#i can't with this heat wave
divinolenta · 2 years
it's so hot i'm literally melting into a puddle rn wtf
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deepseaspriteblog · 28 days
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Oops, all ceruleans!
I actually have a bias towards blood castes with built in "gimmicks", i.e., purplebloods tend to be clowns, tealbloods tend to be in law or any related field, ceruleans have cool eyes sometimes etc. etc. I like having a base to work with that I can either full embrace or subvert.
This week I went all in with ceruleans and their cool eyes. Each one here has their own cool eye, some more unusual/noticeable than others. As always, if you're interested, you can get them in my ko-fi through the links below!
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icewindandboringhorror · 10 months
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I can't do much productively during the heat wave/health issue flare up/etc. like work on my games or anything where I have to sit at the computer/type for long periods of time, BUT.. I did passively sculpt a few tiny foods lol. I wanted to do one of my bigger usual sculptures, but those take so much more time and concentration, I thought something small just to keep my hands busy would be better.. close up photos look kind of weird and blurry from my camera settings or something, but overall they came out okay, especially in person.. Nearly the only reason I ever wanted to buy dolls as a kid was to get my hands on the miniature foods and plates and stuff that came with them, I've always just been obsessed with small versions of things like that, so.. why not make some! lol
#sculpture#ooops.. i could have posted this on the art blog but I forgor and do not feel like reuploading everything#into a new drafted post on a whole other blog.. not in this heat.. i have no patience lol#items are: tomato. asparagus. a four leaf clover (not food lol). some sort of folded bun or dumpling with meat inside (not based on#anything specific. I just wanted to fold a flat sheet of clay into a shape). pomegranate. cheese wheel. lemon slice. some sort of mushroom.#fish (not a real one. just made up. if it looks like any specific fish that'd be interesting). and fig.#I haven't been able to get many avocaodo pits to carve again. so sculpting. then is good for a tiny craft#WISH I COULD DO COSTUMES OR SOMETHING.. i have some pikced out. bundles of clothes laying on the floor of the closet#but GODS even before the heat wave it's just been so warm.. I know.. it's the summer. of course it's warm#but WHYYYyy............. what if it just snowed all year around and was awesome and beautiful and i was so cold and could wear 25 blankets#at all times.. what about THAT hmm?? .. the ideal..#anyway.. my favorite is the pomegranate and the mushroom maybe#The fig is hard because in the pictures of figs I googled a lot of them have that sort of white powdery type of thing on the outside#that grapes and plums and stuff have sometimes and it's hard to convey that weird like.. sheen.. plus the purple with almost powdery blue#and little lighter specks plus streaks of light green and a little orangey on some of them.#It's okay in person I think but this doesnt show up as much in pictures. The cheese also looks betterin person than images. you can't tell#the slight shine in the pictures lol. but the pomegranates look cool and also photograph decent.. hmm#I should have made toast with an egg on it or something. that would be a nice addition#OH ALSO ASPARAGUS MY BELOVED.. though they look a little wonky. the cuticle pusher tool that I sculpt with in leiu of any actual sculpting#tools has a kind of triangle edge that was suite for the little leaf details of the asparagus so that was cool. its like..ALMOST right lol
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sansloii · 2 days
Pick a random muse and ask them: How well do they cope with a heat wave?
Because out of my 10, I can say that a total of 2 of them are probably prepared or used to it (Dakota and Wynn), another 4 will be uncomfortable but likely won't say anything (Roderick, Joseph, Lawali, Vega), 3 will bitch and moan but will suck it up (Mikah, Evan, and Penelope), and the last one prefers milder temperatures so he'll probably get heat stroke (Andris)
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a-tear-in-space · 4 months
If I had a dollar every time a glass animals song got popular because of fan-made media regarding gay ships I'd have two dollars
Which isn't a lot, but it's funny it happened twice
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rainbowsuitcase · 22 days
I love my omega Steve, but I also love my alpha Steve. Especially the version of him that goes from small, sickly, ignored, with barely functioning biology to big and strong, everyone all over him, instincts working double time.
Steve who was barely an alpha before and now he has twice the normal everything.
Steve whose alpha demands submission without him even wanting it, who has to keep tight control over himself at all times, otherwise he could hurt, he could force, and he's terrified of himself with how easy it would be.
He's scared to get into a relationships, spending his painful ruts alone - and maybe he'd never had a rut before the serum but now they're so strong and awful.
But then there's Bucky. Maybe it's canon-verse and Bucky is there for him during the war, with Steve being too careful at first but then he realizes Bucky can take him, they can give each other everything they need. But then Steve loses him and he aches for so many reasons until he gets him back. The Reunion Feels!
Maybe it's an AU where they didn't know each other before the twenty first century. And at first, they clash so much and they're still explosive when they figure it out, but it's better now, because they can take each others' strenght and for the first time, they're meeting someone who can keep up with their intense cycles and loves it.
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sparkles-oflight · 8 months
I spent 57 minutes just coloring and shading Jure, four more guys to go ✌🏽🥲
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cosmojjong · 5 months
seriously giving up on my hair it makes me want to cry
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ask-tay-relic · 1 year
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This just in @whirlwindflux is a very smart cookie and helped me to find some things with my laptop. I'll still work towards a new desktop for game dev / 3d model work - but, I'm also taking steps to make my precious laptop work for all the other stuff!
(That being said its still 30c today and its far too hot for a winter loving Canadian like myself to work so Im gonna go relax and chill)
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g4rchomp · 3 months
62,3°C (143,6°F) felt in Brazil 😬.... this is so worrying I'm really wishing safety for everyone affected
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samanthamulder · 10 months
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momett · 11 months
why do abled NDs want to reclaim the word cr*pple so badly. like is slur discourse truly the hill you want to die on
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ghostsinthecellar · 1 month
aaaand I'm spiraling
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jedi-bird · 11 months
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One pack of amaryllis seeds started to sprout this week! I honestly wasn't sure it would happen so it's pretty exciting. I also have no clue what they'll look like. They're parent type was called Minerva (red and white flower), but I also had four other varieties flowering at the time and seeds usually come out as hybrids. I don't care what they'll look like though, I'll love them regardless. It can take at minimum three years to get big enough to flower though, so it'll be a while.
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bnnywngs · 8 months
for once i'm not gonna talk about fanfic today, i just want to rant a bit, sorry it's going to be a big one
this year, 2023, we're having the worst summer of all times, every day it's the hottest day of the year, we're breaking so many records of temperature, water levels and etc, it's quite tough to be living
i live in manaus, in the state of amazonas in brazil, it's in the middle of the amazon rainforest, a big city of 2 million people and very few trees (yes.), we basically have 2 seasons (influenced by the equator line that runs above us) that is raining season (between december and may) and summer (june to november), the average temperature during these seasons are, i think, between 23°C and 29°C, and 35-40°C, besides high humidity
well, not anymore!!! because of el niño, climate change etc, things changed and now we're living through hell with little to no action from local government
the temperatures are high (39°C one of these days, and the feeling is way, way higher than that, like 47°C) and ok, we're kinda used to it, even if it's not healthy at all, BUT the humidity it's really really low (45% right at this moment, i'm used to more or less 70-80% on average), and the river are the lowest of all times since they began to record it
you can see how low it is here
the sun is so hot it's making the water hotter, and it's literally killing fish and our river dolphins! and some places the waters are so shallow, they can't breath and are dying too
not only that, but we're having to deal with forest fires, that are not natural, it's NOT normal. we don't have spontaneous fires. we don't. it's usually humans who puts it on fire either accidentally (very rare) because since i don't know when people burn their trash (it's actually against the law now, but...) and they throw cigarette butts through the car window etc, or it can be for capitalism purposes (owners of farms, illegal tree cutting, etc etc), and also, people have no sense of environmental protection, so they throw their garbage anywhere - river, side walk, forest, you name it - so we have stray pieces of glass that, with this damn heat and low humidity, it's starting fires.
and the smoke isn't going anywhere. it's here, around us, in the city (and we're not the only city going through it), we're breathing smoke. all i can see through my window right now is smoke. i can barely see. (here)
lol i just received a text from the government, it's the first since the smoke started a month or so ago
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lit. translation: "civil defense: forest fire alert, with impacts on air quality in the metropolitan area of manaus. follow the instructions from the local defense."
btw this is from google few minutes ago:
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36°C = 96,8°F
air quality of this morning, from local journalist, Mário Adolfo:
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apparently, because of el niño, there's no wind, so the smoke isn't moving, that highly impacts quality of air and our health, i don't know how's to live a day without feeling like i'm either about to faint or throw up, my nose hurts, my throat hurts, my eyes are dry, my lips are cracking....
i want to cry, i really want to cry, or throw myself through the window. i can't, i just can't live like this anymore, my whole apartment smells like smoke and the windows are closed fUCK
btw, big national newspaper last week: how's the dry season of the amazon is going to impact your black friday shopping
what a joke
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javier-pena · 10 months
so you guys, i just read THE best installment in the triumvirate verse so far and i can't wait for you all to experience it too, but dani @alexturner (aka @danidrabbles) really outdid herself this time 👀
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