mythvoiced · 9 months
@theimpalpable | the GBEP
Waves crash.
Tsunamis are made from crashes.
When something bursts at the bottom of the ocean, it creates massive waves that stumble over themselves and keep moving. The momentum of breaking once their roots hit the ground as it becomes steep to reach the shore allow the water to wash over land it had never touched before.
Or hadn't in a few hundred years.
If witnessed from afar, the waves of water move slowly. The viewpoint has too much to look at, after all, doesn't put into perspective just how quickly it happens, how fast cars are turned into blaring sirens floating aimlessly through streets and alleys, how houses come apart under the strongest nature has to offer.
It's similar to watching Zhìjiàn when he crashes into Kiheon's arms.
He is only moved away from them because Kiheon is moving.
From afar, he's but a man with unorthodox long hair, a character straight out of a wuxia perhaps? Moving swiftly, as if in a hurry, through a sea of people, causing small ripples and stumbles, but never enough to be worrisome for the crowd isn't thick enough to make him dangerous.
Because dangerous he would be, if the crowd had tried to stop him.
It's in his eyes.
There's no time, no space to stop.
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There are images flashing in them, he's hyper-focused on the sight before him, and miles away at the same time, he sees their silhouette, he sees them move along beaten paths without cement, he sees them smile privately in a way so unique to them, he associates them to soft breezes and calm reassurances and the distinct settling of a feeling resounding like 'it'll be all right' mumbled into his hair.
Just a man power-walking through a crowd.
But up close, Zhìjiàn is frantic, frantic when he's pulled in, taut like a wire threatening to snap as he tries to drag himself into Kiheon's arms as much as Kiheon into his own. He grabs, on for dear life, releases again for dear life. He's a mess of limbs, trembling slightly under the quaking inside his chest.
Tears fill his eyes as they helplessly roam Kiheon's features and it can't be real, can it? Distinctly, perhaps, his ears are ringing. Distinctly, he's so relieved it's starting to ache again, distinctly he sobs a sound of relief he can't describe at the sound of Kiheon's voice and presses his fingers into their cheeks, shushing them, trying to stop the stumbling of their words, trying to mark their skin with the sight of his hands on their face, is this real, is this true, is this fact, is he allowed?
He rips his hands away again.
He doesn't know what to do with them.
He hasn't figured out how to speak again. He's whispered Kiheon's name again into a moment of silence because that's all his brain can compute.
At the offered hand, he barely notices his own falling into it as if had waited for this moment only, for centuries past.
Then he closes his eyes.
It's all going way too fast.
Is this okay? Is this real? Is he allowed?
"Hold on, five seconds, hold on," a whispered plea, and wasn't there a crowd? Was there really? Does it matter? Does anything beyond Kiheon matter?
0 notes
taasgirl · 7 months
say something pt 2.
summary: although playing for the same club, pedri and y/n cannot stand the thought of being around each other. enemies to lovers for all my slow burn girlies out there - i got u
a/n: not proofread and all in english + more installments coming soon!!
read part one here!
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We were sat just above the bench, watching over one of the men's games. We had to do this regularly, to show our club spirit or something. The men, however, barely ever came to our games. I swear they only came for our Champions League Final and were out of the stadium when the ninety minutes were up.
“You’d think that such an expensive team would be good.” Ingrid was not impressed with the team playing. Her face had disgust written all over it and was really not afraid to show it.
“Don’t be mean. Not everyone can be as good as us.” Salma bolstered a smile, rubbing my leg aggressively. Rolling my eyes, I kept my focus on the game in front of me. It was a tight game. Real Betis were really putting up a fight, and I couldn't help but ogle at Hector Bellerin. He was genuinely so beautiful.
"Enjoying the game Y/N?" Salma asked, making the girls around us laugh. "Yeah funny Sal."
By the time the game had ended it was a 2-1 win for Betis, a real shock to almost everyone. The boys were fuming.
We walked down to the field, players from both of teams were still there. Making my way through with the girls, I heard my name called out. "Y/N! Wait up!" I turned around, running over with a cheesy smile was Hector. Hector Bellerin.
We followed each other on Instagram, and occasionally left friendly comments, but we had never spoken before. "How you doing?" I could hear his awkward English accent. "I'm doing pretty well. Congrats on the win you guys deserved it." He smiled.
"Ah, thank you. None of us were really expecting it." We spoke for another few minutes until he was called over by his coach.
"I'll see you around, I hope that next time you watch me play, you're in a Betis jersey." Smirking, he ran back to his team while I followed the girls into the tunnel.
When I caught up with Salma she couldn't look at me. "Already cheating on class boy with a footballer." She sarcastically sighed. "I always knew you were destined to be a wag." I lightly shoved her until I felt a push on my back.
"Get the fuck out of the way." Pedri spat at me. "Talking to the fucking opposition. If you want to fuck him so badly do it after the game." He pushed the changeroom door open, following closely behind him was Gavi and Ferran who looked at me sympathetically.
"Come on don't listen to him. Let's get home." Salma's hand found my shoulder pulling me close into her. "I'm happy to sleep over at Mapi's if you want to bring a certain someone over." God I hope she never changes.
"Girl there's no way I'm inviting him over. Let him celebrate the win." I smiled at her and she looked confused. "I wasn't talking about Hector." She stuck her tongue at as we walked to the parking lot.
I couldn't stop thinking about what Pedri had said to me that night. It almost shocked me how I didn't slap him. And although I wanted to hate him for it, a part of me hoped he didn't mean it. A part of me wanted it to just be a spur-of-the-moment comment which he would regret.
"Y/N are you okay?" Alex lightly tapped me. "Huh? Oh yeah, I'm just um tired." I focused back at my teacher. School was kicking my ass, I received my assessment schedule and these last few weeks were my last moments of peace before I locked in.
Once class was over I hurried myself as usual to the door. I had to get to training asap and I couldn't afford to be late. Again.
"Need a ride?" Alex caught up to me. There was no way I would decline, I was gonna be late. "Yes please, I need to get to work." We hoped in his car and he drove me to the grounds.
"I really enjoyed hanging out with you the other day. If it's alright with you, I'd like to come to one of your games?" I laughed but quickly refrained myself. "Oh um yeah. I can try and hook you up with some tickets if you wanna bring people."
We drove through the back streets of Barcelona until we got to where I needed to be. "Do you need me to pick you up? I'm happy to hang around for a while." He pulled up kerbside. "Yeah you'd be waiting for a very long time. It's all good, Salma drives me home." He'd met Salma a few times after we'd hookup as he tried to escape my room.
"But seriously, thank you so much. You don't understand how much easier you just made my life." I leaned over and pecked him on the cheek before I left the car.
"The fuck is that?" I recognised the voice immediately, B-lining for the buildings' entrance. "Oh ok yeah very mature, just ignore me." I waved to reception as I walked down to the changerooms.
"Was that your boyfriend? Or just another guy you hook up with." I snapped at him "He's a classmate." I continued walking down the hall. "So, tell me, did you sleep with Hector." That was it.
I turned to face him and slapped him across the face. Hard. A red mark coloured his cheeks. Realising what I had down, I regretted it immediately. "Oh my god Pedri I'm so sorry." I placed my hand on his cheek. "Holy fuck I don't know what came over me." Firstly, he looked at me disappointed, then he smirked. "So I'll take it that you didn't sleep with him." I walked right past him.
"Is something up with you Y/N?" Lucy said in my ear while marking me during training. I looked at her puzzled. "You're a lot more, I don't know. You're very tense." I scoffed. No wonder I was tense, I was literally studying for my degree while playing professional football.
"Well a few of us are going to go out tonight if you wanted to join? Girls only type of thing." Actually, I liked that idea. I needed time to just chill. Preferably away from home.
"Yeah actually I'd like that. You'll send me the address?" She agreed and soon enough we were back to tackling each other.
Once training had finished, Ona and I walked to the gym. She was still recovering from an ankle injury and wanted someone to give her motivation during the workout. As we entered the gym, sets of eyes laid straight onto us.
The men's team.
I looked at her, displeased to be trapped in a room filled with sweaty men, however, she didn't seem to care too much. "I think I'm gonna get deodorant poisoning if I'm in here any longer." She dragged me over to a machine.
I took a walk around the gym, trying to find the spot with the best reception. "Fancy seeing you around." Pedri called out to me.
I didn't look at him. No bother in giving him the time of day. "Okay then." He turned back to his group, they were making fun of his failed attempt at grabbing my attention.
"Y/N can you come over here for a sec?" Gavi called out to me. I was less than willing to walk over to a slightly intimidating group of boys, but I didn't want to give Pablo the same response that I gave Pedri.
Walking over, I could feel the eyes of the boys on me. "How you been baby?" I smiled at him. He's always been affectionate towards me, but this was artificial in a way. He was trying to make someone jealous. "You going out tonight?" I nodded. "Clubbing downtown." He looked impressed. "Going with Salma? I can try and ask around for that girl to be there."
"I'm so happy that you're finally going out with me. It's been what, four months?" Salma put on one of her sexiest outfits. I told her that the girl from before would be there, to that she immediately went looking for the hottest thing she owned.
"Yeah well you're obviously not planning on hanging out with me." Since she had gone out the other night, she couldn't stop talking about this girl she met.
We got picked up in a cab and made our way downtown. Upon entering the club we realised it wasn't exactly how we had pictured it. It wasn't so much a 'casual' club as it was a 'celebrity' club.
I recognised majority of the people as other footballers and internally rolled my eyes at the idea of spending time with some stuck up male footballer. Like Pedri for example.
When we found Lucy and a few of the other girls, we took a seat at the bar and ordered a round of shots. It had been a while since I had drunk alcohol, but I promised myself that I wouldn't drink too much. And I was usually good at keeping to my word, so I limited myself to three drinks.
"Y/N, Salma's been telling me about this guy you've been seeing." Ona said, taking a shot in full. "I hope he's hot at least." I looked at Salma unimpressed, she loved telling people about my life, to the point where even the physios knew who Alex was. "He's just a classmate, I mean like we've hooked up a few times but I'm not really into him."
The girls and I chatted for at least twenty minuets before suggesting we move to the dance floor. The DJ was playing mostly Bad Bunny with a few western songs, and soon enough the alcohol hit me, and I was in my groove. I was dancing with so many different people, and I could've sworn I had accidentally grinded up on Jude Bellingham before Ingrid came over to me, telling that someone was looking for me.
I followed in the direction of where she had pointed and found myself on the outside of the floor, but next to a tall man. "Hola Y/N." Hector bent down to give me a kiss on the cheek. "Hola."
"I really think we should hang out some day." I blushed at his words. "I'd like that. Maybe you could come to one of my games? Hang up your pride and wear the jersey of your old club." I nudged him playfully as he sarcastically shook his head. "Let's dance." He pulled me by the hand into the centre of the floor.
He held my hips as we swayed together, feeling the music and each other. "I though you'd be a better dancer Y/N." I looked up at him confused. "I'm only joking Carino. You look beautiful." I dug my head into his chest as we danced.
Now did I want to hook up with him? No, not really. But you can't hate a girl for giving into some attention. "Hector." He looked at me, almost freezing. "Does Pedri hate me?" He laughed. A guttural laugh.
"I'm not sure. Why?" I sighed. "He's just been a real dickhead lately. Always up in my personal businesses and constantly trying to piss me off." Hector smiled at me. "Yeah I don't think he hates you." He continued, "If it makes you feel any better, I think he actually likes you. I mean at least when I was at Barca he wouldn't shut up about this new prodigy." Ok now I was intrigued. "Go on."
"Well I mean he would always hang around at training to watch you play. To me at least I found it a little creepy, but I think it all stemmed from a crush." Yeah what the fuck.
"There's no way. Like he actually despises me." Hector shrugged as we came to a full stop of dancing. "Well maybe something's changed, but trust me, he likes you. Or used to I don't know."
I literally did not know what to think. So Pedri has been a fan all along??? Interesting…
After leaving Hector for the bathroom I felt a presence behind me as I walked down the corridor. Turning around nonchalantly, I came face to face with Pedri. Of fucking course he’d be here.
"Having fun?" He was holding a glass of what looked like water. Of course he didn't drink. "Yeah it's chill." I went to turn around when he grabbed my shoulder. "Sorry if I've been a dick, I've just, I don't know. Sorry." He was smiling at me. Smiling.
"Oh, um yeah okay you're all good." Before I could make my way back to the bathroom, his hands clasped my face, pulling me in for a kiss.
My brain wanted to push him away, but my body wanted more of him. I kissed him back passionately before he pulled away, hands still on my cheek. "Holy shit, I'm so sorry." He looked at me for no more than a second before walking back out.
He just kissed me. I kissed him. Pedri. Fucking Pedri.
"Y/N you're on, get up." Jonatan called for me, I was cozy on the bench watching my team struggle against Wolfsburg in a tight Champions League group stage match.
I hopped out of my seat and walked over to him. "I need you to turn this around. It's looking sloppy out there." He pointed to the field, everyone was tired, and Wolfsburg would break the deadlock soon enough if no stepped up. "I need a goal. I need you to be the captain out there, ok?" I nodded.
It was going to be tough. A thousand things were running through my head. Pedri was one of them, and I knew he was in the crowd. Alex too. God why do I do this to myself.
As I walked over to the fourth official, I could hear the crowd begin to get louder. I knew I was popular amongst the Barca fans, but hearing how excited they were to see me come on, gave me a new type of confidence.
I ran onto the pitch after I was subbed on, and genuinely put my heart into it. I had a few shots, although none were good enough to get past the keeper.
I built up with Keira, and finally had a chance to bury the game. I struck the ball with my laces from a few meters outside the box. I watched it curl into the top right of the goal and the crowd erupted.
I ran to the corner post where I did a knee slide, and was followed closely behind my teammates. Everyone was cheering.
The whistle blew after an agonizingly long fifteen minutes and the stadium erupted once more. We had slid past into a comfortable 1-0 win and I was absolutely buzzing. Jonatan pulled me in for a hug, and soon enough I was being thrown in the air by my teammates.
We did a lap of the field, taking photos and thanking the fans for supporting us. I had given my jersey to a young fan, in exchange for a bag of Haribos which were delicious.
When we had reached the bench and tunnel, I made direct eye contact with Pedri. It wasn't short either. He was still in the stands, in a full Barca tracksuit, looking down at me. And then he smiled.
I smiled back at him before I almost got practically tackled. Alex lifted me off the ground, and spun my around. "You did so well." He placed me back on the ground and leaned in for a kiss, I pulled back. "Oh, thanks Alex." I looked back into the crowd to where Pedri was standing, but I couldn't see him anymore.
"Please let me take you out tonight. I have us booked in for a beautiful Italian restaurant." I physically cringed. I don't know why I have such conflicting feeling towards Alex.
"Sorry Alex, but I've got recovery and stuff. I'd love to go another day." Lieeeeee. He looked down to the ground. "Yeah uh you're all good. Well done today." He smiled cowardly and grazed my arm before walking away.
"Rejected lover boy once again?" Salma came up to me, linking her arm through mine. I hadn't yet told her about Pedri. At first I didn't even see why I should, but I really needed to tell somebody.
"I feel like I'm leading him on, but I seriously do not wanna be his girlfriend or whatever he thinks we are." We walked into the tunnel and I was pulled into an interview.
"Y/N, that was a spectacular performance. However, many fans are confused as to why you weren't in the starting line up. Can you give us some insight into that?"
"Yeah well I wasn't training to me best standards in all honesty." The journalist nodded, signalling for me to continue. "Here at Barca everyone's replaceable. If you're not performing, someone else takes your place. It's the nature of this club. It's one of the reasons why I love it so much."
"How'd it feel to get a goal? It was a real tight game there, and you seemed to loosen it all up.
"I never take scoring for granted. It's a feeling I chase. As much as I love dribbling or assisting, or even tackling, nothing brings me as much joy as scoring does."
The interview continued for another couple of minutes before I made my way to a presumably empty changeroom.
Walking in, it was exactly what I guessed. I had a shower and changed into comfy clothes. Salma was driving us home, so she was probably waiting for me somewhere. I opened the door to leave the changeroom when I was met with a group. The group being Gavi, Pedri, and Salma.
Immediately, I made eye contact with Pedri who looked away. "Come on sissy, let's get home." We began walking in twos, Salma and I, Pedri and Gavi.
"You two were on fire today. There's surely a Ballon D'or coming your way Y/N." Gavi patted my back from behind, to which I turned around and smiled. "Thanks Pablo." Salma directed most of the conversation, Pedri barely spoke. Something was up with him.
"Pepi and I were so pissed when we couldn't see you on the starting lineup." Gavi said, making Pedri blush. "He started freaking out, thought you were injured and everything." I smiled to myself. It was cute I couldn't even lie.
"That's not true." His cheeks turned a darker shade of pink. He was embarrassed and it was adorable.
"Salma I need to tell you something." She jumped over the couch and sat next to me. "Spill." She then handed me a bowl of chocolate covered strawberries.
"Ok. So I may have kissed Pedri. No he kissed me. But I kissed him back." Her jaw dropped, and jumped straight up, dancing around me. "I called it! I fucking knew it!" I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah well you can calm it down because I think he hates me again." She sat down immediately. "Well you know how Alex came down?" She nodded. "Well I guess Pedri must've seen because he's been giving me the cold shoulder. He didn't even speak to me while we were all walking."
"So do you want me to set you two up?" I smacked her. "Don't you fucking dare."
omg guys sorry this took so long. lmk if you wanna be tagged in the next part and send me reqs!!
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My Little Scientist- Chapter 9
warnings: smut, swearing, MINORS DNI
word count: 2,526
sorry this has taken so long but i hope you all enjoy the next installment of this series!
Chapter 10
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"You unlock this door Wainfleet, or I swear to god I'll make you wish you weren't reborn," he grunted, slamming his fist into the window, causing the remaining soldiers to jump back, before racing off to join their new leader. "Shit, I don't have my comms," he spoke again, softer this time and directed towards Gaia.
No words came from her mouth in response, unable to speak without having so much as talked to the man in over a week, she found it was hard to look at him, knowing he no longer held the same feelings for her as he did before, and knowing that it was her own fault.
"Come on princess, not even gonna talk to me if we're stuck together, you really hate me don't you."
her lips parted at his words, an audible gasp slipping from them, eyes boring into his own unblinking golden orbs that held a hint of sadness, even with the malice in his tone. "I could never hate you Miles," she whispered coarsely turning away from him, her hair whipping around with the speed, crossing her arms around her waist, she couldn't look at him like this.
Yet upon hearing him approach, she still couldn't help glancing over her shoulder, even now, feeling that same magnetic pull towards him which she wondered would it ever go away.
"Could've fooled me," he muttered, placing a warm hand tentatively over her shoulder, drawing a shiver from the smaller woman, having been craving his touch for so long now her body reacted involuntarily whenever he was close.
"Don't act like you don't hate me too," her voice cracked miserably at her own words, Miles' thumb now rubbing the skin on her shoulder, a small comfort at least.
"Hate you sunshine? I don't hate you, why in the hell would you think that," his own voice was now only a whisper to match hers, the taut atmosphere enveloping them both in its embrace.
"You've been ignoring me all week, what was I supposed to think?" Gaia murmured, turning her head once more to meet his own sorrowful eyes, it was the only thing that made her question if possibly, he still felt the same way after all.
"You ain't been talking to me either baby, I thought I was in the dog-house," his other hand now rested carefully over hers, in attempt to loosen the tight grip she had around her waist, whilst his words were bringing her nothing more than immense confusion.
"Dog-house, what do you mean?" She circled around finally to face him, instead of pushing him off like the cowardly part of her so desperately wanted to.
"In disgrace baby, waiting for you to forgive me for being an asshole, for what I said," he gulped, seeming nervous for once, his eyes flickered down to the speckled floor before returning to the pools of honey staring back puzzledly. "I'm sorry for what I said Gaia, you have every right not to forgive me, I just need you to know." His voice was now constricted with his own emotions, eyes burning with intensity and refusing to look away.
His confession made her heart lurch, in all honesty she had forgiven him the very next day, but his apology was so sweet it sparked a deeper fondness for the man within her and she'd missed this feeling so much, she'd missed him.
Unwinding her arms, she reached on her tiptoes for his face, him leaning down eagerly to help shorten her journey, she cupped his cheek, not missing the way his eyes closed at her touch, his large face leaning into her palm as she stroked his smooth skin with her thumb tenderly.
"Please Miles, lets not fight anymore," Gaia croaked, his eyes shooting open at her words, arms instinctively pulled her closer.
"I don't wanna fight with you baby," his arms were wound around her waist in a suffocating embrace as they were pulled to one another, as if by a gravitational force, their lips meeting before either could register the action; not that there was much protest.
His lips moved over hers with the passion of a weeks worth of words unsaid, her own returning the favour just as eagerly. "Jump," he grunted, lifting his lover into his arms, forcing her to wrap her legs around his waist as he walked them both to the couch, lowering himself slowly with her still in his lap as she busied herself, pressing feverish kisses to his lips whilst she gripped the sides of his face, feeling his chest rumble contentedly.
"Don't leave me again sunshine, I can't take it a second time," he whispered, now pressing his own eager kisses to her cheeks and jaw, travelling to her neck until they were both happily nuzzling their faces together, hands caressing and touching at any exposed skin, as if it might be the last time they'd get the opportunity.
Gaia thought that If any of the soldiers were looking over them right now she'd probably die of embarrassment, yet too engrossed in the warmth of the strong arms encasing her and the safety and comfort they provided to check if her fears rang true.
"I'll never leave Miles, I'll always be here," she muttered between kisses, rubbing her cheek against his like he might rub off on her if she tried hard enough.
"And, just to clarify, we are dating sweetheart, if any of my soldiers try hitting on you again."
She giggled, rolling her eyes at his possessiveness, a flush on her cheeks indicating it didn't bother her in the least
"So I'm your girl now?" She questioned, pressing a kiss to his lips once more.
"If that's what you want, you can be my girl."
Blushing crimson she hid her face in his chest, feeling his chuckle vibrating against her ear.
"What, that make you shy sweetheart? Being my girl, thought we'd already established this to be honest, but you're mine, my girl, mine, sunshine," he stroked her hair with long fingers, tugging slightly to bring her eye level, a feeling she revelled in all to much.
"That enough for you baby, to know your mine?" He growled, Gaia able to feel his growing hardness beneath her, a soft moan leaving her lips when he shifted himself enough to brush against her core.
"I'd prefer you to show me," she grinned like a Cheshire cat, liking the way his grasp on her tightened, his head falling into her shoulder and breathing deeply, pressing her into him until she was plastered against his chest.
"Darling, not here, Don't do that right here," he groaned, acutely aware of the audience they'd gathered by the window of the break room, pressing open mothed kisses readily to her slender neck in attempt to control himself.
"Miles," she whined in annoyance, rolling her hips gently against his own to convey her need, the friction making her eyes roll back into her skull
"Darlin'," he slapped her ass with a low growl that commanded her to stop without even having to ask. She submitted to his wishes instantly, ceasing all movements to look up through her lashes at the feral eyes staring back, heart beating out of her chest at the sight.
"That's a good girl, you want me to show you how much you mean to me? Let me take care of you sweetheart, I'll look after you real good," he grumbled again, voice growing rougher with every word as he massaged the flesh of her plush thighs, his large hand easily covering her entire upper leg.
"Yes, please," she whispered coyly, eyes fluttering between him and the floor as a blush spread across her cheeks.
Miles promptly stood up once more, causing Gaia to wrap her legs like a vice around him so as not to fall as he walked up to the window, exposing them to the prying eyes of his soldiers, who Gaia hadn't realised until now had been watching her little display.
"Oi, you perverts gonna let us out or what?"
Miles banged on the window with one large fist as he growled, his other hand resting under Gaia's ass much to her embarrassment, whilst she hid her face in his broad chest, gripping onto his shoulders with her short nails, able to feel the rippling muscle beneath his taut skin.
There was no reply, only shocked faces glaring back at their Colonel, unmoving with fear, that was until Lyle moved out of the pack, dangling the stolen keys in front of Mile's eyes with a grin, before he disappeared from sight. The door swung open suddenly, leaving a grinning Lyle in plain view, and if Miles hadn't been so preoccupied he might've bothered to scold him.
"You're welcome sir, don't go too rough on sunshine now,"
Lyle snickered as Miles pushed past him, ignoring his lewd comments in favour of marching at top speed towards his quarters, he had a promise to fulfil after all, and he was a man of his word.
"Yeah Colonel get some!"
Another voice shouted faintly down the long corridor, making Gaia groan, wishing she could retain at least a little dignity around the man, something she never managed to do.
"I'll make 'em pay for saying that, don't worry sunshine," Miles smirked, aware of Gaia's head still dipped into his chest, the red of her cheeks visible even with only a glance of his eyes
"You better," she retorted, her words muffled by the material of his shirt she was still buried in
"It ain't all my fault though is it darlin', didn't have to start grindin' on me in front of 'em all," he chuckled, drawl thicker than usual, a heady atmosphere falling on you both as he reached for the handle of his door.
She finally looked up at him with an amorous glint in her wide eyes, face framed by a few blonde curls, Miles couldn't help but suck in a breath at the sight. "I didn't know they were all watching," she pouted as he strolled into the empty room, finally setting her down on his bed, with an eyebrow quirked up at her comment.
"it's alright sunshine, we're all alone now so you can do whatever you like," he teased, lowering himself in front of her as he began to suck and kiss at that spot below her ear that had her trembling all over again.
He popped the button of her jeans with a sly smile, looking up at her widened eyes, the puzzle pieces finally clicking into place in her mind of his plans for that night.
"I think I have a favour to return, don't I," he mused, one hand massaging Gaia's thigh whilst the other dragged her zipper down at a tantalising pace, her breath catching in her throat at the sight of such a powerful man brought to his knees before her, pressing gentle kisses to the skin of her stomach.
And she relished in the way he made her squirm in his hold, gripping her tightly and following her movements if she ever attempted to escape, letting her grip at his hair and trap his head with her thighs whenever the pleasure became too much.
She couldn't count how many times she met her blissful end that night, only being released from his divine torture once he was fully satisfied; yet one thing was for certain, she hadn't ever slept so deeply as once he was done with her.
"Miles, I'm sorry too you know" Gaia spoke softly into the dim room whilst Miles caressed her side with one large hand, holding her against him with the fear she could slip right through his fingers at any moment.
"I know," he only replied in a husky voice, his fingers squeezing her comfortingly with his lips pressed against her bare shoulder.
"You can have them back if you want," he spoke again, more quietly, against the shell of her ear, spying the way her eyes were fixated on the glinting metal coiled up on his bedside table. He'd been unable to put them back on since that night, knowing that doing so would be an admittance of her absence, a small part of him still holding out hope that she would return to him.
He reached over her to the cool object, hooking the chain against his fingers to get a good look at it.
"I can?" she caught her lip between her teeth to suppress the pleased grin that was trying to force it's way against taut cheeks
"Go on baby, don't go throwing it back at me any time soon though or I might not be so forgiving." He warned sternly, in that authoritative voice that had her stomach lurching, a pink hue dusting her face as she gripped the necklace from between his fingers, pulling it away from them gingerly, before slipping it over her head for the second time, having missed the feeling of them bouncing right over her heart whenever she moved.
"You can pry these off my cold, dead body, they're mine now," she teased, stroking her fingers over the deepened lines in the metal, marking her as his own, not that she minded anymore, she couldn't deny it anymore, how deeply she'd fallen with this man, he may as well tattoo his name on her because even if he left, she'd always belong to him a little.
"Hah, you better keep it that way, want the whole base knowing you're spoken for."
"I think at least your team knows by know, they're always calling me the Colonel's girl," she stroked his hand as she spoke, twisting her head over her shoulder to see how her words were received.
"Oh they are now are they?" He grinned, giving her side a pinch as his fangs poked out over his lip, reminding her of the many pinprick marks they'd left over her body.
"Yeah, they always have actually, what have you been saying to them?" She questioned in an accusatory tone as his eyes swam with mischief
"wouldn't you like to know," he whispered against her ear once more in a sultry tone, causing her to shiver in delight arching back into the man who'd only finished with you a few minutes prior.
"what, you want another round already sunshine? Thought you were too tired hmm?" He mused, one hand snaking between her legs to her exposed sex which was already prepared to take him, barely having recovered from the way he'd already taken her for multiple rounds.
"Please just put it in Miles, I need you," she complained, her hole pulsing with need as if it were crying out for him, a request he couldn't resist, and before she knew it she was sighing in relief as he entered, fucking her softly into the pillows with his arm wound around her waist to keep her close.
"How could I say no," he groaned, clearly feeling just as sensitive as Gaia, as he took his pleasure once more, not ready to let their union come to and end.
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benka79 · 3 years
I know no one is reading this madness but... I just have to scream about the Tom Paris x Harry Kim subtext...
Writers gave us two KimRis parallels...
First... Janeway asking Chakotay to have dinner with her. (With romantic hints all over)
While this was happening, Tom and Harry were close with each other. And Harry ends up gesturing to his best buddy platonic friend. It means. Writers showed us TWO RELATIONSHIPS in the past.
Then... Present... Chakotay had a new love and he was willing to not change the past to stay with this new lover...
Oh man, he changed Janeway for that girl, even when the producers made him stare longingly and sadly at our Captain. (Once when she asked Chakotay to dinner with her and the second time when she was dead and frozen on the bridge).
But... Why Harry hadn't doubts about turning back time??? Okay, we could think GUILT! REGRETS!
But because he mentioned they lost THE PEOPLE THEY LOVED... And he was willing to die for them... And he wouldn't change his mind... And they put that parallel with J/C... I will conclude, yeah, he was doing this because he wouldn't change ANYONE IN HIS FUTURE FOR HIS JUST PLANOTIC BUDDY TOM.
Now, the message Harry o himself to repair his mistake... Is linked to Tom Paris's letter to his father. Or how I like to call it, the letter he wrote for his own growth.
30 Days
Even when we got another rewind in Tom Paris career... From Lieutenant to Ensign, this episode represented again his huge issues with his father but it talked about what's inside Tom.
I'm gonna divide this insights in two parts.
Tom's Fantasy World: Captain Proton
Something that could start like a game, was playing a very important part of Tom inner thoughts.
The whole adventure of Captain Proton resume Tom's fantasies and deeper desires. Because deep inside Tom wants to save the day and be a hero. He needs to proof he is worthy by being a superhero. But mostly, he is always saving the girl in danger. And when I say the girl in danger, I'm talking about Harry. Because Harry represents the imposible love interest he wants to reach. In this episode he arrives to save Harry again but this time from the evil Delaney's twins. But Harry shows him he wanted more time with the evil girls. (Imagine Tom trying to save Harry from women just to show him that he should be his only hero in that story, in his fantasy.)
When they go out from the Holodeck, Paris talks again about the letters... (Because they're trying to fix the letters they got, one of them is Paris's father letter)
PARIS: Any progress on those starcharts?
MEGAN: I'll have them to you by fourteen hundred.
The fact that Paris is bringing back that to us is because again, something very meaningful related to his father will happen. Because this evil letter made his character to go backwards in his behavior. Remember?
But then... Look at this:
PARIS: I think Jenny really likes you.
KIM: Yeah, I know.
PARIS: I thought the feeling was mutual.
KIM: How many times do I have to tell you? I like Megan, but she won't give me the time of day.
PARIS: What is the difference?
KIM: You can't be serious.
PARIS: They're the Delaney sisters, Harry. They're twins.
KIM: Are you kidding? They're nothing alike. Jenny's aggressive and sometimes annoying. But Megan, she's quiet, artistic, and she's got that cute little dimple in her right cheek.
PARIS: Jenny doesn't have the dimple?
KIM: No dimple.
Okay, I will stop here. Pay attention to this because I'm in awe here of the amount of subtext: THIS IS A LOVE TRIANGLE AND IS A BLATANT REPRESENTATION OF B'ELANNA->TOM->HARRY.
Tom tried to show a point to Harry because Delaney's sisters, here representing women, are the same to him BECAUSE HE WANTS TO SHOW HIS FRIEND WOMEN ARE THE SAME. SHOULD HARRY TASTE THE RAINBOW THEN? 😂
And because is a Tom's episode, is Tom centric so... Jenny is B'elanna, because she's aggressive and sometimes annoying. Harry is Tom here, because B'elanna likes him. But Harry/Tom is in love with Megan, because Megan is quiet, artistic, and she's got that cute little dimple in her right cheek. This is screaming HARRY all over even the dimple!!!!
Gif credit @skjc-writes
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But the sad thing here is Harry saying IS AN UNREQUITED LOVE. And then Tom adding this...
PARIS: Well, you've done it again, Harry.
KIM: What?
PARIS: Fallen for the unattainable woman. First it was a hologram, then a Borg, and now the wrong twin.
I'm screaming here!!!! Because HARRY IS UNANTTAINABLE TO TOM!!!!!! ARE YOU READING THISS?? Of course no, I'm alone here, but, nevermind. 😂
Deep Inside Tom's Ocean
Another huge symbolism was the ocean planet and how they needed to go deeper to find the truth about the instability of that world.
The Ocean was a symbolic representation of Paris. We had a whole world installed almost in the surface of the waters that was about to fall down. It was an entire society.
When Tom decides to go deeper, they found another contractions that belonged to an older society who had lived there before. But... What was there wasn't the source of their incoming destruction. The new society was the one carving their own graves.
How we could read this related to Paris? Well, as I said, imagine the ocean is Tom. The society and buildings that are next to the surface is the self-destructive personality Tom had created in order to face his failures in trying to fulfill his father's expectations.
The old society buried in the bottom of the ocean is his true self. He's sensitive, and creative, and innocent like a child. But he abandoned that purity to build the surface. Because his true feelings wouldn't be accepted by his father. (This include his bisexuality).
Throughout the whole episode they repeat that the old society in the bottom of the sea IS NOT GUILTY for the incoming destruction. So, Tom's deepest feelings and thoughts and fantasies, what he really is, is not the cause of his self destruction.
The bad people here is the new society, that fake shield Tom had built for years to carry his low self esteem created by his incapability of fulfill his father's expectations. It's a self-destructive personality and is not who he really is.
The bad thing is, Tom is trying to destroy it, but Janeway blocked him. He couldn't... And he is still in his emotional prison.
Finish the Letter.
Tom starts recording a message to his father. It starts as if he was apologizing, but it will end as a compilation of his true desires. He wants to fight for what he feels is worthy. And sometimes you just have to take the risk.
The fact that Harry went to see him and not B'elanna is very meaningful and it shows why is Paris pining for him more than for B'elanna. But it also shows why Paris feels Harry is the unattainable love for him. And it show in the fact that Tom was avoiding Harry's eyes. He felt ashamed. He was ashamed of the man his friend had to see. His rank had been lowered. He was in prison again. Even after confessing behind the mask of a fantastic adventure of a ship that Harry was his NUMBER ONE.
He was feeling again he didn't deserve Harry he didn't deserve to be visited by him. He even let his self destructive personality to show again, but Harry, with eyes full of pain, gives Paris an advice that will close some of his wounds.
Harry is the one waking him up from the nightmare of deception. That's a huge symbolism because even with Harry there, bringing him back to reality, Tom will relate that with the fact that he feels he left down Harry too.
Harry asks Tom to finish his letter. To start healing that huge damage he has inside, the voice of his father yelling at him to do this and that, to be better. To not be what he wanted to be.
Finish the Letter for his father, because it will help him. Even if his father never hear it. Tom did it. He finished the letter. And then in his fantastic world of Captain Proton B'elanna repeats those words to him he really needs to hear from his father: I'm proud of you.
He has a long way to walk through. But it caught my attention that in season 5 we are still stuck in this matter. He should be showing more growth as a character. We are swimming in the same daddy issue and I suspect we will be swimming for a long time too.
I think the writers doesn't know what 'move on' means.
Miscellaneous: Megan and Harry mentioned to Tom the number 14 like something he needed to reach. (The remaining time to know about the letters and to get out from prison) This number represents EQUILIBRIUM and also LOVE. Maybe are those the two things Tom needs to achieve. Mostly, self love and acceptance.
Another interesting fact was the episode in which Seven said Tom got out from the cryogenic bed 4 TIMES. I'm thinking that maybe is related to everytime Tom had been in prison. We are counting three times so far. Let's see 😂.
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