#i did watch all the scenes w/ kaz inej n nina
ugisfeelings · 1 year
i love being a fake fan i still haven’t watched s&b but i have seen literally every single cast interview and i think everybody should clap for a little crows spinoff so frederick james carter can stay employed or else ill burn down the basement that they run n*tflix in 🤗
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thatfangirlofsb · 1 year
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A/N: It's the end, although I'm going to post a short epilogue. It will also be put in the list of my fanfics.
T/W: Grishaverse spoilers.
Your highness (IX)
"It hasn't been that bad."
And at that moment, Zoya was tempted to hit Genya.
"Hasn't it been that bad?" She lay down on the improvised bed made from sacks and looked up at the ceiling. "Hasn't it been so bad? You didn't have to..." She straightened her back and looked around, Genya fixed her gaze visibly worried. "This is very quiet."
"Maybe it all ended well for us." The redhead stood up and fixed her gaze on Zoya with a serious look. "And don't try to get up like last time."
"I can't" She jingled her cuffs against the piece of iron to which they were attached. "I'm tied up like an animal."
"You didn't give me many options."
"You nearly knocked me out just to handcuff me." The squaller complained, watching as Genya carefully approached the door.
"You shouldn't have gotten up."
A bump hit the door, and the tailor grisha grabbed the wooden stick on the floor.
"I thought the torture was over."
"Did you just...?"
Another knock on the door silenced the blue-eyed grisha. All the boxes and sacks trembled slightly, as Genya stood behind them with the stick ready. A strange sound, as if a pot of water was boiling and the steam could only escape through a small hole with great pressure, began to fill the cold room. It didn't take Zoya long to figure out what it was.
Genya ran to the two small bodies, each on one of the many sacks that were there, and covered them with her kefta and then with her own body. A small bang, milder than expected, caused the door to fall indoor. As if they were stampeding, they all rushed towards the hole left by that fall to enter the room.
"What...?" Zoya looked at everyone in surprise, although they were looking at her in the same way. "Nikolai Lantsov, explain to me why almost all of you are in your underwear. I'm sure it was your idea."
"We hear... what are you doing chained up?"
"I asked first." Nikolai hesitated, but was able to sigh in relief as he watched Zoya address Jesper. "Zemení, where were you? I didn't order you to leave in that boat."
"He took the opportunity to flee." The gunsman looked at Kaz in surprise, to which the boss was only looking at him for a few seconds from the side.
"Boss! I thought you'd support me."
"You thought." Kaz fixed his eyes on Nazyalensky, to which she returned his gaze with more fury. Then his glance shifted to the red-haired girl who seemed to be protecting a red kefta. "What's wrong with this one?"
"Genya, let me go. I'm going to break someone's only good leg."
"Are you sure you can, Nazalensky?" Dirty Hands said scathingly, turning his gaze back to the squaller. None of those who ran into the room had gotten past the boxes and bags that formed a somewhat disjointed barricade, and they weren't planning to do so at the moment. Except Kaz who, accompanied by his cane, passed through it and his eyes carefully investigated the scene. It didn't take him long to figure out what Genya was hiding. "I would recommend rest, and someone of your current status can afford it for several months." Zoya didn't speak, however she looked at him with confusion and then anger as she saw him slightly lift the free part of the kefta that protected them. "Very few women offer the crown two heirs in a single birth." Genya moved away slightly, and he took the opportunity to uncover the two babies. "One in green and one in blue, very unflattering colors for newborns."
"Kaz…don't lay your hand on them." Nina said, watching mindfully as Nikolai went from surprise to joy repeatedly across the features of his face. "Oh no. The face..."
"...of confabulation." Inej finished saying, noticing the expression Kaz showed when he turned his head towards them.
"Yeah." Confirmed Wylan and Jesper at the same time.
"Babies?" Nikolai snapped out of his trance, though not completely because of how his eyes seemed to be looking at nothing and were shining. "Two?" His legs quickened, and in a few steps he had already reached them and picked them up in his arms at the same time, beginning to spin on the spot. "Saints."
As if the last word had given wind to the others, all those who were missing ran to where the king was and began to caress the newborns. Even Matthias, who couldn't help but soften his exterior as he watched Nina grab one of the two in her arms and smile.
"Don't even dare to think about it, drüskelle!" Zoya yelled at him from the ground, seeing how he was looking at her and knowing immediately what he was thinking.
"I'll teach them to shoot."
"I'll teach them to do experiments."
"And me, the art of flirting."
"I will make them mini axes and they will train from a very young age."
"I already know who will inherit all my poetry books. They will write poems and know many more."
"I will teach them to take care of their beauty. They are beautiful."
"They will be the next Wraiths."
"Don't even think about… hello?" She sighed when she realized that no one was listening to her, so she decided to hit her handcuffs against the iron. "Hello, the mother is here. Can someone uncuff me?"
"Nikolai Lantsov, if you do something crazy, I swear you won't be able to take another step."
"When have I done something crazy, darling?"
"So many I can't count anymore. And don't call me darling."
"Why not? Aren't we together? You told me to try it."
"And every day you make me regret that decision more."
Everyone at the port looked confused at Zoya and Nikolai, who whispered to each other very confidently. Although that wasn't the first question they had. They were most curious about the reason why, within a week, the king had ordered all the Little and Grand Palace to move to Os Kervo to receive him. They knew that he was very excessive and that he liked glorious entrances, but that much?
However there they were, in the port looking at a large ship and crew members, known to some and not to others, came out of it. Though not all of them actually got behind the new parents on the dock; Nina and Matthias had stayed on the boat. The drüskelle, in the two months of travel it took to get back to Ravka, thanks to Zoya's prohibition about use the Little Science to take them faster, had made everyone there, especially the squaller, trust him more. Although for the king and the grisha, it was also partly because of the hours of babysitting that he did to let them rest after long nights of crying.
The ship stopped being so boring when everyone began to see each other a bit different, though the fights between Kaz and Zoya always filled the atmosphere of everyday life. Either because Kaz was near the two babies, because he didn't want to follow what the general said or because one of them was bothered by the other's breathing; anything was good to start a fight. But in the end, they had managed to reach a point in common; go ashore so they don't have to be on the same floating piece of wood for more longer. Something is something, and at the moment it was working.
"As you can see, thanks to the help of Kaz Brekker, we managed to find Zoya. I will always be grateful to..."
"Don't waste your breath and drop the gold."
Nikolai smirked, but decided to continue with his plan. Because, despite what he and Zoya had agreed to, none of it was going to happen. The squaller had spoken at that moment with a corsair in his old ship, and these were always sold to the highest bidder; a pity that the great, magnificent and beautiful king Nikolai had offered more.
"As friendly as ever, Brekker." He put his hands together behind his back and raised his head, for that short time he was going to act like the king he was. "It seems that, in the end, the rumors are true. I'm a bastard, so I can't be on the throne with Alina. A pity, sunshine. You haven't been able to enjoy my company." Zoya looked at him with daggers in her eyes, but remembering that now she didn't have as much freedom as on the ship. And Alina, in the front row watching Mal with a small smile, quickly changed her gaze to Nikolai as soon as she heard everything. What was he trying to do? "But since all of you adore her so much, I have thought of a perfect solution to this problem. She'll continue to reign, with a perfect companion. The throne alone is very boring, I know from experience. So Oretsev, if you don't marry Alina, I will go myself and force you. Your son, because that not-so-pretty little one is one of both, needs his real father." The last thing, even if it was said out loud, was addressed to Mal. The tracker couldn't help but show his surprise, changing his gaze from Nikolai to Alina, who was looking very doubtful at who seemed not like the king anymore. "Long live and blah blah blah. And I'll be left sad and lonely... oh no, news." Zoya played with her hands behind her back, very tempted to summon the winds against the blond who seemed to be crazier than she had thought. "Zoya and I are in something, we said we were going to try it. I know she proposed it to me because of our children, but in the end no one can resist me." He couldn't help but smile at the surprised faces of the people in the closest rows, mainly grisha from the Little Palace. "Oh yes, they are two months old. And we are also expecting another baby."
"Sorry?" She released, how could Nikolai say that when even she hadn't heard about it? "What have you said?"
"Darkling, Genya will explain it to you."
And Zoya would have yelled at him, if the tailor hadn't started talking to her in a low tone of voice.
"The tonic to avoid... you know... it was expired. And the symptoms are obvious." She quickly moved out of the way, shifting to as far away from the squaller as she could get.
"I hate you." She said, connecting all the dots in her mind and finally understanding what was happening there. But Nikolai wasn't the only one who knew how to play similar games, so she decided to join the game. "So... aren't you king anymore?"
"Correct." The blonde looked stunned at the blue-eyed grisha, seeing how she slowly approached him, strutting gently. "Then I can do..." Her voice went from soft and charming to a furious shout as she punched the opponent's cheek with great strength. "This!"
"You've got a competitor, Alina." Nikolai said jokingly, touching the area where he had received the blow almost without reacting.
"Don't believe it." Zoya said before summoning and throwing him into the sea with as much force as she could. "I'm much better."
Kaz clapped twice. And with Zoya's glare on him, she turned and began to go into the boat. Today wasn't the perfect day to receive all those looks.
If you want to read the other parts, you'll find them HERE.
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rotzaprachim · 7 years
Kanej Modern Occult Detective AU
For the amazing Isabelle @pivoinesaturnienne who requested ‘Inej and Kaz in a modern au pls 👏🏼☺️’ 
Based roughly on the episode and a half I have seen of Lucifer 
1. Kazuya Brekker was born in the 1600′s, the son of a Japanese woman and a Dutch merchant. His mother saw something chaotic in his dark eyes and named him for the peace she hoped he’d acquire instead. Both of his parents died when he was young, and he was primarily raised by his half brother Jordie. They’re living in Amsterdam and hustling at the trade exchange (though Kaz has figured out how to route large chunks of VOC guilden into his personal accounts, but damn those bastards deserve it) when the city is smashed with an epidemic. He dies, and then comes back to life as . ..  something a little more than human. 
2. Kaz basically spends the next 400 years as a literal demon- flitting between parallel realms (he’s always felt like a member of two worlds anyway), accumulating ridiculous amounts of cash, and holding a hell of a lot of grudges. For some theological mumbo-jumbo reasons I don’t feel like figuring out, Kaz ends up stranded in modern day New York City, without the benefit of his usual demonic powers. 
3. Inej Ghafa runs a private investigation firm in Queens. She takes almost any clients who need her, and resultantly barely makes enough to keep the lights on. (There’s one person who drags her home from the office and makes sure she eats a meal that’s not ramen, stale bagels, or instant coffee, and that’s her room mate Nina.) 
She’s Tamil Catholic and actively practicing. 
She’s also still super close to her family, and treks out to New Jersey on Sundays to go to Mass and lunch with them. 
On the whole she really likes her job. It can be difficult and tiring, and it’s impossible to be an investigator and not constantly, furiously angry with the institutionalised inequalities of the Justice System, but usually she feels like she’s doing something that helps others. Usually. 
It’s on a grey Thursday morning she meets Kaz. She doesn’t really know what the GQ model, or whatever the hell he is, is doing in her office, but she’s not exactly going to complain, if only for the pure aesthetic appreciation. Still, she feels acutely aware of the knife she has hidden in her desk drawer.
He stands sort of awkwardly at the door until she gestures for him to sit down.
“I can’t pay a temp right now,” she says evenly, even though this guy looks more one of the Wall Street up-and-comings whose corporation deals her eviction notice than the kind of people who usually visit her office, with the Tamil-language signs out front and cigarrettes-and-old-coffee smell that’s been stuck to the place since before she got here. 
He leans across the table. He has very dark eyes and God probably drew the lines of his face with a ruler. Inej doesn’t know much about men’s fashion but the textured, grey wool coat he’s wearing looks like it cost more than several months rent for her. He has a raspy-but-smooth voice (like, a whiskey commercial level raspy-but-smooth voice) in an accent she can’t quite place.
“Luckily for you, my services are free.” 
(Later, watching the glittering, flickering gold map of New York- “New Amsterdam,” as it always will be to him, although maybe he just likes having “dam” in the name- he can’t stop thinking about her. Why did he choose her struggling PI office as the base of his mandatory redemption? He doesn’t know. All he knows is that he feels like he’s been pulled underwater without knowing it and he can no longer see the surface.) 
4. He may have lost most of his powers but he does manage to tap into his accounts, which are demonstrative of four hundred years of investing, schmoozing, and outright stealing. He’s always been better at aquiring money than spending it- that always felt like some unbreachable loss of control- so he decides to finally dish some out. Her rent is paid off for the next six months and replaces the tea kettle that barely works with a fancy Italian model. one day when they need to go on a bit of a road trip upstate to find a cheating husband, he greets her outside the office with a to go cup of that really fancy hot chocolate (house made marshmallows and all) and a ‘60′s Chevrolet Corvette. 
(He keeps the car. it’s a nice car, timeless and simultaneously restrained and vulgar. His style.) 
Inej, for the most part, is super worried that he’s connected to some kind of organised crime. It’s Nina who chills her out a bit, using the talent she’s always had for knowing when people are telling the truth or not. (It’s in their heartbeats.) And she knows that Kaz in general is shady AF, but she also knows he won’t bring any harm to Inej. 
5. TOGETHER!!! THEY! SOLVE! CRIMES!!! AND BRING JUSTICE TO NEW YORK! Like honestly Dream Team material right here. They solve a mixture of regular and occult cases. Inej is sharp, focused, and hyperaware of details, not to mention extremely driven in her mission. Kaz is in general utterly ruthless, but at least now it’s directed to a good cause. 
There’s an incident where they have to infiltrate a shady party to find evidence against Jan Van Eyck, a particularly corrupt developer. This of course involves wearing formalwear and going undercover as Dr. and Mr. Selvaraj (Of course!). And it involves Inej wearing a silver-white gown with embroidered flowers and a pearl headband with her long, straight hair down around her bare shoulders. 
(Needless to say, she turns a lot of heads.)
Afterwards, with the ballroom up in flames and Van Eyck in handcuffs, Kaz and Inej stand outside the convention centre. Inej is swapping into a pair of flats, heels dangling from one hand.
“So.” She says.
“So.” He repeats. 
“My room mate and I are working our way through trying every takeout option with a delivery charge of less than a dollar in the vicinity of our apartment.” 
“Umm hmmm.” 
Kaz tried to focus on the holding laundromat sign across the street instead of Inej, how luminous she was in the reflections of the flashing red-and-blue squad car lights. 
“And we’re halfway through the new season of Peaky Blinders. And we won’t rewind to the beginning.” 
“Uh huh.” It took a lot of mental concentration for him to read out “M-O-E’S P-A-Y A-N-D W-A-S-H” instead of focusing on her, the flutter of her eyelashes and the way she was biting her lip right now, like she usually did when considering a decision. 
“So, you could, you know, join us.” 
“Join you?” 
“Me and Nina. Watching Peaky Blinders. Probably going to order in adobo and lechon, because Nina’s finishing a double shift and she says she needs deep fried pork to recuperate.” It was going out on a limb, and Inej felt winded after putting the option in the open, like she’d run a race in her ballgown. 
“Me? Go with . .. you? To your apartment?” 
Goddamn it. Kaz knew from the way his face was burning up and the way she was smiling that his face blushing something mighty. 
“Yeah, genius. Come back with me.” 
He offered his arm like a true gentleman as they exited the scene of (not really their) crime.
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