#thank god dying in the second phase gives you a check point
jojolimons · 5 months
lmao finished pepper grinder before downloading the qol update
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The Witch and The Wolf Pt.49
Word Count: 2, 932
Characters: Derek Hale (brief), Stiles Stilinski, Scott McCall, Lydia Martin, Kira Yukimura, Malia Tate, Araya, OC Characters, Kate Argent (mentioned), Reader
Pairings: Eventual Derek Hale x Witch!Reader
Warnings: angst, TW: slight mentions of losing weight, small fluff, cliffhanger
A/N: --- 
Masterlist    Series Masterlist
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You walked into the loft once again, throwing all your things onto the couch, before grabbing your first-aid kit and heading to the bathroom. After spending the last few days staking out yet another Calavera hideout in the states, it was clear to you that Derek wasn’t at any of them. You only had a few more Calavera bases left to check out to find Derek. 
You poured rubbing alcohol over your wound, while you dug your nails into your palm before letting out a soft exhale. It had been almost one month since Derek went missing.
You hadn't seen Scott or Stiles, or any member of the pack within the last month, not wanting to worry them. You could do this on your own. They would end up figuring it out sooner or later. You told Sheriff Stilinski, who put out an APB on Derek to try and help find him.
You bit your lip gently, trying to hold in your inner feelings and emotions. It was no surprise that you were a wreck since Derek went missing, and you were gonna do everything you could to find him.
“No means no, Stiles,” you grabbed your duffel bag, loading it up once again.
“We’re trying to help you-” he started.
“I don’t need help, Stiles. All I need is for you to leave me the hell alone,” you sounded rude than you meant to come off, but you didn't care enough. You were exhausted.
Derek had been gone for two months now, and you've been doing everything you can to try and find him.
“Just, stop, (Y/N)! Stop denying our help! You need us!” he yelled.
“Stiles, I swear to god, you are the most annoying person I know. Is it that hard for you to comprehend what I mean when I say I don't need you?!” you yelled at him, taking him by surprise.
“I’m trying to help you. Do you really think none of us realize how much you've changed?” Stiles’ voice softened as you leaned on the table.
“We know for a fact that you’re not getting any sleep. You’re so tired, you look sick, like y-you’re dying. You’re not… when was the last time you ate something, (Y/N)? When was the last time you took care of yourself? Had something in your body that wasn't coffee? I am begging you, as a friend, as one of your closest friends, let us help you and please, take care of yourself,” you could feel your tears welling up in your eyes before you wiped them away.
“I need to find him, I-I…” 
“I know, you love him. But you can't do that if you’re dead.”
You let out a shaky exhale before rubbing your face, nodding softly.
“What do you want to do?” you asked softly.
“Just take us with you. We have a break in three days. You finished checking all the Calavera hideouts and places in America, so we need to go to Mexico,” he asked.
You nodded softly. He wrapped his arms around you for a moment, while you shut your eyes tightly, taking deep breaths.
“Thank you, Stiles,” you whispered.
He gave you a small smile, before leaving the loft.
“Oh, this is by far one of the worst ideas you’ve ever had, Stiles,” you walked alongside him, as the two of you made your way to the closed door, with guards standing in front of them.
“It’s not that bad,” he replied.
“I agree with (Y/N). It’s dumb and we’re going to die,” Lydia said.
“Well, I’d like to save all ‘death talk’ to all banshee predictions,” Stiles replied.
“I still can't believe I let you guys come with me,” you muttered, before standing in front of the guards.
They scanned the three of you before blocking the doors.
“Estamos aquí para la fiesta?” you asked. (We’re here for the party)
The guards shook their heads once more, remaining silent.
Stiles held up a car, with a skull symbol on it. They both nodded their heads, moving aside to let the three of you in.
After entering, the three of you stuck together. You noticed Severo pulling out a walkie-talkie, most likely alerting Araya of your presence.
You took a deep step, walking forward into the crowd of dancing teens, before making your way to the bar. One step closer to finding Derek.
You felt a pair of hands on your shoulders as you clenched your jaw.
“How about a drink, (Y/N)?” you heard Severo’s voice as you let out a small breath.
“Consider it a thank you gift for dumping me in the woods instead of killing me,” the bartender put a shot of vodka in front of you.
“I didn't come here to drink. Now, where’s Araya?” you took out a bullet from your purse, with the Calavera logo on it, before dropping it into the shot cup.
“Come with me,” you three followed him to a back room, sitting down on a table, a few seconds before Araya entered.
“(Y/N), it’s good to see you again,” Araya walked in front of the three of you.
“We want Derek back,” you said.
You put 50 thousand dollars onto the table, stacking them up.
“For Derek,” you crossed your arms, sitting back in the chair.
“It wasn’t smart for you three to come alone,” Araya smirked.
“Wait a minute,” Stiles interrupted.
“Who said we came alone?” 
“I don’t think you’re aware of the poor timing! You’re familiar with the dark moon, aren't you, (Y/N)?” she walked around you three slowly, keeping you uncomfortable and on edge.
“The part of the lunar phase where the moon is least visible on the sky,” you answered.
“But do you know what it means?” she asked.
“Some people say it's a time of reflection, or grief,” Lydia replied.
“Grief and loss, Mija. I wonder why, after suffering so much pain and loss, why do you risk it again for someone like Derek Hale?” she asked.
“Maybe we’re done with losing,” you rested your head on your hand, leaning your elbow on the armrest.
You heard Severo’s walkie-talkie going off, saying all the exits and entrances were clear, except for one.
“North? Are you clear?” Severo asked again.
“(Y/N), you guys can take 10 off the table,” Stiles pulled 10,000 off the table, before crossing his arms.
“I’m not playing games, Araya. Give him to us, now,” you could see Stiles staring at you uncomfortably, while your eyes glew purple.
“You can’t do anything to hurt us, Mija. I believe you’re familiar with a special herb, Hawthorn,” you dug your nails into your palm, feeling a sharp pain in your arm.
You saw a needle sticking out of it, while you quickly pulled it out.
“What the hell was that?!” you yelled.
She aimed a gun at your leg, before shooting while you yelled out.
“(Y/N)!” Lydia yelled.
“Run! Both of you!” you fell to the ground, trying to push yourself up as you whimpered softly.
You slammed your fist against the door, yelling out in anger.
You could feel the rest of the pack giving you a look of concern, while you sat on the floor, with a ripped part of your shirt tied against your leg. You refused to let anyone heal you.
“Maybe we should…” Stiles started.
“Shut up, Stiles,” you spat.
“I was just trying to…” he started.
“Patentibus,” your eyes glew purple as you punched the door as hard as you could, only hurting yourself as it remained shut.
“As soon as we get out of here, you guys are going straight back to Beacon Hills,” you said.
“We’re not leaving you-”
“You kinda don’t have a choice,” you turned to face them.
“We should make a run for it,” Malia suggested.
“Well, we can’t leave Lydia,” Stiles said.
“Yeah, we can. We can leave (Y/N) too,” you looked slightly offended, raising an eyebrow.
“If you were still a coyote, is that what you’d do?” Kira asked her.
“(Y/N)'s injured. So yes, I would leave her. Lydia's probably gone by now too,” Malia replied.
Yeah, I can see the resemblance to Peter now
You heard the door open, as Severo pointed a gun at you.
“Come with us. You and the alpha,” he said, grabbing your arm before pulling you up harshly.
Scott obeyed, while he followed you out.
The restraints pulled at your wrists while you sat on the chair, your back to Scott’s.
“What are they gonna do to us?” Scott asked you.
“I don’t know yet. Just give me a minute to figure out how to get out of this,” you sighed, leaning your head back slightly.
“Can’t you use your magic?” Scott whispered.
“Don’t you think I already thought of that?”
“Well… can't you?” 
“No, Scott, I can't. The bullet she shot at me was covered with Hawthorn ash, not enough to kill me but definitely enough to the point I can’t use magic. Can’t you use your alpha powers?” you asked.
“These handcuffs are metal,” he replied.
“This isn't how I like to be tied up,” you muttered softly.
“Nothing,” you heard the door open, while Araya’s men pooled into the room, while Severo had his hand on Kira’s arm.
Lydia was bought in, sitting at the chair next to you and Scott.
“What the hell are you doing, Araya?” you raised your voice, in panic as you frowned.
“Just a small test, Mija. We’re asking you a few questions. You answer you’re safe, you don't, you get electrocuted,” she shrugged.
“I thought I could put it past you to hurt children, clearly not!” you yelled.
“Turn the dial up to one, Kira,” Araya turned to her.
“W-What? No,” Kira panicked, taking a step back before Severo held her hand against the dial.
“If you don’t, then we’ll electrocute Lydia,” Severo spat.
You knew Lydia wouldn't recover as fast as you and Scott.
“Don’t hurt Lydia,” you shook your head, looking at Kira.
Tears welled up in her eyes before she looked at Scott.
“I-It’s okay. Just do us,” Scott nodded his head softly.
You felt the electric current coursing through your skin as you clenched your teeth together, trying to save Araya from the satisfaction of hurting you. You could hear Scott yelling out in pain.
This was gonna be fun.
“Tell me! Who actually has Derek?! Who has a reason?! A vendetta against the Hales?!” Araya yelled.
“We don’t know!” you yelled out.
“You haven't figured it out yet! Who! Think, (Y/N), Scott! You know!” she yelled.
“Tres,” Kira turned up the dial, while you yelled out, feeling your sight go dizzy.
“Who turned?! A shapeshifter! Someone who could have turned without you knowing! By a scratch! Not a bite!” she yelled.
She put her hand on the dial, about to raise it again as you shut your eyes tightly.
The only people who were scratched were you and Kate. Jackson was a werewolf now, he didn't matter. 
You let out a small gasp of realization. But it couldn't be Kate. She was dead, and had been for a while. Unless she healed.
She was scratched, (Y/N)
“Who is it?!” she yelled, turning the dial all the way up.
“Kate!” you yelled out, before you fell unconscious, leaning against Scott.
“Oh my god,” Scott helped you up, as you groaned, opening your eyes.
“Holy crap. A-Are you okay?” you asked him.
“I’m fine, I’m basically healed. You?” he asked.
“I feel like shit. But it doesn't matter, we know who has Derek now,” you limped, while Scott has his arm on your shoulder, walking out with you.
“She’s just letting us go?” you asked skeptically.
“Yes, I am,” she walked to the two of you. 
“I sent four men to where Kate was rumored to be. None of them returned,” Araya explained.
“I have to… what’s your game? First, you torture us for some she-wolf, and then for Kate Argent. Now you’re just letting us go. Why?” you asked.
“Peter is the only one who knows who and where La Loba is, Mija. I want Kate dead as much as you do, and I knew you wouldn't believe me,” she explained.
You scoffed slightly, before grunting.
“I have a guide who will lead you and your friends to the place where Kate is,” Araya said.
The two of you walked away from her, heading to Stiles and the rest of the pack.
“Oh, look, we have matching scars,” you smirked slightly.
“Not funny,” Scott scoffed, hiding his smile.
Stiles wrapped his arms around you two.
“Did you wish you came alone now?” Stiles teased.
“Shut up, Stilinski,” you rolled your eyes.
“I see being tortured put you in a better mood,” Stiles said.
“Let’s just get Derek, okay?” 
“Do you even know what you're gonna say to him?” Scott asked.
“What do you mean?” you frowned.
“Your big ‘I love you and I can’t breathe without you’ confession,” Stiles asked.
“I’ll punch you in the throat, right now,” you started.
“He’s joking. We’re closer to finding Derek and that's what matters,” your smile faded slightly, while worry took its place.
Kate was alive, and she had Derek. What was she doing to him?
You heard a motorcycle engine rev, before seeing a woman in leather taking off her helmet. Your jaw dropped in amazement, recognizing her.
“Nice to see you again, Braeden,” you said, walking over to her.
“(Y/N), you’re riding with me. We’re going to La Iglesia,” after the first time Araya captured you, Derek, and Peter, you were sure to always keep in touch with Braeden, keeping her especially close the past two months.
“Did you also know that Kate had Derek? And where they were?” she threw you a helmet as you walked to her.
“I got a job from Araya yesterday to take you. If I knew anything I would've told you,” she replied.
You nodded your head, getting on her motorcycle.
“Let’s go then.”
“Look at the sun, we don't have time for this,” Braeden pointed out.
Stiles’ jeep had decided to break down in the desert, on your way to La Iglesia. The sun was going down, and it was never safe to be out in the desert at night. 
You paced around slightly, becoming more and more worried as you bit your nails.
“What are we supposed to do?” Scott asked.
“M-Maybe we should just split up,” you said.
“What do you mean?” Stiles asked.
“Me and Braeden can go to La Iglesia and get Derek. The rest of you can stay here and try to fix the jeep,” you said.
“Are you crazy? No,” Stiles shook his head.
“Stiles, we are way too close t-to just give up,” you hadn't noticed your eyes water slightly.
“We’re not giving up,” Scott agreed.
“(Y/N), you’ve basically been suicidal these past few months! W-What if Kate does something to you? What if you don't come back?” Stiles’ voice lowered slightly.
“We’ll be fine, Stiles. I’m not stopping now,” you shook your head.
“Look, how about me, (Y/N), and Braeden go? Stiles, just stay here and fix the jeep, okay?” Scott said.
After a moment of argument between Stiles and Scott, then Scott and Kira, the three of you made your way to Braeden’s motorcycle.
“This is probably going to be one of the most uncomfortable rides of your life. Ready?” she asked.
The two of you nodded your head, holding onto each other.
After entering the church, you held a flashlight in your hands, trying to look around carefully as you made your step further in. You stayed alert, on the lookout for Kate or anyone else that would be there.
You felt a weird sense rush over you, as you frowned slightly.
“What is it?” Braeden asked.
“I don’t know. I-I… It feels like Derek, but it's not,” you said.
You heard footsteps behind you three, as you tensed.
You ran farther down into the church, following Braeden and Scott while you heard something growl behind you.
Braeden pushed you and Scott behind her, holding her shotgun as she fired at the creature. You could hear it growling, only getting madder.
“Ruina,” your eyes flashed purple, as the walls around you three collapsed onto the floor, blocking you off from the creature.
You turned around, seeing some sort of crypt with a logo on it.
“The Nagual jaguar god. I think we found Derek,” Braeden looked up at you.
You let out a shaky breath, before running your fingers through your hair. Tears began forming in your eyes as you placed your hand onto the crypt. You felt dead, scared of what you would see, whether or not Derek was there, whether or not he was okay.
“Intermissum,” you pushed on the crypt, while it broke open.
“Oh my god,” your eyes widened.
“That's not Derek,” Scott frowned.
“N-No… that's him,” you were in shock still, seeing Derek’s unconscious form laying inside. 
Except he was 15 again.
“Derek?” you called out his name, getting no response.
You pulled him out of the crypt, while you and Braeden kept him standing up. His feet dragged in the ground, while you continued to look at him, shocked.
“He’s 15,” you said to Scott.
“What? How?” he asked.
“I don’t know,” you shook your head.
“But I have a feeling we’ll be seeing Kate Argent again sooner than we want to.”
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Kayle, the Righteous build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork by Jessica “OwleyCat” Oyhenart and Victor “3rdColossus” Maury. Made for Riot Games.)
You know I find it funny that I haven’t made a build for Kayle yet, given that I made Morgana awhile ago sort of as a spur of the moment thing. Despite the fact that I main support I really don’t play Morgana (can’t hit skill shots omegalul), but meanwhile I really like Kayle. She was one of the first champions I played along with Sona since I was told she was very similar to Terrorblade who was one of my favorite carries in DOTA 2. I dropped her for a bit after her rework but I picked her up again and she’s still super fun! I mean, shame she’s kinda trash in the meta.
Anyways it’s about time I make a build for her since Morgana was alone for so long, especially since she’s coming back along with Pentakill! Kayle’s probably the perfect character to play if you want to go Lawful Stupid, but out of respect for everyone else please don’t play her Lawful Stupid.
On wings of fire, hope ascends - It’s the quest of all champions to eventually transcend mortals. Hopefully we’ll at least be able to fly after this.
Fire reveals truth - Kayle is also well-known for her Zealous attack speed, so we’ll need to be able to get out as much DPS as possible.
The worthy survive! - A little bit of Divine Judgement goes a long way. An explosion of flaming swords helps too.
This may come as a surprise to you but Kayle is an Aasimar. More specifically a Protector Aasimar, which is rather fitting seeing as she’s seen as The Protector in Demacia. As an Aasimar your Charisma increases by 2, but I’m going to increase your Constitution instead of the typical Wisdom increase from Protector Aasimar, for a bit more lane sustain.
You have Celestial Resistance to both your own Radiant damage and your sister’s Necrotic damage, have the Light Bearer feature for the Light cantrip, and can give yourself or an ally a Celestial Blessing thanks to Healing Hands. It only heals up to your level but it certainly helps!
You also get Darkvision and the Celestial language, and Radiant Soul at level 3 thanks to your Protector subrace, We’ll discuss that when we get to level 3.
15; CHARISMA - League of Legends body types, am I right? Sure you have a bit of an “evil must be purged” personality, but D&D Paladins like that a lot.
14; DEXTERITY - Something something medium armor. I would call what you wear Half Plate, which means that for once the choice of Medium Armor is accurate!
13; STRENGTH - This feels strangely familiar...
12; CONSTITUTION - Kayle is very squishy in League but I like not dying so...
10; INTELLIGENCE - You may have lived through history but most of that time was spent up in the stars. Basically we need everything else more.
8; WISDOM - Yeah I didn’t increase Wisdom with your racial increase because I was planning to dump it. Kayle’s fatal flaw is that she’s blinded by her sense of justice, which is a sign of poor Wisdom and critical decision making.
There isn’t a great background for “Half of the Aspect of Justice” but Celebrity Adventurer’s Scion works fairly well. You get proficiency with Perception as well as Performance (you were in Pentakill, after all!), a Disguise Kit (but I’d maybe replace that with something else or ditch it entirely), and two languages of your choice. (Pick your poison.)
Your background feature Name Dropping lets you tell people that your mom was actually a god. You might be able to find people who knew your mom (or more realistically worshiped her before... you know... you became half of her?) and folk might recognize that you’re... half a god, and give you free stuff.
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(Artwork by Alvin Lee and Kan Liu. Made for Riot Games.)
Starting off as a Sorcerer because Kayle is about as useless as a level 1 Sorcerer at level 1. (Also because CON saves are nice.) But you can also grab proficiency with Religion (you are a god, after all) and Intimidation. (Because you aren’t exactly nice.)
Sorcerers get to choose their Sorcerous Origin at level 1 and Divine Soul is like being a Cleric but you get to dump your Wisdom because you’re blind to morality. You get one free spell from your Divine Magic and I guess Bless makes sense since its attached to Law? Honestly there are other spells I’d recommend (Protection from Evil and Good would be helpful, and you can’t go wrong with either Healing Word or Guiding Bolt) but it’s honestly easier to just take Bless and call it there.
But of course since you get Divine Magic that means you get Spellcasting! You learn 4 cantrips from the Sorcerer list at level 1 such as Firebolt to smite the wicked, Sacred Flame for enemies with a lot of armor (but hopefully bad Dexterity), Thaumaturgy to make sure your words are heard, and Guidance because it’s good to provide aid to those who need it.
You also learn two spells from the Sorcerer list: we’ll be taking Mage Armor for the same reason you buy Doran’s Shield as a top laner (because laning phase sucks and you’re weak as hell at level 1), and we’ll also grab Healing Word for your Celestial Blessing. As a treat.
You are also Favored by the Gods, so if you miss an attack roll or fail a saving throw you can add 2d4 to the roll to potentially turn it into a success. Given that you’ll likely be making a lot of attack rolls later in this build it’s very useful to be able to give yourself some insurance.
Second level Sorcerers get a Font of Magic for Sorcery Points equal to your Sorcerer level. For now all you can really do with them is get one of your spell slots back, but they’ll be more useful later on.
For something that’s useful right now take Ice Knife for the AoE burst of your Starfire Spellblade. Yes it does Cold damage, but you also shouldn’t have an AoE E by level 2. Hell you technically shouldn’t even be a ranged champion yet. We have to make compromises here.
If you want a single target Starfire Spellblade Guiding Bolt is a decent choice I suppose.
Third level Sorcerers gain the power of the Aspects thanks to Metamagic. You learn two Metamagic options to change your spells in various ways: Quickened Spell will let you increase your attack speed to slay the unjust with Zealous fervor, and while it’s perhaps not the most practical choice Transmuted Spell will let you wield holy fire, instead of holy ice or whatever other damage type you pick up.
If you don’t care about doing specifically fire damage than Empowered Spell is a good choice to more effectively maximize damage.
As a Protector Aasimar your Radiant Soul lets you sprout wings as an action. For 1 minute you have a 30 foot flying speed and can add your Charisma modifier as Radiant damage to one target whenever you deal damage. It might not be much at level 3 but the extra damage from Starfire Spellblade adds up when you get more AP! Oh and to top it off you can also learn another spell like Misty Step, for Flash.
4th level Sorcerers get the first of many Ability Score Improvements. Increase your uneven Charisma score as well as your Constitution score for nice, even, Lawful stats.
You can also learn another cantrip like Message to keep in team chat, as well as a leveled spell like Spiritual Weapon. Kayle summons hundreds of swords for her ultimate so I think it’s fine if you summon one sword for some more DPS.
Normally I wouldn’t go out of my way to get 5th level spells but we kinda need Fly more than once per Long Rest. Sprout those wings or grant the gift of angelic ascension to an ally!
The bad witch Tasha also gave Sorcerers Magical Guidance, letting you spend a Sorcerery Point to reroll a failed ability check.
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(Artwork by Zeen Chin. Made for Riot Games.)
I swear it wasn’t my intention to make two casters with Paladin levels one after another, but we’re doing it anyways because it’s not like Kayle wouldn’t be a Paladin. First level Paladins get Divine Sense to know of any villains who need justice, and Lay on Hands to save the righteous.
Second level Paladins get to choose their Fighting Style. Normally I’d take Blessed Warrior for a character who’s more-or-less a pure caster but you kinda get too many Cleric cantrips as is, so we’ll settle for good ol’ Defense because you can’t go wrong with +1 AC.
Protection and Interception are also fine to help your friends if you’re willing to hold onto a shield (no reason not to), and if you want to do a funny joke you can take Blind Fighting because Justice is Blind.
But of course what we’re mostly here for is Spellcasting: sure you got the entire Cleric list at your disposal but Sorcerer spells known is very limited, so take the following from the Paladin list:
Command to force evildoers to grovel at your feet.
Detect Evil and Good to... detect evil and good.
Protection from Evil and Good to... yeah this is fairly obvious too.
Heroism to empower heroes.
Shield of Faith to protect the righteous.
You also get Divine Smite, which sure would be nice if you used your sword as a melee weapon. I mean if you want to hit someone in melee you can turn a spell slot into damage but I kinda have to wonder why would you.
Third level Paladins get to choose their Sacred Oath. Honestly just about any Paladin Oath would work for Kayle, but an Oath of Redemption would probably be best after you failed to upkeep justice the first time. Along with adding Sanctuary and Sleep to your spell list you also get two Channel Divinity options: if you go for Emissary of Peace you can add a flat +5 to all your Persuasion checks for 10 minutes. But Rebuke the Violent works great as a recreation of Divine Judgment’s damaging effect! When a creature within 30 feet of you damages someone other than you they must make a Wisdom saving throw after you use this reaction. If they fail they will take the same amount of damage they dealt as Radiant damage, and if they succeed they will take half. This has no maximum limit so you can use it when an enemy nukes your allies to have them experience retribution! "Drown in holy fire!"
The vial witch Tasha also lets you Harness Divine Power with your Channel Divinity to regain a spell slot equal to half your proficiency bonus once per Long Rest. And finally you get Divine Health, because justice doesn’t take sick days.
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(Artwork by John Yucedag. Made for Riot Games.)
4th level Paladins get another Ability Score Improvement so cap off that Charisma modifier, because we’re building AP in this build. Maxed out Charisma also means more prepared spells, but we’re going to wait for...
5th level Paladins get an Extra Attack which sure would matter if you were actually swinging that sword instead of shooting Fire Bolts and Sacred Flames.
But what does matter is that you get second level Paladin spells! Along with Hold Person and Calm Emotions from the Redemption spell list (you should perhaps cast Calm Emotions on yourself at some point?) you can prepare spells like Aid to boost yourself and your allies, and Warding Bond (Tasha’s work once again) to take some damage for an ally. (Which is almost like making them immune to damage?)
The only reason to multiclass into Paladin as a caster would be for Aura of Protection. Seeing as your Charisma modifier is maxed out already that means that you (and your allies within 10 feet) can add +5 to all their saving throws! I really don’t think I need to explain why that’s useful: your Constitution saves are now a +11 (meaning that if you take 22 damage or less you automatically succeed the Concentration check) and even your lowest save is still a +4!
You can also prepare one last spell but I’m actually going to take this time to remind you that Paladins are prepared spellcasters. Even though you have a relatively limited amount of Paladin spells be sure to swap them around to whatever’s the most useful for your task at hand. But if you must pick up a spell Detect Magic is never bad to have?
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(Artwork by Alex “alexplank” Flores. Made for Riot Games.)
Now that the obligatory Paladin levels are done it’s time to go back to Sorcerer. Hope your party didn’t expect you to be the support because you’re only now getting Empowered Healing to spend a Sorcery point and reroll any healing that you or an ally within 5 feet performs. I mean by total level 12 healing numbers will actually get pretty big, so this becomes a lot more useful!
But speaking of healing we’ll be getting not that but Haste instead. While you can’t use it too well (can only use it to make a weapon Attack, Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an Object) you can turn your allies into an avenging angel! As long as you can keep your Concentration which I mean... you have a +11 to your CON save.
Unfortunately there’s no spell to make someone completely immune to damage for one round (while also still letting them move as normal except the 9th level spell Invulnerability that you can only cast on yourself) so we’ll just have to settle for Death Ward keeping the target you cast this on alive after reaching 0 HP. No rain of holy swords either unfortunately.
8th level Sorcerers get an Ability Score Improvement and I think it’s about time for us to grab Metamagic Adept for 2 more Sorcery points to use on your Metamagic options like Twinned Spell to spread your wrath amongst all, and Careful Spell to avoid hurting those allied to your cause.
Speaking of AoE damage Vitriolic Sphere may do Acid damage but it’s a great recreation of the AoE damage of a high level Starfire Spellblade.
Behold the might of 5th level spells! Remember how I was a little disappointed that you didn’t have the ability to make flaming swords rain down from the sky? Here you go: Flame Strike! Sure it basically does the damage of Fireball (and hey feel free to grab Fireball if you’re so inclined) but it has the holy flair that’s to be expected of Kayle.
If you want something more interesting than “Radiant damage Fireball” Dawn is also a good spell choice.
10th level Sorcerers get another Metamagic option! Seeing as weve already got plenty thanks to Metamagic Adept one of the few options left is Heightened Spell to make sure your foes tremble beneath your might! You can also grab another cantrip like Prestidigitation for more generalized divine power.
And finally there’s also plenty of great spells you can take but Dispel Evil and Good probably fits Kayle the best. Now is a great time to remind everyone that you’re more than welcome to make your own Kayle, and while what I take may be “accurate” it’s not even necessarily what I’d build if I was making the character.
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(Artwork by West Studio. Made for Riot Games.)
11th level Sorcerers can finally ascend! I hope you kept your Paladin weapons because it’s time for Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise! Calling upon the power of the Upper Planes (or lower planes too I guess if you’re awful) you get:
Resistance to Radiant and Necrotic damage (which you already have. Oops.) (I mean Lower Planes would make you immune to Fire and Poison damage...)
Immunity to the Charmed condition.
A 40 foot flying speed.
+2 AC
The ability to use your Charisma to attack, meaning that you can finally swing a sword well!
And the ability to attack twice, which you already have.
And the cool part is that unlike Tenser’s Transformation you can cast spells and don’t Exhaust yourself after using this spell! If you want to finally use your Paladin levels to bright the fight to your opponents you finally have the power to do so!
12th level Sorcerers get another Ability Score or Feat and I’m simply going to suggest the Tough feat. Even if Kayle doesn’t usually build health in League you can, and d6 hit die suck when it comes to actually surviving.
What? Did you expect another spell known? Nah fuck you lmao WoTC says no to Sorcerers having spells.
13th level Sorcerers can learn 7th level spells and while this may seem like a copout I have none that I really want for Kayle. Pick whatever you think would be the coolest since you can make your own choices by level 19. (My personal vote for Kayle would be Fire Storm but you are kinda loading up on AoE spells.)
Our final level is the 14th level of Divine Soul Sorcerer to finally ascend. You have Otherworldly Wings for a permanent 30 foot flying speed! You did it! You reached max level as Kayle! You’re now unstoppable!
Kneel before the light! - Your spells known go up to 7th level, and your spell slots go up to 9th. I really don’t think I have to explain that a full leveled caster is extremely powerful.
What is dark in me, I will illuminate - Even your non-spellcasting has great utility. Both your Channel Divinity options are extremely useful, and a little bit of Lay on Hands healing never hurt anyone. Not to mention your Aasimar transformation providing a flat +20 to damage every turn while it’s active!
I am your salvation! - Even if you aren’t running up in melee range Paladin levels do help a ton for staying alive. +5 to all saves is no joke, especially when it means that your Concentration save sits at a whopping +13! (You have to take more than 26 damage to even have a chance at failing your Concentration check!)
Why have we wings, sister, if not to fly? - You’d think a high Charisma would at least make you good at socializing but... no you’re not even that. Proficiency in the “mean” Charisma skills and mediocre ability scores in everything other than Charisma means you’ll contribute very little other than divine wrath.
Wings of Immortal Flame, lift me from mortal temptation! - How much flight is too much flight? Between your Radiant Soul, Tasha’s Otherworldly Guise, and you know... the Fly spell you have quite a lot of ways to take to the skies which all become near-completely redundant by level 20.
Celestial justice, guide my blade - Ironically enough one of the biggest issues with this build is how long it takes to get online. The Paladin dip may keep you safe but it’s not making you stronger, and I doubt you’ll be sitting beside your friends like a support. If you don’t mind praying to darker powers Genie Warlock is actually a great choice to get considerably more damage (and “attack speed!”) with Eldritch Blast and easily accessible flight by level 6 in Warlock. (Celestial Warlock also exists if you want more healing utility and want to stay in flavor.)
Of course weakness is something to shed as you come closer to divinity, but remember that even if mortality makes you weak mortals are not. Your allies will fight by your side and its your duty to protect them, as they shall no doubt protect you. Treat them with respect and vanquish evil together! Because no one likes a lawful stupid top laner.
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(Artwork by Atey Ghailan. Made for Riot Games.)
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p-artsypants · 3 years
The Ghost of Smokey Joe (7)
Till Then
Adrien Agreste was acting bizarre. Stilted body language, plastic smile, and he seemed to have forgotten how close they were. Before she can get the truth out of him, Marinette finds herself as the sole heir to the Gabriel brand and the mansion, following the murder-suicide of both Adrien and Gabriel Agreste. The mystery continues as Tikki explains that Adrien was Chat Noir...but if Adrien is six feet under, why is Chat Noir still running around?
Well, it’s spooky season! You know what that means? OH BOY SPOOKFEST!!!
FF.net | Ao3 
This investigation was not going well. 
First of all, she hadn’t attended the funeral. Perhaps she should have, to keep up appearances, but she couldn’t stomach sitting through the service while knowing there were no bodies in the caskets. 
It was wrong. 
She gave poor excuses to Alya and Nino, and skipped it. Maybe if she had gone, she could have learned more, but she couldn’t. She just couldn’t stand it. 
Later that evening, Ladybug made a visit to the cemetery where the family crypt was. She allowed Tikki to do the actual investigating. She phased into the dirt of the freshly buried, unmarked grave, and concurred, it was the same coffin from before, with only sandbags inside. 
Gabriel’s too, over at the crypt. 
“Not much else to glean from this place,” Tikki said sadly. “Where to next?” 
“Actually,” Marinette wondered. “I have a hunch. Could you check Emilie’s casket too? She’s been dead for a while, so I apologize if what you see is…awful.” 
“I’ve seen worse. I’ll take a look!” 
Marinette waited anxiously, biting into her thumb nail. She really hoped she was wrong. Really really hoped. 
Tikki reappeared, her brow furrowed in concern. “You’re hunch was right. Emilie’s is just sandbags too.” 
She groaned, dread bleeding into her bones. “Damn it.”
“Maybe they’re all together?” 
“At this point, I don’t know if I should even hope for that. Emilie has been gone for years. Wherever she is…I doubt we’ll ever find her, let alone Adrien and Plagg.” 
“We’re not giving up though, right?”
“Of course not!” 
Marinette knew she had a chance of answers at the funeral home. The director knew more than he was letting on, but she had asked too many questions as Marinette, and going in to interrogate him as Ladybug would probably put her identity in jeopardy. She’d have to think on that one, and try to find a way around it. 
Now for the ‘basement’.
Till then, my darling, please wait for me
Till then, no matter when it will be
Someday I know I'll be back again
Please wait till then
Since Felix had confirmed that the Mansion didn’t have a basement, she assumed the office building did. Nowhere else did Gabriel or Adrien spend a significant amount of time. 
While the workers were still on their vacation, she went in. There was still a secretary, though she was dressed in casual clothes, and the doors were closed to the public. 
“Hi Miss Dupain-Cheng. Working today?”
“Um, something like that. Organizing some stuff.” 
“Alright, well, let me know if you need anything. I’m just here to tell clients that we’re off for a while.”
Marinette smiled. “Thank you. Um...perhaps, do you know if there’s a basement?”
“Basement? Uh...there might be one. I’m not sure. The main elevator doesn’t go there.”
“Alright. I’ll look around then,” she smiled patiently and bid the woman adieu. 
The building was unsettling without anyone in it. Half the lights were turned down, and the only sounds were the hum of the air conditioning and her footsteps echoing in the dim hallways. 
Several years ago, when she had first started, she was given a tour. A tour that seemed so unimportant then, she was scraping for now. There was a back staircase, in case of fire. That much she could remember. 
The big iron door slammed shut behind her as she entered the stairs. There was a door with an Exit sign over it, the outside world on the other side. A set of stairs went up and around, to every floor above. 
But there was one more door. Labelled with a big ‘SS’ for ‘Sous-sol’. 
‘Basement’, in French.   
“Tikki! I found it!” She said to her purse. 
“Great job! Let’s get to the bottom of things!” 
Marinette screwed up her lips. “Pun intended?”
“In memory of Chat Noir, yes.” 
“That is what he would have said, isn’t it? God, I miss him so much.” But she decided not to mourn her best friend in the dank, spider-infested stairwell. 
Of course, the door was locked. 
“Nothing is ever simple, is it? I wonder who would have the key. Janitor? Maybe Gabriel has a set in his old office.” 
“Aren’t you forgetting your ultimate skeleton key?” Tikki asked. 
“...um, yes, apparently.” 
Tikki flew from the purse, and phased through the door handle. It clicked a moment later, and the handle turned. 
“Wow, you’re convenient. Remind me to ask for favors in breaking and entering more often.” 
“Anything for you, Marinette!” 
She felt along the wall, found a lightswitch, and turned it on. Deep below, a few scant lights flickered to life. 
And in the columns of flickering light stood silhouetted figures. Still, waiting. 
Marinette held her breath, afraid she had been caught. 
“Tikki…” She readied herself to transform the moment they moved. She was still in the dark, they wouldn’t have seen her. 
Seconds ticked on. They stood, never flinching, never so much as breathing. 
“Oh my god, they’re mannequins,” she breathed. “I mean, duh but holy shit that was terrifying.” 
She descended the stairs, one at a time, still being quiet, and keeping her eyes glued to the forms. 
They didn’t move, because they were plastic, and as she drew closer to them, she realized how fake they were. 
They weren’t even good mannequins. The paint was chipping and the proportions looked odd. 
“These go in shop windows, right?” Asked Tikki. “I’ve seen a few from your purse.” 
“That’s right. These look really old. I’m surprised they haven’t been recycled.” 
“Is this what Adrien wanted you to see?”
“I doubt it. What would mannequins have to do with anything?”
Tikki shrugged too, and looked around.     
It was the worst three hours of her life. 
But because Adrien had used what was presumably his dying words to tell her to look here, she scoped that place out thoroughly. She named all the mannequins, to try to take the edge off. It didn’t really help, but it made ‘James’ the eerily realistic mannequin that stood in the shadows a little more friendly instead of a murderer in waiting. 
There was nothing there except old clothes, rejected materials, and a whole lot of new friends that Marinette never wanted to see again. 
As Marinette pushed aside the 9th box filled with 70’s paisley shirts, she sighed. “I think...I think I’m looking in the wrong place.” 
“I agree,” Tikki said, her antenna drooping. “I think we should have found something by now, right?” 
“I couldn’t even find any inspiration down here.” 
In the corner of her eye, she saw something, and turned quickly. 
“What?” Said Tikki wearily, already knowing what was wrong. 
“Another freaking mannequin! I swear they’re moving when I’m not looking at them!” 
“They can’t do that.” 
“I know that, but my eyes are tired and my heart is on the edge, and coffee isn’t working on my brain anymore!” 
“I think we should leave then. Maybe try looking at the mansion again. Maybe there’s a basement that Felix didn’t know about.”
At that moment, her phone chirped with a message from Nathalie. 
Please don’t forget, tomorrow, despite it being Saturday, your presence is required at the Agreste Manor. Gabriel’s Last Will and Testament will be reviewed, and you have been named. Since Mr. Agreste is so famous, we have asked all beneficiaries to attend. Sunday, you have off.
“Well, looks like I have an excuse to go back to the mansion after all. Probably should get in there and explore quickly. I have no idea what’s going to happen to it in the wake of...well, you know.” 
“Someone is probably going to inherit it. Probably Felix now. He seemed rather friendly at the funeral. He might let you snoop.”
“More than usual, at least. But who knows how long that will last.” 
“If I have to show my cards to investigate, I will. If Ladybug has to break in, I will. I’m not going down in silence.”
 Our dreams will live though we are apart
Our love I know we'll keep in our hearts
Till then, when all the world will be free
Please wait for me
True to form, she arrived the next day at the mansion. 
As she came into the parlor, where many people were gathered, Felix caught her eye. He jerked his head, gesturing for her to come sit by him. 
As she sat, she looked at the others gathered. She recognized Nathalie, of course, Amelie and Felix, and Mayor Bourgeois. There were a few other people she didn’t know. One she had seen at the company, but she couldn’t remember his name right now. 
“So,” she asked softly. “Is the lawyer going to read the Will out?” 
Felix scoffed. “They don’t do that anymore. We’re just all going to get a copy, and the lawyer will be here if we have questions. Normally, I’m pretty sure they mail it, but I heard that the Will is sealed so they wanted us to get it in person.” 
“Meaning no one else can read it. Last Wills and Testaments are public records after death. Unless they are sealed.” 
“Uh. I didn’t know any of that. This is my first time being in a Will. Well, I think my dad has one, but he’s still alive.” 
“Good for you.” 
“That is—I mean—I wasn’t trying to—“ 
“Just shut up, Dupain-Cheng.” He chuckled. “You are so sensitive.” 
She just childishly stuck her tongue out at him. 
A moment later, Nathalie and a white haired gentleman arrived. 
“Hello everyone, thank you for coming. This is Dr. Nathaniel Grey, the Agreste family lawyer and executor of their estate. Now, everyone listed in the Will will receive a copy. Each copy has the same content, but for convenience, I have highlighted your name.” And she started to hand out the packets, calling out names as she did so.
Some of the strangers had the last name ‘Agreste’ so they had to have been related to Gabriel. 
“Marinette Dupain-Cheng.” 
Marinette held out her hand to receive the thick white envelope. 
“Oh Felix!” Amelie cooed. “Emilie left you her corvette! She loved that car, I know she’d be proud for you to have it.” 
“I’ve seen it. Beautiful classic car. I’m honored.” As much of an ass as he was, Felix sounded genuine in that sentiment. 
To not seem too eager, Marinette carefully opened the envelope. As she did, she tried to imagine what he would have left her. A share in the company maybe? Maybe a family sewing machine? Nothing much, surely.
She unfurled the sheet and wow that was a lot of pink. 
“What the hell?” Felix gasped, looking over her shoulder. He glanced back at his page, and frowned in confusion. “No offense Marinette, but what the hell?”
“I…I don’t even know…” She glanced over the assets willed to her. 
Gabriel left her the mansion.
Up until that moment, she had forgotten she was supposed to be looking for a new place after Nino and Alya got married. She had mentioned it to Gabriel once, off-handed, and he seemed to not really care. 
But if he left the house to her, could he have cared more than she thought? 
The mansion wasn’t the only thing he left to her, either. He left his share of the company stocks, as well as trusts and bonds. Marinette had become a multi-millionaire. 
“What’s the meaning of this, Dr. Grey!?” A woman shouted. 
The shout drew all attention to her. She was a rail thin, tall woman, with high cheek bones and blonde-white hair tied up in a bun. 
“What seems to be the problem, Madam Laurent?”
“I was left a small fraction of stock and my mother’s ashes, but this—this half breed harlot gets the entire estate!?” 
Marinette flinched, feeling guilty and wholly undeserving of Mr. Agreste’s gift. 
Thankfully, Nathalie of all people came to her aid. “Miss Dupain-Cheng has been working tirelessly and closely with Gabriel to continue his brand. She’s been named head designer for his company, and everything left to her is to help in that endeavor.”
As she and Felix looked over the list of gifts, she wondered how true that was. 
“But I’m his sister!” Said Madam Laurent. “I take precedence over her!”
“Not with a will, you don’t.” Dr. Grey explained. “Children are the only protected heirs in French law. The rest of his estate is his to do with as he pleases.” 
Marinette looked back at all the pink highlights. She began to wonder if they served a purpose in distracting everyone from the obvious. 
Adrien wasn’t on there. Not once. 
Although there are oceans we must cross
And mountains that we must climb
I know every gain must have a loss,
So pray that our loss is nothing but time
He couldn’t be disinherited from the Will, not under French law. And yet he was missing…like the Will had been drawn up with the knowledge that Adrien wouldn’t be alive once it was valid. 
Pale and shaking, Marinette turned to look at Felix. 
“Don’t let her get to you, Kid,” he nudged her, taking her appearance for still being put off by the woman. “Gabriel’s family has always been lower middle class, before he became famous. She probably just wanted a bunch of money…whereas most of it was my Aunt’s and it was returned to our family. Does that make sense?”
Marinette shook her head, and then whispered. “Adrien isn’t here.” 
He gave her a soft smile. “Yeah, I know. He’s gone, Marinette.” 
“No!” She shouted, then hushed herself as the others turned to look. “No, I mean…he’s not here.” She pointed at the Will.
Felix grew pale too, and poured over the Will himself. “No way…how…but—maybe it was an assumption. Maybe it was assumed that Adrien was going to inherit half anyway, so he made the Will in case something happened?” 
“Dr. Grey,” Marinette stood and walked to him. “How old is this version of the Will?” 
Nathalie gave her a sharp look, but didn’t comment. 
“Well, a little over a week, actually. Gabriel called me and asked to make some changes.” 
“And why isn’t his son in here?” She asked, darkly. 
Dr. Grey screwed up his lips. “You know, I don’t know. I told Mr. Agreste what the law was, and he said, ‘just write it up as if Adrien didn’t exist.’ I wonder if he knew what their fate was going to be.” 
Marinette tried not to cry. She really did, but she just clenched the document to her chest and sobbed. 
“Now now, my dear. Don’t be so blue.”
“Adrien isn’t a murderer! He can’t be!” 
“Does it really matter anymore?” The lawyer asked. “The truth of their demise will not be released publicly. Only a handful of people will know. I doubt anyone outside of this room, in fact.” He said it so casually, like nothing was wrong. 
“Didn’t you find it suspicious?” She demanded. 
“No,” said Dr. Grey. “You would be surprised at how many clients have second versions of Wills without a child in it. Whether it’s because they’re hoping something will happen, or they see their child going down a dangerous road. Or perhaps the child is terminally ill and the parent doubts they will survive longer than them. Regardless of the reason, I choose to not ask questions.” 
Marinette wished he had. 
Till then, let's dream of what there will be
Till then, we'll call on each memory
Till then, when I will hold you again
Please wait till then
“Now, did you see the conditions?”
“What?” She sniffed. 
“Here,” Dr. Grey pointed to an asterisk at the end of the mansion item. “This states that there’s a condition applied, and the condition will be on the backside.” 
Marinette wiped her face and turned the paper over. 
“Miss Dupain-Cheng must reside within the mansion for ten years. Within that time, she may not redecorate or refurnish any room except for the ‘pink room’. Guests, spouses, and children are welcomed to join her, as long as she is the primary resident. If she is to go on vacation or an extended business trip, the house must be vacant, save for those who would keep it from disrepair. If Miss Dupain-Cheng fails to comply, the house, and all that is in it, must be demolished. It cannot be sold or gifted to anyone until the ten year mark passes.” 
Marinette just continued to stare. “I…that’s…really specific.” 
“More specific than I suggested, but it’s what Mr. Agreste wanted.” 
With a calm expression, but a heart in turmoil, Marinette folded her copy up. “Thank you for your help, Dr. Grey. If you’ll excuse me, I need a minute alone.” She took her copy and quickly walked across the lobby to her office. 
There, on her desk, was a vase with a bouquet of roses. She hadn’t been in here since before the funeral, but they looked fresh. No card though. 
She set the roses to the side, and unfurled the Will once again, laying it flat on the desktop. She poured over every item, not just Willed to her, but to everyone. 
Indeed, there was no sign of Adrien, but also no sign of his property. Did he have his own Will somewhere else?
There was the curious case of Nathalie, who was in the Will, but received only money and trusts. Not an inch of material property, despite her closeness to Gabriel after all these years. 
What did she know? What had she seen? Truthfully, Marinette was too afraid to ask. 
Tomorrow, she would visit City Hall and get the records of the mansion. Hopefully, there were some blueprints in there, and the hidden basement would be found.
Till then, let's dream of what there will be
Till then, we'll call on each memory
Till then, when I will hold you again
Please wait till then
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91percentpynch · 4 years
the cut that always bleeds - kevaaron au pt 3
kejerejean stans? this one is for you. no seriously this one is out of jean‘s point of view? cuz honestly i love that hoe so much. as always get your tissues ready guys. this is actually kinda long? and a mess? and no one beta read it so if there are mistakes or it doesn‘t make sense i‘m sorry!! this is not that sad? tw: mention of murder, mention of physically hurting someone, mention of stabbing, mention of the nest, mention of trauma
check this out to find the other parts:)
Jean has always been a light sleeper. He had to be in order to survive the horrors of Evermore.
So naturally the sobs - as silent as they might have been - woke him up. His eyes opened at once, he sat straight up. Almost automatically he got to his feet and left the room to get to Kevin.
After all, comforting Kevin was like breathing to him.
Jeremy followed Jean, because he would always follow Jean. Jeremy was like a moth and Jean was the light. Wherever he went Jer would follow.
So they went to Kevin‘s room. The striker laid in his bed, curled up, phone in his hand, uncontrollable sobs escaping his mouth.
„I see you took the call this time“, Jean said, surprisingly gentle.
„I wanted to end it. I wanted to have a clear cut. So tell me, why does the cut still bleed?“, Kevin whispered, his voice barely audible.
„Because it‘s a cut that always bleeds“, Jeremy told Kevin as he came closer, carefully and ever so gentle placing his hands on the other boy‘s back.
„He said he wants me to come back to him“, Kevin whispered while holding onto himself as if to try to stop himself from falling apart. „He told me he misses me. That he only gets high when he misses me“
It was quiet in the dark room, shadows were dancing, just as Aaron and Kevin used to dance in the dead of night underneath the night sky.
„You did the right thing Kev“, Jean replied in French while he got into the Bed behind Kevin. Just like they used to do in the Nest.
When Kevin was in his arms he began to hum a French lullaby into his ear.
Jeremy joined them after a second of admiring his beautiful boyfriend and the broken boy in his arms.
„Dude, do you want something? Hot coca? A special Knoxian hug? Us to get Andrew to gut that bastard? Wait, hold on. I forgot. Twin brother. Well, I can gut him for you? Andrew and this is a word by word quote told be once ‚You‘re like a little unicorn in a world full of wolfs with razor sharp teeths, learn to gut the wolfs, stay safe‘, so he taught me how to stab someone? Yeah okay that is not the topic right now, I can still gut Aaron though. I mean Andrew would try to hurt me, but then again I‘m his best friend so he does not have the rights to gut me, right?“, Jeremy offered him a toothy grin, while his hand wandred to his neck rubbing it nervously.
„Can you please not gut him? First of all: Andrew already tried to choke me once when Josten was in danger and I told them where he was, cause apparently yOu DoN‘t KeEp ThOsE tHiNgS tO yOuRsElF yOu FuCkInG mOrOn. I think you do keep those things to yourself if the other option is to get fucking murdered by the mafia??? But what do I know, am I right? After all I‘m just a narcistic, Exy-obsessed asshole without a personality. Bonus I have anxiety, panic attacks, probably depression and I‘m unlovable“, Kevin mumbled into his pillow, the voices of the other foxes, of the other teams inside of his head.
„Did they tell you that?“, Jeremy asked, not quite able to hide the sadness and pain in his voice.
„Doesn‘t eveyone think that?“, Kevin asked. „I mean I think they tend to forget that the woman who gave birth to me, the last woman who geniuely loved me besides maybe Abby, invented the job. I think they tend to forget that the fucking mafia killed her when they found out I‘m not theirs by nature, so the only solution was apparently fucking murder. Then they kidnapped me, brainwashed and tortured me to the point where all I knew was Exy. Oh and maybe they also tend to forget that Ravens were only ever allowed to do Exy, if you were privilegded enough sleep, and do more Exy“
„Kevin you are so much more than that“, Jean whispered into Kevin‘s ear while pressing him against his chest. Just as they used to do in the Nest. „I might be mad at you, because you left me alone with those psychopaths. I used to think you didn‘t care about me. But you were just like me, okay with less scars and less you know. However I cannot say I wouldn‘t have done the same. I understand you now, Kevin. And please, please stop saying those things. And now let us cuddle you and let Jer go through his ridiculous post break-up list. We‘re gonna cuddle you and all you have to do is trying to fall asleep. Used to help me when I was alone at USC. Could only sleep properly when someone held me. Well, Jeremy. Tomorrow we‘ll shove unhealthy food down your throat and watch Downton Abbey or whatever those historcial dramas you love so much are called. While stroking your hand or whatever you‘re into big boy. Afterwards we‘ll take the dogs out and force you to watch the fucking sunset. And I‘ll hold your fucking hand“
Kevin supposed the middle of the night was the time of long lost truths. „Okay“, he mumbled while he moved closer to Jean. Replacing his smell with Jean‘s. It took him a while to fall asleep but he managed.
At the same time Jeremy said „Mi amor, I love you, I really do, but that was literally the most romantic thing you said in the past two years? That is way more romantic than ANY date you ever planned for me? Rude? The audacity?“
„Moi soleil, you don‘t have the ‚cult kidnapped me and tortured me‘ card you can pull, you get the bonus treatmeant of any other people. Besides I literally have matching tattoos with you? I drew you like multiply times? I wrote like a dozen poems and at LEAST one short story? I wrote you a fucking lullaby? You have no right to complain right now, or you‘ll loose your kissing privileges and I give them to Kevin“
„Eww gross“, Kevin mumbled.
„I don‘t remeber you saying that back in the Nest“, Jean replied, poking his cheek.
Kevin didn‘t have the energy to answer. It was a long day. Sleep could have him for the day. Death’s little sister might claim him for the night.
This night he dreamed about Aaron. Strong arms around his waist. Golden eyes locking with smaragd ones. They were on some lonely beach, kissing lazily while the water kissed their feet. It was a beautiful day. Not as beautiful as Aaron, but then again nothing would ever be as beautiful as this specific piece of art. Everything was alright. Everything was good. Why couldn‘t it be the real Aaron and the real Kevin on that beach.
At about noon Kevin woke up to a drooling Jeremy on his stomach and the smell of waffles and soft French swearing in the kitchen. Softly Kevin woke Jeremy up.
„Sorry I always end up on weird angles and drooling on random guys. Jean used to get so mad when I fell asleep in his lap. But you can‘t take him serious when he looks with you with heart eyes trying to be Mad, can you? Anyways we should probably go to him and help him? Oh wait hold on a hot second there. I‘m banned from the kitche, so we can sleep? Right? Right?“
„I hate to break this to you Jer, but it‘s noon. So, no we cannot sleep. You can choose my clothes, though. I know you love going through my stuff and playing dress the doll, Kevin Day edition“, Kevin almost smiled at Jeremy, when he looked up at him pouting.
Then he remembered another blonde boy, pouting at him when he told him no. Another constellation of freckles around another, straight, perfect nose. Sinful lips softly turned up, trying to look mad. Hazel eyes instead of ocean blue ones. Messy blonde curles, instead of soft badly dyed ginger ones. Strong arms instead of lean ones covered in flower tattoos. God, Kevin missed his Aaron.
No, not his. Not anymore
„Okay, but you have to wear to fab outfit I‘ll throw in your face“, Jeremy gave him another easy, toothy grin.
Slowly the other boy got out of bed and went over to the cabet. Slowly Jer went through Kevin‘s cloths. After a while he slowly turned around, holding a jersey that is obviously by far too small for Kevin in front of his face. „What is that? Why do you still have his jersey? Babe, you gotta get rid of that, rather sooner than later“
Jeremy had the weird habit of calling his friends babe, baby, dude or bro. Before Jean he called his boyfriends bro or dude as well, but Jean was so confused by it he quickly stopped doing it.
„First of all: I‘m a weak ass bitch, it smelled of it. And secondly maybe I wanna stab it once I‘m over the phase where I‘m like madly missing him?. I‘d just put it into a pillow, stab at it like a maniac and then set it on fire. I didn‘t grow up with a psychopath as my supposed best friend for nothing Jer“
„Okay? Well I got your clothes. And you‘ll look amazing, cause it‘s the FOX ONSIE I GOT YOU!!! I‘ll wear my onsie as well, and I‘ll force Jean to wear his one as well!! Much fun!! Much wholesome!!“
So that‘s how Kevin Day, queen of Exy, landed sandwiched between his childhood crush and long life crush on their couch, watching Downton Abbey with a plate of waffles on his lap. This was nice. He might had actually enjoyed it, if this wasn‘t his and Aaron‘s show. They used to watch it, cry over it together, make out while watching it.
Thank God didn‘t actually touch him while watching Downton Abbey, he was good at daydreaming. Kevin would just had preteneded that it was Aaron and he thought him breathing Aaron‘s name was the last thing any of them needed today.
After their Downton Abbey marathon they ordered pizza, against Kevin‘s better judgement. Another traditon Kevin shared with Aaron. At finals Aaron would often forget to eat and Kevin was too big of a mess to be bothered to cook so he would end up ordering something every single day and feeding it Aaron while he studied on the floor. Occasionally he would earn a soft kiss, growing hungrier when the night grew darker. God Kevin missed the soft lips on his own.
Kevin would have enjoyed the beach, wouldn‘t he be dressed in a fox onsie, holding hands with a 6“5 guy who looked like he both could and would kill you in a unicorn onsie holding two tiny dogs in his other hand and with a 5“4 dude in a matching unicorn onsie with two dogs that were almost bigger than him.
At least this didn‘t remind him on Aaron.
Well, actually. The way the ocean softly kissed the sand, reminded him of his dream. And of the endless trips to the beach, sleeping in the car, Aaron on top of him. Lazy kisses and warm hugs. It was the first place Aaron took Kevin after their rehab. It was the first night they spent together, as sober men. Well, not sober per se. But drunk and high on each others love. It might had been the most painful memory of the day. God he missed those strong arms around his waist.
Nontheless the pain got less, he felt almost numb. Kevin liked feeling numb. Nothing hurt when you feel numb.
The sunset was beautiful. It reminded him of golden hairs, freckles standing against golden skin, soft lips at his ears, his neck, the corner of his lips.
„Aaron you‘re supposed to look at the sunset, you shithead“, Kevin used to smile down at him. „But I‘m already looking at the most beautfiul thing this world has to offer“, Aaron replied smoothly, locking eyes with Kevin.
When the moon took the place of his long lost lover they decided to go back.
It was safe to say that no one dared to think that someone would wait for them there. Especially not the one person they tried to avoid by all means the entire day.
„You said to stop calling. Never mentioned face to face conversations“, a husky voice said. And Kevin‘s world stopped.
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quickspinner · 5 years
Triple Threat
Here it is, the 500 followers special, posted hot off the presses as promised because not only did I hit 500 followers before the poll even closed, I’m now at 520! My mind is blown. Thank you all for sticking around this little corner of the lukanette trash heap and especially for all your replies/comments/reblogs, I covet every single one. 
So you guys voted and you wanted to see Multimouse flirting with Viperion, and Marinette flirting with Viperion was a very close runner up, so I decided to do both, and I threw in a little Viperbug flirting for you just because I love you. So I hope you enjoy, and extra love to @livrever for giving me a sanity check when I needed it because y’all, I love you so much I wrote an akuma for you and even though most of the battle happened off-screen I still wasn’t sure whether the whole thing would hang together or not. 
I hate long author’s notes and this one is already wordy, but I just want to say again, thank you for being here and I appreciate all 520 of you that are here now and everyone who stumbles on this in the future. 
“Stupid Chat,” Ladybug muttered to herself between swings. “Stupid, overprotective Chat, making everything more complicated than it needs to be because of this stupid identity bullshit again and why am I still keeping up this ridiculousness now that Master Fu’s gone I have no idea…” 
She ought to be grateful, she knew. Later, she would be touched by Chat’s affection and protectiveness towards her civilian self, but right now it was just a pain in her red-and-black spotted ass. Fortunately, the akuma knew her name but not much else about her, which meant Chat was able to fool it into following him on a wild goose chase to buy Ladybug time to get help that they didn’t actually need but whatever. 
But it was fine. This was fine. She had a plan. In the three years that she’d been Ladybug she’d gotten very good at thinking on her feet. She tried not to call on Viperion too often, because it seemed like a bad idea to muck around with time too much, but the fact was, his power was both incredibly useful and incredibly reassuring for her. 
And, either because Luka was older or perhaps because he was simply more mature than the rest of the team, he’d been the first to push his powers past his original time limit, and he still had the longest time limit on the team, though he wasn’t anywhere near the unlimited time that supposedly came with being “an adult.” Marinette had questioned Tikki about that, whether it was a question of physical maturity or mental maturity or both, but it turned out that questioning a being as old as Tikki about the minutiae of human growth was...frustrating. Tikki’s concept of time was colored by her nearly-eternal perspective, and the markers of adulthood changed and shifted over the centuries.
In any case, second chances were all too scarce in her life and it was only the knowledge that all magic had a price and the fear that there had to be a catch somewhere kept her from calling on it more frequently. 
Seeing the Captain and Juleka both on deck, Ladybug crouched on the bank and squinted. It looked like Juleka and Luka’s room was empty, so she should be able to just slip through the porthole if she timed it right.  
Well, regardless of whatever method the Miraculous used to measure adultness, Marinette thought as she made her way through the porthole with some Miraculous-aided acrobatics, Luka had matured in the three years they’d known each other both mentally, and...and physically...oh dear. Ladybug gasped and slapped a hand over her mouth, which did absolutely nothing to salvage the situation, since her eyes were still wide and staring.
Luka was standing in the doorway in his boxers, hair dripping into the towel around his shoulders, a faint blush growing on his face. “Ladybug. I wasn’t expecting you. Obviously.” 
Ladybug yelped and turned her back, this time slapping her hands over her eyes, though too late to do either of them any good. “I’m sorry!” Ladybug cried. “I just—your family was on  deck and I didn’t want anyone to see me coming in and the room was empty so I thought I could just—but I didn’t expect you to—“‘
“It’s fine,” Luka chuckled weakly, and she could hear him moving around behind her. “Nothing you wouldn’t see at the beach. Living in a house full of girls I don’t actually make it a practice to run around naked. You can look now.” 
“Good. Sound policy,” Ladybug managed, like she wasn’t dying of embarrassment. She dropped her hands and turned around and then bit the inside of her cheek to keep in another scream. He had his jeans on now but he was still digging through a pile of shirts on the end of his bed and she was staring at his bare back. Which wasn’t anything she hadn’t seen before, really, but only when she was prepared and had Alya to smack her if she started...staring. Not ogling. Definitely not. 
“I’m assuming you need me for something?” he prompted, glancing over his shoulder. 
“Yes! Uh…” Ladybug shook herself back to reality and outlined the situation. How there had been a big design contest this week and one of the losers was taking it badly and had it out for the winner, a girl named—
“Marinette?” Luka turned to look at her sharply, now fully clothed (which, it turned out, helped less than it should have since knowing what he looked like under the shirt made her more than able to trace the lines his body made in it NOT THAT SHE WAS OH GOD) “Marinette Dupain-Cheng?”
“Ah, yes,” Ladybug said, surprised enough to be shocked out of her absolutely-not-ogling. “You, um...know her?” 
“Yes, of course I do. If Marinette’s in trouble, I’ll do anything you need,” Luka declared, a fire in his eyes that almost made her step back. Ladybug paused and studied him for a moment, eyes narrowing slightly.
“Can you do this, Luka?” Ladybug asked, folding her arms. “The last thing I need is to suddenly be facing an akumatized Viperion with time reset powers. I know you guys are friends but if you’re more than that I need to know now.” What was she doing? It was a good thing she was still blushing from earlier. Why was she asking this, she knew he was over her, she was like a little sister to him and—wait, was he blushing? 
Luka looked away, but she was sure she saw red in his face. “We’re just friends,” he said softly. “Even if I sometimes wish we were more.” He glanced at her, and his blush deepened as he dropped his eyes again. “Maybe more than sometimes. I can do this, Ladybug. I won’t let my feelings for Marinette interfere. I promise.” He gave a lopsided smile. “I’ve gotten pretty good at keeping a lid on it.” 
“Oh,” Ladybug blinked. “I see.” She...wasn’t as surprised as she should be. Luka had never really made a secret of his feelings, but even if she hadn’t quite believed herself every time she told herself he was over her, she hadn’t expected him to be so...passionate about it. Especially after all this time. Especially after everything that had happened. “Well—well okay, if you think you can do this then I trust you.” She held out the box. 
Luka took the bracelet, greeted Sass briefly and transformed as Ladybug continued her instructions.
“I wanted to just hide Marinette but Chat thinks she needs more protection. He’s distracting the akuma now. You pick Marinette up at her home and keep her with you. Obviously, you’ll use Second Chance to keep her safe, but it might also take a few tries for Rena to get the illusion right, so you’ll also need to be in position to observe and report.” She couldn’t help a smile, feeling a rush of affection as the familiar green eyes blinked back at her. “I trust your judgement, so I’m not going to micromanage you; figure out what works and do it. Here’s the catch, though.” She folded her arms. “I won’t be there. I can’t explain to you why. Once the akuma’s focus is off Marinette, take her home, and proceed to Phase Two.” She continued giving him instructions and he listened attentively, asking only a few questions. 
Luka nodded as she finished. “I won’t let you down,” he said firmly. 
“You never have,” Ladybug smiled, and Luka looked...flattered? Almost shy. And that was kind of weird. Luka was reserved, sure, but never shy.
People did seem to find Ladybug intimidating, though. And it was kind of...cute. “You know,” she found herself saying as she strolled closer to him. “I think this Marinette girl’s awfully lucky to have caught your eye. I’m sure she’ll appreciate your help. I know I do.” Ladybug gave him a slow smile. She reached up and touched his mask with two fingers. Viperion’s eyes widened slightly. “I think I prefer blue eyes to green though.” 
“Me too,” he said almost absently, searching her face, and she thought she saw a hint of color just below the line of his mask. That made her smile wider. 
“It’s a bit of a complicated plan today, but I think you can handle it. Good luck.” She leaned up and kissed his cheek, and before Luka could react, she dove out of the porthole, yo-yo catching just in time to send her skimming away above the water. 
Luka—Viperion, now—swallowed hard, swaying slightly in place. Because it was a plain fact that Ladybug was hot, as well as strong, smart as a whip, and tough as nails. All things that very much appealed to him, even if his heart was still given elsewhere, and he...didn’t quite know what to do with the last few minutes.
Viperion shook himself. He had more important things to worry about. 
...Starting with how to leave the boat without being seen by his family. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. Ladybug had caught him off guard this morning, and between having just woken up and running into Ladybug in his underwear—not to mention whatever that was just now—he was feeling a little off balance. It should have occurred to him to wait until he was off the boat to transform. 
Well, he’d figure something out. It sounded like his job was simple enough. He wasn’t super happy about having Marinette actually at the battle site, but he could see Chat’s point; it was the only way they knew she was absolutely protected and the akuma couldn’t pull a double-fake on them to come back for her. It had happened before. Hanging back with him, Marinette would be as protected as possible, out of sight of the villain to keep her from accidentally interfering with Rena’s illusion, with Second Chance as a backup if something went wrong.
Somehow, he just had to try and not be too Luka around Marinette. Best to keep things chill and aloof if he could, he supposed. 
Viperion could see her on her balcony as he approached, that would help. His last leap took him soaring in a flip to land on her balcony railing with a bit more show than was probably necessary. 
“Marinette?” he smiled. “Nice to meet you. Ladybug told you to expect me, I hope?”
“Wow,” Marinette breathed, blinking up at him. “She said she was sending someone but not who. You’re...you’re Viperion, right?” Her big blue eyes were round in her face. “You’re like—the most mysterious of all the heroes. You’re hardly ever on the Ladyblog.” 
“Not mysterious, just...quiet,” Viperion smiled with a shrug, feeling a little warm suddenly beneath his mask as he hopped off the rail. “I’m not really a front line fighter like Chat. I do my best work behind the scenes.”  
“Really? But you’re so strong—” Marinette’s eyes traveled down his body, rather blatantly checking him out. “Wow,” she breathed. “I thought the suit was just armored, but that’s actually you.” 
Viperion shifted a little uncomfortably under her gaze. Not that he minded, just...it was Marinette and she’d never looked at him like that before and...he kinda liked it.
Okay, he really liked it. 
But Ladybug was counting on him to be professional. 
Viperion cleared his throat. “Did Ladybug brief you on the plan?” 
Marinette nodded, still studying him though her expression turned serious. “Yes. I’m supposed to stick to you like glue and follow any orders you give.”
Viperion nodded. “We’ll be out of the main battle so you shouldn’t be in any danger, but that last part is really important. You’re a smart girl though so I’m not worried.” Much. He offered her a hand. “We should go so we’re in place before Chat gets there.” 
Marinette met his eyes and—shit, there went his traitor heart, suddenly galloping a mile a minute. Help me out here, Sass, he thought desperately, but his pulse continued to pound as Marinette put her hand in his and smiled up at him. Shyly, but also...mischievously? Her lips twitched just slightly, like they wanted to twist in a smirk, and crap why was he even looking at her lips, look away, Luka. 
If she smirked at him now he’d never be able to keep his cool. 
Taking a deep breath and hoping against hope that he wasn’t blushing too obviously, he tugged her closer to him and dropped her hand to put his on her back. “May I?” he asked, and when she nodded he lifted Marinette in his arms and settled her close against him, making sure he had a firm grip. She put one arm around his neck but ran her other hand across his chest, firm enough for him to feel the pressure even through the suit. His breath caught as she exclaimed “Cool! The material’s so different from Chat’s. Neat texture.” Her tone turned flirtatious. “Fits you really well too.” 
“Ah—” He couldn’t think.  
“Sorry,” she said, glancing up at him and looking not sorry at all. “I’m a fashion designer. You’re—inspiring.” She used the arm around his neck to pull herself up to look in his face, and he had to adjust his grip quickly. “I have to tell you I love your mask.” And there was the smirk, even more devastating at close range as she ran her fingertips along the bottom of his mask. 
Viperion felt dizzy as she settled back again with a cheerful, “Ready when you are!” 
She wouldn’t stop touching him. Tracing the lines of his suit where the different materials met, outlining the yellow diamond on his chest with one finger, not-so-subtly feeling up his arm…
Chill and aloof was obviously not going to be an option, he admitted to himself. He needed a new plan.
When her fingers traced his collar, actually brushed his skin at the hollow of his throat, he stumbled and nearly dropped her, landing hard on his knees.
“Are you okay?” she gasped, snatching her hand back guiltily. 
“I’m fine.” Viperion sighed and set her down, getting to his feet and brushing off his knees before turning to face her, trying to figure out how to say what he needed to say without hurting her feelings. 
He thought he understood what was going on. Marinette was always under a huge amount of stress. Pretty as she was, she didn’t get out much, and probably didn’t get to do a lot of flirting. She wouldn’t flirt with him—Luka him—because she knew he had feelings for her and she worried about leading him on. She couldn’t flirt with Adrien, partly because he was dating her friend and largely because she could still barely speak a coherent word to him.
As Viperion, he was a safe option. Marinette spent too much time lonely and sad. As far as she was concerned, she’d only just met Viperion, and when the mission was over he would disappear. She didn’t have to follow through on anything she said to him. Nothing she did raised any expectations. She didn’t have to worry about leading him on or breaking his heart. The situation must be frustrating for her. She was a doer. Being a spectator at best and a victim at worst in this situation, it made total sense that she would need something else to think about and focus on, a chance to blow off a little steam without consequences. 
And honestly, Luka was fine with indulging her. It fed his ego that she found him attractive enough to flirt with, even tease, but more importantly, if he could make Marinette happy, he wanted to. If he could make her feel pretty and valued and wanted, like the attractive young woman she was but never seemed to have time to be, then he wanted to, even if he had to wear a mask.
There was just one little problem. 
“Marinette,” he said, as gently as he could, “I get that you’re interested in the suit and I’m more happy to let you look at it, but first I’d like to get us where we’re going without faceplanting us both into the pavement, okay?”
“Right,” Marinette said, looking horrified and completely embarrassed. “I’m sorry, I should have known better, if course you’re a professional and I’m being horrible, aren’t I, making you uncomfortable when you’re just trying to do your job—“
Well, that wouldn’t do. He placed two fingers over her lips.
“Don’t be sorry,” he told her when she stopped talking, and chucked her under the chin gently. “I don’t mind you touching me at all. In fact—“ he leaned into her space, just a little. “I like it. Certainly worse things than having a hot girl put her hands on me, even if it’s just for the suit.” He gave her an appreciative look and a wink and had the satisfaction of seeing her blush. “I just don’t want you to be hurt. Ladybug’s counting on me to keep you safe after all.”
He could see instantly that it was the wrong thing to say, though he couldn’t fathom why. The color creeping up her face drained away and her smile turned plastic.
“Right,” Marinette said cheerfully, but the sound was hollow. “Wouldn’t want to let Ladybug down.” 
“I don’t want you to get hurt,” Vierion repeated, putting his hand on her shoulder, all playfulness gone as he hunched slightly to look into her face. “Ever, but definitely not on my watch. Marinette, it would kill me if anything happened to you because I was distracted. And you can be…” He gave her a lopsided grin and a quick up and down look. “Very distracting.” 
She hunched her shoulders slightly, blushing, in a way that took him back to another time when he’d felt the urgent need to tell her how important she was. “I’m sorry,” she said in a small voice.
“Don’t be sorry,” he said warmly, squeezing her shoulder before letting go. “You can check out the suit as much as you want when we get where we’re going.”  
“Right,” she breathed as he picked her up again. She put her arms around his neck and tucked her head down, pressing her eyes against his neck. “Because it was totally all about the suit.” 
Viperion chuckled. “You can check me out too if you want, I don’t mind.” 
He cradled her a little tighter as he ran, aware his heart was pounding from more than the run.
“There you go, Marinette. We made it.” Viperion let her feet drop, keeping his arm around her back. Marinette slid down his body until her feet touched the ground, her arms still around his neck. “I’m sure you’ve heard of Rena Rouge,” he added, gesturing at the hero in question. “Rena, Marinette.” 
“Hi,” Marinette said, sliding around to his side as she hunched her shoulders and waved with an awkward smile. “Um, sorry about all the trouble here.”
“It’s not your fault, Marinette,” Viperion said warmly, squeezing her against his side before Rena could even speak. 
Rena was looking at them with raised eyebrows. “You two are certainly...friendly,” she commented. 
“Are we?” Viperion said, lips twitching with the effort not to laugh as he looked down at Marinette still pressed against his side. “Sorry if I’m being too familiar,” he told her insincerely. She covered a giggle herself as he continued, “It’s just, well.” He gave Marinette a sly grin and a wink. “Mademoiselle Dupain-Cheng is a bit of a mouthful.”
She looked up at him with a wicked twinkle in her pretty eyes. “I think you could handle it.”
He had to look away for just a moment before he could keep a straight face as he told her in a low voice, “I’d certainly try if you wanted me to.” Marinette giggled again behind her hand. 
Rena’s eyebrows looked likely to shoot off her head entirely. “Well, it certainly seems like there’s something going on here that I missed.” 
“You didn’t miss anything,” Viperion shrugged as Marinette unplastered herself from his side and wrapped her hands around his bicep instead. 
Probably fortunately, Chat showed up right then and ran through the plan again. Marinette continued clinging to Viperion’s arm throughout the briefing, which got looks from both Rena and Chat, but Viperion’s face remained impassive. 
“Don’t get distracted,” Chat warned him before leaping away. 
Marinette snorted softly. “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Viperion coughed to cover an embarrassed laugh. 
“Looks like it’s just you and me now,” he remarked. 
Marinette perked up a little bit, squeezing his arm. “Do you work out? Or is it just part of being a hero? Do magic muscles come with the suit?”
Viperion laughed as he reached back for his lyre and shook his earpiece out of its compartment. “A little more strength, yeah, but no extra magic muscles. Let’s just say I lead an active lifestyle.”
“One that includes a lot of time in the sun,” Marinette giggled, reaching up to touch his cheek. “You’re pretty tanned. You definitely didn’t get that from being a hero.”
“Kind of hard to sunbathe in the suit,” Viperion agreed, running a finger along the edge of his mask. “Leaves awkward tan lines.” 
Marinette buried her face in his shoulder to muffle her laugh. “So the tan goes all the way down then?” she asked, when she could. 
Viperion smirked at her. “Yep. All the way.”  Marinette turned red and sputtered, and he looked away, grinning as he slipped his earpiece into place. Went a little further than you meant to, didn’t you? he thought with amusement. Too bad for you Couffaines have no shame. “Chat, Rena, do you read me?” 
“Loud and clear.”
“Gotcha, Scales.”
“Let me know when you’re in position,” he said, and then movement caught his eye. 
“Akuma,” he said urgently, growing serious at once. He put his arm out to move Marinette behind him, and felt her hands on his back as she moved close. “Here we go,” he said grimly. “Second Chance.” He slid the snake head back and touched his communicator. “Chat, Rena, she’s here. Checkpoint set. Round one.” 
Marinette’s hands moved over his back and down to his sides, and he sucked in a breath as they slid up the smoother texture of the darker panels on his side. “This part is kind of like Chat’s suit,” she murmured. “But this part must be armored,” she ran her hands forward over the ridged teal armor over his belly. 
Dear God, what had he gotten himself into?
She must have noticed his tension. “You said I could touch you,” she reminded him.
He had to swallow before he could answer. “I did.” 
“Did you change your mind?” 
Luka closed his eyes for a moment. He’d always known she was attracted to him but it wasn’t a thought he normally allowed himself to indulge in much. It just made knowing she didn’t actually want him worse. If he wanted to back out, now was the time. “No,” he said finally. “It’s okay.” 
Viperion drew back slightly as the akuma passed by below them. He felt Marinette peek over his shoulder.
“Oh, she’s scary,” Marinette whispered, and pressed her face into the back of his neck. “You’re sure you can’t see us?” 
He turned his head toward her for just a moment and leaned it on hers. “It’s fine, we’re out of sight. Don’t be scared, we’re all here to protect you.”
“I know,” she said softly. “I’m not scared if I’m with you.”
He had to shift his position to cover the shiver that sent through him. The akuma was past them now and Rena was casting her illusion. 
She ran her fingers through the tips of his hair at the nape of his neck. “Your hair’s so soft. Guess a Miraculous dye job will do that, huh?”
Oh, that felt amazing, but Viperion could see the akuma shriek and begin to flee. “Second Chance,” he breathed. A flash of white, and then he gave his debrief over the comm so that Rena could adjust her illusion. Then Marinette’s hands were sliding up his sides again.
It took nine resets before Rena got her illusion refined enough to fool the Akuma into thinking she’d gotten her revenge on Marinette and for Chat to successfully lure her away. Nine times he recounted the battle over the comms and suggested changes.
Nine times he’d steadfastly kept his attention on the akuma while he let Marinette run her hands over his sides, up his belly and chest. Nine times he felt her press her face to the back of his neck and rest her cheek on his back while she toyed with his hair. He knew every line of her teasing by heart. His own varied, partially depending on his own sense of whether he was going to have to reset again. The only reason he hadn’t just given in and kissed her (or tackled her to the floor, if he was honest) was the combined knowledge that his friends were still in harm's way and that Sass would give him a lecture about the responsibilities that came with time powers. 
He was maybe wound a little bit tight by the time he took her home. 
“Well,” he said, setting her down on her balcony. “Here we are, beautiful. Unfortunately.”
“Unfortunately?” she asked, not unhooking her arms from around his neck. 
“I’ve never enjoyed an akuma battle so much,” he told her, voice low, one hand sliding onto her hip while the other gripped the railing behind him in a desperate attempt to ground himself before he did something stupid. “Whoever catches your heart will be one lucky guy.”
“Thanks for being my hero today,” she smiled up at him through her lashes, a pretty pink tinting her cheeks the only warning he got that she was about to wreck him again. “I think a kiss is the traditional reward?”
“I don’t hold with those kinds of traditions,” he said a little roughly, hand tightening on the rail behind him. “But if you want to kiss me, I’m not about to say no.”
“If I do, are you going to kiss me back?” she asked, and though her tone was teasing her eyes were anxious. 
Viperion hummed thoughtfully, the hand on her hip sliding around to press into her lower back, pulling her closer. “I guess that’s just a chance you’ll have to take. If you decide you want to.”
“I want to,” she breathed, and he bent down until his forehead touched hers, eyes on hers the whole time. He felt her breath hitch and closed his eyes, waiting, as always, for her to choose, and trying to pretend his heart wasn’t racing just at the thought.
Her fingertips touched his cheek, hesitating, and then her palm fitted itself to the curve. It occurred to him to be glad he’d had time to shave before Ladybug showed up. He did kiss her back and she grew more confident, pressing into him, and the next thing he knew her hands were in his hair and her tongue was in his mouth and he made an extremely unheroic noise even as his arms wrapped around her and pulled her up into him. 
Viperion’s bracelet beeped and he felt Marinette sigh as she pulled back from him. “That means you have to go, right?” 
“I, um,” he blinked as she began to back away from him and his hands slid from her back to her arms, and then to her hands, which softly squeezed before letting go completely. 
“Please be safe, Viperion,” she said, her brow creasing as she undoubtedly remembered that he still had an akuma to defeat. Viperion swallowed and shook his head quickly, mustering a Chat-worthy grin that was entirely fake.
“Don’t worry,” he winked. “That Akuma’s not even close to being the most dangerous thing I’ve been around today. I’ll be fine. Go inside now and stay there until Ladybug does her thing, okay?” Viperion turned away quickly, pulling in a deep breath before he vaulted over the balcony railing.
His bracelet beeped a final warning about three rooftops later. He quickly found a place in the shadow of the building’s roof entry hutch and put his back against the wall. His transformation released and he met Sass’s highly amused eyes before he put his hands on his face and slid to the ground with a muffled whine. 
Sass’s hissing laughter was deeply unhelpful.
“Sass,” Luka said from behind his hands. “What the hell was that?”
“At a guess,” Sass replied, smirking—Luka didn’t have to look at him to know it—“Hormonesss.”
Luka slid his hands down to glare at Sass over his fingers. “That’s your input? Ladybug and Marinette both decide to try and make me combust today and the best you’ve got is hormones?”
Sass laughed at him again and Luka groaned. 
“What do you wissssh me to sssay?” the kwami chuckled. “I have myssself heard Ladybug refer to Viperion as a ‘ssssnack.’ I don’t sssee any reason Marinette should think differently. Unless I mistake the meaning of the word in this contexsst, that should be ssssufficient anssswer.” He flicked his tail. “Ssssspeaking of which.”
Luka groaned. “I could have lived without knowing that, thanks.” He pulled the little baggie full of chopped hardboiled egg out of his pocket and tossed it to the kwami without even looking. “Eat fast, we have to go meet Ladybug’s other contact.” 
Sass just chuckled and pulled the bag open. 
She didn’t have a lot of time, she was on a schedule, but Marinette couldn’t resist throwing herself on her bed and squealing into her pillow. Then she rolled over onto her back. “I can’t believe I did all that,” she gasped, fingers flying to her lips “What’s wrong with me?”
Tikki floated nearby, giggling. “You like Luka, Marinette, you know you do. I think you just felt a little bit bolder knowing he was wearing the mask.” She flew close and poked Marinette’s cheek. “Was it everything you thought it would be.” 
Tikki zipped back quickly as Marinette pulled her pillow back over her red face and squealed into it again. She never thought she would be bold enough to do such things, but...but it felt good. And Luka...he’d been thrown at first, clearly, but then he’d rolled with it, because Luka was super good at rolling with things, even, apparently, if those things included her touching him and teasing him and flirting and trading innuendo she never could have spoken to his unmasked face. 
Would it...be like that? If it wasn’t Marinette and Viperion, but Marinette and Luka, and they were in a relationship, is that...is that how it would feel? Not awkward and embarrassing, but...fun and teasing and exciting. Was that how it felt when you liked someone who liked you back? Would he look at her like that every day with those soft eyes, and talk to her in that warm, low voice, and stand with his arm around her, pulling her close into his side, and...and let her kiss him like that...or maybe kiss her like— 
She felt Tikki land on her head and pat her hair. “Come on Marinette! You’d better get ready for the next part. You don’t want to keep Viperion waiting,” she finished in a singsong. 
“Right,” Marinette sighed. She got off her bed and pulled the Miracle Box out from under it. As soon as it opened, she picked up the mouse Miraculous and weighed it thoughtfully in her hand. It had been a couple of years since Multimouse’s last appearance. Surely she was safe to try it again. Mylène had done a great job with it but she was out of the country on one of her eco projects for the moment, so it was up to Marinette.
Not that she minded the chance to work with Viperion a little longer. Not that she minded at all.
Marinette put on the necklace and smiled at Mullo, eyes sparkling. Moments later, she was leaping off her balcony in the familiar pink and grey suit, on her way to meet Viperion, her heart beating with anticipation. 
Viperion was leaning against a wall, idly strumming his lyre and daydreaming about Marinette, when his mission partner hit the roof and rolled to her feet. It took him a moment to totally focus on her but when he did it took all of his natural stoicism to keep his jaw from dropping.
That...was not the mouse he expected.
Holy shit.
Until today, Luka would have denied that he had a type, but God. Clearly he was weak for tiny blue-eyed dynamos with dark hair. He’d never seen eyes that could kill like that except on Marinette. Her suit was fitted like Ladybug’s rather than padded and armored like his or Chat’s or Carpace’s, or flared like Rena’s. While all the boys had gotten used to seeing, or avoiding seeing, Ladybug’s curves in the suit, Viperion suddenly realized that the red and black spotted pattern did a much better job of distracting from the more subtle lines of her body, and the new mouse’s light grey suit...did not.
She cleared her throat, and he realized that he was staring at her abs and straightened off the wall, tucking his lyre away.
“Sorry, I was expecting someone else,” he said as smoothly as he could, offering his hand. “Viperion.” 
“Nice to meet you,” she said brightly, shaking his hand and then planting one hand on her cocked hip and saluting with the other. “I’m afraid your regularly scheduled mouse couldn’t be here today, so I’m Multimouse, at your service.” She winked one big blue eye and Viperion’s knees went weak.
He decided he was taking a very long, very cold shower when he got home. Assuming he survived. The universe really had it in for him today. 
Well it’s a hell of a way to go, he thought to himself, taking a steadying breath.
“Happy to work with you,” Viperion smiled. “I’m sure Ladybug briefed you on the plan, any questions?” 
“Plenty,” she grinned with another devastating wink. “But we’re supposed to be working.” 
Viperion folded his arms and smirked despite the heat he felt in his face. “I’m almost afraid to ask if there’s anything I should know.” 
“Just follow my lead, handsome,” she grinned, turning away as she unlooped her jump rope belt with an entirely unnecessary swing of her hips. “Think you can do that?” 
Oh, Mousey was a flirt. He grinned. “I’ll certainly enjoy trying,” he murmured, quiet enough that she could ignore it if she chose.
Instead Multimouse looked back at him over her shoulder with a mischievous smile. “I know you’ve had a long day already, so just let me know if you get tired.”
Viperion chuckled. “I think I’m getting my second wind,” he winked. “By all means, after you.” 
“Catch me if you can, handsome!” Multimouse swung from the building and Viperion took a running leap after her.
Multimouse led him to a warehouse, and after he smashed the lock, they slipped inside. It was deserted and Chat was supposed to be keeping the akuma occupied and after his ring, but there was no harm in being cautious. “You’re a handy partner to have,” Multimouse said, looping one arm through his. “This plan shouldn’t be difficult at all.”
“Ladybug did the hard work,” Viperion commented. “I’m just the muscle today. Have to hand it to her, she’s got a mind like a steel trap.”
“Ooh, watch your phrasing,” Multimouse winced, swinging her hip into him. “Remember your company, handsome.” 
“Sorry,” Viperion chuckled. “You’re right, poor choice of words.” 
“If you’re nice for the rest of the mission maybe I’ll let you make it up to me,” Multimouse teased, fingers curling around his bicep. “Hmm, Ladybug knew what she was doing.”
Viperion plucked her hand off him. “Don’t do that, please.” 
“Oh,” her eyes widened slightly, the first sign of hesitancy he’d seen from her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” 
“You didn’t,” Viiperion told her, squeezing the hand he was still holding before letting go. “I’d just rather we keep this hands off, if you don’t mind. No hard feelings.”
 “Sure,” Multimouse perked up again, though he thought he saw a hint of pink under her mask. 
“Can’t say I mind being on pretty girl detail for the day,” he said lightly, hoping to put her back at ease. “Where to, ma’am? I’m supposed to follow your lead.”
“This way,” Multimouse tugged him towards a corridor. “The akuma victim rents a space back here to use for her studio. Ladybug wants us to get there, take a look around, and see if we can get the akumatized item. She thinks it’s probably boobytrapped, so that’s where I come in. You’ll set second chance before I go just in case anything goes wrong.” 
Viperion followed her and they started slowly down the long, echoey hallway. So much for stealth, he thought, wincing slightly. Multimouse must have thought so too because while she kept her alert posture, she smiled back at him and said, “So, did you know that you came up second on the Ladyblog’s Hottest Hero: Male Edition survey?” 
Viperion chuckled awkwardly, trying not to blush. “Chat’s hard to compete with,” he replied with a crooked smile. 
“You were robbed, if you ask me,” Multimouse said in a conversational tone, winking at him when he glanced over at her. She really needs to stop doing that. He swallowed and took a slow breath before he answered her. He had a feeling he was going to be doing a lot of belly breathing today. 
“Everybody has their own taste,” Viperion shrugged. “Guess not everybody goes for ‘mysterious, aloof, and quiet.’” 
“You read your own profile?” Multimouse giggled. 
“I was curious,” he grinned. “Haven’t you read yours?”
“Don’t have one,” Multimouse held up her hands and pretended to pout. “I’m so overlooked.”
“I can’t imagine anyone overlooking you.” 
“Ooh, flatterer,” she giggled, and then sobered. “This is actually only my second time out. The first time was years ago and it didn’t end so great.” 
“Really? That surprises me. You seem so natural,” Viperion said, following her down the corridor. 
“Why thank you,” Multimouse grinned over her shoulder at him, and his heart skipped a beat. 
Marinette, he reminded himself firmly, although she technically had no claim on him and he certainly had none on her. He blew out another breath, and then inhaled deeply—and abruptly wrinkled his nose. “Fabric dye,” he muttered. He’d been over to Marinette’s once while she was dying fabric and even with her windows open the smell had driven him up to her balcony. 
“Yes, this is the place,” Multimouse confirmed. She opened the door a crack and peeked inside, and Viperion readied himself to jerk her back in case of any unexpected surprises. “You don’t have to go any further,” she said, her flirtatious air gone and replaced with an intense focus that impressed him. “I know you hate the smell. Multitude!”
Viperion looked at her sharply but was blinded by the light of her power activating. He took a step back as she glowed brightly, and when he could see again, his partner was gone. He looked down to see the Multimice grinning up at him. One of them waved him down. Viperion knelt and put his hand down. One of the Multimice climbed onto his palm and he lifted her to his face. “I’ll stay with you,” she said cheerfully, hands on her hips. “Wouldn’t want you to get lonely.” 
Viperion chuckled. “Welcome aboard.” He brought his hand up to his shoulder and the Multimouse hopped up. 
“The rest of me will go scout and report back,” she said, and then pointed to his bracelet. “If you could?”
“Second Chance.” Viperion slid the bracelet back.
The Multimice still on the floor blew him a kiss in unison, and then ran off in different directions. Viperion couldn’t help a smile, though he directed it at the ground. She—they? were really too cute. 
“So,” Multimouse said, reclining on her side along his shoulder and propping her face on one hand, “Just you and me now. Does my handsome partner have a girlfriend?” 
“No girlfriend,” he sighed, a wistful smile taking over his face. “Just a girl. One amazing girl. You’re cute, Mousey, and I’m sure you’ve got a style of amazing all your own, but my girl...she’s not my girl, she doesn’t like me that way, but...anyway, there’s no one like her. Not even Ladybug.” He looked at her and she jumped, shutting her mouth quickly and looking down as she ran her finger across the texture of his suit. “You? Anyone special in your life?”
“Hmm,” Multimouse twirled her jump rope absently. “Sort of. It’s...complicated.” She sighed dreamily. “And I really wish it wasn’t, because I really do like him. He’s sweet and talented and thoughtful...insightful, really.” She sat up, crossing her legs, and reached up to pinch his cheek, which felt really funny considering how small she was. “Almost as handsome as you. Nice muscles, too, though he doesn’t show them off nearly enough.” She bounced her foot and seemed to consider what she was about to say. “I thought I’d missed my chance though. I kept him waiting for a long time, and—” She looked at him, and then looked away quickly. “I was pretty sure he didn’t feel that way about me anymore, but...I’m starting to wonder if…” He turned his head slightly so that he could see her face better. She was smiling softly down at the jump rope in her hand, biting her full lower lip and blushing. Viperion smiled. 
“Well, maybe it’s time you took a little chance then,” he said, shrugging his shoulder just enough to jostle her slightly. “If he’s been waiting all that time, then he’s probably not going to make a move unless you do. He’s kinda put himself out there enough, don’t you think?”
Multimouse frowned, blinking at him. “But if he was still into me, wouldn’t he keep trying? Other...other guys have…” 
Luka snorted softly. “Would you like him if he was like ‘other guys?’” 
“I’d like him if he was like you,” Multimouse purred, leaning against his neck. 
“Right, okay,” Viperion chuckled. “We don’t have to talk about it anymore if you don’t want to. I’m just saying, if you are interested, then you’re going to have to make a move, because if he does still have feelings for you, he’s trying to respect you by keeping them to himself.” He turned his face toward her and winked. “Food for thought. Though I’m sure a girl like you has plenty of options.”
“Aw, I’ll bet you say that to all the girls you turn down.”
Luka chuckled. “Believe me, if it weren’t for M—my girl, I’d be first in line.”
Multimouse squeaked and nearly fell backwards off of his shoulder, and Luka bit his lip in a vain effort to contain his grin. 
“Need a hand?” he asked, careful not to move.
“No, I’m good!” she gasped, clawing her way back up the seams of his suit. Then she turned her head and brightened. “Oh, here I come!”
The Minimice—nope, Viperion immediately crossed that name out in his mind—the Manymice—no, that was practically the same as Multimice. Copymice? Okay that just sounded dumb. This is why I let Rose write the lyrics, ugh. The Multimice returned, each of them with their arms full of...yarn? Viperion knelt and his Multimouse jumped down from his shoulder. They chattered amongst themselves, talking so fast that Viperion couldn’t quite keep up, and then they lined up and began knotting their pieces of yarn together.
One of them (he wasn’t sure if it was the same one that had been with him all this time; he wished they came in different colors or something so he could tell them apart) turned to him and said, “The akumatized object is defended by a weird sort of...maze made of yarn. Like one of those laser grids you see in spy movies? We’re pretty sure that if we can get above it, we can drop down through the maze. I’m not sure what the strands do but we’d just as soon not find out! I think we’ve got enough pieces here to reach from those girders up there.” She pointed up and Viperion looked up to the girders crossing the warehouse-style ceiling.
“Are you sure it’ll hold?” Viperion frowned. “I don’t want you to fall.” 
“Check it,” Multimouse winked at him, holding it up. Viperion took yarn and held it up, inspecting the knots. His eyebrows went up.
“You know your knots,” he said, tugging the yarn carefully. The knots tightened and held. “Where’d you learn that?” 
“Oh,” the mini Multimouse’s eyes went wide, and she blushed under her mask. “Umm...a friend taught me.” 
“Your special friend?” Viperion teased, “Maybe more special than you said if he taught you knots like these.”
“It is not like that,” Multimouse insisted, growing pinker. She folded her arms and looking away from him. “He spends a lot of time around boats, that’s all. Maybe I should ask how you know them.” 
“I’ve spent a little bit of time on boats as well,” Viperion chuckled. “Well, it looks pretty good. I think it should work. Everybody grab on, let’s give it a quick test and make sure it’ll hold your weights.” 
The Multimice all grabbed onto the yarn rope in a line, and Luka carefully lifted it by one end, his other hand ready to catch anybody that fell. Finally all of the mice were off the ground, the end of the rope hovering an inch or so above the floor. “Okay,” Viperion nodded. “Okay, looks good. Nice work. I’ll take you up.” He looked up to the steel girders criss-crossing above him and then around, planning his route up. 
It took some fumbling but after a few minutes, Viperion got to his feet with his arms full of clinging Multimice. “Everybody good?” he asked. “If you don’t feel secure, now’s the time to say.” 
“We’re good!” chorused the girls, and Viperion chuckled, then looked up again and took a deep breath.
“Okay, here we go. One...two…” He felt them grip tighter. “Three!” Viperion leapt, resisting the instinct to use his arms for balance and momentum, and made it up to the steel crossbeam. He blew out a slow breath, relieved as he let the Multimice carefully down on the girder. 
“Well done,” one said, patting his hand with a sympathetic look, and Viperion smiled tightly, a little more adrenaline in his system than he wanted to admit to from the effort of getting up here without dropping or crushing anyone. 
“Be careful,” he said as the Multimice walked along the girder until they were all gathered above the glowing yarn maze, looking down into the center. Luka followed, careful not to knock anyone off as he looked down. 
“Not scared of heights, are you?” Multimouse teased. 
“Not at all,” Luka chuckled, sitting down on the girder and hanging his legs off as he looked down. “What is that? It looks like a stapler.”
“It’s a bedazzler,” said Multimouse, and all of them wrinkled their noses at once. “How cheap. Did she really think she was going to pass that off in front of those judges? Audrey Bourgeois might be the queen of glitter but I guarantee you the stuff she uses costs at least a hundred bucks a bottle and cheap rhinestones are not going to cut it. I can just hear her now.” She put her nose in the air, one hand on her hip and the other one out in an affected pose as she flapped her hand. “Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!” Viperion’s breath caught, his eyes widening slightly.
“That’s...a pretty good impression,” he said slowly, looking intently at her. “Almost the best one I’ve seen.” 
Multimouse just shook her head. “Poor thing was probably humiliated, no wonder Hawkmoth got to her.” She held up the end of their yarn rope. “Would you mind tying it?” 
Viperion did so, hands working the tiny yarn rope almost automatically as his mind raced on other matters. He gave the Multimice a thoughtful look, but none of them noticed, all on their hands and knees staring down at the purple bedazzler. “This is really worrying,” one of them commented. “This is the first time an akuma’s actually hidden away from the akumatized person. This one’s simple enough, but they always get smarter.” 
When the rope was secure, he lowered it carefully between the strands of the yarn maze. Four Multimice hopped onto it one by one and slid down.
Working together, they knotted the end of the yarn rope securely around the bedazzler, silently thanking Luka for his lessons on knots and ropes, and then one by one the Multimice shimmied back up the rope. Once there, they reformed into one large multimouse, who grinned up at Viperion triumphantly as she reached down and grabbed the yarn rope, hauling the bedazzler up hand over hand. “And there we go,” she grinned triumphantly, sitting down on the beam and crossing her legs, holding out the bedazzler triumphantly.
Viperion was looking at her strangely, one arm folded across his chest and the other propped up on it, fingers pressed to his lips. Multimouse cocked her head, and looked back at him. “Do I have something on my face?” she quipped. “Besides the mask.” 
He didn’t answer. 
“Care to do the honors?” Multimouse asked, setting the bedazzler down between them. 
Viperion wordlessly took his lyre from the small of his back and smashed it down in a quick, violent movement that made Multimouse jump. It did the trick, though, and the akuma floated free. 
“Wow,” Multimouse said absently, tracking the little butterfly. “Never thought I’d see you do that with an instrument. I’ll signal Ladybug and meet you on the next roof over.” She got to her feet and leapt nimbly across the beams, following the akuma. When she was sure she was out of Viperion’s sight, she whispered, “Come on out, Tikki.” Tikki popped out of one of her buns and came to float in front of her, beaming. “Ready?” Multimouse asked, and Tikki nodded. “Okay. Mullo, Tikki, unify.” A few minutes later, she’d captured the akuma and tossed her yoyo to cast the cure.
She stood weighing her yoyo in her hand. Technically speaking, Multibug supposed there was no need for her to meet up with Viperion again. She could have just sent him home, which was her original plan. But she hadn’t and he was expecting her and she felt unwilling to disappoint him. Marinette was used to the extra freedom that came with the mask and didn’t usually let it go to her head, but...well. She’d said a lot of things to Viperion today that Marinette had been longing to say to Luka for a while now and it felt good. He deserved to hear that he was brave and strong and kind and wonderful, and nobody said it to him the way they should.
Including her. 
“Mullo, Tikki, divide,” she ordered, and Tikki flew free. She took one look at Multimouse’s face and giggled, hiding back in her bun again.
When Multimouse arrived on the roof, Viperion was sitting on the ledge of the roof, one knee bent and one hanging down, his eyes on the lyre in his hands as he idly plucked a tune. He looked like he’d been plucked from the gardens at Versaille and left there by accident. There was something about his posture that made her uneasy and she approached him with a little less swagger than she had planned. She opened her mouth to greet him but he spoke before she could.
“I was just thinking,” he said, eyes still down, “About that girl. The one I’m so crazy about. She’s a lot like you.” 
Multimouse rocked back on her heels slightly, trying not to give away how thrown she was. She folded her arms and cocked her shoulders teasingly, closing one eye. “I thought you said there was nobody like her.” 
Viperion chuckled, still strumming. Strumming...strumming Marinette’s song, she realized with a sudden jolt. “This girl, she’s amazing. I’ve been in love with her for years. She wasn’t interested though so I’ve been kinda hanging back for a while now.” He shook his head, and Multimouse was having trouble looking away from the fingers plucking the lyre. “I’m starting to think though...maybe she’s changing her mind. Maybe she’s starting to feel a little bit of what I feel for her.” 
Marinette felt a thrill that sped up and down her body and took up residence in her stomach, electrifying the butterflies already fluttering there. “You still love her?”
Viperion smiled, and stopped playing, returning his lyre to the small of his back as he cocked his head to look at her, and the look in his eyes took her breath. “More and more as time passes. She just keeps getting more amazing, not less. I’ve dated other people, but never for long. Nobody measures up. I think maybe I can get over her then I see her again and it’s like no time has passed at all.”
Multimouse had no reason to blush at that, she reminded herself. She strolled over to him and turned, flattening her hands on the ledge where he was sitting and leaning back against it. “You should tell her, then. Maybe you’re right and her feelings are changing, but she thinks you’ve moved on so she’s too scared to say anything.”
“Well, you know. I might be wrong, but…” Viperion leaned toward her and put his mouth right by her ear. “I think I just did.” 
She couldn’t help the gasp that escaped her. 
Viperion hopped off the ledge and turned to face her, placing one hand next to her on the ledge as he leaned in close. Just like Luka, she thought distantly, her heart racing, to not trap her in, to leave her an escape.  “You know a little too much about me for coincidence, little mouse. And maybe I know you just a little bit too well. I’ve heard you do that Audrey Bourgeois impression a few thousand times.” Multmouse bit her lip. “You’ve been running me a merry chase all day but I’ve caught you now, haven’t I?” Viperion continued, his nose brushed lightly against her cheek, just under her mask. “Can I kiss you?” 
“I don’t mind, handsome,” Multimouse said, as bravely as she could manage, even though having him so close was making her heart pound. “But what if you’re wrong?” 
“Haven’t you heard?” She could see Viperion’s grin widen out of the corner of her eye. “I’m all about taking chances.” 
Multimouse turned her face to give him a Look, lips parted for a retort, but as soon as she turned to him, he dipped down and kissed her—not the soft, careful way she’d always imagined Luka would kiss, but hard and hungry and fierce, like—
Like they were both wearing masks and they could pretend it never happened if they chose. Like it might be the only time she’d ever let him and he intended to make the most of it. Like she’d been torturing him all day and he just couldn’t take it anymore.
Like he’d been in love with her for years and was finally feeling a tiny sliver of hope that she might have feelings for him too.
She felt him hesitate and begin to pull back, and suddenly she realized she hadn’t exactly stopped him, but she wasn’t really responding either, too caught off guard to do more than let her lips form to his. And if that wasn’t just like Luka, to kiss her like that and still wait for her. 
Marinette might have hesitated. Ladybug would have delivered a lecture on professionalism in the suit.
Multimouse put her arms around his neck to stop his retreat and pressed into him, catching his lower lip between her teeth before pressing her mouth to his. His breath hitched and his hesitation disappeared and then they were really kissing, and it was like kissing him on her balcony only better, because this time he wasn’t shocked and hesitating and acting on instinct.  
This time he wanted her and she wanted him and neither of them had to own up to it if they didn’t want to and it made them reckless.
By the time they stopped only his arm around her waist and the hand feeling up her back were keeping her from just toppling over the roof, he’d bent her so far back. They hung there for a moment, panting, and then he slowly straightened, bringing her back upright. He grinned at her, looking extremely pleased with himself as he eyed her. She felt a little cheated that his Miraculous lipstick wasn’t smudged, but his hair was a wreck, which made her smirk. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that,” he told her, voice deeper than she’d ever heard it outside of a performance.
Multimouse slipped out of his arms and turned half-away from him, hands on her hips. “You think you know who I am,” she said, pouting bruised lips. “But that doesn’t mean I know who you are.” 
“Hmm,” he smiled indulgently, leaning back against the roof ledge. “If you didn’t know before, I think you know now. I’m planning to be at Cafe Belle about two o’clock tomorrow. If the girl I like just happens to wander by, I’ll ask her to join me for coffee and cheesecake.” 
Multimouse wrinkled her nose. “Is that a mouse joke?” 
Viperion’s low chuckle made her shiver. “If she doesn’t care for cheesecake I’m sure I can find something to her taste.” 
“Hmm,” Multimouse said airily, twirling the end of her jump rope tail as she sauntered away from him. “Well, good luck with that…” 
Viperion sighed, head cocking slightly. “I am going to miss that suit.” 
Multimouse whirled, her hands on her hips. “And I thought you were such a gentleman.” 
Viperion grinned, looking at her through his bangs, his green eyes looking somehow more intense and...predatory than Luka’s usual blue. “I guess we both learned something about each other today. I didn’t know you could be such a tease. You made it an awfully long day today, you know.” 
Multimouse cocked a hip and folded her arms. “You still might be wrong.”
Viperion shrugged, but his grin didn’t budge. “Maybe.” He winked. “See you tomorrow.” He kicked up his legs and flipped over the roof ledge behind him. 
Multimouse sighed. “I’m going to miss that suit too.” 
Luka was sweating and exhausted by the time he got back to the boat. He’d run as Viperion as fast and as far as he could, teeth clenched to keep from whooping at the top of his lungs. 
Even after his transformation dropped, he sprinted a couple of blocks just on his own. He had, after all, kind of a lot of energy to burn off. Every time he thought he was calming down, he remembered, and a grin split his face and he put on another burst of speed. 
He could hear Sass laughing at him in his hood and he couldn’t care at all. 
Luka arrived home panting and sweating and dishevelled. That wasn’t unusual for him; if anyone saw him they’d probably assume he’d been at work—which was sort of true, anyway, even if no one knew he occasionally moonlighted as a superhero and made out with pretty girls on rooftops how the hell did this become his life.
Sass eyed Luka as the kwami ate his snack. Luka grinned at him and then at the ground.
“May I asssk what that was?”
Luka shrugged his shoulders without looking up. “Hormones?” 
Sass laughed. “Indeed.” 
Luka risked a glance at him. “Are you going to yell at me?” 
Sass snorted. “I am not. If you wissssh a lecture, I’m sure Ladybug can arrange a disssscusion with Tikki. Persssonally, I think if you are judged worthy to wield me, which you have done resssponssibly for yearsss, it isss reasssonable to asssume you are not a fool. You knew what you were doing, you knew the risssk you were taking. Ladybug trusssts you with the fate of the city; I trussst you to ssstand up to your choicesss, whatever the outcome.”
“I—” Luka sighed. “Thanks, Sass.” 
Sass finished his food and came to land on Luka’s shoulder, wrapping his tail lightly around Luka’s neck. He patted Luka’s cheek gently.
Luka put the plate away and went back on deck to wait for Ladybug. Unsurprisingly, given how long it had taken him to get home, he didn’t have to wait long. He was leaning on his elbows staring at the water when her feet hit the deck and the zip of her retracting yoyo. 
“You’re not playing your guitar,” she observed.
Luka turned and shrugged. “It’s been kind of a weird day,” he said, handing over the bracelet. “I think I’m still processing it.” 
Ladybug’s eyebrow quirked and his heart jumped for no apparent reason. Habit, he supposed, at this point. Gorgeous blue-eyed girls had been wrecking him all day so why should now be any different?
It...wasn’t different. It wasn’t different at all. Luka swallowed, suddenly staring at Ladybug’s mouth.
“Good weird or bad weird?” Ladybug asked, tilting her head and studying him. He probably looked deranged, he realized, windblown and sweaty and suddenly having a lot of difficulty putting words together.
“Good,” he replied, barely managing not to stutter. “The good kind, the best, actually, um…” He pressed his lips together before he could babble anything else. Ladybug looked like she was fighting a smile.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I am fantastic,” he said, collapsing more than leaning back against the rail. “Couldn’t be better.” 
Ladybug giggled. “Well, that’s good to hear.” She gave him a smirk and flung her yoyo. “See you around, Luka.”  
“Right,” he said numbly to the empty air, and then he bolted for the door to the cabin. He clattered down the stairs and burst into his thankfully-empty room where he could lose his shit in peace. 
It was a little thing, really. Her lips were just a little redder than usual, but it was enough. The eyes, the lips, the hair—holy shit the smirk—he felt like an idiot. Luka’s legs went weak and he sat down on his bed.
He bent his head and ran his fingers through his sweaty hair. “I need a shower,” he muttered absently.
“Didn’t you shower this morning?” Juleka grumbled from the doorway.
Luka stripped off his sweaty shirt and threw it in her face. “I’m a guy, I need another one.” 
“Eeew!” she squealed, clawing it away. By the time she threw it to the floor, Luka had pushed past her and into the Liberty’s small bathroom, just about the only place where he could actually be alone on the whole boat. 
He preferred to be alone while his brain was melting out of his ears.
Multimouse was Marinette. Marinette is Ladybug. It was clear as day now, it just plain wasn’t possible that there were two people like that in the world, let alone three. He felt like such a moron. 
Marinette kissed him and he kissed Multmouse who was Marinette who was Ladybug and that he means he kissed Ladybug. Twice! Which, okay, he was in love with Marinette and always had been, and over the moon to have been kissing her, but he’d had some time to process that part and come on. Ladybug. If there was anyone in their age group who was attracted to girls who hadn’t fantasized about kissing Ladybug...well it was no one he’d ever met. Just nobody thought they’d ever actually get to, and he had, and that was kind of blowing his mind.
Juleka would be so jealous if she knew. 
Of course she hadn’t been wearing the masks at the time, or at least not that mask, but Luka didn’t care. He’d kiss Marinette in any mask or no mask and he’d wear any damn thing she wanted him to because he was madly, stupidly in love with her, and she was three times as amazing as he ever thought and he had a date with her tomorrow.
After years of silent pining and half-hearted attempts to move on...he had a date with Marinette. 
His hands were shaking.
Luka leaned his elbows on the tiny sink and grinned at himself in the mirror, shaking his head.
“You are one lucky bastard,” he muttered to his reflection, and laughed, giddy and breathless.
“What am I doing, Tikki?” Marinette breathed as she walked, briskly despite her nerves. “This is crazy. Right? Tell me this is crazy, Tikki.” 
“Love is always a little crazy, Marinette,” Tikki giggled, peeking up from Marinette’s purse. “Just give it a chance! For once it’s not the world at stake. And it’s just Luka.”
“Right,” Marinette muttered. “Just Luka, that I climbed all over yesterday and now he knows it was me and—”
“And thinking that he wanted you to meet him today just to reject you would be crazy,” Tikki teased, poking Marinette’s side. “I know it’s scary, Marinette, but this is the good scary! The normal scary! The exciting scary!”
Marinette smiled and put her hand in her purse to stroke Tikki’s head lightly. “Thanks, Tikki.” She promptly faltered a step and tripped. “Oh no, there he is. Just like he said he would be.”
“That’s a good thing, Marinette!” Tikki giggled.
Luka was leaning against the wall between the cafe door and the alley separating it from the next building, hands shoved in his pockets. His jean pockets, because he wasn’t wearing the hoodie that she had seen on him at nearly every encounter for three years, just a Kitty Section t-shirt that Marinette had made him.
And because she’d made it, it fit him perfectly. And without his hoodie, it left his arms mostly bare. Marinette whimpered quietly, cursing yesterday-Marinette for making her admiration of his arms so...obvious.
“You can do it, Marinette,” Tikki whispered, sinking lower into the purse. Marinette gulped in a deep breath and started walking again.
“Hi Luka,” she called as she got closer, “Hey, what a surprise, running into you like this! I was just, um, just out and about.” 
Luka looked up, giving her that same warm stare she’d last seen from masked green eyes, and a slow smile that made her skin tingle. “Hey Marinette. Fancy meeting you here. I was just thinking about getting a table to grab some lunch. His smile took on a cocky tilt that she had only rarely seen on him and for a moment she couldn’t decide if she was annoyed by it or something else entirely. “Care to join me? I hear they have great cheesecake here.”
Marinette stood, vibrating in indecision for just a moment. Luka’s eyes didn’t waver. 
Well, maybe it’s time you took a little chance then. He’s kinda put himself out there enough, don’t you think?
He was right. 
But first things first.
Marinette took a deep breath, steadied her nerves, and in a smoother motion than she would have thought she was capable of outside of the suit, she stepped up to him, grabbed him by the front of his shirt, and swung him around into the alley entrance. “Woah,” he yelped, and then his eyes widened further as she planted a hand in the middle of his chest and pushed, backing him further down the (thankfully relatively clean) alley. Something in her face must have given him an inkling of her mood because he was slowly turning very red. 
She changed her angle to back him into the wall and kept advancing until she was chest to chest with him, looking up into his face. “Just so we’re clear,” she said, with only a little tremble in her voice though she could feel her hands starting to shake, “Nothing on this earth will save you if you breathe a word of what you think you know to anyone.” 
Luka’s eyes couldn’t get any wider. “Of course,” he gasped, breathlessly. “I wouldn’t, I would nev—mmph!” Marinette grabbed the back of his neck and jerked him down into a kiss that was harder than she meant it to be, just out of nerves. He must have liked it well enough, though, because he made the same noise he’d made yesterday when she kissed Viperion on her balcony. That sparked the memory of the look on his face afterwards, which made her giggle, and then she squeaked as he took advantage of her distraction and—wow, pulling him into the alley was a good decision because she did not want any witnesses to this.  
This was so much better without the suits, she realized giddily as he pulled her up flush against him. He made that noise again when her hands slid up over his shoulders and slipped into his hair. It felt amazing and she could have kissed him forever but there were things she still needed to say. 
Finally she put her hand on his shoulder, pushing lightly, and he stopped and drew back to look at her, lips red and hair even more tousled than usual, and Marinette was grateful he was still holding her because she wasn’t sure she could stand on her own at that point. 
“A little mouse told me you still had feelings for me,” Marinette whispered. “Is it true? Because I—” she continued in a rush before he could answer. “Because I definitely have feelings for you and if it’s not true that’s okay, but if it—if it is then maybe we could go have that cheesecake and if you’re free maybe we could go see a movie and—”
He cut her off with another kiss, and it was softer and slower, more tender, more like how she had always imagined Luka would kiss, but it was no less thrilling. 
“She also said you were a really good kisser,” Marinette added breathlessly when he drew back.  
“Yeah?” The corner of his mouth came up in a subtle smirk that she could definitely get used to seeing on him. 
“Yeah,” Marinette shrugged one shoulder, aware that her intense blush belied her unusually calm attitude. “So I guess I’m kinda hoping that since she was right about that,” Marinette dropped her eyes and rubbed two fingers against the fabric of his t-shirt, “Maybe she was right about the other thing too?” 
“If you mean the fact that I’m even more in love with you than I was the day you tripped into my room,” he lowered his forehead to rest on hers and took a shaky breath. “Then yeah, she was totally right. And that’s one secret I’m more than happy to be rid of.” 
“I’m sorry,” Marinette sighed, “For keeping you waiting so long, and then hesitating even when I knew what I wanted.”
Luka lifted one hand and brushed the back of his fingers against her cheek. “If you think I’m even the slightest bit dissatisfied right now then by all means, let me convince you I’m not.” His hand turned and cupped her cheek as he leaned in. Marinette put a finger on his chin and he paused. 
“So...about that cheesecake?” she smiled.
“I’ll take you anywhere you want to go,” he told her, and his eyes—she couldn’t look away. “Today and any day. Every day, if you want. Whatever I have to do to make this real, just tell me, I’m there.” 
Marinette smiled slowly. “Silly boy,” she said, letting her finger slide away from his chin. “It’s already real.” 
He looked at her with soft eyes, and his voice was warm and low as he said, “Then let’s go have some cheesecake and go watch a movie that, I’m going to warn you now, I have no intention of remembering.” His arm slid around her, pulling her close into his side, and she smiled. 
Luka smiled too as they strolled towards the cafe entrance together, not entirely convinced that his feet were touching the ground, and only the persistent pounding assured him his heart was still in his chest. 
Luka held open the cafe door for her and she smiled up at him. As she passed him, he took a cookie out of his pocket and slipped it into her purse. He wanted to make a good impression, after all, even if he wasn’t quite ready to tell Marinette he’d figured out more of her secrets than she realized.
291 notes · View notes
Roses of Melrose
Peter Parker x bisexual!reader 
Peter Parker x fem!reader
Peter Parker x black!reader 
Peter Parker x villain!reader 
Warnings: Language, murder, death, mentions of gangs, gun violence, mercenaries, physical abuse, verbal abuse, parental neglect, drug use, underage drinking, mentions of knives, brief mentions of sex, blood, piercings. 
Word Count:  8.4k
Songs: Ultralight beam-Kanye, I love Kanye- Kanye, Good Kid-Kendrick Lamar, Sing about me I’m dying of thirst- Kendrick Lamar, Violent Crimes- Kanye, Apparently- J.Cole, Black Wave- K.Flay, Pretty Little Birds- SZA, Wouldn’t it be Nice- The Beach Boys. 
“  It was the way I fought back. It was my first ‘fuck you’ to everyone to everything. It was my best friend. It was my first love. So to you I’m just another girl with another basic rose tattoo but to me. To me? It’s the way I remember it’s the way I keep my friend with me. It’s the way I’d make sure I couldn’t forget the unforgettable”
A/N: Sorry it took so long to finish this school and home got in the way. Sorry If the grammar is off there was only one proof read. Hopefully you enjoy it. Sorry that there’s less Peter in this one. It’s more character building. 
Series Masterlist   Previous Part    Next Part 
I had my suspicions about Peter being Spiderman, I mean it was kinda obvious he’s always leaving decathlon meetings according to MJ. They both have the same annoying ass optimism. No one is just that sure of anything. Like ever. Thanks to Liz I’d finally know. 
I entered the house having to maneuver past a couple of people standing in the hall past the front door. This party was tame compared to others I’d been to. Flash was DJ-ing he’s so annoying. Liz was cool though she was nice. 
I found MJ standing in the kitchen opening a pack of bread holding a jar of peanut butter. When I walked over and said 
“Only you would come to a party to just eat bread.”
She only replied with a short “Whatever loser,” 
“Hey, Peter Parker. Where’s your friend Spiderman?” Flash announced on the mic.
“Lemme guess with your imaginary girlfriend?”
Peter just stood there stunned 
“That’s not Spiderman that’s just Ned in a red shirt,” Okay that one would’ve been kinda funny if he didn’t add that annoying horn sound.  
“Shut the fuck up!” I said before smiling at Peter and walking off. I didn't do it for him, necessarily Flash was just annoying. Like I’ve never understood how someone with the grandpa name Eugene could talk so much shit. 
 I was making small talk with some random senior boy when I heard a high pitched squeal and excused myself to the bathroom. The sound only got louder and louder and louder. It was so painful it felt like Athena should’ve split my forehead and climbed her way out. My vision blurring together made me not able to grab onto anything as I lost balance. I wasn't going to cry, 
I wasn't. I couldn’t crying’s pathetic I wasn't going to cry. I could push through the pain. I’ve done it before, that's what I always do. Just when it got so intense I was sure I was gonna pass out it stopped. I did not pass out however I did throw up into the toilet. I looked in the mirror after washing my face off and for a second I could’ve sworn my eyes were glowing. Great now I’m going into a psychotic break why would my eyes be glowing. 
I just need some fresh air. Yeah that’s all. I sat there for a while letting my mind wander until I heard MJ’s voice from behind me. 
“So this is where you were? I’ve been looking for you everywhere,” She said as she sat down next to me. When I didn’t respond she turned facing me waving her hands my face 
“You good?” 
I looked up from picking at the grass. 
“I’m just tired MJ,” I mean I have every right to be tired there’s a whole fucking gang war going down where I live. Which makes no fucking sense why are people fighting over streets that no one actually owns. The weapons Vulture is selling make me good money, but they’re getting way too close to where my friends lived. I was snapped out of diving into all my problems by a purple cloud in the distance. Hearing the distant squeal slash siren hybrid. I felt my eyes widen. 
“What was that?” MJ asked. 
Fucking Vulture 
ARE YOU KIDDING ME. I told him to stay out of my neighborhood and he came to my friends. 
“I don’t know,” I said “Let’s just go back inside,”
As we were walking back to the backdoors I took one glance behind me, and there he was Spiderman heading towards the cloud
“Hey,” I called out walking closer to Ned, “Ned!”
He turned around 
“Who me?” He pointed to himself. 
“I mean I don’t see any other Neds around were,” I joked
“Oh, it’s you just usually don’t talk to me,” He pointed out. 
“Yeah sorry about that,” I said “Actually where’s Peter? I can’t seem to find him,” 
“Oh he uh,” he scratched the back of his neck “He had to go,” 
“Aw, how unfortunate,” I patted his shoulder “Well enjoy the party I have to go too,” So Ned knew Peter was Spiderman. 
“Can I get a ride?” I asked MJ to which she just said 
“You don’t have to ask,”
 “Just drop me off at the corner store by my house,”
It never felt awkward around MJ. Normally I had to be on high alert around everyone, but it’s never like that with her. This isn't an “honor” many people have but she’s one of the few I feel comfortable falling asleep around. I knew being in the car would make me feel sick so I drifted off. 
Shutting the door to the car we said our goodbyes and I headed into the gas station when Mr. William greeted me. I felt a warm feeling in my body. It was nice but short lived and replaced by an emptiness that humans like to call nostalgia. I missed feeling “home” I still lived here. I don’t know why It seems like I don't. I guess it was the fact I’d been giving more attention to Queens and Thorn lately. I know it’s not the projects anymore which I am immensely grateful for but it’s the same neighborhood. According to Briana, one of the like 3 friends I managed to keep I “never come around anymore” or “I’m too good for them”. 
I made my way to the bathroom and located the tile I kept my burner phone in. I used to keep it in a shoe box at home until my sister started going through the phase where she feels the need to borrow all my clothes. Stomping on the edge of the tile it flipped up and I grabbed the phone and shoved it in the pocket of my hoodie. 
Getting a soda and some gummy worms before I left. I started to walk back to my apartment complex. I went up to sit on the roof of the building just eating my gummies looking. That was something I did a lot just look. When I was younger I couldn’t stand being alone in my own head, but the older I got the more I began to understand why old people would just sit out on their porch doing nothing but looking. 
When I checked my phone it was 12:47 and I decided it was time to go back in. First I sent out a message on the burner phone to what I hope to God was the right number. 
I headed back down to my room and spent the whole night tossing and turning. When I put on a podcast I slept much easier. I found that the environment I grew up in bred me to not be able to sleep probably without some sort of noise even if it’s just arguing. 
I woke up with my phone on my face and my bonnet halfway across the continent. I checked my phone fully expecting to be late but by some blessing I had at least two hours to get ready before I had to leave. The house was quiet like eerily quiet no TV on or anything. I went to wake up the drama queen, middle child, Aaliyah. When I say drama queen I mean both acting and just straight up being dramatic. And then there’s Sapphire who’s the physical embodiment of a Gemini. I flicked on the lights, revealing toys scattered all over Sapphire‘s side of the room. The only response I got was from Aaliyah who simply whined and pulled her blanket over her head. I picked up a pair of rolled up socks and tossed them at her to which she loudly exclaimed 
See what I mean by dramatic but thankfully for me, she woke up Sapphire meaning I didn’t have to step on sharp plastic trying to navigate her side. Not that I could judge her though I can’t remember the last time I had the motivation to clean my room. 
I was fully expecting my dad to be passed out on the couch when I walked into the living room but he wasn’t. He wasn’t in his room either. This was nothing out of the ordinary though, he’d probably be back tonight or tomorrow.
One of the perks of my dad being gone was I could use the bathroom in his room to shower and take as long as I want. Another perk of dad not being here is I can take his car today instead of my skateboard. My sisters don't go to a local school but it’s still way closer to our home then Midtown so they don’t have to go so far away. I,on the other hand, have to skate to the bus stop, get on the metro then get on a subway and skate the rest of the way to school. 
“Y’all wanna get something to eat?” I asked my sisters once we were in the car. 
“Wendys!” Sapphire interjected from the backseat 
“No one wants to eat Wendys,” Aaliyah turned around from the passenger to face her. “Get McDonald’s” she demanded, turning back to face me. 
“Oh so you don’t want Wendys but you can eat the plastic from McDonald's,” Sapphire asked accusingly. 
“Wendy's tastes like shit,” 
“You taste like shit,” 
“That doesn’t even make any sense!”
I just giggled at the fact this is what they decided to argue about. 
“I’m just gonna get somethin’ from Mr. Washington, Since it’s the closest thing to us” was all I said before turning the radio up. 
I pulled into the parking lot. Looking at the buildings that look like they should be dead. With their bulletproof windows with anti robbery bars. It’s honestly depressing if you think about it for too long. But these places are nothing but living and bustling no matter what. Like the roses in the cracks of the sidewalk. I left the keys in the ignition once my sister confirmed they weren’t coming inside. 
“Hey Y/N,” Mr.Washington’s son said from the kitchen. I believe he’s 18 now?
“Hey,” I nodded my head at him walking towards his father to order. 
“Hey, Y/N how are you doing?”
“I’m good how are you?” 
“I’m good thanks for asking, you know you look more and more like your mom everyday,” he pointed out and I just smiled. “She was a great kid,” 
“Yeah…” I trailed off. 
“So the usual?” he asked and I nodded. 
I don’t know how but he remembered everyone’s usual orders and knows everyone’s names. 
Quick rule of thumb the best food comes in brown paper bags.
Once I was back in the car I had to make the conscious effort not to speed. MJ never goes anywhere when I drive because I “drive like I have nothing to live for” which personally I just think she’s dramatic. 
Honestly my sisters are so lucky they go to a local school. I mean yeah the education at Midtown is better than the local highschool, but it’s not like I even belong there. So basically I commute almost 40 minutes everyday to a school I’m not smart enough to go to.  
By the time lunch came around I had a terrible headache the smell of my food made me vomit. And no I’m not being dramatic I really had to stop by the bathroom and throw up. 
Now I didn’t really feel like walking all the way over to sit at my usual table so I just sat with the school stoners. Yes cliques are real and if this were a movie I’d be one of those clique surfers. Pretty much everyone is a clique surfer if we’re being honest. 
I don’t know why they get such a bad wrap stoners have got to be some of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Like this one girl Jessica she gave me one of my first tattoos for free in freshman year when I met her. Since she noticed that I looked stressed, she offered to let me hit her cart. I didn’t even have to ask her 
Oh my god I’ll marry you were my exact thoughts at that moment. That I’d apparently voiced out loud because she responded with. 
“I’m down. When’s the wedding?” 
Her and two guys who were sitting at the table with us made their way to the boys bathroom with me. 
 After about 3 hits I could feel the life returning to my body as if the rain finally stopped crashing down and the rainbow entered the sky. I could've sworn I heard God say “I’ll never flood the earth again” 
“Do you think I’d look good with a nostril piercing?” I asked while examining my nose in the mirror. 
“Are you kidding me? You’d look hot as fuck,” Jessica added in. 
“You should pierce her nose, J” the guy who was standing closest to the door said. Zach I think. 
“Yeah I could do that, do you want me to?” She asked. 
I pondered it for a second before the boy who already looked off of cloud nine Tyler I believe his name was interjected with 
“She’s really good at it, she did my girlfriends,” 
You know what? Fuck it 
“Why the hell not,” I said
“Alright,” she said after clapping her hands and walking over to her backpack on the floor. She pulled out a lighter and an earring. She lit the earring to disinfect and I hopped up on the sink and she moved towards the right side of my body. Just as she was asking me where exactly I wanted it we all jumped at the sound of the door creaking open. 
Low and behold Peter Parker of all people walked in. 
“Uh I was just gonna...yeah,” He stammered out still standing by the door. He was still just staring at me. Now I’m not sure if it was because I was a girl in the boys bathroom, if I looked high, or if it was the fact I was about to pierce my nose in a dirty school bathroom but he was starting to make me feel awkward. 
“Can I help you?” I asked. 
“Oh,” he said as a blush raised up his cheeks “I’m just gonna,” he pointed to one of the stalls before scurrying into it. 
Jessica simply chuckled and called him cute.
By the time he came back out to wash his hands the earring was already pushed into my nostril with a slight pinch. Jessica told me that I’d have to clean the piercing everyday for a couple weeks, which is something I could manage. I hopped down the sink and asked 
“Do I look okay?” Referring to my eyes
“Yeah and me?” Jessica asked
“Yeah you’re good,” I reassured her. That was the last thing she needed to hear before her and the other two guys left the bathroom. 
As Peter was washing his hands I turned back around to look at my nose in the mirror. It was still a little red with irritation. It was also slightly sore to the touch. I was shaken out of my thoughts by Peter’s voice. 
“Did that hurt?” He asked. 
He was so adorable. 
“This?” I pointed to my nose and he nodded. 
“No not really,” I said grabbing my bag off the floor. 
“Well this very short convo has been a blast but I gotta go,” 
Okay so, I hadn’t been to the class in like forever because of the sheer fear of what would happen cause I skipped it so much. However, my fear of having to confront Olivia is stronger and she was coming towards me so, I ran in through the door. Ugh I’m such a pussy. I saw her walk out of my view. I was gonna turn back out and leave but ,unfortunately I had already locked eyes with the teacher. Looking around at all the students staring at me I just looked back at the teacher. 
“Y/N! So nice of you to finally join us,” Ms Warren just had to announce. I simply choose to give a curt nod before she said 
“We’re doing a partnered assignment, you can sit by Peter,” She said while pointing near the back of the classroom.  
I made my way to the back of the class and slumped into the seat. 
“Hey,” I said putting my legs on the empty desk in front of me. 
“Hey, didn’t know you were in this class,” Peter pointed out. 
“I mean I don’t think I’ve been here since the second week of school? Yeah I’m not sure. So from the beginning of sophomore year to now would be like maybe 1…2...3. No 2, yeah 2.” I went on before realizing I was rambling “Sorry I’m talking too much I’m like tiniest bit faded right now, and okay let me shut up,” 
“No, no you’re fine. I like hearing you talk” 
“I’ll be right back,” I whispered before raising my hand. 
“Yes Y/N?” Ms Warren asked. 
“Can I go to the bathroom?” 
She sighed “Uh, Yes I guess that’s fine just don’t take to long,” 
I grabbed the pass and started down the hallway. I was never planning to go to the bathroom. In all honesty I was going to the freshmans’ lunch cause I’d gotten hungry. I was in the line to get snacks when I felt a buzz in my pocket. I knew it was the burner phone so I got my chips and went outside to the area of the school with no cameras. Looking around to make sure no one was looking. I opened the text. Which read 
this T?- B 
yes, do you still have it?- T I responded 
I do- B 
ok meet at usual X and Place- T 
ok- B
I’d confirmed my brother could pick up my sisters from daycare. Then I wouldn’t have to worry about them at home when I was doing what I needed to do. 
I was trying to keep a low profile. I don't need anyone to claim they saw Thorn tonight. Since I’ve been on the radar of the police more often lately. No one would be looking in an abandoned train cart anyways. I‘d be fine. I just went with a black hoodie and a bandana to cover my face. 
But of course Black Cat was in her suit because when was she ever not. 
“You sure this is it?” I asked 
“Yes I’m sure,” she said and placed the flash drive in my hand. I stuffed it in the pocket of my hoodie. 
“Don’t forget what we talked about,” she said pointedly. 
“Yeah, yeah I’ve got you,” 
Great now I have to get into the government protected flash drive and clear her name. Just as I was about to turn to leave. The sound of someone sliding open the doors to one of the carts. 
“Were you followed?” she whispered
“No of course not,” I rolled my eyes 
I only had one weapon on me but I knew that Black Cat could handle whoever it was. Although just because she could do this on her own doesn’t mean I was gonna help. I had one expandable baton. Waiting for whoever was here to come in. I got my baton knocked out of my hand. 
The fight that broke out wasn’t really a fight if you could even call it that, it was just like 3 guys trying to get the flash drive and us knocking them out. I did however get my fair share of bruises but that’s only because I was thrown into the wall once. I did have a pretty deep gash on my forehead but I should be able to cover it with a headband.  
I almost gave myself a heart attack when I checked my sisters’ room because I forgot they were at our brothers house. My dad also still wasn’t home so I was just sitting home alone on the living room floor watching ‘Nick at Night’ with a caked up bloody forehead eating cold leftover spaghetti. 
I knew my dad had come home because I heard the keys turning in the door but I was too tired to move. 
I should’ve moved. 
By the way the door was slammed shut I could tell he was in a bad mood. And what’d he do when he was in a bad mood? Take it out on me. 
I don’t remember what happened. I just know he said I looked like a whore and I probably got heated and blacked out, but I do know I was in immense pain and my nose was bleeding and the police were on their way. 
Only two things could come from my dad calling the police: I get sent back to the Psych ward or I get arrested. I wasn’t about to stick around to find out which one was going down. 
I grabbed my skateboard and took off. Technically he did kick me out so he couldn’t say I ran away. 
I can’t exactly recall how I remember where he lived seeing as I hadn’t been there since his girlfriend died. 
I was going to knock but I knew he never actually opens the door. I went around to the back and started banging on the window and I’m sure looking at this from an outsider's view it must’ve looked like I was breaking in. Which I’m not sure that I wasn’t. I could see his shadow. 
“Open the fucking door, Wade!” I yelled from the door I could see his light was on. 
He sleepily strutted down to the door and slid it open. 
“What do you- Oh my god you look terrible,” He stated. 
“Oh really? Thanks, I didn’t notice,” I spat back pushing past him. 
I popped down on the couch. 
“I need somewhere to stay for a minute” I said once I was settled in. 
He moved over to me and grabbed my face but I pushed his hands away. 
“I’m fine,” I lied “Can I stay here though?” 
“Did you really think I’d ever say no?”
He examined my face again 
“Did your dad do this?” He asked. 
He took my silence for the answer that it was. 
“Do you want me to kill him?” He asked as what I thought was supposed to be a joke but I was scared to answer yes cause I knew there was a chance he actually would.
He was never very fond of my dad from the moment he’d met my mom. Wade was always trying to keep my mom away from him.
If only she’d listened. 
“Yes, I was joking and go clean your face before you get infected” 
Oh well I guess I voiced that thought out loud. 
I promise I was just looking for the first-aid kit but who was I to say no to a 6 ounce bottle of Hennessy. It was almost as if it’s eyes bore into my soul calling after me because it knew I was too weak to resist. 
The sweet burning sensation of it going down my throat was relieving and fun at first until I realized I was turning into my dad. Then it wasn’t so appealing anymore it was just depressing. 
The last thing on earth that I’d want would be anything like him. It was pathetic. 
It was pathetic how I had to throw up because apparently I couldn’t handle my alcohol.
It was pathetic how I couldn’t even bring myself to stand in the shower. 
It was pathetic how I couldn’t even hide the fact I was drunk. 
It was pathetic how I broke down crying in front of Wade. 
It was pathetic how he had to lull me to sleep by stroking my hair. 
It was pathetic because I knew he wasn’t mad.
It was pathetic because it wasn’t anger it was pathetic because it was pity. 
Pity. I hated pity with my entire chest. She always seemed to just hold you down underneath the water knowing you couldn’t breath but the feeling around you made you believe you were floating. It’s like the feeling of drowning in the open sea but it isn’t painful but still you know you’re gonna die but you can’t help but look at how beautiful everything around you is. All the fish, the seaweed, the sunlight shining through the water. But still you’re drowning and you know you’re gonna die so how beautiful can it really be?
Pity. That’s what I saw in the hallways so I knew I must’ve looked terrible because no one bothered to say anything negative about me. Everytime anyone looked at me it was like they knew. They knew. They knew that I had a shitty life and a fucked up family. Of course they didn’t but I couldn’t help the nagging feeling that everyone knew. 
Everyone was looking at me with a glint of pity in their eyes because I knew I looked like I was going to pass out at any moment now, I had bruises everywhere, I had no makeup to cover them up, possibly had a broken rib, and the gash on my forehead was probably still visible under the sweatband.  
Literally everyone looked like they felt bad for me. Except Flash. I never thought I’d say this but, thank God for Flash. The only sense of normalcy I’d experienced all day, was him calling me a witch then acting like it was the funniest thing ever and walking off after I told him to go fuck himself. One thing about Flash is he’s unoriginal. He'll find one “good” joke and use it for the rest of his life. The fact I could put out a lit match in my mouth spread around through a tiktok at some point, and he’s been calling me a witch ever since. I’m assuming the fact I had a pretty gothic style freshman year probably played a part in it too. Major small dick energy right there. 
I was on the verge of passing out and all I really wanted was to go out and get high with my old friends but I can never get what I want. Can I? The universe must really fucking hate me.
I just went to the nurses office and slept all throughout lunch but when I woke it was like I was even more tired than before. 
I wonder if this is what zombies feel like. I couldn’t tell if it was getting bad again or if I was just getting sick because the lines were blurred between a depressive episode and a cold or the flu. However my eyes were watery and my nose was stuffed so hopefully it was the latter. 
The odds had finally aligned in my favor and the class I’d skipped like all year teacher was out. We had my favorite sub who was really just the ISS teacher. Normally I would’ve sat by him and caught him up on all the chisme I had but I felt terrible. So I just leaned on the closest person to me instinctively. Once my brain caught up to my body and I realized. I was laying on Peter's shoulder. I shot it and immediately apologized. 
“Oh no, you’re fine I don’t mind,” he said. 
Well okay then. I think I slept at least 10 minutes in every single class today. Which is good I’d need it cause I forgot I promised my brother I’d babysit today. 
After I sent Wade a text that I probably wouldn’t be back in his house for a while. I went to my brother's house. Sometimes I’m jealous of him for getting to escape our dad and live in an actual nice area.  He literally has a house. Like he has his own property, no landlords or anything.  Pros of him having a different mom I guess. However he needs to stop having kids. Like yes I love my niece and my nephews however they can be the biggest pain in the ass. 
“I get off at like 11, so make sure they don’t break anything or die thanks, and you know where everything’s at, so,” He said, giving me a hug before walking towards the door but right before he opened it he turned around with a smile on his face. 
“Oh and don’t get my kids high,” 
I rolled my eyes trying to keep the edges of my mouth from turning into a smile. I lost that battle. 
“Yeah, yeah whatever asshole,” I flipped him off. 
I went into the room where the youngest child was sleeping. Taylon, he was about 1 I believe. At least I wouldn’t have to worry about him for a while. I made it back to the front room where the two trouble makers Kaitlyn and Jason. Kaitlyns the oldest at 4 years old and Jason at 2. Although I don’t think Kaitlyn has ever gotten in trouble like ever because she’s a huge daddy’s girl. 
I had like 36 missing assignments for Physics and about 4 things of homework one test to study for, a partnered project to work on, still had to go two decathlon practice 3 days a week, and a flashdrive to get past the firewall of. God could I use some adderall right now. 
By distracting the kids in the room with me with the Cocomelon channel. 
I’d put my headphones on and nodded along to my music and actually got two homework assignments done in a relatively short time before the screaming started. I went to get Taylon who’d woken up because he peed. I changed his diaper but he was still crying. 
I truly did not have time for this. I fed him and everything. Thank God the Cocomelon was still distracting the other kids. Whoever made that channel needs a raise. I could not get him to stop crying for more than 5 minutes. I found if I held him he’d stop but I didn’t have the time to just sit around holding him. 
I gave him my phone and let him play with that which shut him up. 
Then Kaitlyn decided to come and pester me about food. I made peanut butter jelly sandwiches, but they decided they didn’t want them after I’d already made them. So here I was making spaghetti with a toddler on my hip and doing homework at the same time. 
I’d actually gotten used to all this multi tasking that’s when I heard a knock at the door. 
I put the spoon back in the pot and closed my textbook heading over to the door. 
I open the door to Peter standing there. 
“Uh Hello?” I asked more than said. 
“Uh, yeah hi, we were supposed to work on the project?” 
“Oh shi-” I almost said then remembered I was holding a kid. “Sorry I forgot,” If we're being completely honest I don’t remember anything from school that day nor do I remember telling him to come here but I wasn’t gonna send him away. 
“Well you can come in” I announced stepping towards the side of the door. 
“Sorry about the chaos” I gestured to everything. ”You can go sit on the couch, I’ll be right over” 
He did just that and sat his backpack on his lap. 
“Jason, Kaitlyn bebé ven a buscar tu comida” 
( Jason Kaitlyn baby come get your food) 
They made their way over still attached to the tablet. 
“I thought your dad said no tablet at the table?” I said. I wasn’t really going to take it away, I was just teasing. 
“I thought you were fun tía,” Jason shot back. 
“I am fun!” I said fake hurt and they both giggled. 
I slid the plates across the table towards them. “Here eat,” 
“¿Es tu novio de ahí?” Kaitlyn asked looking over at Peter. 
(Is that your boyfriend over there?)
“No he’s not, but can you watch your brother for me for a little bit?” 
She nodded. I shifted Taylon off my hip and slipped him into his high chair and gave him a bag of chips. 
Plopping down next to Peter I clapped my hands.
“Okay sorry about the wait, so what do we need to do?” 
After explaining the project to me we’d gotten half of it done and Taylon was napping again and everyone else was quiet and watching TV. We probably could’ve finished the whole thing if we hadn’t gone on so many tangents. Peter was actually good at explaining things. 
We talked about literally everything from favorite flavors of starburst to life goals and shit. I don't know what I want in life actually. It’d be cool to go to college but it’s expensive and no one else in my family has been. 
When it got late Peter announced that he had to go. 
“Alright let me walk you out,” I pushed up off the couch.
“You’re really smart, I know you don’t think that but you are,” he said almost out of nowhere once we were out the door. I could feel my face heat up. This is a moment I was thankful for my melanin allowing me not to blush. 
“Thank you, you’re not so bad yourself, Parker,” 
“So we're doing this same time tomorrow right?” 
“Yes, that’s the plan,” 
For the past week I’d convinced my brother to let my babysit everyday so I could still hang out with Peter. I never thought that we of all people could be friends. Before this he was so like “Peter” just way too much. Once you get to know him he’s not that bad. We’d finished the project and I still hadn’t done any of my other work but by the power of adderall I’d gotten into the flashdrive. I was too scared to check anything in it, but I did erase Black Cats name from the police station records. 
It’d been at least three more days and I hadn’t done any work. I hadn’t talked to Peter or MJ or anyone else either. The one other human I’ve had contact with is Wade. Even with me living at his house it was still minimal. I hadn’t gotten much sleep because adderall keeps you up at all hours of the day but I don’t think I could survive without it. 
I knew I had to be walking. I was walking because I had to. I mean I was walking and I had no intention of stopping. I was getting major deja vu. This exact place felt so familiar.
Oh- that’s why.
I was in the projects where I used to live. I was off in Bronxchester off of 156th St. Ann’s Avenue. I hate this place so much.
I hated it.
I hated it. 
I hated it. 
Having to live in a rat infested one bedroom apartment sleeping cramped up on top of my siblings was literally the worst time of my life. The shitty school University Heights where half the girls were pregnant. Not to mention my dad was on a fucking rage rampage all the time cause he couldnt get a job as a felon. 
I was still walking though. I knew I was going somewhere. Not sure where until I’d gotten near the Hartz chicken on the end of the street. That’s where I was going. I knew I was meeting up with my friend. How could I forget that? I was about to cross the street until someone in a grey van rolled down their window sticking out a gun.
I knew she was gonna get shot. There was nothing I could do to stop it. Yet still I was screaming at least I was trying to. I couldn’t find my voice. 
By the time I could it was too late.
I’d seen her. The bullets piercing her skin would be something seared into my brain forever. And as fast as the car came it was gone. 
Then I was running. I was running to get to her because I could still help her. I had to.
She was bleeding and there was too much blood. It was everywhere. I remember my brother told me if someone is ever bleeding out you need to stop the blood. 
I could barely see because my tears were clouding my vision. I was pushing down on her stomach screaming for someone to call 9-1-1. Just to help. 
“You’re gonna be okay,” I remember saying it over and over again I don’t know if I was trying to convince myself or her.. 
The police got here right after I’d watched her eyes gloss over just because that’s how it works in Melrose. Yes she was gone but she was only the first of many. The police had never done anything for me before so why would they start now. 
They had to pry me off her. They couldn't, I had to help, I had to… I had to help. She didn’t like to be alone. Yeah sure she’d done bad things but she didn't deserve this. She was just a kid. I was just a kid. They took her phone while I was screaming not to touch her.
 They asked for my parents' information. I didn’t want to tell them, I didn’t want my dad. I don’t wanna see him. I just wanted my friend back. They loaded her into the back of the ambulance. I
 knew they were driving away. I was running and screaming. I could feel people staring. I knew they were looking at me. I knew they knew. I didn’t care, I had to run. I had to get her. A pair of hands grabbed me from behind and I started thrashing. 
I couldn’t, I can’t, I had to help, I had to help her. I was still screaming and my throat was sore. Her blood was everywhere, it was all over me and I couldn’t I couldn’t help her. I couldn’t help myself. I was scared. 
“Hey,” I felt myself being shook from behind. “Hey!” 
I turned around to Wade’s familiar face. 
“I’m sorry for waking you, I know it’s dangerous or something like that but you were just screaming and I got worried,” 
Wasn’t supposed to wake me?
“I was,” my voice was small I sounded 5 I felt 5 “I was sleeping walking?” 
“Yeah you were”  he confirmed, leading me to one of the stools by his kitchen island. 
He sat me down, walked off and got me a glass of water. I didn’t realize how bad I was shaking until I tried to bring the cup to my lips. 
He brought a towel to the side of my arm dabbing at it. The blood dripped from the side of my wrist all the way down to my elbow. 
“What’d you cut yourself on?” He asked and I shrugged my shoulders. 
“You know they never even said her name?” I said after we sat in silence for a moment. 
“Rose you know my friend,” 
“Oh…” he said as the realization of who I was talking about settled in. 
“Yeah her, they never said her name no one said it around me because they felt I was gonna break, they all just looked at me like I was made out of glass, I don’t even know how people knew I was there. But I was- I was just so angry, ”  
I waited to see if he was going to say anything but he didn’t. He was just going to listen, no jokes to lighten the mood just listening. 
“Even on the news. To everyone outside of St Ann’s she was just a ‘14 year old girl caught up in gang violence fatally shot’ they used a terrible picture of her too. It made my blood boil that, that was all she got, Then I realized that’s just how it was for us and the only way I was making it out the hood was if it was 6 feet under,” 
My mom used to say that’s what they did for black people, used a picture of them looking ‘hood’ some people call it a thugshot. They use a picture that makes them look mean and aggressive. She was neither of those things she was the nicest person I ever knew. She just got caught up in the gang mess because it was the only family she had.  
“I’ve never talked about this before, but I feel like everyone just forgot about her like it’s only been 2 years and I’ve never heard anyone say her name. At least not around me” I ran my finger on the tattoo of a rose. “This was the first tattoo I’d ever gotten I did it myself so it’s kinda shitty but I feel like it keeps her memory alive, because if no one else was gonna do it and If wasn’t gonna then who would you know?” I trailed off for a second. Then noticed he was in the Deadpool suit just without the mask. 
“Where are you going?” I asked. 
“Now I think you know me well enough to know I’m not telling you that,” He smiled and I smiled back weakly. 
“You’ll be okay though?” He asked. 
“Now I think you know me well enough to know I’ll be okay,” I turned his own words against him. 
I glanced back down at the tattoo and I remember looking over the tattoo on my finger for you it means merely nothing. Just another girl getting another basic tattoo. For me it means everything. It was the way I fought back. It was my first ‘fuck you’ to everyone to everything. It was my best friend. It was my first love. So to you I’m just another girl with another basic rose tattoo but to me. To me? It’s the way I remember it’s the way I keep my friend with me. It’s the way I’d make sure I couldn’t forget the unforgettable. Roses are delicate and fragile but they’ll hurt you when you try to pick them. So even the most beautiful of flowers would defend itself if it came to it. To you my rose tattoo is just a flower. However, to me Rose was the most beautiful human this world had ever seen.
Art had to be my favorite subject. Solely for the reason I’ve never had a non chill art teacher, but today it was Physics which is usually my least favorite class. 
Only because the class made me feel like my day was turning around. 
MJ was standing next to me when I opened by locker and loudly exclaimed 
“What?” She turned to me “What is it?” 
“Sorry for scaring you, it's nothing. I just found some candy” I held up the Push Pop “See?” 
“Oh if you don’t show up to practice today they’re kicking you off the decathlon team, and make sure you get to class on time though,” 
“Of course when have I ever been late,” 
She gave me a look that had “really?” written all over it. 
“Okay don’t answer that question but I’m going, now you need to get to class you have a test to take,” 
I’d taken the test already because I had Harrison’s class on A day, but MJ wasn’t the type to cheat. She was smart enough and didn’t need my help.
She was very smart but she wasn’t smart enough to know the Push Pop wasn’t really a push pop at all. 
It was a cart that I thought I’d lost. It was just hidden in an empty Push Pop. Nightmares made me stressed and I know the perfect way to relieve stress. I know many actually such as (good) sex, running, fighting, throwing knives at shit, and weed. Luckily for me this is the last one. 
So here I was sitting in the back of the class by the farthest window away from Peter with a “Push Pop” in my mouth and my head down on the desk. I never really paid attention in class but today we were just watching some documentary so I didn’t have to. 
One of the students office workers came in and gave a note to the teacher and I figured it was about the new student I heard some of the students talking about here and there. I didn’t think anything of it until. 
Briana walked in behind Principal Morita. Briana was my best friend from elementary through middle school and the first half of freshman year before I switched schools. She acted... I didn’t wanna say ghetto but you could definitely tell she was from Melrose if you were from there. I can’t blame her with her dad being a leader to the local set and all. 
The teacher told her to introduce herself to the class and she kept it short and sweet. Then she was told to find a seat. I waved her over and she sat next to me. 
“I thought you’d forgotten about me,” She said. 
I laughed 
“As if, you’re the most extra person I know,” I said, taking another hit. 
“First of all fuck you second of all give me a hit,” I smiled handing the “Push Pop” over to her.
”Don’t you dare get caught.” 
She stuck her head under the table lightly blowing out her mouth then inhaling before the vapours could go too far out. 
“So where you been at? Haven’t heard from you in a minute,” 
“Been busy with school shit, but I’ve been around,” I responded taking the “Push Pop” from her again. 
“How’s your dad?” She asked. I just gave her an incredulous look and went.
“How’s your dad,” 
“Same old same old,” 
We spent the rest of the class with her catching me up on the people from our crew and reminiscing. Also might be good to mention we finished half the cart. So I was bugging. We both were. I would not have remembered to go to the decathlon meeting if it weren’t for MJ reminding me again. I didn’t really care for the team. I was just an alternative and I was only doing it so I could pass Mr. Harrington’s class because of the  extra credit. 
Thank God Peter wasn't at the meeting. I hadn’t talken to him since we turned in our project last week. It wasn’t that I didn’t want to talk to him per se. I could just feel myself getting closer to him and I didn't have time for more friends. Because everyone I end up loving leaves me. The more people you let into your life the more people you give the chance to leave. Seeing as I was ‘Thorn’ I probably shouldn’t get close to Spiderman anyway. 
Flash was talking about Briana. He didn't say her name directly but I knew he was talking about her. Since he was talking about the new girl. He talked shit about everyone, so I don’t know why this made me as angry as it did. It just rubbed me the wrong way but it did. Seeing as I naturally gave zero fucks and had no impulse control. I definitely had way less control over myself when high. So before I knew it I’d punched him in the nose. 
“Y/N!” Liz and MJ yelled simultaneously. 
“What the fuck?” Flash screamed, holding his face. 
“Fuck you! Fuck you! Fucking daddy’s money ass bitch,” I pointed in my face. 
“Y/N enough, go to the office,” Mr. Harrington said. 
I could hear Flash calling me crazy as I walked out the room. Which put a smile on my face. The weird thing about principals is that the more you get in trouble the more they like you and the less harsh your punishments. I only got a week of detention which wasn’t too bad but that stupid “so you got dentention” video of Captain America was gonna get extremely annoying. 
I was right it’d only been two days and every time I heard it I wanted to rip my head off. By the third day Peter and MJ had both joined me. 
MJ didn’t even actually have detention she never did; she just liked to “draw people in despair” or whatever it was that she said. Today she was drawing Peter. It was surprising to see him here.  I was scrolling through tiktok. I was going to say something to him but what would I even say?
I grew some balls and I’d said hi. It was just small talk but we still spoke nonetheless. The week was going by so fucking fast. Tomorrow’s the day we’re going to Washington. I did have to spend a lot of my saved money though. I’d spoken to my sisters and they said dad was sober now and he wanted me to come home. Which I’m not sure if I believe. I mean I know he’s sober. I talked to him too but how long would that last. How many times has this happened before? I don’t have time to worry about him. 
It seemed like I had only blinked and now I was on the bus to D.C. Now for the next couple of days I gotta stay in a hotel room. Nothing out of the ordinary for me, except now I get to stay with MJ and Bri. I don’t know how I managed to convince Mr. Harrington to let her come. 
Peter had almost missed the bus but showed up last minute. Liz was drilling people and MJ was sitting near her participating so I had the seat to myself. Bri was behind me on facetime with her boyfriend who just happened to be my ex. None of it was awkward though since we only dated for like a week and decided we were better off as friends. If we were being honest I was so tired. I felt like shit. Listening to sad music when sad is a set routine of mine so I was listening to Violent Crimes and staring out the window before I knew it I had drifted off to sleep. 
36 notes · View notes
threeletterslife · 4 years
04 | Redefining Destiny
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→ summary: You were convinced you were in love with him. A former member of the mafia in the states, that is. It was true love. Destiny. Until one day you wake up with a memory lapse; then that love is replaced with hatred. The thought of marriage is substituted with revenge. If your love with Jeon Jungkook really was destiny, you’d fall head over heels in love again. But if only he weren’t such a hot, goading asshole.
→ pairing/rating: jungkook x reader | PG-13
→ genre: 70% fluff, 25% crack, 5% angst | e2l!au & soulmate!au
→ warnings: profanity
→ wordcount: 2.8k
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Maybe you should really get your stomach checked out because you've been waking up in the middle of the night or early dawn for three consecutive days now. Mornings aren't looking so pretty (though they never really have been for you). But still.
You obviously weren't in pain. You hadn't changed any part of your lifestyle. You were healthy—the last time you checked. So why on Earth have you been waking up arbitrarily when you were supposed to get your rest?? Your little night-owl phase is literally making you late everywhere.
This is actually the fourth time you've been late to your ethics class—the other three times had been because 1) you'd lost your way in the campus 2) you were charging your dead laptop 3) you were late from a last-minute coffee run.
You quickly slip into the lecture room an embarrassing eighteen minutes late, praying to the Heavens that your professor wouldn't mind too much. But once your eyes scan across the room, you realize you have other problems than your professor scolding you for being tardy; the class seems absolutely filled.
You'd be lucky to sit on the floor at this point!
Sighing, you awkwardly fidget in the back of the room, squinting your eyes to find any empty seats. Usually, you'd take a seat in the front somewhere, but the front row is completely filled, which leaves you to reside in other options. Your heart leaps with joy when you finally catch sight of an empty seat near the back corner of the room. Without a second thought, you make a beeline towards it, pushing the chair out and nearly collapsing into it. Yes! you think, I've claimed it!
But your victory is short-lived. The moment you turn around, you see what you don't want to see only seven minutes after waking up: Jeon Jungkook. Why him?? Why on Earth is it always him??? Your face scrunches habitually and you let out a small, "Ugh."
"Ugh, to you too," Jungkook whispers. "Another rough night?"
"Whatever Mr. Dark Circles," you retort. You're not even going to bother mentioning to Jungkook about your crazy sleep cycle at this point—he wouldn't care either. "Um, did I miss anything?" you ask awkwardly, slipping your laptop out of your backpack and opening the screen. 78%. Thank goodness. Other than the fact you were late to lecture this morning and you were sitting next to your nemesis, this morning seems to be kind to you.
"Of course you missed a lot," Jungkook whispers. "Shut up. I'm trying to listen." He stares straight ahead, ignoring your presence as he pretends to pay attention to your professor who's been oblivious to your and Jungkook's everyday morning banter as usual.
"Fine," you mutter. Don't know what I expected from him. "Rude."
You can get the notes from another person in your study group, you suppose. So you try to shift comfortably in your seat, opening up your document of accumulated lecture notes as you begin to type away on your laptop.
But the next thing you know, someone's tapping on your shoulder and you jump awake. "Huh?" you cry, rubbing your eyes and looking around the lecture room. Oh, shoot. Students are beginning to file out of the heavy double doors, which makes you gasp. You'd fallen asleep during the lecture. That's literally unheard of. The few minutes of missed sleep must be getting to you.
You turn appreciatively to the person who'd woken you up and spared you the embarrassment of your professor, for goodness sake, shaking you awake from the back of his classroom. But you frown when you realize that person is Jungkook.
"You shouldn't even have come to class if you were just gonna snore," he tells you rudely, swinging his own, sleek black backpack over his shoulder.
"I do not snore!" you retort though you do actually have a serious habit of snoring when you're just the slightest bit fatigued. "You know what Jeon? You can go screw yourself if you're just gonna be so mean."
"Huh," Jungkook says, cocking his head so that a bit of his soft, wavy hair falls over his eyes. "I was going to give you the notes, but now I guess I'll have to go fuck myself."
Your eyes turn wide as you stand up from your chair. "Wait—"
"Bye, Y/N!" Jungkook grins as he leaves you stranded and ultimately note-less.
"Fine!" you yell after him. "I don't need your notes anyway!"
It was insane how much he managed to get on your nerves. No matter how many sleepless nights you prayed to God to show you just a sliver of forgiveness for Jeon Jungkook, that boy would just waltz into your life again and mess up everything. It was no use. You'll always dislike Jeon Jungkook for being a complete and utter jerk.
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"Maybe it's God's way of guiding me to forgive him?" you say, running a hand through your messy, unbrushed hair. "I mean, there's no other reason we're always, somehow always meeting!"
"Or fate really fucking hates you," Yoojung laughs.
"Or it's just rotten luck, Y/N," Chayoung says.
"Just when I thought he was a changed man, you know, offering me the notes that I missed, he literally said sike and left me stranded," you groan.
"He's an asshole," Chayoung says. "Don't associate yourself with him because it's giving you stress. Honey, you have dark circles under your eyes!"
"I haven't been getting a goodnight's rest," you sigh. "It's not even insomnia, though! I just wake up in the middle of the night for no apparent reason, but if I wait it out, I fall asleep again."
"Maybe you're nervous about something," Chayoung says. "Maybe your body's telling you that you're too tense."
"Or you're dying and you need to get this condition checked out," Yoojung says.
You laugh. "That's most definitely not it, Yoojung. Ugh, whatever," you sigh, shaking your head as your roommates look sympathetically at you. "We're still down for the flower festival, right?"
"We wouldn't miss it for the world!" Chayoung yells. "Did you know they're gonna bring Kevin Kang?? He's gonna sing! And dance!!!"
"God, I'm exploding just thinking about him!" Yoojung squeals.
"We're going for the flowers, not the celebrity," you giggle.
"WAIT," Yoojung gasps. "Maybe you're subconsciously excited about the flower festival!"
"And that's why you're waking up during the night!" Chayoung exclaims.
You hum, thinking to yourself. There was really no other reason to blame your hideous sleep schedule on. So you shrug. "There's only one way to find out," you say with a grin.
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The flower festival has always been one of your favorite parts of studying at your university. Annually, the flower vendors all around the country come to show off their beautiful creations, showcasing them in bouquets, wreaths and flower crowns.
But you like flowers the best when they're in their natural state. Either when they're sprouting from the ground with their roots strongly planted in the soil or when you receive just one flower—just a single stem will do. You love the flower festival because it happens in the best sunflower blossoming season, and the sunflowers were exactly why you were nearly obsessed with attending the festival.
You put on a bit more makeup on your face to hide your ugly dark circles and picked out your favorite summery dress, pairing it with Sunny, your most esteemed purse. Getting into the flowery feeling of the festival almost felt obligatory at this point.
Usually, you go to the festival with your roommates—or anyone's who's willing to stare at flowers for a whole day—but ever since they added celebrities into the mix, the place has been crowded. Consequently, the flower booths are nearly empty as everyone flocks around the stage. But you don't mind. More room for you, who's actually here to admire the flowers.
You've lost your friends hours ago, but you know they're somewhere in the sea of fangirls, screaming over Kevin Kang—someone you acknowledge is talented, but just doesn't pique your interest. Now you're helplessly alone at the bright flower festival, all dressed up in a pretty dress but with no one to keep you company. You suppose you don't mind that much. But it is a bit strange. You're usually always surrounded by people. But a little solitude doesn't hurt, I guess.
Once again, you've subconsciously gravitated towards the sunflower booth. You let out a little squeal of glee inside your head when you realize you're totally matching with the vibrant yellow petals of your favorite flower.
Sunflowers don't have a special smell that permeates the air like other, more popular, flowers do, but they do have a distinct, earthy aroma that surrounds them. You're a total sucker for that. So you bend down, sniffing the pretty flowers and sighing out as the familiar, terrene fragrance fills your head. Beautiful.
Maybe you've never been a total nature freak, but you're a freak for sunflowers, that's for sure. You smile, taking a small step back to turn and check out some other sunflower booths. But you bump into someone, nearly stepping on their toes, which makes you stumble back and land butt-first on the dirty ground.
"Oh gosh!" you exclaim, trying to get up from your quite embarrassing fall but having no apparent success. "I'm so sorry!"
"I'm sorry," the man laughs good-naturedly in a light, silvery voice. "I made you fall!" He reaches out a hand to help you up, and you almost take it. Until you recognize his voice. When your head jerks up, you gasp.
"You!" you yell viciously, scrambling up from the dirt and dusting the back of your dress off. You glare daggers into your enemy's eyes.
"Aw, shit," Jungkook sighs. "I didn't know that was you. But now I'm kinda glad you fell," he laughs. "Quite the drama queen. And it looks like the ever-so-popular girl is here alone. Hilarious."
You frown, straightening your dress as you cross your arms over your chest. "Shut up. I was just going to call my friends," you lie. "I just lost them. And besides, you're here alone, so should you really be saying all that?" you huff. "Why are you even here?"
"What? I can't enjoy looking at the sunflowers?" Jungkook retorts.
"That's your favorite flower too?" you ask incredulously. "Say sike right now."
"What's the opposite of sike?" Jungkook snorts. "That is my favorite flower. Got any problem with it?"
"Yes," you say. "Why sunflowers? Why? And Why here?"
Jungkook rolls his eyes. "I woke up one day and I liked sunflowers. I heard there was a flower festival here, and the next thing I know, I'm here. Are you done interrogating me?"
"You can't just wake up one day and like sunflowers," you say. "You're lying."
"Fine. Don't believe me then," Jungkook says. "You never believe me, anyways."
"What's that supposed to mean?" you say.
Jungkook stays silent. After a moment's more of hesitation he sighs. "Whatever. I'm going to the sunflower patch."
"Wait!" you say before he begins to walk away. "I'm going there too." He gives you a weird look. "No, I'm not suggesting we go together, but they have really good honey sunflower ice cream there," you quickly add.
"Honey sunflower ice cream, huh?" Jungkook says. "Never tried it."
You gasp, stepping back and placing a hand on your heart. "You... what?"
"Never tried it," Jungkook repeats.
"No way. You've never lived until you've tried the honey sunflower ice cream, Jeon!" you exclaim. "Now I'm obligated to take you there. Ice cream's on me. I hate you, but there's no one I hate enough not to introduce the best flavor in the world to them."
Jungkook cocks his head, staring at your excited self with curiosity. "You sure?"
You scoff. "Yes. Hurry up before I change my mind."
"Okay then. I'm trying the ice cream and then I'm leaving," he tells you.
"Whatever," you say right back.
And that is exactly how two enemies decided to share a day in civilized harmony together. Even after Jungkook got his precious honey sunflower ice cream, the two of you decided not to separate—for reasons of convenience—nothing else. But hanging out with Jungkook wasn't as bad as you thought.
Though 80% of the time was the two of you bickering about the littlest things, it was also quite refreshing to talk to the man you deemed as your nemesis. He didn't seem so evil upfront. Jungkook seemed more than a human with a sharp tongue and bad intentions. He's actually pretty funny—much more than he lets on—and is an excellent listener to your never-ending anecdotes.
At this point, Jungkook's on his third honey sunflower ice cream, and you're on your fourth sunflower lollipop as you walk through the sunflower field. You're so close to him that your arms touch every time you step forward. You don't really mind and neither does he. If anyone didn't know any better, they'd think you two are friends.
"Hey," Jungkook suddenly says.
"Yeah?" you answer.
"I got you something," he says.
Jungkook suddenly stops walking and so do you as you watch him pull something out of his pocket. It's a packet of—
"Sunflower seeds?" you say. "When did you get that?" You give him a funny face.
Jungkook huffs. "If you didn't want it you could've just said..." He looks a bit saddened as he shrugs. "I thought since you loved sunflowers so much, you could plant some." He quickly shakes his head. "Not that I'm trying to be nice. This is just because you got me ice cream."
"I-I..." you stutter, massaging your head as you step back. Your mind reels and you blink rapidly. "Wow," you breath. "No, um, thank you, Jungkook... I love it. I just... wow. I'm getting major déjà vu."
It's Jungkook's turn to give you a funny look. "Déjà vu of the flower festival?"
"No..." you say, frowning as you take the packet of seeds that he hands out to you. "Weirdly, it's déjà vu of you giving me these sunflower seeds."
Jungkook snorts. "Did you fall down a bit too hard?"
"Hmph," you huff. "I've been running on coffee these days. I guess you can't really trust my thinking at this point."
"No wonder you have dark circles under your eyes," Jungkook says. "Getting ready for that internship abroad is tiring, huh?"
"How do you know about?" you ask.
"Everyone knows about it," Jungkook says. "You're a law prodigy. We all know."
You laugh. "That's flattering. But I dunno. I'm waking up at weird hours of the night."
"Me too," Jungkook says before he can stop himself.
"Wow, we actually have something in common," you giggle. "That's the first."
Jungkook laughs. "Is it really, though? Don't we have a mutual hatred for each other?"
"That doesn't count, Jeon."
"I think it does."
"No, it doesn't."
"Yes, it does."
"Oh my gosh, no, it doesn't."
The rather immature banter is interrupted by the ringtone of your phone playing some Christian music that Jungkook swears he's heard somewhere, but he can't remember where. It's strange because he doesn't exactly listen to Christian music, yet he's able to recognize this song straight away.
You roll your eyes at him, quickly picking up your phone from your purse and accepting the call.
"Hello?" you say. "Yeah. I'm at the sunflower patch. Yeah. No... Of course, I'm alone. Who do you think I'd be with? I'll come to you guys. Yeah. Okay, bye." You slip your phone back in your purse, sighing as you turn to Jungkook. "I have to go."
Jungkook huffs. "Whatever. Go, then."
You frown. "Fine." You give him a look before you begin to stomp off.
"AND JUST SO YOU KNOW," Jungkook yells at your back. "I'M NOT SOME NOBODY."
"AND JUST SO YOU KNOW," you say without turning your head to look at the man. "THIS NEVER HAPPENED!"
Jungkook sees you clutch the packet of sunflowers seeds he'd gifted you as you quickly walk away. He frowns at your figure, growing smaller the further you are.
He'll admit that the time he spent with you today wasn't too bad. But somehow, the two of you always left on a bad note. Oh well. Jungkook sighs as he finishes the rest of his honey sunflower ice cream. At least I got free dessert.
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rosyredlipstick · 4 years
conchell farmers market AU
i went to a farmers market last weekend. thank u rina for looking this over!
The wind was cool, the birds were chirping, and Sebastian was yet again attempting to sneak off with the honey boy. 
“It’s legally required that I receive a break, Mitchell. And what I do on my government-mandated fifteen minutes off is frankly none of your business.”
He was just barely resisting the urge to pinch at his nose. “Sebastian, the day that you actually manage to keep your business your business is that day hell freezes over. All I’m asking is that when you lure Basil away, you don’t bring him back here so you guys can try and make out behind the curtains. No one wants that!”
Sebastian busied himself with ignoring Mitchell and looking over their main table of pre-packaged chocolate truffles. He picked one up, looked it over, and set it back down. 
Mitchell rolled his eyes and leaned back into his chair with a sigh. “Also, I’m pretty sure Mother would frown on you trading her chocolate away just so you could flirt with some guy.”
Sebastian was still examining the numerous paper boxes. “She’d more than approve if she saw the honey guy.”
Their apartment pantry was already so, so incredibly full of small glass pots. “Please,” Mitchell said with pain. “Just give him the chocolate for free. We don’t need to keep buying out the farmer’s market.” 
Sebastian snorted, “That’s ironic for you to say.” 
Mitchell cocked his head to the side, “What do you mean?” 
“Our kitchen currently has like, 3 different kinds of melon on the counter. And don’t get me started on the apple situation.” 
“And? We eat a lot of fruit.”
Sebastian gave him a dull look. “Whatever, Mitch,” He picked up a box, gave it a glance, and apparently found it exceptional enough. “Be back in fifteen, dork.”
“At least go talk to Silena!” Mitchell sighed and watched, only half-worried, as Seb wandered across the curved road to stop at the honey stand, where Basil and Sage were set up. Seb always swore it wasn’t even an ounce serious for either of them, but Mitchell kept his eyes on the situation. 
He busied himself with straightening up the boxes and making sure the cooler cases were still cold enough to prevent melting. One customer later (who bought an array of white chocolate mint truffles), and Mitchell’s customer grin thawed out into something a lot more genuine. “Connor!” Mitchell waved at the other man as he approached. “It was getting late, I wasn’t sure if you’d make it.” 
“Hey,” Connor was breathless, probably from his jog over here. “I - I mean, I couldn’t not stop by. My favorite booth here.” 
Behind him, Katie and Grover’s veggie stand had a line wrapped around several booths. Leo, manning a vegan taco booth that said line looped around, was joyfully handing off cartons and cartons of tacos to waiting vegetable customers. 
Connor waved off the huge line without a worry. “Katie said I could take a break. Travis is there anyway.” 
Mitchell smiled up at him. “Got anything good for me?”
“Fresh watermelon!” Connor said quickly. “It’s really sweet! I can get you one? Or two, I mean, however many you want! No worries, I’ll cover the costs  -” 
“I’d love a watermelon,” Mitchell smiled. “Just one, though. And I’d be happy to pay.” 
“Of course,” He breathed out. “Anything for you.” 
Mitchell huffed out a laugh.“How’d your mom like the last batch? I know you were iffy on the cinnamon coconut ones.” 
“Loved them, of course.” Connor sighed dreamily, gazing up at Mitchell. “She always loves what you give her.” 
Mitchell smiled at his folded hands for a moment, then looked back up to him. “That’s always nice to hear. So what can I do for you?”
He ran his hand through his hair. “Um, actually I’m not here to get her some chocolate.”
Mitchell gave him a little surprised laugh. “Really? That’s the first time in weeks.”
“Yeah, yeah,” Connor laughed awkwardly, “Yeah. So. I’m here for something else. Um. I want to ask you -” He cut himself off and stared down at Mitchell, who was waiting patiently. Mitchell nodded for him to go on, curious. Connor let out a dejected breath and leaned against the side of the booth. “On second thought, I was wondering if you’d just get me a large variety box.”
Mitchell stood with a small smile. “Of course. Anything special?”
Connor made a gesture of frustration at the air, looking more directed at himself. “Just - anything! Thank you!
Mitchell hummed as he began packaging up a box. “Got a hot date?” 
“Ha,” Connor let out a much-too-loud laugh. He rubbed the back of his head. “Nope! No dates! Because I’m single. Ha. So very single.” 
“God, same,” Mitchell laughed softly. He finished up packaging the chocolates and set it between them, not reaching for the money box just yet. Connor always liked to linger and chat, not that Mitchell minded. 
Connor’s jeans were dusted in dirt and soaked the bottom with mud. It was a good look on him--farmer’s tan and all. Mitchell smiled. “Katie keeping you busy?” 
Connor looked over his shoulder, almost checking the other girl wasn’t there, then back to Mitchell with a look of exhaustion. “She had us up at 5 a.m. because she needed help with some last-minute washing and separating. I’m ready to fall over and it’s hardly passed noon.” 
“You’re tired?” Connor nodded, showing it. Mitchell perked up with a quick “Oh!” and spun around to reach for one of their newer products and pulled one out. “You know that collaboration with Nico we were considering?” He plated the treat with a flourish. “Here’s the first batch! Some fresh coffee chocolates, he’s selling some at his booth too! I think we might try some different combinations next week. He wants to try an espresso one?” He rolled forward on his toes excitedly. “I think it’s going to turn out well!” 
Connor lit up with excitement with him. “That’s great! God, I know how nervous you were about the testing phase.”
Mitchell nodded with a wide grin. For a moment, Connor almost looked starstruck. An idea occurred to him, as Connor stepped forward. 
“Here, try this.” He held the plate out of Connor’s reach. “So you can have the whole experience.” Mitchell gestured for him to lean forward. Connor did so automatically. “Close your eyes,” Mitchell instructed, “and open your mouth.” 
Connor’s gaze snapped to Mitchell’s, wide-eyed. 
“It’s the experience!” Mitchell grinned. “C’mon, try it.” 
Connor licked his lips but slowly nodded, looking breathless. He closed his eyes and leaned forward, his elbows on the stall. 
Mitchell spooned a chocolate into Connor’s waiting mouth. He took it and chewed slowly, his eyes still fluttered shut. 
“Amazing, isn’t it?” Mitchell asked, “You just really focus on the taste that way.”
A soft pink bloomed across Connor’s cheeks. He continued to chew, staring at Mitchell with wide-eyes. “Yeah,” he breathed out, swaying slightly. “You… amazing.” 
“I knew you’d like it.” Mitchell smiled, a bit satisfied. “Coffee chocolates, isn’t that fun?” 
“So fun,” Connor whispered. 
Mitchell was about to add on something else about their new flavors when, out of the corner of his eye, he saw his brother returning to the stall. With a companion. Mitchell sighed. 
Sebastian finished wandering back over to the stall, Basil tucked under his arm like he needed assistance back to their booth. Unfortunately, Mitchell could already spy a handful of reddening marks on both of their necks. 
“Hey honey boy,” Mitchell greeted wryly. Connor snapped his neck to look where Mitchell was speaking. 
“Oh, you flatter me, Mitch.” Basil stuck out his purple tongue, most likely dyed from one of Will’s snowcones. Before Mitchell could respond, Basil turned his face upward and grabbed Sebastian’s chin to push their lips together. Mitchell sighed hugely and looked away, rolling his eyes at Connor. 
Basil swept by with a teasing grin, winking at him. “See you, Mitch. Hi Connor.” 
Sebastian tied his apron back on and waved off his not-boyfriend. “Oh, Connor. What a surprise it is to see you here, speaking to Mitchell.” 
Mitchell shook his head and ignored that. “We’re not running a kissing booth, Sebastian. You don’t need to bring Basil around every week.”
Seb rolled his eyes. “If this was a kissing booth, we’d be making a lot more than chocolate money. Am I right, Connor?” 
Connor’s face turned a dark red--he must be getting too much sun. 
“Oh, leave him alone. Did you at least talk to Silena while you were off?” 
He gestured over his shoulder. “Tried, but she and Scarlett were too invested in the teen drama happening across the line. Clarisse is basically manning the strawberry stand herself at this point.” 
Mitchell followed his gesture, already knowing. Their siblings had become quite invested in the most recent pre-romance happening every Saturday morning. At the booth across from their chocolate stall, Percy was currently handing out some blue soft-serve cones to kids while his mother smiled widely at her own dazed-looking customer. Their candy and ice cream booth had been Mitchell and Sebastian’s biggest competition, but Sally Jackson was too beautiful and delightful to keep rivals with. Now, they traded variety boxes of their new and most popular from that week--their own mother was suitably impressed.  
Annabeth’s booth, next to Percy and Sally’s, had its own array of curious customers peering down at her homemade journals and secondhand books. Usually, Percy and Annabeth spent every farmer’s market morning making much too much noise bickering and laughing while everyone else set up. Mitchell was personally two weeks away from shoving them both into Nico’s portable walk-in cooler and locking the door until they admitted their feelings. 
Mitchell groaned and wiped his face, back to the moment. “We need to talk to her some time today if we want to do chocolate-covered strawberries for the craft fair this Thursday.” 
Sebastian paused, then winced. “Wait… the craft fair is on Thursday? This Thursday?”
Mitchell already knew where he was going with this. He ran a hand over his face in frustration. “Sebastian, the senior choir is going to be there! You know how busy we get, I’ve already scheduled for an extra batch of the sugar-free dark chocolate truffles, I can’t run it on my own!”
“I thought it was next Thursday!” 
“I texted you three times about it.” 
“Well, I can’t cancel my date, she’ll never go out with me again -”
“I can’t run it on my own! Seb, I can’t believe -”
“I can help.”
Mitchell paused where he was about to ramp up into a new point and turned slowly to face the other man, who he briefly forgot was there. “What?”
Connor shifted his weight, “I can help, if you need it. It’s the craft fair on Beech street, right?” Mitchell nodded slowly. “Yeah, Travis and Katie are gonna have a mini fresh juice booth. Nothing big, but I was gonna tag along. Um, so I’ll already be there. And can help.” 
“See!” Sebastian gestured toward him. “Works out great!”
Mitchell shot him a dirty look but faced Connor, so grateful he could taste it. “I could kiss you,” Mitchell shook his head, his shoulders loose in absolute relief. “I’ll pay you, of course -”
Connor was back to that bright red. “Oh, don’t, seriously -”
“I insist -”
“Really, you don’t have to, I’m happy to help -” 
“This is horrible,” Sebastian muttered. “This is fucking torture.” 
Mitchell spun to face him, his finger already out in warning. “You! Don’t think I’m not still upset with you!”
Sebastian only flipped him off with a sarcastic grin, taking his seat. Mitchell prayed for strength. Finally, he turned back to Connor with a much more relieved and pleased expression than the one he was giving Sebastian. Connor perked up at the attention. Mitchell smiled at that. 
“Thank you again for volunteering.” He held out his hand. “Arm?”
Connor held out his arm without hesitation, then looked confused. “Why am I doing this?” He asked, his arm still extended. 
Mitchell grabbed his wrist to pull it steady. “We’re out of receipt paper.” Mitchell uncapped the sharpie with his teeth and wrote out his phone number in straight, even lines across Connor’s skin. He finished it off with a small heart and a -M. 
“Text me,” Mitchell took a moment to smile, “we can work out the details later. Maybe go to breakfast before the fair?” 
“Yes,” Connor was saying the word before Mitchell was even finished speaking. Mitchell’s lips quirked up ever so slightly. 
“Great. Don’t lose that now.” Mitchell nodded down to his wrist. 
Connor’s face went much, much too serious. “I won’t,” He said gravely, like he was accepting a mission. His other hand clenched at his own wrist. Mitchell waved him off kindly as he began stumbling back to his booth, dazed. 
Sebastian popped a stick of gum in and quickly blew a bubble. “You know,” he set his boots on the table edge, “you could have just grabbed some receipt paper.” 
Mitchell hummed, knocked Seb’s boots off the table, and took his seat. “Weird. Didn’t think of that.” 
Sebastian laughed, “I thought you were being too oblivious to notice anything, what happened to that?”
He sighed. “There’s only so much chocolate that man can buy from us, Sebastian. I don’t even think he likes chocolate that much.” 
“So? Free tips.” 
Mitchell’s eyes snapped to the small plastic “TIPS” jar they had by the spare reader, put there on Sebastian’s insistence. Connor was the only person who ever utilized it, usually by several rolled twenties shoved in haphazardly. Mitchell had insisted time and time again that Connor didn’t need to tip, but that only resulted in sneakier tips and then denying of said sneaky tips.  
Mitchell reached for the jar, fully intending on shoving the twenties into Katie and Grover’s tips despite Sebastian’s complaints, when Connor made a sudden reappearance as he burst back into their line of sight, heaving for breath with a watermelon clenched to his chest. Behind him, Katie could be heard yelling at him from their own booth. 
Connor stepped forward and help the melon up like a prize. “I didn’t forget your watermelon!” 
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aswallowssong · 4 years
Whumptober (Sickfic) Day 9 - Belly Ache
I wish I could say I won’t be late anymore but I feel like it’s expected at this point.
@themetaphorgirl‘s Patron Saint AU
Read on AO3
TW vomiting (mentioned)
The knock on the door startled him. He was nearly asleep, curled around Alex’s legs with his head buried in her stomach, both his arms wrapped around his middle as his own stomach sloshed and cramped and swirled. A stomach bug had been ravenging its way through the girls soccer team, and Hotch had been the one to take care of JJ when she’d shown up in the middle of the night, much like Spencer often did, disoriented and upset and covered in puke.
And now, he was paying for it.
“I thought you told Spencer to stay away,” he mumbled up at Alex, words feeling heavy in his mouth. He hadn’t done much but whine since the last time he threw up, and he had a really foggy concept of time, but he was pretty sure it had been a while since any words were said in his bedroom.
Alex nodded lightly, not that he could see her, and she spoke back just as quietly. “I did. I set up Star Wars in the common room.”
“JJ shouldn’t be around either,” he insisted, though his words had very little fight in them. He wouldn’t have minded JJ, but she stank like guilt, and he couldn’t stand her looking at him with her big, sad baby blues. 
“It’s not JJ. She’s watching Spencer, sort of. She’s mostly staring at Harrison Ford and drinking lukewarm ginger ale.”
It wouldn’t be Dave or Emily. Both of them had an aversion to sick people in general. And it wouldn’t be Derek or Penelope. After the latter had found him sick in the southwest hallway, he was pretty sure she was traumatized. And James was at a meeting for the science camp he worked at over the summer.
“Then who-”
The voice coming through the door was calm and steady. Gentle. Higher than any of the girls in their little family.
Haley Brooks.
Hotch’s head snapped off Alex’s stomach, swiveling to glare up at her while his stomach swung in time. “Alex-” he got out before he gagged, a hand flying to his mouth as he swallowed his stomach back and shuttered. He took a shaky breath before saying with much less fire behind it, “Alex what the fuck!”
Her body had tensed, probably worried he was going to throw up on her or something equally gross, but her voice didn’t betray her.
“You should be thanking me, Bubba, not swearing at me.”
“Thank you for what? I don’t want Haley to be here.”
Alex rolled her eyes, running a hand through his disgustingly sweaty bangs. “Yes, you do. When I feel like I’m dying, I want James. Of course I want you and Spencer, but really, I want James.” She started to shift him off of her, moving a pillow to the spot where her stomach had just been under his heavy head. “So you can say that you just want me,” she continued, “But as soon as I open the door you’re going to be a puddle in her lap.”
Hotch groaned quietly, partly because the nausea he’d worked so hard to control had worked itself right back up again in a matter of seconds, and partly because Alex was right.
He hated when Alex was right. 
“Do I look as disgusting as I feel?” He asked quietly, and Alex laughed, giving him a sympathetic look before she nodded. "Big time."
He only groaned as she opened the door, the crack not quite big enough for him to see through. Not that he was trying, the pressure in his head was killing him, and he’d shut his eyes when Alex had started to walk away. 
“Hey, Haley.”
“Hey. How is he?”
Haley sounded worried. He hated it when she worried about him. He was a man, he should be able to take care of himself, and take care of her. He wanted her life to be better with him, not more stressful. And they weren’t even technically dating. Regardless of what Alex, JJ, and their entire group thought, they hadn’t made anything official.
He was scared.
And an idiot.
“He’s pretty miserable,” Alex was saying, “But he hasn’t thrown up in a while, so take that as you will. Do you want me to stay, or?”
“No, it’s okay,” Haley said, “If you have something you need to do, we’ll be fine.”
“I’m going to go check on the kids. JJ is still pretty miserable, and I left Spencer with her. Call or send a text if you need me, though. I’ll come running.”
“Okay. Thanks, Alex, really. Everyone needs a sister like you.”
Hotch could hear the embarrassment-masking-pride in Alex’s voice. “Oh, god, not really. But thanks. I’ll come check in later.”
The door closed, but Hotch didn’t open his eyes. There was some quiet shuffling paired with light, graceful steps that he’d recognize anywhere as Haley’s. He’s listened to them cross the stage, or the quad, or the hallway a million times. Her paces were even while his were always a bit clumsy, his gangly legs still awkwardly long as he navigated life post-growth spurt. Navigation that included the way he was attempting to be tucked into a ball, knees pulled up as if his whole body tried to protect his stomach from an enemy it was desperately losing to.
The bed dipped slightly as Haley perched her petite frame next to him on the mattress, one of her hands landing with a feather-light touch on his arm. “Aaron,” she whispered, “Open your eyes for me.”
He sighed, bracing himself for the embarrassment he knew was coming, and cracked his eyes open. She was blurry. Alex had made him take out his contacts with shaky hands and he’d spilled the solution on her socks. But still, Haley was sitting there in a sweater and leggings, her blonde hair pulled back from her face with a scrunchie. Hotch liked when she wore it like that, almost as much as he liked it when she wore it loose and curly. He didn’t really care that she was blurry.
“There you are,” she said gently, “Word on the street is you’ve got one hell of a belly ache.”
He didn’t want Alex to be right so, so badly. But she was, and as soon as Haley’s hand moved from his arm to his forehead, brushing his bangs back, he cracked.
“Yeah,” he said, his voice starting to tremble as all the fight went out of him.
She worried at her bottom lip, scooching so that she was sitting where Alex had been sitting before. She moved him so that he was laying between her legs, one of her hands naturally starting to cart through his hair as if they’d been in the same position a million times. Something about it was familiar, even though he’d managed to dodge her every other time he’d been sick since they started talking.
“Can I- um. Sometimes at home when Jess or I get sick, our mom will, like…” she trailed off. Hotch watched her face with half-lidded eyes as she worked through several expressions before sighing. “It’s weird to try to explain, but like, fuck it. Do you want me to rub your belly? Would that help?”
Hotch stared up at her for a moment before he nodded sluggishly. Was Haley Brooks, perfect, beautiful, girl-of-his-dreams Haley Brooks, really sitting in his bed, playing with his disgusting, sweaty bangs, and asking if she could help him by rubbing his cramping stomach?
Was he being punked?
“Okay,” was what he answered, and the awkward anxiousness that had plagued her face before melted away to a small, sweet smile. 
It helped, too. Her gentle hands were warm and sure against his cramping muscles, and he found himself sighing quietly. Alex never rubbed his stomach, only his back, and he didn’t want her too. He wanted that to always be Haley. 
She didn’t leave. Not even when he’d started throwing up again, which he found incredibly embarrassing, but she didn’t seem phased by. She was gentle, and compassionate, and she got him back in bed with his head in her lap. She never complained, or made an excuse to go. The silence had always been deafening to him, but Haley filled it, quietly singing or humming under her breath in a way that made his entire being relax. 
“Hay?” He asked quietly after a while. 
She stopped humming, something sort of lullaby he’d never heard, and responded at the same level. “Yeah?”
“I- um. Alex… there was water earlier.”
“In the pink sparkle cup?”
“Yeah,” he said, not feeling well enough to try and feel embarrassed about that. “Can I have it?”
She nodded, shifting to get up before she stopped. Instead she leaned back and grabbed her purse from the floor, rustling in it for a moment before pulling out a bottle of purple gatorade. “Do you want this?”
Hotch’s eyes widened. He didn’t have anymore under his bed, and they’d run out of them in the Lincoln vending machine the weekend before. Alex had told him so when he asked for one hours before. 
“I- yeah. Yeah, how did you know that?”
Haley shrugged lightly and cracked the top of it for him, helping him sit up and handing it over before saying quietly, “You always have one. Just take small sips, okay?”
He gave a shallow nod before taking a small sip, the ghost of a smile crossing his lips.
She knew exactly what he needed without him having to say a word. 
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utopianvoices · 5 years
dating au | s.mingi
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⤗ check my masterlist for other members!
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how he acts around you
this tol fluffy babie
will want to spend most of his time with you
expect him to be latched onto you 24/7
WILL gush about you every single time he gets the chance to
till one day jongho got so sick of it
he just taped mingi’s mouth and seonghwa had to come rescue him
although everyone secretly thanked jongho
if you’re not physically there, he’ll resort to texting you 
is always on his phone whenever he gets the free time
and is always texting you
at this point, the members look at him on his phone, and just
“can you ask y/n what time they’re coming.”
“why me?”
“aren’t you already texting them...”
doesn’t and can’t retort because he WAS texting you
but the only problem is that
it wasn’t getting through into your cute dumb head that he /likes/ you
and that you’re not just his best friend or smth
which ngl obviously saddened you 
but because we’re cool kids
we pretend that we aren’t phased by this lack of progression
on top of the acting, you even go out of your way to reaffirm your best friendship :D 
reader pliz
“hey so you know how we’re friends, and that you know everything about me and stuff like that?”
and you’re just like : O
is this what you think it is
but of course, life isn’t fair
“so uh, i was wondering if you wanna take it to the next level?”
“so like.... best friends? (^ω^)”
safe to say mingi almost murdered himself right there and then
how he confesses
kinda gets sick of beating around the bush every time
also the fact that you weren’t the smartest crayon wasn’t helping
so one day when you pull your best friend card 
he just goes
“look here, i like you.”
and you’re just like ?? 
but your heart’s also going crazy
so you kinda just stare at him
“i-i like you too?? i mean, haha we’re friends haha we have to like each other haha.”
and honestly at that point he’s considering dropping your ass and just living alone for the rest of his life
but no we can’t have that
we need plot development
he just kinda grabs you?
and may or may not bend down to be face to face with you
mingi sweetie no
and stares you in the eye
“i like you, dumbass. stop calling me your best friend. i don’t want to be your best friend. that loser yunho can be your best friend.”
and you just blink at him, not knowing what to say or where this was going
“i wanna be your boyfriend.”
*cue shocked pikachu meme*
: O
“quick, say something. i’m losing my mind here.”
maybe it’s the desperation in his voice
but you manage to pick yourself up and clear your throat
face heated up at that point
and you whisper a hoarse “i like you too.”
it was soft, but he heard it
which was more than enough to make this little songfish baby happy
instead of scooping you into a hug he just kinda
bends down
and buries his head into your chest
he’s just your babie after alll :’)
first date
already knew what he wanted to do for quite some time
not that he planned it or anything
but just kind of always wanted to do it with you
so he calls you and tells you to come over to the dorm
blindfolds you to bring you to the place and you’re like
“well even if i get murdered it’d be an honour that it was mingi who did it.”
yes anyway
when he takes off your blindfold, you are standing in front of an ice rink
boy brought you for ice skating!!
which goes one of both ways
you already know how to ice skate, leaving mingi in the dust with his mediocre skills
you completely suck at it, and mingi can use his mediocre-but-seems-amazing skills to teach you
obviously he was hoping it was the second situation
and lo and behold
the gods must have been on his side
because you were terrible at it
or even if you were good, just pretend for this poor boy
so he starts getting cocky and goes
“don’t worry baby, i’ll teach you”
tbh you would’ve punched him in the guts for that egoistic comment
but you were too busy dying over the fact that he called you baby with his deep ass voice
and let’s be real, he’s kinda dying inside the moment the word leaves his mouth too
first kiss
if you think you’re gonna kiss on the first date
boy i hate to tell you this
you’re right
he leads you onto the rink and holds onto your waist at all times
you know
just to make sure you don’t fall
totally not because he just wanted to hold you
but that also means that if he loses his balance, you’re definitely going down with him
and fall he does
after all, his skills were only mediocre 
tries to fall in such a way that you don’t land butt first
but you bore the full brunt by landing on your ass
and he just falls on top of you
mutters a thousand apologies until he realises how close your faces were
and the compromising position you were in
starts turning red and tries to stutter out a sentence 
but you kinda just get so overcome by feelings???
that you just??? grab his face??
and give him a gentle peck
best way to shut him up
when you separate, he just stares in shock for a while
before you see a smirk spread on his face
“knew you couldn’t resist me.”
rolling you eyes, you’re about to retort when he cuts you off by pulling you into another kiss
and you would’ve continued kissing
if it wasn’t for the ice seeping through your shirt and freezing your back and butt
immediately scrambles up and pulls you up too, both of you laughing at the situation
first fight
probably either starts because of his straightforwardness 
or his playfulness 
either one
you were dressing up to go out with your friends
and you had tried on every outfit you had in the closet
but nothing satisfied you, and it did nothing to help the small insecurity you had within yourself
that maybe, you didn’t deserve to be with someone as perfect as mingi
but you swallow the negativity and finally try on an outfit that you don’t mind wearing
you walk out into the living room where mingi is playing games on his phone
“how does this look?”
and it really could be because he was too immersed in his game and didn’t think before speaking
but he just goes
“babe pls, that’s just NOT it.”
and at that point you just kinda burst at his reply
especially with all the uncertainties you were harbouring within yourself lately
“i’m sorry i’m not as perfect as you, but you don’t have to be so rude about it.”
storming back into your room and falling onto your bed, letting the tears seep into your pillow
you reach for your phone and type out a text through your tears, letting one of your friend know that you were not feeling well and would have to pass your meeting
before throwing it to the side and letting the pillow soak up all the shit you had been building up
you hear the door to your room creak open, faint footsteps getting louder as the person walked closer to you
the bed dips slightly and you still don’t lift your face off the pillow, not wanting to face whoever it was 
“baby... are you okay? i’m so sorry for saying that, i definitely didn’t mean it in a terrible way. i guess i just wasn’t paying attention to the words i was using because of the game.”
you finally lift your head, turning to see your boyfriend looking at you with sad eyes, and it does nothing to make you feel better
you made him sad just because you couldn’t control your emotions
“i’m sorry for being such a terrible s/o.”
“y/n, listen. you’re nothing but amazing and i’m the luckiest to have you. i’m nowhere near perfect, but with you, it’s like i can be the best version of myself. it’s all because of you. you’re way more perfect than me in every way, no matter what anyone says.”
and you burst out into tears again, but this time your boyfriend’s there to hug all the uncertainties out of you
favourite things to do together
oooo whatever y’all do together is your favourite thing tbh
going shopping? what a beautiful broke life
baking? the kitchen’s on fire but that’s not a problem
lazing around? the perfect life
but if you really had to choose it would be going to the sauna together
just because mingi LOVED going there
and he doesn’t mind going alone
but it’s just so much better when going with someone
and yunho was getting sick of following mingi
so this is where you came in
you both spend hours in the sauna, talking and laughing boisterously 
and tbh the other people in the sauna hate y’all
but you both don’t care
bcs you’re just so in love with no other cares in the world
general affection
clingy baby
but not so clingy to the point where you can’t ever shake him off
he has his clingy moments
when he wakes up
when you’re cooking
watching tv shows
always loves to keep his hands either around your shoulders or on your thighs
or if he’s feeling extra down that day, will just lay his head in your lap or on your chest
probably falls asleep that way
loves being the small spoon
which is funny because he’s so tall, but somehow curls up in such a way that he can be enveloped by you
babie most of the time but on days when he’s extra Active
kinda gets bold???
instead of kissing your cheeks and forehead
he’s suddenly attacking your neck and ears
also loves to hold both your hands in one of his hand 
basically loves to flaunt his size
sometimes doesn’t understand the appropriateness of the situation
doesn’t care if the members are around
kinda just pulls you in for a kiss if he’s feeling it
and doesn’t stop until someone has to throw a shoe at him as a last resort
overall, he basically has two moods: babie and not so babie
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artificialqueens · 4 years
Stitch Us Back Together (Kamasia) - Crazy4Kameron
A/N:This fic has truly been a labour of love. I’m so happy to finally be able to release the first part, even though this thing was meant to be a short little one shot. It managed to grow and somehow get away from me and now here we are. I really hope that you all love this story as much as I do. Please leave a kudo or a message and let me know what you think. I really do love to know if I need to improve on anything and what is working! xoxoxo A huge thank you to @mistressaq and @opalescent-cheetah for beta-ing and brainstorming with me, and always being my cheerleaders.
summary:Kameron would do anything to make Asia happy, and that includes going to a sewing class that is being taught by one of her idols. But when she finds out that Asia’s design school is holding a contest that allows the winner to have their designs showcased by Asia’s idol she will do whatever it takes to get her to enter. Even if it means going behind Asia’s back and praying that their relationship can handle it.
It was like any other day for Asia, sitting behind the reception desk at the St.Charles Complex. She was flipping through the pages of the catalogue of upcoming classes when she noticed it. She couldn’t believe her eyes at first, but knew that if this was true that she had to tell Kameron. Immediately. Asia knew she wasn’t supposed to leave the desk unattended but it had been dead almost all day and this was an emergency - at least in her mind it was. Asia put up a small Sorry be back shortly sign and took off running towards the gym. She knew at this time of day Kameron would be in the middle of a training session, but she needed her, she was freaking out and there was no one else she wanted to tell more than her girlfriend.
Asia whipped open the door to the gym and saw Kameron thankfully standing near the front desk chatting with a few of her colleagues.
“Kameron. Bianca. Sewing. Here.” Was all Asia could manage while trying to catch her breath. Kameron and everyone else just stared at her with a mixture of confusion and concern. Kameron’s face was dripping in terror that something terrible had happened.
Kameron’s mind reeled. Oh my god! Something must be seriously wrong for Asia to leave the desk, she never leaves the desk. What if something happened to one of her little sisters? Or maybe something happened to Blair? Oh GOD I really hope Blair is okay. Please let Blair be okay. Wait did she just say Bianca? WHO IS BIANCA? She doesn’t know anyone named Bianca that I know of.  
“Bitch, did you just run here?” Vanjie asked.
“I didn’t even know she knew how to run.” Scarlet chimed in.
Kameron whipped her head around to give them a pointed look. Scarlet raised her hands in mock surrender.
“Oh my god babe, what’s wrong?” Kameron put her hand on Asia’s back, trying to calm not only Asia but herself. “Just breathe baby.” Kameron gently rubbed her hand in circles on Asia’s back the same way Asia had done for her so many times before. This was mostly to calm herself and help her from letting her thoughts carry her away on a terrible spiral. Kameron reached over the desk and grabbed her water bottle, offering it to Asia, who waved her hand to say no thanks.  
Asia took a few deep breaths then excitedly started waving around the catalogue in her hand.
“Bianca Del Rio is going to be teaching a sewing class HERE!!” she screeched out the last syllable, unable to hold back her excitement anymore.
Kameron had to take a step back as Asia began to bounce excitedly on the spot. “You’re telling me you ran all the way here, just to tell me that?” There was a distinctly unimpressed look on Kameron’s face. “I thought there was an actual emergency Asia! You scared the shit out of me running in here like that.”
Asia’s excitement quickly died when she saw how upset her girlfriend was, and she realized that Kameron’s anxiety must be going through the roof right now. “I’m sorry sweetheart. I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Asia reached up to push a piece of hair behind Kameron’s ear, running her thumb along Kam’s jaw. This always seemed to instantly calm Kam down and earn Asia a few points back after saying or doing the wrong thing. Asia knew it had worked when Kameron’s eyes shut and she instinctively melted into her touch.    
“Gross, get a room you two. No one wants to see your lovey-dovey honeymoon phase.” Plastique gagged, pretending to throw up.
“You just pressed cause no one wants you,“ Vanjie pointed out.
“And you only find it cute cause you’re lucky enough to have Brooke,” Plastique quipped.
“What’s that supposed to mean? You don’t think I’m good enough for Brooke? Vanjie’s tone had begun to rise. Her infamously short fuse had been lit and it was only a matter of time before she went off.
“I don’t think anyone is trying to say that you’re not good enough for me, babe.” Brooke tried to discreetly hold Vanjie back.
“NO, she better apologize now!!” Vanjie’s voice grew more high pitched by the second.
Plastique, not about to be wrongly accused of something, fired back, “For what?! I literally didn’t even say anything mean or rude about you or your girlfriend!”
“Why can’t we all just bottle our feelings like normal people?” Brooke pleaded, trying to bring the argument to an end.
Asia gave Kameron a look of are you going to stop this?, shifting her eyes between Kameron and the fight that was about to break out. Kameron knew that she needed to put an end to this before it got out of hand, she just needed to find the confidence to do it.
“Hey, guys.” Kameron tried, but she was barely heard over all the yelling.
“Hey, guys.” She tried again this time a little louder but to no avail. So she took a deep breath to center herself and gave it everything that she had. “WOULD YOU TWO IDIOTS SHUT UP!!!”
Everyone fell silent and just stared at Kameron, surprised that she had been the one to yell.
“Thank you. Now that I have your attention, can you all please take your little argument out of the gym, so I can talk to my girlfriend before she gets fired for abandoning the reception desk. And so our clients don’t think that a bunch of children work here.” Kameron put her hands on her hips to show that she wasn’t playing around. The girls, knowing not to get on Kameron’s bad side, cleared out of the gym or else went about work they were supposed to have been doing anyway.
“Wow, that was seriously impressive and kinda hot, I’m not gonna lie.” Asia gave Kameron a sly smile and a wink that turned Kameron three shades of pink, before wrapping her arms around Kameron’s waist.  
She play-smacked Asia’s arm. “Would you be serious please, and tell me what got you so excited you had to run here in the middle of your shift?”
“Oh, I almost forgot! I was flipping through next month’s catalogue and The Bianca Del Rio is teaching a sewing class here!” Asia squealed with excitement, picking up the aforementioned catalogue from the desk. She held it out in both hands towards Kameron, with the biggest smile on her face.
Kameron took the book and quickly flipped through to see when this class was, "Okay, I don’t know who that is, but clearly you are very excited about it.” Kameron looked at the date the class was scheduled and did a quick mental check of her and Asia’s schedule to see if they were available.
“I’m pretty sure that we’re both free on this day. Do you want to go to the class?” Kameron asked, already knowing the answer.
“Are you serious? Of course I want to go!!” Asia was elated. Kameron had never seen Asia so happy before. She knew that she made Asia happy, but not like this. She had never seen Asia glow with such pure joy and excitement before, and it was at that moment, Kameron knew that she would do anything to make Asia that happy.
“Okay well you should really get back to desk babe, before there is a real emergency and you get fired.” Kameron leaned over to give Asia a kiss, which she quickly followed with a second.
“I’ll see you tonight then?” Asia asked heading towards the door.
“Of course, I’ll be counting the minutes.” Kameron winked, making Asia blush.
As the day grew nearer, Asia’s excitement seemed to be dying down. Over the past week or so, whenever Kameron would mention the class, Asia would smile and say she was excited, but her eyes didn’t shine quite as bright and she always seemed to try and change the topic. She seemed to be in her head a lot more, and it appeared like there was always something that she wanted to tell Kameron, but never did.
They were out for lunch on their shared day off, at a local pizza place when Kameron finally brought it up.
“So I’ve been meaning to ask you something lately, just never got the chance.” Kameron tried to sound casual, but she was scared shitless on the inside.
“What’s that babe?” Asia asked over a bite of her pizza.
“Is everything alright? You just seem a little out of it and distant lately, and it’s starting to scare me a little. I’m starting to think that maybe I did something or said something to upset you.” Kameron couldn’t hide her nerves any longer and began to bite her lip and stare down at the table.
Asia’s heart almost broke. She knew that she had been a little more in her head and stressed about things lately, but she never realized that Kameron would have thought that it was her fault. Asia did her best to hide all of her stress and self-doubt from Kameron. “Oh no baby, it has nothing to do with you.” Asia reached across the table to take Kameron’s hand. ”I promise you I’m just stressed about school and midterms is all, there’s nothing to worry about.” Asia smiled at the beautiful woman across from her. “You know I have that design project due next week.”
“Are you sure?” Kameron asked, wiping at the tears on her cheeks with the back of her free hand.
“Of course babe, I promise that you haven’t done anything to upset me.” Still smiling at her girlfriend, Asia gently put her hand under Kameorn’s chin so she could look her in the eye. “Whatever is going on with me has nothing to do with you. Understand?”
Kameron only nodded and gave a gentle smile.
Kameron felt a little better after the talk she had had with Asia, but something was still bugging her about the situation. So on her break a few days later, she decided to talk to someone who knew Asia even better than she did.
Kameron was apprehensive at first, but still she knocked on the doorframe. “Hey Monét, do you have a minute?”
“Yeah sure girl, what’s up?” Monét had just finished her rounds and was now sitting behind her desk watching the security cameras.
“Well, it’s just that, lately, I don’t know, Asia’s been acting kinda weird and like I’m  not entirely sure why. I asked her about it the other night and she said it was cause of school stuff stressing her out, but it just seems like there is something else going on and I thought you might know.” Kameron managed to get the words out, with some difficulty, eyes shifting and heart pounding so loud she was sure that Monét could hear it from where she was sitting.
“First of all, you need to calm down baby, everything will be alright. You’re not the only one that’s noticed. And I can’t believe that she told you it was just school stuff,” Monét said in disbelief, she was stunned that Asia would lie to Kameron like that.
“Wait, so it isn’t midterms stressing her out? Asia lied to me?” Kameron couldn’t believe her ears. She could actually feel her heart breaking. The burning tears started to prickle at the corners of her eyes, and her voice cracked when she spoke. “Why would she lie to me? I thought she trusted me?”
Monét could see the panic that suddenly washed over Kameron’s face and knew she needed to right the situation quickly. “Kam baby, Asia really cares about you, and I’m sure she just didn’t want you to freak out and worry about all her personal stuff. That’s all.” She also knew that Kameron deserved to know the truth. “Look, if you really want to know what’s going on with Asia, I’ll tell you.”
Kameron figured the answer was already written on her face, barely able to hold the tears back. “Yes please.”
“One of Asia’s classmates gave her a flyer about a competition that they think she should enter. Something about the winner having their design used by Bianca in her next show. I guess they’ve been hounding her about it for a while now, and Asia is just really on the fence about the whole thing.” Monét finished waving her hands about.
“Well I mean that totally makes sense now, why she’s been so stressed, but I still don’t understand why she never told me about this.”
Monét held out her palms in a shrug. “That’s something you’d have to ask her, baby girl.”
“Oh, I intend to.” Kameron’s hands were curling into fists. She wanted answers.
“The only reason I found out is that I saw her going through some of her design sketches and muttering about how none of them are good enough,” Monét remarked. “Like seriously, all of her designs are amazing and everyone can see that but her.”
Kameron took a steady breath in. “Well my break is just about over, but thanks for telling me all that. I have a lot to think about now, before I talk to Asia later.”
“Good luck girl” Monét yelled as Kameron waved goodbye and went back to the gym. It was a slow day which would have normally bothered her, but today it gave her the time she needed to figure out what she was going to say to Asia.
At the end of the work day, Kameron was finally on her way to talk to Asia about the information she had found out earlier.
"Hey babe! Did you have a good day?” Asia couldn’t help but beam as she saw Kameron. As Kameron got closer though, Asia could see that she wasn’t smiling. She was biting her lip, and appeared to be in deep thought about something, which fired off a spark of worry in Asia.
“Hey,” was all Kameron could muster as she approached the desk, putting her bag on the counter.
Asia couldn’t hide the concern in her voice. “What’s wrong? Did something happen at work?”
“You could say that.” Kameron tried to hold back her anger. “I went to talk to Monét today on my break.” Kameron watched confusion cross Asia’s face. She continued, ”I was curious to see if ‘school stuff’ was really the only thing bothering you lately— not that I don’t trust you,” Kameron almost sneered. “But it turns out that I do have a reason not to trust you. I found out that you lied to me!” By this point Kameron couldn’t hold back the anger and betrayal that she felt. “You lied to me Asia! WHY!?” Kameron knew that she already had tears spilling from her eyes and could see the mixture of hurt and anger that was plastered all over Asia’s face.
“Okay hold on a minute. If you thought that I was still hiding something, then why didn’t you just come to me?” Not that it isn’t obvious why she hadn’t come to me. Why did I ever think that I could hide this from her?
“Because I knew that you wouldn’t tell me the truth even if I asked you about it. And I had to be sure, so I went to Monét, I figured if anyone would know it would be her.” Kameron let out a frustrated sigh. “I was worried about you, Asia. I can’t believe you’d lie to me over something so stupid. Why didn’t you just tell me about the competition?” Kameron’s shoulders shook as tears continued to stream down her cheeks, her whole body stiff with tension.
Asia looked down at the desk, guilt washing over her. “I’m sorry,” she could only whisper. “It was stupid of me but.. .it felt so trivial. I didn’t want you worrying about my personal shit.”
“I’m your girlfriend, Asia! I’m here to worry about your personal shit. I know your life isn’t rainbows and unicorns all the fucking time, life gets messy, but I want to help you with stuff. Even if it’s just something as small as a design competition. I want to be there for you.” Kameron reached over to grab Asia’s hands and squeeze them tight. “So please… don’t push me away like that again.”
Asia had also started to cry, but didn’t know when. ”Okay, I promise I won’t push you away anymore.” She was so touched by how much Kameron cared about her, and had also thought that she just needed to be there to protect her from the world. In the process, she’d forgotten that sometimes it’s okay to lean on someone else.
Kam reached up to wipe away the tears falling down Asia’s soft cheeks. “You’re always there for me whenever I’m having a bad day and have always been so good about accommodating my anxiety. Sometimes I just feel so useless, you don’t always have to be the one helping me. I want to be able to help you, too. I’m not some fragile little girl that’s going to break if you need to vent to me about things.”
“I know you’re not fragile and that I can talk to you, I just worry about your anxiety and overwhelming you. But I promise that I will start telling you about things that are weighing on my mind more often.” Asia leaned over the desk to give Kameron a quick kiss, before promising her that she would try harder to open up. She had to stop thinking that she needed to take on the world alone.
“Now can I see some of those sketches you’re so worried about?” Kameron suggested. “I’m sure that one of them is more than good enough to enter.”
“Well, I don’t know. I mean I guess you can look through my sketchbook, but it’s back at my place.” Asia was always unsure about letting people see her work, but she did just promise to let Kameron in more.
“So am I driving or are you? You know I could always stay the night… if you want.” Kameron gave Asia a wink, wiggling her eyebrows.
Asia came around the desk and wrapped Kameron in a tight hug. When they pulled away Asia kept her hand on the redhead’s waist, pulling her close. “You know that sounds good right about now. And maybe I can show you how sorry I am for keeping this from you.” To accentuate her meaning Asia slowly slid her hands down Kameron’s toned ass and gave a quick squeeze. Kam’s eyes went wide as she sucked in a sudden shocked breath, a playful smile forming on her full lips.
“Well I was really hurt when I found out you lied to me, so you might need to work really hard to make it up to me.” Kameron gently breathed out, before kissing Asia’s pouty lips.
“Well let’s get out of here then. It sounds like this is going to take a while."
That night they were curled up in Asia’s bed, Kameron tucked up under Asia’s arm, looking at the designs that Asia had considered entering into the competition. Asia just wasn’t happy with anything that she had drawn and in her mind nothing she did would ever stand up to Bianca’s quality of work. Kameron knew that this was wrong and that anyone of those designs would win the competition for sure. Knew that all of Asia’s perfectionist and professional ways, made all of her designs beyond magnificent, and that no matter what Asia said she needed to enter that competition. Kam had a plan and she hoped that Asia would forgive her for it, in the end.
Kameron suspected that Asia wouldn’t be in any condition to drive that night, she had been sending her nervous texts all day, and was afraid that if Asia drove she might chicken out at the last minute. So Kameron told her that she would drive. Kameron picked her up at around 5 pm and spent most of the car ride listening to Asia’s excited chatter. Asia had no idea her sketches were in Kameron’s bag, neatly tucked away in a plastic folder (she seriously needed to thank Monét for that one).
When they finally got to the class, Kameron’s nerves were only eased by the pure excitement Asia had as she gushed over the sewing machines and picking the perfect table. Now, all Kameron had to do was find a moment alone with Bianca. When Bianca finally appeared Kameron thought that Asia was going to have a stroke. Just breathe baby, everything’s going to be alright. Bianca will love you and you are going to do amazing in this class, Kameron whispered into Asia’s ear, squeezing her hand tight. She could feel her skin prickling with nerves and anticipation; would Asia be mad? Or would she be grateful? What would Bianca think? Kameron had already anxiously run through all the ways this could possibly go wrong in her head, but despite all that, she still had chosen to go through with it.
They were about half way through the class when Kameron saw her perfect opportunity. Knowing she may not get another chance, after making sure Asia was fully immersed in her project, Kameron walked to the front where Bianca was sitting at a table, watching everyone work.
“Uuummm, excuse me?” Kameron was so nervous she could barely get out more than a whisper.
“Did you just say something?” Bianca looked up at her, a twinge of annoyance in her voice.
Kameron cleared her throat and took a deep breath before trying again. “Ah, yeah sorry. I don’t mean to bother you, but my girlfriend is a huge fan of yours, and I was wondering if you could look at some of her designs. One of her classmates told her that she should enter the contest you’re holding, but she doesn’t think any of her designs are good enough, so I was hoping that maybe if you look at them and see how good they are you could tell her yourself. I know that would mean so much to her.”
“Okay first take a breath before you pass out on me, because I really don’t feel like having to explain why a fully muscled and tattooed lesbian, was taking my sewing class instead of building a shed."  
Kam did take a breath, not quite knowing if she should be offended.
"Second, does your girlfriend know that you have these sketches of hers? Because you know I don’t mind looking at them but I really don’t feel like getting in the middle of a lovers quarrel.”
“Uumm, well no she doesn’t exactly know that I took them, but like I said before–"
"Look, you seem like a nice girl and you clearly have good intentions, so why don’t we go tell your girlfriend about your little plan, and then I’ll look at those sketches.” Bianca made a gesture, like she was waiting for Kameron to walk back to her table.
Kameron had planned for this, had done her best to mentally prepare for this moment. Either Asia was going to be super pissed and pull her out into the hallway to scream at her, or she was just going to kill her and leave her for dead on the side of the road.
Asia was still completely immersed in her project when Kameron sat back down next to her, Bianca following close behind.
“Hey babe, that looks so amazing,” Kameron stammered. Asia still didn’t stop what she was doing, or look up. Kameron’s palms were sweating, and her breathing was beginning to get faster. She was really praying that this didn’t completely blow up in her face. ”So I have a surprise for you.”
Stopping what she was doing to finally look, Asia realized that Bianca was standing only a few steps behind Kameron’s chair. A surprised look crossed Asia’s face, before she realized that Kameron looked like she was about to pass out.
“OH MY GOD BABE!! Are you okay? Do you feel sick? Is your anxiety getting to you? Oh shit and here I am so caught up in my work that I didn’t even notice.”
Before Kameron could answer, the woman who had been patiently waiting behind her spoke up. “I do believe your girlfriend is just shitting her pants, because she came up with, in my personal opinion, a horrible plan to try and convince you to enter my contest.”
“What is she talking about Kameron?” Asia was now looking confusedly between her girlfriend and her idol.
“Well, you know how much I care about you, and that I would do anything to see you happy. And I just really wanted to do something that would show you how much I care. So I may have convinced Monét to steal some of your sketches, so I could give them to Bianca in person and have her tell you herself how amazing your work is.”
Asia’s eyebrows shot up and Kameron’s heart thudded faster. Oh no. Oh no she’s pissed, I need to explain myself more. FUCK. FUCK. FUCK! But people are starting to stare. God why do people have to stare?
“Because it really is amazing and you always seem to think that it’s not, and I just really wanted you to have as much confidence in yourself as I have in you. Kinda like the way that you’re always pushing me to have confidence in myself.”  
Tears were streaming down Kameron’s cheeks at this point, she didn’t know when they had started, only that she wanted to crawl under the table and die. She couldn’t stand the way that Asia was looking at her and she thought that maybe if she kept trying to explain herself that eventually Asia would understand. Before Kameron could open her mouth to continue though, she felt a hand come from behind her to grab her shoulder, and watched as Asia got up from the table and stormed out the door, most of the class trying not to look up from their projects.
“Okay sweetheart, remember what I already told you about breathing. Just keep breathing. She needs a few minutes to process what you just told her. The rest of you please just go back to your own work. The poor girl doesn’t need your snoopy asses watching her.” Bianca’s voice cut through the clouds of Kameron’s anxiety, but still sounded like it was far away.
Asia was fuming, she didn’t know what to think. She was both hurt and touched at the same time by Kameron’s actions. She felt like she was being ripped apart inside.
How dare Kameron do something like this behind my back! What did she think she was playing at? I told her numerous times that I didn’t want to enter that contest, and she got my roommate involved? When would Monét have even given Kameron the sketches? But then again she put so much thought into trying to make me happy. And it took a lot of nerve to do what she did, and God I love that girl. Asia leaned against the wall and slowly slid down as the anger that she was feeling started to dissipate. Remembering the look in Kameron’s eyes as she tried to explain everything, the way she could see her anxiety taking over. Part of her wanted to run back in there and wrap her arms around Kameron, tell her that it was okay and that she didn’t need to worry. Another part of her knew that she needed to put herself first sometimes, and that she had a right to be angry with Kameron right now. She had violated her trust and gone behind her back.
Asia didn’t know how long she had been sitting on the floor in the hallway, but suddenly there was the shadow of someone standing over her. As she looked up, she quickly realized that Kameron was standing there silently wiping tears from her eyes. Asia said nothing, unsure if she was ready to talk to Kameron yet.
“I–I’m sorry.” Kameron’s voice was barely more than a whisper. Kameron took a deep breath, like the ones Blair had taught her to take. Kameron’s anxiety must have been high, but she clearly needed to speak her feelings, so Asia silently patted the floor next to her. As Kameron sat down Asia reached out to grab her hand, hoping this would help ease some of the anxiety the other girl felt.  
They sat in silence for a few more minutes, almost waiting to see who would speak first. Kameron decided that she should seize the chance to say something. “I know that you’re mad at me, and I can understand why. I just thought that no matter how much I begged you and told you how good your work was, you’d still never enter that contest.”  
“You’re damn right I’m mad at you! I told you that I didn’t want to enter that contest!” Asia snapped. “But you went behind my back and did it anyway.”
“I know.” Kameron turned to face Asia. ”And I should have just listened to you. I wish I would have listened to you. I–I just thought–that maybe you didn’t want to enter—because you didn’t have enough confidence in your work.”
“Whether I had confidence in my work or not isn’t the point right now Kameron. You betrayed my trust– you AND Monét. You dragged my roommate into this, when you both knew my wishes and still you went against me. I thought of all people, I could trust you, but I guess I was wrong.” The fire in Asia was going out, now she only felt disappointed and heartbroken.
“You can trust me! I’m sorry. I promise I’ll never do anything like this again, I’ll never go against your wishes.” The desperation in her voice was so thick, she could feel it in her tears as they rolled down her cheeks.
“I don’t want to hear it right now Kam. I’m calling a Lyft and going home.”  Asia got up off the cold hard floor.
“No– you paid for your seat in that class, at least stay to the end. You were so excited, remember? I’ll leave and call you a ride for when the class gets out.” Kameron gave a sad smile, getting up from her place on the floor. “The Asia I know is no quitter.” Kameron said over her shoulder, walking back towards the classroom to gather her things, leaving Asia to cry alone on the floor.
As Kameron walked back into the classroom, Bianca looked up from where she was helping someone out, to see Kameron grabbing her things, a defeated expression painted on her face. She excused herself, so that she could have a word with the girl, before she left.
“I know I said that I don’t want to get in the middle of a lovers’ quarrel, but if those sketches meant enough to you to completely ruin your relationship, they must be good. Mind if I see them?”
Kameron nodded and pulled the folder from her bag, handing it to Bianca with a sad attempt at a smile. It took Bianca less than a minute to realize the sketches were amazing, and thought that if Asia would have entered them, they would have been a shoe-in to place high, possibly even to win.
Not wanting to give Kameron any false hopes, she only nodded and asked if she could borrow them, saying that she would give them back to their rightful owner, when she returned to class. Kameron agreed and left, looking broken-hearted.
Asia had made sure that Kameron was gone before returning to class and sitting down in front of her almost finished project. Still overwhelmed by all that had just happened, all she could do was sit there staring at the machine, almost like she couldn’t remember how it worked.
Her thoughts were interrupted by someone clearing their throat, next to her work station.
“I know that it’s none of my business, but why exactly did you decide not to enter the competition?” Bianca asked.
Asia realized she was holding the folder with her sketches. The sight of it made her grit her teeth.
”Because I have to tell you,” Bianca continued. “That these are really very good. And before you say anything, I asked your girlfriend for them before she left. I was curious to see if your talents were really as good as she seemed to think.” The woman eyed her up very seriously. “I don’t compliment people often. So you know that I’m not bullshitting you.”
Asia relaxed a little, knowing all too well that getting a compliment from The Bianca del Rio was something to celebrate. “Thank you.” Asia blushed, and filed this moment away in her memory to tell Kameron, once things were hopefully resolved. ”The reason I didn’t want to enter the contest is because, well, because the first time that people see my work…” Asia looked down at the sewing project she had been working on, and unconsciously began playing with the edges. ”I want it to be in my own show.”
Bianca nodded. “I can understand that. I was the same way when I was young, but everyone has to start somewhere. Not even I, the great Bianca del Rio, saw my own clothing in a showcase all my own right out of the gate.” This made Asia giggle a little and a small smile spread across her lips. “I know that it might be hard to believe, but I was an apprentice at one point in my career and my mentor is the one who finally gave me my big break. So just work hard and before you know it, you’ll be showing off your very own clothing line soon enough.” Bianca playfully bumped Asia’s shoulder. “Also, this may just be my unasked for opinion, but you should forgive your girlfriend.” Bianca placed the folder on the table next to Asia. “I put my card in there, you know just in case you change your mind about entering the contest. Or if you ever need anything.”
“Thank you so much!“ Asia perked up, eyes lighting up with admiration for the woman standing in front of her. She knew that she had a lot to think about tonight.
With that, Asia placed the folder with Bianca’s card in her bag and went outside to call a Lyft. True to her word, Kameron had already called her one and it was waiting for her when she got out of class. Sitting in the back of her Lyft, phone still in her hand, she looked back at their most recent text conversation. Just a few hours ago, everything had been normal. Kameron was asking if Asia wanted her to pick up fries on her way over. Asia took a deep breath and closed out of their chat. She knew that she wanted to talk things out with Kameron, but she knew it would be best if she waited until the morning.
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stonerbughead · 4 years
maria watches friday night lights (#4)
season 2, pt 2!! (2x08-2x15)
ugh Matt is really having his Being A Stupid Teenage Boy season huh?
-lol love a good naked dude being chased scene — in this case, Smash on his recruiting trip being chased around by a potential future teammate. Classic.
(it’s kinda cute that Matt came to pick him up tho)
- the latest in season 2 being off the fucking rails: really? Riggins’ new digs include a meth lab on wheels??
-Landry confessing to murdering someone and then having his sheriff dad drag him out of the station to go home is the whitest shit EVER. Like, Landry is literally *trying* to be punished and they just won’t punish his white, cop-kid ass. ‘Murica. (I mean don’t get me wrong: it WAS self defense against someone literally stalking and trying to rape Tyra, but the point still stands that if Landry was a black kid he’d have been tried as an adult and convicted no doubt)
-YESSSSS a MySpace shoutout! we love to see it
“I hate you” - Santiago (and also me) @ Buddy Garrity
-omg Coach Taylor noticing that things aren’t good at home for Riggins and taking him in, my heart!
-Wow in just one scene Riggins charmed baby Grace, warned Tami’s sister not to shame women for eating a lot (“it can lead to anorexia, especially in girls”) and then offered to go out to the store to get baby formula in the pouring rain. What a man.
-and yes, Shelly, you fully grown woman, it IS a bad idea to lust after a TEENAGE BOY
-wow Riggins protecting Julie from the SUPER DRAMATIC TORNADO that made me laugh. Do we get to have a Riggins-Julie friendship??? bc I’d be down. We need more friendships.
-Thank you, Tami, saying “EW” to her sister watching Riggins work out! Someone has sense to know a fully grown woman shouldn’t be lusting after a teenager! Julie can lust if she wants tho, that’s age appropriate.
-DYING at Landry being aghast that Tyra’s never heard of West Side Story.
-oh god, Lyla — it is totally fair to assume your mom would tell your dad she’s getting remarried, especially if she knew you’d be seeing him — so I’m sorry you’re the one who accidentally set off whatever nonsense Buddy is gonna pull now that he knows his ex wife is “marrying that treehugger.”
“Who’s that?” “Some douchebag named Chip. who names their kid Chip anyway?” Same, Tyra, same.
-Landry, one of my biggest pet peeves is asking someone out while they’re on the clock. Like, come on! let Tyra work, boy.
-Jesus Christ it’s like everywhere Julie looks, she has to see Matt making out with someone. That’s rough.
-and oop Matt you busted bc Julie actually knows who Carlotta is!
-once a cheater, always a cheater, Buddy. And yes to Pam for being like “nah bye I’m happy now, it is over.” You treated her like garbage so here we are, sir!
-hilarious that Landry is the one who ends up throwing the first punch that gets the post-tornado, school-crossover tensions to finally boil over
-I like that they show both the fall formal and the party where everyone who didn’t go to the formal is. Nice.
-Aw poor Julie got drunk af to deal with all her feelings. This really is the season where they have Julie and Matt being sixteen year olds in the most painful ways. So maybe it’s good they’re not together during this tho I’m still looking forward to when the tide turns their way again.
-anyway, Tim is a good friend for getting the creep who thought he was “one beer away from getting laid” off of Julie.
-And....in true Texas dad fashion, Eric Taylor misinterprets everything! Noooo. We can’t have nice things.
-This Noelle-Smash partnership is definitely an interesting pairing. Two very ambitious football people courting all these recruiters while Smash’s mom side eyes them in the corner? Hilarious.
-omg not this Oklahoma tech recruiter harassing smash’s mom in the grocery store! GTFO here! Give her some fucking personal space. They really do such a good job of showing as much of the toxic shit about football culture as the inspiring, big moments.
-Aw and I love that Tami tried to help Mama Smash get the guy to go away. It’s such a familiar scene, women helping each other get a dude harassing them away. And then they have a heart to heart in the parking lot? Love that.
-omg what a throwback that Shelly TAPED OVER Eric’s football game to tape a NEW EPISODE of The Office! Love it. “Y’all should get a TiVo.”
-omg watching Tami and Eric work out arguments is so beautiful, they communicate very well! We stan a good marriage.
-wow seeing the other coach from tornado school lose his shit publicly after he knocked down Riggins was uh....wild???? This is the second time he put his hands on Riggins!
-awww Eric actually coming to apologize to riggins for overreacting about Julie when he hears the real story??? Love it.
-Weevil from Veronica Mars shows up as a friend of Santiago’s? Of course.
-WOW and Logan from Gilmore girls as a Christian radio host...tracks.
“Is that your way of telling her you like her?” Jason making a surprisingly astute observation about Tim. (And Lyla.)
-yo why would you invite your daughter’s boyfriend’s family over for dinner just to say they shouldn’t date? (And bc it’s an interracial relationship.) Southern culture is wild to me lol
-wow the racist coach from last season is now off spouting his mouth about how “no wife of mine would be working with a kid at home.” I love that Eric calls him out as sounding stupid and ignorant — you better!
-hearing that Lyla burned her cheerleading uniform is one of the most badass things she’s done so far tbh along with that dealership destruction
-off the rails update: 2x12 was toooo much!! Like, Jesus between Smash’s sister getting harassed at the movie theater by the racists who hate on smash and Noelle...and this plotline with Santiago and his old friends trashing Buddy’s place...it’s like, can we breathe.
-I could not be more excited for Carlotta to leave and another teenage boy with adult woman relationship to end.
-wow can’t believe the plotline where Riggins stole $3000 from a drug dealer isn’t ending well for him. And now Smash is getting arrested bc of those racist guys from the movie theater episode? One recap I read said that too many of this season’s plots feel contrived and I think that sums it up.
-is there any character who HASN’T worked at Buddy Garrity’s dealership at this point?!
-and yikes at all the other salespeople being mad that a salesperson in a wheelchair was hired...y’all mad ugly and ableist for that
-Tyra and Landry are....confusing
-Wait Logan from GG is an actual preacher and not just a Christian radio host? CREEPY. And he kissed Lyla? A lot to unpack there.
-lol Tim trying to woo Lyla is kinda funny to watch simply bc Tim is clearly so confounded by rejection
-I love how much space they give for Smash’s sister’s pain in the Noelle-Smash theater incident. A lesser show wouldn’t have centered her as much.
-is it mean of me to say Jason is boring AF most of the time
-yeah this dreads girl is seemingly way more compatible with Landry than Tyra yikes! Like she made him a power metal mix cd???
-wow this Smash storyline where mouthing off to the press is what gets him suspended....really checks out bc teenage boys are dumb
-I love Tami as a volleyball coach and getting to see another sport! Also as someone who’s been on a losing team I know that feeling of finally winning a game!!! Go Dillon volleyball!!! (Am I maybe currently writing a Bughead fic based on my underdog field hockey experiences? ;) yes yes I am)
-Oh shit now Saracen’s at the nihilistic Nothing Matters phase of teenage angst. Right on schedule!
-lol these two short haired blondes (white dreads Jean and Tyra) being in a love triangle with Landry is wild
-Omg jean just said, “are you a friend or are you competition?” She is not playing!
-I love Riggins dragging Saracen to practice
“I don’t want you to become at an at-risk youth” -Landry teasing Saracen while also sincerely caring about him is some of the best friendship banter on this show. The accuracy 😂
-It seems like Julie gets a lot of hate? But I think I have such a soft spot for Julie bc I was a bitchy teenager with undiagnosed mental health disorders and I just wish so much #growth for her! Also I really do miss her and Saracen’s relationship, I’m so excited I’m almost at S3 where it seems like it’s happening again?
-LOL this guy at the dmv is the first person in Dillon to be like, “no I hate football.” That tracks.
-wow Saracen is getting driven to the hospital to make sure his grandma is okay by the sex worker who was just giving him a lap dance. Amazing.
-also I hope grandma is okay!
-okay Tyra throwing her hat in the ring for Landry at the last minute? Idk I think Jean deserves the win but there’s no way it’ll happen bc she’s a guest actor?!
-awww Saracen’s abandonment issues coming out whiles he in the tub after being sobered up by Eric Taylor. “There’s nothing wrong with you.” 😭 and “your daughter left me for a better guy” - will take that crumb — first mention of Julie out of Saracen’s mouth in a minute
-hey, Landry, my friend: flirting with a girl (Jean) to get her outside then dumping her immediately is kind of a wild bait and switch. But I get it, he’s been in love with Tyra for a long time and Tyra IS right — they had a very fucked up start to their relationship so it makes sense she needed a minute to process her ~feelings~. however I definitely identified closer to a jean in my high school experience L O L (minus the unacceptable white dreads)
-these Julie and Tami driving scenes are painfully accurate, btw. Love them.
-wow the scene of Smash hyping everyone up, the adrenaline/energy of the team cheering with helmets and a classic “clear eyes, full hearts, can’t lose” - then the whole team running out onto the field and leaving an empty locker room with just Smash breaking down into tears....#art
-alright y’all I’m gearing up for the last episode of S2! Thanks to @lockitin for reminding me this is the writers’ strike season — I was in eighth grade then and remember being pissedddd about the shortened fourth season of “the office” — so I’m fully prepared for the abruptness to come.
-I love when they parallel showing the white church and the black church
-and Tim going to church just to see Lyla makes me laugh
-ooooof Jason you cannot put on this waitress you had a one night stand with the fact that this could be your only chance to have a baby!!! Omg this poor woman who just pointed out she, too, is NINETEEN.
-wait so is Riggins doing a sports show on a Christian radio station? What?
“I think you’re really hot. Your long hair reminds me of Jesus” -Christian girls being horny for Riggins LOL
-awww Saracen being like “okay Landry you’re gonna impress Tyra right now” before that football play was a cute friendship moment for those two
-aww I love how this Smash storyline is turning out with Coach Deeks whose had his eye on him for six years my heart 😭
-also unclear to me whether Logan Huntzberger the Preacher is a fully grown adult dating a high school senior?? Biggest teen drama pet peeve once again! Stop this!
-Tami is my heroine for just leaving Eric at the restaurant fighting with her ex. “see you at home, honey!”
-I’m sorry, is Jason gonna like actually convince this girl to have a baby with her one night stand at 19??? Oh lol wait THAT ended up being the cliffhanger of the whole season? Fucking hilarious.
well I made it through season 2!!! Super psyched for Season 3, Jay has been hyping me up for it. See y’all next time! (I’ll try to post more for season 3 bc this accidentally got long af.)
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whiskehorange · 5 years
Pinhead: Chapters 1-3
I want to give a quick thank you to @wronggwayy, my editor and @tinalbion who read this over a while ago and pushing me to post and do asks! I really should thank her for everything you guys see on this page but, that’s for another post! Enjoy!
How You Met/Left
You know, you learned not to question it. Nothing ever good came from questioning it. You didn’t have the answer and you didn’t expect anyone else to, so why bother?
Frankly, you didn’t even mind feeling this way, you didn’t intend to use it for any bad purposes, yet. This wasn’t a phase you would hit when you were 12 and wanted attention of your parents and the other kids around you, you actually felt this way.
Be bad or not, you just didn’t know. And that wasn’t bad, right?
Either way, you would soon grow to crave the excitement and buzz it made your stomach feel. Your own sort of high.
Your abnormal, off-the-wall sense of humor was able to cover up your underlying masochism. The feeling of being the reason of someone laughter, the reason behind their smile, was what really made you happy.
As much as you wanted to obscure your own thoughts in pain and torment, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it to other people. Who were you to know if they enjoyed it like you did?
So, you kept it safe, and decided to make people feel the ‘normal’ good. Laughing gave you the balance in your mind; feeling satisfied about the agony, content from the laughing.
Some of your friends were masochists, which made sense why you hung out with them, but they only ever really got off on hitting others as well, so, you were the lone masochist of the group.
Your friends had convinced you to come to Mexico with them during Sophomore year of high school with one of their older siblings. He too was like you guys, but… more... out there.
Now, you had your fair share of piercings and a few tattoos but… but he was something else.
With you being considered the ballsiest of the group at the time, being around the green mohawked, tattooed, body modified clown who was also towering over you in height, you felt like a small bug. His name was Tripp and if that wasn’t sketchy enough then consider yourself an edge-lord.
It was a long trip, coming from New York. You particularly didn’t want to go with them not only because of the vibe that Tripp gave off, but because you don't necessarily like going places with them or with anyone, for that matter.
Yeah, you were all fucking crazy, rowdy, and loud, but they didn’t really know how to control themselves around other people, let alone in public.
You don’t really go up to someone or a group of people and just start fucking around with them when they don't want to be bothered, especially high class people.
Going out every once in a while was nice though, right? Even if it’s in some guy named Tripp with his younger sister and her sadomasochist friends to Mexico.
So maybe it didn’t sound all too pleasing but you just wanted to go somewhere different, and now was your chance and you were gonna take it.
Thirty-three hours of not-so-good doings and two days of driving was also worth it. The hotel’s shitty, waffle house parking lot vacancies wasn’t but you did have fun going to a few clubs and bars getting drunk on the way.
After finally making it to El Paso, it was another hour or so to get to this high end hotel that Tripp had gotten through some guy he knew in Nevada. Again, sketchy, but not the worse thing that could have happened.
“How the fuck did you afford this place, T? Mom and dad sure as hell didn’t pay for it,” Amanda said, Tripp’s younger sister.
“Shut it shortstack, I got it covered,” Tripp said, his voice monotone and cold.
“Whatever,” she rolled her eyes, “That guy in Nevada probably set us up for a murderer to pick us off one by one and gut us like a fish. Maybe eat us too, like Hannibal.” Amanda lowered her voice and grabbed onto your arm, giggling.
“Oh shut the fuck up for Christ sake Amy, I got it,” Tripp spat. His voice was terrifying.
“Guys… people are staring, shut up goddamnit,” You murmured as most of the lobby’s eyes were on the group of tattooed, dyed hair, black shirts and ripped skinny jean wearing punks that you called your friends.
“Let ‘em look honey, Let ‘em look!” Amanda yelled and made a “v” sign on her mouth with her fingers and stuck her tongue out.
“Amy!” You punched her in the arm and sneered. The eyes of everyone else made the hair on the back of your neck stand up.
“Ooh hit me again.” Her eyebrows bounced up and down, in a playful manner.
“No asshole, now move.” You spat, pushing past her.
Your rooms were on the 12th floor, near the end of the hallway away from the other rooms. The posse entered the room and within 10 minutes, the place was trashed and two of your friends were shitfaced, not surprising.
Tripp was nowhere to be seen and Amanda was asleep in the downstairs bedroom. Unpacking a few of your things you notice how big every room really was, like a whole house. It had an upstairs with two bedrooms while downstairs had one bedroom with an enormous kitchen, living room, bathroom and balcony that looked over the ocean.
The upstairs also had its own bathroom and even a smaller office area to accompany the bedrooms.
You shared a room upstairs with Niko, the closest friend of yours in the group, who at the moment was  currently shitfaced downstairs talking about raccoons. Argo got the bedroom downstairs with Amanda while Tripp got the second biggest bedroom upstairs.
You checked out the bathroom upstairs first, it was the biggest one. Furnished marble flooring with a large vanity and sink, a jacuzzi tub and a glass shower right next to it.
The window placed right above the tub seemed a bit out of place, but the moonlight lit up the bathroom so well; Dreamlike, really.
Looking at yourself in the mirror you see Tripp standing in the doorway, just staring at you.
“Oh, hey Tripp, sorry did you need to use the bathroom?” You said, startled at first.
“I was just looking in here at the beautiful floors and view,” Your hand gestured to the sink and window.
Still nothing.
“Well… If you need to use the bathroom I can go...” You swallowed, not know what else to say as you rocked on your heels, your thumb pointing outwards towards the door.
“It’s nice. Spacious.” He finally said. His voice never had any emotion in it.
“Hah, yeah,” You smiled. You noticed he had something in his hand.
“Don’t tell Amy I said this but, I didn’t really get this place in from a guy in Nevada.” Tripp took a step closer.
“Oh, okay.” You cut your eyes for a second. Did it really matter? As long as no one died it was fine.
“I got it as a deal.”
“None of them would believe me, but maybe you would. You seem level headed enough to do this for me,” He brought what he was holding up to your face, “I need you to open this.”
You just looked at him, then at the trinket in his hand. He had never spoken this much, let alone to you.
“What is th-”
“Doesn’t Matter. Open it,” He pushed the box to your face again as you slowly took it.
It was very light although it looked like it was made from almost solid gold. Each side had a different pattern on it, each intricate in its own way.
“Open it,” He scoffed.
“Just do it. Now.” His voice was demanding and rough.
You flipped the box over in your hands a few times as you traced the middle of the box with your thumb in a circular motion hesitantly, but it was almost like you needed to do it. Your finger naturally went in its motion without your brain’s approval.
As soon as you did, the top of the box slid up and turned to the side and back down, almost like a Rubik’s cube solving itself.
The box seemed to be getting heavier as you looked up at Tripp, though it wasn’t Tripp anymore. You weren’t even in the bathroom anymore. You had drank a bit but not enough to be hallucinating for Christ’s sake. Alcohol doesn’t even do that… does it?
The room changed at once.
It seemed to be dark and black, no doors or anything, just straight, long corridors. Pillars in various parts of the room had meathook like chains draped across them with body parts hooked on them.
Silver, bloodied chains hung from the ceiling, and they were long enough to the point where you couldn't walk without hitting at least three.
You felt like you should be scared, but you weren’t. You felt… confused, but mostly intrigued. Yeah, it was fucking scary, but not scream or cry worthy, for you at least.
Looking back down at the box you blinked hard, trying to somehow wake up. You looked back up again and you’re still in the same spot, same room.
“What the fuck did I drink?” You said to nothing.
“You did not drink anything.” A rather rich, deep, raspy voice called out from the darkness.
“Oh. I didn’t think so.” The words rolled off of your tongue.
The disembodied voice spoke once again, “You opened the box.”
“Lament Configuration, you mean.”
Maybe correcting something that seemed to have a… higher power wasn’t the best idea but, fuck it.
A deep chuckle emitted from the voice “Yes, it would appear as though you have corrected me.”
“Hey! I had her open the box, now spare me god dammit!” You look back to see Tripp rushing up behind you, “She opened the box, and you made a deal fucker!”
You look back as a figure steps forward. He was slim but toned, in an all black sort of robe with slits missing on the chest and down the center of his stomach, which you could also assume was blood from gashes in his chest. Apart from him being deathly pale, his head was covered in small nails; pins, for a better use of words.
As you studied him another figure walked up from behind him, then another, and another. Each had on a similar black robe on, but different in their own way.
One seemed to be morbidly obese with a pair of thick round goggles almost embedded into his face. The other had no eyes, that could be seen, as his mouth was pulled open by hooked wires that connected from behind his head. His teeth would constantly chatter, loud enough for you to hear if it was completely silent.
The last seemed to be a female with no hair and also deathly pale. At this point their skin was actually white and their lips and facial features were tinted blue. She had two wires protruding out of cheeks that connected to the skin on her throat. The skin was being pulled back as the red muscles and tendons were being exposed, beating and convulsing. Still, none of them seemed to be actually bleeding.
“Jesus Christ…”  Was all you managed to spit out.
“Not quite,” the man, or thing said.
“I held up my end of the deal! I brought you four sacrifices all the way from New fucking York to spare myself and you’re supposed to kill her for Christ’s sake!” Tripp hissed.
“Do I look like someone who cares what God thinks?” The man with pins bellowed, his attention snapping back towards Tripp.
At this point you felt about fifty different emotions at once. It was like being at a friends house and having that friend and their parent argue, and all you can do is stand there and wonder why you came or what you could possibly do.
Who are they? Where are we? What deal did Tripp make? Sacrifices?
“It is not hands that call us… it is desire.” All figures moved their attention to Tripp. You just assumed the guy with the pins in his head as the leader, as he walked over to Tripp and just stared at him.
“The last time you were here we made no deal. You, out of human compulsory, pleaded for my Cenobites and I to spare you. Hell hath no deals, Tripp. Your flesh is what we desire, not your soul. Your flesh and pain gives us a drive of what you humans experience with substances like cocaine, or heroin, yet at a much greater altitude, or high as you might call it. You know what it feels like to be in a high, don’t you Tripp?”
“What the hell man, you’re…. You’re evil! Pinhead, you evil bastard!” Tripp yelled out harshly, pointing and swinging towards Pinhead.
“Ahah, oh how uncomfortable that word must feel on your lips; evil, good. There is no evil, there is no good, there is only flesh. The patterns to which we submitted.” Pinhead chuckled, almost mockingly.
Before he could reach Pinhead he stopped dead in his tracks, blood oozing from his mouth. A chain had cut through the air from the darkness behind him and burrowed itself right into his chest.
Four others from the sides tore the skin from his face and his palms before dragging him into the darkness.
They turned back to you, as all you could do was look back and sort of sickly smile. The feeling that rushed through your nerves when watching Tripp’s skin being lacerated and torn apart gave you a warm feeling inside.
You almost wanted to ask if you could have done it, but small tears streamed down your face. Not so sadness, but of…. of….
“Aw, no tears please. It’s a waste of good suffering.” Pinhead focused his attention you now.
“As…. as a matter of fact I’m not actually sad? This… rush I am feeling, to seeing whatever the fuck you just did you Tripp is immeasurable, I- I would have loved to have done that myself.” You grinned, thinking about the pain of Tripp, or the pain Pinhead might have caused you.
You raised your fingers to your mouth in bewilderment. Maybe you had more in common with your (ex) friends than you thought.
“Oh, you suffer beautifully,” Pinhead laughed, “Just what type of rush do you feel? Pain? Sorrow? Sweet agony? Or something...more…?”
“To be honest with you, Pinhead, I’m assuming, all of it, and more. Oh so much more. Not just thinking of the pain that could have been done to me, but wanting, no needing, to experience the euphoria of hurting him and ripping his flesh makes me go into a state of bliss and exhilaration.”
You grinned once more, rambling about your endless, needy thoughts.
“I too can smell the exquisite stench of what you really are.”
“I just have one problem,” You looked down and laughed, “I don’t have a ride back to New York….”
Remembering Mexico made you smile.
Yeah, Amanda, Niko, Tripp and Argo ‘disappeared’, but the feeling of indulgence to be able to have ripped them apart yourself was priceless.
Now, considering that it had been five years, you were much more sharply dressed and well mannered. You praised the day that you would find the Lament Configuration once more, you had only seen Pinhead, or Elliot as he had you call him, twice after being in Mexico.
Your bond had grown stronger as he subjected you to the sights of hell. Still that was about four years ago before someone stole the box when they had broken into your apartment back in New York.
You had a well settled down life now, while still being a sadomasochist, just very well controlling of it, but you still made people laugh with your out-of-the-blue comments.
Now, a typical business woman with her black and white blouse, black pencil skirt with black heels, hair in a neat ponytail and little to no makeup (which wasn't needed in your case) you headed home only to have a package laying front of your apartment door, untouched.
How no one in your halls had stolen it you will never know, but you pick it up and headed inside.
You had gotten the money from Tripp and Amanda's parents a while back. You played the victim role quiet well when you made it back to New York, enough to where the adults had given you thousands upon thousands of dollars of pity money.
Once you bought the expensive, luxurious apartment you call home, it was only broken into once, before you got the security alarm installed.
The only thing that bothered you was that the box was taken, fuck the TV, or the Rolex, but the fucking box. You were pissed and demanded the police to find the intruder and your things, in return for a very large cash reward.
You walked into your office with the package in your hand and sat at your desk, turning your chair to face the magnificent windows that stretched from ceiling to floor overlooking the city. Being on the 23rd floor was a major plus. You would kill for this view any day of the week, but now it was in the palm of your hand.
You looked at the small yellow envelope that had “Sorry” scrawled on the side. Tilting your head you opened it and pulled out a small letter,
I don’t know why the fuck you would keep a thing like that in your house but fucking keep it and never let anyone touch it ~X
You pulled out the object as it fell into your lap. It was your box, with droplets of blood on the sides, dripping onto your black skirt.
“Oh Elliot,” you chuckled, “You’re so impatient.”
Deciding To Stay
A few weeks before you received your box, as Pinhead called it, you saw multiple accounts of mass murders or suicides that linked to the box. It was always found at the scene, but no one could get ahold of it before it would disappear.
I have to get rid of this.
The thought only stayed in your mind for a second before you pushed it away immediately.
I can't get rid of it. I just got it back and now Elliot and I will be able to talk again.
That’s ridiculous, if the police find that in your apartment, you'll be in jail!
No, I can hide it.
I don’t know. 
I’ll find somewhere.
You went back in forth for a while, deciding on weather to open it or not. Ninety-five percent of you wanted to, but the other five percent, the I’ve-got-my-feet-on-the-ground-finally voice told you it wasn’t worth it. You would always be the fucked up person you were when you were a teen, you were just more physically appealing now.
You mentally slapped yourself. This time, not to make you focus, but to get the voice to simmer down for a second so you could think
Fuck it.
You opened the box anyways.
At first nothing happened, but it didn’t take too long until the room around you faded into the all too familiar blackened and damn corridors that you saw that night in Mexico. The skyhigh city apartment you sat in was now gone and you stood in your second home, the hooks dangling and clanging together oh so slightly.
You couldn’t help but think of the blood on the chains and hooks to be that of Amanda’s. The warm feeling in your stomach made you almost moan out. You last time you felt that was when you were a teen, ripping your friends to bits and pieces. 
Almost shameful really, you put your fingers to your mouth modestly and took a deep breath, closing your eyes.
“Back once more, Princess?”
It was Pinhead. His voice just as rich and deep as before.
You spun around, the bubbling in your stomach from pure pleasure make you gasp out as you locked eyes.
“Elliot!” He had only ever let you call him Elliot. Anyone else would have endured such an excruciating pain that even his fellow Cenobites would wince and look away.
Pinhead grinned at you, looking as smug as ever. You eyed him. His deathly pale skin, his leather attire and most importantly pins that have never looked any better to you. It had been so long, you couldn’t hold in any of the excitement you felt for him.
Like a kid at a candy shop, you bounced on your feet for a few, but composed yourself quickly. The teen showing through made Pinhead chuckle; he had always like that side of you. But seeing you now, the more elegant and composed, professional really, side of you was much better.
With his arms spread slightly, he embraced you in a small but meaningful hug, one you’d never thought you’d have the chance to experience again in your life.
“So, hows…. Hell?” “Hell is more… ordered since your time, Princess. And much less… amusing”
“Oh, it’s because I haven’t been around huh?” You joked. You had a way with being able to make Pinhead laugh, or smile at least with your humor. 
The hooks in your hands felt as cold as ice, the dried blood leaving a rusty copper color on your hands, something you were familiar with. It brought back memories, ones you forgot you had until now. You were genuinely happy now. The box was in your hands, Elliot was by your side, nothing could stop you.
“You’ve been away too long Princess,” Elliot continued.
“Yeah, I have, haven’t I?” A smirk ever so slightly creeping onto your face, the hook still digging into your hand, the blood still marking and leaving their traces of someone else on you.
Elliot, now behind you, placed his cold, lifeless hand on the small of your back. You both looking down a corridor where light seemed to manifest and convulse in colors or white, yellow and that light tint of blue you sometimes see when you close your eyes just a but too hard. That of course, was the corridor where the Leviathan reigned. 
Your fingers twitched, as so did he hooks around you. You missed the power you had in this realm. Your body ached every moment you where in the real world, not being able to hold the configuration in your hands, to not hold Elliot in your sight. But you were home now, where you had the power alongside him.
A deep breath puffed your chest as the chains curled and moved as your hands did, 
“Way too long…”
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ohlovelywar · 6 years
Leaves, Camera, Distraction! I p.p.
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a/n: for cori cause SHE HIT 5K GO HER @starksmile LOVE YOU CONGRATS AGAIN also this is so late and shitty lmfao IM SO SORRY I TRIED OKAY
summary: distraction: noun a diversion or recreation    
paring: peter parker x fem!reader
warnings: cursing (MBLEH ITS ME!!), shitty writing cause i’m so tired cori sweetie i’m so sorry, unedited cause last point, iw spoilers, if you tilt your head and squint you’ll find some angst, mentions of anxiety, fluff
word count: 1,739 words | flash backs are italics and prompt is in bold
Something felt off. It wasn't the fact that Tony was stabbed. Or that Stephan had given up the time stone. Or even that Thanos got away. No, it was something different. Something...wrong. Peter felt it, deep within him. It felt as if he was fading, fading into the air, into the unknown. His breathing picked up ever so slightly as he rubbed his hands, arms, neck. I'm still here. I'm still here. Everything's going to be okay. Mr. Stark is here. He'll know what to do. Everything's o-
"Something's happening." Each head turned to Mantis, hoping to get an explanation when she turned to ash. Quill and Drax's eyes widened as what was left of their team mate floated away into the air in the deserted planet.
"Quill?" Drax called out, turning to ash before Quill could even turn to him. The feeling in Peter became more intense as the seconds passed by.
"Steady Quill," Stark called out, already making his way over to the man left behind.
"Oh man-" Nebula looked down as the last Guardian of the Galaxy on Titian vanished.
"Tony," Strange caught the remainder of the group's attention, "there was no other way." And he joined the others, leaving no trace behind. The feeling took over Peter's body and he suddenly knew what was happening.
"Mr. Stark? I don't feel so good." He was dying.
"You're alright-"
"Save me!" Peter cried, collapsing into his mentor's arms. "I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go." He couldn't die. There were people that needed him, people that he needed. May, Ned, Mj-no matter how many times she pretended not to care-, y/n. He couldn't leave them behind. Not without saying goodbye. And Tony. Oh god, Tony. Tony would blame himself, just like he told Peter a year ago.
"I'm sorry." Peter wanted to say more. He wanted to apologize for not listening to Tony. For getting on the ship. For getting off the bus. For not getting the gauntlet off sooner. He wanted to thank him for the suits. For K.A.R.E.N. For being the father figure he needed. But most importantly, he wanted to tell Tony that he did have a heart, and he wanted to make sure that he wouldn't lose it. But he didn't get to. He turned to ash and was enveloped in darkness.
Peter woke up in a cold sweat, panting as he tried to ground himself. He was alive. he was safe. The snap was reversed. Everything is fine now. He let out a long sigh before checking the time on his phone. 7:05 am. She was going to kill him for calling at such an early hour, but he really needed to hear her voice.
"Hello?" an muffled groan responded after a few rings.
"Get changed."
"Get changed! We're going somewhere today."
"Peter, it's like *yawn* five in the morning." Peter grinned as he imagined her y/h/c hair sprawled out over her pillow, eyes closed as she laid content in her bed on this cool, autumn morning.
"That's where you're wrong my sweet girlfriend. It's actually 7:08."
"Shut up jerk." He laughed, not even phased by her sleepy insults.
"Come on! A little early morning adventure never hurt anyone."
"Just because it doesn't actually hurt anyone doesn't mean that we should do it."
"Jake would be so disappointed in you."
"Jake would agree with me!"
"Ya boring!" The sound of his girlfriend's giggles filled his ears, making his anxious heart flutter.
"Come on, please?" he whined. But not his sweet little "I want and need your affection right now" whine. This one was needy. Like a scared child woken up by a nightmare in the middle of the night who's parents won't let him find solace in their bed. She recognized this whine, and it killed her to hear it again.
"Okay," she whispered, upset that she didn't catch on sooner. "Meet you in fifteen." The soothing voice of Peter's girlfriend replaced by the electronic beeps, signaling that she had hung up. Peter let out a sigh, his facade dropping. He slowly tried to get out of bed, afraid his shaky limbs would give away.
Calm down Peter. You're fine now. Just fine.
Time moved slowly to him as he got changed into his Mid-Town sweatshirt and blue jeans.
Everything's fine. Just fine.
He walked out to the kitchen, relieved to not find his aunt there. Deciding against eating, he grabbed a cup of water, hoping the cool liquid would help him snap out of his anxiety.
I'm fine. I'm fine.
He didn't know how long he was in the kitchen for before he heard the faint knock that his girlfriend always makes. He opened up the apartment door and was instantly greeted with her warm smile.
"Hey you. Ready to go?" he simply nodded his head, leading her out of the apartment and locking the door behind him.
The two walked in silence; Peter's anxiety radiating off of him as his girlfriend struggled with what to say. He's been different for a couple months now. She didn't know what it was, he never wanted to talk about it. It was as if something happened to him that day he disappeared from the school bus.
"You know," she broke the silence, gaining the brunette's  attention, "you can always talk to me Peter. Doesn't matter what's bothering you, I'm always here for you. And I would never judge you."
"Thanks y/n, but I'm fine, really." He sent her an unconvincing smile. He wanted to tell her, he really did. He wanted to tell her how he can't sleep without thinking he's back on Titian. How he can't close his eyes without feeling like he was back in the soul stone, separated from his loved ones. How Mr. Stark wouldn't let him go on patrol for the past two months because every time Peter would put on his suit, he'd have a panic attack and wouldn't calm down till hours later. How he's falling behind in school because though the world hasn't felt any time pass from the day Peter went missing on the bus, he did. How the only thing that feels even remotely normal to him was his relationship with her. Bu he couldn't. Not yet at least.
"Are you sure?" y/n asked, worried about her boyfriend.
"Yeah. I just...I need a distraction."
"A distraction, huh?" It wasn't long before a small smile found her face, "Do you have your camera with you?"
"Of course. I never leave home without it."
"Perfect!" She grabbed his hand, leading him to a small, fairly deserted park.
"Y/N/N, where are we going?"
"You said you needed a distraction so," she paused, stopping in the center of the park, "we're having a mini photo shoot!" Peter rose his eyebrows.
"But you hate getting your picture taken."
"One: that's cause either your grade rides on it or you're taking it from an unflattering angle or time...or both. And two: yeah I do, but you said you needed a distraction soo.."
"You sure?" he double checked, getting excited as this was a rarity.
"I'm sure," she smiled at him, a little nervous. But hey. It's Peter. You trust him.
The next thirty minutes flew by as Peter directed her on where to go and what to do, utilizing the numerous amounts of fallen leaves in their photos. The couple shared many laughs as they threw leaves at each other in between shots.
"Just one more!" Peter exclaimed, wanting to capture as many photos of the amazing girl in front of him as possible.
"We've already done everything we can!" y/n laughed, glad that her boyfriend was feeling better. Peter looked around, determined to get one last photo.
"How do you feel about being one of those insta-famous people for five minutes?"
"What are you planning Parker?"
"Follow me." He led her to the vacant street beside the park.
"Sit right here."
"Are you crazy!"
"What?" Y/N's eyes widened as she gestured to their surroundings. "Oh! My bad. May we please sit out in the middle of the street for a picture, my lady?"
"No we cannot sit out in the middle of the street for a picture!!"
"Come on! No one's driving here right not. Besides, I wouldn't let anyone run you over." She pondered over it for a moment before ultimately deciding fuck it.
"You're lucky I love and trust you," she grumbled. She positioned herself on the pavement, looking over her shoulder anxiously for any incoming cars.
"Relax y/n/n," Peter told her. She took a deep breath.
It's fine. I'll be fine. Peter's got this.
"Take the damn picture Peter."
"Smile then!"
"I am!"
"You look like you're being held hostage." She rolled her eyes then gave a small, closed mouth smile. "Now you look like you're being forced to be here."
"I am being forced to be here. Quite literally."
"The longer you take to actually smile, the longer we're gonna be here and the more chances you have of being run over."
"I thought you said you weren't going to let me get run over!"
"I won't! But I'm also not going to lie to you."
"Okay fair."
"Just smile y/n. It's really not that hard. You've been doing it this whole time."
"But could I have almost died taking any of those photos?"
"Okay fair point." Peter looked around again, thinking of things that would make her laugh. "Remember how, on our first date, this old lady tried to hit on me?"
"Oh my god, yeah!" She started giggling. "She was like eighty and trying to get you to take her to brunch the week after and her husband wasn't having it!!" He captured as many photos as he could, making sure to do her genuine smile justice.
"Anddd done!" Y/N stopped howling and went over to Peter to look at the finished products. Suddenly, Peter's spider-senses kicked in, alarming him that something was coming.
"Watch out!" he pulled his girlfriend a side before the racing car could hit the two of them. Y/N gave Peter a look, "See, I told you I wouldn't let you get hit by a car."
"Yeah yeah whatever Parker. Come on, our early morning adventure's not over yet," she said, skipping away as Peter laughed, his anxiety long forgotten about.
Everybody needs a distraction, and Peter was lucky enough to have her be his.
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Straight Boy
Part 2: together
Rating: M
Genre: Fluff
Word count: 10365
Chapters: 2/4 [All chapters]
Read on AO3
AN: Oooooh this chapter is fuuuuun :) I loved writing all this fic but especially this chapter. Also, forgot to mention it last chapter, but yes "Baz in glasses" is BACK baby!!! I love this HC and I will keep putting it in fics until I die. Well, enjoy this chapter :D
Tagging: @jeansjeansjeansjeans
I have to do a double take of the building. I check the address Baz text sent me, and it’s right. This fancy ass mostly glass white condo is definitely the right place. Well, Baz said his family was rich, maybe they bought him a whole condo for uni? Yeah...
I walk and type in the buzzer code Baz gave me. It rings low and loud, until a very pissed off voice comes on. And it’s definitely not Baz.
“What?!” The posh woman barks out. I instinctively step away.
“Uh, I’m here to see Baz?” I say with extreme caution. “I’m Simon, by the way.”
“Oh, right, Basilton said you were coming.”
Basilton? What? Okay, not important right now. There’s an obnoxiously loud buzz and the door unlocks. I rush in and go towards the elevator. It’s all cold grey fancy steel. I feel very intimidating as I go up to the twenty fifth floor. Luckily, Baz’s flat is just to the right, so I don’t get lost. (Penny says I get lost turning left.) I knock on the door lightly. A few heavy steps come towards me, then the door swings open, making me take a step back.
This woman is definitely not Baz, but I’m pretty damn sure they’re related. Same skin tone, same grey eyes, same black hair. Though she has a thick white blonde streak at the front. I can’t tell if it’s dyed or natural. She’s wearing a leather jacket and ripped jeans with old Doc Martens. She looks like she just came out from a seventies punk bar, and she was the headline act.
“Uh, hello,” I say very cautiously. “I’m Simon.”
“So, you’re Simon,” she replies with a weird suspicion. “You’re shorter than I thought you would be.”
“Um, sorry?”
“Fiona!” I hear Baz shout from behind her. He appears suddenly, glasses on top of his head, hair falling in a lazy wave over his angry face. He's dressed in a loose white shirts and blue jeans we picked out at W Wood. Wait, are jeans his lazy clothes? Huh, odd. He looks good, so whatever.
“Stop picking on Simon,” he growls at the women, apparently called Fiona, glaring viciously. Fiona glares right back.
“I wasn’t picking on him,” she says with bite.
Baz rolls his eyes dramatically. “Of course you weren’t.” He finally looks at me and immediately grins. “Hi, Snow, glad you could make it. This is my Aunt Fiona. Please ignore her. She’s over protective, like an old pit bull.”
Fiona scoffs loudly and smacks his arm. “I am not old, you wanker! I’m only thirty eight!”
“Not the important thing here. Now, Fiona, don’t you have somewhere to be?” He raises one eyebrow impossibly high. Fiona glares even harder.
“This is my apartment, y’know.”
“Our apartment now. And you’re going to Nicky’s. Seriously, why don’t you two just get a flat together and give me the place to myself 24/7?”
Fiona rolls her eyes. Wow, I can see where Baz gets it from. “Please, we’re too new for that.”
“You’ve known each other since high school.”
“But only been dating for a few months. We’re still in the sexy honeymoon phase, Basil,” she says with a wink. My cheeks heat up, Baz is obviously unimpressed, and Fiona looks very smug. I feel like I’m intruding on a much larger conversation.
“Fiona,” Baz sighs, “please, just go see your boyfriend. Come back tomorrow.”
She sighs over dramatically. “Fine. Leave my kitchen and living room in working order by the time I come back, please.”
Baz sighs in the exact same way. “Yes, of course, now go!”
Fiona walks past me, patting my shoulder as she goes. “Nice meeting you, Simon. Have fun.” Her nails dig into my skin for a brief moment. Not enough to really hurt but enough to sting. I don’t think she likes me that much...
Baz physically pushes Fiona out the door. She flips him off. He groans and gestures me inside. “Sorry about that. Come in, come in. I’ve almost got supper ready.”
I follow in after him, unzipping my hoodie, since this fancy place is certainly well heated. “It’s fine, man. I didn’t know you lived with your Aunt.”
“Yeah, sorry, never came up. She lives close to campus so it was easier to just take her extra room instead of trying to find another place. And I think my parents want her to spy on me for them.”
I chuckle as I kick off my trainers. “And how is that working out? She didn’t strike me as someone who would tattle to your parents.”
Baz’s lip pulls up into a smirk. “Well, she likes to be a shit and pretend she’ll tell them about my activities. But at the same time, she let me smoke half her joint last night while we watched Monty Python and ate peanut butter from the jar.”
“Oh my god,” I giggle. “That sounds amazing!’
“It certainly was. Now come on, I’m starved.”
We walk down the short hall into the actual apartment. I have to stop myself from gasping. The whole place is kinda intimidating but cool. It’s like what you see in catalogues. All white walls, modern furniture, and large bay windows with a view of the steel and brick horizon. Though there’s also enough personality to it to show that two people live here. There's lots of photos on the walls of Baz and Fiona and people who look enough like them to be relatives. Some old books are spread out on the coffee table, with lots of sticky notes on the pages in Baz's wispy handwriting. And next to the volumes are rolling papers I can safely assume are Fiona’s. Looks like a fun place to live.
“Just nearly burned supper, goodness,” Baz chuckles.
I follow his voice into the kitchen. It’s all white with fancy high tech chrome appliances. Baz is bending over the oven, making the denim stretch across his arse. I blush and avoid looking. The memory of...that part of his anatomy is still burned into my brain. It never goes away, just fades and pops back up at literally the worst possible moments. Like late at night, persuading my hand to “accidentally” slip into my pants. Or right now, when I really can’t let my hand go anywhere to relieve the heat he makes in my stomach. Fuck, my head hurts.
“Perfect,” Baz says cheerily. “Cooked all the way through.” He pulls out a pan with two herb covered chicken breasts and oily asparagus stalks. He opens the pot on top of the stove. It’s filled with absolutely divine tomato sauce. My eyes get very wide.
“Wow,” I gasp. “When you said you were making supper, I thought you meant boxed pasta or some shit.”
Baz smiles smugly. “I’m classier than that, Salisbury.”
His smirk makes my stomach even hotter. I shrug. “Guess I shouldn’t have doubted you.”
“Damn right. Now go sit down, I’ll bring the plates out in a second.”
He gestures to the large glass dining table near the window. There’s two rich crimson placemats across from each other, twin wine glasses already filled. The lights are low, matching the setting sun. Everything is soft orange, red, and violet. It’s really nice. This is the fanciest supper set up I've ever seen. And Baz did it for me. He's so nice. My knees wobble a bit as I take my chair. Baz soon comes out with two full plates.
“Dinner is served,” he announces grandly, placing the food in front of me. It’s chicken, asparagus, and some unfamiliar rice dish. It’s got lentils, fried onions, chickpeas, macaroni noodles, and that amazing tomato sauce all on top. My mouth immediately starts watering.
“Thank you,” I reply as he sits down. I wait for him to unfold his napkin and everything to be polite. Mum taught me that. But it’s hard. I really want to eat.
Baz gives me an amused look. “Dig in, Snow, I can see you salivating all the way from over here.”
I roll my eyes, but still grab my utensils. “Shut up.” I put a large forkful of rice in my mouth, and it’s a flavour explosion. My tastebuds are singing with joy. I’ve never had something this good. I start shovelling huge bites in, making Baz snort with laughter.
“You like it?” he asks with amusement.
“Uh, fuck yeah! What is this, ambrosia?”
Baz chuckles and shakes his head, “No, just some good spices. That’s called koshari. It’s a very famous dish in Egypt. I’m half Egyptian, so I wanted to try to make it. Connect to my heritage and all.”
I try to smile, but my mouth is partially filled with koshari, so it’s difficult. “That’s awesome. Like, it’s really cool you’ve got that connection to your culture and stuff. Plus it’s just like super delicious.”
He half smiles, lifting his wine glass like a true gentleman, “The chef appreciates your compliments.”
I lift my own and clink our cups together. Like we’re fancy or something. “You’re very welcome.”
We trade easy conversation as we eat. Baz has completely caught up in his classes. Actually, he’s probably ahead. He’s incredibly smart so I’m not surprised. I’m getting better at paying attention in class. Penny gave me a fidget spinner, which I think was supposed to be a joke, but it’s actually helped me channel some of that restless energy. Plus I’m just super interested in our therapy unit. It’s what I study social work for, to help people. Baz calls me exceedingly noble. From his small smile, I assume it’s a compliment.
Once dinner is finished, we put our plates in the sink. I try to start washing but Baz slaps my hand away.
“None of that,” he says resolutely. “I’ll do it later.”
I put my hands in my pockets. I know there’s no point in arguing with him, amazing stubborn bastard. “Alright. What should we do? I don’t really feel like going home yet.”
A strange look crosses over his face. Both nervous and excited maybe? It’s so fleeting I can’t tell before it’s gone. He nods slowly. “Want to watch a movie? I’ve got Fiona’s Netflix account.”
“Yeah sure. Sounds good.”
We walk over to Fiona’s pristine white couch. I flop down while Baz sits properly, ankles crossed, straight back, hands in his lap. Jeez, he can still be so uptight sometimes. He flips down his glasses, probably so he can actually see the TV. Fuck, they really do look good on him. I have to make an effort not to stare.
“What should we watch?” I ask. “Horror? Comedy? Drama?”
Baz shrugs. “Well, I only watch documentaries, which you’d probably find very boring. So I leave the choice up to you, Salisbury.” He hands me the remote like a gentleman offering a bouquet. I take it graciously.
“Oh thank you kind sir,” I say in my poshest accent. Baz rolls his eye and chuckles.
I flip through Netflix for a little while. Well, Baz wasn’t lying about only watching documentaries. All his recently watched are movies about forests and wars and violinists. Bo-ring! I go to the romcom section, because I love stupid tropey shit. Penny calls me a hopeless romantic. I just like that everything works out in the end. Real life isn’t usually like that. It’s nice to pretend. So I pick “Notting Hill”. It’s one my favourites.
“Dear Lord,” Baz mutters part way in, “what is this?”
“It’s a rom com,” I reply.
“So, I’m supposed to believe that a movie star just happens to wander into this guy’s store? And she kisses him impulsively? Seriously?”
I playfully smack his arm. Wow, his hands are rough, his arms are smoother than sea glass. “It’s not supposed to be realistic, it’s supposed to be fun.”
He snorts. “Well, all I can focus on is the plot holes.”
I sigh. My head, heavy from food drowsiness, lolls to my right. It takes me a bit too long to realise it’s fallen on Baz’s shoulder. Shit, didn’t mean to do that. He’s incredibly tense, every muscle pulled tight. I nearly move off, but then he relaxes. His legs uncross, and his hands fall to beside his sides. So, I guess this is okay. And his shoulder, despite it’s boney-ness, is actually really comfy. Yeah. this is cool. I’ll just stay here.
The movie keeps going, but it kind of falls to background noise for me. I know it off by heart anyway. I’m more focused on other things for some reason. Like the feel of Baz’s soft shirt on my cheek. Or that his whole jean covered leg is pressed against mine. Or how close his rough farmer-violist hand is to mine. I’ve only held it a couple times, and only loosely. I do wonder...
Before thinking about it too much, I reach over and grab his hand. Baz inhales sharply through his nose, but he doesn’t pull away. Our hands rest together. We stay like that for awhile. Watching the movie, just casually holding hands. Normal friend stuff. His skin is still as scratchy as I remember, creating sparks of sensation all over my palm. And his fingers are quite long. Pianist fingers, I think that’s the term. They’re nice. I like his hand. I like holding it.
Eventually, I lift my head up, and my eyes flick over to him. I just want to see if he’s enjoying the movie. Holy shit, he’s looking back. His grey eyes are staring right at me. It almost feels like he’s looking through me they’re so piercing. It makes me shudder involuntarily. His eye move lower, to... Wait is he looking at my-
And then he kisses me.
Holy shit. A guy is kissing me. More importantly, Baz is kissing me. His face is so close to mine, black hair falling around us, glasses pushing against my nose. Baz’s lips are smooth, soft, and kinda cold. Well, not cold, just chilly, like an ocean breeze. It feels nice. His kiss feels nice. Oh my god, I’m musing about a guy kissing me, about how much I like it. What the hell?!
Our mouths are still, just pressed together chastely. Like we're a pair of awkward pre-teends having out first kiss. But really I’m too stunned to move. Then Baz pulls away slightly. His eyes are a bit glassy and his breathing is unsteady. “Is this okay?” he whispers.
That’s a really good fucking question. Am I okay with this? My lips are still tingling, and my pulse is hammering in my ears. Every fibre in my body is screaming at me to get close to him again. I nod. “Yeah,” I reply breathlessly, “yeah, it’s okay.”
Baz smirks, pushing his glasses on top of his head before kissing me again. He’s less hesitant this time, moving his mouth more insistently and curling his long fingers around my nape. I try to match his pace, try to pull him closer too, clutching his shirt in tight fists. I just want him so close. I let out an involuntary moan when his nails prick my skin. The slight sting makes everything go spinny. My mouth falls open, and I moan again as his tongue slowly slides across mine. Holy shit, why does this feel so much better than any kiss I’ve had before? I’ve only snogged a few of people, so it’s not like I’ve got a ton of experience, but I’ve got enough. And this is by far the best snog I’ve ever had.
I don’t even realise I’ve been leaning back until I’m laying down with Baz over me. He’s got one hand in my hair, the other trailing along my side, and a leg between mine. I’m holding his hips, dangerously close to going under his shirt. I really want to feel those muscles I saw in the changeroom, but I don’t want to do anything like that without Baz’s permission. Consent is necessary and all. But suddenly, without even moving off my mouth, Baz grabs my wrist and shoves my hand right under his shirt. Okay, pretty damn sure that’s consent. I trace the ridges and planes of muscle in his back, memorising the how ridiculously good they feel. He groans into my mouth. It makes my whole body shudder. And I full on gasp when he grinds his knee between my legs. My whole brain fucking explodes. Oh man, I am certainly “reacting” very, very strongly right now.
Through all the arousal haze, I wonder if this, what we’re doing, means I’m gay. But I don’t want to kiss Baz because he’s a guy. I want to kiss Baz because he’s Baz. Because he’s nice and funny and watched Doctor Who for me. And sure, he’s also really pretty with his wavy black hair and deep sea eyes. But anyone would notice that. I’ve noticed that other guys are pretty before. I can be straight and observant, right? I don’t know. It’s all too confusing to think about now. I just want to keep holding Baz. I have to do that.
Fuck, how long has he wanted this? How long have I wanted this? I would say I didn’t, but then why are a list of things I want to do to Baz? Like this; I push a hand into his hair. The strands are soft, slipping through my fingers, just like I thought. I clench my fist and shove his face more into mine.
Suddenly, Baz pulls off my mouth.
“Sorry,” I say (I’m out of breath it’s embarrassing.)
“No, no, don’t be sorry. Just,” he takes a breath, “want to continue this somewhere more comfortable?”
I’m panting very hard, but so is he. His face is flushed, eyes half lidded, lips swollen and wet. He looks fucking hot. My whole body is vibrating with energy. I want to pull him down and kiss him until our mouths are sore. And well, this couch is a bit small to stay here for that long. So I nod. “Sure, sounds good.”
Baz grins, showing all his bright white teeth. “Wonderful.”
He climbs off me. His legs are shaky, but when I stand up, mine are too. Baz turns off the telly and takes my hand, leading me down the narrow hall towards a room. Once we enter, it’s very obvious that this is Baz’s room. It’s extremely neat because of course Baz is a clean freak. But the desk is covered in a mess of books and sheet music. His violin case sits in the corner. I wonder if I’ll ever hear him play.
We stop in front of the large bed. His sheets are all black, and they look like silk. Well, that's definitely more comfortable than the couch. Baz turns towards me. His face is lit up by the setting sun, skin glowing perfectly in the fiery light. Wow, he’s somehow even prettier right now. But, is he nervous? He’s chewing on his lip, and the hand I’m not holding keeps flexing. I guess he is. Huh, I haven’t seen him anxious since the W Wood. And right now he’s much worse.
“So,” he says, clearing his throat a bit, “how far do you want to go? We could just keep snogging, that’s fine with me. Or we could do more. Whatever you feel like, I’ll be fine with.”
Fucking hell he’s so considerate. It makes my heart speed up, for some reason. But, what do I want? I want to touch him, to kiss him a lot. For him to kiss me and touch me too. Maybe in places other than my lips. Actually, fuck "maybe", I desperately want that, the need itching under every part of my skin. Even though I've never wanted a guy to do that before. Even though I’m straight. I’m trying not to think too much about those contradictions and focus on how good kissing him felt. I really don’t need a headache at this time.
“I-I’m good for anything.” Wait no, not right. “But not ‘all the way’, though. I don’t think I’m prepared for that, in every sense of the word.”
Baz chuckles, his other hand grabbing mine. “That’s fine, no worries. Neither am I, to be honest. But there’s lots of other stuff we can do.”
I look down at the floor, stomach twisting terribly with nerves. “Um, if I’m being honest, Baz, I, uh, have no clue what to do. I’ve never done this before, with a guy.”
He doesn’t say anything. I expected him to laugh, to tease me at least a bit, but instead I feel his rough pianist finger knock up my chin. His mouth is soft, and his eyes are kind and understanding. Why are my knees so weak? “It’s okay, you don’t have to be nervous. We can try things, but you can absolutely stop me if I you want to, alright?” He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear, taking a moment to trace my jaw with a single callused fingertip. “I’ll take care of you, Simon.”
Bloody Hell, I’m not sure I have knees anymore now.
We lean forward simultaneously, lips instantly moulding together like we’ve been kissing forever. It feels so fucking good that I barely notice him pushing up my shirt. He pulls away when he reaches my arms. His face asks the silent question, and I nod in reply. He pulls the shirt over my head and tosses it to the side. I push at the hem of his. He happily helps me get it off, whipping it on the floor. My hands instantly go to his bare torso and chest. I try to touch all of it. Stomach, chest, shoulders, everything. I feel every bit of smooth skin and sharp angle, and they’re just as wonderful as I imagined.
“You’re actually perfect,” I murmur.
Baz smirks. He clenches his stomach, showing off his stupid perfect abs. I can’t suppress the squeak that pops out of my mouth.
“Why thank you,” he drawls sarcastically. I scoff, hoping it makes up for my red cheeks. He slowly runs his hand over my bare side the across my stomach. My whole body feels electric. I shiver and sigh. “You’re pretty damn amazing yourself, Snow.”
I attempt to laugh off my embarrassment. “T-Thanks.”
He kisses me softly again, arms winding around my neck. I hold his waist tightly. I nearly pull him over as Baz spins me around and pushes me on the bed. He stands over me, cupping my cheeks as we keep kissing. Soon he breaks away and starts trailing his cool lips slowly down my neck. It feels so good my eyes roll back in my head. I fall back on the mattress, propped up on my elbows, legs still hanging off the edge. He goes further and further. Across my collarbone, down my sternum and stomach, until he reaches just above my trouser waistband. Baz looks up from where he’s kneeling between my legs, eyes so dark I can only see the smallest ring of grey, and places a tentative hand over the button.
“May I?” he asks breathlessly.
I’m gripping the sheet so hard my knuckles are white. I can’t tell if it’s from nervousness or anticipation. Probably both. I know what he means. I know what he wants to do. Part of me is still confused by my own desire, but a louder part is only thinking in sex. In “yes, yes, please, more, do it.” And it’s a lot louder.
“Yeah,” I say, falling fully onto my back, "you can.”
I lay there, staring at the blemish free white ceiling, breathing harshly, just waiting. Everything is quiet. The only sound is the distant honks from far below and my own clamorous heartbeat. Baz doesn’t do anything for awhile and I start to think if I fucked up somehow. Am I too eager? Has he changed his mind? Is this all one big stupid mistake?
But then he pulls my pants down and takes me in his mouth. Then, well, I’m not thinking very much at all anymore.
I roll off Baz and flop next to him on his bed. We’re both panting and sweating and a bit sticky, bare bodies glistening in the city lights. It’s very dark out now. The sun set awhile ago. I manage to twist my still dizzy head to look at the digital clock on the nightstand. Holy shit, we just spent over two hours having sex. My muscles are totally dead, throbbing with blissful exhaustion.
And it hits me, again: I just had sex with Baz, with a guy, and I really, really liked it.
So does this mean I'm gay? But I liked it because it was Baz, not because it was a guy. He was so patient, so attentive, pushing just enough to get me to try new things but never so far that I was uncomfortable. I'm still unbelievably confused, but mostly just really fucking satisfied.
“Wow,” I say, voice raw and scratchy. “That was just, wow.”
Baz tries to chuckle, but his voice isn't much better than mine. “Had fun, Snow?”
“Uh, yeah! That was like the best sex I’ve ever had.” It’s only after the words burst out do I realise how fucking embarrassing that sounds. Baz laughs, of course. I cover my burning face. “I’ll shut up now,” I groan.
“Oh don’t be embarrassed, darling.” Baz peels my hands off, grinning face now hovering over mine. I can feel his foot pressed to my bare calf. He kisses my knuckles lightly. A thousand butterflies take off in my stomach. “It was really good for me too.”
His face is shiny with sweat, wavy hair all tangled because I kept pulling it (not that he complained). The city light dances across his skin perfectly. There’s a lot more butterflies flying now. I cup the back of his head and pull his mouth down to mine. I just want to be closer to him right now. It’s not urgent like before. It’s simply a lazy slide of our tired mouths, a calm way to end the frantic evening.
Baz pulls back slowly. His breath tickles my face. Then he collapses on top of me, face buried in the crook of my neck. I snort out a laugh I can’t help. He’s just too adorable.
“You tired, Basilton?” I tease.
“Shut up,” he grumbles. “And don’t use my full name. Only my family does that.”
“But it’s so funny! Your name is fucking Basilton Grimm-Pitch. You sound like an Edgar Allan Poe character.”
He chuckles against my skin. “Then you’ll love my first name.”
My heart does double time. I look down at him as best I can. “What the hell is your first name?!”
I feel his shit eating grin on my collarbone. “A man is allowed to have a few secrets, Snow.”
Damn, I really want to throttle the smug perfect bastard. He groans as pushes himself off me, slowly rolling onto his back then sitting upright, legs hanging off the edge. He stretches his arms to the sky, showing the grand muscular expanse of his back. (There are a lot of angry red scratches from my nails. Fuck, I was really into it.)
“I don’t know about you,” he yawns, “but I’m completely knackered. I’m brushing my teeth and going to bed.” His head turns halfway, showing just one eye, gaze slightly unsteady. Is he nervous again. “You want to stay? It’s alright if you don’t.”
Honestly, I’m not sure my muscles are strong enough right now to get me home. Even so, I do want to go. So I nod. “Yeah, I’ll stay.”
His mouth quirks up. “Good.”
Baz slips on his boxers and hands me mine. He leads me to the washroom. It’s huge and pristine and white of course. Baz gives me a fresh toothbrush, which is really thoughtful, because he’s really thoughtful. The vain bastard keeps hogging the mirror though. Once we’re done with our teeth, we go back to the bedroom and Baz takes out his posh red silk pyjamas. He tries to offer me a pair but I’m fine with an oversized t-shirt that looks totally unworn.
“That thing?” Baz says slightly disgusted. “I got that from the overeager poet’s society back at Oxford.”
Huh, makes sense. It does have a Byron joke on it. I shrug. “Eh, it’s fine. Kinda funny too.”
Baz waves dismissively. “Very well. You can keep it if you want. I’m not going to wear it.”
I pull at the hem. Well, if he’s offering, sure. It’s really comfy. And or some reason, I sort of like the idea of keeping this shirt. Keeping Baz’s clothes...it’s just sorta nice.
I flop down on the silk sheets and immediately sink into the comfy mattress. It’s like a goddamn smooth cloud. I’m already drifting off into dreamland when Baz lays next to me. He pulls the quilt over us. Distantly, I feel his long arm drape across my waist and his body curl around mine. His breath hits the back of my neck, almost immediately evening out in sleep. I instinctively snuggle closer, because he feels good. This whole night has felt good. Maybe I should just focus on that instead of the storm in my brain. Yeah, I’m fine with that.
I’m waiting for Baz at Goat while trying to do my readings. He meets me after class, then we have lunch and talk. We’ve been hanging out a lot more on campus the past three weeks, ever since I slept over. I do that a lot more too, actually. I go to his place at least once a week, usually more. Sometimes we just eat supper, maybe watch a movie, then fall asleep in Baz’s bed. Other times we use the bed for...other things.
I’m still straight though. That's still how I think of my self. I just also like this, whatever it is. It’s a sorta weird but awesome friends with benefits thing. I think. We haven’t really defined it. But whatever. We’re having fun. Who needs labels?
“Hello, love.” Baz’s hand is a comfortable weight on my shoulder. He bends around the back of the chair and kisses me. It’s just a short, sweet greeting kiss. He does this a lot now. I like it. I smile against his mouth.
“Hi,” I reply as he sits down across from me. “How was class?”
Baz stretches out his hand. “Well, my fingers hurt, so very good. How was your’s?”
I lift up my heavy textbook. “Professor Blowhard assigned extra readings again, of course. Does he realise we have lives outside of class?”
“Yes, but he doesn’t care, obviously. Because he's a dickhead.”
“Damn right. I need scones to feel better.”
Baz rolls his eyes. “Of course you do. Ebb already getting our food ready?”
“Ebb’s finished your food.” I jolt slightly. When did Ebb get here? Did she manifest out of thin air? She holds two plates with our usuals. A latte, sour cherry scone, and grilled cheese with tomato and spinach for me. (Baz suggested I try the last one, so Ebb made it, and it’s really good.) And a fancy turkey-pesto panini and pumpkin mocha breve for Baz.
Baz smiles up at her. He’s gotten very friendly with her. “Good day, Ebb. How’s it going?”
Ebb shrugs. “Pretty okay. I sort of want some new dishware but I’m not sure I have the funds for it.”
“Well, Christmas is coming up. Maybe I’ll keep that in mind.”
Ebb laughs and ruffles Baz’s already messy hair. She’s very friendly with him by now. “Aw, you don’t have to do that, Baz. Sweet of you to say though. He’s certainly a keeper, Si.”
She winks at me before sauntering off. I’m not sure what that’s supposed to mean. I flick my eyes over to Baz. He’s taking a sip from his overly large coffee cup. When he lowers it, there’s whipped cream on the tip of his long nose. I snort and giggle. Baz’s brow furrows.
“What’s so funny?” he asks, actually genuinely concerned. He’s always very concerned about his appearance. It’s funny, and kind of cute.
I reach out and use one finger to swipe the whipped cream off. His nose scrunches like an adorable child. I hold it for him to see.
“You’re making a mess,” I tease, then lick my finger. Baz’s eye go wide, and he might blush. It’s hard to tell sometimes, what with his complexion and being emotional display repulsed British gentry. I’m not sure why though. I just don’t like wasting food.
“Christ, Simon,” he chuckles, shaking his head. His eyes flick up to mine and he smirks. That expression makes my stomach do a lot of funny things. “Like you’re one to talk about messes," he says. "My kitchen is still recovering from your pizza debacle.”
“It turned out to be good frozen pizza though.”
“Yes, at the sacrifice of a clean oven.”
I shrug, reaching my foot out to tap his for emphasis. “I’ll destroy my own next time, alright?”
He goes a step further, tracing the toe of his Oxford on my bare ankle. It makes me jolt, but in a good way. Baz seems to have that effect on me.
“Hm, y’know, I haven’t been to your place yet. Invite me over for oven destroying pizza sometime?” His voice is smooth as butter. It makes my legs feel weak, even though I’m already sitting down. And he’s right, he hasn’t been over yet. It’s not because of anything, his place has always just been easier. That should be corrected.
“Yeah, sure,” I chirp, “I’d like that. Though my flatmate might interrogate you. She still isn’t sure she approves of you.”
Baz shrugs dismissively. “Understood. But I’m sure it’ll be fine. She’ll warm up to me. I’m very likable.”
I scoff. “And full of yourself.”
He pushes his foot until it’s fully under my jean cuff. I yelp  in surprise. “Got you to like me, didn’t I?”
Shit, why is my face so flushed? I try to use my book to cover it, but my eyes peek out over the top. Baz is still smirking, still slowly moving his shoe up and down my skin. It’s sort of hard to say no when he’s doing that. Bastard. “That’s true, I suppose,” I say shakily.
“Exactly.” He leans forward on the table, chin cradled in his palm. “Want to come over tonight? Fiona’s at Nicky’s again. Those two need to just move in together already.”
“Yeah, agreed. And I can come over as long as you help me revise for a midterm.”
“Very well,” he sighs dramatically. “If that’s the price I must pay for a good shag.”
And I thought my blush couldn’t get any worse. I use a hand to cover my bright red face. “Baz,” I giggle, “shut up.”
He chuckles and slowly peels my hand away. I’ve found his violin calluses feel weirdly wonderful on my skin. “I’ll help you, love, don’t worry.”
Fuck, he’s always so nice. Just so kind and helpful and fun to be around. He’s like Penny, I guess, but our dynamic doesn’t feel like me and Penny. Not better, just different. My heart and stomach don’t feel twisty around her. And I definitely don’t want to snog Pen silly. Baz is just different. Whatever we have is different. I don’t know what it is, but I like it. And I certainly don’t want to stop.
A week later, Baz is scheduled to come over. I’m trying to salvage my stupid homemade stupid pizza when there’s a knock at the door. I run over still wearing the apron and oven mitts as I open it. Baz is standing on the other side, gym/overnight bag slung over his shoulder. He blinks at me confused, eyes big behind his glasses. (He’s been wearing them more. That's good. He looks amazing, and he needs to see.)
“Hi,” I say breathlessly, kissing him hello by habit.
“Good evening, Snow,” he says. “Nice apron.”
I look down. Right, this is Pen’s “Snog the Chef” apron. Micah sent it to her as a joke. He made the false assumption she cooks enough to need one. Both of us usually cook from a box or order take away. I chuckle.
“Uh, yeah. Still trying to make supper. Come in, come in.”
I race back to the kitchen, leaving Baz in the living room. I can still see him through a small square space in the wall. (The previous tenant had a thing for cutting random holes in the wall.) He scans the room, taking in his surroundings.
“Hm,” he says thoughtfully. “Nice place.”
I laugh loudly so he can hear me. “You don’t have to be nice, y’know. I’m aware it’s gross. I tried to clean a bit.”
“I’m serious, it’s nice. Love all the Polaroid pictures. Is this blonde girl your roommate?”
“Uh, no, that’s Agatha. The other girl, Penelope, she’s my flatmate. We all went to high school together.”
“I see, that’s nice. You all look happy.”
I lean out the weird window hole. Baz is looking at the picture from the summer, when we all went to Agatha’s family beach house. I smile. That was a happy time.
“Yeah,” I sigh. “Summer before final year. Can’t tell Agatha was about to break up with me a few weeks later, huh?”
It’s a joke, but I immediately regret it. Baz tenses up. Shit, that’s a serious topic, and I shouldn’t talk about Agatha like that.
“There’s no bad blood though,” I say quickly. “Like, it sucked when we split up but it was for the best in the end. We’re way better as friends. She lives in California now. She skypes me and Pen a lot, tells us all about America and shit. I sent her a British flag for Christmas last year, and she sent me a California one.” I sigh, shaking my head. “I’m babbling, sorry, I’ll stop.”
Baz turns his head. He’s smiling, no anger or disappointment, thank God. “It’s fine, love, don’t worry. She sounds lovely. I’m not jealous. Unless I have a reason to be.”
His raised eyebrows and toothy grin tells me he’s joking. I chuckle. Why would he have a reason to be jealous anyway? I mean, Agatha’s pretty, but so is he. “No, you definitely have no reason. Maybe I’ll introduce you two sometime. You can compare expensive hair products.”
“Hey, you like my hair.”
“Yeah, but I’ve also seen how many bottles you have in your shower. And how many bottles did you bring with you tonight?”
Baz doesn’t answer. I snicker as I pull my pizza out of the oven. Well, it’s not much of a pizza anymore. Sort of a dough, cheese, and sauce liquid mess in a pan. I groan and lean my head on the cupboard over the oven.
“Trouble with supper, love?”
I look up. Baz is leaning in the window hole, arms crossed over the sill and head on his bent elbow. He looks nice like this, relaxed and all. Huh, he really is a lot less uptight than he was two months ago. That’s good, I suppose. I smile weakly.
“I think this pizza is even more of a disaster than the last one. And this time it’s completely inedible.”
He frowns sarcastically. “Aw, what a surprise.”
I take a mitt off and throw it at his stupid smug pretty face. “Fuck off, I tried!”
Baz doesn’t looked fazed by the glove projectile, just holding it as he smiles. “I know, darling, and you did your best. Now, shall I order take away?”
I sigh, shaking off the other mitt so they lay in a messy pile on the counter. “I guess so. But I’m paying for it. I was supposed to make you a nice supper, I should at least pay for the substitute.”
“Well, I certainly have no problem with that.”
I turn off the oven and take off the dumb apron. With heavy steps and hanging head, I go into the living room. Baz immediately reaches out and pulls me against him, hugging me close. I wrap my arms around his firm back, easily sinking into his embrace. He smells nice. Like cedar and bergamot, I think.
“Want to watch a movie?” he whispers, breath tickling my ear.
“Sure,” I mumble into his shoulder. “Do you like Pixar?”
He chuckles. It’s a really nice sound, washing over me like a warm, relaxing wave. “Yeah. Pixar is wonderful.”
We don’t move for a bit though. We just stay there, hugging in the middle of my living room. He’s a good hugger, so I don’t mind. I just close my eyes, breathe in his smell, and let his strong, firm arms hold me.
“Why does Buzz go still?” Baz asks. “He doesn’t think he’s a toy. Why would he pretend to be one when a person walks in?”
“Shhh.” I reach up to blindly hit his stupid smart arse mouth. “You’re ruining the movie.”
“I’m simply pointing out a flaw in the film’s plot.”
“Just shut up and watch, arsehole.”
Baz makes a displeased noise, but does thankfully shut up. Our half eaten take away pizza is still sitting on the coffee table. The sun has mostly set, the light of the telly the main source now. I’m junk food tired so I’ve ended up with my head in Baz’s lap. His legs are comfortable. And I like the way he strokes my hair. I could probably fall asleep like this if I wanted.
“Sorry again about supper,” I mumble into his thigh.
Baz hums softly, winding a finger around one of my curls. “It's fine, love. You made the effort, that's what counts. And I appreciate it.”
I hum, throwing an arm over his knees. “You’re nice.”
Bizarrely, he scoffs at that. “You’re the first person to say that, Snow. Most people say I’m rude and mean.”
“You're not, they're all wrong," I say immediately, almost angry for him.
He pauses for a moment, hand still in my hair. "You really think so?" he asks, voice slightly shaky.
"Yeah, of course. You tease me but you also made me supper and watched Doctor Who. That means a lot. You’re, like, snarky nice. Fuck, does that even make sense?”
Baz runs his thumb over the nape of my neck. “No, I get it. Thank you, darling, you’re incredibly sweet.” He brushes his long fingers against my ear. “Sometimes I wonder how I found you,” he sighs.
I chuckle, sound muffled by his trouser leg. “You ‘found me’ in a boring psych lecture, remember?”
“Yeah,” he whisper-laughs. “Glad I did though. Honestly...” He takes an audible breath, like he’s getting ready to jump off a cliff or something. “I think you’re the best thing to come out of moving to Watford.”
My mouth suddenly feels dry. And my heart is bruising my ribs it’s beating so hard. That was definitely one of the nicest things anyone has ever said to me. But it doesn’t feel like when Penny or Agatha or Mum are nice. It feels so...new. I wish there was a more eloquent word for it, for what I feel when he says something like that. It’s an all encompassing sensation I've never experienced before. Like a supernova in my brain and chest. I just can’t place it.
The end credit music starts playing. I turn my head back to the screen. “Oh hey, it’s done,” I say. “Wanna watch something else?”
I can’t see Baz’s face, but I feel him lean back against the sofa. “Sure. Anything in mind?”
“Actually, yeah, I've got something. You’ll like it.” I fumble for the remote, then start flipping through my Netflix list. I know it’s there... “Aha! This!” I highlight a movie I found yesterday. Baz leans forward with curiosity.
“A documentary on an Australian string quartet?” He chuckles. “Really?”
Shit, I thought he would like it because there are string instruments and stuff in it. But it’s not like every chef adores cooking shows. “S-Sorry, it was just an idea. We can watch something else.”
Baz puts an arm around my waist and squeezes my stomach tight. I immediately relax. “No, that wasn’t a discouragement. I’m very intrigued. I’m just surprised you’re offering to watch it. It’ll be quite dull for you.”
I shrug. “Eh, maybe. But you’ll like it, and I’m willing to try.”
Baz doesn’t answer. Well, not with words. His arm holds me even tighter, and he leans down to kiss my hair. His cool lips press lightly to my scalp. I can’t help the shudder it makes. When he pulls back, he goes back to to softly stroking my hair. I feel like I could melt into the couch.
“Put it on,” Baz sighs. “Try not to fall asleep, Snow.”
“I’ll do my best,” I say, meaning it genuinely.
So the movie is objectively boring for me, because I'm not a violin student, and I’m not a huge fan of documentaries period. But there are some good parts. I like the people, following their progression and lives and how their careers influence everything around them. Baz likes that too. Though he’s also fascinated by all the fancy instruments. I just think they’re all really pretty.
“Hey,” Baz asks, “where’s your flatmate?”
“Oh she’s-” The front door suddenly slams, making both of us jolt. A few footstep sounds later, Penny is standing right in front of us. “She’s right here. Hi, Pen.”
Penny is frozen. She blinks at us in complete silence for a few long seconds. I don’t know what’s so baffling. “Hi... What’s going on here?”
“Baz and I are watching a movie.” What’s going on with her? Pretty sure that was obvious.
She quirks an eyebrow. “So this is Baz?”
“Oh right.” I gesture to her. “Baz, this is Penelope Bunce.” I gesture to him. “Penny, this is Baz Grimm-Pitch.”
“Hello, Penelope," Baz says smoothly. "May I call you that?”
“Um, sure.”
“Wonderful. Pleasure to finally meet you.” He offers his hand like the gentleman he is.
Cautiously, Penny takes the handshake. “Same for me. Good to put a face to the name.”
Their hands fall. Penny has a weird expression on her face. Her eyes keep flicking between me and Baz, looking positively perplexed. I don’t get it. We’re just watching a movie. She said it was okay to bring Baz over, but it still must be weird for her to have someone new around. She doesn’t like new people.  But Baz is going to be hanging around with me indefinitely, so they should probably get more comfortable with each other.
“Wanna watch and eat with us?” I ask. “Pizza is lukewarm but still good.”
She seems even more confused, head pulling back and mouth twisting for a moment. “Uh, sure, if that’s alright with both of you.” She looks pointedly at Baz.
“It’s perfectly fine with me. Snow’s the one taking up the entire sofa.”
I scoff and smack his knee. “Fuck off.” I swing my legs dramatically, putting myself upright. It makes my vision spin a bit, so I fall against Baz, head on his shoulder. I don’t think he minds though. “There, happy?”
He chuckles and throws an arm around me, pulling us even closer together. “Positively elated, Snow.” He presses a sloppy wet kiss to my cheek. I make a disgusted noise as I wipe it off.
“Arsehole.” I kiss his cheek too. Fair’s fair. I look up, and Penny’s eyes are incredibly wide. I gesture at her. “C’mon, Pen, there’s room now.”
She sighs and shakes her head. “Alright then."
She sits down, but closer to the other end. Weird. I try to make more room, putting my legs over Baz’s, pressing against him. But she doesn’t move any closer. Actually, she moves further away. Weird, but I get wanting your own space. She is watching the movie intently though.
“This is good,” she says through her pizza. “That violin is incredible.”
“It’s called the Gibson ex-Huberman Stradivarius,” Baz interjects. “Made by Antonio Stradivari of Cremona in 1713. Many say his string instruments are the greatest ever made. He’s estimated to have made 960 violins, 650 of which are still around. What I wouldn’t give to play a Stradivarius.”
“Right," Penny chuckles. "Simon said you were a violinist.”
“Yup, he is,” I say. “Which makes him a total music nerd.”
Baz flicks my far ear then kisses the other. “Says the Doctor Who nerd. And not just music. I enjoy history and English language too.”
“Hey, so does Penny! She never shuts up about that book about working people.”
“‘The Making of The English Working Class’ by EP Thompson, Si,” Penny says with some exasperation. “It’s an interesting read.”
Baz makes a contemplative sound. He’s good at those. “I’ll have to look it up. Shall we compare notes sometime?”
Penny turns her head. She seems to be examining Baz over her spectacles, brown eyes moving up and down over him. She does that a lot, examines people, like me the first day we met all those years ago. She’s assessing him, figuring out whether he’s worth her time. She decided I was. I can only hope she likes him
“I’ll think about it,” she says.
I breathe out a small sigh of relief. They get along, thank God. Neither of them notice the sigh, but they do notice the loud yawn I can’t help afterwards.
“Tired, Snow?” Baz teases.
“No,” I grumble. I rub my aching eye, which doesn’t help my case.
Baz sighs, then shoves off my legs and stands over me, all tall and looming and handsome. He offers his hand. “Then let’s go to bed. I have an early class tomorrow anyway.”
“Okay.” I take his hand and he hoists me to my feet. I’m a bit wobbly, but Baz keeps me steady with an arm around my waist. Damn, I’m tired. “Can you put away the pizza, Pen? I’ll clean up the rest in the morning.”
“Yeah, sure thing,” she says absentmindedly, already flipping to her own show.
“G’night, Pen.”
“Night Si. And Baz.”
“Goodnight, Penelope. Lovely to meet you.”
“Yeah, me too.”
I sigh again, because she sounds genuine, and I don’t need two of my best friends feuding. There’s no need for unnecessary drama.
Baz and I wash up quickly. (He hogs the mirror again.) I throw on my usual baggy shirt and sweats. I assumed he brought his ridiculous posh silk pyjamas, but to my surprise he takes one of my Watford sweatshirts and a matching set of grey trackies. I look at him with utter amusement.
“Really?” I chuckle.
“I left my bag in the living room,” he says nonchalantly. “And I don’t feel like going to get it.” His pretty face become nervous for a moment, looking down at the hardwood floor. “Is it alright?”
“Oh, yeah, of course.” I curl my fingers in his elastic waistband, making him stumble closer. “You look good. You should wear my clothes more often.”
He chuckles, leaning down to capture my lips. I sigh and melt into it. Baz holds my face, slowly running his finger over my cheek. I encircle his waist. Warmth spreads from my mouth and through my entire body. Damn. No matter how brief or how long, how fast or slow, Baz's kisses are always pretty damn great.
He pulls back slightly, leaving the smallest space between us. “I’ll keep that in mind,” he whispers against my skin. “Come on, now. I’m tired and so are you. Let’s sleep.”
I yawn right on cue. “Yeah, sounds good.”
Baz pulls me towards the bed. He lays down first, putting his glasses on the nightstand, and I follow, head pillowed on his strong chest. His arms wrap around me tightly. I like when he does that. Baz always makes me feel better just by holding me. How the hell does that work? Why does he feel so unlike any friend I've had before? I don't know. And I don't care, so long as he just keeps holding me.
“Night,” I mumble.
“Night, love,” he sighs.
I drift off with his left hand in my hair, his right tracing circles on my back, and his heartbeat right under my ear.
“Snow? Snow. Simon.”
I groan at the voice disturbing the my sleep. A rough, callused hand shakes my arm. Of course I know who it is, so I don’t even open my eyes.
“What?” I grumble
“I have to go,” Baz whispers. “I’ve got class until seven. Lunch at Goat tomorrow?”
“And are you still staying at my place Friday?”
“Did you understand anything I just said?”
I roll over, bleary eyes opening slightly. The dawn light doesn’t hurt my eyes too much. Baz is a blur of black, reddish-gold, and grey.
“Goat tomorrow, your flat Friday,” I mumble. “Got it.”
There’s white in the blur now, what I assume are his teeth in a wide grin. He leans forward. “Wonderful. See you later, darling.”
“Bye, love.”
He presses a kiss to my hairline. Even half asleep, I can feel his cool lips on my forehead and the smell of all his fancy products waft up my nose. I listen as his shoes click out the door.
I think I fall asleep again, because when I wake up it’s a lot brighter outside. I groan at the burning sunlight and bring the sheet over my head. I don’t have class until two so I don’t have to get up just yet. I just lay in bed, trying to block out the day. And under those sheets, it hits me that I called Baz ‘love’ for the first time. Huh. Guess his use of cute nicknames is rubbing off on me. It’s new, but so is a lot of stuff we’re doing, and I’ve like it all so far. I think I like this too.
My stomach growls like an angry lion. Guess that’s my cue to get up. I throw off my sheet and immediately shiver. Fuck, it’s chilly. I look over and see that Baz left my sweatshirt folded on my dresser, so I slip it on. I press it to my nose. It still sort of smells like him, a gorgeous mix of his cologne and fancy products. That makes me smile like an idiot, for whatever reason.
I saunter into the kitchen. Penny doesn’t have any class, so she’s sitting at the dining room table with a bunch of textbooks spread out. It’s like the school library threw up on it. The coffee in the pot is old, but I don’t feel like making a new one. So I pour it out and put it in the microwave.
“That’s disgusting, Si,” Penny sing songs.
“Shut up, Pen,” I reply with my most chipper voice. The microwave beeps. I drink from the mug and promptly spit the whole thing out in the sink. Oh Christ, it is disgusting.
“Told you so.”
I glare at her through the kitchen wall hole as I pour the coffee out. I start setting up the kettle for tea instead. Screw coffee. Baz says tea is better for you anyway.
“So,” she says very matter of factly, staring at me through our lovely wall hole, “Baz.”
She doesn’t continue. Nothing to explain what the fuck she’s talking about. She just looks at me with narrow eyes while twirling a pencil in her hand. I blink at her, silence hanging between us, and still nothing.
“Yeah, Baz,” I chuckle.
“You like him?”
“Uh, yeah. He’s cool.”
“Is he nice?”
“Yeah. Well, sorta.”
She raises an eyebrow. “Sort of?”
I shrug, scratching the back of my neck. “He’s nice in the important ways, y’know? Helps me out when I need it and treats me well. But he also teases me. In fun though. I tease him too, and I try to be nice. I hope he thinks I’m nice too.”
The kettle whistles. I get out my Adventure Time mug and a peppermint tea bag. When I look back at Penny, she’s twisting her lips, brow furrowed together, pencil tapping on the table rhythmically. That’s her concerned friend look. She always looks like this when I make a major life decision, or when I attempt cooking.
“And, you’re happy, right?” she asks carefully.
I blink at her in confusion again. That’s a weird question. I’ve been depressed before, sure, but I haven’t lately. So I’m not sure why Penny is concerned with my emotional state. “Yeah. Why wouldn’t I be?”
She chuckles and her concerned look goes away. That’s a relief. I don’t like making Penny worried. “Alright then. As long as you’re happy.”
“Okay,” I chuckle, laughing at the absurdity of this.“Fun talk, Pen. Enjoy studying.”
“Will do. Get to class on time!”
I scoff, walking towards my room with lovely steaming tea in hand. “If I got to class on time, I wouldn’t be Simon Snow Salisbury.”
Penny sighs with exasperation. Now that’s a sound I’ve heard since high school. It’s become weirdly comforting in a way. Penny’s always going to be a bit frustrated with me, and she still loves me anyway.
“Simon, what are you doing this weekend?”
I look up from my fancy grilled cheese, mouth still full. Baz has finished his panini and is now in his “villain position” again. One long leg over the other, bony elbows propped on his armrests, fingers pressed together. It’s still half intimidating-half badass. I swallow my food. Don’t want to be rude with him.
“This weekend?” I ask. “Uh, nothing. I don’t have anything planned. Why?”
He drums his fingers together slowly. Total Bond villain. “Well, I have a proposition for something we could do.”
That makes me put down my food and shift in my chair. “Oh?”
“Yes.” He leans forward, elbows on the table. “You see, my parents wanted me to come home for the whole break next week. But I couldn’t do that with my practice schedule. I still want to see them though, so I’m driving up for family dinner on Sunday.”
“And the thing is...” He drums his fingers on the wooden table and chews at his lip. “I’ve mentioned you to them, and they’re wondering if you’d like to come up with me.”
I nearly drop my sandwich. I stare at Baz silently for an inappropriate amount of time. “Your parents," I say cautiously, "want me to come over for dinner?”
He nods slowly, face pinched together in nervousness. “Yes. They’re both eager to meet you, though they may not show it outwardly. But please, love, don’t feel pressured. I told them it might be too soon for this but they can be...insistent. It’s completely up to you though. They’ll survive if you say no.” He rubs his nose under his glasses. “Sorry, this is just a whole mess. I thought about not asking but I wanted to give you the choice.”
“O-Okay.” I nod, like a very slow moving bobble head. Wow, this is just a lot. I haven’t met a friend’s parents since Agatha. And we were dating, which made it very scary. This seems even scarier though. My heart is pulsing too fast. Fuck, why does this feel so intimidating?
Baz grabs my hand, thumb tracing the back of it. It immediately calms me down. “Don’t panic, love, no matter what decision you make I’ll understand. It’s not like we’ll stop speaking if you don’t come to dinner with my pushy, posh parents.” He squeezes my hand. “It’s up to you, love.”
Right, up to me... Fuck. Do I want to meet Baz’s posh family? Even though it’s scary? I mean, I guess it would be nice. They’re probably smart like Baz, cultured too, all that. It sounds intimidating, and it was with Baz at first, but I learned. And maybe I can learn with his family too. I'd like to know more about Baz, be part of another aspect of his life. That's what friends do, right?
“Okay,” I say, “I’d like to come.”
Baz’s eyebrows shoot up, his mouth falling open slightly. “Really?”
“Yeah. It sounds fun, and I’d like to meet your parents. If they’re anything like you, they’ll be posh, really smart, and weirdly nice.”
He laughs and shakes his head. “Well, that’s one way to see them.”
I giggle too, leaning closer to him over the the small table. “Okay, good to know. Anything I should bring?”
“Well, Sunday nights are our ‘fancy dinners’, so we dress up. You’ll have to wear a suit.”
I frown. “I don’t own a suit.”
He nods like some thoughtful scholar. “Hm, alright. Well, I’ve got one you could borrow. Is that alright?”
“Sure. If it fits me, Mr. Tall and Lanky.” I poke his muscular shoulder for emphasis, making him laugh.
“You’re not that much shorter than me, don’t worry. So we’ll go up Sunday afternoon and leave Monday morning. I’ll certainly be drinking, so I don’t want to drive home the night of.”
“Very responsible, love, very responsible.”
Baz chuckles softly, and I do too. He looks me in the eye. All I see is kindness. Who the hell ever said he was an arsehole? He’s actually incredible.
“You sure you’re alright with this?” he asks, his voice still concerned.
I adjust our hands, so we’re smooth palm to scratchy palm, and smile as big as I can. “Yeah, I’m sure.”
Baz smiles back. Not as big, but it’s still kind and calm. He leans forward and kisses my cheek, whispering in my ear. “Wonderful. Can’t wait.”
And weirdly enough, neither can I.
AN: So the documentary is real and called "Highly Strung", and the book Penny mentions is real too. Hope you all liked this. I like writing this fluffy definitely-not-a-relationship haha. Tomorrow, "adventure" :)
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