#i did... reroll...... until i got her lol
crehador · 11 months
nozomin as regulus is too freaking cute one of her voicelines when she gets attacked is she just screams "LOVE AND PEACE! LOVE AND PEACE!!"
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colealexart · 11 months
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story time! i met the cr cast this past weekend at mcm london and they were the kindest people imaginable, but my interaction with laura and marisha was just. incomprehensibly sweet and the best thing to ever happen to me.
first up was laura. my friends izzy (@wvearp) and abby (@overnighttosunflowers) went before me in the queue and they got my art signed by her. when they did, she said “oh, best art” and they told her that they were here with the artist. she immediately was like “what?! where?!” and started looking around frantically. i was standing just to the side and i waved awkwardly and she was like “NO WAY! YOU!! i favourite this shit on twitter ALL THE TIME!” which i find hilarious because yeah, i freak out a little every time she does.
when it got to my turn, i said hello and asked her how she was doing. she did not answer my question and instead said “cole, are you kidding me? these are gorgeous” about the two prints i handed to her. (the one pictured and a different one i got signed.) she said she remembers seeing this after the episode aired and i was like “yeah, it airs at 3am here so i drew this in a frantic, sleep deprived stupor at 7am” and she said “you did it so fast, i remember! i sent it to marisha! people are SO QUICK with the fanart, you guys are insane.”
after she signed the print, she held onto it for a moment and just sat and admired it, before looking at me with the BIGGEST smile and saying “you are seriously the best. thank you.” and i don’t know how to handle sincerity so i handed her the dice i got for her. she was so excited about them and immediately rolled the d20 and got a 10 (edit: i misremembered, she got a 3 lol). i then asked if we could play rollies and she beat me. i got a 5 and laura got a 7. i said i’m sorry they’re not rolling well and she was like “it’s fine, they just need charging up!”
i also got a selfie too, but the guy helping her at the table took the photo for us instead of me trying to take it because i suck at taking selfies. she gave me a really tight side hug and when it was done, she thanked me again with the biggest smile.
i also didnt realize until afterwards but instead of writing a character quote, laura wrote “you are everything” on my autograph 😭
next was the group photo op. as we walked up i said hi again to laura and she immediately recognized me from before. she grabbed onto my shoulders and literally spun me around to marisha and was frantically saying “marisha marisha, this is the person that does the amazing imodna art!” but there was a lot going on and marisha was looking at me with the most bewildered expression, until she eventually understood what laura was saying but we had to rush to take the photo. laura held onto my arm and marisha leaned against me and i didn’t realize until afterwards but liam and tal also had their hands on my shoulders lol. it was A Lot. i told marisha i would probably be heading to her autograph queue next so i’d see her there and she was like “awesome, i cant wait!”
so after that, i met marisha. i was probably the most nervous to meet her because she’s just so cool and intimidating but in reality she is just so warm and has such a calming presence about her. she was like “cole, good to see you again!” and i handed her the same imodna print that i had laura sign. she said “ohh, aww this is amazing! this is what laura was talking about, i was so confused!”
then we talked a bit about the live show because her voice was hoarse and i asked her how she was feeling. she said it was just her voice that was gone, but we agreed that it was absolutely worth it because the live show was incredible. i also congratulated her on the how do you wanna do this, then gave her the dice i got for her and we played rollies too. we both got an 18 at first and when we rerolled, she beat me with another 18 to my 16. then she was like “oh these roll really well, i’m definitely gonna use these!”
we took our photo together and afterwards she said “thank you for your art and everything. seriously, you’re so talented” while rubbing my shoulder, and then i headed off to join ashley’s queue.
i’m probably gonna make a separate post about meeting ashley and sam. i just wanted to write this down mostly to immortalize on my blog. i expected them to be kind but i did NOT expect to feel so loved and appreciated. laura was about as excited as i was, and made me feel so special. (this is also a pretty small thing but i dont think i pass very well, so the fact that laura said ‘person’ and didn’t misgender me meant a hell of a lot too.)
i did bring extra prints to give to them as a gift but was overwhelmed and forgot lol
anyway, that’s it! for anyone wondering if the critical role cast are as kind in person as they seem online, they absolutely are and then some. i’ll never forget this past week.
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orcelito · 2 years
i just had. a fucking MOMENT in dnd. oh my godddddddddddddddddddd
ok so we're on a ship. normal water ship. trying to get out of town, the works. we end up getting followed. probably pirates or some shit. everyone's panicking, trying to figure out what to do, but im just there Itching for them to get within 150 ft so i can throw a fireball at them. major focus
smth weird happened though. our dear paladin has this medallion from her mom that started... singing. only to her, really. but she managed to tap into that. and as we're setting bombs off towards the pursuing ship (i say we, but Fang was very much just focusing on firing the fireball as soon as they got into range lol...which they never did...). bombs go off, aided by this school of glowing fucking fish that swarm around their boat. glowing in many different colors. it's really beautiful.
their ship sinks, we're victorious. and fang cant stop staring at it. thinking about stories he's heard about divine influence, things at sea. he cant get it out of his head that this is something Divine. and he wants to see more.
so he doesn't say anything to anyone. he's still in single-minded focus mode. he decides he's going to see more. and see, he's had this magic cloak, the cloak of the manta ray. it lets him breathe underwater & have a fast swimming speed. so with that in mind & the fact that he's in general pretty water-proofed, he decides to go in. ties a rope off and just jumps into the fucking ocean
and it's cold. a sudden shock of cold water, bc this is the Fucking Ocean. but he sees motes of white around him, specks in the dark expanse. and he hears Music. the same music the paladin heard, though he doesnt know that. he hears this music beckoning to him, so he starts to follow it, swimming down to the depths... and then he reaches the end of his rope, which stops him from going too far.
from there, he feels something behind him. a presence. he turns to look, but it darts out of his view, almost playfully. eventually it stops moving, & he sees a beluga. it opens its mouth, and he hears that same song. it's mesmerizing. it starts pushing him back to the ship, all the way until they're bumping against it - an obvious nonverbal Go Back. and Fang doesn't try to resist. but before he goes up, he reaches out to touch the beluga. just a hand on the head, to Connect. and he tells it, "Thank you." for getting him back to the boat, or for the experience, who's to say? he can sense that it understands him, though it just keeps singing.
so fang goes up. breaking the surface of the water, the music immediately stops. he climbs up the rope, them plops right down at the back of the ship where he'd jumped off, and pulls out his flute. he's been puttering around with it, but only really started playing it earlier that afternoon. but something about that encounter... he just had to replicate it. he starts playing to the best of his memory the song that he heard... getting a 13 performance check at first, but then i use an ability i have to reroll, and i get. a nat20.
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so with the aid of Fang's magic, he taps into that Something that he experienced down there. and the paladin can hear this. she sees him sitting cross legged, sopping wet at the back of a ship, just playing his flute, and she feels everything that the medallion made her feel. yearning, belonging, love... and she approaches him. reaches out to touch his face, just to see if he's Real. and he is, of course. still playing, he looks up with his bright yellow eyes. Confused, but the touch is not unwelcome.
and thus the scene ends. we escaped danger, and now Fang has tapped into a musical magic he barely understands.
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princecharmingtobe · 3 years
idk if any of y’all have been keeping up with my D&D game stuff, buuuuut Jack and Rowen finally hooked up!
It was not romantic, and is kind of actually, but we still celebrated cause it’s been almost a year coming at this point lol
So, in this session we went to confront an evil artificer, Professor Wiltmore who had shown an interest in Jack and wanted him to join him at his lab. Jack, also being an artificer, didn’t trust him for a second and with good reason: Dude had been lobotomizing people and turning them into obedient eldritch knights to sell as soldiers to both sides of the war, with the intention of flipping things at the last minute and taking over the country for himself. 
Everything went all kinds of wrong. We never came up with a solid plan, just figured we’d get into the lab, play nice for a bit until we could figure out what was going on and how to stop it, and at some point try to kill Wiltmore. However as we were being led in Terra and Rowen noticed they were being followed by an awful lot of guards, which Rowen used sign language to alert Jack to as he is forever oblivious to his surroundings. Believing Wiltmore knew what was up and that we’d lost any element of surprise, as soon as we got to the mysterious locked door Terra dropped a smoke bomb, instructed Roran to beak down the door, and then threw a pipe bomb Jack had helped her make at Wiltmore who was inside. 
Wiltmore was VERY upset with Jack for “betraying” him, shouting “I could’ve given you the world!” and then trying to murder him specifically. He also summoned forth a behir which due to some misunderstandings of the battlefield ended up being the main battle. It ate Terra, and killed Roran. Realizing we were going to win though, Wiltmore fled while his beast kept us busy. Jack got the killing blow, blasting the top of the creature off thus allowing Terra to crawl her way out, then when we were out of initiative Jack flew to Roran and cast Revivify.
Things got weird then. We’d been informed that resurrection would work a little differently in this campaign, and we figured it was just a homebrew rule to make it more difficult but the DM told Rowen that as he’d been around a while and seen some resurrections before, this was unusual, so we’re like uh, wat. We found ourselves in the... etheral? astral? some other plane? And we saw Roran, unconscious, being pulled into this creepy black sludge. Jack flew to him in a panic and started desperately trying to scrape the sludge off him. The way the ritual worked is three of us could try to say or do something to try to give him advantage as he rerolled his death saves. Jack, while trying to get the sludge off him, was like “No no no, come on, if you die before seeing your kid your wife is gonna kill me!” Terra tied a rope around him and tried to pull him out of the sludge. And Rowen actually used intimidate to tell him “If you die here I’ll make sure your wife and kid join you!” (oh Rowen...) That one resulted in a nat20 death save. We found ourselves suddenly back in the lab, Roran’s eyes shot open glowing white, and he sat up and punched Rowen clear across the room. They made up later when Rowen assured him he was just saying what he had to. 
The party healed up a bit, restored and freed the people they were able to, and looked outside to find that when Wiltmore fled he took with him the power source for the city, which included the power for the force field that separated the outer and inner city, so now there was almost a full on physical class war about to happen. It appeared that the crooked leader of the city had fled with him. The party determined that the heart of the behir we’d slain could be used as a new power source, and after Rowen removed it from the beast Jack was able to install it in the machine and now only did the power come back, but twofold, with the force field now covering the entire city, rather than separating the outer and inner cities. 
The party then traveled to the city hall to calm the people, explain the situation, and inform them that new, better leadership was coming. Got a good persuasion and a tentative peace was restored. The party then returned to the Fantasy Holiday Inn, and had some drinks because boy did we need them. Even Jack, who normally doesn’t drink.  For some context to what’s coming next: Jack had been in a bad place mentally and emotionally this whole session. He was terrified of Wiltmore, and for good reason. With Wiltmore having escaped he is now terrified of him coming back for revenge, and this time he’ll be the one with the element of surprise on his side. On top of that the battle itself had freaked him out, especially Roran dying and whatever it is we saw when bringing him back. Finally to top it all off, Roran offered Jack some “moon water”, a type of magical alcohol that causes one to briefly relive happy memories. We think the DM thought that sort of thing would cheer people up? But uh, all it really did was remind Jack of everything he’s lost, so he ended up crying at the bar and then going up to his and Rowen’s room early. 
After another hour or two Rowen also returned to the room and settled into his dark corner for the night, but before he could enter his trance Jack got up, climbed onto his lap, and kissed him. Fade to black.
To explain: Jack is deathly allergic to emotional vulnerability. After everything that happened that day topped off by the moon water bringing all his loss to the surface, what he really needed was just to be held. But he can’t ask for that or he’ll die or something lol So instead he seeks out what to him is the next best thing that he can reason to not be emotional: Sex. Cause he’s a guy, and guys always want sex without having emotions involved, right?? That’s how he justifies it to himself. And Rowen is, well... the only friend he’s ever really had. Up until now his only close relationships have been parents and vaguely parental figures. So of course he’s the one he seeks out for comfort. 
And idk what Rowen thought of the whole thing. He enjoyed it, went along with it, and apparently wants to do it again some time. Though when we went to the next day the DM asked how we were coming down to breakfast, if we were holding hands or anything and we were like “Oh fuck no, we are not acknowledging that anything happened”
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pestopascal · 4 years
which class companions are your favorites in swtor? i find it funny you always exclude skadge in fics
skadge? idk him............ skjhdkfh but srsly i rly dont care for him so he doesnt exist for me (save for being the person to muck with doc’s plans basically  i think that was him ).
but uhh to answer ur Q..... my faves are definitely the inquisitor crew like i LOVE that funky bunch but i played si first, the story is so funny to me, like in the grand scheme of things wyd to actually have any impact on literally anything jedi/sith wise....... like i love them. they set such a fun standard for everyone else. idk. it was just a RLY good time i love the story so much i love the crew i just. i did the entire inquisitor storyline again in like 2 days i missed it SO MUCH i feel a lot of inner peace now
also i should say that i have only ever completely done class story thru to like. onslaught now on my inquisitor so like i played a solid 2 weeks in 2017 doing everything and ofc when u get to kotfe/kotet and start recruiting rando companions im like WHO ARE THESE PPL and still dont rly know them so my impressions are absolutely minimal and the inquisitor crew set a standard for me entirely
after inq, i would honestly probably put in the bounty hunter crew bc i love all of them except skadge ❤️ he’s a nasty lil afterthought bc its like they remembered that bh is empire side and they were like OH FUCK GOTTA BE EVIL here have this mass murderer on ur team enjoy. like it was getting too campy clearly. i rly just love the interactions and how funny they were up until belsavis like bioware realising they were running outta planets to give me a new companion its okay i just need the four thanks u can keep skadge.......
and THEN idk like. i still havent finished smuggler, trooper or agent (havent even started the former). so i would probably say my only two faves for the warrior are quinn and vette bc i literally dont think about pierce or feel anything for broonmark. OMG OR JAESA I FORGOT ABOUT HER LOL!!!!!!! i made her LS just bc DS jaesa is TOO edgy for me but i think alfrinn would mess up and turn her DS also just bc it was so funny having the LS dialogue about fixing the empire or whatever and its like girl Shut Up youre not ashara u wish u were.....
i rly didnt mind the consular companions i just didnt rly click so much but im gonna replay the consular anyway soon? bc i wanna try some new things/dont honestly remember The Plot™. i did like zenith and qyzen a lot honestly but yeah like. im gonna replay, figure some shit out, make more in character choices bc i just rolled a togruta and went with it
i dont mind the knight companions obviously but yeah same kind of deal? i think the knight story rly had smth going but kind of lost it and went back to the typical hero storyline so idk i was just like completely amazed they were like YEAH YOU WERE A SITH and ignored that but okey! scourge promising to train my bloodline in the ways of the sith was heartwarming. i didnt rly talk/pay attention to rusk like at all, but yeah i think there was a lot of plot threads kind of spread out that were. ignored. so like kira’s whole thing i just ??????? through, i lov teeseven obviously, and doc. yknow. the proposal was rly cute bye.
i got like halfway thru imperial and i meeeetttt vector? i think? is as far as i rly got/paid attention. i just dont rly like the whole joiner dealio going on at all with him so i DONT know what i think. idk how to feel about kaliyo either? she reads like a straight man’s wet dream about an “empowered bisexual woman who can kick my ass”. like just admit ur into femdom and go............. but like again. havent rly played much, spent more time complaining about being a sniper, ive rerolled and i think just arrived on dromund kaas again so restart! yeah!
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rikkitikkitaavi · 5 years
Do u have any neat podcast recs? The only one ive been listening to is this podcast may kill you 😯
i do! my current top faves are
The Magnus Archives; a weekly horror fiction anthology podcast that I cannot recommend enough! It’s horror but it’s never kept me awake at night from fear, you know? and the author, Jonny Sims, has stated in a Q&A that he doesn’t like writing horror involving sexual assault, and though I don’t think it was mentioned he doesn’t write mental illness or disability as the thing that is scary.
Dungeons and Daddies; a dnd podcast following a group of dads from the real world who are mysteriously transported to the Forgotten Realms and their quest to save their sons. And they cannot seem to emphasize this enough, but it’s not a BDSM podcast.
The Film Reroll; another dnd podcast but definitely a good one! A group of dnd players who play through movies as RPGs and “totally ruin them.” Some of my favorite episodes are the Friday the 13th: the Final Chapter episodes, where the DM has told his players they’re playing an 80′s sex teen comedy called Summerspell and they don’t catch on fully until the second episode. Also their Pokemon The First Movie episodes are great.
Death by Dying; I’ll admit I’m super super new to this one but lads. It’s fucking good. If you have a morbid sense of humor and had a WTNV phase, you’ll probably really love this one. It’s got fun mystery elements but doesn’t leave you unsatisfied.
Wonderful!; the podcast that was formerly known as Rose Buddies, and the first McElroy Family podcast on this list, it’s Wonderful! If you ever need a caffeine injection of positive energy, I can’t recommend this more. Wonderful! is Griffin and his wife, Rachel, sharing some of their favorite things with each other and with us! I’ve found a lot of cool stuff by listening to this, and one of my favorite episodes is actually from a few years ago when they did a competitive ranking of thanksgiving foods.
Sawbones: A Marital Tour of Misguided Medicine; Dr. Sydnee McElroy and her husband Justin talking about medical history! Honestly a really relaxing listen and if you’re not big into history but big into video games, they did an episode on the WoW plague and it’s effect on modern medicine that’s really interesting.
and finally, if you’re interested in true crime but prefer a very casual format, I recently started listening to Cult Liter with Spencer Henry; it’s about as casual as you’d imagine a true crime podcast started by a Instagram true crime enthusiast to be, but it’s a good listen when you’re cooking breakfast alone at 5am lol
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rubywilled-archive · 6 years
🎰 + ingrid!
( ship roulette / @tempestried )
under the cut because it’s long !
kellam & amelia
i can see the two of them being really good friends? amelia likely reminds him of his daughter, or if he doesn’t have her by then, probably reminds him of ricken. they both seem to be stubborn about things they’re passionate about, and have big hearts, so he’d want to take her under his wing. also bonding over enjoying cooking? and the pain of wearing heavy armor lol
overall he’d just. think of her as a daughter eventually, or similar to ricken, because she’s young and wants to help people however she can. he wants her to be happy, but also careful.
oscar & veronica
veronica gains another dad: the novel 
parental instinct definitely takes over here. after raising both boyd and rolf, caring for veronica would just come naturally to him? he doesn’t agree with what she’s doing, not at all, and maybe tries to steer her away from that once or twice but probably. stops eventually. he would stay with her even after his contract is broken because she’s just? she’s just a child, he can’t just leave her behind even if she’s with other capable heroes, because he’s come to treat her as a younger sister, but also the very concept of abandoning a child leaves a bad taste in his mouth from his mother abandoning him and his brothers.
berkut & ingrid
this just makes me really sad bc like he’d see ingrid’s berkut with her and see how happy he is? he has a friend he can trust in, and he’s actually happier, and he reacts so. bitterly. because why does that berkut have an easier time making friends than he does, what makes him anymore deserving of friends than him, and really, he’s just. sort of a brat at first until ingrid gets through to him. definitely picks a lot of fights because of his temper and just? he wants attention any way he can get it, even if it’s negative
if it’s witch berkut?? that’s even sadder. because then ingrid sees her best friend 1) as a witch and 2) acting and feeling the same way as fallen celica, lost and uncertain, like he’s forgetting someone or something
gabriel & ingrid
okay honestly my dumb monkey brain read this ask and thought “ oh, just ingrid! “ and did only ones with her so i rerolled, but i wanted to keep this one because it’s. well, interesting, so here we are
gabriel and ingrid would. conflict terribly, i think. ingrid is compassionate and cares for her heroes on a deeply personal level, she just gives 110% for them all the time, and gabriel. doesn’t. he’s not that type of person, he’s got a mentality of ‘keep your distance from everyone’, so he has his chosen few heroes, and as far as he’s concerned, they’re all who matter. they would have similar views on the whole ‘surtr is bad’ theme and maybe some other common goals, but he just isn’t as kind or caring as she is. i think his coldness would grate on her, to say the least.
katerina & ninian
mom club?? mom club???
katerina is a very rough and tumble type of woman, and she’d take to ninian very quickly? she’s always down to make friends, and even though she can be kind of blunt, she’s able to. calm down a bit because i can see her being a little too much for ninian at times. katerina would definitely try to help her with her shyness though; she’s always willing to help, but she won’t push her.
also talking abt the struggles of raising dragon-blooded children?? her husband and her son are both manaketes as well, so not only would ninian’s status as a manakete not be weird to her like at all, she’d understand what it’s like for her with roy because she deals with the same thing with xander.
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