#i didn't even mention bellarke but i hate it
hehevoldy · 1 year
Didn't know Wells was Clarke's first boyfriend I hope nothing happens between them in the books or any other love triangles but since it's a YA it might I just thought it would be interesting if they kept that aspect in the show for when Jaha enters the story and we see that relationship on the show because he basically shot his own father for Octavia lol Okay I'm going to be real Bellamy's death was because of Jason being petty Bob wanted some time off for his mental health so Jason wrote his death there's been confirmation that Bellamy wasn't supposed to die I actually think the entire plotline with Bellamy was horrible and should never of happened it made no sense I hated how everyone turned their back on him. Did they relly go "uggh" evertime someone mentioned Bellarke how come I thought they liked the ship? I will never watch anything from Jason again he ruined this series I was only watching the last season because of Bellarke and we didn't get anything with them I thought she would of done what he did last season doing everything to save him but nope we never got them to even kiss unless you count the cpr scene :(
At least in the books he is. The love triangle is very one-sided, though.
I don't remember if he knows that Jaha is his father at first 🤔 I donated the books to, so I might have to find an ebook if I want to reread them at some point.
Bob didn't deserve all of that. For me, he carried the show from the start. There were amazing characters on the show but one of the only ones that was giving the 100% from the start was Bellamy's character.
They were annoyed by the questions about Bellarke, but from what I understand, it was because at every freaking panel somebody asked about Bellarke.
I feel so sad about all the wasted potential with them. Jason did everyone super dirty. They deserved a good and wholesome storyline. Not a 'happily ever after,' but a 'they have each other so they'll be ok' kind of thing because that's what their relationship was all about. Instead, we got a Bellamy who was ok with torturing Madi and a Clarke that killed him for nothing.
Now I want to watch Bellarke edits on youtube just to remember all the possibilities 😩
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astroninaaa · 4 years
clarke griffin sucks here’s why
Hi! I’ve wanted to actually write some anti-Clarke discourse for a while now, specially because I’ve hated her since I first heard her talk to someone else in the show, but I was always hesitant because of blorkes and Clarke stans and all that. Well, I’m doing it anyway.
(DISCLAIMER: all this comes from her depiction in the show. I have no idea how book Clarke is, since I’ve never read the The 100 books. Now buckle up and enjoy my angry and not-that-thought-out rant.) (And I’m putting it under the cut because it is... a lot.)
I know many people started to dislike Clarke after season 3 or whatever, but I believe she has been problematic since the beginning. 
For starters, she put herself in a position of power during season 1, and that’s a fact. People say she “had no choice but to become a leader”, but that’s a lie. Just like Bellamy did, she made the decision to bear leadership: from the moment they arrived, she was already making orders and trying to boss people around. Was she wrong? No, she wasn’t! She wanted to keep herself and others alive, which is a good thing. But she didn’t have to. Btw, if she had never done anything things wouldn’t have change, to be honest, since they did not get to Mount Weather and built their little cute camp around the dropship. I mean, Jasper wouldn’t have been speared and they would have found out about the Grounders a bit later, but I think nothing much would’ve happened. Actually, maybe things with the Grounders would have been easier, considering I firmly believe the theory that the only reason they attacked Jasper in the first place was because he was all happy about finding Mount Weather, the place that had been kidnapping and killing Grounders for a long ass time. 
My point is: I believe Clarke wasn’t actually needed as a leader when they first came down to Earth. I think she was just a spoiled priviledged girl, just like Bellamy said she was, who could not get around to letting go of the power she held. There was no more priviledged and non-priviledged, so she secured her influence by becoming a leader. 
An important statement that people tend to forget: she was just as guilty as Bellamy was for Murphy’s hanging, if not more. She was always talking about justice and whatnot, but when she had the chance to be just, she wasn’t. A knife is not enough evidence to fucking accuse someone of murder — during 1918 and 1919, there was a serial murder going around called “The Axeman of New Orleans”, who used axes he found in people’s houses to kill them (I’m a fan of true crime sorry not sorry). If police went by Clarke’s logic, the dead would’ve been the murderers, which certainly does not make much sense. The least she could’ve done was talking to him separately, conducted a trial or whatever, anything but accusing Murphy of murder before the whole camp. She knew they hated him, and so did Bellamy, and that’s why Bellamy didn’t want her to tell everyone about Wells’ yet. And yes, sure, she was grieving, but grief is still not an excuse for what she did to Murphy, it isn’t. She might have tried to stop the hanging later or whatever, but it was still a direct consequence of her actions and would not have happened at all if she had stopped to think for even a moment. The truth is that Clarke does not comprehend that she can actually be wrong, a fact that repeats itself multiple times throughout the series.
(There are other times she fucks up during season 1, but Murphy’s hanging is what stands out the most to me, so I decided to leave it on that. But don’t worry, I have many other examples!)
I can’t even express how much she pissed me off during season 2. Yes, Mount Weather was a very suspicious place and she was right to be wary, but how could she leave her people and escape? She wanted to get help and all that, but she fucking knew they were bleeding out the Grounders and was definetely aware they would soon try something alike to the 48, and she still left them. She left them alone and clueless to the danger they were in, and she didn’t even know if the Ark had come down alright or if there were other survivors. Mount Weather was lying to them about not finding anyone but she couldn’t be sure of that — everyone could have been fucking dead and she would have left her “people” to die too.
I’m not even gonna talk about Lexa’s betrayal because that wasn’t actually her fault, I admit that. Was she stupid to trust a Grounder? Yes. Should she have considered the fact they tried to kill Raven the first opportunity they got (when Lexa’s cup was poisoned) and the fact that the Grounders did not trust them because of Finn and wrongly Raven? Obviously. Does that make Lexa’s betrayal her fault? No, but she should have seen it coming, tbh.
And, again, she put herself in a position of power where she wasn’t needed. There were actual adults ready to look for a better solution, but she didn’t let them. Of course she didn’t  — how could Princess Griffin let go of her power?
Letting Mount Weather drop the bomb on TonDC was... horrible. It was not the act of a leader and it was not the act of a good person. It was selfish, it was the act of someone who leaves their people to die with the excuse of “looking for help” without even knowing if there is help waiting for them at all. It would have revealed Bellamy’s position, yes, but Bellamy would have preferred that than letting people die like Clarke and Lexa did. THEY LET PEOPLE DIE. Hundreds of people! God, they didn’t save the Grounders and the Skaikru that had come for a DIPLOMATIC AND PACIFIC reunion, but Clarke really thought her deal with Lexa would mean something if a better deal appeared, right? Damn, that was naive.
And then she left her people again by the end of the season, of course. “I bear it so others don’t have to” my ass — Bellamy still went apeshit and Jasper still got depressed and no one actually saw her bearing it, so they bear it too. The only thing girlie did was leave behind responsibility and betray her friends so she didn’t have to face regret for her actions. Meanwhile, people needed her, since she had put herself in a position of power for so long that everyone actually looked up at her, for some unknown reason, since she mainly fucked things up.
I don’t remember season 3 that well, but I know that Bellamy’s rant to her when she came back and was trying to be his friend was absolutely reasonable and true. She fucked off into the woods, represented Skaikru in Polis without them knowing for a while, came back to Arkadia and tried to get some power again, but then no one cared about her. Bellamy was too busy making the wrong decisions because of his emotional pain and sorrow to actually give a shit and they had greater things to solve than filling Clarke’s need to be worshipped.
Also, the whole “blood must not have blood” shit? Funny, real funny. It’s just like Lexa pointed out: “blood must not have blood until it applies to your people”. She is SUCH a hypocrite it pains me. And she did not spare Emerson for “blood must not have blood”, she did it because she knew it would make him suffer more and that came back to bite her in the ass. Karma’s a bitch, I guess. And she tried to make Luna become Commander against her will, which I’m not gonna talk about, but was just really fucked up.
I think my hatred for Clarke peaked during season 4. First, she didn’t want to tell the Grounders the world was about to end again and was apparently okay with letting them burn, until Roan found out and got mad about it. She tried to become Commander, blatantly disrespecting Grounder culture just so she could boss all the people in the world around. “She wanted to help!” “She had no choice!” Yes, sure, she had no choice but lying to everyone and disrespecting a whole nation. She couldn’t, you know, talk about it. Okay. I mean, that’s how Clarke does things, right? Kill and deceive first, give a half-assed apology later. It has been working so far, there’s no reason for her to stop.
Forcing Luna to give them her bone marrow? Very problematic, but “Welcome to Mount Weather” was one of my favorite Raven quotes. Abby was also a fucking bitch for being alright with killing Emori but throwing a tantrum when Clarke finally came to her senses and decided to test Nightblood on herself instead of murdering people who went all the way there to help her, but that’s not what I’m focusing on.
Locking Murphy up while she attempted to kill Emori? Not good. Emori knew from the beginning she would be chosen for testing Nightblood — she is a Grounder, and Clarke’s disregard for Grounders has been made very clear before. (And no, having a Grounder girlfriend in a very unprofessional and non-diplomatic way does not excuse her from discriminating against Grounders.)
And then she took over the bunker, disrespecting Grounder culture once again by betraying the conclave and, well, many people. (I know Echo did it too, but I’m not talking about Echo right now so if someone brings this up I’m gonna riot.) I also think it’s funny how she was always talking about saving everyone and all that shit but was so fucking fast to leave Raven, Octavia, Monty, Harper and Kane to die. You know, the people who were supposed to be her friends and all that. Oh, well.
Then Octavia won. And she still did not open the bunker. Man, opening the bunker would save so many lives, including the life of her oh-so-called best friend’s sister, but she still didn’t do it. Classic Clarke God-complex: she decides who is worth saving, and the Grounders aren’t. Then there’s the whole thing with holding Bellamy at gunpoint and then using “but I didn’t shoot!” as an apology. Bitch, it isn’t about shooting, it is about the fact you looked your supposed best friend straight in the eyes and pointed a gun at him, threatening to kill him if he dared to try and save his sister and many others of certain death.
She sacrificed herself by the end of this season, great. I mean, yeah, that was nice of her. Congrats for doing a good thing for once, I guess, even though she knew she probably wouldn’t be able to get back in time anyway so the least she could do was making sure the others lived. I wish she had actually died then, it would’ve been a great end to her arc (finally saving her friends at the cost of her life after betraying them and leaving them to die repeatedly — damn, I might had even started to like her a bit after that) and I would be able to stand the worshipping of her done at the start of season 5, since she would be, yk, dead. Sadly, that did not happen.
She was a villain during season 5 just like Octavia and I wish she had been depicted that way. She wanted to kill Blodreina (because just overthrowing her wouldn’t do) but she wasn’t okay with letting Madi take the chip. I know these are different things, but see it like that: killing Octavia was a way of taking control of Wonkru at the expense of a life. Madi becoming Commander was a way to take control of Wonkru at the expense of Madi’s childhood. Are any of them good? Not really, but Commander Madi does not envolve killing someone and even has a nice ring to it. Besides, Madi had given consent to taking the chip.
(Another point: Octavia was actually thrown into a position of power, just like everyone claims Clarke was. Octavia was the conclave’s champion and was expected and even obligated to lead, while Clarke simply decided she was more competent than the others and became a self-proclaimed leader. After that, she whined for all seasons about how she didn’t want leadership. Octavia never did that, despite being the one who became a leader unwillingly. Just like Raven put, Octavia and Clarke are the same, but Octavia doesn’t pretend to feel bad for empathy points. Damn, I love Raven.)
She left Bellamy to die in the fighting pit, because now Madi is the one she cares about so fuck everyone else. She gave over Raven and Shaw and let them be tortured for nothing. She betrayed literally everyone and was the one to put McCreary in a position strong enough he had the power to literally destroy Earth. Clarke Griffin was directly responsible for Earth’s end.
And then she said “sorry, I had no choice” and most characters fucking forgave her. I hate the way this series throws Clarke’s half-assed apologies onto us and expect us to accept them. I think it is very annoying, since Clarke would be an awesome villain, but they insist in making her one of the good guys, even with the whole “there’s no good guys” theme, which I wholeheartedly believe to be just a way to justify why Clarke needs to be forgiven again and again and again. It is not much more than bad writing, to be honest.
During season 6 she again becomes a leader without being prompted to. I loved Josephine and I think that the fact Clarke wasn’t actually Clarke was the only reason I didn’t absolutely despised her like I have done for the previous seasons. Again, I would have loved it if she had actually died then. Imagine Josephine becoming a main character for season 7 too? Amazing, brilliant, showstopping, incredible.
And she is not even there for season 7, at least until “The Queen’s Gambit” lol. Guess they finally saw how much of an annoying character she is. The only thing I remember of her is the “I don’t believe in Karma” thing, which was... expected. I mean, someone who has done as much harm as she has can’t believe in Karma anyway or she wouldn’t be able to sleep at night, and Clarke’s whole thing is about pretending to be sorry but not actually trying to change, so we can’t have that.
In conclusion, Clarke Griffin fucking sucks. She is a bad person and the way everyone always forgives every bad thing she does is bad writing. The series tries to sell her as one of the characters on the “good” side, but she actively works against it. She is not even a GOOD villain to watch, like Murphy was for many seasons. She is just an annoying character with a God complex who fucks things up, betrays her friends and lets people die again and again and then is forgiven because she is supposed to be an admirable main character. She is selfish and abusive and manipulative and power-hungry and fucking sucks, so please don’t stan her.
And that’s on that! Nice.
(DISCLAIMER PART 2: this blog DOES NOT support Eliza Taylor and Bob Morley, specially after Arryn Zech’s accusations. I know we cannot be sure of anything, but I prefer to side with a potential liar than with a potential abuser.)
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whitetrashjj · 2 years
hi! so i've recently finished the 100 very late i know and ahh! i've gotten to love bob and eliza as well after watching interviews of them im so happy theyre married they look so in love (i say this like i didnt spend the last 3 weeks of my life obsessing over them LMAO) and i was rly surprised to see that they kept denying hating the romantic bellarke agenda? especially in the earlier seasons, but it was SO obvious, to me at least, that they were the main ship of the show... i scoured the internet for reasons why but all i could get was that the fandom hates jroth and the fandom would like to bury jroth alive SDJHFDSHJ but yeah! still rly curious and ik you were actively in the fandom during the time so if you could just briefly explain i would be vvvvv grateful
Okay... I'm gonna try and give a bit of a run down of the history of beliza and bellarke and jroth and clexa and how that all influenced things. Keep in mind I wasn't in the fandom from the start so the beginning is second hand recounts.
Okay so from the start bellarke was obviously intended, they were canon in the books but clearly with the Finn thing and everything else they were going for a more slow burn kinda vibe which was good obviously. Now this is where the bellarke denial started, but it was more casual there. Like a playfull not trying to give away the slow burn or surprise (this is very typical for slow burn ships and that's why I love the Pates for how they are handling jiara). So all was well in the house.
At this point Bob and Eliza were really good friends so that wasn't a problem. At one point apparently Devon kinda let it slip that they were actually in a fwb kinda situation at some point during the early season. I never saw first hand proof of this but it was a known fact amongst the fandom and I find likely given where they ended up.
Now, I'm not 100% on the order of event here but the following happened over s2/s3. Two major things that changed the fate and reception of bellarke forever.
The first being clexa. Now, from a story telling pov clexa was never going to last and Lexa's fate was always sealed. But I'm not going to go too much into that whole thing. But obviously there was alot of hype around Lexa and that ship. Which Jason loved, that man is driven by ego and having thousands of people up his ass fuel him. So he shifted his focus to them, knowing full well he was going to kill Lexa. And then when the backlash hit he kept pandering to them - putting little Lexa mentions in to keep the viewer ship, to keep people talking about his show. And by result of this the bellarke denial came in strong and their romantic development or story like was put on hold.
Now meanwhile it seems beliza had a falling out, Bob started dating his long term gf Aryn and they would not attend cons together. Also time to double down on the bellarke denial. Only this time it was legit (not that bellarke wasn't happening or intended, but they didn't like it and didn't want it to happen) we got the infamous 'bellake shit' quote from Eliza, which she insisted she actually said 'ship', even tweeted it (has since then once happily married admitted that she said shit lol) And yeah while we were still getting the on screen hints it seemed no one was rooting for it personally.
Then. The tide turns. Bob and Aryn has broken up. And we hear an announcement. Bob and Eliza are going to a con together?? Wait. what? And this con. Let me tell you. Changed the world. They were best friends again. Now, I am not an irl people shipper, there have been very few that I have seen and speculated before they were together and these two were one. I can't remember exactly why but there was something in the air before that and I was sus. And then there were a few things, like Eliza was saying how her favourite song was Ophelia and then she turns to Bob and says 'you must be so sick of hearing it i play it so much' and I was hmm because are they spending that much time together? Bob was wearing a bunch of mardigras necklaces and when Eliza said she wanted one and a fan overheard bob saying to her something 'you'll have to give me something later for one' and then after break Eliza had some ??? Which people freaked out about but not enough in my opinion. And then the fact that (actually this might have been a later con my timeline is messy its been a while) Eliza was wearing an engagement ring and straight up told people she was engaged when they asked. People assumed it was to the guy who play mccrery because there was rumours of them dating but they hadn't been seen together in ages.
And then most importantly they were now pro-bellarke. Talking excitedly about the scenes. Saying themselves are sometimes confused because the script will saying something like 'bellamy looks at her lovingly.' but then Jroth continues to deny things. they weren't to the level of it now but they were for sure making it clear that jroth was gaslighting a fandom lol.
Anyway moving on to one quite morning, I hadn't touch social media all morning as it did laundry and when I finally take a break the fandom is imploding - thankfully I had only missed it by like 15minutes. But Bob and Eliza has both tweeted that they had gotten married with a pic of their hands on their wedding day. Now I instantly believed it - oh yeah it's all coming together. But there was all this shock because it seemingly came out of no where. People thought they had been hacked, and then other cast would congratulate them and then they were hacked. Certain people were saying its a cover because Eliza and Alycia actually got married, and other were saying Bob and Eliza were homophobic for getting married during pride month. But at the end of the day it was all true, there were married and it was happily ever after.
But for some reason this seemed to piss off JRoth and he seemed to get so much worse. At one point during the filming of season 7 i think (i get confused about later seasons it could have been 6 or 8) Bob and Jason unfollowed each other and we though it was hilarious until we realised what it could have meant. Recently beliza revealed that the bellarke get together was actually written, in a place that so many people has speculated and it would have made sense but at the last minute it was taken out.
It seemed like Jason didn't like the beliza was together, he was having more and more issues with Bob and Jason just didn't do bellarke out of spite. Did that stupid murder out of spite and gave a pandering ending for clexas out of spite.
Once the show was over beliza have been very open about how bellarke was always planned from the beginning and they don't understand why it never happened.
Any way I've been out of it for a while so I'm a bit foggy on the detail these days but that's the guts of it. Anyone is free to add
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timelessphoenix · 4 years
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Take a look at an underrated-- or perhaps even hardly noticed-- Bellarke moment from 3x11. This is after Alie has taken over Arkadia and Jasper saved Clarke and brought along Raven, and Octavia, Bellamy, and co. are hiding in a cave waiting for Jasper to arrive with Raven.
Bellamy walked out to talk Octavia out of leaving right when Jasper and Clarke arrived. He turns around to see The One And Only, Clarke Griffin, walking, determined, until
She stops dead in her tracks. And LOOK AT HER FACE.
All because she saw Bellamy.
Reminder that since she saw Bellamy last, she's been through a LOT. Namely, letting her walls down to be with Lexa, getting shot at by Titus, witnessing Lexa die instead, getting trapped in Polis and accidentally letting Octavia down, being deemed the new Flamekeeper, and returning home alone to AI infested Arkadia.
And in the last time she saw Bellamy, he was on the Wrong Side, in Arkadia. They fought, they disappointed each other, he betrayed her, and she left on bad terms with him.
So, if she had thought about it, Clarke was probably expecting that Bellamy was still back at Arkadia when Alie attacked. She probably assumed he was under Alie's control and he wasn't someone she would have to reckon with (again). Basically, she certainly wasn't expecting him here, whether she thought about the why or not.
So, naturally, she's surprised to see him here... though this looks like a mixture of "you're here?" shock, "are we on good terms?" hesitance, and "I'm glad your safe" relief. She halts for a sec with a hitch in her breath. The direction and acting in this points clearly toward More Than A Friend (considering she doesn't react the same way towards Octavia). I hate to think it was anything particularly romantic, considering she just lost Lexa and is still grieving later in this episode (and for the rest of the season), but it's still a good moment. It's also possibly an affirmation of "at least right now, we're on the same side; my partner is back.... I missed him, didn't I?"
Not to mention Bellamy, who looks less surprised (I'm pretty sure he knew she was arriving with Jasper), but also very hesitant ("I'm supposed to be mad at you") and relieved ("you're safe (alive), and not part of a mob under the influence of an AI.... Good, I'm glad to see it."). And his gaze lingers on her for a long time-- two separate shots bookending Clarke's reaction to him (that's very long and very meaningful in precious cinema-time). Also, it's not easy to see in my too-fast too-dark GIF (I tried to make it at least slower, but tumblr wouldn't let me post that one), but he gives her a whole once over. Lol.
Both of them don't seem ready to face the other quite yet, and, as we know, they don't-- the conversation that amends their 3x05 fight and their current state of discontentedness with each other is in 3x13. However, they easily and quickly fall back into working together and backing each other up, even though they're not at their best in their own partnership.
Clarke invites him several times to lean on her for support ("you okay?" "maybe there are no good guys"), Bellamy tries to make sure she's put together after Raven gets to her (*after Bellamy hoists a screaming Clarke by the waist to drag her out of the room* Clarke: "I let her get to me..." Bellamy, after poorly but carefully wrapping up her newly bitten arm: "you don't say?").
Anyway, I'm rambling now, but this episode is Golden for Bellarke fans. The next episode also has one amazingly unnecessary (but very appreciated) Bellarke shot and another great scene immediately following ("You're outta your mind if you think I'm letting you do this alone."). And the next one is the famous 3x13 hug, followed by Bellamy wanting Clarke to be the last certain thing he saw in case the knock-out potion was poison. And then 3x15 where They Don't Understand the Concept Of Space when interrogating Roan. And then "C'mon, Clarke. You're willing to trust that guy with your life?" "No. But you'll be covering us the entire time.. And I Trust You." And then 3x16 with "Her friends are her Weakness... Start with Bellamy Blake." (which has absolutely FABULOUS and Very Telling editing in the scene overlap) and "Clarke is in trouble." ("Clarke's always in trouble.") and "You're not the only one here trying to save someone you care about." and then 3x16 with Bellamy believing in Clarke simply because she's Clarke and the HAND HOLD and "We'll keep you safe" and Bellamy "They'll Have to Get Through Me To Get To Clarke" Blake, and finally, Bellamy "All The Couples Here Are Hugging and Crying So I'm Going To Stand By My Platonic Soulmate and Celebrate Saving The World" Blake.
This turned into a Season 3B Bellarke appreciation post. It was supposed to be structured. Short. Now I gotta think up tags. Sorry for the deviation. I hope you enjoyed reading anyways.
Go Bellarke!!!
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Ok, but. Jason honestly believes he's a genius. Dude got the idea from a book he didn't even wrote, barely managed to sell that idea to a teen network, didn't even managed to be one of the most watched/famous shows of said network, only made C bi because it was the hype at the time for TV shows and then did what every other show did and killed the love interest. Then I guess he realize he couldn't keep the show going if he fucked up shippers from both shows and kept hinting at bellarke even 1/
even if he wasn't going to follow through (not to mention how fucking lucky he got they even had that much chemistry at all and still decide not to use it) AND THEN barely managed a last season because the network was counting on the hype from the leads getting married and that fucking idiot still thinks he's a genius and created a master piece. Like, how? 2/
Like, how? Honestly, the show was bad, the fandom was terrible, I stopped watching a long time ago and only came back when I found out the leads got married, but still wasn't enough to make me watch this last season. That man's an idiot and he doesn't deserve even what he actually got and I rejoice on the fact that he hates the fandom because he doesn't deserve to get the success he truly wants 3/3
How? He's a white man in Hollywood who put his ego first and allowed his spitefulness to lead the story. He blocked Selina from interviewing him because she became critical of parts of the show. He kicked Bob out and then resented him so much, he destroyed Bellamy. He thanked reddit for all their support because we all know women on other social media platforms are not smart or good enough. He told Meta Station it was OK that they were shippers because they were smart. If he hadn't thought Erin and Claire were smart, he would have seen them as nothing but silly shippers.
He is every white man ever. 🙄
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bellamygateoldblog · 4 years
Bellamy is never allowed to have girlfriends, Blarkes hate on him and them. When it's Clarke, they celebrate. They're always happy when she gets laid like with the doctor in season 6. Some of them didn't like Lexa but LOL there's definitely a huge difference between how they treat Bell's love interests VS Clarke's. They just expect Bellamy to remain single, longing after Clarke only and doing all of her bidding
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I think it's a little more complicated when it comes to Clarke's love interests. It depends. Which is still an enormous contrast to how Bellamy's are treated by the group, though. The amount of times I've seen Gina and Echo (even Raven, when she was a threat) being reduced to a "place-holder" for Clarke is staggering. His flirting & sleeping with Bree was also made to be about Clarke, too. Oh it's him projecting! It's his suppressed feelings! The ways Echo has been and still is demonized while Bellamy is woobified and treated like some kind of victim has the same energy as someone going after the unknowing woman her man cheated with instead of her man who did the cheating. And while people were celebrating Clarke sleeping with the doctor (oopsie, bad judgement on that one lol), Finn/Flarke and Lexa/Clexa have been dragged down so many times in posts that were crafted to prop up Bellamy as Clarke's superior love interest. (And, the Clexa vs Bellarke war, side note, always treated Clarke like a passive and a precious princess whose there to be worshipped but who doesn't have to give back what love and devotion she recieves, it was always "how do they treat Clarke" and never once "but how does Clarke treat them in return?" people forget relationships aren't one-sided- which is slightly off topic but I think it still relates to the way fandom receives Clarke and Bellamy and their romantic or sexual relationships). There's a difference here in the way Bellamy's love interests are just lucky to be a stand-in for Clarke, frogs that Bellamy is kissing before he can have the princess and superior woman, while Clarke's love interests are about Bellamy waiting for her to come back to him, pining pathetically after her while she has her love story elsewhere and then spends the next few seasons grieving it and turning to Niylah for comfort. And him staying a patient, devoted and grateful lapdog dying for her validation and if he can't have it he'll turn to a substitute until she gets back and decides she's ready for him.
(It's worth mentioning Bellamy's only 'real' love interest has been Echo. Because Gina was little more than a non-character at the time of her fridging. While Clarke has had a first love, a great love, and a sweet friends-with-benefits. So this divide supports the points in this post even further imo.)
This, of course, doesn't go for everyone. Individuals exist within groups. And the patterns I've observed of the loud/collective response and attitude aren't me making assumptions about the one person. But there is consensus, and you can see consensus in fandom. You can't tell me it's not there just because it's personally not *you*.
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clarkgriffon · 5 years
what are your predictions with BE this season? i personally think that it'd be unrealistic for them to stay together after clarke comes back; it'll be weird for all that to happen and then echo and bellamy just stay together as if bellamy isn't madly in love with clarke. i'm just trying not to hold my breath because idk, i also thought they'd break up last season and they didn't. thoughts?
I’m in a very similar space. I thought they’d be toast by 5x13, though in retrospect, I shouldn’t be shocked that they weren’t since the writers refused to give them any screentime. How could we expect them to break up when their “relationship” hadn’t been explored at all.
I have more hope for a breakup this season because E and BE are actually being explored. We know more E backstory is coming up, and while I know I personally Will Not Care about it, it will expand her, and hopefully lead to more reason for BE to break. Not to mention, all the content we’ve already gotten. 6x04 in particular with the fight and makeup within the episode- Bellamy’s upset and E released her sob story, to which Bellamy says, “We look forward.” Very reminiscent of 5x01 “Nothing is going to change on the ground,” Clearly foreshadowing that it will.
The biggest thing that I think pushes BE to break up is, unsurprisingly, Bellarke. The focus on Bellamy’s grieving in 6x06 was insane, that was his reaction to losing her. What do you think that’s going to look like getting her back?? The raw emotion will be unmistakable to anyone, hopefully, even to the still oblivious E. As of now, I really do think they’re going for an E redemption, which they COMPLETELY missed the mark on in S5. Do I think they’re doing this redemption well? No, I don’t. I think it’s hastily written and not real redemption, and in all, leaning too much on a tragic backstory. However, that’s not my point. If E is a “good” guy now, that means there’s a real chance for a peaceful BE breakup where E realizes that what she really wants is for Bellamy to be happy. I’m not saying that’s the route they WILL go, but it’s a possibility now more than ever.
Am I hopeful for a BE breakup this season? Yes, I think I have to be, because if they don’t break up, my soul may shatter into a million pieces regardless of all the Bellarke content. I just really hate BE, y’all, I’m sorry.
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saltbaes · 5 years
Didn't you have an AU that was like GMW as children of The 100??! I know I didn't imagine that lol what happened to it? Gimme the deets, Feli. Gimme the feels. Gimme all the Murven, Bellarke and Rucas. GIMME.
i did but it was a looooong time ago and it wasnt a fic it was more of an edit thingy lol all i remember from it was that i made riley bellarke’s daughter which i still stand by btw !!!
but now that i’m actually into the show and murven is my #1 ship i have some more thoughts – here me out tia……. lucas as murven’s son. 
the rest will be under the cut cause….this is a long one haha.
anyway i realize this means having to racebend lucas (and riley) which i’m 100% down for – a latino lucas friar? um hi yes sign me tf up amirite ?!
and then i found out that blake jenner is half cuban and i had a galaxy brain moment cause i mean, look at him
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okay so: murven never really talked about having children, theyre both pretty traumatized from their childhoods so the thought of bringing a child into a post apocalyptic world seemed…illogical? or at least thats what raven points out one night when theyre laying in bed and murphy’s like ‘so, no rugrats?’ and raven simply offers a ‘probably not’ and thats the end of that discussion. 
but see…the thing about raven is she’s observant especially of the man she loves – he’s never once pushed her to have children or even discusses having them after their one conversation, but she sees the way he interacts with the kiddos in their ‘community’ and how he took monty’s son under his wing, she sees how surprisingly good he is with children and it plants a little seed in her mind and suddenly the thought of having a family of her with the man she loves  doesnt seem so illogical after all
needless to say lucas is conceived shortly after.
lucas “friar” murphy is the perfect mix of his parents: he’s an intelligent, hands on, loyal fighter like his mother and a snarky, sarcastic, survivor like his father… he hates that people base their behavior towards him on how much or little they like his parents (specifically, his dad) his nickname “friar” was given to him as a joke when he was a child due to his unwavering devotion to whatever cause they were fighting at the time – lucas struggles with being his own person, he doesnt want to be seen as a raven or murphy 2.0, he just wants to be himself but he’s afraid that might not be enough for some people… 
as for bellarke, in my mind, their daughter riley would look something like this:
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riley might have bellamy’s olive complexion and brown hair/eyes but everything else is all clarke – she’s headstrong, determined, dependable, intelligent, fair, selfless, caring, and loyal to a fault just like her mom (she also has her lips, chin, nose, mannerisms and even her beauty mark but thats beside the point lol) HOWEVER where riley differs the most from both of her parents is her naivety and relentless optimism. 
riley, unlike her parents, is extremely trusting of everyone she meets and more often than not it’s the reason behind all of her arguments with her parents and older sister madi – they just want her to be safe and riley just wants to prove to them that good people do exist despite you just have to give them a chance to prove that they can be good – clarke and bellamy are like ‘lol no’ 
ANYWAY as for the rucas of it all -- 
a new big bad something or another shows up posing a threat to them because of course it does this is the 100 after all and lucas is very much “must kill them before they kill us” and riley is very much “lets talk it out” and its the whole “wolves eat sheep” tlk from wot3 in gmw
lucas basically is like ??????? where are your survival skills????????????? how are you still alive rn??? 
and rileys just like ???????? youre a misunderstood soul who needs a friend to see you for who you really are
 and lucas is like !!!! accurate af but i’ll never ever admit that also how dare you
basically lucas is absolutely in love with her lmao joking but not really
their dynamic is a little reminiscent of s1 bellarke where theyre forced to work together for the greater good but its also reminiscent of murven where murphy is clearly enamored by raven but wouldnt dare speak it aloud, lucas is a pining from afar kinda guy just like his dad, he feels like he isnt worthy of riley so he does his best to keep his distance but of course it fails because riley sees right through him and its the first time he feels seen and its just
ugh i love them
also how cute, bellarke and murven being eventual in laws hahahaha
also also i realize how niche this au is for anyone who is reading this and has no idea who rucas is or worst, doesnt ship them but does ship bellarke and murven lol
sorry not sorry
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look at how beautiful they are together -- wow, we stan. 
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jazon-todd · 5 years
omg yes i can't believe i forgot to mention wells! i loved her friendship with wells, even though we didn't get to see much of it. it reminds me of a platonic version of bellarke
I’m so mad they killed wells off. he would have been SUCH a good dynamic to everyone. he was her best friend and although bellamy is her best friend now, I think that’s a relationship she has always needed and she still needs (especially now because apparently everyone but bellamy hates her lol)
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mermaeids · 6 years
Im constantly trying to figure out if I disliked s3 or 5 more. I know youve mentioned you enjoyed s3 but I just couldnt stand how B wasnt given a chance to redeem himself. I actually liked his arc but since they were also redeeming L that season it just made B out to be The Worst and put L on a pedestal. I think her story was well-handled. Just didn't like how it made B out to be the villain even though the grounders traumatized him. And then O beat B for smth that she stopped him from stopping.
all of these things are why i hated season 3 when i watched it for the first time. but i think a lot of The Things were exaggerated by the fandom at the time because when i re-watched it, none of those things (bell being a bad guy, L being glorified excessively) were present in the show to the degree that they were in the fandom. i actually think L was more glorified in seasons 4 and 5 once the writers realized they’d fucked up and started bending over backwards and ignoring canon in order to try to get those fans to not hate them anymore. i think L’s story was handled okay in s3 apart from 1. clarke forgave her too quickly and 2. her death was TERRIBLY WRITTEN. i don’t care how much it had to happen for the plot, she needed a better death than that. a purposeful assassination would have worked. a sacrifice, like if she had deliberately taken the bullet for clarke - but the fact that it was an accident was just horrendous.
i liked season 3 because the focus, even when clarke and bellamy were apart, was on THEM as a unit. it proved that it doesn’t work when they’re listening to other people = clarke to L and bell to pike. they were both being manipulated into being against each other ALL because of the terrible thing they both did in 2x16. they were vulnerable and listened to bad people (L was like not bad but she had bad ideas) and it led them down wrong paths and away from each other. the season didn’t come together until they were on the same page again and i liked that.
i hated the beating though, i agree with you. i literally couldn’t watch it and still can’t. this show’s tendency to use octavia to control bellamy’s story, punish him, and redeem him is disgusting. and it got even worse in s5, when bell wasn’t allowed to have any of his own motivations because they all centered around echo or o. at least in season 3 he had his own reasons to oppose octavia, not because of echo or his spacekru “family”. in season 3 he directly had a problem with how octavia treated him, which seemed to go away in later seasons. (the fact that the asian male lead’s stories now all revolve around white women is SO gross and has gotten so much worse in seasons 4 and 5.)
as for putting L on a pedestal, i really don’t think that happened until seasons 4 and 5 either. in season 3, L canonically gaslighted clarke, refused to admit fault, convinced clarke into bowing to her, and ended up making decisions that led to an assassination attempt and most of her people turning on her. that was a downfall that, although not the cause of her death, would have been if she had lived longer, and had L stayed alive, her leadership would have caused more and more problems if she stayed her course. i don’t think that’s putting her on a pedestal. it wasn’t until season 4 when all the ret-conning happened about L being a “special visionary whom clarke loved”. AND having characters like niylah who didn’t canonically even know L say things like “she’d be proud of you” to clarke. don’t get me wrong i loved L but she is mentioned more in the show than lincoln who was on the show for twice as long and made more of an impact on all of the characters. so again, a lot of the feelings i have about L being elevated above her place didn’t come until after season 3 was over.
and i didn’t mean for this to be that long but that is my short defense of season 3. all in all, this show is trash but season 3 wasn’t as trash as 4 and 5. and 4 was largely unproblematic but still icky and boring and not focused on what they needed to focus on because the writers (or just jroth) were hijacked by guilt after the fans’ reaction to L’s death. and then they… changed their entire story and put bellarke on the back burner/burned it out completely.
the writing on this show is literal ass.
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hehevoldy · 1 year
It felt like they put him with his abuser or something I also didn't like Clarke's relationship with Lexa felt like they did that so nobody can complain about Bellarke not happening or else they'll be called homophobic I could be wrong though but it did seem like she couldn't risk Bellamy's safety because of her love for him basically the entire series is a love story between them that can't be rivaled. I really need to read the books all I know is Bellarke is canon and Bellamy and Wells are brothers in the books which would be interesting if they went that way especially when Jaha and the other come to earth. Oh right the aliens thing made no sense felt like bad fanfiction lol but it turns out Bellamy was right all along so his death was pointless? I do love the Bellamy and Madi relationship it was the highlight of these terrible seasons I also hated how everyone was like the Bellamy we knew died a long time ago like wth? Oh skipping scenes that aren't Bellarke I would do that in the books too I already did that for the show lmao.
Yeah idk what happened those years they were up there, but that wasn't what should've happened.
I actually didn't mind Clarke and Lexa. My problem was that when it finally was getting to a non-toxic stage, they killed her, like why? If you're introducing another love-interest that ruins my otp fucking commit to it.
Oh yeah, I forgot about them being brothers. Also, Wells is Clarke's first boyfriend and is jealous of Bellamy. So maybe it is worth reading the books for that lol. Let me know if you do!
The death was sooo meaningless! I was so mad about that. I mean, I still am tbh. They did him so dirty, and they were trying so hard to blame them not being together because Bellamy had changed. (Even before the whole aliens thing) Like wtf...
I have a bone to pick with those writers lmao. I think the whole fandom does. The only thing that keeps me breathing through this is the fact that they're together irl. I remember in panels they were like "ugggh" every time someone mentioned Bellarke, but they were crazy for each other 😭
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sometimesrosy · 6 years
Echo's all about loyalty...except for the guy who saved her life. She was willing to lie to him to set up all his people to be killed. This isn't about who's killed more people. It's about what people can find acceptable in one on one relationships. I'll never like CL because L forced Clarke to kill someone she loved and then didn't hold to her side of the bargain forcing Clarke to commit genocide. Echo and L/xa can be redeemed, but for me C/exa and B/cho can't.
She didn’t set Bellamy up. Nia was going to blow the mountain to start a war. She didn’t lie to Bellamy to allow the mountain to blow, she lied to him TO SAVE HIM FROM BEING BLOWN UP.
She lied to him so he’d invade the Summit and start a war, like Nia wanted, and so, on purpose, saved Bellamy’s life. And Octavia’s and Pike’s. She said later, “I’m sorry I couldn’t save the girl too.” 
But you’ve decided this means she is evil.
If you think this is evil, this betrayal, then you HAVE to think Clarke drugging, kidnapping, imprisoning, and holding Bellamy at gun point in order to sacrifice Octavia, Kane, and all the grounders is ALSO a deep and abiding, evil betrayal.
That’s his PARTNER who betrayed him like that, not some girl from the other side of the war that he fought with once.
HOW is Clarke’s betrayal acceptable but not Echo’s? This is what I don’t understand.
Clarke’s betrayal is WORSE. She KNOWS him. He TRUSTS her with his life. He LOVES her. Echo was at best a comrade in arms and at worst an actual enemy who owed him nothing.
Not to mention the PURPOSE of the relationships. CL was not endgame. It almost destroyed Clarke and it DID destroy L. But Clarke needed to go through with it to reconcile with herself and what she had done.
Whatever B/E’s purpose is, it won’t be endgame. It will be a plot device to move Bellamy, Bellarke, Echo and the rest of the story FORWARD.
I honestly don’t know why you’re putting all this antagonistic energy into a story that can’t possibly last any longer than Gina’s and Bellamy did.
What a waste of your heartache. What are you even fighting over? And I don’t understand why, every time I mention B/E, everyone has a conniption. This is an outsize  reaction to a story line that is clearly just a short complication for the real story coming. Like JR says and we ALL know. When Bellamy finds out Clarke is alive EVERYTHING CHANGES. 
You’re going to ruin your own enjoyment in the show and it sure seems like all of you are trying to ruin MY enjoyment in it.
IDONTGIVEASHIT about how you all hate b/xho. I DON”T. I think it’s pointless and antagonistic. And I don’t know why you all have to come into my inbox to tell me how righteous you are to be an anti, to hate on a character, to be unabashedly biased and for some reason, think that your bias means I have to agree with you.
You all have double standards. That is hypocrisy. And that is why I DO NOT AGREE WITH YOU.
You think it’s justified. Because you won’t give up your character hate. And you don’t want to. Don’t make lists excusing your bias. I’m watching the same show you are. I see your points. They are bias. 
 So keep it. 
BUT I STILL DON”T AGREE WITH YOU. I’m trying to unfollow people who post anti stuff, but you all come right in my inbox and argue with me simply for not hating a character or thinking B/E is no big deal. I DON”T EVEN SHIP IT I just am not freaking out over it.
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ponyregrets · 7 years
So what are your thoughts on S4 overall? I know you didn't care about the last season very much
my good friend @tlaloc​ asked for spoilers/if she should catch up on the show so I ended up writing a very long email with a summary of every episode in the season and my feelings on whether or not she should watch each one, so I’m just going to use that email as my answer here, anon!
401: The apocalypse is back, in pog form! They call the upcoming badness THE DEATH WAVE and it is literally a wave of fire we see it consuming some Egyptian grounders at the end of this episode so that's cool. Anyway this is a solid intro episode, kind of weird camera angles, but we set up Roan in charge, Clarke wants to save the world, Bellamy is attractive, etc. etc. I like this one.Watch: Yes
402: This episode is really weird because the big plot is about how they are gonna turn the Ark into a bunker to survive the upcoming DEATH WAVE and Bellamy takes a rag-tag bunch of misfits to some Ice Nation place to get a part they need, but then they discover they have SLAVES and Bellamy has to decide whether to get the part and leave the slaves or blow up the part to save the slaves. This was clearly meant to make Bellamy sympathetic again after the whole massacre thing, but by saving the slaves he reduced the savior capacity of the Ark from 500 people to 100 people so anyone who was still mad at Bellamy remained mad at Bellamy. Also Octavia starts murdering people, that's cool.Watch: Follow your heart
403: Bellamy and Clarke go on a road trip with Jaha because he found a new cult to be into on his iPad. Clarke has to make a list of 100 people who will survive the upcoming apocalypse. She cries about putting her own name on so Bellamy writes it for her. I don't care about anything else that happened. OH WAIT radiation is coming Luna shows up like dying of radiation but DOESN'T DIE dun dun dunWatch: I've seen this episode like eight times
404: OKAY NOW WE ARE GETTING INTO THE SHITTY MIDDLE OF THIS SEASON WHERE THE POINTS ARE MADE UP AND THE SCORES DON'T MATTER goddd anyway Monty and Jasper (oh btw Jasper was gonna kill himself before but found out that the world is ending anyway and was like COOL I CAN JUST WAIT so yeah) find the list and are like CLARKE THIS IS FUCKED UP YOU ARE NOT GOD Roan kidnaps Bellamy and finds out they are planning to keep the Ark just for themselves, Octavia gets shoved off a cliff, Bellamy gets told she's dead and is FUCKING HEART BREAKING and then all the tension is lost because they immediately reveal that she's alive, this will be a patternWatch: Eh
405: THIS EPISODE IS SUCH A GIANT WASTE like did you ever read the last twilight book where they are about to have a huge confrontation but then one of them can see the future and she sees how the fight would go so she's like nah we out? that's this episode. Bellamy figures out immediately that his sister is alive so they do nothing with ROCK BOTTOM GRIEF and then he has to talk this rando dude everyone acts like we care about (no seriously he is one of the slaves they saved in 402 and everyone is like YAY IT'S RILEY and makes a big deal and he is just a non-entity) out of murdering Roan and he does but it's a shitty speech also Echo is there being weird Echo is so weird this season I think they just want to have her around to date Bellamy if they chicken out of Bellarke ANYWAY Clarke and Roan agree that they will share the 100 spaces in the Ark, but then Ilian, the grounder who brought Octavia back, decides to set fire to the entire Ark and it burns up in a fiery explosion while Bellamy holds Octavia and and Clarke holds both of them and they're all like OUR HOME IS GONEWatch: Probably not
406: The Ark appears undamaged everyone is still hanging out living there it's SO WEIRD Clarke gets laid and stares at a picture of Lexa, Octavia tells Bellamy she hates him for killing Lincoln, which is the first we've heard of it since the season began, BUT THEN Clarke and Bellamy go on a pretty great roadtrip with Roan so Clarke can go to science island, where Raven and her mom are using Luna's blood to try to save people, bc nightbloods are immune to radiation. Also they need to go to space and are bringing rocket fuel. Bellamy definitely tries to tell Clarke he loves her on a river bank.Watch: Sure
407: OH this one is pretty great actually! Emori is a fucking badass on science island, Clarke is good, Bellamy has a GREAT storyline and also takes off his shirt. It's relatively plot light--black rain is coming and burning people, they need someone to test nightblood on probably--but a nicely done self-contained episode. This is also FINALLY when they start realizing what they need to do with Bellamy, which is shut up about the massacre and actually let him do good things.Watch: Yes!
408: This one is pretty meh. They spend the whole episode with Clarke having a moral crisis about using Emori to test nightblood, which is annoying because the moral stakes are fucked. Clarke ends up taking the nightblood herself at the last minute, which is theoretically fine, but they wanted it to be a twist ending so everyone kind of makes no sense up until then to make it happen. Also Abby immediately destroys the radiation chamber that they're gonna use to test if the nightblood really protects them from radiation so it doesn't matter anyway. Bellamy and Jasper go on a quick roadtrip to get drugs and then Bellamy gets drunk and probably laid, so good for you, buddy. Watch: Eh
409: This one was pretty boring IIRC? Mostly I remember that at the end Clarke tries to become commander and Roan shuts her down and decides they're gonna battle royale instead, and it was annoying on like every level. OH Jaha and Kane and Monty found a bunker by Polis where 1200 people can survive so they're taking all their people there, but Jasper and (randomly and stupidly) Harper and some other people decide they want to stay behind to die instead. Monty stays with them for friendship, but is planning to get to the bunker. The battle royale is one champion from each clan fighting, and the winning clan gets the bunker. That's their plan. It's not a great plan. Octavia's been off randomly having sex with Ilian and failing to be a farmer and she shows back up again to fight for skaikru. Her arc this season is a mess, but this is when it starts turning around. Unfortunately, it has nothing to do with anything else she did this season. It just starts going in a better but ultimately random direction.Watch: Eh
410: THIS ONE IS GREAT I was so ready to hate it but they do a good job with the battle royale. Luna shows up to be like IF I WIN YOU ALL DIE bc she's mad at basically everyone, which they don't quite sell, but it spooks Clarke bc Luna is an amazing fighter. Bellamy's like, listen Octavia you are not actually a baller you need to hide until most people are killed, and they follow through on that. Ilian saves her (and dies, you were v pointless, Ilian), and then Roan rethinks Clarke's "we should form an alliance" and forms an alliance with her. Bellamy has to stop Echo cheating and has a GREAT scene with Roan. Octavia eventually does win and I actually believed it, and she says they'll share the bunker equally, which was kind of annoying bc it was literally what Clarke wanted to do, but then it turns out Clarke and Jaha STOLE THE FUCKING BUNKER and also knocked Bellamy out to get him inside before they sealed it. which was SUCH A GREAT TWIST and I was so pumped but unfortunately, next episodeWatch: YES
411: OKAY so like this episode had a lot of individually good parts, but REALLY refused to pick a fucking lane with Clarke, to its detriment. There was great Blake sibling stuff, good Bellamy stuff, but Clarke was just kinda like "eh idk what to do" and really wishy-washy because they wanted this dramatic moment of her pointing a gun at Bellamy, which was fine, but then they had zero follow-up on that. BUT there was a great Raven subplot (Raven is dying of an ALIE brain tumor, I forgot to mention) where she talks to ghost Sinclair in her head and chooses life and I love it. But unfortunately there is ALSO the Jasper subplot where he gets all the kids but Monty and Harper to commit mass suicide and it was majorly triggering for a friend of mine. So, uh, yeah. Anyway in the end Bellamy unseals the bunker and lets the grounders in and O takes charge and tells them they have to pick 100 people for their slots and everyone else dies.Watch: ????????
412: MOST PEOPLE LIKED THIS EPISODE MORE THAN I DID I found the main plot pretty boring it was just Jaha being THE WORST and being like WE FOUND THIS BUNKER WE SHOULD GET SLOTS FOR ALL OUR PEOPLE and stirring shit as they tried to perform a lottery to pick slots. Eventually Kane talks him down and they gas all their own people and just use Clarke's list of 100 people to survive from 403 to pick. Whomp whomp. Meanwhile Clarke and Bellamy are kinda awks but it doesn't last long and he flirts so hard with her he commits vehicular manslaughter, which is hilarious, but Clarke's arc is such a fucking mess this season. ANYWAY they're on a road trip to get Raven that (of course) goes wrong, they end up with eight people on science island who have to go BACK TO SPACE to surviveWatch: Probably yeah
413: COUNTDOWN TO DEATH WAVE this was a good one, tight, single-plot with the kids at science island trying to get the spaceship working. Bellamy and Clarke were A LOT but they also made sure Bellamy had some shiptease stuff with Raven and Echo, I assume in case they decide not to go Bellarke. Clarke ends up having to stay behind on earth to get everyone else out, but because of her nightblood she survives. Bellamy thinks he left her to die on earth and is super sad. Then we get SIX YEAR TIME JUMP Clarke has a cute haircut and adopted a grounder and has been calling Bellamy EVERY DAY even though he can't hear her she just talks to him anyway and she SPOTS A SHIP and thinks it's them but of course it's a MYSTERIOUS OTHER SHIP DUN DUN DUNWatch: For sure
And that's what you missed on Glee! Overall I think S4 was better than S3 but the pacing was AWFUL and they kept just setting shit up and botching the delivery. I'm honestly pretty excited about the timeskip for S5 and I am looking forward to a hiatus full of angsty BELLAMY THINKS CLARKE IS DEAD fic like damn
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What I don't understand is some Bellarkes insisting that there's a point to B/E still existing and JRot didn't write them out of pure spite. I get it they are new in the fandom. But I'm not gonna act like there's a love triangle that blocks Bellarke after S5. It simply isn't a love triangle. Not to mention, JRot tweeted "heh heh heh" everytime B/E interacted on screen, even when the sex scene aired. He purposefully wrote that relationship to spit on Bellarkes and serve to CLs. It's just so clear
I just want to make one thing clear before I answer this. I can dislike Ec.ho while also not belive that everything Jason does is to spite me or the fandom. Just wanted to put it out there, lol
Anyway, lets get to it. This is long.
1. Bellamy is emotionally cheating on Ec.ho yet he yells at Ec.ho for not being emotionally open with him.
2. Bellamy is not being emotionally open with Clarke, yet he yells at Ec.ho for not being emotionally open with him meanwhile he is also staying emotionally unavailable to Clarke too.
3. Clarke is unaware of any romantic feelings that Bellamy might have for her. Simply because Bellamy is not emotionally open with her about said feelings. And when he has done something or been called out for having feelings for Clarke, she has not been there to hear it or see it. Now, we all know Clarke is a fucking legend, but she’s not a damn mind reader.
4. Bellamy has no indication that Clarke has ANY romantic feelings for him at all. Why? Because Clarke took a step back when she saw that Bellamy was with Ec.ho. And then Bellamy continued to CHOOSE Ec.ho over Clarke SEVERAL times. Clarke does not feel like it is her place to say anything to a man that is in a serious and commented relationship. Therefor, even if Bellamy had feelings for Clarke, he doesn’t know if she returns them. 
5. Ec.ho is clueless. Girl is void of not only a personality but apperently also of the gift of sight and hearing too. She has no thoughts, no worries, no idea, no opinion, no nothing. 
What is absolutely true, nonny is that B/E is DEFINITELY blocking Bellarke for a REASON. If they had kept Bellamy and Ec.ho friends/family then it would have shown us what we’ve all been screaming about being enough; Bellamy becoming the kind of leader that forgives and understands people and still reaches out to “them” in order to make an “us”.
I mean look at all the other relationships on the Ark after the time jump. Harper and Monty were still together. Raven was forever alone, like always. Murphy and Emori were...Murphy and Emori. They still only had storylines with each other mostly. And all of them managed to develop familiar bonds to the members of the group. 
The only difference in those 6 years, was Bellamy’s relationship status. By showing Bellamy as part of a family, you had already given Bellamy that development, but we never got to see it (big mistake). So why did we need Bellamy to be in a relationship with Ec.ho at all?
Their names are Octavia Blake and Clarke Griffin.
Those two women are the ONLY reason why Bellamy “had” to be in a relationship with Ec.ho. Octavia hated Ec.ho. Yet Bellamy made her his family AND started dating her. Here’s the thing with the Blakes; you didn’t need Ec.ho to be Bellamy’s girlfriend to kick it to Octavia. Just the simple fact that Bellamy made his own family and chose Ec.ho to be part of that family was the biggest problem for Octavia. That Bellamy had grown as a person to let someone like Ec.ho be part of his family, even though what she had done to Octavia. Bellamy needed to leave Octavia for his new family for Octavia to understand what she was losing. So that was as much of B/E that we needed for that story to be told. Bellamy choosing his family based on love and support and Octavia working through her idea of what family is based on blood or love. 
So why did B/E need to stay together after that and why are they still together? Because B/E need to block Bellarke. That is the ENTIRE point of B/E. There’s no love story. There’s no development. Jason refused to have Bellamy and Clarke both single and then not have them act on any feelings. And if you keep Clarke and Bellamy both single and they act on no feelings or the connection they share, then they truly would only be platonic soulmates. There would be no romantic subtext for Bellarke and we’d all get the answer to that question. Jason is clearly not willing to give that answer, so he needs something to block Bellarke. There’s no other way around it. And because Ec.ho’s existence allows Jason to tell SEVERAL stories. (family, found family, The Blakes, Bellarke). That’s the reason TT was made a main cast member. They needed to lock her ass in, so that Jason would be able to tell this story. And it’s important for all of us to understand that Jason WANTS to tell this story. You and I might hate it, we might have wanted another story but this is what he wanted and decided to do. 
And what is also true, is that Jason is an ass. He’s a Hollywood writer and he sucks at social media. Yes, he has made comments during B/E scenes and made fun of fans. I assume he does that because fans can be very horrible to him, so he dishes it out too sometimes and acts cheeky with it (although he’s not and he is part of the problem too). And also, Jason knows how unpopular B/E is and again, he thinks he’s funny and makes comments to rile people up. Lol lol lol, indeed. 
My PERSONAL opinion is that I just do not trust Jason to follow through on Bellarke or give them an ending I see fit for them. Jason never has to give a direct answer to what Bellarke are. He can still keep doing what he is doing. Ambigiously writing them as soulmates but leaving it up to the audience to decide what that means. B/E is not the hill Bellarke dies on because B/E has a better story or development. Absolutely not. But that doesn’t mean that when the final credits roll, that Bellarke has become what fandom expects. I’ll only believe it when I see it on screen and not a moment sooner. 
You can argue that this entire thing is not good storytelling or the development would have been better told if Jason had written other stories. I can agree with that. I still think Bellarke should have been canon in season 4 and I still think season 5 and season 6 lack quality even though I still love Bellarke. It sucks when TV shows choose to do stuff with the story that we don’t agree with. But it doesn’t mean that an entire TV show, a business, a place where a lot of people work on, is written after fandom drama on stan twitter. What Jason IS doing, in order to not answer the Bellarke question, is to make people unsure of the story onscreen. There’s a major gaslighting situation with this show and the fandom and even Bob Morley had an opinion about that. Both things can sadly enough be true. Jason doesn’t write his entire story around fandom drama on stan twitter but he is absolutely gaslighting people too in the name of protecting his creation/story, before he is ready for people to see how it ends.
And here’s the thing, we can all have different interpretations of this. God knows a lot of fandom has given up and don’t believe in Bellarke anymore. And a lot of people have not given up and still trust Jason. And we need to just let everyone do what is best for them. We’re not going to change people minds and we don’t need to fight about it either. It’s not gonna do us any good. We can just see what happens in season 7 and by 7x16, we might get an answer to what Bellarke are.
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sometimesrosy · 8 years
I can't believe most of these antis have the audacity to act like we are delusional in thinking Bellarke was planned from season 1, when half of the ship they are mourning didn't even exist until season 2 ... It's just mind boggling to me. I feel really bad for the writers that a lot of their beautiful methodical work is being undermined by poor sports that don't seem to understand how storytelling works. To feel that entitled to the direction of a story that they didn't create themselves ...
They’ve not only called me delusional, they’ve said I was on drugs. For doing literary analysis. Like, you know, they taught me in school. They should market those drugs as a substitution for expensive college degrees.
I think in the end, maybe we have to stop trying to cater to them or making them happy or not upset them, because there is nothing we can do. they want it their way and any deviation is a sin.
I think the story speaks for itself and this is showing itself in the casual viewers and critical attention. Is bringing light to the bury your gays trope important? It sure is. And yet, despite the mess of this and the politics, the story still hangs together and it’s still a good story. The antis think now and have always thought that the only good thing about the show was Lxa. We’ve got to give up and just let them. And just enjoy the show as it is, without trying to control the way other viewers take it in.
It’s hard to learn to take criticism. But this is part of being a writer, artist, actor. It really is. You’ve got to learn how to separate yourself from your creation. Not to mention, in regards to marketing, all the negative attention is actually positive. More eyeballs, more conversations, is good. And when people check it out to see what they are saying, the show actually speaks for itself and it is addictive, as MANY have said. 
As for Bellarke. We’re not delusional and when Bellarke becomes canon I expect my inbox to be chock full of anon apologies for calling me delusional and all those other things.
I don’t expect any anon apologies. We’ll probably get all sorts of hate when Bellarke finally happens. because, hey, that’s who they are. 
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