#i can't draw scars or tattoos lol
qwainte · 4 months
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Say hello to my baby Mina. She's a Calishite noble born and raised in Baldur's Gate who ran away from home to become a pirate when she was 17. She was on her way back to Baldur's Gate to attend her father's funeral when she abducted by the nautiloid and infected. She has 3 older brothers and an estranged mother
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wr0ngwarp · 1 year
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fan design for johnny truant house of leaves. yea.
normally johnny's the kind of character i'd prefer to leave designless, but its difficult to do silly joke stuff with a character that doesn't look like anything lmao. my sort of compromise between the two is limiting his palette to the book colors
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sunnebeam · 11 months
"i was hoping i wouldn't have to resort to this."
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pairing: min yoongi x reader
plot: the (mis)adventures of retired gangster min yoongi as he leaves behind the life of the mafia and navigates the way of the househusband.
warnings: the way of the househusband au, marriage au, crack, domesticity, yoongi unintentionally scares people
masterlist + disclaimers.
note: go on tell me d-day!yoongi isn't tatsu I DARE YOU 😤 btw u don't need to watch the way of the househusband before reading this, but i swear u won't regret it if u do lol it's so funny (and it gives great visuals for this fic!). anyways, enjoy!! i'd love to hear ur thoughts so drop by my askbox and let's chat :)
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Water drips down his neck as he washes his face. Droplets fall down his tattooed back, tracing the meticulous lines and bold colors that contrast his pale skin.
After rinsing and drying off, he dons on his outfit for the day – a fitted, white, short-sleeved shirt that shows off the intricate tattoos on both his arms and some black sweatpants – and puts on his signature apron – a beige, cotton apron with a drawing of his brown poodle on the front. Said poodle is staring at him from the bathroom door as he takes one last look at the mirror.
An old, bumpy scar runs down his right eye.
"Perfect," he says to himself before heading to the kitchen with his dog following right behind.
Min Yoongi never used to wake up this early. But these days, he wakes up bright and early at six o'clock because he has an important assignment.
"What do you think, Holly? Too big?"
The poodle barks in response, and taking its opinion into consideration, Yoongi adjusts his gimbap slices accordingly, making them a tad bit smaller and just the perfect size for your lunchbox.
The door to your shared bedroom opens and you run out, already dressed in your corporate attire. You run to the kitchen where your husband is and get a huge glass of water.
"I'm late!" you screech, all while gulping down the whole glass.
"But you still have a few hours," he points out in confusion.
"I forgot I have an early meeting!" you explain in a hurry, putting on your heels before giving your husband a big smooch on the lips and blowing Holly a kiss. "Sorry, Yoonie! I'll see you later!"
And you're out the door.
Yoongi blinks for a few moments before shaking his head. He's chuckling in amusement at your mishap, but if any outsider hears his laughter, it just sounds a bit manic.
"Well, looks like it's just you and me, Holly."
Holly barks.
"Huh? What was that?"
Holly barks.
Yoongi stares at the poodle, then at your Hello Kitty lunchbox he meticulously prepared, then back at the poodle.
"She forgot her lunchbox?"
Holly barks.
Yoongi snaps into action, securing the lunchbox and putting it inside a Hello Kitty cloth bag before running out the door with his cute apron still on. He mounts his bicycle and speeds towards your office – which, if he was driving a car, would have broken numerous traffic regulations but luckily he isn't a stranger to breaking a law or two.
He's almost to your office. He's halfway there.
But unfortunately, there's a bit of a situation.
"What's your occupation, sir?"
The two police officers stare at him hesitantly after flagging him down for pedalling too fast with his bicycle. They're debating on giving him a ticket but then Yoongi answers.
They stare at him.
Yoongi sighs. At this rate, he won't be able to catch you before you clock in.
"Wait a second," one of the officers says, eyeing the tattoos peeking out from Yoongi's shirt and the big scar on his eye. "Are you..."
They stare at the name on the ticket. Min Yoongi.
"...Agust D?"
No way, the other officer thinks. There's a rumor about an infamous gangster called Agust D who used to slaughter his enemies with his own two hands. This guy can't be him. Right? Right?!
They hold a breath when Yoongi reaches into his pocket.
"I was hoping I wouldn't have to resort to this," he murmurs.
"Wait, sir. There's no need for violence—"
"Here," Yoongi shuts them up by thrusting one of his most precious possessions.
A gift card for discounts at the local grocery store.
The police officers stare at the gift card, bewildered.
"As much as it pains me to let go of this," Yoongi continues, "take it. Now, I have to go."
And he pedals away, leaving behind one gift card and two very confused cops.
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lunarbuck · 10 months
Soulmate AU Writing Challenge
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hello hello hello! to celebrate my 2k follower milestone i've decided to try my hand at running a writing challenge :) Please make sure to read the instructions and have fun!!!
this challenge is 18+ only so minors do not interact/participate
Now let's get into it 🌙
Time frame: August 9 - September 13
Instructions: Select your favorite trope/au from the list and message/send me an ask to claim! I will add more to the list if I need to.
Your fic can be any word count, but please use the read more after 350 words. These can be fluffy, smutty, angsty, dark, literally whatever, but I ask that you refrain from including scat, piss, or ageplay. Make sure to properly tag your fics!!!!
You do not have to be following me to participate
When you post your fic, please tag me so I can reblog and make a masterlist!! I hope you guys have fun, I can't wait to read what you all come up with <3
✨AU/Trope List✨
Every so often you will get flashes of what your soulmate is seeing at the time, however your soulmate does not know when it happens. @mrsmischief209
You have the first words your soulmate says to you somewhere on your body (and vice versa). @onceuponastory
You have your soulmate’s name somewhere on your body. @mischief-dream
Everyone is able to see each other’s aura. You and your soulmate have the same-colored aura, and you will stop seeing auras altogether after you meet them.
You can communicate telepathically with your soulmate. @angrythingstarlight
Your internal voice is the voice of your soulmate’s, rather than your own. @wishfulstargazer
You can feel what your soulmate is feeling (and vice versa). @vase-of-lilies
Anything you draw/write on your own skin appears on your soulmate’s.
You have a clock that counts down until you meet your soulmate.
You and your soulmate share matching tattoos. @americas-ass-writing
You and your soulmate have matching tattoos that become clear once you meet. @seleswrites
You see in black and white until you meet your soulmate - then you can see colors. @writing-for-marvel
Your soulmate’s scars appear on your body (and vice versa). @buckets-and-trees
You have a compass on your body that leads you to where your soulmate is. @flordeamatista
You have the date that you’ll meet your soulmate tattooed somewhere on your body. @indyluckycharlie
You have a tattoo that changes color depending on what your soulmate is feeling. @jbucb
The only thing you remember from your past life is the face of your soulmate. @she-wolf09231982
You share a dream with your soulmate when you’re both asleep. @navybrat817
You can see the red string of fate when you close your eyes, which will lead you to your soulmate. @sgt-seabass
Everyone has a journal that allows them to write back and forth with their soulmate. @princessphilly
You feel intense pain in your soul when your soulmate is in life-threatening danger. @pluvia-b
You have a tattoo of how old your soulmate will be when you meet. @thecubanator2
You have a tattoo of your soulmate’s initials. @vonalyn
Once a year, starting on your 16th birthday, soulmates swap bodies for a day if they have not met yet. @rainisawriter
You cannot feel pain until you meet/touch your soulmate. @nickfowlerrr
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Tagging some mutuals who might be interested (no pressure obviously lol)
@flordeamatista @jobean12-blog @late-to-the-party-81 @buckets-and-trees @aquariusbarnes @jen-with-a-pen @navybrat817 @mrsmischief209 @onceuponastory @summerofsnowflakes @sgt-seabass @goldylions @writing-for-marvel @snugglingbucky @angrythingstarlight @bbgem329 @mickeyhenrys @sunshinebuckybarnes
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tradingjack · 7 months
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These were the concept pages I drew for my original writer in the @vashwoodbigbang event! Unfortunately they have disappeared on me 😅 and also bc god hates me I guess, the day I was supposed to post these, yesterday, saw me dealing with first a wifi outage and then a whole electricity outage so. That was fun lmao
Details about the drawings below since. I don't know if my writer will ever post the story, unfortunately 😔
So this was originally coined as a stardust au! I believe it was primarily based on the movie that came out in the 2000s (?), though I believe my writer was familiar with both the movie and the book it was based on. Honestly, it doesn't pull much at all from the story itself, just the general concepts of stars.
In this version, Vash is a star, and he decides to try and find his long-lost siblings (Knives and Tessla). In his search, he comes across a planet he hasn't visited before, and while he's descending to it, he's shot down by something mysterious that causes him rather permanent injury (not new; I believe he'd already lost his arm previously and he has all his scarring from travels to previous planets, this specific technology is just new to him).
He manages to crawl some distance from the resulting crater and is rescued by the odd pair of anthropologist Milly and journalist Meryl, who are tracking fallen stars on their planet in order to research them. Vash is horrified to learn that stars on this planet are rather brutally searched for and used for their power, so he tries his best to keep his real identity as a star secret.
In the next town, he learns about Star Cultists, who are the leading experts on stars. Our dear Wolfwood is one of them, and though he's a priest under the head of Chapel, he seems pretty jaded about the whole thing. He also spends some time poking fun at their visitor Vash when he stumbles on the doorstep of the church.
Unbeknownst to all, Chapel is the one who shot Vash down, and he suspects Vash is his target. When Vash, Milly, and Meryl skip town, Wolfwood is ordered to tag along with them against his will, and he begrudgingly forces himself into the group with his usual grace lol.
Through some shenanigans, including an interesting fight with Livio/Razlo who is a martyr (a human who ate at least part of a star and became consumed by it), the group all grows closer to each other. Naturally, Wolfwood and Vash hit it off with their usual ideology clashing and homoerotic team fighting. The tension comes to a head when both of the boys are drunk and attempting to stumble somewhere after getting kicked out of the bar, and with the help of liquid courage, Wolfwood admits to Vash that he's what's known as a "Star Eater:" a human that has consumed part of a star, and by some genetic luck, isn't consumed by it and instead gains some superhuman abilities so long as the magical tattoo (i forget what it's called off the top of my head fuck) that forms around the presenting star isn't broken.
Vash is understandably horrified. Wolfwood is confused by Vash's rejection bc he isn't aware Vash is a star; he's under the impression Vash is just some very talented guy Chapel really wants to feed a star shard in the hopes he becomes part of their superhuman cult.
Vash sobers up and manages to drag a very drunk and eepy Wolfwood to their hotel.
The next day is the turning point; the star cultists, including Chapel, catch up to them and confront Vash. Wolfwood has to learn very quickly that he'd been Wrong and Vash, in his panic, flies to where it feels most safe; the city's Star (storage area?? Idk). He ends up cornered there and, in his panic, accidentally goes nuclear trying to escape and blows up half the city in a column of flame. While he's barreling across the desert in an attempt to get away, he's trapped by a net the star cultists set up, made of the same shit used to shoot him down at the start, and he can't escape it on his own.
Luckily he's found by Wolfwood first, who's decided he owes it to Vash to try and fix his fuck up, and using his superhuman healing, he manages to free Vash. Both are exhausted and ultimately rescued by LR, who's been tailing them.
Tbh my memory's kinda foggy... my writer only managed to share up to that first LR fight, so I don't remember exactly what's supposed to happen between here and the fight at the orphanage?? I remember Vash somehow finds out what happened to his siblings (a hella long time ago, Tessla was consumed by the people of the planet and Knives, in his rage, fuckin just annihilated everything, turning it into a desert planet, and has been laying dormant for the most part since then) and also we learn that martyrs gain better control of themselves, and the crystal growth consuming them stops, when in proximity to enough additional star power. Vash, as a star himself, allows LR to easily think as they did before they ate a star shard when in close enough proximity.
Anyway, fight for the orphanage, Vash shows up in time to see Wolfwood getting his shit rocked and his magical tattoo (I'm so annoyed I can't remember what it's called. My mind is supplying sharingan and i know that aint it) shattered by Chapel, who accomplishes this by running Wolfwood through with his cane. Vash, believing Wolfwood's dead (bc like. Lmao it's pretty hard to live getting impaled, like, fully), loses his temper and basically obliterates Chapel. He moves on from Wolfwood's body to try and dismantle the entire Star church so Wolfwood's orphanage can stay safe. In this process, he confronts a Doctor Conrad, who was behind the whole thing, the remains of Tessla, and somehow Knives?? I think Knives, sensing Vash's anguish, just tried to fuckin nuke everyone, and Vash stops that. I feel like Knives dies in this process somehow... I think it was by saving Vash from something Conrad made??
By the end of it, Vash is wounded and exhausted, and ends up being saved by Milly and Meryl, I think.
When he recovers, it's to find he's lost his ability to leave the planet; while still functionally a star, his power has greatly diminished, his hair is black, and he can't even hide his wings anymore. Last I knew, my writer was actually merciful and let Wolfwood live! Albeit as a martyr (thus the wolf form with the uncontrolled star shard bursting out of the hole in his chest you can see on Wolfwood's page lol). Luckily he's got Vash around, so he gets to keep his mind, if not his human form.
With Knives dead and the star cultists mostly dispersed and no longer able to fuck with the planet, the story ends with our characters getting to experience rainfall on the planet for the first time in centuries.
I like the story :P I imagine it'd be a lot better written out in actual novel form by the person who'd actually thought it up than my shitass, too-long summary lol.
Honestly my writer was communicating up until like, a month ago?? And then they just.... disappeared :/ which is weird bc I checked with my mod for this event (shout out to mod sana, @pushclouds, you're an amazing mod and I appreciate the heck out of you) and they submitted literally every check-in. Honestly I'm more worried for them than anything, if anyone knows what happened to @lohikaar I'd appreciate anything you can tell me. I hope they'll publish this story whenever they can, I'd still love to read it in its entirety.
Additional shout-out to @priellan for beta-ing the story they shared with us, and for overall being a super supportive team member :D
Also they did assign me a pinch hitter writer since we have no idea wtf happened to my original writer, so I'll be doing more drawings :D priellan agreed to beta for them too, which I'm super happy about! And thanks again to mod sana for your hard work and arranging that so quickly!
An admittedly strange first big bang experience, but I don't think it was overall bad, and I'm excited to work on more stuff with my new writer :D if you read this far goddamn. Thanks lol. See you again for sure on January 1st! (I'll try to post other shit between then and now hopefully)
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phantasmalduelist · 2 months
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Thanks for the tag @i-mybrunettelady!!!😊 I did it for both my commander and wayfinder & if you're reading this and want to do it, you're tagged (and please tag me in your post! So I can read).
-- B A S I C S
name: Penelope Starbinder (formerly Ry). age: 34. She was born on November 1 (Season of the Colossus/Scorpio. I picture her with an Aquarius moon and an Aries rising!). race: She had two mothers, one is Canthan and the other was a Mist Being with draconic blood. gender: NB femme (she/her). orientation: Lesbian. profession: Holosmith and Commander/Champion of Aurene.
-- P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
hair: Currently a copper orange. eyes: Right now her eyes have a purple and yellow hue which is impossible in-game, but that's the kind of shade. skin: Tanned. tattoos/scars: She has a tattoo on the base of her neck, it's supposed to represent her title of Starbinder. I haven't designed it yet because I haven't had the opportunity to draw her back AJKFJSF but yeah. Scars: one on her left breast/shoulder from when Bangar shot her.
-- F A M I L Y
parents: Mimi Ry (deceased) and Nvaa (deceased). siblings: Her twin sister Deanna Starlighter (formerly Ry). grandparents: Unknown. Her human mother had no family of note. in laws and others: Jormag - not officially married, but… honestly they have 6 children together so. It makes the Elder Dragons family ig. LMFAOOO. pets: Starry shiba inu.
-- S K I L L S
abilities: Proficient in engineering and holosmith skills; on the same level of Canthan engineering. She would be classified as a genius (she just doesn't use it like asura do, so it's never really commercialized). Great eye for strategy and making small talk with just about anyone. Good at solving things quickly and has a stellar sense of direction. She can't cook good food or sew or anything like that; that's Jormag's thing lol. She doesn't have a hobby or other skills that aren't related to being a commander and she should rethink that. The burnout is real.
-- T R A I T S
most positive trait: Easygoing, extremely loyal, dependable. most negative trait: Martyrdom, impulsiveness, speaks without thinking at times.
-- L I K E S
colors: Purple, gold, cyan. smells: Lavender, coconut, beach. textures: Soft fur/hair, warm skin, weighted blanket. drinks: Energy drinks, cocktails, fizzy soda.
-- O T H E R D E T A I L S
smokes: Not usually, but she has. drinks: Yes. drugs: Nope. been arrested: Well yes, canonically so. ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
-- B A S I C S
name: Badri the Starstorm (alter ego: The Starfall Ego). age: Unknown, but definitely over 150. race: Unknown. gender: Cis lady (she/her). orientation: Lesbian. profession: Wizard and Wayfinder. Chronomancer. (Alter ego: crazily powerful elemental cosmic magic).
-- P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
hair: Mousy blonde, very soft and shiny. (Alter ego: very light lavender/iridescent). eyes: Pale with a golden sparkle. skin: Pale purple-blue. tattoos/scars: None.
-- F A M I L Y
parents: Unknown. siblings: Unknown. grandparents: Unknown. in laws and others: Isgarren is her father figure and Peitha is her toxic yuri. Isak and her share a pretty strong sibling bond even if they are not related at all. pets: Her moth skyscale, Belle, is very much like a cat to her.
-- S K I L L S
abilities: Learned chronomancy from her teacher Basira & her skills are pretty good. She learns any kind of magic pretty easily and with efficiency. She can cook, sew, dance, play instruments, sing, and many other stuff. She's like a swiss army knife of skills. She devoted most of her time to hobbies and reading because she wasn't allowed outside the tower.
-- T R A I T S
most positive trait: Cheerful, tooth-rotting sweet and attentive, caring. most negative trait: Selfish, passive-aggressive, sheltered.
-- L I K E S
colors: Jade, lipstick, periwinkle. smells: Strawberry cake, peppermint, scented candles. textures: Velvet, encrusted gems, embroidery. drinks: Green tea, cocoa with chunky marshmallows, smoothies.
-- O T H E R D E T A I L S
smokes: Nope. drinks: Nope. drugs: Nope. been arrested: Nope.
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drew WHB Belphie pre-debut because yes?!
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Very long discussion under the cut vvv
HE IS HERE YESS (even though he is very late)
I'm very excited for when he drops even though it'll definitely take me a while before I actually get him because I'm f2p only and I have shitty gacha luck hahaha...
Anyway, here are my theories: for some reason, I have a feeling that he's very mean? Or like, he's one of those who will bully MC LOL
(though I can't tell if it's bully because he likes mc, or bully because that's just how he is)
Idk, I just think he'll be prickly because of the piercings. He has so many! Four helix piercings on both ears?! Also, it looks like he's wearing a windbreaker? Or some sporty jacket which makes me think jock...which is also not very sloth-like lmao. It reminds me of typical gangster characters like Draken from Tokrev.
(Though that will be a very interesting character but it's risky since we already have Levi and not everyone likes him <3 the reason why I didn't draw him very gangster-like is that someone said that he kinda looks inspired by Vkei and I wanted to incorporate that somehow)
I also think he'll have a very... interesting personality. I've drawn him all crazy in the second pic, but very relaxed and a little tired? in the first. That's because I really like drowsy/sleepy eyes and also because he's the representative of the sin sloth so it makes sense. As for the crazy one..I also think that aside from the mean attitude, he'll have a very energetic/eccentric personality based on the art. Like he'll be all up in your face talking about the weirdest shit because he wants to get a reaction. Or he's just one very informed and knowledgeable king who has many, many secrets.
Speaking of secrets, there is his hands. I know the other kings also have hands in their teasers, but with Belphie, I think the hands have more significance. Because like, why is it covering up most of his face??? The other kings at least have an eye, nose and/or mouth showing through the fingers, but Belphie only has his left eye with two pupils. I'm starting to think he's very secretive or mysterious. Maybe he's a reclusive king and that's why not a lot of demons know about him or his country? Or maybe he's as strict and 'militaristic' as Nifleheim's description says of their country? Or maybe he has a scar that he's covering up? Idk but I am gonna be disappointed if it turns out to be a red herring >:(
Oh, and another thing about the hands— I might be grasping at straws here but the fingers look like teeth. The way they're intertwined in front of his face makes it look like teeth, making me think either he has very sharp teeth or his idiosyncrasy is related to teeth (i know, this is beyond grasping at straws now).
Also, I didn't draw his horns because I have no idea how to draw his horns. I can't see it at all in the teaser art unless it's this thing beside one of his hands which is....?? I'm not sure. Because if that's so then he's similar to Valefor with a horn in his eye (correct me if I'm wrong huhu) and if that's the case, then he has a very cool design that's very unique from all the current kings (including Asmo if they're going to reuse the design they had of him from Love Unholyc)
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Unless his horn is the black halo above his head? In which case, how the fuck is that connected to his head?? Or is it floating with magic?? I don't understand. Why the halo? Is he connected to the angels in some way? A traitor, perhaps? Is he somehow related to the angelification stuff that I barely know anything about?
ALSO ALSO what's with the Roman numeral six on his forehead??? Is that just a random tattoo or will that mean something lore-wise? If so, does that mean he's the sixth king to be before Lucifer? (this is assuming Luci is the last king and Asmo is the first king) Or is this a hint that he's the sixth king MC visits/breaks the contract with? If it's the latter...then I don't know if I have enough patience to play through however many chapters it will take until we get to Niflheim...and also...my phone storage can't handle it eheu
It could also just not be a Roman numeral six and it could be a Latin word/quote that I have no idea about because it's hidden by his hands. Salvi is the only Latin word I could think of with 'vi' but that means 'saved' and I don't know how that works with Belphie. Because then he got saved?? By who?? And why would he need saving?
So many questions and so many ideas, I wonder when they'll officially introduce him (hopefully not next year...).
Also, does anyone know when Lucifer's selfie card goes into the normal banners? Because I don't see him there and the only thing I'm sure will go into the normal banners is Levi's school card which will be three months from now iirc.
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the-rewriter13 · 5 months
The sin of Gluttony: Beezlebub
Okay, first off I wanna say: the 'original' 7 Deadly Sins will be guys as to fit the canonical lore as the 'Princes of Hell'. But not to worry, the Kid Sins will have varied genders!
Now then onto the rewrite (btw I can't draw so there will be no art by me for these designs lol):
Character Name:
First Name: Beezlebub
Last Name: N/A
Nickname (if any): Beezle (Mammon)
Title(s): Lord of The Flies, Sin of Gluttony
Basic Information:
Age: ???
Gender: Male -He/Him/His
Date of Birth: ???
Place of Birth: ???
Species: Sin
Residence: Ring of Gluttony
Generation: 1st generation
Sexual Oriention: Bisexual
Normal: Alex Kapranos (lead singer of Franz Ferdinand)
Singing: Alex Kapranos
Non True Form/Human Physical Appearance:
Height: 15'2
Weight: (?)
Build: Slim and lanky with a sleeper build, due to the high metabolism for gorging food
Skin Colour: Grey (hex: 8E918F)
Hair Color: Jet black (hex: 0A0A0A)
Hair Style: A mullet, you know like Michael fucking Wheeler
Eye Color: A vibrant, almost toxic green (hex: 61DE2A) with a low orange (hex: FC6A03) flame flickering below the pupil that rises in intensity the closer he is to his true form and he has black sclera
Facial Structure: Hollow and emaciated/gaunt looking, with a sharp jawline, deep set eyes and a hawk nose
Scars or distinguishing marks: Hexagon tattoos around his eyes (both pairs, a smaller version for the smaller eyes), replicating the design of a fly's eye(s)
Extra: Medium-sized fly wings that sprout from his back, an extra pair of arms & a smaller pair of eyes that are above the actual set of eyes
Typical Clothing: Black cargo pants,a pastel orange (hex: FF9661) & dark pink (hex: 990049) argyle sweater & a white collared shirt
True Form Physical Appearance:
A large fly with a crown made of bone that grows out of its skull, the eyes still retain the toxic green colour. The wings are a soft gradient of pale orange to white while the body of the fly is ink black
Personality Traits:
Positive Traits: Beezlebub is an all-round rather laid-back person. He's confident and rather witty, wanting to make a good environment for people around him with his playful and enthusiastic attitude.
Negative Traits: Despite his desire to have a warm & comfortable environment associated with himself, it's slightly for his own purpose as Beezlebub isn't above peer pressure or forcing self-indulgence upon a person due to his feeding off others' self-indulgence. This gives him a sometimes sinister and pushy attitude, enthusiasticly cheering you on as your body screams to stop. His impulsive behaviour can also cause problems for both those around him at the time and himself, often causing reckless danger
Background and History:
Parents: God? I mean idk tbh
Siblings (if any): The other Sins, his favourite is Mammon
Current Occupation: He currently lords over the food industry, not very original I know, alongside having a partnership with Mammon in entertainment
Career Goals: ???
Hobbies and Interests:
Hobbies: Beezlebub enjoys partying, especially the types where you go place to place. He's also interested in farming certain things, his latest farm in his HQ is an ant farm (well, Hell's equivalent to ants, demon ants I suppose (I may make a little fact sheet about them lol)), he loves his ants very much
Interests: He loves music, his favourite genre of music is pop while his most hated is ochestral and operatic as it reminds him of Heaven and enjoys sending Ambassadors up to Earth to learn more music, also particularly enjoys musicals his favourite is Heathers!
Marital Status: Beezlebub is in a happy polyamorus relationship with his wife Calliope* & husband Micah*
Romantic Relationships (if any): His wife and husband
Friendships: Leviathan, they both indulge in their roles together, Leviathan growing envious of certain things and Beezlebub uses it as an excuse to self-indulge
Closest Friends: Mammon as Gluttony and Greed can go hand in hand, although they can buttheads every few centuries or so, they're not perfect but are the closest of the Sins
Dislike/Despise: Currently, Beelzebub is at a sorts with Lucifer due to the Pride Sinners running amok in his Ring, worse than normal anyways
Strengths and Weaknesses:
Strengths: Playful, confident, enthusiastic, ambitious & spunky
Weaknesses: Reckless, impulsive, gossipy & impatient
Goals and Ambitions:
Short-term Goals: Continue self-indulgence & up his business prosperity- eradicate the Pride Sinners that are causing a ruckus in his Ring
Long-term Goals: Reform with the other 7DS
Fears and Insecurities:
Common Fears: Fear of ducks
Insecurities: Perfectionism
Quirks and Habits:
Quirks: Rather twitchy hands which causes him to tap tables in meetings & other social interactions, Beezlebub also chews his fingernails when either impatient or anxious. When angry, his wings flutter and a buzzing sound emits from him
Habits: Every new moon he goes out to party with varying people, self-indulge in whatever takes his fancy at the time (obviously)
Moral Code: Chaotic good (for a Sin lmao)- he wants to see his Ring prosper and is willing to help the residents of said Ring if a situation calls for it
Favorite Foods: Nachos
Favorite Books: He's not one for reading, rather prefers the action of movies or shows
Favorite Movies/TV Shows: Watching Vox's channel and Hell's equivalent of Ramsey's Kitchen Nightmares
Favorite Music: Pop!
Favorite Color: Purples
Favourite Activities: He quite likes gaming, keeps him active and you can get addicted oh so easily which certainly helps
Disliked Foods: Rice & pickles
Disliked Activities: Not the biggest fan of meetings as they consume a lot of time where he could be getting work done
Pet Peeves: The sound of static, he dislikes people chewing with their mouth open & background noise such as people talking (however Beelzebub enjoys music as a background sound, and that's it. Just music)
Talents or Skills: Particularly good at playing the electric guitar & beer pong lol
Associated Song(s): Everybody Talks by Neon Trees, The Cult of Dionysus by The Orion Experience ft. ORION & Linda XO
He aspires to one day take revenge on Heaven (as do the other 7DS, it's kind of in their DNA lol)
*The names of the angels present are custom as the 200 hundred fallen angels are unnamed
Let me know if you think there's anything I should add or have any criticisms! I'm open to any constructive criticism :)
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uselessmicrowave · 11 months
hey i wanted to request a match-up since i saw your match-up requests are open, if that's alr!!! id prefer MTMTE Lost Lighters and/or G1 or TFP Decepticons
Appearance: thick 2C/3A curly dark blond & purple hair at shoulder length. buglike blue eyes and lip piercings ; vertical labret + dolphin bites. 2 tattoos, one of my passed away kitten and 1 of a praying mantis on my arm. im tall and awkwardly portioned due to ehlers danlos. lots of keloid scars and a bit fuzzy. slight baby face. pale as frick frack and translucent skin with veins showing.
Pets: 7 CATS. 2 dogs. 1 ball python and a small colony of madagascar hissing cockroaches. i am an avid animal lover and a nerd about all their behaviors, biology and habitat preservation.
Fav foods: RAW GREEN BEANS, vegetable fried rice, hashbrowns and eggs, s'mores, pesto pasta ; not vegetarian / vegan but prefer ethical sourcing of food and have my own garden.
Style: flexible but usually comfortable hippie goth / casual 70s . almost everything i own is green and brown, but I also have lots of purple stuff (fav colour)
Hobbies & interests: chalk art, painting, drawing, metal bands lead by girls, dubstep, entomology, mycology, dragons, robots/ai, TRANSFORMERS, aliens/ufos, lucid dreaming, tarot cards, a solarpunk society, anti-capitalist
Smarts: bugs, animal and human health + biology, fungi, symbiotic relationships in nature, communication, being a mediator, giving advice
Bad habits: I've picked at my skin since I was a baby, as I have ocd + dermatillomania. because of it i am littered with bumps, scars, and can't shave due to ingrown hairs or risking making a scrape and then scratching until im sent to the er weeks later with cellulitis. i also have problems focusing and have a dissociative disorder that makes me not myself. i have bad anxiety that i cope with well, but if i stay up late i can overthink myself into a sobbing fit for no reason.
My personality: my friends describe me as WEIRD. my mom says im an alien. i would say that the people i know and i all agree i am creative, artsy and kind of an old soul. im patient sometimes but also get overwhelmed by certain situations because im autistic and can't multitask. i love helping others and when spending time with friends i like to make them gifts or play outside with them and look for bones or cool plants, or roleplay warrior cats with my besties. i have "childish" interests but am mature and independent, and am a caretaker. i had a rough upbringing and as an adult i feel like i heal my inner child everyday by living as autistic as possible.
whew that was long. anyways, thank you, feel free to ignore!!!!!! just wanted to shoot a shot bc these match up things always look fun lol. thanks!!!!! XP
Hello! Apologies I only wrote for one of the continuities. I’m matching you with TFP Megatron!
He’ll get you more purple clothing to match him.
Grabs your hands and holds them when you’re picking at your skin, then he’ll carry you to the medbay for Knockout to patch you up.
Megatron believes that seven cats is a bit… obnoxious, but nevertheless will make room for all of your pets.
Jokes about your bug colony being an army… he thinks it’s hilarious that you have an insect army of your own.
Megaton holds you close to his spark when you overthink things/start to cry.
Everything is weird on the Nemesis, so you’re not out of place on the ship to him.
He does his best to appreciate and support all of your interests, even if he sees them as childish.
At least once a week he’ll take you to a new foresty area, where you can “observe all the different types of mushrooms and squirrels you want.” He’ll usually sit in a clear-ish area and watch you frolic through the trees.
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cerosin-bis · 2 years
Can there be more nikto headcanon s pls?
Yes 😳 I have never done a post for my Nikto headcanons so I'm happy to do so!
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Attemps at drawing my face headcanon for him in my #nikto tag (continuously updated) (my first attempt is very old, 2020)
Used to be a high level swimmer. He loves water. (gratuitous correlative: very muscled back)
He LOVES competition. Fueled by it. He can and will prove everyone he's better at literally anything. His ego is huge and can in fact be damaged.
Deep cover agents can be super young, I imagine Nikto to be now (in mw19 I mean) in his early to mid 30s
Sounds older than his age because his voice is naturally raspy AND bc he smokes 1-2 packs a day
Keeps his hair in sort of an overgrown, flat mohawk to have a symmetrical haircut. It "damage controls" the area where his hair is gone/skin burnt. Fashion baby.
Tall (~193cm). Wide. Naturally muscled but with a layer of fat. Physically very very strong.
Has a massive cross tattooed on his back. Used to be a believer (Christian orthodox) and then the horrors.
Tends to eat way less than he should given his constitution. He forgets: he has a complicated relationship with, like, basic functions and needs
Has incredible balance and no sense of vertigo. He's steady on his feet (unless he's dissociating. of course)
Tends to be a leader in groups, and is a good strategist. He's often the one to give the orders, even when Bale is deployed along
Cut ties with his family, refuses to even mention them: there's a before/after torture and he can't go back to his "before" life.
White boy supreme. Nikto avoids the sun at all costs because he burns.
More under the cut regarding his condition. (CW: mention of dark themes, trauma and unhealthy coping mechanisms)
Like I often, say, these are just my personal headcanons and they can coexist with others'/I don't pretend to grasp the character better than anyone!
I imagine him to have, on top of his (general) dissociative disorder, PTSD-induced psychosis and other things. His PTSD is exclusively linked to his torture, no other event.
Most of Nikto's scars are chemical burns. scars aren't that extensive on his body, they are mostly limited to his face and left shoulder/upper back and chest.
Nikto has psychotic outbursts during which he can hallucinate, dissociate and/or gets violent intrusive thoughts. Channels/"controls" his anger quite well, but not his immediate physical reactions
Takes multiple medications (neuros/benzos) for his condition but since the latter is heavily sedative he only takes it when it's bad and not when deployed on hostile ground lol, so it's not regular at all. which doesn't help, but we won't mention that
He can get extremely physically violent: he is first and foremost a danger for others before being a danger for himself
Self-harms when he has absolutely nothing or no one else to lash out onto
Very prone to gratuitous displays of violence anytime he can, much like Krueger.
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vhallasgf · 1 year
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i blurred clare in case anyone becomes triggered by nudity or physical injuries!
in case you want to see the full version without blurring, im gonna put it at the end of the post. don't hope on it much, though, because i'm not a pro in drawing neither nudity nor scars.
so now we're gonna talk so 1) ppl with triggers don't have to see the full version and 2) you can hear me cry
so. this illustration took me three hours and twenty-five layers in total (both numbers are way less comparing to my harry potter sketch characteristics lol).
this idea came to me today morning, when i was going to school. i just thought that i wanna draw feysand / illustrate acotar so bad, so... here it is?
about details. don't blame me if amarantha's ring with jurian's eye is on the wrong finger, or if i drew lucien's eye as a natural one when it had to be the other one on that place, etc etc. i may have forgotten some details and im too lazy to check on them :)
about details 2.0. I CAN'T BELIEVE I ALMOST FORGOT ABOUT LUCIEN'S MASK AND FEYRE'S TATTOO ??? literally the way i remembered about the mask was by looking at tamlin who was already drawn wearing one, and the tattoo was the last thing i drew.
about details 4.0 (added just before publishing the post). i just realized i could add lucien's brothers as a background fuck fuck fuck
ok so i said all i was thinking about this illustration (i guess so), so here's a look on the full version.
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can i also add a p.s. if you're not annoyed by me yet? i love rhysand's face he's just like all the possible emojis in one face expression LMAOO
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starr-finn · 1 year
hi!!!! can i request some soulmate hcs with bain sokol dallas and houston?? thank youu
Omg hiiii thanks for the request!!
Ofc! I've never written soulmate stuff! hopefully, this is good! some may be longer than others but I'm trying lol
Prompt: Soulmate Hcs stuff with Bain, Dallas, Sokol, and Houston!
H/N = heister name
Dallas-Any scar your soulmate gets you have as well/you can feel their pain, and vice versa!
You find it weird how you always get scars that appear to be from some kind of puncture
however, you meet Dallas during a heist, which is odd
you're tied up, absolutely terrified until you see him get shot in the shoulder, and then you feel a searing pain in your shoulder
you bite at your bottom lip and look at your shoulder, and boom, fresh scar
it was a shock to you, to the point that you gasped, unintentionally getting Dallas' attention
He stares at you, and you're trying to keep quiet, but staring at this man felt weird now knowing that he could, maybe (100%) be your soulmate
He stares at you too, seeing the freshly formed scar on your shoulder
he casually drags you to a different room and tells you to 'stay there' before he leaves
you wait for what feels like hours, listening to gunshots and watching swat guys get tossed around by ragdolls
It freaked you out watching him and the 3 other men kicking the cop's asses for what appeared to be fun
eventually, after the heist, they leave
later you were in a coffee shop, getting a coffee before you get back to work
he ends up finding you and introducing himself, you're freaked out because he's a bank robber, but why is he hot?
he explains everything and eventually, asks you out
and like an idiot, you say yes
Houston- any marking (not scars) you have will show up on your soulmate (including eyeliner)
You look down at your arm, several little doodles on your arm mostly including flowers and skulls
that's when 4 dudes run into the jewelry store you worked at, one had small faded drawings of flowers around his wrist
you duck down when one of them breaks the glass in front of you, snatching the rings and necklaces in there
one of them looks down at you and smirks "oi fucker! get over here! guess what I found" the man with the faded drawings on his wrists walks over and stares at your arm, he stays quiet
you end up getting tied up and hidden away in an office, you had no idea why
the cops kept hearing about another hostage, but they can't find you, you're nowhere to be found
the heist seems to drag on for hours
watching all the death from a window, hidden away from the cops and other hostages
he eventually drags you out of the store and unties you, saying "you should leave, I need to talk to you, but I'll find you later" you simply nod and leave
later, he walks into the gas station you were getting snacks from and taps your shoulder
after you pay for your snacks you both walk outside and sit on a bench outside
he'll answer any question you have and even shows you the rest of the drawings that showed up on him
he seemed anxious, he was anxious, you thought it was cute
he'll ask you to hang out later
you said yes
Sokol- you have a tattoo on your wrist of the song you're listening to when you meet your soulmate
you were on an early morning run, it was about 5:30 AM
you were silently jamming out to a random song that was playing in the background
you enter the park area of the small city you lived in
and then you slam full speed into another person
you flop down onto the pavement beneath you
the man immediately starts apologizing while trying to pull you up
then you see the tattoo on his wrist, and he sees the one on yours
both were the same, it was weird, what were the odds?
then he stands up straight, kind of asking questions about the tattoo, when he finds out you were born with it, he smiles
he explains the old stories about soulmates and the tattoo story
he seems to be putting on the confidence hard, and it's working-
you look up the story too, and it turns out there were so many stories of people who it turned out to be true for
he stares at you while you do so
he finally asks if you'd like to get coffee before he goes to work
you say yes
the date turned out to be great! you guys end up scheduling another date for the weekend
Bain- Your soulmate's first words to you are tattooed on your skin from birth
you had just joined the payday gang
it was strange because according to the man that came to get you, you would be getting a call from the man that runs the gang later that night
you spend all day in the safe house, meeting people, and no one said exactly what was tattooed on your wrist
the tattoo said 'welcome to the payday gang (H/N)! now this conversation will be one way, I figured I'll tell you this, tomorrow you will have a solo job, so prepare for that'
you enjoy your first day, talking to everyone, everyone seemed friendly, and there were only 2 people you didn't like (Ethan and Hila) and almost everyone seems excited to have someone new in the gang
later that night, before you went to sleep you got a random phone call from a blocked number
the first thing the man said to you was "welcome to the payday gang (H/N)! now this conversation will be one way, I figured I'll tell you this, tomorrow you will have a solo job, so prepare for that"
you immediately said "wait..." out loud and looked down at your wrist you then mumbled "how is it the same..?"
this immediately tipped him off and he just stayed quiet until you sighed "you uhh just said exactly what my tattoo says"
you swear you heard his headphones slam against something when he looked down at his wrist
you heard him mumble "holy fuck" to himself before he grabs his headphones and says out loud "how the hell did you know exactly what my tattoo said?"
you smile softly and jokingly say "maybe we're soulmates?"
he chuckles softly "maybe we are"
the next day, while on the solo heist you both just kind of, flirted back and forth
that became both of your little thing, you both just keep flirting until the man just finally tells you he likes you, Hoxton's response? "fucking finally"
worked my ass off on this one, but i love it
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yostresswritinggirl · 2 years
Scara, puppet reader, and Albedo forming a trio of artificial life abandoned by their creators lol.
But a friendship between Tighnari and puppet reader would be lovely. Think of all the botany lessons Tighnari teaches them when they ask for help. Puppet reader taking notes and he lends them books is a very nice thing. Tighnari could try using gold paint to see how kintsugi would look on him first even if the potential pain of tattooing scares him off. At this rate, who else is gonna get struck by lightning from an Inazuman immortal??? And live with scars? Tighnari and puppet reader forming a support group.
Video montage of Scara personally going out of his way to forage for the ring materials himself cause he’s a dedicated husband like that. He has to make sure the qualities are up to his standards.
I honestly have to resist the urge to make more jokes because of how Scara and puppet reader are related. It’s just too easy to comment on how Scara really is keeping things in the family or how you can tell they come from rather aristocratic backgrounds because of how cousin marriages are so prevalent in those circles (really fascinating to read about actually! There’s a bunch of cultural and time era related reasons for it. Actually, the world building in Genshin would be so interesting if we knew more about stuff like this. My anthropology loving brain would go haywire. Like it’s unfortunate for Scara but I can imagine before the wedding (and this wedding pic) when he has the first drawing of them, someone might ask who it is and the first time Scara says his family, he learns real quick to say puppet reader is *his* because that person asked if puppet reader was single and willing to mingle. That person got the chance to mingle with Scara’s rage. How dare they covet the waifu of his laifu? The sheath to his sword - omg the Aranara banging pots and pans because if they can’t get sleep (do they sleep??) because of Scara and puppet reader then Scara and puppet reader won’t get sleep because of them!
Bloom anon
To start, still a huge advocator of Scarabedo, but also now that they're free from the Fatui, puppet reader would definitely be in need of a new 'doctor' for when they do need maintenance. Cue Albedo, master of artificial life
And yes that's exactly what I was thinking, getting botany lessons from Tighnari and visiting your wip garden whenever he patrols the area, that is the most supportive friend ever. And maybe not paint because well he's gonna have a hard time reaching those back areas no matter how dexterous he is (hey you don't gotta do Tomo like that sksksksksks technically Traveler is part of that support group, while Kazuha and Thoma are honorable mentions)
ACTUALLY THIS REMINDS ME can Scara even harvest ores since he's a catalyst hahaha please please can his burst do that, hoyoverse please make this canon
Aaaand here's the first cousin discussion, don't read if uncomfy: You and your out of pocket jokes again bloom ahahhaha but honestly, this is kind of one of the reasons why reader is Makoto's creation and not Ei's sksksks I knew of the law and made precautions for over thinkers. But also must point out that they're not really biological beings in the first place, their creators are gods even, oh wait mythology incest oh no-
One good thing about this tho that they wouldn't have to worry about offspring complications brought about by inbreeding since they're not capable of conception! And the hilarious implications of "yeah they're family-family, no you can't date them, they're mine did you not hear me"
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epicfranb · 7 months
I hope you feel better soon!! What are your personal favourite headcanons for etho and bdubs? (Or just ethubs in general lol)
Usually i have separate headcanons for different AUs or situations, but i can find my absolute fav ones in my notes :3
1. Etho used to cut his own hair, very crudely. When him and Bdubs started hanging out, it took all of Bdubs's self control not to tell Etho off for not caring about his hair. It's only after several years of knowing each other that Etho trusts Bdubs enough to come up to him and ask to cut his hair. Bdubs was delighted!!! Ever since then, Bdubs always cuts Etho's hair. Sometimes, when they don't see each other for a long time, Etho has long af hair and Bdubs almost doesn't want to cut it cuz it looks so beautiful?? But Etho's like no it needs to go.
2. I don't draw them at all, but i headcanon that Bdubs has scars left over after the whole jungle possession thing. One very annoying vine in particular grew out of his left eye, leaving a scar at his bottom eyelid. So technically Etho and Bdubs have matching eye scars! Lol
3. Again something that i don't draw (cuz it's complicated!!!) is Bdubs's tattoos. I hc that he has a tattoo from every season of Hermitcraft he's been in. Most of them are done by Beef (the tattoo artist of the server lol). Season 5: nHo tattoo on his chest (close to his heart <3) during the whole possession thing, he tried to scratch it off, so there are some scars there as well and it's a lil faded :[ Season 6: i haven't watched s6 yet so i can't really add anything lore-related, but i made it so he was still experimenting with getting tattoos, so he went for a small one again - a clock on his wrist! Season 7: bigger tattoo this time, it's a moon on his right shoulder. Season 8: step it up!!! He worked on a very big tattoo design together with Pearl. It's a big beautiful dreamcatcher on his back. Season 9: he got his s9 tattoo not on the Hermitcraft server, but in fact on the Empires server! Sausage tattooed a beautiful Sun on Bdubs's left shoulder. So Bdubs is soooo very colorful but yeah i don't get to show this cuz 1) i forget 2) it's complicated
4. Etho doesn't really call Bdubs pet names. He tried to, just cuz Bdubs does it but also "it's what couples do, right?" It didn't stick, because it just doesn't feel right to Etho. Bdubs is just Bdubs. He does call him "honey" occasionally (moreso as a joke).
5. I also like to think Bdubs has more raw physical strength than Etho (which could also be attributed to the fact that Bdubs has more body weight), but Etho is better at fighting overall.
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swampstew · 5 months
Man thank you so much for readin about her, I read your post and ofc, I will keep it to like twice a week… so the next one will probably be Saturday 👀 and yes killer made his cameo 🤭🤫 but I have done MANY drawings of her so maybe.. I’ll make an Tulip-annon page and share her with you through that so I can send you the pictures as well. (Drawing her in the one piece art style was HARDD so erm yea I like showing it off so.. 🧍‍♂️) BUT IM SO HAPOY N GODDY YOU FOUND HER INTERESTIINNGG OMGOMG genuinely find it so cool.
ps. saw the Dropkick Murphys post… Aris happens to have a rose tattoo on her sternum..(like since I made her in June)
ps2. I’m 21 actually lol
Thanks Tulip, I look forward to the lore drops! It'll be like when I'm waiting for my Lore Olympus fast pass to drop🤭
TELL ME ABOUT IT! I've been working on my One Piece style drawing of Rowena for a year and I just can't quite get it and it's MADDENING! I'm so grateful to fandom artists because I was on the cusp of despair and they were able to help bring Rowena to life through commissions!
I highly encourage you (and to anyone else who wants to give life to their OC but in a semi-private way) to make a tumblr or any social media page to post about and just gush about them. No one will love them as much as you do and they should have a space to exist!
NIIIIICEE!!! I love little details like that! My other OC design (Andrea) has a tulip tattoo on her sternum to cover up a scar :)
And TYSM for verifying your age, it just makes me feel more comfortable knowing I am talking with adults in my adult designed space and not a child impersonating an adult persona.
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straighttxhell · 7 months
Get to know me! 💋
So,, @the-type-a tagged me in this like 8 months ago and never got a chance to do it cause tumblr kept deleting the draft but I am procrastinating doing my final project to graduate college so here goes nothing
Thanks for the tag and feel free to do it again cause lmao it's been a whike
🖌 - Do you have/want any tattoos?
No I wanna get a spider gwen tattoo but I dont have a ton of money rn
💚 - What’s your favourite colour?
Pastel pink 🩷
🍕 - What’s the last thing you ate?
Spinach Pasta
🕰 - What time is it where you are rn?
11:27 pm (when i started, its 11:50 now)
🌟 - What is your zodiac sign?
Sagittarius sun, Taurus moon, and Aquarius rising.
I also have Venus and Mars in Scorpio so that pretty much sums up why I'm insane.
🌍 - What is your favourite accent?
I really enjoy cockney accents, Daniel Kaluuya's in particular. Maybe it's just his voice.
⚡️ - Do you have any scars?
Yes, I accidentally stabbed my thigh, also accidentally cut it with a blade, and my legs are covered in permanent bruises from when I danced.
🌺 - What’s your MBTI type?
Every time I do it I get smth different, so either INTP or ISFP??
🥀 - Favourite animated movie?
📺 - Favourite show?
The Office probably, or Community, I really like sitcoms
😂 - Are you ticklish?
Isn't everyone??
💍 - Do you ever want to get married?
Yes, I am one of those ppl that want to meet like their one true love and get married and spend our entire lives together
😳 - Do you like your name?
It triggers me a little so I don't like to be called by it but I like the name by itself a lot
💙 - What colour is your bedroom?
Like a beige green, I hate it but it came like that and am too lazy to paint it
🤓 - How did you get your name?
My mom liked it thats it lol
🎓 - When did/do you graduate?
This month hopefully, my ceremony isn't until January tho
🍄 - Do you have/want any piercings?
Yeah I have the normal ones, two in my left ear and one in my right ear so I can freely forget to wear earrings Id add a pick but I dont want to
👀 - What colour are your eyes?
Veeeery dark brown
👱🏻‍♀️ - What is your go to hairstyle?
A messy bun, I like having it down although it's mostly hot here so that's not possible, and sometimes I do have to put it in a bun cause my hair is really really thin and straight so it tangles incredibly easy and it takes me a good 5 minutes to brush it and I tend to be in such a hurry every morning I simply can't afford to do that
🥂 - Have you ever drank underage?
Yes I didn't know tho lol I was 14 and drinking funny tasting grape juice at sleepovers, my friends thought I knew lol uhmm but yeah after that I stopped until I was 18 and back from quarantine
🍾 - Have you ever gotten drunk?
Don't take me as a role model please, but yes and I love getting drunk, I've never blacked out but I do remember every now and then funny memories like huh I forgot I did that 🥰 Also I've only once drank so much I puked it all up next morning
😱 - What’s your biggest fear?
Roaches?? Not trying to get too deep
🥵 - Would you rather be too hot or too cold?
Hot. I hate not being able to move bc of cold, my body aches so bad when its cold.
🌦 - What’s your favourite weather?
Cloudy, rainy and not cold, like eventually the sun comes out yknow
🍂 - What’s your favourite season?
🐷 - What’s your favourite animal?
🐶 - Do you have any pets?
2 cats!! And my sister has 2 dogs but they're also kinda mine ig
😴 - What’s the longest you’ve ever gone without sleep?
No idea, I am way too sleep deprived to notice at the end
🎨 - Any hobbies?
Drawing, painting, video editing and designing, anything creative
🛩 - If travelling was free, where’s the first place you’d go?
New York 😭😭😭 if i had a visa also Id love to stay at the plaza hotel
🎇 - What’s your most searched thing on Google?
Probably Taylor Swift?? or the Spice Chalk Stretch Naked Wokfe boots
📱 - Favourite app on your phone?
PINTEREST, a girl without pinterest is an angel without wings..
🤠 - Are you more of a city person or a country person?
City by far, I've spent all my life in the city and wouldn't stand not having everything I have here
Tagging: @spnyuri @queer-cosette and idk who is still active here but whoever wants to do it
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