#i cant figure out the read more on mobile?
patriciers · 2 years
closed event 5 starters (to be updated with links as i post them)
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KASSANDRA: utp (lee) regnar / utp (lexa) alarra / ferah / utp (zoey)
OSRIC: melina / alicent / utp (m) maira
SERENA: jeyne / gwen / utp (m) defne
TOBIAS: rhaenys / loras / utp (m) defne
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long google docs take so long to load :( (i did this to myself)
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specterseen · 2 years
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caffedrine · 3 months
Chevalier Michel - I fell in love with you that day – Choose your true love - Event Summary
This is mostly a summary for me - I make no promises on the accuracy of what’s happening. I’m not nearly fluent enough to get half the jokes/innuendo much less accurate plot points.
When Emma wakes up, she is in a pitch-black forest, which is weird since the last thing she remembers is waiting for Chevalier in his library.
There’s a unique smell to the forest, iron and something burning. As far as dreams go, this one is very vivid, and Emma trembles as the smell triggers memories of the last time she participated in a war. Thankfully, she cant hear any sounds of fighting around her, so she’s safe for now.
Her heart pounding, Emma forces her legs to carry her forward, until she enters a clearing with a large lake reflecting the moonlight. And on the edge of the lake, wearing a dark cloak is a familiar figure.
Emma calls out to Chevalier as she hurries towards him, the smell of blood and battle growing stronger as she nears him. She can see that Chevalier’s clothes are covered in something red, and he kneels down to scoop up water to wash himself.
Drawing close to him, Emma asks what happened and reaches out to touch him.
Chevalier recoils from her, unsheathing his sword and resting the tip just at her throat. He demands to know who she is. Very carefully, Emma tells him her name.
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(Actually, this is just how he says 'hello')
Not helpful. Chevalier does not recognize the name nor the person.
Is this really Chevalier in front of her? His eyes are so cold that Emma can feel her blood freeze, and the traces of warmth she is used to is gone. She remembers back when she first met Chevalier, the ruthless bestial gaze, but this might be even worse. She can feel the hostility radiate from him, and it’s intense enough that she can’t breathe.
Chevalier tells her to run away, unless she wants to be killed. The tip of his sword is just touching the skin at her neck. The murderous intent half-convinces Emma that if she moves at all, he will chop of her head.
Emma mentally calms herself down, taking one deep breath after another. She needs to figure out what is going on.
Feeling better, Emma looks into Chevalier’s murderous gaze and asks him what is going on. She explains that she was reading back at the castle and suddenly she was here. It looks like he’s covered in blood, and it looks like a war is going on, so she’s understandably confused.
Chevalier doesn’t answer her.
But the hositilty has decreased, so he lowers his sword.
Chevalier sheathes his sword, turns, and walks away. Unlike usual, there is no ‘come with me’ look, but Emma decides to follow him. She doesn’t want to be alone in this place, even if it means being with a Chevalier who does not know her.
Upon returning to the forest, two people intercept Chevalier. His younger brother, Clavis, and the traitor knight, Sir Flandres. It’s the later that puts things into place for Emma, Flandres was a knight of the foreign policy faction 10 years ago
Both Clavis and Flandres were too agitated to even notice her and focused on Chevalier. Flandres begs Chevalier to reconsider, his family is among the 1,000 hostages captured by Obsidian. He asks if Chevalier really intends to abandon all those he has sworn to protect? If they mobilize the knights, then maybe they can save them.
Chevalier refuses to change his decision, even though Clavis argues that they could still win. Chevalier reminds them that Obsidian has firearms, and if they walk into the obvious trap, the 1,000 citizens will die along with the knights. Flandres asks if they could do a more covert operation to save them, but Chevalier refuses to waste the military power on this.
Clavis reminds him that he is consigning 1,000 people to death. Chevalier reminds Clavis that they are at war, people are going to die, but if they don’t win, then the entire country will be wiped off the map. He is getting tired of saying the exact same thing over and over again. Chevalier pushes past the two, as they stare at his speechless.
Somehow Emma was transported to 10 years in the past, when Rhodolite was invaded by Obsidian and all 7 princes went to the battlefield.
She is at the day when Chevalier let 1,000 hostages die, the Blood-Stained Rose Day.
Emma has no explanation of why she is here and how she went back in time, but this is too real to be just a dream.
She sits near Chevalier in the command tent as soldiers bring in reports. And each report is dire – with them losing land and Chevalier making decisions to abandon one battle and send more troops to another.
One of the scouts reports the Supreme Commander of the Obsidian Army was briefly spotted, and Chevalier asks if they have spotted Ever-Victorious Marshal. Nope, Gilbert is suspiciously absent. Chevalier muses that if they manage to kill the emperor, the fighting will be over. A soldier points out that the Supreme Commander, the Emperor of Obsidian, is the best fighter on the continent, no one can kill him.
Chevalier tells them to send for him the moment they pinpoint the Emperor’s position, he will fight him himself. He warns them not to engage the Emperor.
As the soldier leaves to spread Chevalier’s orders regarding the Emperor, another scout comes with more reports.
So far, with everyone focused on Chevalier, no one has noticed her. Or maybe they have, they just have other things to worry about. Instead, Emma is left by herself to listen to Chevalier give out order after order, and she is quickly overwhelmed by the cruelty of the war. As the night breaks into day, Emma feels a little safer, but it is impossible to relax.
Lucian, a face Emma can recognize, comes forward with an urgent report. Chevalier doesn’t even need to hear it to know, his stupid brother went and did it, right? Lucian asks if Chevalier was expecting it, and Chevalier admits that he wishes he wasn’t.
The other side now has Clavis and is demanding hostage negotiations. How would Chevalier like to handle this?
Chevalier tells Lucian to ignore the demand, if his stupid brother got himself into this situation, he can get himself out. Chevalier has made it clear that he does not intend to negotiate.
Even Emma is chilled by his disregard, and she has the advantage of knowing exactly how it will turn out.
One of the nearby soldiers objects and asks if Chevalier is sure. Chevalier reminds him that Clavis entered the enemy camp on his own, and he asks how many people should he sacrifice to rescue Clavis? The soldier backs down, and Chevalier tells the soldier not to think about unnecessary things and focus on their roles.
Emma muses that even though Clavis is his brother, Chevalier has no doubt in his decision to abandon him. She understands that if Chevalier makes the wrong choice, Rhodolite will be overrun by Obsidian troops and lose the war. He accepts the responsibility of making the ultimate judgments on the battlefield, right or wrong.
As Emma thinks about what Chevalier and the others are going through, Lucien abruptly looks at Emma and asks who she is.
Chevalier shrugs, he has no idea either. She just started following him and didn’t run away.
Eventually, the reports stop, and Chevalier calls for Lucien. He’s going to go for a walk. Lucien asks if he should come with him, but Chevalier tells him not to. Lucien then tells Chevalier to be careful.
Emma decides to join Chevalier, she doesn’t want to stay behind without him.
Chevalier makes a beeline into the forest, and judging from the way he’s moving, he seems to have a destination in mind. This isn’t the casual break she was expecting. As she frantically follows him, Chevalier abruptly stops. He warns her that if she continues to follow him, he won’t guarantee she’ll live. Emma assures him that she’s not worried, and unless he really can’t have her with him, she would still like to accompany him. She wants to know what happened during the Blood-Stained Rose Day. Chevalier is visibly confused, and Emma realizes that this war doesn’t even have a name yet. Chevalier calls her strange, snorts, and continues forward.
Under the cover of darkness, Chevalier hides in the shadows. There are multiple tents pitched nearby, all bearing the Obsidian Crest.
Emma is shocked at how easily Chevalier is approaching enemy territory, but he seems to be handling the situation. Looking at the tents, Emma is surprised at how few soldiers she can see.
Just as Emma begins to second guess herself, Chevalier unsheathes his sword and boldly walks into the enemy camp. The soldiers all shout in alarm and recognize Chevalier as the enemy commander. The soldiers at the front aim their firearms at Chevalier, but he is too fast and swings his sword before they can fire. For the first time in a while, Emma sees people die in front of her. Only a few soldiers have firearms, and the rest attack with melee weapons, but are struck down in turn.
Emma is shaking from the sight, but with no signs of reinforcements coming, she steels her legs and watches Chevalier. Finished with the soldiers, Chevalier enters the largest tent in the camp, only to quickly emerge, dragging a man with him by the hair.
The man is wearing a commander’s uniform, and he is shouting at Chevalier to release him and threatening him. Chevalier ignores him, throws him to the ground, and stabs the man through the shoulder with his sword. The man threatens that if Chevalier won’t stop, he won’t rescind the order to burn alive all those prisoners of war. Chevalier stabs him through his other shoulder, pointing out that the execution is already happening right this moment. He notes that since this commander and his subordinates are here, that means they didn’t have the stomach to see their execution orders carried through.
Thanks to that cowardice, it made it easier for Chevalier to find and dispose of them.
Chevalier stabs the commander in the shoulder again, and then in the legs, and the commander screams. This is the first time that Emma ever saw Chevalier purposefully torture someone. He’s angry, very angry.
Chevalier explains that he has just sacrificed 1,000 people to kill him, one of the army commanders. But what is the point in just killing him?
Chevalier throws the commander into a nearby tent, grabs a torch, and sets the tent on fire. The commander starts screaming, and Emma realizes that some of the wounds Chevalier inflicted on him made him unable to use his legs.
Emma realizes that Chevalier always knew what would happen when he allowed those hostages to die, and used their sacrifice to kill one of the enemy generals. With the gift of hindsight, Emma knows that this was instrumental to him saving Rhodolite.
Chevalier, framed by the blazing tent fire, looked calm, but Emma knew that his insides were boiling with rage. She can feel the palpable anger at the loss of all those people and knows that this decision will nearly bring about a civil war in the future. Everyone said Chevalier was a merciless beast that left those people to die, but the truth is that Chevalier didn’t want them to die in the first place. He had just decided to shoulder the burden of all those deaths in exchange for a future for Rhodolite.
Eventually the sound of the commander’s screams stops, and Chevalier sheathes his sword, checking the flames. Satisfied, he turns to leave, passing by Emma who is still hiding in the shadows. She struggles to chase after him.
Chevalier abruptly stops and asks how long she intends to follow him. Emma assures him that she won’t bother him, and to please allow her to stay near.
For the first time, Chevalier turns to face her. He is caked with dirt, sweat, and blood, but somehow remains noble and pure. He notes that there are few women who can see all of this and remain normal. But Emma has barely started crying. She’s not a soldier, but she seems used to the battlefield.
No, that’s not right.
Emma is used to Chevalier.
Who is she?
Chevalier roughly grabs her and her wedding ring shines faintly in the moonlight. Chevalier has figured out that Emma is in love with him, but why?
With Chevalier looking down at her, stinking of blood instead of roses, Emma looks into his eyes and asks how he knew.
Chevalier can tell from her courage, as well as her attitude. Besides, she seems to already know the outcome of the war. This is insane and impossible, but she doesn’t seem from this time.
Even ten years ago, Chevalier was able to deduct accurate conclusions from a small amount of information. Leaving him only with the question of why she loves him.
Emma looks into the eyes of this blood-soaked beast, and though her hand is trembling, she refuses to look away. She wouldn’t be the person she is if she could look away from Chevalier like this.
She admits that there are many reasons why she loves him, but the most important is that he is capable of more love than anyone else.
Chevalier asks if she’s serious.
Emma tells him that she knows he will shoulder the burden of those 1,000 people lost, as well as everyone else who sacrificed themselves in this war. No matter who hate him, he will do what it takes to save as many people as possible. She loves his strong will and sense of responsibility, and the fact that he is human.
Like anyone else, Chevalier feels sadness and anger, proving that he’s not some beast but a human. No matter what, Emma wants to stand next to and support him.
The wind blows, stinking of ash and blood. Emma still feels numb from the scene she’s just seen, but she pushes forward. Chevalier isn’t cruel and heartless, it is this war that makes him seem so. She wants to do everything possible to stop another tragedy like this from repeating.
Emma is still inexperienced and knows too little things, but it is important that she was able to see the Blood-Stained Rose Day up close like this.
She tells Chevalier that she is his fiancé, and she will never let him turn himself into a beast.
After a long moment of silence, Chevalier releases her hand. He knows nothing about her, but if she thinks all that is true, he is interested to see how far she goes.
Chevalier snorts turns, and walks away.
Emma thinks that she’s been chasing his back for a long time now. Now, in the future, she will always chase after him.
When Emma wakes up in the present, the dream lingers and she tells Chevalier about it. He pauses his work, considering it. It is a very strange dream.
Chevalier never told anyone about attacking the commander, and there are no records about it that anyone could have read. He also has no memory of anyone following him to the enemy camp.
Chevalier muses that if it was more than a dream, or just a dream, either way it doesn’t sound pleasant for her. Emma agrees, but she thinks it worthwhile to have occurred.
Awkwardly, Chevalier reaches out and caresses her cheek. Emma thinks he looks a little paler than usual. She feels the warmth of his hand, the warmth of a human. This same hand has been stained with blood so often that Chevalier fears he might be a beast. Even she, who knows him the best, cannot always suppress her fear.
Even though his hand is so gentle with her.
Ten years ago, after their commander was slain, the Obsidian troops lost their morale and withdrew from the villages they had occupied, and the war had been won by Rhodolite. The Emperor had never before been defeated in battle, and the withdraw was unexpectedly thorough.
Rhodolite had lost a lot to this war, but the fact that a small country was able to drive off Obsidian was significant on the global scale. Until that battle, Rhodolite was considered a weak small country, ignored on the global political scale. But, thanks to that victory, Rhodolite is heralded as a beacon of hope to all countries threatened by Obsidian.
Thanks to the sacrifice of all those who died on the battlefield.
Emma agrees that they are where they are today only because of everyone working so hard to protect the country. But the war shouldn’t have happened to begin with. No matter what they say about Rhodolite becoming prominent in victory, Emma cannot bring herself to glorify war.
Chevalier agrees with her sentiment.
Emma doesn’t want to lament her helplessness to stop anything, and she wants to work with Chevalier to build a world where no one needs to become a beast to win a war. She doesn’t want blood to get on Chevalier’s hands ever again.
Chevalier is interested to see how far she will go.
Emma remarks that dream-Chevalier said the same thing to her in the end. Chevalier muses that he must not have changed from who he was back then.
Chevalier pulls Emma’s hand close to him and kisses her fingertips, as if he was swearing a sacred oath. He has no intention of staining her hands with blood either.
Chevalier is someone who will wage a war if he thinks it is necessary. Currently, he’s thinking positively and continues to be a human. As long as the love between them exists, Emma is sure Chevalier will retain his humanity.
She looks at him, at his smile, and thinks about how warm it is.
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fagboyfriend · 6 months
i rlly like ur composition, i wanna know about your process :D
thank uuu !! yeah so like. composing a scene for me generally begins with a vague idea that i want to get down as quickly as possible- and for me that usually starts with finding a setting. I knew that i wanted to draw a) a group of roomates gossiping in a crowded kitchen and i wanted there to be b) one figure in the extreme foreground and c) lots of plants. i do use some tools to figure out perspective, mainly the csp perspective ruler. Usually i start by finding a picture i like similar to the vibe im going for- but instead of referencing anything else- im purely interested in perspective. sorry to anyone who is shocked i dont generate all of my perspective purely by myself- i can draw in perspective fairly well but i struggle to make straight lines and this is easier to make grids with than the line tool lol ^_^ i try to use it kinda more like spellcheck on typos than like something to fully rely on. this is the video i learned this trick from:
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i saw the left photo and realllly loved how the cabinets alligned with the wall- so i used my ruler tool to draw out my inital plotted points from the image- basically the linear movements i was most interested in and then i turned off the image layer and worked with those lines and the ruler tool to move on. eventually i had this:
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which was enough for me to put my characters in for the inital round. if you notice- i made a looot of further adjustments as i go on. this sketch is not a final layout, its so my characters have somewhere to be! i cannot draw someone standing on a floor if theres no floor, nor leaning on a table that doesnt exist. i can’t draw my characters without a background, but i also cant finish my background without accounting for how my characters can comfortably exist in it!!
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this was the like.. very basic start. i knew the positions of two characters- but i needed to change a lot not only to fit them better but to allow for the other two figures i had planned.
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okay.. a little better. i widened the kitchen, closed the fridge door.. added a chair and fit in all the figures.. but this is waaay too dramatic. only two figures are actually interacting- and they are at wildly different energy levels!
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this is where things started to make a little more sense characterwiss, so i was ready to refine backgrounds and figures and unite the two.
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inital base sketch. much better layout.
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okay- this is where im getting my footing but things seem.. really really off. You can see me working on my framing here- theres some good linear movement from left to right here- but not vertically. It’s hard to notice the figure in the far back, so i need to redirect the viewers eye to move upwards as well!
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this is where i decided to zoom out, add an interesting vertical element to the left of the image and make it clearer whats happening in the foreground. i had to account for some stuff by adjusting the cropping, but i paid attention to that as well.
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annnd- thats what a clean sketch looks for me! i have all the elements of my scene accounted for, and things are clean enough to read.
the next step for me would be transfer! essentially- I print the image of my sketch out, resizing and taping pages together so my sketch matches the size of the paper i want to paint on, and then i use a lightboard to transfer my sketch with pencil onto my paper. Then i refine the sketch a few times on paper before stretching my watercolor paper (essentially just prepping for painting) and inking with a brush and colored ink before going in with watercolor, gouache and ink, then usually finishing with marker, colored pencil, pastel and ink. it’s a lengthy process but a lot of fun lol. but sketches for me can be like.. 15 layers of different roughs until im happy with just the sketch. there were more images but im on mobile and theres a 10 image limit 😭😭 im a bit masochistic but i believe that if i dont have a good sketch i dont have a good painting!!
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kibblemaniac · 7 months
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(tumblr why do you hate me and wont let me format how i want on mobile)
is February too early to celebrate nightmare night ?
(infodump)i wish i had written this last night when i was thinking about it more, somehow got attached to these designs. if i were to turn it into some sort of comic or show or smth, but thatll never happen probably. also note that i didnt read all of these fics sooi like to imagine that these evil versions are like, parts of each pony that they cant accept about themselves and pretend its not there. and then through some sort of mirror pool incedent, these parts that they cant accept are personified(ponified?) and go around causing trouble.raritys is pretty obvious, if you know anything abt lil miss rarity then you know why itd be hard for her to accept that part of herself. twilights would be a mix of a messed up sense of curiosity and intrusive thoughts. like a "hmm what if i did this to that" "what if i used that pony as a guinea pig" aj i cant decide to go for a more in character one or more grim dark accurate. the in character one would be bottling up emotions until they explode. the more grim dark accurate one would be using the potion in the fic as a metaphor for drug addiction. either way she isnt being honest to herself.pinkie and fluttershy are pretty similar, i think they just have violent urges and mental health issues n stuff.i cant figure out what rds would be but tbh i dont really care enough about rd to figure a good one. maybe shes just struggling to accept her cringey interests?
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kaphzzz · 5 months
Do you use photoshop to edit your pictures? Their so crisp and clean and I just got 4k res on my pc.
If so, can you maaayyybbee give us a brief tutorial on how you enhance these for previews for tumblr. Because they always come out so clean even in the preview images.
hiii!!! omg sorry almost didnt see this! congrats on getting 4K!!! it's truly life changing *tears up*. and thanks for such a high compliment 🥹🥹🥹
i do edit my photos yes, but i don't do it in photoshop, but rather in mobile apps so i can just do it during time i cant do other stuff like on the subway so, yes, i can give a tutorial, but it's going to be general steps and guidelines :) sorry i can't give anything like photoshop specific! and i know you're only asking for editing advice but i'll go over the whole process for anyone else who wants to read this as well, so please bear with me. (and please don't take my advice too seriously, i'm only an amateur hobbyist too)
1. The base photo
So firstly, I think it's important that the base picture itself looks good when you capture it in game. With a good photo straight out of the game you can avoid a lot of further editing down the line.
One common mistake I see a lot is that the field of view will be left unadjusted to the default value, which is good for landscape shots, but for portraits it will have a wonky fisheye effect. For portraits you'd typically want to zoom in a lot so the character doesn't look super thin and distorted. In photo mode this is the "lens" option, I typically just zoom in to the max, and tweak what fits into the frame with the freecam. Here's a pic with good FOV for a zoomed in character shot vs. one with the default FOV (his whole face is skewed, as well as pupper):
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Also, the in game environment is important for setting up a good shot. You'd typically want some kind of light vs. dark contrast to make your subject pop out, especially against any background. I like to use Rampage Trainer to tweak the in game time and weather and freeze them for better lighting and atmosphere, and sometimes spawn an extra light source but that's a rare case. For example, okay vs. not very okay lighting that's impossible to salvage even with editing:
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I also like to blur the background and foreground in the game, with either the focus tab of photo mode or with depth of field reshade presets, because it's a big hassle to blur those during editing. It's quite subtle most of the time but really helps focus the shot on your character, especially if the background is so messy it can swallow your main subject (trees, I'm looking at you).
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The photos in this section aren't edited; my point is that with good lighting, composition etc in game, your base vanilla photo can already look pretty good :D This is RDR2 after all.
2. Cropping
I typically crop my images at 3/4 or 2/3 ratio, depending on what looks better. But I think a general rule of thumb is that you want to crop your image so that the contents look balanced; I don't know how to explain this in concrete terms... Basically the same way centering your subject or cropping it by the rule of thirds serves to balance an image. All these pics are more or less 'balanced' in different ways, even though they're not straight smack centered. It's an eyeing process but I think with time it will be easier to tell how to balance your photo...
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3. Editing
So! Editing!
Editing I think is just a lot of fine tuning based on what you have with the base image. Me personally, I used to do a lot of colour and lighting editing, but more recently since figuring out that you can just make your base image look good right out of the game, the editing has become a lot lighter. The game can definitely do the heavy lifting, but still editing is important.
I'll demonstrate with two images (hello my babygorls *kissy noises*):
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So these two images obviously need some work. Firstly, I'll tweak the lighting, so that dark and light areas aren't too extreme, and also improve the definition/contrast, not too much, but just enough so that the subject is more defined. For Arthur's image the lighting is too murky so I used RGB curves to sort it out a bit.
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Then I will colour grade it a little by tuning the warmth and the tone (not touching filters yet). For Charles, it's at night so I've made the tone a little colder for the blue, and for Arthur a little warmer, as well as some custom light patches just to make his face stand out a little more against the background. Some other mild adjustments.
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Then if I think the background is still too attention stealing I'll blur it out a bit more. Again, I try to just blur it enough in game, since manually blurring is faulty and annoying.
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Then if I think overall the lighting and colour is fine, I'll go through the filters the app offers to see if I can improve it a little more. Since I focus on portraits (pretty bois how could I not) and not do really cinematic/dramatic scenes I tend to stick to the more natural looking filters that just harmonise the colours a bit more.
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And that's pretty much it for the editing.
On a side note, contrast is a good thing, but not limited to contrast in lighting, and not necessarily in lighting either. Contrast can be in the colour of your subject and in the back/foreground, or in the conplexity of your subject and blankness of everything else. I think for especially atmospheric photos you'd actually want less contrast for that softer feeling, and not like super hard silhouettes. So yeah, the editing process depends a lot on the image itself and what kind of emotion I want it to have.
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4. Other miscellaneous things that help
Besides using mods to customise lighting and props and character pose etc. to your liking, reshade is definitely also a big help. It has a lot of presets that can help your photo to have better colours or add blur. I don't really have a recommended list since I don't remember how I set up my Reshade, but I think a lot of the most popular or built in ones work really well, just play with it and see what you like.
A mod I sometimes use for colour grading in game is the 'Seasons' mod. I don't like too much green so I often set the season to Autumn for that warmer tone to the grass and trees. The other seasons also have different colour tones so it's good for trying different tones! Without vs. with the mod set to Autumn (ignore the quality on those they are from ages ago):
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5. Most importantly! Do what you think suits your visual preferences and taste!
So personally I think this is definitely the most important point! I think while you should look at others' work for inspiration and analyse what they're doing well, you should also definitely always prioritise your own preferences on what you like to see in your own pictures :D I think it's important to just do what you like in the moment instead of worrying about what's necessarily right or wrong, or looks good to others.
For example for me my style changed a lot over the past year and a half, and there was definitely a learning and realisation process along the way but I think my more recent preference isn't necessarily better and how I used to do things wasn't necessarily wrong either, it's just different taste.
Hope this was helpful!! :D
Please ask me if you've got any more questions or would like me to explain anything else <3
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MORE Headcanons for dean winchester that are true cause I say so;
- he has the WORST HANDWRITING EVER IN THE WORLD. He’s dyslexic AND had almost zero formative education (his dad taught him the basics but like all dads it usually ended with dean holdin back tears at the dinner table) he lets Sam write everything, because even DEAN cant read his own handwriting
- he will tell you that he thinks fidget toys r the stupidest thing ever invented and a waste of resources. (He owns like 5 fidget spinners and a 25 dollar iron fidget pen; “what!??? It’s for hunting!!!!”)
- you would think he’s a dog person, but he really prefers cats, they’re more mobile, and he feels like leaving a dog alone for so long while he hunts is cruel. Plus he doesn’t really like walking, he does enough of it on the job. (He also believes cats are good luck and trusts their judgement on where spirits are)
- he can’t sleep when it’s perfectly quiet. When it’s too quiet while he hunts it usually means danger, so he’ll crank up the ac or the radiator in whatever hotel they’re staying in just so he can hear the noise. (This drives Sam crazy sometimes, because he’s the exact opposite)
- he LOVES jewelry, if u gift him a bracelet or a necklace, the very next day you’ll see him wearing and showing it off. He has a small collection of rings, bracelets, and necklaces. His favorites are the pieces made of iron that he can use while hunting
- while he doesn’t like reading, he really likes audiobooks, on long drives he’ll put them on the radio and listen to them for hours, and he’ll listen to anything, non - fiction, biographies, physics textbooks. As long as the narrator has a nice voice he’ll listen to it.
- he doesn’t use hair spray, (he’s worried it’s too flammable and in his line of work you deal with fire A LOT) he prefers one certain brand of hair gel that he is UTTERLY loyal too. Dean will go out of his way to obtain HIS brand of hair gel, and will accept no substitute.
- he genuinely does not know how to work most electronic devices outside of the norm. Somehow, Sam hasn’t really figured this out yet.
- he never dreams; and he always thought that was a little weird, but then Sam started to have his dreams, and he felt like even more of a weirdo for never dreaming. He’s honestly a lil jealous of Sam in that regard, he’d rather have bad dreams then no dreams at all
- he’s a good southern boy, so everyone is either “sir,” or “ma’am,” he genuinely means it (most of the time) but because of a slight tone delivery problem, major attitude, and different regional dialects, people believe hes mocking them.
- Because of his lil southern self, you’ll hear him use his waaaayyyy too long analogies that don’t make a single lick of sense, and he’s often unintentionally cryptic just because that’s how he talks. (Sometimes he’s confused why people think he’s so mysterious and hard to read)
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coyote-kiddo · 5 months
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i was re-tagging some of my old posts and found this, so i figured i'd re-do it!!! (all at once because i do NOT have the memory to do it over 30 days)
i found petdre first via the aesthetic "babycore", and then slowly got more and more into agedre!! i also found out a while later that i had been involuntarily age regressing for years and hadnt noticed
my age when im small is kinda hard to pinpoint, but i would say somewhere between 3-5 most of the time!!
i dont have one, and i dont plan on getting one until im an adult (for safety purposes), but i have a few fictional cgs!! (stolas, toriel, and alastor are my biggest ones :3)
hm, i would say a day with one of my fictional cgs!! getting to play with the toys ive been wanting, color and draw, wear clothes that feel comfortable on my body, use teethers, bottles, diaps and pacis and watch my favorite shows without being judged or being embarrassed abt it :3 plus a nice warm bubble bath, baba of warm almond milk and a lullaby before bed!!
i have loads of sippies, a few bottles, a few teethers, a paci and one disposable diap as of right now, but i really really want a babyyourdoll classic round paci!! and also pull ups, mostly js for comfort :33 i would also like more silicon teethers bc they feel nicer than gel/water teethers heheh
i pet dream occasionally, not as often as i used to but still occasionally!! i petdre to an afghan hound, a kitty, a fox, and im considering trying wolf pup, fruit/vampire bat and deer :3
when i age dream, im not too much different from when im big bc my headspace doesnt change as much- im just a bit more childish and less embarrassed about stuff!! regressed me is wayy different though bc my regression is almost always negative- im typically more emotional, childish, clingy, and annoying.
i prefer drawing!!! i like to color also but drawing just feels so freeing to me :3
my moots!!! too shy to tag but i love them sm /p /gen
regression is almost always invol for me because of anxiety and trauma, its also usually negative which is kinda sucky
not that i can remember, ive used regression gear in dreams before but never regressed
this one is kinda tricky- im gonna say probably either apple slice or salteens!! i also really love juice, chocolate, graham crackers and cheese and crackers :3
yes!! i never really grew out of them, even before i started to age dream ive collected them :3
just my stepmom and my dad, i dont really think they remember though
bubs, kiddo, buddy, and little guy are my favs!! masc nicknames are sooo gender affirming to me as a fem-presenting trans man :,3
my regression is usually negative and involuntary, but nothing usually makes me "instantly regress"- its kinda a coin flip- but something that makes me feel smaller when i age dream is fuzzy socks!!
nope 😭 even if im able to buckle down and have small time after ive been involuntarily regressed it just kinda fades away
its okay, i cant really speak on it much bc i have most people i dont feel comfortable with blocked and i dont have any other socials. though i do hate when people stereotype and gatekeep it, or water it down to "fem, pastel, cute way of coping for skinny white girls only"
not a lot, but if i stumble upon one in the tags i might read it :3c
yeah, but i dont really feel comfortable being tickled
stolas goetia from helluva boss!!!! he is literally my dada guys /silly
my preference changes constantly, but it would definitely have a crib that can be converted into a toddler/big kid bed w a canopy and mobile, a sensory tent, a bouncer, a play area and a deer rocker!!!
not really, it makes it harder for me to stay small sometimes
i regress because of trauma and anxiety, i age dream as a coping mechanism for stress, gender dysphoria and missing out on my childhood :3
i almost always have to be listening to music when small, regressed or age dreaming, and my music taste jus kinda stays the same
just boundaries i set for myself- dont intentionally seek out my triggers, dont stay up too late, eat when im hungry, etc
when i regress, i get very very clingy and sad and scared, so i come off as very needy and kinda annoying (+ blunt because i kinda forget how social rules work), when i age dream im basically the same as when im big, just gigglier and more childish
maybe!! i havent tried out caregiving before but i would like to!!
im in the process of learning italian, so i sometimes watch kids' shows in italian to help practice and to make myself feel smaller!!
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talon-dragonbeast · 1 year
Hello, welcome to my blog!
Name: you can call me Talon!
Pronouns: i use voi/void, drei/drem, they/them and that thing/its pronouns! she/her is also okay :}
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hello everyone! this is a blog for my nonhuman identity, specifically dragonkin, endermankin, corvidhearted and spacehearted. i created this blog as an archive of my journey, to help me figure out stuff and know more critters like me
sometimes i also talk about being misceanimalis, which for me is not only related to my nonhumanity but to my gender as well. i identify as a beta and an omega, also known as gamma/oeta. if you want to read more about the misceverse, i made a post explaining it here!
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here you'll find my personal experiences as a dragon and enderman, quality shitposts about my nonhumanity and maybe some drawings. as you'll soon notice, i love to ramble about things and writing is one of my favourite hobbies, so you'll find plenty of that in this blog. asks, interactions and tag games are very welcome, i promise i dont bite (even if i am a bit feral sometimes) :}
#whispers of the dragon is my talking tag!
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⬇ click on the read more for a ramble about my identities ⬇
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about my dragon identity
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i believe my species is semi-digitigrade and quadrupedal, but i can stand on my feet for short periods of time. i have steel blue scales on every part of my body, the ones in the chest and neck area being bigger and grey-blue, as well as dark spines on my back that go from head to tail. i have four claws on each hand and feet, two half-feathered wings and a long tail. the feathered half of my wings is a very dark blue while the membraned half is grey-blue. i have a long snout that ends on a pointy beak shape, two horns and two long ears. my eyes are golden with sliced pupils.
dragonkin is my primary kintype, so i experience it very intensely in almost every moment of my life. from when i wake up to when i go to sleep, i am a dragon; its such an important part of myself that if it was forcibly removed from me, there would be no "me" anymore. very frequently, i get phantom, mental, envisage, and/or sensory shifts (there are other types of shifts like dream or spiritual, but i dont experience those).
my phantom limbs are most often of wings, teeth, ears and claws. sometimes a tail, horns, spines and a snout, but they're not as intense as the others. i can move them at will and they react to stimuli as if they were physically there, but i cant touch them and they phase through stuff.
about my enderman identity
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here is a post with details about my species! I'll attempt to summarise it here:
so as I see myself, I'm a tall and dark creature with very long limbs that end in claws. my hands look a bit like human hands, but padded and with longer fingers. my legs are digitigrade and long. i have a tail, it's thin and very mobile, and ends in a tuft of hair. i have glowing purple eyes with darker, oval irises and no pupil. i have two fangs fused with my upper lip; my mouth is very rigid along with the rest of my face, which makes it difficult to show human emotion. and I have big long ears that are able to move a little.
endermankin is my secondary kintype, so I don't experience shifts as often and when I do they're mainly mental and envisage shifts.
when I'm mentally shifted (which can be triggered by eye contact, social anxiety, being alone, or nothing at all), it becomes more difficult to show emotions with my face, and instead i rely on body language or phantom limbs (it can also come with a difficulty to remember words, which can be frustrating). if i mentally shift, i cannot hold eye contact for longer than a second, if at all, and will become increasingly distressed if forced to, as it actually hurts to maintain. the main instinct I get is just holding objects with my two hands (preferably block-shaped things), it's soothing and gives us enderman a lot of comfort. m-shifting also gives me urges like start wandering around the room im in, stand on my tiptoes to mimic my digitigrade legs, and sway from side to side to mimic moving my tail.
other identities
im corvidhearted! i heavily relate to corvids on a personal level, so i see myself reflected in them and they are a big part of my identity. i consider crows and ravens (and sometimes magpies) like family, because they have a symbiotic relationship with dragons, and help eachother in the wild (kinda like ravens and wolves!). because of this, i experience cameo shifts with raven wings sometimes! :D
i also got something going on with space that ive decided to label as spacehearted. its a very profound feeling, a longing that i feel in my chest every time i look at the stars. i think its probably related to a special interest in astronomy i had when i was a kid. space is so important to my sense of being that it impacts my identity, so i feel like otherhearted is an adequate descriptor for it.
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hellsbroadcaster · 3 months
Send me a “ 🔥 “ for an unpopular opinion. Bonus points if you include a topic. ( IE. shipping, roleplaying, ect. )
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Okay. I struggled to come up with some topics to talk about for a while plus just issues through the entirety of this week. BUT I FIGURED IT OUT.
🔥 - PROMOS. tbh, promo's main use were to help roleplayers find other roleplayers, to spread the word about your blog and find more partners and people to make friends and broaden your experiences with learning about new and exciting fandoms. Now I just find them tedious, and annoying to make. if you aren't a popular blog the odds of your promo being reblogged and spread around is so minimal. it also just feels like clout chasing at this point. and yeah nothing wrong with reblogging your promo and having your friends hype you up, but then ppl wonder why they think the rpc is so alienating? cuz someone else will reblog their promo's expecting the same thing and they don't get it and then they feel left out. but if its just so you can get some nice thrown at you, it just feels like more clutter for my dash especially if I'm already following you. now if you're a NEW blog. if you just joined a fandom, and you want some exposure, I'm down for that because that is what a promo is supposed to be for.
🔥 - Personals. I actually like personals. sometimes personals care more about what I post than my own followers. i get ppl being upset if they reblog their threads, but liking your posts? and maybe reblogging a headcanon or something but idk i guess for me that stuff just doesn't bother me. I love when people reblog my headcanon and they agree. or they add onto it, with their own thoughts. or they tell me how much they love it. makes me feel seen. makes me feel cool. i just think people forget that tumblr is NOT a roleplay site. yes, we found a use to tailor it to our hobby, that doesn't mean everyone who comes across our blogs know that. they arent apart of our community, what makes you think they have to abide our guidelines for it? tbh, roleplayers have just gotten entitled to thinking that tumblr is supposed to bow to our whim. we share a space with non roleplayers. to demand, and just expect ppl are just going to see your rules and read them and respect it rght away?? come on ya'll. we know to look for rules cuz its what we've been doing for years, but you can't expect that from strangers who are likely mobile bound just seeing something you wrote in the tags. its gonna happen. i just dont like the mannerisms some people have with them. you dont gotta be rude about it. if its really bothering you just block them and be done. problem solved. going out of your way to make posts about how annoying they are is just unnecessary.
🔥 - duplicates. this is one is gonna get me fired but oh well. Ya'll we have GOT to love ourselves better. because it is plain and simple insecurity for why people feel they cant talk or write with duplicates. i know it does deeper in some cases, like your current partner leaving you for the shinny new roleplayer of the same muse you write. believe me I've been there. but fuck those people. when are we gonna stop letting others dictate how we feel about ourselves? i hate seeing shit when a new roleplayer pops up with the same muse and suddenly you get the vaguing posts about 'suddenly feeling very doubtful of my portrayal' like its not obvious you are threatened. and in this fandom??? we're i follow like 30 different alastors?? lucifers?? Angels"?? all different, all got something to add and share. i got news for you but your portrayal isnt the only ONE. its not the end all be all. and yes I talk to my ego all the time, cuz there are some muses i write where i'm like I AM THE GOD FATHER OF THIS MUSE. but thats me and my own pride, doesnt mean anyone else who writes this muse is less than me. or i'm suddenly less than them. and there are portrayals i dont fuck with. i simply just do not look their way. but theres always muses i love roleplaying with duplicates cuz its FUN. also being able to talk to people who love this muse as much as you?? learn to stop looking at everything like its a competition and things will not be as stressful. its what makes this hobby unfun when you let those insecurities eat you up. im not saying its not valid, and im not saying you cant be upset, but what does it really do for you? what would happen if you just went and talked to them? imagine it goes well? you make a new friend. dont deny yourself opening a door just because you are scared of what 'might' be behind it. and its something I am learning and teaching myself. our issue is we all wanna be see, and heard. we all wanna be the absolute best. we wanna have the best portrayal like this sort of acknowledgement does anything. cuz while I know ppl love my own portrayals, still doesn't change the fact that i got issues and i cry myself to sleep still. the 'love' i get on here, ain't a fix. and if you think seeking validation on tumblr dot com is gonna fix you? its not. the attention and love we seek on here is just a placeholder, its us using this as a distraction from actually fixing our problems, and turn i still see how so many of us are unhappy. let it go.
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fribbitz · 6 months
Im the anon who sent asks at 2am last ab the deleted asks
Im glad i could catch that happening for you. Im very rarely up that late but got hit with a bout of insomnia so i had sent a couple to the blog while reading and watching back through it to try and sleep. I was frankly really surprised to see a ask that i had seen answered like 20 minutes up and disappear, and then i was even more surprised once i was booted out of the blog on mobile when it was privated. I thought i had been blocked for a hot minute for sending asks about a music video with a puppet. But then i realized it had to have been privated bc when i checked my following list im still following them.
Ty for posting about the pw for the blog. I figured thatd be it, but you cant get into pw protected blogs via mobile easily.
I was surprised to hear about it! I thought I had been blocked as well, or that the account had gotten deleted lmao. so far the blog has been following canon pretty closely but a private page is kinda out of left field! a welcome element for me tho.
this is the part where the bots should start gaining sentience so stay tuned for it :3
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voidwritesstuff · 2 years
Fandom: in sound mind
♡Sorry for the long post! Im on Mobile and I cant add a read more :( also sorry for any military inacuracies! (Spelling???)
CW:Alusions to PTSD,talk about food, nightmares, war, war related trauma. Food poisoning, Lucas literally shot himself in the foot. Suggestiveness. Talk about religion (catholic/christian)
->reblogs and comments over likes!
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♡Has some old records with music from the sixties, plays them when he misses his buddies or wakes up from a nightmare.(helps him relax)
♡knows how to Cook but he has no actual kitchen, this lead to him experimenting a bit too much and getting food poisoning.
♡still has the whole set of drums, sometimes he plays when he needs to let out his feelings. and he plays very loudly. The perks of living in a cabin in the Woods!
♡coffee addict, a microwave and a coffee machine are all the commodities he has.
♡cant sleep in a normal bed, hes too used to sleep on a cot,even pillows that are too comfortable prevent him from sleep. Though I Belive that he could get used to it again with time (his back needs It)
♡Back issues aside hes pretty well physically, Strong inmune system, very strong (can Haul all his groceries in one go), toned muscles (which have earnt him some bedroom eyes), has a shit ton of resistance and endurance. His knees tend to crack a little but thats about It.
♡likes to limber up and excersice outside, shirtless (people who have gone for a walk on Elysium park at early hours of the morning got some eye candy for breakfast)
♡he wakes up at the ass crack of dawn, even the birds are telling him to go back to sleep. Always makes breakfast in time to watch the sunrise.
♡hes a sucker for an all american breakfast,he sometimes Cooks it when he feels like treating himself (which is not often, mind you).
♡has picked up some books that talk about ww2, some that he was recommended (some from desmond or other people hes talked to). The one that hes read the most was a book recommended to him by Wheeler.
♡Every night he prays, at first when he was younger he was your run of the Mill, "born in a catholic family" Beliver, but after the war he Turned to religion as a way to cope. Hes not going to Mass every sunday but every once in a while he pays a visit to the old church of milton haven
♡Father Ted Krill has invited him over for some tea, Lucas has done some repairs here and there too.
♡When he feels particularly lost or in dispair he carries around a small rosary, plays with it absentmindedly (it was alphonso's).
♡when I tell you this Man can SING. HE HAS SUCH A BEAUTIFUL VOICE (if we consider his vynil cannon. He can sing). Sings in the shower and on the road if a song he likes plays on the radio.
♡humms while doing things
♡has a habit of poking his tongue out when hes concentrated.
♡hes very good at fixing cars and other engines. Hes lived in his van for a long time so he figured he might as well learn how to fix the van himself.
♡latino-native (this hc is originally from birdsandcake on Instagram). His dad is Native american and his mom is mexican (this addition is mine tho).
♡when I tell you he can dance! hE CAN DANCE HIS ASS OFF. He hasnt danced in a while but hes a bit self conscious about it. But he still dances every once in a while (latín blood baby!)
♡likes rock music the best. Has learnt to play some on the drums.
♡when his Friends and him were talking about band names, one that stood out to Lucas was "The Ragtags". For him, it described his friend Group very well.
♡on particular bad nights he only eats MREs and cheap beer, since that what his Friends used to do when they were stationed in their camp.
♡showers in the army were SHORT. So now he takes long ass showers that have his water Bill Sky high. He doesnt care, he has the money to afford it.
♡he washes his Plate in the sink of his bathroom (cannon) and Desmond has been begging him to get a dishwasher or a proper kitchen. It drives desmond wild for some reason.
♡When he feels like fucking with people he talks in the NATO phonetic alphabet. Desmond is sick of his shit
"Ive been craving some Papa Alpha November Charlie Alpha Kilo Echo Sierra"
"You can just say that you want pancakes"
"This is more fun"
"Fun for you"
♡desmond has learnt the NATO alphabet by heart. And once he replied in it and now its a competition to see who can spell the longest words (hey they gotta kill time somehow)
♡Lucas cares for desmond as if he was part of his military buddies. Fiercely protective. In return,Desmond offers his psicologist insight when Lucas asks for it or Des feels like he needs it.
♡Lucas recently adopted a dog called Radio (this hc was originally made by birdsandcake in some doodles they made). After the game, desmond is Open to this New pet, and cares for it when Lucas is out.
♡lucas has found Radio and Desmond asleep on the one person couch. He found it endearing.
♡Lucas uses hearing aids (this hc is also made by birdsandcake)
♡for his birthday, Desmond gave Lucas his old vinyl player. Lucas was overjoyed.
♡his relationshipp with desmond is purely platonic, and truth be told he missed having Friends. They have a stupid ammount of inside jokes.
•the time Lucas tried to do one of those cakes in a cup and almost burnt down the house because he left the thing in the microwave for a long time. Known as "the microwave cup-cake incident"
•the time Desmond told him something in spanish which was far from what it actually meant, Lucas laughed his ass off for weeks. They call it "Lost in translation"
• Lucas told him about the time he literally shot himself in the foot (he was young and Alphonso let him out of his sight for five minutes). Now every time he goes to practice his aim on his makeshift shooting range desmond says "dont shoot yourself in the foot" to which Lucas replies "too late"
♡Lucas defenetly still remembers VIVIDLY the scold Alphonso gave him when he shot himself in the foot. Lucas had to do 200 pushups with Alphonso sitting on his back to make sure he didnt "do anything stupid". He slept for 12 hours afterwards.
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kuraikyu · 1 year
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@digenvez : it's Shoko today that would occupy his lap 💕 obviously just because she wants to bother Satoru~ and maybe because she just likes to snuggle him up a lil bit 💕
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𝐆 𝐀 𝐒 𝐏 !
'' Hey!! '' Found out and claimed. Feeble sounds skitter in a cascade of sheepish peals, coming out from the archway midst of tightening corridor in his throat. Like a hybridous whimper when there's a new conqueror declaring dead-aim strife to his solitude, furthermore occupying entire territory of his poise and bearings.
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Doubtless fact - he was able to swallow that one soba noodle in time was a blessing in disguise, as otherwise, it would have stuck in his throat in stupid chew-out factors that could cause him dire discomfort.
Sudden and maybe unhoped-for. Timeless bangs move with a puff of air coming out from lined controversy of duck face mimic, light tint of roseate creeps its steam ... troweling over perplexed countenance now pleasantly lit, and then a tinkle of tempestuous laughter asserting contention in the spotlight when his face impactly buried into her shoulder blades and legs firmed knees.
More muffled chuckles and undetectable whispers sow deep duskiness among oblique valley of her infraspinatus, more to feel, to enroot, to fructify with procreative chill and movement of his lips chanting cants of unspeakable 'shouldn'ts'. Entwining pearls occurring in ruins of respiration never to be touched by sword-stroke but revel in deep riches.
Frigid aspects of discipline lose track of self-preservation and smush among the warm structure of cottony sweater, he could sing forbidden glooms of vespertine narratives to her spine and lustrate condiments of each trembles all night long. Brisk inhale draws in crisps of fragrant compounds commingle in tracks of bourbon firewood, chocolate, and rich Cuban tobacco. Arms built with months and hours of hard strain and training hardships wrap around the slim frame of a hickory swan nesting in death's embrace, remaining positioned right beneath her rib cage like an impenetrable fortress in reaction to her wordless slope; allowing her to relax and rest assured he won't shoo her away. Why would he; how could he? Because he always missed her too.
'' Feeling wicked today? Just wait till someone figures, " but whatever reason it was his attention is drawn away from the bowl with noodles and he just sits there, savoring the moment of peace and mutual comfort, " -- I have a bad idea let's annoy him together. '' For once he was allowed to be the pest too. With mobile discovered in his pocket, instantaneous fingers clicked and scrolled via joystick until Geto found a contact named 'Cattoru' and started to type:
ㅤ📲 :ㅤ𝟒:𝟎𝟕 𝐏𝐌 [ Hey, Satoru. Guess what ... ] ㅤ📲 :ㅤ𝟒:𝟎𝟖 𝐏𝐌 [ There's a hot chick on my lap right now ... ]
Spoiler of possibility for Gojo face & his reaction after reading that one message.
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Ok, Are you sitting comfortably then I shall begin lol
I watch a lot of crime documentaries mostly about here in the UK and America, and the policing is SO different you cant match the two together.  One of the main differences, obviously, is in America, everyone has guns, So the Police have to police their territory, very aggressively because they just do not know who is and who isn't armed, but, as humans, a little bit of authority seems to go to their heads and it seems that they do not get reprimanded in any way at all when it all goes wrong. I think the only reason why things are changing and its very slow, is all down to mobile phones being able to film what is going on.  Though here in the UK and the US, they all wear body cams and it seems that in the US that that really doesn't matter, they still break the law, knowing that nothing will come back on them. Which is shameful.  In this country our vile government are right wing and they recently allowed ‘Stop and Search’ which, of course affects our Black community more as it seems to in the US. “March 2021: there were 646,292 arrests in England and Wales – a rate of 12 arrests per 1,000 people. black people were over 3 times as likely to be arrested as white people – there were 29 arrests for every 1,000 black people, and 9 arrests for every 1,000 white people.” That can not be a true representation as 82% of people in England and Wales are white, and 18% black, this makes no sense, that the figures are so much more toward the black community.(source)  For me, this is part of white privilege. America -  White crime 4,729,290 Black crime 1,815,144 (source and breakdown) So, if the police stopped white people as much as they did the black community, by the FBI figures, white crime and arrests would be much much more.  Here in the UK our ‘Homicide’ detectives, detect. They go into everything, The SOCO (Scenes of Crimes Officers) go in, suited up, masks on and if a body is there, they put screens around it so no-one can see and no one is allowed to touch the scene until they've finished. In America, it seems that all sundry walk around the crime seen, touch evidence which negates all that is found.  When people are arrested in the UK, obviously you get those who fight it, as you do in all countries, they are taken to the police station and interviewed, In the UK, you are entitled to a free lawyer, if you haven't got your own and they are with the arrested person from the beginning, then, when being questioned, they also have the right to answer the polices questions with ‘No Comment’ which of course puts that over to the detectives to go and find out exactly what happened. It seems in America that they expect the answers to come to them, which is quite comical, from what I have read and watched, they stay in their office waiting for people to phone and tell them lol if they do go out and investigate, its the bear minimum. When they interview the, maybe, perpetrator, they almost expect these people to sit there and just tell them the truth, which in a lot of instances, they do! Which is fascinating. And if they ask for a lawyer, that's it, the end of the interview, which again is peculiar.  Also, we treat those with massive mental health issues, psychopathy and a like, and its been confirmed by multiple psychologist's, they go to a place like Broadmoor Hospital is a high-security psychiatric hospital. Where as, having just watched a documentary, in the US, they are treated as those who haven't got severe mental health issues.  The one thing I do agree with is the sentencing in the US, You do the crime, you do the time. The sentence's, if multiple, run on top of one another, so you finish one, you start another, Here in the UK they run concurrently. Life in prison here means 25 years, the judge may add years to it, but certainly not every time and some may get a full life term but it is rare. Rape normally gets around 7 years, Paedophilia, 4-5 years, maybe less and in some cases they don't get a sentence. Its shocking. Our government are underfunding, and have been for their 13 year tenure, the Judicial system, including the Police, so all our services are understaffed drastically (NHS, Schools too)  where as in the US, they are probably over staffed with so many different departments that can be called on to help. Ok, I'm done lol  thank you for taking the time to read :) Joanne, AKA Wasbella102
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torchickentacos · 2 years
SV SPOILER WHERE I TALK ABOUT PLOT BUT IM ON MOBILE AND CANT DO A READ MORE. S C R O L L P A S T IF YOU DONT WANT A MAJOR SPOILER. EDIT THERE ARE MANY SPOILERS HERE. MANY. I’m SERIOUS. SCROLL PAST IF YOU DON’T WANT THAT. also I’m not done with the game yet so no postgame stuff spoiled please. I avoided most spoilers for this long lol. I don’t want to ruin it RIGHT before I play it.
OK first off TURNS OUT I figured out the entire starfall plot around the second/third fight. I mean I still need to go battle penny so details may be off but I got the gist of it. My sister and I joke I have a sixth sense for video game plot points (see: I clocked Volo immediately. No reason, just by vibes. I said he was too nice and beni was too mean. She made fun of me for distrusting them for opposite reasons BUT I WAS RIGHT) but I told her the first time I did a star raid: “ok so I think penny is Cassiopeia because we see her immediately as a supply rep and like. She FEELS underused as a main character she was marketed as and so I feel like she’s cassiopeia.” Shortening to cass because Cassiopeia is long. AND THEN penny said something about hacking, and cass hacked our phones, so that solidified that for me. So raid 1, I knew cassiopeia. It was raid 2-ish I wondered if penny was the big boss because she knew the squads so well as Cassiopeia. So, I thought. If she’s the boss AND Cass why would she want them taken down. I kind of knew team star was like. Outcasts, dialogue hinted at it and later it was confirmed they were bullied, raid 3 ish? So we knew this at raid 2/3: bullied outcasts, but they’re seen as bad ones and don’t go to school anymore. But penny goes to school. Presumably without her friends. And she sees how they are seen as bad. So if she disbands team star, they can come back to school with her. Right? So, as the boss, she wants it disbanded and made Cassiopeia to do that. Safe to say, my sister would have thought I looked up spoilers if this wasn’t a thing I do consistently in games. By raid 4/5 it’s more obvious but I AM proud of clocking it by raid 3. And that’s how I Shawn-Spencer’ed my way into spoiling the entire starfall street plot for myself way earlier than I maybe should have?????? Or maybe everyone figured it out and I’m proud over nothing idk. Other guesses for plot stuff: I know some of the Sada stuff on accident (it’s like the only spoiler I saw bc it was unavoidable) NOT ALL OF IT THOUGH AND I HAVE NOT GOTTEN TO THAT PART YET. JUST BATTLED ARVEN but GOSH her face moves… Not humanly. Guess 2: area 0 is a portal to the past or present depending on your game version. Or both. Something’s up with the east paldean sea too because it won’t let me in. That isn’t even a guess, I just know it’s some area 0 shit. Next game guess: I know sada is like. AI???? A robot??? Or something? But idk how, missed that. My guess is, something either to do with koraidon’s battle form getting lost and weakened, somehow linked, or like. She sequestered herself into area 0 to study but either rogue tech from her research took over her body (like the metal stuff from the book kalahari. Has anyone else read that.) or she willingly made herself a robot to keep doing her research since she loves it above all else, surrendering not only her family but her body and mortality to her work. Idk though, will find out in probably 2/3 days at this rate???? This is a long game lol. ANYWAYS thanks anyone who hung out until the end
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