artistic talents as a hobby and pursue a career in event planning. in pursuit of this, she’s a senior at college, majoring in hospitality management.
positive: determined, headstrong, outgoing, self-assured, polite, moral, dedicated 
negative: jealous, stubborn, demanding, bossy, petty, close-minded, seemingly mean (tho she doesn’t consider herself mean, okay? she just can come off as mean/rude)
ben & mal: need them both bc they are the ones who hurt her the most so i’d loooooove to play out these dynamics in truman!! they’d be the most Triggering faces for her 
jay & harry & chad & uma: underrated audrey ships i’d love to play out bc literally crumbs are given to the majority of these dynamics, and so I want to just...explore them?? three of these 4 are vks and 2 of those 3 are people audrey actively pursued in some sort of ~connection~ at the end of the movies when the Couples got together, and she did that even tho she is very Moral and has confusing feelings about vks, and i just wanna know more!! 
yeah this is getting long, so I’m planning on posting a whole separate post in the truman plot tag for these wanted connections! 
and yeah! that’s everything on my girl! if you’ve made it this far, you’re the best my dudes!! I’m gonna be on mobile for a good portion of the day before coming on at night, but if you’d like to do any kind of plotting with my girl, just go ahead and hit that like button, and I’ll slide in y’alls dms! ♥
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Written In The Stars-- Brian May x Reader (5)
Summary; An astrophysics student had the bright idea to form a band. He always had a passion for music and wanted to share that very same passion with others. Brian put up flyers on notice boards around campus, hoping that he could find other students to join him. After a couple of rather unsuccessful auditions, Brian found himself in a pub, during open mic night no less. That’s when he stumbled across you, a bartender who could play the piano. (Based on the movie A Star Is Born)
Warnings; language, specified fem! reader
Word Count; 1k (shorter than usual, but it’s leading up to something 👀)
Notes; the song used in this fic is I Don’t Know What Love Is by Lady GaGa (from the A Star Is Born soundtrack)
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The two of you made your way to the recording studio. Brain watched you pull your notebook out from its hiding place. You had put it inside a box of Weetabix then stashed the box inside of a nearby cabinet. When you turned back around, he raised a brow at you. You flashed him a sheepish grin and shrugged. “What? I didn’t have time to put it away, so I just hid it in the first place that came to mind.” Brian snorted, shaking his head. 
“Don’t blame you. If Fred caught a whiff of you writing your own song, then he would have demanded to see it.”
“Which is exactly why I’ve tried to keep it a secret,” you mumbled and cradled the notebook closer to your chest. “They’re really personal, and I don’t usually like showing them to people. Which is exactly why you are sworn to secrecy! I’ll personally deliver you to the devil’s doorstep if you tell anyone about this, or if you make fun of it!” Brian held his hands up in surrender. A soft laugh shook his shoulders.
“My lips are sealed, especially after hearing that ridiculous threat.” You stuck your tongue out at him before pulling out the piano stool. You took a seat, and Brian sat next to you. You flipped through the pages of the notebook until you found the song in question. You hesitated before propping the notebook open. Chewing your lip, you glanced at Brian, who was examining your writings. You could feel your cheeks starting to flush as you gingerly placed your hands on the keys. 
Your fingers danced across each key as if it was second nature. At this point, it pretty much was. You fought against the nerves that started to coil in the bottom of your gut. Taking a deep breath, you stopped playing and started to sing the first verse, “I don’t know what love is if I can’t have you here.” Your hands returned to action, the soft melody filling the air. “I don’t know what love is. I think that it’s just fear.”
Brian stared at you in awe. He had heard you sing and play countless times, but it was never like this. He could tell that you had put your heart and soul into the song. Glancing at the notebook, he read a little note you had scrawled beside the next verse. Duet, maybe? Before he could even stop himself, Brian’s voice joined yours.
“I don’t know the tempo of my heart’s concerto.” Your eyes widened, and you slightly faltered with the melody before quickly recovering. Brian’s voice wavered slighting from not being familiar with the tempo of the song, but your heart swelled. He was looking at you with wonder in his eyes, and a small smile graced his lips. Brian glanced back at the notebook to read the next verse. “It all seems like a dream. It’s not, I know there’s something real out there for me.”
With your confidence boosted, you allowed your voice to carry a little louder. “I swear I’ve seen an angel.” Brian’s smile widened, and he placed a hand on your knee. “A paradise in blue, every color I choose.” You slowly pulled your hands away from the keys. Your face was red, you were sure of it. “I don’t know what love is, but I think it might be you.” You kept your head turned away from Brian, not wanting him to see you as a flustered mess. He quietly spoke your name, and you just hummed in response. Brian gently reached around to cup your cheek, turning you to look at him. 
“That was... I don’t... I’m speechless. You’re stunning, absolutely gifted.” You laughed nervously. Great, as if you weren’t already all flustered. His brows knitted together. “I’m serious. You’re amazing.” His gaze wandered across your features as his thumb stroked your cheek. You weren’t sure who had moved inward, whether you had done it subconsciously or if he had done it. Either way, here you were. Brian’s face was inches away from your own, and you would feel his breath against yours. 
A spark of courage flashed through Brian’s mind. Fuck it. He closed the space between the two of you, gently pressing his lips against yours. You sighed and practically melted into his touch. You moved closer, bringing your hands up to toy with his hair. Brian groaned against your lips. The studio door suddenly swung open.
“Ah-HA!” Roger’s voice echoed throughout the room. You and Brian sprang apart. “Deacy, you owe me fifteen quid!” Roger shouted over his shoulder as he stood in the doorway. He returned his gaze to you two, a triumphant smirk on his face. Both of you went red in the face and were clearly flustered. Deacy appeared behind Roger. He flashed you an innocent smile and shrugged his shoulders before wiggling his eyebrows.
“The hell are you goin’ on about, Roger?” you sputtered. Roger’s smirked widened into a mischevious grin. 
“Well, you see... When Brian went to go ‘check on you’ and failed to return, I told Deacy that the two of you were probably off somewhere snogging. He said that Brian didn’t have the balls to make a move. We argued about it, and then he suggested making it interesting and bet on it.” You scoffed, leaping to your feet.
“John Richard Deacon!” Deacy’s eyes widened, and he quickly pointed at Roger.
“I didn’t start it! He did!”
“Excuse me? If I recall correctly, you said ‘I’ll give you my royalties if I’m wrong.’ then I suggested lowering the amount to fifteen!” You narrowed your eyes at Deacy.
“You’re terrible! The both of you!” you scolded. “Alright, Richard, you’ve earned yourself a new nickname. It’s no longer Deacy. From now on, you’re gonna be known as Dicky.” Deacy pursed his lips.
“Is that the best you can come up with?” Deacy and Roger said at nearly the same time. You clenched your jaw and held a hand out towards Brian.
“Bri, hand me one of your clogs. I need to teach these wankers a lesson.” Brian raised a brow at you but did as instructed. The other two watched you warily. With the fury of a thousand suns, you launched the shoe at them. They dove out of the way, and Roger let out a dramatic screech. You gave them the middle finger before they scurried out, not wanting to face any more of your wrath. 
“Remind me to never get on your bad side,” Brain quipped.
tag list; @mothermercuryy @fatbottomedboi @geek-and-proud @intrrverted @catsoo12 @mmmmmitslikeadiseaseson @lucylocks2006 @loveofmychips
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itarz4n · 6 years
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that’s JOHN “TARZAN” BRUCE II walking down the street, the 21 year old, who looks like booboo stewart. here in apple peak, they are a zookeeper. some say he act(s) like tarzan from tarzan, since he can be fearless, but also a little bit reserved. — !!! 
tarzan is like my top three favourite disney movies ofall time so like !! plot ideas at the bottom of the post!
parents were: alice and john bruce i.
the bruces were a wealthy family in apple peak, old money.
there was some scandal when john bruce the first didn’t continue the family business of steel manufacturing and, instead, pursued science (mainly environmental science and )
he met his wife, a documentary-maker, on safari
their big project together was being the first to film and document the unexplored rainforests of the congo, this was in 1996. and they kept it a secret from most people where they were going, so they could really conduct this by themselves and away from prying eyes.
tarzan was born 1997
they survived for one year, in a remote mountain on the congo, and could never escape for fear of being attacked by animals
they were eventually killed by sabor, the leopard, in their makeshift tree-house
the baby tarzan was found by an ape, named kala, and she became his mother
2013: tarzan was found by pygmy peoples when he was 16, but they left him alone in the jungle, only occasionally interacting with him. the next year, when american scientists (the porters !!) on expedition heard about the story, they actively tried to interact with him, and tarzan eventually began to open up, with the help of both groups.
2014: when he was 17, they then took him back to apple peak, and he became the sole benefactor of the bruce fortune -- after the company and the family manor were being taken care of by the board of directors
just this young boy alone in a huge house, where everything was smooth and clean and modern ???
but at least the house was in the middle of the forest, so he spent most of his time outdoors. there’s a huge oak tree back there, planted by great-great grandfather bruce
and also the large glass greenhouse in the backyard. that’s his favourite place.
when it was explained to him, tarzan didn’t know what to do about the company. how could he? he didn’t care for machinery or cars. so the board continues to take care of he company, on the condition that he still shows up as the bruce heir.
and lowkey … he feels that he owes that much to his dead parents. he’ll deal with all the socialising bc he believes that’s the way to honour them
he doesn’t really like … a lot of people, especially since the first three years of his life in western civilization, he was a celebrity. he felt paraded around by the company that sponsored the expedition of the porters, and then his family’s company too. part of the deal to bring him back included interviews with oprah, ellen, and all the newspapers and magazines marvelled about The Ape Boy, The Hairless Wonder, and The Real-Life Tarzan.
he hasn’t read any book or watched any movie about tarzan and refuses to
they really screamed when they found out his name actually was legitimately Tarzan.
and he’s so confused because tarzan was just the name that he ??? he just knew that name, it was the sound the apes would make to call him, and it was the name he knew from his dreams
but yeah huge paparazzi problems
he was just quiet throughout the whole thing
2018: the celebrity hysteria dies down, but he’s still remembered and recognised as Real Tarzan.
deserves its own section
he has long black hair !!
insanely muscled body
height: 1.94m/6′3″
his hands have been shaped oddly, there’s more space around his knuckles from crawling on all fours all his life. he also has huge hands as a result. will put his hands in his pockets most of the time bc people tend to stare
pls watch this video for visual rep (its from the movie ‘legend of tarzan’!!)
such a quiet boy, just wants to be left alone with the people he loves (which is a very small number now). 
wants to know as much as possible about his family and what their plan for him was
happiest when he’s in the huge backyard of his family manor, or in the zoo. 
CALL HIM JOHN. he’ll answer to tarzan bc he’s nice but he’ll be super uncomfortable. not really the type to tell you that he doesn’t like to be called tarzan but he’ll say like “hi ... my name’s john, though ......”
really doesn’t want to be a public attraction anymore
he’s working through it :((
tarzan started introducing himself as john because he was sick of being stared at
was offered a position of zookeeper in the apple peak city zoo
his main area are the ‘exotic animals’ and african animals
he takes care of them and keeps the company
has outright refused to do shows or presentations with the animals. if someone catches him playing with the apes its because he wants to and not as some timed show
his nametag is “john” but everyone would recognise him as tarzan
the company is called: SILVERSTEEL. it’s been around since like colonial times, the bruces like to say they’re direct descendants of old scottish royalty. they have global connections and everything, it’s pretty huge.
no one could find the bruces for years because it was a secret expedition, and they never told anyone where they were going except “africa”
he doesn’t know whether to consider them memories or dreams
because his life here has been so similar to his ‘true’ life, he can’t tell the difference
but his mother is different sometimes, the language is different, his interactions with his ape family is different, and his dreams seem more vibrant and colourful, while his reality was rather dirty and harsh 
like he remembers the names of his ape family as kala, terk, and tantor the elephant -- but did he actually know these names, or are they from his dreams??? whO KNOWS 
he’s been having these dreams since he was brought to the civilized world
he hates that everyone acts like they know more about him than he does. which is sort of true but also ... makes him feel so insecure 
he climbs trees still. 
probably makes ppl swoon without knowing bc like he smiles and ???? chiselled jawline ?? handsome, strong eyes ??? BICEPS ??? lean body ??? soft boy who loves animals ? wow
the company has tried to make him go on dates before (usually to like any heiresses and heirs) and he’s been nice to all of them but nothing’s rly worked out. 
one time he spent more time with the fish in the tiny fish tank at a restaurant than his date
there was also one dinner date at the zoo. which was useless bc he just straight-up left to hang with the animals
the butler of the manor/his babysitter/his driver who’s basically alfred pennyworth: “master john what are you doing up there”
john in a tree with a monkey: “hanging”
just LOTS of people recognising him as “that jungle tarzan kid that was on oprah like two years ago, oprah actually came out of retirement”. he’ll hate it but like i want that so cvhbkshje
people from old apple peak families that would know the bruces and he’d be more open with them if they knew his family well. he just wants to know more about who he’s meant to be :((
he’ll try out any sport so please all the jocks welcome him
ppl who work in the zoo or go to the zoo a lot!!
GOD GIVE ME A JANE, and the headlines were “ME TARZAN, YOU JANE” for AGES and he just hated it please. but honestly, jane is his life-line. pls he needs her.
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informationpalace · 4 years
Little Richard: Rock and Roll Legend Died at the Age of 87
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Little Richard, best known as Little Richard, who mixed the black church's sacred yells with the profane blues sounds to make some of the world's first and most influential rock 'n' roll songs, died in Tullahoma, Tenn, Saturday morning. He was 87. His lawyer, Bill Sobel, has said bone cancer was the cause. Little Richard never invented rock 'n' roll. By the time he released his first single, "Tutti Frutti" — a raucous song about sex, his lyrics cleaned up but its sense was hard to miss — other musicians had already found a similar vein in a New Orleans recording studio in September 1955. Chuck Berry and Fats Domino had reached the top 10 of the rock, Bo Diddley had topped the rhythm and blues charts, and for a year Elvis Presley had made hits. But Little Richard, delving deeply into the wellsprings of gospel music and the blues, pounding the piano vigorously and shouting as if for his own life, lifted the energy level to many notches and produced something not quite like any music that had been heard before — something fresh, exciting and more than a little dangerous. As Richie Unterberger the rock historian put it, “He was crucial in upping the voltage from high-powered R&B into the similar, yet different, guise of rock ’n’ roll.”
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The label for which he released his greatest hits, Art Rupe of Specialty Music, named Little Richard "dynamic, completely uninhibited, unpredictable, wild." "Tutti Frutti" rocked up the charts and was soon followed by "Long Tall Sally" and other music now known as classics. His live performances were so amazing. "He would just burst out from anywhere onto the stage and you could not hear anything but the audience's roar," record producer and arranger H.B. Barnum, who played a saxophone early on in his career with Richard Penniman, recalled Charles White's authorized biography in "The Life and Times of Little Richard" (1984). "He would be on stage, he would be off stage, he would be jumping and yelling, screaming, whipping the audience on." An Immense Impact Rock 'n' roll was in its early days an unabashed macho music, but Little Richard, who had performed in drag as a teenager, posed a very different image on stage: gaudily dressed, his hair piled up six inches high, his face aglow with cinematic makeup. In later years he was fond of suggesting that if Elvis were the king of rock 'n' roll, he was the queen. He described himself as homosexual, bisexual and "omnisexual" in different ways offstage. His success as an artist was incalculable. It could be seen and heard in James Brown's flamboyant showmanship, who idolized him (and used some of his musicians when Little Richard began a long hiatus from performing in 1957), and in Prince, whose ambisexual image owed him a great debt. Presley has captured songs from him. A octave-leaping exultation, the Beatles adopted his signature sound: "Woooo! "(Paul McCartney said the first song he ever performed in public was" Long Tall Sally, "which he later recorded with the Beatles.) In his yearbook for high school, Bob Dylan wrote that his dream was to" join Little Richard. The impact of Little Richard was very social as well.
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Mr. White quoted him as saying, “I’ve always thought that rock ’n’ roll brought the races together.” “Especially being from the South, where you see the barriers, having all these people who we thought hated us showing all this love.” Mr. Barnum told Mr. White that when Little Richard sang, "they still had the audience segregated" at concerts in the South in those days, but that, “most times, before the end of the night, they would all be mixed together.” If uniting black and white audiences was Little Richard's point of pride, it was a source of concern for many, particularly in the South. The North Alabama White Citizens Council released a rock 'n' roll denunciation primarily because it put "people of both races together." And with several radio stations under pressure to keep black music off the air, Pat Boone's clean-up, toned-down version of "Tutti Frutti" was a bigger success than the original Little Richard. (He even had a "Long Tall Sally" hit) Still, it seemed like nothing could hinder Little Richard's rise to the top, until he himself stopped it. He was at the height of his fame when, in late September 1957, he left the United States to begin a tour of Australia. He was tired as he told the story, under constant pressure from the Internal Revenue Service and angry at the low rate of royalties he earned from Specialty. He had signed a deal, without anybody to inform him, which gave him half a cent for every record he sold. "Tutti Frutti" sold half a million copies but only netted $25,000 for him. One night in early October, he had an epiphany in front of 40,000 fans at an outdoor Sydney arena. "Russia sent that very first Sputnik off that night," he told Mr White, referring to the first satellite that had been sent into orbit. "It looked like the huge ball of fire was going straight over the stadium about two or three hundred feet above our heads. It made my mind shake. It just made my head shake. I got up from the piano, saying, "This is it. I am through. He had one last Top 10 hit: "Good Golly Miss Molly," recorded in 1956 but not released until the beginning of 1958. At the time he had left behind a rock 'n' roll.
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He was an evangelist on the run. He went into Oakwood College (now Oakwood University) to prepare for the ministry in Huntsville, Ala., a Seventh-day Adventist church. He cut his hair, married and began gospel music recording. He will be torn between pulpit gravity and stage pull for the remainder of his life. “Although I sing rock ’n’ roll, God still loves me,” he said in 2009. “I’m a rock ’n’ roll singer, but I’m still a Christian.” In 1962, he was drawn back to the stage and he performed for wild acclaim in England, Germany and France over the next two years. The Beatles and the Rolling Stones were among his opening acts, and then at the beginning of their careers. He went on to tour the United States relentlessly, with a band that included Jimi Hendrix on guitar at one time. By the late 1960s, sold-out performances in Las Vegas and triumphant appearances at Atlantic City and Toronto rock festivals were sending out a clear message: Little Richard was back to stay. ‘I Lost My Reasoning’ Alcohol and cocaine began to drain his soul by his own account ("I lost my reasoning," he would later say), and in 1977 he turned from rock 'n' roll to God once again. He became a Bible salesman, started making worship songs again and vanished from the spotlight for the second time. He is not staying away forever. His biography was released in 1984 and marked his return to the public eye, and he started performing again. By now he was as much a musician as he was a personality. He played a prominent role as a record producer in the hit movie "Down and Out in Beverly Hills" by Paul Mazursky in 1986. He appeared on television on talk shows, variety, comedy, and awards shows. He worked at celebrity weddings, and performed at funerals for celebrities. In concert he could still uplift the roof. He stole the spotlight at a rock 'n' roll revival concert in London's Wembley Arena, in December 1992. "Today, I am 60," he told the crowd, "and I still look remarkable." He proceeded to look incredible — with the aid of wigs and heavy pancake makeup as he flew intermittently into the 21st century. But in the end, age took its tool. He walked onstage with the assistance of two canes by 2007. In 2012, he suddenly ended a show at Washington's Howard Theater, telling the audience, "I cannot breathe hard." A year later, he told Rolling Stone magazine that he was retiring. "In a sense I am done," he said. "There is nothing I feel like doing right now." Survivors include a friend, Danny Jones Penniman. Full survivor information was not immediately available.
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Raised in Macon, Ga., on 5 Dec. 1932, Richard Wayne Penniman was the third of 12 children born to Charles and Leva Mae (Stewart) Penniman. His father was a brick mason on the road, selling moonshine. An uncle, a brother, and a grandfather were preachers, and as a child he attended churches of the Seventh-day Adventist, Baptist, and Holiness, and aspired to be an evangelist artist. An early influence was Sister Rosetta Tharpe, a gospel singer and guitarist, one of the first artists to blend a religious message with the intensity of R&B. Richard's ambition had taken a detour by the time he was at his teens. He left home and started performing in traveling medicine and minstrel shows, part of a dying-out 19th-century tradition. Billed as Little Richard by 1948—the name was a nod to his youth and not to his physical stature — he was a cross-dressing actor with a minstrel troupe named Sugarfoot Sam From Alabam that had been performing for decades. He recorded his first songs in 1951, while performing alongside strippers, comics and drag queens on Atlanta's Decatur Street strip. The songs, without distinct style, were generic R&B, and attracted almost no attention. He encountered two performers during this time whose look and sound alone would have a profound impact: Billy Wright and S.Q. Reeder, who has performed as Esquerita and recorded it. Both of them were professional pianists, glamorous dressers, flamboyant entertainers and as openly gay as it was possible in the 1950s to be in the South. Richard Penniman acknowledged his debt to Esquerita, who he said gave him some tips for playing the piano, and to Mr. Wright, whom he once called "the most fantastic entertainer I have ever seen." However much he borrowed from either man, the music or persona that emerged were his own. His break came when Mr. Rupe signed him to Specialty in 1955, and arranged for him to record with local New Orleans musicians. He began singing a raucous yet obscene song during a break at that session which Mr. Rupe thought could attract the burgeoning teenage record-buying audience. Mr. Rupe hired Dorothy LaBostrie, a New Orleans songwriter, to clean up the lyrics; the song became "Tutti Frutti"; and a rock 'n' roll star was born. By the time he finished playing, Little Richard was a recipient of lifetime achievement awards from the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences and the Rhythm and Blues Foundation in both the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame (he was inducted in the Hall's first year) and the Songwriters Hall of Fame. In 2010, "Tutti Frutti" was added to the National Register of Congress Library. If Little Richard ever thought he had deserved all the honors he got, he would never admit it. "Many people call me the rock 'n' roll architect," he said one time. "I do not call that to myself, but I think it is true." Do not forget leaving your valuable comment on this piece of writing and sharing with your near and dear ones. To keep yourself up-to-date with Information Palace, put your email in the space given below and Subscribe. Furthermore, if you yearn to know about effect of virus on Frank Soo, view our construct, ‘Frank Soo: Google is celebrating England's forgotten footballer.’ Read the full article
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class301-blog · 7 years
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SONG YERIN is the #10 on the class 301 roll call list. born on april 29th, 1999. links up with the sweethearts ( caramel ). voted most likely to murder park jisoo? let’s run by the evidence.
( one ) song yerin’s parents believe everything must have an impact or meaning, which is why the girl suspects now, in her later years, that she was born a year after the couple moved to jinhae for a reason. little does it matter, though, for she was brought up pampered, adored, and filled with outside influences more than she would ever admit.
( two ) childhood was pink dresses, socks embroidered with lace on the hem, and the weight of a book on her head. she stayed with her mother at the park often, but ran around the playground very little. well, it was not as if the kids did not want to play with her – quite the contrary, her house was a popular spot for tea parties and house-playing all throughout those years –, but there was something about how the kids screamed and got dirty and bruised that she ceased to like the closer she got to age eleven. she wanted to be a lady, just like her mother, and she had never seen the woman behave like that.
( three ) early teenage years were awkward stretches of bones, curled hairstyles, and a complete distaste for the very concept of the color pink. she stayed with her father in his office at home after school, and let him tell her everything about the company he had owned in the town even before she was born. she did not exactly like to hear about the numbers, but there was something about the importance her father had in other people’s lives that allured her to listen to his day and job. mom was not like him – she did not impose herself, she was not powerful. yerin wondered how much of ‘ladylikeness’ you can lose to become powerful.
( four ) seventeen years old is suitcases on the door that do not belong to her or her parents, tears, and the inevitability of heartbreak. now, her uncle and her had been close on her childhood, when he still lived in a closeby town and came around every weekend to play. however, since he had married a chinese woman whom he met in a trip to shanghai, yerin had not seen him to the count of eight summers more than a couple of times. the swift change that was the move was cause by the death of his said wife, and the despicable sadness that came with it. at first, she could only see him as this fragile, little creature, whose soul had been ripped away from him. nothing like her father; nothing like his brother. his job was to write puzzles and crosswords for journals, and she thought it nearly as pitiful as him. then she solved a few over coffee with him, feeling incredibly erudite and all-grown-up, only to be broken down by overwhelming sadness that poisoned him and seeped into her veins, too. it was, however, philosophical – and to her came the realization that the smartest of the people perhaps are not the most powerful. she was not sure if it was power was something worth losing.
( five ) it had been blonde hair, heart-shaped lollipops, and sweet, sweet venom for a couple of years now. of course, it had been pretty little skirts before, and maybe her name in sharpie on the bathroom stall, so it would come to no surprise to her if things were to change again, even if she had become comfortable in her situation of mild distrust in the people around her. it was a fun idea to have, that she could predict every next move people would pull – at least, the people who mattered. then a guy just had to fucking drop dead. now, please understand, though she was not the president of the park jisoo fanclub, there was not exactly a war worthy conflict either. the issue is that the death raised more questions than she would like to answer, specially about herself, which brings her own unsure disgust too – she cannot recall a time where things were not about herself.
confusion, denial, restlessness, horror – pools of sorrow drowning her brain into a numb state of being overwhelmingly lost.
first came the thought of her friend, the poor bastard’s girlfriend, and for a moment there was nothing but an excruciatingly tender thought of her peace of mind, which at such a setting was quite likely nonexistent. she thought it unfair, and bones moved on their own under her skin to straighten her up, ready to walk swiftly and find her.
then, in a cruel waltz, a little chaotically egocentric being slipped through the wrinkles of her brain. there, it planted a seed, no bigger than its own palm, of concern; not for the lost soul, or the ones that were fortunate to stay, but for herself. a vile flower bloomed in the pit of her stomach, vicious, piercing thorns up her throat, which she spit on white porcelain, breathless. the petals that remained were the thoughts of her prosecution, which crumbled along past memories.
in an early morning, she recalls, her uncle shared the feelings of illusion and deceit that comes along with death in its first hours. as if it were a crooked dream, a grotesque vision, which still felt better than reality in tainted kind of comfort.
oh such a wandering mind of hers – it somersaults into a pool of black and white, shivering, then twisting into images of herself and a man in a suit whose face cannot be seen. she dreams wide awake, envisioning herself almost whimsically in a carefully crafted noir film of her own. she sits in a cool, metal chair; a handkerchief on her hand, her knee touching the edge metal table.
the faceless man has callous hands, and she can see clearly only up to his shoulders as he stands by the table, a shadow covering his features. “now, ms song, will you tell me where you were in the time of death?” the voice resembles his uncle’s, a disciplined though almost tender tone. yerin sighs, sniffling with half a hiccup, “well, i stayed in school until eight – we’re in a time we have to study a lot, you know – and i’m sure i saw a couple people in the way home. I stopped by the corner store, and bought gum. by nine i was home, sir. i texted my friends for a while, then i sat with my father to talk about his day. he’ll surely confirm it, sir, i didn’t leave my house at all that night except to have dinner with my family.”
there is a pause as the hands twist, veins popping under that pale grey skin. “will you be able to give all the possible names to confirm your route? are you sure of all of this?”
“why, yes, sir” she swallows dry, and bats her eyelashes up at the shadows, “you have to believe me, sir, i sat with my father, then we all had dinner, then watched a few movies on netflix – i didn’t go out with anyone else at all!”
and suddenly the single lamp that lits the table is twisted in her direction; hand tight on her handkerchief, eyes glistening, body bolting back; little deer caught in the headlights. “do you think you can fool me, girl?” her father’s voice is stern in her ears, and a couple tears run down her pale, silver cheeks, little stars rolling through the moon. “we can see through you” she hears, and then cries in vivid technicolor, sobbing ‘i don’t know’s on the palms of her hands.
( from the sunday journal crossword: )
1. ( seven letters ) noun, people of royal blood or status;
it is important to understand the setting as she does, through her own eyes, therefore one must establish the importance of hierarchy itself within those cool walls: mean gleaming eyes, pristine indecency, and lie tinted lips; those are the signs of nobility. a mistake she could have made herself in the past would be to undermine the influence of each piece of the court, their charms and motifs. once, she was foolish, just as you might be, dear reader, to see them as a comic court – say, the queen of hearts, the white rabbit, tweedledee and tweedledum, and a little lizard following them through, whimsical, it was a mistake to think such things, and she felt the consequences on skin. of course, there is, within each group and setting, their own hierarchy, and they are no different. and where does our little girl fit?
2. ( seven letters ) noun, fem., the highest rank in nobility below the monarch;
a common misconception is to believe yerin sharps her nails to reach the crown – the gleam of ambition in her eyes would lead one to believe such a thing, and she does not mind when she hears it whispered in the hallways that she is simply waiting for the queen to fall under the weight of the crown. however, with enough attention and care in the eyes, one might find that she is not quite the cryptic being she trains herself to be, oh no – in fact, as days pass she is somewhat bored with the constant intrigue. this place which she found to be comfortable after a few slips and falls is the place where she belongs, perhaps too comfortable. not the commander, not the monarch; a vital link. she is owed to, see – the current head bitch would have been nothing but a bullseye, shred to pieces at this day and age, if she had not taken the poor girl under her silver wings. in her past resides the previous aspiring monarch, dreams of a kingdom broken with a fight, and the other girl’s name is now spit on the bathroom stalls with swarms of indecent recalls and names. thus, there is no reason to reach up, because queens may fall, but yerin was born with golden teeth, and her mouth is wide if she must taste blood and chew another monarch out, even if her eyes grow tired of the gruesome futility.
3. ( six letters ) adjective, to have an inescapable outcome;
she cannot fill those letters.
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