#i couldn't think of nything
hypnoneghoul · 1 year
hello im the same anon as the eds regressing rain ask and im also interested in maybe little rain having a pots thing happen? i don’t know a lot about pots but maybe they pass out while regressing and freak out a bit, or maybe another ghoul is also regressed and they’re hanging out and rain passes out and that spooks the other ghoul? really go how you will with that idea. again feel free to not do it if youre not interested in it i just think its an interesting idea
sorry it took so long :(
"think 'm hungwy," Rain mumbled, as he put down the block they had in their hands. Phantom nodded at him and hummed around the tip of his tail that ended up on his mouth some time earlier.
There wasn't anyone else with them, it started out with Rain taking care of little Phantom, but his own brain couldn't help joining the quintessence ghoul in his regression. No other ghoul was around so they were on their own.
Before Rain even stood up fully he paused, a quiet "oh" escaping their lips. Phantom perked up at the sound with a curious noise of his own.
"T- tommy-" and they tumbled to the floor.
Phantom panicked, Rain just... he just passed out and Phantom was too little, he didn't know what to do. His friend was hurt and he didn't know what to do.
He whined as he crawled closer to the water ghoul sprawled out on the carpet, tears were already gathering in his eyes.
"Rainyyy," Phantom pawed weakly at their chest letting out a series of distressed noises, subconsciously calling for help, "Rainy, wake up!"
"Phantom? What happened?" he heard someone and they... they sounded angry.
"I- I didn', dunno what- I didn' do 'nything," the quintessence ghoul sobbed, still holding onto Rain and weakly shaking him.
"Shhh, I know you didn't, it's not your fault," it was Dew, he realised as he came closer. His warm hands rested on Phantom's back, rubbing it with an intention to soothe. "It happenes to Rain sometimes, you know that. It's okay, I'll take care of them, okay?"
"Mhmmm, Dewy, pwease, f- fix 'em," he whined, looking up at Dewdrop with wet, red rimmed eyes, pleading. The fire ghoul leaned down to place a kiss on the distressed ghoul's forehead and got up again. "N- no, c'me back, fix 'em!"
"I will, kiddo, don't worry. I gotta get something," Dew assured before disappearing into the kitchen. Phantom sobbed again but the fire ghoul was fast and was back by him and Rain in a flash.
"Okay, take this," he handed Phantom a toy hand fan, the type that works on batteries and all it needs to work is its button pressed down. The quintessence ghoul's brows furrowed as he took the toy. "Turn it on and fan Rain's face, okay? Can you do that?"
A task.
Phantom got a task and it was supposed to help Rain. Of course he would do it. He took a deep breath, and turned the fan on. Its funny buzz made him giggle through the tears still flowing down his cheeks. He was a very emotionally sensitive ghoul, that's all.
"Very good, yeah, like that," Dewdrop praised as Phantom focused to keep his hands steady, to keep the cold air on Rain's face. He bit his bottom lip in concentration.
It took just a moment for Rain to stir. He never passed out for long, anyway, he hardly ever fully lost consciousness, "R- Rainy?"
"Mhmmm," they hummed, blinking slowly.
"Welcome back, fish boy," Dew chuckled, moving a strand of hair from their forehead. "Little, aren't you?"
Rain just whined and pouted, and that told Dew enough.
"Rainy... awe you fine?" Phantom asked, finally sparing a second to wipe the tears from his face with his sleeve. Rain looked over at him and nodded. He then spotted the toy still clutched tightly in one of the quintessence ghoul's hands and smiled before diving in to bury their face in Phantom's belly.
He was too little for words, now, but they understood well enough that Phantom had helped them, and they wanted to thank him. Hugging him tightly and chirping happily turned out to be his best idea at the moment.
And Phantom most definitely got the intention, bending down to wrap his own arms around the ghoul in his lap as he started purring.
"I'll go get some snacks," Dew sighed, smiling at the two.
Just a disclaimer, most folks with POTS don't fully pass out, usually its just ultra dizziness and feeling like you are going to pass out, and even if it is a full black out its not for long, few seconds usually. I made Rain fully loose consciousness for a longer bit to, idk, make the situation more "dramatic" lmao
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moth-flavor · 6 months
Realization, or some shit.
I feel like shit right now
My mental health right now is ass
Been watching some videos which caused me to make a small realization that I've might've been groomed online
Had conversations with a 20 year old, n' which they would randomly RP with me, even though I've made it rather clear of how I don't feel comfortable doing RPs in general, and how sometimes it just feels forced
It would be fetish-y RPs I guess, no sex or 'nything, but they're were things relating to ass n' such, like groping n' shit.
Idk, and I guess they've manipulated me. I kept feeling sympathy for them, cause they claimed that they were fucked up, that they had autism, tourettes, been through abusive relationships or some shit which caused them to have trust issues, n' supposedly tried to take their own life by overdosing.
I'm not sure how much of it was even true to be honest.
Anyways, whenever they would get in trouble, I was torn because I knew they were in the wrong, yet, I couldn't tell because of the things they said that happened to them might've been the reason why they did what they've done. (I'm just currently spouting shit, so sorry if half of the things I'm saying doesn't make sense, I'm just tired rn)
Anyways, they take advantage of the fact that I didn't have a bank account of some sort, so they could get free art out of.
It was rare for me to draw shit just because I felt like it, and more of them requesting shit for me to draw.
They mostly requested fetish art of their character.
They would constantly send me fetish art, which made me felt like shit, cause the art that they send was made by someone who actually knows what they're doing, and it made me feel like shit comparing myself to them.
I asked them to stop sending it to me that shit, and they did, only for a brief moment before sending that shit again.
Things only broke off because they got into an argument with another friend of mines, who was 18 (I think). They were spreading misinformation about them and calling them a pedo or some shit.
They apparently did threats about shooting up a school (honestly don't know how true that was), gave someone a mental break and just give up on their project all together, was overworking people to get free art n' shit. N' was just a total asshole overall.
anyways, not sure what else to say, maybe there's some extra things I'm forgetting, but overall, go fuck yourself, Kuro.
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thesixthplaneteer · 1 year
woe, questions you about nyth!!: 💥, 💢, 💤, 🌙, 📣, 📸, 🌠, ☄️, 🍃
OH my gosh! thanks for asking! sorry taking so long to respond 💥 COLLISON - what emotions do they have trouble dealing with? - Anger and Sorrow. He doesn't really process grief well and it would just turn into anger. He's hot blooded and more than willing to throw the first punch so it's certainly troublesome. 💢 ANGER - what are some habits they have that will take some getting used to? - He has a PhD, you will be made aware of this fact and you will be corrected in things you are wrong about. Also touching. He wouldn't just touch a stranger but for someone getting close enough to need to get used to him there would be touching. Like fixing something on their attire unprompted. 💤 SLEEPING - do they fall asleep easily? what helps them sleep? - As a mortal, he does not. He very much has to be up and doing something or he feels like he letting someone down or being lazy. The thing that would help him sleep is being with someone. He could let himself relax of someone was laying next to him or if he was holding them. As a vampire I really ran with the life-like merit, canonically his body slowly shuts down and he basically experiences death as he falls into torpor, it sucks so in a way sleeping even as a vampire is difficult for him. 🌙 MOON - what is your oc's greatest wish? how far are they willing to go for it? -To find love, respect, and acceptance. He is willing to anything to get it and once he has it would rather burn the world to ash than let it go. 📣 MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim? - He can be very loud when he needs to be or even accidently if he is excitedly talking about something. He is definitely the person you can somehow hear clearly despite being on the other side of a busy restaurant. - He has a faint up-state New York accent. Living in Mexico for years and doing speech therapy he has lost a lot of his accent but when he gets mad or excited it comes out. 📸 CAMERA - do they enjoy having their picture taken? what's their go-to pose? do they like taking photos? what do they take photos of? - He likes being the center of attention so of course he likes to have his picture taken. His go to pose would be whatever is least convenient at the moment and if he can get his ass in the shot he will. He wouldn't really think to take pictures unless he has a camera in his hand but all the pictures would be either of his bestie Noa (if she is okay with it), of flowers, or pictures take more for research purposes. 🌠 SHOOTING STAR - if they could make any wish with no repercussions, what wish would they make? - He would probably wish for a guaranteed eternity with Noa. They've gone through so much together and have grown together in a way he really couldn't fathom an existence without her and the possibility of it happening is a dread that hangs on him. ☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right? - They would probably assume that he is weak or not willing to get his hands dirty. They are most definitly wrong. All because he does his nails doesn't mean he wont chip them to get something done. 🍃 FALLING LEAF - do they enjoy being in nature? what is their favourite outdoor activity? -YES! As a mortal his favorite outdoor activities were looking for a plant hasn't seen before, gardening, and sabotaging logging/construction equipment. As a vampire he still enjoys gardening and the occasional destruction of property but the great outdoors have become too hostile for him to enjoy and it's one of the few things that he truly misses about being mortal.
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windy-trickster · 1 year
[CERVIN] -> Receive a message from your moirail
After a little heartfelt moment with your kismesis, and getting the two of you into some dryer clothing thanks to said kismesis being soaked head to toe in rainwater. Cervin had set the two Bluebloods up on his leather couch to watch a little movie together to wait out the rain. He had no plans of just having some heartfelt, emotional moment with the smaller Blueblood then just send him on his way home. Cervin had grabbed the blanket off the back of his couch, tossing it around the two of them while he allowed Dracma to put on one of his ridiculous mafia movies that he seemed to adore so fucking much. Cervin didn't see the appeal, but he just wanted this nice moment to continue. So he was going to keep "un7efined 9pini9ns ab9ut mafia m9vies" to him. He was snuggled up close to his kismesis, his head resting against the other Blueblood's head as he only half paid attention to the show in front of him. He REALLY didn't understand what Dracma found so fascinating about these flicks. But again, he was keeping these thoughts to himself. About halfway through the movie Cervin felt his palmhusk buzz in his sweatpants. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his cellular device, adjusting his glasses to see who was texting him. It was Amdala. Oh jegus. Here we go. -> [doctrineTemplar] has opened the chat with [spiritualLucidity] <- [SL]: Cerv? AAre you busy aat the moment, hon? [DT]: Yes a nd no. Dr a cm a's over at my hive right now. So I c a n't physic a lly come a nywhere if th a t's wh a t you need me for. [SL]: Oh no no no, hon. [SL]: I'm aassuming you know why I'm textin' you, don'tchaa? [DT]: I do. A nd go right a he a d. S a y wh a t you need to s a y, you deserve to after all. [SL]: Cerv. I'm not gonnaa beraate you or aanything aabout whaat's goin' on. I wou|dn't do thaat to yaa. I just waanted to |et you know thaat I'm here for you if you need aa shou|der to cry on. [DT]: I know, A md a l a. A nd I a ppreci a te th a t a lot a nd you know you c a n a lw a ys come to me with your problems a s well. A nd I'm sorry for hiding this big secret from you. I know it w a s wrong of me to do. I know it w a s fucking stupid. A nd I promise you I won't do th a t a g a in. [DT]: I won't hide a nything from you or Fre a n a or Dr a cm a ever a g a in. I thought I could h a ndle this on my own. But it turns out I couldn't. [SL]: I forgive you, hon. I know you didn't meaan to worry aany of us. I know you're strugg|in' aand I reaa||y think you need to figure out aa waay to aa||eviaate some of thaat stress. AAnd you've got tro||s c|ose to you thaat'|| help you do thaat. [DT]: I know I do. A nd I'm gl a d for th a t. I re a lly truly a m. A nd I think I'm going to t a ke a couple of nights off work bec a use of everything th a t's h a ppened. M a ybe th a t'll help. [SL]: Thaat'|| sure|y he|p yaa, daar|in'. Taake some time to rest. You deserve it aafter everything you've been going through. Okaay? Cervin smiled a little at his moirail's message and sighed softly before sending his response. [DT]: Ye a h. You're right, A md a l a. Th a nk you. [SL]: Of course. Th a t's wh a t I'm here for, daar|in'. <> [SL]: You enjoy your |itt|e cutesy time with |_i| B|ueberry. I'|| stop botherin' yaa. [DT]: You're never bothering me, A md a l a. <> [DT]: A nd ye a h. I will. Need to get b a ck to "w a tching" this movie before Dr a cm a st a rts whining. [DT]: P a le for you, A md a l a. [SL]: Paa|e for you too, Cerv. <> -> [spiritualLucidity] has ceased trolling [doctrineTemplar] <- Cervin put his palmhusk down once he felt a small hand tugging on his sleeve. He looked down to see a cranky looking Dracma, the smaller Blueblood making some comment on how Cervin wasn't paying attention to this "p7ime m9vie content". Cervin just rolled his eyes, leaned on Dracma once more and went back to spending the rest of this rainy night with his kismesis. -> Mentioned Trolls [Not mine] <- Dracma Picpic - @wormstuck Freana Elkena - @jaded-daydream
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taperwolf · 2 years
I'm still having problems with the Wasp filter — I've got it to where it operates enough to boost the input volume but not enough to actually filter a}nything— but I've started on a second project in parallel with it, a different voltage controlled filter. This one's the PM Foundations 3320-VCF, a four-pole low-pass filter with voltage control over frequency and resonance, based on the CEM3320 or its remake, the AS3320.
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This is their photo of a completed version, and it'll be a while before mine gets to this point. See, I ordered the PCB/panel combo one late night, reasoning that I already had the two chips needed for the build — a TL074 quad op amp and the AS3320 four-stage VCF chip — so I could complete it rather quickly. I then realized that I didn't have the right kind of jacks or potentiometers, so I ordered them from Tayda, a discount supplier I've had good luck with.
But they didn't have two specific kinds of pots needed, one 50k linear one and one 100k logarithmic one, nor one special kind of capacitor. PMF have a shopping cart with all the parts put together at Mouser, the big electronics distributor, so I checked that and saw that those caps weren't going to be available for six months or so. So I checked over with the other big electronics distributor, Digikey, and they had them available immediately, if shipping from a third party. So I ordered the two pots and the caps from them, and though we were up to four separate shipments, I figured we were done.
That's when I thought to check if I had all the values of resistors needed. And you guessed it, I did not.
So I went through my stocks and made up packets of the required resistors that I did have, and noted which five values I still needed, and went back to Mouser to get those. Except I couldn't just get them from the provided shopping cart, because those specific ones only come in reels of 200 each. Even though they're quite cheap at that quantity, when the project calls for at most five of a given value, it's hard to justify 195 leftover parts for a one-off project. So I did, eventually, get those all ordered.
The boards arrived yesterday, and the Digikey pots arrived today; the rest of the resistors should be here tomorrow or Tuesday, the caps sometime this week — and the Tayda shipment will be here, um, maybe this month? The shipping label has been created, but they deliver by bulk-sending from (I think) Thailand to Kentucky and then the USPS takes over.
But the upshot is that I have zero patience, so I went ahead and put the resistors that I do have on the board.
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Once the other eleven resistors show up (along with their 39 spares), I can put them on, then the IC sockets, the power header, and the caps. The pots and jacks mount on alternate sides on the board, and have to be slightly tacked on and then soldered fully into place once the panel is affixed using their mounting nuts, so all of those need to arrive before I can put any on. I'll keep y'all posted.
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inkleaf-cafe · 2 years
Humans can't imagine nything that is not based on them
Hear me out here
Humans cannot imagine creatures that are not humanoid and find them scary.
Humans need that familiarity.
Humans cannot think of anything they cannot imagine.
And they cannot imagine something that is not known to them.
All monsters, have eyes, mouths, or a humanoid body.
All monsters are based on something known.
They have to be known.
For example,
Cartoon cat. A cartoon, specifically an old rubberhose cartoon. Whose body is constantly changing and shifting.
Those are concepts and things that are known.
There is nothing original due to this most of the time.
It is impossible to be original constantly of course but
Horror creatures(the most popular ones) are Vampires, Werewolves, Aliens, and Zombies.
They all are humanoid or humans infected with something.
Humans cannot think of something that they believe couldn't be physically possible.
In this essay I wi-
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swagging-back-to · 4 months
about my last reblogs tags yeah so she was lying to me the entire time I've known her about this 50 year old (who she was dating in fucing highschool.) and the reason she was stringing me along with the apartment was because of him. the reason she bailed on me last second was because of him. the reason she almost got me fucking killed in portland drugged and wouldn't tell me who tf she had on the phone and why they couldn't come get us if they were so close and able. literally refused to even acknowledge i said anything everytime i asked "WHO are you talking to?" or anything bout him. it's the reason she dropped in unannounced a few weeks ago to couch crash bc 'her parents lcked her out and didn't hear her pounding on the door' despite having like 4 dogs, two of which are beagles.
i didnt even think nything of it at the time but she was lying. this whole fucking time. i haven't told anyone about it because I've just been processing it but I'm actually so fucking mad. i detest all familial relationships. she was the very last chance i had at a normal family and shes... horrible. worse than me.
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bonfirefighter · 5 months
Against our better judgement (seeing as how we bought the tickets months ago), we went to see s*y *nything last night. Worst fucking show I've ever been to. You-know-who would just shout a few words - completely off-beat, might I add! - and point the mic at us. Bro if I wanted to do karaoke, I would! But we're there to sing along WITH you, not sing the whole damn set.
What's hilarious to me is that apparently he was on "vocal rest" and couldn't talk to ppl during the meet and greets, yet the man was ripping fat vape clouds between every song. I think that's the last show of theirs I'm going to. Put a nail in the coffin for me.
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highonthought · 2 years
Post-Vacation Depri
It's not so fun coming back from vacation. I just miss him. The trip back is always so much longer than the trip there. Maybe anticipation that makes the trip to California so much quicker, I'm so excited to see him. But leaving us so long, I feel every second. Just saying goodbye before the terminal, before security, it sucks. And I come home, and I'm left with this feeling that I've met before. I know it all too well, I'm not anxious I'm not mad, I'm not sad either, I'm nostalgic and I just want to be with him. There's a bit of a twang, of how I felt the last time before we broke up. I didn't know what to do with all of the feelings I felt, all that pain from being away from him, but I thought it would go way if he went away. Obviously it didn't, lol. Two years later were happily dating again and I couldn't be happier.
People say its easier to remember bad things than it is to remember happy memories. And I guess that's true. It's hard to forget how I felt every second after he left the airport and I had to wait through security and walk to my two little, and walk to my gate, and then wait an hour for my flight. Yeah, and I wait for my luggage, and I wait for my bus, and I wait to get picked up from the bus stop, then I'm home, and everything is just how I left it, everything is just as it was when I left. Just stark contrast of arriving to his state, where he waits for me at baggage claim, and i can't wait to get there knowing that my bag wont arrive for another 20 minutes, because I'll get to just stand by him. And this last visit was no different. He had on a red long sleeve mock neck, and he greeted me with a smile and open arms. I just miss him, I can't help it.
We spent basically a whole week at an airbnb living together. I only ever catch a glimpse of what our lives are like when were together. Im happy waking up next to him. Making him breakfast, making dinner together, enjoying our youth together. I love danny, Im not leaving ever again. I get weird manic days where i do some crazyshit but i think ive grown, and am able to rationalize my thoughts now. And even if i cant, I know how it felt to be away from from, completely, for two years. That sucked big balls. It felt off, hes one of my best friends and confidants.
Anyway so im back from vacation with him and i cant get much of nything done because im upset, im sad, im melancholic, I miss him and i just sit and think of him, or i just want to be talking to him. Im havingbtrouble falling back into a routine. Maybe bc i didnt have much of an established pne to begin with. Its easy to just sit here and mope. But theres a pain in my chest and i get a shiver all throught my body when i remeber that im back to my own life, no more fairy tale.
I want to remeber how good it feels to do the things i like.
really i shouldstop watching so much tv bc i never feel good after. I feel great when i come back from the gym, or when I complete a homework assignment. But its so hard to want to do better when my room is such a mess. and man, it is always a mess. But that makes it a great place to start. Im going to clean my room tonight so i can go into the work week feeling good
Sunday: hw, gym, :)
Monday: work, hw
Tuesday: work, gym
Wednesday: work, hw
Thursday: work, class
Friday: (no work hehe) gym, hw
Saturday: clean up room, rest
This looks like an easy enough week list to follow. Simple and realistic. Im glad and looking forward to it. 💕📝
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velvtey · 4 years
│𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬
—𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐨 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦! 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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“val-val.. dontcha think this is a little harsh? i mean it was just a small mistake.„ you looked up at your associate, valentino. he'd ended up getting the wrong drink from vox, leading him to smash his screen yet again. “do i think this is a little harsh? sweetheart.. how about ya mind your own fuckin’ business!?„ you sighed and nodded, already wanting to return home.
“'tino.. c’mon isn’t there 'nything betta we can do? this shit is boring.„ you draped you body along the couch, completely exhausted after having to spend the day with valentino, which is no surprise given that he dragged you everything with him and made you do most of his business today.
“if ya bored, just leave sweetheart. i don't mind..„ as soon as he spoke those words, you hopped up, excited to finally get away from him, “or ya could stay here, have a good time with me ya know?„ you grumbled as you rolled your eyes, “like i care for that ‘tino, you know that i’m not inta that shit with ya.„ you hastily made your way out the building.
“ugh.. how annoying that girl.„ valentino sighed as he watched you leave the building, a little disappointed since he was left alone, becoming bored, but also a little relieved since he wouldn't have to deal with your complaining anymore.
the next time you saw each other was in a week, which relieved you, no more val for the rest of the week!? hell yeah! you didn't hate him, necessarily but you had a strong disliking for how he treated his employees and how he treated vox. you knew that was just what he did, he could do what he wanted given he was an overlord, so nobody would stand up for themselves against him. but so was vox, so it confused you a little bit.
it became later into the night and you'd become sleepy, taking calls and doing some paperwork that'd been laying around, that desperately needed down. you yawned as you rubbed your eyes, tearing them from the laptop screen you'd been looking at for hours. you'd been watching some cheesy romance movies that'd lifted your spirits.
suddenly you'd heard a ringing coming from your phone, as you looked at it you saw it was from valentino, you sighed as you grabbed your phone and answered it “[y/n] here, what is it val-val?„ you stretched as you stood up, walking towards your kitchen to grab a midnight snack before you went to pass out.
“mhm.. yeah, yeah.. of course.. totally..„ you started nodding off as you listened to valentino go on and on about how ‘terrible‚ and ‘awful‚ his day had been, dealing with annoying clients, angel dust — which you didn't understand very well if you were to be honest — and vox just messing up.
“not to mention— hey are you even listenin’ cause if ya ain't i’m gonna have ta teach you a lesson, sweetheart!„ you scrambled up as you heard those words, quickly grabbing your phone, “mm.. y-yeah of course i was listenin’ val-val, just wanted to let ‘cha finish.„ he seemed to be satisfied with your answer as he continued to talk.
“well that’s it sweetheart, i’ll let ‘cha go.„ you yawned as you smiled, he was finally done, “okay ‘tino, goodnight.„ you weren’t sure why you’d told him goodnight, it’s not as if he’d care, but you figure you’d still be nice. “goodnight, [y/n].„
you went to sleep happy that night, knowing that val had at least shown he cared for you. you couldn't ask for more.
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yandere--stuck · 5 years
Could you bless us with some yan.Kankri? Maybe with a Human s/o?
Kankri fought back a snarl, his eyes were like flames as he glared down the illuminated screen. His eyes roamed over the text on screen. It was almost funny, in a sick way. Kanlri had found he was right all along - much like Beforus, Earth C was no paradise planet. No such thing existed, or could ever exist. No planet, no universe, in fact, was without it's strife, it's bigotry, it's hardships. And Kankri had the evidence all typed out in black and white.
The troll jad to refrain from digging his claws into his keyboard, possibly breaking it. But, it was so, so hard to quell his rage. 
Kankri had looked around online not long after being revived, along with his friends, on Earth C. He had found multiple forums specifically for the troll populace of the planet. It was a rather casual place - mostly-for planning meetups, finding friends, talking about various interests. Despite engaging in some discourse and debates with other users, Kankri attempted to keep conversation and interaction light-hearted and not so long-winded, something you had suggested. You had said it might make him feel less tense and would help him with his suppressed anger. 
And, of course, you were right. You were always right. Just thinking about you made Kankri's anger momentarily disappear from his mind, filling him with warmth and making his bloodpusher flutter.
But, then Kanlri remembered… Remembered when he had logged on one day to find new, odd threat at the top of the forums. 
"Troll/Hum^n Couples???" Was the title.
Kankri frowned, one eyebrow quirking up at the odd title. But, he couldn't resist the curiosity within him.
"So I've been noticing ^ trend l^tely… Wh^ts the de^l with trolls and hum^ns getting together as m^tesprits,,, if they even use qu^dr^nts ^t ^ll… like… things were so much … less complic^ted before our gods and their d^ncestors returned… like… K^rk^t's d^ncestor h^nging ^round with th^t hum^n,,, letting them live ^t his hive and seeming re^lly close with them… idk it just seems… kind^ gross to me??? Like… i dont H^TE hum^ns or ^nything but i definitely wouldnt be in ^ qu^dr^nt with one… theres nothing WRONG with them but,,, still. I think our species should just st^y with our own kind. Idk,,, ^nyone else sh^re my view???"
Kankri's eyes widened in horror and rage as he read the post, then scrolled down to the comments to find that a majority of commenters had agreed with the original post. How… How dare they?! There was nothing wrong with humans and trolls finding love! And to use you and him as examples? Kankri's lips pulled back to bare his teeth at his computer screen.
He then noticed how some commenters seemed to specific focus on the mention of you and he - how they couldn't understand what he saw in you, how… How you didn't DESERVE him…
Just the memory of seeing such a horrendous thing made Kankri choke out a roar, slamming his clenched fist against the tabletop. The troll growled lowly in his throat, taking in deep breaths.
And after reading that post - that's when it all clicks for him. Why you had talked to him about feeling insecure, as though you didn't deserve to be with him, like he deserved better. Had you gotten wind of such comments, thinking yourself unworthy of his love?
The thought made Kankri so, so angry…
He had sworn celibacy for as long as he could remember… But, now he knew that it could go on no longer. He needed to prove to you just how much he loved you, how red he felt for you, how you were his one and only, his everything, his destined matesprit.
The troll turned off his computer, before stepping away from his computer. He crossed the room, standing above the bed he had ordered just for you, in order to make sleeping more comfortable than it would be in a shared recuperacoon.
He marvelled at your peaceful, smiling face - not even disturbed by the ropes he had tied around your wrists and ankles, anchoring you to the bed posts. 
Kankri had had a feeling you would feel unworthy of his affections, rejecting his advancements and his want to break his vow of celibacy for you out of insecurity. This was, you'd have no way of escaping his love!
Kankri hummed contentedly, cupping and stroking the side of your face with a hand, staring down at you adoringly.
He couldn't wait… He was becoming so giddy at the thought - the thought of marking you as his, showing you and the entire world just how much he loved you and how worthy you were of his love. You simply had no choice but to be loved!
A wide grin split Kankri's lips.
He couldn't wait.
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thesixthplaneteer · 1 year
🟡⚪️🪩 for the gorgeous Nyth!!
OH HI stranger! Thank you for asking, you know how much I like to talk about my boy!
🟡 Yellow- What is something your OC wants but knows they can never have? How does it feel to never get this specific desire? - To be a full-blooded vampire. Sure there is diablerie but Nyth might not be a good person but he's not willing to cross that line yet. Also, he is very big on doing things himself and diablerie seems like cheating. He used to feel a lot of shame in being a thin blood. The idea he would never be a real vampire and the shattering of the romantic, sipping blood out of a wine glass, court politics he can never take part in. Basically every promise he was made that got him to want to be a vampire was taken from him the moment he discovered he was a thin blood. So he took it really hard but has since come to love himself for what he is but can't help the longing in his heart. ⚪️ White- When was a moment in your OC's life that they felt the most vulnerable and exposed? Were they alone or surrounded? - It would be when he discovered he was a thin blood. After years of thinking and being lead to believe he was just an inept vampire he's told by his sire that he is a thin blood, a partially failed experiment, as his sire puts it. He left Noa, who was reunited with a distant part of her family, to seek out the chantry only to become outcast from the society he thought he would belong to and that him being allowed to live in servitude was his only payment for his years of service and giving up his mortality that he would receive. His sire, and lover, betrayed him to the highest degree, it seemed he wouldn't see his best friend again, and the world he so desperately wanted to be part of now despised him. 🪩 Disco Ball- What was an achievement that your OC felt worthy of celebrating? Was it a personal victory or a big impact on everyone around them? - Discovering Alchemy. It was a large personal victory. He spent the first years of his life as a vampire thinking he just wasn't good enough to do what his sire wanted him too. He couldn't perform thaumaturgic rituals and could only do the basic powers of his sire's primary path. He put his PHD in Bio Chem to use and through experiments with his blood discovered alchemy for himself. He of course celebrated because he thought he would eventually find a way to make himself everything he wanted to be and more.
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ame-fanapprentice · 5 years
What couldn't you live without?
[Writing challenge Day 20 | Ame Malakhi & Muriel ]I couldn’t close my eyes.  My exhaustion pressed against my skull, swaying my body to lean on Muriel once he sat down next to me.  Concern flooded his gentle gaze.  His arms instinctively raised upwards to give me more room, and one of his hands found my shoulder.  “Ame?”His warmth poured into me as I let out a tiny breath.  “What’s wrong?”  “W-will I ever f-forget you?”  I took Muriel’s silence as one of shock.  I blinked, trying to keep down the burning growing in my cheeks.  “I…I can’t rem-memb-ber anything.  Almost all of m-my memories are ones w-with Asra, or little things here and there.”  My voice grew high with intensity and I looked up at his eyes.  “I-I don’t rem-m-ember half of me growing up.  I d-don’t rem'ber the first time I-I made a potion.  Muriel, I didn’t even rem-memb-ber that I-I had a f-family!”  
I took a breath, my gaze trailed back down as I hugged myself.  I sheepishly whispered out of habit, “Asra told me s-so many things.  He said I-I was a-asleep for weeks sick and bedrid-dden, and that I could hardly remember an-nything because of that.”  “What if-if it hap-ppens again?”  He never told me how or why I got sick.  Anytime I would ever ask about my past Asra would simply look down, give a small sigh, and state something along the lines of ‘I wish I could tell you Ame’.  Why couldn’t he?  Did I do something wrong?  Did this happen before and I simply forgot?  How many more things did I forget?
My vision was turning blurry at the thought.  “I don’t want to f-forget you M-Muriel.  I don’t wan’ to f-forget anymore.”  I inhaled sharply, choking back a tear.    We both jumped as he put a hand to my back.  I froze, still pressed into his side.  He paused briefly, but continued his movement in dragging a hand down my back comfortingly.  His hand lifted again, rubbing my back once more.  The tears flowed freely from my eyes.  My strength left me as I melted into sobs.  I didn’t want to forget this.  
The scent of earth that was forever pressed into his figure was one I found comfort in.  The little moments of happiness he tries to hide but light up in his eyes, or even the few breaths hinting at laughter are like finding gold.  Every single moment I’ve built with him, they’re moments I find solace in.  I can’t speak for him, but I think he feels the same way.  He would have to, else he wouldn’t have let me stay with him this long.  He wouldn’t dry my tears like he is now.  He wouldn’t look my way when I waved hello to him.A pouting snout plopped onto my knee.  Ianna’s tail wapped against the floor while she looked up at me, her ears pressed to her skull.  I sniffled and pulled a hand away to rub the top of her head.  Muriel wrapped his arm around me and pressed me closer.  “You’ll only forget me if you want to forget me.”  There was a sharp hint of bluntness when he answered me.  “You won’t forget me if you’re crying like this.”  “You w-won’t f-forget me, right?”  I snuck a peak up at his face.  At first glance I could sense the feelings of pity as he met eyes with me.  Then tiny patches of understanding spread over his face. His lips scrunched to hide his growing smile, brow furrowing as he looked to some distant spot in the room.  “No.  You’re too annoying to forget.”  
I chuckled breezily, returning my head back down between Muriel’s side and my shoulder.  “Good.”
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wtvrgreyson · 8 years
“I swear to God, I’m gonna kill this dog.” Greyson clenched his dog as he walked back into the penthouse with Thumper on his tail, a big smile on her face as her white fur was completely covered in mud. Seeing Cheyenne in the living room he lets out a long sigh, then looking back down at Thumper. “Can you come give me a hand? Bathing her is a lot harder than it seems.” 
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thesixthplaneteer · 7 months
Nyth 15 and 16 for Nyth....im braindead LOL
15. What is something about your OC can make you laugh?
Nyth is my smallest OC by nearly every dimension, 5'7", 148 pounds, and so on. However, he is the only one that I really invested any fighting abilities in. He's a boxer and could probably take any of my other VTM OCs 1 on 1.
There was one time in a game he even beat a Brujah fledgling into submission as a Thinblood. Pure lucky rolls by me and terrible rolls by the ST, but he eventually burnt through all of his willpower and just couldn't land a hit, so he surrendered because he didn't want to risk the embarrassment of possibly being KOd by a Thinblood.
The fiesty chihuahua energy of Nyth makes me giggle because he can actually backup his bark.
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry?
There isn't really anything about him that would make me cry, but I do get emotional over him. He is a character that I would very close to my heart because it was through him that I really thought of my own gender and sexual identity so it was really good for my soul and if I think on it, it makes me emotional.
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