#i can't wait to watch them oh my god
angrilydancing · 8 months
i find it rlly cool how even though c!tommy & c!purpled's friendship was never canon, we as a community still managed to make such an amazing, interesting dynamic between these two character foils: someone who would do anything to be in the spotlight, and someone who would do anything to get out from under it. the boy who no one notices and the boy who everyone knows. like that's beautiful
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Fanfic roulette, uhhh time travel hogwarts era
oh we are so back, baby -- and i've got just the thing in mind for you
eighteenth fanfic roulette of the day(s):
would that i'd loved (long ago) by sprst1tion
“I wouldn’t be hasty,” comments sixth-year Tom Riddle, eyes still glued on the boy in thought. "Hadrian Evans is going to Slytherin.” "The strange Mudblood?" Abraxas Malfoy cocks his head. “How can you be so sure?” Riddle just smiles in response. Silence remains after Malfoy speaks, all the boys sitting in anticipation. And, in a minute they'll know, Tom Riddle is right again.
words - 52463 | chapters - 12 | incomplete
have i read it? yes. do i love it? absolutely.
send me an ask if you want to get a fanfic roulette too
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epicfirestormer · 1 year
Me after seeing the Ashoka teaser:
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skitskatdacat63 · 10 months
This is my personal crossover event of the century
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#one of my favorite actors and one of my favorite drivers interacting??? what???#alright whos gonna be the brave soldier and write the matt damon × mark webber rpf fic-#(i read a fic w james bond/seb so imo it really wouldnt be too far off to write Linus Caldwell/Mark LMAO)#ive known abt this event practically since i got into f1 but i feel like my thoughts abt it keep developing every time i look at them again#first time: huh okay wow brad pitt & matt damon taking w mark thats really wild. f1 drivers really do be meeting w high level celebs#after i watched fight club: wow wow!! i cant believe theres pics of brad pitt with mark thats crazy!#after i watched oceans 11: omg wait oh yeah! when mark was in jaguar he was sponsored by oceans 12!!! thats sick!!!#and then recently w my increasing love for Matt Damon: WAIT OH MY GOD MARK HAS INTERACTED WITH MATT!!!! (two worlds colliding feel ig)#but i was watching some interview w matt where they referenced this happening so its relevant in my brain again so i had to post abt it#but of course in the vid the specific pic on screen was him and mark interacting and i died. like seriously i can never escape f1 and mark#mostly im freaking out bcs its truly the crossover event of all time concerning my interests specifically#but the lore behind this is genuinely really really interesting#the fact that theyre promoting a heist movie specifically and then they put a $300k diamond in the nose of the Jaguar#and then the Jaguar crashed during the race and the diamond disappeared?????? cmon literally itself could be the plot to an Oceans movie#RBR/teams sponsored by RB were so much fun back in the day!!#they had several back to back movie promotions which all were pretty fun! just a shame neither team was good back then#it was Oceans 12->SW:ROTS->Superman right? i can't remember if there was another#such a shame that neither mark nor seb were in RBR in 2005 when RBR was promoting ROTS#i think i actually wouldve exploded if there were pics of them w hayden or ewan(my prev fandom haha)#f1#formula 1#formula one#mark webber#matt damon
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diamondsheep · 5 months
* dramatically crawls on the floor, coughing blood while sobbing*
Please tag your Egghead spoilers! pleaase 🥺
i have seen some screenshots and it looks so beautiful and I'm about to cry bc i still need to finish watching +100 episodes of Wano and i can't do that in a day 😭
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I still very loathe the Media Trope of ‘’cold genius man doesn’t feel emotions and never has relationships... UNTIL.. one random relatively bland Preddy Woman comes along and warps his entire personality and ability to think, his heart has grown and his seeming asexuality has evaporated, he is now Normal :)” or whatever like... AS a walking generic hermit archetype myself.. we would NOT act like that .... just let people be detached weirdos in peace, you cowards .. OR, don’t bother to write one in the first place if you find us too boring to exist realistically in our natural state lol.. pathetic 
#the only exception to this is its okay if he develops some pesudo-romantic psychologial fixation on one of his long suffering male sidekicks#or assistants or whatever (since this character acrhetype ALWAYS has some sort of like Straight Man Every Man helper to follow#him around and be an audience stand in. sometimes multiple like a whole team of assistants. sometimes just one etc.)#like a strange not-entirely-romance-but-mutualy-unhealthy-comedic-codependence w someone you worked w 25+ yrs COULD be in character. sure.#ASIDE from that one exception though..... just keep them aromantic and asexual.. why would someone who has been that way for their#entire fucking life suddenly be like ''well I've known this woman three weeks but she's really hot! whoops!''#''guess I'm going to act completely out of character! sometimes booba so booby it fundametally alters the dna of me personality. you know ho#w it is'' .. like shut up.. explode#It's not that I project personally onto these characters (writers are bad at writing them and they're generally annoying as shit) BUT just#like... coming FROM the perspective OF a cold detached ''robot'' seeming hermit freak.. like textbook scholar wizard man locked#away in a tower somewhere type personality... You just watch shows sometimes and you can SEE that the writers are trying to write#the Character Archetype that is your actual realworld personality and you're just like 'we do NOT fucking act like that!!!' lol#you know ? like .. i don't actually care about the characters themselves but more just.. the principle of the thing. staying true to what#has been set up. You can't be like ''oh yeah this is your typical cold detached hermit weirdo with zero interest in human relationships for#the most part blah blah blah'' and then 5 minutes later be like ''WAIT GUYS!! LOOK! they're still NORMAL! look they love booba#too!!! haha hashtag Relatable!!'' .. what have you done to him.. you've massacred the archtype.. cowardly fool#Also I'm referencing them as male because this character archtetype is usually male but the same thing can apply for other gendered versions#of the archetype. it's ALWAYS annoying. no matter what it is lol. GOD AND IT'S even worse when they're supposed to be like hundreds or thous#ands of years old like.. some sort of supernatural being who's ''above it all'' because they've seen the world's cycles for so long#and blah blah and then it's like ''omg.. suddenly into romance.. for some reason all 900 years of my life nobody has ever been good#enough but YOU.. random ass person who I met 30 minutes ago and are completely average in every way or maybe you have like one#special power or are smart or something but apparently somehow I've lived 900 years without ever meeting a single other smart person#or whatever but WOW.. you... instant soulamtes.. I am no longer aromantic and asexual. I am also no longer smart.''#at least if it's a human with a normal lifespan you can be like 'well they were only 30. maybe they genuinely did just have their first#sexul awakening' or something but.. you're telling me like.. 900 years??? 1000 years?? and NOW they're like 'whooa!!' lol#Which obviously all aroace people are different.. all people with autism or schizoid pd or any other mental illnesses that can sometimes#lend people towards that type of 'weird hermit' archetype are all different. plenty of these people WILL have relationships and sex and desi#re those things. but it's like.. if you are OBVIOUSLY  setting out to write that one VERY specific archetype within the broader archetype#then GO ALL THE WAY!! you cant have someone be like HALF-detached partial-hemrit sometimes-maybe-genuis or whatever#or I guess you can but like. it should be that way from the beginning. it's the random sudden shift in personality thats jarring
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coquelicoq · 1 year
i JUST realized that literally every time i have started making out with someone for the first time it's been while lying down. every single time. what is this? am i incapable of initiating kiss contact with a new person while standing or sitting? is this my move? do i have a move??
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outismm · 2 years
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Do they know how much I love them
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hauntingblue · 2 months
Kaido lore?!
#THE GIRL SANJI HIT HAS A RAT???#if sanji kills the rat he is not going back... this poor woman tho....#sanji didn't really get to dight his siblings so now he is kinda doing it lmao#sanji didn't hit her?? queen did??? omg. sanji don't lose hope.... but i want you to kinda do and succumb to the germa ajskdha#nvm he figured things out.... got the rat and everything... sanji talking to himself with the cage on... yeah..... omg zeff and luffy <3#omg queen got yeeted.... the rat.....#talking tag#watching one piece#episode 1061#king asking zoro if he is trying to be a king implies now that as sanji beat queen he is one. now when zoro beats king???. exactly.#omg... zoro dont kill king he is too pretty to die.... zoro.... i was wondering where all the nephilim fanart came from akdjsk#this is so slay... zoro with the king of hell enma fighting an angel.....#kaido with shackles in punk hazard???? is it bc he is an 'ogre'????#wtf.... zoro is seeing a biblically accurate angel akdjsns WAIT. did king say he isnt biologically capable of besting him.#and zoro said he doesnt like those types of excuses. because he is equaling that to what kuina said about being a woman.#please someone tell me this isnt the resolution to that. please. that is so stupid.#also wtf is zoro gonna do against that. thank god he learnt how to cut fire damn. thanks kinemon. hope izo and usopp find you soon#the music. the visuals. slay. oh :( goodbye my angel..... him thinking kaido is joyboy??? you've got it very twisted. it's kinda tragic#how his faith is misplaced and ends up defending evil and dying for it..... :(#the z on the end screen akdhaka.... now o want kaido lore. why was he im punk hazard. i mean ti be experimented on but there's gotta be more#you know whats funny. robin becoming a devil for luffy. zoro becomong king of hell for luffy. sanji just doesn't turn evil :) AHDHAJAJ#which actually could be the most dangerous maybe bc goodbye emotions xd even if the king of hell and a demon could end him#inch resting. i want more about lunarians?? and kaido now. also MORE about zoro and kuina... please that can't be it....#did i explain here how at least in the op spanish speaking fandom there is a gag that zoro is racist?? it started with that woman from bw#he just now killed a survivor of a nearly extinct (or extinct) race xd. you can appreciate why the gag exists#episode 1063#usopp looking for kinemon and the scene hes gonna walk into.... izo please get here soon....#usopp calling them suicidal samurais ajdhak he will cling to life sobbing and full of snot!!! EXACTLY!!! this is actually so helpful.....#like they really are suicidal samurais... committing seppuku for anything.... izo thank god. he's gonna get the kun treatment from now on#episode 1062
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onceuponastarryeye · 2 years
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lisbonsteresa · 1 year
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eating glass licking rust etc etc
#strawberries and cream pt 1 one of the most episodes that's for sure#multiple things about the vest scene; everything about the vest scene; don't get me started on the vest scene#(the way she's got a literal bomb strapped to her and he's still putting his hand on her back ----)#solved their problem by arguing and also being stubborn and willing to sacrifice themselves for each other#and him literally stuttering and dumbfounded in the dress scene and their hightower secret and THIS#(oh god the dress scene though 'i told her you always secretly wanted to be a bridesmaid' and yeah true great that you know that#but part of him also wanted to see her in a fancy little outfit; i've watched violets i know his game)#(WAIT 'it's job to keep you alive' -- 'if red john wants me he knows where to find me' wow what the fuck#the broken record in my brain: can't you see there's people who care about you? who need you??#you're being selfish and childish and i want you to STOP you unimaginable clown)#i'm being so serious when i say that this has to have been when they decided to actually explore doing something with them#because if not what IS this? the first half of your finale is basically the jane/lisbon show idk what you want me to say#(not to mention the libson-van pelt and the lisbon-cho and the lisbon-cho-jane moments i love this episode actually)#anyway: doing well!#tm#HEY WAIT the scene in pt 2 and then in like.....4.02? where the team comes together for jane and then for lisbon they're SO
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bronanlynch · 6 months
obsessed w the choice to have reinhard & hilda hook up for the first time in the context of. reinhard is having a breakdown over his guilt at the death of his boy best friend like. very heterosexual of him, I'm sure
#also like. it is so funny to me that people ship this as like. them being In Love and fluffy etc etc like. the vibes are extremely Not That#they fuck bc he's having a breakdown. she leaves before he wakes up and looks terrified when he comes to see her#he gave her a military position and wanted to make her prime minister and every time she correctly disagrees with him he hates her for it#she's the closest thing he has to a friend but he can't forgive her for not being kircheis so he marries her instead#he brings flowers bc it's what mittermeyer did bc he's following a script bc he doesn't know how to do any of this#(this being. heterosexuality. having any kind of normal relationships with people. functioning in society)#she canonically doesn't feel like she understands how to be a woman#oh my god are they the 'he's gay she's a lesbian their marriage will change your perception of love' couple#wait no also. his reason for proposing. jesus christ his entire concept of gender & relationships is So shaped by what happened to annerose#he feels obligated to marry her now but also. as if marrying her isn't just another way of trapping her into that kind of role#like she's can't be ur official military advisor or ur prime minister. she has to be Your Wife. and i cannot see her being happy w that#like it would get her what she wants (advancement for her family) but oh my god at what cost#sorry these tags are just. my running commentary of the ep now anyway losing it at reinhard saying “can kircheis forgive me for marrying”#ok i was gonna make fun of him being like “he never got to marry before he died :/” like. i really don't think that was a priority for him#but i do also think given the opportunity he would've married annerose. mediated desire and all that#dreaming.txt#e watches logh
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pennyserenade · 9 months
i was so tired yesterday that it made me completely normal abt mulder and scully and i'm sorry that happened. i just remembered the reduxes and i'm gonna be thinking abt them for the rest of the day
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krshush · 2 years
...once again tempted to download Genshin on my tablet...........
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pvppie-gvts · 6 months
dadddddyyyyy played w my holes today :3
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