#i couldn't go through it the cringe was unbearable lmao
d4isywhims · 6 months
can i request a stereotypical white boy? 😭 name and looks are up to you but make sure to give them traits like active, bro etc 🤭
HAHA omg anon 😭😭
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here's a little sneak peek ;)
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honeyglz · 1 year
Then and now.
A/N - This is my third time writing this A/N because of my wifi (Im going to cry) BUT that wont stop me. As always enjoy and if you enjoy my stuff be sure to follow. Ill be using polls to ask yall for your input so be sure to stick around <3
Reader - Fem (She/Her ,You/Your/Yours)
Pairing - Bakugou x reader (ex's to lovers)
P1 - Breaking up with them </3 (headcannons) P2 - Pride before the fall
Au - None!!
Disclaimer - I do not own any of these character aside form Y/N / the reader.
Warning! - None Im aware of ! Aside from no proof reading and poor grammar lmao
3 Years. 1095 days. 26280 hours. She had been gone for 3 year. Alot had happened in the 3 years she had left. She found herself looking forward constantly in those 3 years. Fearful that if she looked back for even a moment she would simply stop. Stop moving forward, stop moving on. She would just...stop.
And so she didn't stop, she never looked back, continuously moving towards goals and aspirations, even if she didn't care for the rewards.
It was a warm summer day, the air sweet and sticky on her skin as she walked along the cracked pavement. There was a small crowd forming up ahead, people flocking to a hero no doubt. Slowly she tried to make her way through the crowd, cringing at the heat that radiated around her. People pushed and shoved against her, from behind and back she felt like she was being invaded on all sides. Eventually she managed to squeeze out in one piece, stopping for a moment to gather her self and smooth out her clothes she felt a burning gaze land on her. Slowly her eyes moved up looking around before she turned her attention in front of her. There stood the man she had walked out on 3 years ago, staring at her dumbfounded almost. She felt her heart skip a beat as they locked eyes, the outside world melting away. Suddenly she was 3 years younger.
Suddenly she was looking at the love of her life once again.
The crowd pushed past her, all flocking to the pro hero not that she cared. Her eye's were glued to his, and he could say nothing but the same. It was weird. It was like she was dreaming, she had to be. More and more people pushed past her until she was left in the back, Bakugou long gone from her vision. She thought of turning back, of leaving before she had a chance to second guess herself. And she was about to. But like a fuck you from the universe something stopped her, a call that finally made her stop. "Y/N!-" Frantic almost desperate, Bakugou Katsuki pushed past everyone in his way as he searched through the growing crowd for the face he longed so dearly to see just one more time. To say all the things he had rehearsed over long sleepless nights, word for word he would apologise for everything. For the missed dates, for the constant working. Everything. He just had to find her. He stumbled abit losing his footing as he called out your name asif a prayer, eyes scanning scanning over everyone he in his sights. The heat unbearable under his thick padded suit. How ironic, he thought to himself bitterly. Real fucking comedy. -♡- Flashback...Third year of UA..... It was hot, which was an understatement in Bakugou's eye's because he felt like he was fucking melting. But still he went about his day, went to class and listened intently to everything he could soak up. At lunch he ate whatever it was he had and stayed mostly quite during conversation, enjoying the time to just observe for once. At first everything seemed normal in the cafeteria, boringly so. It wasn't until his eyes wondered over to another class that his attention was snatched from his thoughts. A girl. She was seated near the side of the cafeteria, chatting away happily with some idiots from another class. Strangely enough Bakugou couldn't quite place why he couldn't tear his eyes from her. Maybe it was that he had just never noticed her before, but then again he never noticed anyone he didn't deem worthy of his time. Maybe it was something else entirely. But whatever it was, he didn't really care. All he knew was that she was hypnotic and it annoyed him to no end. Her stupid fucking smile that made him want to break out into one himself.
The way her eye's creased when she laughed hard enough or the way she seemed too damn content to be laughing with an extra. The way she hadn't even spoken to him yet and he was whipped. Hell, she hadn't even spared him so much as a glance. He felt his heart speed up as one of her classmates pointed over to his table.
'Fuck.' They were talking about someone to you. 'Double fuck.' He watched as she turned her head, eyes locking onto his as she looked abit shocked. Confused even. The bell had rung and suddenly she was walking up to him. 'Fuck!- Think Katsuki- Be smooth. Be cool. Say something nice-' Closer and closer she walked until- "Hi Bakugou." 'SHIT-' "The fuck you want extra?-" He shoved his hands deep into his pockets, an attempt at stopping them from sweating so damn much. His face was felt warm as a soft blush coated his checks. She just smiled warmly before continuing. "Nothing, just though you might wanna walk to class together. Seein as were both late and all." He grumbled out some lame excuse but followed regardless, heart still thumping against his ears as he forced himself to keep a straight face.
He could get used to this.
Sweat dripped off his head and god he was so uncomfortable being seen like this but he didn't give a rats ass if it meant seeing you again. People stepped away from the searching hero, some scared others worried. He was starting to lose hope.
Of course you had left. Why wouldn't you?
Bakugou turned his head one last time, watching as the crowd seemed to swallow any fleeting chance of seeing you once again. Everyone was watching. Everyone.
Were you watching?
And again that feeling came back. That feeling that no one was there but you and him. Even if he couldn't see you, he needed to tell you.
Tell you he was sorry.
That he was an idiot.
That if hated him for the rest of his life he would understand.
Tell you once and for all that he loved you more than anything.
More than the press.
More than anyone watching right now.
More than his job.
God so much more then his stupid job. He would tell you all these things in a heart beat. And so, he did.
Letting out a loud blast in the sky he felt all eyes on him; not that he didn't have everyone's attention before. He exhaled before dropping his gaze to the floor, heart hammering against his ears, blood rushing to his face before he could even speak. Swallowing his pride he allowed his ego to settle as he spoke. Voice raw with emotion.
"Listen up, I know you somewhere in this crowd so please just listen to me before ya run off" he barked out almost asif an order.
"I just wanted to say 'm sorry for all the shitty things I did. Or didn't. Dammit what am I doing.." mumbling the last part he continued. The silence deafening.
"'m sorry I didn't make the dates or dinners- And the late nights. I'm sorry I was a fucking ass-hole and left you on read all the time." He paused for a moment his eyes still trained on the grey pavement below. "And I'm sorry about how things ended… Real sorry about it actually."
"Worst fucking regret I have is letting you walk out that door and I swear to you not a day goes by I don't kick myself in the ass for it." He took a breath before going on.
"I know ya probably don't wanna hear this bullshit and think I'm all shit but I'm not, you don't have to talk to me or anythin like that but I just-"
Another shaky breath. This time he looked up, gazing into the sea of faceless people.
"I just wanted to let ya know I loved you and 'm sorry I couldn't love you enough back then."
By now his heart was roaring in his ears, heart thumping at an uncontrollable pace and he couldn't do anything but look back at the damn floor.
Again silence engulfed him and that was all he needed to turn on his heel and walk away. Leaving the crowd speechless as the heartfelt confession that had just taken place.
To anyone else this wasn't the Dynamight they knew. And they would be right.
But to you it wasn't Dynamight, because after 3 years you had finally seen Katsuki again.
It was late and Bakugou was tried. His PR team had chewed his head off for his little stunt he pulled but he didn't give two shits. He never would. That apology was for one person and one person only, so what if a few others saw? To hell with others. He walked into his apartment, cringing at the lonely air it held. Throwing off his hero gear he slumped onto his couch, thinking back on the day. He grabbed his phone slowly checking the time. 2:00 am Sounded about right for him. Slowly he made his way to the bathroom doing whatever the hell he needed to before going to bed. It was a slow process but a much needed one. By the time he had gotten into bed his mind hadn't yet stopped racing at the events that had happened today. He lay on his back, eyes staring up at the blank ceiling before the soft ring of his phone caught him off guard.
Checking the phone his eyes widened at the unknown number displayed on his screen. In all honesty he should of hung up there and then. But something compelled him to pick it up. It was like he was hypnotised. His fingers tapped on the small glass screen as he held the phone to his ear lazily. Voice low and gruff as he spoke "The fuck is this?" "Hi Bakugou." Your voice rang through the phone, he stayed silent for a moment. Praying. Hoping that by some miracle this wasn't a dream. Before he could muster any words you quickly cut him off unknowingly. "I didn't mean to wake you or anything- I just thought that..." You trailed off for a moment before continuing "This is stupid- I'm sorry for waking you" "You didnt wake me-!" That came out quicker than he had hoped, and unfortunately, louder too. There was silence on the line once again and he felt his eye's start to grow heavy. The sound of a gentle laugh caught his ears, it was so quite he nearly missed it. He could hear the smile in your voice as you spoke, causing a soft smile of his own to break out. God you could still do that after all this time, but then again he wouldn't have it any other way. "Well then.. Hi." "Hey" Again a pause of silence before you continued.. "I know its late but I was wondering if you'd wanna stay on call and just- talk?.. Seeing as we're both up late and all." You bit your tongue as you waited for his answer. Unsure if calling was the right thing to do. "I'd love to." And there it was again. That strange feeling. But this time he wasn't 3 years younger And he wasn't in UA. This time he was on a call, at 2 AM, talking to you. And somehow that was enough to make him smile. -♡- A/N- Thank you for any support and hydrate ! Be sure to follow for updates and other works of mine <3 Interactions are greatly appreciated :)
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bipirate · 2 years
Have you read Iron Widow? If so, what's your thoughts on it?
lmao yeah i have read it! it sure was a decision. i've posted about my thoughts before but never super in depth, but here is a post i made as i was in the middle of it. otherwise my thoughts can be summed up as follows:
for a book branded as being unapologetically feminist it's incredibly un-feminist actually. there aren't that many female characters aside from the protagonist, and the ones that are there, are the same old cookie cutter stereotypes i had hoped this novel would avoid when it was marketed as a feminist book. the feminism is very superficial imo it's almost insulting. also... it's supposed to be a book about feminism and the main character has TWO boyfriends and not a single female friend, it's tragic
it's racist/colourist, specifically against people of central asian decent. i'm white so i don't feel like it's my place to go on about this but you can find plenty of posts by central asian people who spoke out about this. long story short, one of the love interests is darker skinned and explicitly not han chinese, he is described as very violent, an alcoholic, and he is kept in chains and on a leash. there's also a central asian female character who is aslo very brash and violent, while the han chinese characters are all described as super gentle and pretty
the writing in general is not great, it's a YA book and the writing does reflect that, but even for a YA book it has some unbearably cringey lines and scenes. there's a scene where the mc and one of the love interests have to learn to ice skate together so that they will become more in sync to pilot their mech together. and it's very cringe imo. also the mc has bound feet and is disabled because of that so the idea of having her ice skate is insane to me. it was easy to read though, i'll give it that, and i had a fairly enjoyable time blasting through it and editing it in my head
i thought the twist at the end was very predictable and boring
at its core i think the concept of chinese historical and cultural elements being adapted for a fantasy/sci fi setting is really cool and i think in terms of wordbuilding there was a lot of potential. it's just that the execution wasn't great. the magic system (if you can call it that) wasn't really explained well, and the descriptions were really lacking at times. i just couldn't visualise the mechs or the big bad alien species they fight very well. speaking of those aliens... idk they fell flat for me
similarly i think finally seeing a polyamorous relationship instead of the tired love triangle is a really good step for YA, but the execution really didn't land either. the interpersonal relationships weren't well fleshed out, especially the relationship between the two dudes. when they got together it felt so out of left field
so all in all not the worst book i've ever read in recent years (that honour goes to where the crawdads sing, which my bookclub tore to shreds) and it had its decent points, but mostly it was bad
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