#i could take a look at a a short-ish oneshot/chapter and see if we work well together?
chaoslynx · 3 years
Hey, Im glad ur okay and safe! I just wanted to ask if u have any tips on getting beta readers to go over your work?
Hey! I wasn't sure if there's anything specific you were looking for, so I tried to cover everything I've learned about from working with beta readers, including whether you need one, how to find one, and how to work with them once you do. Sorry this got kinda (really?) long.
How-To: Beta Readers!
Do you need a beta reader?
Short answer: No. But it can be helpful and fun!
I'm gonna start by saying that none of my oneshots (with maybe one or two exceptions?) are beta read, and it's definitely not something that you need in fanfiction, imo. (Traditional publishing is a completely different story.) Don't think of it as a big milestone that you have to reach or anything like that, and if you do get a beta reader, don't get stuck thinking that you have to have one forever now. Most of my favorite fanfic authors don't work with beta readers at all.
How do you even get a beta reader?
Good question.
Honestly, the first beta reader I worked with was on my first multi-chapter fic, and she reached out to me first. I had expressed in the author's notes of a oneshot that I was considering writing a multi-chapter fic but was super nervous about it, and she commented offering to beta if I needed extra reassurance. I went through a whole existential crisis of sorts where I had no idea if I wanted to accept or not. She actually ended up working with me on both Feelings and Water!
All of the other beta readers I've had have also been people that I met through the fandom. If you're looking for a beta reader, you could try asking in the author's notes of a fic you post on ao3, or making a Tumblr post. If you have IRL friends who are familiar with the media you're writing for, you could ask them!
Okay, I have my beta reader ... now what?
If you do want to work with a beta reader, and you're able to find someone who you think you'll work well with, here are some tips for how to actually do the thing!
Talk about content warnings. Are there any specific triggers your beta will want to avoid completely? Anything they need to be warned about in advance?
Tell them if there's anything specific you want them to look out for. What are you struggling with? Characterization, dialogue, description, grammar, plot? What's your weak point? Why do you want a beta reader?
Make sure you're both comfortable with you rejecting any of their suggestions. On the beta's end it can be hard to see your suggestion shot down, and on the author's side it can be difficult to trust your own judgement, but usually the final call should be up to the author.
Also, make sure you're both aware that either of you can end the agreement with no hard feelings at any time. There could be a million reasons why it might not work out: real life obligations, scheduling/deadline issues, creative differences, or maybe one of you just decides that you'd rather work on your own. Please do not feel like you're stuck with your beta reader (or that you're stuck with your author) if anything comes up.
Talk about if any issues come up! Would it help your confidence more if they left positive comments, or does it feel like they're not actually helping if they compliment your writing too much? Are they paying too much attention to grammar when you only really wanted help on characterization? And on the beta reader's side, do you prefer if the author replies to your comments? Do you want it to be a back-and-forth communication, or do you want to be Done once you've finished a chapter/fic? Make sure you're in communication about this stuff.
How do we get the info back and forth?
Ah, of course, the actual technical aspect of it. I use Google Drive (for all my writing, not just for beta reading purposes), so I just make the document sharable (turn on "anyone with the link can comment"), send the link to the beta reader over Tumblr messages/Discord/whatever, and then ask them to let me know when they're done looking at a chapter. You can also use Google Drive to share directly with someone's email address and choose whether they can comment, edit, or just view. (I give beta readers comment access, but not edit.)
In the trad pub world, I've mostly seen critique partners use the Track Changes option on Microsoft Word. (I think the option is also compatible with OpenOffice so you don't have to buy MS Office).
You could also just tell each other your thoughts over messages, or whatever works best for you! I'm sure there are a million ways to do it.
For safety reasons (and deadname reasons lmao), please keep in mind what display name your Google Drive or MS Word account is going to show to your critique partner. This goes for both parties.
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kittytheartist · 2 years
Hi there!
Do you have ideas for Beta TeruKane??
hi Anon! ^w^
i presume you mean like the pilots? oh boyyy yes this is so fun!
so beta!Akane we got was in one of AidaIro's short stories for a competition, and in a Oneshot. beta!Teru is something we never got, only mentioned, but I could imagine what my boy Teru was like...
I'll try and keep this brief so we can get to Beta TeruKane...
Beta!Akane seemed a lot more either emotional or smirky.
Beta!Akane already seems more laid back and smiley then the now one, more open with classmates and friends.
he even stops here when he's noticed, I don't think canon Akane would stop like this, and say his hand slipped tbh
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we've seen Akane go for the kill before, with the after school with Satou and Yokoo, but he isn't like this so yk
and he reacts to things differently then canon would
ALSO HE SUPER GAY!!! like this man isn't hiding anything...
Akane here after seeing a photoshop of Hatori being well....
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his first reaction is "woah..." AND ISN'T APPOSED HE'S JUST IN AWE??????
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his first reaction to why Aoi fell in love with Yamabuki is well....just him being him, Akane never questioned "why" she did, although he DID call Yamabuki names but well....
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he said he wouldn't have minded being friends with him and that he enjoyed his company, he even stopped to hear Yamabuki out in the first place.
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not to mention he wants to talk about Hatori, and how she feels about him and what she likes, tbh sounds like you're gay for the council president again Akane....
and Teru was only mentioned ONCE in the pilot and that was by Kou...
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he's studying and seems plans for more in his future then our current Teru. and clearly isn't as "on top" of everything and seems more on average-ish intellect and is actually taking time to study. and he like canon asked Kou to help with the seven mysteries case, but it's not as much as a problem as in current but Teru trusted Kou more in pilot then how he is in the manga, and I can see why, Kou is a lot better and more set on his morals in the pilot...
but I can imagine beta!Teru took the happy go lucky he was on the date and 10x that, he'd be happier like how Akane seems more genuinely nice, but murderous.
but we all saw how Kou acted and seems like how he was raised. so Teru would be a BIT more uplifting when he exercises supernaturals, but if anything he'd have a blank expression contrary to Kou's expression before the roof broke beneath him. clearly the Minamoto's in pilot don't waste time, so I'm not so sure Teru's tactic Kou explained in the young exercist arc would be as present in the pilot.
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basically I think he'd be like this 24/7
and his school persona, wouldn't be as fake, he'd be more
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okay so we have middle school Akane + Teru getting good sleep
I think TeruKane hating each other would be more low-key, when I say that I mean they'd be more undertone. not in an indirect way, but when Akane was like this
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this would be more how Akane would act tbh, and Teru would be more like how he was in the after school chapter (chapter six) or when he issued the challenge in chapter 59.
they'd be either happy go lucky "I hate your fucking guts^^" or straight faced "are you seriously trying me right now?"
Akane might get crazy looking at times (unlike canon) like when he talked about Aoi-Chan except he's mad Teru keeps interrupting his council work. Teru on the other hand ignores his antics and continues his work, but nonchalantly just making his life harder and acting like he didn't do anything wrong, and is curious on why he feels that way.
like canon they still mutually trust each other but Teru gives that smile he gave in chapter 29 when Nene leaves the council room.
Akane as much as in canon is quick to admit Teru is VERY attractive beta!Akane is more open about it, he's just gayer okay???? Akane can actually see why the school has fallen for him but will still says he's a shrewd bastard and that the school SHOULDN'T fall for him. and Beta!Akane would just give that plastered blank face we got pilot Akane wearing a lot.
Teru when he's talking about how unpleasant Akane is he'd give his sigh closed eye face I put in the images of Teru earlier.
beta TeruKane is kinda scary but also very fun ówò it can be hard to imagine some of the scenarios in canon with beta and deciding whether they'd do the same or react the same or what would be different but I LOVE canon sm idk how I could change my beloved TeruKane😭
okay I'm done ehe~ I hope this was good for you Anon~! I really enjoyed this ask tbh and was very excited about it...
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Dear Starshot, I recently saw your latest artwork for #Shisui Uchiha and the Lost Treasure of Asura and I am DYING to learn more about this AU. If you're comfortable sharing, is there anything you can disclose about it?? Is this related to the ItaShi Indiana Jones AU you mentioned before?!!?!?!?!!
Hi Birk, thank you so much for dropping by with this ask! Are you really voluntarily asking me to talk about my current obsession and fanfic baby though? Because I warn you, you may live to regret that!!!
"Shisui Uchiha and the Lost Treasure of Asura" is now the official title of my ItaShi Indiana Jones AU. I realise it’s been over a year since I first mentioned it, and it’s still a WIP! Pretty sure that says absolutely nothing good about the speed of my writing, but a lot about how busy my life outside of fandom is. Anyhow, it’s definitely one of those AUs that’s got away on me. I was planning one story initially, but now it’s kind of turned into three (plus a cracky oneshot), and this is just the first.
I’ve planned nine chapters total so far, but the bane of my life is currently number four. It’s sitting at 16,000 words and counting. Succinct writing? I’ve certainly never heard of it… So anyway, I kind of hit a wall there and decided to take a little break to come back with fresh eyes. That’s how I ended up working on the art instead. But I’d say I’m probably about halfway through the first draft (47,000-ish words).
I recently shared the opening scene and my draft cover artwork here. Ummm… what else can I tell you? Madara is the main bad guy, and he’s definitely a few sandwiches short of a picnic. Shisui is an agent of disaster and chaos. Itachi is really… not. So their initial interactions go about as well as you could expect.
All the main characters have extensive back stories. I’m pretty sure you’re already familiar with my Machiavellian worldbuilding tendencies from reading Red Dawn, so it goes without saying I have just as many notes and plans, and as much fleshed out worldbuilding for this story too. And it will take a long time for all of that to be revealed! But the overarching theme is probably found family, which is different to anything I’ve done before.
At this risk of revealing too much, or boring you to tears, I’ll finish with another sneak peek, this time from Itachi’s POV:
When Itachi wakes, there’s nothing to suggest his day is going to be anything but routine.
He gets up at dawn as per usual, eating breakfast at the dining table alone, legs tucked beneath him on a comfortable zabuton. The solitude at this hour of day is something he prefers. It’s the only time the family home is quiet anymore—lacking the cold disapproval of his father’s increasingly judgemental lectures, the anger of his younger brother’s rebellion, or the resigned acquiescence of his mother.
By now, Fugaku should have left for work, and it’s still too early for Sasuke to be awake, given how late he’s been staying out at night. Either to irritate their father, or just avoid him entirely, he’s taken to frequenting the clubs and bars in Osaka. Mostly, he comes home. Some nights, he doesn’t.
More often than not, even when he is home his door is closed, the thumping bass line of some song or another seeping out from beneath it. Likely because he knows this angers their father even more than the leather jackets and spiked punk-rock hair style he now sports.
Part of Itachi has been glad to discover his brother possesses more of a spine than he ever has. But at the same time, Sasuke’s rejection of every last one of their father’s rules has only brought more unwanted scrutiny to Itachi’s far more minor transgressions. It’s as though, having decided his younger child is a lost cause, Fugaku now wants to be absolutely certain his eldest son and heir to the Uchiha family fortune is beyond reproach. To smother him with expectations until he emerges, a diamond from beneath the pressure.
But unbeknownst to Fugaku, Itachi has one flaw he can’t change. And it means that, no matter what, he’ll always be a failure in his father’s eyes.
Sighing, he swallows a mouthful of rice and fish, washing it down with the sweetened barley tea he favours. Pulling this month’s edition of Modern Archaeology across the table, he inspects its glossy cover and promptly chokes on his drink.
The face that smiles up from the page stokes a knot of hot irritation in his gut. Furiously, he skips to the article, skim-reading the text, despite the fact he knows it will only annoy him further.
"An up-and-coming star in the field of archaeology, particularly specialising in South-American cultures, Shisui Uchiha is an increasingly well-known fixture of the San Diego research scene. Curiously for someone so entrenched in the study of history, he is famously reticent when it comes to his own. ‘I did spend my early years in Japan,’ he confirms when pressed. ‘But I haven’t been back in a long time. The United States is my home now.’ Asked about his connection to the famous Uchiha family, he merely winks enigmatically. ‘Never heard of them,’ he says, before asking if we’d like a one-on-one tour of the dig site.
Equally at home in dusty ruins as surfing the palm-lined SoCal beaches, or scaling the cliffs of his native Joshua Tree National Park, he nonetheless shines in group settings too. At the party we attend that evening, to celebrate the opening of a new Aztec exhibit at the Museo Nacional de Antropología in Mexico City, he easily charms the crowd, finishing the night with at least half a dozen new admirers. It’s not hard to see why they like him. A conversation with Shisui is exercise in passion and obscure historical knowledge. Even so, much like the dig sites he frequents, it’s hard to say just how much of what he presents to the world runs more than surface-deep.
His motto in life? ‘Fall seven times, stand up eight,’ Shisui says with a charismatic smile. Where did he learn it? Chuckling, he brushes us off. ‘The school of hard knocks.’
Love him or hate him, one thing is certain—we haven’t seen the last of Shisui Uchiha’s brand of archaeology.”
Hate him, Itachi thinks, sipping his tea viciously enough to scald his tongue and immediately regretting it. Definitely hate. Hate how he’s reckless, impulsive, irresponsible, and doesn’t seem to take a single thing seriously. Hate that it looks like he’s never had to work hard for anything a day in his life—people only too happy to hand him whatever he wants on a silver platter, charmed by a pretty smile. Hate the fact that, despite their shared family name, he’s free to do whatever he likes. Hate the way people flock to him, falling into his orbit—and by all accounts, bed—like it’s somehow inevitable. And hate, most of all, that there’s a small part of Itachi which understands why.
Because hate or love him—and it’s definitely hate—there’s no denying that Shisui Uchiha is, objectively, a very attractive man.
Coming back to his senses and realising he’s been leaning over the magazine, frowning so hard his forehead hurts, Itachi straightens, closing his eyes and massaging the knot of tension out from between his eyebrows.
The tension sinks in even deeper. He opens his eyes. “Father.”
Fugaku takes in magazine, then his son, and Itachi really hopes his cheeks aren’t as flushed as they feel. It’s stupid, but merely knowing he feels the way he does about the man on the page makes him fear being caught. As though his father might somehow divine his deepest darkest secret, just by looking. Truthfully, Itachi sometimes wonders if he might not already know, or at least suspect. But if he does, it’s clearly a truth he’s chosen not to acknowledge.
“I take it you’re prepared for our meeting this evening?” Fugaku asks, grim as ever.
Attempting a composed sip of his tea, Itachi nods. “Yes. Of course.”
Mouth a hard, unyielding line, Fugaku makes some indiscernible noise of disapproval, sweeping an appraising glance over Itachi. “Well, I suppose it’s too much to hope that anything can be done about your hair between then and now. But they’re a modern family. New money. Perhaps it won’t matter so much.”
Fingers tightening into the flesh of his thigh, Itachi has to remind himself to breathe. “I will do my best to make a good impression,” he says, inclining his head towards his father, penitence for his innumerable shortcomings—not least of all the choice to grow his hair out. It’s a small act of rebellion compared to Sasuke’s effort, but one his father seems determined to curtail as promptly as possible.
Poker face easing ever so slightly, Fugaku’s brows trend downwards, though their slant is still severe. “I know. You are my son, after all. And it is high time you were married with a family of your own. Perhaps then you will see the value in giving up these frivolous academic pursuits, and taking your rightful place at the head of the family business.”
He might as well build a box and stuff Itachi into it. Mold him to fit his own vision of the future. But Itachi has long since learnt that what he wishes he could have from life, and what he can have, are two very different things. So, just like his infrequent clandestine trips to the less desirable areas of Osaka’s nightlife, this too, he realises he will have to sacrifice. Duty before self.
“Yes Father, I’m certain you’re right,” he says, bowing once more as Fugaku leaves for work, closing the front door behind him with a click that reeks of finality.
As his footsteps crunch away on the gravel path outside, Itachi can’t help clenching his fists, until long after his knuckles turn white.
Theoretically, it’s a good match. From a family of good standing, his potential bride is quiet and well spoken—the perfect future housewife and mother. Their marriage would kill two birds with one stone, giving her father the son he never had, and Itachi—and therefore by extension Fugaku—control of their biggest competitor’s business.
All it requires is for Itachi spend the rest of his life pretending to be something he’s not.
The weight of it burns tight in his throat, threatening to break free on a rising tide of bile. He longs to cast off his gilded shackles, take a leaf from Sasuke’s book and do something completely crazy.
With a sigh, he rises from the table, collecting his dishes and depositing them circumspectly into the sink. Another day of work awaits.
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Hotel Happenings, Part 2
Alpha!Stucky x Reader
TW: blood, birth, angst-ish stuff.
AN: Hooooooooooo boy extensive plot chapter. I swear, we’ll get to good stuff soon. Probably. Hopefully. Idk tbh. I start writing and then they kinda take on a life of their own and then we end up with a multi-part fic instea dof the originally intended oneshot. AN Part 2- Electric Boogaloo: I’ll be reblogging this later with the taglist for people who wanted to be tagged. My brain is running on empty at this point, its 4 AM, I need sleep fdjmfdmkdfvmk
Long ago, as the primordial oceans churned and raged, a species that would later rise to dominion over the primitive planet  was in the early stages of formation. It was in these barest of centuries when a great divergence took place among the genetic makeup of the creatures. A rift caused by the shifting of the planet’s crust formed, cleaving the small but steadily growing population in two.
It is in this way that one species may become two separate species, though still inextricably intertwined by common ancestors. And thus, the world beget the Humans and the Designates.
It is possible that the change would have occurred even without the rift, though it would have happened at a much slower rate. As it was, the two species, while alike in almost all ways, were unable to breed when they once more found each other.
Humans, despite lacking the prolificacy of Designates, swarmed the Earth quickly. To do so, they pushed the Designates nearly to the brink of extinction. Even today, Designates make up the minority of the Earth’s sentient inhabitants. A deep rift, this time not literal, formed between the two over the millennia that spanned the development of the modern world.
The separation of species, however, was not complete. Despite being unable to interbreed, which would have led to the eventual “out-breeding” of the Designate traits, it was apparent that one species could, through circumstances not yet understood by modern-day science, bare members of the other. It was possible for a pairing of two Humans to bring forth a Designate child and vice versa, though the anomaly remains incredibly rare.
It is possible that it wasn’t as rare as it seems. Taboo as it is to most civilized creatures, the destruction or abandonment of undesired offspring is not unheard of in the natural world. Take the instance of an albino rabbit born into a litter of normally coloured siblings. It is normal for the mother to shun the out-of-place offspring, resulting in its untimely demise. With the deep hatred between the two species it is not unfathomable that a Human or a Designate may allow offspring born of their counterpart species to die, leading to a skewed statistical error of reported counter-births.
While hatred wanes, some remain that still hold deep, unfounded malice towards the other species, as it was that led to the abandonment of our dear main character…
“C’mon, c’mon. It’ll be okay… just a little further and then we can- can-” the man’s words stuttered to a stop with a distressed whine. His Alpha tugged at his hand, urging him to allow her to sit and rest. One of her hands clutched her swollen belly tightly, her face twisted in agony.
“No, ‘Mega. I need to sit. F-uck.” Her words were tight, pained. A gust of wind brushed her hair away from her face as she slid to the ground, letting go of her distressed Omega’s hand. She leaned against a tree as he crouched down beside her. He gave a small whine, fear shining in his wide eyes. 
The moon, covered with piebald clouds, provided very little light in the forest. He couldn’t see the red, but he could smell the blood. His frantic whines grew louder. His panting Alpha reached up and stroked her hand over his cheek. “Hush now, it’ll be alright. We’ll just have to- ah!” Her words cut off in a sharp cry of agony. After a moment, she regained her breath. “Y-your jacket, give me your jacket,” she sputtered, “Can’t wait any longer.”
Her Omega, despite his panic, obeyed promptly. He shrugged the ragged jacket off of his thin shoulders and with the Alpha’s guidance, spread it beneath her. Her hair clung to her forehead as she groaned, her Omega watching by helplessly.
“Alpha, we need to get to a hospital, need to get help-” he cried, hands scrambling feebly to try to assist with the birth. “There’s so much blood- oh god there’s so much blood.” Tears streamed freely down his cheeks, mingling with the rain that spat from the sky.
“Shh, shh, it’s alright,” the Alpha said weakly, taking one of his bloodied hands in her own. Her thumb stroked his skin softly as she locked her gaze on his. It pained her more than the physical pain of birth to see her beloved so distraught. “It will be alright, I promise.” Her voice was steadily growing weaker, the blood pooling around her. “Just… hold my hand. She’s almost here.”
He held her hand tightly, too afraid to look, too afraid to see how much blood was leaching from her body. She could feel the infant crowing, almost ready. She wished it had been different, wished she could watch her first pup grow up. Gripping her Omega’s hand tightly and using her last reserve of strength, she gave a final harsh push. A wail greeted her ears as she slipped into the velveteen darkness.
The Omega listen to the child wail, frozen in place. He could feel it in his bond when his Alpha’s last breath left her body. He leapt onto her, frantically trying to breathe life back into her limp form. His heart wrenched in his chest as the hopelessness of it hit him. His a loud cry he stood, turning his face away as he screamed curses towards the inky tree-tops.
A whine reminded him of the new life. Swallowing another scream, he turned to gaze upon the pup he had sired. He laughed through his grief as he realized it was indeed a girl, just as his Alpha had thought. They hadn’t been able to go to the doctor to find out for sure, too poor to pay the bills, too poor to even afford proper clothing. But they had each other.
They had each other. No more.
He leaned down, gathering his daughter in the bloodied rag of a jacket he had worn. He sobbed, eyes shut tight as the pain hit him in waves. As he stared at the infant, he realized just how tiny she was. Horror and rage slowly crept over him, and his frown grew into a sneer.
“Y-you,” he growled, “you’re human.” There was venom in his voice, centuries of hatred. Had the light been stronger, he may have seen he was mistaken. But perhaps not. The scent glands of a premature Designated infant are very difficult to locate, nor do they produce any of the scent that differentiates the two species.
He stood, holding the infant far from his body. “A human… a human killed her.” His voice rose in pitch. “A human killed my Alpha. You killed her,” he screamed. “You killed her!”
Part of him wanted to toss the infant to the ground and run, but something kept him from doing so. With an angered sob, he clutched the baby close again. He couldn’t bring himself to do it. Nor did he want to raise this pup, this human, on his own. 
It was then, as he looked up, that he happened to glimpse a small glint of light through the trees. An old woman had just happened to be awake then, unable to sleep though she did not know why. He stumbled forward, eyes fixed on the light. A window came into view, illuminating a trellis-archway above a doorstep.
The scent of wisteria hung heavily in the air as the infant cried.
The woman brushed the hair off of her neck, wincing as sweat caused it to cling to her skin. Steam rose from the large pots on the stove and heat poured from the oven. The windows were open as wide as they could go, but it did little to ease the stifling heat of the small kitchen.
Turning on her heel, she walked over to the door, pushing it open and haphazardly fanning it back and forth in an attempt to stir up the air. After a moment she gave up, opting instead to prop it open. She really needed to get a fan or something to put in the kitchen. This old building just wasn’t very well ventilated, and the air conditioning on this side had never worked quite properly after it was installed. She never bothered to have it repaired since it still worked in the guest rooms and the second floor. There just wasn’t the money in the bank account to do it.
Content that the potatoes were far enough away from boiling over and the roast wasn’t going anywhere, she ducked out of the hot room and strolled down the short hall between the dining area, kitchen, and foyer. Ro was still in the office, her usual spot. Before she had lost her sight, she would spend hours looking out the office’s large window to observe the wildlife. It held especially fond memories, she had told the woman once, because that was the first room she ever held her in after she’d been left outside the foyer doorsteps.
The woman knocked on the door, signaling her presence so she wouldn’t startle the elderly lady. Of course, she probably had heard her coming down the hall, but it was better to be safe than sorry. “Yes?” came the reply promptly.
The woman pushed open the door and stepped inside, propping it open wide. She sat down in a comfortable chair across from Ro’s rocker, wiping at her sweat-sticky forehead. “It’s awful warm today, isn’t it?”
Ro raised her eyebrow, pursing her lips. “Not particularly, but I can imagine it mus’ be hot in that stuffy little kitchen. How’s the roast comin’ along?” Her gnarled hands rested on her lap, clasping each other lightly.
The woman smiled. “It’s in the oven as we speak. Had to get out the big one we’d saved in the freezer. Got a lot of guests today.” She paused a moment, thinking. “How’d you know we were having roast?”
Ro chuckled. “Silly girl. I can smell it. Smells real nice too. Did ye’ use rosemary?” Her face was turned towards the window, the light from it highlighting each smile-line and wrinkle that the woman loved so dearly. As time she had to spend with her adoptive guardian grew shorter, she spent more time committing each detail about her to memory.
“Yeah, fresh from the garden. I added a little thyme too, but not a whole lot.” She leaned forward and took one of Ro’s hands in her own, smiling as Ro gently squeezed her fingers. “You’ll never guess who our guests are, Mama. I was so shocked I almost passed clean out.”
Ro turned towards her, eyebrow raised. “Yeah? Who is it, baby?” Her wispy hair circled her face loosely where it had slipped out of the confines of her bun.
“You remember a few years back when that mind-controlled man invaded New York with aliens?” the woman asked, remembering the chaos that had been broadcast live on all the major news channels. Ro nodded, pursing her lips as she remembered. 
“Those were nasty lookin’ creatures,” she said, shaking her head. “Nasty, nasty, nasty.”
“Agreed,” said the woman, finding herself nodding even though her companion couldn’t see it. “Anyway, there were those people that defeated them and chased the rest of them off. The Avengers.”
Ro nodded, licking her lips. “Now you aren’t tellin’ me,” she said, “that the Avengers are staying at our hotel, are you?” The quirk of her eyebrow marked her slight disbelief.
“Yup, they are. No- I’m not kidding.” She replied, watching the surprised look on Ro’s face. “And he’s with them, Mama.”
Ro laughed loudly, rocking back in her chair for a moment. “Well I’ll be darned,” she said, chuckling excitedly. “Never in my life did I ever think I’d get to meet the Captain America himself in person, let alone havin’ him an; his whole team stay in the hotel! My, my, this world sure is a funny place.”
Ro had spent many nights tucking her into bed and telling her stories when she was young. Often times, the stories were mostly true, centered around Ro’s favorite hero from World War 2, Captain America. As the woman got older, she figured out that Ro had had a bit of a crush on him, as most women of his time probably had. It had come as a great surprise to both of them when the word got out his body had been found- alive. Ro had clapped her hands and declared that miracles really did happen.
“Dinner will be ready soon, do you want to go ahead down to the dining room?” Ro released the woman’s hand and nodded, allowing her to stand. She walked to the corner of the room and retrieved Ro’s wheelchair, bringing it over to her. She helped her stand and situate herself in the wheelchair.
As they moved past the open kitchen, the woman winced at the heat. Even being in Ro’s cooled office, she still was uncomfortably warm. Ro seemed to sense her discomfort, tilting her head with a quizzical stare as the woman situated her at the dining table.
“What’s wrong, Mama?” the woman asked as she pulled open the chest of drawers where the good silverware was kept. She and Ro wouldn’t usually use it, as most guests opted to dine out in the town, but this was a special occasion to warrant the carefully polished utensils.
Ro hummed thoughtfully. “Nothin’ baby, you just seems a little off today. You sure you ain’t feelin’ unwell?” She couldn’t see her ward, but she could hear there was something unusual just by the change in the pace of the woman’s steps. They were almost sluggish.
The woman carefully spread the tablecloth over the hard oak table, moving on to place dishes at each seat. “To be perfectly honest, I’m a bit tired I suppose. I think the heat has me down,” she admitted, smoothing the tablecloth idly as she examined herself.
Ro frowned, worried. “Baby, it’s not that hot out. C’mere,” she said, beckoning with one hand. The woman came over obediently, knowing Ro wouldn’t take no for an answer. She knelt beside the wheelchair, allowing Ro to place her hand against her forehead. It was cold, pleasantly so. She nearly found herself leaning into the touch. “Child, you are positively burning up! If it weren’t for your tone a’ voice, I’d say you had a fever.”
The woman stood. “Odd. Other than the warmth, I feel fine.” She laid out napkins and the silverware, making sure each place was properly set. Perhaps if they made a good impression on their guests, they’d recommend the place to others. Wistful thinking, honestly, but it was worth a shot.
Ro pursed her lips, her worry clearly written across her face. “If you insist, baby. Just take it easy after dinner. The dishes ‘ll wait until morning just fine.”
The woman smiled. “Alright, Mama, whatever you say.” Satisfied the table was set properly, she returned to the kitchen to finish prepping the meal.
“Alright, Mama, ready?” the woman asked, making sure Ro was comfortably seated in the chairlift to their upstairs residency. She pressed the button, briefly pausing to make sure the chair was running properly before turning and folding up the wheelchair so she could carry it with a bit more ease up the stairs. “So,” she asked as she followed Ro up the stairs, “what’d you think of the Avengers?”
Ro gave a hearty laugh, grinning widely. “They are somethin’ else! I tell you what, I’m glad they’re stayin’ for a couple days. They’ve gotta be the liveliest bunch we’ve had here in years.”
The woman smiled as they reached the top of the stairs, unfolding the wheelchair and assisting Ro back into it. The elderly lady could walk short distances with a walker to the bathroom and such, but you both agreed it was far safer for her to use the wheelchair for most things. The woman had made it abundantly clear that she didn’t mind caring for Ro but had agreed at Ro’s stubborn insistence that should the burden ever be too much, she would take her to the local retirement home.
“I’ve got to agree with you there, Mama.” She took Ro to her room, making sure everything was in order for the night. She waited outside the door as Ro readied herself for bed. “So, what’d you think about Captain Rog-, er, Steve?” Steve had insisted on them referring to him by his first name, as did most of the others, including Bucky. He had seemed almost embarrassed to request being called James instead of ‘Mr. Barnes’, but the grin he wore hearing it was certainly a sight to behold.
Ro shuffled out of the bathroom and sat down on the edge of the bed, slipping off her houseshoes. The woman leaned over and carefully undid her bun, setting the pins on the nightstand and grabbing a hairbrush. “He’s such a charmer,” Ro said, “just like he was back in the day. And such a sweetheart! I swear, that man doesn’t have a mean bone in his body. And his friend seems awful nice too. What was his name? James?”
The woman smiled softly as she finished combing Ro’s hair. “They are quite nice, aren’t they. I can’t believe they offered to help clean up after dinner. I guess that’s the sort of kindness people have been loosing, huh?” she sighed. 
Ro smiled and patted her hand. “Baby, sometimes kindness is all we got. I’m proud of you, did you know that? So proud.” She paused, squeezing her hand tightly. “I’m glad you showed up on my doorstep. Who knew such a tiny little thing would grow up to be such a strong lady.”
The woman smiled, eyes misting as she walked towards the bedroom door. “It’s all because of you, Mama Ro. You’ve taught me a lot. Sleep well, call for me if you need anything. Love you.” She shut the door partway and departed to her own room across the hall, opening the window wide to let in the cool night air before she baked in her own skin.
Ro settled back into her pillows. Her face was aimed towards her own window, moonlight highlighting the wise elder’s features. “I don’t know if it’s all ‘cause of me,” she murmured to herself. “Beginin’ to think it may be heritage too.” She chuckled to herself. “My baby ain’t human at all. This is one funny world.”
Downstairs, two men were settling into bed, eagerly settling into the crisp, clean-smelling sheets that bore the faint scent of the woman, who they were now sure was an Omega, who’d placed them earlier.
“Jesus, Steve, that was a good meal. She sure can cook,” Buck said, turning over on his side to face his longtime friend and partner. It was a bit odd for two Alphas to be in a relationship, let alone one so long-term, without an Omega to accompany them, but Bucky felt sure that was going to change soon.
Steve smiled, stifling a yawn. “Absolutely. I could get used to that.” He chuckled, resting his arms behind his head, contentment washing over him. It was silent for several minutes, but then Steve spoke up again. “So, we’re gonna talk about what’s going on, right? I could tell by the look on your face soon as we walked into the dining room that you could smell her too.”
Bucky nodded. “Yeah, alright, I did. She’s definitely an Omega. So faint though, kinda strange.” The only Designates he’d ever known who’d been so faint of scent were the ones who’d been on heavy suppressants for much longer than the recommended usage period, but that couldn’t be the case with the hostess seeing as she thought she was human.
“Did it- well, no, maybe it was just my imagination- well, did it maybe smell to you like she’s going into, well, y’know…” Steve glanced over at Bucky with his eyebrows raised, reluctant to say what was on the tip of his tongue.
“Heat?” Bucky snorted at Steve’s coyness. “So strong I thought I was gonna pop a goddamn knot right in the middle of dinner. Super-soldier senses are both a blessing and a curse. Nat and Bruce had it lucky.”
Steve nodded in agreement. “I guess what I’m thinking is… what if she’s never had much contact with other Designates and that delayed… stuff? Maybe our scents or something, I don’t know, triggered her presentation.”
Bucky rolled onto his stomach, wrapping one arm around Steve’s torso as he buried his face in his pillow. “We can look into it tomorrow. For now, get some sleep punk. G’night.”
Steve smiled. “Night.”
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ahiddenpath · 4 years
Life Talk
1.)  I won Nanowrimo
2.)  My house is sold
3.)  I’m tryyyyyyying to taking it easy
More below the cut.
So, I won Nanowrimo.  It’s roughly 30K Four Years and 20K Tri: Integrity Lens.  I feel very... blank about it, though.  In the last few years, I’ve been trying to celebrate when I win Nanowrimo, but...  I don’t have any emotions about it this year, probably even less than usual.
I should probably back up and say that, when I was growing up, I was the type that got all As, won every contest, was the lead in plays and singing events, got the good behavior awards, won state-wide science and poetry contests, was on the select sports teams.  I’m not saying this to brag- I was hyper-involved in school and extracurriculars because it kept me away from home.  
It got to the point at home where, if I won an award, the reaction was, “good.”  If I didn’t, it was, “Why didn’t you win that award?  We don’t have money for tutoring, so you had better figure it out *vague threat* ”  Stuff like that.
Basically, it’s hard for me to feel proud of anything.  If I succeed, that’s “baseline.”  Good, I won’t be scolded.  If I don’t, that’s anxiety- “I will be scolded, I will be punished.”  
I can’t change that concept as an adult- it was cemented into me during my formative years.  But I can see it, and I can tell myself- it’s okay.  Don’t beat yourself up over not feeling a certain way.
The big thing on my mind now, still, is that we sold our first home successfully a few days ago.  It’s the most enormous load off my mind.  This whole time, I’ve been wondering- I keep pinning everything on when the house is sold.  Will it actually be a relief?  Will it actually free up emotional and mental real estate?
I told my therapist that I couldn’t feel “at home” and “settled” until I sold the old house, and she challenged me to not wait for some kind of...  Permission?  Catalyst?  Like, don’t put things off citing “my old home isn’t sold” as a reason, because suddenly, a year will have passed and you still haven’t painted your room or put up photos or turned the house into your home.
I absolutely see her point, but I also see mine.  Frankly, now that I’m not paying for two mortgages, I can afford to do some of that stuff (buy paint and supplies, buy a rug, buy a lamp, etc).  It is true that I could have hung my photos at any time, so that was just a mental/stress block, but I do think that pointing to the money that was tied up in paying the mortgages for both homes, and for repairing things at the old home at the buyer’s demand, was... you know, a valid reason not to be throwing money at our current home.
Right now, my anxiety is free to be directed at the fact that the CDC is forecasting such drastic pandemic leaps.  It’s expected to hit in about 10-ish days after today, 11/29, a Sunday that will likely be the largest single day for travel as people head back home in droves to make it to work on Monday after going away for Thanksgiving.  It’s expected that we’ll be seeing 4,000 covid deaths per day in the states around week 2/3 of December.
I really don’t want to go to work physically, because I know coworkers who travelled.  I wish we could all stay home for two weeks, when the symptoms will show for carriers who are not asymptomatic.  I will definitely be limiting my time in the office to after 3 PM, when a lot of coworkers have gone home.  It’s still a risk that I’m not sure is worthwhile.  
Ah!  I should probably say that my therapist is talking about ending therapy.  I started in... I wanna say March or April of 2019?  Is that right?  So I guess it’s been...  Like, 19-ish months?  I’ve learned so much, but I would say...  The biggest difference is that I can see my behavior patterns for what they are, and then decide what to do with them.  I haven’t “changed” at my core.  I can’t, not in the way people mean when they say “you’ve changed.”  The same learned behaviors, belief systems, and emotions from my childhood are there.  I just recognize them when they pop up and can make informed decisions about how to approach them.  
Which, it turns out, makes a huge difference, even if it isn’t really “change.”  I’m always in danger of being too distraught to see what’s in front of my face, though (thanks, anxiety!).
What else...  My husband and I did cheese fondue and hot pot for Thanksgiving!  It was easily the best holiday I’ve ever had.  Holidays are always... so high pressure, always such events that turn a day off into a giant list of chores that might span weeks to complete beforehand.  Plus, I’m always hoping I’m not about to be dragged into some kind of “trap” conversation by both my family and my husband’s, who have very different political views compared to me.
But on Thanksgiving, my husband and I ate amazing food, spent a lot of time together, and I felt so loved and cared for and valued, because my husband came up with the idea and made it happen, all so we’d have a nice holiday together.  Honestly, I don’t deserve him.  I don’t get it.  He’s so amazing?  I love him so much.
As for my writing, I’ve been feeling...  Bad about it, frankly.  I think it’s partially because it honestly looks like no one is reading Tri: Integrity Lens.  I don’t get it?  It was my most requested story in 2018/2019, and I know people wanted a sequel to Growing Up with You, so why is TIL doing so poorly?  At first, I thought people were going back to read GUWY again first, since I saw a huge surge in hits for it.  Now, I’m not sure?  Like, if I open my stats, some random GUWY chapters will have over 10 times the hits as the newest TIL chapter???  ???? ????  ????  ?????
I’m wondering if it has to do with Tri itself...  I think that, the more time passed, the more people who liked Tri are maybe defensive about how... negative the fandom reaction was, overall.  Meanwhile, people who dislike it, I think, have maybe simply... chucked it out the window, and don’t think about it much.  Whereas, when it was still coming out and directly after it wrapped up, I think people who disliked Tri were more interested in imagining ways they might have personally tweaked it.
That makes things awkward for someone like me, who thinks Tri has amazing moments basically... tacked onto a crumbling base.  
Actually, let me give you my weird metaphor for Tri!
When I am deciding if I’m going to write a new fic, often what happens is...  A few powerful ideas coalesce, a few themes and characterizations.  Some people say they are lead by a few powerful scenes.  I think of these ideas/themes/character ideas (or scenes for other people) as sparkling ornaments on a Christmas tree.
The problem is that...  Ornaments in a box don’t... do much.  You need to display them on a tree, right?  The ornaments need to be connected and supported by a plot (unless you decide to write a focused oneshot, which is my recommendation in most cases).
In short: Tri has amazing ornaments, but the tree is... not... doing that well.  The ideas are there, there are plenty of awesome moments, but something about the actual story/execution just...  Didn’t do it for me.  But dang, those are some nice ornaments!
That was quick and dirty, but hopefully it conveyed the general idea.  
ANYWAY, I’ve been trying to decide if I’m going to continue TIL.  I think right now, I would definitely finish Ketsui, since I have so much material written already.  Why waste it, right?  But I’m not sure what the future of the story will be- not plot wise, but rather, “is my time better spent elsewhere”-wise.
I’m not sure if I need to focus on a new story, if I should take a break, or what.  I need to write for my mental health, but it doesn’t have to be a fanfic.  It can be anything, as long as I explore whatever is eating at me.
And that is where I am!  I hope you’re all staying safe <3
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eloarei · 4 years
1, 2, 3, 7, 9, 13, 17, 23 (some of these are random and some aren't)
Thanks for the many questions, Socks! Sorry I didn’t answer them earlier; I decided answering asks on mobile sucks.  ALSO, this is going to be super long haha sorry.  1.  Tell us about your current project(s)  – what’s it about, how’s progress, what do you love most about it?       Well, my most current project is one I just started brainstorming. It’s (hopefully gonna be) a Fallout 3 series, with my latest fic being the starting point. LW/Fawkes is a ship I liked immediately when I played the series some years ago, but I never got around to writing for it, probably in part because there’s already a super good longfic about them, and I just didn’t think there was much else I could say. But my LW is different from Choco’s LW, and lately I wanted to start something self-indulgent. Although I have enough ideas for this to maybe be a single 30k fic, I’m choosing to do a series of shortfics instead, so that I’m not burdening myself with another long project. Fic series are great in that way, because it’s basically complete with every new fic.       On top of that, I have... probably 3 other things I want to make significant progress on this year. First is another Fallout fic: Same Heart. I’ve posted 8 chapters already and have almost 2 more done, but due to the slow-build nature of it (and my tagging) I don’t expect to have almost any readers until at least chapter 10 (when the ship characters finally meet). I’d like to at least get that far this year.       A project I’d love to finish by fall is the unreleased “The Wilderness”, a Venom zombie AU that I started for NaNoWriMo 2 years ago. It’s about 55% written, and my goal is to have as much of it done as possible before the sequel movie comes out. If it’s not done by then, I still plan to post whatever I have.       And lastly-ish, my novel... thing. Rogue. I’m in the process of editing it, although I’ve taken kind of a break lately. And as soon as I’m done with the edits and can get a couple of people to read it (just so they can tell me if certain parts are stupid and need changed) I plan to start the next book in the series... which will probably end up being book #1, actually, if I do them modern-era chronologically. It’s... gonna be a process. ^^;  2.  Tell us about what you’re most looking forward to writing – in your current project, or a future project.       In my upcoming FO3 fic series, I’m honestly just kind of weirdly looking forward to... how do I put this? Exploring my own vaguely-traumatic experiences through fic. I’ll always do a happy ending, if possible, but before we get there I really want to run these two through the ringer of... being given something they were led to believe was impossible, being judged for it, having it taken away, and then being told “well maybe it’s for the best”.       When it comes to future projects, I guess I’m really excited about writing the new Rogue book. “Reaper”, I guess, is its unimaginative working title. I’m anxious about it, because I thought Rogue had some really deeply emotional scenes, and I’m not sure if I’m going to be able to accomplish that as well with this new one, simply because the characters don’t have the same level of desperation about each other. I need to figure out what’s unique about their dynamic and push that. I guess I’m looking forward to the challenge.  3.  What is that one scene that you’ve always wanted to write but can’t be arsed to write all of the set-up and context it would need? (consider this permission to write it and/or share it anyway)       Hmm gosh. Technically there’s a scene in the later chapters of Mobius that I already wrote, but it wouldn’t take place until probably chapter 3 or later, and I just lost all steam on that fic, sadly. But every time I poke through my notes I make myself cry reading it. It’s a scene where one character knows it’s going to be the last time he sees the person he loves most, and he can’t explain his pain to anyone. I really just want to get there so I can see if it makes other people cry like babies haha.       But on a completely unrelated note, there’s also this ZADR fic I started writing in like 2009, and I absolutely didn’t want to do the work to get to the fun middle scenes, but basically it was an AU where young adult Dib went to live/work in the thriving multi-species space community, where he’s... I dunno, studying alien biology I think?, and he ends up with Zim as a roommate. The scenes I really wanted to write were about the two of them getting into like a bar fight with some tough types, and Zim gets his pak ripped off/damaged in the process, and Dib has to sort of take care of him through a horrible fever. But then it turns out that the pak was not a life-support system like they thought, but actually a growth inhibitor so they (the people in charge of the Irkens) could choose who became the Tallest (the leaders). (And also it hindered reproduction, etc.) So basically the two of them accidentally start to unravel a galactic conspiracy which also involves corruption in the Earth government, etc, and Zim gets taller but spoiler alert, he still doesn’t get tall enough to challenge the Tallest lol. Sadly, I doubt I’ll ever actually write that fic. Sounds like too much effort lol.  7.  What do you think are the characteristics of your personal writing style? Would others agree?       That’s such a hard question. Ummm. How do I put any of that into words? ...I think one of the things about my writing is that a lot of the time nothing really happens in a scene, and the story mostly focuses on a character thinking. Like, enough happens so there’s something for them to think about, but I think I tend to put a lot of emphasis on POV character’s thoughts, to the point of sometimes seeming stream-of-consciousness. I’ve been told that this makes my stories feel alive though? So I think it appeals to some people, though I’m sure others would find such stories boring.       Oh also, somewhat along these lines, I like to add commentary that is only somewhat relevant, usually in parenthesis at the end of a sentence or paragraph. (Honestly, it’s not unusual to see one in every paragraph if I’m writing something slightly humorous.)  9.  Are you more of a drabble or a longfic kind of writer? Pantser or plotter? Do you wish you were the other?      I would LOVE to write primarily longfics! However, I just don’t have the time or energy for it, and I don’t write fast enough. So I end up with a lot of oneshots under 10k. I had to challenge myself to learn to write short things though, and then it’s really about writing something short, not about writing a specific story.       Generally, I’m both pantster and plotter. I tend to write the first chapter/few scenes/maybe as much as 10k, just by the seat of my pants. After that, I look at what I’ve got and write out a plot to continue from there. Plotting everything out before I start just doesn’t work for me, but if I try “pantsing” anything longer than 15k I know I’m gonna have an absolute torturous hell of a time.  13.  Do you share your writing online? (Drop a link!) Do you have projects you’ve kept just for yourself?      Lol I think anyone who’s reading this knows I share my stuff online. Primarily on my AO3, though there’s some other stuff floating around here on tumblr too.  Most of the time if I keep something to myself it’s only because it’s not finish enough to share. So, sure, there’s plenty of that, but the goal is always to share it eventually. If I ever get around to finishing a novel, those will probably be the only things I don’t just post online. (Though I do post most of my OC stuff currently.)  17.  Do you think readers perceive your work - or you - differently to you? What do you think would surprise your readers about your writing or your motivations?       I think that inevitably my readers will always perceive me and my writing a bit differently than I do. That’s just... interacting with people. Nobody knows you entirely. However, I am as open and honest in my writing as possible, and I actually think that reading my fic is the best way to get to know me. I like to hope that I am an open book to anyone who has read many of my words. =] While you may not know the details of my life, I think you would have a good insight into my personality.    23.  What’s the story idea you’ve had in your head for the longest?       Like... my oldest fic/story that I’ve never written or posted? Not counting stuff I’ve consciously abandoned (things from middle school, mostly), my original fic series, “Damsel and Company in Distress” aka DamselCo. is definitely my oldest story. I think I started fiddling with it in 2006-- which makes it pretty disappointing that it’s gotten next to nowhere. XD; But the story is my baby, and it’s been my baby for so long that anyone who’s followed me ever is probably at least vaguely familiar with a few of the characters.  Now maybe one day I’ll actually give it the attention it deserves, though I’m sure it’ll need significant revamping. After all, a lot has changed in 14+ years. Ideas that were new and subversive then are probably already stale. 
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experimentaldragonfire’s SU Fic Rec List
Stuck at home? Running out of stuff to read? I figured I’d put together a semi-comprehensive series of fanfic recommendations so that all the hours I’ve spent on AO3 over the years can be considered at least vaguely useful. A lot of these are quite old, so if you’ve only read more recent fics, you might find something that you haven’t seen here!
Please feel free to add your own links and recommendations--I personally would love more reading material! This list will focus on SU fics, but I’ll probably make more for other fandoms going forward if anyone’s interested. Bear in mind that, as I’ve mentioned, since many (most) of these were written a while ago, they might not represent exactly how the plot of the show progressed (though they now provide a pretty interesting look at the older fanfic tropes/theories!)
Also, upfront: most of these, when ships do appear, are Lapidot or PearlRose--clearly, I’m very narrowly-focused on what I read. And if one of your fics is on here and you want to be tagged, let me know and I will do so!
Steven Universe Fic Recs
General (None or canonical/background/multiple ships):
histories by avulle (T, F/F, Gen)
“Pearl (pearl) is born in what would have been the year 100,492 BCE. (She is not older than the entire human race—but only just.)”
An introspective look at the Crystal Gems through the years, written in a style that’s practically poetic and absolutely gorgeous.
Inferior Blue by hTeDruknenPotaT (M, Gen)
"Your name is Lapis Lazuli. Lapis is a fun thing to name your child when your last name is Lazuli, and when your name is Lapis Lazuli, blue seem like a nice color to dye your hair. It's fortunate that blue is your favorite color, that you manage not to despise it after all the blue you've been surrounded by all your life."
Lapis Lazuli meets a strange young boy who helps to heal the scars of her past.
The first time I read this fic, I stayed up until 5AM and cried into my pillow through the final chapters. And it continued to make me cry every time I reread it. Massive angst warning, but if you can handle fics that are beautiful but tragic, this is for you.
capacity by broken_halleluiah (G, F/F)
After a routine council meeting, Pink Diamond insists on repairing a broken piece of equipment. The result is far more than she bargained for.
A fic speculating on the nature of Pearls in Homeworld society, written well before we got to see any of that in canon. As such, it isn’t entirely in-line with later canon, but is still entirely worth reading.
Breaking Down by PTlikesTea (M, multi)
Rose's world view is shattered by a black market pearl and the realization that everything she knows about them is wrong.
An extensively long series of shorter mostly-self-contained stories exploring a version of Homeworld society where Pearls are considered as little more than disposable property. Major warnings for Pretty Much Everything--definitely keep an eye on the tags--but this is an iconic series of works, started in 2015 and predating many of the later revelations about canon Homeworld. 
A Gem and Her Pearl (Rose) by Potential Violet (G, gen)
Blue Diamond forces Rose Quartz to get a pearl, changing Rose's life, the pearl's life and the course of Gem history. All relationships begin somewhere, this is the beginning of Rose and Pearl's.
Another take on Rose and Pearl’s meeting, and the status of Pearls in Homeworld society (there’s a bit of a theme here with these recommendations). Again, predates most canon revelations regarding the topics, and predates all of the canon information about the Diamonds.
Pearl, Interrupted by AceyEnn (E, multi)
In August, Steven Quartz Universe was born.
In August, Rose Quartz died in childbirth.
In December, Pearl decides she can't handle any of it.
Or: Pearl Tries To Kill Herself And Ends Up In A Therapy Group Run By Her Best Friend's Mom (Well, One Of Her Moms).
Human AU focusing on Pearl dealing with Rose's death--or rather, not dealing with Rose’s death. Major content warnings for suicide attempts, self-harm, etc (please read the tags), but overall a very well-written story. Still updating, despite being first posted in 2016! 
in which Peridot is Not At All Surprised by the sudden appearance of a new waiter by gaySpaceRock_exe (G, F/F)
Peridot meets the new waiter at her regular restaurant and immediately falls head-first in love. 
Cute and fluffy, what more do you need in a fic? 
Homesick by DrPaine (G, F/F)
An encounter at the Galaxy Warp.
Short oneshot predating the Peridemption/Barn Arc, can be read as friendship rather than romantic. 
Observation by DrPaine (G, F/F)
Peridot is a technician, meant to catch every detail. Not something she’s very fond of, but making yourself aware of your surroundings can be helpful, when you’re slipping into troublesome thoughts.
Incomplete but very much an introspective look at Peri’s character as perceived back in 2015-ish. Not as much focused on romance as on concepts of identity and anxiety. 
Of Stage Lights and Stage Fright by AcrylicPaint (M, F/F)
All Lapis wanted was to participate in the local production, but there was a minor element she hadn't taken into consideration when she agreed to take the leading role, and that was; dealing with the cute techie's constant staring.
That, and the fact she was beginning to stare too.
Human theatre AU, and an excellent completed multichapter fic. I remember that when I first read this, I was in high school and part of the musical, so it was a very topical read--and now it’s the height of nostalgia. 
No Regrets by Raptor_Red (E, F/F)
No Regrets, or, the story of how Peridot tried to romance the blue-haired tattoo artist from the parlor across the street
A personal favorite! The writing in this fic is just so nice to read, and though I’m not usually a fan of tattoo artist AUs, this one really managed to make the whole concept make sense within the story. I can’t count how many times I’ve read this fic. Please read this.
12 O’Clock at Your Local King Soopers by InsomniacArrest (T, F/F)
Lapis works late night shifts, Peridot is somebody's overworked assistant, they both need more sleep and better people skills: the grocery store story.
Is it a Lapidot fic rec list if I don’t include 12KS? Probably the most iconic fic for this pairing, with good reason. Also, consider this a recommendation for literally everything IA has ever written--there are too many good fics to name them all individually, otherwise they’d comprise half of this entire list.
Of Meteors and Minimal Speech by Waypaststrange (moonbeatblues)(F/F)
In which things at the barn settle down, nobody speaks much, and strange lights appear in the sky.
Vaguely fluffy oneshot, very cute!!
Awkward Office Encounters by SilverEyedRukia (T, F/F) 
Due to a broken down air conditioner on a scorching hot day the computers' overheated systems need fixing. Luckily for everyone a blonde technician is up for the job, but unbeknowst to them the IT nerd turns out to be someone they didn't expect her to be, especially not Lapis who kind of asked her out on a date already.
Human workplace AU, starts off relatively comedic but gets into Emotional Territory towards the end.
Camp Pining Hearts by kamanzi (M, F/F)
Peridot and Jasper return to summer camp after their freshmen year of college--this time, as counselors. Peridot is disappointed to learn that nothing is quite the same, especially her relationship with her best friend. Whose fault is this? She blames Jasper's girlfriend.
“‘Let’s go back next year and be counselors,’ she said. ‘It’ll be fun,’ she said.”
Human summer camp counselors AU that’s definitely long enough to use up some stuck-at-home-self-isolating time.
A Week by teamchaosprez  (E, F/F)
Who knew that a single night of drunken sex could push Peridot and Lapis from being roommates with a mutual crush to regularly fucking and maybe - just maybe - eventually becoming girlfriends and standing up to the homophobia surrounding both of their family lives.
A human college AU focusing a lot on working through interpersonal relationships and coming to terms with emotions
Set Me Free by cym70 (T, F/F) 
Being roommates gives Lapis and Peridot a lot of time to get to know each other and, despite their rocky history, they might just be able to make something entirely new.
A friends-to-lovers fic, post-Barn Mates. Very sweet!
Waltz of the Nian by QuickYoke (T, F/F)
Lapis doesn't understand fusion at heart, but she does know she's an unideal partner for it.
 Lapis' relationship with fusion, and also Peridot. A fic that basically encapsulates the ideal of profound prose that makes you feel things, even if you don’t precisely know how or why.
Pushing by Like Hearts by mautadite (T, F/F)
“Sounds like you’re really counting on that road trip magic.”
(Peridot and Lapis do Midway City, and Empire City, and Plateau Ville, and all the places in between.)
Canonverse road trip, because every rec list needs a “the characters go on a long journey together and find themselves, and each other” fic. And because this fic made me feel so many emotions.
A thousand years (F/F)
I have died a thousand years, waiting for you.
 Childhood friends-to-adult-lovers human AU, one of the fic tropes that always just punches me in the face with feelings.
19 notes · View notes
I’m really bored and need a new fic to read. Any new recommendations? I’m already caught up with song of mine
(The next line is just vile self-advertising, feel free to skip it =D)
Mine! Here and here
(Ok, here is the real thing, sorry xDD)
Here are my recommendations on the matter, and at the end I’ll put the link for this things on my Drive library, because there are stories that were deleted. 
But most of them are on FF.net or Ao3, so, please, PLEASE: go read them and leave a nice review. Just a thank you is enough. But some feedback, please. We are writers, we live from them xDD
(It’s) All Chair Parts, by novel_concept26
The whole point of the performance is to look hot as hell, and Santana is doing an awesome job. Too awesome.
Addicted, by SwingingCloud
“It always feels like years- and not just a few, short days- to Santana, whenever Brittany goes away.” Brittana. Marathon!sex. TWO-SHOT! SUMOSMU #9
Barter System, by crammit
Santana accepts a different kind of payment for helping Brittany out of a jam. (Rated M for language and smut)
Breathless!verse, by Swinging Cloud.
Fill for the GKM. “Long, pale fingers wrap tightly around her left wrist, guiding her hand up to push more firmly on Brittany’s throat- telling her that she’s ready- and Santana shivers as her palm presses just below Brittany’s jaw.” Brittana. Breath!play. Obvious smut.
Sequel to Breathless. “Brittany’s floored that Santana has come so far- far enough to trust her completely with not just her body, but with her very breath, with her life, and she concentrates hard on what she’s doing as she tightens her arm around Santana’s neck.” Brittana. Breath!play. Obvious smut. SUMOSMU #1
Bluish, by SwingingCloud
“Santana’s had about as much red, white, and blue as she can stand, but this blue- the blue of Brittany’s eyes- she will never have enough of.” Brittana. Sweet!smut. SUMOSMU HOLIDAY SPECIAL.
Dreams!verse, by everdreaming3:
Santana and Brittany’s story from meeting freshman year through their wedding and beyond (cute and fluffy, and filler for all the gaps that Glee left on the start of this story).
Dreams: from Santana’s POV
Dreamcatcher: from Brittany’s POV.
Dreaming in the Future: future one-shot
How to Win Even When You’ve Lost, by crammit
It was only ever you, by LoneGambit.
Brittany and Santana have been dating for a couple years now and have never tried using a strap-on. One night Santana asks Brittany if she misses being with a guy, her answer leaves Santana thinking.
Just a hug between friends, by furryewokazon: (this is actually deleted, but I have a copy if you are interested):
Santana smiled into the hand on her face… Written before ‘Sexy’ based on vague spoilers for that episode.
Keeping things interesting, by your-street-serenade:
How would Santana react if Brittany walked into the room with the new HeMo’s purple hair?
Let Me Take Care of You, by absedarian.
Santana walked through the quiet hallway of McKinley High School. It was late and the school was empty, as empty as she’d ever seen it. They had finished the mash-up several hours ago, but Santana could still feel the tingling in her fingers where she had slapped Finn.
Loved with Inspiration, by jellymankelly:
“A tiny part of her mind marvels at how effortlessly Brittany can reduce her to a stuttering idiot with little more than a look. The rest of her is busy trying to remember how to breathe. And failing.” M for coarse language and sexual themes. Two-shot.
Making the video!verse, by emmanuelles: those were actually deleted, but I can send them to you if someone is interested.
Making the video:
Catching Santana doing something private puts an idea into Brittany’s head. She secretly works out a brilliant three-step plan and manages to execute it. The story of Santana and Brittany making their own private video.
Ain’t no limit for what love allows:
A story about how Santana and Brittany explore their boundaries in bed, how they want to find out more about themselves and each other. Will it not be enough or will they go too far? Will they cross the line?
Mama Lopez!verse, by jerzeyredhead:
Mama Lopez’ rules:
One-Shot. Mama Lopez comes home early and finds Santana and Brittany in a compromising position. Now she has to give them the house rules of dating. T for some course language and sexual situations.
Conversations with Mama Lopez:
This continues “Mama Lopez’ Rules” – the week Santana is grounded and her mother is working from home. Rated T for mature-ish content and some bad language. Post 3x09. A little bit of Brittany, but mostly Santana and her Mama. This is a happy story!
Mama Lopez’ Valentine’s Day Rules:
Santana is planning her first Valentine’s Day date with Brittany. Mama Lopez tries to help and enforce some rules. Continues the adventures from Conversations with Mama Lopez and Mama Lopez’ Rules. Mostly T, but M for later sexy times. This is happy!
Graduating with Mama Lopez:
Santana and Quinn help Brittany with summer school, so Santana and Brittany can go to New York together. Mama Lopez is, as always, there to help. Mostly T, for swearing, but rated M for sweet lady loving in later chapters. Set after 3x22.
Mediterranean Dreams, by Scarlett’s Tara
“A persistent tickling near her ear nudged her into consciousness. When ignoring it failed, Santana twitched the muscles in one side of her face, reluctant to move her heavily relaxed limbs. The motion created a poorly muffled stream of giggles coming from somewhere above her head”.
Mine, by vontramp:
Canon Brittana one-shot based loosely around the lyrics to “Mine,” by Taylor Swift, thanks to Ryan Murphy’s Twitter leaks (beautiful, painful and so real. This is gold).
Missing You, by StraightShark
“And fuck…just thinking about it makes you horny. You miss her so much it’s driving you crazy. You used to be able to have sex with her whenever you wanted- even during school- to satisfy your sexual desire for HER…but now that you’re separated by what seemed like millions of miles it feels like you can barely control yourself”.
Moments, by ifshepromisedyouheaven
“I helped you paint your face, one half red, one yellow. I kissed you quickly, right on the apple of your cheek. You scrunched your nose, that cute smile that says don’t ever stop kissing me. The hard acrylic paint cracked and left ragged lines down your face. Still as beautiful as ever, years after high school, years after college, months after the birth of our son”.
My girlfriends’ sister’s keeper, by bodybroke:
This will basically just be random cute moments of Brittana/Brittany’s little sister Ashley, because I had a lot of fun writing them in that one, and there isn’t enough Brittany’s sister in fics.
No matter where in the sky, by LeighKelly:
“I used to wish on every shooting star for a future with you, and now that future is here, and I know it’s forever.” Following their first argument after moving in together, Brittany and Santana take a trip outside of the city to look at the stars, and remember just how important they’ll always be to one another. Post Season 5. One Shot.
One in a million paradaise, by LeighKelly:
In the middle of their weeklong vacation at the beach, Brittany is surprised by what Santana has planned for their Fourth of July together. One-shot.
Picking up the pieces, by Ebony-Jayne
Brittany is there for Santana after the disastrous coming out to her Abuela and some of Brittany’s own insecurities pop up in the process…Brittana.
Pizza in Louisville, by Scarlett’s Tara
Cheer practice hardly caused her to break a sweat anymore. Perhaps it was years under the wrath of Sue Sylvester. Or maybe that she had always been one of the top three members of the team and given the most complicated parts of their routines. Or likely the fact that the presence of a certain someone made her more inclined to show off.
Taking the long way!verse, by lingeringlilies.
Taking the long way:
Santana’s journey toward self-acceptance through love, loss, friends, career and family. Contains Glee history through “Original Song.” Rated M for sex.
Me and You and Daisies:
“Maybe ‘happily ever afters’ don’t exist. Maybe they’re fragmented and sprinkled throughout our lives to remind us to keep moving forward. Maybe, if we look from the right angle and maneuver the pieces just so, they become a masterpiece we keep adding to until the day we die.” Future fic, Brittana as mothers. Sequel to “Taking the Long Way,” but can stand independently.
Me and You and Daisies: The DVD Extras
One-shots related to the Lopez-Pierce Family as depicted in “Me and You and Daisies”
Through the Dark
Why would Brittany ever leave Santana after eight solid, happy years together?
Ruby Tuesday
“You gaze down at her as though your heart were growing bigger with every snuffle and jerk of her tiny body. For the first time in a long time, you start to sing.” Oneshot, Me and You and Daisies 'verse.
Easter for the Lopez-Pierce family when Caleb is two. MaYaD 'verse.
“Mine!” Ruby chirped, reaching her pudgy fist up to grab at the cup of markers on the dining room table”.
The (Second) First Time, by thefooliam: It’s the same way that makes Santana think they’ll be doing stuff like this forever. Spoilers for 3x05 “The First Time”.
The PreBowery!verse, by crammit:
Study Break
Unable to concentrate on the paper she has to write, Brittany decides to see if Santana is up for a study break. – Rated M for smut and language
Meet in the Middle
Taking a break from the diner and from school, Santana and Brittany decide to meet up for a weekend away to reconnect. - Rated M for smut and language
Another weekend away finds Brittany’s plans to help Santana with the dishes derailed as Santana comes up with another way for Brittany to thank her for dinner. – Rated M for smut and language
The Shed, by crammit.
“Come on, San. This will be fun. You said you weren’t scared, right?” “Right.” - Rated M for smut and brief bad language
Things we’re all too young to know, by the fooliam: Brittany holds her like she’s a balloon, like she’s a hope that might float away. 5x13 fic.
So close that you eyes close as I fall asleep, by thefooliam: Brittany struggles to get Santana to sleep after Will’s party. Spoilers for 6x06 “What the World Needs Now”. Title from Pablo Neruda’s Love Sonnet XVII.
XO, by crammit: Alone for the night in the loft, Santana’s brooding thoughts manifest themselves in a way she never expected. Rated M for sex and super brief language.
2859!verse, by halfrobotchicken
Santana Lopez is a publicist in New York trying to rein in the biggest ego the city’s ever seen. Brittany Pierce is attempting to create the next big thing in Seattle. They’re 2859 miles apart, but one wrong number just might change everything.
2859: The Merry Miles Edition
Santana and Brittany do Christmas with their families. Three-Shot.
2859: Triple Threat
Brittany and Santana are welcoming a new addition, but Santana isn’t so welcoming of the additional company that comes with it. Five-shot.
A Morning Dedication, titanium22
Santana and Brittany haven’t seen each other in five years. They haven’t even heard each other’s voice. Or that’s what Santana thinks. And one day she makes the wrong, or right, decision to talk about their past on her radio show.
A Second Life!verse, by everdreaming3
A Second Life
There are some people who go through life just existing and not really living. Brittany Pierce was one of those people. She goes through the day to day motions of her life without much hope for the future. That is until she meets a woman that breaks her out of her dull existence and gives her an opportunity for a second life. Brittana AU
I Remember When
A really long one-shot from Santana’s POV reminiscing about her relationship with Brittany. This is related to my story A Second Life, so if you haven’t read that already, I strongly recommend it otherwise this won’t make much sense!
A Second Life-Beautiful
One-shot- takes place after the last chapter of A Second Life, so if you haven’t read that you really should before checking this one out! Brittany and Santana are adjusting to their new roles as mothers, and they share a special night together and with their babies.
A Second Life-Christmas Cheer
One-shot from A Second Life universe. The holidays are approaching, and Brittany and Santana take the twins on a last minute shopping excursion. Only they run into the last person they ever expected to find. A view into the life of the Lopez family.
A Second Life-Terrible Twos
Brittana. One-shot from A Second Life 'verse. Brittany and Santana deal with raising toddlers and managing the stresses in life.
A Second Life-Wedding Bells
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life 'verse. Brittany and Santana celebrate a wedding in their own unique way.
A Second Life-Leaving Lady
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life 'verse. The Lopez family deals with a loss. (I am sorry, don’t be mad at me!)
A Second Life-Elementary Blues
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life universe. The Lopez family negotiates life with two eight-year-olds, and handle a difficult day with the kids.
A Second Life-Troublesome Teens
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life 'verse. The kids are now teenagers and proving to be more than a handful for Brittany and Santana.
A Second Life-Graduation Day
Brittana one-shot from A Second Life universe. Santana and Brittany try to come to terms with their kids becoming adults and growing up so quickly.
As Lovers Go, by ohhheyitsnic
You knew what you were getting yourself into before you even started. But you couldn’t stop yourself, something about those electric eyes, with one look you were a goner. College AU Brittana.
Beautiful Scars, by GleekForHemo
Brittany is a shy 24 year old waitress. A serious accident left part of her body covered in burn scars. She hasn’t been with anyone ever since, what happens when she meets a beautiful brunette at work? AU.
Beginning of Something Amazing, by aeval
In an alternate world, how Brittany and Santana’s relationship progressed.
Best Laid Plans!verse, by crammit
Best Laid Plans
Sometimes missing your dinner reservation isn’t a bad thing. (Rated M for language, smut and the earnest use of an online purchase).
Game Plan
The second round is on Brittany. Literally. (Rated M for language, smut and the earnest use of an online purchase).
Backup Plan
Feeling inspired, Santana wakes Brittany with a proposition she can’t refuse. (Rated M for language, smut and the earnest use of an online purchase).
Blue Eyes, by BrittanaForeverX (WARNING: G!p)
“Oh, calm down, Santana. It’s not going to kill you. We have to move. Your father is being transferred. Now go upstairs and start packing.”
“But – …”
“Go!” My mom shouts back at me.
I run back upstairs, to my room and slam my door. 'God why?!’ I think to myself. 'Everything is going to change again…’
Brittany’ Seduction, by J.Angela (WARNING: G!p)
I was watching embrace of the vampire with Alyssa Milano because I love her and the lesbian photography scene just had me like…. YES! So I typed a Brittana version of it for all of you to enjoy. :D
Clockwork, by gorshenin
“No one believed that she was actually apart of the IT team, hell, she lead the IT Department, but the general consensus was that it was just for show. They thought she was just fed lines to read off to cameras at conventions, but she knew it all by heart. She could do it in her sleep, but all people saw was a pretty face.
Sometimes she believed it too”.
Dirty Dishes, by everdreaming3
Brittana one-shot. Who knew doing the dishes could get so dirty? SMUT! Be forewarned, there is no plot. Rated M for obvious sex and dirty language, and a little bit of domination.
Farm!verse, by LeighKelly&Nic1031
If You Wanna Live the Good Life (You Better Stay Away From the Limelight)
After Santana inherits a rundown farm from her estranged late grandmother, she needs to place to run from a scandal in New York City. When she arrives, it’s most definitely not what she expected. Though she’s not sure whether she’ll stay or go, she hires landscape architect Brittany Pierce to make the land habitable, and finds love in the process.
Forever Can Never Be Long Enough For Me (To Feel Like I’ve Had Long Enough With You)
One year after their first kiss in the rain, Brittany and Santana celebrate the Fourth of July. Little does Santana know, Brittany has a suspense up her sleeve.
Although It’s Been Said Many Times, Many Ways (Merry Christmas To You)
Brittany and Santana celebrate their second Christmas as wives on the farm and learn that their Christmas is going to be a little more special this year.
You Wear White (And I’ll Wear Out the Words “I Love You”)
“Hearing the weather alert, Santana laughs, reaching across the counter, where Brittany stands, eyes fixed on the television in the other room, “Well, Britt, we did want a winter wedding.”
“Not quite what I had in mind…”
You’re Beautiful (Every Little Piece Love)
In the midst of adjusting to married life, Santana helps Brittany confront some personal demons.
It’s Just So Easy (When the Whole World Fits Inside of Your Arms)
On her first major book tour, a pregnant Santana feels the struggle of being away from her wife.
You’ve Really Got a Hold On Me (Baby)
After a long pregnancy, Santana finally gives birth to her first child with Brittany.
I Would Hold You For a Million Years (To Make You Feel My Love)
A little over a year after Jonas is born, Santana and Brittany cope with some personal obstacles, and manage to find some time alone together.
Finding the way back!verse, by LeighKelly
Finding the way back (This. THIS. THIS, OMG, THIS IS FUCKING GOLD!)
Six years have passed since Santana came to New York. Dealing with the aftermath of a terrible event, she is spiraling down a dark road. When Brittany encounters her own tragedy in Lima and finds herself with nowhere else to go, she ends up in New York. Can these two damaged hearts find their way back together? And how much can love overcome? Canon until Guilty Pleasures.
Glee - Rated: M - English – Romance/Drama.
There’s Something about Christmastime
After a long hard year, Santana realizes that as cliche as it sounds, that there’s just something magical about Christmastime, especially when she has her wife and daughter by her side. One-shot set between Finding the Way Back and Beautiful Life.
For One so Small, You Seem so Strong
While her wife sleeps after giving birth to their second child, Brittany holds their newborn and reflects on motherhood, family, and her love for Santana. One shot companion piece to Beautiful Life, Brittany’s Point of View.
She Puts the Color Inside of My World
As Brittany and Santana celebrate their first real Mother’s Day with little Annie and their own mothers, they consider the past, the present and the future of their lives. Annie-verse, takes place during Finding the Way Back.
Little Unexpected Love
“I already love you a lot, and I can’t imagine how much more I’ll love you after you’re born. I told your mom that I really wanted you to be mine, and honestly, I don’t know what that means, but I’ll try, more than anything, to be the best for you.” While Brittany sleeps, Santana talks to the baby growing inside of her. Annie-verse, takes place during Finding the Way Back. One-shot
This Much I Know Is True
Before Brittany can ask Santana the most important question of their lives, there are two very important things she needs to do. Annie-verse one shot, set during Finding the Way Back. Brittany’s POV.
Love Runs Through My Veins
When seven day old Annie needs her first blood transfusion, Santana volunteers to be her donor. In the process, she and Brittany continue to realize the immense strength of the bonds that tie together their brand new family. Annie-verse.
New Beginnings
While so many things begin to fall into place in their lives, Brittany and Santana celebrate Easter with nearly four-year old Annie and their family. One-Shot, Santana’s POV, set just before Beautiful Life.
Give me your hand and I’ll hold it, by my-other-ride-is-your-mum: Brittany really wants to talk to the new girl in her class…but there’s a reason why Santana Lopez can’t hear her talking to her in the hall. AU high school Brittana…deaf Santana…only a little bit angsty and mostly fluffy cuteness. One-shot.
Going to the movies, by kp83
When Santana woke up that morning, she had no idea that she was only a few hours away from meeting the girl of her dreams. Her day started out as most days did.
Ghost Saver, by Lingering Lilies
“Brittany had always seen ghosts. But she’d never met a ghost quite like this girl.” Fluffy Brittana ghost story for Halloween.
I Learned A Little Bit About The Good Stuff, by heyho
“Santana is a chemistry professor and Brittany goes to visit her girlfriend at work, they start to make out and things get a bit heavy. Brittany is already with her shirt off when there’s a knock on the door and Brittany hides under Santana’s desk right before a group of 4 to 6 students enter the lab”.
Imagining Tigers, by titanium22
“All I could think about was Brittany. Her blonde hair, held tight in a high ponytail, her blue eyes, mesmerizing and alluring, her perfect body and long legs, her piercings and her tattoos, wondering what they meant, why she was so guarded and what was her story”.
Innocent!verse, by jellymankelly:
"The first time you meet her, you’re not exactly at your best. In fact, this particular moment in time probably ranks somewhere in your top three worst days ever. Like, ever ever.” M for coarse language and sexual themes. Three-shot.
Innocent: Incident Response Protocol:
“It’d be funny to you how quickly Santana launches herself from the couch and nearly trips over her own feet as she positively sprints for the bathroom, if you weren’t so distracted by how unbelievably turned on you are.” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
Innocent: Protective Custody:
“You push your joined hands higher until they’re knotted against her lower stomach, grounding her in place even as you work to send her higher and higher. You have her, and you’re not letting go.” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
Innocent: Means, Motive, and Opportunity:
“Her right tangles in your hair, yanking your head lightly to the side. She starts sucking and nipping at your pulse point furiously, and the thought of her marking you so passionately makes you tighten around her as she fills you” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
Innocent: Diversionary Tactics:
“'Santana,’ you murmur teasingly. 'If I’m going to have a Super Bowl snack, it should be while I’m learning about the Super Bowl itself, right’” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
Innocent: Character Witness:
“You let a tiny feeling of self-satisfaction color your love for her. Sure she’s grumpy and stubborn and steals the covers at night, but she’s yours. It’s pretty freakin’ awesome.” Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. Two-shot.
Innocent: Method of Entry:
Her eyes are dark but soft and shining, half covered by her thick, thick lashes. They stare almost as if they can see right through you, and it sends a shiver dancing straight up your spine. The way she’s looking at you right now…it’s very likely the sexiest thing you’ve ever seen in your life. Companion piece to Innocent. M for coarse language and sexual themes. One-shot.
It’s a Gleeful Life, by LoneGambit
“…Like the fact that it’s close to Christmas and instead of spending it in Lima with Brittany like I always have, like I really want to, I’ve blown half the money my mami gave me, to follow my dreams, on clothes and gifts and high tailed it to New York City to avoid all previously partaken Christmas traditions at all costs.
After all, what’s left of traditions if I don’t have the one girl in the world that I’m meant to partake in them with?”
It Was Us Way Before Them, by Mistiec
Santana Lopez is an LA power lesbian, with the world in her hands. She’s so much more than the small town girl who escaped from Lima and told herself she would never look back.
Hanging by a Moment, by Normal-Is-For-The-Boring
Santana was packing her bags hurriedly as she rushed out the door to get to the airport. Since she only had lectures left for the rest of the week she decided to skip out on them and just listen to them online. Her flight was booked a few days earlier than anticipated since she wanted to beat the rush that was bound to happen at the airport, it was Thanksgiving holiday after all. Plus, she also wanted to see Brittany as soon as she could.
Happy New Year, by SecretLifeofWords
AU-ish: Santana travels back to Brittany’s dorm at MIT to celebrate New Year’s Eve with her at a Broadway themed party. It’s a companion piece to “Shining Star” but can stand alone. References to Hummelpezberry friendship and Broadway characters/songs. Part of #HOLYSMU. Enjoy :)
High Frequency Romance, by kp83
Brittany is corporate pilot for Motta Industries and she has developed a crush on an air traffic controller that she talks to on the radio. The only problem with their 'relationship’ is that they have never met in person, but fate might step in and lay a hand in changing that. AU Brittana. Rated M.
Kissing You, by tatyana82
AU- You see, in Santana’s mind, to try and recover from her kind of obsession, the hardest simple thing to do is to stay away from what’s addictive; right now, a kiss from her wife, Brittany, was her hardest simple thing…
Life Changer, by kp83
“She had received a call this morning from her manager saying that she was needed the next day for a final audition for a new mini-series, and if it hadn’t been for a show that she absolutely wanted to be in, she wouldn’t have bothered with the last minute mad-dash to get to New York from Los Angeles”.
Living with Santana Lopez, by Justified12
Brittana are step-sisters. So yeah… just a heads up because that’s a bit risque.
Meant to be, by Lyleerose (WARNING: G!p)
“Brittany is sitting in the hospital bed with sweat dripping from her forehead, pushing as hard as she can. We are awaiting the arrival of our first child”.
Nailed It, by terriblemuriel
“The lights go out and the music ceases and for a moment you are deaf and blind, void of sensation save for the feel of her hand in yours. You’ve screamed yourself hoarse tonight singing along to Come to My Window, and your throat is sore, but when she leans in to place a tender kiss against your neck, the brush of her soft lips soothes you”.
Offense: The Best Defense, by StraightShark
Head cheerleader!Santana and Badass!Brittany have never gotten along, but when Santana’s pride and reputation are on the line she gets a little desperate…and Brittany just happens to be there to help her out. Everything has its consequences though.
Paperwoman, by LoveInTechnicolor
What would you do if you found the girl of your dreams on the way to work one morning only to have her leave before you could even ask for her name? What if you found out that very same girl works in the building across the street and her office is located just a couple of stories below yours?
Part of you, Part of Me!verse, by tatyana82 (WARNING: G!p)
Part of You, Part of Me
AU- Cool water was drying on her frame as she stared at herself in the mirror, naked; her brain searching for answers she knew could only be one. But it couldn’t be possible, could it? Surely, there were more than enough times…- G!p. Adult life.
Saying I love you (properly)
Prompt for the 'Part of You, Part of Me’ G!p AU- The first one was a two time thing, the second one, well, was no exception.
More Than You Know
Prompt for the 'Part of You, Part of Me’ G!p AU- A not so accidental night out at a strip club wasn’t a big deal… for Brittany.
It’s time to begin, isn’t it?
Prompt for the 'Part of You, Part of Me’ G!p AU- And just like that, it dawned on Brittany and Santana that time keeps on ticking and he is just growing up.
Payback is a, by everdreaming3
Brittana one-shot. What follows after the events of 'Dirty Dishes’. There is no plot, just smut! Rated M for sexy times and language, and also some dominance play!
Private Tutoring, by iamabicorn (WARNING: G!p)
“I heard murmurs of farewells to me and the other clients as they rolled up their mats and made their way towards the foyer of the studio to leave. I grabbed my iPod from its dock and slipped it into the small pocket of my gym bag. There was only fifteen minutes until my first private lesson of the day, so I grabbed the bag and headed towards the employees’ locker room to change”.
Recipe for Disaster, by FloatYourBoat21
“Her voice is so raspy and also so familiar. I have no idea what she’s even saying because I’m so enthralled by this seemingly complete stranger. Whatever she’s saying though… I like it”.
Rent my Pussy, by soulpicnic
Lonely? Call 1-800-BSPUSSY.
Santana’s Elf!verse, by kp83
Santana’s Elf
Santana vowed against the Elf on the Shelf. She thought it was a ridiculous concept that she wanted absolutely nothing to do with; but when she is given one against her will, and reluctantly roped into the Christmas tradition, she soon finds that her elf is more than she expected. Christmas Brittana AU. Rated T.
A Very Merry Vacation
Santana and Brittany go on vacation for Christmas. Sequel to Santana’s Elf.
Christmas in July
Unique and unexpected circumstances lead to an impromptu Christmas in July celebration for Brittany and Santana. Brittana one-shot in the Santana’s Elf universe. Sequel to A Very Merry Vacation. Rated T.
Faith, Truth and Christmas Magic
When Brittany and Santana’s daughter comes home from school upset, but is unwilling to tell them why, it is up to them to find out what is bothering her and try to fix it before it threatens to ruin not only Christmas, but also their happy little family. Part of the 'Santana’s Elf’ universe. Sequel to 'Christmas in July’. Rated T.
Service, by Swinging Cloud (WARNING: G!p)
“When she receives her draft letter in the mail, Brittany Pierce thinks her life can’t get worse- until she meets Drill Commander Lopez.” EXTRA-smutty fill for the GKM. Brittana. AU. G!p. FINAL SUMOSMU! D:
Shining Star, by SecretLifeofWords
Santana flies in from NY to spend Christmas with Brittany and her family. Adorableness and other things ensue. Popcorn is spilled. Memories are made. Epic love story prevails. Just the right amount of sweet and spicy to kick off your Holiday Season. #HOLYSMU contribution, Enjoy! :) (Two-shot)
Sirens!verse, by cactusgirl329
Lord Tubbington, Private Eye
Brittany starts a private investigating business with the help of her girlfriend, Santana, and a very reluctant cat. Adventure, mayhem, romance, and hilarity ensue. Brittana. Glee. M.
Four years after a horrific string of unsolved murders mysteriously stopped, a new body has been discovered. The police call on the same team of private investigators who almost solved the case last time, but four years can change everything. Brittana. M. Glee. Crime/Mystery/Romance/Action/More!
On The Fifth Day of Christmas
Follows the events of Sirens. Features all main characters from Sirens. Brittany and Santana host a Christmas dinner at their apartment. Major life event for Brittana. Fluff (super fluff). sMut. Brittana. Sirens Verse.
A Sirens Halloween
Sirens!Verse Halloween special featuring major characters from Sirens. It takes place after the events of Sirens. M.
St Patrick Valentine’s Day, by SecretLifeofWords
“Santana stretched in her seat as she shifted for the umpteenth time of the bus ride. The ride from NYC to Boston wasn’t that long, it’s just that she was really anxious to see Brittany after their Valentine’s plans sort of, fizzled. It wasn’t really anyone’s fault, per se, but, it still sucked”.
Stand Clear Of the Closing Doors, Please, by  Swinging Cloud
“Brittany’s made up her mind- she can’t wait, she’s going to take Santana right now- and the look on Santana’s face tells Brittany that she won’t stop her.” Brittana. Subway!sex. SMUTTT. SUMOSMU #2. YAY!
The Bowery!verse, by crammit
Merry Christmas
For Brittany, there’s no better present than waking up to Santana on a snowy morning. – Rated M for smut and language **Part of The Bowery 'Verse**
On this New Year’s Eve, Brittany decides to start Santana’s New Year off in a way she might not have ever imagined. - Rated M for smut and language **Part of The Bowery 'Verse**
Stuttering, by Normal-Is-For-The-Boring
Summer Storm
“You chase the sweat from her back with the pad of your thumb, the cadence of her irregular breathing accented by the slow rumbles of thunder outside your open bedroom window”.
The Carnival Switch, by Writtentoberead
“ Santana slowly opened her eyes to the girl next to her. Beautiful dark hair and tan skin met her eyes…wait. That’s definitely not Brittany, but it was definitely one smokin’ hot girl. Santana was in fact looking into the face of…herself. “
The Day Snixx Almost Ruined Christmas!, by slbsp-33
“ Santana looked at their six year old daughter and gave her a huge smile to reassure her that she would wear the hat in their family picture. It had been tradition and Santana was big on tradition. “
The Feelings that Smolder until it’s an Inferno, by kp83
BrittanaCon 2015 fic prompt: Firefighter!Santana and pet storeowner Brittany. Santana is in charge of the station’s Dalmatian. One-shot, rated M.
The Journal, by silverdoe14
AU Brittana. Brittany Pierce is an attorney’s receptionist at a major NY law firm. Santana Lopez is the new, challenging lawyer Brittany has been chosen to work for. Brittany finds a very old journal and begins writing in it to reveal some of the feelings she could never ever tell her new boss. No outside glee characters, crackshipping, etc.
The Only Choice!verse, by crammit
The Only Choice:
When Brittany walked into Santana’s inn all those years ago, neither knew just how much their lives would change. When a dark force from Santana’s past threatens to destroy those she loves, she’ll stop at nothing to protect them. Vampire-AU - Rated M for language, mild violence, and sex.
The Only Choice-Interlude: Feeding.
A late night lesson in the kitchen on the proper way to feed leads Brittany and Santana with the urge to satisfy another kind of hunger. Rated M for smut.
The Only Choice-Interlude: Running
Deciding to test Brittany’s new abilities, Santana challenges her to a race, not counting on how distracting Brittany really can be. Vampire- AU Rated M for brief bad language and sex.
The Only Choice-Interlude: Thoughts
A lesson in mind games quickly turns into a lesson about control. Rated M for smut
The Only Choice-Decade Interlude-Date Night 1925
In anticipation of their upcoming anniversary, Santana and Brittany enjoy a date night but Santana worries that a change in her appearance may derail their plans. Rated M for smut and language.
The Substitute, by PullingSunflowers (WARNING: G!p)
A hot, young Latina is chosen to replace Sue Sylvester as she goes on maternity leave. Not everyone is happy about it but Brittany sure is. G!P Santana and Cheerio Captain Brittany.
The Sweetest!verse, by crammit
The Sweetest Condition:
“Santana.” Your soft voice calls to me and I look up to find you watching me, a thousand emotions playing across your face, all contained in the sweetness of your smile. Your hand grabs mine and together we curve our fingers against the slope of your belly. Our baby. - Rated M for language, smut, and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Song:
“You sound so beautiful when you sing to her, you know.” - Rated M for smut and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Decision:
“I want to have a baby.” - Rated M for smut, fluff, and the one-time use of a curse word **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Reservation:
Despite being anxious to leave Ava for her and Santana’s first date night since their daughter was born, Brittany finds a way to channel that anxiety into something better suited for a date with her wife. (side of Faberry) - Rated M for smut, fluff, and the super minor use of a curse word **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Gift
A Christmas Eve interlude between Brittany and Santana - Rated M for smut and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe*
The Sweetest Saturday
“You can sext me any time you want. Just, maybe not when I’m in the middle of an important meeting. Or when I’m standing at the mailbox talking to Mrs. Whitfield across the street.” A Saturday morning at home gets interrupted by work but Brittany figures out a way to make it work in her favor. - Rated M for smut and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Candy
After taking Ava trick-or-treating, Brittany and Santana decide to indulge in a little Halloween fun of their own. - Rated M for fluff and smut **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Sleepover
With Ava out at her first sleepover, Brittany decides to take advantage of the time alone and surprises Santana with her own version of a sleepover. Rated M for smut and fluff **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Bedtime Story
Taking a deep breath, I take a few moments to enjoy the quiet of the house, the soft static hum of the baby monitor on the dresser the only sound in the room until your voice breaks the silence with a request, “Tell me a story.” - Rated M for fluff and smut **Part of the Sweetest Universe**
The Sweetest Dream
After returning home late from a long day at the office, Santana’s tired mind slips into a dream that feels all too real. – Rated M for sex, mild reference to vampire violence.
The Werewolf and the Witch!verse, by BetTheDuckisInTheHat
The Friendly Werewolf and The Wicked Witch
Brittany and Santana’s children want to go trick or treating for the first time. But the girls weren’t expecting them to want to be just like their moms. Brittana. #DUBSPOOK ONESHOT First story of *The Werewolf and The Witch Verse*
The Werewolf and The Witch: Holiday Edition
The family goes to a new place for this Christmas. How will the Holidays turn out? Brittana. #HOLYSMU *The Werewolf and The Witch Verse*
Luck of the Almost Irish
Brittany is very enthusiastic to celebrate Saint Patrick’s day with the whole family for the first time, but will she get her wish? Brittana. *The Werewolf and The Witch Verse*
Things that go bump in the basement, by mamatots
AU. Santana follows Brittany down into the basement of her grandmother’s old house. What all will happen once they accidentally get locked down there?
This game we spectate, by somethingsdont
Santana takes Brittany to a hockey game.
Vignettes, by orangeyouglad8
Moments and Pieces of a Love Story. A/U-ish. “And just like that time stops and all the breath leaves my body and I am lost in you. I never want to be lost anywhere else.”
What money can’t buy, by Stalpankaka
AU set in New York. After a one night stand goes a little crazy, Santana and Brittany bump into each other again… But life can never just be easy, right?
Worth the Risk, by everdreaming3
Santana Lopez is a hot young talent agent in New York. She has the whole world in front of her, but she is held back by her own insecurities. Brittany Pierce is a woman who gives up her comfortable life to try and follow her passion. When Santana does a favor for a friend, Brittany is thrown into her life and everything turns upside down. Can they risk everything to find happiness?
You Gave me the Word, I finally heard, by LeighKelly (If you haven’t read this yet, GO NOW!)
When Brittany Pierce was seven, a near drowning experience left her profoundly deaf. For twenty-two years, she’s lived in a quiet solitude, her mother’s response to her accident leaving her wary of building relationships. She’s content with her life, her career, her home with her service dog Otis, until she quite literally runs into Santana Lopez…and then everything changes.
You Live, You Learn, You Love, by kp83
At seventeen, the most important things in soon-to-be high school senior Santana Lopez’s life is school, Cheerios, her family and friends, and dreaming up ways to escape her small town. Then one night she meets a girl that needs her help, and in a blink of an eye, everything in her carefree life starts to change. AU Brittana, rated M.
2859: The Fearsome Foursome
Brittany and Santana attend a very important wedding.
Beautiful Life, by  LeighKelly
Three years after the emotionally tumultuous first year of their marriage (and of their unexpected daughter’s life) Santana and Brittany have realized that with love, anything is possible. Watch as the two of them and their four year old daughter Annie take on their little corner of the world. Sequel to Finding the Way Back, but can be read on it’s own. Santana’s POV, canon to 4x17
Binding Hearts, by GleekForHemo
Sequel to Beautiful Scars. It has been 4 years since Santana and Brittany got married and they are still very much in love. Of course life comes with ups and downs so will they be able to stay strong together when chaos appears to be on the horizon? AU.
Don’t You Dare Look Back, Just Keep Your Eyes On Me, by LeighKelly
In the fall of 1983, while on a date with another woman, semi-closeted banker Santana Lopez meets struggling dancer Brittany Pierce. Though they come from two different worlds, a single dance changes their lives forever.
Healing, by hedonist11
“Santana had to reread the text a couple times to make sure Sam was telling her what she thought he is telling her. Motherfucker didn’t have the decency to call, the least he could do was use the spell check on his phone”.
HellaPrompts, by where'smynaya
A collection of Brittana prompts submitted to me on Tumblr now in one place for your viewing (reading) pleasure!
How I met your mommy, by MissHeatherMichelle
“Santana walks out of the kitchen, and makes her way into her bedroom, carrying a glass or orange juice. She stops abruptly when she sees her closet door opened and things scattered all around, spilling out into her bedroom. She carefully places her glass down on the dresser, and hears giggling coming from inside the closet. She takes a few tentative steps forward, until she can see inside the walk in closet, where she spots a little girl and boy. “What are you guys doing?” Santana asks, kneeling down to their level”.
Leaving Normal, by LeighKelly
In small towns like Roswell, New Mexico, secrets are hard to keep. When Santana Lopez is shot in her father’s diner, and Brittany Pierce saves her life, everything is put at risk, especially the secret Brittany has been hiding for all of her life, that she is most definitely not of this Earth. AU loosely set in the Roswell-verse.
Like We’re Made of Starlight, by LeighKelly
As the oldest in a large family, and her father serving overseas in the second World War, Santana Lopez leaves the city to tend bar in a tiny Fire Island town. Almost immediately, the female captain of a fishing boat catches her eye and calls into question everything she knows about right and wrong, and everything she knows about herself.
Piece by Piece, by LeighKelly
When pediatric surgeon Santana Lopez meets Dr. Brittany Pierce, head of plastic surgery, in the elevator during a blackout at the hospital, she’s immediately hit with a sense of disdain. Little does she know that she’ll be the first person to show her what love looks like, and change her life for good.
Time passes, in love and in seasons, by echoes_of_realities
You were the choice I made before I knew what the other choices were
Summer comes and goes in the quiet moments. It comes and goes in the quiet moments of time passing away from the critical eyes of high school, where they can just be the them that they always are when it’s just Brittany-and-Santana. It comes and goes like a flower unfurling its petals towards the sun in the new beginning of a different sunrise every morning.
Somewhere along the way we must grow up, not perfect, but up and out
Autumn comes and goes in the quiet moments. It comes and goes in the quiet moments of time passing between classes and in secluded hallways, where bravery grows as they fight to protect their love from the clumsy fingers of careless teenagers and smear campaigns and familial rejection. It comes and goes like a golden leaf free falling through the air with its unconscious courage as it leaves everything it knows and throws itself into the unknown for just the chance at love and happiness.
That winter you left me snow-blind
Winter comes and goes in the quiet moments. It comes and goes in the quiet moments of time passing between snowfalls and mistletoe kisses, where they can finally stop holding their breaths and instead bask in the warmth of acceptance despite the winter wind. It comes and goes like lazy Sunday mornings where the alarm clock is a cold nose against skin as snow covers the town in a fresh beginning.
And here’s the link to the files: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1o5sOhyJ0yntsKSh7Zz4EwlKYJbAJ4kJ4
And thanks por the question =D
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bluejaywriter · 7 years
A Brief Look Into Modern Internet Folklore: The Evolution of Isabel Maru (Dr. Poison)
Abstract: One of the most interesting things about WonderPoison fanfiction is how Isabel Maru’s character has evolved in the last 5 months. Isabel’s evil nature (as per the canon) makes her character very difficult to work with, especially when the end goal is to pair her with someone like Diana. Early WP fanfic grappled with this much more than fics do now, even in such a short time period.
TL:DR This post is a brief(ish) history of WonderPoison. Continue reading at your own risk. Also, you get to find out my three favorite WP fanfics!
In Search of A Remedy, the first WP fanfic ever posted on Ao3, arrived, somehow, before the film was even released. It doesn’t broach romance between these two, but it does offer a possible explanation of how Diana might find Isabel after the war and begin a friendship of sorts. Set directly after the end of the film, Isabel is still quite close to the canon- cold, closed, dedicated to her work, and verging on the edge of insanity.
The next two works (nearby and resettled, unsettled) were posted almost immediately after the film was released, and would eventually become the backbone of miss_belivet’s “wonderpoison archive”. The series depicts a very long courtship (around 10 years) of sorts between these two, with careful attention given to the fact that Diana is constantly keeping tabs on Isabel’s behavior. These two are quite formal and serious together, even as they move into their established relationship, with Isabel being ferried to Themyscira to live a semi-independent life, and Diana visiting her in between missions. Isabel never quite loses her edge, and Diana never settles into domestic life with her permanently.
The NEXT two works in this fandom were posted about a week after the movie’s release, and Jolene (which is tied with Johanna as my favorite WP fic of all time) was the first fanfic that I thought showed how blindingly perfect this ship could be. Isabel is still ruthless, Diana is still gentle and kind, but somehow- somehow- they find themselves putting that aside to be together, even if it is just for a night, or a short lifetime. I still read it every so often because it’s ridiculously beautiful, and it’s also the first fic that I felt wrestled with the moral issue (and it found them irreconcilable, and just threw them together anyways, because if love was powerful enough to keep Diana from killing Isabel in the first place, it could certainly be powerful enough to draw them back together now).
After Jolene, WonderPoison fics were being released almost daily- and then the Verge interview with Elena Anaya was released.
Hell did not break loose, but between Elena’s descriptions of Isabel’s past and character (the evil parts and the humanizing parts), and miss_belivet following it almost immediately with Johanna, we were shown under no uncertain terms that Isabel Maru was not just Ludendorff’s chief psychopath, but she was a human being; a talented, broken, grief-stricken, and relatable woman with the most tragic of pasts... I read Johanna and my heart stopped. I read Johanna and I realized that there was still hope for this woman- and I wanted to give it to her.
I started writing around this time, when the fandom was beginning to realize it didn’t need to preface each fic with a disclaimer about knowing Dr. Poison is evil and an acknowledgement that this is of course a crackship. More and more fics were posted from Isabel’s POV, and more fics offered a humanized version of Isabel- one that still presented her with that cold persona from the film, but now featured a strain of tragedy and humanity lurking underneath.
By the middle of July, several weeks after the film had been released, Ao3 was a mixed bag of “traditional comic book movie villain” Isabel Maru fanfics, and fluffy WP fanfics. It was almost bizarre to see them juxtaposed one after the other- evil WWI chemist Dr. Poison shorts followed by WonderPoison hurt/comfort oneshots. (One of the most impressive fics that came out at this point is my third favorite WP(ish) work, Shell Shock by Bellicose_Blue, which is a stunning take on the idea that Isabel, not Ludendorff, was Ares.)
By the beginning of August, the fandom was quiet.
Through all of this I was writing Hatred. I remember watching the fandom die down and wondering if I was devoting my summer to something no one would be around to read when I finally posted the epilogue. I remember spending hours in the library, writing page after page of WonderPoison meta, trying in vain to mold Isabel’s character into something remotely compatible with Diana’s.
I devoted two long, dragging chapters to Diana and Isabel’s reconciliation, and still wasn’t happy with it. But eventually, I myself, as a writer, had to believe in the power of love and let my characters run with it, logic be damned. Because maybe love and relationships really actually aren’t that logical, in reality.
I’m not going to harp on and on about Hatred (I wrote 30,000 words for it, isn't that enough??), but that fic was a labor of blood, sweat, and tears, because to get Isabel Maru from a place where she was completely full of hatred and bitterness, to a place where she essentially became Diana’s light was DIFFICULT.
But the fandom has gotten there with quiet ease, whether Hatred helped get it there or not. The fandom version of Isabel is still cold, snappy, and morally ambiguous, but she is also wicked, snarky, amusing, and even caring at times. She has soaked in our headcanons and our angst and our love for the last five months, and it shows.
I’m quite proud that writers today don’t feel the need to apologize for their love of WonderPoison. I’m quite proud that Isabel has become such a full character, with her tragic past and her cats and her sass and her pure, blind adoration for this lovable goof of a goddess (also, Diana has loosened up quite a bit in the fandom, have you noticed?).
And to be honest, it’s rather striking for me to watch Wonder Woman now and wonder in amazement at how on earth we got such an amazing woman from this caricatured, underdeveloped supervillain. But we did, somehow. And I cannot wait to see where she’s going next.
Links to referenced fics (shoutouts to all of the authors!!):
In Search of a Remedy by nire the wonder poison archive by miss_belivet Jolene by Chokopoppo johanna by miss_belivet Shell Shock by Bellicose_Blue Hatred by BlueJay_SilverTongue
1. Just a disclaimer of course NO ONE who is writing WonderPoison needs to adhere to current fandom Isabel! Please, write her as close or far from canon as your creative heart desires! I just wanted to show that writers now have such a range of ways to write these two, and I’m so excited to see how that continues.
2. Also, I wanted to write this up for anyone who is new to the WonderPoison fandom, anyone who is curious about how on earth we managed to successfully ship Diana “righteousness incarnate” Prince with Isabel “actual mass murderer” Maru, and anyone who just wants a trip down WonderPoison memory lane.  
3. Justice League comes out in a few days and I fully expect Ao3 to become SWAMPED with fics shipping Diana with her male league members, so I wrote this to celebrate the journey that this lovely fandom has taken over the last five months, and how we’ve all helped and supported each other to make these characters the couple that they can be today.
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bsinoranges · 7 years
In which it gets sappy
Tagged by the amazing @lethesomething!!
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
So uh. BS is actually short for bittersweet, but now it doubles as my in-joke for BS in whateverCourse -- hence the in. So BS in oranges.
Then it’s bittersweetoranges because i read this fic called bittersweet and it was damn good to me at the time. Also my favorite fruit is orange.
...I’m bot good at giving names nor titles. Haha.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos).
Hm. Overall, that would be my KuroYachi one-shot The Lights in the Sky are Stars. It was sort of my love letter to the KuroYachi ship, and so I’m not entirely sure if I’ll be able to add on to it.
For subscriptions that would be my still unfinished brofest piece, The Thief, the Witch, and the Fae. This one is my bid at making an interesting take on certain characters and dynamics in a dark fantasy setting. Futakuchi is the lead if only because @haruhi02 accidentally gave me his name when I asked for random characters.
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
A freezing link from Breath of the Wild. Well, why not? Haha. I love Link, I love Breath of the Wild, and when I resurfaced back on tumblr botw recently came out and also the free icons.
(the rest is under a cut because it’s long and sappy)
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
Well. I won’t name favorites. Frequent commenters tho... they’d be my friends from chat, so shoutout to @lethesomething and @haruhi02 because you guys are great.
To be fair, I don’t think I post frequently enough for people to keep their eyes peeled for me.
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Boy, do I. Basically anything in my bookmarks are the things I regularly return to read. Quite notable, however is anything by bigspoonnoya. God. I love her work. From the HQ to the BNHA to the YOI.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
I bookmark more than I subscribed. Buuuuuuuuut I’m subscribed to a grand total of 4 works, and I’ve bookmarked 62 fics.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
Fantasy. Hands down. There’s three-ish urban ones, then there’s two full-on fantasy pieces. The rest are slice-of-life.
There’s just something about fantasy that makes me really happy. It might be the freedom to make, or that I like using fantasy as a substitute for when I want to comment on current events. But usually I like writing things that are fantastical.
Someday I want to make write a slice-of-life that makes the mundane fantastical, and then vice versa. If only because it’s the little things that steal my heart and imagination every single time.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
Four wonderful people are subscribed to me, while 12 are subscribed to my stories. For bookmarks, I have a total of 24. ^^
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
Many of my topic matter don’t really make much, if any, waves -- at least that’s what I think. I’m only afraid I can’t do justice to my dark/fantasy elements, because that would be a real shame.
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
First it’s definitely finishing what I start. My multichaps aren’t incredibly long, but I worry a lot about continuation and future chapters that it spoils writing the present one, so I hope to work on that.
Next is my exposition and narration. I can only say “Name smiles.” so much before I think I write in a horribly stale matter.
... Does writing romance or any sort of sexual or romantic contact count? Cause, boy do I need practice.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Is YamaYachi popular? KuroYachi? I’m pretty sure they’re an okay and accepted ship. But in any case the rarest pair I’ve written is KuroYachi, and then KamaFuta. Because those pairs need more content, and I’m pretty willing to fill them.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
I have 9 works in total. Five of which are completed oneshot, and the other four are unfinished multichaps. See the trend yet?
One of the finished oneshots is the longshot Nowhere in the Sea. It’s the first fic I finished in my whole 17 (at the time) years of living.
Of my unfinished things, one of them is an anthology (that I should probably close since I’m not planning on updating anytime soon) and then the three fantasy pieces that has a lot Worldbuilding™.
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
H A H A.
Hm. So, I switch between Google Docs, Sublime Text 3, and OneNote. But there’s a whooping 17 unwritten stories in various states of disrepair.
I’m most excited for the YamaYachi one, and also the sprawling ensemble cast one. :D
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
I mostly keep them in my head. So they flit in and out of my memory like deadlines. On the rare occasion that I’m possessed by the idea, I’l have written the idea down and then some on anything I find convenient at the time (laptop, phone, or paper.)
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
Yes. @haruhi02 was my partner for the hq fantasy fest thing. She was with me when I finished my first ever fic Nowhere in the Sea.
16. How did you discover AO3?
I was friends with this author back in FF.Net, and she had an AO3 account. Then, I branched off her fics to read the FE:A fics.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
LOL. Of course not. I can say, with confidence, that I am probably obscure.
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Fun fact, the first fan fic I wrote was an unfinished novelization of the Swan Princess (Nest Family Entertainment), and then an illustrated re-telling of Barbie’s Princess and the Nutracker. I started seriously pursuing writing around... the grade 5, when my bully of an English teacher said I had a talent for writing. If I had any it remains to be seen. But it was my friends back on FFnet. The likes of Mafi, and Tune, and Loke. They were there for me during my baby days writing for a fandom. We weren’t in the same fandom, but they inspired me so much.
Also I really like Philip Pullman and J.K. Rowling and thought it would be awesome to publish and write books.
Today though, it’s my friends in the chat who continue to inspire me everyday.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
I don’t think I’m qualified. But if I should, it’d be to stay strong and welcome to addictive cycle of happiness and misery. Because there’s nothing like writing that one perfect scene -- it’s worth all the stress and the struggle.
Also. Writing is like wine, it get’s better with age, but it doesn’t mean that you like wine.
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
I plot a lot. Like a lot. But I throw out a lot through the window when push comes to shove. Sometimes I’ll outwrite what I’ve planned or plan something new and then I’ll get flung into a crisis. Haha. Fun.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
The worst comment I’ve had is spam on Nowhere in the Sea. I just wish I had more comments. #NoShame.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Smut. A bit of action, but action is easier than doing the sexy.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
I’m focusing all my energy on Amor Fati, which is my gift for the fantasy exchange. I need to finish that because it’d be sad if I didn’t. And, most importantly, I want to make my giftee proud.
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
The plan is to keep up with my plans. I have no shortage of plans. Hahaha. But I do plan on finishing up Amor Fati then finishing either Scales or The Thief, the Witch, and the Fae before moving on to other projects.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
Nope. It would probably be better if I did, but acads just eats a lot of my time.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
I think it’s arrogant to think that I did, but I guess I did. I was 13ish -- two years after fifth grade -- when I took writing more seriously... And looking back my writing style changed. ^^
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
I love all my stories for different reasons. To be honest tho, it’s what I haven’t written and am yet to write. I love The Thief, the Witch, and the Fae for it’s dark and heavy atmosphere. Scales for its hesitance and its secrecy. Amor Fati for the melancholy and for its world. Nowhere in the Sea for being my first in a lot of things (but also it’s magic system and world gdi). Lights in the Sky are Stars for it’s sweet fluff. Class Pizza for its tomfoolery. So on and so forth.
As much as I have a hard time looking at my writing, I won’t deny that I love them for the things that they are and could be.
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
... Probably my anthology? It reminds me of bad memories.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
Here, still suffering but instead out of school (hopefully) and knee deep in some sort of job.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
The planning and the talking and the crying and the reading.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
The writing. Or maybe that point between the first scene and the third. Something like that.
33. Why do you write?
Why don’t I? Writing is me. I’ve did things for the sake of reference, I’ve devoted a lot of myself to writing and the idea of writing. I love it. It’s an amazing way to express.
I wouldn’t give it up for the world.
Sooo. For tagging. @spacegaykj and @astersandstuffs and @slothesaurus if you guys don’t mind ^^. Feel free to ignore if you want. Thank you for the time.
Also double tagging @haruhi02 because I can.
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ichibri · 7 years
Writing Tag
I was tagged by @pilindiel (Thx :D & It’s good to be back)
Responses under the cut!
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
It’s a play on how in Bleach Ichigo’s sisters call him Ichi-nii. I always saw Ichigo as a brother figure and wished he was my brother instead of the jackass of an older brother that I have, so it’s IchiBri cause Bri is the first half of my last name.
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback?
Wrong Place, Wrong Time. Which is honestly surprising cause it was my first sh/eith fic and I’m still in awe that so many people continue to follow it and leave comments every chapter.
3. What is your AO3 profile icon and why did you choose it?
It’s the same as my tumblr icon cause I adore Shiro and I love how pretty his eyes are in it.
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
All of them. Like honestly, when someone comments all the time, they become a dear friend to me. I have so much gratitude for them that I just want to shower them with love.
5. Is there a fanfic you keep going back to read again and again?
There’s some old Grimm/Ichi fics I absolutely loved in high school that I still reread every now and then.
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
Including author subscriptions, it’s 41. And I’ve got 73 bookmarks.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
Magical, maybe?? Or slightly magical, like modern aus with demons or witches or time travel. Most of my original stuff is modern fantasy/supernatural/monster stuff too.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total?
18 subscribed to me as an author, 251 story subscriptions, and 300 story bookmarks in total
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
I’d love to write some really dark, twisted shit. But yeah, not super into the whole ‘fiction equals reality’ argument that many people like tossing around. I’m lucky enough to avoid an/ties in the v.ld fandom so I’m not gonna push my luck.
10. Is there anything you’d like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
Outlining and sticking to a damn plot. I wing everything and change so much it’s not even funny. It’d be so much easier if I could sit down and plot out a story before starting it, but I’m too impatient for that.
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Normally popular ships. Call me vain, but I prefer the bigger audience that comes with popular ships.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day?
13. How many stories do you have saved in/ with your writing program?
As in like wips? Cause not counting one-liners or jumbled ideas tossed together, then about 6. But if overall, then everything I’ve written since freshman year of high school, so a lot.
14. Do you write down story ideas or just keep them in your head?
I write them down in a note pad app on my phone cause they normally come to me when I don’t have pen/paper. I’ve been known to wake up in the middle of the night with an idea, type it out on the app, and find garbled nonsense the next morning, lol.
15. Have you ever co- authored a story?
Kinda. More like co-authored an au, where we came up with it together and wrote our own separate takes on it.
16. How did you discover AO3?
A bit after I got into Bleach, I was looking for more fics cause ff.net just didn’t have many for the pairing I wanted, and I noticed quite a few authors were moving to AO3 so I checked it out.
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
No, but I’m super grateful for the readers I have.
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Not in particular, but there are plenty of well-written, poetic fics that inspire me to write. Cause the best inspiration for me is reading others’ fics. But encouragement wise, that comes from my fandom friends. And my mom, lol. She reads everything of mine whether it’s fandom or not.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Don’t compare yourself to anyone but who you were yesterday. The writers you’re looking up to have been writing for many years, even decades. With tons of practice and an open mind willing to learn and develop, you’ll find your style and what works for you. Trust me, one day, you’ll look back and see how much you’ve grown, and you’ll feel immense pride in how far you’ve come. But first, you have to give yourself that time to grow.
21. Do you plot out your stories or do you just figure it out as you go?
I plot out the first 3-5 chapters and the climax, but everything else is ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ And if it’s a oneshot, then I only have a general idea of what I want to write and let myself go whichever direction the words take me.
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
Yep. I’ll admit, I was hurt and pissed off at first. I ignored it, because they could have just as easily stopped reading if they didn’t like the direction the story was going. Like guys, if you have nothing nice to say, don’t say anything at all. Writers are people too, and unless you commissioned the story, you have no say in the direction a writer takes it.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (Action, smut, etc)
Lol, I gave up trying to write smut when I realized I was ace, cause it’s just awkward as fuck, and I can’t stop laughing the entire time. But action scenes are kinda the bane of my existence. I think I’ve gotten down the basics and learning how to involve the 5 senses to make it more dynamic, but it’s still like pulling teeth for me. I prefer writing emotional vs physical.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
Wrong Place, Wrong Time. Sh/eith Ferngully au. Sh/eith Heart Adventures au. And two original short stories, one about a grim reaper taking the soul of a baby and another about a human falling in love with an ichthyocentaur (basically a mermaid & a centaur all in one). Oh and they're lesbians because fck yeah they are.
25. Do you plan your new projects before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
Yeah. I've got a huge list of projects/aus I want to do. My notepad app has so many snippets of different stories/plots it's not even funny.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
No. I crumble under pressure, and trying to reach a daily word count always leaves me feeling like shit. Some days I'm lucky to write a single sentence and others I'll go on for hours.
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
God yeah. I've been writing stories since elementary school and it's hilarious reading what I thought was amazing back them. And even in just this past year, I've grown a lot and feel as though I've finally settled into a style that’s my own.
28. What is your favourite story that you have written?
Oh man, right now it's probably Grown-ups Come Back just because of how deep that cut me to write it. Like even now when I reread it, the emotions are still raw and I bawl my eyes out.
29. What is your least favourite story that you have written?
Ugh, Casper. It was a halloween extra for AToS, and it was rushed and forced and yeah, not super proud of it.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
With more novels under my belt and hopefully a steady-ish income coming from writing. Cause hopefully one day it can become my full-time job and I’ll be able to support myself off it.
31. What’s the easiest part about writing?
Coming up with plot points/scenes. It's super easy for me to think/write plot points, it's just connecting them together that gets a little challenging.
32. What is the hardest part about writing?
Keeping track of subtle actions. Like a character talking while holding a cup in their hand and then a page later the cup magically disappears cause I forgot I gave them a damn cup.
33. Why do you write?
Because I love it, and I'm good with written words. My oral communication skills suck, and it's frustrating to struggle with getting my thoughts to come out of my mouth properly and cohesively. But writing lets me say exactly what I want to and portray it in a desired way. Also I'm a deeply emotional person and exploring emotions through characters and stories helps to sort through my own and is my main coping mechanism for dealing with life.
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seenashwrite · 7 years
The Nail: June 2017
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The Nail isn't about perfection. It isn't about award-level contenders. It's about seeing focus and effort and hard work radiate off of the screen. 
The Nail's purpose isn't to highlight genres of fics or specific ships written during a certain time frame - the sole focus is quality.
Character dimension. Writing with clever readers in mind. Solid world-building. Tension through boundaries. Crazy crisp dialogue. Incredibly tight plotting. Big emotion.
And though yours truly - nice to meet you, new folks, I’m Nash! - is editor of the list, the goal is for YOU to curate the content. 
Read more about how all this came to be, find past editions, see what factors are considered when constructing the list, and learn how to get your recommendations in HERE.
Now - on to the stories!
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For your reblogging convenience, here’s The Nail Master Post of Editions!
Stand-a-lone stories with moderate-to-heavy sexual content will have 😳 beside them; series with such must have this either clearly noted in the overall info and/or clearly note it in the chapters/parts which contain such, so you'll need to check those on your own.
SPEED READS [from scene do-overs to gif-inspired one-shots to dripping drabbles, all less than 500 words]  
These won't be reviewed separately in Nash's usual three-point manner à la #Nash Gives [Feed]back due to their length, excepting those cases where the author pulled off a fleshed-out plot/character or had a unique take that was well-covered in the short amount of space. If there is no title provided by the author, Nash/the curator will pick one for them.
A HORRIFYING CONCEPT  - @ozonecologne
A visitor to the bunker offers Dean a chance for closure that empty bottles can't provide.
MAKING IT WEIRD - @helvonasche
This is the tale of that time Cas discovered porn, and with your help, he’s actually going to get some answers this time around.
12x21: A SCENE RE-WRITE - @prettymessedupsituation​
In script format, a better way of handling an incident that hit a sour note in the fandom is proposed that is logical, loving, and legitimately canon-worthy.
Dean and Sam discuss what just might be panning out to be more pattern than coincidence... after twelve years.
CLEAN-UP CREW - @senselesssamii
We all need help cleaning sometimes, that’s the simple truth. And some of us will need, shall we say, more specialized cleaners than others - get ready to giggle through the gross.
POEMS & POETICAL PROSE [mostly quick reads, these are actual poems of any structure/length, as well as short prose that sings like a songbird]
These also won't be reviewed separately in Nash's usual three-point manner à la #Nash Gives [Feed]back due to the typically short lengths & structure. An excerpted line is used in lieu of summary. If there is no title provided by the author, Nash/the curator will pick one for them.
WHAT IF - @saminzat
"Because once you’ve crossed the event horizon there is no going back."
MAMA TRIED -  @ariannnawinchester
“Dean is the boy your Mama warns you about.”
AN ANGEL'S PROMISE - @webcricket
"I promised you forever, and forever doesn’t end."
THE VALIANT - @littlegreenplasticsoldier 
"A valiant brother took the weight, the fall; The valiant’s brother took a throne, and guilt.”
* Nominated by @butiaintgonnaloveem, who said: “A poem from Dean's point of view that made my heart ache for him, from the way the guilt settles deep within him and how he contemplates his situation."
CASTIEL'S FALL - @vintagesam
"I fell at 60 miles per hour, on a back road in the middle of nowhere."
ON THE SHORT SIDE [500-ish to 1.5K]
STRATEGIC MOTHERING - @butiaintgonnaloveem    
A look at how Mary Winchester, in the words of the author, "deal[s] with trying to control her hunter’s instincts while living the civilian life", and the pros-and-cons that come along with them.
BREATH(E) - @withthedemonblood    
A well-written, thoughtfully played-out vignette on brotherly bonds that captures both sides of a stressful situation.
It's a simple question, and it should be a simple answer, but when dealing with the Winchesters - can it ever be?
FOR CAS - @jhoomwrites / @casbakespie 
A stunning coda to the season twelve finale, looking into a focused, driven, yet serene Dean’s response after he rose from his knees.
THE LITTLE THINGS - @melissaj616
A nice little piece showcasing Dean's observations of a hunter colleague who could be more, but there's no rush on either of their parts.
GOOD BOYS - @defilerwyrm
A poignant look into an alternative history wherein John Winchester chooses to allow Dean and Sam to be adopted into a nurturing home, far from the supernatural - to say more would spoil, though rest assured: the ending will take your breath away.
MIDDLE-OF-THE-ROAD [around 1.5K - 2K]
SPRING BREAK - @winchester-family-business
Fun, witty, easy read of a story about that time the Winchesters showed up on the author's doorstep... and proceeded to drag her along for a helluva ride.
SHOCK HORROR - @lipstickandwhiskey
After Dean is dealt a blow by a witch on a case, his closest friend offers support and stays by his side, carefully navigating over, around, and through the initial stages of shock.
HALLOWEEN HIJINKS -  @roxy-davenport
This is a tale of what it's like for Crowley to date a younger [and in a centuries-year-old demon's case - *much* younger] woman, one who still gets excited for the supernatural crowd's least favorite holiday: Halloween.  
LONGER [2K to  3K-ish]
IMPERFECT - @zepppie
Lives weave together, then pull apart, happens every day - this is the story of a hunter looking back on the portion of her life spent with Dean, told with such fluidity your heart will be ached and be soothed, all at the same time.
DEEP DIVES [3K and beyond, including completed multi-parters with lengthy chapters]
😳  NOT EMPTY NOW - @sp-oops 
This is a heart-grabber, one that will make you think and laugh and sigh, the story of the evolving dynamic between a hunter and an archangel, featuring a pristinely characterized Gabriel from beginning to end - and it's a damn fine ending.  
😳  5, 6, GRAB YOUR CRUCIFIX - @butiaintgonnaloveem
A story rife with sexual tension built around a bartender's most recent entanglement with Dean - now with his inner demon in full effect -  written with a slow build that doesn’t limit its evocative nature to just the bedroom.
A HAUNTED LIFE  -  @idontneedasymbol
Deferring to the author's on-point, pitch-perfect summation: "Some hauntings require salt and fire. Others aren't that easy. Dean runs into someone he knows, and Sam tries to make things right."  What I call in my own works a "Behind-the-scenes canon compliant", this is a piece that fits that bill, as it rings absolutely true/plausible, and all characterizations feel real/accurate. 
A LESSON IN INTERNATIONAL ETIQUETTE [Part Two] - @imagines-oneshots-blog
A certain Mr. Ketch may very well have met his match in an experienced, no-nonsense hunter who can go toe-to-toe with him, be it in attitude, in wit - or in killing.
SERIES SPOTLIGHT : SUPERNATURAL & SPN CROSS-OVERS [works that are ongoing series with at least 3 parts already published / completed series]
Due to time constraints, series are not read in full. They are given a cursory once-over for the quality basics, most importantly that the author has put maximum effort into world-building. 
The first chapter / first handful of chapters / first third of the first chapter - depending on length - are read to ensure there are no gross grammar / spelling errors, as well as ensuring the story's premise is made clear.
Thorough summations of the overall series, brief summaries of each individual chapter, and master indexes are highly preferred. Descriptors below are taken directly from the author/the story, edited only for length/clarity if needed. Same applies to series from other fandoms featured on the list.
THE PERFECT CRIME  - @mysaintsasinner
"Another storm is on the horizon, a war unlike any New York has seen before, and [Detective Sam Winchester] is about to find himself smack bang in the middle of it. Secrets will be revealed, bonds will be tested, and the perfect image Sam held of his parents will be distorted forever."
HUNTERS ON THE HELLMOUTH - @whatdoyouthinkmyjobis
[Supernatural + Buffy the Vampire Slayer]
"After a last-minute rescue from the clutches of Lucifer lands them in Sunnydale, California, the Winchesters run into an unusual hunter."
* Nominated for inclusion by @impandagrl , who said: "This exceptionally-written crossover series manages to believably blend the worlds of two of my favorite series while somehow nailing each of the many characters and treating them with equal care. It always leaves me anxiously awaiting the next chapter and is packed with all the action, humor, snark, drama - and occasional smut - that fans of either series should expect." 
CELEBRATE ME HOME - @callmesweetheartifyoumeanit       
"If you took a moment to ask her how long she’s been driving, she’d tell you she doesn’t know. Not because she doesn’t remember or because she doesn’t know where she started, but because after a while, all the roads just sort of blend together..."
SONS OF LAWRENCE  -  @mrs-squirrel-chester
[Supernatural + Sons of Anarchy]
"The Winchesters run the most notorious biker gang in Lawrence. They traffic illegal drugs, weapons, and anything else that makes them money and keeps them on top."
RANDOM FANDOMS  [all types, all lengths, all the things that aren't SPN but are still pretty dang super]
5/4/17, 18:00  -  @buckykingofmemes [Mod: @hellenhighwater ]
[FANDOM: Marvel - Avengers]
In which Friday kindly provides the transcript of a conversation between Bucky and Steve, so that a question may be answered with accuracy.
WHO'S STEVE? - @bjorkshirepudding
[FANDOM: Marvel - Thor I & II / Avengers + HIMYM]
Have you heard the one about Steve Rogers walking into MacLaren’s Pub and running into Jane Foster’s research assistant Darcy Lewis, who’s sitting in a booth with Barney Stinson and the rest of the “How I Met Your Mother” gang… including that gal who bears a striking resemblance to Maria Hill?
* Unfortunately, this author has left Tumblr as of June 16th & the links have been removed so as not to cause confusion, however you can still find their [extensive!] body of work HERE at AO3, should you desire. - Nash *
[FANDOM: Marvel - Avengers]
A short vignette taking a look at a moment in Bucky Barnes' life, how it feels for him to just be, to simply stand amongst the living.  
THE PART THAT COUNTS  (in-progress series, parts 1 -5 reviewed as of this writing) - @youre-on-a-starship
[FANDOM: Star Trek (current cinematic)]
"Two weeks after waking up with no recollection of the people and ship around you, you take your future in your hands and try to piece together your past and the events that lead up to you losing your memory of the last five years."
ORIGINAL WORK [anything from haiku to novella]
A short pop of a gut punch to the senses, wherein the author drops you into the middle of a conversation - a situation - with no real bearings of which way is up, no way of knowing whose side we should be on, and then starts dropping revelations as fast as you can pick them up. It is bare, it is dark, it is gritty, it is unapologetic, it is chilling, and it reads like a scene straight out of a Scorsese flick.  
Happy reading & see you in July!
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* ~ * Shameless Self-Promotion * ~ * 
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