#i can totally see the mini marshmallows
junekissed · 1 year
marshmallow movie dates
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member  — husband!vernon x reader genre — fluff, humor, rom-com word count — 1.3k warnings — mentions of food (cocoa with marshmallows), none other than that but they're disgustingly sweet and domestic does that count? notes — this is my 2022 carat gift exchange present for @hvcmixtape!! this was so fun to write bc vernon is just such a silly funny guy he has such husband energy 💔 merry christmas and i hope you enjoy! from, your secret santa - june :))
one reblog = one stolen mini marshmallow
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after too many long weeks in a row of coming home late and not being able to spend more than a couple hours together before rushing off to bed, you and vernon finally have a few days off for the holidays.
you’d spent christmas day at his parents’ house for christmas, a day filled with laughter and hugs and gifts and good food. dinner had been at your family’s house last year, but you hadn’t been able to stay for long because you had work that night. you’d barely had time to exchange gifts and a few kisses before you had to rush off. despite the copious amounts of holiday decorations around your house, because you were both so busy it had been a while since christmas had really felt like christmas. 
but this year was different. finally being able to sit down with your friends, to tell stories and catch up on everyone’s lives. sitting next to vernon’s sister at dinner and giggling about the things he does that are definitely weird, but endearing in his own vernon sort of way. 
and with both of you having the day after christmas off work as well, you can come home and just… take it easy. not having to worry about how early you need to get up tomorrow or planning your meals or prepping your work. just relaxing.
so, according to vernon, “this calls for a movie marathon!”, complete with matching blue silk pajamas, and candy cane striped socks, and piles and piles of blankets.
you sigh, flopping down on the couch. “i’m too tired to do anything,” you whine, reaching your arms out to make grabby hands at vernon as he walks into the living room carrying your matching mugs monogrammed with your initials on them. “come sit with me?”
he sticks out his bottom lip. “but your cocoa’s gonna get cold!”
you slide down against the couch, legs stretched out. “but i want to cuddle with you,” you pout back at him.
he groans, but he sets the cocoa down on the table before jumping onto the couch next to you, and you yelp as the cushions bounce under his weight.
he lets out a deep exhale as you both sit in silence, watching the snow flurry around outside the window. the atmosphere is calm, neither of you wanting to say anything to break the peaceful quiet that surrounds you.
and everything about today has been so nice, you don’t even mind when vernon falls asleep with his head on your shoulder. even when he starts snoring, because you fall asleep quickly after that.
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when you wake up it’s dark outside and the kitchen light behind you is on, and vernon’s no longer next to you. you blink slowly, your eyes adjusting before you notice the fluffy white blanket draped across you, tucked behind your shoulders so you’re totally wrapped in it.
you stretch your arms above your head, the blanket slipping down as you arch your back and let out a yawn. you hear your name called, and you twist around on the couch to see vernon walking towards you.
you break into a smile when you see him, slowly waking up. “hi.”
“morning, sunshine,” he says, leaning down to kiss you.
“what time is it?”
“almost nine,” he replies.
you sigh, leaning back against the couch. “that was a really good nap.” you yawn again, reaching up to wipe the dust from your eyes.
“i know,” he giggles. “but now i’m–”
“–not tired,” you finish for him.
“mhm.” he hums, tilting his head to stare down at you, the corners of his mouth upturned in a smile he probably doesn’t even realize he’s smiling. oh, if he could see his face now—he’d deny it, but the way his eyes soften when he looks at you, the way his smile seems to glow when he’s around you, the way he blushes when his eyes fall to the ring he put on your finger so long ago; that, he can’t deny. 
“so… wanna build a blanket fort?”
you laugh, looking up at him. “absolutely.”
because you know you’ll be up all night now anyway, and he did promise you a movie marathon, so what better way to get cozy with all these blankets than to build a fort?
as he’d predicted, your cocoa has long since gotten cold, and while you were asleep he took it back to the kitchen for you to reheat later.
you stand up and stretch one more time, resisting the urge to smack vernon with a pillow when he tries to tickle you.
instead, the pillows are put to better use as supports in your makeshift fort extending from the table by the couch. one stack of blankets and a pile of clothespins later, the living room has been converted into a “movie-watching man cave” (vernon’s words).
and then you realize… with the way the blankets are draped down over the sides, neither of you can actually see the tv.
you let out an exaggerated sigh, laying on your stomach on the floor inside the fort. you could get up and rearrange everything, but… so much effort…
“you wanna just use my phone?” vernon says, pulling it out of his pocket and tossing it over to you.
he grins, telling you to decide on the first movie while he goes to warm up the cocoa in the microwave.
“i added marshmallows this time,” he says when he returns, handing you the mug with your initials on it. “we’re out of the jumbo ones, though, there’s only mini ones.”
“thank you, nonie,” you giggle, carefully taking it from him before spooning a half-melted marshmallow into your mouth.
he sets his mug next to yours on the carpet, and you hold it for him so it doesn’t spill when he gets into the fort. he starts to crouch down to crawl in with you, but he jumps back up at the last second. “wait, i’ll get my backup charger, just in case. don’t wanna have to get up again.”
he sprints away again, and with a mischievous grin you sneak your spoon into his mug, slurping up half of his marshmallows before he comes back.
“did you eat my marshmallows?” he asks when he bends back down to see his noticeably empty mug.
you hold your own mug up to your mouth to hide the smile playing on your lips. “of course not,” you say, your voice echoing into the cup.
he cocks one eyebrow at you. “that’s definitely less than when i left,” he says, and you just bat your eyelashes innocently.
“how could you accuse me of such a thing!” you gasp, pretending to be offended.
he narrows his eyes, playing along. “well, i guess i’ll just have to get more for myself…” he says, slowly ducking out of the fort. but then he pops his head back in, catching you in the act red-handed, your spoon in his mug.
“a-ha!” he cries, and you burst into a fit of giggles. “marshmallow thief!”
“bring the whole bag back with you!” you call after him.
he bounces into the kitchen to grab the bag of marshmallows, but when he turns around to make his way back to the fort all he sees is your feet, still in your matching candy cane striped socks, sticking out from beneath one of the blankets, your warm laughter filling the house. and despite the busyness in both your lives, despite the fact that you don’t often get to have days like this, he wouldn’t want to be anywhere else or with anyone else.
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taglist | @foxdaisy @tinkerbell460 @merrykyeomas @just-here-to-read-01 @ny0sang @noraehey @noniestars @squiishymeow @pearlygraysky @baekhyunstruly @tenn87 @raevyng @aceofvernons @odetoyeonjun @dkakapizzaboy @enhacolor @highkey-fangirling @baldi-2 @kcxjae @onlymingyus @variety-is-the-joy-of-life @potatofrieswithketchup @wonuziex @stariightjoyy @strawberri-uyu @matilde111
join my taglist here!
thank you for reading, i hope you enjoyed! if you liked this, reblog or leave an ask or a comment, it shows me you enjoyed this so i know to write more like this in the future!
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a very big thanks to @onlymingyus and @aceofvernons for help brainstorming this idea ilysm <33 and to @minghao-s for hosting this gift exchange!! it was a lot of fun participating it was such a great opportunity to meet other creators :)
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greghatecrimes · 2 months
You said you used to be a barista? Any headcanons on how our darlings at PPTH take their hot cocoa?<3
I did used to be a barista indeed!! <3 Oh this is such a good question, I'm much more of a hot cocoa than a coffee person myself so I absolutely love it.
These are based more on vibes than anything else:
House: With a near obscene amount of mini marshmallows sprinkled in, and a very healthy spiral of whipped cream on top of that. Like, tall enough that it looks like it might tip over. Half the time he probably makes it that big just to be obnoxious/see the ducklings' reactions lol
Wilson: Either normal hot chocolate (homemade though, not the powder/instant mix kind. Only ever homemade! Probably chides House whenever he sees him going for the hot cocoa powder and then stops him, takes over, and makes a big batch of luxurious homemade hot chocolate. (little does he know that was house's master plan all along.)), or he goes like... super indulgent and enjoys something like salted caramel hot cocoa every once in a while. If such a recipe exists.
Cuddy: Let's be real, it most likely wouldn't be a hot chocolate, it would be a mocha. That caffeine fuels her through her day. Unless she's at home with Rachel for a snow day or something. Then it's the good ol' swiss miss they keep a box of in the pantry. Rachel likes to put rainbow sprinkles on top with her mini marshmallows, and somehow there's always a little handful of them that end up in Cuddy's mug, too.
Cameron: Peppermint hot chocolate, one thousand percent! I wrote a post about coffee orders a while ago and I mentioned that Cameron totally seems like a peppermint mocha girl to me. The same carries over for hot chocolate, too. She'd be happy drinking peppermint hot chocolate any time of year, no matter the weather! (And I love her for it). I think it would be a total comfort drink for her. Very grounding. <3
Chase: Similar to the coffee orders, I think Cameron introduces him to peppermint hot chocolate, and he ends up really enjoying it. I think he'd also enjoy just plain hot chocolate with a small layer of whipped cream on top. (I'm picturing that it's the kind where the whip is about even with the rim of the glass, so that when you drink the first couple sips, you usually end up getting a whipped cream mustache). ALSO? Bailey's hot chocolate (hot cocoa recipe spiked w/Bailey's Irish Cream liqueur). Great nightcap on a cold winter night.
Foreman: Like I said, a lot of these are based on vibes alone. My man is really giving me "Hot cocoa with Nutella stirred in" vibes rn. Or something else that'll give it a nice, rich hazelnut flavor alongside the chocolate. Anything that adds more depth to the flavor instead of stacking on the sweetness. I can see him liking a dark chocolate hot cocoa with some dark cherry extract added in, too!
Kutner: Hot chocolate infused with orange extract, from a recipe specially made so that it tastes like you're drinking the equivalent of one of those chocolate oranges. Everyone thinks he's nuts until he convinces them to try it, and then they're all absolutely hooked.
Thirteen: I have two thoughts in my mind. One: I think she'd like both white hot chocolate and milk chocolate hot cocoa. Two: She strikes me as the type of person who would get a craving for hot chocolate in the summer, but absolutely NOT want the sensory feel of a hot drink when it's hot out. So she takes hot chocolate powder and mini marshmallows and mixes them into a glass of cold milk. House calls her out on it and is like "you're just drinking glorified chocolate milk at this point." Kutner immediately jumps to her defense and says "it's not chocolate milk, it's cold chocolate." (Then he makes himself a glass of "cold chocolate" and is like "This is actually pretty good!" and then orders an iced mocha with no espresso in it every day for the next week)
Taub: Dark chocolate hot cocoa. Something that's not too, too sweet, but still has a good cocoa flavor. Maybe this part is because I'm POTS-y/probable EDS and need way more salt than average (and thus fucking LOVE salt), but I feel like he'd enjoy sprinkling little sea salt crystals on top. Then it tastes like one of those fancy dark chocolate candy bars you can get at trader joe's.
Bonus Amber, just like in the coffee questions: Homemade chocolate infused with pure raspberry extract. And just a little bit of whipped cream on top (probably also homemade). (I adore her)
This was so much fun to think about! Thank you for the ask, anon! <3
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forever-rogue · 2 years
for the fall prompts maybe “you look cold, do you want a hug?” with tasm!peter?🥺😊 I’m so soft for him (thanks to your latest fics)
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AN | Oooh, but I love this idea and I love dorky Peter, so here we are. Enjoy❤️
Pairing | tasm!Peter Parker x Fem!Reader
Warnings | Slight Language 
Word Count | 2.2k
Masterlist | Main | Peter
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
It was a freezing winter day in New York City. Even more freezing than it normally was, and nothing seemed to be able to warm you up. You wondered if the shitty heating in your apartment was even working; every time you went to feel it, you could feel the faintest bit of heat. If you complained, the landlord wouldn’t do anything since it technically was working. 
In desperation, you bundled yourself up and then grabbed a huge blanket before walking down the hall to his apartment. You weren’t even sure if he was home, but figured it was worth a try. After knocking and waiting anxiously for a few moments, the door opened to reveal a happy, smiley, outrageously handsome Peter Parker. 
“Hi Peter,” you smiled softly, ignoring the pitter patter in your heart at his pretty smile.
“Hi,” his smile only grew as he looked you over, “you look cold, do you want a hug?”
Your mouth dropped open at his blatant question, and when you remained silent, he floundered a bit and his cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. He waved his hands around for a moment wishing he could back track, “kidding! Totally kidding! Umm…should I even bother to ask how many layers you have on?”
“My heating’s not working right,” you pouted, “like technically it works but it’s not warming anything. I was wondering if yours was…and if I could maybe stay over for a bit? I’d be willing to compensate with dinner and dessert.”
“Funny,” he cocked his head to the side as he opened the door wider and motioned for you to come inside, “I was just going to come and ask you if you wanted to watch some movies. My bribe was also going to be dinner and dessert.”
“You’re a lifesaver,” you padded inside, immediately overwhelmed by the rush of warmth that enveloped you. What you didn’t see was Peter slightly groaning at himself and smacking his forehead at his horrible attempts at flirting. But the good thing was that his heater was definitely working, if not working overtime, “it feels like heaven in here.”
“I might have tinkered around with the heater a little bit,” he grinned sheepishly. He never told you exactly what he’d studied in school or did for a living, but whatever it was, he had to be some sort of genius, “I can take a look at yours sometime and get it working properly.”
“I’d owe you dinner for like a month,” you groaned happily as you flopped onto his soft couch and cocoon yourself, “you know, whatever you want you can have it.”
You. That was Peter’s first thought, but he wasn’t going to say that outloud. Not yet anyway. There was no need for him to scare you off and make the whole ‘building neighbors’ thing awkward.
“Don’t worry about it,” he played it off, flailing his hand around, “what’re friends for? Want some hot chocolate?”
“Will there be mini-marshmallows?”
“It would be a crime not to have them,” he scoffed dramatically with a small wink, “of course. Go ahead and make yourself comfortable…more comfortable. You can pick the first movie - I call dibs on the second - Netflix is up, but there’s Hulu, HBO, Disney, Prime, all that jazz.”
“You’re perfect,” you hadn’t meant to say that out loud, but it slipped out involuntarily. Your face flushed with warmth and you focused your attention on the television. If you’d been looking at the boy, you’d have seen the pretty pink color creeping up his cheeks and ears, “thank you, Peter. I really appreciate it.”
“Any time,” and he meant anytime. You could have come over at three in the morning to chit-chat and he would have welcomed it, “hot chocolate coming right up.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
You'd picked some random comedy that neither of you had been before and Peter had come through with the hot chocolate. You knew that more likely than not it was just a packet mix but there was something about how he prepared it that made it just that better. You'd offered him soft of the giant blanket that had come with you, and he sat right next to you. He'd muttered something about sharing body heat and keeping it trapped to stay warm. He wasn't wrong; you felt warmer than ever and you knew that part of it was from the pretty boy practically cuddling you.
After your movie pick, he'd ordered pizza, half your favorite toppings and half his, and the two of you almost scarfed the entire thing down. By the time you were finished eating, you grew sleepy from the toastiness and food and your eyes were slipping.
Eventually you fell asleep and Peter didn't have the heart to wake you up. Instead, he grabbed a pillow and placed it under your head without managing to wake you up. You’d been snoring lightly and your mouth was open, a sight you were sure was anything but cute, but to Peter it was the sweetest damn thing he’d seen. 
Once he was sure you were fully and soundly asleep, he tiptoed out of his apartment and down to yours, grabbing the spare key you’d given him for emergencies. He decided that poorly functioning heating in the dead of winter counted as an emergency. When he entered your apartment, an excited shiver ran down his spine; this was like getting a glimpse into your private world fully unadulterated. Mind you, he was tempted to snoop, but he’d never betray your trust in such a manner. Instead, he studied the open living room and kitchen as he went to play around with your heater. 
He liked your place; it was almost identical to his in layout, but felt so homey and cozy and he liked looking at all the pictures you’d hung on yours. He’d harbored a crush on you since you’d moved into the building, but seeing bits and pieces of your life made him fall even harder. Fuck. He was a sucker for you.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
The first thing you noticed when you woke up was how comfortable and warm you were. The second thing was the delicious smell, all musky and woodsy and fresh, that emanated from the pillow underneath your head. The third thing was that you were most definitely not in your own apartment. After blinking away the bleariness from your eyes, you realized that you were still in Peter’s apartment…on his couch and using his pillow. Your heart practically burst through your ribcage with sheer excitement at the prospect of being in his home. 
“Peter?” you rubbed the slip from your eyes and looked around for the boy in question, but didn’t find him. You stood up and out of your warm blanket cocoon and shivered at the loss. It wasn’t cold by any means in his place but the extreme warmth left your body and you sighed lightly. But then you spotted a sweater that was neatly folded on the coffee table, almost as if it was waiting for you; it was. You grinned as you eagerly reached for the maroon hoodie, bringing to your face to inhale the scent of the detergent mixing with his smell. You liked…probably a little too much. You grinned as you slipped the article of clothing on and let it surround you with warmth.
The door suddenly opened and in stepped the man that was slowly becoming the man of your dreams. He stopped in his tracks when he saw you, a magical smile lighting up his entire face, “h-hey, you’re awake.”
“I just woke up,” you confessed sheepishly, “thank you for the pillow…and the sweater.”
“Well,” he grinned shyly, “didn’t want you to get a crick in your neck or have you be cold. That would be a travesty.”
“I agree,” you nodded, “I don’t think I would have survived! Where did you go?”
“O-oh,” he scratched the back of his neck nervously, some of his soft hair falling into his face, “I actually went to your place…I took a look at your heater. I think you’ll find that it’s working much better now! Your place will be toasty in no time.”
“Oh,” you tried to hide your disappointment behind a meek little smile. You knew you’d have to go back to your own apartment sometime, but you didn’t want it to be too soon. Like…you would have been totally content to spend the rest of the evening with him, but doubt started to creep in and you wondered if he was ready to get rid of you, “thank you so much, Pete. I really appreciate it, however you want to be compensated, let me know. I owe you big time.”
“Well there is one thing you could do,” you could see his hands clenching and unclenching at his side, almost as if he was nervous. You had no clue what he was going to ask, and it made your tummy explode with butterflies, “maybe we could go out to dinner sometime. Maybe throw in a movie if we’re feeling really crazy.”
Oh. Maybe he wasn't just trying to get rid of you immediately, Your eyes widened in surprise as an anxious little laugh escaped your lips, “are you asking me on a date?”
“No!” his voice had crept up an octave and he wanted to sink into the floor, “I mean yes. Yes, I am asking you on a date. But only if you want. Otherwise…I’m not asking you out?”
“Are you asking me or telling me?”
“Well, Peter Parker, I’d love to go on a date with you,” part of you was convinced this was a dream, but the feeling of the sweater around your frame and the heat practically radiating onto you told you that it was very much real. 
“Yeah?” he sounded eager and you could only nod in response, “yeah. Okay, cool, that’s awesome. Maybe this weekend?”
“I’d like that a lot,” you nodded towards the door and swallowed the lump in your throat, “I guess I’d better get back to my place now that’ll be…warm. Thanks for letting me stay and hang out. It was a lot of fun!”
“Don’t go,” he held up his hand in a desperate attempt to prevent you from going. The gesture made your heart jump, “I mean, if you don’t want to. It’ll take a while to heat up and it’s already warm here, so it would just be inconvenient for you. And we’d be warmer if we stayed together. We could watch another movie or play some games or…something. Like board games or video games, I-I realize that could have been…misconstrued. So umm…yeah.”
He wanted you to stay. He wanted you to stay. And this wasn’t a dream. The cute neighbor that had become the object of your affections was asking you to stay in his apartment with him. This was better than anything you could have imagined. Swallowing the lump in your throat, you nodded tentatively, as if you were waiting for him to change his mind. 
“I know what you meant, Petey,” you touched his shoulder and he thought he was going to explode from the touch and the sweet little nickname you’d bestowed upon him, “I’ll stay…if you’re sure.”
“Positive,” fuck. He really was the prettiest and sweetest boy you’d ever seen. It almost wasn’t fair to anyone else that you were currently getting him all to yourself, but you honestly couldn’t care less. You’d take any evening alone with Peter Parker, “a-am I being too weird? Is this too forward? I-I don’t-”
“Peter,” you put a finger to his lips to gently stop his nervous rambles, “I know what you mean and no you’re not being weird or too forward. I want to stay.”
“Cool,” he nodded more at himself than anything else, “cool.”
“Do you want to know something you could do though?” taking a step closer, you left very little space between your bodies. You could see the bobbing of his throat as he swallowed anxiously.
“You could kiss me,” you suggested coyly, gently tapping your fingers against his cheek, “ya know, if you want to.”
“Yes,” inside he was cheering, and almost jumping for joy, while he tried to keep the outside calm and collected. He wasn’t doing a great job, “yeah - I’d like that. You know, I don’t want you to feel-”
“Just kiss me,” you grinned, “heard it’s a good way to stay warm.”
“Not sure about that,” he shrugged playfully, “but I’m willing to test the theory out.”
And so he finally kissed you. Turns out it really was a good way to stay warm.
Especially when kissing led to much more.
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whats-her-quirk · 6 months
hot chocolate
jean kirstein x fem!reader rating: M (my blog is 18+, minors do not interact) warnings/tags: Fluff, comfort, mention of past breakup, Christmas, friends to lovers word count: ~700
Adorable dividers by @saradika
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“Did you know that the elf with the glasses is the same guy who played Ralphie in A Christmas Story?” The movie is already starting as you carefully return to the living room with two mugs of hot chocolate.
“Is not,” Jean chuckles. He carefully accepts his mug before slorping some mini marshmallows off the top.
“I’m serious.” You settle in on the couch next to him before taking your first sip. “When Buddy says he’s only made 85 Etch-A-Sketches, the guy who tells him he’s behind is Peter Billingsley. Look it up on IMDB, I’m right.”
“Wait, you’re serious? How did I never know this?” Jean cradles his mug to his chest and squints at the TV, waiting for Ralphie to appear in Santa’s workshop. He’s wearing a festive red and green turtleneck with cozy joggers, and the big bowl of kettle corn he brought over sits on the coffee table between you.
It’s been a weird December. You would have said it was a bad one if it weren’t for Jean. It was supposed to be your first Christmas alone—the first since the breakup that shattered your world, miles away from the family you wouldn’t see until you flew out on the 23rd. You were bracing for a much harder month, but your friends, especially Jean, made it more than bearable. He made it light.
When you expressed doubt about putting up your tree alone, he showed up with a bottle of wine and a new string of lights in case yours were burnt out (they were). When you wanted to go see lights, he took you out for a drive in the ritzy neighborhood on town over, where you didn’t even know the good displays were. He let you make a mess in his kitchen decorating cookies and wrangled Connie and Sasha for an ice skating night all together, and now here he was, the week of Christmas, hunkered down for a movie night just because you said you were feeling a little down.
“Oh shit, that’s totally Ralphie. I can’t believe I never realized—”
“Thank you.” You set your mug on the table, half gone already despite how hot it still is.
He laughs. “I mostly believed you. I was just giving you a hard time until I saw it for myself.”
“No, I mean, that’s fine too. But I was saying…” You’re fumbling. “Thank you for hanging out with me so much. I really needed this.”
He shifts in his seat, leaning forward for another sip of cocoa when the liquid sloshes before setting down his own mug. “Of course. We’re friends.” He sounds a little nervous, uncharacteristically.
“It’s just—” Words you’ve been thinking for days, maybe longer, start to come forward, and you choose to let them. “It’s your Christmas too. There are other things you could be doing. Other people you could be with. Family or… whoever.”
“Well, yeah, but I… like hanging out with you. I always have fun. Even if you make me wear silly reindeer antlers in public.”
You knock his shoulder. “I did not make you.”
Jean rolls his eyes. “Fine, you’re right.”
You feel your face lighting up. “What’s that? Can I get that again?”
Jean’s own smile blooms, his eyes darting up and down your face, and then you feel it—heat and butterflies as he leans closer, breathing a laugh before hesitating, looking down his nose at your lips. Your chest pounds, but yes, you want this as bad as he does, and you seal your lips to his in a kiss that overtakes you. Jean inhales sharply, hands sliding up your arms to gently hold your shoulders. He tastes like chocolate and salt. After a few blissful moments, you pull back, your head spinning.
Your eyes flutter open, searching for his. You’re shaking, pleasantly surprised. “Friends, huh?”
Jean cracks up, pulls you back in, mumbles against your lips. “Maybe more.”
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cretaceous-if · 7 months
Welcome! Your post introductory is amazing!!
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
Aw thank you! I was inspired by @forsakensword-if to add all the stats and stuff to make it easier to people to access, so kudos to Rea!
I’m literally terrible at thinking up facts, so forgive that i’ve reused the fav animal/dino one.
-> While they don’t have much time for it these days, G is a total bookworm (historical romances are their guilty pleasure even if the smut scenes do make them giggle).
-> their favourite animal is a wolf and their favourite dinosaur is an ankylosaurus (because it kind of reminds them of a dog).
-> If asked, xe would tell you that whiskey is xyr favourite drink, but in reality, hot chocolate with whipped cream and mini marshmallows is xyr favourite.
-> Xyr favourite animal is a red panda and xyr favourite dinosaur is a parasaurolophus.
-> He can play the piano and sing, but he’s rather shy about it so he rarely shows off his musical talent. He will quietly sing to mc though when it’s just the two of them.
-> His favourite animal is an elephant and his favourite dinosaur is a velociraptor (his lil turkey sized menaces).
-> She was a champion gymnast in her early twenties, now while she doesn’t compete anymore, she’s still very active and extremely flexible.
-> Her favourite animal is a bearded vulture and her favourite dinosaur is a gigantoraptor.
-> If they’re given flowers, they will be extremely flattered. They’ll press the flowers into special books and write little notes about the meaning of the flowers and who gave them to them.
-> Their favourite animal is a cheetah and their favourite dinosaur is a T-Rex (they get really excited when you bring your babies to see them).
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A3! My Worst Wedding | Izumida Azami | Mini Chats Translation
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Disclaimer: Neither English nor Japanese is my native language, but I did my best with the translation. By the way, I took some liberties while translating. If you find any mistakes, feel free to tell me.
Practice Conversation 1 
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It’s been a while since I was the lead in an autumn troupe’s play. This lead role feels completely different from the one back then. 
That shitty Sakyo said I should be careful not to let the main lead get overshadowed by the second lead acting. As if I would let that happen. 
Instead, I will show a strong presence with my acting to overshadow his second lead role. 
But yeah… I can’t get how it feels to be in love with my fiance, so I have to think a lot about it in my role study. 
…Maybe I should ask Muku-san if he can lend me light shoujo manga to read for now.
Practice Conversation 2
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Ethan fell head over heels for Olivia since she looked like his favorite anime character. 
So I thought of getting references for my role study from Itaru-san since he likes anime…
When I mentioned him the setting, he said he could totally relate to it and started speaking about it so passionately. 
Like how happy he would be if she looked like his fave character, the excitement he would get to see his fiance, or how he would like to brag about her to those around him… 
However, seeing Itaru-san speaking so passionately made me think… that Ethan might have fallen in love this hard too.
Itaru-san was enthusiastic, and his eyes were shining brightly during our talk…
Practice Conversation 3
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About my role study for Ethan? Well, I’ve gotten advice from everyone and tried different things.
Muku-san showed me some manga with scenes where the characters fall in love at first sight… but I’m far away from getting that feeling. 
Then, Muku-san and Kazunari-san said… 
Since Olivia is older than Ethan, I could try to imagine Director as my fiance as part of my role study. 
You, as my… future spouse… 
I-It’s nothing. I just tried to do what they said for a bit! 
Shoot. I know this is for role study, but I kinda got conscious, and now it feels weird.
A-Anyways, I’ll think more about my role study. 
Ahm… I might need help from Director again in the future, so thanks beforehand. 
Azami and Hisoka Mini Chat
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Azami: So weddings…
Hisoka: Weddings have different production and performances. 
Azami: Ah, that’s right. If I’m not wrong, you had a part-time job in a wedding venue before, Hisoka-san. 
Hisoka: Mhm. For a short time, though. 
Azami: I’ve acted in the Wedding Fest and the Wedding Venue, but I don’t know much about weddings aside from those celebrated in the Ginsekai. 
Azami: Could you tell me about it to use it as a reference for my next play?
Hisoka: …I worked in the banquet reception. So I served the food and poured the drinks. 
Hisoka: At the wedding, there was a speech about how the groom and the bride met each other… 
Hisoka: The two of them said what they liked about each other and hugged. 
Azami: T-Their meeting, the things they like, and a hug…
Hisoka: From what I saw at the wedding, there can be singing performances and magic shows. I helped arrange the stage for them. 
Azami: Heh, I see. So it was true that Hisoka-san works properly in his part-time job. 
Hisoka: Of course.
Hisoka: Now, I’ll tell you the most important part about that.
Azami: What?
Hisoka: They had a delicious marshmallow cake in the wedding venue.
Azami: …You can do a good job and still remain the same as always, no matter where you are.
Notes: The events Azami mentioned appears in Bride Concerto (ch. 10) and Groom Battle Royale AGAIN (ch. 9). Azami’s SR Wish Upon A Paper Crane has one of the Ginsekai customs for weddings. Hisoka’s part-time job in a wedding venue comes from his SSR Tempting Wedding Cake backstage.
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ghoulsister1 · 9 months
Dante & Squishmallows
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●"Squishmallows huh? Big soft marshmallow like plushies? Yeah, they're growing quite popular lately!"
●Looks at your small beginner's collection. You explain the reason for it and Dante understands.
●"But you can make your collection a little bigger" Dante will say as you gaze at your 4 small Squishmallows.
●"But Dante they cost money and we need to keep some for the shop and....."
●"Babe, I spend most of my money on pizza and plus, we got Morrison. So I'd say we're doing good so far" Is Dante's reply with a wink and a cheeky grin.
●So yeah, Dante will buy them with the earnings from killing a few demons. It does surprise him when he walks into a store and sees a WHOLE ass variety of them though!
●He's just staring at them like *Arthur Morgan voice* "Oh My God".
●He's scanning through them, trying to find a good one.
●"Fuzz-A-Mallows? Flip-A-Mallows? Hug Mees? Stackables? Is that......What's a Squish-doos? I just need a Squishmallow!" Are Dante's thoughts as he flicks through them.
●"Store will be closing in 5 mins". Dante makes a mental note to not do late night shopping.
●He has enough money for two Squish and enough left over for pizza. So he picks a random Squishmallow out (You can choose which one) and a random Fuzz-A-Mallow (Again you can choose which one he picks).
●Gets home and you practically squeal and leap into his arms as he shows you the Squishmallows. You shower him with kisses and thank him from the bottom of your heart.
●His heart melts when you tell him this is the first Fuzz-A-Mallow you'll have in your collection and Dante feels so proud at that, sticking his chest out like Superman, hands on his sides with a proud grin.
●"Well I just saw a lotta of them there and decided that the Fuzz-A-Mallow would look awesome in your collection!" Said Dante. Then you guys order pizza!
●Dante will totally just nuzzle into your Squishmallows, especially during times when Demons go through their Heat and he just practically snuggles in a nest of your Squishmallows (they have your scent on them) and will be found purring happily even when not in Heat.
●He gifts you Dante The Demon Squishmallow. He was super stoked at finding a Squishmallow with his name. Like he literally let out a little squeal probably at seeing the Squishmallow with his name.
●"Here baby look! A mini Dante! He'll keep watch over you while I'm out hunting Demons!" Dante Says handing you the Squishmallow and you instantly hug the plushie and Dante.
●On nights when Dante hasn't come back from hunting and it's getting you late, you do start to worry. So you pick up Dante The Squishmallow and just hold him throughout the night, falling asleep eventually while you cuddle your Demon Squishmallow.
●Dante will come back, go upstairs and wash up before heading into the bedroom and see you in bed, fast asleep with Dante the Squishmallow in your arms. Dante smiles, walks over and pets the Squishmallow on the head.
●"Thanks for keeping her safe, Dante Jr." Said Dante smiling as he climbed into bed and cuddled up next to you.
●Eventually will get in on the Squishmallows. Goes Squishmallow hunting together with you in stores. You buy him his first Squishmallow just for him, Snorlax! He loves him and will even be found napping with his Squishmallow Pokemon in his favourite office chair or on the couch.
●Buys McDonald's with you so can get the McDonald's exclusive Squishmallows.
●You also find Laura The Cat Squishmallow from the Sleepover Squad who wears a strawberry onesie! And who loves strawberries, mainly strawberry sundaes? Your scruffy Demon Dante!
●You give him Laura. "I saw her and immediately thought of you" You Say. Dante looks at Laura and grins before embracing you in a loving hug.
●"Strawberry onesie!" Dante cheers and you both laugh, Dante cuddling his strawberry wearing kitty cat Squishmallow. Awwww!
●And it gets even better when Dante finds a pizza Squishmallow. Dante practically cheers like his football team just scored the winning goal.
●This scruffy demon boi would happily join you in a nest of Squishmallows, snuggling up with you and holding you close, purring loudly.
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saijspellhart · 4 months
I get so shy about asks...my last two (not you, different people) were never answered XD
anyway, I really love your writing! I just finished a 20 chapter fic about Kaiba (gradually and a little reluctantly) adopting Yugi because his grandpa died, and then Anzu dies (she's his GF in the story) so Yugi gets really sad and breaks down
I'm going to write a part 2, of basically Yugi going through therapy while living at Kaiba's house, could I PLEASE have some fluffy head canons of Kaiba and Yugi at the house while Yugi is experiencing depression? Basically he's suffering a bereavement overload (AKA he has trouble grieving for 2 people at a time)
Maybe just Kaiba..."trying" to be a dad, maybe Mokuba helped him with experience, but idk how that would go
I know you're busy, but if you have time, this would be rlly appreciated, and would help me a lot in writing my story!! thank you!
Well, given that I also lost three loved ones in my life, all in the same year, I can definitely empathize with the grief overload. I can say that some of the things my husband did to comfort me really helped. Even if they were small acts.
What if Kaiba found a sufficiently mind numbing game that they could both play to distract from the pain? (When I was grieving my husband and I played Borderlands 2 together.) What if Kaiba and Yugi played Kirby’s Epic Yarn, or Yoshi’s Woolly World, or Secret of Mana, or Pokémon. Games that are cute, and uplifting, and great two player games. And something where if Kaiba gets competative, as he does, it would be ridiculous and hilarious given how Cutesy the games are.
Or there could be moments where Kaiba brings Yugi a hot cocoa, with like ridiculous frills, mini marshmallows in color Star shapes, with whipped creme, and chocolate shavings, and little wafer cookies. Etc. Just such a rich person cup of cocoa. So incongruent with Kaiba’s uptight and grumpy demeanor.
You could have Kaiba cook him dinner, and totally botch it. Like accidentally cooking a meal that’s all potatoes. Mashed potatoes and french fries. Or a grilled cheese with a side of Mac and cheese. Ya know, just like silly things that are basically the same food twice, but Kaiba doesn’t think about it because he normally doesn’t cook food. Or maybe he cooks Yugi some dinosaur nuggets, and before Yugi can acknowledge the dinosaur shapes, he drowns them in molten gravy.
Kaiba could bring home a book. Something random. And just unprompted, start reading aloud from the book. Softly, with a tenderness so unlike his usual manner.
He could buy Yugi a nightlight. People who suffer from loss can often suffer from night terrors. Maybe the nightlight shines little Blue eyes white dragon shapes on the walls. Very on brand for Kaiba.
Maybe he buys Yugi a “Snuggy” the blanket with sleeves. Then grouses and mutters when Yugi doesn’t use the sleeves. But he sees Yugi use he blanket anyway and cocoon himself inside it.
Depression kinda makes you not want to do anything, especially grief depression, so Yugi might not be responsive during all these things. But it would be small feeble expressions, or subdued body language that would show Kaiba the things he’s doing affect Yugi.
Anyway, I hope the ideas help. Good luck on your Hurt/comfort fic. I’m sure it’ll be amazing. I think you got this.
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thornsnvultures · 2 years
49 with Bucky 😏
oops I meant to go somewhere else with this but I lost all control and it got sappy idk what happened lol thanks for sending another in, these are fun! ♡
Send me a number and I’ll write a micro story using the word or phrase
49 - Nightfall
"And I brought marshmallows in case you want to roast those over the fire. I would've brought chocolate and graham crackers to make stores but it seemed like too much."
"Maybe next time if Steve and the others come we can do that and bring hot dogs too. I know how the two of you eat."
"Sweetheart, would you sit down?"
You look up from where you're crouched next to the burning fire. Bucky looks exasperated but totally enamored by your excited rambling. You'd been planning this mini camping trip with him for ages, finally able to take a weekend off to spend a night in the woods with your man. Alone.
Living with Bucky meant living with Steve and Sam too and even though you loved them both dearly they were annoying roommates. Not in the sense that they were dirty or messy. Their decades of combined military service kept them in the habit of order and cleanliness.
No, your problem was with their clingyness. They always wanted to do group activities, watch movies together, eat dinner together. You complained to Bucky one night, exasperated and throwing up your hands, that soon they might ask to join the two of you in the bedroom.
So maybe you were a little too excited for your first night alone with Bucky in a long, long time. But the way he looked at you now, patting his thigh and motioning for you to come sit with him, you knew he was excited to.
"Come watch the sunset with me, pretty girl."
You scrambled onto his lap like your ass was on fire and his lap was a bucket of water.
Bucky pulled you closer, holding your legs across his lap and wrapping his arms around you, tight.
"I brought my telescope."
"You did?"
"It's in the back of the truck. Once the sky clears we can take it out. Sound good?"
You wrapped your arms around Bucky's neck and pecked him on his pretty, pink lips.
"Thank you, Bucky."
"It's no big deal, I haven't gotten to use it in a while."
"Not the telescope. For this. For doing this with me."
"Anything for you, pretty girl."
Bucky kisses your forehead, absent-mindedly running his right hand up and down your thigh.
The two of you stay content like that in each other's arms as the sun goes down and night begins to fall. Bucky tosses another log in the fire to keep it burning when the crackling slows and the light dims.
"When we get back home we're looking for our own place."
You giggle into Bucky's neck, fully understanding what he means. The peace and quiet out here is something you'll miss when you pack up and leave.
The skies soon clear, just like the weather reports said they would, and Bucky pulls out his telescope. He delights in the look of awe on your face when you see the bumpy surface of the moon through the wide lens.
"This is amazing."
Bucky stares at you in as much wonder as you do at the stars and prays that he can keep seeing this amazing view for the rest of his life.
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baronfulmen · 2 years
Yes, it’s Thanksgiving night which means it’s Friendsgiving eve which means it’s time to begin the PLORP!  We’re going to make a lot, because this is for a big dinner with lots of friends AND we want leftovers to eat out of a mug while feeling mildly ashamed of ourselves.
Get the following loot:
6oz thing of raspberry Jell-o
6oz thing of cherry Jell-o
20oz of mini marshmallows (mini just so they melt faster, if you don’t see the little ones bigger ones are okay)
12oz of cream cheese
3 tubs of cool whip
32oz of canned Mandarin oranges
8 cups of water
And the following adventuring gear:
A hand mixer of some sort
A big pot
A big container, wide and flat is better than deep
A heat source powerful enough to boil water
And then make the Plorp:
Set aside the Mandarin oranges and two of the three things of Cool Whip. The cool whip can go in the fridge rather than the freezer, so it's soft in the morning.
Boil the water.
Melt everything else together in that water.  Make sure the cream cheese in particular is totally dissolved, if you can see little white specks then keep going.
Pour it into your container.  It can’t go in the fridge yet because it’s too hot.  I have a dedicated Plorp pan that it fits perfectly in.
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Once it’s cool, put it in the fridge to set overnight.
In the morning drain the oranges really well and mix them and the last two tubs of cool whip into the Plorp.  Put it back in the fridge for a few hours.
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Now at this point I’m used to a few different replies.
“That looks terrible”
“I could never eat something that pink”
“So it’s just Jell-o salad?”
“How many bites before you get diabetes?”
“That’s the whitest food you’ve ever made” (Wrong!  That would be the Broccoli Casserole, which is amazing but whose recipe makes people look at me in absolute horror)
But my friends, it is delicious and amazing and you should all try it.  Happy Friendsgiving!
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merrill90mohammad · 2 years
Bottega Veneta Replica Handbags
Once a grimy word, secondhand is an increasingly valued quality (the international “preloved” trend market alone is worth $130 billion). A survey conducted by the online secondhand marketplace Vinted discovered that one in six of us are committed to giving preloved only this Christmas, and shopping for secondhand can also assist to fight the £42 million value of unwanted Christmas presents sent to landfill annually. Why is the present Replica Bottega Veneta Handbags Marie Shoulder Bag Tote so hot? The most necessary point that F Jun thinks is that they have all the time maintained a quiet luxury, and on the same time dare to counter current fashion trends-such as dense and dense big-name brand offensive … mini bag. Hi dear,thanks in your love.The design of this bag is great however it’s somewhat slanting maybe is because you haven’t put it properly.This bag isn't the worst luggage I’ve ever seen.Nice to hear that your monther adore it although it nonetheless has some small issues. The 2018 Fall Winter Collection brings a new luxurious improve to considered one of Replica Bottega Veneta Bags most famous classics, Cabat. bottega veneta bag replica The simple tote bag is generally open, and the model new design of the leather-based physique with invisible magnetic buckle further enhances the protection protection. Exquisite Nappa lambskin material Cabat handbag with luxurious crocodile leather deal with, plus crocodile leather letter studs on the body. There can be a refreshing masculine mustard colour matching, with a wealthy sandalwood black crocodile leather-based handle, a low-key, distinctive personality of the luxurious man incarnation. Maybe you think Replica Bottega Veneta Handbags Knot can't escape the appearance of rectangular box, then you would possibly be incorrect. The brand’s woven sample is reworked into a physique sample. Old-style music cassettes are as playful and enjoyable as marshmallows. 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For guaranteed success, search out independent sellers who stock cult brands. I want you to really feel empowered and cool when you put on my clothes. The wide and curved long shoulder straps echo the curved bag opening. The cutting and stitching of the large square determine leather replaces the previous fantastic rattan, which is less cute and extra highly effective for ladies. The bag isn't solely giant enough, but even a emblem can't be found. F Jun boldly predicted that this bag could additionally be a must-have item to prove his good style this yr. The new sequence of the world’s restricted edition of 250 colour sheepskin water snake pores and skin butterfly Knot hand bag, every holding a duplicate bag tote with greater than forty butterfly form decoration, accommodates three specifications, five shapes, made of 4 totally different leather. 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Thanks to digital photography and quick manufacturing, these chains can offer nearly indistinguishable copies of a designer garment months before the unique even reaches stores. The authentic bag has been crafted in two different ways, and Dupes have been as properly. You can explore which fashion you favor – even perhaps have one of each! Alternatively, it comes in leather-based, however with a woven or knotted end. Our Replicas or copies are crafted with plenty of care and they be sure that they appear pretty much as good as the original. For those that don’t need to level out their logos to everyone, the bottega veneta bag can highlight the deepest of them. The selection of cloth has a touch of stable and a wide range of thickness of the wool material, matte know-how to cope with crepe, wool and tannin cloth. There are also soft and clean silk, silk and lace fabric. Technical elements of the usage of printing, acupuncture and embroidery and other course of. The complete sequence of contours cut precision in place, emphasizing the unique shoulder line design. To trousers mainly dress, and autumn and winter men’s collection echoes.
0 notes
noctumbra · 4 years
summary ─ “you’re one eager and hungry kitten,” bucky whispered in your ear as he licked over your scent gland, where his bite situated perfectly.
pairing ─ alpha!beefy!bucky barnes x tiny!omega!reader
warnings ─ smut, +18, heat/rut sex, breeding kink, marking kink, sort of marathon sex, pet names, belly bulge
a/n ─ holy shit. hope you like it skjfhsdjfhskjf please leave a comment if you do! thank you <333
kinktober masterlist
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KINKTOBER DAY TWENTY-FOUR: alpha!beefy!bucky + tiny!omega!reader + heat/rut sex + breeding kink
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You were humming to yourself as you fluffed the pillows you had laid on your bed; whatever you had in the apartment that was categorized as ‘soft’, you had it on the bed. Your heat was close, too close even. You could pick up the telltale signs of your pre-heat, hence the nest you had built. Your body was too warm lately, you got aroused a lot more easily than you usually did. You knew that your scent had changed, too. The looks you got while walking down the street after doing a week’s worth grocery shopping told you enough.
Only thing left to do was waiting for it to hit you.
That and, of course, waiting for Bucky, your Alpha, to come home from the mission he had to go at the last minute. He assured you that it wasn’t going to take long, but it had been four days already. Your body and soul were missing him terribly in the huge bed. The only thing that soothed you enough to get over a couple more days was hugging his pillow and wearing his clothes.
Getting off the bed, you padded towards the kitchen silently. You were still humming to yourself, a song you had heard at the grocery store, when the first of the cramps hit you out of nowhere. You gasped, putting one of your hands on the fridge, the other was placed on your stomach.
Fucking cramps.
You hated them. They were always, always, painful when Bucky wasn’t around. He knew how to soothe, rub and what you needed. He wasn’t here by your side at the moment, though. You sighed and sniffed softly, missing your husband’s, your Alpha’s, presence terribly, you sat down on the chair that was in the kitchen. He asked for you to stay at the tower specifically even though he knew that you’d be more comfortable at your own place in Brooklyn, he needed you to stay at the tower for your safety.
That meant that you had a friend to talk to.
“Hey, Jarvis?” You called out to the AI. “You there?”
“Yes, Ms. Barnes. How can I help you?” You sighed at the soothing voice of the computer. You always liked how softly Jarvis would speak.
“Is there any news on their arrival? My heat started,” you murmured, both hands now clutching at your stomach as you breathed through another cramp.
“They’re on their way back, Ms. Barnes,” Jarvis said, “ETA an hour.” You nodded, knowing that he could see you through the cameras scattered around the floor, and thanked him quietly. Waiting for the cramp to go away, you thought you could make yourself a hot chocolate until you got really desperate. You hated starting your heat without Bucky there; none of the toys you have was him, didn’t carry his scent nor as warm as him. So, you were to wait for an hour.
After what felt like a century, you got up. Your moves were slow and careful not to set off another cramp. You filled the kettle with water and turned the thing on; you needed your hot water bag so badly. Then, you pulled the ingredients for the hot chocolate: Bitter chocolate, cinnamon sticks, brown sugar, a little ginger and milk. You mixed them in silence. The sweet and heady aroma of the chocolate and cinnamon spread around the whole floor, and you hummed happily.
As the kettle went off, your hot chocolate was ready. You filled the water into its bag and the chocolate into a big cup. Adding a couple marshmallows on top, you put the rest the chocolate on top of the marshmallows. You were a chocolate monster when you were heat, and Bucky didn’t like the consumption of chocolate you went through, so you had to take your dosage before he came home.
You walked back to the bedroom; totally planning on burying yourself under the thick and soft linens and duvet, with your hot water bag under your feet and against your back, sipping your hot cocoa until your husband arrived.
What you didn’t plan on, though, was to fall asleep after you finished your cocoa, definitely buried under the duvet.
You jumped awake with the sudden pain. Your cramps were getting stronger, more painful, and Bucky still wasn’t home. You whined pitifully. Tears ready roll down, you whimpered and rubbed your face into his pillows, breathing his scent deeply.  
“Jarvis?” You whined. “Where the fuck is my husband?”
“The quinjet had a problem and they had to land somewhere else, Ms. Barnes. ETA has changed from an hour to unknown,” Jarvis answered you. He sounded genuinely sorry, and not that you could blame the freaking computer for it. You whimpered again at the ‘unknown’ and sniffed.
“Thanks, J,” you murmured. You heard him mumbling something back, but you were way too lost in your head.
You wanted your husband here, your Alpha. Your body was yearning and calling out for him, and he wasn’t here to make everything okay. You needed his scent; from his skin, not his pillows. The scent on the fluffy thing was almost washed off, anyway. You needed him here to renew it, make everything okay and stop the pain. Bucky was the only one who could stop the pain, but he wasn’t here to stop it.
Mewling sadly, you sniffed and rubbed your face in his pillow once more.
You felt a cramp kick in with the sniff of his faint scent; your body was burning, sweat had gathered on your forehead long time ago, you gasped. Everything was too much: Too hot, too painful, too empty. You thought about your toys, thought about delaying, keeping yourself entertained until he came, but your body denied the thought with a stronger wave of cramp and you bowed forward, gasping one more time.
You hadn’t realized how much time passed until you heard a bag dropping onto the ground sound. Sniffling, you lifted your head off the pillow, out of the lump you had created and looked at the door. You could sense him; his presence was there.
Your Alpha was home.
Bucky sighed deeply as he watched the elevator doors open for him and let him step into his floor in the tower.  His bag was hanging on his shoulder as he toed off his boots; he had untied his laces while he was in the quinjet. With a grunt, Bucky dropped the bag on the ground. He rolled his shoulders, stretched a little.
There was a little hitch in the quinjet, but it was nothing Tony couldn’t handle. The hitch delayed their arrival for about an extra hour, but he was home at the end of the day nonetheless. All he wanted to do was to eat something, shower and hit the hay. He was exhausted. The mission was a short but rough one; all the unexpected things happened and plan had gone sideways. They had to improvise, but they made do.
It was a bit hard for him to focus with the silent buzzing that had started to go off under his skin two days into the mission, though.
Whistling to himself, Bucky walked towards the kitchen and opened the fridge. Seeing that it was fuller than he was expecting, he let out a surprised ‘ha!’.
“Sweetheart?” He called out as he pulled a small Tupperware filled with mini-sandwiches and the milk box. Bucky popped one of the sandwiches in his mouth and filled a glass of milk. He probably needed to eat more than these sandwiches, but these were the fastest ones he could get his hands on at the moment. He quickly chewed and swallowed. “Baby? Where are you?” He called out again, but frowned in the middle of his bite because there wasn’t an answer.
“Jarvis, is Y/N home?” He asked the AI after he downed his milk in one go.
“Yes, Sergeant Barnes, she is,” Jarvis answered politely. Bucky’s frown deepened. Closing the lid over the sandwiches, he walked out of the kitchen softly.
“Then where is she? Why isn’t she answering?” He questioned, but Jarvis didn’t answer him either. Bucky, now worried, ran to the bedroom. Bucky swung the door open. “Honey─”
The scent that hit him on the face had knocked him back a couple steps.
You were in your heat.
Bucky felt the buzzing increase and he let out a quiet growl: Your scent drove him crazy the second he took a whiff of it, and he was angry at himself for leaving you alone while being so close to your heat.
“Fuck,” he cursed silently, shaking his head to clear his mind, he marched inside to check up on you. He could see all the soft linens and pillows you’ve had on the floor scattered around the bed, could also see the small lump under the covers.
“Baby girl?” He called out softly, being careful about not to startle you. He heard a whimper that was followed by a sniff, and he felt his heart break. “Oh, you sweet thing. I’m here,” he murmured. “I’m home, baby, Alpha’s home.”  He heard one more sniff and then he saw your head popping out under the duvet.
Your hair was a mess and you’ve been crying; it was so easy to tell just by looking at your eyes: They were red and a little swollen. You were also sweating a bit. Bucky leaned forward and placed his hand on your cheek. His fingers were quick to tuck a couple strands of hair behind your ear, he rubbed your lips with his thumb.
Whimpering again, you leaned into his touch. You’ve missed him so much. So much.
“I know, baby,” Bucky whispered, like he could read your mind. “I’m here, it’s okay. We’re gonna make this okay, alright? ‘m gonna make the pain go away.” He kissed your forehead; his lips were so soft and soothing against your heated skin. Your nose was right over his pulse where his scent was the strongest, you gasped, inhaling deeply.
You grabbed him, anywhere you could. You grabbed him and tugged on his t-shirt. You needed skin-to-skin contact, and his t-shirt was getting in the way. You huffed a little when the t-shirt refused to fall apart under your grip. Bucky took a hold of your wrists and kissed inside of your palms.
He hushed your whimpers gently when he pulled away to take the t-shirt off. Your whimper turned into a pleased hum as he placed his warm body onto yours.
Bucky was always so freaking warm, his skin was always so freaking smooth… You loved the feeling of his naked body onto yours. It made you feel like you were loved and cherished for real; like you were wrapped in his love and his devotion with his warm skin marking you the gentlest way ever.
“There ya go, sweet love,” Bucky murmured. He was rubbing his wrists anywhere he could reach on your body, making sure that he was covering you with his scent. When he made sure that you were at least half-covered in his scent, he lifted himself off the bed to shed his remaining clothes. Thanking God silently that he got rid of his boots already, he pulled his pants off with his boxers and moved closer to you immediately.
“Can I get inside, honey? Am I allowed in your nest?” Bucky asked. His eyes were dark with arousal that your scent had woken in him. He knew that as soon as he got you to come at least once, he was going to dive head-first into his rut. I should let Jarvis know, he thought. But gotta get in the nest first.
He heard you sniff and hustle under the covers. Then, the soft linens and duvet were lifted, making a small place for him in the nest, and Bucky jumped right in.
“Thank you, sweetheart,” he whispered, his hands roaming your naked body. You must have gotten rid of your clothes when you started to sweat; that was what you tended to do. Bucky grabbed you by your neck, squeezing just a little to get you to relax, and placed your face into the crook of his neck. He knew that you must be deprived of his scent, so he should have got that taken care of first. He murmured sweet nothings and placed soft kisses on your face as you breathed his scent in deeply.
After a couple minutes later, Bucky felt the shift in the air: The sad, yearning and desperate air had changed into a hunger, aroused and desperate one. Bucky hummed.
“Mmm,” you hummed at the sound. “Alpha, please,” you murmured. Your eyes were closed, but Bucky didn’t need to see your face or your eyes to know that if you were aroused.
Your scent was letting him know faster than that.
“Hmm,” Bucky hummed once again. “What do you want, baby? Hm? You want me to love on you? Kiss you all over?” You whined. “No?” You huffed as you wiggled against him. “You want it rough, kitten? You want me to just take take and take, knot you until I can’t?” Your whimper was filled with approval, and Bucky chuckled. “I won’t stop,” he murmured. “You know that baby. You know that if I start goin’, I won’t stop until I’m finished. We did that before.”
Oh, you thought, that we did and it was fucking amazing.
“You’re one eager and hungry kitten,” Bucky whispered in your ear as he licked over your scent gland, where his bite situated perfectly. You moaned as you turned around, thighs wet from the slick you’ve been producing since the morning, and rubbed your ass against his rock-hard cock. Bucky grunted an appreciative moan into your ear. “Baby…”
“Alpha, please?” You looked at him over your shoulder. “Please, I’ve been hurting, please.” Bucky closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath to calm down. Your ass was constantly rubbing against his hard-on a little faster now, and Bucky knew he was about to snap.
Growling, Bucky rolled onto you, caging you in his arms, face down on the bed. “Omega,” he groaned. You went limp at his voice tone: It was your aroused and in rut Alpha. Bucky pulled himself off you for a second, and you took advantage of it by lifting your ass up: Presenting. “Oh, fuck,” Bucky moaned behind you. You whined lightly. Bucky’s large hands placed themselves on your ass and he pulled your body towards his, making you sit on his thick thighs.
“Alpha, Bucky, please,” you whined. Your stomach was cramping and your pussy was clenching around nothing, you wanted Bucky to engulf you already but he was taking his sweet time. You moaned, eyes closing, when you felt a cramp hit you. “Fuck, please! It hurts!”
Bucky didn’t waste another second when he saw the tear rolled down on your cheek. He grabbed himself, lining it up, he slid inside of you with one, slow move.
Both of you moaned in relief.
The cramp dissipated as soon as Bucky slid inside of you; your walls were now clenching around something. You felt your thighs tremble and your stomach tighten. You knew that it wasn’t going to take you a long time to come; in fact, you were going to come if he were to thrust in the next few seconds.
“Fuuuck,” Bucky groaned loud and long behind you. His hold on your ass went even tighter; you could feel his blunt nails digging in your soft flesh there. You gasped and let your head fall back, rest on his metal shoulder. “God, kitten, you’re clenching around me so tight.”
You just mewled, holding onto his arms tighter. You moved your hips against his, practically riding him, and Bucky grunted out a sound of approval. Supporting yourself by holding onto his arms, you started to move yourself on him, riding him, faster. Your sweat covered skin was making obscenely wet sounds when it met with his, and all the sounds were getting to your head.
“Alpha,” you mewled again, turning your head to bury your nose in his neck where his scent coming off the strongest. “Take me, Alpha,” you moaned, “Please!”
Growling and grunting, Bucky pushed you face down on the bed harshly, punching a breath out of your lungs. He kept his metal hand between your shoulder blades and started to snap his hips against yours with a punishing pace. Your hips were on the air, your chest was pressed against the warm bed sheet and Bucky’s flesh was grabbing your ass tightly, squeezing it and slapping it.
“You’re so crazy for it, aren’t ya?” He spat. His face was contorted with the raw desire he was feeling, his hair was a mess and his body was already glistening with a light sheen of sweat. His thick thighs were hitting against yours with each thrust, his balls kissing your clit whenever he slammed back inside, and you were going mad. “You’re fuck’n droolin’ for it, honey.”
You were. The wet patch on the sheet was visible to anyone who was capable of seeing. You whimpered. You wanted him to touch you there, play with you, but words were refusing to serve you at the moment. So, you whimpered even louder.
Bucky hushed and cooed at you softly. His hips never halting, not even for a second, Bucky leaned forward, placing his metal hand right next to your head and he slipped his flesh hand down to your mound.
“I can feel myself there,” he whispered right into your ear. “I can feel my cock strokin’ your soft walls, honey love,” he continued. His thrusts were a bit slower now, more sensual. You moaned, gasped and sighed. He was filling you so perfectly, up to the brink, stretching you so nice, you loved it. You loved how crazy it always drove you. Feeling his even thicker knot at the base of his cock whenever he ground down had you clenching your thighs and bit back a gasp.
“Bucky─ oh, shit!” You gasped loudly as he pressed his hand on your mound deeper. You could feel him there, too. You could feel his gorged mushroom tip stroking your walls sensually. You moaned and bit down on the bed sheet, your hands flying to grab some part of his body and your nails found his bubbly ass, digging themselves there.
Bucky grunted at the small, unexpected pain. “Y’like that? Huh? That got you goin’?” He draped his big, warm and muscled body on top yours fully, caging you under him. You purred in delight. You loved whenever he caged you like this, whenever he smothered you with his body and scent and heat. “Yeeeah, you love that shit.”
“Mmm,” you hummed loudly. “I do, Alpha.” You carefully raised your hips and ground against him. His cock was in so deep, you could feel its heaviness on your toes.
Bucky purred at your back, releasing all kinds of happy and aroused Alpha pheromones. He slid both of his hands under you; his metal one was across your chest, his metal fingers were brushing against your nipples and eliciting whorish moans out of you while his flesh one was around your waist, hand still on your mound, still feeling the bulge his cock was creating on your lower abdomen. He moved his thighs, getting them under yours even more, making you practically half-laying on his lap, he dropped his pelvis down onto yours.
“Fuck,” you breathed as he somehow managed to slide even deeper. “Fuck, Bucky─ Deep,” you moaned. “So fucking deep, oh my God…”
You heard his dark chuckle against your ear. “All the better to put a pup in that womb of yours, pretty,” he whispered, his hot breath licking your cheeks. You gasped at his words. “Yeah, baby. We ain’t gettin’ outta this bed without me knocking you up, without making this bulge,” he pressed his hand on the bulge again, practically cupping his own cock through you, “a baby bump.”
“Oh, shit!”
Bucky smirked and started to snap his against yours again. This time the pace he set was more desperate, more delirious and more pleasurable. He was in way too deep inside of you. His cock was stroking tender places that you didn’t know they existed. His metal fingers were playing with your nipples; pinching and pulling them harshly, groping one of them in the metal palm and squeeze. With each thrust, each wet, obscene sound that echoed through your bedroom walls was rapidly pushing both of you towards the edge. You could feel Bucky’s thick knot getting bigger and bigger, and at one point his knot slid inside of you; making his thrusts turn into filthy grinds.
“Fuck, baby,” he moaned in your ear. “Do you have any idea how tight you are? How good you smell? How owned you look?” You swallowed your spit, choking on a moan while doing it so. “I’ma make you look even more owned, honey.” Bucky ground his hips, hitching you up on his lap even more, angle feeling even deeper. You gasped. “I’ma put a baby in you, honey love. Then, I’ma watch you grow round with my pup. Gonna make you walk around with only your bra so that I can see my pup growing and moving in you.”
“Bucky!” Moaning and shouting, your orgasm hit you out of nowhere. You trashed in his arms, wiggled your hips, tightened your hold on his ass and threw your head back on his shoulder. Bucky growled.
“Yeah,” he groaned, “Y’re already milkin’ my cock, sweet Omega,” he murmured. “Your pussy is eager to get knocked up, innit? Hm? It’s beggin’ for my come, it’s ready for me, ain’t it?”
“Yea!” You shouted, “It is! It’s ready! Please!” You wiggled in his arms even more. Your thighs were clenching and cramping on his thick ones. “Gimme it, Alpha, please! Please put a pup in me!”
Growling, roaring, Bucky snapped his hips as much as he could while his knot was locked up in you. It was pulling the sensitive opening and creating a sweet pain there, but you loved that. You loved feeling his big knot. You moaned. You brought your hands to over his, holding them tight, you looked over your shoulder to his almost black eyes.
“Breed me, Alpha, put a pup in me, please,” you whined, high and very feminine, and purred. Bucky shouted, and then his shout turned into a loud growl and his knot popped into you. Covering your soft and hungry walls with his come, Bucky bit down on his mating mark again, causing you to shiver violently and came again, drowning you into the pleasure.
You must have blacked out because when you came back to yourself, Bucky was still locked up into your but didn’t look as tired and sweaty as he was before. You hmphed, stretching a little, a satisfied moan escaped from your mouth.  
“Ah,” Bucky murmured lovingly, “There is my pretty Omega.” You felt your face heating up and smiled at him adorably. Bucky chuckled. “How are you feeling, love?” You hummed, stretching even more, and draped your naked body over your mate’s. “That good, huh?” You nodded against his equally naked body, kissing the soft skin under your lips. Bucky ushered you to sit up a little and handed you a bottle of water. “Drink some, baby,” he instructed, helping you with it since your limbs were nothing but noodles.
You felt the cold water running inside of your body, you moaned in relief. “You were thirsty, huh?” Bucky joked, smiling all too smugly to himself. You elbowed him lightly but you were smiling as well. “Here, eat this, too.” Putting a small piece of sandwich in your mouth, Bucky had fed you almost one, whole sandwich.
“Hmmm,” you hummed as you draped yourself over his body yet again. Bucky stroked your hair. You wiggled your hips, pulling on the knot just a little, Bucky hissed. “Alpha,” you whined.
“Ssh,” Bucky hushed you, “It’s alright, love.” Kissing your temples, Bucky hugged your body tightly, his hips were moving with small thrusts. He was careful not to pull on the knot, but he was able to grind deep while still locked in. You hummed a moan out. Bucky turned your head towards his by gripping your chin with his two fingers, he kissed you.
“You know the real fun is just starting, honey love.”
And before you could answer, you were flipped over again, and already close to coming.
It wasn’t a surprise when you found out you were pregnant with Bucky’s pup a month later, when your heat didn’t visit you.
You sure as hell celebrated the news with Bucky as if you were in heat.
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amesstm · 2 years
do you want to build a snowman?
Characters: Bokuto, Kenma, Kuroo, Iwaizumi, Sugawara
A/N: in honor of the fact that I finally have time to write because my part of the research work is done AND it has snowed!
✨Bokuto✨ has been watching Frozen and Frozen 2 lately. He’s been blaring “Do You Want to Build a Snowman?” throughout the house for over a week now. “Hey baby, do you want to have fun in the snow today?” You didn’t dare mention a snowman but he immediately recommended it. How could you possibly deny him when he was this cute? “I want to make him look like Olaf,” he said as he shaped the body together. Soon, your little Olaf was made and Bokuto was crying with joy. “I hope he likes warm hugs.” The big man knelt beside the snowman so you could take a picture of them hugging. Unfortunately, the last picture of the several you took was Olaf’s head falling off.
✨Kenma✨ hates the cold. Even if his favorite season was winter, it didn’t mean that he’d go outside. “Kenmaaaa, can we go outside? The snow has stuck to the ground!” You pouted and mustered your best puppy eyes to your boyfriend, who was currently playing Stardew Valley. He grumbled, “Do I need to?” The glare in your eyes said a thousand words without you needing to open your mouth. Now, you two were outside and were assembling your magnificent snowman. Kenma was bundled up like a mini marshmallow so he took a long time getting the foundations of the snowman’s house ready. In the end, the snowman had a cute little house and a small garden outside.
✨Kuroo✨ has already decided that he wants to make an igloo instead of a snowman. “I want to make it super cozy. I even have an idea for a bed.” You knew your boyfriend was a nerd, but this was next level. After what took several hours, Kuroo said that it was perfect. Inside the igloo, it was surprisingly not as cold as you thought it would be. “Can I make a penguin outside?” You asked when it was all over. “I was hoping you’d ask that!” Kuroo pulled out another blueprint with the grin of an excited toddler. “No! No more blueprints!”
✨Iwaizumi✨ simply follows your orders. Between you two, you were the more creative since you headed the interior decorating of your home. As for you, you trusted Iwa-Chan’s arms to carry the heavier snow balls for you. This was totally not an excuse to see your boyfriend’s incredible strength - not at all. However, you did mutter “hubba hubba” when you saw him lift them. “Can you get a third on the top?” Iwaizumi obediently placed the head on top of the snowman and made sure to pack in some more snow so that it was secure.
For chaos sake: ✨Sugawara✨ is not here to build a snowman. You threw the snowball first. After all, he couldn’t just let that go. No. This man constructed a fort in the blink of an eye. The gentle boyfriend you once knew and loved is gone. Now, all you see is the Abominable Snowman in front of you.
©amesstm on tumblr // pls do not plagiarize, steal, or repost my content w/o permission!! BUT likes & reblogs are highly appreciated :)
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bre-meister · 2 years
I love the recent prompt for the greens
#1 and #7 for butchercup again
"Your child's been kicking me all day." "Oh, so now it's my child?" & "I already want more!" "Let's see how we're handling the first one."
“Ugh,” Buttercup grunted, hand moving to smooth over a spot on her round belly, “your child’s been kicking me all day!”
Butch paused what he was doing by the stove to look over at his wife. The woman in question was resting on the couch with her feet up. A movie was playing on the television in front of her but Butch could tell she was only half watching it. Most of her attention seemed to be on the life growing inside of her.
“Oh, so now he's my child?”
He handed her a bright green mug of hot chocolate with a mountain of whipped cream and marshmallows threatening to fall over on top. Buttercup beamed at the sweet treat before pouting at the mug it was held in; the words Mama Bear spelled out in swirling, glittery black lettering. In Butch’s other hand was a matching dark green mug inscribed with Papa Bear and in the cabinet with all their other mugs and cups rested a mini one that read Baby Bear. The set had been an extra shower gift from Bubbles. Buttercup had thanked her sister while somehow also managing to complain about how cliche it all was but Butch could tell she secretly loved the mugs. He’d seen her own green one sitting in the dish rack many times though she tried to hide it. 
“Mhm,” she hummed as Butch lifted her legs and replaced them on his lap once he was settled on the sofa, “I thought you knew by now that whenever he’s up to no good then it’s totally your fault.”
“Must be the Rowdy blood in the little snail. You know how mischievous we can be,” Butch tickled her bare feet as if to prove a point.
“Our son is not a snail! Stop saying that,” her laughter prevented her threat from sounding threatening at all.
“And he might not also be a he and yet you keep calling him that. I say we agree to disagree,” Butch shruged as animatiedly as possible without spilling his drink.
“Uh huh. That better also be hot chocolate by the way. If I can’t have caffeine in this house then neither can you.”
“Nothing but chocolatey goodness here my dear lady,” Butch finished off his drink. He placed his mug on the coffee table in front of them and began to massage her feet.
Buttercup signed into her mug at the welcome ministrations. While her kid had been kicking up a storm all day her feet and back had been aching from being on her feet most of the day as well. There had been a fundraiser at the elementary school the girls attended all those years ago. Every year they offer their time and services to help and, despite several people including her sisters and husbands assuring her she could sit this year’s event out, Buttercup would be damned if she missed it. She was pregnant, not terminally ill. 
“Can you rub my back for me later?” she asked a little sheepishly. 
She could tell from the look on Butch’s face that he wanted to lecture her about taking it easy again but he held back. He knew it would only escalate into an argument and with Buttercup’s hormones as wild as they were at the moment there was no telling how that would end. Instead, he just answered in an affirmative and reassured her that he would do anything she needed of him.
They sat in silence for a while watching the movie. The original one had gone off and Buttercup had picked another one although Butch could tell she was still a bit distracted. Her hand kept moving around to different spots on her stomach and a few times he even thought he saw her wince. 
“He still moving a lot?”
“Oh? Um, ya. I think all the commotion from today had got him excited.” Buttercup smiled at the fact Butch called their child a he but continued on as if she hadn’t heard it.
“A whole bunch of people kept asking if they could touch my bump. It was like he was performing or something. It’s crazy, I know. My sisters thought it was funny though. I bet it is super funny when you’re not the one whose insides are being rearranged.” 
“Well, can I feel?” His wife gave him a weird look before answering,
“You're his dad, you don’t ever have to ask me that.”
“You never know, just trying to be safe.” He joked while Buttercup moved his hand to where their child was being the most active.
“Hey there little snail,” Buttercup scoffed at the name while Butch leaned in closer, “I know you’re just trying to be super cool and all like your old man, but maybe try giving your mom a break. She's doing her best growing you and all that. She could really use the rest.”
They continued on like that for a bit - Butch carresing her bump while talking gently to their child. Every now and again he would leave a small kiss where a little hand or foot and just been on the other side of her skin. Buttercup thought it was adorable. Eventually, the child settled down and the couple decided to retire to bed before they accidentally fell asleep on the couch.
“Ya know,” Butch said quietly as he rubbed her back, using a little extra pressure in the spots he knew hurt the most, “is it weird that I kind of already want more?”
“Let’s see how we handle this one first,” Buttercup sighed as his deft fingers raked over a particularly tense spot between her shoulders.
She had no doubt in her mind that her and Butch would be good parents. However, she wasn't exactly ready to commit herself to the idea of another child. She wasn’t opposed to it either though.
“Just so you know, you’re carrying the next one.”
Butched laughed as he helped her lay down and re-arrange the pillows until she was comfortable. Once she found her position for the night, she reached behind her and pulled him as close as she could. Together they laid and Buttercup thought about what having two children with Butch might possibly look like.
“Fuck,” her curse broke through the silence.
“What? Are you ok?” Butch asked, worriedly.
“Yea, I just have to piss.”
Butch tried to suppress his laugh as Buttercup scooted her way to the end of the bed and headed for the bathroom.
“You better stop laughing. If you ever want another kid you’re gonna have to go through this yourself.” Buttercup said as a call back to her earlier joke.
Butch stopped trying to hide his laughter and Buttercup’s own chuckles were cut off as the door to the bathroom closed behind her.
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foli-vora · 3 years
there she goes
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A/N: Soft boi has arrived! Literally only watched his episodes of the Mentalist because Patrick Jane, quite frankly, annoys/bores the absolute shit out of me.
Pairing: Marcus Pike/f!reader
Word count: 1.7k
Warnings: none that I can see but please let me know if you think something should be added!
Standing in line at your favourite little café, you watch the rain pelt against the glass panels of the shop with disdain, cursing the bright sunny morning that tricked you into leaving your umbrella and jacket at home. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky when you woke and left for work this morning, and now it seemed like the dark grey clouds delivering the onslaught of rain stretched from horizon to horizon with no signs of a break any time soon. Typical, you thought to yourself. Like your day hadn’t been bad enough already.
Your landlord had dropped the bomb of a rent increase, your car had a flat, you had missed the bus and had to take a cab, your desk chair decided to die – leaving you practically on the floor trying to answer calls and use your computer and the office printer refused to print anything, no matter how many times you called it a piece of junk and kicked it. Suffice to say, you were more than ready for a strong hit of caffeine.
You’re dragged out of your inner grumbling when a finger gently taps your shoulder and you whirl to face the tapper immediately, sharp words of irritation dying on your tongue the second you meet their gaze.
Brown eyes, you notice instantly. Soft, soulful brown eyes. He was… nice. Understatement. He was gorgeous, with neatly trimmed facial hair and windswept dark hair falling just above his eyes.
He gestures towards the counter with a polite half smile, “Uh, you’re next.”
You blink in confusion before glancing at the young girl behind the register, seemingly waiting for you to step forward and order, and quickly apologise to them both. She smiles, making quick work of your regular order and then you’re stepping aside, throwing another apology towards the stranger before finding a seat and sitting with a deep exhale.
The rain comes down harder because of course it does. You mentally add embarrassing yourself in front of the first decent looking guy you’ve seen in a while to your list with a quiet groan. Melting back into the chair, you take a moment to fully bask in your somewhat dry clothes and shoes before inevitably having to end up running through the torrential downpour back to the office.
A to-go cup is placed gently in front of you, your name scrawled across the side, and you blink dumbly at it before following up along the arm until you’re looking at the man from the line. He’s smiling again, his own coffee in hand and the other now buried in his pants pocket.
“Someone’s away with the fairies today.” He notes light-heartedly, and then gestures over his shoulder. “They called your name – I hope it’s okay that I bought it over.”
You blink again, and only when his brow quirks ever so slightly do you snap out of your reverie. 
“Oh God, I’m sorry. I’m not usually this spacey.”
His face softens, lips quirking into a sympathetic smile. “Bad day?”
“Yeah, you could say that.” You reply dryly, eyeing the rain as you stand. “Thanks for bringing my coffee over. It probably would’ve been stone cold by the time I came back to Earth.”
You’re rewarded with a deep chuckle and it sends a little flutter through your chest. You made the pretty stranger laugh – not a total loss of a day, after all.
“I could try and make it better, if you want.”
You raise a brow, smiling shyly. “Oh yeah?”
He nods with a small smile, “Yeah.” He looks over his shoulders and shrugs lightly. “I could get you a slice of banana bread, a muffin, maybe… a gingerbread man? He has mini marshmallows as buttons.” His voice is light, playful, and when his grin widens, you find yourself unable to resist returning it.
You hum in thought, “Sounds like you’re a big fan.”
He chuckles, looking down as he nods. “Yeah look, I may eat colourfully decorated marshmallow buttoned gingerbread men more than a fully functioning adult of my age should.” He admits, grinning as you chuckle. “We could grab a table... maybe talk for a bit?” He watches you check your watch, hope growing in his chest at the thought of getting to know the pretty distracted stranger a little better over coffee.
“As tempting as that sounds, my break is almost over and I’m pushing it for time.” His face falls a little and you mirror his disappointment, briefly wondering if your boss would let you off if you tell her all about the pretty stranger at the coffee shop. “Thank you for the offer, though…”
“Marcus,” he smiles, shaking your hand firmly. The encasing warmth of his hand is enough to send a thrill through you, and your heart flutters in nervous excitement. The feeling doubles as he murmurs your name, pointing to your cup before you could ask how he knows.
You duck your head, smiling warmly at him before turning to the door and bracing for the wet chill that’s about to take hold. A warm hand softly pulls your arm back, and you turn back to him in question. He’s looking at your empty hands with a frown.
“Don’t you have an umbrella? Or a jacket at least?” Marcus asks, frown deepening when you shake your head.
“No, it was sunny when I left this morning – bad day.” You explain, a smile still tugging at your lips despite the downpour bombarding the street. There was something about this kind and pretty stranger that had you unable to stop smiling, and your cheeks were starting to pay the price with a lingering ache.
“Well, you can’t go out there without one, here – have mine.” He reaches past you and grabs the dripping umbrella propped up by the door, holding it out to you expectantly.
You recoil instantly, “What? No!”
“Please. It’s bad out there!”
As if to cement his argument, a snap of thunder crackles overhead, the rain increasing, and you cringe instantly.
Still, you shake your head and push his hand away, “I can’t take your umbrella! What about you?”
“I drove here – my car’s around the corner. Please, take it.”
You weigh up your options, not wanting to leave the handsome stranger with nothing to keep himself dry, but ultimately, it’s his pleading puppy eyes that completely win you over and then you’re reaching out, taking the umbrella softly and desperately trying to get a hold of your rapid heartbeat.
“Thank you, Marcus.”
He shrugs, an easy grin stretching his features and your eyes fall to glance over it appreciatively. He had a damn good smile. “Don’t mention it.”
“My knight in shining suit.” You coo, chuckling at the flush of faint pink that washes across his cheeks. “I can’t tell you how much this has turned my day around.”
“I’m glad to hear it.” And he truly is.
You linger a moment longer, grinning as he turns slightly bashful under your heavy scrutiny. “It was really nice to meet you, Marcus.”
He beams, “You, too.”
With a small wave, you disappear into the rain and Marcus sighs softly, watching you go with a small flicker of regret at the missed opportunity. Umbrella and your number next time, Pike, he scolds himself solemnly.
His nose curls as he watches the rain for a moment and then sighs deeply, reaching for the lapel of his jacket. He pulls it over his head and briefly thinks about his car, still parked in the nice and dry parking garage back at the bureau. He’s not at all sorry for telling you a little white lie to get you to take his umbrella, you needed something in this weather and it was his absolute pleasure to provide. Knight in shining suit. It had him smiling to himself the entire run back to the office, despite the downpour that had him saturated in the first two minutes.
He keeps an eye out over the next few days, intentionally going for lunch at the same time as that rainy day in hopes he’d see you again. Every day, he was left walking back with a feeling of disappointment, but not letting it crush his hope for the next day.
It’s not until over a week later when he’s standing in line, the café busier than usual, when he hears a familiar voice pipe up from behind him.
“I’ve heard the gingerbread men here are pretty good.”
You’re already smiling when he turns to face you, a grin of his own creasing his cheeks.
“I’ve been keeping an eye out for you.” He admits, nodding when you tilt your head with a curious oh? “Just making sure you’re not holding up any more lines – people need their coffee, after all. Can’t be waiting around all day.” He teases, laughing when you softly shove him playfully.
Shaking your head, you step up next to him and lean in to his side, “So guess what?”
He chuckles softly to himself, looking at you expectantly. “What?”
“I took a long lunch. Well, actually, I’ve been taking long lunches all week hoping to see you.” You admit, somewhat shyly. Were you coming on too strong? You hope not. It’s only been a week and you had missed him like you had known him longer than five minutes. You weren’t sure whether to be slightly concerned that a literal stranger had you so caught up in a whirl or thrilled that you had finally met someone who seemed genuinely decent.
He smiles softly, relieved that this little thing between you both wasn’t one sided. “I’ve been hoping to see you, too. I actually –”
“Hey, move it along!”
You startle, turning to frown at the irritated man behind you when Marcus chuckles and offers a small apology over his shoulder, before reaching for your hand and gently pulling you the short distance to the counter to order. You barely take notice of him and the barista talking, instead focusing on your hand now wrapped up in his, his thumb rubbing softly across your knuckles, and how it’s making your body thrum with electricity. You smile to yourself, eyes flicking back up to his face to find him looking at you expectantly, brow firmly raised with a small smirk.
You blink. “What?”
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Elegant Vacation - Summer Troupe Practice Mini Chats Translation
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Can you believe they added all my favorite characters in one practice mini chats? (´。• ᵕ •。`)
Important: If you notice I misunderstood a line or there’s a mistake, feel free to tell me.
Itaru and Kumon Mini Chat (30% Flair)
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Kumon: Hmm~... I think it’s the second!
Itaru: No, that one is the third. 
TV: “And the answer for the 5th question is… the third option.”
Kumon: Wow, you were right! That’s awesome, Itaru-san! 
Itaru: I just happened to know it.
Itaru: I can really feel we’re in summer with this student quiz special~. 
Kumon: Yeah, I totally get you! It gives a summer and youth feeling! So cool~ it looks pretty fun. I want to appear there!  
Itaru: Sounds good. Why don’t you try to apply for it? This isn’t just a knowledge and aptitude TV show. Strength and luck are also needed. 
Itaru: This one is just for students, but some don’t have age restrictions. So you can invite people who might be good at it and apply together. 
Kumon: That’s a good idea! Kazu-san, Guy-san… and Chikage-san seem to be good at it! 
Itaru: Yeah. Oh, right, didn’t Banri mention he sometimes helps Amabi’s quiz study group?
Kumon: Hmm, yeah, he might be good too, but… I prefer him as my rival on another team to compete with him. 
Itaru: Haha, I see. Then how about we do a quiz showdown with everyone as practice?
Kumon: I’m totally in for it! Okay, I’m going to train to win the quiz!
Misumi and Banri Mini Chat (60% Flair) 
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Banri: Well then… I should get going soon. 
Misumi: Me too~ 
Banri: Are you going somewhere, Misumi? 
Misumi: Mhm! I’m going to my house. 
Misumi: I met with Madoka by chance the other day at Veludo Way!
Misumi: Madoka told me his summer gift was a tasty jelly and invited me to eat them with him~ 
Banri: Heh, that’s good. It seems like you’re getting along well. 
Banri: I’m also going to my house. My sister called me. 
Banri: I’ll be shopping with her all day.
Misumi: Oh, I see! You also get along with your sister, Banri~
Misumi: I want to go shopping with Madoka too. I’ll invite him next time! 
Banri: Oh, yeah, that sounds good. It has a different feeling to go shopping with a brother. Kinda fun. 
Banri: Well, let’s head to our places. 
Misumi: Mhm, let’s go, go~!
Azami and Hisoka Mini Chat (100% Flair)
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Azami: It feels so hot… I should get a drink. 
Azami: U-Uwah! Hisoka-san…? Why are you sleeping here? 
Hisoka: Ngh…?
Hisoka: Ah… It seems like I fell asleep while waiting… 
Azami: What were you waiting? 
Hisoka: Marshmallows. They are in the freezer cooling. 
Hisoka: I’m testing how much tasty are frozen marshmallows and which flavor is the best when chilled. 
Azami: So, frozen marshmallows? Your devotion for marshmallows is amazing as always…
Hisoka: Munch, munch… Mhm. It’s so tasty when cool. The feeling when you eat it is different too.
Azami: Heh. 
Hisoka: I’ll give you one since you woke me up, Azami. …Here.
Azami: Eh, aah, thanks. 
Azami: …Hm, you’re right. The texture feels different from usual. 
Hisoka: I know. 
Hisoka: The chocolate and the vanilla ones are good too… I’m going to try freezing some blueberry ones. 
Outing Chat #3 (Itaru, Kumon, Misumi, Banri, Azami, Hisoka)
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Kumon: Wah~ the pool was so fun~! 
Misumi: We swam a lot~
Azami: Misumi is pretty good at swimming and also fast. I had the impression he would. 
Kumon: Mhm, mhm! He looked like a dolphin swimming so smoothly! 
Kumon: And the Sky Pirate etude in the pool! It was sooo amazing and impressive~! 
Azami: Yeah, I was surprised when it suddenly started, but it drew me in immediately. 
Misumi: Kazu and the others are performing at a resort pool. It sounded so nice, so I wanted to try it~ 
Kumon: We played a looot, and now I feel a bit hungry. Can we stop by the convenience store?
Misumi: Mhm! I want a triangle ice cream! 
Azami: I think it sounds good. I’m a bit thirsty. 
Kumon: Let’s ask if someone in the dorms wants anything. Sending them a LIME!
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LIME Transcription
Kumon: Stopping by the store on our way back from the pool! Anything you want us to buy? // Read by 5  Itaru: Oh, perfect. I just feel like having soda. Thank you, guys.  Banri: A Pistachio Thazs for me.  Hisoka: The store’s exclusives marshmallows. Azami: There are two, Hisoka-san. Strawberry and grape.  Hisoka: Both.  Misumi: Okie dokie △△△
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Itaru: If I’m not wrong, they went to the municipal pool in the next town. 
Banri: Yeah, that’s what they said. It’s nice to go swimming once in a while. 
Hisoka: You seem like a good swimmer, Banri. 
Banri: Well, it’s easy. You two… don’t seem so into going to a pool. 
Hisoka: Hmm… a pool is refreshing. I think I would just flow peacefully with a swim ring in a quiet spot. 
Banri: Haha, that’s so you, Hisoka-san. 
Itaru: I would be in a sunbed at the poolside eating ice cream while playing the water kingdom event on my phone. 
Banri: I guess that’s, hmm, so like you, Itaru-san. 
Notes: Thazs is a reference to Dazs (Häagen-Dazs).
The LIME messages were adapted to fit in the text boxs. It doesn’t have major changes, though. 
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