#i did the impossible and got 100 subs on ao3
Tim and Marinette lived busy lives.
It was by choice, of course.
They were both prominent figures in their fields that could pick and choose the assignments they wished to take, had more money than they could ever dream of using thanks to the hefty trust fund that being even tangentially related to Bruce Wayne provided, and no one would blame them if they were to lessen or give up their vigilantism. If they wished, there was nothing stopping them from taking a smaller workload, from using up all of their sick days, from taking vacations, from quitting their jobs entirely...
That being said, they likely never would.
And the tabloids loved to speculate on their relationship because of it. How could they spend much time together if Tim was always at work, developing new technology for Wayne Enterprises? Marinette was cheating, how could she not when so much of her job as a designer involved getting up close and personal with models? Not to mention all of the business trips. Surely, the relationship had some kind of monetary motivation, or maybe it was just to more seamlessly merge their companies, or it had only happened for PR reasons.
They let them speculate. They simply didn’t know better.
The tabloids didn’t get to see how they acted behind closed doors, after all.
There would be days where neither of them went in to work. It wasn’t due to some sort of sickness that Tim had caught thanks to his lack of spleen, nor would it be because Marinette had hit some kind of artist’s block. No, it was simply because they wanted to spend time together.
They took breaks. Technically. If you squint.
There would be days where neither of them went into work. It wasn’t due to some sort of sickness that Tim had caught thanks to his lack of spleen, nor would it be because Marinette had hit some kind of artist’s block. No, it was simply because they wanted to spend time together.
They would turn on the coffee machine and then make their way over to the sofa. Marinette would nestle herself into his side and smile as he wrapped his arm around her. He would pull her as close as he possibly could so he could still use both arms to type.
He usually took video calls like this. It was always so much easier to maintain a pleasant smile, even when people often looked down on him for his age, because whenever he felt it start to waver he could simply look down at his girlfriend and suddenly he would find that it would be back in full force.
She would prop her sketchbook on her legs and start on some new designs. The designs she did like this were always, inexplicably, more lively than the other ones -- full of vibrant colors and swooping curves in a way that some of her other works lacked. If asked, Marinette would joke that the secret ingredient was love.
And, sure, this wasn’t technically taking a break from work. They were still productive, still did tasks...
But they counted it. They always came back to work the next day with the same euphoric feelings in their chests, the same springs in their steps. How could they not? They’d spent the entire day doing what they loved with the person that they loved. Who could ever want a break from that?
Every time one of them came back from a business trip, they made sure to spend the night together.
Tim would lay back in bed, Marinette on top of him. Her head would come to rest on his chest, clutching the back of his shirt tightly. His fingers would find their way to her hair and she would huff a little, knowing that her hair was about to get hopelessly tangled as he fidgeted with the silky strands, but she would nuzzle into his chest all the same.
They would watch a TV show. It didn’t matter whether it was good or bad. As long as there were people and some semblance of a plot, they would gladly stay wrapped up in each other’s arms to watch it.
Tim would rattle off whatever theories he had developed as they came to mind. Some of them were absolutely insane, he knew, and would never happen… but it was worth making a fool of himself if it got Marinette’s face to light up or if he earned one of those little giggles that escaped her when he was instantly proven wrong.
Marinette would, at least, pause the show whenever she wanted to talk, though it wasn’t out of an understanding of how time works. No, it was so she could sit up a little in his lap and point at whichever character had offended her this time. She would go on long rants about how makeup was just as important as outfits in costuming, but it was often overlooked in favor of making the actors look pretty. And, maybe she had already said all of this before, but it’s important, Tim! And he would just nod his agreement. Because it was important -- a TV night certainly wouldn’t feel like a TV night without at least one rant.
And then the screen would go black, the most recent episode done.
Tim would draw back a little and then pretend to be shocked when his hands were stuck in her hair.
“Oh noooooo,” he’d say. “I guess I can’t let go yet.”
“How unfortunate,” she would deadpan.
He’d smile cheekily at her.
“Shut up.”
“But I didn’t even say anything!” He’d argue with overexaggerated offense.
She would smile, shaking her head as much as she could with the fingers in her hair. “You didn’t have to. You have a presence about you.”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment,” he’d say.
And, sometimes, she’d bring her hands up to cup his face. “Not sure if it was a compliment, but I definitely wouldn’t have it any other way,” she’d whisper before pulling him closer for a kiss.
… but, most of the time she would just laugh and say: “It wasn’t one.”
Once a month, Marinette tried to teach Tim to cook. Of course, they both knew it was a hopeless endeavor. He’d failed to make mac n’ cheese once, and Marinette -- who had lived the first eighteen years of her life in a Parisian bakery -- wasn’t good at discerning which meals were ‘easy to do’.
But that didn’t stop her from trying.
She would come up with a new recipe, would claim that this one was truly dummy proof…
And then Tim, dummy that he was, would manage to mess it up. Without fail, he would find some way to do something wrong. He would leave the milk on the stove and then be surprised when said milk on the stove decided to revolt against the system. He would raise the temperature on the thing they were baking so it would go faster and then be shocked when the cake didn’t rise at all. He would put too much in the mixer and then not understand why the contents had exploded over the two of them.
Worst thing was, she was pretty sure he was actually trying. He just… couldn’t seem to do it.
So, she would just kiss the disappointed frown off of his face and promise that they would do better next time.
And, every time without fail, he would light up.
“There will be a next time?” He would ask.
“Yeah. You’re lucky you’re cute, I can’t say I love being covered in ingredients.”
Tim would kiss her cheek, and then draw back and lick his lips. “I don’t know, I kind of like it. Something about my girlfriend being covered in tasty food really does something for me.”
“Like I said: you’re lucky you’re cute.”
And, even though she would say that, there was no mistaking the amusement dancing in her eyes.
They weren’t particularly religious, it was hard to be when Marinette had a god living in her earrings that obeyed her every command…
Which meant celebrations for the two of them were few and far between.
But, at least, they celebrated their anniversary.
They would sit on the rooftop, the blankets doing nothing to keep the hard tiles of the roof from digging into them and they did even less against the chilly Gotham air.
She’d stare up at the sky with him.
And, since it was Gotham, there were very few stars to be seen through the dark red and black haze of clouds that hung over the city.
But they didn’t mind.
Marinette smiled. “It’s our colors.”
He didn’t look over, watching the colors swirl above them. “Even the sky thinks we’re a good couple.”
“I wouldn’t be surprised. The sky god really does have a thing for love.”
He gave a short puff of laughter and finally tore his eyes away from the sky. “Really?”
She shrugged, grinning at him. “No clue. There might not even be a sky god.”
He scoffed and untangled his hand from its blanket prison to give her a tiny shove. She could have dodged the attempt with ease, but she allowed the hand to make contact.
To her surprise, he grabbed ahold of her shoulder and pulled her into him. She gave an undignified little squeak and, if it weren’t for the fact that he was right there, she would have probably faceplanted onto the tile.
But, instead, her face came crashing into his soft, pillowy shoulder.
She looked up at the crooked grin that she had come to love over the years and huffed, pulling her own arms free so she could shove him. For real.
He flopped back, the hand he’d managed to get out coming to rest over his chest as if he were hurt.
“How could you? Roofs hurt, you know.”
“Well, yeah, if you throw yourself down on tiles it’s not going to feel too great.”
He cracked a grin, though he quickly tamped it down to keep up the act: “Victim blaming at its finest.”
She rolled her eyes and leaned over him. One of her hands cradled his cheek, her thumb tracing the tiny scar on his cheekbone.
He looked up at her. And she thought, somewhere, that maybe the reason the pollution in the city was just some kind of coverup so no one would know that they all resided in Tim’s eyes.
And then she cursed herself mentally for thinking something so cheesy.
She had to make up for it somehow:
“You’re the worst, I hope you know that.”
“I am. But you love me anyway.”
Dang it. How was she supposed to feign being annoyed when he looked at her like that? With that soft smile and thick lashes and hair that framed his face just so.
She decided it wasn’t worth trying to pretend.
Marinette let herself match his smile.
“I do.”
“Save those words for our wedding,” he joked softly.
She rolled her eyes. “You haven’t even proposed yet.”
“I could be doing that right now. Who knows, this could all be my plan.”
“It’d be a good plan,” she said. “I’d probably say yes.”
He narrowed his eyes just slightly. “Isn’t that essentially you proposing to me?”
She tipped her head to the side, considering, then she laughed a little. “I guess it kind of is. So, Tim, will you marry me?”
His eyes widened to an almost comical degree.
And then his face lit up with a smile that made her heart flutter.
“I hope you know I want a ring.”
She giggled. “Just say yes, you idiot. We can always get the ring tomorrow.”
His smile only stretched further. “Yes. I’d love to marry you.”
“I love you,” she whispered, leaning closer until her lips brushed against his.
“I love you, too,” he breathed.
Marinette didn’t hesitate any longer, tilting her head to give him a proper kiss. He freed himself of the blanket and she gasped a little against his lips as he wrapped her up in it as well, drawing her close.
She pulled away just a little, her forehead coming to rest against his. She couldn’t seem to get the dopey smile off of her face, but she wasn't completely sure she even wanted it gone.
“I proposed first, so I won,” she said, sticking her tongue out at him playfully.
He smiled. “No, I did.”
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luninosity · 4 years
fanfic writers tag game!
I was tagged by the marvelous @musette22 for this lovely fanfiction tag game that was devised by the clearly very brilliant @thewaythatwerust, to discuss some of the fics I’ve written over time! Thanks so much! 💖
Let’s see, I shall tag... @thebestpersonherelovesbucky @turtletotem @gerec @whtaft and @ninemoons42 <3
Which of your fics…
* Did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it got:
Ah, a tricky one! I feel like I never really have expectations - I just write words because I can’t not! But maybe lines of light, which was my Steve/Bucky Fake Character Death Trope fic - it’s sort of a weird little fic, but I wanted more of that trope, but maybe that’s just me!
* Got a better reaction than you expected:
Oh, goodness - just about all of them! I remember being so shy and so nervous to share any of my writing, years ago, and now I write things that people seem to like...I think probably never mind the why and wherefore surprised me most, though! That’s my TJ Hammond/Johnny Storm fic, and when I started writing it mine was literally the third fic on AO3 for that pairing, and for that small a fandom, I’ve just been amazed.
Also, of course: I’m constantly amazed by how much people love Like Sugar! It was the biggest thing I’d ever tried to write, and it made me a better writer along the way, and I suspect it’s the Evanstan fic/series people might remember most, from my fics? (Also also, if original-fic-inspired-by-an-Evanstan-drabble counts: the love for Character Bleed has been overwhelming!)
* Is your funniest:
...am I funny? I don’t know! *waves hands about* I feel like I never set out to “write something funny,” but then again I like terrible puns and wordplay, so there’re probably funny lines in most fics? I hope?
Honestly maybe every inch of north and south, which has the Chris-turned-into-a-puppy plot, or Now That I’ve Found You, Stay, because giant patriotic dildos, or some of the banter in just a couple lovebirds, because I love Chris and Seb in that one. Or some of Bucky’s pulp fiction stories in tales to astonish. Or all the TERRIBLE autumn-related puns in the current Evanstan fic, A Place Not Far Away!
Or we could go REAL old-school and pull out the McFassy semi-crack fic in which James gets magically cursed to turn into a kitten. There’s that.
* Is your darkest/angstiest:
Ahahahaha. Um. *stares in Characters Having Emotions*
Okay, okay, um... Aside from certain specific chapters of Like Sugar and Amateur Cartography, it’s either The Tones That Tremble Down Your Spine (Bucky needs all the softness, after this! of course so does Steve...) (sometimes I think about adding a chapter, because it ends a little abruptly, but I also wanted it to - not everything’s 100% resolved, but it’s clearly on a healing trajectory!) ...
...or, over in Cherik-land, I hope we rise to the occasion, which does have a hopeful ending but is painful, or the balancing act stories (also Cherik) which were...personal in many ways (also originally written over on Livejournal, because I’m old).
* Is your absolute favourite:
Impossible! *laughs* It’s always the current story I’m (actively) writing. Which at the moment is the Evanstan autumn fluff-with-porn A Place Not Far Away. I don’t know if it’s my favorite-favorite, but it’s nice to get back to Evanstan and I love fall.
* Is your least favourite:
Also impossible! There’re things I love about all my stories. If I have to...maybe It’s Time To Bring This Ship Into The Shore, mostly because Michael’s such a dick to James for a lot of it. Which is also true in Loving Days (why was that a plot point in a few of my McFassy fics?) but I think I did a better job with his redemption in that one, and showing how much he changed and tried harder. And with Ship & Shore I wasn’t super-knowledgeable about the soul-bond trope (it was a request-fic) so I never felt quite sure I’d done it well enough!
* Was the easiest to write:
Amusingly, considering how epic and glorious and long the whole series became, I’d say Like O, Like H - the first Like Sugar Evanstan story. It just flowed. It knew what it wanted to be, and I tried to keep up. (Lovebirds was also one of those, as was the TJ/Johnny fic, never mind the why and wherefore.)
* Was the hardest to write:
the sound of rain on tin. It’s been the fic I’ve had the hardest time with ever. It’s my own fault for trying to do too much in terms of plot - sort of AU, an Evanstan-Stucky crossover, Lovecraftian elements - and then starting to post before I had it all properly sorted. I do know how it ends in general terms, I promise! but resolving plot/action has never been one of my strengths, and we’ve hit the point where I actually have to figure out How To Fix The Magic Portal-Thing, and I don’t feel like I’ve got it worked out well enough.
I mean if you all just want me to write the emotional Sebastian talking to Steve Rogers (and maybe a little curious kissing) and Chris talking to Bucky, and then *poof* suddenly Seb and Bucky are back in their respective universes and we get Emotional Reconciliation Scenes and Love Confessions, that part’s easy. I’ve had stray bits of those scenes done for years.
* Have you re-read the most:
Like Sugar, in part for continuity as I worked on later stories and in part because I’m really kind of proud of it.
* Would you recommend to someone reading your work for the first time:
Depends on what genres they like! I’m probably best known for - if anything - Like Sugar, and I think it’s pretty representative of my writing in terms of loving tender kink-with-emotions! But the person would have to not mind Evanstan RPF and soft Dom/sub kink and arranged (sort of) marriage tropes.
Other than that, for Evanstan, maybe Sweet Disposition (the third version of the clothes-sharing fic!); or (baby won’t you please), which is the Chris And Seb Go To A Sex Club For Research For a Role fic, or tempt me, tease me, which is...Sebastian leaves an unsatisfactory date with someone else (brief and random) to go pick Chris up from a bar, and then there’re lots of revelations about Feelings, and also porn-with-emotions. Those last two ‘feel’ similar in my head for some reason - mood, maybe, or story arcs about revelation and discovery.
...for Stucky, maybe when and where our eyes meet (Bucky falling asleep! soft blankets!)...or tales to astonish, because it’s such fun!
...if you want to go a bit older, I have weird affection for my first-ever Cherik fic, Know That It’s True, which is a Cerebro hurt/comfort fic, and then I love the slow development of the McFassy in No Wonder, No Wonder, which I occasionally still think about trying to revise as original, but it’s so character-driven that it’d be hard, but I love the feel of it, the hints of magic and the setting...
* Are you most proud of:
Like Sugar! At the time it was the biggest story I’d ever tried to write, both in terms of length and in terms of world-building and planning and characters growing closer together. Character Bleed got more complicated in terms of needing multiple outlines and plot, eventually, but I couldn’t’ve done that if I hadn’t done Like Sugar first.
* Has your favourite line/exchange/paragraph (share it):
Too hard to pick! There are so many! 
I sometimes say it’s this one, from tempt me, tease me, though not always:
“If you’d like,” Sebastian offers, “we can even tell them I borrowed your key and lost it, if you don’t mind asserting small untruths to hotel personnel.” Big blue half-plastered Captain America eyes stare at him some more. “…Chris?” “You…” One hand waves, a partial gesture, pulled back at the last second. As if Chris has meant to reach out, and thought better of that. “You really would? You wouldn’t, y’know, mind?” Sebastian half-smiles. Thinks of cars with broken-glass windows in Romanian capital-city streets, thinks of students waving flags and cheering with feral glee, thinks of saucer-eyed childhood memories and songs of revolutionary fervor and desperate upheavals of optimism like birthing-pains. Chris Evans is beautiful and genuine and real, and Sebastian would do far worse things, would splinter his body and perjure his soul, to give Chris one more day in which to eat pizza and laugh and clap friends on the shoulder with a broad happy hand. “No,” he says, “I wouldn’t mind.”
Or, from the WIP - the next chapter of A Place Not Far Away - because my favorite is often what I’m currently working on, there’s this! Enjoy? <3
They both watch Sebastian for a second; he’s nodding, jotting down a quote, hair bouncing with the motion. His fingers are quick and tanned, gathering notes; his jacket’s casually open, and dirt’s left a scuff on his right boot.
 He’s a New York City reporter in a black leather jacket and a stylish sweater, but he’s also a reporter who doesn’t mind getting dirty and will run through a corn maze and helped set out signs the first day Chris ever met him.
 Carly pats Chris’s shoulder, says, “Enjoy yourself,” and heads off to supervise some historical blacksmith demonstrations. The sky shimmers in clouds and satin and magic and unfallen rain.
 Sebastian bounces back over. “That’ll be fantastic, she was so excited, she’s already thinking about next year, which is so perfect for a pull quote, and it’ll get people thinking ahead about coming here then!”
 Would you come back, Chris doesn’t say. Would you come back next year, next month, next week, even if your story’s done? Would you stay and not leave?
 He can’t ask that. This is Sebastian’s job.
 He says, “That’s awesome. You want lunch?”
 “Absolutely. I haven’t eaten my way through your menu yet. Recommendations?”
 “Classic Oktoberfest? The whole German sausage, potato, onion thing? That one’s popular. And, um, baked apples. In maple cream sauce.” Food. He can talk about food. Promoting their menu. Not getting down on both knees and promising to bring home every pumpkin Sebastian likes, if that’ll make those happy eyes stay at his side.
 “Sounds good.” Sebastian’s eyebrows go up, beckoning Chris into the joke. “And I do like sausage.”
 “I like your sausage,” Chris tells him, and Sebastian’s laugh is a splash of sunshine through clouds and cold and tree-branches that stretch to the sky.
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kpopblurbs · 5 years
Kinktober Day 30 - Masks
Pairing: Chan/Reader feat. Changbin and Jisung Word Counter: 2.5k Tags: Masks, temperature play, exhibitionism, butt plugs, vibrators, sub!Chan, dom!Reader, annoying!Jisung (so regular Jisung lmao) AO3 Link Kinktober 2019 Promptlist
You were starting to regret making that bet with Changbin and Jisung, as more time passed your task was seeming more and more impossible. When you decided to go to the masquerade party at your local dungeon with your two friends, you were talking big game about how amazing of a dom you were. Of course this lead to the bet, you said you could make any guy a whiny mess no matter how much of a dom they were. They didn't believe you and both put $100 on you failing.
So here you were, your friends standing off to the side watching as you searched for a single guy that seemed dominant but also breakable. Finally you spotted someone, he was leaning up against a wall, his muscular arms on full display, his mask blocking most of his face. His aura oozed dominance and you couldn't help but imagine tugging on his messy, curly, blonde hair. Immediately you made your way over to him, turning on the charm as you leaned against the wall next to him.
"So did you just come here to watch or are you planning on joining in on the fun?" you asked.
He turned to look at you before speaking, "Well I was waiting to find someone that seemed fun to play with." there was a teasing tone to his voice that confirmed he would be a challenge.
"What's it gonna take for me to be that someone?"
"Well how submissive are you?"
"Not at all."
He hummed, "Normally I prefer the people I have sex with to be nice and obedient." he hooked a finger under your chin and tilted your head up to look at him.
"Same here, but you seem like a fun challenge." you pulled your head back and countered his attempt at taking control by reaching up and running your fingers through his hair, tugging gently as you did so.
"It's cute that you think you'd be in control." he teased.
"I bet I could make a mess out of you by the end of the night."
"I would love to see you try." he said with a smirk.
"How about it then?" you asked nodding your head towards the hallway that lead to the private rooms.
He looked in the direction you nodded and then looked back at you, "Lead the way."
You smiled and grabbed his hand pulling him towards the hallway, “Do you mind if we have a little company? I have friends that like to watch.”
“Not at all I love to put on a show.”
“Good.” you said as Changbin and Jisung fell into step behind you.
The four of you entered the hallway and found an empty room, “Masks on or off?” the boy asked.
“I say we keep them on, I like the mystery.” you responded. He nodded before walking over to the cabinet in the corner of the room that contained all of the toys.He began searching through it, you watched him for a second before clearing your throat, “Did you forget that I’m in control here?” you asked.
He turned around to look at you, “Honestly? Yeah.” he responded.
You stifled a laugh, “Well then now that I’ve reminded you, maybe you should sit down on the bed like a good boy.” you said with a teasing tone. He opened his mouth to respond but closed it and opted instead to do what you told him, you smiled and took his place in front of the cabinet. It was a large cabinet, full of drawers and shelves all covered in toys, next to the cabinet on the floor was a mini fridge, the sight of which made your eyes light up. “Why don’t you go ahead and strip, baby?” you said turning to look at him.
He pulled off his shirt and tossed it to the ground, “Are you sure you found a dom?” Jisung interrupted.
“Hey, just cause I’m a dom it doesn’t mean I can’t do what I’m asked.” the boy shot back.
“He’s right though, you are submitting a lot faster than I thought you would.” you said.
“Oh did you want more of a fight?” he asked.
“No, keep doing what you’re doing I love it.” you said with a smile before turning back to the cabinet. You heard him slip out of his pants while you grabbed a set of cuffs. You turned around to see him sitting on the edge of the bed in his boxers, “I said strip, didn’t I? How am I supposed to wreck you if you’re still wearing your boxers?” you asked. He looked down like he had forgotten he was still wearing anything before standing up to slip off his underwear. “Good boy,” you cooed, “Now lay down.” you instructed. He did as he was told and you walked over to the bed, you secured the cuffs around his wrists and brought his arms up to connect the cuffs to the headboard. You moved down to the end of the bed and put cuffs on his ankles, attaching them to the end of the bed and leaving him spread eagle.
He wiggled around, tugging at the cuffs slightly, “This is new.” he commented.
“I think it suits you.” you said, you sat next to him and brought your hand up to his chest and ran your hand over his skin using your finger to trace the outline of his abs. He shivered as you inched your hand lower, you ghosted your hand over his dick before pulling back and and smiling at him before standing up and moving over to the fridge. You crouched down and opened it up to reveal a small bucket of ice and various sizes of stainless steel butt plugs, You pulled out the bucket and a smaller plug, holding them up for Jisung and Changbin to see “Changbin, pick one.” you instructed.
“Hey, why can’t I pick?” Jisung whined.
“Because you’re whiny and it’s annoying.” you responded making Jisung pout at you. Changbin laughed before pointing at the plug, “I like the way you think.” you said with a smile.
“Am I allowed to know what he picked?” the boy asked.
“I already told you I like mystery.” you responded, he groaned and you stood up to grab a bottle of lube out of the cabinet. You brought the items over to the bed and set them down next to him before moving to settle yourself between his legs. You reached up and wrapped your hand around his dick, he gasped at the sudden sensation and bucked his hips up into your hand. You smirked as you stroked him slowly, you made sure he was fully hard before pulling your hand away making him let out a whine. “You’re already so needy and I’ve barely touched you.” you teased him.
“Normally when someone touches my dick they don’t stop unless I tell them.” he responded.
“Well there’s a first time for everything.” you grabbed the bottle of lube and opened it up and drizzled some over your fingers. You brought a finger up and pressed it to his hole, he tensed slightly and you put your clean hand on his thigh rubbing soothing circled with your thumb until he relaxed enough for you to press your finger in. He shifted around slightly from the intrusion but began to relax more as you stretched him slowly. Once he was ready you pressed a second finger into him, you curled your fingers up searching for his prostate. You felt around for a bit before you found it, you pressed your fingers into the bundle of nerves and he let out a low moan, he pressed his hips down trying his best to fuck himself on your fingers. You shot a smirk at Jisung and Changbin who groaned almost in unison. You turned back to the boy in front of you and put your hand on his hips, holding him still so you could stretch him properly until you were sure he was ready for the plug. You pulled your fingers out of him and picked up the plug, it had warmed up slightly since it was out of the fridge but not by any amount that the boy would notice. You didn’t slick it up with lube quite yet, opting instead to set it on the boys stomach, he immediately tried to flinch away from the cold. You didn’t let it sit there for too long as you still wanted it to be cold when you pushed it into him, “Guess where that’s going.” you said.
“Are you a sadist?” he asked sarcastically.
“No, I just like making boys squirm.” you said, picking the plug up and slicking it up with lube, you brought it down and touched it lightly to his entrance and he jolted. “What’s the matter, baby boy, can’t take a little cold?” you teased.
He groaned before shooting you a glare, “I can take it.” he said, determination laced through his voice.
“Then let’s try that again.” you touched the plug to his entrance again and instead of trying to pull away from it, the boy just tensed up. “You’re gonna have to relax if you wanna get this in.” you said, he took a deep breath before relaxing, you brought your clean hand back to his thigh and continued rubbing circles in the skin. You began to push the plug into him and he let out soft whimpers until it was settled into place, he clenched around it a couple times, a visible shiver ran down his spine, “How’s that feel, baby boy?” you asked.
“It f-feels like I’m sitting on an icicle.”
“Good, that’s what it’s supposed to feel like.” he let out a groan in response, “Don’t worry, soon enough you wont even know it’s there.” you said. You got up and moved back to the cabinet, searching through it for a second before pulling out a small vibrator with an elastic band attached to it. “This should help.” you said, holding it up for him to see.
“You’re really not gonna make this easy for me are you?”
“I told you I was gonna make a mess out of you.” you said as you walked back to the bed. You slipped the elastic band around the head of his dick, settling the vibrator on the sensitive spot on the underside right beneath his tip. You stroked him a couple of times before switching on the vibrator, he jolted from the sudden intense sensations, his hips bucking off the bed. You pulled your hand away and watched him for a second, enjoying the way his hips were twitching as the vibrator worked on him. He was a mess of moans, his dick twitching and his muscles clenching as his orgasm got closer. You waited until he was right on the edge before reaching down and switching off the vibrator.
He let out a long whine, “Oh come on.” he complained.
“Oh I’m sorry, did you want to cum?” you asked, your voice sickly sweet.
“Actually, yeah, I was kindof looking forward to it.”
“Well I guess I could turn the vibrator back on if that’s what you want.”
“I mean the vibrator feels nice but I bet your mouth would feel better.”
“You’re gonna have to beg for that.” you reached down and turned the vibrator back on preventing him from responding. He tugged at his restraints, desperate for any other stimulation, you watched as the vibrator brought him to the edge again before you turned it off. He let out another whine, this one louder and needier and you reached up to run your hand down his cheek. He leaned into your touch and looked at you, his eyes glistening, “What do you need, baby boy?” you asked softly.
“Your mouth, please, I’ll do anything, just please let me cum.” he begged.
You smiled, “Well how could I say no when you’re asking so nicely.” you pulled your hand away from his cheek and moved to sit in between his legs. You slipped the vibrator off of his dick and set it to the side before wrapping your hand around him. He moaned softly as you stroked him, you brought your mouth up and wrapped your lips around his dick. You swirled your tongue around the head before sinking down fully, he let out a loud moan and bucked his hips up, the movement making you gag slightly. You let him thrust up into your mouth a couple of times before bringing your hand up and holding his hips down. You set the pace, it didn’t take much for him to get to the edge, you felt his dick twitch in your mouth and pulled off of him with a pop. You stroked him a couple more times before he came with a cry his cum shooting out all over his stomach, you worked him through his orgasm before pulling your hand off of him.
You reached down and grabbed the end of the now warm butt plug pulling it out slowly before moving around and unhooking his cuffs. You grabbed a couple of wipes out of the cabinet and cleaned the cum off of his stomach. You threw the wipes away and laid down on the bed next to the boy, “Am I allowed to see your face now?” he asked as he rolled over to face you.
You laughed, “Since you were so good, I guess you can.” you said before reaching up to slip off your mask.
He did the same, “Next time we do this, I vote no masks and I’m in control.” he said with a smile.
“Next time?” you asked.
“Oh if you think I’m letting you get away with all that without the chance to give you a taste of your own medicine you’re absolutely wrong.”
You smiled, “I guess you make a good point.” you responded.
Jisung cleared his throat reminding the both of you that there were other people in the room, “This is adorable and all but I guess Changbin and I have to go find an ATM so we’ll head out.” he said with a sigh.
“ATM?” the boy asked.
“Oh, uh, we made a bet about whether or not I could get a dom to sub for me tonight.” you explained.
“This was for a bet? I’m hurt.” the boy pouted.
“I’ll split the money with you and you can absolutely get me back next time.” you offered.
“How much was the bet?”
“$200 total, I’ll give you half.”
“I’ll take it.” he said with a smile before throwing his arm across your waist and snuggling into your side.
Jisung sighed as he stood up, “You guys suck.” he said as he left the room with Changbin following close behind.
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spaceskam · 5 years
hello, sweetie
day 3 of my 12 (actually 13) days of gifts! This one comes from an anon who sent me the following prompt awhile ago. This story is a lot of set up for an au that I hope to delve into a lot more into the future. Hope you enjoy!
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Alex Manes had dealt with a lot of shit in his life. Somehow, working with Private Max Evans was proving to be worse than it all.
“You’re going to lose a hand if you don’t stop,” Alex said with as little irritation as he could manage. It was still a lot. Max was trying so, so hard to be a macho strong man which Alex should’ve known would happen.
When Alex had been appointed this mission, he’d also been given the chance to reject any partner he’d been given. That was the whole benefit of being highly ranked. Still, he always felt bad whenever he saw the excited faces of the young Privates that so badly wanted to learn from him. He never wanted to steal it away. Even if that meant working with Max fucking Evans.
Currently, he was holding up a massive metal beam that was bolted down on one side and didn’t really need to be held up by the other side. Alex had tracked down the ambiguously titled Target beneath the beam that was covering something that looked like a locked submarine hatch. The beam didn’t need to be held up until after Alex figured out how to open the lock that was beneath it. Which meant, if Max’s arms gave out, he’d not only crush his hands but the lock as well. 
Basically, he was an idiot.
“I’ll suck it up, Sir.”
Alex sighed, “You know, when people tell me to ‘suck it up’, I feel the urge to break their legs and say ‘walk it off’. Are you going to walk off breaking your hands and ruining the mission, Private?”
Max looked up at him for a moment, hesitation all over his face. Then he very carefully put the beam down once again.
“I’m just trying to help, Sir.”
“I know, just… pace yourself,” Alex said, doing his very best to be patient with his shitty partner. Max somehow managed to look up at him while also being nearly a head taller. How were they the same age? “We don’t really know what’s down there, only that the Commissioner wants it brought back and safe and in one piece. We can’t crush the latch.”
“Yes, Sir, sorry.”
Alex ushered Max out of the way before carefully crouching down. The hatch was rusted and looked like it hadn’t been touched in years. It didn’t make sense. If there was something hidden in there for years, then why in the world was he only put on the case now? 
Or, perhaps it was one of those things that hadn’t been there until now.
You see, time was a funny little thing in his field. While most of the world didn’t notice little inconsistencies that came with time travel, his line of work involved years and years of training to spot the things that were inconsistent. Whenever most people recognized, it was simply a funny little thing that they remembered wrong. To him and people like him, it was a red flag of a Traveler fucking up.
Private Max Evans was a Traveler. It was a breed of human that could hop time at their will. People who couldn’t, Sedentaries, weren’t aware this was possible unless they went into the field of it. They wanted to keep it that way.
Centuries ago, or perhaps less, perhaps more, a Traveler named Henry Conleth had realized that things were impossible this way. Sedentaries were confused, things were changing, everyone was reckless. He, along with almost all the other Travelers, agreed to create a league of both Travelers and Sedentaries to protect the concept of time.
Now, centuries later or perhaps not, Alex Manes, a Sedentary, was working with a Traveler who had never traveled to look for a Target that was most likely a product of a far too experienced Traveler. 
“Max, what are the odds that this is actually a buried submarine?” Alex asked. Travelers in their Private stage were taught to memorize everything needed through history and the future which were simply the same thing in wrong directions.
“Um, unlikely,” Max said, “We’re in the middle of the midwest. There’s no bodies of water anywhere, nor have there been any bodies of water in this area since long before submarines were invented.”
Alex ran his finger over the rusted lock and then looked at the metal beam that seemed bolted and also partially buried. It was two separate things. Or, maybe not. Maybe it was deliberate. Or maybe the beam was always there and then something went awry with a rouge traveler. 
“Mm, and in the future?” Alex asked even though he already knew the answer. Max licked his lips and squeezed his eyes shut, searching his mind. Somehow, he got the one damn Private who didn’t find the future more interesting than the past. “Should I request someone else?”
“No, no,” he said, shaking his head, “I think there might be a body of water here, but not for, like, centuries. Like a very long, long while.”
“But it’s possible?” Alex clarified. Max shrugged before nodding. “This thing probably popped up in the wrong place in time. My guess is a young Traveler got a little too excited.”
“You can travel with something as big as a submarine?” Max asked almost wistfully. Alex chuckled and decided not to answer. They didn’t teach them that. That led to crazy ideas.
Whoever moved this had one crazy idea.
“Alright, can you tell me, by this hatch, where this vessel might’ve come from? What year? What country?” Alex quizzed. Max’s whole face morphed into confusion.
“I’ve never studied submarines, I have no idea, Sir” he answered. Alex huffed.
“You should.”
Alex reached in his back and pulled out a small chisel, chipping away at the rust that covered the ridges and the locks. He tried his best to get the parts that even the beam was covering.
“From the looks of it to me, it’s a World War II era U-Boat,” Alex explained.
“I thought they were all sunk and raided,” Max said. Alex looked up at him and felt that very familiar chill of excitement that had been the exact reason he’d gotten into this field.
“They were,” he agreed, “And some Traveler went back and stole it.”
Alex chiseled away at it for a few minutes before Max got the hint and grabbed his own chisel. It took a while, but they eventually got all the rust out of the creases in the lock and the opening port. Alex dug in his bag for a screwdriver.
“So, whenever you learn how to travel, this part will be easier,” Alex said, “You can just go back, steal the key for it, and then bring it back to the precise time you stole it from.”
“I can’t wait, Sir.”
“Yeah, just don’t get caught.”
He fiddled with the lock for far too long, more trying to will it open than actually being successful. It was an old lock and wasn’t a fan of being tampered with and Alex could see the way the thinner metals around the lock were bending to his efforts. It made him a bit anxious about the insides.
But then they heard a click.
“Hurry, move the beam,” Alex instructed, preparing to wedge a flashlight between his teeth. Max did as he was told. “I’ll be down there for five minutes at the most. Can you hold it up for that long?”
“Absolutely, Sir,” Max said, nothing short of 100% dedication in his eyes. Alex believed him.
Carefully, Max lifted the beam and Alex opened the hatch as high as it would go. He had to slip in between it, holding too many things at once in an attempt not to fall or crush his hand. It was annoying at best.
Still, Alex made his way inside the dark sub and started his mental clock. Five minutes.
Alex took the flashlight out of his mouth and turned it on, searching the U-Boat for sign of, well, anything. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, only that he’d know when he found it. He moved quickly, looking for anything that screamed Traveler.
And that’s when he saw a body.
It was curled up in a ball on the floor, pressed into the wall. The person had a head full of dark curls that seemed wet and was wearing clothes that also looked like they were drenched. They also looked perfect for the time of a boy in 1930s Germany.
“Hello?” Alex called softly, “Are you conscious?”
Slowly, slowly, the boy lifted his head. His face was bruised and bloody, but his eyes held an all-knowing look Alex had only seen in very old Travelers. 
“Alex,” he said, his voice something so familiar that it was shocking to know that he had never heard it before. He took a step back. It was never a good sign for a stranger to know your name.
“Do I know you?” Alex said authoritatively.
The boy, as beaten and battered as he was, smiled.
“Not yet.”
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For honesty hour...who are some of your fave fic writerd,? Some of your fave fics?
You’re a tad late for honesty hour, nonny, but that’s okay! I’m always happy to talk about my favorite/go-to people (note: these are not in any particular order, just the order I thought of them in) and my favorites from their masterlists (most of these links are for Tumblr posts, with the exception of some AO3 ones. Let me know if anything isn’t working right).
I love everything Jamie writes (and I love Jamie herself- we have so much in common, it’s kinda scary), but here are my three faves:
I Know Your Wife (She Wouldn’t Mind) - If you haven’t read this series yet, get on that shit. It’s a Jared x Gen x Reader that fulfills all my favorite fantasies and is the perfect blend of angst, smut, and fluff. I never want it to end.
Forgive Me, Father - this fic. THIS FIC. I have no words. It’s pure smutty goodness, with Virgin!Priest!Sam who’s so cute I could cry.
Soy Un Perdedor - Stripper!Sam. Nuff said.
Some honorable mentions are: Ask For What You Want, the entire Daddy!Sam verse, and her Series Rewrite
Mana is the sweetest person who can also rip your heart to shreds and I love her very much, especially when she puts up with me always asking her to beta my fics (the woman is magic, I swear. She makes everything better). Her masterlist if my go-to when I’m craving some John Winchester or some cry-into-your-pillow angst. Some highlights include:
When Your Grace is Gone - Tears. Literal tears were shed. Sam x Reader, but Cas-centric, and the feels were almost to much. Mana would know. I yelled at her about it, lol
Wild Horses - So cute and so hot. I love me some Sammy. Sammy in the backseat of the Impala is even better. There are some things Dean will never know.
Wild Bloom - This is a long one, but 100% worth it. Fuckin’ slayed me with the porn. Gotta love some John x Younger!Reader and middle-of-nowhere sex.
Kim is the first multishipper I followed and she kills me regularly with the porn (especially Porn Gif Drabble Days. They’re too good). She’s got such a great variety to choose from, but I particularly enjoy her Wincest and Poly fics:
Sketches - Wincest, Voyeur!Artist!Cas, and eventual Wincestiel. Need I say more?
Cursed - If you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll know I thrive on Dom!Sam. I love the idea of a giant man without much control in his daily life taking complete control during sex. But this fic is just one more reason why I’m now so partial so a more submissive version of my favorite moose. The imagery of Sam begging for Dean is too much to handle.
Both - This fic is the poly ship I didn’t know I needed. The idea of Dean getting both of the people he loves it so satisfying.
Release and Relief - I was trying to limit this to three fics per author, but this one cannot be left out. I’ve been shipping Sam/Rowena for a while, but Dean/Rowena is just so good and I’m always a slut for a sub!Dean. Read all the parts. You will not regret it.
Kitten’s fics were kinda my gateway into the world of smut and reader-inserts, and she definitely inspired me to start this blog! Kitten never ceases to amaze me. I adore everything she writes, so it was really hard to pick just a few fics:
Spin Cycle - It’s hard to chose just one of Kitten’s John x Reader fics, but this is definitely in my top three. It’s got all the good stuff- a damsel in distress, Handyman!John to the rescue, cheesy flirting, and filthy smut.
Substitution - If you have a thing for sex worker!Dean and jealous!Sam (like me), this is the Wincest fic for you. Kitten doesn’t usually (read: ever) write bottom!Dean, but she did such a good job and I still love it (clearly).
Come as You Are - Fluff and smut and enough angst to have you yelling at your phone screen cos WHY WON’T THEY JUST TALK. Also, tattooed!punk!Dean. What more do you need?
Breakdown - Sometimes Kitten’s premises read like the beginning of a porno and this is definitely one of those, and i absolutely love every word of it. Makes me wish my car would break down in the middle of nowhere just so I could run into a tall, gorgeous farmer names Sam. Please and thank you.
Honorable mentions are the Magic and Mark serieses (Strippers and smut. That’s all you need to know), and, of course, Left Behind.
Dean introduced me to the wonderful world that is poly ships and interesting kinks I never knew I had. I thought picking fics from Kitten’s masterlist was hard, but picking from Dean’s was nearly impossible:
Tails of a Demi-Demon and His Doms - I was a little hesitant going into this fic, but I’m not entirely sure why? Cos it’s got everything I love- Wincestiel, sub!Dean, some lovely kinks I’d forgotten I have. It’s a little on the longer side, but well worth the time.
Four’s Company - I’m a sucker for a good fix-it and while I did enjoy Season 12, I was bummed to see so many amazing characters go in the finale. Luckily, when I get sad, I can just reread this amazing series and pretend Dean got banged in the Bunker bathroom by Ketch and everyone is still alive.
The Scars We Leave - Speaking of kinks I didn’t know I had and pairings I didn’t know I shipped. This fic is not for the faint of heart, but if you like Demon!Dean x Crowley, Sub!Dean, predicament bondage (specifically my favorite kind and a position I’ve put Dean in before, because he’s so much fun to torture), and some pain kink, this is the fic for you. It’s filthy and dark and oh so good.
@floweryhanzo (you might know him as @beekeepercain)
If you’ve been following me for any amount of time, you probably know of my adoration for anything Leo writes. His depth of understanding of the characters and the way he can paint a picture with his words just never ceases to blow my mind. I highly recommend reading everything on his AO3, but here are a few of my favorites (and they’re not all SPN fics!):
Soft: A Story - This fics is so sweet and cute, but also angsty and deep and thought-provoking. It was written for Nanowrimo, so it’s really long, but it’s honestly just amazing. Little Dean is so stinkin’ cute and Sam’s trying to hard to be a good big brother after being the little brother his whole life, and I just love every moment of it.
A Bark With A Bow - this fic was actually written for me, for a Christmas exchange in 2016, and it’s perfection. I’ve always said Sam needs a dog, particularly a therapy dog, and Leo delivered in the most splendid fashion, complete with brothers being cute brothers. It’s a Christmas fic, but I read it all year round.
Gibralter - I DON’T EVEN PLAY THIS DAMN GAME. All I’ve done is watch some of the videos and read this fic. Multiple times. It’s so damn good. Forever long, but so intriguing. I’m a sucker for brother dynamics (have you seen my favorite show??), and this has all of that, with a fantastic blend of lack-of-communication, beautifully written trauma, bottled up emotions, and some action to spice things up a little. I love it so much.
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