#i did it in gdocs and it's like
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tfw you get pulled out of the mirror dimension into the real world and see your double(s) immediately wheel two mirror cops without hesitation and then they just leave you behind and you are like uhhhhh maybe lets not talk about this. ever.
21 notes · View notes
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.. oh.
[strained smile]
8 notes · View notes
starstruckodysseys · 5 days
you could be happy too… losing my mind over my own writing
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blushinggray · 2 years
change of plans: part 6
crying. it just keeps getting longer… but i can't stop
sero hanta x fem! reader
part 6/? (part 5 | part 1)
rain. coffee. music. these were the three ingredients used to create the perfect spontaneous booty call. but then there was an extra ingredient added to the concoction: pasión
nsfw // cw: fluff, (light) shower sex, growing feelings, sero knowing spanish
Ashido and Hagakure have not stopped giving you “I know what you did” eyes since the kickback last weekend… You wish they would give it a rest, since it’s been almost a week already.
They haven’t let the topic go since you returned to the party that night — rather inconspicuously, you’d say — hand in hand with Sero. Which was all him, by the way! You tried to create an opening to part ways for each of you to do your own thing several times, but Sero just kept you with him for the remainder of the evening. Not that he was keeping a close eye on you or anything, but he’d just find a spot for both of you to join a group or conversation together and once you were settled in, you didn’t really see a need to leave.
You did eventually part ways though, when the bestie duo insistently announced they would take you home when you decided to leave for the night. Hagakure drove the three of you to get some late night fast food and eat it in the car while they extracted every drop of gossip they could get from you about your little rooftop adventure with Sero. There was a lot of excited screaming that night, and despite how careful you’re still trying to be, you couldn’t help but join in every so often.
So yeah, now that they know that you like Sero and have officially fucked him, they have become physically incapable of bringing him up every time you see them.
“Has he texted you since then?” Hagakure asks while the three of you are having lunch on campus together.
“Yeah. Like ‘good morning’ and stuff like that.” You shrug, “Haven’t really had any extended conversations with him through text before.”
Even though he didn’t totally lose interest in you after you finally did the deed, you still know better than to wait for his texts or to expect too much from him now. Because you never know when you’re gonna catch sight of him wrapped up with someone else again. And while having to accept that possibility scrapes and gnaws at your chest, you still have to take care of yourself. Even if you like him, you don’t need to put yourself through more pain than necessary.
“Ugh, what the heck is that guy doing?” Ashido groans, stabbing at her salad, “He’s got such a catch, but he has no idea how to lock it down!”
“Uhm… I’m not really—”
“Maybe it’s because he hasn’t had a steady partner in a while.” Hagakure interrupts, “So he’s forgotten how to pursue someone seriously?”
“No, he’s not that stupid.” Ashido waves off, “He may be a serial lover, but he should know how to make someone feel special. The problem is his timing! Doesn’t that guy know there’s only so long a girl will wait for him? It’s been days, and not even one invite to coffee or lunch since then? Ugh. Boy’s fumbling.”
"Big time." Hagakure agrees with a groan.
“Guys, I don’t think…”
“Or maybe!” Ashido interrupts this time, “He’s out doing all his photography stuff again. I remember he mentioned he has some project going on about that.”
“True. He does get pretty busy when he does those.” Hagakure nods, then puts a hand on your shoulder, “But still! It’s [Name]. And you guys have like, crazy good chemistry that he hasn’t had with anyone in a while. He should at least be doing something!”
“Right? Totally agreed.” Ashido stabs at her salad again before taking a bite.
“Guys!” You speak up, finally, “Look, thanks for your concern and stuff, but… have you ever just thought that maybe he’s not actually that into me?”
“Huh?” The girls give you the same blank look for a pause before they burst into protest.
“What are you talking about? Of course, he’s into you!” Ashido insists.
“He wouldn’t have been all over you at the party — and all the parties before that — if he wasn’t!” Hagakure adds.
You sigh, wondering how you can explain it to them in a way that would make sense.
“Yeah, okay, I mean sure, he’s ‘into’ me. But that doesn’t mean that he’s serious about me, you know?” You say, but only get more confused looks and retorts so you try again, “Look, what I mean is, like… Maybe I’m his favorite right now, or he’s curious about how far he can take it with me. But at the end of the day, it’s not like he’s gonna be my boyfriend. You know?”
The two girls look at you with deadpan reactions for another beat before Hagakure starts shouting in disbelief and Ashido is sighing in frustration.
“I thought Sero was bad, but girl… the density of your brain!” Ashido shouts, slamming her palms on the table, “I mean, I know you’re not dumb, so are you just in denial?”
“Such strong denial…” Hagakure shakes her head sadly.
“Okay, shut up! I know you guys have been friends for a while and you probably know him better than me, but I just... there's this feeling I get about him. Like yeah, he's cool and sweet and kinda sexy when we're together, but when we're not," you take in a breath to think about how to explain it, "He's kinda vague and just lets himself fade into the background. I barely hear from him when we're not around each other."
It's just a feeling in the back of your mind, but you'd rather not ignore you intuition just to chase after an exciting romance. You've done that before and it certainly didn't turn out well for you then.
Because with Sero, you like him. His charm, his hands, his voice, and all of the small things he does that make you feel good. But sometimes, the things he says to you just feel kind of paper thin. Almost like a pretty flyer printed with sweet and alluring words that could be used on anyone, to appeal to whoever's passing by to read it.
That time he surprised you with a French pickup line was the first time you've heard anything remotely catered to you, since he happened to learn that you knew some French. Yet even then, it was still just a pickup line. One that could be said to anyone whether they understood it or not.
You just don't feel like there's enough substance in his words for him to truly mean them, which is what makes it that much harder for you. Because you like him. You like him to the point that you're thinking about it hard enough to give you a headache. But you still can't tell how much he actually likes you or he just thinks you're another fun pursuit.
No matter how Ashido and Hagakure try to convince you, you can't shake the feeling. And you won't betray yourself this time, so you'll just have to continue being careful for now. You spend the rest of lunch trying to change the subject, bothering them about their own love lives and other things until it's time to part ways.
The rest of the day is graciously easy on you during classes, but you are still exhausted by the time you're finished. It's getting darker earlier these days with the change of seasons, so the sky is already losing light by the time you leave campus. Today was especially cloudy, so it feels even darker than usual.
There's one thing you need to do before you go home though, so you make a detour to one of the local import grocery stores a few blocks away from campus.
However, by God's graces, your simple errand is interrupted when a voice calls out to you before you even make it into the store.
"Hey." Sero calls your name when he spots you, coming from the opposite direction. "Heading home for the day?"
"Hey." You reply, trying to hold in the awkwardness that bubbles up as you remember 'this guy has been inside of me before.' "Uhm yeah, was just gonna grab a few things first." You gesture towards the small grocer.
"Cool. Can I join you?" He asks.
"It's a grocery store. Not like I could stop you even if I said no." You shrug as you walk inside, grabbing a basket.
He follows you in and walks beside you, chuckling, "Suppose not. But I just meant to help you with your shopping, if you wanted."
"I'm good. I'm just here for coffee and some other things." You say, heading to the import section, and scanning the shelves before grabbing the one you want, "They don't have this brand at most places, so that's why I always come here when I need more."
Sero hums as he reads the label of the coffee that you show him, "That does sound pretty good. But if it's coffee you like, you should try this one."
He hands you another bag from the shelf, which you see is labeled to be from the Dominican Republic. While you do like coffee, you don't actually know all that much about it, so you have no clue as to why this one would be worth recommending over any of the others.
"This is a really good one. Especially if you like it a little sweet." He explains, "Goes with any cream or sugar combo."
"I see." You say, reading more of the info on the package and then back at the shelf. It's around the same price as the coffee you were originally planning to get, so you wonder if you should actually try it.
"Actually," Sero takes the bag from you and returns it to the shelf before leading you towards the front of store, "Let's go see if they have the actual fresh beans in stock."
You have no idea what to say so you just follow him and watch as he greets the employee working behind the counter with a smile. "Hi there, do you guys still have the Dominican blend right now?"
"We do. How much of it would you like?" The employee asks.
"Just the regular 200 grams, if you please." He says, then turns back to you to ask, "Do you have some sort of grinder or blender at home, by the way?"
"Uhm... yeah." You answer.
"Cool, then let's just take the beans as they are. They'll be fresher if you just grind them right before you brew it." He suggests before relaying the same thing to the employee.
"I don't really remember asking for a whole new coffee recommendation, but sure, I guess..." You say.
"I swear by this one, okay?" He promises, "I drink it all the time when I'm visiting family back in South America."
"You have family in South America?" Your brows quirk up at the new tidbit of information.
"Yeah, in a few places. I visit them a lot and I've tried a bunch of the local coffees all over, so you can trust me on this." He says with a wink, as if he didn't just drop one of the biggest bombs on you. But before you inquire further, the employee puts the sealed bag of coffee beans on the counter and rings him up.
"Anything else for you today?" She asks.
"Did you get everything else you needed?" He asks you, "Ring it up together. It's on me."
"What? No, that's fine. I can pay for it myself—"
"Don't worry about it, okay?" He takes your basket and puts it on the counter for the employee to scan.
You let out a sigh before asking him to wait for you to pick up a few extra items and bring it back to the register. After all your things are bagged and paid for by Sero, you take your now free groceries and leave the store with him.
"You didn't have to do that, you know." You remind him, "But... thanks, I guess. I'll try the coffee."
"Great!" He smiles, "Let me know how you like it."
"Sure..." You trail off when you step out of the store and are suddenly faced with an unexpected dilemma.
Thick, loud droplets that deafen the entire block. You thought it was a bit cloudier than usual, but you didn't expect anything like this after the few minutes you were in the store.
"What the heck? Where did this come from?" You say, holding your palm out to catch a few raindrops, getting totally soaked within a matter of seconds.
"Wow, it's really coming down hard." Sero observes beside you.
"I don't suppose you have an umbrella hidden anywhere on you?" You ask, though you already know the answer, considering Sero is only carrying a small messenger bag around his back.
You check your phone to see if the weather is going to let up within the next hour, but it seems that this sudden rain is going to persist for the rest of the evening... So letting out a sigh, you turn back towards the grocery store, "Maybe they sell some inside. I'll go check."
But Sero stops you from going in with a hand on your wrist, and when you look up at him in confusion, he just gives you that cheeky smile of his and says, "I've got a better idea."
Before you can ask, he takes your shopping bag and ties it up tightly before tucking it into his jacket, which suddenly makes you suspicious.
"Sero... don't tell me you're thinking about—"
But before you can finish, he's already snatched your hand in his and is dashing out into the pouring streets. You yelp as you get pelted down on by the cold, heavy raindrops and can already feel your shoes getting soaked through. Sero jumps easily over larger puddles, but your legs aren't as long as his, so you end up getting a few shoe fulls of rainwater.
You're screaming at him to stop and calling him an idiot as you get pulled down so many streets, trying to keep pace with him as his hand stays warm and latched to yours. The two of you are splashing with every step you take, and sometimes he pulls and twirls you around to avoid an extra dirty shower from a passing vehicle. It's complete chaos, especially because you don't even recognize where you are anymore.
At some point, however, when you turn another block and you're already soaked through to the point where it couldn't get any worse, you let out a laugh. It's drowned out a bit by the sound of the rain, but Sero seems to hear it and turns over to smile at you with his own rain-soaked face.
His hair is completely matted and flops a bit in waterlogged ropes as he continues to run, but it just makes you laugh again. Something about this entire stunt, as stupid as it is, makes you smile. Even splashing into bigger puddles now makes you a giggle now instead. So you just hold his hand tighter and keep going with it.
By the time he finally ducks into shelter, you’re pretty sure you’ve soaked through a few layers of skin. Despite the running, you’re shivering from the cold that’s started to seep into your body. You’re almost certain you’re going to catch a cold after today. And yet, you still can’t help laughing.
“You are absolutely crazy.” You chuckle as you let go of his hand to wring out your hair and shirt.
“You make me a little crazy.” He winks as he wrings out his own shirt.
You groan and roll your eyes at him for throwing the usual line. It’s shit like that that makes it impossible to take him seriously. Though you can’t say it’s totally ineffective, since you still continue to stick around.
“Do I also make you annoying?”
He laughs as he wrings out his own hair, “That might be a personal issue.”
“Figured.” You scoff with a shake of your head, but the smile is still on your face.
“So you’re not mad at me for dragging you through a rainstorm?” He asks after a short pause, his voice changing into that softer, more genuinely curious tone.
You're surprised he's even bothered to think about the consequences of your reaction after the water damage has been done. Even more surprising to you, is your actual reaction.
“You know, I thought I would be. But I guess I’m not.” You shrug. As much as you’d like to pretend to be upset and have a real reason to dislike him, you’re not really all that bothered about it. It was actually more fun than you thought.
“Good.” He smiles, taking your hand again and leading you into the building you were standing just outside of, “Let’s go inside.”
“Inside?” You look around and realize that this must be an apartment complex. You don’t know why it didn’t occur to you earlier. “Do you live here?”
“Yeah. It’s close by so I figured a light jog wouldn’t kill us.” He chuckles as he leads you up to the third floor and unlocks the door to the apartment at the end of the walkway.
So that’s why he just ran out into the rainstorm without telling you a thing. You want to beat yourself over the head for falling for a trick that led you right into his apartment before you knew it, but you know it’s already too late. You are far too soaked to do anything else at this point.
Once you’re both inside his apartment, the both of you slip off your shoes and he leaves his messenger bag on the floor in the living area. Then he slips the plastic bag filled with your coffees and groceries out of his jacket to put down as well. You follow his lead and set your own backpack down, internally grateful that you invested in a more expensive one with water repellent material.
But it’s not a second later that Sero has his hands on your hips and pulls you in for a soft, but chilled kiss. His skin is just as cold and damp as yours, but somehow, the sparks warm you up a little from the inside.
“Let’s go take a shower.” He says when he pulls away slightly.
“Separately?” You try.
“You’re cute.” He chuckles before dragging you by the hand into the apartment until you step into the bathroom together.
As he turns on the water to get it heated up, your mind is already sprinting. Is this really happening? Are you really going to just let yourself be swallowed up in his pace like this? Should you stop it? Do you want to stop it?
When Sero pulls his damp jacket and shirt off over his head to reveal his surprisingly ripped torso, you immediately decide that no, you don’t think you want to stop this.
It suddenly occurs to you that despite how you’ve already fucked and been inside each other’s bodies, you’ve never really gotten a full look of him naked. Neither of you stripped anything beyond your thighs that night, what with the hurry that you were in. So you had no idea that in addition to his monster dick that he would have such a sculpted chest, or abs, or shoulders, or arms.
He’s pretty tall, but he actually looks a little lanky compared to some of his gym rat friends like Kirishima or Bakugou. His baggy clothes don’t really give his body much definition either. So while you knew he was strong from touching him through his clothes a few times, you had absolutely no clue that he would be this… this fine.
And while you’re drooling over his upper body, he seems to be thinking about the same thing, since he’s back in front of you, hands on your hips, and eyes on your lips. You’re not sure if it’s his focused gaze on your mouth that’s making it warmer in here, or the steam that’s starting to fill the room from the hot water, but you take in a shaky breath before you follow his lead again.
You slip off your jacket and let it drop to the floor before you slowly pull your shirt over your head as well. Your skin is actually quite sensitive from the cold now, and your nipples are so hard that they’re poking through your bra. So you have no choice but to be slow with unhooking it as well.
Sero seems to appreciate the show, considering he can’t take his eyes off your naked chest now. His tongue even darts out and grazes over his lip ring as his hands drag up your sides to cup the underside of your breasts and bounce them a bit in his hands, playing with them for a moment.
“Fuck, these are beautiful.” He rasps, giving them another knead and squeeze, “Such a shame that I didn’t get a look at them the other night.”
“You must have been preoccupied.” You say, voice equally as raspy as Sero’s, as you undo your pants and drag them down your thighs. As much as you want to bask in this growing sexual tension, the steam from that hot shower is calling for you. You’re fairly certain that you’re starting to get wet between the legs partially because you know that the shower is right there, waiting to warm your cold skin.
“Oh, yeah.” Sero agrees, watching as you undress yourself completely, his eyes roaming everywhere on your body now, “Definitely preoccupied.”
He’s naked in seconds, his bottoms shucked off somewhere as he pulls you right into the shower. And once the perfectly tempered water hits your cold, naked skin, you let out a shuddering moan in relief.
Sero gets the shower door closed and he settles himself right behind you, pressing his hard chest into your back and bringing his hands up to palm at your breasts again as the hot water and steam envelopes the both of you.
You’re already moaning. And embarrassingly, you can’t stop. Between the delicious hot water, Sero’s hands on your breasts, his growing erection resting between your ass cheeks, and his lips on your neck, you couldn’t get yourself to shut up even if you tried.
“Mmm, do you like that, baby?” He asks into your ear as he pulls gently at your sensitive nipples, making you yelp and arch your ass back into him, and your chest closer into his hands.
“Yes, yes! Yes…” You beg, one hand hanging onto his neck behind you and the other holding yourself up against the wall.
“Mm, thought so.” He hums in approval, slipping his thigh in between your legs and making you sit back slightly on it.
Your pussy isn’t particularly sensitive yet, but it’s certainly wet, and you are more than happy to have something hard and thick to stimulate your clit against. “Agh! Yes… yes…! Please.”
It feels so good. Everything. The water pelting down on your face and running down your skin, Sero’s hands playing with your chest and now your clit too, his strong thigh acting as your little riding saddle, and the thick steam clouding up your lungs just makes it all that much more intense. Like your body is being taken over by Sero and the elements until you let go a few minutes later with a breathless shout and come all over his thigh.
You’re trembling against him, pulsing and rubbing against his thigh to ride out the high for as long as you can, until Sero hums against your ear again and pulls his leg away. Only to turn you around to face him before he gets to his knees and spreads your legs apart to stick his face between them.
“Ahh!” You yelp, clutching at his head for support and balance. Your hips squirm against his poking tongue and fervent lips, knees starting to buckle every time he dips a little too deep. “Sero… Sero, wait. I dunno if I can… can stand if you keep… ahn!”
He doesn’t seem to care in the slightest, only responding by inching you towards the adjacent wall so you can lean your back against the flat tile. And he only comes up for air briefly to shelve your thighs onto his shoulders before burying his face right back in between your legs.
Just watching this is enough to get your pussy throbbing. The sight of Sero on his knees, easily holding you up with his shoulders and hands as he gets rained down on by the steaming shower water. You’re more than warmed up now, but his tongue you stirs up an even deeper dormant heat inside of you, making you sweat.
You’ve already come once, but he’s really about to send you into another high with this one shower. And there isn’t a thing that you can do to stop it, even if you wanted to.
You’re shouting his name helplessly into the bathroom walls, pleading for him to finish you off, to lick you apart from the inside, to soak you up in his special type of rain. And he delivers with a thorough aggressiveness, adding a few fingers to stretch you out with his tongue until your muscles tremble and squeeze around them to try and trap them inside.
The rest of the shower is a blur. It takes all your strength to stay on your feet even with your back still against the wall as Sero finishes cleaning himself off and turns off the water. He somehow leads you out of the shower and gets a towel wrapped around you before he lets you sit on the toilet lid to regain your strength.
By the time you come to, he’s already dried himself off and got a towel wrapped around his waist as he blow dries his hair in the mirror. You wipe yourself off completely before wringing and soaking out some of the water from your own hair, silently reflecting on the whirlwind of events that just happened. Though it’s actually quite difficult to think properly when your brain’s half melted from two consecutive orgasms.
Once Sero’s finished drying his hair, he offers the dryer to you, but you shake your head, knowing you are way too tired to do that right now. He chuckles and leans down to give you a soft kiss before bringing you to your feet, “Why don’t you head into my room first? It’s just down this same hallway. I’m gonna get these wet clothes in the washer first.”
He piles up both of your wet clothes in his hands and waits for you to have your towel wrapped around your body before opening the bathroom door. Giving your butt a quick squeeze, he exits the bathroom first, leaving you to tiptoe in the direction he told you his room was in.
There’s only one other door in this hallway that isn’t for storage, so you step inside of the surprisingly well-decorated bedroom. It has a totally oriental theme, with all kinds of different prints and fabrics and furniture that seem to come from different parts of Asia.
There are a few plants scattered about the room, and it smells like a mix of cinnamon, flowers, and a little bit of weed. There’s a bed on one side of the room, and a desk with a large computer monitor on the other. But there’s also a cute floor hammock by the window. A few knickknacks and photos tucked into some cool, Asian-style frames are scattered about the room. They look like they’re mostly of his family, just goofing around or posing at some sort of special location or event.
Seeing the big smile or goofy expressions on Sero’s face in the photos makes you smile a bit, too. There really is so much more to this guy than meets the eye, or what comes out of his mouth. You never would have imagined he would be this into Asian decor, or to know much about coffee, or to have family in South America.
These smaller details you learn are what make you so much more curious about him, despite your initial plans to avoid falling into his playboy trap. Things like this kind of give you hope that it’s not all a trap, that he isn’t just a hopeless flirt who can’t be taken seriously.
Eager to find more details, you drift over to his bookshelf. Skimming over the titles, you find a few of his university textbooks, a couple of fiction and nonfiction novels, a few books about photography, some manga, as well as a couple books in other languages. Wow.
At the top shelf is a line of CD albums and a radio/CD player device. You mean to scan through the different titles, but one pops out to you before any of the others, and you’ve already reached to pluck it out. The nostalgia and excitement bubbles up so much that you forget to hide the fact that you’re snooping once Sero gets back to his room.
“You like Pink Martini?” You practically beam at him.
“Huh?” He blinks in confusion before he spies the album in your hands and smiles in understanding, “Ahhh. Yeah. Sure, I do.”
He takes the album from your hands to pluck the CD out of the case and tuck it into the CD player. Pressing a few buttons to turn it on, he skips to a certain track to play first, “I’m guessing you like the French song, right?”
“Yes! I love it.” You say excitedly, “It was one of the first French songs I ever heard and I’ve loved it ever since.”
Sero chuckles as he closes his bedroom door and uncaps one of the water bottles he brought with him, sitting down on his bed to take a drink while you sing along to the whimsical lyrics of 'Sympathique.'
You twirl around in your towel and physically act out a couple of the lyrics as you sing them before plopping yourself down to sit beside Sero with a cheeky smile and shrug of your shoulders.
“Oh my god, hold that for a sec.” He says, holding his fingers up in a rectangle shape to point at you like a camera. Except he actually jumps off of the bed to pull out one of his weaved box drawers to dig out his digital camera.
“What? Oh my god, no! Stop.” You huff in exasperation, holding a hand out to block his lens from your face.
“Come on, that was the perfect shot. You’re beautiful.” He insists, plopping down beside you again and adjusting a few dials to hold the big DSLR up in front of you, “Gimme that gorgeous sim-pa-teek attitude again.”
“Sympathique.” You correct him with a half-scoff-half-chuckle, shaking your head.
“Oui, oui. Come on, just the one pose. Please?” He pleads jokingly.
You sigh with a roll of your eyes, but with the last chorus coming on, you just sing along to the lyrics again, trying to channel the same energy you had at first to pull off the same cheeky pose you gave him earlier. And he snaps away, the shutter noise clicking restlessly even when you stop posing.
He asks you to do the same thing once more, but you're done. It was embarrassing enough to have to do it again the first time.
"That's enough." You push his wrists to get his camera out of your face, "What happened to 'an honest subject is the best subject'?"
"Well, you were honest." He smiles, relenting with the camera and clicking through it to scan the photos, "That's the first time I've seen you enjoy yourself that honestly with just the two of us. I kinda wanted to keep it."
You narrow your eyes at him, wondering if that's really all there was to it. Though if you think about it, he has a point. It's not like you've ever really let your guard down around him before. You still haven't really done that yet.
"Here," he scoots closer to you to show you the preview on his camera screen, "Look at that smile and tell me it wasn't worth capturing."
From the angle he took it from, you look like you could be naked, since you're only shown from the shoulder up, and the way you're shrugging hides the towel that's wrapped around your chest. It does have a bit of a pure, joyful, and almost dewy look about it, what with your playful smile and your damp hair leaving a few droplets visible on your skin. While it's not a photo you would have chosen to take, you can't say that it doesn't look good.
You're suddenly getting deja vu, recalling a scenario rather similar to this one at that Thai restaurant Sero first took you to. He had unexpectedly taken your photo, but he still showed it to you and proved even then that he wasn't a half bad photographer. Though with that photo, this one, and the one he took of you in the Cellophane hoodie, the photos of you in Sero's possession seem to be accumulating...
"Whatever," you deflect, "Just don't send that one to Mina. Or anyone else, for that matter."
"Oh, believe me, I'm keeping this beauty all for myself." He reassures you before turning off his camera and setting it aside. Then without warning, he wraps his arms around you and pulls you down to lie on top of him on his bed, making you yelp as he jokes, "This one, too."
"You jerk." You scoff, feeling your towel come loose around your chest.
"Ay de mí..." He laments dramatically and reaches up to steal a kiss from you. At the same time, the song playing on from the CD player changes tempo and the singer starts crooning in Spanish.
And Sero sings along perfectly as he rolls you over to lie on top of you.
You're absolutely stunned as he just continues to put on a theatric performance as he sings along, caressing your cheek and making dramatic gestures as you listen to his perfect accent. The way his tongue curls around the trills and syllables is evident of nothing less than fluency...
"You know Spanish..." You address the obvious, still staring up at him with what must be a dumbfounded look on your face.
His smugly amused smile is back as he watches your reaction, leaning down to nose along your jawline, "Sí, querida." he purrs, "I told you I've been all over Sudamerica, didn't I?"
"That's right." You recall the new fact you learned about Sero earlier today. You had actually wanted to ask him more about that before you got swept up in his impromptu rain dash and shower sex.
He hums as he rubs his chest against your naked skin, your towel having completely fallen open by now. "So even if I can't keep up with your sympathique, I can try to make up for it with a little pasión."
Wow. You wonder how many people he's seduced rolling his tongue around a few words like that. You're rather upset at how easily it's working on you.
As much as you want to ask him more, learn more of these interesting, new facts about him, it seems like it'll have to wait. His dick between your thighs and naked skin all over yours leave you warm and unfocused. It doesn't help that he's looking down at you with that soft, tender expression on his face that you've seen on occasion. The one that leaves your brain privy to your heart.
He takes you in with another slow, syrupy kiss, this time without any of the urgency from the shower, or the roof. You're in his bed, pliant and aroused, and he seems perfectly content — or rather, completely intent to take his sweet time.
But if he keeps this up, you don't know if you'll make it through this. If he keeps kissing you like he's in love with you, hugging you like you're precious to him, and pulling back to just... look at you like that, you don't know if you'll get out of this unscathed.
You don't know if you can leave this room without falling for him.
Because when you're with him like this, and he holds you and looks at you like that, you're no longer plagued with that feeling that stops you. He erases any trace of doubt or hesitance you have towards his advances or intentions with you. When you're together like this, sharing heat and skin and air, it all goes away, and only leaves you floating from his ardor and affection.
And until you get your fill, you can't do a thing to bring yourself back down to earth.
a/n: the sympathique album by pink martini is absolutely filled with multicultural and linguistic flavor!! i highly encourage giving it a listen!!
and much love/thanks to leo @4xesp for helping me with the spanish in this one!!
part 7
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yangjeongin · 1 month
wrote over 6000 words in the last 24 hours shoutout to my new adhd med thank u queen
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authenticaussie · 4 months
tagged by @suzukiblu and @cer-rata (wtf y'all, you're taking away from my "people I can tag" pool---)
RULES: make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Y'all of course like. Know me as a person (and probably remember the LAST time I did something like this and ended up with 200-odd fics) so 'cause I was tagged by two DC moots I shall only do DC fics:
tfw you give yourself amnesia because your parents make friends with a mind-reader and you don’t want to give up the secrets of your pseudo-family
Blogging (and other dangerous activities likely to get you adopted by the Batman)
growing up feels like (free-falling)
eight legs hit the wall
The future starts tomorrow
Jumanji (what the fuck)
our past deed's punishments (our future's reward)
Illogical Fallacy
Acrobot, (but I didn't start that one so it may die a tumblr post death eventually)
It's just a matter of time (before we learn how to fly)
keep yourself in Check (but I'll be real this title WILL change because every time I read it I go oooo TT hockey au? and i CAN'T KEEP DOING THAT TO MYSELF-)
buy a date
To-do-it List
Palatable (but i need a cooler poet title and I am FAILING)
take our ages, take our failures, rescind
put me in your Pocket
Not in love with you (shit!)
Autism and the body-bat-swap
Tim sticks his foot in his mouth and threatens to jump out a window
by any other name
There are many benefits to being a marine biologist
I'm not tagging 22 people. that's just. that's not happening. But also I will tag some artists! In case they also have wip aus they wanna talk about. <3
@midnightluck @touchmycoat @rockingthegraveyard @12freddofrogs @2014federalbudget @lollesss @litnerdhood @justm3h @leviathiane @emygrl99 @trickstermelon @potat-o-piece @xamaxenta @merryfortune @saltfics @minister-of-silly-walks
and I think it was REALLY STRONG of me to tag 15 people and pretend that this isn't out of the blue <3333 don't look at me 😔😔
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xiakeponz · 1 year
Love between Fairy and Devil / Cang Lan Jue by Jiu Lu Fei Xiang - Eng Translation (part translation of Ch 1)
Xiao Lanhua is internally having a breakdown [1] // translation by xiakeponz dot tumblr
Xiao Lanhua sat in her cell [2], and stared at the woman sitting cross-legged outside her cell bars. Her eyes were shut in a focus so deep and silent, that the sound of her breathing could not even be heard.
How many days has it been now? Xiao Lanhua rested her chin in her hand, in deep consternation. That guy outside... was he even breathing properly? What if he'd just silently suffocated himself to death, then how cheated [3] would she be! After all, the body outside was the one that legitimately [4] belonged to her! Whereas, the one that she had right now...
Xiao Lanhua grabbed at a few locks of the silver hair that cascaded down to her waist, and then used her large hands [5] to touch her own flat chest for the hundredth time. "So hard," she lamented. These two syllables, uttered in the timbre of a low, magnetic, masculine voice, bounced off the walls of Hao Tian Tower in a spiralling echo, until it finally faded.
These two pithy syllables were enough, however, to break this silence that had been sustained for a long time. The woman outside the prison cage finally let out a slow exhale with their eyes still closed. "Little flower demon, if you dare run your hands all over my [6] body again, then don't come crying to me when I do as I please with yours."
"Stop being so stingy over every little thing, all I'm doing is touching your chest. Why is a man [7] so afraid of being touched anyway?" Xiao Lanhua gave pause, then her entire face suddenly flamed bright red with embarrassment. "Oh my goodness [8], Da Motou [9], where do you even think I'm touching? Dirty! You're so dirty! [10]"
The woman opened a pair of almond eyes, within them a faint hint of devilry that didn't quite match with the rest of the face. She flashed a mocking smile. "A woman capable of saying such things, can hardly be so pure herself."
Xiao Lanhua harrumphed, and changed the subject. "Aren't you some ancient demon god? All the legends say that you were so good at all the wicked things [11] ..." Dongfang Qingcang furrowed his brows, and Xiao Lanhua couldn't help but gulp. "If- if you're so powerful, then think of a way to get us out of here!"
Dongfang Qingcang closed his eyes once more. "If you want to leave, then get out of my way."
Xiao Lanhua glared; she was mad. "The one who's locked up in this cage is me?! How am I even in your way? You're the one who is super super super good at getting in other people's way!"
If not for him, how would she ever have gotten herself trapped in Haotian tower? What's more, how could she go from being a "Lady of the Orchid" to a beastly, barbaric... well, to be fair though this Da Motou had smooth and supple skin, was well-built, had well-maintained hair, had well-set features, slender fingers... Xiao Lanhua shook her head. "If not for you cursed [12] demon [13], I wouldn't even be stuck this situation!"
"Cursed?" Dongfang Qingcang narrowed his eyes. "You dare call me as such? So bold."
The pair of eyes across from her were clearly her own eyes, yet there was something about the look in Dongfang Qingcang's gaze that made Xiao Lanhua shudder and her stomach turn, to the point where she started to feel a bit woozy [14] ...
However, the vertical bars between them helped her steel herself. She puffed up her cheeks, and harrumphed coolly. "Why don't you come hit me then, if you can?"
Upon hearing these words, Dongfang Qingcang broke into a grin. He grabbed all the long hair that was hanging behind his back, and there was a subtle woosh of energy [15] at his fingertips. Xiao Lanhua couldn't react in time, only to see that waist-length hair get chopped clean-through, in one fell swoop.
Xiao Lanhua was frozen in shock.
Hair... her hair...
Dongfang Qingcang held her chopped hair and fiddled with it in his hands. "Your brain isn't too bright, but your hair's pretty good." With that, he casually [16] tossed her hair. Soft, glossy strands of black hair fanned over the floor like a peacock's tail. Dongfang Qingcang tugged at the now-short, black hair that rested just past the ears, and sat cross-legged [17], the corner of his mouth tilted up in a savage and insolent smile. "What, did you forget? You're at my whim now."
A demon! An absolutely deranged [18] demon!
Xiao Lanhua was on the verge of keeling over on her knees. She stared achingly at the broken hair scattered all over the floor for a long while, before it occurred to her that needed to exact revenge on their killer! She lifted her head up, and pinned Dongfang Qingcang with a vicious glare. "I'm not done with you!" [19]
Xiao Lanhua lifted her hand and snatched behind her, to grab that head of long, silver hair. She imitated Dongfang Qingcang's position, and tried to summon that woosh of energy at her fingertips...
Then, she only wanted to cry even more.
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lesenbyan · 2 years
you ever just be saying shit and suddenly realize that 13yo you was actually kinda really goin through it?
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i am the Holder of the Office Software Knowledge at work
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pearl-kite · 2 years
actually maybe I do need to journal a little bit, some existential dread just came and obliterated me out of left field
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dromexa · 14 days
do u ever go into your drafts after a reeeeeeeeeeealllly long time not doing any writing and see something you completely forgot about an d you think holy shit that was an amazing idea why did i never finish that
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sagemoderocklee · 1 year
the day got away from me so like all the important shit i have to do i got like some done but not others and now it's too late to make phone calls so i was excited to get some writing done but i exhausted myself doing laundry and showering T____T
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nanzyn · 1 year
ahhhh I seriously seriously seriously need to stop writing directly into the box on AO3. I know it's stupid. every time I lose work because I forget to hit "save" and then the page reloads and I lose whatever I just added I'm going to kms
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eorzeashan · 1 year
it does bother me a little that my dumb jokes will always get more traction than any of my writing, but there's not a bad thing and it's fun to poke and make fun so I can't complain. I like doing it! it shouldn't be compared to making fic! though I still have to remind myself not to fall into the trap of only wanting to joke around and never make anything substantial out of the dread for posting...
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redead-red · 2 years
one of these days im going to enter a fugue state and write either bosslot or otasune, mark my words
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elegyofthemoon · 2 years
this ask is your excuse to rant about the sal vindagnyr princess if you want <3
:) is gonna be long.
but i think several months ago i just realized that someone has translated the abyssal ruins language and i was having a fun time running around trying to transcribe ruins i'd run into in my spare time. there's one particular place in dragonspine that is my favorite and that would actually be the sal vindagnyr princess's room - one of the two hidden rooms up on the mountain. and this room just makes me think a lot
there's a lot of stuff prior to entering the room that you can get such as the princess's box. For example you get the prophetic dream that the princess had which leads to the fall of the Skyfrost Nail over the kingdom 
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And then you get the Princess’s Box which is needed to unlock one of the hidden rooms.
A treasure box with a decorative pattern at the bottom. The ornamentation seems to be a part of a three-piece motif. Once the pattern is completed, a certain door may open.
"I'm afraid I can't finish the fresco".
"It's been a while since I last saw the blue sky and green grass. I don't know which hues to use to capture the landscape of thawing ice and snow that my father so longs for."
"By the time he comes back, everything will be back to how it was. But I can't take this cold anymore."
"Forgive me, Father. Ukko, I'm sorry you had to see us like this."
"Imunlaukr, I wish I could see you again..."
And then you finally come to the room itself and the room is painted wall to wall with depictions of Celestia — the same paintings that the Princess mentions in her note on the box. 
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It’s here that there’s also texts that reads “IUVANT, ANGEJ/LI, FIDELES” and “ISCITE VOS VOLTIS SEI ACE”. I asked a friend to translate it for me and she translated it as “Help the faithful angels” or “Tribute to the angels” and “Look at yourselves.”
So with all this general background, here’s where my brain decided to just park for a little bit. We have a general timeline that what doomed Sal Vindagnyr to the hands of Celestia was the prophetic dream that the princess had of Durin. I couldn’t help but think again and again about the princess making these drawings in her final days. By then, there really was no hope for Sal Vindagnyr and I think a lot about the guilt she must have felt for having the dream that would end her people’s lives, even if it was completely out of her control. I can’t remember if these frescos are meant for another purpose, but it seemed like it was not just her decision to draw it but her father’s as well, but with the ruins that go along with the images, I started thinking that the frescos were meant to be a message back to Celestia. 
Based on the Priest’s box description too, the third image should have been about how the verdant kingdom of Sal Vindagnyr freezes over into the snowy mountain we know: a way to preserve the story of what happened to this kingdom. So I just get lost thinking about how in her final days, the Princess tries to make up for the guilt by sending a message back to Celestia some way: for Celestia to look at themselves for what they’ve done to her kingdom in these paintings.
"Once again I'll climb this peak looking for guidance. By the time I back down, my daughter will have finished the second painting."
"As long as the third one will be of thawing snow and ice, everything will be fine."
…But as the Princess’s box describes, even the drawings she is unable to complete before her death, and all she has left is her own desires as a person: the wish to see the outlander Imunlaukr one more time. 
Thing is though, Imunlaukr does return again to the kingdom, but by then the princess had already died. In the very same room we find these unfinished frescoes, we also see a forgotten “Snow-Tomed Starsilver” greatsword — the sword that Imunlaukr had used during his time. And just augh. 
Honestly, I think it’s just reflecting a lot on the general tragedy of the princess: the responsibility she held over the death of her kingdom and her attempts at a resolve only for that to fail, too. The final wish to see a loved one again and the devastation that her loved one would return too late. I think that’s kinda what I feel overwhelmed with when it comes to the princess’s story— 
…Literally all this to say “I decided to name the princess ‘Minette’ and she is mine now :)”. Mostly because of the ruins written outside of her room reads “VERE MINE” so “very mini” lol
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Not that I plan to do anything with it (maybe.) I just kinda wish that there was more to her. I want to see what she was like when she was alive. I wanna see her relationship with the outlander Imunlaukr. Just. more please.
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