#i can make any csh song abt him
nose-coffee · 29 days
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Hey Space Cadet (Beast Monster Thing In Space) by Car Seat Headrest vs. Dirk Strider (Homestuck)
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dogcodedcatboy · 4 months
cinnabar, jasper, salmon, rosewood, and apple red (if u want!! i feel like aaroman/waystarshipping double date could be real silly) !! >:3
HI JERM <3 <3 sorry this sat in my inbox forever i was so scareds abt my stewpid surgery but then it got POSTPONED anyway i can answer this now :3c
Cinnabar: If you had matching couple items, what would it be? Would it be matching accessories, matching stuffed animals, etc?
OKAY SO...i do have a preexisting bit abt this. roman obviously buys aaron nice things. bc billionaire. and aaron is like :D but. he also wants to give roman gifts even though it's highly silly/he makes like 20 bucks an hour Nd cant afford any 'nice' shit. anyway. he's like. babe. hey. i got us something. yeah. its matching jewelry. mhm. bracelets. yeah. and then whips out these things ... (roman DOES WEAR IT ON OCCASION whenever he wears his beaded bracelets....thanks kculk for not removing them in tbat once scene bc now roman is a bracelet guy too)
Jasper: What's a song that reminds your f/o of you? A song that they'll hear and will always think of you.
i think aaron is capable of getting roman into csh so cute thing is the first song that comes to mind for me !
Salmon: If you and your f/o played something like the Newlywed Game together, how well do you think both of you would do?
ooooo this is very silly ive never thought of this. well. assuming its far enough along into their relationship that they can couple mindmeld a little i think they would do pretty alright for themselves. i would say roman considers aaron the person who knows him best.
Rosewood: If your f/o drew you, how would that drawing exactly look?
wretched, but adorable! if romans handwriting is any indication of his artistic skills its definitely rough. but, if roman ever handed aaron a stick note doodle of him or something he would literally keep it forever snd ever, so.
Apple Red: the asker sends this one with the name of one their f/os as well, or let's you decide which f/ o!] Double date! How's that going to go? Do our f/os get along with each other?
WAYSTARSHIPPING AAROMAN DOUBLE DATE....oh. i would love to discuss this. roman and greg are def. interesting. to be around, just the two of them. roman would also be sooo weird about being on a /double date/ and greg seeing him experience like. any romantic type feeling towards another person. aaron and greg would get along well bc theyre close in age and i think share some similar interests. aaron is def pushing for a karaoke bar. 100 percent. idk how everyone else would feel abt that idea but roman is playfully grumpy abt it.
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voidcat · 3 years
Thank you so much for listening!! I'm really grateful! Thank you!!! And yes please info dump me on the lore of csh! And more song recs! And you were talking about a song by twin fantasy? That too! - 🐬anon
🥺🥺🥺🥺 u can talk to me any timeeeee! If it makes you feel more at ease we can talk on discord too, whichever you prefer!
Omg,, ask and you shall receive!!!!
I’ll leave the infodump to another day but write down a quick info regarding Twin Fantasy because there are actually two of them…
So in 2011, Will Toledo releases TF (Mirror to Mirror) during his teen years the band is mostly just him and though the album is about a relationship he had, the songs’ order isn’t chronological regarding the themes and the progress of the relationship,,
Years later CSH is more of a band and they make a deal with Matador Records and Twin Fantasy is rerecorded as TF (Face to Face). Most songs have a major improvement in terms of singing and instruments and lyrics are mostly the same,, I think the biggest chance of a song is Famous Prophets and I for one prefer the 2018 version (note; 2011 version is FP Minds & 2018 is FP Stars) oh and there’s an extra added to the end of the song Bodys in the 2018 version… I just skip it when I reach there at this point djfjfj I like the cozy vibes of Bodys 2011 a lot though (my fav song however is Sober to Death… I can talk abt it all day jfjfjfj)
The last three songs in the album hit A Lot esp when played back to back. On my experience (and some others) at first listens, they blend into the background mostly, the other songs stand out a lot more but once you hear the lyrics consciously, there is no going back they’re so good and frustrating🥲🥲
High To Death is the one that is the perfect “stare at your ceiling while lying down on the bed/floor at 3 in the- oh is it 4 already? Oh well…” song I love it a lot. It really has the vibe of feeling like you’ve started to gaze into your life as an audience to a show and not the very person living that life. It feels like you’re trapped in a bubble while you watch the world go by, unable to do anything, touch anything, have any effect on anything… I love it
Jdjfjf I talked too much already but tysm for letting me talk abt CSH I May not have the good old CSH Brainrot anymore but I love talking abt the songs jdjfjfjf I hope u like Twin Fantasy!!
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