#its how i beat emperor nero
jojolimons · 5 months
lmao finished pepper grinder before downloading the qol update
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anyarose011 · 5 months
You're a Mean One, Miss Hunham {Angus Tully x Reader}
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Summary: Four days into being stuck in an all boy's school for Christmas break, and you're on the brink of insanity. If it's not because of Angus Tully still trying to one up you in history lessons, then it's Teddy Kountze getting a hand on something personal of yours (prick).
Part 2 of ?? (Masterlist)
Warnings: Swearing, period typical sexism, mentions of pornography, blackmail, minor physical assault, and as always, Teddy Kountze.
You guys don't get to escape being an awkward af teenager just because it's fanfiction, so enjoy! Also, thank you all so much for the love already shown just from the first part alone!
Word Count: 5.0k
You always knew to put a pillow over your head when you heard your father get up from his bed.
“All right you fetid layabouts, it’s daylight in the swamp!” He smacked two metal basins against each other, waking the boys up if they weren’t already, groaning. “Arise!”
It was funny the first day, but by the fourth, it was unbearable. Still, a part of you was grateful for your father; you never had to get up early and run with the boys in the cold, Massachusetts air. Call it nepotism, call it sexism, you were just glad he didn’t want you to interact with them (physically, that is).
The second day you were there, he called you in during afternoon study hall (leaving you on a minor cliff hanger in Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre; forget that it was your third time reading it, it pissed you off). Just like he had done months ago, Paul Hunham hosted a trivia game (whether that was to show you off, or get them to study, you had no idea).
What idea you did have, was beating every single one of them.
For Alex and Ye-Joon, they were babies in your eyes, so you would give them more time to think on their answers whenever they were up. Alex got close on one, but overall, they didn’t do so well.
Oh, the boys your age? Yeah, you didn’t show mercy, even towards Jason.
“When was the last king overthrown?” Your father questioned.
You smacked the desk before Jason could even process the question. “509 B.C.”
“What planets are named after Roman gods?”
“Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.” You recited it perfectly.
Teddy scrunched his eyes. “Jesus Christ.”
Your father pursed his lips. “That was the easiest one I have, Mr. Kountze.”
Angus Tully…Angus. Fucking. Tully.
“What emperor temporarily restored peace to Rome and the cost of-?”
Angus hit the desk before your father could finish the question. “-Diocletian.”
“At its peak,” your father eyed you. “how large was the Roman Empi-?”
“2.3 million square miles.” You answered, keeping your eyes trained on Tully.
“Nero had five spouses in total, what was the name of the slave boy he-?”
“-Castrated and married,” you finished for him. “Sporus.”
Back and forth you both went like that, rapid fire at first, and your own levels of exhaustion were catching up to you. After perhaps five minutes of this (maybe ten, twenty, who gives a shit, you were tired), it was one damning question that would haunt you.
“True or false, the Pantheon was built before the Coliseum.”
“True.” You said, slapping the desk with the confidence of a mediocre man.
There was silence in the room, and your father sighed. “False.”
It wasn’t a big deal, it shouldn’t have been a big deal; to literally everyone else but you, it wouldn’t be a big deal.
But it was.
Oh, it was.
It was the second time you lost to Angus Tully overall, the first time from an easy question. Still, while Kountze’s grin made you want to rip out his teeth, it was Tully’s outstretched hand that caused you to snap out of it.
“Good job.”
Two of the most hurtful words in academia, whether it meant for it to be or not. Still, swallowing your pride, you shook his hand, and left the room gracefully.
Then started crying as you walked down the darkened hallway.
It wasn’t like you were weeping, you were just frustrated. Thankfully, by the time your friend Elise came to pick you up, you were fine and had a fun day simply walking around town with her.
You bought cigarettes and chocolate at the drug store, then spent the rest of the day at her house, laying on the floor and listening to records in her room while answering her prodding questions.
“Who’s the cutest one?”
“None, they’re men.”
“Okay,” she rolled her eyes, smiling. “I know that, but if you had to choose.”
“Like, ‘if we were the last man and woman on earth’ I had to choose?”
“A very tall bridge.”
She laughed, shoving you playfully. “I’m serious!”
“So am I.”
Sighing heavily, you thought for a moment, before smiling. “He’s a football player.”
“What?!” She sat herself up. “You and a football player?!”
“Shut up!” You laughed with her, sitting up.
Elise shook her head. “What about the one you went head-to-head with in trivia today?”
“Ew,” was your immediate reaction. “he’s maybe your type, but not mine.”
“So, you don’t want a smart one?” She questioned. “And that’s mean of you.”
“I’m mean to everyone.” You laid back down on the floor. “And yes, of course I want someone who’s smart, but not smarter than me.”
She mirrored you, laying down and leaning her head against yours. “So, he’s out for the count?”
“One hundred percent.”
“If you say so.” Elise reached up onto her nightstand and handed you a letter. “Also, my aunt left something back at the faculty housing and said she found this in you and your dad’s mailbox.”
You looked at your name in the center of it, and then at the stamp: a toy train.
It took everything within you not to sit up in shock. All you did was smile, say thank you, and slip it into your coat pocket.
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You gave Tully his chocolates and cigarettes and didn’t have a problem. It was the fourth day when your father had given them just another ounce of freedom outside of the school, allowing them to walk around the wooded area of campus. You still had your books, but you were also feeling lonesome (the only time you really interacted with any of them was during mealtimes, except for Teddy…fuck Teddy), and you had talked about almost every single thing you wanted to talk about with Mary (God bless that women for letting you read to her too).
So, on December 20th, you laced up your boots (not too tightly), pulled on your mittens, and zipped up your jacket to go on a miniature adventure with the five boys.
“I’m gonna teach you how to play football.” Jason teased you as the six of you walked two by two (you and him at the front).
Shaking your head, you smiled more so at the thought of what you’d look like than his obvious flirting (was he even flirting or just being nice? Decades pass, and you still aren’t sure). “Please no.”
“Come on, it’s easy.”
“Roman history is easy.”
He shook his head. “No, it’s not; you’re just smart.”
“It’s easy to me. Football is easy to you, see what I’m getting at?”
Jason shrugged. “Suit yourself, Teddy?”
“Say no more.” He responded, brushing past you and running up ahead as Jason threw the football to him and he caught it.
That left you by yourself for just a moment before seeing Angus walk beside you. You turned your head over your shoulder to see Ye-Joon and Alex lagging behind as they talked.
“Boys,” you called them. “try and keep up!”
They responded with a chorus of ‘Yeah’s and ‘Sorry’s.
“So what, you’re like their mother now?” The second most irritating voice belonging to a boy asked.
You looked over at Angus, hands in his pockets as he gazed down at you. “You’re not exactly the nurturing type.”
“You don’t know that.”
Humming, you stepped over a log in the middle of the path. “So, what about you?”
“What about me?”
“Jason’s here because of his hair, Alex and Ye-Joon’s family are in other continents, I don’t care nor want to know about Teddy, why are you here?”
He didn’t respond right away, before then saying. “I was supposed to go to St. Kitt’s with my mom and stepfather, but then they decided to say it was their honeymoon and ditch me.”
Your gaze turned to him and saw him pick up a stick, dragging it behind him to make a line in the snow. Even just from his profile, you could see the anger withing his eyes; bubbling more violently than a volcano about to erupt.
“That’s despicable.” You stated plainly.
“That’s one way to put it.” He scoffed.
You didn’t know exactly how to follow up such a personal conversation, but you wanted to make him feel better (at this point during the break, only because it was the decent thing to do), so you just said.
“You beat me fair and square both times.”
Angus looked at you. “Did I? At your dad’s bullshit trivia?”
“You did. Well actually, it was just me versus five of you, and I do believe the more I talk to Kountze, the more braincells I lose, so-.”
“-Don’t sell yourself short.”
You gave him a quizzical look. “I know, I was just telling you why I lost to you both times.”
He shrugged. “The first time you had to go against fifteen of us.”
“I’m sorry,” you chuckled, genuinely not believing it. “are you suddenly saying that you think I’m smart?”
“I never said you weren’t.” He gave you a look.
“Last time, you looked me in the eye and said you knew more than me.”
That’s what silenced him, and when he nor you said anything after that, you simply walked ahead of him. Hell yeah, you had the last word and made him feel like an asshole (you honestly didn’t know that was possible).
The six of you all caught up with one another, and you spoke with the freshmen boys more about meaningless things (but perhaps that’s what made it so meaningful). Angus, still carrying the stick like he was a child, and it was his favorite toy, said to Jason after talking about if there was anything else to do in Barton.
“What about your car? We could take it, go somewhere, Boston maybe?”
“Nah, we’d get in so much trouble.” He shook his head, nudging you. “Little miss perfect here would snitch on us.”
You rolled your eyes at the nickname. “I would not. Besides, it’d be easier to say you all kidnapped me, and everyone would believe me.”
“Face it,” Jason passed the football back to Teddy. “we’re stuck.”
 “If we just had some way to get out of here.” Angus kicked a patch of snow. “Just split.”
Jason pointed towards the quad. “Well, you could put a chopper down right in the quad.”
“A what?” Angus furrowed his brow.
“Helicopter, dumbass.” Teddy mocked. “His old man’s the CEO of Pratt and Whitney.”
Jason nodded. “Yeah, he’s go his own bird. He takes it from Stamford to the city every morning. Lands right in our back yard. Pilot’s name is Wild Bill.”
“Wild Bill?” Ye-Joon asked, amused.
“Yeah, flew to Haystack with it. Took the presents and everything. Minus me.”
“Flying with presents,” Alex spoke up. “like Santa Claus.”
That was perhaps the first time you smiled out of geniuses that day.
“Yeah. Just like Santa Claus.”
Jason whistled, and Teddy immediately dashed ahead of him and caught the ball once Jason threw it. The two drifted off playing catch, leaving you and Angus with the freshmen. Alex spoke just as whimsically as he did about Santa.
“If I was back home right now back in Provo, it would be really warm inside, and my mom would be making baked apples, and the whole house would smell like cinnamon and brown sugar.”
Ye-Joon smiled. “That sounds really nice.”
You nodded. “During finals week, I helped Mary and the other cooks bake cookies for you guys. I still think that’s one of my favorite smells of all time.”
“You helped out with that?” Angus asked.
Dropping your smile, you said. “Yeah, and if I knew which one you’d have taken I would’ve spat in it.”
Before he could even come up with a response, Teddy ran up to Alex and yanked the glove off his right hand. “Hey!”
“That’s what you get for ratting me out, you little Mormon!” He laughed before throwing it into the river.
You marched up to him immediately. “What the fuck is wrong with you?! Like, what the actual fuck?”
Teddy only stuck his tongue out like a child before running back to catch up with Jason. A part of you (somehow) foolishly believed he would’ve berated Teddy for the obviously asshole act; but he didn’t.
Rolling your eyes, you went down to the river with Alex, hopefully trying to find the glove and be able to fish it out. Though, to no avail, you couldn’t find it.
“It’s gone!” He yelled back up to Angus and Ye-Joon. “My glove’s gone!”
“Twisted fucker orphaned that glove on purpose!” Angus responded. “Left you with one so the loss would sting that much more.”
Alex looked down at his hands before tugging off the other glove and throwing it into the river as well. You glared at Teddy as he had a fun time, still laughing and throwing the ball with Jason. Sighing, you looked back down at Alex and pulled off your mittens, handing them to him.
He glanced up at you before staring back out at the water, rubbing his nose. “I don’t need them.”
“Your fingers are frailer than mine.” You continued even when he gave you a look. “That’s not an insult, that’s a fact. It’s alright, I have pockets.”
Alex, after a moment of debating, took them from you and slipped them on, smiling. “Thanks.”
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The six of you were on your way back to school when you felt someone slip their hand into your coat pocket.
“Now what do we have here?”
You turned on your heel, seeing Teddy’s face light up as he waved the letter in his hand. Your face dropped, along with your voice.
Immediately, you began to chase him around the small, snowy clearing as if you were a dog and he was a car.
“Theodore fucking Kountze, give that back!” You commanded.
He ripped open the envelope. “Or what, Hunham? You’re gonna tell your dad on me?”
“Just give her the letter, idiot.” Angus rolled his eyes.
Of course, Kountze ignored him, taking the letter out, and money falling from the paper. That’s when he stopped in his tracks and so did you. For the first time since…a while, you were frozen, and you had no idea why.
The rest of the boys caught up to you two, and Teddy picked up the money that fell from the letter; a twenty, a ten, and a five-dollar bill. After the initial shock wore off, he read the letter aloud to everyone.  
“‘My dearest girl, how are you? It’s been a while, and I just want to know what you’ve been up to. Merry Christmas, here’s my gift to you. From, Daniel. P.S. Please send another picture of you if you could.’”
Shame crept in like a shaking animal from the cold, and you couldn’t even look at any of them. Still, that didn’t stop Teddy from taunting you; hell, it probably spurred him on.
“The hell kind of business are you running if you got a someone paying you thirty-five bucks?” He laughed, looking back at the guys. “You think she’s in a skin mag or something?”
“Hey, man, shut up.” Jason rebuked.
“No, I’m serious. They take pictures without showing the face sometimes.” He looked at you now. “Which one is it? Penthouse? Modern Man?”
“Leave it, Kountze.” You hissed, not looking at him.
Teddy laughed. “Don’t tell me it’s Playboy; you?”
 “Are you fucking deaf?” Angus asked. “She told you to cut it out.”
“Piss off Tully, you probably saw her tits this morning in study hall.”
You whipped your head around and couldn’t control the face you made; to this day, you still have no idea if it was pure rage, a form of betrayal, or both at once. Still, you watched as how Angus avoided your gaze like he’d done something wrong; he did, but still. Teddy opened his disgusting mouth to speak again.
“Shit, if I were to line up every girl in Barton, you would’ve been the very last one I-.”
“-I’ll let you take the picture.”
All eyes were back on you, and you looked right at Teddy’s; once confident and sly, now widened with surprise. Who knew it would take just six words for him to shut up?
“What?” Was all he responded.
You swallowed thickly, clutching your hands into fists to keep yourself calm (and to not cry). “I’ll let you take the picture of me, but we have to be alone, and you need to promise me you won’t tell anyone else; especially my father.”
This was not what you had envisioned or wanted to happen on your first outing with them away from the adults in your life. You prayed to whatever god above, Christian, Roman, Greek, Buddhist, it didn’t matter, you prayed that Teddy would grow a brain and take the deal.
“Alright.” Was all he said, shrugging with an excited smile on his face that made your skin crawl.
You nodded. “I’ll take my letter and money now.”
He tilted his head, walking closer to you. “Please.”
Taking a deep breath, you said. “Please.”
Teddy’s grin only deepened, then handed you your things. “You know, Hunham, maybe you’re not a total prude after-.”
Your fist met his eye, and the both of you stumbled backwards; him clutching his face, you your hand. Needless to say, you were both cursing. Still, you managed to gather your bearings and push him over.
“Fucking bastard.” You spat before trying to make a run for it.
Teddy grabbed your left foot, causing you to fall into the snow, your teeth sinking into your lip once you hit your chin on impact of the ground. You struggled, then managed to quickly wiggle out of your boot before getting back up and running like a girl (anyone would run like a girl if they were being chased by a man like Teddy Kountze).
You honestly have no idea how he didn’t catch up to you at the time, but you were on the steps of the main building when you turned back. There they were, just five, not-so-little specks that stood out across the valley of pure white snow. It was only when you slowed down did you notice how cold your left foot was. Your sock was dripping wet from the snow, and you then pulled off your other boot, leaving it on the stairs before entering the school.
Taking a deep breath once you closed the door, you wiped your mouth; specks of blood colored your hand, but thankfully, not that much. Sighing, you walked through the halls of the school, trying to make your way back to the infirmary and hoping that your father wasn’t there.
You ran into Mary instead (a fate worse than death).
“Where are your shoes?” Was the first thing she asked once she saw you in the main hall (you got lost; hey, you’d only been there a few times in the past, don’t be too hard on yourself).
You shrugged, smiling. “We were playing a game.”
“What kind of game?”
“Hide and seek tag.” you leaned against the wall, hands in your coat pockets. “First one to get to the school wins, I hid my shoes under a bush, so they thought I was there, and I made a run for it.”
“You take a fall then? Your mouth’s bleeding.”
“You’re telling me you’ve never slipped on ice?” You managed to joke.
She arched her brow, placing her hands on her hips. “Do you know how long I’ve known you?”
It actually took you a few moments to think back on it; it felt like you’ve known her longer, but no. “Since I was nine?”
“And do you think, in the last eight years, I haven’t been able to tell if you’re a bad liar or not?”
“…Well, am I?”
“Did one of those boys put their hands on you?” She asked the question you both knew was coming. “Was it that shitass Kountze?”
Even with it being a serious question, you laughed (both from surprise and discomfort). “Well like, you should see the hands I put on him. Mary, we were just playing, it’s fine.”
The main door opened before she could say anything else, and you saw the same five boys walk in; Ye-Joon holding your boots. You smiled, approaching them as if nothing was wrong, and you took your shoes. “Thank you.”
He nodded, quickly looking away.
“You all should be ashamed of yourselves.” Mary spoke up behind you, and your heart dropped for a moment as well as all of their faces. “I get that you were playing a game, but you don’t need to be so competitive.”
They turned to one another, obviously confused about the whole thing (you were as well). Still, she continued. “Yeah, little miss Hunahm told me everything. Hide and seek, tag, I don’t care what it was, you all need to be just careful with each other. Poor girl over here took a fall, and I see you did too, mister Kountze.”
At his name, Teddy turned away. Angus spoke up. “We’ll be careful next time, miss Lamb.”
“Please, we’re on vacation; just Mary.” She looked at you. “You’re gonna help me with dinner later, right?”
“I will.”
“Good, stay out of trouble.”
“No promises.”
With that, Mary left through one of the doors leading to the teacher’s lounge. The moment she did, Teddy hissed at you.
“What the hell was that?!”
Rolling your eyes you said. “Didn’t you hear? We were playing a stupid game.”
“You mean you punched me in the face.”
“You blackmailed me into doing something I wouldn’t have wanted to do; we can keep going.”
“It’s not my fault you’re a-.”
“-A what?”
He stopped to your surprise, then changed his tone. “I just don’t think your father would be proud of the choices you’ve made.”
On one hand, damn, those words cut deep enough to almost make you bleed; but on the other hand…
“Are you gonna tell him?” You asked, trying not to sound like you gave a shit.
“Maybe,” he shrugged. “I mean, unless you’re gonna say sorry.”
“Sorry for what?” You laughed. “Beating the shit out of you? You started it. Besides, who’s he going to believe?”
Silence was what you were met with. Even at the sight of his face, you only continued to grin. “Teddy, come on, you start ‘not fights’, we all know. It’s not a hard question, I thought you were smarter than this?”
He sighed. “You.”
“Exactly; you’re my bitch, Kountze.” You walked backwards, a little skip in your step. “Don’t you forget that.”
Turning away, you retreated to the infirmary, grabbing your books and escaping to the library in hopes of not having to see any of them for the rest of the day.
Men…so exhausting.
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You managed to disappear into the world of The Yellow Wallpaper (not necessarily lighthearted reading, but it was still interesting) and a chapter of The Two Towers before Mary called you down to help with dinner.
After another strange but not so subtle comment from her (“You know you can be honest with me, right? I am with you.”), it was quiet between the both of you. That’s what you always loved with cooking and baking; the quietness, even if you were with one other person. You both just worked in tandem and it was almost frightening how you would both know to move out of the way of each other without saying a word.
Dinner was uneventful; somehow, your father hadn’t noticed the slight bruising on your lip, or Teddy’s eye (the color would probably start to show as days went on, but that was a future problem for you). Not one of the boys your age talked to you; even then, the freshmen kept to themselves a lot too.
So, it was quite a surprise to you, as there was “supervised leisure time” in the library, when Jason Smith sat across from you at the table.
“Hey.” He said softly.
You looked up from Jane Eyre. “Hello.”
“So…” He almost looked nervous (initially about what, you will never know). “you really gave Teddy shit today.”
Tilting your head to the side, you went. “Yeah? Well…he kind of threatened me.”
“No of course. Just…wow.” He chuckled. “You really held him off.”
Nodding, you honestly had no idea what to think. Was he complementing you? In shock? All you were doing was staying silent at this awkward exchange when he asked. “You okay?”
“Just that, I can’t really read you right now. Did I say something weird?”
“No.” You shook your head, then said. “Well, yes. Sorry, I just…” You tried again. “Thank you, I think? But um…do you want me to be honest?”
“I’m kind of…no, I am mad none of you stepped in. Maybe not mad but…I don’t know.”
“Well,” he began. “we told him to stop.”
“So did I, but he didn’t.” You wanted to say, but you only knew saying something true would make it worse (this is why you couldn’t be outnumbered by men; it’d make you scared). Instead, you settled on.
“I know, and thanks, but it still would’ve been nice for some help.”
He shrugged. “You seemed to have it handled.”
Six words you thought (and prayed) you’d never hear again; and he said them with a nonchalant shrug. As if, by now, he was already bored and annoyed with a conversation he had started. Perhaps you were reading too much into that last part, perhaps he didn’t mean to come off as callous; but he was still oblivious at the end of the day.
“Look,” he interrupted your overflowing mind when he saw how much it was affecting you. “if it helps, he tried to run after you when you punched him, but Tully and I held him back.”
You took a deep breath as his words sunk in. Then, you chuckled bitterly. “How nice of you to not let him beat me to a pulp.”
He shook his head. “Come on, don’t be like that.”
“Angry? Pissed off?”
Your jaw actually dropped. “What?”
He said your name, shaking his head and lowering his voice as if you both hadn’t been quiet already. “Look, Kountze is a dick, we know that. But come on, he said some horrible stuff, and you punched him. That doesn’t really add up.”
“…He threatened me.”
“You basically invited him to take a picture of you alone. I mean, yeah it was to bate him, but still.”
No further questions, you picked up your book and your jacket. Without another word and ignoring how he tried to call you back with a soft tone of voice as he said your name, you walked out of the library without another thought.
Your father asked you about it of course, but all you said was that Jason spoiled a book you were looking forward to reading. He believed you and wished you goodnight, leaving you to lie in your bed and be stuck in your thoughts until snoring reached your ears.
You waited a few more minutes before you stood up, gathering your blanket to wrap around you. As you walked down the hall, the nagging thought of ‘Do I even feel safe in there?’ invaded your mind when you only realized that you were going to be in a room with both Jason and Teddy. You were outside of the hall for longer than you would imagine, when you heard quiet voices on the other side of the wall.
“…I had an accident.”
“Yeah, you did. Shh, stop crying. If they hear you, they’ll crucify you. Which would be ironic, since you’re Buddhist.”
You had to cover your mouth from the unexpected line. How…strange it was to hear Angus Tully be this comforting. You heard the smaller voice again and heard that it was Ye-Joon.
“I know it’s an excellent school, and my brothers went here. But I miss my family, and I have no friends.” His voice broke at the end, and so did a piece of your heart.
Then, Angus with his words of wisdom, said. “Yeah, well, friends are overrated. I’ll help you hide the sheets in the morning, all right? In the meantime, find a dry spot, and try to get some sleep.”
“Thank you.”
You gave it a few moments, still reeling over the gentleness of it all, before entering into the light of the infirmary room. You knocked lightly on the door frame not to frighten anyone.
Angus turned over his shoulder, and somehow didn’t jump when he saw you.
“Hi.” You greeted.
“Hey.” He responded, trying to act like his common, moody self.
You wanted to acknowledge what you heard; tease him (but not in an unkind way) about him being nice, ask him why, in the dead of night, was he like this and not in the daytime? Still, all you could manage was the basic.
“Is everything alright?”
He nodded. “Yeah, just nightmares, you know.”
“No,” you shook your head, deciding to lighten and grace the room with your sarcasm. “I’ve never had one in my life.”
Angus seemed to catch on, and it surprised you greatly to see him actually smile. “Nobody likes a bragger.”
“So that’s why you don’t have any friends.”
…Too much; too much sarcasm.
Both of your smiles fell, and you wanted nothing more than to shrivel up like a leaf and die in front of him, then have someone sweep out the crumbs of your body and then them on fire in the snow before burying the ashes.
You still can’t believe you came up with that metaphor quicker before you could say. “I’m just gonna…”
He nodded. “Yep.”
You scurried into the other room and under the covers of the bed. The fear of Teddy and Jason no longer was the thing keeping you up at night in that room; it was the worst possible thing you could’ve said to Angus Tully of all people.
Stupid, stupid, stupid.
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citrusreadstoa · 2 years
Reading The Hidden Oracle: Chapter 32 (SPOILERS)
"'Peaches!' He . . . chomped the lit match from the emperor's hand" Peaches! Our hero!
"I am trying so hard to keep the Beast at bay." Doubt. He's just saying that as a dramatic lead-up to throwing his grand temper tantrum.
"allowed you to roam around Manhattan so much on your own, playing the street waif" That answers my question about why she was just hangin' around Hell's Kitchen's alleyways.
"You told me never to lower myself to my enemies' level." You tell him! Softness toward enemies is not a virtue, but burning your enemies to the ground is not a virtue, either.
"I remembered how my father used to punish me centuries ago . . . Zeus used to say, Don't get on the wrong side of my lightning bolts, boy." "Don't blame me, his tone implied. It's the lightning bolt that seared every molecule in your body." Yeah, I didn't shoot you, the gun did! *eyes* I don't know why I expected Zeus to not beat his children (or zap them, which sounds exponentially more painful). He's literally the guy going around abusing his power, raping people and abandoning the children, assigning scapegoats for his own mistakes, etc. Of course he would also be the guy to beat even his immortal kids. And now we know Nero does the same thing and the Beast isn't some fantasy monster, it's just Nero (who is arguably also a monster). Apollo and Meg trauma bonding...? I didn't expect it to actually dive into that sort of stuff in a PJO book, but I'm happy it did.
"Peaches . . . get the matchbox." Yes! Meg makes the right decision in the end. Never doubted her. "'When we get home...' He shrugged, his expression full of regret." She got on the wrong side of the Beast.
"Happiness approaches. The fall of the sun; the final verse. Would you like to hear our specials today?" Yes, I would like to hear the specials. I don't think "Happiness approaches" is part of that ominous "fall of the sun" line, but I can't be 100% sure. Also, I'm almost certain that the "final verse" refers to the Triumvirate's attempt at a rise to power will be the last "verse" of the Great Stirring mentioned in the first PJO series as the reason for Kronos's resurrection.
"From his vest pocket, he produced a silver cigarette lighter." Of course he had a backup. Of course he did.
"Help." Our protagonist actually knows his limits and calls for help when he needs it! Hurry or you'll miss it! This is a once-in-a-lifetime occasion!
"I felt hollow, guilty, and ashamed." Don't worry. I'm sure they did it as much to save their fellow trees as they did it to save you and your children. "Then it occurred to me how many times I had asked for sacrifices, how many heroes I had sent to their deaths." He finally clocked it! He finally realized how many lives he's ruined! It truly is a day for celebration! "I was no less of a monster than Nero." Ye--hmm--yeah, he's right about that. He might actually be worse since he's lived longer and thus had more time to commit more atrocities. What sets Apollo apart from Nero is that he's actually realizing the error of his ways now.
"their next beautiful reincarnation." Oh, nice. So nymphs get reincarnated kind of like satyrs do.
"After all these centuries, Zephyros has accepted my apology." SORRY? Apollo's the one who has to apologize to Zephyros? He's done many horrible things, but Zephyros is the one responsible for killing Hyacinthus. He's the one who should be apologizing!
"The Grove of Dodona had stopped its wild chorus of screaming." The trees are probably mourning the dryads' deaths. Considering the cacophony they were making before, I thought they'd mourn louder.
"Also, where is my saxophone?" Austin, priorities! Although I guess that would count as a useful weapon for him and he was carrying it with him in the maze, wasn't he? Nero probably confiscated it. "Sensible questions." Haha. I see we're on the same page.
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johnjankovic · 1 year
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Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock. And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it. Matthew 7:24-7
Emperor Nero elevated the sadism wrought upon Christians to an art form in the wake of the Crucifixion. As the feedstock for the Colosseum’s diversions we partook in the spectacles of damnatio ad bestias in the guise of delicacies for starved beasts until the release of death before revellers baying for blood. Another crowd pleaser were the nocturnal displays of human torches lighting garden parties for the glitterati’s amusement. Chroniclers like Eusebius, Tacitus, Suetonius, Pliny, Lactantius and Cicero all bore testimony to the brutality visited upon the early Church which repudiated the deification of Rome’s Emperor into the pantheon of gods. This affront to idolatry aroused the oppression against all seedlings of our faith. Any dissent proved anathema to the Empire’s highly stratified society. A family that pulled the lame, slave, woman and other social pariah into its bosom where masters and their subordinates were equal would be decreed persona non grata. Such treason at loggerheads with the anthropocentric belief of man being the centre of the universe had to be blotted out. The humility of serving others rather than being served belied the fetish for material things that was the body politic’s hallmark. This weltanschauung risked obsolescence from a believer who was anaesthetized to comfort and pain.
The doctrine of almsgiving in redistributing wealth unto the poor ran afoul of class divisions long curated by Rome’s elite between the likes of patricians and plebeians. A status quo of great opulence for the privileged few put the act of charity in its crosshairs lest this counterculture subvert the establishment. Fear of state reprisal however did not find any quarter in the hearts of Christians who were bent on showing how the emperor had no clothes. Altruism from missionaries threw open this black box of Rome’s dereliction towards its own people when it was these alleged bohemians who remedied the scourge of deprivation not the state. Our family’s resistance reminded the disaffected about the follies of tyrants. The more we cast aspersions on slavery, gladiator games and other hedonism did the cracks in the regime propagate. The spectre of unrest from citizens who tired from hitching their fate to a superficial culture of bread and circuses run by despots came to be the impetus for why rulers took umbrage at our precepts. The boogeyman of revolution caused the worry. What further piqued the Pretorian Guard amidst this war of ideas were Christians who courted martyrdom with fervency. Our cavalier attitude towards authority and death alike bewildered thought leaders. Christian armour betrayed no hint of vulnerability.
Emperor Nero’s pogrom of Christians in 64 AD would be the first of many in our pedigree. Vilification of our family whenever woes beleaguered the ruling class found utility in self-preservation so the masses could be hoodwinked into forgetting the rot of men and institutions. Demagoguery thus masked discontent. Nero exploited this subterfuge to distract from his depleted treasury most notoriously in the throes of the Great Fire. Two canards therein would impugn the monarch who flouted the stoicism of Rome with abandon. The potentate was first accused of masterminding the inferno to raze the real estate for his vanity project dubbed the Domus Aurea complex. A second caricatured the autocrat as serenading the blaze with his lyre as the city succumbed to the fire. In his Machiavellian ways Nero seized the animosity towards Christians to be the pawns for his misdirection in a desperate bid absolving himself of blame. Since we were already otherized with slanders of cannibalism in virtue of the public’s flawed understanding of the Eucharist this propaganda found an ally in our genocide. So began the systematic culling of Christians for millennia to follow. That foul usurper’s legacy set a precedent haunting us to this day. But know this brethren: Greater love has no one than this; to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.
This persecution continued in fitful bouts across antiquity under Caesars Domitian, Marcus Aurelius, Decius and Diocletian who were harbingers for the wrath upon our kith and kin. As Christians balked at paganism the authorities spun the narrative that we were paradoxically atheists for our want of acquiescence to the veneration of their gods. Under Domitian his fiscus Judaicus tax penalizing Jews was expanded to make Christians liable in forfeiting income for our obstinacy against sacrifices to Rome’s many deities. Such conscientious objection deepened a rift between us and pagans. The yoke of taxation in Domitian’s crackdown became one of several manifestations of his animus towards the faithful. For the persecutors our defiance was read as jeopardizing the superstition of Pax Deorum wherein Rome’s prosperity hinged on a détente between gods and mortals. Outright refusal to propitiate this polytheism by a religion birthed in the backwaters of the Empire in the little known place of Jerusalem shook the mores of a society built upon the aesthetics of Venus or the militancy of Mars. Christians then would be mercilessly hunted. Under Marcus Aurelius yet again did we find a noose around our neck as incursions by Germanic tribes and the Antoine Plague beset his throne. History repeated itself.
By the time Decius ascended to the seat of power our faith was no longer whispered about in hushed tones. Our numbers although still a minority removed us from the forgotten fringes. But riven with discord internally it behooved Decius to consolidate his rule whose method of choice was the homogenization of values. The Emperor summarily authored an edict making compulsory the public rite of offerings to Roman gods in return for a libellus or certificate of proof officiated by a magistrate. Either the fearful apostatized or the strong were ostracized by way of imprisonment or death. Lost on this impostor of a man however was how martyrdom was perennially the seedbed for our faith harkening back to the seminal act of Jesus mounting the cross. Akin to Saul’s metanoia into Paul from an epiphany upon the road to Damascus despite his imprimatur in the stoning of protomartyr St Stephen a Christian’s death is but fertilizer. We look blithely upon mortality for it has no purchase on our soul. We court suffering for our psychic inheritance of the trauma borne by Christ reminds us of our raison d’être. We drink from His cup in bearing our own cross for this legacy. So whilst Decius weaponized the bureaucracy to systemically cull our siblings these persecutions intensified the proliferation of our ethical code in homage to Him.
In Rome’s final effort to exterminate our family four edicts were pronounced over a decade in the midst of the Great Persecution where each escalated in draconian effect. From the despoliation of churches to executions en masse it was Diocletian who looked askance at Christians once more as a fifth column of the Empire. The first decree of AD 303 bypassing the purview of the Senate sanctioned that all places of worship be destroyed and scriptures be consigned to the flames. The second bore its fangs squarely upon the clergy to coerce a recantation of their faith lest they be imprisoned. The third broadened the persecution in a dragnet from the shepherds to the sheep whereby the laity were forced to partake in Rome’s rituals or else relinquish legal rights and submit to be trafficked as slaves. The fourth demanded a blanket conformity to the orthodoxies of the pantheon under penalty of torture or death regardless of age or gender. Genocide and infanticide were the functions of the mobilization in this machinery for the sinister purpose of carnage. No child or babe was spared. With cold precision the bureaucracy loosened the banality of evil upon us when administrators sought to outdo the other in their zeal for graves. This chapter of our persecution was closed with the Edict of Milan in AD 313. Others would follow.
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how-masterful · 3 years
Dhawan!Master x Reader
Chapter 4: The Pandorica Opens
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Summary: Roman Centurions. Pandora's Box. Together you and the Master find yourselves exploring the depths of the cavern below Stonehenge and what mysteries lay within. Legend speaks of a box, an ancient god trapped inside its walls. Why does the rest of the universe want it so badly? And what can the Master do when he finally finds out what’s waiting inside the Pandorica is not what it seems?...
Notes: Welcome back to Remastered! Its been a long time coming! I know I promised an update a while ago, but sometimes these things just don’t work out the way you want them to. If we had a dedicated Master show my job would be so much easier! I finally managed to beat my writers block and found an episode i’d like to masterfy, so i hope you all enjoy! 
(You know the drill by now. @plethora-of-imagines, my beloved hat and master lover, this one is for you. just like the other ones. and all the ones coming. because who else would they be for?)
All around the Master, ever so slowly, the world he’d found himself in was suddenly starting to make sense. Dangerous, deadly, foreboding sense. On any other day, the renegade Time Lord would see that as a good thing. But that evening, underneath the ancient ruins of Stonehenge, the Master knew the dark was not on his side.
The communicator had crashed out a mere few seconds ago, fizzing and hissing against his ear. He’d thrown the device to the floor with a frustrated yell, gritting his teeth as his fingers returned to rub at his beard in thought. The same hand ran over his cheek and through his tangled fringe that hung over his eye, fingers gripping at the hair as his feet scuffed and disrupted the old dust upon the floor. He was pacing back and forth. This was not good. The high pitched ringing was deafening, his fingers plugging his ears as he stared down as the communicator. Its corner was dented, dust flying into the small cracks that had crawled up the edge of the glass. The screen still flickers with your face and name, the giant red letters of ‘COMMUNICATION LINE DISRUPTED' beneath it not failing to make his stomach churn.
You were both in grave danger. But it seemed like his was getting even worse.
“Master, it's not real!”
You’d yelled down the communicator line. Behind your plea, the Master had heard the Tardis creaking. Her engines were metal upon metal, screeching and groaning as it hurtled through the Time Vortex.
“What the hell does that mean, it's not real? Where are you?”
“Listen to me! All of it, everything’s a lie! The Romans, they’re right here.”
The Master was getting impatient. But you sounded almost terrified. The Roman platoon was hurrying around him carrying weapons and ammunition throughout the Underhenge. Almost like clockwork. At least they’d forgiven your lie about your identities- Emperor Nero and Pharaoh Cleopatra had seemed like clever aliases at the time. The Master sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
“What are you talking about, what's all that noise-”
“In the book!”
“You’d better not be breaking my Tardis!”
“Master just listen to me, please!”
You let out a sudden scream. The Tardis jolted forward, sending you slamming into the console. The cloister bells had begun to toll, sparks and shocks of electricity and flame spurting from the central console of the type 41 machine. 
All around the Master, the Roman soldiers had slumped forward. Knees locked into position, life drained from their eyes. Weapons, spears and swords clattered to the floor with ricochetting bangs. The Master blew onto the screen of the communicator, banishing the dust from its surface. Every attempt to reopen the communication line was met with an electronic buzz, denying him access. Preoccupied, with one finger plugged in his ear and his shoulder pushed up against the other, he failed to hear the marching footsteps of the platoon behind him. 
A unified electronic whirr permeated the room, with all of the soldiers' hands snapping open and small, cylindrical cannons pushing through the exposed middle of their palms. All around the Master, the soldiers were following their commands and drawing closer and closer.
“What was that bang?!”
The Master pulled the com from his ear, before pulling it back closer to his mouth. A Roman had turned to face him, sending him a quirked eyebrow. In return the Master sent a fake smile, before ducking behind the corner of the large box in the center of the room. It would be best if he wasn't seen during this conversation.
“Y/N, talk to me, can you hear me?”
The Master half whispered.
“The Romans are in this book! The Tardis took me back to my house, i don't know why-”
“Your house?”
“When I was a kid. Something else had been there, the grass had these weird scorch patterns and the readings on that thing you gave me were going off the scale. The book on my nightstand, Roman history, i’d studied it at school-”
“You’d said it was your favorite subject, yes.”
Part of you wanted to mull over the fact the Master had remembered your favorite subject, enjoying the fact the hardened criminal had taken the time and care to recall such a trivial fact about his ‘not’ companion. He often mused how preferred to call you his partner. You treasured its double meaning to no end. But you also knew that favouritism was what had led you to visit this Roman colony. You felt slightly responsible over the ensuing chaos.
“I knew I recognized them from somewhere- The Romans, in the book, they’re the exact ones that are with you right now.”
“That's impossible- they’re DRAWINGS, love!”
“I swear! Something has copied the book from my house!”
The Master smacked the side of the communicator, shaking even more dust free from the device. It was only after that he raised his head, suddenly aware of the silence surrounding him. The Romans, or whatever they were, had stood themselves in flank formation, lined up against the edges of the chamber. Blocking his only way out. Beyond the boundary the other soldiers stood side by side in perfect position, surrounding the Time Lord in the purple tweed jacket. Cornering him in front of the Pandorica. Finally, the ringing had dissolved into white noise. Now the Master could think. Almost.
Before he could even begin to spew out a threat, of which he had many planned and ready at the tip of his tongue, the room began to shake with a gargantuan rumble. Lit torches, hung on the walls in metal cages, rattled in their confinements as dust fell from the ceiling like snowfall. The Master's attention was yanked from the Romans, his head whipping behind him as the corner of the Pandorica slowly began to split along its seam. The rumble grew stronger as the stone walls shifted along their mechanisms, the green glow drowned by the emerging, blinding white light.
“Oh, good. You’re ready to come out now?”
Sarcasm and wit had recently become a favorite of the Master. His new body seemed to enjoy plastering on a smug grin and a growled one liner when facing certain doom. He was universally known as indestructible, as his previous faces had bragged. But it seemed this was rapidly misplaced in the current situation. 
“I promise you!”
You yelled in protest, slamming hard on a lever and frantically tapping on the interface as you argued.
“They’re the exact same! So is the box!”
The Master reared his head to look at the box he’d pressed his back against.
“What do you mean, the box?”
The legendary Pandorica loomed down at him, the intricate detailing carved into its side glowing with an ominous green light that burnt from within. History had spoken of it, the mystery that lay beneath stonehenge, but to earthly historians, in their ignorant and self aggrandizing ways, it was just that. A mystery. Humanity had chalked the box up to being a folk tale, to ignore the mortifying idea of the supposedly supernatural being… natural: That aliens were anything beyond little green men in flying saucers, and human science simply couldn't, or more likely refused, to explain what had fallen from the stars.
“The Pandorica, I'd said it was like Pandora's box, right?”
You’d clapped with delight, unable to hide your excitement when the Tardis had materialised atop that hill hours before. You’d mentioned how similar the structure seemed to you, even down to the name: Pandora's box…  
Your favourite book as a child. He could remember you mentioning it.
The Master did not like where this was going.
“Well?” he asked hesitantly, possibly for the first time in his life.
“It's here, on the cover of the book, my copy of the book, it's the same box.”
The Time Lord could see something peeking through the bright white, the silhouette of something existing within the box. He’d try again with the communicator in a moment, he supposed, slipping it into his endlessly deep inside pocket. He lent forward, peering into the glow, ever curious. Was this the so-called trickster, the universe destroying monster that had dwelled inside that box for millennia? The possibility of an answer was suddenly snatched away, however, when two strong arms punched through the gap between his torso and his arms, sliding under his shoulders and yanking him towards his feet. 
The Master let out a shocked sound not unlike a bark, gritting his teeth as the soldiers clutched the man tight between them. His hair flipped madly as he turned to look at his wardens- the familiar, glassy look in their eyes turning the cogs in his brain. He tugged on their grasp, snarling as they dragged him through the dark and dusty cavern. His fingers scrambled to grab onto their own, to try and pry them from his form. Until he saw their fingers were no longer there. Replaced with small blasters in place of their palms. Their living plastic palms.
A sight all too familiar for the Master.
“How can they be the same, where even are you?”
The Master pinched the bridge of his nose once more, giving a disgruntled huff as his head fell back against the side of the Pandorica. Thoughts and possibilities were scrambling around inside his brains, like matadors trying to tame the most frightful of bulls in the ring.
“Master, these are my memories. Why did they go to my house, whatever it is?”
“Most likely, god, mimicry? They needed something that would peak our interest, make us come here-”
The Tardis jolted and screeched once more, her engines whining like a startled parakeet. Sparks and rumbles rocked the floor. You lost your footing, falling to your knees while clutching tight to the edge of the console. The Master pushed himself from the side of the box with a growl.
“What the hell are you doing to my Tardis, Y/n?”
“I don't know!”
You protested, heaving yourself up against the console. You continued to move along the screens, following the rhythm the Master had taught you. It was almost like a dance, especially the way his hands had wandered to your hips while he introduced you to the console.
“Its like something else is controlling it, the controls aren't responding-”
Another bang of sparks. The Master rolled his eyes.
“All those flying lessons I gave you- try and land her, wherever you are. The Tardis has protocols in place to keep you safe. You have to get out of there.”
“I’m trying!”
“The Nestene consciousness, I'd like to say it's pleasant to see you again.”
The Master grunted, trying to yank his shoulder free and almost losing his footing against his own force.
“Romans, a step up from shop dummies and plastic flowers, I'm impressed.”
He truly couldn't tell if his teasing was to intimidate or calm his own racing heartbeats. The Romans whirred and stomped, oblivious to his protests. Also oblivious to his remarks.
“Listen, I'm ordering you to let me go, there's bigger things for me to deal with here-”
Still no reply. The Master grit his teeth, yanking himself backwards in a feeble attempt at escape. He tried to thrash, to worm his way out of their grasp. But it was fruitless. The Autons were just as obnoxiously durable as the first time he’d met them, all those years ago.
Further screams pierced through the communicator line, the timelord wincing as he once more pulled the device from his ear. You sounded terrified, the Tardis spiralling further out of control. 
“Y/n? Love, talk to me!”
“Master, I can't control her! Whatever's out there with you, it has to be connected. The same box, the same Romans, the same night, that CAN'T be a coincidence! Master, everything out there with you, It's a trap. It has to be. They wanted us to come here, Please just trust me, you have to get out of there-”
Crash. Hiss. Bang. The Tardis was screaming as it hurtled through the Vortex. The Master was beginning to worry. This time he wasn't going to deny it.
The world round the Master began to ring with a high pitched shriek. A piercing ring that echoed throughout the underhenge. The timelord winced, scrunching up his face and baring his teeth as he shrunk away from the din. Beside his ear he could hear your screams, the Tardis hurtling towards the unknown. Until suddenly, zap. Crackle. Nothing.
“Y/n, can you hear me!?”
The communicator line went dead.
The Master was growing more tense by the second. And even angrier still.
“I order you to obey! Why do you want me, why do you want my Y/n’s memories-”
The Roman soldier to his left gave a grim admittance, staring forwards at the growing light shining from within the Pandorica. It was almost hypnotic to the lumps of plastic surrounding him, something he’d consider himself a seasoned expert of. But this was different. This still stunk of betrayal and subterfuge. And also a slight loss of pride.
“The Pandorica is ready.”
The Master should have been excited. Ready to meet this mythical creature, a ghost in time, a legend. But now he felt slightly sick. He leered up at the soldier, antagonizing the guard.
“Ready for what, eh? What other big bads have you around their pinkie this time?”
The plethora of Romans did not speak. They simply continued to stare.
“I’m going to tell you again, let me go. You took your orders from me, once- you should know who I am! I am the Master!”
“Correct. Subject has self identified.”
The Master's face practically drained of all color. He daren't move his head to look, knowing exactly what scum of the universe was waiting behind him. The sound of the Daleks still sent a quiver of tangible fear down his spine. It had been years since the time war, centuries since the destruction of Skaro. Of Gallifrey. But the Daleks had not only destroyed his people, they had executed him personally. And in the twisted sense of poetry, were the reason he was brought back from the dead. A soldier to fight in the universal war- the only time he decided to be like the Doctor, running away to the end of the universe to escape the carnage that gave the blood red skies and grass of home a brand new meaning. 
He wouldn't say he feared them. But a dead Dalek was much more preferable than a living one.
Just like his old face had said. Stupid tin boxes.
“The subject has identified himself. Scan complete. You are the Master.”
“Well, you lot look different. Fancied an upgrade?”
He watched the Daleks, three in a crow, creep towards his line of vision. They were bulky things now, taller than before, each with a garishly bright color scheme that he almost wanted to shield his eyes from. An ugly design for an ugly creature.
“Or is that a poor turn of phrase?”
Oh great. More Cybermen. If you were here, you’d tease him relentlessly for the reunion. You had earlier, suggesting he take the Cyber parts home and build his own. With a flash of white and a digital blue haze, the Cyber leader phased into vision, followed by two further Cybermen. All carrying large black weapons, much like what he’d found earlier.
“Oh, I was waiting for you to show up. Just can't stay away from me, can you?”
“Your arrogance is continued!”
Sontarans. Fabulous. In another flash, the squadron of Sontarans had appeared in the Underhenge, proudly brandishing their blasters. Before the Master could even calculate a response, the whole room seemed to glow in fire. The Pandorica was still slowly creaking open, the beam of light shining brighter and brighter. The Master, who stood right in its glow, had to shrink away and squint from its brightness.
Teleportation fields, transfer rays, dimensionally transcendental movement corridors, it seemed the world and his wife were cramming themselves into the cavern below the rocks. The Master, now adapting to the light, was met with an endless sea of familiar faces. 
Draconians, Ogrons, Juddoon, Kasaavin, Axonites, Cheetah Warriors, Sea Devils, and even their silurian cousins. Even some faces he’d never seen before littered the crowd, some other foes he’d briefly met but never spared a thought to. Sycorax, Hoix, Zygons, members of the Trickster Brigade, Clockwork Droids- and tall, slender men in black suits with a name he couldn't quite remember. He even struggled to remember they were there, looming in the background behind the busying crowd.
The great monsters of the universe had gathered at the Pandorica. 
“The Pandorica is ready!”
The Sontaran leader cried. Hesitantly, the Master dared to ask.
“Ready for what?”
The white Dalek, the new supreme, slowly moved closer.
“Ready. For. you.”
 The sides of the Pandorica finally slid into position, the blinding shroud of light dissipating. Finally, the Master could see what was before him in the darkness of the cavern. The box had split open to reveal a mechanised chair, almost like a throne. Callous and black, the metal chair was embedded deep into the heart of the Pandorica. Its exterior was fitted with several restraints, the square shaped shackles glowing the same green as the exterior patterns. Two ankles, two wrists, and over the shoulders- any being within would be unable to break free. Or even attempt to escape.
Slowly, the puzzle, not unlike the box in the fairy tale of Pandora, was beginning to slot together. The Master turned to look at the aliens surrounding him- co conspirators, enemies, allies. All had stood to the sides of the room, leaving a walkway between himself and the Pandorica. They stood, watching intently, as the realisation began to appear upon the renegade Time Lords face.
The path was clear. The restraints on the chair had retracted outwards, unlocking themselves. The Pandorica was empty.
But the Master knew. 
Not for long.
“Wait, you can't-”
But they already had. The Nestenes began to walk forwards, dragging the Master along with them by his armpits. The timelord kicked and fought their grasp, his grey shoes kicking up dust as he scrambled to find resistance in his footing. The surrounding monsters watched on as the Master fought for his freedom, desperately trying to pull away from the plastic men. He shouted, grunted, bared his teeth, but no amount of tugging and shouting could break the Master free. The Silurians tilted their heads, hissing. The Draconians stood with poised disapproval. The Daleks and Cybermen stood proudly at the front of the line, the Judoon watching silently with the authority of the shadow proclamation. All those creatures, lit by the roaring fire of the flickering torches on the wall.
The Roman imposters dragged the Master to the empty chair, their strength unmatched as they heaved the Time Lord into the waiting seat. He let out a furious yell as the restraints snapped shut around him, his body yanked backwards into the chair. First his wrists, then his ankles, then his shoulders. The entrapments of the Pandorica had shackled him down to his seat. A last set of restraints emerged from within the structure itself, entangling themselves around the Master's waist and stomach, pressing tight against his torso and locking him firmly into the chair. A single light shone from above, acting as a spotlight over the Master’s head. All eyes could see the Time Lord struggle and fight. All eyes knew it was useless. Exactly how they’d designed it to be.
“No, you can't do this to me!”
The Master was visibly rippling with rage.
“All those times I've helped you all!”
The Cyberman with black handles spoke, as monotone and electronic as ever. The Master widened his eyes.
“Your presence within the universe has caused vital damage to Dalek strategy.”
“All our plans, every time you step in, have failed to reach fruition! The glory of the Sontaran empire is threatened by your hand!”
The Master turned to look at every monster surrounding the box. The pathway had closed, the races and creatures surging forwards, cornering him even more within the machine. Their faces, if they had one, were full of hatred and disdain. Even the robots among the crowd were seemingly glaring. And those without faces watched on with agreement. The Master glared between them, his chest rising and falling in rapid succession.
“So, what? You blame me for everything? Want to lock me in a box because you blame me for all your problems!?”
The Daleks' voice was scratchy and mutilated. Much like the creature inside the casing.
“The Pandorica was constructed to provide safety for the Alliance. You have aligned yourself with the Doctor.”
The Master paused for a moment, staring down at the supreme Dalek. How it stood there, with all its pride and might, and accused him of such a thing. He couldn't help but laugh. And so he did. The Master barked out a laugh, teeth bared and head falling back as he sat shackled to the Pandorica.
“Me? With her? Who told you that?”
“Missy? Really? A five foot four mistress of evil scared you so much you had to put me in a box?”
“Your identity as the Mistress has been confirmed to stand in allegiance with the Doctor. It's a well known fact you chose to stand alongside them. Who knows what chaos you could harbour with your… track record of derailment.”
The Draconian leader stood proud among his council. The Master sent him a scowl, his laughter dying out.
“You think I'm the Doctor's little helper? Her weapon against you all, the crazy old Master, happy to do her dirty work? News flash, I've tried to kill her! Yeah, she's a she now, it's her turn! Some of you I've even worked with! I helped YOU with the Cyberium!”
“The evidence shows otherwise. You simply can no longer be trusted.”
The Kasaavin leader dared to talk against him. The Master questioned how he could even be here, after the Doctor's exile of their race from the planet. Their hatred for him must be strong enough to transcend dimensions. It was almost romantic.
“I’m nothing like the Doctor! I don't even LIKE the Doctor! Sure, I had a bit of a wobble in morals, tried to be good..ish… but I'm back!”
The Master was positively exasperated. His messy hair and wide eyes making him look manic.
“So can somebody, anybody: any man, woman, robot… fish thing. I don't care. Can somebody tell me, what do you all think makes me like the Doctor?”
There was silence across the room. The Master's outburst had made them think. The Master watched them, eyes begging for an acceptable reply. Finally, the Cyberman spoke.
You. Oh, you. This couldn't just be about you.
The variables began to bubble and clash within the Master's brains. Everything seemed to come back to you. Your choice in trip, your favorite subject, favorite book, you attack from the guard, your fake identity as a queen. And your current fate... However unknown it was.
Surely this couldn't be about you.
“The memories of your companion were extrapolated. A scenario was formed as a test of your intentions.”
“Mercy for a human! Defence over a fleshy girl, instead of the opportunity for universal destruction! Your allegiance cannot be guaranteed, your newfound kindness poses a threat to us all!”
The Master huffed, his hearts fighting within his chest. This couldn't be happening.
“It was you, wasn't it? You took took control of my Tardis-”
“You fell into a trap that you simply could not resist. The draconian empire condemns you.”
“You’re going to kill her, and imprison me, just because you can't trust me to not be good!?”
“The safety of the alliance is paramount.  Your history of meddling in Dalek affairs, your part in the destruction of Skarro and our creator, the data cannot be ignored.”
The Master couldn't breathe. The surrounding forces were drawing closer and closer, surrounding him and his line of vision. The walls of the chamber had disappeared within the bodies of the alliance. They were really going to turn on him. They really intended to kill you.
“We will save our universe. From you!”
His mouth was dry. His palms were sweating, his breathing shallow, his rage burning like the brightest of suns. The Master glared upon the alliance, eyes twitching with inconsolable rage. This day had been long. He’d been tested far too much, pushed way too far. This morning he was lying in bed, embracing the warmth of the Tardis and your body against his own. But now his world was being stripped away from him. 
Angry didn't begin to cover it.
“Now you listen to me- you bring her back, you know for a fact the destruction of a Tardis in the Vortex will ripple through this universe. And then you’ll have me to deal with.”
“Your companion will perish. Your isolation will be permanent. This is confirmed.”
The Master let out a furious scream, a bitter yell that ripped harshly against the back of his throat. The tribe of Silurians hissed and stepped backwards, raising their weapons.
“LISTEN TO ME! If she dies, if my ship burns, I will rip this box apart inch by inch and I will destroy every single one of your ugly little races!”
His shoulders were heaving, spit flying from his mouth as he spat between gritted teeth.
“I will bring down destruction on every one of your stupid little planets and your silly little spaceships. I’m a Time Lord, my people have made a mockery of you since the days you formed on your tiny little rocks, floating through space. I’ll show you how merciful I can truly be as I kill you all slowly, one by one, so you can watch what happens when you think you can destroy me. I am the Master, and you will all pay for this!”
The Cyber leader stepped forwards, clenching a fist to its chest. It looked deep into the Master's eyes, its soulless black pits of metal mesh showing no humanity nor hesitation.
“Listen to me, you will obey me! The Tardis will implode, your worlds are in so much more danger than you could possibly realise!”
The heavy walls of the Pandorica began to slide shut. The Master was frantic, tugging and yanking against his bonds. Nothing. The metal locks were clasped tight, his body imprisoned and trapped against the seat. His eyes were enormous, his hair flopping from side to side as he continued to fight against the seat. Still, there was no way of escape. No amount of fighting would work. That didn't stop him from trying his best.
“The universe will rot and perish if you harm her! Everything you know will be nothing but ash, I promise you! All your suns, your moons, your hopes, I will destroy each and every one of them! You can't do this to me! I am the Master! You will obey me!”
The Master's words echoed through the Underhenge, bouncing off every wall and dissolving into the gathered crowd. The alliance watched on as the timelord begged for his freedom, promising destruction in his wake. But these were songs they had heard before. Plans ruined by opportune chance, and disappointing failure at the hands of his old friend.
The Master screamed, as the walls of the Pandorica finally snapped shut. With a hiss the edges of the box sealed together, the mechanical insides ticking away as the glowing green sides twisted and interlocked. As the box gave its last rumble, the Pandorica was finally sealed. The legendary trickster, the mischief maker that had destroyed worlds and brought down civilisations, finally locked within.
The Tardis hurtled through the Vortex, crashing against the walls of time, its engines phasing and crying out as the cloister bell rang from within. You crawled across the floor, scrambling back towards the console, fingers grasping onto anything they could purchase. Sparks flew beside your head, the cables linked to the belly of the console fizzing and pulsating as you begged the console to calm down. You’d been with her for years now, you knew how the Tardis would normally fly. This definitely wasn't her doing. This definitely wasn't her in control.
Your hand smacked hard against the side of the communicator, the line still ringing out every time. You’d tried to call the Master several times, each instance ringing and ringing with no return. He never refused to reply. You clutched on tight as another wave of turbulence hit the flight deck, the trinkets and knick-knacks you’d gathered on your travels tumbling from every shelf and crashing into nothingness against the floor. 
“Please, Master, answer me!”
Nothing. He simply wasn't there.
You couldn't cry yet, there was still hope. Or at least, you tried to convince yourself. You hoped for a miracle, for something that would help you regain control of the Tardis. You didn't want to die.
“Master, please! I’ve not got much time!”
Your calls were falling on deaf ears. Nothing was going to save you. A rogue spark suddenly flew from the console, knocking you backwards as the Tardis collided with the Vortex once more. You flung back towards the floor, head colliding with the hardwood as you fell. You felt the impact through your whole body, all strength slipping through your fingers as your eyelids felt heavy. From your position on the floor you could see out the window, the reflection of the flaming Tardis console bathing the Vortex in deep orange.
“Master, I love you, I'm sorry…”
You whispered, your vision beginning to fade. You gazed deeper into space, watching as the world shook and disappeared around you.
And as you blacked out, every star began to fade from the sky.
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thecat-inthehat · 4 years
I think, ultimately, what pisses me off the most about the Sorrow of Werlyt quest line is that like. We seriously brought Gaius back for this? For man pain and a shitty orphan plot line that Livia, Cid, and Nero already covered...? Granted, yes, ARR’s writing could’ve been better, but that’s just a symptom of 2.0, not the actual concept itself.
He was already doing something interesting with the Ascian hunting, where did that go??? Why did we even bring him back into msq with a banger motivation, only to have him backtrack to “oh my adopted children are dying and fighting against me”? We’ve already been there. The Ascian motivation was fresh and new, and hugely important—not to mention it called into serious question what Gaius’ code of morality was actually like.
He was a person who wholeheartedly believed in the good of the Empire, regardless of its faults. The mere knowledge of how the Empire that he loved and supported so dearly was all just a ploy by the Ascians was enough to set him off, and make him start hunting them down. Furthermore, he was practically Solus’ right hand man, and he learned that the Emperor he treasured was one of those shadowless fiends? Shit that’s some compelling stuff. They have such a window here to really dig into what pure blooded Garleans think of as moral and noble concepts, and discuss how the fascist ideas that Emet-Selch brought forth (intentionally, to destroy the Empire from the inside) has ruined them.
But no, we get to beat up on teenagers who are white skinned raens to try and make us feel bad for easy sympathy points, and they try to make believe that Gaius didn’t know about corporal punishment. Fuck off.
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localcactushugger · 4 years
Badass Nico Di Angelo Moments in ToN that make me Feral
spoilers under the cut for The Tower of Nero!
#1) Nico 100% wanting to help Apollo despite the fact that he's been been having horrible nightmares and PTSD flashbacks, along with hearing voices from Tatarus. He’s tired of focusing on things that he can't change so instead he focuses on tasks where he actually has control. This is very in character for Nico. Despite pain he perseveres and focuses on the mission, trying to help in anyway he can. This is even after Apollo confirmed Jasons death as well. Jason and Nico were close, and Jason was the first person who accepted him for who he really was. But Nico pushed forward anyway.  (This is one of the reasons why Reyna basically adopted Nico. He always pushes forward, despite the pain, and perseveres. Something she can relate to.)
#2) Nico stubbornly refusing to watch the original Star Wars trilogy despite the wrath of his Glow-in-the-dark boyfriend
#3) Nico getting Camp Half-Blood to make him his own black T-shirt because he simply refuses to ruin his black-and-white aesthetic
#4) Nico conveniently having a plan to use Troglodytes in the battle against Nero.  (Hey you need an undead army for the battle of Manhattan? oh yeah, the Doors of Death? I know where those are! The Athena Parthenos? I can totally carry that across the world without disintegrating into shadow! Hey Percy just swim in the River Styx DUH. seriously I never get tired of Nico finding ways to save the day.)
#5) Nico leaping across a fucking cater onto a crane and scaring the living shit out of Apollo. My boys giving his future Father-in-Law a heart attack 😂
#6) Nico saving Apollo’s ass Pt.1 by shadow traveling him and Meg away from feral death cows at the last second. 
#7) Nico saving Apollo’s ass Pt.2 by fucking turning a guard into a skeleton right before that bitch was about to stab Apollo in the chest 
#8) Nico saving Apollo’s ass Pt.3 by dragging Apollo across Neros Tower while he simultaneously cut through monsters without even slowing down or hesitating as Apollo was giggly, delirious, and injured. I'm also really glad that Apollo noted how Nico is much stronger than he looks. Nico may look like a twig at first but even Jason said at one point (was it in MoA or HoH?) that Nico had gained muscle from sword training after Tartarus. People always characterize Nico as not eating either (which is true when he's feeling really depressed) but he's gotten better at it since BoO. 
#9) Nico saving Apollo’s ass Pt.4 with his dramatic entrance. literally breaking down Neros blast doors with a fucking feral bull that he somehow turned into a skeleton. And then this dramatic bitch who is 100% sick of Neros B.S has the audacity to point to Nero and say “Kill that one”. Honestly picturing the Bull scene is hilarious to me. Imagine being seconds away from killing Apollo after years of planning, only to be interrupted by an exasperated, beat-to-shit, battle hardened, feral 15 yr old, who looks like he should be working at Hot Topic. And is he wearing a white cowboy hat?? Where did he get a bull??? The randomness and pure panic in that scene is absolutely gold. Nico Di Angelo is an agent of chaos and I live for it. 
#10) Nico fighting a group of Germani by himself in Nero throne room while his bull wreaks havoc on all those who get in its path. Bonus points for saving Apollo from that one wolf monster who was about to bite his head off (Nico saving Apollos ass Pt.5 lol. Seriously Will you need to tell your dad that Nico isn't a babysitter) 
#11) Apollo giving Nico an opening to attack Nero by shooting one of the Germani he’s locked in combat with. The second Nico gets a chance this boy doesn't hesitate. He fucking tires to cut Nero in half !!!  if Nero wasn't immortal he would’ve been done for! So when cutting Nero in half doesn’t work and Nico sword get’s grabbed and tossed across the room what does he try??? Does he back off like a normal person?? NO! HE TRIES TO STRANGLE THAT BITCH!!! 😂😂😂 This gremlin child 100% tried to strangle an immortal emperor! He said “I don't need a sword to kill you bitch, try me”. Nico Di Angelo is raw as fuck. and that only in this book. The son of Hades wakes up every morning and chooses violence. I love him.
#12) The fact that Nico is willing to go back to Tartarus, the place that left him with immeasurable trauma, just to save Bob. because he “doesn't like when people are forgotten”. (this is the boy who spent most of his life alone, who talked to Hestia when no-one else noticed her, who spent time with Bob when everyone had forgotten about him. Who always selflessly tried to help other people because he knows what it like to be miserable and in pain. Nico is such a sweetie.) 
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grither55 · 3 years
The Princess and the Peasant - (An Azula Epic) - Chapter 115 - The Last of the Mystics
Team Azula now walked back on their utterly broken-down feet towards the Sentinel Tree once more.
While the forest had finally gone back to its previous peaceful quiet in the wake of both Silah and the invading soldiers being dealt with.
All the while as Azula glared on with unusually exhausted amber golden eyes as she braced her little girlfriend's small body over her armored back.
While the three noblewomen pulled themselves along beside their leader.
All while they watched through the corners of their gazes as the small girl lay face first in the princess's dark hair.
"Azula-sama…" Elle murmured in a timid voice as she hugged the older woman around the neck while she listened to her master let out a low growl that sent a pleasurable shudder down her spine.
"Just one more wretched talk Elle and then we will go home." Azula remarked in a commanding voice as she stomped along with the young girl hanging onto her back.
While the petite girl nodded with a smile on her lips as she clung adorably to the much taller girl's back.
All the while as the others stared on from behind in silent amazement.
And it wasn't too long after that that the princess kicked open the door to the hut.
While the four highborn women quickly poured in as they struggled not to collapse on their feet.
"Boy am I glad to see this tree." Mai grumbled under her breath as they rounded their way around the corner.
"You and me both Clan Saolin." Zoi stated as she stumbled her way down the hall of the hollow tree.
Only for the four highborn women to enter in the next room.
And it was then that Nako dropped the book that she was researching with her brown eyes gazing back at the group in horror.
While Saro glanced up with his mouth ajar in shock.
And even Jiao stopped what she was doing to turn to gaze their way in disbelief.
"P-Princess! Are you alright! What happened!" Nako cried out as she ran towards her princess while Azula's cold eyes turned to glance her way.
And for the most fleeting of instances the princess's harsh gaze flickered with something akin to relief to see that her subject cared about her.
"I am alive Nako. We ran into a group of dangerous enemies on the other side of that spirit portal." The princess responded in a drained voice as sweat still dripped down her regal brow.
While the three commoners listened with looks of worry in their eyes.
And while the seductress tried to hide it the younger woman couldn't help but stare back at her battered lover in concern.
'What kind of enemy is capable of doing that to the princess and the captain! It looks like they just went another round with that monstrous puppeteer!' Saro thought with his golden eyes flickering in worry.
"Are…. you going to be okay Zoi?" Jiao inquired in a softer voice than usual while the noblewoman nodded her head.
"I'll live Jiao. I just don't want to see any more snow for a long time." The captain replied while her lover gazed back at her with a confused look in her eyes.
"Snow captain? There was snow there?" The lieutenant pondered in a bewildered voice as he now took note in the wounds that could only have come from the cold.
"I-is there anything I can do for you Your Highness?" The royal pilot questioned in a devoted voice while princess pushed her way past her.
"You three! Go fetch us water and be quick about it! And that includes you too peasant!" Azula barked with her usual bossiness returning in full force while she watched the three quickly nod in submission.
"Yes princess! I will do so immediately!" Nako exclaimed as she rushed off down the hall.
All the while as Saro and Jiao ran after her to assist her.
While Team Azula numbly found themselves somewhat surprised that the seductress had obeyed without her usual lip.
Although there were all so exhausted that they hardly gave a damn.
Ten minutes later.
Team Azula pushed open the door to Mava's study.
Only for their eyes to widen in bewilderment to see that the mystical woman was hunched over before her spiraling flames once more.
All the while as they made their way in to talk to her for the final time.
Until the battle worn princess plopped down on her ass in a chair with her exhausted girlfriend still panting against her plated chest.
While the three noblewomen dropped down to sit on the floor.
All the while as they gazed on in astonishment to see that their princess was so exhausted that she didn't even care about maintaining appearances by booting their little sister out of her lap.
"Old hag! Let's get this over with already." The princess snapped with a deep scowl on her beautiful lips as she took a heavy gulp of a large jug of water.
While she even paid no mind to the droplets of water that dripped down her parched lips.
Only for her possessive amber golden eyes to glance downward when she saw her little girlfriend reach up for a drink.
And not even a second after that she held it up to the girl's lips while she watched the small girl take a large swig.
"Y-yes wise sage, I must agree with my princess. I…I am ready to go home." The handmaid stated in a tired voice while her princess gazed at her in approval from over her shoulder.
Only for the five girls to watch in confusion when the flames sparked up once more while a sense of unease began to develop in their eyes.
"This is terrible news! It's…it's broken! And now the gateway is closed! You should not have let him get away!" Mava cried out in a foreboding voice as she sat with her back turned to the confused group.
All the while as the flames rose up once more before their uneasy eyes.
"Let…who get away? That horrible man…Nero?" Ty Lee questioned with a fearful swallow only for Mava to grimly shake her head.
While the five females gazed on with their weary minds pondering if the old woman was speaking of Felix.
"No! Not the scientist. He saved your lives for his own twisted ends. If not for his attack on the emperor none of you would have escaped to return to the other side." The sage declared as she turned to face the group with her hauntingly glazed eyes staring at them.
All the while as a renewed look of humiliation flashed before all of their eyes.
The mere fact that they were saved by a man who sought to dissect the benders amongst them was the ultimate insult to injury!
While the princess's amber golden eyes danced with rage once more as she took a furious swallow of water.
All the while as she leaned back on her posterior with her little girlfriend trembling from where she sat on her robed thigh.
"As much as I despise to admit it…she had us completely and utterly beat in both strategy and might. Not only did she spy on us months in advance. She…she was much stronger than us." Zoi commented with shame in her voice as she sunk back against the wall.
While Elle, Mai and Ty Lee shuddered as they were reminded over how it felt when their bodies had started to freeze over.
"That's…that's just because of the cold. If it was in the Fire Nation and we were at full strength we would have won." Azula insisted in a prideful voice with her callous amber golden eyes glaring onward.
While the others gazed on in an unconvinced silence.
"No. No it was not. That monster was toying with all of you. And that is the only reason why you sit here to tell the tale. Had she actually fought you girls and the scientist seriously then it would have been a much different outcome for you and him." Mava informed in a wizened voice while the team fell back into a stunned silence.
All the while as the anger in Azula's eyes only continued to soar to even higher heights.
"Who…who should we have not let get away wise sage?" Elle queried in a gentle voice with fear in her amber eyes once more as she sat on her master's thigh.
"Your brother. You wasted your time…fighting the bomber…and the redhead…and all of the others. When your single greatest priority should have been his capture at all costs." The sage stated as she sat before the rising flames while a face began to form in the smoke.
While looks of outrage formed in the eyes of the four highborn women when they found themselves gazing back at Felix's madly laughing face once more.
All the while as Elle swallowed fretfully with her amber eyes glaring back at her brother's insane face.
"D-does this have something to do with my confrontation with Felix when I fired that ball of energy at him? I was meaning to ask how I did that." The handmaid requested in a puzzled voice while her princess loomed protectively over her head.
"In a sense young Component. The closer a holder of the Component is to the Spirit World, the stronger the power of the Component will be. You tapped into the spiritual energy of the gateway and harnessed it to attack your brother." Mava revealed in a gruff voice while the group listened with awe in their eyes.
While they all turned to gaze back at their young friend's adorably confuddled face with astoundment in their eyes once more.
"So…that's why Elle was stronger. She harnessed the power of the portal. That must also be how the girl was able to defeat that man Reynolds." The princess muttered in a moody voice as she held her jug in hand with her stern eyes gazing down at the back of her pet's golden head in amazement.
"You perceive correctly princess. The principal function of the Component is that it is able to cut through and remove mystical barriers that stand in the way of the holder. As you know…this is also why the Component is able to disrupt the flow of chi of the Avatar and beings like him. And it is precisely why Elle was able to cut through the colonel's foreign weapon." The sage explained in a weathered voice while the highborn women still at the teenager in shock.
While Elle's cheeks started to turn pink as she blushed under all of the combined attention from her friends.
"I still can't believe that you are capable of such power…tiger monkey." Azula snorted in a fondly strict voice as she eyed her reddened girlfriend with possessive amber golden eye.
"I-I still wish I wasn't Azula-sama. I don't want to be have this power… I just want to serve you and nothing else." Elle mumbled in a distressed voice as she fiddled her thumbs while Azula allowed herself to smile down at her.
All the while as both Mai and Ty Lee said nothing as they fondly shook their heads over the young girl's innocently obsessive desire to serve the princess.
"Oh Elle. Don't you worry. You are going to spend your whole life serving me and perhaps…even your eternity as well." The princess sighed as she began to coil a fingernail in her ebony hair while she allowed a small smile to grace her exhausted lips.
While the two noblewomen almost shivered over how terrifying that sounded to them.
Only for the two to watch their little sister's smile more brightly after hearing those words.
"I…I would like that very much Azula-sama." The handmaid muttered as she smiled when a strong hand patted her golden head.
While she leaned back with the back of her head pressing into her master's armored breasts.
All the while as she paid no mind when her girlfriend propped her elbow up in her hair as she reclined her tall body behind her.
"Considering that the Component is able to go through a mystical barrier it is only natural that given the right conditions the holder can also go through a physical object as well." Mava replied in a seemingly timeless voice as she held herself up on her staff.
While Team Azula listened with marvelment in their eyes as they tiredly nodded their heads.
"Old woman. I demand that you tell me why we should have brought back my servant's vile brother and while you're at it you better be able to also tell me more about this link to the girl's power than you were able earlier." Azula snarled as she let out a protective snort of blue fire over her little trembling handmaid.
"In order to tell you that. I must first tell you who and what I am." The sage responded in a mystical voice while the group gazed on with curiosity in their confused eyes.
"Ugh. Whatever. But it had better not involve anymore riddles." The princess grumbled as she sat back with her jug in hand as took another relaxing sip of water.
All the while as her callous amber golden eyes kept a close watch over the teenager sitting in her robed lap.
"But…you said that you are Mava…right?" Elle asked in a voice that was filled with innocent wonder while her master scowled back at the wrinkled woman.
"That is right child. My name is Mava and I am the very last of a fading order of mystics whose sole purpose is to guide the Component." Mava announced in a learned voice as her face was accented by the flames while the highborn women listened with their eyes wide in disbelief.
"A whole order of mystics just to guide me?" The handmaid repeated in an awed voice while her princess sat in astonishment above her.
"Our order has existed for over a thousand years. It was first established long ago with the assistance of one of the ancient Fire Lords of old. So long ago…that I do not even know his or her name." The sage revealed in a profound voice with her words causing the Fire Nation women to stare on in shock.
While the princess's lips now curled into an angered glower as a blue torch lit over the wall behind her as proof of her ire.
"And you had the nerve to insinuate that I was unworthy when this very order was created by one of my ancient ancestors! That by itself makes me more worthy than anyone else in this world!" The princess hissed with great anger in her voice that was only tempered in part when she felt her serving girl place her gentle hand on her arm.
Only for the fury in her eyes to grow when the weathered woman slammed her staff down on the floor of the hut.
All the while as the three noblewomen sat there in a puzzled silence.
"No, it does not! The Fire Lords of old were noble leaders that cared about their people. Ever since Sozin the Royal Family has been naught but a line of tyrants. All your family has cared about is making yourselves richer at the expense of the peasants that suffer under your family's oppressive rule." Mava retorted in a resentful voice as she pointed a wrinkled finger back at Azula's furiously glaring face.
While the other three highborn women sat in an unsettled silence as they wisely avoided stating aloud that it sounded as if the old woman had a valid point.
"T-the princess isn't like her father and the others Mava. When she becomes Fire Lord, she is going to make it better. I know so. I…I believe in her." Elle insisted in a faithful voice as she chewed on her lip while Azula found herself visibly calming over her.
While Mai sighed under her breath as she mused that she could only hope that Azula at least made an effort.
Otherwise sooner or later she was bound to lose Elle's innocent admiration.
"Perhaps she will young Component. We shall see. In any event our order was created to keep the secrets of the Component alive for the day that the holder should return. And that is what we did…all of us for over a thousand years." The sage admitted in a greatly tired voice with her words stunning the team so deeply that the fury vanished in the princess's widened eyes.
"Your order managed keep such powerful secrets in memory for that long?" The captain asked in a stunned voice with her golden eyes wide in shock.
"F-for over a thousand of years? Just to talk to me or whoever came through?" The handmaid repeated in a disbelieving voice while her princess gazed on in awe from over her shoulder.
"We did. And we didn't do it just so some spoiled princess could make light of our sacrifice. I didn't do this because I wanted to spend my entire life in a tree you know. I did it because there was no one else left to take up the task and if I didn't do it then the order would have died off. And then there would be no one here to enlighten young Elle's mind." Mava explained in a sage voice as she balanced herself on her staff while Elle's amber eyes widened with emotion.
All the while as the highborn women sunk back in their seats in an affected silence.
"I…I am sure that Azula meant no disrespect Sage Mava. She…she just has never been very good at showing her emotions. And she is only just now starting to learn how to do so with Elle's help." The acrobat spoke in a hastened voice while the princess sat in a prideful silence.
While the mighty princess just let out a haughty snort as she turned to stare at the old woman.
Only for her amber golden eyes to glance down in puzzlement when saw her girlfriend standing up from her lap.
"Arigatou gozaimasu for doing so Sage Mava. I…and all of my friends are forever in your debt." Elle stated in a highly sentimental voice as she bowed at the hip while Azula sat scowling down at her.
Just as Zoi lowered her head in a respectful bow while Mai followed suit soon after.
And soon so did Ty Lee.
While Azula still sat scowling with her arms over her breasts only to find herself growling when she felt the acrobat push her head into a slight bow.
And not even a second later the princess sprang back up with her amber golden eyes still glaring back at the old woman.
Just before the team turned back towards the flames when they arose higher once more.
"We…have carried these hallowed secrets with us for all this time. All the while we were unable to share them with anyone outside of the order." The sage continued in a wizened voice while the five younger females listened in a spellbound silence.
"You couldn't speak to the Royal Family and the noble clans of it? Not even before the days of Fire Lord Sozin?" Zoi inquired in a fascinated voice while Azula still sat scowling in her seat.
Just as the princess's cold eyes took note of how her girlfriend's legs were wobbling in exhaustion.
And just when the teenager started to sway on her woozy feet.
She let out a lovable squeak when she was pulled down to sit in the older woman's lap once more.
All the while as her cheeks turned pink once more as she peered shyly up at her caretaker's stoic face while the woman frowned sternly down at her.
Only for the couple's attentions to be rapidly regained when the old woman shook her head no.
"We could not. Because with Sozin and afterward the sacred knowledge would have been used to cause even further suffering in the world. And before Sozin…the Avatar would have destroyed it." Mava answered in a timeworn voice while the team stared on with astonishment in their widened eyes.
"The Avatar…would have destroyed it?" The markswoman inquired in an unnaturally spellbound voice as the old woman nodded her head.
"The order lost the support of the Royal Family over eight hundred years ago because the Avatar believes us to be evil. The Avatar cannot understand because the Avatar cannot see the Primordial One or what it is doing. Therefore, the Avatar swayed the Royal Family and beyond to pay our warnings no mind. So, we were left with no other alternative but to sit and wait, and hope that the rune in this valley would prevent the Primordial One from coming for us." The sage remarked in a grave voice while the younger females listened in a stricken silence.
The more they heard the more frightening it became!
"That's what you're doing in this valley? You're…hiding from this creature?" Azula asked with utter disbelief in her amber golden eyes while Elle shivered in fear in her lap.
While a sense of newfound dread came over the entire team when the sage nodded her head with unrivaled graveness.
"Well, you don't have to worry anymore Mava! You have Azula-sama's support now! If the Avatar comes around Her Highness will give him what for!" The handmaid cried out in a devoted voice while the princess's lips curled into a small smile.
While the three nobles gazed fondly at their young friend.
Just as the princess patted the smaller girl's golden head while her hand then took to resting in the girl's hair.
"All of these improvements that you girls have been making in strength would not be possible if you told yourself before you even tried that the Avatar is the only one who can do it. And that is why this being wishes for the Avatar Cycle to remain intact…so that humanity will stay weak. Therefore, the creature has created a cloud over the minds of nearly everyone on this planet." Mava stated in a weathered voice with her hands clutching her staff while the team sat in an unnerved silence.
"Y-you said that it is doing something…what is it doing?" Elle stammered with fear in her voice while Azula gazed on with protective amber golden eyes from over her shoulder.
"The Primordial One does what your princess does when she gets her hands on a large bowl of cherries. It devours." The sage explained with her wrinkled fingers holding her staff while all but Azula stared on in amusement.
All the while as Azula sat there with her amber golden eyes burning with the infernos of war.
"Are you…making fun of your Crown Princess's appetite?" The princess questioned in a menacing voice while her girlfriend listened in an enraptured silence.
"I-it eats? Eats what?" The handmaid gulped in a fretful voice only to find herself comforted by the sound of her master growling behind her trembling ear.
"Chi." Mava responded in a vague yet utterly dire voice while highborn women and their young servant friend gazed back in an unsettled silence.
"It…eats chi?" Azula pondered in a greatly intrigued voice while she rose a regal brow.
"A great deal of it. To put it lightly. In any case Princess Azula. I will give you a word of warning. If you are truly serious about becoming worthy…and wish to remain alive long enough to do so. You will take great care who you speak of this being around." The sage advised in a deathly urgent voice while Azula rose an elegant brow.
"Are you…telling me that it is not safe for me to discuss it with my own subjects?" The princess snorted as she rolled her amber golden eyes while her serving girl shivered once more.
"That is exactly what I am saying. It has many followers throughout all walks of life. And if word gets out that you are looking for it. Its followers will infiltrate your palace staff…perhaps a servant…perhaps one of your guards…regardless of the mask it will get to you." Mava warned in a frighteningly ominous voice while a look of great paranoia passed over Azula's widened amber golden eyes.
While a newfound sense of terror came over the air as the entire team sat in a disbelieving state of quiet.
All the while as Elle swallowed in fright once again as Azula gazed on with searching amber golden eyes.
"So…it has a cult that is capable of penetrating even the ranks of the Royal Family?" The captain queried with a wary voice as she narrowed her golden eyes as she clenched her fist at her hip.
"A vast cult. A cult that is the entire planet." The sage declared in a terrifying voice as the team sunk back in their seats with their eyes wide in shock.
"T-the entire planet? But how is that possible?" Ty Lee stammered with great fear in her voice while Mava's flames rose up behind her.
"Because it has the whole world outside of this valley and Silah’s citadel is under its rune…its veil. The only people in this whole world that I know with certainty are aware of this creature's existence are everyone in this room…Silah and the one called Vega." Mava informed in a beyond dire voice as Team Azula gaped on with their eyes wide in incredulity.
"That's it?" Azula repeated in a disbelieving voice as she tried to fight down the sudden sense of paranoia that she felt rushing over her.
If the old hag was speaking truthfully…and she has yet to catch her in a lie.
That would mean this being can find them anywhere at any time!
"Now do you understand? If left unchecked…this creature will eventually kill every living being on this planet." The sage declared with her flames rising up over her while the younger females sat back with their eyes wide in horror.
"A-all life? We have to stop it Azula-sama!" Elle cried out as she reached up to tug on Azula's sleeve while her master let out a heavy sigh.
"You want to be worthy Princess Azula? Think not of how you desire power for your own whims and think instead of how you can save the world. This isn't about you or me…or Elle…it is about all of us. For we will all share the same fate if we fail." Mava spoke in a venerable voice as Azula stared on with her hardened amber golden eyes pondering those words.
"You said that this Vega will come riding on the wings of this force of darkness. But what of Silah? Is she allied with…it?" Zoi pondered with her golden eyes staring on coldly while her princess also glowered over the mention of the woman's name.
Only for all five girls to gaze on with curiosity in their eyes when the old woman let out a depressed sigh.
Almost as if…she was saddened by the loss of the other woman's enigmatic friendship.
"Silah…. was supposed to be the one sitting here speaking to the young Component…not me. She…was the one who was originally chosen to become the next sage." The sage confessed with sadness in her voice while the team gazed on with speechless looks in their widened eyes.
Out of all of the things that the old woman had told them.
That had to rank up there as highest with the existence of this…Primordial One!
"Silah and I are the last two members of the great order of mystics. My former master…chose Silah to succeed him and carry on this sacred knowledge until the day that the holder returns. But Silah…fell to her darker impulses." Mava spoke in barely perceivable whisper while the highborn women sunk back in unfathomable disbelief.
The simple fact that they were originally supposed to be speaking with the woman who wants to slaughter them just for pleasure was mind boggling!
"W-why…why didn't she?" The handmaid stammered in an emotional voice.
While she started to feel a sense of guilt for making people wait so long for her to reappear.
"Because child…to become the sage you must bind yourself to this infernal tree." The sage muttered as she sat holding her staff while the group stared on with their eyes widening in realization.
And now the entire team understood what Mava meant.
She…bound herself to the Sentinel Tree just for the sake of keeping this information alive so it could one day reach little Elle!
"Silah chose to reverse the power of the sage…and bind people to her as her puppets instead of binding herself to the Sentinel Tree. And after that…she left to follow the path of a dark sage and to live the life of the hunt. I know not whether she has aligned herself with this revolting creature but I know this. All Silah cares about is the thrill of her hunt." Mava commented with a scowl on her aged lips while a shudder spread throughout the air.
"And so now…we have to deal with this…Primordial One and its followers…while facing the Avatar and on top of all that…we have to deal with this doll freak chasing us down? Joy." Mai snorted with a shiver traveling down her spine while Ty Lee shuddered beside her.
While Azula and Zoi glared on with prideful fury in their eyes as well as an eagerness to pay the puppeteer back for their underground battle.
All the while as Elle began to shake once more when the flames rose up yet again.
While her amber eyes widened when she saw that her brother's face was forming in the fire once more.
All while the highborn women gazed on with looks of hatred in their narrowed eyes.
"All of that and much more. Your situation just got many times worse with your defeat on the other side of the gate." The sage began in a low voice as the team listened with their unnerved eyes gazing back at the young man's laughing visage in the flames.
"H-how?" Elle squeaked as she sat on Azula's lap while the woman stared on with murderously narrowed amber golden eyes.
"Child. The power has been in the blood of your family for countless generations…perhaps even as far back as to the days when the Fire Lord of old founded the Order of the Mystics. You see it was this noble Fire Lord who also founded the Component holder lineage." Mava announced with her hands gripping her staff while a sense of profoundly disbelief swept over the air.
While Elle turned to peer up at Azula with a newfound adorable admiration in her eyes that would have made the others chuckle if not for the gravity of what the old woman was saying.
All the while as Azula swelled with pride as she puffed out her breasts with a smirk already forming on her lips.
And that was all it took for both Mai and Ty Lee to sigh as they knew that Azula was going to make the poor girl worship her even more than before out of some perceived gratitude for what her ancestors did.
"Really? I really do have a divine right to rule over this one then." The princess boasted with a flip of her hair while she held her head high as she took delight in how her serving girl was now gazing up at her as if she were Agni herself.
"A-Azula-sama…I didn't know that your ancient family founded it." The handmaid stuttered in an awed voice as her princess stuck her nose up over her while her big sisters sighed in the background.
"Yes, well you can make it up to me by spending the rest of your little life worshiping the ground that I walk on." Azula huffed as she scanned her fingernails on her clenched fist with a spoiled smile already gracing her lips.
While she paid no mind to the sisterly growl that Ty Lee was sending her way.
Only for the old sage to cut the couple off before they could speak of it any further.
"No! The Fire Lord did not found the power itself. The Component was originally a force that was held inside an ancient tablet that held the key to breaching the Primordial One's defenses, so that the Matrix of Light could then be used to destroy it and its creations once and for all. What this Fire Lord did do…was merge the power within the tablet into a loyal follower of the then Royal Family." The sage explained in a greatly wise voice while the team listened in shock once more.
All the while as the mighty princess turned to gaze back down at her serving girl with a look of awe in her amber golden gaze.
"A loyal follower of the then Royal Family? Does that mean that young Elle is a descendant of this follower?" The captain asked in a marveled voice as she felt even more desire to protect the girl build up within her.
Under no circumstances could they allow Fire Lord Ozai to distort and use her as a tool of war!
It was a thought that was on all of the four highborn women's minds.
Even the Fire Princess herself.
"It is likely. As I told you all before. It is not restricted to just lineage that the founding Fire Lord created. It can transfer to someone who has no connection to the original lineage. I do not know all of the rules. What I do know is that the lineage was created so that the Primordial One could not destroy the power of the Component so easily." Mava replied with upmost seriousness in her gravely voice while the group sat in a stunned silence.
"Does…. that mean that Azula-sama and I are descendants of an ancient team of princess and servant? Am I really meant to serve her?" Elle asked in a lovably sweet voice as she gazed up at Azula's still surprised face.
While she and her girlfriend gazed back into each other's eyes as she smiled shyly under the older woman's stern stare.
All the while as she twiddled her thumbs while her princess's lips pulled into a charming smile.
And then she gasped when a strong hand lowered into her hair once more while she sat in shock as she found herself being petted under the princess's warm once yet again.
While the acrobat and the markswoman exchanged a wary look as they hoped that the princess wouldn't let it go too far to her head.
"It would seem so servant but fear not. I won't mistreat you." The princess assured with a smile on her lips while her girlfriend flushed under her domineering stare.
"O-oh Azula-sama. I know that you would never abuse me." The handmaid murmured with a hand on her reddened cheek while her big sisters sighed heavily.
Only for the adorable teenager to deflate when the old woman sighed as well.
"No. You two are not hearing me. The objective was not to create a servant that catered to the Royal Family's whims. The purpose was and is to save the world from the Primordial One." The sage explained with a gruff voice only for the three noblewomen to gaze on humorously when the couple seemed to not hear her.
"You…you really are my master Azula-sama." Elle spoke up in an adorably sweet voice while Azula smiled down at her in even more approval than ever before.
"Indeed, I am dear. And you really are my fated servant." Azula stated with a wide smile on her lips while her childhood friends stared at her in disapproval.
"A fated bond with a princess charming that was meant to be…how romantic." The handmaid gushed as she wrapped her arms around the taller girl's belly while the princess smiled down at her.
'So, my Elle really was meant to belong to me?' The princess thought with her beautiful lips curving into a content smile.
This just made Elle all the more special.
They truly were fated to stand side by side as the princess and her peasant.
"So…anyhow what happened to the founding Fire Lord? Obviously…whoever it was did not succeed. Is that right?" Zoi questioned with a stoic voice while the couple turned their attention back to the old sage.
Only for all five members of Team Azula to feel a sense of dread fall over them once more when the flames rose even higher.
"Wiped out and erased from most history books. The same fate that awaits all who the Primordial One destroys." Mava informed in a grim voice as the team sat back with their eyes wide in a sense of rising unease.
'Is all of this true? Is this being truly this powerful?' Azula thought with her amber golden eyes glancing on while she scowled deeply.
"What I was trying to get at child…is that there are means in which another member of your family can become the new holder with or without your consent." The sage declared in a voice of unequaled graveness while the team felt their stomachs drop as soon as they heard those words.
All the while as their eyes widened as they recalled the words that Felix spoke to them back in their encounter.
I know all about that power of yours Elle. And soon…very soon you will see that you need me.
It is time that we showed the world the power of the Turner family!
While a newfound look of rage came over the princess's mighty narrowed eyes as she glared on imposingly over her young girlfriend's fearful shoulder.
All the while as she began to clench her bloodied fists in her fury as she watched the flames take shape in Felix's face once more.
"My child…I regret to inform you…that you only possess half of the Component." Mava announced with evident unease in her serious voice as Elle sunk back with her amber eyes widening in confusion.
While the four highborn women stared on with their eyes wide in shock over the sage's grim declaration.
All the while as they swallowed in trepidation as they thought back to the power that Felix showed in their encounter.
Just as the princess abruptly stood up with her amber golden eyes burning wide in rage while her girlfriend fell from her lap with a squeak.
"You mean to tell me that the ability that worn showed in battle…was the Component!" Azula roared with her fists lighting up with blue fire once more while her lips sunk into a snarl.
All the while as Zoi gazed on with her golden eyes wide in fright like never before.
While Mai and Ty Lee now looked as if they had turned as white as a ghost!
"H-half? B-but I thought you told me that I was the Component!" Elle cried out from where she lay on the floor at her princess's boots while the woman towered over her.
"You are child. You used to possess all of it. But somewhere along the line you lost half. Did he do something to you at any point while you were unconscious?" The sage pondered in an urgent voice as the four highborn women stared on with absolute outrage in their murderous eyes.
While Elle now shook on the floor as she tried to sit up with her angered eyes gazing back at the visage of her monstrous brother.
"H-he…he always liked to put sleepy pills in food and drinks…that' why I…learned to cook my own food." The handmaid stammered in a voice of fearful realization as she audibly swallowed.
While the captain now stared on with her golden eyes agape in utter disgust.
While the princess and her two noble friends now looked even more regretful that they had not met their sensitive young friend sooner.
"Come here child. I'll see if I can pull it from your mind." Mava requested with a wag of her hand while Elle shakily stood up.
All the while as the highborn women glared on with promises of murder in their eyes.
And then the teenager came to a stop standing on her nervous legs before the old sage.
Just as the old woman reached out to place her wrinkled palm on the blonde's shaken forehead.
While the team stood back with their eyes wide with anticipation.
And then after what seemed to be a minute of unsettling waiting the hermit withdrew to face her fire.
While the teenager took a frightful step back as she saw her brother's image finish taking shape in the mystic flames.
All the while as the princess stepped forward to loom behind her frightened girlfriend with her callous eyes glaring imperiously back into the fire.
Only for her amber golden eyes to widen in a sense of some horrible foreign emotion when she saw an image of the girl laying on what appeared to be an operating table surrounded by a masked medical staff.
While Elle's amber eyes widened in horror like never before with her big sister's arising to their feet to stare on in shock behind her.
All the while as Felix stood over Elle with a man at the forefront who looked to be a doctor of some kind who appeared to be administering anesthetic to the girl.
"H-he's my brother…my own brother. Why…why would he do this to me?" The handmaid inquired with a tear in her eye while the princess now looked as if she were about to explode in her royal rage.
While the noblewomen stood stricken into a horrific silence unable to answer their adopted sister's sorrowful question.
"I must warn you…there is a chance that your sister will not survive this…" The doctor began in something akin to a hesitant voice while Elle in the present stared back in disbelief at her unmoving past self.
By the look of it this couldn't have happened more than six months before she came to the Fire Nation!
All the while as Team Azula was rendered into a state of absolute shock as they watched Felix roll his eyes in an almost Azulalike fashion.
Only even Mai knew that there was no way that Azula would have ever done something like this to Zuko!
"Elle will be fine. At least…more so than you will be if you decline me. If you have any moral reservations about it, I could just feed you to my seekers…" Felix spoke as he smiled menacingly back at the older man's terrified face.
While the highborn women listened in utter repugnance that the man hinted that he fed people to his pet beasts.
"No! N-no! I…have no moral compunctions…I…am ready when you are." The older man swallowed as he stood over the teenager with his remorseful eyes keeping a close watch on the girl's vitals.
And it was then that the entire team began to turn hot white in their rage as they watched the brother lean over their young friend's unconscious body!
"Poor Elle. You try so hard to win but you always lose." The brother remarked cruelly as he reached down to wipe a stray tear from his sister's eye.
And then just like that a sickening light shot out from the teenager's body while everyone watching was rendered into a speechless silence.
Even the sage who had seen the repressed memory in the teenager's mind had was stunned by the sheer level of the man's cruelty.
All the while as Elle backed up until the back of her head hit the bottom of her princess's armored breasts.
While the Fire Princess stared on with bubbling fury in her amber golden eyes.
All the while as she smashed her fists at her hips with her subordinates staring on in endless disgust.
And that was all it took for the team to gaze on in horror when the young man began to withdraw a bright light from the girl's chest.
And then Felix took a step back with the orb of light humming beneath his power-hungry hands.
And then not even a second later he slammed it into his chest while the group stood in shock as they watched Felix force it inside him!
And with that Felix tipped his head back as he began to release disturbing cackles with his glasses shaking over the bridge of his nose!
While the doctor seemed to be almost riddled with remorse as he turned away to gaze off into the distance of the room.
All the while as the team of medical staff stared on with fear in their eyes when the young man's body began to emit a frightening glow.
"So, this is the inheritance of the Turner family! It feels so sublime! And it belongs to me now!" Felix shouted with his gloved hands held out before his delightfully grinning face while the team stared into the flames in horror.
"W-what did I do to…deserve this?" Elle stuttered with heavy emotion in her angered voice while Azula trembled in rage over her.
And then the mystic vision in the flames finally faded away while a lone tear slid down Elle's cheek.
While the calamitous sound of Felix's lingering laughter as it sent a chill down the spines of all present.
Until that too soon vanished leaving only the sense of indescribable dread of what this will mean for the conflict to come.
Although one thing remained clear to Elle.
And that was that she had to stop her brother and take back what he stole from her.
The lives of everyone that she cherished were depending on it.
For the sake of all of her friends in both worlds.
For the sake of her Princess Azula.
And for the sake of the legacy of her mother.
There was no way that she could let Felix win!
He had to be stopped!
No matter what it takes!
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chrysalispen · 4 years
Prompt #15 - Ache
nothing dazzling, just some fluff and backstory
"How fares the matter we discussed in missives previous?"
Gaius van Baelsar paused, cleared his throat, and scanned the itinerary tablet a subordinate had passed to him. Solus zos Galvus was known to make unannounced visits to all the provinces when it suited him, but this was the first such visit the Emperor had made to Ala Mhigo since its surrender to imperial forces. Were the full truth of the matter to be known, it appeared he was finally starting to feel the weight of his advanced years. A lung ague had confined him to the palace early in the year, preventing him from attending the Magitek Academy's annual spring gala (wherein it was his tradition to personally address the crop of each year's graduating students) for the first time in over two decades.
'Twas to be expected---although, Gaius suspected, that frailty was mostly physical. The keen focus of those sharp gold-hazel eyes had not dulled. Whatever else he might be, the old goat still had all of his wits about him. Thus, the legatus did not dally.
"All is proceeding apace, Your Radiance. Reports from our forward scouts lead my tribunes to believe we can muster all forces necessary to spearhead the campaign within the next nine months. Much of Mor Dhona is either uninhabited or ruled by beast tribes." Gaius offered a laconic shrug. "They are not like to create any particular impediment."
"I imagine their eikons might provide some small hindrance," Solus said wryly.
"As you say, Your Radiance. However, lacking any forewarning, they would not have time to see to their defenses before we take the region around Silvertear Lake. We can establish a staging ground in Mor Dhona and sweep south. Frumentarium reports show the Eorzeans lack a unified large-scale force with which to resist the full might of an imperial legion. Ala Mhigo was the source of much of their military might, and with it now annexed as a province, the other city-states should fall quickly. Provided all goes according to plan, most if not all Eorzea should be under imperial control by this time next year."
"One can hope. Now, for the schedule."
"Yes, Your Radiance. There's an inspection of the Velodyna installation by transport scheduled for half noon tomorrow. After our return to the city, dining with the Thavnairian trade minister and several local merchants and assorted nobles."
"Ah, yes. Helpful turncoats, all," Solus zos Galvus harrumphed, shifting in his seat. "I suppose putting in an appearance and speaking a few pleasantries will keep them content enough. Shall there be any of our own in attendance other than yourself and your officers?"
"Very good. I should like to speak with them each in their turn if possible."
An order, not a request. "Of course, Your Radiance."
"My lord, you are still indisposed-"
Julian rem Laskaris shoved L'haiya's hands away with an annoyed grunt. "Enough, Elle. I don't need your mothering," he said. "And it hardly matters. An invitation to dine with the Emperor at the viceroy's request means my presence is required, not requested."
Aurelia worried at her lower lip, watching the pain twist her father's face as he braced himself upon the crutches and tried to shift his weight a third time. He'd broken his leg last month when a bit of scaffolding at the new military installation along the river had collapsed during a routine inspection. Although he had been bedridden less than a sennight, he was not yet authorized to return to the full scope of his duties and she knew it rankled him.
His temper was such that he was not like to see her interference kindly either, but she'd rather he yell at her than L'haiya. At least in her case, she could yell back.
"Aurelia," L'haiya began sharply when she stepped forward, but she went ignored. Aurelia's arm slipped under her father's to wrap about his shoulders and beneath her touch, she felt him stiffen in surprise.
"Off with you, girl. What I said for your governess goes for you also. Leave me be."
"Father, the cushions are too deep for you to stand without help. You won't get enough leverage to keep your balance-"
"I know what I said!" he barked, but other than a surprised flinch, Aurelia didn't budge. "Young lady, do not ignore me."
"If you don't accept my help, father, then you'll never leave the sofa. You'll be stuck here all night and I cannot imagine his lordship the viceroy will find that an acceptable excuse for failing to appear at the palace. His Radiance certainly will not." As usual, he couldn't look her in the eyes- although her blunt assessment seemed to have taken the wind out of his sails. The tips of his ears were pink but otherwise, he made no response. "Elle, can we have a bath drawn for Father? In the downstairs room so he'll not have to navigate the stairs. It will be more quickly done."
Mirth twinkled in the governess' eyes but she managed to keep a straight face.
"Of course, young mistress," she drawled. "Will that be all?"
"Mayhap we might have Sazha fetch his dress uniform downstairs. I think Clopas can help him dress once he's out of the bath."
"I shall see to it."
"Elle," Julian protested, "she does not give the orders around here. I do."
That assertion went unheeded as the woman immediately crossed the hall and vanished from sight. In a moment there was the loud and rushing sound of running water rattled through the wall pipes.
"Elle, I was talking to you!"
After a moment, L'haiya poked her head back through the open door. "Apologies, my lord," she called, "but it's quite difficult to hear over the bath. If you've another request I'm afraid you'll need to speak up."
Julian scowled but said nothing, and after a brief pause, they both heard the door snick shut. This time when his daughter hoisted, he went with her until he stood - somewhat shakily - on his good leg and drew the crutches in, checking their counterbalance.
"Well, father, and now you shall be prepared on time."
"I would have been prepared in any case," he said gruffly. "I said I was fine, and so I am. You should not have attempted to gainsay your-"
"Should I have sent your regrets to Lord van Baelsar after all, father? If you are too indisposed to wash properly let alone attend a dinner with the Emperor, I am quite certain he will accept it- or mayhap His Radiance might deign to call upon us while you lie in your sickbed."
This was a trick she had learned from L'haiya - needling him while remaining outwardly respectful - and it still surprised her every time it worked. Your lord father is easier to manage than you think, she had said. Like a fly. Honey, child, not vinegar.
Not that Father needed to know about that conversation.
He squinted at her and with some difficulty, she bit back a snicker.
"If you weren't thirteen summers yet, you stubborn little chit," was Julian rem Laskaris' answering growl before he turned his back on the girl and began to limp, with a pathetic sort of dignity, towards the downstairs washroom. Just as Aurelia had bid. "Next time I'll thank you not to countermand me in front of the help. You're not too old to be switched for your cheek, girl."
There was no heat in that threat whatsoever. "Of course not, father."
He knew by her tone she was humoring him. Her even tone was met with a glower that reminded her remarkably of Sazha, when he'd sulk over losing one of their games.
"I don't need your help or anyone else's to bathe myself."
"In that case, father, please let us know when you're done. One of us can call upon Clopas to see to the shaving while you dress," she said placidly. "I'll prepare some tea while you bathe. Is there aught else I might have missed?"
Her father only made a low-pitched grunt before the door slammed shut behind him. ~*~
"I'm fine."
"No, you're not." Her hands were on his upper back, probing gently, smooth and slightly cool. "I rather doubt you've done yourself any permanent harm, but you should consider avoiding strenuous work. No more work on the new project or the Red Baron until you've fully recovered this time."
"It's a pulled muscle, eikon-slayer. I've had plenty worse. Five years ago I would have slept this off and-" Nero grunted in discomfort as her knuckles rolled over a tender spot near his spine. She didn't even flinch. "...Perhaps it's lingered a day or two past what I expected initially but I told you I am fine."
"Of course you are," the Warrior of Light said, a little too agreeably. Something about that mild, placid tone set his teeth on edge.
"You are not my mother. Stop humoring me."
"I'll stop humoring you when you stop sulking like an overgrown child."
"I don't have to suffer this indignity," the engineer growled. "Let me up. I have work to do."
"And let you injure yourself all over again? Out of the question."
"Seven hells, woman-"
"No," Aurelia said firmly. "That's final. Complain all you like, but you're not getting anywhere near the G-Warrior until your back is improved. Not even for maintenance."
He made a loud and angry harrumph into his pillows.
"Who let Garlond name it, anyroad," Nero groused. "What a bloody ridiculous title. I'd have given it a proper name. Something that would have really left an impression."
"Oh?" He flinched sharply when she found a tender spot, his curse bitten out behind a loud hiss of pain. She paused and gently rubbed his shoulder in apology. "Like what? Dazzle me with your first impression, Scaeva."
"Obviously I'm not going to be able to think of anything while you're cracking every bone in my spinal column," he grumbled. "But it would've been something a damned sight more imaginative than G-Warrior."
"Really? My goodness. You may safely color me hypothetically impressed."
Those sharp blue eyes narrowed until he was squinting at her- or making a valiant attempt at it.
"...Are you trying to be funny?"
"I wouldn't dream of it." A beat of silence followed by a huffy sigh, and Aurelia laughed. She'd switched her attention to the juncture of his shoulders and neck, pressing with her fingertips in small and careful circular motions. "Far be it from me to lecture, but I am fair certain the reason you could shake this off with minimal attention five years past is because you were younger and in peak physical shape."
"I am still in peak physical shape," Nero retorted, no small measure of offense implicit in the words.
"That is very much up for debate, but regardless, maybe don't go clambering up three-thousand-year-old Allagan broadcasting antennae by yourself in future? Just for a sennight or so? You're not as young as you used to be."
Nero sighed, this time with rather more regret.
"Don't bloody remind me."
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sparda3g · 5 years
Black Clover Chapter 202 Review
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If you think Nero speaking is the craziest thing to happen in this series, well, that may be true. But the ride doesn’t stop there, because it has one more surprise to show. It’s kind of surreal to see Nero speaking in human language, but more shockingly, his peck moves. Gone with the permanent face gag. Nero acts like the boss, telling Finral to take him to the Demon’s bones. I had a feeling that this chapter would cover Nero and Finral’s scene first before shifting back to the Devil, and that’s certainly the case. What I didn’t expect is the timing for the next phase.
Before revealing the twist, the chapter undergoes another action scene with the Devil and Yami, and it’s yet again another enjoyable one, though comes with interesting thoughts. Rather than trying to beat down the Devil, Yami is trying to put all the pieces together of its word magic. As broken that magic is, he does have a valid point on one thing. If anything it say happens, why not simply say, “Be dead?” That’s like a villain’s logic that tends to get overlooked. Fortunately, Yami picked up on it, believing there’s a restriction. Bless Tabata to actually bring logic; no sin for that one. Furthermore, it appears the magic has limitations based on distance and mana. It’s all theories however, so the only way to confirm anything, he must fight closer. Scary…
One thing I didn’t realize is Dark Magic having a potential to damage the Devil. I realized it can defend anything, but with Dark Magic, it dodges it. Someone in reddit called it, so kudos to that fan. I like how Licht pulls a ping pong on Yami’s slash to bounce back to hit it. Charla reflects that they are more or less equal altogether, but you know it is going to get worse from there. I laughed at the comedy insert without breaking the flow with magic power level chart. The Devil’s mana is undoubtedly high, but Asta is used as bottom tier with “womp womp” or “Du-duuuuuun” sound effect. Yami, savage as always.
The craziest part is when the Devil decides to use the Grimoire. It was bad enough that he literally use words to attack and support, but imagine with Grimoire. God, help them all. It chants similar to how Vetto did in the past, which was a major hint to the entire story, and God almighty, I won’t make fun of another dimension anymore. Literally, it brought them to another dimension with bizarre entity surrounding the field. The artwork gives some serious chills. So much so, even Yami is horrified. That’s unreal.
As crazy that is, the real hype is the cliffhanger with Nero. Here I thought we wouldn’t see them again. Shockingly, the magic stones on the tablet can be used on the First Magic Emperor. That raises questions, but we should expect tons of answers eventually. In the meantime, it’s time to awaken the First. It isn’t clear if Nero is him, or perhaps a familiar, but regardless, the awakening got me excited for the next chapter. The full circle is happening.
Overall, this was a really good chapter that clued us in that the Devil can be beaten with brilliance. With another dimension, well, that may be a different story. It does make me believe we will be seeing crossing dimensions one day. It certainly feels that way with plenty of new lore detail as of late. The action was entertaining as a whole, but at the end, it became horrifying. The cliffhanger was a great way to hype the fans with the possible return of the First Magic Emperor. Good timing, because next week will be the last before a long break. It’s setting up for something amazing and it will ache us for more.
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sakuspring · 6 years
Headcanons for the emperors
As I said, these are not exactly clever. Hope you like this!
They got their bodies back during the XVII-XVIII century
Caligula was the first to come back. He appeared in front of Notre Dame, under the reign of Louis XIV
He still has one of those stupid wigs
Because of this he speaks French fluently
Nero came back while Caligula was starting to move to England
He can still speak French (he's actually good at it)
Commodus came back right into the Thames and his first swords were...well...you can guess them
He can't understand French and doesn't want to, but he is super good with Italian
Talking about Italian, Caligula speaks that as well as Spanish, Japanese, Corean, Russian, German....he knows a lot of languages ok?
He learnt Japanese mainly because he loves animes -no really he is a nerd
He also loves calligraphy and chess. He has like 40 chessboards (one has the king resembling him)
Incitatus can play chess as well
Commodus actually lost against the horse (don't tell him I said that)
Speaking about Com, he gets teased a lot
He can't go near water without one of the other two emperors making comments such as "Do you hope to find your lover there?" "Pay attention! We don't want someone to choke you"
(He would never admit this, but he is scared of baths and only takes showers)
Nero and Caligula often flirt with him to get on his nerves, even though Nero's a disaster. Once Com flirted back and he stood there, not knowing what to say
Caligula is the best at flirting and likes both girls and boys (maybe even more. Who knows)
Com prefers boys but declares himself bisexual
He doesn't know how to act around women though
Nero doesn't mind males but he nearly always with girls. How he finds them is a mistery since he is the worst at flirting
He likes golf for some reason (both Com and Caligula find it super boring) and loves buying clothes (especially if they are purple)
No really
He goes shopping whenever he is able to
He has like 40 huge closets
Caligula has more shoes though
Commodus? He prefers going around with the smallest possible amount of clothing
Speaking of our little emperors, he is terrible at Maths but is a super fast reader
It doesn't have nothing to do with Apollo's blessing. Nope, not at all
He loves italian authors and has read twice Dante Alighieri's "Divina Commedia" (its actual name is "Comedìa" but nobody calls it like that)
He has a degree in literature
Nero's a lawyer
He loves going to the theatre and has a super deep powerful voice
He is a baritone btw
Caligula has a degree in Maths and one in Economy
He is also a wonderful pianist and has played with famous artists such as Mozart
He has tried to learn the violin but has failed. Miserably I'd say
Com can't sing nor play, he cannot even clap his hands to the beat
He is also the only one among the three emperors who is team dogs
Caligula is more team horses but he prefers cats over dogs
Nero owns like 5 lions (yeah it's illegal but he can)
And a black cat called Nero. Yes he is not original with names (Nero means black in italian
The three of them talk latin at meetings when they don't want people to understand
Once people asked them "Which god would you prefer to f*ck?" (And by people I mean Incitatus)
Com refused to answer
Nero went for Venus ("at least I'd have someone to talk about clothes and fashion since you can't dress properly")
Caligula said "myself" first. Then opted for Athena ("maybe I would find someone better than me at chess")
About their past, DO NOT joke about Caligula's child, Nero's death or say Marcus Aurelius was a good emperor
Unless you wish a long, (very) painful death
They have seen both the Gladiator and the film about Caligula from 1979
Com has stated that he would gladly go to bed with his actor but hates the film
Caligula knows the one about him by heart. He knows every single scene. He loves it
He also love Gulliver's travels, he says he can relate to him ("I prefer horses over humans as well"; "Commodus look! You appear in this book *pointing at the description of Yahoos*")
Oh yeah Caligula has both an Instagram and a Tumblr account about horses
Com has a Tumblr account about literature
Nero doesn't understand technology. He crashed Excel once
But he is the best with guns
Caligula and Commodus prefer swords
Well that's it. It came out quite long😂 Anyway, I hope there aren't any grammar mistakes. If you spot one please tell me
@flightfoot @moodyseal @youurelovely
@nilescraneslatte helped me with some of them
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firedingo · 5 years
A Not So Little Update Post On Life
So it’s been a while since I’ve done one of the blog posts. Not by choice though. Life has been hectic!
So one of the biggest changes for me has been walking into a full-time caring role for my father who is challenging at the best of times because he likes the world to operate on his terms and that’s not how life works. At times I struggle to get him to see the seriousness of his situation.
He has long term health issues which include chronic alcohol abuse leading to memory issues and seizures when he undergoes withdrawal. He’s also only partially compliant with taking his medication which leads to further issues.
On top of that he had a valve replaced a few years ago with a metal one which means his blood clotting level needs to be monitored regularly and at the moment he’s like a rollercoaster going between so thick it’s like cheese to so thin it’s like water.
It’s also not helped by the fact my father is also essentially homeless and couch surfing with friends and refusing to even entertain any option that would cost more than $100/week. He’s dreaming if he thinks he’ll find anything at that rate because he won’t but because a mate of his will charge him that much to sleep on his couch he now compares everything else to that -_-
The other big thing which I think I’ve mentioned before has been uni. I went back to study to finish off my bachelor of Information Technology off. I have about a year’s worth of work left but doing it at part-time rate since I’ve been caring for my father.
Passed 1 of 2 subjects last semester which was my first semester. Got an additional exam for the other subject. Missed passing the final exam by 8 marks which means no subject pass even though I have the marks to pass :(
Only doing one subject this semester but will sit two exams in exam period. The additional exam from last semester and the exam for this subject. I’m hoping I can do this. A touch anxious because despite dropping back to one subject I’m still struggling to find time thanks to my father.
So 2 weeks ago my father was admitted to hospital confused thinking it was 1999 again. I spent a week concerned about him. Then 2 days ago I was admitted briefly for a few hours.
Viral Illness
For the last 6 days I’ve been suffering what I think is just a common cold but it has beat the living crap out of me. On triage at the hospital I had a temperature of 38 degrees Celsius or 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
I was also highly dehydrated despite drinking perhaps 4 litres or more of water every day for the previous 4 days. Alas none of the water was being absorbed and was just passing through me.
I also had a heart rate of 130 beats per minute which is only like 40 more beats than I’d normally have.
So they started me on a bag of fluids and got me some pain relief for my throat which by this stage was making it all but impossible to swallow food or liquids. About 30 minutes into the bag of fluids they checked me again and my temperature had gone up to 39.1 degrees Celsius or 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit. Yikes! Another 30 minutes later and my temp was back at 38 degrees Celsius or 100.5 degrees Fahrenheit.
Then the lovely nurse I knew gave me some steroids to reduce the swelling in my throat and started some antibiotics to cover their butts in case bacterial(I don’t think it’s bacterial but anyway).
Quite a few people commented that the colour has returned to my face after the bag of fluids. I began to realise little things like the return of saliva generation, the reduction in my thirst desire which I’d just not really registered in the 4 days prior. I was drinking automatically when I needed it but not really registering I was thirsty.
After everything I felt a lot more alert and more like myself. I wasn’t shivering every 5 seconds too. Just before discharge they checked my obs again and temp was down to 37.2  I think degrees Celsius or 98.96 degrees Fahrenheit. I remember 37 point something at least. Almost normal as I think it’s 36.7 for normal. My heart rate came back from 130 beats per minute to 100 beats per minute which was much better too.
So as you can see I’ve had a hell of a week with a raging fever and cough and sore throat. On Tuesday evening I reckon I might have been a good 39 or even 40 degrees Celsius / 102.2 or even 104 degrees Fahrenheit.
So consequently I’m now so far behind on an assignment due this week. Hoping I’m granted special consideration for it. Between my dad last week and me this week I’ve been unable to work on it. It’s not hard but it will require a clear head and time neither of which I’ve been able to find.
Church & Christianity
Now the other big news. So I’m not sure if I’ve said it here or much here but I think it’s worth sharing.
So 7 and 3/4 months ago I started going to church with my neighbours. At first it was an exercise in curiosity and intellect. I learned heaps and found sooooooo many assumptions I’d made were sooooooooo wrong too.
Remember kids, Never Judge a Book By Its Cover! And that goes for the Holy Bible too!
Seriously though I’d never read it and made assumptions from what little I did know. I was made a fool of to myself for that. I was glad to know the truth first hand for myself.
What I never expected was to believe. In all this time I’ve been skeptical and questioned everything and you know what? It stacks up more than you might expect.
What has struck me the most is when you read through what Jesus went through in that final week leading up to his crucifixion. It becomes pretty clear that the horror of what is about to happen begins to really set in for Jesus.
Through Year 11 at high school I took Ancient History for a subject. I looked at Emperor Nero and the burning of Rome. Consequently I got to know Tacitus’s work very well and I quite respect him as a historian. He speaks about Jesus.
Tacitus was a Roman senator. He was born within a few years after Jesus’s death and he was no fan of Christians or Jesus and was VERY loyal to the Roman empire, yet he speaks with such confidence of the death of Jesus you have to ask why would he lie? To me this along with the likely medical evidence of what he went through says Jesus died on the cross.
It was a pretty gruesome death. He essentially suffocated to death in agonizing pain and according to the Bible he was fully conscious of what was happening until the last moment when he finally grew too weak to be able to inhale again.
So the striking bit, the striking bit is that despite all that, Jesus WILLINGLY went through it all. How many people can you say that would do that? That would suffer an unbelievably painful death to save another?
That’s such a profound love that it’s almost incomprehensible. We see mirrors of that behaviour in tragedies we experience. I think about the one of the cars that drove down one of the streets in Melbourne and people pushed others out of the way of the car to save them only to be collected themselves. That’s love, incredible love!
That’s why I so really.....well love this passage from Romans 5, because I think it captures the whole idea and act of love so well.
6 You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. 7 Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous person, though for a good person someone might possibly dare to die. 8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.
9 Since we have now been justified by his blood, how much more shall we be saved from God’s wrath through him! 10 For if, while we were God’s enemies, we were reconciled to him through the death of his Son, how much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved through his life! 11 Not only is this so, but we also boast in God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have now received reconciliation.
- Romans 5 : 6 - 11
The other thing I never expected was to be poked back when I started poking Christianity. I can’t explain it.....or well I can’t scientifically explain it but when I pray God hears me and my prayers are answered.
Mental health
Getting to know Jesus and through Jesus God has been one of the best things for me. So the word Gospel means good news and truthfully this has been good news, this has been the best news of my life.
Quite literally it has saved my life. And I don’t mean like saved from being thrown into hell. I mean saved from taking my own life by suicide saved.
Before as readers should know, I had a pretty hopeless outlook on life. I would describe it as a nihilistic hoplessness because it really was that bad.
So I went to my church’s Good Friday and Easter Sunday services. The minister preaching then on Easter Sunday said “death removes the meaning from life”. It profoundly changed the way I looked at everything!
It all struck me and made sense to me on that Good Friday but it was Easter Sunday that transformed my life and filled me with hope.
Suddenly everything mattered in the light of the idea of eternal life. For you see even our greatest buildings will be consumed in more or less 1000 years. At that point what can we do that will last? Nothing!
But if we live after death then the most valuable thing we have is our relationships and how we treat other people.And that means what I do now will have a lasting impact because I will remember what I’ve done and so will they.
That means every action now has meaning, from something as simple as helping an elderly person reach something at the supermarket to how I speak about my life to other people.
I have begun to change in response to this too. Fear no longer rules my life.
I find that lots of the Bible is true, for example when Jesus says:
29 Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 30 For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
- Matthew 11 : 29 - 30
I find that this is very true. The burden is far less than I put upon myself and I bear the world on my shoulders as the Titan Atlas did/does.
I have been so profoundly changed for the good by my belief I got baptized last Sunday. I froze my arse off too :P
Despite that it was a wonderful day and I want to share with all of you the profoundly good news and great gift I have found in Christianity and my church.
While I know not everyone is interested, can I encourage anyone who is to take a chance, to really go all in. Look at me, I tried to take my own life in the past twice no less and yet I have been given the greatest gift - a life of hope and love by daring to take a chance. If I can go from nihilistic hopelessness to a life of hope and love then why not give it a shot?
What’s the worst that can happen eh? Worst is that nothing changes but I think you’ll find more than that because there’s something about Christianity that’s beautiful and healing.
To give you some insight. I’ve been struggling with self-harm thoughts for a long time, more than a decade. The other night while I was very ill and not coping I had to deal with them again. I said no and pushed back against them. It’s the first time I said no and didn’t self-harm myself despite the thoughts.
I have changed. I have grown, I have healed and I am healing and I am loved and I love and I have hope and NONE of this would have been possible without church and Christianity. It’s truly profoundly changed my life for the better!
Game Jam & Closing Stuff
So as you can see my life has been hectic hey? I haven’t given up on video games either :D
I started having a crack at GMC Jam a few weeks ago but well dad ate my time up. I did get something started though. I should finish it though.
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And yes that is a giant infinite column of spawning slimes :P
And yes I noticed my tiles needed a bit of adjusting and offsetting to make them a touch bit better but that’s cool. I was impressed I got like 4 variations with minimal work to add variety.
The player also animates just in a still image that’s hard to show.
Just been so stupidly busy I just haven’t had the time for video games! But I wanted to share some of my life and give a bit of an update on things because well it might be a while before I can get another one of these little......well not so little update posts out.
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Absolutely No One Asked for This but HERE IT IS ANYWAY 
(also known as how I would’ve written the Rome Singularity in Fate Grand Order because it COULD have been great but... was kind of... meh.) 
Under the read-more because I have a tendency to ramble, ANYWHO...
So we begin roughly the same way - the party arrives on a hill in the Italian peninsula, overlooking a battle. One side is clearly about to be overwhelmed by the other - the larger army is also Conveniently Populated with ghouls and zombies, cluing our heroes in as to who the Good Guys are for this chapter of the story. The party intervenes and the commander of the armies make their appearance - one is the teenage Emperor Nero and the other is, gasp! Caligula, who is supposed to be dead.
The team quickly deduces that Nero’s reign is the Singularity and that the enemy - at this point, still Dr. Lainur - is using the Holy Grail to resurrect powerful Heroic Spirits of the Roman Empire in order to destroy the foundation of humanity here, at one of the most pivotal moments of Western civilization. I would also include characters like Caesar, Leonidas, and maybe Alexander (or perhaps Heroic Spirit Hannibal of Carthage riding atop a war elephant because COME ON, DELIGHT-WORKS, DO I HAVE TO DO EVERYTHING MYSELF HERE??!) working reluctantly alongside Caligula in the first appearance, making it abundantly clear that they are being controlled by outside forces. The main difference is that I would also include Boudica among the enemy army - her hatred of Nero would certainly be enough to motivate her initially. So in any case, the plan might’ve worked had Nero not been motivated by equal parts narcissism and genuine love of the people to hold onto the throne. Nero accepts the party as allies and introduces them to Jing Ke, her “ambassador from the East.” Jing Ke further clarifies that she’s a Heroic Spirit who specializes in assassinating emperors. (”Uh, Jing Ke, didn’t you FAIL to assassinate the Emperor the first time around?” “It was simply fated that I would die that day. Besides, assassination is really more of a hobby for me.”) With all of this information, Nero decides to immediately use their newfound strength to take the fight to her uncle - but before she can do that, Caligula and Boudica arrive and the two of them set fire to the city of Rome.
Fleeing to the harbor for safety, the party is caught in a storm and winds up on a Mysterious Mythical Island somewhere in the Mediterranean Sea. There, they met Stheno, the eldest of the Gorgon Sisters, who spills the Tea regarding Nero’s haphazard rise to power and basically affirms that, while her love for the people and country is genuine, her selfishness and unwillingness to compromise with other leaders is what will bring her down in the end. Stheno’s quest happens in more or less the same way, but it’s really just a test to see if the player’s conviction to save humanity is genuine. After the player returns, Stheno tells them that perhaps they can defeat the other emperors by legitimizing Nero somehow. At this point, she directs them to Romulus, the great founder of Rome itself. Romulus declares that, as the child of a war god and Heroic Spirit, the only way to prove worth as a ruler is by defeating him in Single Combat. Also, Romulus should be a five-star Servant and ridiculously strong compared to the other enemies, just to emphasize how much of a Big Fuckin Deal this dude is, both in the mythology of Rome and to Nero’s personal story.
Nero is a little bit shaken by the effort it takes to defeat Romulus, but he declares that since she is still young, she will surely grow as an emperor - and as such, he will see to it that she remains on the throne. This should be a moment of some character development for Nero, who in this timeline has only just taken the throne and is still grappling with the responsibilities she has as an Emperor. Romulus should tell her that a true leader is not simply the strongest warrior, but someone who can plant the seeds that can allow future generations to thrive. Then we would get a cut scene where Jing Ke manages to assassinate Caligula just for the hell of it. 
The party now makes its way back to Rome, which has been badly damaged by the fire. As they clear the city of remaining enemies, they gather a small crowd which demands to know why Nero fled during the fire instead of defending them from the armies of Boudica and Caligula. Nero at first tries to make Romulus stand up for her, but he declines. Nero is able to use her charisma to pacify the crowd somewhat and declares that she will continue personally overseeing the battles against the False Emperors, ending the battle swiftly so that she may return to build up a new Rome that is stronger than ever before. The seeds of discontent are still in the crowd but Nero herself is filled with renewed determination. The party heads out into the wilds of “Barbarian” Europe. 
At this point, you really start encountering the Enemy Servants, but it becomes quickly apparent to Lainur - revealed through cutscenes - that a lot of these people don’t ACTUALLY want Rome destroyed. Leonidas and Alexander aren’t Romans but enjoy the chance to battle against legends like Romulus and are grateful when they are defeated. Caesar gripes and groans and goes easy on Nero, peppering his fight with advice as to how she - his descendant - might continue his legacy. Even Boudica is beginning to show signs of discontent as she realizes that the imminent destruction of Rome won’t bring her daughters or husband back - but will eventually lead to the destruction of her beloved Britainnia as well. I think Hannibal would’ve been a better addition to the lineup here because I think his motivation for the destruction of Rome (avenging his devastated nation), contrasts pretty strongly with Boudica’s more personal drive (she may hate Rome but she doesn’t really want to destroy the entire world). The party might fight Boudica here, but once you beat her, she escapes back to the capital and a frustrated Lainur then decides to summon a third, powerful Heroic Spirit - Attila the Hun. These three “scourges” of Rome are then sent out to defeat you.
Jing Ke rejoins the party just before Nero and Friends arrive at the False Capital, which is located somewhere between France and Germany. She tells them of Atilla’s summoning and fears the worst. You push forward, defeating Boudica first. After which Hannibal might appear and Boudica, having had a change of heart and deciding that her true loyalties lie with defending Britainnia, not destroying humanity. Boudica joins your party after a heart-to-heart with Nero, in which Nero should display her first moment of true humility, and then you go on to beat Hannibal, finally moving on to Attila. 
After defeating Attila, you get to Lainur and the Demon Pillar, at which point the idea of Solomon as the antagonist was introduced if I remember correctly. In the aftermath of that battle, the team muses about the nature of leadership and legacy. Romulus declares that Rome is the eternal city and would never fall, etc, etc, etc and it’s all very hopeful and sweet - and you disappear and ta da! End of Singularity. Boss fights galore - Romulus as the Five Star Servant he rightfully deserves to be - and maybe character development for Nero and Boudica. 
There’s an alternative version of this where I think it would be possible to include Attila from the beginning (at the expense of Alexander and Leonidas), and then have the Final Boss Servant be Remus - the murdered brother of Romulus. But either way, I think the main thing is just to not have the party running haphazardly across Europe as much - and include a few more nuggets of Real History, like the Great Fire of Rome and the devastation of Carthage and whatnot.The main theme of the chapter should be “legacy,” in the way that there is no such thing as a “pure” country or “perfect” person, but that humans should always strive to build better things and work to not repeat the mistakes and pains of their ancestors. Rome should be a hopeful and spirited Singularity with a more focused plot line, and I think it would do a world of good! I actually really liked the chapter but it was so... unfocused... or rather, it was so focused on hyping up Nero that it forgot to have a coherent storyline with a climax and resolution.
Anyway, if you have suggestions or something then feel free to reply or message because I think A Lot of how I would’ve written or rewritten some stuff in Grand Order.
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xtruss · 2 years
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A Roman bust, determined to be from the late 1st century B.C. or early 1st century A.D., still had a price sticker on its right cheek — $34.99 — as its new owner drove it home from a Goodwill store in Austin, Texas. Credit... © Laura Young
— Ian DeMartino
During World War II, both Nazi and Allied forces looted art and ancient artifacts as Europe was engulfed by chaos. While much of it remains lost, from time to time some pieces reappear.
You may think you have bought some great finds at Goodwill, the national non-profit of thrift shops, or gotten some good deals but rest assured Laura Young has you beat.
In 2018, the antiques dealer saw a Roman-style marble bust at Goodwill in Austin, Texas, and thought it looked older and more valuable than the $35.99 price sticker indicated, so she decided to bring it home and see if her hunch would pay off.
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Laura Young poses with the bust she bought at a Goodwill in 2018.
She had no idea how right she was. After bringing it to two different auction houses, it was determined that it wasn’t just a Roman style bust, it was Roman. The bust is believed to be from around the 1st century AD.
How it ended up sitting under a table in a Goodwill in Texas remains a mystery. But unfortunately for Young, subsequent research revealed that she would not be allowed to sell or keep the bust.
The Bavarian government determined that the bust was once owned by the Bavarian King Ludwig I, who acquired it sometime before 1833. He displayed it at Pompejanum, a replica of a Roman Villa in Pompeii that Ludwig built in the town of Aschaffenburg.
Pompejanum was damaged heavily by allied bombing during World War II and much of the art was destroyed or stolen. That is likely what happened to the bust Young found, either stolen by an American soldier or bought by an American soldier from someone who stole it. Presumably, the statue made its way to Texas when the soldier returned home. Thousands of pieces of art were brought to the United States by American soldiers after World War II. Goodwill was unable to help determine who donated it because they do not keep records of donors.
Because Germany never relinquished their claim on the item, Young cannot claim ownership of it or sell it. It took four years of negotiation, partially because of the pandemic and partially because these things just take a long time, but a deal was struck and the bust will be returned to Germany, eventually. The conditions of the deal were not disclosed, but part of it includes the bust being displayed in the San Antonio Museum of Art until May 2023.
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Portrait of a Man, Roman marble, late 1st century BC-early 1st century AD, Lent by the Bavarian Administration of State-Owned Palaces, Gardens and Lakes
According to conflicting reports, the bust either represents Pompey the Great, a member of the First Triumvirate who was eventually defeated by his one-time ally Julius Caesar, or Drusus Germanicus, who as a general, occupied parts of German territory and was the great-grandfather of the infamous Emperor Nero.
Young nicknamed the bust “Dennis” after Dennis Reynolds, a character in the popular crass sitcom It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Young says she chose the name because like Dennis, “he was attractive, he was cold, he was aloof. I couldn't really have him. He was difficult.”
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Despite knowing that she will probably never find something as rare, old or exotic as the bust, Young says she still plans to browse Goodwill stores, looking for her next great find. And Dennis will be with her forever, in a way. She scanned the bust and 3D printed a half sized model before handing it over.
— Sputnik International | Saturday May 07, 2022
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brokenbow · 7 years
talk about the hardest won battles apollo has had to fight - maybe make a list and talk about the top four or five? can include emotional ones! also (this might just be a personal ignorance but !!) do the same for lester! which ones he thought were the hardest
1. Python
The Battle with Python is definitely one of the biggest battles that Apollo has ever had to fight. He was four days old during it, and had basically just been handed a bow. Ovid says it took literally a thousand arrows to slay the giant snake/dragon/beast. 
Apollo in the PJO books says that it took literally all his godly strength and powers to defeat the giant snake, and he describes that he’d been bit at least once, and nearly been crushed its coils. He had nightmares for centuries afterwards. Because of this fight, he has an intense fear of snakes.
Literally every other battle that Apollo’s fought has paled in comparison to Python.
Granted, the giant Tityos required Artemis’ help when they went to throw him into Tartarus. But I honestly dont know much about that battle because the myths are a little scarce.
2. Getting over Daphne and Hyacinthus
Apollo may act like he’s past the deaths of those two, but he’s not. I dont think he’s ever going to be properly capable of getting past Daphne because Eros basically drugged him into loving her. That shit doesnt go away even after one person dies. It just means that he’s going to be stuck pining for a love that he’s never going to have. That’s definitely coloured how he approaches all his relationships, especially because he knows in his heart of hearts that if Eros hadnt fucked with him, he and Daphne could have been soulmates.
Hyacinthus is another one he’s not getting over any time soon, if ever. I think Apollo struggles with Hyacinthus so hard because he was the one who threw that damn discus, and he’s the god of medicine but couldnt save the man he loved. 
Its hard to pick just a couple battles Lester’s struggled with because he’s just so... lame he struggles with all of them.
But a few would include:
1. Getting the shit beat out of him before Meg saved him.
I think this battle hit him because well. What a way to realise that your mortal. Getting thrown out of the sky, landing in a dumpster, and getting the shit kicked out of him by Nero’s thugs immediately. I think this was also harsh because he realized he was 100% mortal because he was bleeding real blood not ichor. It was also very humbling to be saved by a 12 year old.
2. Commodus Part 1
Emperor Commodus was one of Apollo’s lovers back in the Roman empire, and Apollo murdered him. This is one of the few times that Apollo references one of his kills as a murder. Commodus had pretty much lost his mind, and Apollo drowned him in his bathtub rather than let someone else assassinate him. The scene is extremely potent, from Apollo’s emotions to the look of betrayal on Commodus’ face.
Never mind the fact that I feel physical pain because of the phrase YOU BLESSED ME.
3. Commodus Part 2
The entire fight inside the arena is just like. Bad Blood, Roman edition. Not only is it a battle royal with everyone trying to kill Apollo and Meg, and Meg’s karpoi, but Commodus is there screaming about all their dirty laundry. Again YOU BLESSED ME. 
4. The Cave of Trophonius
Fuck Trophonius and everything he stands for. Not only do you have to loose your sanity to properly get a prophecy from him, he then goes after Meg, who had not prepared herself. Apollo had to sit there while his basically adopted daughter had to deal with Trophonius assaulting her mind with his evil bees while his own son went “To who will you pray, father?” despite the fact that Apollo was totally justified with not helping him prior to Agamethus’ death.
During this entire thing, Apollo begs that his own son take his life instead of Meg’s. A god volunteers his life for that as a mortal’s.
But then he’s still not done because as they leave the cave with Meg’s mind in tatters, Apollo still has to fight a trio of blemmyae. During the fight, he broke his arm, which is something I dont think that god Apollo would have to have dealt with.
A side note, while Apollo was hallucinating, he saw a vision of his parents. Leto was appealing to Zeus about bringing Apollo home, and dad was having none of it. Apollo just gets really emotional when his parents are together.
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delwray-blog · 5 years
Since the origin of the Church, Jewry has declared a war of life and death upon Christianity without any grounds, without provocation, and without the Church in the first three centuries answering violence with violence. The Jews abused in cruel form the gentleness of the first Christians, who restricted themselves to combating their deadly enemies simply with well-founded discussions, in return for which they had to suffer the degrading slanders of the Jews, their imprisonments, their murders and every kind of persecution. These begin with the unjust and cruel murder of Christ Our Lord; there follows the killing of Saint Stephen, which is related to us by the Holy Bible in the Acts of the Apostles, in all its horror, from the planning of the crime in the bosom of the Synagogue, passing to the use of bribery, so that some slandered and cast poisonous accusations against him, up to the use of false witnesses to confirm these accusations, and finally the murder of the Saint by the Jews, which was completed by stoning in a cruel manner, without Stephen having committed any misdeed other than to preach the true Gospel. He was the first martyr of Christianity, and the Israelites had the honor of being the first to have shed Christian blood after the murder of Jesus.
The Bible itself, in the Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 12, reveals, how the Jewish King Herod stretched forth his hands...
1. To vex certain of the church.
2. And he killed James the brother of John with the sword.
3. And because he saw it pleased the Jews, he proceeded further to take Peter also.
However, the Hebrews, not satisfied with their having begun the murder of the leading Saints of Christianity, fell upon the carrying out of cruel persecutions, which degenerated into terrible bloodbaths, as the Bible relates to us in the Acts of the Apostles, and which gave Heaven its first martyrs. In these persecutions, Saul, the future Saint Paul, took part before his conversion, and in fact with a zeal which he himself describes in his letter to the Galatians in the following manner:
Chapter 1, Verse 13: “For ye have heard of my conversation in the past in the Jews’ religion, how that beyond measure I persecuted the church of God, and wasted it.”
The Jews do not accept God, asserts Paul. The Hebrews persecuted with particular tenacity, as is natural, the Apostles and the first leaders of the Church, of which Saint Paul lays witness in his First Letter to the Thessalonians, and in which he categorically asserts that the Jews do not accept God. He says literally: verse 14 “For, ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judaea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things for your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews; 15 Whom both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men.”
It is therefore false to say that the Jews, who have denied Christ as the Messiah, are pleasing to God, as those clergies assert who work together with them for the purpose of crippling the defense of the peoples against the Jewish striving for power and its revolutionary activity. How can it be possible that these Jew-friendly priests lay claim to be right, and that Saint Paul lied when he assured us that the Jews are not pleasing to God? Nevertheless, one sees completely clear that the powers of evil, the children of the Devil – as Christ called them – and an integral part of the “Synagogue of Satan”, could not be acceptable to God. The Jews frequently imprisoned the Apostles. In the Acts of the Apostles it is, confirmed that the Jewish priests, the Sadducees and the officials of the temple laid hands-on Saint Peter and Saint John and threw them into prison.
In Chapter 5 the following is related: “ verse 17 Then the high priest rose up, and all they that were with him (which is the seed of the Sadducees), and were filled with indignation. 18. And laid their hands on the apostles, and put them in a common prison.” Among the persecutions unleashed by the Jews against the first leaders of the Church stand out those on account of their mercilessness which was directed against Saint Paul. It is remarked in the Acts of the Apostles — Chapter 9:
Verse 22 “But Saul increased the more in strength, and confounded the Jews which dwelt at Damascus, proving that this is the very Christ. 23. And after that many days were fulfilled, the Jews took counsel to kill him.” Afterward when Saint Paul and Saint Barnabas had discussed religious questions with the Jews in Antioch, the latter ended the discussion with their usual fanaticism and their intolerance and used the argument of violence. The Acts of the Apostles quotes this — Chapter 13
Verse 50 “But the Jews stirred up the devout and honorable women, and the chief men of the city, and raised persecution against Paul and Barabbas, and expelled them out of their coasts.”
Afterward, in the 14th chapter of the Bible book mentioned, it is confirmed what occurred in the city of Iconium after a further theological discussion by Paul and Barnabas with the Hebrews,
Verse 4 “But the multitude of the city was divided: and part held with the Jews, and part with the Apostles.”
Verse 5 “And when there was an assault made both of the Gentiles, and also of the Jews with their rulers, to use them despitefully, and to stone them,”
Verse 6 “They were aware of it, and fled unto Lystra and Derbe, cities of Lycaonia, and unto the region that lieth roundabout.”
19 “And there came thither certain Jews from Antioch and Iconium, who persuaded the people, and, having stoned Paul, drew him out of the city, supposing he had been dead.”
One thus sees that even in those days the division was very clear: on the one side the supporters of the Apostles, i.e. the Christians, and on the other, the Jews.
The New Testament of the Holy Bible already makes use in these books of the word “Jews” in order to describe the members of the ancient chosen people who murdered God’s Son and fought against His Church; for those who had converted to the faith of the Redeemer were not Jews, but Christians. The Jews, who in our days persecute the Church still further and threaten to rule and enslave mankind, are in fact the descendants of these Jews, who are described by the New Testament as the worst enemies of Christ and His Church. They have nothing in common spiritually with the old chosen people of Biblical times. The chosen people were loved by God. However, the Jews who denied their Messiah, who murdered Him and who fought against Christianity and continue to fight against it, and who stiff-neckedly grant support to their criminal organizations in our days, are, as Paul said, not acceptable to God.
In Chapter 17 of the aforementioned book of the New Testament, it is said that Paul and Silas came to Thessalonica, where there was a synagogue of the Jews.
Verse 5 “But the Jews which believed not, moved with envy, took unto them certain lewd fellows of the baser sort, and gathered a company, and set all the city in an uproar, and assaulted the house of Jason, and sought to bring them out to the people.” 6 “And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, ‘These that have turned the world upside down are come hither also.” 7 “Whom Jason hath received: and these all do contrary to the decrees of Caesar, saying that there is another king, one Jesus.” 8 “And they troubled the people and the rulers of the city when they heard these things.” 9 “And when they had taken security of Jason, and of the other, they let them go.”
The passages quoted of the Holy Scripture prove clearly that the Jews were the only enemies of Christianity and that everywhere they not only directly persecuted the Christians, but attempted with slanders to stir up the Gentile peoples against them, and, what is still more weighty, the authorities of the Roman Empire. In the preceding passage of the Acts of the Apostles it is evident how they used slanders, in order with criminal intent to thrust the whole power of the then invincible Roman Empire against the Church, by their more or less accusing the Christians of recognizing another king in place of Caesar, an outrage which infuriated the Roman emperors and their collaborators to the extreme; for this form of treachery to Caesar invited immediate punishment of death upon them. Thus it is beyond doubt what the Israelites strove for, who for many years afterward applied the whole poison of their slanders and intrigues. However, they were not successful in letting loose the Roman Empire against the Christians. Only on the basis of much pressure did they attain this with Nero. An attempt also took place to stir up the rulers of Rome against Paul, as the following passage of the New Testament proves:
Chapter18:12 “And when Gallio was the deputy of Achaia, the Jews made insurrection with one accord against Paul, and brought him to the judgment seat,” Verse 13 “Saying, ‘This fellow persuadeth men to worship God contrary to the law.’” 14 “And when Paul was now about to open his mouth, Gallio said unto the Jews, ‘if it were a matter of wrong or wicked lewdness, 0 ye Jews, reason would that I should bear with you:” 15 “But if it be a question of words and names, and of your law, look ye to it; for I will be no judge of such matters.’’ 16 “And he drove them from the judgment seat.” 17 “Then all the Greeks took Sostheness, the chief ruler of the synagogue, and beat him before the judgment seat. And Gallio cared for none of those things.”
This passage of the Holy Bible allows us to recognize: On the one side the religious tolerance of the Roman authorities and the absolute lack of interest in attacking Christians; on the other side it was the Hebrews who constantly sought for means in order to repeatedly unleash, even if unsuccessfully, the rulers of the Roman Empire against the Christians. In conclusion, when such an infamous attempt had failed, the Jews as madmen ended the affair with a general and furious free fight. Here Sosthenes, the superintendent of the Synagogue, became the unlucky object of Hebrew rage and madness. Naturally, we cannot doubt the truthfulness of these facts, for it is a matter of a literal passage from the New Testament.
It is therefore certainly explicable that, when this mob of wolves, in addition with all full powers, was unchained with the victory of the Communist revolutions, it carried out unbelievable bloodbaths and caused Christian and Gentile blood to flow in torrents, until in the end both in the Soviet Union, as also in the Satellite States, they cut one another to pieces, without respect for anything, not even of Rabbinical dignity, as in the case of that poor Sosthenes who is mentioned in the preceding passage of the Bible. It is completely beyond doubt that they are and remain always the same.
In the Acts of the Apostles, the disciple Luke tells us of further persecutions undertaken by the Jews against Paul. In his description of the behavior of the Hebrews in those times, one could say that he might be writing to us in the present day. Nothing seems to have altered in nearly two thousand years. He relates of the stay of the Saint in Jerusalem: Chapter 21: 27 “And when the seven days were almost ended, the Jews which were of Asia, when they saw him in the temple, stirred up all the people, and laid hands on him.” 28 “Crying out, ‘Men of Israel, help: this is the man, that teacheth all men everywhere against the people, and the law, and this place; and further, brought Greeks also into the temple and hath polluted this holy place.’” 30 “And all the city was moved, and the people ran together: and they took Paul, and drew him out of the temple: and forthwith the doors were shut.” 31 “And as they went about to kill him, tidings came unto the chief captain of the band, that all Jerusalem was in an uproar.” 32 “Who immediately took soldiers and centurions, and ran down unto them; and when they saw the chief captain and the soldiers, they left beating of Paul.”
This passage of the New Testament shows us how the Jews accused Paul of “teaching all men everywhere against the people”, i.e., they caused him in a slanderous manner to appear as an enemy of the people, in order to justify his killing.
More than nineteen centuries afterward, when the Jews in the Soviet Union and other Communist lands wished to kill someone, they accused him of being an enemy of the people and an enemy of the working classes. The methods have remained the same. They have not altered in approximately two thousand years. They also slanderously accused Paul of preaching against the temple, just as in the mock trials of Communist lands they accuse the future victims of having carried out a conspiracy against the Soviet Union or the proletarian state. Finally, they also accuse Saint Paul of having brought Gentiles into the temple and thus defiled the holy place; for in those days the Jews regarded the temple as closed to Gentiles, just as they now regard Jewry as closed to men of other races. Then they only allowed new converts as far as the door of the temple, thus only to the outside door. Now they accept, so they say, Gentiles and Christians in some lands into Jewry, but also only to the outside door, in that by deceit they only allow the latter into the peripheral organizations and never to enter the real synagogues and communities of the Jewish people. In this, their methods have also remained the same. The book of Holy Scripture mentioned further relates that, when the captain allowed Paul to address his words to the angry Jews, in order to calm them, this occurred Acts of the Apostles, Chapter 22: 22. And they gave him audience unto this word, and then lifted up their voices, and said, ‘Away with such a fellow from the earth: for it is not fit that he should live.’” 23 “And as they cried out, and cast off their clothes, and threw dust into the air...”
We see here the veritably possessed Jews, who, centuries later, in the midst of the Jewish-Communist terror, were to cut their unfortunate victims into pieces with all their application of cruelty.
This passage from the New Testament goes further (Acts of the Apostles, Chapter22):
“30 “On the morrow, because he (i.e. the Roman captain) would have known the certainty wherefore he was accused of the Jews, he loosed him from his bands, and commanded the chief priests and all their council to appear, and brought Paul down, and set him before them.”
(Chapter23): 6 “But when Paul perceived that the one part were Sadducees, and the other Pharisees, he cried out in the council, ‘Men and Brethren, I am a Pharisee, the son of a Pharisee: of the hope and resurrection of the dead I am called in question.’” 7 “And when he had so said, there arose a discussion between the Pharisees and the Sadducees: and the multitude was divided.” 8 For the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, neither angel nor spirit: but the Pharisees confess both.” 9 “And there arose a great cry: and the scribes that were of the Pharisees’ part arose, and strove, saying, ‘We find no evil in this man: but if a spirit or angel hath spoken to him, let us not fight against God.’” A magnificent lesson in how, for the cause of Good, the internal differences of opinion of the Jewish parties and sects could be used. One can do this ineffective form, if one knows the secret interior of Jewry, which permits deception through false combat maneuvers, which are frequently pretended among one another, in order to attain definite political goals.
After the violent struggle that was inflamed between the Jewish leaders mentioned and which compelled the Roman captain to use his soldiers, the Apostle continues his report (Acts of the Apostles, Chapter23):
Verse 12 “And when it was day, certain of the Jews banded together, and bound themselves under a curse, saying that they would neither eat nor drink till they had killed Paul.” Verse 13 “And they were more than forty which had made this conspiracy.” 14 “And they came to the chief priests and elders, and said, ‘we have bound ourselves under a great curse that we will eat nothing until we have slain Paul.” 15 “Now, therefore, ye with the council, signify to the chief captain that he bring him down unto you tomorrow, as though ye would enquire something more perfectly concerning him: and we, or ever he come near, are ready to kill him.’ ”
The foresight of the captain, who knew the Jews only too well, frustrated their criminal plans. Therefore he sent Paul away under the guard of two hundred soldiers and two officers. Verse 25 explains that the Roman captain did this because he feared that the Jews could snatch away Paul with force and kill him. Also, he feared that afterwards, they would slander him by saying that he had accepted their money. This enlightening passage of the New Testament clearly explains that the Jews as swindlers and inventors of the “hunger strike” already put into practice in the times of Saint Paul, when they swore neither to eat nor to drink until they had succeeded in killing him. The Acts of the Apostles does not explain whether, after the salvation of Saint Paul through the caution of the Roman captain, the fasting Jews kept their oath until death. However, the silence of the Apostle allows us to assume that with the Jews then as with the “hunger strikes” of our days, the Hebrew comedians, as soon as they could not achieve their goal, found a suitable excuse to halt the strike.
On the other side, one sees that, even in those distant times, they applied the system of murdering a prisoner on the road, when the latter was brought from one place to another. One further observes that even the Romans had anxiety before the slanders of the Jews, whom they doubtless knew as masters of this disastrous art.
In order to gain knowledge of the wicked activity of Jewry and its mode of action, one scarcely needs to read the famed “Protocols of the Elders of Zion”. The teachings of the Holy Bible, as well as other reliable and undisputed documents, suffice, which often originated from the most unhoped-for Hebrew sources.
After Saint Paul was led before the deputy (governor), the Acts of the Apostles continues in Chapter 25:
Verse 2 “Then the high priest and the chief of the Jews informed him against Paul, and besought him.” Verse 3 And desired favour against him, that he would send for him to Jerusalem, laying wait on the way to kill him. 4 But Festus answered, that Paul should be kept at Caesarea and that he himself would depart shortly thither. 5 Let them, therefore, said he, which are able, go down with me, and accuse this man if there be any wickedness in him. 7 And when he was come, the Jews which came down from Jerusalem stood round about and laid many and grievous complaints against Paul, which they could not prove. 8 While he answered for himself, ‘neither against the law of the Jews, neither against the temple nor yet against Caesar, have I offended anything at all.’”
In order to understand this terrible tragedy, one must bear in mind that Saint Paul was a devout man and illuminated by the grace of God, to such an extent that he is worthy of being regarded as one of the greatest saints of Christianity. Nevertheless, the Jews, with their natural falsity and their insane tenacity, fell into a fury with him in the manner described in the preceding passages of the Holy Bible. The problem was sharpened still more as a result that not only the Jews from Palestine, but also those from the most different parts of the world, exposed their murderous and godless instincts, and that not only the sect of the Pharisees but also the Sadducees, who were opponents of the former. It was not individuals, isolated and without representation, who oozed such maliciousness, but the high priests, the scribes, the leading personages and most illustrious men of Israel; all cut from the same cloth.
The passages of the New Testament teach us to recognize the danger that modern Jewry represents for mankind, whose infamy exceeds the boundaries of everything which other peoples could possibly imagine.
The most significant thing is that, in the description of the falsity of this generation of vipers, as Christ Our Lord called them, the New Testament of the Holy Bible coincides perfectly with the writings that were composed hundreds of years later by the Church Fathers, with the ideas that are contained in the Koran of Mohammed, with the prescriptions of different Church Councils, with the trials of the Holy Inquisition, and with the opinion of Martin Luther, as well as with the accusations that have been made in different countries by savants of the problem, and in fact by Catholics, Protestants, Russian Orthodox, Mohammedans, and even by unbelievers like Voltaire and Rosenberg. All these have, without previous agreement, agreed during the last thousand years to denounce the high degree of falsity and malice among the Jews. This proves that unfortunately this wickedness and falsity, very dangerous for the remaining peoples, correspond to a confirmed and undisputed reality.
The Apostle Matthew spread the Word of God far and wide, at first in Macedonia and afterward in Judaea and converted many to a belief in Jesus Christ through his sermons and his miracles. It is said, that the Jews could not suffer this, therefore they laid hands upon him, stoned him to the point of almost killing him, and finally, he was decapitated on the 24th February.
We have already studied, in the preceding chapter, the various attempts that the Jews made in order to incite the Roman authorities against Saint Paul. They accused him of being against Caesar and recognizing another King in his place, by which they meant Jesus. Concerning these intrigues and slanders, an undisputed document, i.e. the New Testament of the Holy Bible, provides us with knowledge. These attempts to incite the might of the Roman Empire against Christianity followed frequently upon one another, even if for some time without success. It is a historically proven fact that the Romans in religious matters were tolerant and also in no way hostilely disposed towards the Christians, as is proved by the conduct of Pilate in the case of Jesus and the favorable interventions of the Imperial authorities in the persecutions unleashed by the Jews against Saint Paul and the first Christians. The following fact is very revealing and is recorded by Tertullian and Orosius, who remarked that before the Hebrew attempts at persecution arose against Christians, Emperor Tiberius had a law published that threatened with death those who accused Christians.
In the ninth year of his government, Claudius commanded all Jews to leave Rome because, according to the evidence of Flavius Josephus, they had caused Agrippina, his wife, to take on Jewish customs; or also, as Suetonius writes, because frequent upheavals gave the impetus to the persecutions of Christians.
One sees that the pagan Emperor Claudius was tolerant in the extreme towards Christians. When he became tired of the mutinies that the Jews caused, he expelled them from the city of Rome. The Acts of the Apostles also report this expulsion. One sees here the Jewish tendency to cause their influence to rise up to the steps of the throne, by their controlling the Empress in order to exert influence on the Emperor. In so doing, they held to the completely distorted teachings of the Biblical book of Esther, giving this an ambitious interpretation. Esther, a Jewess, was successful in transforming herself into the Queen of Persia and in exercising a decisive influence on the King, in order to destroy the enemies of the Israelites. However, in the case of the Emperor Claudius, the attempt openly failed, which did not occur with Nero, with whom it was successful in bringing close to him a Jewess named Poppaea, who soon transformed into the lover of the Emperor, and, according to some Hebrew chronicles, into the real Empress of Rome. She was successful in exercising a decisive influence upon this ruler.
Tertullian, one of the Church Fathers, says in his work “Scorpiase”: “The synagogues are the places from whence the persecutions against Christians emanate.” And in his book “Ad Nationes”, the same Tertullian writes: “From the Jews come the slanders against the Christians.”
During the rule of Nero, tolerance at first reigned towards the Christians; however, the Emperor finally gave way to the persistent intrigues of his Jewish lover Poppaea, who is described as the originator of the idea of laying the blame for setting fire to the city of Rome upon the Christians, based on which the first cruel persecution of Christians that was carried out by the Roman Empire was justified.
The Jesuit fathers R. Llorca S. J., R. Garcia-Villoslada S.J., and F. J. Montalban S.J. have established the following in connection with the Christian persecutions by pagan Rome against the weak and defenseless Christians by Nero:
The Jews were the most active elements in the promotion of the climate of hatred against the Christians, whom they regarded as the falsifiers of the Mosaic Law... This activity of the Jews must have exercised a notable influence, for it is known to us that they already enjoyed great regard in Rome at the time of Nero and that, on the occasion of the martyrdom of Peter and Paul, some had hinted at the idea that the latter were killed out of the jealousy of the Jews.
“Given this climate of violence incited by the hatred of the Jews, one can easily understand the persecution by Nero. Since they are capable of every crime, it was simple for them to denounce the Christians as the incendiaries of Rome. It needed no great effort for the people to believe it.”
In fact, they accused the Christians in a slanderous manner that they had even committed the disgusting crime of eating children at their ceremonies, which naturally called forth alarm among the authorities and the Roman people. It is only too understandable that this constant intrigue, this persistent work of slander and blasphemy, which the Hebrews always unleash against those who disturb their plans, and which was carried out by thousands of individual persons in the Roman Empire month by month, year by year, finally attained its goal and unleashed against Christianity, which they alone could not destroy, the enormous power of the Roman Empire in a destructive fury never previously known in human history.
In order to defend the truth, we will quote the reliable evidence of an authorized Jewish source: “Rabbi Wiener, who, in his work “The Jewish Food Laws”, confesses that the Jews were the instigators of the Christian persecutions in Rome, observed that under the rule of Nero, in the year 65 of our calendar, when Rome had the Jewess Poppaea as Empress and a Jew as prefect of the city, the era of martyrs began which was to extend for over 249 years.”
In these instigations of the Hebrews to call forth the Roman persecutions against Christianity, participated even those Rabbis outstanding in the history of the synagogue, such as the famed “Rabbi Jehuda, one of the authors of the Talmud (the sacred books and the source of the religion of modern Jewry), [who was] was successful in the year 155 of our calendar in obtaining a command, according to which all Christians of Rome were to be sacrificed, and on the grounds of which many thousands were killed. The executioners of the martyrs and Popes, Cayo and Marcelino were in fact Jews.”
During three centuries, the Christians showed heroic resistance, without answering violence with violence. In fact it is understandable that, after three centuries of persecutions, when Christianity had gained a complete victory in the Roman Empire through the conversion of Constantine and the acceptance of the Christian religion as the state religion, that it was finally decided to answer violence with violence, in order to defend the Christianity – as well as the peoples who had placed their faith in it and who also saw themselves continually threatened by the destructive and annihilating activity of Jewish imperialism – against the lasting conspiracies of Jewry.
On the other side, it is necessary that the cowards, who, given the present position, think of capitulating to the “Synagogue of Satan”, out of fear of its persecution, power and influence, bear in mind that the terrible threats of our days are far removed from being so grave as those which Christ our Lord, then the Apostles and after them the first Christians faced. They had to expose themselves not only to mighty Jewry but to the then apparently unconquerable power of the Roman Empire, the greatest and strongest of all times. To these two deadly dangers were added those which arose through internal dissension, which the Jews, by means of their “Fifth column”, had called forth in the bosom of Christianity, along with Gnosticism and other false destructive doctrines.
One must bear in mind that, despite the fact that that situation was far graver and more tragic than that of the present, the Church can only save itself if it achieved a complete victory over its deadly enemies. If it was successful in this, then it is because it was able to rely upon spiritual shepherds who never despaired, never lost courage, nor entered into shameful alliances with the powers of the Devil. At no moment did they think of seeking situations of cooperation, nor of peaceful coexistence, nor of diplomatic capitulations, which are always quibbles used by the cowardly clergy and accomplices of the enemy, who in our days strive to achieve that Church and its spiritual shepherds deliver the sheep, whose careful protection Christ our Lord entrusted to them, into the claws of the wolf, for the disadvantage of the Church itself and of the trust that true Christians have placed in it.
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