#i canno change it
onedirecton · 1 year
physically it’s March 31st but mentally it’s April 1st to me <3
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whimsicalcotton · 2 years
i had to finally change my mobile theme for the first time since 2016 and i am stills seething
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bloodygirlhood · 1 year
gen v fic(s) ?? (mostly jordan tbh)
the lack of gen v fanfics is actually a crime so i am here to change that. i have a lot of ideas, and thought i could share them here to see if anyone would be interested in any of them.
— SECOND CHANCES (jordan li fic)
Nova Woods' body is made of mistakes and regrets more than flesh and bone.
Ambition is her second name and betrayal is her God.
Not that Jordan Li knew this when they started dating her. No, what Jordan knew was the girl who always wore pink even though people made fun of her, and who brought them a cup of coffee and a sandwich because she knew they tend to skip breakfasts.
Nova Woods was Jordan Li's safe place. Tender touches and soft kisses, the emphatic look in her eyes that made them melt as if she was the sun and they were Icarus' wings, and praises spilling from her lips like sweet honey that they so needed.
Until they learned what kind of a monster was under the masks she was wearing.
The only reason Nova was with them was to get into the top ten on the list.
Nothing about her was real. She was just a perfectly sculpted illusion, showing them what they wanted to see. And Jordan was a fool, who opened their hearts and showed her their most vulnerable parts.
Nova knows she fucked up. She knows that. And she is ready to do whatever is necessary to win them back. She no longer cares about the list - she never actually did; it was her parents' ambitions pressed upon her and she was just a puppet whose strings were in their hands.
Jordan Li does not believe in second chances. But Nova Woods is ready to change their mind.
(I have not yet come up with Nova's powers, super healing for plot armor ofc but maybe animal control or plant control - something that will not overpower her.)
Samantha Riordan is nothing if not her twin brother Luke's shadow. He is the Golden Boy, the sun seems to favor him as he bathes in its light while she is just Luke's little sister (despite being two fucking minutes older than him) resting on the shadow he has created for her. She watches her brother wear the crown of glory all the while she seems to have very similar powers to his but never makes it to even the top ten on the list.
Even her name does not just belong to her. Their younger brother was named Sam, which was the nickname she went by. Emphasis on the past tense because her younger brother has killed himself so her fucking name became a taboo in her own house.
It is like the universe and everyone around her acts like her actual ability is being invisible.
That is until her twin brother blows himself up and all the spotlight falls upon her.
Love Interest(s): Jordan Li (main) & Marie Moreau (not poly)
tw: homophobia, religious parents/guilt
Eden Rivers cannot stress this enough: just because she kissed a girl one time (okay, maybe three times) does not mean she is bisexual. She likes boys. She is straight. She is normal. She is the way her God wants her to be.
Her knees have bruises due to kneeling on the ground and her throat burns and aches for uttering prayers for hours and asking for forgiveness from God.
Again, her mother says, ignoring the tears that stain Eden's cheeks. She feels no pity toward Eden, she sees no daughter or a teenage girl. She only sees an abomination and is blinded by disgust and hatred.
There is something terribly wrong with Eden: she kissed another girl.
Eden does not argue or fight back. She continues praying and, crying, regretting and hating herself.
Then, she wipes off her tears and cleans the blood on her knees to go back to her job as if nothing happened.
Luke Riordan sees right through his assistant but does not force her to speak. He knows how her parents are and just reminds her that she will always have a place in his house if she ever needs it.
Then, he kills himself.
And Eden is starting to question her God.
Then, she meets Jordan Li — he, no wait, she, but then it is a he again and Eden cannot understand anything. Bi-gender, others explain to her and suggest her to use they/them for Jordan.
Eden needs to know why Luke, a human form of sunshine, decided to blow himself up. Because if she cannot find a reason, it means her God has failed her.
And she has to work with Jordan, whose both forms make Eden forget that her God is watching her, reading her not-so-pure thoughts.
But when Jordan is around, Eden's God does not exist.
And she no longer puts meaning into her prayers - not after kissing them.
She does not regret kissing them. She only regrets not doing it before.
(i am actually v proud of this idea because a lot of people have to hide or fight back their sexuality due to the pressure of their parents and norms placed into their heads. gen v is not just a show about superpowers or heroes/villains, it is also about discovering your real identity and finding who you really are and i feel like this fic would be focusing on both identity search and fun superpower parts.)
In a world full of Supes, being a seer is lame, Isabel Quinn knows. She also knows how fucking pathetic it is to have a girlfriend who can manipulate blood when she faints at the sight of blood.
Isabel does not think she belongs at Godolkin University but she follows her girlfriend Marie Moreau there. She assures herself that everything will be alright if they keep a low profile - but then Marie wants to go out with the "cool" Supes and drags Isabel with her.
And then there is a woman with a split neck in the middle of the club they go to. And the crimson river is all Isabel can see. So much fucking blood and Isabel's vision goes black.
She wakes up in Andre Anderson's bed - the guy who is responsible for almost killing the woman in the club- and learns they left her fucking girlfriend responsible for it and tries to get away from him.
Andre - a hypocrite, hero-wannabe in Isabel's opinion- pulls a cliche when he grabs her wrist in the middle of the yard to justify his actions but then the Golden Boy chases her girlfriend and flies to the sky.
And there is blood again. Everywhere.
Fainting once again and this time waking up with a worried Marie hovering over her, Isabel says a dumb thing. A very dumb and unforgivable thing.
Isabel loses the only reason she came to that university: her girlfriend.
But while Isabel is running after Marie to regain her love, Andre Anderson seems like a tail on her back, desperate to prove to her that he is a good guy.
love interest(s): Marie Moreau & Andre Anderson (love triangle, andre as main love interest)
Camila Dunlap sometimes pretends like the white ceiling above her is actually a bright blue sky that stretches to freedom and the chains on her hands are actually her sister Cate's warm hands.
She is tired of looking at the trees and being trapped inside of a room.
She is tired of waiting for her sister to save her.
Sometimes they let her see Cate. But Camila knows Cate has to do things for them. Bad things, her older sister mumbles when asked, terrible things.
At least, she talks with the guy in the next room through Morse code. Sam is his name, a funny guy who often jokes about how she is not actually real. Communicating with him keeps her remaining sanity.
Until one day, when Sam does more than keep her sane, and actually helps her out of the Woods with the help of a very tiny girl.
But it is never over.
Cate tells her that if she truly wants to be free, she has to do whatever they say. She has to turn Sam in and betray the people who have saved her.
Betrayal has always been a part of love for Dunlap sisters, who can play with the strings of someone's mind as if they were those of a violin.
(as you can see, i don't like sticking to canon so this is based on the theory that cate is a double agent. i am not sure about sam's age but he'll be aged up.)
i think this is it for now. don't question why the summaries are way too long, i tend to do that. i'd appreciate if you stated which one(s) you are interested!
thanks so much for reading this!
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altocat · 5 months
I am kind of bothered by how they changed it in the remake so shinra blew up the sector 7 reactor instead of it being solely avalanches bomb ( which had been its purpose barrets group went there to blow up the whole reactor which is why there was a timer so they can escape) ( I enjoyed the scene in the og which called them out by pointing out the blood on ) I wonder if they will reference how the og avalanche tried to blow up midgar by hijacking the junon canno by having the src try to do that
I feel like Rebirth, much as I really loved it, did censor a lot of the grittier aspects of OG. And swept a lot of character moral grayness under the rug. They've definitely tried to both humanize Shinra and also simultaneously make them worse. It can be kind of messy sometimes.
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letstalkwhump · 1 year
Let's Talk Whump No.11
Welcome to Let’s Talk Whump, a series of interviews that spotlight the amazing people in our whump community. I’m Malice and I’ll be your host. 
Today we have @zillstar13 joining us to share their whump story!
Good to have you here, Abraham! Let’s start with a fact about yourself?
I collect all sorts of things. From antique dolls, to rocks, to old bottles, to rusty metal trash, to Halloween decorations. 
And what does whump mean to you?
A story or art piece centered around a character being hurt in some way, especially if it is posted to the internet or put in a zine. 
My writing is whump. Dracula is whump. The doodles of Marie Antoinette I drew in elementary school are whump. It's very vague and fluid, just how I like it. 
How did you find the whump community? What made you want to join? 
Tumblr. My friend Mac N Cheese supported my exercises in writing whump before I was bold enough to post anything. He doesn't write whump (as of right now, I'm trying to get him hooked) but has been beta reading my writing since I started posting.  
Has your view on whump changed since you joined? Are there tropes you now love/hate that you didn't at first? Maybe your choice of OC vs Fandom? Or even your style ie going from mainly writing to gifmaking or art?
I used to hate most vampire whump. My first series, Our Man Flint, was a vampire whump story with heavy focus on colonial America period folklore and Puritan beliefs. 
I couldn't stand most modern interpretations of vampires written by people lacking my vast knowledge of Slavic and colonial folklore. But it's grown on me tons since then. 
I still very much prefer folklore vampires, or ones similar to Bram Stoker's Dracula. But modern vampires stripped of historical context can be fun sometimes. I do appreciate how fluid they are as a species. 
I guess Mill coaxed me out of my shell after I coaxed him in the complete opposite direction.
Do you have any favourite whump trope?
I love whump based on religion and folklore. Whether it be real/historical or invented for the story. Spirits, vampires, gods, and whatever else. It is simply fascinating and scratches a particular niche in my brain. 
What is a favourite piece that you've written? Hype yourself up, we want to hear it!
I love all of my work. But at the moment I simply adore Blood Sacrifices. Its position as my favorite will probably have changed by the time this is posted. 
It's an ongoing story about a vampire posing as a pagan god to take advantage of a society practicing human sacrifices. It's very dark for obvious reasons, but human sacrifice is such an interesting concept to me. 
There is a lot of religious abuse, for obvious reasons. Including heavily explored emotional and sexual abuse of one of the priests, and straight up torture of another. I view some of it as dark comedy, but in a truly twisted sense. And it could easily be interpreted as completely serious. 
I haven't gotten to delve into all of the folklore and religion yet, but boy do I have some amazing things planned. 
Religion based whump is so good! Do you mind sharing your writing routine with us?
I write every day, but the amount fluctuates wildly. I mostly write when I'm supposed to be doing something else, like cleaning or eating, but the executive dysfunction is throttling my brain. 
I write a lot in the evening. I drink a lot while writing. But that's incidental as I always have water, tea, coffee, or hot chocolate right on hand. 
Is there anything you struggle with writing? What comes easily for you?
I'm really good at writing emotional abuse, gas lighting, religious abuse, manipulation, and all that sort of thing. Writing is 80% trauma and 20% skill and I'm banking on the trauma, with a splash of purple prose for good measure.
I have a hard time writing about recovery. I write hurt/no comfort. I cannot find it in me to let my traumatized characters recover. Some people find it cathartic, but I'm the opposite. If I'm stuck with my trauma, they are too. I don't vibe with writing healing arcs. 
Is there anything you're working on at the moment? 
I have so many ongoing series, it isn't even funny anymore. I'm participating in the Whumpay event. I passed Whumpril with flying colors and am hoping to keep up the energy. The final chapter of Our Man Flint is slowly being picked away at but I have little motivation at present. 
Do you have any advice for our readers?
Write the most deranged things possible. Project your traumas and insecurities onto all of your characters. Weave pieces of your past, present, and future into the narrative that it can't be separated from you. 
Your writing will be much better if you pour your heart and soul into it. It will feel horribly vulnerable at first, but that does get better. And I enjoy it much more than I ever enjoyed writing popular cliches and random two dimensions ideas. 
Shout out to your favourite writing/whump blogs, bffs or people who've inspired you. We're hyping everyone one up here!!!
@elim-flower For supporting me so well, being a truly amazing best friend, talking through all of my problems, and letting me draw us as a vampire and a ferret. 
@heavenly-whumper For being my best friend in the whump community, and outside of it, and for keeping all my secrets and letting me keep yours. 
@devourerofcheesecake For letting me use our coffee/antique shop dates as an excuse to ramble about my writing for hours on end. 
@whumpshaped For helping me through all the niche fears of being a writer with NPD, and saying deranged things about my characters whenever I post. 
@whumpsday For all the truly extensive moral support, acceptance, good advice, optimism, and being a fantastic source of supply. 
@skittles-the-whumpee For being a good friend and staying up late talking with me about our lives, pasts, fears, hopes, and problems. 
Anything you'd like to add? <3
I fucking love this god forsaken community. 
Thanks for taking the time to chat with us, @/zillstar13!
And to all you folks at home, have a whump-derful day!
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Primordial Life Domain (a DND 5e Homebrewed Cleric subclass inspired by @comicaurora)
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1st Level: Domain Spells
The power of the Life Primordial resting inside of your body and soul grants you access to certain spells. At 1st level, you learn the druidcraft cantrip. At 1st, 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level you gain access to the spells listed for that level in the Primordial Life Domain Spells table.
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Once you gain access to one of these spells, you always have it prepared, and it doesn't count against the number of spells you can prepare each day. If you gain access to a spell that doesn't appear on the cleric spell list, the spell is nonetheless a cleric spell for you.
1st level: Bonus Proficiencies 
When you choose this domain at 1st level, you gain proficiency in the Nature and Survival skills. Your proficiency bonus is doubled for any ability checks you make that use those skills.
1st level: The Growth and Change Their Bodies Can Sustain and Survive
Starting at 1st level, you can see the patterns that the Life element takes in living creatures. You gain the following actions:
As a bonus action, you can expand one use of this feature to see how to best maintain the delicate machinery of life within them. When you use a healing spell on the target that requires you to roll, you can instead use the highest roll possible.
You see all the ways the target has grown to survive and adapt to its environment, and also where it lacks such growth. As a bonus action, you can expend one use of this feature to learn your target’s hitpoint maximum as well as any resistances, vulnerabilities or immunities it might have.
You can only focus on one creature at a time and cannot concentrate on spells while this feature is active. You can use this feature a number equal to your Wisdom modifier, and regain all expended uses on a long rest.
2nd level: Channel Divinity: It Is Only Right That I Should Cast Judgement
Starting at 2nd level, you can use your Channel Divinity to unleash a wave of Life magic in all directions. As an action, you present your holy symbol, and either any plants within 30 feet of you wither and die or one plant grows to enormous proportions as you funnel it with energy (your choice).
Additionally, each hostile creature within 30 feet of you must make a Strength or Dexterity saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is restrained by hazards such as entangling vines, earth being leveled by giant roots and burying them, and so on. A restrained creature can escape by making a successful Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against your spell save DC.
This effect is entirely local and affects only plants within 30 feet of you. Determination of what plants are available within range and how their physical effects manifest are left to the DM.
6th Level: Channel Divinity: She Won’t Interfere If You’re Awake
At 6th level, the Life Primordial deep within you refuses to let you die. If you are at 0 hit points and making death saving throws, you can use your Channel Divinity to turn into a Plant Colossus. 
[EDIT: Significantly retooled the Plant Colossus to be more in line with other subclass-specific summons]
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You can only hold this form for a number of turns equal to half your Charisma modifier (minimum of 1). After you come out of this transformation, you regain the unconscious condition, but are now stable. Once you’ve used this feature, you can’t use it until you’ve finished a long rest.
8th level: Potent Spellcasting 
At 8th level, you add your Wisdom modifier to the damage you deal with any cleric cantrip.
17th level: The Principle of Transformation and Survival
Starting at 17th level, you can use your action to activate an aura of Life magic that lasts for 1 minute or until you dismiss it using another action. While it is active, you can use your reaction to let a creature inside the aura use a number of their Hit Dice up to your Wisdom modifier (minimum of 0)  when they take damage. In addition, your enemies cannot use spells and abilities that deal necrotic damage or heal while they or their target is inside the aura.
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lumine-no-hikari · 2 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #217
Today was a very busy day. I had three different appointments - one for therapy for my brain, one for physical therapy, and one… I guess… to check if I'm good to be anesthetized to get those 4 teeth yanked out.
It's been a weird sort of day. Therapy was interesting because I spoke some about the person I used to be, before I started healing. Sometimes I wonder if I am a good person, or if I can ever be considered a good person, given the kinds of things I used to think, and given the kinds of things I would have done if I had the means to do them, and the things I have done when I did have the means.
The kindness you see in me today is a choice I have to keep making. The old version of me, as a means of survival in the kind of world I grew up in, was very good at tearing people down. The people who look at me now wouldn't know that, and they think I am weak because of it, but… these claws I had to hone are not gone - just purposely and permanently retracted, to the best of my ability.
It was difficult to look square in the face of who I once was. I don't like that this side of me exists, because that side of me is… those kinds of thoughts and feelings, full of anger and bitterness and spite and hate… nowadays that stuff is abhorrent to me. And I know that these things would serve me well if ever I found myself back in abusive circles of people, but… I never have to go back to those kinds of circles of people.
…Still. The existence of all this stuff helps me to understand you and people who are like you a little better. I can use my experiences with this stuff to try to help people. I can try to teach how to be soft even in a world as hard, sharp, and unforgiving as this one. And I think… I think that having once been the old version of me, and then rising up out of that into someone better, is a requirement to become the way I am now.
Surely, there will be people who cannot forgive me for the way I was before. And that is fair. That is their right; I am not entitled to the forgiveness of the people I've hurt just because I've grown and changed. But I do not need their forgiveness in order to choose to become my own rival, and to continue to be a better person today than I was yesterday. I do not need their forgiveness in order to commit to learning new and better ways of thinking and being. I do not need their forgiveness in order to move forward.
The harm we cause as we derp around never really gets washed from our hands. And maybe that's okay, because everyone's hands are at least a little stained. Some more than others, for sure. But that doesn't really matter, given that all of us are just a single shove away from our hands being thrown into the mud.
I was given a chance to do better by someone who could see past all the dirt on my hands. And I wish, with every fiber of my being, that cases like mine were not so rare. Cases like mine are so rare only because conventional wisdom says that people like me and people like you aren't worth the effort. And yet, here I stand, proving conventional wisdom wrong. And I hope someday, you'll stand here proudly with me.
I want to build a world in which cases like mine don't have to be rare, except for in the case that so many people are healed that hardly anyone gets abused anymore. I want the kind of infrastructure for everyone to get the help they need to exist. But I'm not smart enough to know how to build it. Cases like mine should not be rare. Everyone deserves a chance to be shown something better, and to keep having "better" shown to them until they understand it. For me, I had to be shown "better" for three solid years before it started to really click. And I wish more people knew that everyone is worth the same level of effort that I was given, back when I was 22.
The trip from one side of the coin to the other was a wild one. But I wouldn't change it for anything. All of it was necessary, and... I cannot love me and hate the experiences that shaped me at the same time.
I'm a little tired from thinking about who I used to be, because that person was scary. But still, I did the rest of my things today, and I even got a bunch of really neat pictures for you along the way; the sky was a particularly delectable shade of awesome all day today:
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This one is a watermelon, cucumber, onion, and feta salad, and I've never seen anything like it, and therefore I wanted to try it. I can say with absolute certainty that it is a stellar combination of flavors:
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Crème brûlée with raspberries and chocolate chips on the bottom:
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I also found another black feather during my travels:
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...My collection of these has gotten quite large over the course of the last not-quite-year.
Hey, Sephiroth? I kinda wanna write more, because I really like writing to you. But it is going on 6:30pm, and I still have lots more work to do on that music box, and I've not made any progress on it yet today because I was out and about. The first of next month is coming, and I want it to be done, so I'm gonna go do that.
I love you. I hope it comes out in the pictures I take and the words I write. Please stay safe out there. I'll write again soon.
Your friend, Lumine
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kat-hawke · 1 year
Dissent of The Remaining
For thirty long minutes, the two individuals persevered in their efforts to find a mutually agreeable solution to their dispute. Despite their voices never being raised, the tension in the air was palpable, causing any present staff or witnesses to quickly retreat. The atmosphere in the parlor was one of sternness, as both parties collected their thoughts and spoke in measured tones, as if the room itself were in the eye of a storm. Fueled by a mixture of whiskey and spite, Kat sat resolutely while Jasper paced and recounted the history of their disagreement.
"If you show up in Stormwind, everthin' changes, and that canno' be undone. Understand?" Kat firmly stated, idly spinning the glass of whiskey in her fingers. "Everything here changes, no' fer you, but everyone in the village below. Taxes, vassalage, levies, political battlegrounds. In mere days ye'd turn all of their lives upside-down."
"I understand the repercussions, but it 'as been years, nearly a decade, an' while this community has flourished, I worry it will go stagnan' without properly rejoinin' the nation." Jasper countered, pacing calmly in front of the parlor hearth. "Many in the village feel th' same way. We cannot continue to bet their livelihood on merely four trade contracts. I am no' worried about the political climate. Such foolishness is wot I have existed around since I was a boy."
To Kat's growing annoyance, Jasper continued to leverage facts in his argument. She knew of the positives that reintegrating into the nation could bring, yet she preferred the isolation and the sense of protection it held. Choosing then to shift the topic and rob Jasper of his footing.
"Be tha' as it may, the Kingdom isn't safe right now. Demons, quite literally, wander th' streets. Tensions are high and fights are rampant. Yesterday the Chruch attempted to hold a parlay, t'set basic understandings of the former enemies, but it turned into a bloodbath as traitors took the opportunity t'strike." The Director thew one leg over the other at the knee. "Once tensions calm, we can revisit th' idea."
"By yer standards, Stormwind will never be considered safe." Jasper quickly retorted. "There will always be some threat. There will always be a risk. It is th' very nature o' yer occupation, Katanie. At what point is it enough? The child comes and goes on yer coattails, even on 'er own at times. I think it amicable to request th' same freedoms."
Kat's jaw shifted, visibly irked, and her eyes shifted to the small pile resting on the table, which had been delivered nearly an hour ago.
"That 'as nothing t'do with this." Jasper interjected, catching where her gaze had gone. "I know wot yer thinkin', Kat. There is no ulterior motive 'ere, from anyone."
She lifted her glass to her lips and took a long drink, staring at him over the rim in blatant disbelief. Jasper remained silent, his expression unwavering as he stood by his claim that the letters weren't the origin of their argument. The tension between them was palpable, an overwhelming sense of frustration washed began to churn within the Director's core.
"Ye barely know her and yet she brings out th' worst in you," Jasper sighed.
"I know enough," Kat quickly spat back, setting the empty glass on the side table as she stood from the plush chair. "And I'll 'ave you know that we managed t'have a conversation just fine th' other day, even if it was interrupted before she could rouse m' ire."
Straightening out her sleeves and pulling the blazer flat of wrinkles, the Director exited the room. She ended the discussion as she said her final piece over the shoulder. "Th' answer is still no. No' until this man'ari nonsense is quelled."
Jasper's restless pacing came to a sudden halt as he found himself abandoned in the parlor. A deep sigh of despondency escaped his lips, and he shook his head in disappointment. He slowly turned to gaze longingly out of the window, his eyes fixated on the small village below. Like a bird confined within an ornate cage.
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[ vague passing mention of @longveil ]
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yuripoll · 1 year
making good headway in reading (or rereading) everything for propaganda collection & rec writing, but @whysapphics suggested posting the list of titles for season 3 in case anyone wants to read things beforehand
still subject to change if i end up quibbling over what to include, but here's the current roster (under the cut)
dark forest, white road <- yoshida chiyu (high school drama including a blind girl)
ayaka is in love with hiroko <- sal jiang (silly office romcom)
the moon on a rainy night <- kuzushiro (high school drama including a deaf girl)
serendipity <- mimiyori (webcomic about an overworked magical girl)
handsome girl and sheltered girl <- majoccoid & mocha au lait (silly miscommunication romcom)
aoi hana <- takako shimura (classic schoolgirl yuri)
composing spring in this room where cherry blossoms bloom <- tokuwotsumu (angst. ough.)
makoto no momoka <- sumiko arai (oneshot)
i decided to fake a marriage with my junior to shut my parents up <- kodama naoko (exactly what it says on the tin)
sakura namiki <- takahashi makoto (OLD old. proto-yuri)
i'm not cut out to be a princess, so i'll elope with the villainess <- yamagata atsuka (isekai oneshot)
netsu wo obiru veil <- sakura togane (oneshot about unrequited love)
muted <- miranda mundt (fantasy webcomic)
the girl that can't get a girlfriend <- mieri hiranishi (autobiographical lesbian dramady)
a lady's table <- hwemi (girl dinner <3)
because you are a red rose <- mokuzuko (oneshot about unrequited love... again. im not having issues i prommy)
that time i was blackmailed by the class's green tea bitch <- xian jun (silly high school romcom)
2dk gpen aftertime <- yayoi ohsama (anthology including an epilogue to 2dk gpen alarm clock)
kanojo ni naritai kimi to boku <- takase umi (kind of a stretch to call it yuri (for spoiler reasons) but about a girls crush on her childhood friend who recently came out as trans)
indigo blue <- yamaji ebine (down to earth josei drama about a writer cheating on her bf with a woman)
destroy it all and love me in hell <- kuwabara tamotsu (so THIS is the toxic yuri ive heard so much about)
mahou josei chimaka <- kaiju (webcomic turned real comic about an ex-magical girl who needs to save the world again; no longer available online which unfortunately means i wont be able to read this one at the moment... hmu if anyone knows of an ebook sale for it ToT EDIT: oh im dumbbb i looked at the submission to double check for content warnings and its on IA)
savior <- junqi & jo9 (vampire yuri)
to die in june <- kuragenanami (alternate history where young girls were recruited to the jp army in ww2)
soulmate <- wenzhi lizi & ke ran bing (woman gets bodyswapped with her 17 year old self)
yuki and the authoress <- nagori yu (historical romance)
blooming sequence <- lee eul (college student romance)
you are my angela <- murasakino (short romance about an angel)
maria-sama ga miteru <- konno oyuki & nagasawa satoru (classic schoolgirl yuri)
a kiss and a white lily for her <- canno (modern schoolgirl yuri)
ohana holoholo <- torino shino (gay josei family drama)
kakegurui <- kawamoto homura & naomura tooru (not strictly yuri but, like teppuu, ive been led to believe its homoerotic enough to break that barrier)
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holly-louisexox · 1 year
Ribcage X Andy Biersack- Part 10
"There's one thing you should know about me Delia Vincent, I don't date. Got no heart to break and emptiness is safe, keep it that way."
He was adamant in his choices...
...But then things changed.
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Not my GIF
"Fuck, it wasn't some sort of weird dream." Delia mutters as she rubs her eyes free from sleep.
"Good morning to you too, I'm flattered you'd even consider dreaming about me." Andy replies in his signature monotone voice as he refuses to look up from his laptop he was currently sat on the sofa with- either this guy was not a morning person or he was pissed with Delia about the events of last night; her money was on the second one.
"Did you miss the part where I said weird?" Delia snaps back- Delia definitely was not a morning person for a good half an hour after waking up or before having a coffee, safe to say she was not in the right headspace for Andy and his bullshit moods at this present time.
"Oh sorry princess, didn't realise you were such a diva in the mornings." Andy rolls his eyes as he finally looks up at her. "If you're hanging that badly may I suggest some painkillers, rather than taking out your bad life choices on everyone and everything today?"
"Believe it or not I actually don't get hangovers so bad luck on that one mate." Delia shakes her head at him before climbing out of the bed and grabbing her dress she had folded up on the back of the sofa.
"Don't call me 'mate', we're far fucking from it." Andy snarls slightly which makes Delia roll her eyes this time.
"It's called sarcasm, thought you would have known a lot about that." Delia snaps back before retreating to the bathroom in Andy's hotel room to change, why did he have to be so infuriating this early in the day?
"funny." Andy mutters under his breath as he closes his laptop before sighing- why did last night have to happen? As much as Andy wouldn't admit it, he did kind of enjoy Delia's company and damn did she look good wearing his shirt. Andy hated that he found particular interest in Delia from her not being scared to stand up to him; most people just either walked away or ignored him and he had gotten used to that over time.
"Right, well here's your shirt, thanks for it I guess." Delia shows no emotion as she tosses it at him before leaving to go to Shevy's room to collect her room key, hopefully Shevy was awake by now.
"Delia..." Andy starts before catching himself out. "Actually, never mind."
Rolling her eyes, Delia proceeds to leave, careful not to slam the door behind her.
"Wait, Delia? You and Andy?" Lonny is then stood awkwardly in the hallway after just leaving his room.
"Oh god, Lon, no. No way!" Delia smiles awkwardly. "I left my key in Shevy's bag so I crashed in Andy's room, nothing happened. between us, I promise."
"Right, okay. Well, erm, just be careful with him I guess. He's kind of got a bit of a track record for himself going when it comes to hook ups." Lonny continues to stand awkwardly whilst also wanting to look out for his most recent friend.
"Yeah, I've been told, but thanks Lon." Delia nods awkwardly before going over to Shevy's door and knocking.
"There you are! I text you so many times last night when I got back and realised I still had your key! Did you manage to get another key? What happened?" Shevy mumbles slightly yet her normal excitement in her voice was still very evident.
"I'm fine, I crashed in Andy's room last night." Delia shrugs slightly hoping that Shevy would not make a big deal of it.
"Okay, this seems really interesting and I feel like you have gossip to spill, but I am rather hungover right now. You need to change, I need to change, meet me out here in about an hour and we're gonna go get coffees and you need to tell me the details." Shevy plans which makes Delia laugh slightly; Shevy tends to talk with her hands a lot and in that one short plan there was a lot of pointing here, there and everywhere.
"Can I have my key first?" Delia asks reminding Shevy that she cannot change yet as she was still locked out of her own room.
"Oh shit, yeah, I forgot!" Shevy laughs at herself slightly before going back into her room to retrieve the key for Delia.
"Okay so what happened last night? Did you and Andy sleep together?" Shevy asks before taking a sip of her coffee.
"No I did not have sex with him, why does everyone think that?" Delia sighs.
"Sorry, force of habit when it comes to talking about Andy, he's very much that type of guy." Shevy explains apologetically.
"So I've been told." Delia sighs again tightly holding onto her cup of coffee out of nerves. Why was she so nervous about this conversation? It's not like anything bad happened.
"So what did happen then? I feel that something did happen from the way you're acting right now." Shevy smirks slightly.
"It was weird Shev, last night he was actually really nice; a side of him I never thought I'd see." Delia explains calmly; maybe Shevy would be happy with the simple details?
"Oh yeah? What did he do? It's been a while since I saw 'nice' Andy." Shevy grins, she was definitely getting an idea pop into her head.
"He just seemed genuinely worried about me and seemed like he actually wanted to make sure I was safe." Delia then takes a deep breath before letting out the million dollar information "And we kind of cuddled as well."
"Wait what?" Shevy almost chokes on her drink as pure shock fills her facial details.
"Yeah, we shared his bed and I felt kind of cold so my first instinct was to cuddle up to him. I could tell he was shocked to begin with but eventually I felt him wrap his arm around me and cuddle me back." Delia feels herself blush slightly at the memory whilst also feeling incredibly embarrassed.
"Oh my God, Delia!" Shevy squeals slightly "I told you he had the hots for you! The way that guy looks at you sometimes I can tell he's super conflicted about things."
"Shevy, don't say stuff like that because I will get attached and we both know it'll end badly." Delia shakes her head slightly. "The thing is though, I actually found myself liking him last night. I actually enjoyed his company."
"Girl! Oh my god! It's so obvious that he's conflicted about you! Even Lonny can see it and came to talk to me about it after the both of you left." Shevy explains almost as if stating a fact.
"Shevy, no. Me and Andy are just too different. Plus after this tour finishes next month I'll likely never see you guys again. It's just easier to focus on my work, you of all people should understand that." Delia tries her hardest to not think of Andy; she hated that she was indeed starting to become interested in the guy.
"Of course I understand that sweetie, but at the same time you never know what could happen. Yes relationships are difficult in this line of work unfortunately, but they're not impossible and many people overcome it in different ways." Shevy was being completely reasonable and logical right now and Delia hated that she was right, but still, this was Andy they were talking about.
"Honestly I just find it crazy to think we're already half way through, these 4 weeks have gone crazily quickly." Delia smiles sadly; being a touring sound technician had always been a dream of hers and something she thought about when doing am dram productions.
"Yeah it is sad how quickly it feels they go. At least hopefully you may now get more work after touring with these guys. Worst comes to it, I can put in a good work with my homies Ice Nine Kills when they're ready to tour again." Shevy shrugs.
"That feels like cheating, but thanks Shev." Delia smiles before hearing her phone buzz.
"Another women reported missing, believed to have been snatched by the unknown kidnapper now nicknamed 'The Seattle Bachelorette stealer' taking the missing persons count up to 4. Victims are yet to be found."
"Don't tell me, another missing women in Seattle?" Shevy's face drops slightly; she knew that was a sensitive thing to Delia and that she was nervous about it.
"Yeah, that makes 4 now since we've been touring." Delia nods.
"Shit, those poor women. Look, I know you're worried about going to Seattle because of it but I promise you we'll be fine. The guys and security will make sure nothing happens." Shevy tries to remain positive for her new best friend.
"I know, it's just scary though, isn't it?" Delia smiles ever so slightly.
But the fear was still in the back of her mind and she couldn't help but to remember what happened those couple of years ago.
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bendy-and-buddies · 2 years
To celebrate the Dark Revival... we uncovered something sitting in the archives for quite some time.
This is a script. One for a special that was apparently slotted to be released in the month of April originally. That was all that could be discerned from the documents, what year in specific is still lost. There are even a select number of characters exclusive to this script who appear nowhere else across the Bendy IP prior to the 1990s.
((short version: Here's an "April Fools special" that's been a low effort WIP script for a long, long, LONG time. Enjoy the crack.))
[Bendy and Buddies and Etc. is filmed in front of a fictional studio audience.]
Angie; “Bendy! I was hoping that the both of us could visit the beach once more, mayhap we can bring the others as well?”
Bendy; “Ah, sure Anj! Sounds like it’d be fu-“
(Alice walk in and puts her arms around Bendy, very deliberately having his head near her breasts. Cue sitcom audience cheers as Alice enters.)
Alice; “Ohhh, but Bendy just promised to take me out for a date! So sorry, maybe he can play little games with you some other time, sweetums~?”
Bendy; “Alice, c’mon! she was inviting all of us! She wasn’t excluding you on purpose or something, right?”
Angie; “Um... yes, of course she may accompany us! I do not see why Alice canno-”
(Alice and Bendy make quick confused noises at Angie’s response before resuming.)
Alice; “Oh, of course! It is just like privileged little you to try and take Bendy all for yourself! Sorry airhead, but Bendy is far too grown up for a childish little girly-girl like you! A handsome devil like this deserves a real woman like me!”
(bouncy sound effects to imply her boobs are flopping around.)
Angie; “But, Lady Alice, I never intended-!”
Bendy; (anxiously, under his breath) “Anj, just grab my arm!”
(Angie tries to reason peacefully until Bendy gestures her to grab hold of one of his arms. Alice has his other arm in the usual love-triangle tug-of-war scenario/trope. Angie looks less “grumpy” and more uncomfortable)
Bendy; “Ladies, ladies! Please, there’s plenty of the Devil Darling to go around!”
Angie; “You are in samples??”
(Bendy’s surprised, laughs a bit and is about to correct her until Alice cuts in again)
Alice; “It’s an expression, nitwit! See Bendy? Why bother with this Dumb Dora, when you can have a Darlin Dame~?”
(Angie is saddened by the persistent bullying from Alice’s end)
Bendy; (angrily to Alice, under his breath again) “You’re not helpi-!”
(cut to Boris nearby with a banjo)
Boris; “Gee wiz Bendy, quite the heartbreaker lately aren’cha?”
Bendy; (dramatically) “it’s my devilish charms, I can’t help it!”
Boris; “One’a these days it’s gonna be yer downfall, attracting so many-“
(Sammy shows up the hell out of nowhere.)
Sammy; “Wonderful Lord Bendy! Let me sniff your holy panties!”
Boris: “Well, if it isn’t that super-wacky Sammy! The head of the Music Department who has no note-worthy character outside of blindly worshiping Bendy! He was never a toon like us, but… um, guess he’s here anyway! Hooray!”
Sammy; “insert anime joke here!”
Bendy; (in pure dread) “Oh no-“
(And now Wally shows up, also the hell out of nowhere.)
Wally; “Regardless of how Bendy’s lovelife goes, if it makes another damn tidal wave of a mess I gotta clean up: I’M OUTTA HERE!”
(stupid laughtracks playing)
Alice; “He said the catchphrase!”
Bendy; “Wally the Janitor is just hilarious in everything he pops up in, right everyone!?”
Boris; “Sponsored by the following companies listed.” (onscreen there’s several of the in-universe businesses in the canon-verse. Maybe throw in a reference to other fictitious companies? Acme is a definite one to add.)
Bendy; “Actually, Alice… I don’t think you really specified where you wanted to have that date anyway, where were you thinking?”
Alice; “Oh, I thought you’d never ask, my Widdle Debil! Infact, I want all of you to come with, please do follow your angel!”
Bendy and Boris; (failing to see how suspicious that was) “Sounds good to me!”
As Bendy, Boris and Sammy obediently follow Alice, Angie is called by someone else off-screen the opposite way.
Angie; “Wait, what was that?”
(murmured gibberish a’la Peanuts is heard)
Angie; “Oh um, alright then.”
(The ‘gang’, sans Angie, arrive at Joey Drew Studios. I’ll prolly just take a photo of whatever animation studio or old building from google and slap the JDS logo on top of it. Laziness!) 
Alice; “And here we are!”
Bendy; “Uhh… Alice??”
Boris; “Isn’t this the old studio?... Y’know, as in that place where all of us experienced terrible, traumatic pasts involving human experimentation and brutal ritualistic sacrifices that’ve left us all emotionally and mentally scared forever and other dark, gruesome things like that?”
(Bendy is a little taken aback by Boris’ detailed description.)
Bendy; “… Yeah… I thought we all vowed to never come back here…? Wasn’t finally getting out a highly triumphant moment for us or something?”
Sammy; “Lord Bendy, your buttocks is scrumptious like hamburgers!”
Alice; “Oh, I assure you! I have very good reasons for why I chose to take you all here! I have one… no, TWO very important things I’ve needed to show you all for a long time!”
Bendy; “Only now this has been brought up??”
Alice; “both are a lot to take in, but I need you to trust me… do you doubt your angel~?”
Bendy; “Ahh… fine then.”
Boris; “I’m ready for anything.”
(Alice looks up and calls to someone)
Alice; “Alright deary-pie, you can come out now!”
(stupid dramatic sound effects as the apparent newcomer is revealed)
Geno-Fur; “Hello, everyone!! It’s me, Geno-Fur!!”
Tumblr media
Sudden Narrator; “Thaaaat’s right! It’s Geno-Fur the DemonAngel, the most powerful cartoon character in all of Toon Town! The perky, talented daughter of Bendy the Demon and Alice Angel with the help of the Ink Machine, this cute toon angel demon girl has an inner inky darkness unlike any other! She’s oh-so deep, mysterious and meaningful everyone!”
Bendy; (more and more like he’s reading it off a script) “Oh my Satan! Alice, we have a long-lost daughter who is beautiful and an objectively perfect and wonderful blend of who we both are! And will probably easily surpass us in popularity! If I had known we had such a blessing who totally didn’t just fall out of the sky, I would have dropped everything, married you and center my entire life around you both!
Sammy; “Praise be unto the blessed firstborn!”
(Boris is bug-eyed, genuinely dumbfounded by what is happening before him)
Boris; “UM…??”
Geno-Fur; “OMG! Mommy, Daddy, thank you so much! You even brought my husband here to see me!
(Geno-Fur hugs Boris hard enough to pop his spine, he’s in pain. “CAN’T… B-BREATHE-!!” his poor banjo has snapped in two. To Boris’ luck, Geno-Fur releases him.)
Bendy; (zero effort on his part) “Don’t go breakin’ my princess’s heart, Boris…”
Alice; “I love beautiful reunions!”
Sammy; “I shall always be a loyal, faithful Side-Hoe willing to pleasure you, your Queen, and your glorious child, my Lord!”
Boris; “Guys, none of this is in my copy of the script, what’s going on?!?”
Alice; “I’ll gladly answer that! What’s going on is my second reason…”
(Alice wipes the side of her face to reveal the same gross Scarface thing going on with Susie-Alice. Shock Horror, she’s also Susie-Alice.)
Alice: “As it turns out, I’m still not near as perfect as I’d like to be!! AH-HAHAHA!”
(Alice cackles evilly as she grabs Boris and drags him into the building. Yes, exactly like the end of Chapter 3.)
Boris; (As he’s spirited away) “WHAAAAAT THEEEEE HAYSTAAACK!?....”
Bendy; “What!? Oh god, Boris!! Hang on buddy, I’m coming!”
(a panicking Bendy runs in to rescue Boris, Sammy and Geno-Fur follow)
Sammy; “M’Lawd! I will follow you to the ends of the earth!”
Geno-Fur; “Mommy!! Daddy!! Why can’t we settle this like normal people!?”
(Bendy is desperately trudging into the studio, unknowingly he is very slowly melting into his monster-form we are all familiar with as he becomes exhausted)
Bendy; “Boris, please hang on!! I’m coming...!! .. Augh… Maybe… Maybe I should hit the gym? NO!! No, I’m fine!! Goddamned fine!! I just gotta… Gotta keep going… Wait, wait… why is my sweat this… thick and… dark?”
(Bendy’s then surprised upon overhearing something, looking to the side to find Henry somewhere in the distance and humming to himself- probably doing one of the Chapter 3 tasks)
Henry; “Joey Drew he likes big fingers in his ass, Joey Drew he likes big fingers in his ass, fingers in his ass, he likes in his-” (yes. It’s that meme. I have zero shame.)
(Bendy slowly becomes angered)
Bendy; “Henry… Henry!!”
(this gets Henry’s startled attention. As Bendy rants he slowly completes his transformation into Monster-Bendy.)
Bendy; “My old, actual for-real creator, Henry… You left everyone… You left ME! Why didn’t you stay!? Was I just a mistake to you, blaming me for everything Joey did!? Why didn’t you love me, Henry!? Was I never good enough for you!? You LIED to us!! You never stopped Joey from all of the atrocities he committed!! You never came back!! You never played catch with me and called me ‘Sport’!! You never threw me a Birthday!! YOU NEVER BOUGHT ME A HAPPY MEAL!!!”
Henry; “Oh gosh!”
(Henry zooms away as fast as he can, his warped and enraged cartoon-demon son giving chase. Suddenly Geno-Fur to the oh-so convenient rescue.)
Geno-Fur; “Oh my god, daddy!! Izzat you?? Ohmygaww I can see why mommy thot u wer hawt!!”
(Bendy is understandably confused by her appearance and comment.)
Bendy; “huh…what??”
(he looks back to where Henry was initially, however Henry’s already in a miracle station also conveniently nearby)
Bendy; “HE’S GONE!! Where did he-!?”
Geno-Fur; “Ummm like… you know that weird up-and-down door and room thingy with buttons??”
Bendy; (surprised at how goddamn stupid she is) “The… you mean the elevator?”
Geno-Fur; “Yeah!! The escalator! I think Henry’s using it to go down to liiiiike… Level 1000!”
Bendy; “…There is no Level 1000. The building doesn’t tunnel down THAT deep.”
Geno-Fur; “Exactly!! Like, he’s going so deep down he’s trying to get to a level that doesn’t exist! I’m sure that if you go all the way down to the last floor, you’ll find Henry! Good luck daddykins!”
Bendy; (half-assing at this point) “Well, I totally trust my perfect hybrid daughter to never lie to me ever and that alibi is highly convincing. I will go.”
(Bendy exists the scene in his usual spooky way, to which Henry hops back out of the station.)
Geno-Fur; “Hurry Henry!! We gotta save mah Woof Hubby and get out of here!! And bring mommy and daddy back with the power of family love!!”
(Geno-Fur tearfully exists, Henry following her.)
Henry; “This is what I got out of retirement for…”
(Cut to Alice’s super-duper evil lab room with Boris strapped to the operating table Frankenstein style. Alice is still acting in-character, in contrast Boris is basically left to ad-lib and isn’t entirely certain on the mood of the scene. Boris scratches at his neck, but quickly puts his arm back in as soon as he realizes they’re rolling.)
Alice; (some obligatory evil chuckling) “… And after I’ve done away with you, Henry AND Bendy, I can continue my makeover with no trouble or interruptions at all! Then I will have the popularity I was always destined for! Now, any last words before you fulfil your purpose, little wolfie~?”
Boris; “is it too early to make a ‘stole my heart’ joke, even though you got the REAL side-splitters, or...?”
(some muffled laughter off-stage is heard, implied to be Rodney behind the camera. Alice is unamused and gestures at Boris threateningly.)
Alice; “Be quiet or I’ll cut you open faster.”
Boris; “Alright, alright, I’ll shush…” 
The “mysterious” voice who may or may not be Rodney; “Bitter hag-”
(because of budgetary, technical, and time-related issues… we already skip over to chapter 4 events because we’re basically haphazardly trying to scrunch in the entire canon-game story, not caring if it makes any sense at all like always)
Henry; “Okay, so it’s only now occurred to me to ask; earlier, we were in the show… but as we kept going, all of a sudden we’re in the-?”
Geno-Fur; “YAWN! You’re boring old-man dinosaur talk is super boring, we’re not gonna rescue Boris fast enough if you don’t let me do all of the mouth-stuff! No wonder mommy and daddy wanna murder-fy you, LOL!”
Henry; “I… I don’t even- what the heck is a ‘LOL’, anyway!? Why are you helping me if you’re their daughter or something!?”
Geno-Fur; “Because I’m sooo nice!! :3”
Henry; “How… how do you even work??”
(The Butcher Gang mooks appear right the hell out of nowhere without Henry even opening any of the doors)
Charley; (in a grunty, zombie-ish way) “Now’s are time to shine, boys… Lets take all of our pent-up frustrations out on Henry!”
(she hugs all three up to her tumour-tits, immediately all their necks snap.)
Henry: (not even caring anymore) “I thought you said Boris was your husband.”
Geno-Fur; “Ummm, DUH? Of course, he is! You’ve clearly not been listening to me with your senile old-ness! Seriously, I thought the guy who drew ME would be super-hot and NOT some old BOOMER! Isn’t that right, husbands!?”
(she only now realises the 3 are dead and lets out a big Darth Vader “NOOOO!!!”, Henry is unfazed.)
(Meanwhile, back at Bendy’s Ink Machine throne room - Bendy was able to hear Geno-Fur’s annoying whine from several of those miles upwards)
Bendy; “the hell…? Ugh… probably my cue… A guy just can’t watch his own show on loop in peace anymore…”
(as Bendy speaks he’s existing his “castle” to return to the higher levels. Sammy abruptly appears again in one of the hallways Bendy passes.)
Sammy; “My Lord! I will always be gleeful and willing to perform any request you-!”
(Bendy, not even making eye-contact, clocks Sammy in the head with his “good toon hand” hard enough to put the walking notice-me-senpai-joke out cold, the sound effect a wet and loud POW. Mr Lawrence is unconscious. And maybe missing some teeth.)
Bendy; “Fuckin’ punchline…”
(Cut back to Henry and Geno-Fur at the carnival prototype area. The poor old man is being ranted at by the annoying Mary Sue disaster for killing her 3 other “husbands”. Even though that was her own fault.)
Geno-Fur; “Those valiant gentle-mans meant the world to me and now they’re all gross inky poopy-goop!! This is all YOUR fault, you ugly old murderer-guy, you!! Feel guilty for your evil sins!!”
Henry; “I never even touched them; YOU did that! Please tell me, are you some kinda alien who is trying to mimic what a toon looks and acts like? Because you’re failing miserably.”
Geno-Fur; “I’m young and pretty and you’re a wrinkly old fart!! That means I’m right and you’re wrong!!”
(Henry groans in annoyance, pinching the bridge of his nose)
Henry; “Alright then… Seeing as I’m clearly a hindrance to your ‘noble quest’ or… whatever, how’s about this: you go ahead and complete all of the puzzles needed to unlock the doors, while I search for any clues or another alternate route that could maybe get us into that haunted house faster? I mean, clearly, it’d be my only good contribution to your ‘mission’.”
Geno-Fur; “Pfff, I have a better idea! I’ll go ahead and complete all the puzzles needed to unlock the doors, while YOU search for any clues or another alternate route that could maybe get us into that haunted house faster! I mean, clearly, it’d be your only good contribution to my mission!”
(As Geno-Fur sneers she walks to the puzzle-room that has Norman in it, Henry has an expression that all but states he wants to see this obnoxious girl get hit by a truck.)
Henry; “You…go do that.”
Geno-Fur; “YAS! And I’ma doit like a sexy QUEEN~!!”
(As she enters the door shuts behind her, trapping her there until the task would be completed.)
Henry; “Okay then… Better think of something before she gets back. I can only put up with that rotten attitude for so long…”
(Before Henry knew it, he now hears several sounds indicative of clutter and a chase as he sadly must hear Geno-Fur’s voice once more, although muffled through the walls and corridors… There are gradually more muffled sounds of disaster around him, almost impossibly so as Geno-Fur’s whining can be heard amongst it. Sounds range from explosions, to car horns and all the way to an elephant. Henry is utterly lost.)
Henry; “What the devil is that brat doing!?”
(as soon as the noise dies down finally, all the doors and puzzles have spontaneously been completed. Whatever Geno-Fur caused in there, it finished everything for him.)
Henry; “Wait, already?... Huh, that screechy rat-girl helped with progress for once…”
(Not wasting any time, Henry hops into the attraction and heads towards one of the carts on the track. Extra sound-effects/in-game audio to indicate the ride starts, as Henry is slowly carted through the tunnel-portion the intercom is switched on, it’s Boris and Susie-Alice mid-conversation. Alice sounds angered with a reasonable Boris.)
Boris; “-I’m just saying, you weren’t part of Henry’s initial vision when making this show, and that isn’t a bad thing! I mean, Lola got popular after Space Jam-“
Susie-Alice; “And popular with who, exactly!? A bunch of perverts who don’t care about character! But as soon as I make it to the big top, the world will know I’m appealing in mind AND sexuality! So, what if I was Joey’s add-on!? I was the best thing to happen to you and Bendy’s sad little circus!”
Boris; “Alice, look, there’s no need to get hostile. I’ve been trying to help you and turn it around into something positive. You’re the one choosing to see it as something wrong. You’re not one of Henry’s characters like Bendy and I. That isn’t an insult, it’s what happened!”
Susie-Alice; “Well! You!... You’re just a sad, stupid mongrel who digs up bones! And your friend is a fat, gremlin slob who’ll never have anything near as wonderful as me!! How do you like that, huh!? What do have to say to that!?”
Boris; “I’d say now you’re just yelling like an angry school-kid ‘cuz you don’t have a point.”
(Henry pays no heed to the Halloween-themed pop-ups as he listens in awkwardly)
Henry; “I might’ve jumped in too soon...”
(Susie-Alice and Boris both let out surprised a “huh?”)
Henry; “Oh! Did… did you two hear me? Didn’t think it worked that way.”
Boris; “Howdy Henry! Real quick, was all’a that ruckus earlier from that Jenny-chick? Sounded like a twister full of cats was let loose in here!”
Susie-Alice; “How much did you hear!? Wait, wait!! How do you shut this off!? Can we do this over!? Make the cart stop right now! I was supposed to give a profound and depressing speech--!!”
(the intercom is abruptly cut as Alice panics, likely because she was scrambling on the buttons. Henry’s already at the “house” part of the ride with paintings and such.)
Henry; “… I’ll just tell her I only heard something about bones and gremlins.”
(As Henry is carted across the room, he comments on the environment casually)
Henry; “Wonder who did the paintings in here? I need to ask around when I can. I don’t think the poor fella ever got credit, knowing Joey’s ‘forgetfulness’… Bertrum prolly has the answer, if he’s still nearby.”
(Henry’s about to head into the dark tunnel where Boris *would* be there as a Frankenstein monster to make it stop… but no, he isn’t there. Not to any degree.)
Henry: “Uhh… ‘Oh no! what has she done to you!?’ …”
(He clears his throat, then adds more base to his voice)
Henry: “…’OH NO! what has she done to you!?’ …”
(Although Henry’s deeper into the darker portion of the ride than what was normal, his tired prayer is answered as a pair of hands latch onto the cart and force it to stop. They, however, are not Boris’ mega-hands… But Norman’s, as is indicative by what Henry can see as well as the grunts. He has removed the camera-head mask)
Henry: “… ‘Boris! What has she do-!?’ wait… wait, Nor-?”
(Norman, shrouded in shadows, cuts Henry off with a panicked “SHH!!”, then whispers...)
Norman: “Look, Hen, I’m having as hard a time to follow what’s going on as you are. I’m going to push you back and adjust the cart, so it doesn’t keep moving. This did not happen, and you never saw me!”
Henry: “Of course… Highly terrifying Ink-monster who I did not see here…”
Norman: “There we go.”
(As the not-Projectionist(?) stated, he shoved the cart back and made quick work to turn it in such a way that it wouldn’t continue onward on the track. Henry is awkwardly left alone waiting for the warped-Boris cue.)
Rodney, undoubtedly the cameraman now and in a snarky mood; “… Isn’t something supposed to happen in this clearly suspenseful climax we’ve been building up to?”
(There is a loud “BONK” sound effect as Rod is clocked on the noggin by somebody else, resulting in an annoyed “OW!! Son of a…!!” from him.)
(Susie-Alice enters the room without warning, very blatantly stalling for time with improvisations. Henry hardly reacts.)
Susie-Alice; “We meet again, Henry! You’re trapped in my web, and a little fly like you will have no chance of escape!”
Henry; “Didn’t you already use that spider-web analogy a while ago...?”
Susie-Alice; “Soon! Your face will be an analogy for all the pain and ruin you’ve done unto me which is very clearly your fault as much as Joeys’! But! Unlike your ruined face mine will be fixed and I’ll be the heavenly starlet idol I’ve always deserved to be!”
Henry; “You lost me.”
Susie-Alice; “And I’ll make you lose your head too! Literally, not figuratively!”
(she charges to him dramatically, brandishing a vase prop from the table. Henry leisurely hops out of the cart finally.)
Henry; “a cue to fight and defend myself, alrighty then...”
(Before Henry could spring into this on-the-spot “Boss Battle”, a sudden gent pipe whizzes through the air at a beeline to Susie-Alice’s head. It’s only hard enough to make her stop in her tracks with a surprised shriek and grunt to herself for a little in pain. Standing on top of the cart Henry had exited is “Allison Alice”. She’s posed dramatically and without Tom.)
“Allison”; “Please, don’t give up Henry! You’re our only hope!... Don’t know why I said that here and now, but I did…”
Henry; (fake gasp, he’s clearly getting tired) “Oh My Goodness, another Amy the Angel?”
“Allison”; “Um, it’s ‘Alice’-”
Henry; “-Dearie me, given that there have been dozens of Boris copies, does that mean there are just as many of you?”
“Allison”; “Honestly, you’ll love what I still remember about what happened to Lacie.”
(Susie moans about her brow hurting, “Allison” remembers her other lines.)
“Allison”; “OH! Uhh by the way Henry do not be deceived by this awful, evil witch! Even though I look even less like her, I’m absolutely the real and goody-good Alice Angel!”
(This accusation catches Susie-Alice’s attention, and she angrily glares daggers at her like a snobby teenaged girl who got upstaged at prom.)
Susie-Alice; “You attention-whore hussy! I’m the REAL Alice Angel!”
“Allison”; “No, I’M Alice!”
Susie-Alice; “I’m Alice Angel!”
“Allison”; “I’m Alice Angel!”
Susie-Alice; “I’m Alice Angel!”
“Allison”; “I’m Alice Angel!”
Susie-Alice; “I’m Dirty Dan!”
“Allison”; “I’m Dirty Dan!”
(they both pause)
Susie-Alice; “…Did that really just come out of our mouths-?”        
(explosion and clutter noises, everyone is surprised. It’s Geno-Fur having burst into the haunted house room through the wall.)
Geno-Fur; “Shit! I was so lucky daddy saved me from that creepy camera-head guy! He could’ve grabbed my sexy butt and make it all gross with the weird ink corruption!!”
Henry; (under his breath) “Why did neither of them strangle her…”
Geno-Fur; “Mommy! Stop it! I know you’re like so much more than all this darkness and suffering! I totes forgive you for turning my woof hubby all ugly, because I know we can all fix and love him together! You don’t have to stab anything! You nurtured me and made me the proud, talented, and strong woman I am today!”
“Allison”; “… are you talking to her or me??”
Geno-Fur; “Yes!!”
(Monster-Bendy’s signature Ink Aura seeps into the room as he suddenly approaches. Oh, the suspense!)
Henry, actually surprised by this; “Wait a minute, already?? How did he know to come right here!?”
Henry, now grumpily; “... It was that pea-brained banshee, wasn’t it. All of that obnoxious wailing lured him to us!”
Geno-Fur; “Shuttup! I’m legit the reason anything good happened here!!”
Henry, rolling his eyes; “Oh yeah. Sure…”
(Boris… Oh Sorry I mean Franken-Boris, finally enters the scene… however everyone is still talking, and he just stands there in the back awkwardly now that any room for his cue to start the monster act is completely null with the current cast ensemble. Once more, none of what is now transpiring was in his copy of the script. He’d be whistling and twiddling his “thumbs” if they weren’t so massive and heavy now.)
Monster-Bendy, finally; “Well, I for one can’t wait to make... Whatever her name is stay quiet ONCE AND FOR ALL! But first things first, my bloody and graphic vengeance on HENRY!”
Susie-Alice; “HEY! Wait your turn, fatty! I’m having vengeance on him FIRST!”
“Allison”; “I was supposed to get Hen out of here by now??”
Monster-Bendy; “WHAT!?”
Geno-Fur; “Plz, DADDY!
Monster-Bendy; “I heard you the first time-”
Geno-Fur; “If you’re not able to look within your heart and see that this isn’t what you want…
Monster-Bendy; “Sweet Solomon, what am I in for.”
Geno-Fur; “I wrote a song, which was 100% not originally by Christina Aguilera, JUST for you about how killing the people you love is wrong, and that I’m your best daughter ever AND LOVE YOU no matter what! It’s really dope and super cooler than what happened in Goofy Movie and I practiced all of the Fortnight dances and Minecraft stuff for it that I put it to and EVERYTHING! Duncha remember you n mommys wedding?? It was super bomb and I was the best gothic flowergirl in fishnets, leather skirt, midnight black corset and red firey boots EVER! Jus remember all de times we were like the best sexiest fam in da WORLD! And after it’s all done, I can play fnaf games with you! And then later, we’ll have another episode where I’m in highschool and Boris-sempai meets me under the cherry-blossom trees and I made him been-toes n’ stuff, and we’re the best OTP ever and Romeo and Juliet could never hope to compare to how deep we got it! And then in the final season it’ll be revealed yer in love with Uncle Cuphead and mommy is all like-!”
Bendy is slack jawed at this stupidity. He finally snaps.
Bendy; ���F-… Fortnight and..? Did I hear that? Stop the cameras. Hit the brakes. Back up the bus. STOP THE GODDAMN MUSIC! Listen, I’ve put up with a LOT of braindead pandering malarkey this episode, but shit like FORTNITE REFERENCES and other media where they don’t belong are where I’m drawing the damn line. That tears it! I’m leaving! I don’t give a shit about getting a check anymore! I have a cat to feed and play with back at home, and I’m not wasting anymore time or energy on this! I’VE HAD IT WITH THIS TRIPE!!”
As Bendy rants, he’s removing his huge monster-self costume. Boris struggles out of the fat-suit and discards the gigantic gloves, whipping one of the X’s off his eyelids. They were makeup.
Boris; “I’m right there with you, Bend. I didn’t spend three years religiously studying musical theatre and drama to be in this piece of cow dung!”
“Allison” removes her wig to reveal it’s been Maria the whole time, because the real Allison wanted no part in this.
Maria; “Personally I’d of taken so many fat ones to stay OUT of the camera.”
Boris; “...’Many fat’ what??”
Maria; “I’ll… say when we’re older!”
Boris; “Mari, all of us are presumed 20-somethings-“
Rodney, finally visible as he’s approaching the set: “Rufford could fart on paper, and that’d be better material than this slop.”
Boris; “Who’s to say he isn’t one of the prime suspects? I mean, if it wasn’t Mr. Drew, or Raph-”
Bendy; “I just remembered, where the Blue Hell’s Angie!? She straight-up VANISHED in the middle of act 1!”
Angie, muffled; “Um, I am in here!”
They all look to a wooden box nearby. Boris pries it open to reveal Angie squeezed within.
Angie; “Hello, my friends!”
Bendy; “Anj!”
Angie; “I was informed that this would be my best contribution to the project...”
Boris; “… Wait, why put Angie into one of the crates I was s’posed to SMASH to bits, according to my script copy?”
(Geno-Fur interrupts like always)
Geno-Fur; “NnnnnOOOO!!! You can’t leave now! It was getting soooo gooooood!! I WANT TO SPREAD THE FEELS OF MY FEELS SPEECH!!”
Bendy; “SHADDAP, you obnoxious personification of preteen fanfiction and anime-base art!! C’mon outta there Angie, Henry promised to take us out for donuts after this.”
Angie, freed from the crate; “Oh, lovely!”
Boris; “I call dibs on the first bear claw.”
Maria; “Oh, I can absolutely go for a cream-filling!”
Bendy; “Maria, just.. don’t..”
Alice, trying to get Maria’s attention but ultimately ignored; “Why did the pipe you throw at me SMELL ‘funny’!?”
Dolly enters, just as frustrated about this dumb performance as everybody else.
Dolly; “Ages and ages on EVERYONE’S makeup, and do I get any mention on the end-credits? When I looked them over, NO.”
Rodney, chiming in; “Damn good for a first shot at horror-film sorta faceups, if ya ask me.”
Dolly; “Aw, you!”
Bendy; “Yeah, you got an artists’ hand Dolly! I remember Boris and I having a double-take at how well you captured Alice’s inner evil.”
Dolly; “Spoiling me, every single one of you”
(distant sound of Alice grunting grumpily and walking away from the group.)
Norman, somewhere in the distance: “Let’s just wrap this up and go home everybody, Joey can get his ears hollered off later!”
(Various voices are heard as the entire crew dissipates. Improv whatever.)
Henry returns to the remaining “toon crew”, holding a set of car keys
Henry; “Ima’s offered to tag along and pitch in, donuts are our treat fellas!”
Bendy, Angie, Boris, and company (not counting Alice or Geno-Fur) cheer in delight as they follow Henry out to grab some good old Shipley’s. Although still close by, the metaphorical camera is on the lady-trio. They momentarily face the audience.
Dolly; “Just to clarify, none of that hogwash we trudged through is canon.”
Angie; “We still hope you were entertained, thank you dearly for coming!”
Maria, after blowing a kiss; “Goodnight, everybody!”
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An Ultramarine, indistinguishable from his brethren, and a heavily-augmented Techmarine enter the Command Deck of the Macragge's Honour and kneel before you.
"My lord. Scout ships within Imperium Nihilius have picked up distorted vox-transmissions that appear to be from the shrine-world of Tuatha," the unornamented battle-brother begins. "It would appear that the Sisterhood there is conducting themselves in a most unusual manner—not traitorous, nor heretical, but atypical of an Order such as theirs."
The Techmarine removes a small recording device from his belt and presses the playback key.
Explosions distort the transmission and consistently overload the gain, making the words difficult to discern, but the words are there.
"Talon Squad, set up an ambush near... ...Marine sabotage teams are laying low... ...make sure to conceal yourselves. We've got one..."
The tape continues, changing from a high-pitched masculine voice to a feminine speaker. "...hostiles are not, repeat not, camouflaged. Engaging with bol... ...700 metres."
A new, masculine voice, low like that of a veteran Astartes. "Lay low until the first pass by, and engage the rear... ...sisters will... ...work your way up... ...convoy..."
The first speaker returns. "Report to Cannoness Arcemis, Guardsman—"
The tape ends abruptly.
"These vox-transmissions all bear the mark of the same Order, my lord," the Techmarine explains, "implying they all used the same vox-net. The tactics they describe using in other transmissions are equally puzzling. On your order, I can play those audio files as well. They are... if not concerning, perhaps disconcerting."
"This warrants futher investigation my son, tell me more of this "Atypical" behaviour."
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lotusmi · 1 year
hey lotus. i wanna start making my own subs but i don’t know how tbh. i wanna bundle them and add different codes on it (:
Here u go!
ps: i dont really like bundles + dont bundle subs with codes!!!
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if you could change one thing about homestuck's story, what would you change?
KANAYA: Oh My Gog My Darlings Please KANAYA: You Cannot Simply Keep Inflicting Major Inquiries Upon Me KANAYA: My Head And Heart Cannot Endure KANAYA: ... KANAYA: ... KANAYA: ... KANAYA: ... KANAYA: ... DOLOROSA: Thats Alright Kanaya I Shall Answer DOLOROSA: The Optio+ns Thro+ugho+ut One May Mo+rph The Sto+ry Of The Ho+mestuck Timeline Are Abso+lutely Endless DOLOROSA: Maryams Canno+t Fatho+m An Instance Where This Change Wo+uld Make The Sto+ry Mo+re Who+le Than It Already Is DOLOROSA: I Accept The Events As Are Inso+far As Hussie Stepped Away At The Pro+per Time Allo+wing Readers To+ Interpret And Create Xier Own Wo+rlds DOLOROSA: Overall Her Capture Of The Events Are Quite Fulfilling With 0+ Need For Any Changes KANAYA: I Thoroughly Enjoyed The Paradox Space Comics My Moments With My Wife Certainly Elevated My Enjoyment Of Homestuck KANAYA: Dolorosa Please Do Not Be So Modest We All Know You Wish Your Tail Of Resurrection Being Saved By The Neophyte Nobly Resting Your Apparent Corpse On A Boat For A Funeral And Leading To Your Reincarnation Of Redglare For You All To Live Together A Long Quiet Lesbian Life After Achieving Mortal Vengeance On Manipulative Mindfang Is What You Wish The Adventures Captured In Detail More Than Anything DOLOROSA: ... DOLOROSA: Perhaps So+ Kitten PORRIM: I'm anno+yed she left o+ut my lo+vemaking session with Po+rtula! She ro+cked my so+cks babes. KANAYA: Porrim We Know Yall Are Cute Please Do Chill As The Kids Often Times State
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kemendin · 2 years
Another short LOTRO piece dredged up from the archives.
For once, Grimkur was glad of the fact that he couldn’t see the faintly startled and even disconcerted looks being directed his way. At least, that was how he imagined they were looking at him. The faint pause between light steps, a moment of silence in the sweep of cloth on stone – the sounds were enough to tell him what was going through the minds of the Elves as they passed by. He had heard them murmuring, with curiosity, with distaste. He ignored them. He didn’t need their opinions right now. Not ever, in fact, but particularly not now.
His gnarled legs dangled childlike over the edge of the bench where he waited, leaving something grimy on the latticed stonework and the floor beneath. He had been told rather pointedly that he often left a trail where he walked. To this he had been forced to acquiesce – he certainly wasn’t in a position to argue – and then he had promptly walked away, just to help prove the point. That had certainly jammed the stick further up, judging by the huffy silence that had been left in his wake.
The sound of the door nearby gently opening made him turn his head. He levered himself off the bench with a grunt and walked over until his nose was nearly touching the robes of the two Elves who had emerged.
“Any change?” he asked, his voice made gruffer by concealed anxiety.
There was silence for a moment. He could sense the look the two exchanged, and it irritated him.
“Just tell me! My ears aren’t delicate twigs.” He lifted his scarred face in the illusion of a glare.
“None,” came the answer, in a deep, rich voice laden with unusual weariness. “He remains, for the most part, unresponsive.”
Grimkur let out an explosive breath of frustration. “What do you mean, for the most part?”
It was the other Elf who replied this time, his voice lighter and more anxious. “He sleeps a great deal, and when he is awake, he seems not to know anything around him. There is no focus in his eyes, as though he is not aware that he even exists.”
“And still, he says nothing,” continued Elrond. “Not a word has he uttered since he was brought here. And not, you told me, since you found him.”
Grimkur shook his head and spat out some meaningless noise, turning away. He could feel them watching him closely, Giluin in particular. He knew what they were thinking – such a tragedy, that he should go to such lengths for what amounted to a stringless puppet. He wished they wouldn’t. He didn’t regret for a moment the arduous journey he had made to Forochel, under the guidance of a carefully pessimistic and resigned Elf escort. Long cold nights listening to Giluin’s forced cheerfulness as he spoke with ignorant nostalgia of his idol’s many scholarly accomplishments, until Grimkur had told him to shut it, with rather less kindly a phrase. Damned Elf didn’t know anything when it came to that.
Four days it had taken them to dig through the ice, four days in which everyone but Grimkur had been forced to find rest from the work and bitter cold. How Giluin had persuaded some of the Lossoth to direct and aid them he didn’t know, and didn’t care. When the others retreated for the night the Dwarf alone had continued, kept warm by the constant rhythm of his arms as his pickaxe bit into the snow and by the furs that Giluin draped over him in the darkness; and also by the angry, impossible question of why he was going to all this trouble to recover the body of a no good leaf-ears anyway.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, taurûth?!” The words were involuntary, the voice of a clenched fist lashing out. Behind him, he felt Giluin flinch.
“His spirit is stunned,” said Elrond, clinical now, but still with heaviness in his tone. “He has no will to rouse himself.” A fraction of a pause. “By all accounts he should be dead, his fëa passed onward. But something tethers him here, something which even I cannot tell.”
“So what can put him right?” Grimkur stumped back around angrily to face the Elves.
“I cannot say. Perhaps only time.”
Another pause.
“Or perhaps nothing.”
Grimkur had to assume it was the bestial growl leaving his throat that prompted further words.
“This is not a battle wound to be healed by herbs and bandages, nor an illness to be cured through any care we here might give. Something has broken which cannot be made whole again by any physical means. Whatever holds him here must draw him back, or else he must find a way to return to this world fully.”
“Yet you’re the one who’s saying he has no will left!” growled the Dwarf.
“And that is why you must not cling to hope. I will do all I can, but you must hear this: unless his spirit finds a path out of the darkness, he will fade again.” Elrond’s voice turned stern then. “The trials of his soul have been great, Grimkur. Do not judge him harshly if, in the end, he chooses to leave this world and its sorrows.”
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Custodes 83 - 77 Sororitas
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Battle Report:
Got Defender and 1st turn.
Round 1: Battle sisters set up in a way where they deal very good damage to the dreadnoughts and limit the Custodes movement massively. Custodes manage to brake the bikes through and teleport some Terminators close to the sisters' right flank.
Round 2: Sisters dig in, collapsing the left flank, forcing custodians to have to reinforce. On the sisters' right flank the squad of Sacroscants with a hospitaller and a cannoness (i fucked up with list building) lock down a dreadnought and terminators for the next 2 rounds. Custodes capture center and start reinforcing towards the sisters' left flank.
Round 3: both flanks dig in further. Custodes Terminators run away into reserves, celestine falls for the 1st time.
Round 4: Sisters' Left flank collapses due to reinforcements. Custodes kill Celestine and push into Sisters' home point.
Round 5: Sisters' colapse their right flank and recapture center. Custodes wipe the rest of the army except the Sacroscants.
10th edition review:
The game feels amazing. Compared to 9th edition it is a lot faster and and extremely fast to pick up after knowing the basics. Character-Troop interactions are genuinely very cool and the universal keywords do actually make the game simpler.
HOWEVER, the list building process is legitimately painful, right now. The points are basically old power levels, and they suck. No points per model overinflates or underinflates every list.
Good news is that, from the leaks I've whitnessed yesterday (more like today in the small hours), the points we got are basically the way they are so that GW can test the game without skewing the scales too hard. So the points are expected to change in a month tops.
All in all it's a solid 8/10 till they fix the list building.
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