#i couldn’t recreate that magic if i tried
otrtbs · 7 months
the best dinner i ever had was a vanilla milkshake and 2 cigs on a rainy cold night and that’s the truth
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judespoets · 1 month
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the alchemy | jude bellingham
summary: “where’s the trophy? he just comes running over to me”
paining: jude bellingham x fem!reader
category: fluff
warnings: not proofread
the day was finally here. the day you have been waiting for your entire life.
you were sitting in the stands together with denise and mark, your parents in law almost and jobe, your little brother, well the one you never had yourself.
all of you were sitting on the edges of your seats in wembley stadium, watching one person and one person only, jude.
it would be selfish of you to say it’s the day you’ve always dreamt of, but it kind of was. since jude and you were kids, the two of you would watch the champions league final together, recreate the best moments and dream of jude playing in it one day.
and now, after all those years of dreaming, the day was here.
you were sure he would win, but dortmund put up such a good fight, during the first half you weren’t sure of that anymore.
but in no time it was the 98th minute and real madrid was currently winning 2:0.
you were so excited, you were only watching jude walking and running around the field, you could see him trying to hide his smile.
it was bittersweet, just a year ago you were packing all your stuff into boxes to move from dortmund to madrid, now he was playing against them in the champions league final, everything was unbelievable at this moment, surreal even.
and then something snapped you out of your thoughts, the final whistle, you were never this excited about hearing that whistle in your entire life.
you stood up, throwing your hands up in the air, immediately making your way down a little bit to stand at the barricade to have a better look at your boyfriend who just won the championship league.
you watched him closely as he fell down to his knees, hiding his face in his hands and his friends approaching as they all tried to lift him up, wanting to throw him up in the air, you couldn’t wipe the stupid grin off your face.
but jude shook his head, he looked like he needed to do something else before anything else as he suddenly started running, sprinting almost.
and there he was, the man you loved, running towards you before even celebrating the biggest day of his career.
it all went by so fast and the next thing you know is having him in your arms, hugging him tighter than you probably ever did before, hiding your face in his neck.
“i love you so much, thank you for coming, baby” you heard him say in your ear.
“gosh, jude, i’m so happy, look what you just did, i love you so so much.” you answered, completely unaware of all your emotions. you were just so happy and proud.
as jude let go of you he took your head in his hands, kissing all over your face just before planting his lips onto yours, pulling you into a passionate kiss.
“i love you, please come to the pitch after the trophy ceremony, okay?” he said before recognizing the calls of his teammates and returning to the pitch to clap all the other players.
“of course, my love.” you answered as you waited, watching your boyfriend lift the proudest achievement of his career so far.
you had dreamed of this for so long and now it was even more magical than you imagined.
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Sawyer through (dp x dc)
Danny hadn’t meant to get lost, really he hadn’t. This was the field trip every Casper High student looked forward to, and Danny had been no exception. It had never been the plan to miss out on the Met (also known as the Metropolis Museum of Arts). Sure, he wasn’t the biggest fan of art, but this was the museum that was in all the movies set in Metropolis, the skyscraper capital of the world. And even if one excluded romcoms, that was a a whole lot. Sam, Tucker and him had even planned to recreate a few of their favourite scenes from Ferris Bueller’s day off with a few paintings.
So, yeah. Danny would so much rather be there rather than on the sketchiest street he’d ever seen, where he felt like he was about to get shanked at every corner.
“Think positive,” he muttered to himself. “I can still call for help,” he said even as he fished his phone out of his bag.
As he flipped it open, ready to call Sam, something rammed into him from the back and the phone went flying. With an oof, Danny fell to the pavement, as he lost his grip on his still-open bag in favor of stopping himself from eating cement.
As he slowly got back to his feet with a groan, he caught sight of a dark figure, hunched over his bag who immediately took off in a dash with what looked like his wallet.
“Hey!” Danny yelled as he scrambled to his feet. “Hey! That’s mine!” 
As he finally got to his feet, prepared to give chase, a voice sounded from behind.
“Freeze! MPD, turn around slowly with your hands above your head!”
Danny jumped at the noise and turned around before the voice had finished. There he found a tall woman wearing a police badge, with a gun in her hands. The only reason Danny hadn’t squeaked in fear at the sight was that the gun was trained on the floor.
“Hands above your head!” The woman said again.
“Wait,” Danny tried even as he complied. “You’ve got the wrong person.”
The woman slowly walked around Danny towards his open bag as she answered. “Oh, really?”
“I’m a student, I’m on a field trip with with my class.”
“They’re giving tours of the Suicide Slums, now?” The woman asked sarcastically, as she chanced a quick look down at the bag.
“No,” Danny tried to resist the urge to snark at the police officer. “They do tours of the met museum.”
“Alright, buddy,” the woman said. “Then how do you explain this.”
And in a smooth move, she had upended Danny’s bag onto the ground. His initial outrage was quickly replaced with shock as huge stacks of cash fell down on the busted street as if by magic.
“That’s not mine!” Danny exclaimed urgently. 
“I’m guessing this isn’t yours either?” The policewoman said as she nudged something metallic from the pile and Danny’s eyes widened as he recognized the shape of a gun. Not one of the Fenton ones, but an actual, real, gun.
“I-“ Danny started but couldn’t find the words to follow through. The blond woman sighed 
“Come on,” she said. “I’m talking you down to the station.”
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hellishgayliath · 7 months
Clem’s Log
Hi big brother. Today’s March 10th I think? I’m not so great at remembering dates but Papa was dead set on it because that’s your birthday, it’s amazing how he’s able to remember stuff like that after all this time.
I know it’s been a while since we talked, ever since you left I had to take over bird scout duties and just never had the time to sit down and write. Everyone’s been on edge. Y’know I still hold onto that jar of cinnamon sticks you gave me. Started chewing on them out of habit whenever the anxiety and dread was getting to my head. They taste just like home..
Papa told me he saw you again.
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When he and a couple of the others were out on patrol with Mr. Leo and big sis Luci I mean COUSIN SERGEANT Luci haha, I think she’d resent me calling her that but I know she secretly adores me.
They said.. they said when they saw you you were.. already turned.
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You knucklehead I guess that’s why you left in the first place but to leave without saying anything to anybody?! You know Uncle Mikey would’ve helped you like he did with the others that were infected. Or did you already know that it would’ve been pointless? Don’t you at least owe your own little sister a goodbye?! Dummy dum dumdum..
Papa thought he could somehow magically get through to you, y’know make you remember who you were before life went crazy.
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I heard from Mr. Leo that Luci tried to stop Papa from acting like a idiot and getting himself killed. But she ended up getting hurt instead.
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Next thing Papa knew, you and Luci were on the ground, with only one of you moving. Judging by Mr. Leo’s face when I saw him come in, he looked very torn and distraught about a very tough call he had to make. I can already guess what it was he had to do. Cousin Luci is in rough shape but insists on rejecting any medical help saying it’d just be a waste of time and resources. Doesn’t she know we’re just trying to help her? The dumdum… Don’t tell her I called her that. I just don’t want to lose her too.
Papa said he could’ve sworn he saw a little smile on your face when he cradled you. Maybe that’s you finally realizing you’re not being controlled by those monsters anymore and can now be at peace knowing you can’t hurt anybody else. At least that’s how I see it. It must have been terrifying to go through that alone.
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It’s not fair it’s not fair it’s not FAIR IT’S NOT FAIR
They said they couldn’t even bring your body back because of safety reasons and that it would put the base at risk of being tracked so I couldn’t even get to see you one last time!
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I miss my big brother, I miss your dumb goofy smile, I miss us having bug eating competitions and laughing at you nearly choking on a beetle, I miss falling asleep on each other while watching tv, I miss seeing you chase after the raccoons with a broomstick whenever they raided our trash cans, I miss the dogs, I miss the taste of fresh fruit, I miss our HOME! I just want this nightmare to be done with. I’m just so.. tired..
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Papa told me they at least gave him the chance to make a grave for you and to say his goodbyes. I should’ve been there with him saying them together.
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He just looks so defeated and sad. I insisted to him that we at least put together a funeral service for you so the rest of us can say our peace.
It was nice.
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Uncle Mikey and Bao combined their powers to transform the room into a beautiful recreation of a lush meadow full of butterflies and yellow daffodils while Mr. Tello played some lovely music he still had saved recorded in his tech. It was so tranquil it almost makes you forget for a second you’re in an apocalyptic hell scape.
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I think you would've loved it.
Talk to you again soon and happy birthday you numbskull. I love you.
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I miss you..
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gaymurdersalad · 2 months
David, do you have any opinions on Henry? Legacy seems to be…kind of obsessed with him.
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> Pfft— Do I have any opinions on Henry!? Oh, Asker, yer funny! That’s hilarious.
> Uh, duh. Absolutely. Do I have any opinions on my own father? That’s silly…
> I only knew him as the kindest, smartest, lovable old man in the world. Jesus, the English language can’t even fit how I feel about him— he transcends language, his existence is that of a…— I dunno about a god, but damn, did he do a lot of good for us. As a humanity. A lotta good for me, too, as his son. That goddamn circus was like no other. The way people treated him for just trynna recreate some childhood magic was fuckin’ reprehensible. The way he constructed those robots in Fredbear’s, gah, he tried to do it all again and people still gave him shit for it! Why? Are people really that afraid to accept good into their lives? Henry’s too good to be true, Askers, that’s why people don’t seem to like him. I see, though, I see him for who he is, and I accept him. I love him. Ain’t nobody will ever convince me not to, nobody could even fathom to show me otherwise.
> I miss him. Every day, I wake up and there’s a Henry-shaped hole in my… uhh, I’d say heart, but Y’know.
> I’m so glad I let Sportsy— Err, Legacy— into the whole Henry thing. I can tell he’s taken quite a liking to him, at least from what I’ve told him. Those long nights in Bakersfield and Vegas, lounging around on some sort of illegal substance or another, tellin’ him all about what Henry’s done for me, it meant… Uh, it meant a lot to me that Legacy was willin’ to listen. Willin’ to engage. Encourage me, and predominantly, take matters into his own hands, that proactive bastard. If ya couldn’t tell, he’s kinda the one running the show around here. I’m not mad. I’m just glad I’ve found a soulmate who values a legacy like… Legacy. Heh heh.
> … Y’know… Somethin’ strange, though…
> … I caught a glimpse of a pink feller though the glass of Legacy’s arcade machine in the workshop. It didn’t look like Henry at all, but the hue was pretty damn familiar. Had some weird… discoloration on its hair, too— and glasses. Henry ain’t wear no damn glasses, nor is he dyein’ his fuckin’ tips hot pink. Not to mention how short that fucker’s hair was! The Henry I know had some killer locks, spillin’ over his shoulders all elegant and shit. That bein’ said, I haven’t asked Legacy about this. He gets cagey about that damn machine, I dunno why. Bastard’s slippin’ in and out so much you think he’d throw me a bone, but… No. No, I respect his privacy.
> … Just interestin’ to think about, I s’pose.
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mrs-elsie-barnes · 11 months
The Old Gods and the New - Chapter 5
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There You Are | Loki x Reader
After your time in the medical wing you begin to explore the compoud again, as well as your powers. Thor and Loki do their best to make you feel at home, and Tony tries to make friends the only way he knows how.
Warnings: reader is still shaken, Loki is horny, suggestions of sex, making out.
Green divider by @firefly-graphics
Series Masterlist | Loki Masterlist | Masterlist
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Loki was true to his word, using his silvertongue to dodge any question about your burgeoning powers and weaving a tale of your attempts to recreate any of the fires or feelings that had scared the team so badly before. According to Loki you were capable of warming a room and making sparks, that was all. And that you could adjust your appearance and keep it stable enough to avoid their fear of the uncanny. There was no talk of your ability to conjure objects, stable objects at that. 
The truth about your past he kept buried even deeper. He’d seen so much when you opened your mind to him, and yet so many of the memories were gray and hazy, with the details either missing or running together. Like a watercolour the images were blurred and he wasn’t sure whether it was because they were false, and badly done at that, or because something had been removed and meddled with. He was at a loss, trying to decide between whether someone would want to plant false memories, or meddle with old ones. But he had been able to establish, from his limited knowledge of Midgardian history, that you had managed to attend events some three or four hundred years before. 
He was pondering it still, lounging in his rooms, while he fiddled with his new ring, his long fingers curling around the cold metal, his perfectly manicured nail tapped on the gem, the pad of his thumb rubbed over the delicate indent made in the silver, allowing the sapphire to lay almost flush to the surface. He marvelled in its simple intricacy, you had made this for him and he’d expected it to vanish, but it hadn’t. Even when you’d both slept, sadly in your separate beds, he had expected your magic to reset when your consciousness was resting, but he’d opened his eyes that morning to the sapphire glowing back at him. 
“I thought about a real ring, I thought about drawing the metal from it and making it for you,” you’d explained, as you made your fourth lap of the building together, strolling in the mid afternoon sun while Loki pretended he couldn’t see the junior Agents that had been tailing you both for the last hour.
“That’s incredible. You understand how that’s different from, say, me making you a mirror to use once?”
“Well one is a mere illusion, I assume. The other, the ring, I thought about the metal, how it would move as I fashioned it. I thought it would fade too.” You swept a hand along the top of the neat privet hedges that lined the walkway, rustling each leaf experimentally and delighting in the way they seemed to become an even richer shade of green with each pass of your fingers. 
“The mirror is an illusion, that’s correct. The other is more elemental, summoning the metal, smelting it with your magic until it’s real - that’s a lot more advanced. I’m impressed.” 
Loki revelled in the way you became bashful  under his praise. Smiling and ducking your head away while nodding in understanding and then turning to place a soft kiss on his cheek. 
“Thank you, Loki.” You whispered, and then pulled away, leaving the path to pick a few of the errant daisies appearing around the edges of the lawn. 
You should be proud, he thought, he was so proud. It welled in him, blurring into an easy affection that had been blossoming between you both. Loki had to restrain himself from holding his hand out to you when you rejoined him, had to fight the urge to kiss the soft apples of your cheeks and the fullness of your lips. He clasped his hands behind his back.  
He wasn’t sure what dance you were both engaged in, where you could kiss his cheek with abandon but you never expected more from him and, in his confusion, he became irrationally angry at this new desire for closeness, for more than lust and satisfaction. 
Somehow you’d turned the tables on him and he wondered if this was the feeling that had been reported to him when he arrived. A drive to adore and love and consume. 
“Loki? Let’s go to the lake and practice.” You suggested, turning away from the compound and towards the glassy expanse of water on the edge of the grounds.
These lessons did not seem to quench his desire for closeness. 
During the day you would walk together in the grounds and talk about theories, practising some shape shifting skills and, when there was no one else around, attempting to summon and create other objects. 
In the evenings you were often away in your rooms, preferring isolation to observation even more since your time in the medical wing. But if the common areas were free Loki was able to coax you out and, together, you pulled on the threads of your memory. 
At night the memories morphed into dreams, wars, suffering, pain but also happiness, faces smiling at you from behind ever changing styles and locations. You would wake, sweating, as if you’d spent your night falling forever down a spiralling rabbit hole of recollections both real and imagined. 
In the mornings Loki invited you to breakfast in his rooms before your walks, allowing you a change of scenery from your much smaller bedroom. Given the chance you would spend every moment with him there. Your room felt cramped and claustrophobic, even your window was restricted from opening. But here with Loki, with his rooms full of light and air, the sun shining on you while you shared croissants, you felt alive and free for the first time. 
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“I don’t like this.” Tony slammed his phone onto the table after reviewing the latest surveillance footage of Loki and - prisoner felt too cruel, but he’d yet to persuade you to join the Avengers or even engage with any of them since your time in the medical wing. 
“We can’t stop them from talking, Stark, what are you so afraid of?” Natasha sat across from him in his vast office, her boots propped on the table in front of her as she inspected her nails.
“Afraid? She sets fire to things, she’s supposed to be out protege, not the Prodigy. I have nice things here -” he paused to lean across the desk and push the assassins heel with a pen, “boots - down.” 
“She hasn’t done that since London, and besides Loki and Thor are both keeping an eye on her, she’ll come round in time. Let him mess up.” She shrugged, pulling a piece of chewing gum from the pocket of her skin tight combat trousers. 
“What if he doesn’t?” 
“Then we deal with it.” 
Tony picked up his phone again, scrolling through the corridor footage of Loki knocking on your door every morning and escorting you across the hall into his own rooms, of you both laughing together in the grounds and of no magic, no training. “What’s he even doing with her all day?” 
Natasha snorted a laugh, “who fucking cares? Seducing her? She’s a big girl, Stark, and you’re starting to sound jealous.” 
“We have Steve God Damn Rogers in this building and she’s following Shakespeare around like he’s -” 
“A god?” She snapped her gum and then left her mouth open, eyebrows raised. 
“Shut up.” 
“If you don’t stop I’m going to start assuming you’re jealous.” Natasha raised a neat eyebrow, put one foot on the table and lent back in her seat. 
“I’m not jealous we just need her back on side, maybe a gift or something, what do you think?” 
“Gifts are nice, what’re you thinking?” 
Tony strode across the office to a large cabinet built into the wall and opened the middle draw pulling out a Stark industries gift bag, “have someone rewrap these, no Stark logos, just a gift, to help with her research or something. Just make it look nice.” 
Natasha looked inside the gift bag, rummaging through the contents, she forwent the phone, socks, pens and mouse mat before settling on the tablet. “Just this, it’s flashy enough but not overally personal, and we can restrict her access - no calls, just google.” 
“Great, thanks,” Tony looked at Natasha expectantly, “do you need money for wrapping paper or something?” 
“I’m not your assistant.” Natasha smirked, handing the box back over and sauntering out of the room, “if you want to top up my account I wouldn’t say no though!” She called over her shoulder as the door slammed shut. 
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You found the elegantly wrapped parcel resting on the console table next to your bedroom door when you returned from your walk with Loki. The god stood behind you, eyeing the shiny paper from over your shoulder.
“Is it your birthday, darling?” He asked, concerned he’d wasted a special day training instead of celebrating. 
“No, it’s not my birthday.”
If Loki had been suspicious it was nothing to the way you behaved, as if the parcel might jump up and bite you. Loki kept on hand on your waist, holding you close while he reached around to look at the tag, “hmm, it’s from Stark. A peace offering, perhaps. I’m sure it’s perfectly safe.” He handed it to you and encouraged you to open it. 
Inside was a sleek black box with a picture of an electronic device on, Loki was bemused but you were excited, “oh my god, a tablet!” You tore the rest of the wrapping off and, bouncing on your heels, dragged Loki back into his room so you could set it up together.  
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Tony’s peace offering did nothing to help your feelings towards the team, you were still cautious, refusing to engage in conversation. But you were finally able to leave the compound, in a way, using your new tablet. You walked down streets, viewing places your memory revealed to you and searching for information on everything you saw. 
It helped your research as well, dating the dreams and memories that Loki helped you to uncover, so that you could recount the stories to him in the hopes that he might remember a detail as well. 
The farthest back you’d been able to date so far had been somewhere in the 1800s, though you were sure Loki had seen further and had kept it from you. In your dream you’d seen yourself in spring, happy and dancing, the sun rising high and warm above you as you let the dew drops of the morning wet your bare feet. 
You had told Loki, in excruciating detail, about a woman in one of these dreams. That they had been at a party with you, billowing dresses surrounding you both, suffocating you both until you found respite in the darkness of a maze in the gardens. There, you had hidden under the woman’s dress to pleasure her. 
Loki had choked on his tea as you casually recounted the story, as if you were merely describing a walk around the park with a friend, and he had excused himself to relieve the growing pressure in his trousers. 
When he returned you were talking to Thor, who was amused but otherwise unaffected by your stories, one arm thrown over the back of the couch you were sharing. A flare of jealous rose within him, but there was also something so familiar and comforting about the scene. Thor, in his half regal dress, sprawling in the pillows with you curled up next to him, your skirt a wash of colour and fabric around your knees. Between you Thor had set out a tray with his favourite Midgardian snacks, awful pastry items with sickly icing on top, as well as your beloved croissants and steaming cups of tea. 
He had flashes of other times spent in such casual and easy intimacy, summer afternoons similarly spent lounging amongst silk pillows, laughing and sharing stories together with no other care in the Nine Realms. 
You both looked up, seeing him trapped by his thoughts in the doorway, and Thor held out his hand, “come, brother, the little one was telling me about her memories, this one is particularly amusing.” You smiled at him too, shifting in your seat to create a space between you both and Loki’s heart sang, filled with that rare feeling of contentment that had eluded him for so long. 
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Yet Loki wasn’t the only one affected by your presence. Bucky and Natasha continued to feel uncomfortable around you, despite your generally genial nature. Thoughts both soft and wanton swirled and eddied around the minds of the Avengers, causing chaos in their work and interpersonal lives until the common areas were almost always empty, each inhabitant choosing to spend their time alone instead.
They brushed past each other in the corridors, blushing furiously and stammering like children. 
That was okay with you, it suited you to be mostly alone, especially as you only really liked to talk to Thor and Loki anyway. It had taken you longer to warm to Thor, but he was kind, if not a little too loud, and he never looked at you with fear, only intrigue. You felt safe in his presence, familial and calm. With Loki there was always a draw, a fire that pulled the oxygen from the room when he entered and you craved the sensation of his presence, the way it tingled on your skin. 
To the Avengers you said very little and, where possible, referred all your answers or conversation through the two Gods. Thor was quick to take your side, his booming voice a protection from whatever anxiety gripped you when questions were directed your way, and Loki was as fierce as a viper, waiting to strike quickly and with clean, cutting, precision, leaving the other party stinging from his words. 
Thor found himself enamoured with your presence too, mostly because Loki seemed to be behaving himself for once, too afraid of being removed from the compound to do more than snap viciously. Focused and confident without the brash, over reaching aggression that was often his downfall. It was good to see him happy and well, and Thor enjoyed teasing him about his obviously deeper feelings. But he was pleased because there seemed to be a natural understanding between the three of you, something setting you all apart from the others, and though he knew Loki was keeping something from him, he was sure it wouldn’t be long before the two of you let slip your secrets. 
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It was how you’d found yourself standing in the dry grass at the centre of the compound, the pattern still burnt into the sod from Thor and Loki’s arrival, with both Gods flanking you.
“See how I can use the magic to call my battle armour.” Thor’s voice echoed from the flat surfaces of the buildings surrounding them. With a flash of lightning Thor summoned  the red cape and metal plate armour that was his battle dress. 
Loki was next, his familiar magic glowing around him as his black shirt and trousers changed into fine, forest green leather, his gold headpiece in his hand. He flipped it and winked, “your turn.” Before balancing the towering horns atop his head. 
It was one thing to witness their Asgardian dress on the television, but quite another to see it in real life. Thor was larger than life, bright and bold, every bit the Prince of Asgard, his hammer swinging at his side. But Loki - Loki had taken your breath away. It was as if the horns and cape had made him taller somehow, impossibly imposing in a way that had you curling your toes in your trainers to stop your legs from pressing together. Every piece of golden armour curled around him like a lover's embrace, showing his broad shoulders and lean body off to advantage. In the brisk early summer wind his cape caught the breeze, billowing behind him and framing him in deep, forest green and revealing the tight fit of his leather trousers. You swallowed and snapped your eyes back to his, not missing the playful smirk that crossed his lips. 
“Oh, I don’t think I could do anything like that, how do you know I even have any of this -” you waved at them both - “in me?” The idea seemed crazy, there was no way you could bring out anything even close to the regal majesty of the Asgardians. 
“Call it an inkling, mere mortals couldn’t - but then, you are no mere mortal.” Loki stepped towards you.
“We have no idea what I am.” 
“Exactly, it’ll be fun.” Thor clapped a meaty hand on your shoulder and gave it a reassuring squeeze, “what’s the worst that could happen!?” 
You thought back to the car burning outside of your flat, of the people you’d scared and the ability to even change the colour of your fingernails fizzled away in fear. 
Sensing your distress Loki brushed Thor aside and cupped your face in his long, dexterous fingers. Gently he angled your head up until all you could see was his beautiful face, framed with whips of jet black hair. He looked every bit a God as he commanded your attention. 
“Just try,” he murmured, and you followed his lips as they opened and closed, mesmerised by the movement. 
“Okay.” You nodded.
Loki watched as you concentrated, your hands clenched and eyes closed as always, your clothes shimmered and then, from the depths of nowhere, they changed. It wasn’t quite the same bold and majestic outfits as the Gods, but you had managed to summon a tight, dark blue jumpsuit and black cloak, a silver headband held your hair away from your face and pinched just behind your ears. Far from a perfect fit, but a lot more than you’d anticipated being able to produce. 
“Very stylish!” Thor boomed, a wide smile on his face. But you couldn’t help but feel disappointed. You had secretly hoped to discover a weapon, a crown like they wore, even some armour. It was an impressive outfit to create from nothing, but that’s all it was, an outfit, not the warrior armour of a God. 
Sensing your distress Loki held you once more, his long fingers touching the soft velvet of your cloak, “it is all practice. These things will come in time.” He murmured and, throwing caution to the wind still tugging on his hair, he kissed the top of your head.
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When Thor left the next day he took the temperate weather with him, leaving behind a solid week of rain. 
Instead of taking turns around the garden you confined yourself to the compound, finally brave enough to stake a claim to the large sofa in the common room while the Avengers were home. You had thankfully found a new app with crosswords on your tablet and, listening to the rain fall against the large glass windows, you’d allowed yourself to become lost in your puzzle until Loki sat down across from you. 
“You know how you can see my memories,” you asked, eyes still fixed on the black and white pattern in front of you. 
“Yes?” Loki answered but didn’t look up from his book either. Out of the corner of your eye you saw him lick his finger to turn the page. 
“Do you think I could see yours?”
Loki put the book in his lap to look over at you, studying you closely. Curled into the corner of the sofa, feet drawn up under you. Since your attempt at summoning armour you’d managed to create your own clothes every day this week and you were rightly proud of it. 
You had told him you were never allowed to shop when you lived with your grandfather, the man, whoever he was. You had three of four basic items that were brought in for you periodically. But now you had found fashion blogs online the limits seemed endless, you spent your mornings recreating the outfits gleefully. 
Today was a simple day, just little black shorts and an oversized knit jumper that fell below your wrists and to Loki you looked so…Midgardian. He hated himself for enjoying it but, as he looked down at his own black jeans and the heavy knit of his sweater, he hated himself all over again for not realising what an influence you had over him.
Silence filled the room and Loki became aware that he had taken too long to answer and if he didn’t say something soon you were sure to come up with an even worse idea. 
“Oh! Or, better, if we can see each other’s memories, do you think we could hear each other's thoughts? Imagine. And we could play tricks on people. That’d be so funny!” You were grinning to yourself now, still tapping at the screen and chewing on your thumb, but with a wide smile on your face.
The last thing he needed was you in his head. Not when his head was so consumed with thoughts of you. Just the night before you’d worn tight black jeans and a sage green translucent silk blouse to dinner and he had almost turned round and walked back out to hide his pink cheeks and filthy thoughts, if you could hear the depraved things that cycled through his mind you’d never want to come near him again. 
And that would never do. 
Not when you were more than happy to climb into his lap while he opened your memories, not when you kissed his cheek so softly, so chastly that he wanted to hold you there against him. 
“Nevermind,” you mumbled, poking at the screen of your tablet and pulling the sleeves of your sweater down over your hands, “we don’t have to. I’m sure there’s lots of other things to learn.” 
“No - no, we can try, if you’d like? Perhaps it will help us both understand the memories better.” 
Loki thought his heart might beat out of his chest, he would have to be so careful, one wrong thought, one wrong step and he could spoil everything that you’d been building together. His every hand so far had been well played, but he still felt you were gaining on him with every memory returned, whether you knew it or not. 
“Great!” You tossed the tablet onto the sofa cushions and shuffled closer to him. He stayed where he was, legs on the table in front of him. “Come on,” you tugged his arm until you were both crossed legged on the sofa, facing each other. 
“Go on then,” Loki’s mouth twitched upwards into a teasing smirk.
“Well, I can’t just do it! You’re supposed to help me!”
“Put your hands on my face,” he brought your palms up to his cheeks, fingers on his temples and applied the smallest amount of pressure.
“Okay,” you closed your eyes and Loki felt the tickling feeling of your prying at the edges of his mind, like the picking of a label from a glass bottle and he allowed his mind to open just a little. 
“I can do it - stop cheating.” You made a frustrated noise and shuffled in your seat. “Stop moving!
“I’m not moving,” Loki laughed, “that’s you!”
“Your brain is.”
Loki’s laugh deepened and he bent forwards into your hands. “How is that possible?”
“Stay. Still.”
With another grunt of annoyance you climbed into his lap, maintaining contact with his face, as you wriggled into position Loki took in a deep breath, willing his body to stay calm while your entire being pressed against him, not just your hands and your body, but your mind too. Clinging and clawing at his own. And there, in his panic, you peeled away a corner and slipped into his thoughts. 
“There you are.” You whispered, reverently. 
Loki fumbled for a thought that he could share with you, but all he could see, feel, think about was the way your bare thighs were pressed against his hips. 
About the way you would slip your hand into his and squeeze it when you were nervous at the dinner table. 
About the way you kissed his cheek and wished him goodnight like you truly cared for him.
They had warned him, The Captain and the Iron one and the others, they had all warned him to be careful of you. Yet here he was, mind and body open to you. 
Your eyes darkened, fingers digging into his temples and an image appeared in return. It was almost the same as Loki’s, except as the thought appeared, your clothes melted away revealing only soft flesh, curves and dimples, pebbled nipples and the hard length of him sinking into the warmth of you.
Loki opened his eyes slowly, a smirk playing at the corner of his lips. Well, that was interesting.
“Hmm,” you moaned, somewhere between pensive and lustful and for the first time Loki doubted whether your guileless touches were real or faked, “I’m sure we can think of some fun things to do with that skill,” and you climbed off his lap leaving him confused again.
Loki stood abruptly and grabbed at your wrist, yanking you close, his nose brushed yours as he held you to him.
“Of all your tricks, you must not tell them you can do that,” he insisted, his nose traced yours and then he kissed you, his tongue sliding against your own, tasting, owning, his teeth biting and  filling your mind with thoughts of him again. 
“Do what?” Natasha asked and you broke apart, throwing yourself backwards across the cushions to get as far away from Loki as possible. 
You panicked, “uhm -”
“She can shapeshift better now, but I don’t want you using her, she’s not ready. So don’t tell the others.” Loki snapped, smile gone and stern, blank face secured. 
Natasha looked pleased nevertheless. “Good we can use that - eventually” she placated, before Loki could react. “We have a mission, but it’s not for a while.”
Loki looked over at you, eyes on your crossword again. He did not want you going on missions and bonding with the super friends, he wanted you out of her, with him, safe and secure..
What was that?!
Did you not like it?
That’s not what I said ásynja
You smiled and flicked yours eyes at him. Then at Natasha.
Ask her how Bucky is
The thought floated towards him.
For fun
Well, he did like fun.
“Agent Romanoff, how is Sergeant Barnes today?” Natasha whipped her head around, glaring.
“I have no idea.” She snapped.
“Oh, nevermind then,” Loki went back to his book, turning the page slowly.
Ask her if the bruise has gone down
Darling, let’s not play with fire - 
The bruise! On her neck!
The thought was as clear as a bell ringing in his mind. Would you always be connected this closely? He should have considered how he’d lock you back out again. 
“I do hope his bruise is healing well,” Loki looked from his book to the window and then back at Natasha, the picture of nonchalance. “It’s such a nuisance to have such a thing upon one’s neck.”
“Right” Natasha put her hands on her knees and stood up, “I’m out of here.”
You looked at Natasha again, really looked, and images of Natasha and Bucky pressed against the kitchen counter bubbled to the surface. You bit the tip of your tongue to stop from saying anything to hinder their progress. You’d felt it as soon as they were in a room together, like air pressure before a storm, building and sparking. Hopefully they were finally figuring things out and you’d be able to breathe again. 
Natasha left the room, banging her bedroom door as she went.
“That was fun, you were right.” 
“I know, but I do really hope things work out for her. I can’t explain it, I get this feeling to match people up and they so obviously like each other.” You sighed, dreamily. 
“Lots of people like matchmaking, you just need more hobbies.” Loki did not consider matchmaking to be an interesting hobby, but he wouldn’t say quite that much.
“It’s more than that, it’s like I really can’t help it. That’s why they don’t like me, I made them dream about each other.” 
Loki put his book down again. 
“Does it feel like it comes from somewhere deep inside, like when you use your magic?” He asked, seriously, “or is it because you are naturally very vexing?” He grinned.
You threw a cushion at him, “I’m not vexing, other people are just boring.”
That was certainly true, he smiled.
“See, glad you agree with me.” Damn he was going to have to be careful with his thoughts now.
<<Part 4
Part 6 >>
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am-i-interrupting · 6 months
Hi! I hope you have a safe trip!
Idea for Husk. So maybe fem reader tries to learn a magic trick for Husk as a surprise? Whether it succeeds or fails in a cute funny way is up to you ^.^
I might send a few throughout the day depending on how busy it gets for me 😆
Queen of Hearts
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Slowly but surely you’d gotten Husk to open up about himself. He was normally far more of a listener than a talker. However, through weeks of consistently showing up at the bar with board games to play, you got more information about the bar tender.
He grew up in Las Vegas. He spoke multiple languages. He fought in a war. The one you hung on to though was he was a fan of magic.
It was something that seemed so mundane in a place such as Hell. He liked magic. Not the kind that was used by Alastor or Charlie or any other sinner or hellborn but the simple close up magic. Slight of hand tricks.
You could recreate a place like Las Vegas. You didn’t speak as many languages as he did. There was no way you could undo the trauma of being drafted. You could do magic tricks though.
At least, you could try to do magic tricks and that’s what you intended to do.
You weren’t trying to do anything big. Just a simple card trick. It shouldn’t be too hard. You did, after all, look for the easiest tricks to do but you were having problems nonetheless.
You weren’t dexterous. You weren’t quick. You were fumbling with the cards in the lobby.
“Alright—“ you jumped up and dropped all the cards in the process— “what are you doing?”
You turned your head and saw Husk with a drink in hand, leaned against the back of the couch. He had a smile on his face that he hid with a swig as he watched you scramble to pick up the cards.
“Well, I was trying to figure out how to do something, asshole,” you said.
Husk bent down and helped you pick up the cards. “And what was that?”
You couldn’t look at him. Your cheeks began to flush in embarrassment.
You’d thought the lobby was empty. That was the only reason you’d decided to get the cards out in the first place. You weren’t supposed to be caught in the act. You were supposed to have it mastered.
“Practicing a card trick,” you mumbled under your breath.
“What was that?” he asked.
“I was trying to practice a card trick,” you said.
He huffed a laugh. “Well, you’re doing a pretty shit job at it.”
“I know,” you said as tried to swipe the cards from him but he was quicker, he kept them in his paws, “that’s why I was practicing.”
“You don’t even know how to properly shuffle a deck,” he said.
You flipped him off as you slumped down onto the couch. You didn’t look at him even as he sat down. He easily took the rest of the cards from your hands.
“There’s a trick to it,” he said. “You’ve got to a split it in half, place them in one hand with your thumb along the longer edges and your other fingers supporting below.”
He moved his hands in front of your face to demonstrate even if you didn’t look at him.
He continued on, “Then you just control the shuffle—“ you could hear the cards smack together— “and square the deck.”
The deck was placed in your hand, perfectly shuffled.
“Of course, that’s just how I do it,” he said. “There’s other ways though. I know ‘em all if you need a bit of guidance.”
He patted your shoulder as he got up and left you staring down at the deck of cards. You turned the deck over, revealing the Queen of Hearts on top.
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aquanova99 · 9 months
𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕙𝕒𝕕𝕠𝕨 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕊𝕖𝕣𝕒𝕡𝕙𝕚𝕞
Azriel x OC
Part 3
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Well, that was a dumb idea. Why? Why did she feel the need to do that? Callista’s brows furrowed as her body curled into itself. She hadn’t even asked the young woman if she could use her magic on her. She couldn’t stop looking at her eyes. Sad at the suggestion of flight, but no tears at the long since acceptance of her position, her fate. Callista had to remind herself that she didn’t know these people, she had to remember Azriel’s warnings. If they somehow found her home, would they try and exploit everyone’s gifts? Fight these wars everyone seems on edge about? Part of her was worried it was a dream, and when she woke up she would be back in Luminia, part of her was hopeful she didn’t put everyone at risk by leaving. The light shining through one of the windows caused her eyes to reflectively squeeze even tighter. She forced herself to breathe before trying to open them.
The second he heard her move Azriel was the side of the bed. His wings blocked out the light and her eyes fluttered open. “How long?”
“Why would you do that?” Azriel was suddenly unable to keep the composure he’d been holding in for the past day and a half. “How could you do that? I had no idea what was happening. Your wings—”
“Are fine now.” She sat up and extended them to show the colors back and vibrant as usual, “Now, how long was I out?”
Azriels lips formed a tight line, he forced himself to speak as calmly as he could through clenched teeth, “….About 36 hours.”
“Objectively… that isn’t too bad. I’ve had worse.” She stretched and yawned, still coming to terms about her location, “How’s Emerie?”
“How are you?? How did you do that? Why did you—”
“Fall?” Azriel nodded, “I can heal almost anything but depending on the severity of something it takes a bit of energy out of me. A broken bone…those are usually easily, because every bone is supposed to set in a certain way. But something like a wing, I had to connect the tendon that was snipped. It’s still there just severely damaged. Almost recreating it, then it requires more of me. I had to figure out a lot of things when that fire broke out… but I don’t know everything so a lot of healing depends on magic and what I want to achieve.”
She shrugged as if putting her life in danger was no big deal to her. “It sounds like it could kill you.”
“I guess it could. I just haven’t had to use it in awhile.” Azriels eyes seemed to shine with a fury, she couldn’t quite understand. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Can you heal yourself?” At this point everything was now an interrogation. He would not risk her risking her life again. A protectiveness he had never felt before took over his entire being. He had been crouched next to the bed staring slightly up at Callista as she sat up and answered every question. For a brief moment, he wondered if was pushing her, possibly hindering any healing she was supposed to undergo. His worry won over any possible hesitation. Callista placed her hand on his face ever so gently. Her scars like the roots of an old tree spread down her arms
“I’m fine. Truly.” She looks at the scars trailing down her arm and grimaces at the sight of them. She tries to pull her hand back but fails. Azriel’s hand holds hers in place, she’s been trying to avoid it, but she cant ignore the fury in his eyes.
“You will not do that again.”
“I’m serious Callista. That kind of ability could put you in serious danger. Promise me you wont do it again.”
So he wasn’t angry at her. He did have a point. She was being careless. She didn’t know these people, if one of them were put in a difficult situation its hard to say what information they would divulge. Worse, what if they didn’t break? How far would these people go? Would they put their lives on the line to protect a secret that had no need to be shared? Stupid. Her eyes stung as she thought about the danger she put everyone in. She could only nod at Azriel’s request. Shame coursed through her veins.
Azriel softened, he gently brought her hand down to her lap and clasped his other hand around it, “I’m sorry.”
“Why would you be sorry? It was wrong of me to do something like that without even asking. You’re right. I was being selfish. My people, you all…if something happened to you—”
“Me?” Azriel was shocked. He’d been certain he had frightened her by yelling. He had been worried but it was no excuse. Not after what she had done for Emerie. After what she may have risked just coming back with him. He sat next to her, still worried about possibly pushing her away. He wondered if he would ever get over that, still he was intrigued. Why would she be worried about him?
“Couldn’t you get into trouble? For hiding what I can do?”
“I suppose. Being able to avoid detection helps.”
“And your friends?” This got his attention, was she worried they would break? “if they got into trouble I would never forgive myself. And I doubt you would either…”
“You think I would blame you if something happen—”
“I think you would try not to. But emotions are not logical. I don’t suppose your high lord could erase memories.” She laughs regardless of how much she wishes it were so easy.
“He can actually. But none of us would accept that.” Azriel shrugs
“It could keep you safe.”
“My dear, our court is hardly in anyone’s good graces. Your abilities wouldn’t be the first thing they would think to torture out of us.” He could immediately see the effect his words had on him. All he was doing was confirming her worst fears. “We’ll be fine, Callista.”
She turned to face him, trying to read his usual unreadable face, hopeful she would be able to tell if he was telling the truth. When she had first met him his face, his body both mentally and physically seemed pained. She now knew what had been on his mind when he pushed his body past exhaustion, but since that first day he’s seemed wary to give any emotion away on his face. Up until now, she had assumed he could care less one way or another about helping her out. Maybe coming back only to prove to himself he could do it, to do something no one had done before. But he seemed genuinely concerned, worried about her own safety over his own.
She could only nod, “How is she?”
“Emerie? She’s terrified. Thinks it’s a spell that will wear off, so she been waiting for you to get better. Make sure she doesn’t get her hopes up. Are you ready?”
“As I’ll ever be.”
Everyone was waiting for them in the sitting room. Waiting to ask questions. “Please, sit.” Nesta gestured to a spot next to her, “How are you feeling?”
“Still regaining my energy, it seems. But fine. What would you like to know? Or should I start?”
“Please, go ahead. Better we don’t bombard you with endless questions.” Nesta continued
“I’ve been dealing with this kind of magic for a while. It’s permanent. It always takes some amount of energy but the bigger the issue the more it takes. I cannot heal something from nothing, so if you were to get your wings cut off I wouldn’t be able to make them grow back. Did I miss anything?” She ignores Emerie taking a deep breath
Cassian glances at Azriel who just shrugs. Emerie’s eyes begin to water. Gwyn rubs her back, “We told you.”
“Thank you…” She says through broken sobs.
“Actually, I apologize. I shouldn’t have made an assumption, even then I could have warned you. But I am glad it worked o—” Emery tackled her in a hug and kissed her cheek. Azriel stiffened and forced himself to remember Emerie was not a threat.
“Thank you.” She runs back to grab Nesta and Gwyn. They embrace her and Nesta squeezes Callistas shoulder before running off with her two sisters. All overjoyed to see Emery regain something they all knew had broken something deep inside her long ago. As far as Nesta was concerned, she was indebted to the newcomer.
“Take care of her Az!” Nesta waves as the girls run out the door. Azriel still stunned and conflicted at Emerie’s affection. Cassian tried to stifle the laugh building in his chest.
“Where are you planning on starting?” He asked his friend
“Maybe Dawn, or Summer Court?” Azriel offered
“I want to see where you’re from.” Callista hurried to explain herself as both men froze, “This training camp—it would be interesting to learn a new skill.”
“No.” Azriel couldn’t even begin to fathom her stepping foot there. Too dangerous. He was sure his kind would immediately flock to her. Try and get away with doing some of the worst things imaginable.
“Did you not say my people were unprepared for a fight? I should learn some techniques to take back.”
“Cassian could train you here. Emerie or Nesta could train you here. That camp is the worst part of Prythian.” The things they would do to you…he thought to himself. Callista shrugged in acceptance.
“End with Dawn.” Cassian interjected, “Get spring and fall out of the way. Don’t stick around too long.”
“You both worry too much. But I do want to thank you again for offering up your home.”
“We’ve heard you did the same.” Cassian smiled at Callista then turned serious, “You’re going to need to speak to Rhys soon enough. He is going to want to know how far your gift extends.”
A warning, Callista decided. She could feel Azriels eyes burning a hole in the back of her head. She decides to leave before starting another fracture between his friends, regardless of her opinion of them, they were still all Azriel knew. She nodded at Cassian, fluttering her wings just enough to reach his height and deliver a kiss on the cheek, “Thank you. I’m sure we will return by the days end.”
She ran back the second her feet touched the ground. Grabbing Azriels hand and squeezing it to let him know she was good to go. It only seemed to break his train of thought but he couldn’t help but smile as she beamed at him, he slightly nodded, “Ready?”
She closed her eyes and squeezed his hand again. Her skin grew cold as the shadows enveloped her again. She wished she could see how it worked, but she trusted Azriel and didn’t dare break any trust in her. Before she could open her eyes again, she was overwhelmed with the floral perfumes surrounding her. She opened her eyes before Azriel needed to alert her that it was safe. Azriel had chosen a place most likely to be safe but they would not be able to stay here for long, relations with Tamlin and even the spring court were as tense as ever. He didn’t need to give Rhys another reason to worry further.
“What do you think?”
“Its beautiful…If I had your gift I would never stop looking for somewhere new to explore. Is that how you found this place?” She looked back at him, ready to inquire about this clearly secluded area. Flowers she could only imagine and dream of surrounded her, climbing up the trees. Whatever small lake the had arrived at seem clear and bottomless as it glimmered with some kind of magic. Any questions she had would have to wait, she looked at Azriel’s all too serious face. His posture was too similar to the way he seemed at dinner the first day she’d arrived. “Azriel?”
“What? Nothing. Everythings fine.”
“Well that’s good, but it isn’t what I asked.”
“I’m sorry. I must have been distracted. What?”
“I take it we cant stay here long?”
“Unfortunately, not. We aren’t exactly amicable with the spring court.”
“Why not?”
Azriel hesitates. Its not really his story to tell, besides it could get her in trouble if she meets the wrong people. Before he can say anything everything goes silent and his head snaps towards the direction he knows his friend will winnow from. He gets in front of Callista throwing her behind him. Rhys walks out unconcerned.
“What are you doing here?” Azriel spat out
“Besides the fact you shouldn’t risk being in here, I came to speak to your…friend.” He faces her with an expression made of stone, “I found what you came here for.”
Before Azriel could decode what he was talking about Callista stepped out from behind him, “You really must want me gone. Very well. Show me.”
“I assume I’ll see you back in the Night court then? Unless of course, you’d rather come with me?” He smirked, Azriel had never been so ready to fight someone he’d once considered one of his only friends. He felt his arm lift as Callista linked her arms with his.
“No. I’ll pass, thank you.”
Rhysand nods and disappears. Azriel tries not to let the disappointment show on his face. Why hadn’t he helped him before, those were months wasted when he could have been with…or rather could have helped Callista. He knew it was selfish, but he wasn’t ready for her to go. Since his time under the mountain Azriel knew the things Rhysand went through and was forced to comply with were unimaginable. So much so that any shift in his plans drove him crazy. Even more so now that Nyx was around. Everything had to go according to plan, if it didn’t it brought out a side he wasn’t sure he liked. No matter how much he empathized.
“You shouldn’t hold so much resentment for him. As poor as his judgement towards me may be, its clear he cares about you. He is trying to keep those he holds dear close.”
“So its alright he treats you this way?” Azriel shakes his head, “No. He should trust my judgement. I’ve never failed him, theres no reason—” Azriel is silenced by the feeling of her lips, ever light as a feather, graze his cheeks.
“I suppose you’ll have to show me around some other time. Come. We shouldn’t keep your brother waiting,”
Azriel blinks as he tries to regain his train of thought. He ends up only nodding and squeezing her hand tight and she smiles before closing her eyes.
Azriel tries to not be instantly agitated at the sight of Rhysand sitting with his arms behind his head. As if there was nothing amiss. As if he couldn’t have given you this information months ago. He gestures to a book that looked as if it would crumble if it wasn’t handled properly. Callista warily approaches the ancient script. Azriel finally seems to notice that his hand was still intertwined with hers when she finally lets go to more carefully examine what Rhysand has offered her. He hates that he’s so bothered by the ease of which she let go. Has he always been so possessive over his friends? No, never like this. Never like her. She had ingrained herself into him, became a part of him he was terrified would disappear. That was the problem. It was difeerent this time. He could accept that he wasn’t enough for the other, hell he certainly would never be enough for her, but he couldn’t let her go. Not now. A small rational part of his brain told him to go slow. Be wary. He had only known her for a matter of days. Was that all it took to get him to not look back? Had he only latched onto her because he was desperate to have someone? Had he simply fallen for someone no one had any agency over? Was he willing to leave the people he had known his entire life for her? What if she rejected him as well? What would he do then?
Azriel cant make sense of the markings on the page but Callista studies every one intently. As he begins to worry  she turns to face him, feeling a kind of shift with shadows that encircle him. The two make eye contact only for a second before Azriel looks away, pain etched deep withing his eyes. Rhysand shifts in his seat and Azriel straightens up, he tells himself to get himself together. Whats one more rejection anyway?
“Find what you’re looking for?” Rhysand asks
“I—I don’t know.”
“Only one way to find out.” He shrugs
“I suppose you’re right… Azriel?” He can only dread whats coming, “You’ll have to forgive me. You’ll have to show me around another time.”
“Whenever you wish.” He smiles and bows his head, “Shall we head back?”
“I will be taking her Az. You’ve done enough traveling?”
“Really?” Callista interjects before Azriel can protest, “I’m surprised you’d be willing to leave your family for so long. And unprotected as well. I’m honored. Do you know where you’re going? Wouldn’t want you to be unable to make it back if the spell doesn’t work.”
“Don’t be ridiculous Callista, Azriel can take you. Cant he Rhys?” Feyre steps in and sits on the high lord’s lap who can only take a deep breath and relent. He waves Azriel off, and he nods his head for Callista to follow. He wanted to talk to her before they left. She followed him all the way back to the house of wind.
“So…those markings…they’ll help?”
“Ancient runes, I’ve studied some from the books back home.”
“You remember everything?”
She pulls out her left hand, markings decorating her arm in gold. “If I can figure out how to pronounce everything correctly, I should be able to make it work. Hopefully, Tommin and the rest of the elders aren’t too mad to where they wont help.”
“I think with enough support they’ll whether they want things to change or not.”
“hm. Are you alright?”
“Why would I not be?” Azriel asked
“Well, you didn’t exactly need to bring me all the way here to have that conversation. What is it?”
“Azriel?” She places her hand on his shoulder and every worry threatens to spill out
“What happens if this works?”
“What do you mean?”
“Will you explore what you can, with them? Or would you…”
“Come back?”
Azriel finally looks at her eyes, “Could you?”
“Would you want me to?” She smiles, Azriel shakes his head chuckling. What was happening? He had never had any issues with anyone. Not at Rita’s, not anywhere, even with Mor as painful as it was he had no difficulty flirting back. But here he was, tongue tied for seemingly the millionth time.
“I—” Azriel looks up and runs his hand through his hair sighing at how complicated this was all getting, “Of course I would.”
“Hmm. And would you want to come back here?” Because frankly you seem miserable, she though to herself. “Are you happy here?”
“I have a duty here.”
“That doesn’t exactly answer my question…” She tilts her head as she considers his words for a moment more, “Well, I suppose it does actually.”
His name on her lips unsettled him. No one called him by his full name around here. And she said with so much…kindness. Wait, he froze, what exactly did she he was letting her down. Did she mean when she said she understood, he himself didn’t understand what he wanted yet. What he wanted…
“Azriel…” He flinches at her touch, her fingers delicately trace her eyebrows, her hand gently rests on his face, “You really ought to stop worrying so much. If you want to talk you know I’m here. You are free to speak and ask whatever it is that’s worrying you.”
“Stay with me.” He finally says, grasping her hand and finally staring her in the eyes. Afraid to hear her answer but needing to get everything out, “I dont care where you want to go, but stay with me. I know you don’t know me. Not really but—”
Both hands now cup his face as she looks up. Her wings flutter ever so slightly and he feels her lips press against him once more, but the intention feels different. She purposely kisses him in the corner of his mouth, letting him decide whether or not he’d rather push it any further. She lingered for a few seconds, and then whispered, “You still owe me a tour if I remember correctly.”
She floats down, “I don’t plan on traveling alone anytime soon, what fun would that be?”
Azriel looks down at her smirk, her almost all knowing smirk. If she had any idea how he was entirely at her command. He would travel the ends of the universe for the smallest request. He was completely wrapped around her finger. He couldn’t deny it any longer. He needed her. Her company, her presence, her light. A balance to the darkness he seemed to carry around him constantly. She never pushed, and yet he felt like she was the only one that would understand. He grabs her face and kisses her as deeply as he can and hopes he can convey even a fraction of what he’s feeling. Its only when they both need to breath that they step back.
Azriel clears his throat, “Lets get going then, there so much I want you to see. And I can’t wait to get started.”
She nods and grabs his hand. She closes her eyes and waits for the chill to pass. Every trip was exhilarating, literally breathtaking. She would never not be amazed by this ability, amazed and saddened. Calista wondered if he ever thought back to the times he had been scared of the darkness before it embraced, or if it ever still brought him a wave of sadness as he remembered exactly what brought this gift.
“This is wrong.” Azriels words force her eyes open
Callista immediately sees what he is referring to. The trees once green and lush looked dull. As if the life was being sucked out of them. And it was silent. Eerily silent. Callista felt her stomach harden.
Azriel shook his head, he is only whispering to himself but Callista wont accept what comes out of his mouth, “There’s only one?”
Callista refuses to believe it, she releases his hand and begins flitting to and from several different houses. She calls out names getting increasingly more panicked. Her home she once knew like the back of her hand seemed foreign to her now. Azriel could feel the pain in her voice but he was frozen, he caused this, he was sure of it. He should have never returned. No, that isn’t right, maybe he should have waited to hear the Elder’s concerns, pressed for more information. Likewise, Callista knew her absence had something to do with this.
“Azriel!!” She looked to him pleading, he seemed terrified, still he knew exactly what she was asking for, he point in a direction. This person would surely have some answers. Deeper in the woods, closer to the forest floor. Callista dashed off and Azriel snapped out of it enough to follow her. She breathed a sigh of relief when the elder who had protested when Azriel had first returned appeared. But Azriel noticed his aging immediately, Callista was so excited to see anyone she rushed and hugged him. The old man did not return the gesture. “Tommin.”
“So. You finally decided to come back.” He grunts and steps back. Callista seems taken aback by his attitude and finally realizing how different he appeared.
“How long?”
“Several hundred years if I am counting correctly.”
“What? That’s impossible, every other time was maybe a few years at most.”
“Because we had so many returning visitors before that young man. Anyhow, I’m sure you have questions. We don’t have much time.”
Callista shakes her head, refusing to accept what was plain to see. Azriel can only hope its one of two options, “But where is everyone?”
The old man, chuckles. As if he’s been waiting to deliver what hes about to say for years. As if it would make all of it okay…
“Oh child, they’re all long gone.”
Taglist: @bubybubsters @mich0731 @azziessidehoe @cleverzonkwombatsludge @nightless @thelov3lybookworm @kemillyfreitas
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milkywaydrabbles · 1 year
He who was found in chains, set free. | VII.
A/N: Another chapter ahead of us, and it's starting to get more to the plot of S4! Things will still continue to change, of course. And now I'm going to have to watch each episode as I write this to make sure it stays true RIP to me. Not as long as I would like it to be but more drama to come in the coming chapters
Hope y'all like it mwuah.
Can be found on AO3 here!
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It’s been a month. The most excruciating month you’ve lived to date. Not the month that you were assaulted nearly every day in the damned house back in Gresit. Not the first month in particular that you were out alone in the woods fighting for your life against being found by the night creatures. Not even the month that you actually got caught by the night creatures. 
Nothing could prepare you for the absolute loneliness and misery you felt after being with Adrian for the last month. For the first week you cried every night, going as far as sneaking into his room (which took a while to figure out which one was his) and started sleeping on his bed, on his sheets. Now, you still sleep there, but you’ve learned to manage a bit better without him. It’s still hard, however it might have helped you prepare more for the outside world. Since he’s been gone you’ve had to  fend for yourself, and not in the normal way you normally would. You’ve had to go to the village alone to for fresh herbs and vegetables. On more than one occasion you’ve had to leave in the middle of shopping because your chest grew tight and you began to panic. You tried to console yourself in the same way Adrian would. Tell yourself it was okay, no one would touch you. Just like he did the time he came into your room. Like he did when he cradled your face in his hands. Like he did when your foreheads touched and he filled all of your senses. 
And now you were alone.
You continued to push the thoughts behind you, and went out to try and catch fish for dinner, which was fairly easy for you to do. You got very good and being on your own in the woods. You’ve grown so accustomed for cooking for two that sometimes you make too much, and you sigh frustrated with yourself. I’m wasting food you chastised yourself. But it was hard to break the habit, always wishing he would come back home. It never dawned on you what to call the feelings you’ve been having. You assumed it’s because he was protecting you from the outside world. And that he would always teach you how to read or teach you magic. Hell, you assumed you felt miserable because now you have to go out on your own to the market.
You wouldn’t think overwise. Even if you knew better.
Frustrated, you went back to the library like you have every night since he left to study more magic. 
Another month, and Alucard still wasn’t back. There’s no sign of his return, and you couldn’t help but feel nauseous. Maybe something happened to him, maybe he was terribly injured and he couldn’t make it back. Maybe he’s gone forever. 
Or, maybe he’s fallen in love, and ran away with his soulmate. 
That thought hurt you most of all.
You’d gotten quite good at magic now, within the two solid months of studying, along with the first month spent with Alucard. You started growing more out in the homestead, practically refusing to continue to go to the market. The herbology you’ve learned, infused with magic, has come in handy. You’ve been able to recreate certain plants for your benefit, being more self-sufficient than before. You’re also learned how to almost entirely heal the lacerations on your body. Some remained, deemed too deep for your restorative magic to do the trick without you passing out. And you’ve tried, wanting to get rid of any and all markings of the wretched man in Gresit. You’ve also grown some flowers just for the decoration of it all. 
Along with your loneliness came productivity. You started tidying up the castle as best you could. The large holes weren’t something you could ever dream of patching up on your own, but for the most part you did take care of any debris, dusting that needed to be done around the rooms, and organizing the cellar as best you could. There were many broken bottles strewn about, but you wanted more than anything for Alucard to return to a clean home. Your heart still aches every time you think of him, but it was more bearable. 
One day you’ve decided to traverse to the Belmont Hold, looking on all the knowledge of killing monsters and whatever else bumps in the night. It was centuries of books, tips and tricks, even more magic of different variety. You’re not sure why it took you so long to explore down there, almost as if it was an invasion of privacy. It was Trevor’s things, you mused, why would you feel comfortable going down there? But as time went on, you wanted to learn more, so you continued to go down and read up on monster killing knowledge. Some things were easy to read, others difficult, some downright impossible for you. You had even found some books in different languages, and other books to help translate those books. Overall you became a sponge, passing the time with your studies and notetaking (you had run out of paper in the first four journals Alucard had gotten you, only one left). You felt more comfortable than ever knowing you can defend yourself a bit better, if you ever had to. 
You hoped you never had to. 
But in any case, you could. 
“Hello? Earth to Alucard?” 
Alucard blinked, looking over to Trevor as if he hadn’t just been daydreaming about lord knows what? “What is it, Belmont?” He already sounded disgruntled. Pay more attention.
“You haven’t heard a single damn word I’ve said, have you?” He deadpanned. 
“No, I usually don’t, since you never have anything good to say anyways.”
The two men stare at each other for a moment, before breaking out in small chuckles. Sypha sighed, shaking her head with a smile.
“I think that wraps up as much as we needed...we can continue on our own after tonight. You can get back to your friend in the morning.” Sypha mused, sneaking a glance over to Alucard to see if she’s gotten a rise out of him. 
His brow twitched, and a slight curve of the lips to a frown. But otherwise, he stayed stoic as always. 
But of course Trevor wouldn’t let it go. 
“Seriously who is she? And why does she call you Adrian?” 
“Outside of the obvious reason that it is my name?” Alucard rebutted. “She...she was escaping from the night creatures one night. Came across the castle, passed out on my doorstep. She’s been there since.”
“And you didn’t kick her out?” An elbow from Sypha to Trevor’s ribs and an oof following.
“No...I didn’t.” He didn’t continue.
The last two months have been just as excruciating for him as it’s been for you. He wanted nothing more than to return home to you, whatever that meant he wasn’t ready to digest yet. He wondered if you’ve been doing alright. He wondered if you’ve gone out to the market or if you completely gave up and started starving yourself, or going back to eating the same way you did before you showed up at his door. He frowned to himself at the thought.
He wondered if you were still there at all. Wondered if you stopped waiting for him. 
He thought of you throughout his sleepless nights. Thought of you as he fought night creatures. He thought of you...just because. He didn’t want to talk about you with the others, didn’t feel comfortable doing so. He didn’t know how he felt, or what he was feeling -- and Trevor would be more insufferable than normal if he ever caught wind of anything. He just knew that after tonight he’d be able to go back home to you.
Or, just to be back home. Because it was his castle.
The morning came, and he bid his friends farewell, wishing them all the best on their travels (Sypha) along with a middle finger (Trevor) before he set off on his own. It was a long travel, perhaps a few days on foot. Easier if he could get his hands on a horse. But until then he’d simply go along, stopping at any towns for shelter if needed. But by the time the third night came, and he was so close to being back, he found a horse trotting along in the same direction of the castle with a dead rider. He took the horse by the reigns, and saw a letter in the hands of the rider. It was directed at him. Well, The Alucard. Hate that. Alucard read it over, and gripped tightly.
He was needed at Danesti. 
He wanted to be selfish, he really did. He wanted to wish them good luck on their own and simply go back home and see how you’ve been all this time. But he just...couldn’t. It went against all the good in him, and as agonizing as it was for him, he took himself back into the direction of Danesti.
I’ll be back home soon, I promise.
He had made it to Danesti in the knick of time, saving the villagers from a terrible fate with the night creatures that had made their way to the village. Alucard had rode into battle until he lunged off the back of the horse, practically flying through the air with shield in hand and magical sword by his side, landing on the back of the monster and ripping back its head until there was a crunch of bone snapping, breaking its neck while his sword plunged into the back of another. He unsheathed his sword from the now very dead monster and continued to steadily fight the third, fourth, and fight night creatures. With the first one in his sights down, he glanced over to the other two that had started making their way to the villagers armed with pitchforks. One had turned its back on them, attacking Alucard with all its might. It turned out to be a strong opponent, almost boxing Alucard with its sharpened claws. He maneuvered around it fairly easily, although it was avoiding each sword thrust Alucard had attempted. Finally, he was able to get a clear shot and sliced half its head off, brain exposed and plopping on the ground.
Now just one left.
Alucard plunged his sword into the heart of the creature he had just defeated and stepped up on it, using all his might to smash the head of the last night creature with his shield ending the fight. He walked over to the townspeople.
“You sent me a letter?”
A woman smiled at him. “Yes, welcome to Danesti.”
“I presume it’s seen better days.”
“Quieter ones. I’m Greta, the village headwoman.”
“Call me Alucard. No ‘the’.”
He continued on to inform Greta that ‘Marius’, the rider, in fact did not survive the trip. “He was attacked en route and bled out from his wounds. His horse carried him the rest of the way with your message in his hand.”
They continued on with the conversation on what’s been happening to the village, how they’ve barely been surviving, how Alucard happened to be the only advantage Greta could think of. Even though he ‘reeks of wine’. After her what he would deem dramatic speech, Alucard spoke.
“All done?”
“Did it work?”
Greta smirked. “Then I'm all done. Thank you. And that was one hell of an entrance.”
Conversations continued, along with quite the annoying man known by the name Saint Germaine. It was a back and forth of what would happen with the village, as more survivors from different towns along the way poured in. And then Saint Germaine opened is fucking mouth again.
“Perhaps, just until we all find out what’s going on, perhaps the remaining persons in your charge might be moved to a more secure location, like, uhm... your castle.”
Alucard gasped, and then turned to him with practically a growl. And then he stopped to think about it again. And groaned. 
“And God shits in my dinner once again. Oh, no, I really am turning into Belmont. Is life even worth living now?” Dramatic.
And then he thought of you. How would you take to having entirely too many strangers in your presence once again? He couldn’t imagine you’d be very happy with him. But...he couldn’t leave them all defenseless like this. 
Oh Goddamn it.
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daechwitatamic · 1 year
Of Ruin || KTH {Teaser}
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Title: Of Ruin
WC: tbd - I'm gonna ballpark it around 60k and it will be chaptered Rating: NSFW - minors DNI, I am very serious about this Pairing: KTH x reader {vamp!tae x human!reader, ft human!namjoon and vamp!jimin because it's always v(amp)min hours at daechwitatamic dot com!!}
Genre: supernatural!au with presence of magic, witches, and vampires || s2l || a splash of (somehow) both fake-dating and arranged-marriage || angst fluff smut trifecta 
Summary: Taehyung of House Rune, Prince of Infracticus has been cursed. You’re the human world’s leading curse-breaker. It should be simple. But unraveling the curse becomes the least of your problems in the face of Infracti civil war - and the love you start to feel for the prince.
Warnings: uhhh okay so I mean vampire murder/human hunting and feeding?, blood and i guess gore?, language, recreational/casual drinking, more to come as I write the rest
Author’s Note: Firstly! Although the worlds, rules, characterizations, and plot are very extremely different, I have to say that I was inspired to write this after reading @kth1fics Black Ravens series. Thank you to Maggie for being so gracious when I asked if she’d be okay with me trying a vamp!tae fic of my own.
I'll be upfront here and say that I do not know when this will be done or when it will start posting because, as you know if you've been around my blog for a while, I write to completion before I make a posting schedule. But I hit 20k today and that made me very excited and I just kind of wanted to share the excitement with you all!
Anyway - here's a teaser!
“Farrah,” Maggie called, the hairs on her arms starting to stand. She’d only been a bit ahead of them, but somehow Maggie was having a hard time seeing her friend. Econ Guy put his arm around Maggie’s shoulders protectively, glancing around them.
“What in the fuck?” he muttered, and then two things happened so quickly that to Maggie’s human eyes it seemed to be at once: a bit of darkness moved much too fast just in front of her, and Farrah’s body slumped to the ground.
“Farrah!” Maggie screamed, her breath caught in her throat. She started towards her friend’s motionless body, but she was tugged back. Econ Guy was pointing at Farrah’s body, his mouth moving like he was trying to make a word, but couldn’t. Maggie looked again, closer. 
The darkness that had moved was bent over Farrah’s body, obscuring their view of her shoulder and face. Maggie’s heart beat so hard in her chest that it hurt, and a tingling she associated with panic started in her fingertips as her body pleaded with her to run.
“What is it?” Maggie whispered in horror. Beside her, Econ Guy made a choked sound and took a step backwards, his arm falling away from her, all pretenses of toughness vanishing. 
At the sound of her hushed question, it looked at them, the motion sharp and jerky. Then, it clambered up, staggering towards them, and Maggie could see it - him - for the first time.
He was undeniably beautiful - or would have been, if it weren’t for the blood running in rivulets from his mouth down to his chin, if not for the inhuman growls and snarls that rippled from his chest like the start of an antique lawnmower, if not for the way his eyes were glossy black, no whites at all.
“An Infracti,” Maggie said hollowly. 
Beside her, Econ Guy found his voice again. “Hey,” he said sternly. “You can’t hunt here. It’s against the law.”
The Infracti stalked closer, unblinking, then stopped a few feet before them. Maggie’s entire body shook and she dropped to the ground, her legs too weak to hold her up - let alone to run. 
Not that she could outrun an Infracti. 
The beast looked at them evenly, then stuck out its tongue and languidly - as if putting on a show - licked its lips, sucking a few more drops of Farrah’s blood into its mouth. Maggie didn’t see him move, but suddenly Econ Guy was screaming, arms flailing as he tried and failed to remove the Infracti from his body. The Infracti’s long fingers gripped his upper arms, face buried in the crook of his neck. 
The scream fizzled to a sob. The Infracti opened his hands - fingers splayed purposefully as he emptied them - and his victim’s body hit the pavement. The sound - a round, weighty thud - echoed through Maggie’s head as the Infracti turned to face her. His all-black eyes seemed calculating, in their own way. Still on the ground, Maggie was almost face to face with Econ Guy’s corpse. His eyes were still wide and frightened, though unseeing. 
The Infracti stepped closer to her, gently, carefully, and then he crouched down, swirling black eyes meeting hers. The growls subsided, and Maggie thought wildly that he looked almost thoughtful. Her heart wasn’t beating anymore as much as vibrating. Her breaths were so shallow they barely counted, and the night swam around her. 
When Maggie was seven, her grandmother was mugged while they were walking together. In the moment, her grandmother had tossed her purse into the street, and grabbed Maggie’s hand to run when the thief lunged for the bag. When Maggie asked about it later, in that way that kids do, her grandmother had explained to her, “He wasn’t interested in you or me. He was interested in my money. I gave him what he wanted, so he left me alone.”
Now, eye to eye with a monster straight out of her nightmares, Maggie saw her grandmother’s face, heard her sweet voice. I gave him what he wanted, so he left me alone. Tentatively, she held out her wrist, veins up. The beast moved like liquid again, a shifting of darkness, until he was closer to her, her wrist clutched tight in his cool grasp. Then, gently, as if he were a gentleman kissing the back of her hand in greeting, he brought her wrist to his lips and let his teeth pierce the flesh.
Your phone rings in your pocket as you sit on the Express bus across town, and you shift in your seat until you can slide it free. Your boss’s name floats across the top of the screen and you answer it quickly. 
“Are you on campus yet?” he asks in lieu of hello. Dr. Kim is nearing seventy, but he’s the leading curse-breaker on the eastern coast and you find it unlikely that he’ll slow down anytime soon.
“Ten minutes out,” you report. “I’m on the bus.”
“Come directly to my office,” he requests, but you can hear the urgency dancing in his tone. You know what this means: he’s been contacted about a curse. 
It’s somehow chillier when the bus drops you on campus, cloud cover removing the warmth of the sun as you hustle down one of the paved walkways towards the academic buildings, dodging students standing in groups talking, others riding bicycles and the rare electric scooter. 
You hurry into the building that houses most of the staff offices, bypassing the corridors the students frequent and taking the narrow back staircase that leads to Dr. Kim’s office.
He’s waiting for you, door open, a spread of papers on his desk. 
You greet him with a smile, dropping your heavy bag by his door as you have hundreds of times in your professional history. Dr. Kim was one of your first undergrad professors, years ago, and you’ve worked closely with him in all the years since: first, as a TA for his tougher classes, then co-teaching when the university took you on, and finally joining his team of curse-breakers, rapidly bypassing several team members who had more seniority but less knack. 
“We got a call?” you guess, drawing closer to the papers and peering at them for clues. That’s when you notice the young man already seated in one of the two chairs across from Dr. Kim’s desk. Embarrassed, you hurry to nod hello to him, murmuring an apology.
“We did,” Dr. Kim allows with a tight little nod. “It’s… a bit unorthodox, though. I’d like you to consider the situation carefully.”
You feel yourself frown. “What is it?”
“Perhaps you should sit,” Dr. Kim suggests, holding a hand towards the empty chair opposite his desk. 
This isn’t how these meetings go. You’ve done this a dozen times or more - usually as soon as Dr. Kim can see your face he starts chattering excitedly about the details: who’s been cursed, what the effects are, the specifics of the location, the bits of travel itinerary he’s already worked out. 
You sit hesitantly, hands gripping the arms of the chair nervously. You try hard not to glance sideways at the man you don’t know. 
“Well?” you ask gently, when Dr. Kim still doesn’t speak.
“This is Namjoon,” Dr. Kim says, belatedly realizing he hadn’t introduced you. “His degrees all focus on curses. A comparable background to yours, academically.”
“That’s not true,” Namjoon says, holding up a hand. “I didn’t study Infracticus. My magical knowledge is focused solely on curses and curse-breaking.”
Dr. Kim makes a noncommittal noise. To you, he says, “I personally asked Namjoon to make the trip and hear the request. I think he’ll be invaluable in picking this one apart.”
“Okay,” you agree easily. You trust Dr. Kim with your life - literally - and if he thinks someone will be an asset to the team, you’d never argue with that. You turn sideways just a bit and murmur an it’s nice to meet you before turning your attention back to your (normally) fearless leader. “So what are we in for?”
He sighs and runs a hand down his face, almost as if he’s unsure if he should tell you or not. “You need to know right from the start how very dangerous this could be,” he says, looking back and forth between the two of you, his voice more grave than you’ve ever heard it. 
“Because of the magic involved?” you ask. Curse-breaking is always dangerous, that’s the very nature of it. You always run the risk of making a fatal mistake; you could turn the curse back on yourself, or strengthen it, or simply end up creating side-effects you hadn’t intended. He’s never given you this warning before.
He shakes his head. “Not necessarily. Not more so than any other. It’s… well, my dear, it will involve a stay in Infracticus.”
You’re shocked into silence. You can’t help but meet Namjoon’s eyes, sideways, and find him looking just as surprised as you.
You utter, quietly, “What?” even though you heard and understood him perfectly well. It’s more than you need help processing, facing the reality of the words. “An Infracti has been cursed?”
He shakes his head, though the answer isn’t no. “Not just any Infracti,” he corrects. “The Prince of Ruin.”
Your jaw literally drops. “Someone cursed the crown prince?” you gasp in disbelief. “Who would dare?”
“The Scorns, I imagine,” Namjoon murmurs, almost to himself.
Dr. Kim gives you two a wan smile. “Luckily, we aren’t tasked with solving that. Just finding and casting the counter-curse.”
You sit back in your chair in a daze, blinking slowly, cogs in your mind whirring fast. “Okay,” you say finally. “We’d be protected, though, right? They’re inviting the team, so we’d be protected, as guests?”
“Certainly an effort will be made, but there's never a guarantee. This is why I said you need to consider carefully,” Dr. Kim insists. “There is much at stake. You’re in danger every moment you’re down there, even with the promised protection. I expect that the curse itself must be quite complicated, or they’d have solved it themselves.”
“Not to mention,” Namjoon says suddenly, his tone serious, “we may be visiting during a time of… political unrest. If they suspect the Scorns… we may be walking into the start of Infracti civil war.”
“Will it be that bad?” you ask, frowning, pulse quickening. 
Namjoon shrugs. “Hopefully not. But the situation will certainly be volatile. The Ruins and the Scorns would each love a reason to point the finger at the other. If we do happen across the cause of the curse as we try to break it… it’s likely there will be political ramifications.”
“God,” you mutter. 
“As I said,” Dr. Kim repeats. “I won’t accept an answer today. I want you both to sleep on it. Discuss with your families. Talk to me tomorrow about how you’re feeling.”
He dismisses you then, shepherding you both towards his door, leaving it open now that you’re done discussing the equivalent of vampire state secrets. 
Halfway down the stairs, Namjoon calls your name. Ahead of him, you pause, turning, and let him catch up to you. 
“Can we exchange information?” he asks, digging in his wallet. He finally hands you a business card, and you dig in your wallet, hoping you have one tucked behind a credit card or something. 
“I’d like to talk to you about this, later, if you have time,” he says, a bit sheepishly. “I’m… not feeling very sure about it.”
“Okay,” you say easily, glancing at the time - you’ve got seven minutes to get across campus to teach your first class. “Do you want to grab a bite later? Your number’s on here?” You wiggle the business card, and he nods. “I’ll text you,” you promise, and start down the steps again, mind racing.
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I hope you'll look forward to this fic! Very different from all my hyper-realism I've done until now :')
A friendly reminder that I don't do tag lists, but you can follow my Of Ruin tag for future snippets and updates, and I'll update my Recent Updates when I post!
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thechekhov · 2 years
Dungeon Meshi - Quick Reacts (CHAPTER 12: Court Cuisine)
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Mmmm yes. Love. The secret ingredient. 
(And Rice Ball.... the fourth foodgroup.)
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I want to believe that the jewels are just like fruit gushers. 
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What a cool visual, damn. 
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MMMMMM. YEP, don’t like that. 
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You’re living off the monsters in the dungeon. All your food tries to attack you, Laios. 
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I follow the logic, but isn’t that risk also just... a little bit too un-calculated? 
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oh boy, they’re all way too hungry to be reasonable. 
In fact, this manga makes me hungry. Had to leave and come back in the middle of this just to make lunch:
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anyway back to reading
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I thought it was just a painting but there’s a whole SCENE in here. Are these... real people? Depicting what the kingdom was like before it was a dungeon!?
Forget food, historians are gonna be drooling over this painting for a whole different reason. 
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are... are you food shy? Laios, what’s happening? You couldn’t stand to take food from that family? Is that it????
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poor man can’t catch a break
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I have to wonder... is this truly the events as they happened? Clearly not, as Laios is in them. But also... how true are these magical paintings to real life? Was Lord Delgal truly like this? Or is this merely an idealistic recreation? 
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what a distinct character in the middle of a crowd............ I wonder. 
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This is turning into a mystery. 
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Fascinating array. I still can’t help but notice the distinctly Japanese touch on these. 
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ahhh but will you still be full when you come out of the painting, I wonder?
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uh oh. Busted. 
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Imagine what that looks like to her. This one dude just appears randomly and then leaves, never to be seen again for decades. 
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I knew it. 🤣
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cialovesklopp · 1 year
𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 ➺ k.mbappé
𝒔𝒖𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒓𝒚 — in which a couple strengths their bond by meeting each other’s parents and recreating a grey’s anatomy scene
𝒑𝒂𝒊𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒈 — kylian mbappé x amara imani (oc)
𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒖𝒏𝒕 — 9.4k
𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒈 𝒇𝒐𝒓 𝒕𝒉𝒆 𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒆𝒓 — lover [taylor swift]
𝒂𝒖𝒕𝒉𝒐𝒓’𝒔 𝒏𝒐𝒕𝒆 — sooo, i’m back from vacation and fully motivated again though I have to admit that this chapter is shit compared to my others so i’m very sorry for that, hope you enjoy though
— also thank you to my bestie @lorarri for keeping me going and feeding me with ideas, vacation did some things to my brain
𝒕𝒂𝒈𝒍𝒊𝒔𝒕 — @aechii @locedes @lorarri @charlesleclercistheloveofmylife @chxyz-ctrl
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liked by kylian.mbappe.updates and 669 others
km7dailyupdates kylian mbappé in mykonos recently with his new mystery girl and friends
view all 282 comments
username soo jealous, she looks gorgeous
username i swear to god i need to go to mykonos too and bag me some hot footballer
username fr, like they’re always there
username that must be the girl he soft launched in his story
username can’t believe kylian is off the market, hope it’s just a simple fling
username but the fact he bagged black girl instead of those typical blonde insta barbies >>>
username i kind of liked him better with his old girlfriend
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one word. happiness. it was the only thing amara had felt (and still felt) those past days. sure, she was a bit tired and drained but nothing could erase that feeling of just deep, easy happiness that she felt rush through her body. and god had it been long that she had felt like this.
of course, it was easy to imagine the culprit behind her feelings. who else if not him? he was the reason for all her smiles, laughs and giggles. just the thought of him was enough to make her lips curve upwards. kylian mbappé was truly something else and yet she wouldn’t exchange him for anything in the world. they just fit perfectly for each other.
kylian tried to make every moment special for her. that had also been his main motivation behind their sudden trip to greece. the french striker had just surprised them (amara and his friends) with a flight to mykonos that he had paid himself. he hadn’t given any reason, just that he wanted to spend some time with them. and of course they had all accepted.
the real cause for this surprising trip though, he had kept for himself. he didn’t want anyone to know that the real reason for this trip was his and amara’s one year anniversary coming up. and it wasn’t one year of dating, it was one year of having known each other. and every second they spent together counted for him that much that he couldn’t let this mark go without celebrating. he just had to make that moment special though.
she had smiled at him when he had explained it to her, kissed him and attacked with hugs. no one had ever done that for her, made her feel so special that even simple things like that deserved to be memorized. every day kylian had a new way of making her discover love and all it’s good sides. he had transformed greece into a magical place — their place. but of course, all good things had to come to an end and here they were, back in paris, thrown back into their own realities. amara busy again with her album and all the pr that followed with it while kylian had to focus on his season, that he hoped was slowly coming to an end.
but she was happy. that was all that mattered.
she turned off her phone, smiling as she cuddled further into his chest, heat radiating through his body and warming up hers. the couple sat on the couch, arms thrown around each other as they bathed in the soft sunlight that shone through the apartment, enjoying their sunday afternoon. after all it wasn’t very often that they got to be together on a weekend with kylian’s busy schedules and matches.
amara absentmindedly played with the strings of his sweatshirt, listening as kylian told her some funny thing about his friends while her mind wandered back to their recently shared vacation. laughter and happiness filled the air, along with peace, creating a somewhat comfy and safe vibe around the apartment. it displayed perfectly the way they had grown yet only the walls of their apartment would be able to tell their story perfectly.
as she started to draw circles on his hand, her thoughts suddenly shifted to a certain topic she had tried to avoid for the last few days. more specifically, she had tried to find a good way to approach it but came up empty every time. her parents.
it was normal for them to want to meet kylian. anyone would want to meet the muse who had inspired someone to write so beautifully about a feeling. it was rare to have someone talk about love the way she did, so natural and carefree. she hadn’t tried to analyse the feeling, she had just felt it and wrote about it. and now her parents wanted to meet the person who was behind all this.
she paused for a moment, struggling to express the situation to kylian. of course, it meant a lot to her if he accepted but at the same time she didn’t want to rush him. he had been patient with her so she would understand if it was too quick for him or if he preferred to wait a bit more before doing the whole parents thing.
they weren’t even that curious. her mother knew that there was a new man in her daughter's life. it had been no surprise to her and amara had even admitted it when she had last seen her mother. her father though was a whole other story. they were close, closer than she was with her mother and somehow she wanted her dad to meet the other man in her life next to him. the only other man he’d ever have to meet because she couldn’t see herself with someone else in the future.
deciding to just blurt it out, she looked deep into kylian’s brown eyes, fingers still intertwined and took a deep breath before she spoke, “ky, my parents want to meet you. i told my mom about you and my dad, he just… he wants to get to know the guy who inspired me to write such a beautiful masterpiece.”
his eyebrows furrowed slightly, surprised expression on his face as he listened to her. he understood her hesitation, after all meeting the parents was a big and significant step in relationships but at the same time he was okay with that. somehow it didn’t seem like a big deal to him even though he should have been freaking out. “that’s a big deal i guess. do they know about a man or do they know about me?”
she chuckled at his question. “my mother knows about a certain man lifting my spirits and giving me enough motivation and inspiration to write a whole new album. she was the one to push me when i was insecure about us,” amara explained. “my dad only knows you because of the album i released. also i want them to meet you because you’re important to me. you’re not just anyone anymore, you’re kylian my boyfriend and you belong to me.”
“et toi tu te moquais de moi quand j’avais dit que nous on était pour l’éternité.” kylian jested amusingly. — and you were making fun of me when I said we were for eternity
“i wasn’t making fun of you,” the singer exclaimed. “i was just surprised. but if it cheers you up, i can’t imagine my future beside anyone else too.” she replied calmly. “anyway, will you accept? if it’s not too early for you? you don’t have to, we can always do this at another time and besides my parents will understand if—“
“bébé, tu peux te calmer,” kylian stopped her rambling, pressing a soft peck on her forehead. “i would love to meet your parents. after all, i’ve got to meet the parents of the girl who's going to take my name someday.” — baby, you can calm down
butterflies erupted in her stomach as her mind realized what the last sentence meant and she thanked the god profoundly again that she wasn’t able to blush — both knowing that he was serious. kylian mbappe had met a lot of girls, had been a womanizer for a part of his life and yet he would throw it all away for her. even if it was to just listen to her laugh for one more time again. there was just something so mesmerizing about it.
it was like a melody for him. whenever she laughed, he could swear angels were singing instead. maybe it was because of her voice that sounded so angelic that her laughing resembled so much to angels singing. either way, kylian would probably give up the world if it meant he could listen to it for the last seconds of his life. at least then, he would die a happy man.
“am i now?” she smirked, a smug smile on her lips.
“bien sûr. amara mbappé, ça l’air bien, tu ne trouve pas?” he replied, his face mimicking the exact same smile she was wearing. — of course, amara mbappé sounds nice, don’t you think
her lips let out a soft giggle as she stole a quick kiss from him — not that he minded though, he could kiss her for the rest of his life.
“avant de faire de grand plan comme ça, faut d’abord même rencontrer les parents de la fille, mbappé.” she reminded him jokingly. “donc pense d’abord à ça.” — before making big plans like that, you have to firstly meet the parents of the girl
— so start by doing that
he grinned. “right but how hard can that be?”
laughing, she shrugged. “i don’t know. but better start preparing to answer some questions, just in case you want to hold for my hand later.”
“well, i could always bring a powerpoint presentation in case i’m not convincing enough. you think a few slides about my life goals and plans with you will be enough?” he asked sarcastically.
she rolled her eyes at her boyfriend — it was still so weird for her to say this — but couldn’t hide her smile even though she was a bit annoyed at him. “only if you include all the videos of you missing a penalty or goals by miles.”
“i swear to god, i’m gonna report you for bullying. my heart is fragile.” he complained dramatically making amara laugh even harder that her stomach started to hurt after a while.
“but your ego is solid so that should do.” she retorted funnily.
“anything else i should include in that powerpoint?”
she shrugged dismissively. “if you’re so keen on impressing them with charts and pages about yourself, go ahead.”
he smirked at her. “i could also impress them with a song, now that i think about it, i should definitely do that. after all they’re the parents of the most talented singer.”
a horrid expression flashed over amara’s face. “please refrain from doing so. i just bought new glasses and i don’t need them broken just because you thought you could hit a note.”
“now you’re exaggerating. my voice is beautiful.”
“in comparison to a frog maybe.” she sassed back, quickly escaping as she saw kylian about to tickle her again. “just stick to telling them that you run after a ball for ninety minutes straight. that should do the trick.”
“think they’ll be impressed if i tell them that i’m being paid millions for sitting on a bench sometimes?”
she waved her hand, “now you’re on to something.”
a mischievous smile appeared on his lips. “and if that fails, i’ll just woo them with my magic tricks. it worked for you.”
wrapping her hands around his torso, she placed her head onto his shoulder, nearly hiding it in there while a huge grin graced her face. her face was bright, lit up with a radiant smile just because of the man next to her and all the affection her heart held for him. “i won the lottery with you, didn’t i?”
“well, you won’t find me twice on the market, that’s all i’m saying,” he replied in a teasing tone.
she shook her head, looking at him incredulously yet she reached up to kiss him passionately. “je t’aime ky. i hope you know that.” — i love you
“don’t worry, i know. je t’aime aussi.” — i love you
“oh and by the way, don’t forget i wrote a song about having sex with you. just as heads up.”
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“do you think your mother will love the tulips i got her?” kylian yelled through amara’s apartment, nervously pacing around. his heart was racing, beating at such a quick pace that doctors would probably start to worry. usually, that kind of nervousness would give him confidence, the kind he needed whenever he was about to play in important games such as champions league ones. but this time it was different. instead of feeding his ego, his nervousness was making him sweat and anxious. the kind that could be fatal.
but who could blame him for being nervous? he was about to me the parents of the love of his life — of course his nerves would get the best of him. he wanted them to like him, better yet, he needed them to like him (i mean, how else would he one day ask for her hand?) and he was aware of how much it meant to amara. all he needed to do was impress them.
he had spent hours picking out his outfit and yet his fingers couldn’t help and fumble with the buttons, betraying all efforts to stay calm. he looked down at the bouquet of white lilies and soft red tulips, that stood casually on the small white table, practically teasing him for his nervousness. “i think we should still have enough time for me to run down and get new ones just in case.”
all the way from the kitchen, amara chuckled as she listened to kylian’s questions, his nervousness practically written on his face. a small smile crept up her face as she stirred the sauce, imagining just how nervous he must be. it was a new way for her to view kylian, who usually presented himself so confidently in front of her. it almost felt like a new part of himself if she didn’t know him that good already.
she left the kitchen, after turning off the stove and opening a window and walked into the living room, her heart nearly melting when she saw the state of her boyfriend. his fingers were tapping rhythmically against his jeans as he sat down, a simple sign that the nervousness was eating him up from the inside. seeing her presence though, he glanced over at her, seeking for comfort and some comfortable familiarity. “my shirt is not too formal is it? i could always change it, i even brought two back ups.” he rambled, his voice insecure and uncertain which was a big change from the norm.
instead of answering, amara just made her way over to him and reached over gently, grabbing his hands. “heyy,” she began softly, putting his hands on her waist as she wrapped hers around his neck, staring deep into his eyes. she loved being in that position with him, it often felt as if she was able to look further than just his eyes, she could see his soul and every of his emotion displayed in his eyes. “i promise you there’s nothing to be worried about. it’s a simple dinner and then everything will go back to the way it was.”
“and what if they think i’m like evan? i know i would think that if my daughter was treated that shitty.” he argued.
she planted a soft kiss on his lips that seemed to diffuse some of his tenseness that she could feel all around his body. “believe me, anyone who listened to my album knows you’re the exact opposite of that old scumbag. you made me believe in love again and i’m certain my parents will know that too if they listened.”
a surge of gratitude overcame him, thankful for amara’s calming words. they had had a soothing effect on him, not erasing all the nervousness but at least easing it. he wasn’t as nervous anymore as he was two seconds ago. and he was definitely ready to take the next step with her. better have it behind him than having to drag it out.
“je t’aime,” kylian whispered against her lips, smiling into the kiss. “and i’ll try my best so that they will love me.”
“if you’re anything like your usual self than they can’t help but love you, believe me.” she muttered against his lips. “and if that doesn’t help, then a good powerpoint presentation should definitely do the trick.”
be laughed loudly and rolled his eyes at her reference to when she had told him. he grabbed her face again, leaning in to kiss her passionately but their moment of intimacy was cut off as the doorbell rang, shattering the perfect balance of calmness in her apartment.
she reluctantly pulled away from him, trying to savor the scent of him and offered him a tender smile that spoke volumes. “it’s show time now,” she whispered in an exciting and empathetic tone. she intertwined her hand with kylian’s as they walked towards the door, hoping that the gesture would transcend some last feeling of support for him.
and it did. even though the hallway seemed endless today, tension thick in the air, her touch and smile calmed him down. gave him reassurance. maybe her parents wouldn’t like him but she would always love him.
sending him one last comforting glance, she reached for the door handle and opened the door, revealing her parents standing in front of it. her mother was the first to enter the apartment, immediately hugging her daughter.
“ada,” she exclaimed, greeting her, not even giving amara a chance to reply. “it’s been so long that i’ve seen you.”
amara smiled, rolling her eyes at her mother’s dramatic antics. “maman, on a téléphoné hier.” — mum, we talked yesterday on the phone
“still not the same,” she replied, waving dismissively. her eyes then fell on kylian, who was looking down nervously, awkwardly shuffling with his feet. “and you must be that handsome man my daughter wrote an album about?”
kylian straightened his position and held out his hand. “i’m kylian, mrs. imani. it’s lovely to meet you.”
“actually it’s mrs éwandé but there’s no need to be so formal. call me taraji,” she replied and threw the french international striker off-guard by pulling him in a hug. amara smiled at the image and turned towards her father.
she was immediately by his arms, burying her face into his neck. “tu m’as manqué,” she murmured under her breath, loud enough for the two of them to hear. — i missed you
“i missed my football partner too,” he replied softly, grinning. “don’t take it bad but your mother is definitely not the best person to watch football with.”
watching football together was their tradition, their bonding time. it went way back to when they were still in cameroon, where electricity was not a given and it had held on till now, where amara used to come over every weekend just to watch the premier league with her father. occasionally they would also watch formula one but that became rare when amara started dating evan and he began to distance her from her parents. now everything would go back to how it was.
her lips turned upwards, chuckling. “je sais. elle ne s’intéresse vraiment pas. mais j’ai quelqu’un qui s’intéresse sûrement…,” she trailed off, detaching herself from her father’s embrace and motioning with her eyes for kylian to come over. — i know, it doesn’t really interest her, but I have someone who’s for sure interested
“this is kylian, my boyfriend. the one you wanted to meet so badly.” she introduced the international french striker, smiling at him brightly.
“donc c’est toi qui a inspiré ma fille à écrire ce magnifique album?” he asked in an intimidating voice and kylian tried his best to hold his composure and stay calm. — so… you’re the man who inspired her to write that magnificent album
swallowing the lump down in his throat, he nodded and amara’s father turned towards his daughter again. “you did not mention that your boyfriend was kylian mbappé.”
amara shrugged. “i didn’t want you to already have an image or judge. i wanted to keep a neutral image.”
he let out a small huff, shaking kylian’s hand firmly. amara then suggested for them to move into the living room as amara had prepared dinner but her father held up his hand.
“avancer sans nous. on va vous rejoindre tout de suite.” andré declined politely. “got a few words i want to exchange with this young man.”
kylian felt his heart falling, his eyes begging for amara to not leave him, to contest her father that they could do this another time but even her hands were tied. she send him an apologetic smile as her mother dragged her into the kitchen, already rambling her ears full. amdré motioned for kylian to follow him into a more private space, which in amara’s apartment was her music room — the room where they had made music together.
“soo… you and my daughter,” he stated, kylian not really sure whether it was a simple statement or a rhetorical question made to insecure kylian and question all his life choices. “how long has this been going?”
“we have known each other for nearly a year now but we have only been dating for about three months now,” answered the star french player.
an eyebrow rose, skepticism clear in his expression. “and yet she was able to write an entire album for you?” he inquired. “i can count on my hands how many songs she wrote for that evan and most of them were not positive whereas now she is declaring all her love for you.”
somehow he understood the distrust that laced in her father’s words. the hidden uncertainty. because if his daughter had gone through all that shit because of one man, he would have seen red too and probably lock his daughter in a castle where no man would ever be able to approach her. it was just that kind of overprotectiveness.
“what are your intentions with her?” he questioned firmly. “amara means the world to us and hell will probably freeze before i let her into hands like those of that evan prat again. so i need to amd sure she’s with someone who won’t hold her down this time and won’t be intimidated by her rising career.”
“i love her. i truly do. that’s probably the most certain thing in my life,” he replied, contemplating how he could make it clear that he did not plan on ever losing amara. “she is worth more than any trophy i could ever win, they will never measure up to her, and her smile is probably enough to lift my day and brighten it. she is this ray of sunshine and even when it rains she still manages to shine bright. and i promised myself to do anything so that shine never fades out.”
to say that andré was shocked was probably exaggerated but the man was still stunned by kylian’s confession which he concealed with a neutral expression. hearing another man talk like that about his daughter, the way he used to talk about his wife — it gave a sort of safety. amara had once told him she wished to meet a man that would be half the person he was and andré could now confirm that she had. she had met someone who was half as good as he was, if not more. kylian held another kind of love in his eyes as he spoke about her, the mesmerizing one that people often longed for. that created unwanted jealousy because it was so rare today.
“you know, i had a feeling when she started dating evan,” he admitted after a short silence. “she was shining, happy but he didn’t look at her in a way that pleased me. she was a trophy for him but not a person. an accessoire that he got to carry around with him and jealous the people around him. but he forgot that for the trophy to shine, someone had to clean it constantly. and with time he tarnished her more and more. and i assume you know how amara is, always so stubborn.” at that kylian had to chuckle, knowing just how true that statement was. he may be stubborn on the field but amara took stubbornness to a whole new level. “wouldn’t leave him, not when he had thousands of talks with him. when she came after every cheating scandal but wouldn’t allow us to interfere in her relationship.”
“but you actually see her. the look on your face whenever you just think about her is enough. it shows that you’re here for the real deal and not for her highest moments. i didn’t know about you when that album was released and yet when i listened to it, i thought to myself: ‘damn, my daughter is in love again’. which angered me at first because i did not know who it was and i feared we had met another evan again. and then i listened further and i understood how much you loved her. amara painted a very beautiful picture of your love story. and i approve of that.”
words were stuck in his throat as kylian listened to amara’s father. he felt both humbled and touched by the elder man’s words but most importantly, he felt accepted. her father had confided him his thoughts, given him something new that he could add to the picture of amara and evan and also sort of given him his blessing. he felt empathy with the man’s concerns and thoughts, not offended when the tone was skeptic sometimes. after all, at the end of the day he was amara’s father and wanted the world for her.
“she tried to give me an out,” kylian blurted out randomly. “there was a very bad article that caused many sponsors and fans to turn their backs on her and it destroyed her, she tried to give me an out and i refused. she was at her lowest point and was ready to give up. but i stayed.” he recounted, thoughts trailing back to that day. “i did not say this to prove that i am right for your daughter sir, but instead i just want you to know that i care. whether she is at her lowest or highest.”
nearing him, andré reached over and clapped kylian softly on the shoulder. “i know now that she is in safe hands with you. gives me one person less to error about,” he responded before laughing again. “who am i kidding? i’ll always worry about her.”
they both chuckled, all the tension having disappeared. now kylian felt relaxed as he talked with her dad.
“how do you two manage with your relationship? football and music are not two very compatible branches.”
“we know that but we give our best to make it work. for now it’s easy because amara relocated to paris and i play there which gives us lots of time to spend with each other but of course that will not last and we’ll have to see how we will be moving forward than. but for now we just enjoy the closeness.” kylian answered truthfully.
“that’s good to hear. fait sort qu'elle reste heureuse. elle le mérite.” — make sure she’s happy, she deserves it
as the serious topics were discussed, the atmosphere began to lighten even though all the tension had already left. a twinkle in his eye, that fell in with amara’s twinkle that she often held in her eyes, andré playfully asked the french striker, “so son, just a small question,” he began in a teasing tone. “pourquoi tu ne veux pas joindre liverpool? je t’aurais supporté depuis le début.” — why didn’t you join liverpool? would have made it so much easier to support you.
shaking his head in amusement, he laughed as the two men made their way back to the living room where the table had already been set and it seemed as if the two women sitting had been waiting for them to start eating.
instantly at the sight of her boyfriend, a relieved expression showed up on her face and a soft smile made its way on her lips when she saw him laugh with her dad. she didn’t bother asking what amused the two men so much, instead she only motioned for him to sit down next to him, intertwining their hands again.
“so… in the end you didn’t need your powerpoint presentation, did you?” amara teased him lightly, nudging his shoulder slightly.
“i wasn’t really nervous. just didn’t want to disappoint anyone. in fact, the nervousness was just part of the act. i couldn’t be all confident, that would have seemed too suspicious.”
she arched an eyebrow. “not nervous, my ass. you practically shit yourself before they arrived.”
“did not.”
“did too.”
he rolled his eyes. “well anyway, now i’ve mastered it and your dad loves me. in the end i figured out all i had to do was make him think i was thinking of joining liverpool next year.”
“that’s just cruel. raising an old man’s hopes just to crush them.” amara scolded him playfully, giggling quietly.
the french international striker faked a shocked expression. “i’m telling you said that. you’ll definitely not be his favorite after that anymore.”
“you wouldn’t.”
“bros before hoes, bébé.” he smiled smugly at her as she watched him shockingly. “that’s the code.”
“i’m going to dump you.” she muttered lowly, making sure her parents couldn’t hear her while kylian starts to laugh and even amara herself couldn’t stop the grin that was spreading on her face.
during the dinner, the two continued their usual playful banters, not even realizing that they had an audience. andré and taraji were amazed by the way the conversation between their daughter and kylian flowed so effortlessly. and it marveled them how lively she was.
during her relationship with evan, they had to painfully watch as their daughter became a shell of herself, her star dampening and the twinkle in her eyes gone. her smiles stopped to reach her eyes and conversation felt forced with her. amara had built up a wall and was adamant on not letting anyone past it, not even her own parents. but watching her now. joke with kylian, there was a change in their daughter — one taraji had immediately noticed when she had visited her daughter — the walls had been destroyed and she was living again for life.
knowing smiles appeared on andré and taraji’s faces as kylian and amara cleared off the table, their sarcastic exchanges loud enough to be heard from the living room. there was no doubt that kylian loved her. just the way he had watched her, as if she was the most important person in her life, the sun of his universe — he had proven that he was good for amara and as it seemed, she was good for him.
it also made specifically taraji happy that her daughter had found herself a man like that, one that reminded her of her own husband and knew her value. evan saw her as his side chick, the kind of women he paraded around and got praised for. in kylian’s eyes though, amara was an angel, a gift sent from heaven and he knew not to take her for granted so he worshiped every day that they were able to spend together. all that was clear by just looking at the way he looked at amara. pure love.
“she has truly found someone for her, didn’t she,” taraji muttered under her breath, yet loud enough for andré to hear.
“she did. and she’s happy.” andré agreed, smiling softly at his eldest daughter as she and kylian joined them again in the living room.
the rest of the evening passed by smoothly. her father and kylian had started to talk about sports, specifically football and the premier league with amara occasionally leaving a few comments while she had also engaged in a gossiping conversation with her mother. it was a tradition for them to always update the other on any family drama that had happened and it was the one thing that bonded amara and her mother when they spent time together.
amara smiled when she watched her boyfriend and her mother in a deep conversation about growing up, happy to see that her mother had already integrated kylian as a member of the family and started to open up to him all sorts of topics. she was reassured that she would never have to choose again between family and love as she had to do with evan.
time passed quickly as they talked, not even noticing how the sky that had had a certain kind of dark blue was now pitch black. amara had enjoyed the time with her parents so much she hadn’t even noticed that three hours had passed. it had just felt nice to see her parents again after such a long time — especially her dad —and she had wanted to enjoy every last second of it before hugs became digital again as they were so often not in the same city.
andré and taraji had also noticed that it had gotten very late and prefered to go back now before they would be unable to find a parking space. both hugged amara and kylian again, which took the latter by surprise, and pressed a kiss on amara’s temple before leaving. amara waved at them from the window till she lost sight of their car and joined kylian on the couch.
“this went well. they adore you.” amara commented, fatigue also started to rush through her body.
“who wouldn’t?” kylian replied cheekily as amara rolled her eyes in annoyance. “i mean with this face?” he pointed at his face, smirking.
“you’re right. i forgot. everyone has a weakness for turtles.” she joked, mimicking kylian’s face expression.
“my face does not look like a turtle. take that back,” he exclaimed shockingly though all amara did was hide her laugh behind her hand.
“fine let me rephrase. a very handsome turtle.” she clarified, followed by a shriek when kylian began to tickle her on the side. tears formed in her eyes from the intensity while her laughter sounded through the entire apartment. after a few minutes of torturing her to death with his hands, kylian finally let go of amara and pulled her close so he could wrap his hands around her waist and cuddle.
pressing a soft peck on her lips, he whispered, “je t’aime,” followed by a passionate kiss. — i love you
“je t’aime aussi.” — i love you too
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liked by liyah_clark, k.mbappé and 25.847.023 others
amara.imani first performance after such a long pause, i loved hearing you cheer for me and sing along to my new songs, thanks for having me @jimmyfallon
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she was missing him; terribly. after having spent so much time with him, inhaling his scent so often, amara was coping horribly with him gone even though her mind knew it wasn’t their fault for their lack of time. they both had had a busy week with people expecting them and wanting things from them. had been busy with training and match preparations for his next champions league games whereas amara was forced to fly to the states for an appearance on the jimmy fallon show to promote her album — that was already successful and breaking records. the couple found themselves yearning for a moment of just them, where they could hold each other close and spread soft touches all over their bodies.
she missed his smile and he missed making her laugh. she longed to let her hands trail all over his body again and have deep, intimate cuddling sessions with him where they talked about everything. sure, they had spent hours on the phone to each other but it just wasn’t the same — his scent and happy aura wasn’t transportable over the phone and he couldn’t let his fingers brush though her coily hair that she decided to let open — it was all just missing.
but the longing would end today. it was the weekend — surprisingly one where kylian wasn’t needed on the field — and amara had decided to come over and surprise him as she had good news. news that had her practically dancing of excitement as she waited in the elevator to arrive.
a bright smile on her face and a heart full of anticipation, she arrived at kylian’s luxurious apartment, her heart dancing with excitement, even waving funnily to herself on the mirror of the elevator. the album’s success was incredible to her and she couldn’t wait to share the good news with kylian which is also why she had a bottle of champagne in her bag.
she was practically jumping as she rang the bell, waiting excitedly for kylian to open it as she had forgotten the spare key he had given her at home. her fingers tapped nervously against her thigh as she wondered why kylian was taking so long— usually it’s him that always complains when i’m not at the door immediately, she thought to herself yet the smile on her face hadn’t vanished.
her prayers were heard though as kylian finally opened the door, shock and surprise painted on his face, and he smiled brightly at her. amara, not able to contain her happiness and want any longer, instantly wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him into a passionate kiss. she tried to savor the scent of him, his warmth that was able to heat her entire body, putting every of her emotion into the kiss — the wanting, longing and separation as well as joy. but something felt different as they kissed.
she felt eyes on her and an unusual feeling, making her slowly break the kiss. needless to say, surprise was an understatement for what amara felt when she saw several pairs of eyes on her and kylian — his family was there, gathered in the living room and had just watched an unknown person kiss their son. some of their faces held shocking expressions, other were amused.
“oh mon dieu,” amara exclaimed, thanking god again that her skin was too dark to detect a blush on her cheeks. she hid her face in her palms, embarrassed at what had just happened. “i am so sorry.” — oh my god
“i am so sorry i didn’t warn you. i didn’t expect you,” he chuckled as he excused himself, but was still grinning.
kylian’s mother was the first to speak, coming out of their stunned state. she smiled warmly at amara. “you must be his girlfriend. he talks so much about you but never gave a picture to the name. i’m kylian’s mother, fayza.”
“amara,” the singer replied uneasy, shaking the elder woman’s hand. “i am so sorry for interrupting this family event. i’m about to go anyway, i just wanted to tell kylian some news.”
“nonsense, stay.” fayza interjected, waving dismissively. “we’ve been begging kylian to meet you but he just preferred to keep you to himself.”
amara’s initial embarrassment slowly transformed into a mixture of gratitude and surprise as she was welcomed into the gathering. she was about to introduce herself to kylian’s father when she was interrupted.
“wait a minute, amara as in amara imani, the singer?” a woman, who seemed around her age asked, a small hint of excitement detectable in her voice.
she blinked in surprise and nodded. “yes, that’s me,” she replied nervously. “oh my god, i’m so sorry for not introducing me completely.”
“attend… donc toutes les chansons sur mon amour sont inspirées par lui?” a teenage boy asked her, pointing skeptically at kylian. amara nodded nervously again. “t’as fait fort grand frère.” he looked at amara again. “moi, c’est ethan. unfortunately the younger brother to this dickhead.” — wait… so all these songs on Mon amour are inspired by him?
— you did good, big bro, i’m ethan
“moi, c’est alice et j’adore tes chansons,” kylian’s cousin exclaimed. “mon amour est mon album préféré. je suis une grande fan.” — i’m alice and I love your songs
— mon amour is my favorite album, I’m a big fan
“merci beaucoup, ca me tient à cœur.” she replied softly, genuinely happy that she was accepted so quickly. — thank you so much, it warms my hearth
as the introductions continued, she felt a small tug on her jeans and looked down to find a small toddler pulling on her jeans to get her attention. she kneeled down to be at level with the small toddler, smiling brightly at him.
“and who might you be?” she grinned at the child before picking it up. she had always had a small spot for children. “i’m amara.”
kylian leaned in and whispered quietly in her ear, “that’s isayah. my nephew. his sister is asleep and he’s usually the more awake one.”
amara nodded, turning her attention back to the child again. she was grinning at the small boy she was carrying on her hip while continuing the introductions and getting to know the whole family. she couldn't help but be amazed at how easily they all seemed to fit together, as if she had been a part of their lives for years.
she introduced herself to his father, who had at first seemed wary about her but once they had started talking and kylian had slyly added that amara had grown up in cameroon before moving to europe, the ice was broken and wilfried immediately gained interest in her. it was clear that they loved her and even kylian’s nephew did not want to let go of her as she tried to put him down after a while. they had all taken a liking to her.
sitting at dinner was comfortable for her, she felt welcomed and all nervousness or insecurities had vanished as they laughed over several topics. it was even easier for them to talk when they found out that amara was a big football fan — even though it pained them when she told them she was a red — and soon, the conversation took a turn towards sports and some predictions for the ongoing season.
“eh amara,” ethan called her and she turned her head to face him. “didn’t you say, you had some news for kylian?”
her face brightened even more as she nodded excitedly. she looked at kylian, all eyes on them as she told him the news. “i got off the phone with grace and she told me that the grammy nominations just came in,” amara explained happily. “i’m nominated for eight categories.” she squealed, her eyes practically sparkling.
“wait what — that’s amazing. you did it. félicitations bébé,” he congratulated her happily, pulling his girlfriend into a hug. one by one, every person at the table congratulated her, sending her their best wishes as they all shared her happiness. — congratulations baby
“oh, i also wanted to ask you, if you didn’t mind, whether you would like to accompany me to it. only if you don’t have a match of course.” she suggested.
“what do i gain from this?”
“accompanying your girlfriend to an important event and seeing her happy?”
“not good enough,” he replied jokingly after contemplating about his options.
“you’ll meet beyoncé,” amara suggested in a light tone, grinning.
“i’ll think about it.”
ethan threw a small piece of bread at his brother, watching his antics. “amara you can just take me. i promise you i’m a hundred times better than him.”
“it’s an event for adults and not midgets like you,” kylian immediately shot back.
“who’re you calling a midget? you’re just jealous i’m taller than you.”
“but i’m still the favorite.”
“in your dreams.”
“kylian, ethan, arrêtez moi ça maintenant,” fayza scolded them, making the rest of the people laugh. they had already finished dinner and fayza had already stood up, beginning to clear up the table so dessert could be brought. “amara, could you please help me clear the table for dessert?”
she nodded, standing up and started to collect the dirty plates on a pile to bring them back to the kitchen. maybe she should have been more nervous being alone in the kitchen with kylian’s mother but the woman was so kind that amara couldn’t even work up any nerves.
she sent kylian thumbs up as she recognized the worried look in his eyes — one she had also had when he had spoken privately with her father — and went back to the kitchen with fayza, both carrying loads of dishes. they began to work like a chain, with amara washing the dishes while fayza dried them and put them back where they belonged while the sweet aroma of apple cake filled the air.
as she started to wash her hands, finished with the dirty plates, kylian’s mother turned to amara, warmth and kindness in her expression. “you know amara,” she began softly, “i’m not going to lie. when kylian first told me about you, i was a bit apprehensive. his last relationship was not exactly easy on him and she broke his heart horribly when he found out she just after his money. he went back to his party life again and stopped caring about anything to numb the pain.”
amara felt a quick sting as she listened to fayza, her heart breaking for kylian. she had always wondered how that man had managed to stay single if he was the way he acted around amara but now it made sense why.
“and still he didn’t give up. he became more realistic, yes, but he didn’t lose the joy in love. the good of love outweighed the bad so he put himself out there again. he didn’t give up.” the elder woman chuckled. “he carries the same attitude for life as he does in football. never giving up.”
amara felt touched as fayza talked about her son’s last relationship. it made her realize how similar kylian and she were but she also admired him — he had been ready to put himself out there again while she had hid, had given up on love because of so many bad experiences. he was truly enchanting. “he’s always been a fighter. on and off the pitch. that’s just my son.”
she paused for a moment, her gaze softening as she stared straight at amara. “and then he met you,” she said genuinely with a fond smile. “the change was recognizable immediately. he told me of a drunk woman he had met on a night out with friends and that somehow you had hit it off even though she was probably too drunk to even remember what had happened that night. that he had helped her by letting her sleep at his and that you had talked the next day and exchanged numbers. he just lit up differently. as if all his previous goals that he had set up for himself were suddenly unimportant. a new purpose.”
“you’re good for him. you bring out the best in him and make him a new person. a better version of himself. you truly see him. you are what’s worth not giving up, he could’ve given up a long time ago when he had gotten his heart shattered but instead he put himself out there and you are the prove that he was right by doing that. he has finally found the happiness he deserves, and i couldn't be happier for the two of you."
amara laughed, smiling brightly as she looked at the ceiling to stop the tears that were threatening to roll down her cheeks. a surge of emotion rushed through her, as she let fayza’s words sink in. it had been the first time she had met someone’s parents and they had praised her like that. had recognized the change and impact she made on someone’s life.
“vous deux, vous êtes faites l’un pour l’autre.” — you two, you are made for each other
“how are you so sure we are going to last forever?” she wondered out loud, wiping away her tears.
fayza smirked, grabbing the apple pie. “my dear, i do not live behind the moon. i listened to the album. it’s beautiful.”
they walked out of the kitchen, amara carrying the clean plates while fayza carried the apple pie. they placed everything down on the table and amara sat down next to kylian again, intertwining their hands.
“tout va bien?” he asked her worriedly and she nodded swiftly. — is everything okay
“tout est parfait.” amara stated lowly, the fond smile not leaving her lips. she put her head down on kylian’s shoulder. “i just love you and your family.” — everything’s perfect
he grinned, pressing a soft kiss on her temple and turned back to his conversation with his brother and father about some new rules in football. but his eyes never truly left her.
throughout the evening, amara enjoyed herself in the joyous atmosphere and cherished the new found connections she had made that evening. she was glad, she got along with everyone and nothing felt awkward anymore. she joked with ethan as the two played fifa, pouting whenever he had let her win as she wanted to win on her own but realized quickly she was horrible at the game. she had had long conversations with alice and fayza about some gossip in hollywood and had occasionally joined men when they talked about football politics, gaining lots of new knowledge. needless to say, she enjoyed the night. the surprise that had shocked her so much and made her so anxious had turned out as gift and she was glad as she felt her and kylian’s bond growing and becoming even more special. they had both taken big steps by meeting each other's parents — even though the last one was not planned — intensifying their trust in each other. this was everything she had ever wanted.
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“your mother told me about your ex,” amara mumbled quietly, as she and kylian laid calmly on her bed, her eyes facing the ceiling.
after fayza had told her about kylian’s painful break up, amara had spent the entire night researching kylian’s ex-girlfriend and stalking her on social media. and comparing herself to her even though it wasn’t needed.
she had read every article of their sudden break up, her heart aching as she read the way kylian was betrayed. she wanted him to know that she would never do that to him and that she truly cherished him for who he was.
“i want you to know that i am in no way pitying you or anything like that and i am sure you have already closed that chapter. i just feel the need to tell you that you are everything to me and i would never dream of hurting you,” she explained, sitting up.
he hummed. “i know you do. i never doubted.” he replied calmly. “and you don’t have to tell me everything you talk about my mother. i trust you.”
“i know. i just didn’t want to hide anything from you. and i wanted to make sure that we are both on the same page in this relationship.”
“you should write that down,” he joked, sitting up too. “maybe one day we’ll use that as our vows. would save me some work,” he suggested, an amusing glint sparkling up in his eyes. his sarcastic reply gave amara an idea though as she stood up, rummaging through her writing things till she found her block of colorful post-it cards and ripped off a blue one. she sticked it to the bed wall and handed kylian a pen.
“qu’est-ce que tu veux que je fasse avec ça?” he asked her, confused at what he was supposed to do with the pen in his hand. — what do you want me to do with that?
“we…,” she pointed at the two of them, “are going to write down our promises and values that matter to us in this relationship. we’re making it official.”
confusion grew in his eyes. “what do you mean? you want to write these things down on this small paper?” he inquired further.
“yes, that’s exactly what we’re gonna do,” amara beamed, smiling brightly.
“where did you get that idea from now? you do know i was joking right?”
“i know you were. but i watched grey’s anatomy and meredith and derek did this.” amara explained, a huge smile still plastered on her face.
kylian shrugged, not caring anymore what they were doing. the smile on amara’s face was enough to make him do everything she wanted. “fine, let’s make it official.”
he took the pen, a thoughtful expression on his face as he scribbled down a few phrases. he handed the blue little paper sheet back to amara, who read it aloud, "we promise to always talk everything out, never leave the other on read even when we hate each other, always be there for each other, confide into each other, be each other’s best friend. we promise to never stand in the way of each other’s career.”
nodding in approval, she grinned. “sounds promising. i’m gonna hold you to this mbappé.” she took the pen from her boyfriend and scribbled down a few sentences too before handing it to him.
he glanced at the words and smiled. “we value our love, friendship, comfort, trust and bond. sums up everything perfectly.”
kylian took out his phone, snapping a quick picture of the blue post-it. “now we’re never going to forget those promises.”
she put the pen back to where she had taken it from, her eyes traveling around the room before they landed on her guitar, standing in the corner of her room. leaping to her feet, she grabbed it and brought it back with her to the bed.
her fingers strayed to her guitar, gently touching it as she ran her hand over the strings. “since we’re already talking about promises. i did promise you something, didn’t i?”
his eyes lit up as he watched her tune her guitar and he leaned slightly forward. “you did… oh my god, are you going to serenade me with a song from the album?”
with a smug smile, amara started to play the first chords of ‘lover’, a song that had been purely inspired by kylian. her voice was soft and angelic as she sang, enchanting. in another life, she could have been a siren, attracting men with her mesmerizing voice.
he hung to every word on her lip, watching with rapt attention while his eyes shined as he listened to her heartfelt and deep words.
not able to hold a cheeky reply, he chuckled as she sang the line ‘and you’ll save all your dirtiest jokes for me,’ and replied, “who else should i tell them?”
he also couldn’t pass up on a good reply when amara sang the lines, ‘can we always be this close,’ answering to that, "i already told you, nous deux, c'est pour l'éternité." — we two, we are for forever
as she played the last tunes, the song finally finishing, a laugh flash rolled over amara as she thought about all the replies kylian gave her as she had sung, tears streaming down her face. her laugh was so infectious that soon kylian had started to laugh too, knowing just how cheeky he had sounded during her song. he wrapped his arm around her, careful not to damage the guitar on the bed as the two laughed. they knew that their promises and love would endure; would last. everyone around them was convinced that they were made for each other. and just like amara sang so often in her new album, she believed it too.
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starsheepblog · 2 years
Pizzaface’s obsession with Peppino is so fascinating to me. Like geez. There’s three instances of Peppino clones in the tower alone, between the Peppibots, Fake Peppino and the army in his fight, and the slightly-more-accurate-looking frog clones in War.
I think, after his own pizzeria failed, Pizzaface wanted to make a monopoly of pizza joints, thus making the tower in his image. Peppino was going into debt not because his pizza is bad (it’s probably the best pizza within 1000 miles or something solid 9/10 pizza), but because Pizzaface was literally hogging all the business. He wanted to get Peppino to join the tower (under threat of destruction), but he knew Peppino would refuse, so he tried to find any way to recreate the magic (he couldn’t).
Peppibots can only make freezer pizzas. They suck. Like. They’re passable and fine for a broke college student. But they suck compared to real pizza. 
Fake Peppino can make dang good pizza, but his ingredients in the tower/Bruno’s old place are... Well... I think he and the other clones like him are made from pizza dough, so whenever he destroys a weaker clone, Fake Peppino uses their body as the base for his pizza. Also, he can’t get access to fresh ingredients... Once he gets out of the tower, his pizzas are almost as good as the real thing’s. The other clones can’t make pizza.
The clones from War are too frog-brained to make anything edible, seeing they can cook in the first place. 
So as much as Pizzaface comes to hate Peppino, and wants him to leave the tower now that he’s destroying it, he has to admit, Peppino’s pizza is the best. 
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the-owl-house-takes · 8 months
I wish TOH’s magic system and world in general was expanded on a lot more. I feel like we never got much in terms of lore and thats why the show feels so empty to me.
And honestly the witches just felt like humans with pointy ears. I wish they had looked a little less human AND I also wish we got more of the demon characters, a lot of them had some pretty cool designs! why couldn’t the witches have gotten that too?
also, the owl house’s layout is super weird, I tried recreating it in the sims and It was so confusing. I think this show was both well thought and not well thought out at the same time.
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nova--spark · 9 months
Random new year’s headcannons for the Human Au
Party in the base!!! What could possibly go wrong?!
Well first off, after the bar incident Fowler makes a rule that there will be no alcohol at this party!
But of course, alcohol just magically appears and nobody will fess up to who brought it (it was probably Ratchet 🤫)
Everyone starts getting drunk except for the kids since they’re too young to drink.
Miko tries to sneak a drink but is very firmly told no by literally everyone. Even Wheeljack! Can’t have his favorite wrecker (Sorry Bulk!) getting hurt/sick
Wheeljack tries to create makeshift fireworks but is stopped before he could set anything off and start a fire. (From what I’ve gathered recreational fireworks are legal in Nevada but only during the 4th of July so their shit out of luck for New Years)
They’d take everyone to a professional fireworks show to curb Jackie and Miko’s need to watch something explode
Elita almost created her own fireworks show when she tried to bake something (nobody was able to figure out what it was and Elita couldn’t remember the next day) but drunk Lita is not nearly as good a baker as Sober Lita so she almost set the kitchen on fire
They tried to stay up till midnight but Only the Jasper Trio, Bee, and Smoke actually made it. All the other adults passed out in various positions in random locations in the base (except June and Fowler who had the good sense to go back to their shared room)
And since Bee and Smoke were still hammered they thought it would be a good idea to pull pranks on the sleeping Autobots. And of course the kids went along with it!
It was in-fact NOT a good idea
Revenge was had… well it was had after the hangover wore off (Water and Painkillers had been set out by June when she was still sober)
I love this so much and also Oh sweet god, they're all drunk again, RATCHET WHY DID YOU DO THIS--
i love it though.
Now someone have hangover cures ready for everyone.
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jiliansky-blog · 2 months
I will find my way back to you. Chapter 12. I can feel
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Pairing: Morpheus x FemaleReader
Rating: PG
Words: 2400
The next two days, they tried to find you the right dress and talk to you about what your meeting with Morpheus was going to be. They tried to make you irresistible. And you desperately wanted to be left alone.
Finally, you went to your room and took the medallion that Morpheus gave to you. Why don’t you feel anything? You recreated in your memory all the events that you shared. When he slipped into your dreams. When you met lately in the Dreaming. When you kissed. When he broke your heart, you decided to become a fairy to be with him.
And then you started to feel. You felt love for Morpheus and hurt and anger. You screamed because emotions flooded you. And you broke some things that made someone come to your room. Some fairies looked confused.
“Are you alright?” they asked.
“Yes,” you said politely, trying to stop your anger. “Just some things made me annoyed.”
“And you decide to break them?” the fairy asked suspiciously.
“Yes, problems?” You tried to mimic Cluracane’s annoyed intonation.
“None,” he said, and he disappeared.
You need to hide your feelings until you see Morpheus. God knows what Titania may do if she finds out that you have your emotions back. She can overplay everything.
And that leads you to another thought. She can stop if you want to leave with Morpheus after the wedding. You need to make something so she won’t do both of you any harm. And you remembered how the other day you saw the door to the Treasury. It was one of the few times when Cluracane was with you.
So you changed your dress and sneaked out of the room. You went through the corridors and tried to remember where the Treasury was. Also, you were trying to avoid other fairies. You were scared that they would close you up if they understood that you were planning something.
And finally, you found it. You opened the door, and no magic struck you. So you dared to take a few more steps. You decided to take something small with you. And then I saw a beautiful dagger decorated with stones. That would be perfect. It was made of steel. So you need to be careful with it. You used the part of your dress to take the dagger and hide it in the pocket of your dress. Even through the fabric, you felt it’s cold.
“I will not give you that,” you whispered, returning to your room
You couldn’t sleep that night. You recalled the sad expression of Morpheus when he realized that you had lost your emotions. One part of you was sad because he was hurt, and another felt revenge for your broken heart. But that feeling quickly faded. You didn’t want to hurt him, and you understood he was trying to protect you after the situation with Nada. And you missed him so much. You hope that he will come for you.
In the morning, Nuala came to your room. You already sat and looked out the window. But still, she felt something.
“You are deeper into your thoughts than usual,” she said.
“I am thinking about him,” you said.
“So…” she said carefully. “Did your feelings return?”
“You can say so,” you replied. “But you shouldn’t tell this to others. They can make other plans, and I am not ready for this.”
“I understand,” she nodded. “I won’t tell anyone.”
“Thank you,” you sighed. “I can’t thank you enough. And I don’t even know why you are helping me still.”
“Someone deserves happiness,” she replied.
That was enough for today. And she began to prepare me for engagement.
I dressed in a black suit, like the one I used to wear in the 18th century, and turned to Lucienne.
“I doubt something happens to me,” I said. “But I send Matthew if something goes wrong. And I won’t return without Y\N”.
“If you say so,” patiently replied the librarian.
“Are we ready to go?” asked Matthew.
“Yes.” I nodded, and we reappeared in the fairy realm. I hope she is going to go with me. Even if she doesn’t love me anymore.
Everything changed this time. Everything was decorated with flowers and bright ribbons. Like before the wedding. But that should be engagement, right?
“Lord Morpheus,” as the last time, Cluracane came to meet me. “You are just on time. She is almost ready.”
“Titania?” I asked.
“Our queen is ready to greet you,” he said. “I was talking about your beloved Y\N. Aren’t you here for her?”
I didn’t reply. He was trying to trigger my own emotions. I just looked at him and came to the castle. I hope she is waiting for me. But, of course, I saw Titania.
“Morpheus, I'm glad you came,” she smiled.
“What do you want from her?” I asked. “If you want to spite me, you need to do this with me. Not with her.”
“Spite you?” she said, looking offended. But I know that it was just pretending. “I want you to reunite. You want it too, don’t you?”
“You made her emotionless,” I said.
“Darling, we both know that we can’t predict how she will change,” she said. “But soon you will try to change her too.”
“I can only try to undo the damage you’ve caused her,” I replied.
“Don’t be like that,” she said. “She is immortal now. You have all the time to win her back. I know you’re good at that.”
“You’re really terrible,” I hissed.
“Oh, that’s where she is,” Titania replied.
And I saw her. Y\n was dressed in a beautiful white dress. She was again ethereal and beautiful as well. And she was looking at me. She wasn’t looking at anyone else. And it seemed to me that her eyes tried to tell me something.
“Lord Morpheus,” she whispered.
“Y\n, you are bewitching,” I whispered too.
“Thank you,” she smiled. “You are quite handsome too.”
And it sounds to me like her old self.
“And now, why don’t you dance a little before discussing our business?” asked Titania. “Relax, Morpheus, she is not going to disappear.”
“No, I want to know first what you are up to,” I said. I noticed that a fairy began to flood into the ballroom. And they were looking at us.
“Alright,” she sighed. “I want to unite our realms through the wedding. But I can’t marry you myself, you know.”
“So you decided to marry Y\N and make her your puppet?” I hissed.
“Don’t be so dramatic,” she replied. “She can tell her my wish and be free to go with you to the Dreaming. But sometimes she needs to return here.”
Y\N lowered her eyes. It was hard to tell what she was thinking about. But then she looked at the queen. She was very calm and stoic.
“I need to give you something,” she said. “As “thank you”.”
Y\n came closer, and then suddenly the dagger appeared in your hand, and you stroked Titania in the shoulder. The fairy queen screamed.
“You didn’t kill me, stupid girl,” Titania hissed.
“I didn’t try to,” you said calmly. “It was a warning for you to stay away from me and Morpheus and don’t mess with us.”
“You’ve got back your feelings,” she understood. “You are so ungrateful. I gave you immortality and a place among us.”
“You did that not because you were kind or wanted to help me, no,” you said. “But because you wanted to use me against Morpheus. And I was too sad to think clearly.”
You stepped back to Morpheus, and he took your hand silently. He was probably too shocked by your attitude.
“You will let us leave now,” you said.
“Or what?” asked Titania. She was totally pissed off. “One my word and you will never leave my realm. Especially you.”
“I will not agree,” suddenly Cluracane stepped up. “I’m sorry that Y\N couldn’t make it herself, so I finished."
And he took out the dagger and stroked the queen’s heart. There was a second common gasp. Now you were shocked too. Morpheus hugged you, and it felt like he wanted to protect you from what came next. Titania fell to the floor, and Cluracane looked at us.
“Long live the king,” he smirked.
“What…is going on?” you asked.
“Let’s go to some private place,” he said. “And talk.”
“What can we talk about?” said Morpheus coldly. “I’m going to take my…Y\N with me before you plan something else.”
“I swear I am up to no evil,” he said. “The party is still on. And you will want to listen to what I will tell you.”
“Come on,” you whispered. “We need to know at least an explanation.”
“He can trick us again,” he said, annoyed. “Do you really want to stay here and see what betrayal comes next?”
“No,” you confessed. “But I deserve some explanation of what just happened. I feel like I am a puppet in his puppet show.”
“Very well,” he agreed.
And you followed Cluracane to another room when he ordered you to serve the table with the food. Morpheus looked like he was going to snap.
“So what happened there?” you asked. “Did you plan this all along? With my hands?”
“Actually, yes,” he replied. “I would prefer you to kill the queen yourself, but this result is also good. Am I not a genius?”
“No, you played with me,” you said. “You made me do what you wanted. You are a manipulator.”
“Don’t be dramatic,” the fairy replied. “You are perfect now. You are a fairy, immortal, and can be with the love of your life.”
“But you have conditions,” Morpheus said.
“Yes, you can still can engage to make the deal,” he said. “I want us to be friends. Remember, I help you with it.”
“Morpheus’s gift helped me return my feelings,” you refused.
“Yes, but if not me, Titania would hide it somewhere in her treasury,” he said. “And your win would take longer.”
“Nuala gave it to me,” you said.
“Once again, I didn’t take it from her,” Cluracane replied. “And I told our former queen that I took it.”
“But why have you decided to kill her?” you asked.
“Her ruling is a bit old-fashioned,” he sighed. “Time came to the new ruler.”
“And now it will be you,” said Morpheus.
“It could be her, if she killed Titania,” the fairy replied. “But here we are. Now I leave. Enjoy the feast, you two.”
And he went away to talk to another fairy. You took the goblet of wine. Now, their wine shouldn’t affect you like it did before.
“Are you alright?” Morpheus asked, watching you eat.
“Do you still expect me to be emotionless?” you asked. “No, I’m fine. I'm just feeling a little bit weird. I’m getting used to this new state.”
“I’m glad,” he sighed.
“Morpheus, it’s really me,” you said, kissing his lips. “Relax a little bit. Do you know what else I want now?”
“I have no idea,” he whispered.
“I want to be alone with you and do more than talk,” you smiled. “I really missed you. After the ball, I felt emptiness inside of me.”
“I thought you didn’t feel anything,” he said.
“I felt the lack of feeling,” you replied. “I couldn’t even sleep.”
“Really?” He looked a little bit surprised.
“Yes, your sad face haunted me,” you smirked.
“Very funny,” he said, rolling his eyes, but then smiling. “I would like to be alone with you, too. And I was thinking about you all the time.”
“So, should we go?” you smiled.
“I can’t say no to you,” he smiled.
And then he let you take him to your room. He looks around, watching every item there. And then I looked at you.
“It doesn’t look like it's your room,” he said.
“Yeah, because they gave me back my stuff just recently,” you said. “Titania didn’t want me to have my memories.”
“I still can’t believe you did that,” Morpheus admitted. “No one has ever done this to me. You risked your entire life and being.”
“Because I love you,” you said, and he gasped. “Now I can say that without any risks. I would do that again.”
You kissed him. God, how much have you missed him? He embraced you like he was scared that you were going to disappear.
“I'm not worth it,” he whispered.
“I am going to be the judge of that,” you said. “I don’t want to lose you, love of my life, when I just find you.”
“You're an incredible and impossible human being,” he said softly.
“Not a human anymore,” you smiled and kissed him again.
He kissed you back like you were water, and he was thirsty for too long. But you were thirsty too, and he started to unbutton his shirt. He looked quite like a piece of cake in that suit. It took all the effort not to kiss the hell out of him right after you saw him.
“You are so impatient,” he smirked.
“Don’t tell me you don’t want it,” you replied, kissing his neck.
“Were you always like this, or is this a result of you being a fairy?” he asked.
“I don’t know, but I would do this with you if not for this stupid rule,” you replied. “Maybe the atmosphere is appealing here.”
“Or the wine,” he admitted.
“So?” you kissed his neck. “We can do this now and in the Dreaming. Nothing or no one is going to stop us now.”
“Indeed,” Morpheus replied, and he kissed you hungrily again.
In a few minutes, you both were without clothes. He only left his gift on your neck.
“What?” you smirked. “Do you like it on me?”
“I like it very much,” he said, touching my skin. “I should give it to you earlier. Perhaps, it could help you.”
“Or they could take it away from me,” you said. “Don’t blame you any further. We can’t change anything, and I prefer it that way.”
Morpheus didn’t say anything, but he started to kiss your face, your neck, shoulders and body. Until your mind stopped working. He was quite a gentle lover for someone who kissed you with such hunger.
“You drive me crazy,” you confessed. “I couldn’t think about anything else. And I’m pretty sure all my subjects noticed.”
“They know about us, so it’s not a problem,” you said, kissed him again and then took him to your bed.
And you made love. Slowly, and then more passionately and faster. Until you forget where you are and who you are.
@shadowqueen1318 @mypsychoticlove @justathirstyhoe​ @ladymoztaza @sapphireonline @deniixlovezelda
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