#i didn't even get a chance to distract her with amorous thoughts :(
thespacelizard · 1 month
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went to moonrise to go shopping and get the next quest from z'rell
she was not happy about Tazhrae letting the goblins go, let me tell you
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girlgenius1111 · 6 months
love you anyway
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r returns from losing out on going to the olympics with england to barcelona. alexia reminds her that she is more than just her losses.
You stared out at the rising sun, oranges and yellows painting the sky. This loss felt different than the world cup. At least then, you'd known you'd done everything you could. At least you'd made it to the final. Now, you weren't even going to the competition. You felt the weight of the loss land squarely on your shoulders. You'd missed the goal by barely an inch, you'd had the chance to score after Lucy. If you'd made it, the team would have made it. Instead, you sat on a flight back to Barcelona all alone.
You were supposed to leave with Keira and Lucy later in the day, but you'd moved your flight. You told them you just wanted to get home faster and see Alexia, but that as only part of it. You found that you couldn't look Lucy in the eye. She'd told you probably 10 different times that it wasn't your fault, but you knew it was. You'd seen how she'd collapsed on the pitch. It was her last chance at an international tournament, and you'd blown it. Lucy, who helped make you the player that you were, who'd been there for you from the beginning.
All you wanted was to get home and see Alexia. She'd been texting you, trying to gauge how you were handling the loss. If your lackluster responses were any indication, you weren't handling it well. You hadn't told her you were catching an earlier flight. She was supposed to train, and you didn't want to distract her from getting back to 100%.
A part of you was also kind of nervous; logically, you knew Alexia wouldn't be disappointed in you for missing the goal. She held herself to impossibly high standards, was so incredibly hard on herself, but she'd made it clear early on that your performance on the pitch would never affect how she saw you. While your brain seemed to know this, your heart clenched uncomfortably whenever you thought of her watching the missed opportunity, the disappointment you imagined on her face.
So, after you landed, making your way quickly through the airport, you left her texts on read, knowing she'd see you soon anyway. You got your luggage as fast as possible, hopping in an uber. You directed it to your and Alexia's apartment; she would be at training, which meant you had plenty of time to shower and make yourself presentable. You're sure you looked like a disaster, eyes puffy from crying yourself to sleep last night. The drive was a blur, and you got lost in your thoughts again, startling slightly when the car pulled up in front of your building.
Your phone dinged again while you were in the elevator, and you pulled it out.
-How are you this morning, mi amor?
-What time does your flight get in? I'll come get you guys from the airport.
The texts were spaced a couple hours apart, and you sighed, knowing you had to respond before Alexia freaked out. You didn't want her to rush home from training for you though, so you kept your answer vague.
-Sorry. I'm on an earlier flight, you'll have just finished training. I'll just uber and see you when I get home.
You put your phone away, stepping out of the elevator and walking to your door. Unlocking it, you stepped inside, dropping your bags to the ground heavily. You leaned back against the shut door, resting your head on it and closing your eyes, enjoying the feeling of being home immensely. Sighing, you pulled your bag into the bedroom, not even stopping to unzip it before hopping in the shower. You went quickly, desperate for a quick nap before Alexia got home.
Getting out, you heard your phone ding again, and you picked it up. You hadn't been expecting a response from Alexia yet, as she normally didn't check her phone much during training.
-Bebita, you know I have your location right? I checked to see if you were at the airport yet and you were already home. If you needed some time alone, you could have just said so.
Normally you would have remembered that key piece of information, but your brain was a mess. You responded right away, feeling bad that she thought you wanted space from her.
-No, Ale, I don't want time alone, I want you. I just didn't want you to rush home from training, you just got back. I'm good here, take your time.
Awaiting a response, you walked to the closet, not even bothering with your side. Instead, you pulled on a pair of Alexia's shorts, walking over to the chair in the corner of the room where she'd discarded the sweatshirt she'd worn to bed. Pulling it on, you inhaled deeply, the comforting smell of Alexia washing over you, a soft floral scent flooding your senses.
Figuring that if Alexia was going to respond anytime soon, she would have already, you climbed onto the bed, grabbing a throw blanket from the end and wrapping yourself up in it. You settled on Alexia's side, burrowing into her pillow and shutting your eyes. You drifted off rather quickly, completely missing a text from your girlfriend.
-Too late.
You didn't hear the front door open, the sound of Alexia dropping her bag right by the door and searching for you. You didn't even hear her enter the bedroom.
Alexia walked in quietly, having expected you to be asleep. She'd heard from Keira that you'd had a rough night, and she knew how exhausting traveling was for you. Her heart melted at the sight of you curled up in her clothes, head buried in her pillow. You were out cold, so she decided to shower before climbing in with you.
She'd checked your location in a panic after you hadn't responded, shocked to find that you were already almost home. She'd figured that you'd just wanted some space to process the loss; it's what she would have wanted. Your response to her told a different story though, and she was again reminded of how thoughtful you were. Fully lying about when your flight got in so she wouldn't miss training? She really couldn't have been mad if she wanted to be.
Alexia showered quickly, wanting nothing more than to be snuggled up next to you. The past week without you had been torture; international breaks were always hard, but since she'd returned to Barcelona after the first day, she'd been bored out of her mind without you here.
She pulled on clothes, before climbing onto the bed, careful not to jostle you. She rested her head by yours, facing you. She took in the sight of your puffy eyes, and knew you'd been crying. Not able to help herself, she brushed a piece of hair out of your face, keeping her touch soft. You stirred slightly, and she froze. You only mumbled incoherently though, before reaching out and grabbing her sweatshirt in you fist. You leaned into her, and she kept still, letting you wiggle closer until your face was pressed against her neck, both hands now gripping her top tightly.
Alexia wrapped her arms around you and you sighed contentedly, even in your sleep, pushing yourself impossibly closer to her. She felt your soft breaths hitting the skin of her neck rhythmically, inhaling the scent of your shampoo. She wasn't tired at all, wide awake really, but she was more than happy to lay here with you while you slept, right where she knew you wanted her. She held you close to her with one arm, picking up her phone in the other, where a text from Lucy waited for her.
-Hola Capi. Keep an eye on y/n. I think she's really beating herself up over this one.
You woke up naturally an hour or so later, to the feeling of someone running their nails up and down your back. You immediately recognized the body under you as Alexia, and you blinked your eyes open, pulling back slightly from the crook of her neck. She met your gaze with a soft smile.
"Hola, mi amor." She murmured, her low voice the best sound you'd heard in days. You hummed in response, still sleepy. You rested your chin on her chest, looking up at her. She tangled her hand in your hair, scratching lightly at your scalp. Your eyes fluttered shut, thoroughly enjoying the close contact with the midfielder.
"How is my girl, hm?" She asked, not stopping her motions.
"Missed you," you replied, voice still thick with sleep.
" I missed you too, bonita," she paused. "I'm really sorry about the olympics, y/n." She kept her voice soft, but still felt you tense slightly against her.
"Me too," came your response, tone defeated. Alexia thought about the text from Lucy, studying you closely. Your eyes were closed, still laying against her, but your shoulders were tense, and you looked like you were incredibly weighed down.
"You played two incredibly games, though. I'm really proud of you." She said, speaking with conviction. You shook your head on instinct, opening your eyes to look at her. "Yes you did, amor. I watched." She said, raising an eyebrow at you.
"Then you saw me lose the game for us." You said, voice catching slightly.
"I saw you take an incredible shot on goal, and just barely miss. I wouldn't call that losing the game for the team."
"If I'd have made it, we would have gone through, Ale." Your voice was really wavering now.
"And if the Dutch player had missed, you would have gone ahead. Or if any of your teammates shots had gone in. You can't blame yourself for that." Alexia told you, watching carefully as tears began to well in your eyes.
"No, Ale, it's different. I fucked it up for everyone. I let the whole team down, I let Sarina down, I let Lucy down, I let you-" You broke off, clenching your jaw shut tightly in an attempt to stop yourself from crying. Alexia's hands came to cup your face, tilting your head to look at her.
"I don't want to hear you talk about yourself like that," Alexia began, face fixed with intensity. "That could have gone either way, it was just chance." You said nothing, blinking hard. "And you haven't let anyone down, baby. Not the team, not Sarina, not Lucy. None of them blame you for this. And you absolutely didn't let me down, mi niña. You made me so proud, like you always do."
Alexia watched as you continued to valiantly fight off your tears, your lip trembling hard. "It's alright to be disappointed, but I won't have you blaming yourself," she said, almost sternly. She watched you for another second. "You can cry, bonita. Come here."
At her words you let yourself go, allowing her to tug you up into her arms. She held you tightly as you cried against her, murmuring soothing words into your hair, interspersed with pressing kisses to your head. You cried for a while, getting her shirt extremely wet with tears. Her hold on you was unrelenting, though, and she didn't pull away until your sobs had slowed to occasional sniffles. Using the sleeve of her sweatshirt, she delicately wiped the stray tears off your face, before pressing a long kiss into your forehead. You gave her a weak smile, unsure how to put into words how much she meant to you.
"Well, I still get to go to Paris. Really live out my WAG dreams." You joked, and Alexia chuckled.
"Will I finally get to see you in a jersey with my name on the back?" She asked.
"You'll have to marry me if you want to see me with your last name on my jersey." You replied, smirking up at her. Her mouth twisted into a grin, and she shook her head at you teasingly.
"Well, I better get moving then if you're gonna be properly dressed for Paris." She wasn't joking. You knew this, but you didn't realize to what extent she really wasn't joking. If everything went according to plan, she'd have an engagement ring on your finger by June. You settled back against her, soaking up the time with your girl, as she did the same, her mind getting lost in engagement plans.
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vintagepascal · 1 year
Hey ...
Can I have a request for pedro × reader ?
The reader is sad about something and can't sleep pedro finds her in the balcony all alone with her thoughts in the middle of the night
threw this together to try to get out of my writers block, hope you enjoy love! sorry it's a bit on the shorter side :)
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The night had gone seemingly well - or so he'd thought. Nothing was particularly out of the ordinary anyways. Dinner had been delicious, the wine you'd shared sweet, and you'd both wound down with a few episodes of a new show in bed before he'd curled up under the covers and let the drowsiness have him.
He'd just assumed you'd dozed off soon after he'd kissed you goodnight. But when he woke up at 2am to a cold bed, he realized he's been mistaken.
It put a knot in his stomach as soon as his eyes adjusted and he realized that his senses weren't failing him - you really weren't there beside him.
"Baby?" He called, voice still raspy.
The knot grew into a pit when he saw that the bathroom light wasn't on either.
"Amor?" He tried again - no answer.
His heartbeat picked up as he stood up from the bed, pace quickening as he realized that the bedroom door was cracked. He pushed it aside quickly, eyes scanning the house for any sign of you.
He let out a breath when he found it - the silhouette of his yellow Lakers shirt outside on the balcony, outlined through the glass doors. He'd recognize you in a crowded room, even with you turned away towards the city the way you were.
He was quiet and slow as he approached, sliding the door carefully out of the way.
"Amor? It's me." His voice was gentle but you jumped anyways, breath catching in your chest before you recognized him and relaxed.
You opened your mouth to say something, but you couldn't find anything quite right. Everything felt heavy - your mind, your chest, your eyes. So when Pedro made his way in front of you, crouched down to meet your gaze and asked if you were alright, you couldn't answer. All you did was shake your head no, and let the burning in your eyes you'd been fighting finally spill over.
He didn't need anything more than that. Without any hesitation he looped one arm under your knees and another behind your back, lifting you up and switching places so you were settled on his lap in the chair, curled up against him. He didn't move his arms, just used them to hold you close to him, to tuck you up against his bare chest.
His cheek was rough against your forehead, but it settled you, grounded you each time you felt it move as he spoke sweet nothings that flowed down to you, calming your heart beat by beat. I've got you amor. You're safe. It's alright. I'm right here. You can let it out. I love you. Te amo. I love you.
The tears stopped some time later, and to Pedro's relief you sat up and looked at him, giving him the chance to wipe some of the remnants away with his thumbs along your cheekbones.
"Que pasa mi amor?" He murmured sweetly - when you were finally able to look at him the genuine concern in his eyes was almost your undoing all over again. The love was so blatant, and you felt so undeserving that it was overwhelming. How could he really be yours? And how could you handle him being so far away? But you couldn't put that on him - it was too much. Too heavy.
"It's nothing baby, I'm okay."
He tucked a piece of hair behind your ear, letting his fingers linger. You relaxed, resting your cheek in his palm.
"I can't help you if you don't let me in amor. Please," he whispered. "Let me in. Tell me, let me hold some of it."
You would never understand how he always knew exactly what to say to unlock the flood gates. But somehow he always had the key. And so you started to tell him. And you couldn't stop. And with every sad confession came tears and jumbled sentences and points missed and you didn't care, because Pedro was there, listening to every word and holding your hand as you played with his fingers to distract yourself as you spoke, released everything that had been keeping your mind running in circles all night long, exhausting you.
"... and it feels better when you're here, it feels like I can breathe but I know you're going to be gone soon and I'm so happy for you and I know you'll come visit and I can go visit but I don't know how I'm going to be okay with you so far away for so long when I love you this much and I just - I just -"
Those words in particular caught Pedro's ear, caused him to sit up a bit straighter.
"Sweetheart, I don't leave for filming for another two months."
"I know, I know I sound crazy, we have so much time but I can't stop thinking about what it's going to be like when you aren't here."
"Hey, c'mere. C'mere." He readjusted, moving your legs until you were straddling him. He took your face in his hands, waiting until you looked at him. "You aren't crazy. I've been thinking about it too. About how hard it's gonna be."
The shock of that pulled you out of your spiral a bit.
"You have?"
"Of course I have. I don't want to leave you here alone when I got to the gym, much less for six months of filming. I want to be where you are, simple as that."
The sincerity of his words hit you like a ton of bricks. "Yeah?" was all you could muster, and it made him chuckle.
"Yeah, mi amor." He laughed, kissing your nose. "So on that note I was thinking, maybe you could just come with me. If you wanted. We could get an apartment instead of my trailer, for the weekends, and -"
"You'd do that?"
He blinked at you, surprised. "Of course I would. But I understand that's a lot to ask of you. So obviously take all the time you need to think about it, and we can figure out the details."
It was your turn to laugh. As if you even needed to consider it.
"What?" He questioned. You answered him with a kiss, hoping it would convey everything you needed to say. When you finally broke free a few minutes later, your lack of sleep and aftermath of adrenaline had worn off. He didn't need to ask if you were okay - he could feel it. You yawned, leaning your head against Pedro's broad shoulder and melting into him.
He held you for a few moments, relishing in the feeling of you fully trusting him before he kissed your temple and coaxed you up just enough for him to get his hands under your thighs so he could carry you to bed. You didn't stray far - once he climbed under the covers you returned to him, curling up against his chest, head clear for the first time in weeks as his kissed your forehead and pulled you closer, holding you through the night.
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not-close-to-straight · 9 months
Hi, writing question from a struggling writer.
How do you write non action or romance in your stories that are full of both? I am struggling on how to write the main character in this book do normal boring stuff that does not relate to her night job. Or her flirting with her love interests. I can write action, flirting and stressful conversations and that seems to be it.
I tried to write her doing normal everyday stuff and it turned into her thinking about what she did the night before instead.
Please, I’ll take any advice at all.
Hey! I haven't heard from you in ages, I thought you dropped off Tumblr since you stopped showing up in my notifs!
Ummmm regular scenes in an action or romance heavy fic.
Okay so for the most part, I DO write those regular scenes with a background mental dialogue and/or flirty overtones. It keeps the scene from feeling like "filler" and it also can move the romance and/or action along without actually having to literally word for word move it along, as well as giving a great way to show character development.
Having the "regular scenes" fit in to an AU specific dynamic or the Characters Career can really help it flow easier too. Instead of it feeling like a break from the action or romance, it's just normal things that have to happen in a regular day so it still carries the story forward.
In Lassos and Lilies, Marriage and Mate Chases, Shadowed Hearts & Winter Souls, More Than Words or any of my other historical AU's, I use the every day necessity of chores to show Character adjusting to life/maturing in his decisions/growing stronger or out of his pampered life. The chores can be described in pretty specific detail with a dash of internal dialogue (the horses had to be fed x,x and x, they didn't understand how such huge animals could survive on the diet, or how they could stink so much) and it also gives me a chance to reference/hint at Particularly Amorous Events, like "oh it would be so much easier to do *chore* if they weren't sore/if they could stop thinking about the heat of a kiss/if they weren't so distracted thinking about Other Character doing the same chore shirtless.
Doing Necessary Chores leads straight into Love Interest showing up to help or complimenting how good they did with a normally tough job or whatever the next scene is (nighttime)
BUT in my AU where Tony runs a bakery, all his chores are specifically bakery related which is fun for people to read, can take up a whole day from prep through selling through night time clean up and then leads to sweet treats being shared with Stucky.
In BABE, Bucky owns a mechanic shop so between seeing Tony he's working on cars. In He Loves Me (not) a major theme is the boys trying to turn this big dusty house into something warm and liveable so there's several scenes about how dismal the kitchen was and how they work to make it better.
I don't know what your character does as her night job or what the romantic arc is like, but you could even have a "she has to get xyz done before work tonight" and then have her go through her errands, with maybe hints of "oh that makes her think of Romantic Interest" and "that color is the same shade as the lipstick she'd left on his collar" or she sees another couple out and it reminds her of the previous night-- It helps keep the sexual tension high even when they aren't in the same scenes.
TLDR: Don't worry about needing the scene to not feel flirty or whatever. Craft the domestic boring scenes to be directly in line with the AU (like necessary chores for historical au's or job related chores) and let the character be reminded of the romance/action in little ways through out the scene, even if it's something quick like "oh maybe he'd like this for dinner sometime if i ever get brave enough to invite him" or "(thing) looked just like the evidence from the crime and she sighed as her mind inevitably turned back towards the case"-- or something along those lines that actually fits your AU.
The domestic scenes are where we really learn about the character and often where the AU is fleshed out in background details and setting so don't skip them!
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ravenadottir · 2 years
I love Lucas already with a passion. However your thoughts, opinions, and fiction is making me crush even more!!
(first and foremost, your pfp ??? QUEEN! now onto the post lol )
"I love Lucas already with a passion"
i feel this part so badly. i don't think there was any other character that made my jaw drop as low as it did when i saw him for the first time. and thank you for the love, i really appreciate!
now... since i like torturing the stans, me included, let me give you a few more villa headcanons.
pairing: lucas x mc
🖤 he's the type that pats his thigh, indicating for her to sit on it.
🖤 sneaks in the room when she has her back to the door, snakes his arms around her waist and whispers "hi luv" in her ear, especially if she's distracted.
🖤 sometimes he gets absorbed in what she's saying, so much that he gazes at her tenderly without noticing.
🖤 pulls her inside the cupboard to have a kiss. and a makeout session. and possibly other things.
🖤 rolls his eyes when she teases him but can't help a chuckle.
🖤 drops by the bathroom in the morning to see her fixing her hair, watching her while leaning against the door frame with his arms folded.
🖤 tries his best but can't help tossing his head back when laughing at her jokes.
🖤 lazy afternoons on the daybeds, talking about the places he wants to take her to. "you'll never get over how beautiful gimpo is at this time of the year. you're gonna love it."
🖤 his heart was jumping out of his chest when he asked her to be his girlfriend.
🖤 when she asks "do you think your parents will like me?", he shrugs, "my parents don't like anyone. i doubt they like me... so yeah, probably." he says with a slick smile.
🖤 if she's close to a boy/girl he doesn't like, he was trying his best to get along with them for her. insert gary and lottie.
🖤 wakes her up with a little grazing of knuckles on her leg/arm, kissing her on her forehead.
🖤 if she refuses to get up he shakes his head. "do you want breakfast in bed?" to which she would nod her head under the covers and make him say "you know i can't speak duvet, right?"
🖤 he missed her during casa amor, to the point he actually talked to the boys about it, which he would never do, but his only support system wasn't there.
🖤 "you surprise me by how much you made me care about you in so little time."
🖤 "my hair looks like shit today." he says while growling at the pomade in his hands, sighing, "can you help me?"
🖤 if he had ever seen her in his shirt he would lose his shit.
🖤 because alcohol is not 24/7 available to them, i think he stress ate after stick or switch until he was coupled up with her again. even gary made fun of him and lucas threw a bag of crisps at him. "how is this for eating my feelings?"
🖤 held back while talking to her at the roof terrace. he had already regretted his decision but didn't know how to not sound proud while apologizing.
🖤 he almost went for a kiss after she saved him, but he was scared to be rejected in front of everyone.
🖤 cooking together was the perfect opportunity for him to apologize properly and tell her what he felt during casa amor. "i'm really thankful for being saved by you."
"well, your only other option was lottie, so..."
"even if it happened, i would've stayed and tried to win you back. i fucked up and i wanted another chance."
🖤 he's a great dancer but was nervous during the prom dance, afraid to look bad in front of her.
🖤 his (real) speech included a part saying how mistaken he was for switching, and how small he felt when he saw he was wrong. "more than anything... i have to say, i'm happy to have a second chance, because i wouldn't forgive myself if i had lost the opportunity of knowing you better. i fell in love with you knowing it was going to happen since the beginning."
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Hanekoma looked down his nose at the young woman sitting across from him with her chin pillowed in the cross of her arms, eyes distant as she gazed at the back counter behind him. For a few months now, she had requested he not read her mind when she came in, and this time was no different. And she said mostly nothing these days as she took respite within the walls of this little cafe.
"Here, this is on the house," he said, sliding to her a large mug of coffee, sweetened and topped with foam, chocolate art, and marshmallow paws. It was just the thing she'd enjoy. "I remembered that it's your birthday today."
Aku's eyebrows furrowed a moment, as if in distress, but she quickly got ahold of herself and bowed politely in her seat, "Thank you. You really didn't have to, but I appreciate the gesture."
He wasn't going to say anything else, but he heard the crack in her voice. It was right at the very end of her sentence, and she had cut herself off quickly, but he'd heard it. And as he watched her, he could see how starry her eyes got as tears welled up over the surface of them. Why did she seem in such pain to receive a gift? What had he done to offend her so badly? And if that was really the case, why was she still coming back here?
Hanekoma took a deep breath and leaned on the counter, demanding Aku's attention as he dipped his head to catch her sorrowful eyes, "Hey, Sweet Tooth. Look at me."
Aku shuddered. It was so subtle but he was paying attention so he caught it. Her eyes went up to meet his, but it was clear she did not want to be here. She said nothing back to him.
"What's goin' on with you?"
He didn't mind. She could be stubborn sometimes, and he knew he had to push her to get to the core of her issues. Sometimes she even did a good job of blocking him out of her thoughts by distracting herself, and that was some imagination that could cover up the shadows with a dream. But he was going to get to the bottom of it this time, even if he had to pry her brain open with his fingers. He hated seeing her in pain like this...
Aku shook her head in response, and it was clearly because she didn't trust herself to answer. Her voice cracked. Talking now would be useless. Hanekoma knew that, too.
"There is," he pressed. "I know there is. And I'm not gonna sit around watching this go on anymore. I'm not asking this time. You tell me what's wrong or I'll figure it out myself."
The tears finally broke free, rolled down her cheeks as she shook her head and choked out a response, barely, "Don't..."
Her crying was so quiet, just silent tears rolling down her face and controlled little gasps of breath. The only real indication was the waterworks and the trembling of her shoulders. He didn't like pushing her like this, but he knew it wouldn't get better if she didn't trust in him.
"I'm gonna," he replied, pressing a hand down on the counter in front of her. "Last chance. Please tell me what's wrong, Aku."
No answer came, and the way she stiffened told him she was going to fight him on it. So he braced himself for battle and started scanning her mind. There was no way for an RG citizen to block an angel from their mind, even if they did have psychic proclivities about them. But Aku was particularly good at moving her thoughts to completely unrelated places. And then there was that man. The imaginary figure, faceless and godlike, that wrapped his arms around her as she dreamed him up and covered her with thoughts of himself. But even as all of that, just as he predicted, was coming to fruition, Hanekoma was pushing through every hurdle with insistence he'd never delivered her before.
In a moment, it was revealed, the amorous and desperate desire she felt for... For Hanekoma. As it laid out, the one person that was kinder to her than any other individual in her entire life had ever been. The only person that did not judge her for who and what she was. The only person to look after her when she was struggling the most. The one who insisted, despite everything, to always be part of her life, and to know her, and to care about her. To care for her in a way she couldn't take care of herself. And how that gentle care had built upon itself again and again and again until he towered as a beacon of love. And how, now that he paid attention, that man's face had ever so subtly begun to take on his features, and his voice had just barely begun to take on his speech patterns, and now he was becoming a dream for her in the way Eanas was a dream for him.
Hanekoma stood upright again, his chest tight because he suddenly understood why she was so afraid, why she was crying, and also knowing that there was nothing he could do about it. He couldn't help her. It was something she had to come to terms with herself, just like he'd had to.
"Oh, Sweet Tooth...." He whispered. "I-- I'm real flattered, you gotta know that. I'm glad ya learned to trust me so much but--"
"Please stop," she whined through her tears. "I already know that. Please don't. I know already."
"Wh-, I know, but I just wanna--"
Aku jumped up from her seat and shook her head furiously. She couldn't take it anymore, and she knew that this was going to ruin everything. So she just turned on her heel and stormed out of the cafe. Not out of rage, but from the sheer pain of having to stand face to face with the reality of the situation. And even though she didn't say a word, Hanekoma knew she was never coming back.
"I'm sorry, Sweet Tooth," he whispered, and the untouched coffee sat abandoned and deflating in the cup.
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chrisdiels-babygirl · 3 years
Teach Me How To Love
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This is my original writing you do not have permission to copy it, changing the boy or slightly changing details is still plagiarism. If I find out you copied my writing I will not hesitate to publicly shame you and report your sorry ass✌🏼😗
✨Italics is a flashback✨
Our generation doesn't know how to love properly, we'll act like we're in a relationship but refuse to actually officially be in one. Before I met zabdiel I had never been in love, when I had met him I had told myself he was just another guy there was nothing special about him, but the more time we spent together the more I started to fall for him. It was in all the little things he would do like asking me to stay the night and cuddling me after sex, hanging out with me during the day, introducing me to his family, remembering little details about me, all of that just confused me. I had no idea just how much he was going to hurt me when we started this.
We had been acting like we were a couple for months. He had brought me home to Puerto Rico with him for his mom's birthday, we were inseparable and we spent almost every night in each others beds cuddling and talking about our days and the future. That all changed though when he hooked up with some random girl he'd met at a club on a night out, the next day we had had a big argument about it.
there he stood in his door way, hair a mess, eyes sleepy and his sweatpants hanging loosely on his hips. He looked beautiful, but I couldn't get distracted, I'm mad at him. I pushed passed him walking into his apartment, he sighed loudly "are you mad or something?" He obliviously asked, I looked at him eyes wild staring in complete disbelief "are you for fucking real, you fuck some random girl last night and have the audacity to ask if I'm mad or something, yeah zabdiel I'm pissed" I raised my voice at him getting upset, his face contoured in confusion "ok first of all I don't see how thats your business and secondly why you would be mad about it when we're not even dating" he grumbled with genuine confusion in his voice "not dating, zabdiel what the fuck do you think we've been doing for the last few months, we've literally been acting like a couple" I exasperated. A look of panic washed over zabdiel's face "I never said I was looking for a girlfriend y/n, we were just fucking around" he said. I stared at him, my blood was boiling at this point, he had led me on for months making me believe we were in a relationship when really he was just waisting my time "you're a fucking asshole you know that, matter of fact loose my motherfucking number, don't bother texting or calling me anymore" I yelled as I stormed out his apartment.
It had been five days since we had argued at his apartment, five days since I told him to leave me alone, he had appeared to be completely unfazed, like he never cared about me at all. Its so hard to let go of someone when you know how much you once cared for them. I had decided that I was going to get drunk to numb the heart brake and try to forget him and his stupid beautiful face. I decided to get changed into something more comfortable, as I looked through my closet something caught my eye, it was one of zabdiel's t shirts that he'd left here, I pressed it firmly against my chest, carefully lifting it to inhale its scent, it still smelt like him. I knew I shouldn't but I put his t shirt on because I missed him, I knew this was only rubbing salt in an open wound but I didn't care. I made my way over to the brand new bottle of tequila I had just bought, I knew I was going be a mess tonight but really I just didn't care anymore. It was now 2am, the bottle of tequila was 2/3 empty now sitting on the coffee table, I sat on the sofa with my feet resting on the coffee table while I stared at the wall thinking about zabdiel again, he had completely consumed my thoughts, how could he do this to me, he led me on until I had genuinely caught feelings for him, I hated myself for how much I cared about him even after he'd hurt me and I hated him for making me fall in love with him. I had decided to call zabdiel to give him a piece of my mind, he picked up on the third ring "hello?" He questioned "you're an asshole" I slurred "y/n are you drunk" he cautiously asked "you led me on for months, made me fall in love with you and you're an asshole for that, if you even cared about me a little bit you wouldn't have hurt me like that" I sniffled as tears streamed down my cheeks "nena I'm sorry I never meant to hurt you" he whispered so softly I almost didn't even hear him "but you did" I croaked out as my voice cracked, I quickly hung up the phone trowing it on the sofa beside me.
Twenty minutes had passed before there was a knock at the door, I quickly wiped my eyes and tried to stop crying as I walked to the door, as I opened it I came face to face with the person who was the reason for my tears. He scanned me from head to toe taking in my puffy eyes, my tear stained cheeks, then he realized I was wearing his t shirt he fought a smile trying to make its way across his face "what the hell are you doing here" I tried to sound strong but my voice failed me by cracking "I eh came here because I'm sorry and because I miss you" he gently spoke "you haven't bothered to speak to me in five days and all of a sudden when I call you, you're sorry and miss me" I asked in disbelief, he sighed "baby I've missed you, believe me, I tried moving on but I can't" he pleaded "zab I just, I can't do this, you clearly don't want a girlfriend and I can't let you hurt me anymore" I tiredly told him. He stood forward tucking me into his embrace "I want you, only you, no one else" he softly spoke carefully pulling back slightly to look at my face. I looked at his face looking for any sign of deception, there was none "are you asking me to be your girlfriend this time" I asked carefully, he grabbed my face with both his hands, resting his forehead on mine while gazing into my eyes "Mi amor serás mi novia" he nervously asked, I stared at him while mulling my options over until I came to a decision "ok but if you hurt me again you won't be getting another chance" I warned him, a big toothy smile spread across his face, his dimple on full display as he carefully picked me up pressing me against the door while he passionately kissed me "honestly thats disgusting" my neighbor ms Johnson muttered as she came out of her apartment, zabdiel grinned at her "hi ms Johnson" zabdiel beamed as he lazily waved at her, she huffed looking at us in disgust. Zabdiel let me down, as I turned to walk inside he slapped my ass "time to make up properly" he smirked at me as he closed the door.
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