#i could also be tired cause im having these conspiracy theories going in my brain that everyone hates me even my friends lol
toastywindow · 1 year
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vowled · 4 years
The Ever Lasting curiosity about Sherlock’s sexuality
Honestly, I’m tired. I see so much material everywhere about ships and about what’s canon and what isn’t. I see people fighting about whether Sherlock is top or bottom (where an overwhelming majority thinks he’s a top). But somehow I never see enough material about his Other sides. His other habits like scrapbooking. Why is he Possibly eccentric and ....to an extent ...is he really so eccentric at all?
Firstly, I see it constantly reiterated by Moffat that Sherlock’s decision to not be very sexually active is a Monk’s decision, not an asexual’s one. He isn’t interested in sex because it distracts him, and that means he’s not very produtive, and by this point we know that work is worship for Sherlock.
Now, the question arises, how do we know that he isn’t asexual?
we don’t
Next comes the Johnlock theory and I am not going to lie, I like it . I really do. Some of the arguments I’ve read during my tenure in the fandom are very influencing and impressive and they genuinely make you think. But the truth remains that it isn’t canon (yet).
And if you’re a BBC Sherlock fan then the entire Irene Adler thing is also very frustrating. Being brought up in a homophobic country, the first time I watched the episode, I remember being sure that she was sherlock’s love interest. This was also compounded in my head as the truth because of Robert D.J’s movie, where Irene is explicitly shown as the love interest too. BBC too called her THE WOMAN, and Mycroft later says “She’s the only woman who matters”. And yet, we never see any explicit proof that Sherlock indeed has feelings towards her. What am I supposed to think then???
The more I think about it, the more maddening it gets. Especially with the subtext. I do think that now I can openly admit that the entire show has a lot of gay subtext (feel free to give your opinion about it) and that really is the jewel of any literature. But what do I make of it all?
An anecdote here: I am an 18yo girl who has read too much of gay fanfiction and conspiracies to never question my own sexuality. I thought I’ve had crushes on my girl friends and thought I wouldn’t mind dating one, but oh boy I didn’t like it at all (Well, now I know I’m straight :/ )
The one insight I’ve gained from here is that sometimes it’s tiring to figure out feelings. It’s ever capricious, obscure and frustrating. Think that from Sherlock’s POV and he literally is obsessed with his work to the point he doesn’t eat because it slows him down. He’s a brain with a body. He makes all of his deductions based on rectilinear principles that rule out the possibility of ambiguity and are necessarily singular in their nature. But feelings are the exact opposite of it - any emotion felt can have multiple causes and hence lead to multiple reactions, and the entire chemical nature of it is broad and overrun by multiple definitions. Even when people do feel certain things clearly, they seldom do express them truly. Modern life has made us to be afraid of intimacy and complete truth without diluting it with small lies. Even when people say that they feel a certain way explicitly, we can never tell if they’re speaking the entire thing truly. How could he possibly compute feelings?
Sherlock is a thinking, feeling being. But because thinking and comprehending is his greater joy, because he is obsessed with being intellectually superior to others, he doesn’t like anything he can’t understand, which itself is a common tendency and shows us that he’s only human. He doesn’t like the entire affair about sex not because he’s asexual, but because he doesn’t like the confusion and the lack of complete understanding of it. But this should never be interpreted as though he doesn’t have any feelings.
We do see in many occasions that Sherlock in fact is capable of showing empathy and does in fact try to comfort people. This very character trait of empathy shows that he isn’t in fact a sociopath. In case of Irene Adler(although the canon material clearly states that she was very devoted to her husband and didn’t have a romantic relationship with Sherlock), Sherlock doesn’t reciprocate her feelings. She repeatedly asks him for dinner and texts him, he denies each time. This tells us he isn’t interested in her. Although, in the end, he helps her. He didn’t need to though, but he does because HE DOES CARE. Caring doesn’t need a definitive cause based on romantic feelings. IT ITSELF IS A FEELING.
With Moriarty, there’s this undeniable tension. Both men are obsessed with each other because they know that they are equals. And we must ask :is  this level of understanding any different to intimacy?
And there’s John. Sweet John who is completely devoted to Sherlock. Even in canon it’s pretty clear that the only times he truly is completely caring is when it comes to John. And tbh I don’t want to trip down that rabbit hole right now.
Sherlock does love people, and he’s too intellectual to find out exactly in which way or form does he love them. He simply does. And that makes him the “most humane human being”. He doesn’t love anybody in a sexual way, but why should it mean he doesn’t love anybody? His sexuality is boring. His own forms of love, however are the most beautiful to look at. Can we talk about that?
also if you’ve made it thus far, thank you for reading ! this is my first ever blog and tbh it’s such a rant?! im sorry :( ? i was really going for something and i kept getting disturbed and I lost my train of thought in the process :((( but please fell to comment, consrtuctive criticism is always welcome!
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hwangdol · 5 years
l.jn: just shoot your shot
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summary: can jeno just be confident in himself? pls? pretty pls? 
pairing: student-athlete!jeno x tutor! (fem) reader
warning: PROCEED WITH CAUTION! GRAMMAR MISTAKES! AND CRACKHEADS! ALSO CURSING! i’m back and i’m not dead so here’s some athlete!jeno that everyone was looking forward too. just a reminder, this is apart of my collab with @huangsren so check out her art-hoe! renjun and childhood-friend! chenle in our dreamies highschool au. i’m not really satisfied with this piece compared to my other two. hopefully, this still slaps. also, there will be for sure a second part to this so yuh. enjoy. 
okay so let’s get this straight lee jeno is THAT guy whose in like all of the sports teams on campus 
basketball, baseball, football, soccer, track and field, cross country, pickleball, etc he’s on them all 
he was deadass about to join the cheerleading team just so he could have the clout of being on all of the teams 
ngl imagine a cheerleader!jeno,,,hell yeah that’s my shit
but he didn’t bc he isn’t as big of a crackhead as one like to think
jeno has the reputation of the silent cold guy, but in actuality is a big FLOOF ball especially with his close friends (aka jaemin) 
he’s well-liked by everyone bc he’s hecka nice once they look pass that cold exterior and he’s realllly hot.
just picture sweaty!jeno after practice using his shirt to wipe off his sweat allowing everyone to have a glimpse of his abs. 
sign me the fuck up
he’s just extremely shy and socially awkward so he doesn’t really know how to interact w people when he meets them for the first time so a lot of people just think he’s that distant, angsty type 
it still shocks a shit ton of people when they find out he’s best friends with the social butterfly/ fboi! jaemin but don’t get him wrong bc he doesn’t go around town breaking hearts left and right like his best buddy does
as much as jeno likes to deny it, he is a ROMANTICIST
way back in freshmen year, jeno was captivated by a teenage romance which he blames ara (from fucq-boi! jaemin au) for roping him into all those barbies and chick-flick movies. 
like his heart flutters at the idea of his significant other wearing his jersey to his games or sharing a milkshake at the local ice cream parlor,,,he wants to give them his hoodie and cuddle on the couch (hopefully watching barbie princess charm school) 
but he doesn’t want it to be superficial like what jaemin does 
he highly disapproves of jaemin’s casanova ways
jaemin is probably really glad about the bros before hoes rule bc he would have lost jeno a long time ago with all of the girls he goes through 
jeno knows that love is a delicate thing and should be treated seriously which is why he’s so against jaemin’s date and ditch 
and jeno wants to be in a relationship! but he can’t bc he has like NO time for the lovey-dovey highschool bs (also bc he’s highkey scared that he might ruin any relationship he gets himself into)  
the boy has back to back practice from all the sports he decided to take on
on multiple occasions, different practice times interfere with each other and instead of just missing one like he SHOULD, jeno decided to take em both on at the same time
catch him sprinting from the soccer field to the football field back and forth in between break times
one time, basketball and swimming practice collided w each other so jeno thought it was smart to go back and forth from the school’s pool to the gym after he’d finish a 1000M IM set and shot at least 15 3-pointers 
let’s just say he flashed a lot of people, running half-naked with only his drag suit on when he forgot to put on his sweatpants in one of his runs back and forth
art-hoe! renjun never lets him live it down much to his embarrassment 
“remember that one-time jeno displayed his junk to the whole student body? good times, good times” 
cue jeno throwing a pencil at renjun or chasing him down the halls 
jeno’s abs were the talk of the school for at least a whole month and our boi had red cheeks every time he heard someone talk about it 
because of that jeno double-checks, quadruple-checks to make sure that his pants are on before booking it to the gym to shoot hoops 
another reason why a lot of people find jeno so intimidating and hard to approach was bc of the fight that happened between his ex-friend! stoner-boi!haechan sophomore year
no one expected that the calm, seemingly unbothered jeno could throw punches that hard. it was like he transformed into the hulk or something 
except jeno didn’t like the new reputation he gained over a stupid fight with his once close friend. 
there’s one nasty habit that jeno can’t seem to let go of no matter how much jaemin and renjun tell him to fix
the boy holds onto grudges like there’s no tomorrow
there was one time where jaemin had to borrow jeno’s phone for something and he accidentally dropped it
“hey can i borrow your phone to call someone? mine’s dead.” jaemin asked him.
“no, last time i gave it to you, you cracked it” 
“dude! it was one time” 
“say that to my cracked screen” 
“for goodness sake, jeno, i only cracked your screen protector!” 
“still you broke it”
yeah, jaemin never got to use jeno’s phone ever again. 
someone didn’t give back the pencil he lent them? he doesn’t even look in their direction until jaemin nags him enough to just let it go 
which is probably why he and haechan still vehemently hate each other even though renjun and jaemin are ready to go talk things out with haechan 
some part deep down insides knows he should just let it go and actually talk things out with haechan on why he initiated the fight bc haechan was once someone jeno considered as a bro 
and jeno doesn’t give out bro passes as easily 
he just doesn’t know how to approach haechan or if haechan would even be willing to talk it through 
it’s kinda sad how the two of them don’t even look each other in the eye or acknowledged each other existence anymore 
other than that jeno is practically flawless, jk 
as much as he is very enthusiastic in physical education, when it comes to math, science, etc, jeno is basically flunking. like borderline passing in all of his classes 
he was for sure failing math though which is a HUGE problem…bc to stay on any team sport, he CAN’T be failing a class 
which is why jeno was currently spending his free period, in the library, furiously erasing his wrong answer for the problem he tried multiple times to solve. it was the first math problem on the remedial work packet that his math teacher gave him for extra practice. 
even his friend, smartass renjun gave up on helping him and went to go toy around with his telescope, going on a tangent about renjun’s alien conspiracies theories.
if only jeno could have renjun’s genius brain, life would be so much easier
slamming his head on the table, jeno let out a low groan of frustration at whoever decided that it was a good idea to mix number and letters together.  
“dude, can you not?” he heard someone say from next to him. 
he lifted his head to take a peek…and this is where you come in, glaring at him with murder on your mind 
jeno’s just staring at you and the fool does not recognize you at all 
NCT High isn’t a big place either so he would have come across you once or twice, but you were simply a new face to him. 
you, at this point, grew annoyed at the boy who was just shameless staring at you. 
“is there something on my face?” you asked with a raised eyebrow 
slowly he shakes his head ‘no’ 
“keep it down, i’m trying to sleep” you warned him before laying your arms now with your head resting on it, faced away from jeno. 
jeno, who was awe-struck for second at your frank personality, decided that it was time to have another go at the problem and looked at it again
yeah there was no way in hell he was going to be able to solve it, he was too fucking lost 
atm jeno is like .000000001 seconds away from having a mental breakdown because if he doesn’t pass his test this friday he’s going to be benched and if he fails the class then he loses his status of team captain and his spot on the soccer team which he cannot afford to bc it was SENIOR year and he should be living in all of his sports glory right now 
and what if he can’t graduate? he can’t be a super senior like lucas wong like nooo that can definitely not happen
literally, jeno, stop freaking out - sincerely admin minnie
suddenly while he was having an overthinking session, his paper and pencil were taken away from him. he watches as the culprit (you) quickly solve the problems on the piece of paper in record time with wide eyes
letting out a small huff, you gave him back the paper wordlessly before going back to your previous sleeping positions hoping to get back to your precious nap time. your actions leaving jeno’s mouth opened in awe as his eyes glances back and forth between the answer sheets and the ones you provided him, both matching up perfectly with no mistake 
he looks back at your sleeping form and wonders if you’re an actual prodigy like renjun 
but jeno also feels really bad for disturbing your nap so he lets you be and tries to quietly work on the other problems and review how you solved the ones he had trouble on earlier 
except he’s even more confused bc there was more numbers and letters;; no comprendo 
jeno’s brain: ajadkf;dskjhg;ajdsvf;
he contemplates ask you for help or a basic explanation since there was no way that jeno learned how to solve that in class (he did, he just slept through the lecture because he was dead-beat tired after a heavy soccer practice from the night before) 
jeno’s fear of flunking overweighed his social awkwardness so he pokes you gently with his pencil eliciting a grumpy “what do you want, now?” from you
gulping, jeno mumbles a small “can you help me, i don’t understand how you solved this” 
you looked intently at jeno not answering his questions causing the boy to instantly regret asking, but surprisingly you replied 
“what don’t you get?” you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes and shifted towards the male 
“i don’t even know what i don’t know”
i felt that jeno. i felt that. 
he pulls the piece of paper between the two of you and points to a problem that you did with ease 
“oh, so you’re so supposed to…” you launched off into an explanation filled with math terms that adds more to jeno’s confusion 
sensing that jeno still wasn’t understanding, you let out a big sigh 
“sorry, it just doesn’t make sense in my head” jeno admitted shyly
at first, you were gonna say something snappy about how even an eighth-grader could do this problem easily, you held it back because you actually felt bad since jeno was trying so hard
you also weren’t going to deny that lw jeno looked quite cute with that adorable slight pout on his face 
“let’s just take it slow, i’ll explain step by step” 
so you did just that, patiently teaching the methods and theorems to jeno who constantly made that confused noise every time you introduced something new to the table
the two of you worked through five of the worksheets and jeno was actually understanding it! horray! 
you were explaining the last problem to jeno when he stops you with a question that was completely off-topic 
“why are you helping me?” 
it was simple question so you answered it simply. 
“because you looked like you need it.” you shrugged “i was trying to take a nap earlier but it was too loud for me with your constant erasing” 
“sorry” jeno said looking down at his lap, embarrassed that he was a nuisance to you  
you kind felt bad ngl so you quickly reassured him 
“don’t worry about it. you remind me of my idiotic friends, not that you’re an idiot though. actually, no comment.” 
we love a blunt y/n. 
you clicked the pen you were holding and placed it down, “i moved here a couple months ago so i barely know anyone. now that it’s senior year, everyone already has their own friend group so why bother trying to join them?” 
jeno makes another confused noised at your blunt statement. 
you wondered if that particular noise has some type of effect on you due to the fact that you have a sudden urge to explain your situation to the boy you hardly knew for more than the hour
“i used to go to miroh high, but my dad got a transfer here so he decided to enroll me at this school without my say. i left all my friends back there sadly” 
“that sucks,” was all that jeno could say.
damn his inability to socialize like a normal human being. 
you nodded, “yeah, it does, but it’s not that bad. my friends make an effort to come down here most weekend and sometimes i drive up there too.” you turn to look at him and jeno freezes at the sudden eye contact “actually, you remind me of my friend hyunjin. he was kind of a ditz in anything that wasn’t sports” 
“wait, how do you know that i play sports?” jeno asked confused 
“dude, everyone knows that you’re the school’s mvp.” you said as if it’s obvious “you’re not as intimidating as they say you are though.” 
damn it 
he was hoping you had no idea who he was so that could relieve his guilt of not knowing who you were despite being in the same graduating class.
at the same time, he was glad that he seemed to have made a good impression on you  
“don’t worry, i won’t spill your little secret” you gestured to the worksheets which had red pen markings all over it, signs of jeno’s failures. you figured that the school’s star jock didn’t want the school knowing his inability to solve basic 12th-grade math problem 
you reached under the table to grab your backpack, causing jeno to reach a hand out to grasp your wrist 
“wait, where are you going?”
 a part of him was afraid that he was going to forget everything you taught him once you left, but the other part was extremely curious about you and wanted to know more
“i have somewhere to go?” you looked down at his hand and back up at him “you have something else you want to say?” 
sensing that his grip was making you feel uncomfortable, he quickly pulled his hand away. rubbing the back of his neck. he avoids your eyes, opting to stare at your feet instead. 
“this might be a little weird, but can you please tutor me? at least until next week when i have to take my make-or-break test.” jeno plead, embarrassment rushed to his cheeks in the form of a red blush when he realized how desperate he sounded. 
you let out a tiny giggle, totally different from your persona earlier. 
you took his pencil that was laying on the table to scribble something on the corner of his worksheet. patting his shoulder, you quickly left the boy staring at the piece of paper. 
don’t get confused (127) 312-0325 :)
a stupid smile made it’s way onto jeno’s lips as he quickly packed up his things in haste. he practically skips to soccer practice. maybe he even heel-clicked.  
lee jeno is not failing math! 
cute tutor acquired! 
but also, there’s this weird tingly feeling that jeno has inside. 
he doesn’t know what exactly it was but most likely it’s probably the reason why he was a goofy-ass smile on his face 
“dude, are you okay?” one of his teammates ask after he gets hits in the head with a soccer ball 
jeno, not even fazed by it one bit, just smiles and gives his teammates a big thumbs up 
“coach, i think there’s something wrong with jeno!” 
anyways, that night he’s extremely excited to text you. 
imagine jeno on his bed, laying on his stomach feet up in the air, taking at least an hour to construct a response that doesn’t make him seem lame or a fifty-year-old man like all of his friends say he texts like 
jeno is probably the type of person that texts, with all the correct capitalization and actual punction plus awkward spacing and usage of emojis 
this time he tried to be chill about it
jeno: hey, it’s me, jeno. sorry for bothering you this late at night, but i don’t understand this problem. can you help me pls? 
now jeno was currently awaiting your response….however, you don’t reply right away like jeno for some reason expects
he takes the waiting time to scroll through his social media and it’s the usual things he sees every day 
he sees the juniors’ chenle and his weird little friend talking about some sort of prank they’re going to pull, jaemin’s spam post on how he was stuck making prom decorations to fulfill his community service requirements, etc 
however, a sudden post from @/luccasss caught his attention
especially the girl sitting on top of an old blue car with the senior, middle fingers up  
his eyes glance at the caption quickly 
me and my main bitch fucking it up (pc to our little kiddo) 
wait a minute. 
jeno could remember you saying how you didn’t bother making friends w anyone, so what are you doing with the lucas wong? 
now lucas wong doesn’t have that great of a reputation around campus, especially since he was a held back his senior year. he blows off class and jeno has heard that he’s in cahoots with the stoners on campus too 
your account is tagged in the picture and luckily it’s on public, so jeno could secretly and shamefully stalk your page
while looking through your photos, jeno realizes that he really doesn’t know anything about…. you 
tbh he didn’t even know your name until he saw your bio and username. (facepalm @ jeno)
scrolling through your photos, he saw you posing with other boys and girls that he didn’t recognize making him assume that they were your friends from your old school 
his fingers land on a picture where you’re kissing a cheek of ridiculously good looking guy. checking the tag, he sees that it’s a guy whose username was something along the lines of cb_97
imma miss my ddy chan <3!! owo 
as he scrolling through the chan guy’s instagram, jeno becomes more dejected bc maybe he was too deep in his imagination that he got from watching too many dramas with ara 
letting out a sad sigh, jeno clicks his phone off and settles into bed. the more he thinks about it the more he feels insignificant to you which he was. 
for all he knows, he’s just a random kid in the library that you helped with a few math problems 
the next day, jeno walks into school with no pep in his step :( 
and as his certified besties, jaemin and renjun drag him into an empty classroom during lunch prying him to confess what’s got him down in the dumps 
and jeno knows he can’t hide anything from his besties so he just lets it all out 
jaemin, taking a long blink after his bff’s rant to process the newly acquired tea  “wow, bro. you got the feels” 
“exactly,” jeno groans “i only talked to her once! she doesn’t even know me!” 
“she knows you suck at math,” renjun points out 
and jeno threatens to throw a chair at his friend, but jaemin quickly stops him 
“okay, how about you just take it slow? like get to know her and let her get to know you. it could be that you’re just overthinking her kindness for helping you when you were desperate. appreciation is different from admiration” ngl jaemin was kinda-sorta right 
“btw, who is this chick anyway? you haven’t told us who it was” renjun asked, sitting on one of the empty desks  
“y/n, she transferred a couple months ago from miroh” 
renjun abruptly jumps to his feet, “the y/n l/n? the new math teacher’ daughter?” 
“you know her?” jeno quirks an eyebrow 
“dude she’s in my ap calculus class and she has the highest grade, but she never shows up to class,” renjun tells him. “she’s a straight, badass genius” 
jeno feels stupider as renjun continues to list all of your achievements and the art boy makes it seem like all of them were done effortlessly. 
how stupid was he in your eyes when he couldn’t solve regular senior math problems while you were out here solving college-based ones?
now you seem like a person farther and father away from him.
jaemin, his good-ol-buddy knows that jeno is over-analyzing the new information renjun was telling him, and he tries his best to hype is buddy up
“c’mon, you might not be a genius at math but you certainly are on any field, pool, and court. have some confidence!” 
deep down jeno knows that he should listen to his friend and that he should just be more confident in himself, but he can’t shake his feeling of insecurity and doubt 
so the next time he sees you laying on the empty table in the non-fiction section sleeping, he’s a bit more reluctant to approach you. instead, he quietly sits in the seat next to you as he pulls out his practice sheets to work and miserably fail on
except you don’t wake up for a looong time until jeno accidentally sneezes too loud, causing you to awaken
opening your eyes, you see the boy look at you with wide eyes as if he’s done something terribly wrong by waking you up 
“why do you look like i’m about to kill you or something?” you giggled watching as the boy in front of you became very flustered “why didn’t you wake me up when you came here?”
“oh, you look like you were in deep sleep, so i didn’t want to wake you up” 
you stretched your arms out, one hand over your mouth as you let out an inaudible yawn, “don’t worry about it. i’m always sleeping” 
you blamed all of your fatigue on lucas as it was his fault that you were tired out of your mind from the little night adventure he roped both you and a junior named eun (y/n from childhood-friend!chenle’s au) into. 
honestly, if it weren’t for lucas’s annoying ass laugh waking you up from your nap that one day, you probably wouldn’t have befriended the big bumbling bafoon. 
“yeah, but apparently i’m failing the twelfth-grade again bc i’m not allowed to just go to homeroom and p.e. i mean, who wants to learn about FUNCTIONS when you could just be looking up memes in the library?!?” - lucas wong, 2019
despite lucas’s overwhelming personality, you were quite thankful to have him as he reminded you of your old friends back at miroh, it was nice. 
eun was a soft-spoken child that often had to turn to you or lucas (which wasn’t always a good idea) for advice that you both were happy to give to the underclassmen. 
personally, you didn’t care that you only had like two friends, quality over quantity right? 
“earth to jeno?” you waved your hand in front of his face as he stayed unresponsive 
he mumbles something inaudible and points at a problem 
your eyes gloss over it taking in the problem, before quickly grabbing a pen and solving it. you spoke slowly as you explained the step-by-step solution that jeno had to do. 
when you look back at jeno to make sure that he was understanding the content, you noticed how the jock is off in his own universe and not paying attention to you. 
“please don’t make me repeat that again,” you sigh, catching jeno’s attention. you capped the pen and lightly tossed it on the table, proceeding to stretch out your hands above your head. 
“what’s up with you?” you asked, wondering why the boy who seemed desperate for your help yesterday, was now acting like he could care less. “and don’t give me that stupid, generic “nothing” bullshit.” 
“sorry, football was tough last night,” jeno said quietly, focusing on the problem. 
despite not being involved in the school festivities, you knew that it was well past football season. and that meant that jeno was lying to you. 
there was a slight pang of disappointment, but you pushed it aside. what were you expecting anyway? he probably only saw you as a tutor. 
you weren’t even his friend for fuck’s sake 
“let’s move onto the next problem” you say, quickly changing the subject. 
honestly, the two of you were fucking idiots. smh 
despite there being awkward tension between the two of you, you’re tutoring was actually very very helpful for jeno. he could actually understand what was going on in math class now. 
remember that test he had to take to ensure that he could play for his soccer match? jeno passed that with flying colors thanks to your careful explanations 
even after that test, the two of you kept your tutoring arrangement;;;and maybe jeno was falling even harder for you. 
he couldn’t help it though! the way you run your fingers through your hair or the way you puff out your cheeks when you’re trying to think of a way to explain something to jeno just makes leaves him star-struck. and every time he gets a problem right without your help, the proud smile that you give him makes his heart leap
it wasn’t like you were safe from the love bug either!! 
lee jeno was hard not to like and he was even harder to not fall for. 
the little cute noises that he makes when he’s lost, the way his eyes go wide when he finally understands the problem, and the eye-smile he gives you when he gets a problem right. 
your heart literally went uwu when jeno offered you his hoodie bc the two of you were sitting underneath the ac vent and you were shivering.
when you tried to give it back to him, he just shook his head and said “keep it, just in case you get cold” 
lee jeno was not healthy for your heart. uwu hours 24/7 
but the two of you were stuck in this weird relationship bc the two of you weren’t exactly friends, but also not strictly tutoring. you would share laughs here and there, but then quickly it would dial down and returned back to the math problems
some times when he was texting you, he would send a cute gif to show you that he understood and sometimes you would tell him about something funny/stupid lucas+eun or your other friends did. 
“just ask him out,” lucas tells you bluntly as the both of you chilled on the bleachers during lunch. 
“hard pass” 
“fine, then i’ll do it.” lucas shrugs, eliciting a hard smack from you 
“don’t embarrass me, you asstwat” 
“who said i was asking him out for you? that boy is a fine piece of meat” 
“istg, lucas, i’ll actually gouge your eyes out” you deadpanned. 
but big ol’ oaf lucas doesn't see you as an actual threat. and he reaches out to grab your cheeks causing your face to form into a fish pout 
“can you even reach me?” he teases, shaking around your face
and this the part where you’re pulling lucas into a headlock, oblivious to the fact that jeno was watching your toughy actions from afar
he kicked the soccer ball angrily into the goal causing jaemin to duck with a small shriek to avoid getting his head decapitated by jeno’s fastball 
“dude wtf!” jaemin shouts 
“sorry,” jeno mutters. 
jaemin looks over to where jeno was staring at and saw you and lucas being really handsy with each other. from that distance that the two boys were looking it, it didn’t look like the roughhousing the two of you were actually doing
you pulling his hair to them looked like you were playing around with it  
jaemin’s buddy jeno be looking like a kicked puppy rn, muttering under his breath about his shortcommings
jaemin is bout ready to slap him upside down the head for having no confidence or whateves
“can you stop talking shit about my bestfriend now?” jaemin @ jeno but the boy is on a whole ass rant on why he sucks in comparison to lucas
“of course she doesn’t like me. she has a whole lucas wong and he’s 6′0 ft of handsomeness. he’s fun and exciting, i’m staler than a moldy piece of bread!” 
can jeno just love himself??????? is that to much to ask? 
“i’ll just never be good enough for her. i’m not her type, she can do better than me.” 
cue jaemin intense internal screaming 
one day, jeno was going to your usual sitting spot in the library when he sees lucas chilling with eun—a girl that he’s seen around with his friend chenle. they were both laughing at something on lucas’s phone. 
jeno looks at the sight confused. cause like aren’t you and lucas a thing? like why was this boy looking really chummy with this underclassmen? 
so jeno clears his throat to catch their attention and both of them look at him like “who tf are you?”
“where’s y/n? she’s suppose to be tutoring me” jeno says 
a look of recognition flashes across lucas’s and eun’s at the sound of y/ns name. the younger female whispers something to the senior causing him to clap his hands. 
“oh so you’re, jeno??” lucas says in this voice
and jeno awkwardly nods
“yeah, y/n is skipping school today so she told me to tell you to look over the notes she wrote out for you” lucas pulled out a notebook and handed it to jeno
jeno flips through it carefully, examining the words you wrote in your familiar handwriting; there was also a highlight code system and little side comments to help him
“thanks” jeno about to leave but lucas’s next comments stop him
“you’re lucky that y/n likes you enough to do that for you. she wouldn’t even tell me whats 4x4 when i asked her” lucas slumped into his seat
“that because she thinks you have chronic stupidity” the underclassmen said, giggling
“aren’t you suppose to be on my side you little pipsqueak” lucas says jokily, rubbing her head. 
and jeno is watching the exchange, getting more and more confused
did y/n know that lucas was hanging out w another girl without you?
“did you need something else, jeno?”  eun asked him
jeno is about to say no, but different words left his mouth
“aren’t you dating y/n, lucas?”
there was a silence that lasted for a good minute, both lucas and the underclassmen giving jeno a blank stare….
until lucas bust out into ugly laughter, bent over his seat delirious and eun was also laughing along but not to the same degree.
was it really that funny? jeno be staying confused
it wasn’t until the librarian came to shush the two did they stop laughing
lucas wiped away tears of laughter from his eyes “that was a good one!”
“what do you mean?” jeno asked
“pffft eun would rather date a rabid animal than me,” lucas said “she’s only friends w me bc i forced her to be”
oh! that was news to jeno
“besides, lucas isn't y/n’s type” eun revealed, shocking jeno
oh really now? 
“yeah, you fit her type really well,” lucas stated nonchalantly. 
eun is like BRUH WHY WOULD YOU REVEAL THAT but doesn’t say anything and kicks lucas underneath the table. she could already picture the pure anger once her friend found out that lucas spilled her secret crush that easily. 
robot jeno is just standing there holding the notebook and deep in thought. 
“is he okay?” lucas whispers, looking up and down at jeno. eun shrugs in response 
bOOM jeno zoom zooms away and the two high schoolers shrug at the jocks before returning to looking at dank memes 
jeno basically charges down to the only female he’s friends with for advice, ara. (go read my fucqboi! jaemin for the backstory!) 
conveniently, he finds both his jaemin and ara standing at her locker talking. tbh it looked more like jaemin trying to flirt with ara and her ignoring him. 
but right now his friend’s girl problems were the least of jeno’s concerns! 
so jeno basically hulk yanks jaemin away from ara and has the most serious expression on his face “i need your help, ara” 
and he drags ara off to a more secluded place to explain his current situation to, ignoring jaemin’s whines
“to be honest with you, i think you need to have more confidence. now that you know that she isn't interested in lucas, why don’t you just take the initiative to confess?” ara says once jeno explained to her every juicy detail of his hopeless love story. 
“because i don’t think that she likes me. there’s nothing special about me. the only things i’m good at are sports and that’s not very interesting!” jeno exclaims “she probably thinks i’m an actual idiot!” 
“jeno, listen, i’m only going to say this once, but please please understand that you’re a very special person, okay? you’re extremely hard-working, nice, and honestly very fun to be around. it would take a fool to not like you, lee jeno.” ara sighed, patting her friend’s shoulder “just shoot your shot. if it doesn’t make it in, it’s okay.” 
but jeno doesn’t like leaving things to chance. he wants to be sure and he hates uncertainty. 
“when you’re competing or playing against someone, you have no idea how the whole game is going to pan out. all you know to do is to try your best and go all out to ensure the very best result so that you can win. liking someone is like that, you just have to go forward and hopefully, you’ll be able to score a home run or a touchdown.”  
that was sum deep shit 
after listening carefully to ara’s words, jeno came to a conclusion
just maybe
jeno will take a chance.  
reaching into his pocket, he pulls out his phone and sends a text. 
jeno: can you meet me at neo ice cream later? i have something important to tell you. 
y/n: yeah ofc. i’ll see you at 4 
he had soccer practice today and for the very first time, jeno was skipping practice, his favorite time. the only time where he’s ever fully confident in his abilities, where his stupid insecurities can’t get to him. 
this was more important the temporary self-gratification that jeno gets when he’s able to fly through practice with ease
lee jeno was taking a leap, unsure of where he’ll fall. 
today, he’ll shoot his shot. and hopefully, you’ll catch. 
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goffilolo · 7 years
Demise of Midoriya Izuku Part 8
God this was a long chapter. I hope you will enjoy it. you can read the full fanfic on ao3 here: https://archiveofourown.org/series/776826
I’m currently on a christmas break, however i have a very long essay to write so im not sure if ill be able to write/draw any more demise!au stuff.
Izuku was tired.
It was nothing new per se, as for the last month the teenager has become very well acquainted with the feeling of exhaustion as a side effect of his medication. “It’s normal” said Shin during their last appointment “Your brain is still going through an adjustment period, and insomnia is a rather common side effect of a lot of antidepressants”. So yeah, it was all good.
Except it wasn’t.
Given that no one was willing to rid the boy of his sleepless turmoil, Izuku decided to take the matters into his own hands. Because fuck Shin. In the hindsight, all of this was a very bad idea.
It all started during one of his usual conversations with Mrs. Todoroki, only this time they were joined by her daughter Fuyumi. The first observation Izuku made upon her entrance, was that this young woman was almost a splitting image of Mrs. Todoroki, save for the hot red streaks in her hair, undoubtedly inherited from her asshole father. After talking to her for a bit, Izuku was quite pleased to learn that she has not in fact inherited her father’s god tier assholism. Izuku has never met the man, he doesn’t need to, at least not yet.
After brief introductions they have resumed to their previous conversation.
“So how did meeting with piece of shit go?” asked Mrs. Todoroki, her question quickly followed by Fuyumi’s scandalised expression at hearing her mother use such foul language.
“Meh, it was your typical melodrama bullshit. Some shouting and insults were thrown around, well mostly by me, and crying” replied Izuku in a rather nonchalant fashion, completely disregarding Fuyumi’s shock and confusion.
The word got round quickly in this ward, meaning that most of the patients and staff were in on Izuku’s personal drama and so they all came to a silent agreement to refer to Bakugou as ‘piece of shit’ and never call him by his actual name. And so over time Bakugou became the psychiatric ward’s very own Voldemort. But Fuyumi doesn’t know that yet, bless her soul.
“You actually cried?”
“Oh no, not me, piece of shit did. Honestly you should’ve been there, Shin was there for emotional support and kept staring daggers at him, it was hilarious” sneered the boy upon remembering the Bakugou shitshow with some sort of twisted fondness. His enthusiasm was however quickly disrupted by a long, loud yawn coming the boy’s mouth.
“Didn’t get a good night’s sleep?” asked Fuyumi.
“More like a good month’s sleep” snapped Izuku, rubbing his temples as much as the bandage around his head allowed him to. “And that bitch Shin won’t prescribe me anything cause it would clash with my antidepressants” scoffed the boy.
“You know that Dr. Iyashi cares about your wellbeing and wouldn’t want to give you anything with nasty side-effects” said Mrs. Todoroki as she stroked Izuku’s shoulders in a gentle, matherly manner.
“Wait a minute” chimed in Fuyumi “Prescription won’t do, but what about over the counter stuff? There must be some sleep relief that you could take”.
“Oh, really?” said Izuku, with a hint of amusement and sarcasm “What are gonna do? Smuggle some Quil into the hospital for me?”
The determined  smile on Fuyumi’s face told Izuku that indeed, she would. ‘Well then’ thought Izuku ‘This is going to be fun’.
The next day Izuku has found two bottles being dropped onto his lap, while the boy was busy filling up his notebook with sketches of Endeavour being eaten alive by crocodiles. If you looked closely enough you’d also notice that some of them contained an already half eaten Bakugou.
He raised his brow at the bottles, then looked up to see Fuyumi looking very smug.
“I got the Quil” she said, very proud of herself.
“I can see that” replied Izuku, looking back and forth between the two bottles “Why two?” he asked, confusion and curiosity seeping into his voice.
“I forgot whether you needed DayQuil or NyQuil so I got you both!”
Looking at very pleased Fuyumi, Izuku didn’t have it in him to grace the statement with a proper reply that wouldn’t point out the stupidity and irresponsibility of casually getting two substances that are meant to do the exact opposite, which then lead to a train thought of ‘what if you mix them?’.
“Thank you Fuyumi-neesan!”
And thus Izuku was left alone in his hospital room, the notebook long forgotten, staring at the content of the two bottles, as the nerdy part of his brain deciding to wake up and cause drama. ‘If you mix DayQuil and NyQuil, you end up with what, ForeverQuil? Or given that the substances are meant to do the opposite would they cancel each other out and have no effect when consumed simultaneously? No, that doesn’t seem right, it’s more likely that they would disturb a sleeping pattern, but given that mine is already fucked, how would I be able to tell...’
“SHIT, I’m mumbling again!”
So many questions that demand to be answered, a hypothesis that needs a confirmation and a curiosity waiting around the corner, ready to kill the metaphorical cat.
“Ugh, fuck it” said Izuku as he gulped down both substances in one go.
That’s when everything went to shit.
At first he didn’t feel any different. He spent a good portion of time looking out of the window, admiring the weather - it’s almost May so the days were getting brighter, warmer - waiting for something, anything to happen.
Things got a bit blurry after a while. Izuku could feel his BRAIN getting blurry, which he didn’t even know was possible. But apparently losing contact with reality does things to you.
As Izuku slowly regained clarity, the first thing he noticed was the sluggish feeling and the pounding in his head, reminding him of the first time he woke up in this god forsaken loony bin.
The second thing he noticed was the darkness. At first, he thought that one of the nurses has closed the curtains while he was out of it, but no, the curtains were open, and upon closer inspection Izuku came to realisation that it was in fact, night time. Which was strange...to say the least, since it was still sunny just a few seconds ago. ‘Is this some sort of a quirk? Probably not.’ he thought, which meant there was only one option left.
His shout was followed by a tired groan, which definitely did not belong to him.
“Dr. Iyashi, he’s at it again!” shouted Mrs. Todoroki.
Wait a minute, Mrs. Todoroki? When did she get here?
Izuku whipped his head to the side, where the woman was sitting in a chair by his bedside, with Shin standing in the doorway, looking down at a clipboard.
“What the-shit did you get in here?” asked Izuku, his brain still sluggish and disoriented about the whole situation.
Shin chooses that moment to walk into the room “Do you remember what happened?” he asked.
“No? I was sitting here and it was day and suddenly it’s night, so obviously it was Quil induced time travel” said Izuku, as his lagging brain allowed for all the ridiculous bullshit to spill out of his mouth.
Shin does not look impressed.
“You absolute, fucking idiot!” shouted the doctor “Why in the world would you mix DayQuil and NyQuil together? Are you completely insane? What did you think would happen?!”
“First of all, if I was sane I wouldn’t even be here. Second of all, who told you about my Quil?” asked the boy, his eyes suddenly focused, full of suspicion.
At that moment Fuyumi poked her head through the entrance and waved at Izuku as she made her way through the room and stood by her mother’s side.
“Sorry, I had to tell him since it’s all my fault you went delirious in the first place” she said, her face portraying nothing but guilt.
“It was very irresponsible of you!” said the doctor, his gaze switching between Izuku and Fuyumi “Not only did you take medication against a doctor’s recommendation, you even roped others into smuggling unauthorised substance into the hospital…”
And Shin went into the ‘ranting dad’ mode. It was a perfect time to zone out.
While the doctor was busy lecturing everyone about the dangers of overdosing and mixing medications, Izuku picked up the discarded notebook in hopes of finishing that sketch of Endeavour being devoured by crocodiles. His drawing skills were improving, that’s for sure. Maybe once he’s finished he’d show it to Mrs. Todoroki.
‘I think she would like that’ thought Izuku.
Except when he opened his notebook on the most recent page, instead of Endeavour massacre, Izuku was met with lines upon lines of text, written in what can only be described as very rushed and frenzied handwriting, which undeniably belonged to Izuku. The pages were also adorned with big bold letters at the top stating ‘ENDEAVOUR THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL’.
‘When did I write that?!’ Izuku was rather astonished as he started to skim through his writing and came to a conclusion that what he was reading was in fact a conspiracy theory. A very detailed one at that.
“Izuku, are you listening?” asked the doctor.
“No” he replied absentmindedly.
But the writing in his notebook and the overall situation left Izuku very confused. The moonlight illuminated parts of the room, a reminder of a mysterious time slip, which apparently was not quil induced time travel. Izuku needed the answers, and he needed them NOW.
“Can anyone tell me what happened?”
His question was met with a long, awkward silence, as the other individuals in the room looked at one another, not knowing what to say.
“Alright…” Mrs. Todoroki broke the silence “...where do we start?”
Iyashi Shin was finally having his well deserved lunch break. After starting his shift at 6 am, he felt exhausted and he was barely halfway through. And so Shin planned to have a short nap during his break to recharge. ‘What am I, an old man?’ he thought to himself ‘Probably, at least I’m on a good way to becoming one. Not getting any younger either, I’m turning forty next year.’
‘Ugh, this calls for a mid-life crisis nap’ he thought while lying on the couch in his office, being slowly lulled to sleep by the ticking of the clock.
Suddenly Shin was awakened by an obnoxiously loud laugh coming from the corridor. He was annoyed at having his nap interrupted, but the annoyance was outweighed by sheer curiosity, as one does not get a lot of laughing in this part of the hospital.
The doctor soon  got up and opened the door he was once again met with the obnoxious laugh, only this time louder as it came from a man who was currently walking out of Izuku’s room.
“Haha...it was nice talking to you Midoriya. I’m glad you’re in a good mood” called out the man “I’ll be back tomorrow to check your homework!”
‘Homework? Ah, it must be Izuku’s teacher’ thought Shin with a bit of suspicion as he remembered his patient talking about his homeroom teacher in a … less than friendly manner.
‘So why would the laugh? I thought Izuku hated the guy.’
As the teacher walked away from Izuku’s room he bumped into Shin, who was standing in the middle of the corridor, lost in thought.
“Ah, Dr. Iyashi didn’t see you there!” exclaimed the teacher. He sure was in a good mood, a stark contrast to his usual visits.
“Good afternoon, how was your visit?” asked Shin, trying to squeeze out some details out of the man.
The teacher laughed again trying to get a hold of himself “Oh it was great, I haven’t laughed so much in ages. Whatever meds you put him on, they’re doing god’s work!”
“Really? What did Izuku say?”
“You know Bakugou-kun, right?”
“Of course, the one responsible for the shitstorm that is Izuku’s depression” stated the doctor as a matter of fact.
The teacher stilled his movement, unprepared for the blatant statement. Trying to dissolved the tension, he continued “Yeah, him. Anyways, Midoriya was asking about him and he seemed stuck on on his name so he said…” he stopped for a bit, trying to mimic his student’s voice and speaking manner “ ‘you know the angry, shouty one, what was his name...Fuckugou?’ and I just lost it right there! Buahaha!” sneered the teacher, waiting for Shin to have a similar reaction.
And boy was he not disappointed.
“Fuckugou!” exclaimed Shin “That’s a good one, gotta tell it to the nurses, it will spread like wildfire!”
“Fuckugou?” asked Izuku.
“Fuckugou” confirmed Shin.
“That...is funny as hell, but it doesn’t really sound like me.”
“I know, which is why I was concerned. Mind you I still needed my nap, so I asked Mrs. Todoroki to keep an eye on you in the meanwhile” explained the doctor as both him and Izuku turned their heads in the direction of the white haired woman.
Mrs. Todoroki was having a good day. And by good she meant boring. In all honesty there’s only so much a person can do in this place before being driven further into insanity. She was currently sitting in the common room in the company of her daughter who has dropped in earlier to give Izuku the sleeping medication they talked about yesterday.
Which is why she was more than a little surprised when Dr. Iyashi approached her, asking to keep an eye on Izuku, who right now should be sleeping like a baby from the medication.
Nevertheless she agreed, as the doctor seemed deeply concerned about the boy who has managed to settle himself nice and cosy in a particular place in her heart; reserved exclusively for her children. ‘Well then’ thought the woman as she came to a realisation ‘Looks like I now have five children.’
Just as Mrs. Todoroki considered brushing off Dr. Iyashi’s concerns, her train of thought was disrupted by a maniacal laugh that belonged to no other than Izuku himself.
The teenager in question wheeled himself into the common room at a speed that should not be achievable for a wheelchair, his hair wilder than usual, eyes wide open, pupils dilated. The boy’s face was devoid of any sanity.
“HOLY SHIT MRS. TODOROKI!” he screamed.
“Are you high?” she asked, full of disbelief at the state the boy was in.
“I got the answers” announced Izuku, completely disregarding the woman’s question.
“What answers?”
“All the answers! To everything! I CAN FEEL THE UNIVERSE EXPANDING IN MY BONES!” shouted Izuku, further disturbing and scaring other occupants of the room.
‘Oh, is this why Dr. Iyashi was concerned? What do I do with him?’
“Right…” said Mrs. Todoroki, hoping to distract the boy for a bit “...why don’t you sit with me and Fuyumi and tell us all the answers? Just remember to keep your voice down” she added in her motherly tone.
Although Izuku seemed quite out of contact with reality, he did as he was told. After wheeling himself next to Fuyumi he whipped out one of his notebooks seemingly out of nowhere and began to speak.
“From the evolutionary standpoint my existence is a liability to human advancement. Every year the number of people born quirkless decreases as our gener are to be replaced with the superior ones of those with quirks. I’m going extinct! Both my parents have quirks, yet I was born without one, I’m an anomaly I SHOULD CEASE TO EXIST!” screeched Izuku as he seemed to be having an existential crisis that was accompanied by what he thought were diagrams from his notebook, which to everyone besides him looked like a bunch of gibberish and nonsense.
“WHY DO I EXIST?” screamed the boy in agony as once again he began to wheel himself at an impossible speed out of the room.
The Todoroki women were left stunned, looking at one another and then back at the spot previously occupied by the insane teenager.
“What did you give him?” asked the mother.
“The Quil”
“What Quil?”
“All the Quil.”
“Go and get Dr. Iyashi. I’ll stay here in case Izuku comes back” she said while rubbing her temples out of frustration.
“Oh, fuck, what happened after that?” asked Izuku, no longer in disbelief, but amusement. While he had no recollection of any of this happening he felt like he was listening to a rundown of an episode from ‘it’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia’.
He seemed to be the only one enjoying himself though. The adults in the room on the other hand were very much tired of his shit after having to deal with Quil induced Izuku the whole day.
“You wheeled yourself around the ward while screaming ‘I challenged God to a knife fight’. What actually happened was you stole a scalpel from a surgeon, don’t know how, and started stabbing one of the All Might sketches in your notebook” relayed Mrs. Todoroki in the most flat and no-bullshit tone she could manage.
“Haha, yeah that sounds like me!”
“Now then…” announced Shin as he stood up addressing everyone at once“...it’s been a long day for everyone. Mrs. Todoroki please go back to your room for today. Ms. Fuyumi, thank you for everything. I will see you again. Izuku, you little shit, we’re going to have a talk.”
As the two women got up and left the room, Izuku was left alone with his psychiatrist. While he knew that Shin was only concerned about his well being he didn’t look forward to being nagged by the doctor again.
Instead of talking, Shin just ripped of a piece of paper from his clipboard and handed it to Izuku without any explanation.
“Any what is this?” asked Izuku, eyeing the piece of paper suspiciously.
“ A prescription for Ramelteon” says Shin “It’s most commonly used as antidepressant, but it also works as a sleeping drug. It’s also one of very few that does not lead to a dependence. Take this to the dispensary now, they will sort everything out and you will be getting your dose from tomorrow evening onwards.”
“I know I was very reluctant to give you anything besides antidepressants…” he continues “...but I’d rather do this than have you going batshit crazy with whatever alternatives you’re willing to try. Please be careful in the future Izuku, I mean it” he finishes with a warning tone.
“Can’t promise anything” said Izuku, his voice full of mischief.
“In that case I can’t promise that I won’t smack you on the head next time you pull of shit like this” replied the doctor, as he walked out of his patient’s room, hiding his smile behind the clipboard.
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