#i cannot draw susato right
lemon-wedges · 1 year
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unfinished wips with my fav trio
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Silly little thing I did for a silly little theory
Because c'mon, there HAS to be an explanation, how TF do you carry all that stuff if you don't have Trucy's magic panties
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biggie-chcese · 22 days
barok and susato for the bingo!!
ohhh love those guys!!!
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FINALLY got a bingo lol. thanks barok. maybe if i projected id win for once, but alas, i do not really enjoy my fiction in that way (no shade to those who do tho). ANYWAY my second and third favorite ace attorney characters ever <3333 i actually think a lot of barok fans are right about him in the way that they critically acknowledge his flaws and the writing shortcomings around his arc while also appreciating the story being told. but there is a Sector of fandom that is incredibly wrong about him and will read the game text in bad faith so yeag <3 i have many headcanons but for one i know this man has autism you cannot convince me otherwise. he should've gotten bullied more in the game bc id give anything to watch ryu and iris roast his ass in his own office for the first time again. also, every time he does that leg shit i want to eat him alive like a pack of wild dogs on a raw steak. excellent character
as for susato, it's honestly a lot of fans of her that have me like "we have played and read this game in WILDLY different ways" pfff. like sorry that is not ryunosuke's little sister! that is his trusted friend and highly capable assistant!!! like why is fandom so afraid of the simple dynamic of being friends, genuinely. anyway she is so much more than a "weirdgirl" (though she is Weird and i mean this so affectionately) and the way she contends with her perfectionism and imposter syndrome is... oughhh i adore her. also her design fucking SLAYS. kimono + boots combo is a serve, love it. it's a good representation of the meiji era mindset of introducing western styles to japanese fashion culture. i wish her hair was easier to draw tho 😭 also shoutout to her being just as frazzled as ryu when put on the spot as a lawyer, really reminds me of how cool and collected Phoenix seems in AJ when you're not in his POV, but when when you play as him you're like "ahhh i see... we're All struggling here <3" hands down the best assistant character in ace attorney for me and it is not even a contest.
god i love these two.
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nyaagolor · 6 months
I saw you talking about ace attorney teapots in the replies of some post and I am curious, I would ask more specifically but I don't know that much about AA.
ok so admittedly that was partially hyperbolic, there's only one teapot in the AA series I can actually make character references from (which I elaborated on here), the others give information that's a little more basic. Kristoph has a deft blue china set in his cell, which reaffirms what we already know (namely that he's a classy, wealthy europhile), while all the (numerous) tea sets in DGS serve more to establish cultural things than explicit character motivations
All the british characters have relatively simple glazed teapots as would be typical at the time, while the japanese characters have tetsubins-- these aren't teapots (as in, you wouldn't put the leaves in them) but cast iron kettles that you boil water in. There's a whole theory about how cast iron was used in Japan because Japanese water is incredibly soft (aka low mineral content) and the iron leeching into the water from the tea draws out different notes when it reacts with the chemicals in the tea leaves themselves and blah blah blah I won't bore you with that here. Anyway, the shapes of these teapots are very distinct and I thought it was a cute detail because it shows you exactly who lives in the house with a single glance
the most fun one, though, is Susato's matcha set. Susato is explicitly based off the yamato nadeshiko (an ideal woman, basically) so the inclusion of her cute lil matcha set just contributes to that concept. Making matcha for a tea ceremony requires extraordinary levels of skill and she has all the tools to do that, including a small furnace? In the middle of the office floor????? susato sweetie I think that's a fire hazard
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So something relevant about green tea is that unlike basically every other tea type, which can handle boiling water, green tea will be "burnt" and taste icky if you try and brew it in boiling water. Japan is famous for its green tea culture, and matcha is a part of that, so there's always something in the tea ceremony to control the temperature of the water. That box in the middle is a full on charcoal stove, on top of which is a cast iron pot that holds the water and a hishaku (the ladle looking thing) which ensures you have the right amount of water and that it's sufficiently cooled when it hits the powder. On the adjacent tray there's a chasen (whisk) and chawan (bowl) both of which you would use for making the tea itself. Often times you'll also have a chasaku (j-shaped measuring stick for the powder itself) but I'm gonna assume that's out of sight or with the matcha powder. Cannot stress enough that for her to have this equipment and know how to use it is a pretty obvious display of education and wealth-- which combined with the tetsubin (stated to be hers) and the traditional japanese calligraphy set on her desk just adds more fuel to the idea that she was classically trained in lots of cultural arts. Classy lady :)
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thinenotthee · 10 months
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i drew some dgs spidersonas!! this was sooooo much fun, i should draw spiderman more often. i am open to name suggestions, though i feel pretty firmly about sakura spider for susato
i did use reference for these, which i'll put below
(cannot find the kazuma one to save my LIFE right now, but i know it's a comic cover)
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write-like-wright · 3 years
since you did the prosecutors before can we get exes headcanons for them (like what they would be like if they were ur ex LMAO)? if this is too broad u can pick ur favorite aspect of it (u dumping them, them dumping u, seeing them in public one month later 🥰 etc)
skjdksfnfjnf this is so funny yes!
Being their ex: Ace Attorney rival prosecutor edition
Miles Edgeworth
if you thought he was awkward while you were dating, wait until you see him after your breakup
he does NOT know how to behave around you at all anymore
mostly attempts to avoid you
may or may not pull another one of his "prosecutor Miles Edgeworth chooses death" stunts
goes to Europe for a few months to compose himself and figure out how to proceed
he's especially stumped if you are somehow obligated to interact, either through work or maybe if you live nearby
tries his best to be civil and gentlemanly, but it's painfully obvious he'd rather be anywhere else in the world at that moment
I imagine you'd have mutual friends, so before every group outing he asks if you're going to be there
something may suddenly come up if the answer is yes
*cough, cough* "I can't, I'm sick"
"boo you, Edgeworth"
I'm assuming you broke up either because of how much he works or because he fears for your safety because of your relationship
maybe it was just a heated steel samurai discussion taken too far
Franziska von Karma
oh boy, this is not gonna go well
so cold to you in the public
throws around a "foolish fool" or two your way
grips her whip so tight her knuckles turn white
cries when she gets home
absolutely cannot forgive herself for allowing someone to know her so intimately and see her in her vulnerable moments and then they're just... gone
probably puts her off dating for a while
if I had to guess why you broke up, I'd assume it was due to her intensity or competitive nature
Diego Armando/Godot
this man has many, many exes
not much changes in his demeanour towards you
he's as cool and as smooth as ever, but is careful not to cross over into the flirty territory
you're either addicted to caffeine or absolutely repulsed by it at this point
walking by a coffee shop makes you uncomfortable
don't know why you broke up, but you get back together at least twice before separating for good
Klavier Gavin
Klav remains his good old, friendly self
will drop an album about your breakup
expect a lot of hate from his stans
the media hounds you
you get invited to participate in a few reality shows probably
he feels bad and tries to defend you
offers to make it up to you by taking you out for dinner
you hook up
you break up again because you can't stand the constant scrutiny and him being away for long periods of time
rinse and repeat
Simon Blackquill
there are so many potential reasons why you could've broken up
too intense? scary at times?? manipulative without even realizing it??? spends half his life savings on a fancy katana???? who knows with him
goes full emo
do you guys know that canonically those marks on his face are from crying so much in prison? yeah (they're apparently starting to heal too, good for him)
acts all tough at work, goes home and cries to HIM - Gone With The Sin blasting at full volume
flip-flops between being a gentleman and a jerk should you meet in public
makes a few snarky comments about you and your relationship to hurt you, then has a minor freakout when realization.exe kicks in and he notices you actually are hurt
apologises by sending you cute bird pics
"Look at what Taka did today."
"He's wearing the bandana you bought him :)"
"Please respond I'm so sorry don't block me"
You eventually remain friends so you can get bird visitation rights
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi
acts polite and smiles sweetly, but occasionally ends the conversation with "I will pray for you", not unlike a hostile southern lady
you miss him and his expensive haircare and skincare products
you can definitely live without the 8-hour sermons
perhaps the cultural differences were too hard to overcome? or maybe it was the constant travelling? in either case, you mutually decide that ending your relationship would be for the best
I imagine dating literal royalty would be exhausting
Barok van Zieks
make no mistake, this WILL cause a scandal
no matter the reason for your separation, get ready to deal with some serious gossip
everywhere you go, you notice people whispering about you
"I hear they ended their betrothal with Lord van Zieks."
"Well, I say! Can't imagine dealing with the Reaper myself."
everyone wants to hear your side of the story and any potential dirt you may have on him
Barok acts as gentlemanly as ever, as befits a man of his standing
he's a solitary man, but his solitude soon leads to loneliness and resentment
his consumption of fine vintages increases by tenfold
whatever it is that happened between the two of you must have been major
betrothals are not lightly ended, especially with the heir of a powerful noble family
might not even be your doing, perhaps family got involved
perhaps, his family reputation has been besmirched? ahem
Bonus: Kazuma Asogi
poor Kazuma can't catch a break
Ryu gets a tear-stained letter written on 18 sheets of paper, front and back
"Oh, dear," Susato sighs. "I suppose this means the wedding is off."
while he's no lord, he is a prosecutor in the service of Her Majesty and the news of a courtship ending would be scandalous
perhaps, for that reason, and fearing how the public would react to your relationship (it is Victorian England we're talking about after all, Van Zieks' views are far from unique), you chose to keep it a secret
at first exciting, your secret meetings and whispered words soon become tiresome
the fear of being caught is always gnawing at you
he may lash out initially when you leave him
offers to make your relationship public, to hell with the society
you both know it's a bad idea
"This is all your fault." he sighs as he pours himself another chalice of Van Ziek's fine vintage.
"My fault? How is your poor performance today in court my fault, my Nipponese friend?" Barok spits out. "You have been distraught for days now, man! Pull yourself together!"
"Not you specifically," Kazuma brushes off. "Your kind."
"My kind?"
"Stuck up posh twats."
Gina walks in just as they're about to draw their blades
listen babes I'm a Kazuma simp this is the only way i could envision dumping his ass
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