#i did two of em and its was rlly fun figuring out how to go fast
jojolimons · 5 months
lmao finished pepper grinder before downloading the qol update
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ka1t0-s · 1 year
I've been loving nightbringer so much so far-- I think it's the first time in obey me history I've caught up to the last lesson that's out (which will probably change w due time, I'm terrible at keeping my cards lvled up) and the story has been fun for me so far. I havent played obey me since like early 2022-- so this is quite nostalgic yet fresh for me.
but anyways, the music battles r fine, controls weirded me out at first but I can manage. it was more jarring how the songs used were remixed and nightcored ver. of obey me songs. rlly putting the night in nightbringer I see.
however, speaking on the plot, I find that it had some missed potential? like no one else would care tbh and I can understand why but. THE DOMESTICALITY?? THE BROTHERS SETTLING INTO HOL??? missed opportunity may I say I'd EAT THAT UP!! 
like screw (affectionately, I dont hate this game) the "oh we had it modified to suit our tastes" and now everyone's room looks exactly like how they do in present time. I do understand why they do, and this isnt a case of me being like "grrr they are using the same assets!! they're so lazy boo blah blah blah" as for how rarely weve seen their room in the main story it doesnt matter. its just been a few messily scenes.
but NO. show me asmo fretting over how his room isnt pretty enough. how he needs flowers decorating his room, or vines, or gahh-- anything with some life and freshness and beauty in here because his pink bedsheets are NOT enough.
give lucifer considering his room fine and then instantly stumbling across a cursed item shop, buying some if not most of the stock and then spending a solid hour or two muttering to himself about how this should go here, or how disappointing it is that an item's too big for the spot he pictured it.
let me watch as satan buys up half the bookstore and instead of placing them on his half full shelves, start to slowly pile em up on his floor. LET ME SEE SATAN SLOWLY START THE BOOK PILE PROIR TO HIS ROOM BEING COVERED END TO END IN BOOKS!!!
or mammon. like cmon this man did NOT always have a pooltable or car in his room. show me how he gets a car, or more importantly how it ends up in his room. I'd always assumed his room was connected to a garage of sorts, but seeing as his is on the second floor I doubt that to be the case anymore. fr tho how did he get it in there? magic or smth? have barb teleport it in??
the twins... well I think they have the most believable room of the boys. they're twins, they want to share a room, they have it modified to look both red and purple, compared to whatever colors it was before. overall, they dont do much in that room, beel works out and sleeps there(obv) and bel also just sleeps and naps in there. they dont have it cluttered or stuff. however, I've always wondered what the area above the beds is. a way to the balcony? a balcony in general? or just a small lounge area? I like to imagine it's a small lounge area w a window for bel to look out of, but hey. their room is fine otherwise, unless i missed something.
and leviathan... ah... levi... first of all. NO WAY HE HAD THAT MANY FIGURES. even if he bought them in the castle he did NOT have that many. the collection in present time is after YEARS UPON YEARS of collecting. I feel like they missed Levi's mark the biggest out of the game. I'm rusty, so bear with me, but I'm positive that celestial realm isnt big on technology, hence simeons utter lack of any. Luke's easy to teach as hes young and it sticks, but not simeon. that and, lucifer is the reason he got into it(according to barbatos on the homescreen in OG!bey me!). plus in the angel event or whatever, they went vagely back to how they were as Angel's, or at the very least how they should of been like as Angel's, that parts in the air as I disliked the event and it was how long ago? so all signs point to him not being a shut in until post fall. but otherwise, I firmly belive that levi woudlnt of found anime until they were in devildom, of which lucifer is tired of seeing him mope about and introduces him to something light hearted and childish (only for him to later slightly regret that decision). I wouldve adored that sweet moment between the two, but alas I'll settle for what I got.
however, I'd live for the game to show me HOW and WHY he sleeps in the tub, ik its cause hes comfy but until I find out why he doesnt have a bed I'm going to firmly belive that HoL only had 5 bedrooms plus the guest one downstairs, and that levi was content taking over the "smaller" of the two washrooms, because he didnt want to be close to the kitchen or downstairs, plus fishtank. like that washroom in that romeo and juliet movie. fishtank washroom. if you know what I mean.
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sexy-bee-juice · 4 years
which hq boys would let you paint their nails
This is the first time I’ve written something on here so feedback is welcome <333
Im trying hc’s so-
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- He would. 
- 10/10 would recommend.
- He would stare at you for a minute and be like, “what?” then you would show him the bottle of nail polish and he would just U N D E R S T A N D
- He would definitely flaunt it to his team. would be so proud.
- Honestly doesn't care about the color, just wants his nails DONE.
- Like, you could be the worst at applying it and get it all over his cuticles and fingers and smudge it everywhere, but he will still love how you did it . It doesn't even have to be all fancy with a design or something or rhinestones he will still love it.
- But...
-Please do the rhinestones and designs. H e will literally be so happy. Smack a volleyball or a dumpling design on those nails and he will literally cry. Rhinestones? He will carry around a little flashlight and shine it on the stones to see them sparkle.
- He just wants to do it and maybe have matching nails with you.
- Don't even ask he’ll do it.
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-No. NopE.
-Im sorry bby, but he will not.
- Would stare at you for a whole of two seconds and say no then go back to whatever the heck this man was doing
- Might consider it if you chose a flat or rlly subtle color like...grey. or white.
-Boring. maybe if you included dinosaurs.
-or do it when he’s sleeping. and put some dinos on it.
-Will be mad at first, but will eventually get used to it.
- Only sneak attacks will get this man to accept it.
-Will ask you to remove it if he needs to go somewhere.
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- 1000/10 would recommend
- Won’t flaunt it, but will totally be proud to tell everyone why his nails are painted.
-Probably get everyone else to get their nails painted by you as well.
- Gets you to paint his and the rest of the teams nails before every big match. team colors.
- Whenever he goes shopping with you low-key looks for new nail polish and buys it when you aint lookin’.
- Probably has a whole variety of slightly different shades of the teams colors.
- Isnt too flashy so might not want rhinestones or sparkles, but will definetely love any little chibi designs you put on.
- Especially the animals. Give him a giraffe and he will be so i love with them, he will be staring at his nails the whole time.
- Will be so happy he asked the first time.
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-Will definitely be shy at first. 
-If you ask him he will be all blushy and stuttery, but will agree.
- But after you finish, he will definitely end up smudging it and ruining anything you put on it.
- Designs? Gone. Ruined.
-Rhinestones? Fell off. never to be seen again.
-Glitter? Mess. Don't even ask.
- Will apologize about a million times and might even let you fix them, and will not move an inch until you tell him to move.
- Will basically be a ragdoll when it comes to you doing his nails, but will ask you to get the. STUFF. OFF. WHEN HE LEAVES.
-Otherwise is totally open about whatever. maybe makeovers and stuff is welcome, but only after a lot of bribing and begging.
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-”Daichi?” You hold up the bottle. “will you-”
-and thats how he came to practice will bright pink nails and sushi figures on his fingers. You can be the worst, and much like Hinata he will still love whatever you did.
-Like, this man will be openly obsessed with nail polish and manicures, even though he knows it isnt something that a guy like him, y’know, big(ish), plays volleyball, most likely has calloused hands, would do.
-Will most likely make it a routine to do each others nails every weekend, with a new style or design, with you doing his, and him doing yours.
-just do it. he loves you and he will do whatever without question.
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-Do I even have to say it?
-He would got he full 10000000000000000000000000000%
-just let the boy do what he must, but supervise him otherwise he might try to dye his hair with the glittery nail polish.
-might be one of the most hyped out of everyone to get his nails done.
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-he will be skeptical at first but will do it eventually after a lot of bribing and maybe making him a bit jealous if you go do one of the teammates nails and hint at it.
-otherwise no and im sorry
(oh here we go-)
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-now imagine in the gif above that you are Hinata.
-that’s his exact reaction.
-no matter how much you beg, he will not do it.
-bby even if you burst into tears he wont.
-actually scratch that he will. he will be the definition of  P A N I C
-and thats when you say if he lets you do his nails then he will look away with a light blush dusting his cheeks then will mumble a very quiet quiet,
-of which then you will be so happy and the tears will vanish and he will be pouty but will let you do whatever the fuck you want to his setter fingers
-and his gorgeous nails will be decorated with whatever.
-so go crazy :)))
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-now heres where im stuck
-im sure he will be flustered and refuse,
-but i also think hell agree immediately.
-so... probably with bribing, and like tsukki, he will want flat colors, no design.
-and subtle colors.
-not much to this guy but if tsukki starts to make fun of him he will be pressured to remove the nail polish and might start subconsciously picking it off.
-poor bby tell him its ok and that he’ll be perfect and look amazing with his pretty nails
-that will make him feel really good and prideful about it and he might let you do his nails again, so long as he gets to wear gloves around tsukki.
thank youuu feedback is welcome!
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artnerd1123 · 4 years
A Familiar World
Bewitched ——————————————-
The adventures of Theodore continue. Figuring out how he feels about what he saw in town is... well. Difficult. But he’s gotta make a decision sometime. Featuring fun times with his siblings and a not-so-fun time with his parents. 
The masterpost for AFW can be found here. The chapter post for AFW can be found here.
i am once again cutting chapters up, but that’s ok!!! i’m having fun and getting to write these dynamics is rlly interesting! hopefully the next one’ll be a lil shorter, but we’ll see X] in the meantime, here’s this!
and uh, warning for journal getting into a fight with his parents (nothing physical, but there’s some gaslighting to be mindful of) 
The sun shone brightly down on the farm, a light breeze rustling the remains of cornstalks in the field. The wagon- still half full of harvest- was parked next to the barn. A thick cloth blanket kept its cargo protected from the elements. At least, mostly. The horses in the nearby pasture eyed the visible corn wistfully. But besides the horses, crops, and breeze, not much was moving outside. The morning chores were long done. Now was the time for relaxing and play. From the giggling and shouting from the barn, a certain group of siblings was taking advantage of that. Up in the hayloft, Theodore and his younger siblings were fooling around. The twins were wrestling in the loose hay, and Elise was busy trying to climb up one of the support beams. Theodore had draped himself across another beam, square over the middle of the loft. His eyes flicked cautiously towards the edge every so often- but he’d be ok. He’d fallen and tumbled into the hay enough to know it would catch him much gentler than the barn’s dirt floor. He had other things to focus on at the moment, anyway. A beat up journal sat in front of him, chock full of loose papers and ink-stained scraps. They stuck out the sides and from under the cover. With all the story ideas, memories, and thoughts crammed into it, it was a wonder the book was still together. He’d have to get a new one soon. But for now, his quill scratched away at the page before him. He’d been working hard on recording every detail he could about the other day’s encounter. He felt as if he’d seen something precious- something more astounding than any legend- and he refused to let it slip from his mind. Writing this down needed his undivided attention. Of course, his siblings thought otherwise. “Hey, Theo! Y’all gonna come down from there?” Nilo called, arm locked around Tyler’s neck. Tyler squirmed and pushed at him playfully. “I think Tyler could use yer help!” “Naw, I do not! Yer about ta need ‘em though!” Tyler snickered. With a sudden jerk, the boy threw himself against the hay, sending Nilo toppling over his shoulder. The two laughed and jeered as they scrambled around, but Theodore didn’t pay them much mind. “Mmh, yea, uh, jus a sec,” he mumbled, eyes scanning over his work. He felt like he’d gotten the stranger’s routine written out ok. But he just couldn’t capture the strange smoke they’d been messing with. Not smoke, his mind muttered, magic. The word sent a zing down to his fingertips. He couldn’t tell if it was good or bad. Last week, he would’ve firmly said bad. But now, he just… wasn’t sure. It honestly felt more like a thrill. As if he were staring down a wolf, but it was crouched and wagging like a playful dog. Oh, good simile, he thought, hastily scribbling it in the journal’s margins, I’ll have to use that somewhere later. He propped himself up on his elbows, glancing over the page. Almost full… would he have to cordon off a whole new section of his personal records for this? He wouldn’t mind, it was just… well, buying new ones could get expensive… A voice behind him knocked him out of his thoughts. “Hey, earth ta’ scribbles! Y’all alive?!” Theodore pulled a face- scribbles??? What???- glancing around for the offending speaker. Elise sat on a beam across from him, kicking her legs. Her smirk and little giggles confirmed it had been her. Theodore stared at her for a minute. “... what did y’all jus call me?” he asked. “Scribbles,” Elise snickered, “y’all like it?” “Aw- hell no,” Theodore snorted, shaking his head. He set his quill down, shifting to face her better. “Awful. Try again, lil lady.” “Well y’all weren’t answerin to theo!” she huffed. “Or theodore!” Tyler piped up from below him. Nilo nodded, picking bits of hay out of his hair. “Or anythin’ el- AUGH-” Whatever else he was going to say got lost as Tyler tackled him into the hay again. Theodore and Elise just exchanged a look. “If y’all’re gonna call me a nickname, call me somethin else,” he said. “Scribbles? C’mon, y’all can do better’n that.” “Hmm… m’kay,” Elise nodded slowly. “I think I got a couple ideas…” The corners of her mouth twitched mischievously. Theodore knew that look. Oh boy. How big of a mistake did I jus make? “How ‘booout… inky?” She said, blinking innocently as he tried not to smile. “Elise, tha’s even worse!” he replied. “Mmm alphabet soup?” she smirked. “Oh- revaew no-” Theodore guffawed, shaking his head. “Awful. Try again.” “Ah, I got it!” Elise clapped her hands together, grin as wide as a river. “Quillface!” Such was the name that broke Theodore’s composure. He lost it, clinging tightly to the beam below him to stop from falling off. Oh Revaew- yeah, he’d made a mistake alright. Nilo and Tyler quit tussling in confusion. Through teary eyes, Theodore could see them look to Elise for explanation. He couldn’t manage to get out more than a few wheezing “no, don’t-”s before her haughty grin passed its verdict. “Theodore’s new nickname is quillface,” she declared proudly. “QUILLFACE?!” Tyler shrieked, his shrilly voice dissolving into giggles. Nilo wasn’t too far behind, cracking a delighted smile. “I think it fits!” Nilo beamed. “It’s an attention grabber if I ever heard one!” “We- we oughta tell dean ‘n carrie-” Tyler wheezed. “Oh, of course! Everyone’s gotta know about Theo’s new name!” Elise grinned. “ABSOLUTELY NOT!” Theodore squawked, sputtering between bouts of laughter. He waved a hand to gather their attention, doing his best to breathe through his cackling. “Y’all are not gonna call me quillface, good revaew-” “Then what’dya want us to call you, huh?” Tyler teased. “Y’all gotta give us somethin to work with,” Nilo said. “I gave ya plenty’a options!” Elise chimed in, crossing her arms in mock offense. “Listen- y’all want a nickname? Fine, fine,” Theodore sighed. “Y’all can call me… uhh…” He glanced around for a moment. His eyes fell on his record book. He’d been needing a pseudonym for awhile now. And he… did like the idea of a writer-esque name mashed with “Drapht.” Something with a nice ring to it. Something like… He snapped, a bright grin rising to his face. “Journal!” he hummed, “y’all can call me journal.” “Journal?” Elise echoed, blinking. “... i mean, y’all were writin in that thing all mornin,” Nilo said. “And y’all’re what ya do, I guess,” Tyler shrugged. “Guess we should call you two punchy ‘n kicks then, eh? With all’a’y’all’s horseplay?” Theodore joked. The twins both clamored to protest, missing the obvious irony in the fact that they were still somewhat tangled up in the hay. And how they proved the point by dissolving back into tussling. Theodore settled back down on his beam, one foot dangling lazily. Yeah. That was about right. He reached for his quill, shifting to face his records once again. “Aw- c’mon, Theo! We wanna play!” Elise whined. He glanced over at her, a brow raised. “I’m here, ain’t I? I’m busy!” “Busy bein boring. What’re y’all writin in there thas’ so important anyway?” Elise huffed. Theodore opened his mouth to retort, but the words died in his throat. Wait. Could he tell them what happened the other day? Should he tell them? His parents hadn’t said no, but… well… “... Journal? Hellooooo?” Elise called, waving a hand. He blinked, shaking himself back to reality. “What was that? Y’all keepin secrets?” “Uh- not- not exactly-” he stammered, trying to cover his tracks. But his smile was lopsided, and his jerky movements too obvious. Elise’s eyes glimmered eagerly. “Ohoho… y’all’re keepin secrets,” she grinned. “Elise- no-” “Nilo!!! Tyler!!! Yer brother’s keepin secrets!!!” she cackled. The twins looked up immediately, perked up like coyotes in a chicken coop. Oh revaew. With the three of them staring him down, he really had no choice. “... well… uh… oh, fine,” Theodore sighed. “Jus keep it quiet, m’kay?” “O’course.” “Wouldn’t think otherwise!” “Y’all can count on it.” “Ok, good.” Theodore glanced towards the barn doors. No movement. No sound. Just the breeze and the sun beating down on the dirt. When he looked back to his siblings, they were busy nudging and giggling at each other, eager as ever for storytime. Alright. Yeah. This was ok. Shifting to sit upright, he clapped his hands together. They all sat to attention, eyes gleaming and gazes fixed on him. “... so… y’all remember the other day we were at town? An’ we had to leave early?” Theodore started. When he got a nod, he continued. “Well, somethin’ happened at the town outskirts ta’ make ma ‘n pa freak out so bad. And I was there. Y’see, there was a stranger who blew in, an’ they were doin somethin’ real interestin at the edge’a town...”
The sun had moved across the sky, almost right atop the barn, before movement reigned again. The twins burst out of the barn with fistfuls of hay, shouting as they tossed them at each other. Theodore was still up in the hayloft with Elise- she was having trouble getting down from the beam. Theodore tucked his journal into its little nook in the wall, setting the loose boards back into place. Elise was still chattering about his story as he turned towards a pile of bales. “-and mom jus yanked ya all the way back ta the cart?” she was asking, eyes wide. “Mhm,” Theodore nodded. He grunted as he tugged a bale of hay over. Scrambling on top of it, he reached up for his sister’s hands. “She was madder’n a trampled rattler. ‘M really not sure why, though. The stranger wasn’ hurtin nobody.” “Yeah, but… they were a magic user,” Elise said hesitantly. “Ma ‘n pa said they’re bad, right?” She shimmied her way down into Theodore’s arms. He let out a soft “oof” as she dropped, but he got her to hit the hay softly. “That… yeah, that’s what they say,” Theodore admitted. “... just… I dunno. I don’t think somethin so intricate ‘n beautiful could be that bad. Ma ‘n pa didn’ say people could do stuff like th’ stranger did with magic. They jus said it’ll make ya inta a lazy monster. I doubt someone lazy would be doin alla those flips.” “And yer sure ya didn’ see any claws or fangs?” Elise asked. He nodded without a thought. “I didn’ see nothin,” he assured her. “But- well, we don’ need to think too hard about it. They’re gone now. I jus thought it was neat.” “Fair ‘nuff,” Elise shrugged. She grabbed a fistful of hay on her way towards the ladder, humming happily to herself. Theodore followed after her, waiting at the top as she climbed down. She looked up at him once her feet hit the floor. “Y’all better hurry down ‘re yer gonna miss the fun this time!” she hollered, waving her handful of hay. Theodore laughed, carefully maneuvering himself over the ladder. “I will, I will! Jus gimme a minute!” he called back. “Scaredy cat!!!” Elise jeered. “Y’all wouldn’ say that if ya fell off the loft like I have!” he shot back. Taking a breath, he stuck one leg off the loft, feeling for the ladder. He didn’t move again until he had a good foothold. He slid himself down to get his hands around the sides, grabbing on tight as his other foot fumbled for the wooden slats. Only once his whole weight was held did he exhale. He sat there for a second just to make sure. Good. Ok. He was ok. Now he just had to scurry on down. All was going well until a sharp voice cut through the cheerful laughs outside. Theodore didn’t notice it at first. He was too busy lowering foot after foot, hand after hand, not wanting to take his eyes off the ladder. Almost down, almost down. He had this. Or, he thought he did. “THEODORE SHERMAN DRAPHT!” The name- his name- was bellowed loud enough to snatch his attention away from the ladder. His head whipped up, body tensing up enough to jerk his grip off of the wood. For one terrifying second, gravity seemed to drag his body away. Theodore’s hands shot out like lightning, snatching the wood so hard he knew he’d given himself splinters. But he didn’t care. He was too busy wondering what he’d done. He glanced skittishly toward the barn doors. A shadow darkened them, hands settled on hips, shoulders hiked up and tense. He knew that pose. Just like he knew the shout that followed it. “THEODORE, GET OUT HERE THIS INSTANT!” Ah. His mother. Theodore felt his stomach settling like a rock in the sea as he hurriedly finished his descent. Oh revaew. What happened now?
Theodore stood in his parents’ room, spine straight and hands clasped behind his back. His shoulders were squared, and he dared not reach his twitching fingers up to smooth his hair down. Even if the rather rough trip in here skewed it all over. And sorting it out would soothe him. He couldn’t move. His father’s disapproving gaze was more paralyzing than any snakebite. That, and he was just trying to last in the burning fury of his mother’s berating. “-came out to see Tyler and Nilo throwing hay at each other with some- some- dirty sorcerer’s words- trying to practice magic on my farm-” she was spitting, gaze searing as a brand. He squirmed a bit, doing his best to keep his eyes on her. It was hard. His gaze flitted across the room every time her voice raised. And when she was angry, she always spoke loud. He waited until she took a breath to pipe up. “I’m- I’m sorry, ma,” he tried, “I didn’ think it’d be a big deal-” “Of course you didn’t,” his mother snapped. “You don’t think about anything.” He winced at that, unable to keep his gaze from skittering to the floorboards. That’s- that wasn’t true. He did think. He’d dithered over telling his siblings for at least a day or two. Even now, he’d only told when they found him out. His fists clenched as his mother continued. “What have we told you about how dangerous magic is?! About how not to let it spread?!” “I- y’all said it’s bad fer us,” he mumbled, “bad fer everyone, a-an we should stay away.” “Exactly. An’ that shoulda been the end of it,” his mother snarled. “So why in the hell were y’all tellin yer siblings about what y’all saw in town?!” “I- it didn’- I jus- they- w-we were jus-” “What’ve we told you about thinking your sentences through before you speak?” his father sighed. Theodore clamped his mouth shut. Think, don’t just stammer, y’all oughta know better, he chided himself. He took a shaky breath, trying not to focus on how his mother’s foot tapped, and his father’s fingers drummed. Eventually, he forced his eyes to meet theirs again. “It… It didn’ look like magic t’me,” he explained slowly. “There was nothin threatenin. I didn’ even realize it was magic till the stranger said so.” “You… didn’t realize it was magic?” his mother echoed, disbelief dripping off her tongue. “N-no, ma’am,” he mumbled. He felt his cheeks grow hot as she scoffed. “Like- Like I said, I didn’ see anythin scary, ‘er any’a the stuff you’n pa said to look out for.” No darkness. No laziness. No monsters. No traps or snares or brambles. Nothing like what they’d been drilling into him since he could crawl. Just someone having fun flipping around and making towers of golden smoke. Which, yeah, that was magic. He believed it. But why in Revaew’s wide world did their description of “magic” not line up? Not one thing they’d told him to sniff out magic had helped him in town. It wasn’t even remotely scary. What right did they have to drag him from a danger that wasn’t even there? A thought popped hastily into his head. It was out of his mouth before he could stop it. “Have y’all even seen magic for yerselves, anyway?” Theodore’s hand ached to swipe up and cover his mouth. He wanted those words back. He wanted them back now. It was a good question- the right question- but with the way his parents’ faces flickered from incredulous to outraged... Shit. He needed to watch himself. “Have we- have we ever- ever seen-” his mother sputtered. “Theodore, that’s not your place to ask,” his father said harshly. “We’d know magic when we see it. It looks like what we’ve told you. End of story.” “But- but that’s not what I saw!” Theodore blurted. He cursed himself again, but he needed the words out. “I saw somethin’ that was pretty ‘n careful ‘n delicate, nothin like lazy destruction or evil monsters! Y’all- y’all saw what they did too, magic isn’t like that!” “It is like that, and it is what happened in town,” his father insisted, scowl deepening. “You were there, Debora. You saw it yourself.” “I did,” she nodded, “and it was jus as nasty as I thought. The sorcerer musta done somethin to our eyes so it seemed different, that’s all.” Theodore’s train of thought hit a snag in the tracks. Wait. Their eyes? What? Where did that factor in? They were just doin’ smoky tower magic, nothin happened to our eyes. They didn’ even do magic in our direction. He opened his mouth to protest, but his mother cut him off. “Revaew, look at em- that daggum filthy wizard has- has bewitched our son,” she spat. She swept her hand in his direction, earning a flinch and a step back. “He ain’t seein any sense! What’re we gonna do with ‘em?!” “... give him time, Debora,” his father said. “Spells don’t last forever.” He hadn’t moved, arms still crossed and gaze still harsh. But there was a menacing glimmer in his eye. The second he saw it mirrored in his mother, he felt as if the room became an icebox. A beat of silence passed. Theodore swallowed down more words that bubbled up, watching as his parents exchanged a look. He stood stock still and quiet. If you asked him later, he’d say he could swear he felt frost climbing up his legs. “... y’all’re not ta speak of magic again,” his mother finally said. “Not so long as y’all live in this house.” “Not to your siblings, your friends, yourself, anyone,” his father added. “Magic- all magic- is a curse. If we see y’all spreadin around that sorcerer’s hex again, yer gonna be worse than grounded,” his mother said curtly. “Understood?” Though his mind churned and bucked, crying mutiny and injustice, Theodore forced himself to nod. “Ya swear it?” his mother pressed. “I… I-I swear it,” Theodore choked out. As the words left him, the tension in his father’s shoulders eased, and his mother’s brow smoothed. Approval at last. He tried to ignore the frozen bile in the back of his throat. “We gotta talk to yer siblings still, but yer free ta go,” his mother said. “Remember what we talked about, Theodore,” his father warned. “I... I will, pa. Don’ worry,” Theodore mumbled. He couldn’t leave the room fast enough.
Nilo, Tyler, and Elise all stood against the wall in the hallway. Though their faces begged for reassurance, he couldn’t meet their eyes. He just let his feet carry him through the house, gaze glued to the floor. When he opened the door, it was glued to the grass. Then the dirt path. Then the floor of the barn. Though his body shook with barely acknowledged fear, he clambered up the ladder and back into the loft. It was only when he tucked himself into a dark, high corner that he finally let himself think. Questions swirled and lashed in his head, each more pointed than the last. Why couldn’t he tell people about what he saw? Why didn’t the magic look like they said? Why did they insist his eyes were wrong? Why had his mother called him bewitched when he tried to say they were wrong? Did they even know magic at all? Were they trying to hide things? He didn’t know. He didn’t know. He didn’t have answers, and the more he thought, the more frustrated he got. By the time he felt tears trickling down his cheeks, he knew he had to make some kind of decision. Even if the idea scared him. Taking a shaky breath, Theodore scrubbed the tears from his face. He unfolded himself from the corner he’d crammed himself in. Dropping lightly to the hay, he strode over to his hidden nook. The floorboards creaked under his hands as he reached for his journal. The beat up cover looked ready to fall apart. But it’d persevered this long. It still held so much precious knowledge. It could still hold more. Just like him. Theodore sat down in the middle of the loft, scribbling away once again. Though this time, an air of purpose surrounded him. A flame of determination lit his thoughts, illuminating the words on the page. If his parents weren’t gonna tell him the truth about magic, he’d find it out himself. ‘Anyone can use magic, kid,’ the stranger’s words echoed. ‘Even you. You just gotta dig for it.’ Dig is just what I’ll do, Theodore thought. I had a bad landin. Not so much on my feet. But I can learn. I will learn. And I’m gonna hit the ground running.
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romeoburg-archived · 4 years
whats his relationships with the other charas like (like gill, maya, radar, or anyone rlly)? if there's no friendship/he doesn't know them well, what'd you think it'd be like if wulf was friends with certian characters?
i am so mad man i had shit typed up and then the page refreshed itself. anyways all the stuff is under the cut
wulfric / aiden (wulfden) • dating
i know you said OTHER characters but i gotta start with my main mans. wulfric and aiden started dating after the end of season 2, when aiden returned from golden city (post-s1e5 sky city). its not exactly enemies-to-lovers, more like two friends who couldnt stand each other sometimes. they still like to take the piss out of each other sometimes. and surprisingly aiden was the one who asked wulfric out. just a "hey i think i might actually like you a bit and the feelings i had in my chest werent ALL disgust after all no homo tho" except its all homo. and the ship name was so funny to think abt cuz like. it took me way too long to think of that, so i might be stupid
wulfric + doppler ( @freds-keep​ ) • best friends
theyre best friends!! i have to like look at my notes again wherever i put em and figure out exactly how they met, but ik they met between the s1 DLCs and s2, and iirc wulfric is the one who introduced doppler to radar. wulfric tried to teach doppler to parkour once and it ended with wulfric having to force a potion of healing down doppler's throat. never again. maybe with featherfalling boots but not likely. its okay tho, doppler ribs on him for being friends with a singer when he's completely tone deaf
wulfric + maya • dislike
he. doesnt like maya. the two were kinda just constantly down each other throats getting into more spats than he and aiden ever did. they could never agree on anything and its a wonder that they didnt just kill each other sometimes. its ONLY just dislike bc like. they were a part of the same gang. even after he found out about the sky city ordeal he was just like "yknow what i expected that"
wulfric + jesse • dislike
wulfric doesnt like jesse fr the same reason the other ocelots (minus lukas) dont like him. just rubbing it in his face all the time that they won the building competition every year they participated and jesse and his 'order of the pigs' didnt. he mellows out after s1, but he still doesnt rly like him that much :/
wulfric + lukas • friendly
while they were best friends pre-s1 DLCs, after the DLC episodes they just didnt hang around as much as they used to. sure it was a bit upsetting, but wulfric wasnt too beat up. wulfric actually defended lukas from the admin (posing as jesse ofc) which is what got them both sent to the tower, with wulfric taking advantage of his parkour skills to escape and attempt to like. tell ppl. except he got caught again bc he got cornered. oops. anyways the two of them reformed the ocelots with the other prisoners
wulfric + gill • friendly
wulfric and gill had a. short fling once. not really dating just like fwb stuff but that never rly made anything awkward between them even when they stopped. when gill returned to beacontown the two spent a lot of time hanging out again. also when the witherstorm was tearing through the overworld, wulfric rescued gill from a tractor beam and they both contracted wither sickness but its okay they got better
wulfric + radar • friendly
wulfric and radar met like right before construction on champion city began, like immediately after the DLCs. he offered radar a place to stay for a while but he had passed on it since stella was kinda. keepin him glued to his side for ~intern work~ which meant he couldnt. after radar quit being stella’s intern and started working for jesse, the two began to hang out a lot more. wulfric is still kind of in-awe at his arm tattoos, but loves to poke fun at him for ~getting them in prison~. he KNOWS what happened ofc but its funny to mess with him and say they locked him up for being too cute
wulfric + petra • friendly
petras the one who actually took wulfric to the nether For Real for the first time. she offered and he almost declined because all he knew was that the nether was Dangerous, but gave in and let petra show him that the nether’s only dangerous if you dont watch where ur lookin. she also showed him how to barter with piglins! sometimes when petra’s back in beacontown the two will go out and explore. he feels safe around petra.
wulfric + axel • hate
wulfric hates griefers. straight up. cannot stand them. boom town is on his like. anti-bucket list. if he never went there in his life it’d still be too many times. he doesn’t like axel at all. definitely couldnt take him on in a fight cuz im p sure axel would crush him but they’ve gotten into verbal spats
and now for ones i dont have listed / written down:
wulfric + olivia • dislike
about the same level of dislike as jesse. he might be a bit envious of her redstone skills but he knows redstone isnt his strong suit so he doesnt really care
wulfric + ivor • hate
this one might just be me projecting the fact that it took until s1e8 for me to even TOLERATE ivor, but he still holds some grudges on the grounds that he technically DESTROYED HIS TREEHOUSE. he’s mad.
wulfric + jack and nurm • admire
pre-s2 he visited the adventure emporium quite a couple times just to look around and to listen to the stories jack would tell. he thought they were super interesting and he wishes he could be strong like them.
wulfric + romeo • ???
wulfric doesnt know how to feel. like ofc that was the admin. he did all that bad stuff but like. he seems so sluggish now? and powerless. and just depressed. he might take him out to get some rabbit stew or somethin cuz he kinda looks like he needs to eat. same hair tho!
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Oh, you wanted me to hit you with some? Bet. Do all of them Strawberry
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you?
I have never considered that before now but thanks for that
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you?
3 probably, I’m not really scared of the dark most of the time (unless it’s literally pitch black), but every once in a while i get really unnerved bc i get rlly paranoid
3. The person you would never want to meet?
4. What is your favorite word?
“faith” bc my faith and bc synesthesia
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be?
uhhh flowering cherry bc at my old house my brothers and I each had a tree that my dad planted for us when we were each born and mine was a flowering cherry
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought?
I looked in the mirror this morning?
7. What shirt are you wearing?
coral pink bubba gump shrimp co. t shirt
8. What do you label yourself as?
child of God, daughter of Sappho
9. Bright room or dark room?
bright if we’re talking natural light being let in through my windows, dark if we’re talking just normally bc rlly bright lights mess w my sensory issues
10. What were you doing at midnight last night?
talking to you yobi
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far?
this age, I’m a firm believer in that things will always get better, even if only one small thing does improve, when i think back on past years i get anxious and nostalgia isn’t good for me
12. Who told you they loved you last?
@toomanyfanfics that one
13. Your worst enemy?
my mental health tbh
14. What is your current desktop picture?
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15. Do you like someone?
never experienced romantic attraction, i used to have a plush (qp crush) on one of my best irl friends tho (@ blob have fun with this fact)
16. The last song you listened to?
I am listening to Echosmith’s Cool Kids as I am writing this, before that I was listening to Girls by Marina and the Diamonds, which is a hilarious song i 11/10 recommend
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up?
myself, I’m not s*icidal but I’m not killing someone else
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face?
whoever the person who decided Teen Vogue should endorse child pornography was
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do?
me, I would make myself do actual work for once
20. What is your best physical attribute?
my eyes, i just like them. fun fact this one kid i used to be kinda good friends with was talking with me on snapchat once (bc we did that a lot, back when i had snapchat) and i don’t remember how we got into this but he ended up describing my eyes really weirdly? it was really deep and got kinda strange? it was like a movie scene but via text message and then in the middle of it he was like “wtf am i doing” and i will always remember that (dude if you are for some reason reading this then idek what to say man. sorry). anyone who knows me irl (@ you blob) can take a guess as to who this is
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do?
idk the answer to either of those questions tbh
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it?
idek man sorry
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of?
weed, like i’m genuinely terrified of being in its presence (never been in its presence before), i’ve had nightmares about it
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal.
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it?
go to Atlanta and find a homeless person and buy them some clothes and food and some blankets
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go?
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be?
first of all why is an angel giving me unlimited alcohol that’s just kinda strange second of all i am a MINOR i am not legally ALLOWED however i will probably just take whatever and give it to some people, someone will like it
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? 
be kind and do good where you can and if someone wrongs you forgive them
29. What is your favorite expletive?
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno?
my cactus!! she is v important to me
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
the first thing that comes to mind was really traumatic for me, but it’s what brought me as close as i am to God now so idk that i would get rid of it. idrk man, it really sucked but i’m glad that I’m so much closer to God now
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a [redacted bc even though this is a hypothetical i absolutely would never do this and refuse to acknowledge it even in a hypothetical situation]. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world!
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back?
idk, peeps are in heaven now and i don’t really wanna take that away from them
34. What was your last dream about?
ask God not me
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]?
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital?
not really, however i have had several surgeries (all on my mouth) so i was in the hospital for those
37. Have you ever built a snowman?
I have built a real, genuine snowman once in my life, and the only proof is a picture i have bc i was so little i can’t even remember it. it doesn’t snow in georgia
38. What is the color of your socks?
ain’t wearing em, however most of mine are gray with some colorful bits
39. What type of music do you like?
I have an eclectic mix of favorites.
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets?
sunrises all the way, the afternoon and evening make me anxious but nighttime and dawn and early morning are the best times
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor?
vanilla bitch
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer)
UGA i guess bc it’s ga and that’s a safe answer, i don’t really follow sports (i watch baseball sometimes though)
43. Do you have any scars?
oh i’m covered in tiny ones, the most notable being one on my thigh that was on my knee when i first noticed it. to this day i do not know how i got it
44. What do you want to be when you graduate?
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
i wanna be better about lying
46. Are you reliable?
heh depends, when it comes to knowing random things or being stupid, yes, but when it comes to remembering things, such as dates and times and things? absolutely not
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?
Has it gotten easier?
48. Do you hold grudges?
yes and no
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create?
a whelk and a quetzalcoatlus, no i do not accept constructive criticism
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had?
i once spent hours talking to myself about if it is possible for a perfectly fair coin to exist outside of theory
51. Are you a good liar?
I like to think so
52. How long could you go without talking?
Oh I could go a looooooooooooooong time, however i do have my chatterbox days and i am known for not shutting up so it’s really a tossup on that one
53. What has been you worst haircut/style?
when i was 3 my mom put blonde highlights in my hair and it was absolutely absurd
54. Have you ever baked your own cake?
i cannot bake to save my life, however i have made my father cheesecakes for his birthday and they turned out okay so idk
55. Can you do any accents other than your own?
56. What do you like on your toast?
a crap ton of butter
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of?
dude in a graduation cap
58. What would be you dream car?
idk whatever’s cheap and works
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain.
uhhh not really no
60. Do you believe in aliens?
i mean i don’t think we’re the only life in the entire universe, so yeah (and also they’ve found traces of ancient bacteria on Mars so if you don’t believe then who are you kidding)
61. Do you often read your horoscope?
occasionally, i don’t believe in astrology but it’s at least somewhat accurate a lot of the time and i like to freak myself out
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet?
you’d think i’d have an answer for this, however i have never thought about this before. so e ig
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons?
if your answer to this is dinosaurs then get out of my house
64. What do you think about babies?
they’re good at shrieking, and for that i admire them
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
i am not interesting
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Episode 13 Confessionals
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luke used the idol and idoled zach out and im about to cry. like i hope you read this postgame zach bc ur truly awesome <3 playing with zach has just been... so fun?? idk we played together in las vegas and weren't rlly talking at all until our last day when we got close then we just... never talked after that. then this game happened... and i dont know if its just because we're similar but i clicked with him and we talked daily like 24/7 about anything. strategy, normal stuff, anything. and it's been great playing with him. calling, just talking strategy, knowing you can trust someone 100%. its rlly nice in games :// love YEW zach and have fun with willow in ponderosa. (also dana joined my confessional bc ur out now sorry)
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I'm tired of Jordan Pines. Honestly I'm just tired. Carson & I vs Luke and Jordan Honestly one of us needs to win immunity or we're fucked. Plain and simple. 
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the sevens endurance challenge really sucked but im happy i was smart and figured out a.. formula on google sheets to get all the numbers on a spreadsheet so i can copy and paste and it seems like nobody is doing too good i guess. i got 31577 and im hoping thats good enough but my goal was 70k and im mad i didnt get that all because i couldnt focus ughhh. idk im just mad about that and i wish i could focus more on it and have done better and i just regret not doing it. also ive been thinking about jury votes and the final tribal council. a lot of people seem to see me as a goat/nonthreat/irrelevant/lapdog, and this is NOT a game for lapdogs. i guess they dont think i can win?
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im gonna do a jury analysis/breakdown of who would vote who.
carson vs luke: chris - most likely carson willow - carson bryce - tossup katie - tossup zach - carson charlotte - carson jordan - luke i have 3 "locked" votes and luke has 1, but theres 3 tossups that could make me lose (and tbh lukes played a good game and i think its possible willow + charlotte might change votes bc of that) carson vs charlotte: chris - tossup willow - carson bryce - tossup katie - tossup zach - carson luke - charlotte jordan - charlotte 2 locked votes for both of us and 3 tossups. i love charlotte but like... her losing the firemaking challenge MIGHT not be a bad thing bc she a threat. jury might be mad at her though. carson vs jordan: chris - tossup willow - carson bryce - carson katie - jordan zach - carson luke - jordan charlotte - carson (unless i vote her out) idk. this could go both ways. obviously none of this is factoring in luke + jordan's stories and the respect the jurors might have for that, but im looking more at relationships. i feel like im facing an uphill battle no matter who i go against but i think i can do it. just gotta make it there! also i kept telling charlotte fake scores for the challenge i feel bad SDKSDJK sorry for the jumbled confessional
im immune what the fuck? like im shook... i still GOT IT. beating jordan/luke 2 big immunity threats in a challenge is good for my self esteem honestly. hopefully charlotte can beat luke/jordan in a firemaking challenge but  also... its NOT ME GOING HOME! also jordans trying to get me to flip and vote charlotte by citing how big of a jury threat is but... the thing is i know charlotte is loyal and gets mad when people betray her so id rather her lose this firemaking or jordan take her out next vote! FINAL 3 BOUND!
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Did I do a confessional already? No one knows. Jordan Pines didn't win immunity.... but voting for him tonight is stupid because he's incredible when it comes to competitions. At this point, my only hope is to go up against Luke and hope I can beat him in a fire-making competition. If I fail, it's to the jury I go. 
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I JUST MADE THE FINAL 3 BITCHES. Luke and charlotte are about to go to firemaking rip, so #goluke. If luke wins i actually have an option of being taken to ftc. If not, then once again Jordan has to win it on his own. Either way, gonna be an exciting finish. Right to the fucking end we go. Lukei'm going to firemaking because carson is dumb and doesn't understand that making charlotte and jordan battle it out in firemaking would be smarter for him
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LIKE... luke really wants to stay and i feel so bad i really love him as a person but in this game we have just.. not been together really and im letting charlotte make this choice because its her going to firemaking. 
i'm officially in the final 3!
charlotte won the firemaking, and this might make me seem bad but... im kinda sad she did? i love charlotte but her losing wouldn't be horrible. as of now it seems as if both people will take me (hopefully) but i always assume people are lying so im not gonna throw it. ill try my best because i wanna be there to plead my case. this final 3 is far from what i actually wanted. i wanted a zach/me/willow final 3, but i think i predicted it back then when that originated that that would never happen. nothing goes to plan in survivor and i think it's the people who adapt to the circumstances thrown at them who are able to win. i feel i was able to adapt for sure and thats why i wanna make it to the final 2 so i can describe what i feel were the best parts of my game: my adaptability, my social game, and using threats to obscure me. i feel like i really did play a good game, so even if people see me as a goat who won't win right now... i'll be glad to prove them wrong. and i think by winning last immunity by 23,000 proves the dedication/desire i have in this game and to win this game, which i dont think people saw. so, bring it on! the final stages of this game are in full force, and i will be the last one standing. <3
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Last night was bad. Luke is gone and it's been rough, but I am so close. All the stands between me and winning is 1 challenge. ONE FUCKING CHALLENGE. If i win final immunity, I genuinly believe that i can win this game, but I know if I lose, neither of these two people are taking me. It is on me. This is do or die, and if theirs one thing I am good at, it is not dying.
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Jordan not winning final immunity is a look. Is it finally time for Jordan Pines to get voted out???
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i REALLY won final immunity what the fuck. like why did i do that they both wouldve taken me... i dont know. jordans making super good points that i KNOW and ive been THINKING this entire game of the jury. it really is hard being viewed as the "goat" i guess i know how dana feels now :/// poor dana (jk i love dana!!!) ok.. so. ive reflected on all this so much already i dont think i have to do too much. i feel as if i have to hype up my strategic and social game and how i did THAT because i really did. people just.. dont know WHAT i did yet and perception is reality i guess. taking charlotte means she got the strategy on LOCK and maybe even social. jordan has the STORY point of view and the competition and even strategy i feel. i feel its an uphill battle no matter who i take but... charlotte said she woudlnt be bitter if i voted her out... while jordan said hed vote charlotte. but i do NOT want jordan to thin kthis is all because of his pleas. hes played a good game and all but i think ive played a good game too and can go up against both of em. idk. my decision won't be made until it's made/
22 mins until final tribal council and im nervous as hell i feel as if ive played a good game and i can sell my case well but jordan can do that too and i just have to sell myself better than him. luke + charlotte r voting jordan almost 100% so i just need to swing two of chris, bryce, or katie. ugh i really hopei can win because ive put so much into this game
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