#i can already sense the 'hey look who's back' notifications
whitecreekvalley-if · 4 months
Hi Toast! I hope you are doing well. I noticed that you've not posted in awhile and just wanted to check that you are doing okay! I hope today is wonderful and that you get to do something that you love! ❤
Hey love! I'm doing... Okay, to say the very least. Fallen into a deep chasm of ✨ depression ✨ and it's kinda un-yee'd my haw's, as one would say.
But we keep hanging on! It's been a rough scene for writing (I swear my laptop dustier than an abandoned barn, my virtual villagers are def ded) but my heart years back to the times I was here every day, interacting with you beautiful people. Actively going to therapy now, and even got unpaid leave with an open invitation to come back whenever I feel better, which is hella rare for my branch of work. My bosses are the best 🥹 (Or then I work too hard and they fear losing me lmao)
But I'm still rocking to country music and going 'hehe that's Mace/Alice/Judge/Sadie' on a weekly basis.
I'm sorry I left y'all hanging, it wasn't my intention! My brains just not been my friend for some time. I understand if people look at me as if I'm not serious about this game because of it, but I swear I'm doing my very bestest to get 'er done ♥️ I'm feeling better in the membrane now, so there's a chance I'll flood y'all dashes with stuff and things, that's for sure.
And for any of the *squints* three anons who sent hate to my asks while I was off, I'm sorry for the delay and for not banging out a demo while it's still very much unfinished, for not updating you on my shortcomings and very personal life that is too complicated to air live on dash, and, quote, being a fucking liar and a lazy shit, I am sorry. Not the last one though, that was super rude and you should feel bad :)
Thank you for your sweet message, love, it's really eased my anxiety about coming back <3 You're the best!
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daisynik7 · 8 months
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Pairing: Ino Takuma x f!reader
Rating: Explicit - minors do not interact!
Word Count: ~2.5k
cw: next-door neighbor Ino, friends-to-lovers trope, explicit language, smut - cunnilingus
Summary: Ino is the cute guy next door that you’ve befriended ever since you moved in. He’s been nothing but kind to you, and sure, there’s attraction there, but you’ve never acted on it considering you’re already taken. When you find out your long-distance boyfriend is a good-for-nothing cheater, you turn to your friend for comfort, and maybe something more.
Author's Note: My adoration for this man grows everyday! This one is kind of a tease, but I hope you still enjoy it! MDNI divider credit to @/cafekitsune! Taglist: @slvt-for-smut @man-knees @batafuraikisu @neverlandlostchild @bloompompom @dprkento @a-listaire @antique-remains @aiyaaayei
part 5 of to all the boys who live next door anthology series
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It's a cold Friday night in the middle of winter when you find out your boyfriend of two years is cheating on you. 
Kenzo is studying for his master’s degree overseas while you remain in your hometown, patiently waiting for his return. You’ve been long distance for almost a year now and while it’s difficult being apart, it’s mostly been manageable. Or so you thought. 
You’re eating dinner with your next-door neighbor, Ino, when Kenzo finally texts you back. He’s been busy studying in the library for his upcoming exams and you haven’t heard much from him all day. When you see his name in your notifications, you can’t help but get excited, dropping your chopsticks to reply to him.
Kenzo: I’m finally home 
You: Yay! Let’s talk soon
Ino prepared hot pot this evening, offering to treat you for the dinner you cooked the other night. The two of you have grown close over these past several months, enough to call each other friends. You’ve never hidden your friendship from Kenzo, who isn’t typically the jealous type. So when you tell him that you’re finishing up with your meal with Ino, you’re surprised when he sends you a rather blunt reply.
Kenzo: Can you hurry up? I have somewhere to be and can’t talk long
Your heart sinks. He never mentioned having any plans later, so you have no idea where he’s going. Ino continues to slurp on his soup innocently across from you. 
You swallow hard, this sense of dread building in your stomach, making you lose your appetite. “Sorry, Ino. I have to go.”
He wipes his mouth with a napkin, looking at you, concerned. “Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” you answer, avoiding his gaze. “I just have to talk to Kenzo right now before he leaves. I guess he’s going out tonight.” You stand up, guilty about your boyfriend and about abandoning your friend. “Thank you for dinner. I’ll be back later to help you clean up.”
He waves it off, giving you a reassuring grin. “Don’t worry about it. Go do your thing with Kenzo. I’ve got all this taken care of.” 
You smile back at him, thankful to have a neighbor so understanding and so sweet. 
Back in your apartment, you rush into your bedroom, inspecting the mirror quickly to check your appearance before turning on your laptop for the video call. It takes him three rings to pick up. When he does, he greets you with a surly expression. “Hey.”
You smile hesitantly, nervous that he’s upset at you for whatever reason. “Hey. Is everything okay?”
He sighs heavily, running his fingers through his hair. In the two years you’ve been dating him, you recognize this habit of his when he’s bothered by something. “Long day.” 
“You want to talk about it?”
He contemplates, then shakes his head, deciding to change the subject all together. “Did you enjoy dinner?” 
It’s doesn’t seem like a genuine ask. Still, you relax a bit, hoping his bad attitude is from exhaustion and nothing to do with you. “Yeah. Ino made hot pot tonight. I wasn’t able to finish it, but everything I ate so far was really good.”
This seems to strike a nerve in him. There’s that distinguishable twitch in his right eye, another indicator that he’s irritated. “Well, I’m sorry for taking you away from him,” he sneers. “Maybe you should go back to your other boyfriend now to finish your fucking dinner.”
In the one year you’ve been long distance, he’s never snapped at you like this, so you’re startled by his current demeanor. “What?”
He rolls his eyes at you. “It’s obvious you want to fuck him.”
Flabbergasted by this accusation, you repeat, “What?! Kenzo!”
“Why do you spend so much time with him, huh? You really expect me to believe you’re just friends?” His tone is so condescending, your skin prickles, grossed out by his behavior
“Where is this coming from? You never had a problem with Ino before.” You’re completely baffled. Never has he mentioned that he’s suspicious of your neighbor. He’s never had a reason to be. Why now?
He continues to huff into the mic, clearly frazzled by the entire situation. “I think this whole thing is just fucked up. So fucked up.” There’s the sound of vibrating on his desk, most likely his phone. You can see his eyes glancing to the side, reading whatever notification he received.
Bringing his attention back to the matter at hand, you calmly explain, “Kenzo. I promise you, there is nothinggoing on between me and Ino. He’s just a friend. Please believe me.”
Still distracted, he mutters, “I have to go.”
You’re getting desperate now. “Kenzo, wait. We should talk about this – ”
“I don’t want to talk about this anymore, okay?” he snaps, glaring at you. “I’ve had a rough day and I need to relax.”
“Kenzo, please,” you beg him.
He considers it for a moment. Then, in the background, you can hear knocking, bringing him back from his thoughts. “I have to go.”
Defeated, you nod, not pushing it any further. Without a proper goodbye, he clicks on his keyboard and rushes off to answer whoever’s at his front door, thinking he properly left the call. However, he’s still logged on, and you can see everything. And soon, you’ll hear everything.
You don’t get the chance to end the call yourself. It all happens so quickly. The thud of the door closing, the unfamiliar voice of a woman, their footsteps and conversation growing louder as they enter the bedroom. You’re tuned in on the laptop, watching them with wide eyes, frozen. Like watching a trainwreck happening in front of you. Actually, it’s more like you’re the one getting trampled. 
His back faces the camera, arms wrapped around another girl, his lips smacking noisily from their careless kisses. You sit there, mouth agape at what you’re currently witnessing, holding your breath.
“I can’t wait to fuck this pussy,” he groans, unbuckling his pants. You resist the urge to dry heave at how disgusting he sounds.  
“Yeah?” she giggles. “It’s only been two days and you miss it already?”
“Fuck yeah,” he responds, sucking on her neck, groping her chest. 
Before they can strip any more of their clothes off, you yell out his name, startling the both of them. “Kenzo! What the fuck?!” You don’t realize until now that tears are streaming down your cheeks, your throat dry and tight, struggling to get the words out. 
He whips around towards the laptop, horror surrounding his face as he realizes, gawking at you through the screen, stammering his words. “What are you doing?!”
“What are you doing, asshole?!” 
“Ken, who is that?” she asks, genuinely confused, stepping closer to you to get a better look. 
“I’m his girlfriend,” you answer, trembling with anger. “Actually, I am now his ex-girlfriend.”
“You have a girlfriend?!” she shrieks, crossing her arms over her chest. 
“Had a girlfriend,” you correct her. “He’s all yours if you want him.”
He puts his face right up to the screen, his appearance making your skin crawl. “This is a big misunderstanding.”
“I heard what you said. I fucking saw what you did! How long?”
“This is the first time – ”
“A month,” the other woman answers, staring down at the floor, guilty. “We’ve been hooking up for a month. I’m so sorry, I didn’t know.”
Kenzo turns to her, then back to you, sputtering nonsense. Apologies, excuses, just complete and utter bullshit. His bizarre behavior from earlier starts to make sense now. He was projecting whatever guilt he was suffering onto you. But while your conscience remains clean, his is sullied. Defiled, dirty, and ruined by his own volitions. 
Having heard and seen enough, you hang up, slamming your laptop shut, sobbing into the palms of your hands. 
Half an hour later, you leave your apartment, dragging your feet towards next door. Your eyes are puffy, cheeks sticky from unwiped tears, overwhelmed with emotion. Anger, heartbreak, and betrayal all at once. Kenzo’s been trying to reach you since you hung up on him, but you’ve ignored him each time, tempted to block him and be done with it once and for all However, you can’t bring yourself to do it yet. Maybe there’s just a small part of you that wants to spite him; you just don’t know how.
When Ino answers, you immediately launch into him, burying your face in his shoulder, crying. It can’t be helped. You need a friend. He doesn’t need to process it; being sweet is second-nature to him. He wraps his arms around you, massaging your back gently, squeezing you snug in his embrace. “What happened?”
Between sobs, you manage to reply, “Kenzo cheated on me.”
He tenses up, outraged. “What?”
You nod, wiping your face on the cotton of his sweatshirt, making a note in your mind to apologize for this later. 
“I’m so sorry,” he says, hands still gentle along your spine. His touch is comforting, exactly what you need to dull the pain. He lets you indulge in his warmth for a moment, not speaking, listening to your ragged breathing steady. 
Once the tears stop and you’re composed enough, you remove yourself from him, wiping your wet cheeks with your sleeve. “I’m sorry,” you sniffle.
He laughs softly. “Why are you apologizing?”
“I feel bad for bothering you.”
“You’re not.” He holds his hand out. “Do you want to talk about it inside?”
You nod, taking his hand, following him into his apartment, where he leads you to the couch. He passes you a tissue box, though you’re sure you’ve run out of tears by now. You’re alone sulking for a few minutes while he brews you a hot mug of tea, setting it on the coffee table when he returns. “Thank you,” you say, smiling at him. His presence alone has been comforting enough, but you hold the porcelain cup in your hands, basking in its soothing heat. 
“Of course,” he grins, sitting next to you.
You rest your head on his shoulder. “You’re a great friend, Ino.”
He slides his fingers between yours, lacing them together. “You are too.”
This kind of intimacy feels natural with him, which is what surprises you. His hand fits so easily with yours, you begin to wonder why you haven’t held it before, why you haven’t been doing this from the start. Ino’s always treated you kindly, more than a neighbor should, better than your good-for-nothing ex-boyfriend ever did, and without asking for anything in return except your company. 
Your heart thumps loudly against your chest, you’re sure that even he can hear it. You turn your head to look at him, so close that your noses are nearly touching. Swallowing thickly, you try to say something, anything, but you can’t, unable to articulate what you’re feeling in this moment. 
He shrugs his beanie off, nuzzling his nose to yours. “Since we’re friends, let me take care of you. I’ll make you feel good. Make you forget about that asshole.”
It takes you a while to reply to him, but you do. “Okay, Ino,” you whisper, closing the small distance between you, staring at his mouth. “I trust you.” 
He kisses you, gentle and almost too sweet, you want to savor it. When his tongue grazes your lip, you moan into his mouth, letting your inhibitions loose. You’re no longer thinking about the events from earlier this night. Instead, all you focus on is Ino and how good he feels against you. He increases the pace, kisses growing sloppier, your hands running through his hair while his roam your back. He trails along your neck, then down to your stomach, lower and lower until his hands are on your knees, gradually spreading your legs apart. “Can I?”
He doesn’t have to spell it out. You know exactly what he’s offering. And who are you to deny his generosity? After all, what are friends for? 
“Please,” you beg him, brushing the hair away from his forehead, making sure he gets a good look at your pleading eyes. You need him to make you forget about everything. 
He makes quick work of your clothes, stripping your bottoms and underwear off in one fell swoop, positioning himself between your thighs. “Call me Takuma,” he tells you, smooching your plush skin. 
You let out a pathetic whimper as he flattens his tongue on your clit, stroking it slowly. He goes faster and messier the more his name pours out of your mouth in pleasured moans. It doesn’t take long for you to reach your first climax, grip tight in his hair, knees trembling from the stimulation. He doesn’t let up, though. Ino continues to eat you out until you’re pliant on the couch, yielding to every lick, suck, and stroke he delivers you. Your pussy throbs for him, wet and slick from your orgasms, ready to be filled with his cock.
Suddenly, your phone rings and you’re brought back to a grim reality, one where Kenzo still exists. His name flashes on the screen, requesting to video chat you for the umpteenth time tonight, trying to apologize for a sin that can’t be forgiven. You reach for the coffee table to silence your phone, wanting to ignore him. “Fuck, he’s calling me again. Sorry.”
“Answer it,” Ino says, still lapping at your puffy clit.
You laugh, looking down at him, certain that you heard him wrong. “What?”
He gazes up at you, lips all wet and swollen from devouring you. Drool leaks from the sides of his mouth, his chin shiny with spit and slick. His cheeks are rosy, eyes laden with lust. He smiles at you, endearing and sweet, with just the hint of wicked intent behind it. “Show him how good I treat you.”
Something stirs inside you. This is an opportunity to get your revenge. And sure, it’s petty and vindictive, but you’re a woman scorned by the man you loved, the man you thought loved you. Why shouldn’t you be?
Before you can chicken out, you point the camera towards Ino, who smirks, diving right back into your cunt, being extra loud this time. You answer the phone, Kenzo’s face maximizing on the screen, calling out your name, relieved you picked up. When he realizes what he’s watching, hearing you moan Ino’s name like you used to moan his, Kenzo’s expression contorts into one of rage, disgust. He starts cursing like a madman, shouting at Ino, at you. You drown it out with your own profanities. “Fuck, Takuma, right there! Right there! Oh fuck!”
Kenzo hangs up the call after he gets one more cruel remark in, but you don’t care. You’ve gotten your payback. Maybe it’s not enough, maybe it is. For now, all you want is to be with Ino, no more distractions. “Fuck me,” you whine, tugging on his brunette strands.
He crawls over you, kissing you passionately with wet lips. “Whatever you want, sweetheart. Whatever you want.”
It’s safe to say that you and Ino become much better friends after tonight. 
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wraithdance · 1 month
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Damn I'm still getting notifications on this so I guess I'll elaborate on it for funsies lol
Content warning: AFAB!Reader, terrible british-isms, Reader is a firefighter and idk shit about that life lol, very NY/American coded, explicit language. Shorty getting tossed around like a hot n ready in the next part I just love to set the scene a lil lmao
Part one: The Firefighter
Your mother had always told you two things: 1) not to write a check that your ass can’t cash and 2) A hard head made for a soft ass. Unfortunately for you, you never listen. 
You were on the downward slope of a 48 hour shift and feeling every bit of it. Your captain had taken no mercy on the splitting headache you were nursing and designated you to crowd control on the northern sector of the McCallen theater. The heat of the flames enveloping the old building didn’t help with the already stifling heat wave. Sweat slides down your neck in uncomfortable pools that soak the under clothes beneath your turnout gear. 
While in the middle of reassuring an elderly woman whose granddaughter was in the building you’d caught sight of a large form attempting to cross the barrier from the corner of your eye. You’d whipped your head around so fast you’d damn near given yourself whiplash.
“Hey, get back behind the line!”
Your words die in your throat when you come face to face with the fucking grim reaper. He’s broad and dressed in layers of black from head to toe. His eyes, or what you can see of them from behind the eye black, bore into you from beneath his balaclava. 
What the fuck?
There's a moment where your throat closes up and your muscles lock despite your body screaming at you to run the other way. It’s not until he seems to dismiss you and turns like he’s going to continue on his merry way, that you gain back your senses. 
“Hey I said get back behind the line are you crazy?!” You bark, grabbing the sleeve of his jumper.
Who the hell wears a sweatshirt in the middle of June?
“This is an active fire! ” 
He looks at your offending hand and makes a sound you can only describe as a snort.
“Ya’ can bloody see that.”
This motherfu-
“Good job jackass,” You say between grit teeth “I’m glad you can see the fire, funny enough you can also see it from behind. the. damn. LINE!” 
The grim reaper twitches and if it's possible he looks bigger as he turns his full body towards you. 
You’re too hopped on adrenaline to give a shit about his posturing. You’d worked with sweaty macho guys for six years at the station and had been around servicemen your whole life. There wasn’t a pissing contest around that you would ever back down from. So, you puff out your own chest and meet him head on. 
“Sir, I’m not going to ask you again, get behind the barrier.” 
“Or wot.” you think you might actually catch a murder charge.
“You get behind the line like I asked you to, big boy, or I’ll toss your ass over it myself” You hiss. The big fuck just narrows his eyes in consideration. You’re preparing to make good on your threat, when another voice cuts in.
“Riley, What's the problem here?”
Great two of them. 
The second man is not as broad as the weirdo in black, but still just as barrelled chested. He maneuvers around the barrier like it's just a concept and not a physical deterrent. You have to roll your eyes at his boonie hat and the outdated beard. He had the same fashion sense as your grandpa.
He stops beside the reaper's right side and crosses his stocky arms over his chest, his beard twitching as he takes in your stance. There's something in his blue eyes that you might call appreciation, if it didn’t make you feel like you were on a serving platter. 
You really didn't have time for this shit!
“Like I told your friend here, I need you both behind the line, you're getting in the way of my job and I’m tired of repeating myself.” 
It might have been a childish thing to do but you can’t help yourself when you make rude shoo-ing motions with your hands. 
The newcomers' eyes tighten inauspiciously. An imperceptible look passes between the two mountains that you can’t read. It makes you shudder which only stands to piss you off further. 
It’s not the first time you’ve had some hyper masculine fuck question your authority while on a rescue. Hell, it's come to be expected at this point and you’d joined an online support group for firefighters who experienced the same for being non-cis white dudes. 
The issue is whatever energy these monsters disguised as men are emitting, is disorienting. Normally you would have asked for back up after the second time your request was ignored. Yet your radio still sits at your shoulder and your hands are shaking beneath your thick gloves. 
After a beat the man with the boonie hat speaks, identifying himself as the leader of the two. 
“Listen love, we’re SAS, we can help with the rescue if you just point us in a direction.” 
Your eyes are rolling before he even finishes, you knew it. Macho men.
“That’s nice and I’m auditioning for the Wiz! We have everything under control gentlemen but thank you for the offer!” 
Maybe it’s the migraine or the lack of sleep, but you can’t help but to dig the knife in deeper just a little bit. You’re smiling with your teeth and speaking in a baby voice before you can think twice about it.
“Why don’t you big strong men sign up for the next station tour and I’ll give you a nice badge and a sucker!” You clap your hands in mock excitement, before flattening your tone and expression “So that way, when you wanna play firemen, you can do it without jeopardizing the professionals! Fuck you very much, get off of my scene.” 
Looking back it was probably the thing that doomed you, but you’d been too caught up in the moment to see it that way. Your radio had rattled off with the sound of your captain calling you in for an assist.
You hadn’t thought to really sus out the reaction of the men you’d bitched out. Had been all too happy to give up your position dealing with them to a wet behind the ears rookie. 
After getting the fire under control and surviving the end of your shift you’d gone home and face planted on the couch. After chugging down your weight in electrolytes and ramen, you joined the server for the firefighter’s support group.
You’d been soothed by the jokes your online support system cracked when you retold the clusterfuck of a day. Before logging off for the night you get a friend request from some random account with a string of numbers and a skull icon. You snort but look through the profile. Scoffing when you see that it was made in the last hour.
Fucking bot accounts. You’d have to ask the mods to check out their spam filters next time they were on. 
<SR141698 has been Blocked!>
Ugh, you needed a bath.
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Preview of next part:
“Open your mouth.”
Your eyes widen and you struggle against the tight grip around your chin. His warm hands only tighten, causing your lips to pucker. A husky laugh sounds from behind your shoulder and you can feel the brush of cotton against your ear.
“C’mon pretty girl, open up, captain just wants to give you a sucker.”
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mochalate · 5 months
[intro] new notification!
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msby!atsumu x reader || w/c: 560 Atsumu discovers that the only thing worse than online dating, is dating advice online. a/n: oh look at that, another atsumu fic!! this one is less stressful for me though. its pretty short, with a cute little plot that won't cause me planning paralysis. making edits for atsumu is always so fun <3 i hope you'll read it!!
[chapter 1->]
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r/relationship_advice • 3 hours ago
I want to ask out my twin brother's girlfriend.
It's not as bad as it sounds. She's not really his girlfriend.
I'll try to explain.
We're colleagues, sort of. (Me and her— I'd rather starve to death than work for my brother.)
Last month, someone took a picture of us leaving the office. I was only walking her to her car but the person who took the picture wanted to imply that we were dating.
And that wouldn't have been an easy rumour for her to handle, so I got my brother (identical twin) to post a picture with her on his socials.
Obviously, just one picture wouldn't work to convince anyone, so they've been meeting up a couple times a week (they have similar interests, so they were friends already) to be seen together.
Now here's the issue— I never saw her like that before, and I thought it was just fucking annoying to watch people be lovey dovey, fake or not... but one of my other colleagues said it sounded like I was jealous.
And fuck, I am.
Do you think she'd be mad if I asked her out? I reacted pretty badly to the original picture. And I'm worried my brother likes her for real (those photos they're posting are kind of convincing...)
Edit: for everyone asking, no, I can't ask my brother. he'll know why, and if he really does like her I don't want to mess with it. and if he doesn't he won't let me hear the fucking end of it. i can hear the best man speech already.
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u/unicornpoodle • 2 hours ago
lol dude (I'm assuming you're a dude, unless you're a girl who unfortunately is built exactly like your brother) are you sure you like her and aren't just jealous of your brother being happy? fake or not
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u/fattytuna95 • 2 hours ago yeah i'm sure. I cut out a picture of one of my teammates and pasted it over his ugly mug and it made me even angrier. ↑ 35 ↓ •••
u/msbygirlie_13 • 2 hours ago
Oh hey!! I recognise you from the atsumu miya subreddit!! That's so cool you have a twin just like him!! And his brother got a gf recently too!!! (I think they're fr tho lol.)
Okay hmmm this is a tough one. wdym when yuo said 'reacted badly'??? and what was so bad about the rumour in the first place if it's an option for you now???? this is kinda weird ngl.
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u/fattytuna95 • 2 hours ago do you really they're the real deal??? I kind of laughed. And now that I look back at it, I think I might have looked way too eager to put it out there that we weren't dating. like I was disgusted or something. :( I wasn't, I just didn't want her to have any trouble. :( :( I'm sorry, I can't explain the situation any more for privacy reasons. ↑ 20 ↓ •••
u/guiltyassassin_ • 1 hour ago
well you don't have to talk to either of them... you said someone took the original photo. maybe they're still stalking?? ask them what they think?
lmfao you guys are either celebrities or highschoolers with this kinda drama
(also you keep calling your brother ugly, but then say you guys are identical? huh????)
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u/fattytuna95 • 55 minutes ago This is kind of an insane idea, but it does make sense. Maybe I'll do it. (and you wouldn't get it.) ↑ 2 ↓ •••
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first chapter tomorrow! please like/reblog/reply/send me an ask if you enjoyed it :) it keeps me going lol [my other fics->] divider: @/cafekitsune
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geotjwrs · 4 months
Can u do a Jenna x Male reader that’s is not famous and is like a stay at home boyfriend that helps Jenna destress everytime she gets home. And Jenna decides she finally wants to reveal who she’s dating?
Pairings ; Jenna Ortega x Male!Reader
Warning/s ; none
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Jenna Ortega walked into her home, the exhaustion of another long day on set weighing heavily on her shoulders. As she closed the door behind her, she could already smell the comforting aroma of dinner cooking, and it brought a smile to her face. She knew that Y/N, her stay-at-home boyfriend, had once again prepared something special to help her unwind.
“Hey, babe,” Y/N called from the kitchen, turning to greet her with a warm smile. “How was your day?”
“Exhausting, as always,” Jenna replied, dropping her bag and walking over to him. She wrapped her arms around him from behind, resting her head against his back. “But it’s so much better now that I’m home.”
Y/N turned around to hug her properly, placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. “I’ve made your favorite pasta. Go freshen up, and dinner will be ready.”
Jenna smiled gratefully and headed upstairs to change out of her work clothes and wash away the day’s stress. When she returned, they sat down to a delicious meal, Y/N’s cooking always managing to lift her spirits.
As they ate, Jenna recounted the highlights and lowlights of her day, Y/N listening attentively and offering words of encouragement. It was a routine they had developed, a way for Jenna to decompress and for them to connect after long hours apart. The simple act of sharing a meal and talking about their days helped Jenna feel grounded and loved.
After dinner, they settled on the couch, Jenna snuggling into Y/N’s side. He wrapped an arm around her, his presence soothing and comforting. They spent the evening talking and laughing, Jenna’s worries melting away with every passing moment. They watched a few episodes of their favorite show, but Jenna could hardly pay attention to the screen; she was too busy basking in the warmth and security of Y/N’s embrace.
The next morning, they decided to spend Jenna’s rare day off at the city’s renowned art museum, one of their favorite places to visit. As they walked through the quiet halls, admiring the beautiful works of art, Jenna felt a sense of peace and contentment. She knew she was incredibly lucky to have someone like Y/N by her side, someone who supported her and helped her find balance in her hectic life.
At one point, they stopped in front of a particularly striking painting. Jenna pulled out her phone and turned to Y/N. “Let’s take a picture together.”
Y/N smiled and leaned in close as Jenna snapped a selfie of the two of them, their faces glowing with happiness. Jenna looked at the photo and felt a sudden urge to share this moment with the world. She had been thinking about it for a while, and now, surrounded by beauty and with Y/N by her side, it felt like the right time.
“Y/N,” she began, her voice soft but determined. “I think I’m ready.”
Y/N looked at her, surprised but supportive. “Ready for what?”
“To share us with the world,” she replied. “I want people to know how much you mean to me.”
Y/N squeezed her hand. “If you’re sure, then I’m with you all the way.”
With a deep breath, Jenna opened her Instagram app and selected the photo they had just taken.
@jennaortega posted a photo!
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liked by username and 2,129,710 others
jennaortega A perfect day with my favorite person. i love you. 💗
She hit “post,” and almost immediately, her phone began buzzing with notifications. They continued their tour of the museum, periodically checking their phones to see the reactions. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with fans and friends expressing their love and support.
As they moved to another exhibit, Jenna’s phone buzzed with a message from her sister, Aliyah.
Aliyah: Finally! You two are adorable! So happy for you both! Can’t wait to double date soon!
Jenna laughed and showed the message to Y/N. “Looks like we’ve got plans to make.”
He grinned. “Sounds like fun.”
They spent hours exploring the museum, losing themselves in the art and each other’s company. They stopped frequently to take more pictures, capturing candid moments of laughter and joy. Jenna felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for these simple, precious moments with Y/N.
That evening, back at home, they curled up on the couch, scrolling through the positive comments and messages. Jenna’s phone buzzed again, this time with a call from her mom.
“Hey, Mom,” Jenna answered.
“Hi, sweetie! I saw your post. He seems like a wonderful guy. I can’t wait to meet him properly,” her mom said warmly.
“You’ll love him, Mom. He’s amazing,” Jenna replied, glancing over at Y/N with a smile.
After hanging up, Jenna turned to Y/N. “Ready for the family meet-and-greet?”
Y/N chuckled. “Absolutely. Bring it on.”
As they continued to read through the messages, one from her co-star, Emma caught her eye.
Emma ❤️‍🔥: I knew something was up! You two look so happy together. Congrats!
Jenna showed Y/N the message, and they both laughed. “Looks like we weren’t as subtle as we thought,” Y/N said with a grin.
Jenna snuggled closer to him, feeling a profound sense of contentment. They had taken a big step today, and it had brought them even closer together. No matter what opposition lay ahead, they knew they could face them together.
“Thank you for being patient with me,” Jenna said softly.
Y/N kissed her forehead. “Thank you for letting me be a part of your world.”
Over the next few weeks, Jenna and Y/N’s relationship continued to blossom. They navigated the new dynamic of being public with ease, their bond only growing stronger. Y/N became a fixture in Jenna’s world, attending events with her, supporting her through her busy schedule, and continuing to be her safe haven.
The response from fans and the public remained positive, with many praising Jenna for being open and honest about her relationship. It was a new chapter in their lives, one filled with love, laughter, and the promise of many more adventures together.
One evening, as they sat on the balcony, watching the sunset, Jenna turned to Y/N with a smile. “I’m so glad we did this.”
“Me too,” Y/N replied, taking her hand. “Here’s to many more perfect days together.”
They clinked their glasses in a toast, the future looking brighter than ever. Together, they had faced their fears and taken a leap of faith, and it had paid off in the most beautiful way possible. Their love was now out in the open, embraced by the people who mattered most, and they couldn’t be happier.
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luza-wayne · 7 months
drunk talk.
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bokuto koutarou x reader
wc: 1.3k
i like the little hurt i felt, rereading this fufu. i remembered i posted this on one of my old tmblr acc. pls request to me, i'm begging T^T
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you were woken up from your afternoon nap when you heard your phone went off continuously. you grumpily reached for it on the nightstand just beside the bed.
as if a spell was cast on you, your expression immediately lit up, when you saw the notification.
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bokuto has been more expressive and more clingy this past week. he does things like staring at you while you do work and he'd always bring you sweets and flowers every time he came home.
just yesterday, he brought you another necklace.
though you want to know why he's like that, you don't mind it, in fact, you love it. that's why you make sure to show him how much you love him too.
you looked at the time on your phone and it's already quarter to five.
i guess i should clean up the house. you thought as you fixed your hair and stood up.
*ding dong* 
you were woken up from your slumber for the second time today when the sound of the doorbell rang throughout the living room of the house you shared with your boyfriend.
ah bad. i fell asleep while cleaning. 
you drowsily rubbed your eyes as you walked to the door, not minding the unfinished work.
you opened it and there was akaashi looking so done with his life, while your partner hanged on his left shoulder.
“akaashi, did he drink that much?” you said looking at him pitifully.
“yeah,” he stated. “...but he's acting weird today.”
you wanted to ask what he meant, but you told him to get in first to at least place bokuto on the couch and rest his shoulder.
he softly throws his previous captain on the couch as you take off bokuto's shoes. when you came back from putting the footwear on the shoe rack, you offered akaashi water.
“hey, what do you mean earlier?” you asked him, worried that bokuto might be having a problem.
“normally, he would be so energetic and loud, but today he just drank and drank. i immediately noticed it, that's why i didn't drink too much because i'm sure he'll be too drunk later on.” akaashi explained and chugged on the water you gave him.
you looked at bokuto and you noticed how troubled his expression is, even though he's sleeping.
“did he tell you anything?” you queried the editor who’s looking at bokuto.
“sadly, he passed out before i could ask him anything.” he sighed and fixed his glasses.
after you talked a bit to akaashi, he bid farewell to you, since he has work tomorrow. you sent him off while thanking him for looking out for the drunk guy on your couch.
you went to the bathroom after to get a bowl and towel to clean up bokuto. you crouched beside the couch and slowly took his arm.
you successfully wiped it, so went to the other arm. as you reached for it, you suddenly froze when he groaned.
“hm? who you?” he questioned looking at you suspiciously.
here it is again. every time bokuto is drunk, he always fails to recognize anyone. anyone. 
“ah. i was with akaashi. you're akaashi, right?” he wanted to confirm, but you just smiled at him and offered him water, but he refused.
he turned his body to the side, he's facing the backrest of the couch and his arm dangled on the edge of it.
“akaashi…” he called even though akaashi's not there.
you just decided to go along with it, hoping you'd catch something funny that you can tell him tomorrow once he comes to his senses.
“yes?” you answered, putting a low tone to your voice.
“i want to ask you something.” he said, not moving from his current position.
“what is it?”
“i don't know what to do.” 
“about what? tell me.” you listened to him intently.
is he going to talk about what's bothering him?
“actually, i love (y/n)...” you replied with a hum.  “but…” he refutes.
he changed his position again and now he's facing the ceiling with his arms covering his eyes. this is the first time you saw him this serious while drunk.
“i love her, but i don't love her.” he whispered and bit his lips.
“what?” you were unsure whether you heard it right or not.
i must’ve misheard it, but i’m pretty sure i didn’t. what is he talking about?
“what do you mean?” you let go of the towel accidentally making it land on the bowl, splashing water on its surroundings.
“what i mean is that i'm not feeling the same way as before. i love (y/n), but it's not the same love i'm feeling from before.” he said, his lips were quivering and his voice was a bit shaky.
“i'm trying, akaashi. i'm trying to bring back the love. i’m doing the things i did when we were still new to the relationship. i'm hoping the love would come back, but…” a tear fell on the side of his eyes, down to his ears. 
“what if it doesn't come back?” his voice was getting quieter and quieter.
“what if my love for her fades away?” he sobs.
you just stood there looking at him talking. a lot of information came in at once, it seems like your mind can't keep up.
he doesn't feel the same anymore? so the reason he's been extra sweet lately is that he wanted to revive his feelings for me? 
you let out a laugh and comb your hair with your fingers.
“what are you laughing for, akaashi?” he fixed his position, sat on his butt and looked up at you, even though his eyes were still blurry.
“nothing. it's just, (y/n) thought nothing of it when you were extremely sweet and clingy, though she loves it, now she feels like shit knowing what was the reason.” you tried to finish what you were saying, while also trying to keep the tears from falling.
he confusedly looked at you. you cleared your throat and clenched your hand.
“why don't you just tell her the truth? that you've already fallen out of love?” he lowered his head and placed both of his hands on the sides of his head.
“but, i promised her forever.”
he said, vocals almost inaudible, because of how shaky it is. anyone who can see him right now, can tell that what he's showing right now is what he really feels deep inside him.
“i promised that to her, and i still don't want her to be sad.” he clasped both of his hands.
“but you shouldn't lead me on that you're still mine because that hurts much more thinking all your i love you's are genuine, but it isn't. it’s not love, if you’re faking it.” 
you sighed heavily, you felt as if your legs lost all their power, you suddenly wanted to sit down. you did, but on the floor right in front of your boyfriend.
you looked at him while cries and worried about what to do with himself for minutes and minutes.
it seems like he sobered up. 
you smiled weakly and reached for his cheeks. you noticed how he melted into it, now you know that he's really back to his senses.
“babe…?” he muttered and looked at you. 
you saw how his eyes showed terror now that he'd realized that the one he's talking to all the time was you and not akaashi.
“b-babe, i—” he held your hand that was on his face, but you pulled it out of his grip.
you nodded slowly, smiling at him.
“shh. it's okay. we can talk about it tomorrow. you should take a rest for now.” you said and walked towards your guy's room, refusing to let even a drop of tear fall in front of him.
bokuto watched as you took each step. what he's feeling right now doesn't seem right. 
it is as if you're walking away from him for good, but he feels like he should run after you. 
but, shouldn't he feel that way if he had already fallen out of love, right?
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thank you so much for reading! reblogs would much appreciated!
also, you can visit my ko-fi acc, if you'd like to tip me and help this broke college student (>//3//<)
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graves4girls · 1 year
Johnny x celeb reader n there’s a party for other celebs etc. and there’s a bunch of paparazzi, a day or two before Johnny n reader had a quarrel and reader shows up to the party in a revenge dress. basically giving a show for all the paparazzi while avoiding johnny
up to u on how it ends! (sorry if my request didn’t make sense😭😭)
☆ paparazzi | johnny cage
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✮ wc. 1.3k ⚠︎ warning(s): fem!reader
lowkey wanna do a nsfw part 2 but idk i'll think abt it ⟡ be sure to check out my work on ao3 → gravesforgirls !!
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He'd been pissing you off all afternoon, whining about how you shouldn't have even taken the role because your co-star was way too friendly with you. He'd spam his socials with selfies of the two of you, you'd get swarmed by paparazzi for grabbing a coffee together in between scenes, and there were even rumors floating about that you'd dropped Johnny for him. Of course, all of it was utter bullshit to stir up drama and get clicks, but you didn't think it'd get to Johnny the way it did.
"Oh, c'mon. He was all over you the whole goddamn interview!"
You roll your eyes, pressing a manicured finger to your temple. "Jesus Christ, Johnny, I'm not in the mood for this right now. You know there's nothing going on."
He huffs as you plop down on the edge of the bed to pull off your heels. 
"Do I? Cause the more shit that leaks, the more it looks like there is something going on. He's always touching you and shit."
"C'mon Johnny, do you really think I'd cheat on you with some guy I met five months ago?"
He sucks his teeth, staring down at you with his arms crossed over his chest. 
"Y'know, I don't really know what to think right now."
You gape at him for a moment, scoffing as you stand from the bed.
"Are you seriously accusing me of cheating on you? Oh my God, you are such an asshole." You move to walk out the door.
"Where the hell are you going?"
"The guest bedroom. Come talk to me when you're done being a dick."
He's still out of the house by the time you're stepping out of the bedroom, the satin of your mini dress hugging every curve perfectly, heels clicking against the shiny tiled floor as you make your way out of the house. You knew he'd be blowing up your phone the minute he gets home and realizes you're gone, but you're too worried about getting to the party on-time to think about it too much, slipping into the sleek black limo parked in front of the house.
You walk down the moonlit street, arm locked around your co-star's as the cameras flash behind the barrier, snapping any and every angle as you wave to the crowd. You stop for a minute to scribble a couple signatures and pose for some selfies before you're escorted into the venue, giggling to the girl clinging to you as you make a bee-line for the bar. You part ways as you lean against the varnished counter, tapping your nails against the wood as you order a drink. 
"Hey! I didn't know you were gonna be here!"
You turn to the voice, grinning at him as you pull him into a short hug.
"I wasn't planning on it actually, but there was a little trouble in paradise so…"
He hums softly, giving you a sympathetic nod. "You're still with Johnny?"
You swipe your drink from the counter, taking a sip as you nod. "Yeah, despite what the media thinks. God, I can't believe people actually think I'd ever cheat on him. It really pisses me off."
"Yeah, it's shit. But you're here to have a good time. C'mon."
You roll your eyes with a small laugh as he pulls you away from the bar, letting him drag you into the crowd.
You're posed for a photo op when your phone buzzes in your clutch, and you can already guess who it is as you step away to check the notification.
where are you   8:05 p.m.
You close the message with a sigh, tucking your phone away to join your friends back in the booth. 
You hadn't noticed the constant buzzing of your phone as you go about the rest of the night, too busy dancing to pay attention to the device. It's only when you step away to touch up your makeup in the bathroom that you pull out your phone, sighing at the onslaught of messages that cover your lock screen.
where are you   8:35 p.m. where are you   9:03 p.m. are you still mad at me   9:42 p.m. missed call   10:01 p.m. call me   10:04 p.m. missed call   10:16 p.m. missed call   10:36 p.m. please call me   10:53 p.m. missed call   11:04 p.m. are you okay?   11:05 p.m.
You're about to turn your phone off when it buzzes again, and you huff out a small sigh as you answer the call, eyeing your nails as his voice cuts through the phone.
"Jesus Christ, why don't you answer your goddamn phone? I've been texting you all night. Where are you?"
You lean over the sink to prod at your makeup in the mirror. "Relax, babe. I was busy."
You can hear him grumble something under his breath. "Relax? My girlfriend disappears and doesn't answer the phone for four hours and I'm not supposed to get worried?" He pauses for a second. "Is that music? Where the hell are you?"
You roll your eyes, fixing your hair.
"I'm at a party, Johnny. Am I not allowed to go out alone?"
"No, I just would've liked a heads-up that you were gonna be out so I didn't freak out. Are you coming home soon?"
You hum as you think for a moment.
"Probably not, so don't wait up for me. I gotta go."
"Wait, are you–"
You hang up before he can finish his sentence, grinning at your friends as you emerge from the bathroom. 
You're sat on one of the uncomfortable bar stools when you feel a tap on your shoulder, and your expression tightens as you turn around.
"What are you doing here?"
He gives you a look, crossing his arms over his chest.
"Can we talk for a second?"
You glance between your friends and his cute little frown, sighing as you slip off the stool.
"Make it quick."
He ushers you away from the crowd and out one of the back entrances, eyeing your outfit for a moment before he speaks.
"Since when do you go to these kinds of parties?"
"Since tonight. Why do you care so much that I'm here? It's not like you never go to parties." You lean back against the cool brick of the building, mirroring his posture.
"Look, if this is about last night, I'm sorry. Those stupid rumors got to me and I was being an asshole. I was planning on going out to dinner tonight actually, but obviously that fell through..." He steps closer to wrap a hand around your waist, the other tucking some hair back. "Can we just go home and go to sleep? I really don't want you to be mad at me."
You push his hand down with a small scoff, but you lean into his chest as you stare up at him. "You're so stupid. C'mere."
Your hands come up to cup the sides of his face, pressing a short kiss to his lips that he chases, pressing you against the wall as his other hand settles over your hip. Your arms curl around his neck to pull him impossibly closer, fingers combing through his short hair as he hums against your lips. He draws back for a second to run his eyes all over your figure, raising an eyebrow as you let a small grin pull at your lips.
"Where'd this pretty little thing come from?"
He leans in to drop a couple kisses to your throat, hands slipping over your hips to grab at your ass through the silky satin.
"I was saving it for a special occasion." 
You tug at his hair to pull him away, sticking a quick kiss to his lips as you push a hand against his chest. "Let's get out of here before we get caught."
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twilghtkoo · 1 year
ride: rendezvous [part two] jjk
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“where we going?” “you’ll see.”
summary. you’re having one of the worst days so jungkook takes you to his favorite place
pairings. biker!jungkook x reader (f)
genres/aus. fluff, comfort, s2l, f2l, college au
warnings. slight peek of popular!jk, reader has anxiety, mentions of a panic attack
word count.
notes. this series is in chronological order so this is a bit after their first date!! a scene that i wrote is inspired by a tiktok i saw 🛐 guys i was deadass when i said i keep seeing motorcycle tiktoks on my fyp T__T it was so random but my brain somehow connected it to jungkook, anyway !!! stream still with you and likes/reblogs are appreciated >_<
[ series masterpost | masterlist | taglist ]
you failed.
you failed the test.
you stared at your laptop screen, the big, bold, red colored fifty-nine almost mocking you in a sense. if the nine grew a pair of eyes and a mouth it’d be laughing at you right now.
you don’t get it. you’ve studied for this test, knowing it’d play a big part in your overall grade, and you still managed to flunk it.
tears started to form, blurring your vision, before you remember that you’re in the library that occupy other fellow students that don’t need to see a mental breakdown and a forming anxiety attack. even though they probably would’ve understood. you shut your laptop and shove the electronic inside your bag, standing up to push your chair in to make your way to the exit doors.
jungkook isn’t here with you today. he was working on a project with a couple of his classmates somewhere on campus, you can’t remember his text.
and although you wish you could just dial his number and cry to him, you don’t. no matter how bad your chest is tightening. instead, just taking the bus home and already deciding to have a crying session with your pillows.
“see you later jeon.”
jungkook waves one last time to namjoon and taehyung, his classmates, before he heads in the opposite direction. shoving his hands in the front of his jean pockets as he takes his time to walk to the campus’s parking garage.
he can feel the stares of the people who pass by but he ignores them.
he’s reminded of the one girl who’s been on his mind and he pulls his phone out to see if he’s gotten any notifications from you. but there’s none.
that’s strange. he pouts at his screen, only a few notifications being emails from his teachers and some from social media. but they don’t speak out to him the way yours do. he’s familiar with your schedule so he knows you’re out of class already. you usually text him to tell him how your class went and spam his tiktok with a dozen of tiktoks— he watches them all by the way.
before he concerns any further, his phone dings and he freezes.
“oh, jungkook!” a girl shouts from behind him, waving to get his attention. quickly glancing at her before he starts to pick up his pace. is she from one of his classes? he can’t remember.
he gives a tight lipped smile before he starts jogging. “can’t talk right now.”
yn 👑
ur out of class aren’t u, can u come over? ;-;
you got home about an hour ago and you still haven’t broke down. the heavy weight on your chest was becoming too much, but why won’t your body let you give out.
you groan out loud, turning over on your bed and clutching your plushie that looks like it’s been through hell and back— you’ve had it since you were a kid, okay— tighter against your chest. hoping it’ll ease the pain in your chest.
the familiar roar of a motorcycle awakens you and you’re quick to hop on your feet and rush to your door.
by the time you open your front door jungkook was just walking towards you.
“hey princess, eager to see me?” he chuckles, brushing back the strands of hair from his forehead with his tatted hand. it’s the same strands that have you itch to brush them yourself. an action that seemed too intimate, you weren’t sure if you could handle that. but you wanted to test the waters.
not trusting what you would say if you opened your mouth so you nod.
“you okay? anything happened today?” he asks while stepping into your home after you told him to come in. it’s not the first he’s been inside your home, your safe space that surrounds colors, photos and a scent that screamed you.
from his questions, the tightening feeling in your chest returned and you wince.
your fists are by your sides, opening and closing.
“i think i’m okay, i don’t know. and yeah, something did happen.” you responded softly. he observes the way your eyes dodge his and lower at his feet. something was definitely clouding your mind.
he sighs. “wanna come with me somewhere? you can tell me when we get there, if you want.”
“where we going?” you ask, as you get yourself comfortable behind him, before circling your arms around him.
he kicks the kickstand off, turning his head with his helmet on. “you’ll see.” revving the throttle as you both head to your destination.
“a park,” you giggled. “are you healing your inner child?”
he smirks at you, helping you with your helmet. since your first date, every time you are on his bike he becomes so attentive towards you.
“no, but i thought we could go on the swings and if you’re comfortable enough you can tell me who or what made you sad.”
your eyes dance over to the vacant playground behind him and back up to his eyes that are studying yours.
“you gonna beat up somebody for me?” you joke, but his face remains the same but with amusement behind his orbs.
“yah,” you nudge his side with your finger making him break his tough side, finally breaking out into a smile. the mole under his bottom lip reveals itself and you have to fight yourself to not reach on your tippy toes and kiss the beauty mark.
he gently places a hand on your waist, pulling you along with him. “come on, i’ll push you.” he tells you, leading you to the two swings.
you sit on a swing, holding onto the rusty chains as jungkook gets behind you. the mulch underneath you both crunching from his chunky boots.
“don’t push me too hard.” you tell him, a bit scared.
he lets out a laugh, “i won’t, promise.”
jungkook and you fall into a comfortable silence as he pushes you, careful not to push you too high.
“i failed my test.” you confess, you watch your still feet pass by the scenery blur beneath you.
“and i’m mad at myself because i studied so hard for it yet i managed to fail. god, and i don’t even want to see how much it dropped my grade, i literally almost had a panic attack in the library, but i left, and i wanted to contact you but remembered you were with your classmates so i had plans to cry into my pillow and fall into a pit of self-deprecation—“
jungkook grabs hold onto the swings chains to still you. “woah, woah princess, shhh.” he comes around to crouch down in front of you.
jungkook has never comforted someone, never been in a situation where a person in front of him showed their weakness. but you’re different. the way your voice cracked before he cut you off broke something inside him. it was an act of instinct how he’s crouching in front of you, his hands wrapped around the rusty chains next to your hips. he doesn’t know the first thing on how to console someone but for you he’ll learn today.
“do you want my advice or do you want to be held?” he asks you, his eyes raking over your facial features.
you purse your lips, curling your hands into your thighs before shyly answering, “can you hug me?”
he softly chuckles before straightening his legs, his figure towering over you before he envelopes you in a hug. cradling your head close to his chest.
once you were engulfed in the boy who slowly yet managed to warm up to your heart, you let out small cries. your fingers gripping the denim fabric of his jean jacket.
“you can cry princess, i won’t ever judge you.” he mumbles, his large hand brushing your head.
you don’t want to scare him but those words make you cry harder. like you’ve always wanted to hear those words.
you gasp, the palm of your hand is covering your mouth as you turn to jungkook. “let’s play rock, paper, scissors.” you suggest, grinning at him.
you cocks an eyebrow, “for?”
“if i win, i get to take your spot and you have to sit behind me. but if you lose…hm..i don’t know.” you laugh.
“i really like you princess, but i won’t let you ride us to our death.”
did your brain even process his words?
you smack him on the shoulder, he doesn’t even flinch. “no, just to sit. please,” you beg, putting your hands together and poking out your bottom lip and batting your eyelashes.
jungkook observes you with a smirk. do you even know that if you weren’t begging he would have said yes to you. because you affect him in that way.
in a way he’ll do anything for you.
he scoffs, letting out sigh and bringing out his hands out of his pockets. “okay.”
“rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
you: paper
jungkook: scissors
“two out of three!” you exclaim.
he laughs but accepts it.
“rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
you: rock
jungkook: scissors
“rock, paper, scissors, shoot!”
you: scissors
jungkook: paper
“i won, you lose!” you bring your index and middle finger to cut his imaginary paper that’s his hand before jumping up and down.
he shakes his head. “you win,” he states, taking a step closer and leaning in.
“hop on, loser.” you jog over to his parked bike, throwing your leg over the seat to sit. you lean forward to grab the hand clutches with a big smile on your face.
“vroom, vroom,” you mimic the sound of the bike coming to life in an adorable way that has jungkook turning his head so you don’t see the goofy smile on his face. the way your figure looks tiny on the seat of his usual spot compared to him. your feet can barely even touch the ground.
he reaches in the front of his pant pocket. “let me take a photo of you.” he spoke, you nod giving him permission.
he quickly snaps a few photos of you before he finally makes his way over to you. leaving a mental note to send them to you and to look over them when he gets home. with one hand placed over your hip he manages to sit behind you. his legs are placed a bit uncomfortable but he doesn’t complain, instead he grabs your waist and squeezes it.
you let out a breathy laugh, “we look so silly right now. my feet can’t even touch the ground.” you wiggle your feet in front of you.
“what if i got a bike?” you ask, dipping your toes in the water. you would never get a bike, but you want to see his reaction.
he shakes his head, the wavy strands framing his face swaying left and right. “definitely not. bikes are dangerous, plus princesses can’t ride bikes.” he tries to reason with you.
you pout your lips, “princess peach does.” you mutter.
he scoffs, “babe, this isn’t mario kart silly. and, i enjoy having you as my backpack.”
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Unexpected 50
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Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, post partum, csection, suicidial ideation, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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Your promise to Lloyd is empty. You have no great urge to see Andy again. You’re embarrassed at the thought. Even a bit guilty as you accept that any sliver of excitement he brought to you has flown away. The return of your husband drags you back down to earth in the most desolating way.
You swipe away another notification. You don’t know how to reply to Andy. It doesn’t seem right to tell him over a text. Still, you can’t bring yourself to face him. Your last two conversations haven’t been exactly productive. How many times can you tell him this was never meant to be anything more than sex?
That’s when you feel rotten. You used him the same way you’ve been used. Just a release, a thing to make you feel better about yourself. Worse, he’s a widower. He’s lost so much already and now you’re toying with him. That’s hardly fair.
You sit with Luna on the floor. Getting down there was hard enough and you don’t want to ponder how you’ll get back up. She lays on her mat, raising her head to look around. She’s still needy but you see her changing. Maybe she sees the same in you with how she stares at you.
There’s a knock at the door. You brace yourself. You already know it isn’t Lloyd, he would just barge in. You know he hasn’t changed at all. Luna’s head bobbles as she tries to look around and you call for whoever it is to enter.
“Hey, we goin’ on that walk?” Harlen asks as he enters, already half-dressed for the dipping temperature. You notice the metallic red thermos in his hand, “I was hopin’ to get out.” He present the capped container, “got us some hot chocolate even.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet,” you make yourself smile, “yeah, that might be a good idea.”
“Here, let me help,” he sets the thermos down and crosses the room, offering his hand to haul you up.
“Go on, get ready,” he bids as he grunts, bending to pick up Luna from the floor, “oh, she gettin’ heavy.” He stands straight, “I need the workout anyhow.”
“I have a suit for her. Thermal,” you explain as you search the dresser against the nursery wall. The last few nights you’ve spent sleeping in the glider chair, your own fortress in a castle not your own.
“You let me worry about that,” he nears, rocking Luna in one arm as he takes the insulated outfit from you, “go get something warm on. You gotta take care of you too.”
You look at him. You nod. He’s the only man you can’t bring yourself to argue with, maybe because he’s the only one who’s ever really cared. You love that about him but it makes you think of your own dad and how he would rather his flask than to spend a single birthday with you.
“Right,” you surrender, “I won’t be long.”
You leave the nursery and head down to the guest room. The door is already unclasped but you don’t think much of it until you enter. You find Lloyd sat on the foot of the bed with the little crescent moon toy Luna likes so much. His eyes flick up as you sigh.
You ignore him and go to the closet. You take out an old sweatshirt and dig out some jeans from a drawer. You feel him watching you. You hear him get up and come closer as you take out a pair of wool socks.
“Gonna be Christmas soon enough…” he says.
“Oh shut up,” you snarl.
It’s his turn to sigh. He angles around to stand beside you, facing you, and puts the toy on the dresser. You walk away from him and he follows you towards the bathroom door. The very idea of him seeing how he ravaged your body, the stretchmarks and the loose skin, repulses you. You won’t give him that victory.
As you try to close the door in his face, he forces his foot between it and the frame, “you have to talk to me eventually. She’s my daughter. I have a legal right–”
“Why did you come back? I know it’s not because of her,” you lean on the door. He’s just as strong as ever. If he really wanted to, he could overpower you.
“You,” he says. “I was always going to come back–”
“No, no, no. Lloyd, enough lies. It’s over. You know that. Whatever made you want me, I’m not it anymore. So whoever you were out fucking, go back to them. You won’t get anything from me.”
“I didn’t–”
“Fuck. Off.”
You stomp his toe and he recoils. You take the opportunity to slam the door and flip the lock into place. You keep your hand on the door and catch your breath. You hear him on the other side, lingering, the friction of his touch dragging down the other side.
“Peaches…” he says.
You scoff and push away. You go to the counter and put down the armful of clothes. You look at yourself in the mirror. You don’t even feel bad for yourself, you feel worse that Luna has to call someone like him a father.
You meet Harlan downstairs. He has Luna bundled up and helps you get her strapped into the baby carrier that hooks over your shoulders. It’s much easier than the stroller, if not a bit of a strain on your back.
He tucks the thermos into the large pocket of his coat and opens the door for you. He trails you outside into the brisk air of late autumn. The chill nips at your cheeks and nose as you adjust Luna’s hood to make sure she’s cozy.
“Thanksgiving soon. Dot was talkin’ bout it,” he says as you walk down the long driveway, “she talkin’ a lot lately. Driving me a bit crazy.”
“Oh,” you raise your brows dully. You haven’t said much to her. You resent her for all those weeks of sticking up for her son and her tune hasn’t changed, “yeah, maybe… get a turkey.”
“Ha, come on, what are we gon’ do? Sit down for a family dinner? She just wants peace but she won’t acknowledge the battle,” he puffs as he takes out the thermos and untwists the cap. “Here?”
He offers you a drink first. You stop awkwardly to sip from the brim and thank him. He takes a gulp of his own and hums.
“Not too bad,” he comments, “was of a mind to add some whiskey but we’ll save that for later.”
You chuckle and shake your head. You set off down the sidewalk, keeping a hand on the bottom of the carrier as you make slow progress. It’s the sort of cold that wakes you up. It reminds you of the day you met Lloyd and you scowl. A year. More than.
As you come to the end of the street, someone turns the corner. You don’t pretend to be surprised as Andy approaches. He wears a navy cap, his hair poking out from the hem, and his cheeks are rosy above his thick beard. He smiles as he nears, even as his eye twitches.
“Morning,” he greets brightly, “how’s little Luna?”
You slow as he glances at the baby in her harness. You sway with her as she babbles.
“She’s good,” you answer as Harlan clears his throat. You sniff as you try to roll the tension out of your shoulders, “oh, Andy, this is my… dad, Harlan. Harlan, Andy. The neighbour.”
“Sir,” Andy smiles and offers his hand, “nice to meet you. You must be so proud of your daughter. And granddaughter. A beautiful pair, huh?”
“Beaming,” Harlan shakes his hand gruffly, “couldn’t ask for anything better.”
“Well, uh, I was actually gonna pop in. I found some more baby stuff and thought maybe you could use it,” Andy rescinds his hand, tucking it in his jacket pocket. “I could watch Luna if you want. Give you some time off.”
“Oh, Andy, that’s sweet but… I got all the help I need,” you peek over at Harlan. “I appreciate everything but I hate to take advantage of your kindness.”
“It’s no problem. Really. I don’t mind,” Andy insists, only girding himself as his eyes flit to Harlan and he squares his shoulder, “just putting it out there.”
“I’ll… I’ll keep you in mind,” you utter awkwardly.
Harlan’s silent. You don’t have the courage to look at him. You can feel the tension radiating off of him. He’s shielded in that cool stoicism that once made you feel so small.
“Well, you know my number,” Andy shrugs, “I’m sure you can figure out how to reply to my texts,” he steps forward, gazing at Luna as he coos, surprising you as he bends to kiss the top of her head, “buh bye, Luna.” He grins, his eyes meeting yours as he stands at his full height, “pretty, just like mommy.” He nods and looks past you to Harlan, “try to stay warm out here.”
Andy struts past as you step aside. You hesitate before you continue on, quiet as Harlan lets a hum roll up his throat. He clucks and cranes to peer over his shoulder.
“That’s him?” He asks. You can only nod, staring down in shame. “Ah, well… you keep space from him… for yourself. Man’s got something ‘bout him…. Something off.”
“I… I’ve been ignoring him so…”
“No, no,” Harlan intones, “no, ain’t nothing ‘bout you.”
You stroll on, the uneasiness in his timbre crawling over you in goosebumps. You look down at Luna and run your hand up the back of the carrier, embracing her a little closer. Andy could be a little overbearing but he’s harmless, right?
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scoonsalicious · 5 months
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Unwanted: Chapter 23, Undressed - Pt. 3
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Fem!Reader
Summary: When your FWB relationship with your best friend Bucky Barnes turns into something more, you couldn’t be happier. That is, however, until a new Avenger sets her sights on your super soldier and he inadvertently breaks your heart. You take on a mission you might not be prepared for to put some distance between the two of you and open yourself up to past traumas. Too bad the only one who can help you heal is the one person you can no longer trust.
Warnings: (For this part only; see Story Masterlist for general Warnings) Language, mentions of trafficking, Cunthrage (just her voice, but it's triggering for her, obvi)
Word Count: 346
Previously On...: Seems like The Wiggle Room's got some secret partners... and they might be someone you and the team area already familiar with.
A/N: You know what? Fuck it. Third part coming today; gonna leave you on a cliff hanger for your Friday!
NOTE! The tag list is a fickle bitch, so I'm not really going to be dealing with it anymore. If you want to be notified when new story parts drop, please follow @scoonsaliciousupdates
Banner By: The absolutely amazing @mrsbuckybarnes1917!
Thank you to all those who have been reading; if you like what you've read, likes, comments, and reblogs give me life, and I truly appreciate them, and you!
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“Sam!” you shouted as you burst into the safehouse. “I just hit the mother fucking jackpot of intel!” He was sitting on the couch, phone in hand as though he were talking to someone on speaker. A perfectly normal situation. So, why did he look like a deer caught in the headlights?
“Pocket?” Bucky’s voice came out tinny through the device. “Baby, is that you?”
Your entire body froze, all color draining from your face as though you’d just heard a ghost. The mission had taken up all of your headspace, leaving no room for Bucky Barnes to enter your thoughts these last few weeks, but now, all the memories, all the heartache, all the rage came rushing back.
“Lemme talk to her, Sam,” Bucky said.
“Uh,” Sam took in the sight of your clenched fist and the hard set of your jaw. “Don’t think that’s a good idea right now, Tin Man.”
“Don’t fucking tell me what’s a good idea, asshat. Let me talk to my girl.”
“Thinkin’ you and her might have differing opinions on that subject,” Sam said.
You needed to get out. Your logical brain told you that Bucky was Sam’s friend. It made full sense that he would talk to him. But your painfully broken, emotional heart felt that Bucky was just calling to continue tormenting you from a distance. Why was it getting so hard to breathe?
“Oh, hey, Bucky. Fancy running into you here.” Her voice was like a dagger to your heart. Even here, you couldn’t escape Jade Carthage. You could barely make out the sound of Bucky’s voice through the roaring of blood in your ears. You looked to Sam.
“They’re auctioning the girls to the highest bidder,” you told him in a monotone, not daring to risk any emotion for fear you’d come apart at the seams. “And I’m pretty sure Kozlov’s silent partners are Hydra.” Without another word, you grabbed your purse from where you’d deposited on the side table and walked out the door, ignoring the sound of Sam’s voice calling out behind you.
<- Previous Part / Next Part ->
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salemshotspot · 4 months
Shawn Michaels x Reader
Kind Of A Song Fic If You Squint?
DESC: Shawn helps the reader out when she can’t record to moans for his song as well as he knows she can
Female Reader [She/Her]
WARNINGS: SMUT 18+ MDNI//Slight Choking//Implied Possessive Behaviour//Age Gap//Not Proof Read
RED >> Song lyrics
TAGS: @dilfs-4life
Y/n couldn’t believe her luck, she had grown up both watching and loving wrestling. Y/n was a semi-successful vocalist who was mostly well known for her work with the wwe; remastering a great deal of wrestler's theme songs with a contemporary twist
Y/n was having an uneventful day, it was her first day off work in a while, although it was uneventful she appreciated being able to rest after a busy few weeks. However this rest did not last long, y/n’s phone mockingly lit up with an email notification causing y/n to sigh as she realised it was from no other than the head of the creative team at the wwe; y/n's boss.
‘Hey y/n,
I’m writing to inform you we are remastering a song for a wrestler’s return [who cannot be revealed as of yet as his return has not been released to the public] and he has requested you by name to work on the song. Your vocals will only be backing vocals compared to your usual main track vocals so please come to my office before the end of the day in order to discuss if you’d want the role and what it would entail both job and pay wise.
-the wwe creative team.’
Y/n stares at her phone in disbelief, not only was a big time wrestler returning, causing her to become excited as a long time fan of the sport, but they paid enough attention to her work that they wanted her out of everyone to work on their song? Although she was determined to enjoy her day off, y/n practically jumped out of her seat and began getting ready to go into work, even if she didn’t want the job there was no harm in turning up and hearing them out right? Worst case scenario she doesn’t take the job but finds out which wrestler is returning to the sport.
Once y/n makes her way into work her boss spotted her and pulled her into their office and invited her to sit down and began explaining what they had already said in the email but they began sensing the idea of disinterest towards the job from y/n which is confirmed when she began speaking.
‘I’ll be straight with you boss' she begins ‘in not sure this job is right for me, I’ve only just gotten time off and I want to take advantage of tha-‘ but her boss cuts her off with a devilish smile.
'Before you say no to the job’ they say picking up the phone and telling somebody on the line to ‘send him in’ ‘at least hear the man out who so desperately wanted you for the job.’
Y/n’s mind began to race theorising who could be coming in, could it be a beloved wrestler from the attitude era like Steve Austin, wanting to have a final run, wanting to add vocals to his song to appeal to fans or could it be a more modern wrestler who had been out due to injury for a while like CM Punk, finally ready for his return?
It was while she was theorising as to which wrestler it could possibly be that none other than Shawn Michaels, The Heartbreak Kid, entered the room and sat down in the chair opposite y/n. Once y/n locked eyes with Shawn her eyes widened as she was flooded with emotions; starstruck didn’t even begin to cover it.
Shawn cleared his throat, pulling y/n out of her trance; ‘it’s great to finally meet you y/n’ he says smiling warmly, ‘I was really looking forward working with you, I was thinking we could go into the recording room and have a practice run.’ Y/n began to protest as a wave of unexpected anxiety washed over her being face to face with a wrestler she grew up watching, she grew up fantasising about- ‘y/n?’ Shawn questioned, causing y/n to blush softly.
Y/n took a deep breath to compose herself and smiled at the man across from her, ‘ok, sure, we can have a test run but I’m not promising anything’ she says in an anxious yet teasing manner as both herself and Shawn made their way to the recording room after promising the creative director they will both be back in the office within the hour with y/n's answer about whether or not she is going to take the job.
Shawn closed the soundproof door of the recording room gently behind the two of them and motioned for the younger woman to sit down in one of the many chairs in the room. As y/n took her seat Shawn began pacing a small area of the room as he spoke; not before apologising to y/n for his pacing, claiming 'moving around helps me get my words out properly' he pauses for a second, 'I'm not too good with articulation you see' he says with a chuckle to mask his insecurity. Y/n assured him that he didn't need to apologise, causing a sense of relief to wash over Shawn as he continued speaking.
As he continued speaking y/n's mind began to wander as Shawn spoke; her heart began to race as the realisation set in, as she realised exactly what parts of the song she would be running through for Shawn to judge if she's the 'right fit' for the job. As Shawn noticed the woman growing increasingly more nervous he placed his large, rugged hand on the woman's lap, gently grazing his thumb over her leg, bringing y/n's focus back to the conversation before he continued vocalising his idea.
'The lovely creative director back in there has informed me that you're familiar with my song, so I was thinking we run through it as it is then if the stars align for me and you want to work on the rewrite we can go from there' he says almost excitedly.
'Sounds good' y/n replied sheepishly with as she went onto one of the computers in the recording room to prepare a backing track as the computers had all of the wrestling backing tracks saved onto them for the creative team when necessary. While she was preparing the track Shawn also requested that y/n also recorded the process of them practicing the vocals so they could listen back to it and see if either of the two have any improvements or changes in min; Y/n hums in agreement and pulls up a recording software.
Once each piece of software was in place and the recording had begun Shawn gave y/n a nod to begin, the young woman took a deep breath and closed her eyes thinking if she couldn't see Shawn she'd be less embarrassed and in turn be able to perform better.
'Oh.. Oh.. Shawn' Y/n attempted to moan out like the original version of the man's song but she was barely able to mutter the words, let alone confidently moan them how she needed to. 'Great' y/n thought to herself, not only was she completely ruining her chance at the job but more so she was embarrassing herself in front of Shawn Michaels of all people, she was expecting to open her eyes to find Shawn laughing at her pathetic attempt to mimic his iconic song. However to y/n's surprise when she opened her eyes she was greeted by the older man's eyes filled with patience, there wasn't an ounce of mockery in the man's eyes.
'I'm sorry' y/n began, but before she could continue Shawn cut her off, almost parroting back the words she said to him before 'you don't need to apologise sweetheart' he reassured her in a low register 'why don't you give it another go, imagine you're going at it with your dream man' he teased making y/n flustered. Y/n jokingly nodded and agreed to try again with Shawn's 'expert advice' in mind.
Y/n closed her eyes once again and despite her best efforts to not imagine Shawn, trying her hardest to fantasise about anything other than the older man making her a quivering shaking mess using nothing but his fingers- y/n gulped at the idea, feeling herself grow increasingly wet merely at the thought.
Biting her lip, y/n completely missed her cue, only realising once Shawn asked her through a smirk 'is there something on your mind doll?' causing y/n to to immediately begin apologising and attempting to explain away her making a complete fool of herself before Shawn stood up and stepped closer to the seated woman, towering over her.
'I think my suggestion worked a little too well sweetheart' he jokes 'who are you thinking of in that mind of yours? A little boyfriend?' He questions, emphasising the 'boy', seemingly mocking the age of anybody y/n could possibly be dating.
'I don't have 'a little boyfriend' actually' y/n replies, causing one of Shawn's eyebrow to raise in a curious manner at the woman; without missing a beat, Shawn questions back in a curious tone 'who was making your mind wander so much you missed your cue then?' Seeing the woman's doe-like eyes widen as if starving for light as she assures Shawn it was 'no one in particular' was all the conformation Shawn needed, he's been around enough women to know when one was enamoured with him.
Craning his neck downwards so his face was inches from the woman's, Shawn asks in a seductive whisper 'do you trust me doll?' To which y/n responded with a simple nod. With that, Shawn moved over to the woman's ear and instructed her to press record on the computer as he nipped as the skin on her neck teasingly, causing y/n to let out a desperate whine.
Shawn swiftly moved from the woman's neck, not wanting to leave any visible marks on the woman, Shawn liked to see himself as a gentleman and didn't want people seeing the young woman leaving the room covered in markings, people can be cruel and Shawn has the rest of his life to mark the woman's pretty little neck, this what he was doing now was simply business.
Shawn made sure he let his hands graze down y/n's body as he gracefully falls to his knees, once on his knees he effortless pulled the woman's loose fitting jeans down to her ankles exposing her panties, already soaked from the way Shawn had been lightly touching her. Shawn's eyes grew lustful with hunger at the sight. With an uncharacteristically demanding tone Shawn began speaking to the woman; 'be a good doll and make sure you’re practicing your vocals’ he demanded as he softly pulled the woman’s cotton panties aside, the softness of the fabric had nothing on the softness of y/n’s skin as Shawn firmly gripped onto the woman’s thighs, spreading them to the side to gain better access to the heat between the woman’s legs.
With a cockiness to him Shawn dramatically allowed his tongue to fall out of his mouth, practically gasping for y/n like a dehydrated dog, Shawn took his tongue and painfully slowly glided it over the heat between y/n’s legs until he found himself at her clit. He hovered over the aching ball of nerves, his hit breathe being the only sensation pulsing through y/n causing her to desperately push her hips upwards in an attempt to bring her clit and Shawn’s mouth into contact.
‘Tut-Tut-Tut’ Shawn mocks ‘you’re so desperate for Shawn to make you feel good aren’t you darling' he continues as he uses his fingers to open y/n's folds, revealing her wet hole, desperately pulsating at the thought of being filled. With his free hand Shawn gently pries the young woman's plump untouched lips open and slid two fingers into her mouth and just like it was second nature y/n began to coyly suck on his long, thick digits.
Shawn’s eyes glaze over at the sight of the young woman enveloping his fingers in her mouth so easily; ‘now how about we see if you’re this good at swallowing my fingers elsewhere hmm?’ Shawn states as he pulls his fingers from y/n’s mouth still connected by a string of saliva. With ease Shawn slides his fingers coated in y/n’s spit into the gasping hole between her legs, walls immediately clamping down on him in fear of the empty feeling it’ll be left with if Shawn dares removes his fingers from y/n. Once y/n had adjusted to the feeling of Shawn’s fingers beautifully stretching her in a delicate way which she had never experienced before Shawn began slowly pumping his fingers in and out of y/n, in his mind claiming her as his own.
As y/n let out a soft moan Shawn snakes his hand around her throat and applied soft pressure, not enough to hurt her but enough to get her attention, in a smug and condescending tone Shawn utters ‘I don’t hear you practicing those vocals darlin’ I bet you can do so good for ol’ Shawn if you try.’ This praise was enough to have y/n melting into his touch, eager to please the man who had her falling apart in his hands.
Once again y/n attempts the dreaded vocals, but as she opens her mouth Shawn’s fingers pick up their pace, causing unimaginable waves of pleasure to course through the woman; 'Oh.. Oh.. Shawn' she practically screams as Shawn praises her efforts ‘good girl, you’re doing so well for me.’
Although Shawn had all the vocal samples he needed he continued pumping his fingers in and out of the woman until he felt her walls clamp down on him, until the woman’s delicate hands gripped at his forearm; with a smirk Shawn removed his fingers become y/n reached her climax, completely playing into the persona which his song encompasses he stands up and almost cockily says ‘hands off the merchandise’ expecting a laugh or at least a smile from his y/n, however upon seeing her pouting at him for denying her of her first real orgasm; that being an orgasm from a man who knew exactly how to send a woman over the edge, Shawn grinned and whispered into her ear; ‘don’t get short with me darlin' if we get through this meeting with the creative director then I want to take you back to my place and show you what all the fuss about the heartbreak kid really is’ he teasingly nibbled on her ear and continued ‘what kind of a gentleman would I be if I let a doll like you climax in an office hmm? Let me show you how dolls should be treated.’
Y/n blushed, unaccustomed to this kind of treatment, in response Shawn grabbed her hand, helped her back into her pants and led her back to the creative director to tell them that y/n had agreed to take the job after all.
Shawn wouldn’t admit this to anybody but his heart welled with excitement through the entire meeting fantasising about showing y/n what a real man can do, he was excited to have her desperately pleading for him because he’s the only man that can make her feel good, but more than anything he was excited to make her his, after all, who better to look after such a sweet little doll than the wrestler whose gimmick was love?
A/N >> Would anyone want a part 2 to this fic? Drop suggestions/requests if you have any
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annab-nana · 9 months
Hi Anna!🥺 I have a request for your winter wonderland sleepover🥺
Scenario: told parents about SO and now you have to rope someone into it for the holiday with Eddie🥺🥺
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please i love this request sooo much!!
warnings: not proofread
❀ masterlist ❀
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that was the only question you could ask yourself as you hung up the phone.
why in the world did i do that?
why did i say that?
you had to talk this out with someone and there was only one person who could help you make sense of this. so, you got in your car and drove to the trailer park.
"hey- woah," eddie started to greet you when he opened the door, but you were on a mission, beelining it to his bedroom. he just shut the door and followed you there. when he passed through the doorway into his room, he saw you lying on your back on his bed with your hands covering your face.
being your best friend, he could normally sense if the issue at hand was a more serious one or a dramatized one. today, he was picking up the vibe that it was the latter, so he crawled into bed beside you and copied your actions.
"why are we laying here like this?" he asked out loud, his voice muffled by his own hands.
when you responded, he couldn't make out many of the words you'd said. "can you repeat that? i only got because, christmas, and parents."
you lifted your palms up off your mouth but kept your eyes hidden by your fingers. "because i'm an idiot. i didn't want my family nagging me again about not having a boyfriend yet, so i told them there is someone when there isn't so now, i have to find someone in the next two weeks or show up at my parents' house with no one and get interrogated even more so than i would've if i had just kept my mouth shut."
once done with your explanation, you let your palms drop back down over your mouth and groaned into them. your body rolled over onto your stomach and closer to eddie. he moved onto his side and brought his hand to your back.
"hey," he started softly while rubbing between your shoulder blades in a comforting manner. "i'm sure it'll work itself out. how many times have you gotten yourself into something and figured a way out? too many to count, so i don't doubt you'll do it again."
suddenly, you lifted your head out of your hands and looked at him, a mischievous glint in your eye.
"that's your not-very-good-idea face," eddie commented. "i'm a little worried."
"i don't know what you're talking about. i only come up with great ideas and i've got another right now. but, it'll take some convincing."
"just spit it out already."
"you love me, don't you, eddie?"
"okay, now you're scaring me."
"well, i was thinking you could step in and be my fake boyfriend for the holidays, just to get my family off my back, you know. you don't have to kiss me or anything. at most, you'll have to hold my hand or kiss my forehead or be close to me. but, it's perfect because you know me so well already. we'll just have to come up with a backstory. eddie, i'll do whatever to make it up to you whether that be do your laundry, help with d and d stuff, do your homework, whatever, but pleas-"
eddie cut you off. "i'll do it."
you weren't expecting it to be that easy. "really?"
"yeah, why not? wayne's working on christmas so i'm free anyway and based on the stories you tell, i've always wanted to meet your uncle charlie. i get something to do on christmas and get to hang with my best friend. i would've said yes before the whole speech, but now that i know i can get some stuff out of you, i might cash in some of those favors later."
you jumped to wrap your arms around him. "oh, thank you, thank you, thank you, eddie! you don't know how much a relief this is."
"yeah," eddie spoke, trying to ignore the way his heart was racing. that was the one thing he forgot about before agreeing to this whole thing. it was going to be hard to keep his crush on you hidden, but for you, he would risk it all. "no problem."
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canaidliafail · 1 year
stay grounded pt.7
streamer abby x reader 🌿
its been a while hasn’t it :D anyways part 7 is here now ✨✨✨ has some sad stuff has some spice but hey the girls are seeing each other again <3333 TW: I have never been to renfaire as that sadly is not a thing in my country and haven’t been in the US either so :)))))) shit won’t be the most accurate unless I magically go on a trip next month or smt.
not proof read, probably will never be either
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“Treat me like I’m nobody’s daughter
Just put your hands around my throat, Ain’t been to heaven but I’m close”
Your phone was blowing up with notifications and as a result you were shutting down, drowning in pure panic. Why did Abby post that ? No caption no nothing….People already speculated things about you two but for them to now know she had visited you….
It wasn’t that you minded people knowing. Not exactly ? There was a part of you that feared public relationships considering the fact that your previous ones didn’t pan out so well. They all seemed respectful and understanding but the minute things went south they would fill their pages with bitter remarks and shady posts. You wanted to believe Abby was different than that. That she would be better than that or at least would try to be for you.
As much as you loved to delude yourself that you had control over you throughs you knew the gesture had gotten into your head and there a small voice repeating the words like a mantra
“Mine, mine mine”
You didn’t like who you were when you were in love and you hated yourself even more when you dated someone but fuck, you were so ready to go through all that again for Abby. You did love her and the tension when you saw her, the chemistry you had and the heated nights made you dizzy with euphoria. It felt like you were molded to heal and fit each other’s missing parts.
You tapped the reshape button and posted the photo on your story and decided to be a bit bolder than before with the small caption beneath
“I won” and a pink heart.
If she would have an issue with it you would delete it and maybe your career would reach new peaks with a stylized apology video in your lavish living room. If she appreciated the gesture though…that would kickstart a fruitful new bond between you two. Hopefully.
Most likely
“Man it feels…empty over here. Alice is wayyyy too happy to see me though”
“Yeah no shit you’ve been gone for half a month” You said laughing all the way through as you watched Alice bounce all over the place and more from Abby’s left side to her right and bark occasionally. Abby had to shove her face away while she tried to eat a miserable bowl of soup that she cooked with whatever leftovers hadn’t rotted in her fridge.
“Half a month huh ... .Felt like its been barely a day” She said with a melancholic sigh and you just fawned at the sight of her staring at her dog lovingly and giving her a few good rubs on her chin.
“How are you doing over there ? Back to sewing?” She asked and turned to look at you through the camera. Its been around a day since you last talked yet it felt like it had been so much longer and it was a pleasant feeling to see the feeling reciprocated. Abby didn’t hesitate to jump on FaceTime the second she came home reassuring for the first 30 minutes that “its ok you can keep me company while I unpack” and “no its cool you can watch me while I cook my dinner” and so on.
There was a significant change in your attitude and in the way she talked to you. She was comfortable.
It made sense. You had eaten each other out 24 hours ago so to be shy on call would be weird and uncalled for.
“I haven’t done much in that regard but…I did deep clean the house and all. My neighbor brought me cake as well. Was pretty cute”
Abby groaned
“You have a neighbor like that and she never once made her gracious appearance to give cake when I was there ?! Fucking unfair”
“I think your loud moans scared her off Abs”
You said and bit your tongue a second after in shame. Oh you were growing to comfortable
“Fuck off. I know that you like that I’m loud”
She quipped with a shit eating grin and you blushed and buried your face in your palms
“Shut up. I- I don’t know why I even said that”
“Oh come on babe. We are way past that stage” she said calmly while eating another spoonful of her colored liquid.
“You would have a point but I…Give me some time” You mumbled and heard her laugh. You grabbed a wet wipe and started wiping your coffee table from the cigarette ashes. Your heart was beating in your chest content by the fact that she didn’t brush off the fact that you two were entangled like that and more than that, she seemed to want to remind you as well that things were happening between you two
“Ah also about the story sorry I didn’t ask before posting it. I’m not gonna say anything about our relationship yet. Not unless you want me to of corse”
You blinked and pursed your lips. Your brows shot up and your eyes turned to the camera
You asked and felt dumb the second the words left your mouth. She looked at you and seemed equally nervous. It didn’t exactly show but you picked up on some signs from the short time that you got to experience her up close. Her tongue rolling in her mouth and that half smile trying to hide a laughter of awkwardness and embarrassment. Her hand at the nape of her neck as if she was straightening the flow of her braid
“Yeah. I mean now that we are a thing I thought I’d ask you how you wanted to handle it regarding our…publicity because we do have quite the platform”
Her words were rushed.. You were quick to realize that this was her way of saying she wanted the two of you to make whatever you had official. And you smiled discreetly and turned to face her
“Let’s take it slow with our audience, yeah? Think we should take our time figuring each other out before we let anyone else do that for us” You reassured and she nodded her shoulders easing. She took in a deep breath visibly relaxed now and took another spoonful of her shitty soup.
Abby got you another gift. You didn’t know when did she even make the purchase but you were woken up a week later from the delivery man with a large box of items from your wishlist with an additional two things that she probably added in there herself. You were used to being the one making such gestures. Being the dominant and the one providing and over endorsing the other person in every way so to receive such…princess treatment was new and made you sit on the floor with the ugliest grin
“You are so fucking creepy now”
June spat with an equally big smile being quick to put two and two together.
“I can’t believe this is my life now. Can you? Like…she is too good. Too sweet”
She rolled her eyes and went back to her phone scrolling through posts and messages. You looked at the package and scratched the cardboard with your fingers,contemplating how to phrase your proposal.
“oh so what if I got her a gift too? Like something big?”
“big like…say tickets to visit her?” she said and cocked a brow
“no june i'm serious-“
“So am I”
you stared long and hard at each other. You weren’t sure when to even propose that to her. Things were going well but you didn’t like the idea that you could possibly seem needy or too eager. Which weren’t bad things per say but they did stupidly bruise your ego. You weren’t one to endorse such games and thoughts but you held Abby to such a high standard that you hated that any “strong” emotion that you would exhibit would scare her off
“As much as I would like to do that, I think I'll take my time. It's only been a week you know”
June shrugged knowing that even if she said something in the moment it wouldn’t change your mind.
You grabbed the box of gifts and made your way to your workshop.
“Hey june wanna come in here ? I could use your help with the chainmail”
“about our stream by the way…I have one scheduled for tonight. You can join and see if you like the whole experience . I remember you mentioning last year that you wanted to get into it”
her eyes opened up in awe and a big smile stretched her lips.
“fuck yeah Im very sure I wanna pursue this thing with you so if I’m not really throwing you off schedule Im in”
“I was just going to catch up with my viewers and have a chat since it's been a while since I last had a stream. Perfect time to introduce you”
You held the box of rings and continued working on the armor grabbing your tools in silence and left June to rummage through your makeup supplies to fix herself up. In truth you saw your friend's light falter while she contemplated her future with her uni and you were equally happy to make a collaborative streaming channel with her. You two were close -obviously- and you had the type of familiarity and humor that would translate well on the screen.
You loved working alone. always being your own model and your own manager. However working with Abby as your model for a change of pace, and having a friend to stream with didn’t sound so bad. In fact you finally felt like you could trust people more in ways other than shallow or superficial.
“Just act like Im there” Abby rasped, her tone significantly lower than usual and with the way she guided you throughout the call made it feel that way as well
“Touch yourself for me baby” she whispered tenderness laced with lust, her neediness visible through her voice. Your hand ventured beneath your underwear with your fingers sliding through the wet folds of your pussy with ease that had you blushing in embarrassment . It was relieving to know that Abby couldn’t see how terribly horny you were for her and you felt that she would be dangerously powerful were she to find out about the affect her voice alone had on you
You circled your clit with slow movements, struggling to keep the pace that Abby demanded of you the moment you heard her soft moans. heat pooled in your stomach again and every stroke sent jolts through your entire body as she indulged you with endless praise that eventually escalated to raunchy comments that made your spine arch of the bed
“you are doing so good” turned to “You are such a whore I can practically hear how wet you are from here, oh? You liked that didn’t you?”
You didn’t think you could actually cum from a phonecall. Hell, with your past partners you hardly even got wet when they were present and went down, yet now all it took was two fingers in and you came undone seconds later breathing heavy and covered in sweat.
You checked the time and realized that this whole foreplay had gone on for 40 minutes.
“Damn you…no wonder you are at the top 0.1% on onlyfans” You said mindlessly and heard her huff out a chuckle on the other end of the line
“That’s not what I do there. These one on ones are for you only and…and I'm just glad it went this good”
you rolled on your stomach and held your phone in your clean hand
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve never done this before and I was really nervous not to fuck up”
you smiled. You wanted to see her again. You missed her
she -mmhd- still too dazed probably from everything that went down a few minutes ago
“I wanna see you” you said and cringed the moment the words left your mouth
“Oh, you wanna facetime?”
you could hear the “????” as Abby tried to put the pieces together. You despised how much of a coward you were. Abby so far had carried the entire construction of this relationship. You could do this much
“I mean I’d like to see you in person, I..I missed you”
“Me too” her voice softened
“fuck I, I miss you already and it has only been a month I know but…Do you think you’d maybe wanna visit for spring break?”
Your lips stretched and cracked with a smile. You wanted to scream in excitement. It shouldn’t have been that big of a deal that Abby wanted to see you but it was, because she also wanted you to visit her soon. She wanted you
“Yeah that’s what I was going to suggest actually..I have been saving up ever since you left and..I could get tickets by the end of the month”
“Fuck yes that would be amazing and you can meet Alice and since its two months in advance I can look around for events or things you’d like to see?”
your chest swelled and your eyes started to sing. You muffled a whimper and lowered your head to swallow back your tears.
“love? are you alright?”
“ye-ah” you choked out and tried to wipe your eyes with the sleeve of your sweater. You were in love with this woman and you were so content with that feeling that you allowed yourself a few moments to calm down before you spilled your emotions too fast
“Sorry, I'm just happy. Yeah we could arrange to do some stuff”
“alright cool anything that comes to mind right away?”
You looked across your room at your wardrobe with all the victorian gowns and costumes you sewed for class
“I got them”
“For how long?”
“17 days as promised”
You heard Abby yell excited and smack her desk
“fuck yeah! I get to be my girl for half a month”
“your excitement is truly adorable and deeply appreciated” you teased while walking down the wet pavement to get to your afternoon lectures
“fuck off you prissy twit. As if you aren’t happy”
“No need to get all hissy at me. I am just as excited”
Abby started rambling about every event she found and asked twice on whether you were certain that making your renfaire costume’s wasn’t too much pressure which you reassured-twice- that you were building a portfolio this year so if anything you needed the extra work
“Not sure if you'd be into that but Ellie will be throwing a party and we were invited” she said not even trying to hide the destate she had for the woman.
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to but I won’t lie, I always wanted to see how you hold parties over there in the US”
“Again, you watch too many movies”
“Let me dream” you whined and she laughed
“Alright Im outside class and late as fuck”
“-as always” abby cut you off
“so I’ll call you later” you said, ignoring her remark
You hung up and walked in quickly making your way to your usual seat on the pattern table.
“Work?” the teacher asked and you raised your brows faking an apologetic expression. work- as in you were too busy double and triple checking the tickets for your flight and that they were on the correct airport and then you had to triple check that the airline company you choose would handle switching your luggage between flights and-
“yeah work” you answered and she nodded in empathy
You slumped in your seat and pulled out your phone scrolling through your list of things you had to finish working on and things you had to buy before leaving. This would have to be the biggest trip you’ve ever planned. not just in the matter of your stay but also regarding the distance of your flight. You chewed on your lip. The tickets required an emergency contact and you had put your mothers number. Someone you hadn’t even told her you were leaving the country yet.
You had to mentally prepare yourself knowing she would pull every fault and harm you’ve done in your 22 years of life to guilt you out of that trip due to her co-dependency issues with you. Such were the struggles of living with a widowed mother.
the role of the father and the “male protector” was forced on you. You started to suffocate and felt angry.
repressed anger that came and went in waves.
what if you were to permanently leave for the US?
Could you afford it ?
Would she support it?
Would you be finally free ?
at what cost though?
you opened your contact list and scrolled far down to your therapist's number that stayed there neglected after months of ghosting. therapy never helped. You doubted one quick session would solve years of abuse and trauma anyways but you were all out of options. You thought of Abby. Could you open up to her about this ?
You were filled with a familiar dreadful feeling of emptiness. Had the two of you ever even talked about anything serious ? You talked yeah, but if you were about to fall apart would she be there to support you while you tried to get back on your feet?
You locked your phone. This endless cycle of self pity was getting you nowhere.
During break you went to the schools cafeteria and got their shitty overpriced coffee for the sake of having limitless time to sit on the bar by the windows.
cottoncandy: Abby can I talk to you?
staygrounded69: Whats up babe? Missed me already?
cottoncandy: No I think I'm having a meltdown
you confessed without thinking twice and seconds later your phone lit up with her name. You picked up the call and raised your phone to your ear
“Abby I-“
“whats going on? are you alright? are you safe?”
she asked and you wanted to cry at how tender and careful she always was with you. You nodded even though you knew she couldn't see you
“I'm safe just…Abby there’s this issue that I'm not sure how to deal with… see my mom…I haven’t told her yet about my trip and she..she is very possessive and protective and Im scared”
abby was silent for a few minutes considering what you had told her
“Can she do something that will hurt you? physically or emotionally?”
“Her words have a strong effect on me abby…if she says something..she can change my feelings about anything. she can make me angry about things I wouldn’t be angry about and she can make me second guess everything. I want to see you and Im scared that if she says something off I will cancel everything and ruin this-“
“hey hey relax love, I got you” she soothed and you started tightening your fists your nails digging in the flesh of your palm deeper and deeper trying to calm your nerves.
why did I say all of this God Im so fucking pathetic and weak
“Sorry ignore everything Ive said Im just stressed with essay admissions and-“
“please don’t shut me out…you do it a lot and..I never want to push you but I notice when your mood changed and when your thoughts get the best of you” she said which caught you off guard and completely by surprise. So she noticed ? she noticed you?
she saw you?
“Does she know you are..dating a woman?”
“Oh yeah. She’s over that much at least. She doesn’t complain about that anymore now her issue will be that Im traveling so far…”
“Are you scared to make a trip like that?”
“No. I love flights and I know I will have a good time with you there” I trust you
you thought
“Then try to remember that when she tries to talk you out of it. These are your feelings. whatever happens after she finds out is about her and not about you”
You nodded and noticed your breathing pattern was starting to even out.
“Don't be”
“I don’t wanna hear it. I'm here for you. Whichever way you need me to”
you nodded silently. Abby probably knew as she trailed on how her day went and complained about Isaac being a bitch which made you laugh and loosen up
the three months that you were apart Abby fell endlessly in different slumps of misery and self loath. Her manager was making it exceptionally hard to continue their partnership
“You can’t post your girlfriend. Your income relies on been everyones sweetheart and you are fucking it up”
“oh am I? Cause I haven’t seen a fall in my profits and if anything things are going better than before. Isaac for once I don’t need to see my therapists twice a week and Im motivated to make more content”
He groaned and rubbed his temples trying to control his anger
“Abby this is insane. Right now things are well because majority of your audience has no fucking idea you are tied”
Abby got out off her chair and paced around the room running her hands through her braided hair and resting them on the nape of her neck. she clenched her jaw in anger. She wasn’t willing to sacrifice this
“Im not renewing our contract”
“excuse me?”
she turned around and stomped all the way to his side making him take a step back intimidated
“You heard me. Find someone else to leech on. There’s a month left right? Enough time for you to find a new pet. Im through with you”
She left his office shaking. Panic clogged her throat. She called Manny repeatedly till he picked up
“pendejo what do you want?!”
he sounded man and Abby guessed that she interrupted him from a date
“Im changing managers”
“huh? Wait, so you left Isaac?”
Manny asked and his tone changed immediately from angry to concerned and confused. Abby got in her car and turned on the engine while putting him on speaker
“Yeah I, fuck I dont know what Im gonna do with finances and all but he suggested I break up with corton or that I straight up break up and I wasn’t having it”
she said in one breath and started driving to nowhere in particular. she wasn’t ready to go home yet so she decided to go on a long afternoon drive till the sun set at least
“I'm with you but are you sure it was worth doing this for her?”
“I did it for me Manny. He has been controlling every aspect of my life for too long”
Manny knew that well enough by now. In fact he had also tried to suggest she switched agencies. Manny worked with Isaac as well but he wasn’t as affected by his antics as Abby was.
“Then you did the right thing Abs”
A week later she received a series of furious messages from Isaac calling her every name in the book all wrapped up with the statement
“I made you and you will be nothing without me like you were before I met you”
Abby took a screenshot and decided to use this as a way to terminate her contract sooner
That day when she went home a parcel was waiting for her. it was soft and heavy wrapped in brown paper. She recognised the sender immediately and ran inside to tear off and see the contents. It was her knight costume for renfaire. You had finished it and sent it to her.
she bared her teeth in a grin. The fabrics were expensive and you had the brilliant idea to make the shirt from feathersilk. A light fabric that looked like water and had the most beautiful flow with every move she made. You had handcrafted chainmail pieces along with leather belts and armbands. She held the pieces that looked like metal only to find out they were made out of leather and painted as well. She admired the finer details and every brush stroke of baroque details that you added.
She carefully put every part and smiled at the handmade page of instructions that you added in the parcel of which part went where. The fabrics had your scent and that alone aroused her to an unhealthy extent. halfway through getting dressed she leaned back against her couch that was facing a mirror and took a topless pic. She could use that later. she put on the remaining pieces and let her hair loose, admiring the complete costume. she hated that she had no idea what you were sewing for yourself. Would you make a dress ? were you also going to be a knight? She didn’t dwell too long on those thoughts as she shamelessly eye fucker herself cause hell, She did look hot.
That's my girls work
she thought proud like a bird puffing out its chest and spun once more watching as the cape dances behind her. Your reply was humble
“Im just glad it fits properly and that nothing got torn yet :’) I tried to add a double stitch to make sure the pieces would be sturdy but I'm still new”
She would have strangled you for your self demeaning attitude and then given you the messiest eating out session to show her gratitude, spit and all
“You are fucking gifted, and your paint job? This is insane”
“You deserve the best <3”
you said and she blushed. she sent you the topless pic where she only wore the pants and shoulderpads. She watched as you typed and deleted your text again and again until you settled for a
“We are fucking before,during and after renfaire. Otherwise I'm tearing your costume to shreds”
and she took that as a win
Abby all but leaped when she saw you and ran to your side wrapping her arms around you in a bone crushing hug. She was scared of many things. There were many ways a trip could go wrong before it even began but now that you were here in front of her she felt at ease. she took her time breathing in your scent and her hands entangled in your hair pulling you in closer. She feared she would cry if she extended the hug any longer so she leaned in to kiss you briefly before cupping your cheeks and asking about your flight
you smiled, lips streched with your cheeks a tint of pink
“It was good Abs. I'm happy that Im here now”
and she nodded biting her lip and leaning down to kiss you again
“me too my love” she whispered between the kiss and felt you slide your hands around her waist and melt deeper in her arms
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thegodmother007 · 3 months
My New Neighbor- Chapter 7: Pride & Prejudice
My New Neighbor Chapter 7: Pride & Prejudice
TRIGGER WARNING: This story will eventually contain violence, angst, threat of death, swearing, dark humor, adult themes like sex & drugs, racism, classism, sexism etc. Do not say you have not been warned
Chapter 7:
I got the notification from my bank that the $125 was dropped into my account a few days later & I was stoked. I already had a few things picked out & in my cart online that I used the $125 to pay for. It was then, as I clicked “checkout" that I wondered what Vi was going to get herself. My memory flashed in front of my eyes, remembering how Vi left Trivia Night a few days ago. I still felt a nagging in the back of my mind that I had upset her in some way. If I wanted a teammate for the next Trivia Night & to keep making money, I figured I would go and check in with her. I decided to text her, having gotten her number shortly before Trivia Night. “Hey, it’s Cain. Just wanted to see if your $125 dropped yet? I got mine this afternoon.” 
I left my phone on my coffee table, giving Vi some time to respond & picked up my gaming controller to kill some time before my shift at Dave & Crusters. After an hour or so, I took a break to grab some chips when I checked my phone to see that my message to Vi was ‘Read’ almost an hour ago, but left unresponded to. Maybe I am looking into it too deeply, but I had a pit in my stomach with the feeling that I probably did say something to her that may have upset her. I sighed and texted her again “Hey, did I upset you or something?” I asked her, and within 10-seconds, I could see she read it. I can see the bubble pop up indicating she was ‘typing’. I waited for her response, fishing through my cabinets for the bag of BBQ Chips I grabbed from the store yesterday. I hear a ‘ping’ and see Vi’s message across my screen. “Yea. That comment about giants being ‘better suited’ for hard labor was a bit fucked up considering I won us the Trivia Night...” My heart dropped reading that. I hadn’t meant it that way, I was just commenting on how they are capable of doing more physical tasks than us humans. I frantically typed back to her:
Cain: “I had not meant it in that way. It’s just you guys are better at the heavy stuff, that is all.” 
Vi: “You said you were shocked I am smart & could answer the questions during trivia night. You acted like you expected me to be an idiot.”
Cain: “I did not mean to underestimate you…”
Vi: “It’s more than just being underestimated. You treated me like the stereotype that Giants are bumbling idiots stuck in the stone age, is true. That is antiquated as hell.”
I felt a burning in my ears of embarrassment when I had to look up what ‘antiquated’ meant. Further showing me that maybe Vi is right, that I had the wrong idea about her. I felt like I should try to explain myself at least a little bit.
Cain: “I didn’t mean to stereotype you. I just wasn’t aware that there are giants who like school.”
Vi: “Yea, a lot of us like school & a lot of us are very educated.”
I could sense how matter of fact she was being in this moment and I didn’t know how else to continue the conversation. 
Cain: “I see that now. It won’t happen again.”
Vi: “Better not.”
I felt a twinge of fear crawl up my back at her last message to me. I couldn’t help but feel it was an underhanded threat. But at the risk of offending her again, I opt to say nothing to her about it. 
Cain: “Are we still cool?”
Vi: “For now”
I sensed she needed some time to cool off a bit, so I left the conversation. I looked at the clock to see my 2pm-10pm shift was not far away, so I went to grab my uniform & get ready. 
Cain did not respond after my last message to him. I assume to avoid further pissing me off, which is fair. I had been waiting for an opportunity to talk to him about his comment towards me on Trivia Night. Admittedly, I continued thinking about his comment about what Giants are best ‘suited for’ and felt like I was 10 years old again. 
Involuntarily I was reminded of the time that I ended up meeting a group of human kids on the outskirts of the countryside where I lived, asking if they’d want to play with me. Being 10 years old at the time with no other kids my age living even close to me, I felt so lucky to find 4 who said “Yes.” Three boys & a girl. She was the younger sister of one of the boys who was forced to drag her along, but she was closer to my age & cooler than her brother, so I was happy she was there.
I hadn’t played with humans before, but I knew they were very fragile & I had to be extra careful when we played. That was always drilled into my head as a kid, to give humans their space & always be gentle. My father had a few human colleagues who he interacted with from time to time, so he always lectured me on the proper way to act around them, when I visited his work. 
It was fun at first, we had a great time together. I was only about 30ft at the time, so the size difference, although large, was not as intrusive as one would think. Kids can make almost anything work if it means playing. 
We played Medieval Kingdom where I played the dragon & the others were the knights and princess who slayed the dragon. Then we played superheroes, where I was the villain who was trying to destroy the city & the ‘heros’ defeated me to save the city. After that, we were dinosaurs where I played the T-rex & chased after everyone. Of course, I went slowly, so the humans could ‘get away’ and hide. It was a lot like hide and seek, but you act like dinosaurs & instead of ‘finding’ someone you ‘ate’ them. I later felt weird about that last part. 
After a while, everyone grew tired and the sun was going down, so we called it a day. Before we all went our separate ways, the boys asked if I would meet them again tomorrow to play. Without hesitation I agreed and went home to tell my parents and older brother all about the friends I had finally made. 
After dinner that night, I found my older brother who was 19yr old at the time, in the doorway of my bedroom. I was on my bed, drawing, when he came in. “Can I talk to you for a second?” he asked, with a serious tone that I didn’t really hear from him before. That night, he explained to me that playing the villain, the dragon & the most dangerous dinosaur, was not a coincidence. My brother tried explaining to me that humans saw Giants as dangerous. Already knowing that we could accidentally hurt a human if we weren’t careful, I tried shutting him down. I did not like how he was talking about my new friends. “Vi, just listen…” echoed in my brain as I remembered his next words. “Vi, humans see us as monsters. You were the dragon today because they see you as a monster. You were the villain today because you’re the enemy. You were the most dangerous dinosaur because you’re the most dangerous person to them.” I fought back, telling him that I liked playing the dragon, I liked playing the villain and I liked playing the T-rex. We were just having fun, what was the big deal? “The big deal Vi, is that you’re seen as the monster & you’ll always be the monster to them. Tomorrow, when you go back, ask them to play a game that does not involve you being the bad guy. Let’s see how they react.” 
Determined to prove my brother wrong, I went back to that field the next day knowing in my heart of hearts that he was wrong. But it never got that far. I sat in the spot we met, waiting to see my friends walking out the woods that separated my land from theirs, just like they said they would. After about two hours, I went home. “They probably got into trouble or got sick.” I told myself & I went back the next day. Then the next day. Each day, I waited patiently, praying they would show up. Much to my heart’s delight, one of them did. Sampson, the older brother of the girl my age, came out of the woods on his own, hands in his pockets. His eyes stayed casted down when he saw me sitting in the field. I was so excited that I would be able to go home and tell my brother just how wrong he was, that my friends came back to play with me despite what he said. Sampson came up to me, looking over his shoulder a few times as if he was looking out for something. “Hey Vi…” He said in a weak voice. I stayed seated, asking him what was wrong. “We can’t play with you anymore. My mom and dad found out we played with you & said it was too dangerous to see you again. They said it’s my job as an older brother to protect my sister…” My heart stopped for a moment, paralyzed by his words. “Why do they think I am so dangerous?” I asked him. Sampson took a few steps back, looking away while saying something under his breath that I couldn’t hear. I leaned in closer to hear him better “What?” I asked. Looking up at me with a pale face & true fear in his eyes he squeaked out “They said Giants used to eat people and that some still do. All Giants are dangerous and you could kill one of us if you wanted to.” I sat back up with shock “But I would never do that!” I exclaimed, feeling the tingling warmth of tears threatening to pour out. Sampson nodded “I know! I told them you were nice, but they didn’t want to listen. They said if we’re caught playing with you, we'll get punished.” I looked behind Sampson where I saw Allison, Sampson’s sister hiding behind a tree & the two other boys, peeking from behind a bush. When they saw me spot them, they all resumed hiding, away from sight. My attention was caught once again as Sampson said “We can’t play with you anymore Vi. You’re too dangerous & my parents don’t want us talking to you.” I watched one of my tears hit the dirt patch where Sampson stood, muddying up the ground. He avoided my gaze, and wiped what I could assume were his own tears from his eyes.
After some moments of silence, I hear Sampson ask me “Can you leave? We want to play but we can’t if you’re here…” I felt my throat tighten and my chest felt heavy. Slowly, I got up, wiping the dirt from my pink shorts. I did not say anything to them after that, knowing that nothing I could say would come out as anything besides broken sobs. I was already embarrassed enough, feeling the sting of rejection & of my brother being right. I turned & walked back towards home without having spoken to any of those kids again, trying to hold it in until I was far enough away. 
I didn’t go back home right away, I sat by a creek a few dozen yards off from my house & just stuck my feet in, letting myself cry until I was out of tears. I wrestled with what Sampson told me “Giants used to eat people.” That cannot be true. I have never eaten anyone, I have never seen anyone else doing that & the idea of doing it made me feel ill. I didn’t want my parents to see me cry, so once I was good & ready, I went to my brother Bo’s room where he was playing with his video game system. He sees me in the doorway, sparing me a glance before refocusing on his game “What’s up squirt?” He asked me, not peeling his eyes away from the screen until the only response he got from me was my sniffling. Pausing his game and looking at me with concern, he told me to tell him what was wrong, and I did. 
He listened to the whole story and sat with me as a few extra tears fell onto my lap. “I’m sorry they said that to you, Vi.” Bo said, giving me a hug. But one burning question bothered me to my core. “Is that true, Bo? Did Giants eat people?” Bo looked away, sighing much like he did when he warned me about humans the first time. “Yes. But a very long time ago. Like, hundreds & hundreds of years ago. No Giant these days has any reason to eat humans now, not like when we were all fighting for survival in the Stone Age.” Being 10 at the time, I didn't quite understand history & what survival took back then, but I took my brother’s word for it. “But if Giants haven’t eaten humans in hundreds of years, why are they still scared of us?” Bo was quiet for a moment, contemplating how to explain it to a 10yr old. “Because like it or not, Giants don’t need to eat humans to still be scary to humans. Imagine a person 50x bigger than you. They can step on you, grab & crush you, heck even if they don’t know you’re there, you could still get hurt, right?” I nodded, understanding what he meant. “So what can I do to not be so scary to them?” Hoping he had a way I could get my friends back and at that, he frowned “Nothing much you can do, kiddo. You’re a Giant & you’ll always be a Giant. There is no changing that, just stay away from them.” That answer hurt almost as much as Sampson telling me we couldn’t be friends anymore. 
I sat back on my couch, putting my phone on the side table as I looked up at the ceiling of my apartment. I had hoped that when I joined the Human & Giant Integration Program, I would have found my Unit Partner was more open minded than the parents of those kids. I was hoping that I would have met humans who were as interested as I was, in bridging the gap between the two races. I felt a distant feeling of disappointment, similar to what I felt the first time I encountered this kind of hurt. I remind myself “You’re a Giant, there is no changing that.” I sat, thinking about the next year I had in this place & figured we were only a few weeks into the lease, I needed to give Cain more time to warm up. “Imagine a person 50x bigger than you...” I faintly hear Bo’s voice say in the back of my mind. I look at my hands, picturing them compared to Cain, trying to put myself in his shoes, but that was a lot easier said than done. I decided I would push the memories from my mind with a good workout to clear my head. One of the reasons I chose this apartment that hosted the Integration Program was because they had an excellent gym. Very few emotions can’t be helped with a hard workout & some sweat. At the very least it would give me some time to think.
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eshasunrise · 6 months
Deepsea Glass
This is a pre-Splatoon fan fic that takes place in Alterna, days before its destruction.
Selena (Saline, moon) is an analogue for Marina
Kohime (little princess) is an analogue for Pearl
Inspired by the squid ink panels reflecting the desires of humanity.
Read below the cut.
Selena wanted to bash her head against the wall. She was the project lead in Alterna's delusional corporate suicide cult. Sorry, she meant 'Happiness Research Lab', a once important figure in maintaining Alterna's long-term survival, now a haven for madmen demanding humanity return to the irradiated, flooded surface.
Her job was to figure out the logistics of building, and launching, a rocket from deep beneath the sea and into the Earth's soil. Needless to say, all calculations show the probability of successfully launching a rocket deep underwater was literally, no smudging the numbers, 0%. And that's ignoring the readings showing that the surface is still flooded, irradiated, and over 15 degrees hotter than is ideal for agriculture, let alone maintaining human life. And THAT is ignoring the fact that the force of the rocket would fracture the stone of the cavern in which the population is maintained, assuming the psychic backlash of every neuroLCD panel suddenly exploding from energy overload wouldn't kill the population outright.
So obviously, the higher-ups appealed to reason. Or not. Instead, they scrapped the research to start building the rocket. Needless to say, it was now up to Selena to build an anti-gravity device which could withstand the water pressure while her roommate and boss, Kohime, tried desperately to get the company to stop.
It had barely been 60 years since Alterna was finished and colonized, and yet already people were demanding the impossible. Small crowds creating conspiracy theories about the land being just outside the walls, as opposed to the waterlogged crag of the flooded cavern that you can very clearly see if you just switched off one of the panels.
Selena needed a break. She decided, if her job wasn't going to listen to her findings, then she wasn't going to bother staying the full day. Clearly she wasn't alone in this thought, as when she approached the door, she caught her roommate standing outside on her phone. Selena's own phone pinged a notification right as she opened the glass door, greeting the shorter woman's slightly embarrassed face. That didn't last long however, as she begun to speak:
"Oh good. I just texted you." Kohime said. "You wanna head out early?"
"Absolutely." Replied Selena. She was glad that she was living with somebody who had some sense. The two of them grabbed a frozen tofu desert on the way home (most of the non-seafood was tofu, as it was one of the few crops to easily grow down here), and Kohime began to complain.
"Every day. Every goddamn day, these fucking bastards keep fucking ignoring me! 'Oh look, the princess is mad again' like, no shit? I'm trying to keep you alive! I don't care if the goddamn escapists are profitable, we aren't here to make a profit! We need to focus on the future! Making sure there's a planet to live on, not running to our death as fast as possible! What are we, fish to an angler?!"
Selena sighed in agreement. She had nothing to add, as everything she would say has already been said. Instead, she half-listened to her best friend's impatient ramblings while thinking of how to cheer her up later. There was that one project...
"Hey Kohime." Selena interjected. "You remember that old shark movie we watched the other day?"
"Oh yeah, Jaws, right? You wanna watch it again?" Kohime responded.
"We could, but first there's something I want to show you."
Kohime's attention was peaked right as they got home. From the table in the back, Selena grabbed an audio device.
"I came up with this song while thinking of that movie."
"Oh, fresh! Lemme hear!" Kohime slipped the speaker cuff over her left ear. From it emitted a steady, slightly modern approximation of the shrine music her grandmother would play for her. It was a curious sound, but she couldn't figure out what it had to do with...
"Wait a sec. The chorus, is that-?"
A slightly mischievous grin snuck up on Selena's face, "yup. That was made using the two note progression from the really tense scenes!"
Kohime's face lit up like the midday skylight. "That's hilarious AND awesome! Only you could come up with something so crazy, I love it!" A giggle pushes her face into childish glee, while Selena turned to grab something else, hiding her guilty smile.
It's been twelve years now, but she still couldn't get over that phrase from Kohime. 'I love'. It makes her uneasy every time.
"You wanna watch another movie?" Selena asked, "I found another Jaws movie, although I think it's the third one. Don't know if there's a two we're missing."
"Oh hell yeah! Pop it in!"
An hour later, and Selena was thoroughly bored. This was definitely a sequel to the first movie she saw, but it felt half-hearted and phony, like the corporate slogans she had to write for every apartment and street corner back at her old job.
"Are you watching this?" She asked the small woman beside her. No answer. Her roommate had fallen fast asleep, clearly as bored as she was, and had let her head fall against Selena's shoulder as she dozed.
Selena felt a pang in her chest. A muddy feeling that followed every bit of affection Kohime had given her. She stayed like this however, in part to let her old friend rest from the nightmarish days they've had, and in part for the comfort she has in knowing Kohime would always be beside her, ready to take on the world, which day by day became increasingly relevant.
Selena slowly nodded off herself.
That night, an exhausting dream filled her mind. In it, she was swimming up waterfall after waterfall. She strained against the crashing current, believing that soon, she would find rest. But no rest would come. At the final hurdle, the last jump, she dove straight into the maw of a hungry bear, wearing the Alterna logo on it's forehead, and announcing her retirement.
Selena woke with a start. It was midnight, and she felt dumb for being stressed about such a wild dream. She didn't question why she had it though. She had been working too hard for too little. The research she conducted, the machines she built, all wasted on projects that would kill her led by people who would never listen. She needed to quit. She could do so easily in fact. Sleeping in her lap, having moved herself in her sleep, was the very person she worked under. All she would have to do is wake her and tell her she couldn't work there anymore.
And leave Kohime to fight alone.
Selena let her head fall back onto the couch cushion. She would work tomorrow, if for no other reason than to ease her guilty conscience. To make sure some semblance of sanity stayed in this broken order, just because she knows Kohime would never stop fighting. She's always been bull-headed, and they needed that now more than ever.
"It's is time for your shift at the Happiness Research Facility, Citizen 2117: Assistant Director KOHIME.
It is time for your shift at the Happiness Research Facility, Citizen 2224: Project Manager SELENA.
Have a productive day."
Selena's second waking was a slow groggy ordeal. She had barely gotten back to sleep, and it feels like she just had that nightmare. Clearly some time has passed, as Kohime was sitting next to her. Unusually though, she wasn't dressed yet. Instead, she had an uncharacteristically uneasy glower in her face.
"Oh, you're up." Selena noted.
A long, heavy silence dulled the air at her voice. Kohime continued to stare, pressure rising from her sleep-matted hair. Eventually, she spoke:
At her word, a deafening pause filled the room.
"Do you ever feel like...something big is coming? Like..."
"The end of the world?" Selena finished her thought. "Of course. Every day. It bears down like an ocean of pressure every time I have to think about that goddamn rocket."
"Exactly!" The smaller woman replied "it all feels like we're marching into the end, all over some vague dream!" Tension filled her voice. She lacked energy, however. Selena took notice and pressed the back of her hand to Kohime's forehead.
"! W- what are you doing?" Kohime was flustered.
"You're overheated." Selena spoke.
"Well, that's 'cause you-"
"No, I mean actually" she wouldn't let Kohime finish. Now wasn't the time. "You're getting sick. R.C.A.?"
Selena called to the AI transcriber installed as living assistance. "Contact the HRF. We're taking today off."
"Very well." The voice responded.
Kohime protested: "No! Without us, who knows what those idiots will do?!"
Selena was worried of course, but she wasn't going to let her friend suffer. "How smart do you think they actually are. The lunatics wanna fire a rocket in a closed cave, through the ocean. You think they can think through the logistics without us?" She prattled, hoping she was right. It was her last hope at this point.
"Come on. You need to rest, and they'll never figure out how to actually build a rocket in the few days we'd be gone. Plus when we get back, you can rub the fact that you were right in their faces."
Kohime couldn't help but laugh at that. "As if. They're heads would be so far up their asses, they wouldn't be able to hear me." She joked, coughing near the end of her sentence.
Selena chuckled back, "in that case, I'll build you a megaphone. Nobody'd be able to ignore you then. Better yet, I'll build a bomb-"
"Okay, stop right there crazy lady. Don't give R.C.A. the wrong idea. Plus, that'd totally defeat the purpose of stopping the rocket in the first place."
The two joked like that for a few more minutes, until the tension left Kohime's shoulders, and she nodded off again.
It would take a week before Kohime would recover. The anxiety from the escape project pushing them to the boiling point. It was only at the end of that week when she had rested enough to feel like working again, and scheduled their shifts for the next day.
When Selena woke, from her bed this time, to the work day she'd been dreading, she noticed that Kohime had already left. Nothing unusual there. She was always a bit of a workaholic, and the praise helped feed her ego. Selena would finish her breakfast before heading out.
Upon opening the front door, however, she was blinded by a scorching white light. The skylight above them was in overdrive, forcing her eyes down. On the porch, collapsed to her knees, eyes wide despite the overbearing light above, was Kohime. Her face was filled with fear as defeat killed what little hope had remained.
Fearfully checking her friends help, Selena would follow her unbroken stare to the neuroLCD panel on the West edge. There, where once was the image of a field with sparse green trees, now stood the image of a white rocket ship, repeating down the walls. The grass, which once had a photo-like quality, now rustled as if blown by the wind. Sparse depictions of clouds were circling the blinding sun.
To any other, it would be an echo of their deep-seated desire to reach the upper world. To the two women here, however, it was a monument to their failure.
Selene rushed to the far moat, from the shore of which she grabbed a raft, unconcerned with ownership. Kohime followed behind, having barely broken from her stupor, and praying her closest could find a miracle. The datapad Selene brought was connected to a terminal on the wall. The screen behind it flickered off, exposing behind it the rocket they had lobbied so hard against, somehow completed.
Selene swallowed her fear as the datapad downloaded the Alterna Logs only people from the Happiness Research Facility has access to. The log read as follows:
HRFLog004.02: The Divide
As humanity began it's foolhardy errand to escape their salvation, a small group of resisters, lead by those scientists from the first generation, had resisted the change.
Amongst these were two high-ranking officials who had researched the surface, and concluded escape would doom humanity. These two would be the head speakers, and last bastions, of the Preservationists.
Rather than heed their warnings, those who profited from the Escapist movement would instead sabotage the resistance, slipping a mild poison into one researcher's water.
With the voice of opposition in recovery, the Preservationists were left without a rallying point, and a new fervor would grip the escapists. Thus, the rocket would be built in record time.
Awaiting further data.
Selena's heart dropped. A deep, fervent rage built in her heart. They had nearly killed her closest friend, over this pipe dream?! They would doom humanity for their pride?!
Her rage was interrupted, however, by a deafening scream of anguish. Having read the report on her own datapad, Kohime collapsed into a ball, shaking the raft beneath them. Selena steadied herself, then crouched to her friend.
She was yelling, but a defeated misery filled her voice. She was not just screaming out of anguish, but because she couldn't find the strength to control her voice. Selena watched in pain as, for the second time ever, she watched her friend's heart break. She grabbed the girl and held her close, ignoring the pain in her ears. She needed to help her, to make her happy. Something to make her smile. Something she...
A familiar tune resonated from the wall behind her. The neuroLCDs picked up on Selena's desire, and reflected a memory of a week ago, the smiling face of her closest friend. The sound that played was the song she wrote, and Kohime took notice. Her crying slowed as she looked towards the reactivated panel. She couldn't help but laugh.
"Look, it's us." She barely managed to croak through tears. She hummed sobbing in a strained voice to the song that played, while holding desperately to Selena's waist.
This brief reprieve would not last. Those other researchers would hear the song, and, seeing the crying girl, wished for her to be happy. The rocket would be starting it's test launch after all. Soon, she could go home.
As the song spread, more and more people would hear it, carrying with it the image of the surface and the big white rocket. Soon, people began to sing along, making up lyrics that blurred together, as an anthem to the freedom they strived towards. All the while, the woman who wrote the song wondered how her feelings were strong enough to override the panel.
She wouldn't have long to wonder, though, as the nearest panel changed again, this time to a scene all too familiar. A scene she had avoided for so long. As it played, the sobbing in her arms changed to a wretched scream.
At once, two voices spoke. The same person twice, one screaming to a world that would not hear, the other whispering to her closest friend, who alone would listen to her once and once again.
"Is it alright if we talked?"
"I wanted to get something off my chest..."
"It feels like we've known each other forever"
"And I needed to tell you"
"Just how important you are to me."
"I love you"
"I love you so much."
"You don't have to respond"
"And I'm sure you don't feel the same way"
"But I wanted to be honest"
"I've always felt this way"
"And maybe, if you're willing"
"We could go out some time?"
A lump held in Selena's throat. She knew what was about to happen. She felt it. She tasted it. Regret boiled in her stomach. And here at the end, she could only manage one more sentence.
Behind the wall, the rocket's thrusters burst to life.
"I'm sorry."
At her final word, the pain of her closest friend before her once and once again, the wall cracked. The crying smile shattered into a thousand pieces, lacerating the overflowing wrath. Selena tried to hold onto Kohime's dying body, but was pushed back by the torrent erupting from the wall in front of her.
As Selena fell deeper and deeper beneath the flooding water, shards of neuroLCD shone around her. In each reflected the memories that replayed in her mind. Not the plans to maintain Alterna, and not the speeches she gave to the reckless businessmen that doomed them.
Her memories were of the happy times. The days in University she spent learning. The machines she managed to make float in the air. The simple Japanese style tune she composed from the Jaws theme. The grin on Kohime's face when she showed her.
The times she and Kohime would complain about work. The praise she received when Kohime was in charge. The sleeping face of Kohime resting her head on her shoulder. The day Kohime confessed, and how she stayed beside her despite rejection.
Selena scolded herself as air left her lungs. She should have spent more time with Kohime. She should have done what she could to make her happy. She should have humored her, just to see her smile one more time. She should have loved her.
She already loved her.
Selena's thoughts were clear in her final moments. She already loved Kohime. She had spent her life seeking that attention, that love, which was always reciprocated, and she never paid it any mind, taking for granted the bond they had shared.
Warm tears of regret mixed with the bloody seawater, as Selena's thoughts betrayed her feelings. Her love. Her fear. Her shame. Reflected in the shards of the neuroLCD, her memories changed to the visage of Kohime. Her smiles, her rage, her sadness, her love. All surrounding her in the deep dark ocean. Even as her sight went dark and her thoughts slowed, all she could see was Kohime's proud, loving face, smiling back at her, as if everything would be alright.
She should have loved her.
She should have loved her.
She should have...
Tens of thousands of years later, a young woman, barely 18, nervously approached the loud stranger on Mt. Nantai. Just a few months earlier, she had defected from the army she was raised by, inspired by a strange song she had heard. A simple, repetitive shrine song performed by enemy mercenaries. One which filled her with fear, love, and a dream of freedom. One which, two days earlier, she heard screamed from the other side of the mountain, as if sung by a particularly skilled jet turbine.
Five years after, at the height of her career, Marina Ida ducks backstage at the end of her band's world tour. At her side, marches the proud woman who found her, one Pearl Houzuki.
The small woman looks back at her, and flashes a proud grin, as if telling her that everything would be alright. At this, only one thought echoed in Marina's head.
I love her.
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lyrakanefanatic · 6 months
Fic request-
Hawthorne family drama reveals Calla has a bf and then it's just a chain of revelations about EVERYTHING (Michael's slutty tattoo he got when he was drunk. hannah, calla and kylie sneaking off to a college party. Nia trying to fix Mara's oven and setting it on fire. Lucas gambling 10000 dollars in vegas. and the fact that essentially most of them have bfs/gfs)
Ik it's lengthy but would love to read it write at your leisure 🫶
It was Thanksgiving at Hawthorne house, and I was still thinking about the party from last night. Me, Hannah, and Kylie all decided to sneak out to go to a college party that my boyfriend’s brother was hosting, because we thought it’d be fun. Unfortunately, Michael caught us in the act. He promised he wouldn’t tell, but it’s Michael. Nothing lasts a secret in his mouth for long. And, if my dad were to find out I snuck out, let alone had a boyfriend, I would be dead. I was busy contemplating my life when a voice calls me back to the present.
“Calla? Hello?” My mom asks, a frown on her face. I snap my head up, my nerves shaking my body.
“What? Sorry, what is it?” I ask, praying that she didn’t find out about the party. Instead, her expression clears and she gestures to the bowl of mashed potatoes beside me.
“Do you mind passing those?” She asks me. I quickly grabs the bowl and hand it to her, my hands shaking the littlest bit. My mom seemed to sense my jitters, because she studied my face for a moment before taking the mashed potatoes from me. I released a breath of air before glancing at Michael for the millionth time that dinner, just to make sure he wasn’t going to say anything. He smirks at my nervousness, and looks away, a twinkle in his eyes.
“Hey, Gray,” He calls. My dad perks up and immediately my heart starts racing. Is he gonna snitch? Instead, Michael points to the stuffing by my dad’s plate. “Could you pass the stuffing?” He asks. Immediately, I let out a relieved sigh as I send Michael a glare, but he just grins back and adds more stuffing to his plate.
“There was such a big college party last night. This guy in my class hosted it, and almost everybody went.” Mara said, casually. She didn’t know about the fact that me, her sister, and Hannah went to that party, and immediately my heart started speeding up again. Then, her phone gets a notification and she goes on it.
“No phones at the dinner table.” Nash tells her.
“I know, I’m just checking some photos someone posted from that party last night, it was so-“ She cuts off suddenly. “Hey, that’s so weird, there’s a girl here that looks a lot like Hannah!” She says. My heart drops and Hannah, from across from where I was sitting, chokes on her water. I send Mara a look, but she’s already showing the photo to Avery, not thinking it actually was Hannah. Avery grabs the phone and looks closer, before gasping.
“That is Hannah! What were you doing alone at a college party?” She accuses. Before she can respond, my dad takes the phone from her and keeps swiping to look for more photos, before freezing.
“Well, she wasn’t alone. Calla, is this you kissing a guy in the photo, or are my eyes just tricking me?” He says, his voice calm yet absolutely dangerous. Everybody goes silent. I scramble for a response, when Kylie speaks.
“I was there too.” She says with a sigh. Good on her for not letting us get all the blame. Immediately, Nash and Libby start chastising her, but me, Hannah, and Kylie all glance at each other. We had a last resort if this were to happen, and that last resort was to throw Michael under the bus. We both nod at each other, before turning to the parents.
“Michael got a giant tattoo on his arm when he was drunk!” I shouted, pointing at him. Michael gasps and immediately gives me the coldest glare I had ever seen.
“Seriously, Calla? I’m not even the one who snitched!” He shouts, throwing his hands up in the air. Jameson and Avery both start yelling at Hannah and Michael, meanwhile me and my dad look at each other. My dad and mom weren’t the type to yell at me in public, but I fear for my life on the drive home. The stare he gave me, was in a word, murderous, and I doubted I was going to see my phone in the next week or two. I gulp, when Nia starts speaking.
“Wow, you guys have some crazy dirt on each other. I’m just glad this isn’t about the fire.” She said with a shrug, before glancing down at her food. I give her a confused look, when suddenly Mara gasps.
“Wait, were you the one who set my oven on fire? You told me it was broken!” She yelled accusingly. Nia immediately notices her mistake and makes a face.
“It was broken. After I touched it.”
“Seriously, Nia? You too? Are there no normal kids left in this household?” Max complains. Avery sighs and rubs her temples.
“Well, Xavier, Mara, and Lucas, you guys seem to be the only non trouble kids left.” She says with a sigh. They all nod, but give each other looks. Lucas sighs as well before speaking.
“Mom, don’t freak out, but I’m pretty sure almost everybody here has a girlfriend or boyfriend.” He says. The entire table groans and yells at Lucas, and I’m pretty sure the adults have had enough.
“Seriously, Lucas? Well, since you want to act like you’re the ‘innocent’ one, why don’t you tell mom what you did in Las Vegas last weekend?” Michael yells, pointing at him. Lucas gives him a warning glare, before speaking.
“I didn’t do anything in Las Vegas last weekend.” He said, his voice low and threatening. Michael, obviously, either does not take the hint or just doesnt care.
“Sure you don’t. Mom, Lucas gambled 10000 dollars just at one casino!” He shouts. Avery exploded.
“10000 dollars? Lucas, do you realize how much money that is? You are all in so much trouble, you don’t even know it!” She shouts back.
“Oh I know it.” Hannah mumbles, still scared for her life.
“What was that?” Avery snaps.
“Nothing mom.” I finally look at my own mom, who really just looked disappointed, and gave me a look that said, “Really, Calla?”. I look down at my lap and randomly, start laughing. It immediately goes silent as I slap my hand over my mouth, trying to contain my giggles. It wasn’t like I was happy about this situation, but it was either laughing or freaking out.
“Oh, we are all dead.” I say, laughing harder. Hannah giggles and soon she’s laughing too. Xavier, who had stayed silent this entire time, frowned.
“I’m not dead.” He says. I gave him a look that said, ‘shut it and enjoy the fact that nobody ratted you out’, and he took the advice by looking down and not speaking again. Jameson suddenly slaps his hands together and rubs them quickly.
“Well, that was an eventful dinner. Except we should all be getting home, because we have children to ground, phones to take away, and rules to be made ironclad.” He says. Groans circle through the table, and immediately my mom speaks.
“Don’t act like we’re the ones who told you to do stupid things. You’re all grounded, Xavier and Mara being the only exception. Calla, give me your phone, get your stuff, and get in the car.” She says, her voice somehow even. I sigh, before getting up, giving her my phone, and grabbing my purse and jacket. Hannah stands up with me.
“I’d love to walk to you all to the car.” She says. My parents try to refuse, but she immediately takes my arm and walks me outside. As soon as we’re outside, she starts speaking.
“Good luck soldier. I’m lucky I have other siblings for my parents to yell at; you’re the only one in your family.” She says, reassuringly rubbing my back. I sigh, just thinking about how long I’m gonna be grounded for.
“I bet 5 dollars that I’m getting grounded for two weeks.” I say. She snorts.
“Sure. At this point, I’ll just give it to you because I feel bad.” She says. I hear the front door open and my parents walk out, my dad’s face completely unreadable. They walk past me and into the car, and I follow them. Hannah does too, probably holding off the lecture for as long as she can. She waves to us as my dad pulls out of the garage, and he drives off. There’s silence for exactly 4 seconds before he looks in his rear view mirror at me, the look on his face dangerous and threatening. When he finally speaks, his voice is the exact same, except low.
“So, where were we?”
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