#pro raven reyes
ik this kind of discourse has been long resolved since 2018 but i will never understand how people say raven rightfully calling out a woman who hurt her and the people she cares about, and being justifiably upset in general, is “ruining her character?” because of course raven only exists to be subservient to clarke, right?? otherwise she’s “ruined” and supposedly irredeemable????? raven does not take shit and she will not be walked over or have her voice be silenced, and that’s a very admirable trait. clarke wronged her, and raven should 100% slam her for it.
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astroninaaa · 4 years
clarke griffin sucks here’s why
Hi! I’ve wanted to actually write some anti-Clarke discourse for a while now, specially because I’ve hated her since I first heard her talk to someone else in the show, but I was always hesitant because of blorkes and Clarke stans and all that. Well, I’m doing it anyway.
(DISCLAIMER: all this comes from her depiction in the show. I have no idea how book Clarke is, since I’ve never read the The 100 books. Now buckle up and enjoy my angry and not-that-thought-out rant.) (And I’m putting it under the cut because it is... a lot.)
I know many people started to dislike Clarke after season 3 or whatever, but I believe she has been problematic since the beginning. 
For starters, she put herself in a position of power during season 1, and that’s a fact. People say she “had no choice but to become a leader”, but that’s a lie. Just like Bellamy did, she made the decision to bear leadership: from the moment they arrived, she was already making orders and trying to boss people around. Was she wrong? No, she wasn’t! She wanted to keep herself and others alive, which is a good thing. But she didn’t have to. Btw, if she had never done anything things wouldn’t have change, to be honest, since they did not get to Mount Weather and built their little cute camp around the dropship. I mean, Jasper wouldn’t have been speared and they would have found out about the Grounders a bit later, but I think nothing much would’ve happened. Actually, maybe things with the Grounders would have been easier, considering I firmly believe the theory that the only reason they attacked Jasper in the first place was because he was all happy about finding Mount Weather, the place that had been kidnapping and killing Grounders for a long ass time. 
My point is: I believe Clarke wasn’t actually needed as a leader when they first came down to Earth. I think she was just a spoiled priviledged girl, just like Bellamy said she was, who could not get around to letting go of the power she held. There was no more priviledged and non-priviledged, so she secured her influence by becoming a leader. 
An important statement that people tend to forget: she was just as guilty as Bellamy was for Murphy’s hanging, if not more. She was always talking about justice and whatnot, but when she had the chance to be just, she wasn’t. A knife is not enough evidence to fucking accuse someone of murder — during 1918 and 1919, there was a serial murder going around called “The Axeman of New Orleans”, who used axes he found in people’s houses to kill them (I’m a fan of true crime sorry not sorry). If police went by Clarke’s logic, the dead would’ve been the murderers, which certainly does not make much sense. The least she could’ve done was talking to him separately, conducted a trial or whatever, anything but accusing Murphy of murder before the whole camp. She knew they hated him, and so did Bellamy, and that’s why Bellamy didn’t want her to tell everyone about Wells’ yet. And yes, sure, she was grieving, but grief is still not an excuse for what she did to Murphy, it isn’t. She might have tried to stop the hanging later or whatever, but it was still a direct consequence of her actions and would not have happened at all if she had stopped to think for even a moment. The truth is that Clarke does not comprehend that she can actually be wrong, a fact that repeats itself multiple times throughout the series.
(There are other times she fucks up during season 1, but Murphy’s hanging is what stands out the most to me, so I decided to leave it on that. But don’t worry, I have many other examples!)
I can’t even express how much she pissed me off during season 2. Yes, Mount Weather was a very suspicious place and she was right to be wary, but how could she leave her people and escape? She wanted to get help and all that, but she fucking knew they were bleeding out the Grounders and was definetely aware they would soon try something alike to the 48, and she still left them. She left them alone and clueless to the danger they were in, and she didn’t even know if the Ark had come down alright or if there were other survivors. Mount Weather was lying to them about not finding anyone but she couldn’t be sure of that — everyone could have been fucking dead and she would have left her “people” to die too.
I’m not even gonna talk about Lexa’s betrayal because that wasn’t actually her fault, I admit that. Was she stupid to trust a Grounder? Yes. Should she have considered the fact they tried to kill Raven the first opportunity they got (when Lexa’s cup was poisoned) and the fact that the Grounders did not trust them because of Finn and wrongly Raven? Obviously. Does that make Lexa’s betrayal her fault? No, but she should have seen it coming, tbh.
And, again, she put herself in a position of power where she wasn’t needed. There were actual adults ready to look for a better solution, but she didn’t let them. Of course she didn’t  — how could Princess Griffin let go of her power?
Letting Mount Weather drop the bomb on TonDC was... horrible. It was not the act of a leader and it was not the act of a good person. It was selfish, it was the act of someone who leaves their people to die with the excuse of “looking for help” without even knowing if there is help waiting for them at all. It would have revealed Bellamy’s position, yes, but Bellamy would have preferred that than letting people die like Clarke and Lexa did. THEY LET PEOPLE DIE. Hundreds of people! God, they didn’t save the Grounders and the Skaikru that had come for a DIPLOMATIC AND PACIFIC reunion, but Clarke really thought her deal with Lexa would mean something if a better deal appeared, right? Damn, that was naive.
And then she left her people again by the end of the season, of course. “I bear it so others don’t have to” my ass — Bellamy still went apeshit and Jasper still got depressed and no one actually saw her bearing it, so they bear it too. The only thing girlie did was leave behind responsibility and betray her friends so she didn’t have to face regret for her actions. Meanwhile, people needed her, since she had put herself in a position of power for so long that everyone actually looked up at her, for some unknown reason, since she mainly fucked things up.
I don’t remember season 3 that well, but I know that Bellamy’s rant to her when she came back and was trying to be his friend was absolutely reasonable and true. She fucked off into the woods, represented Skaikru in Polis without them knowing for a while, came back to Arkadia and tried to get some power again, but then no one cared about her. Bellamy was too busy making the wrong decisions because of his emotional pain and sorrow to actually give a shit and they had greater things to solve than filling Clarke’s need to be worshipped.
Also, the whole “blood must not have blood” shit? Funny, real funny. It’s just like Lexa pointed out: “blood must not have blood until it applies to your people”. She is SUCH a hypocrite it pains me. And she did not spare Emerson for “blood must not have blood”, she did it because she knew it would make him suffer more and that came back to bite her in the ass. Karma’s a bitch, I guess. And she tried to make Luna become Commander against her will, which I’m not gonna talk about, but was just really fucked up.
I think my hatred for Clarke peaked during season 4. First, she didn’t want to tell the Grounders the world was about to end again and was apparently okay with letting them burn, until Roan found out and got mad about it. She tried to become Commander, blatantly disrespecting Grounder culture just so she could boss all the people in the world around. “She wanted to help!” “She had no choice!” Yes, sure, she had no choice but lying to everyone and disrespecting a whole nation. She couldn’t, you know, talk about it. Okay. I mean, that’s how Clarke does things, right? Kill and deceive first, give a half-assed apology later. It has been working so far, there’s no reason for her to stop.
Forcing Luna to give them her bone marrow? Very problematic, but “Welcome to Mount Weather” was one of my favorite Raven quotes. Abby was also a fucking bitch for being alright with killing Emori but throwing a tantrum when Clarke finally came to her senses and decided to test Nightblood on herself instead of murdering people who went all the way there to help her, but that’s not what I’m focusing on.
Locking Murphy up while she attempted to kill Emori? Not good. Emori knew from the beginning she would be chosen for testing Nightblood — she is a Grounder, and Clarke’s disregard for Grounders has been made very clear before. (And no, having a Grounder girlfriend in a very unprofessional and non-diplomatic way does not excuse her from discriminating against Grounders.)
And then she took over the bunker, disrespecting Grounder culture once again by betraying the conclave and, well, many people. (I know Echo did it too, but I’m not talking about Echo right now so if someone brings this up I’m gonna riot.) I also think it’s funny how she was always talking about saving everyone and all that shit but was so fucking fast to leave Raven, Octavia, Monty, Harper and Kane to die. You know, the people who were supposed to be her friends and all that. Oh, well.
Then Octavia won. And she still did not open the bunker. Man, opening the bunker would save so many lives, including the life of her oh-so-called best friend’s sister, but she still didn’t do it. Classic Clarke God-complex: she decides who is worth saving, and the Grounders aren’t. Then there’s the whole thing with holding Bellamy at gunpoint and then using “but I didn’t shoot!” as an apology. Bitch, it isn’t about shooting, it is about the fact you looked your supposed best friend straight in the eyes and pointed a gun at him, threatening to kill him if he dared to try and save his sister and many others of certain death.
She sacrificed herself by the end of this season, great. I mean, yeah, that was nice of her. Congrats for doing a good thing for once, I guess, even though she knew she probably wouldn’t be able to get back in time anyway so the least she could do was making sure the others lived. I wish she had actually died then, it would’ve been a great end to her arc (finally saving her friends at the cost of her life after betraying them and leaving them to die repeatedly — damn, I might had even started to like her a bit after that) and I would be able to stand the worshipping of her done at the start of season 5, since she would be, yk, dead. Sadly, that did not happen.
She was a villain during season 5 just like Octavia and I wish she had been depicted that way. She wanted to kill Blodreina (because just overthrowing her wouldn’t do) but she wasn’t okay with letting Madi take the chip. I know these are different things, but see it like that: killing Octavia was a way of taking control of Wonkru at the expense of a life. Madi becoming Commander was a way to take control of Wonkru at the expense of Madi’s childhood. Are any of them good? Not really, but Commander Madi does not envolve killing someone and even has a nice ring to it. Besides, Madi had given consent to taking the chip.
(Another point: Octavia was actually thrown into a position of power, just like everyone claims Clarke was. Octavia was the conclave’s champion and was expected and even obligated to lead, while Clarke simply decided she was more competent than the others and became a self-proclaimed leader. After that, she whined for all seasons about how she didn’t want leadership. Octavia never did that, despite being the one who became a leader unwillingly. Just like Raven put, Octavia and Clarke are the same, but Octavia doesn’t pretend to feel bad for empathy points. Damn, I love Raven.)
She left Bellamy to die in the fighting pit, because now Madi is the one she cares about so fuck everyone else. She gave over Raven and Shaw and let them be tortured for nothing. She betrayed literally everyone and was the one to put McCreary in a position strong enough he had the power to literally destroy Earth. Clarke Griffin was directly responsible for Earth’s end.
And then she said “sorry, I had no choice” and most characters fucking forgave her. I hate the way this series throws Clarke’s half-assed apologies onto us and expect us to accept them. I think it is very annoying, since Clarke would be an awesome villain, but they insist in making her one of the good guys, even with the whole “there’s no good guys” theme, which I wholeheartedly believe to be just a way to justify why Clarke needs to be forgiven again and again and again. It is not much more than bad writing, to be honest.
During season 6 she again becomes a leader without being prompted to. I loved Josephine and I think that the fact Clarke wasn’t actually Clarke was the only reason I didn’t absolutely despised her like I have done for the previous seasons. Again, I would have loved it if she had actually died then. Imagine Josephine becoming a main character for season 7 too? Amazing, brilliant, showstopping, incredible.
And she is not even there for season 7, at least until “The Queen’s Gambit” lol. Guess they finally saw how much of an annoying character she is. The only thing I remember of her is the “I don’t believe in Karma” thing, which was... expected. I mean, someone who has done as much harm as she has can’t believe in Karma anyway or she wouldn’t be able to sleep at night, and Clarke’s whole thing is about pretending to be sorry but not actually trying to change, so we can’t have that.
In conclusion, Clarke Griffin fucking sucks. She is a bad person and the way everyone always forgives every bad thing she does is bad writing. The series tries to sell her as one of the characters on the “good” side, but she actively works against it. She is not even a GOOD villain to watch, like Murphy was for many seasons. She is just an annoying character with a God complex who fucks things up, betrays her friends and lets people die again and again and then is forgiven because she is supposed to be an admirable main character. She is selfish and abusive and manipulative and power-hungry and fucking sucks, so please don’t stan her.
And that’s on that! Nice.
(DISCLAIMER PART 2: this blog DOES NOT support Eliza Taylor and Bob Morley, specially after Arryn Zech’s accusations. I know we cannot be sure of anything, but I prefer to side with a potential liar than with a potential abuser.)
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icepandawarrior · 5 years
Knowing S7 is the last season of The 100, I just have the gut feeling Raven is gonna get the Bonnie treatment and Echo is getting the Stefan treatment. (I SWEAR IF THEY MAKE ECHO GIVE CL*RKE A "YOU'RE THE BETTER WOMAN, YOU DESERVE TO BE WITH BELLAMY" SPEECH... I'M GOING TO LOSE MY SHIT)
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forever-the-stars · 5 years
Raven Deserves Better
I don’t expect too many people to read this, but this is getting ridiculous.
First of all, never have I ever imagined a world in which there would exist an anti raven reyes tag, but there is. And so with that being said, could I inquire as to why some people are being utter rebels and NOT USING IT? Raven Reyes has done nothing worthy of all this— except, of course, calling people out on all their bullshit.
But then again, I do agree with some points made— maybe the writers are running dry when it comes to Raven. Or maybe they’ve got a (non torturesome) storyline all prepped up for her. But whatever. She and spacekru are the best thing in this whole show (with Clarke being the worst of course.) I couldn’t stand her in season 1 and nearly quit the whole show overall. Even my whole family got tired of the show and why? ‘Cause of Clarke! I’ve read Raven being self-righteous and all, but have you SEEN Clarke? DO PEOPLE JUST IGNORE ALL CLARKE DOES? THIS BITCH ACTS LIKE SHE’S A FREAKING GOD! AND APPARENTLY MUST BELIEVE IT SINCE SHE’S THE ONE WITH HER HEAD UP HER ASS, NOT RRRRAAAAVVVVEEENNNN!
And when I say Raven deserves better, I’m saying the writers better come up with a fantastic storyline for her and some viewers (MOST APPARENTLY) need to realize just how amazing she is. I was proud of my girl when she started telling people off, which is no surprise— she’s done so before— and which is one of the reasons I ship braven. I still do even though the fact braven hardly interacts and bellarke is everywhere. And I mean EVERYWHERE. I’ve blocked the bellarke tag, but there are some posts that just want to creep into my page.
Braven could have been amazing. Two friends that trust and sacrifice everything for each other. They’ve both lost people in their lives. They believe in each other, especially Bellamy when it comes to Raven, and he doesn’t hesitate to let everyone know. And come on, Bellamy and Raven literally have known each other for years! More than Clarke and Bellamy. Raven has never lied to Bellamy before, except for that time when she wanted him to reunite with his sister— which is such a crime, right? Clarke, however, lied to Bellamy when it came to his sister. . . someone that was incredibly important to him. She’s manipulative and she doesn’t even seem to notice. She always thinks she’s in the right and I just hate that she does something and immediately regrets it afterwards, saying that she wished she could take it back, but she just can’t.
Boo-hoo, princess.
And when Raven said that she hasn’t done anything bad to survive, everyone went after her head.
There’s a difference between Clarke and Raven, I’m telling you.
Raven’s straightforward and she doesn’t do things half-assed. My girl doesn’t regret what she’s done ‘cause she knows it was all for the best. . . for the people she cares about. She’s not about to regret it. Besides, she’s got some of the cleaner hands on this show. Clarke’s all about genocides, man. And for all I know, Raven isn’t hypocritical. She just tells things like it is, especially when she told Clarke, “You say you’re sorry and then you do it again!” (or something along those lines). That just shows how flighty Clarke is. Raven isn’t flighty. Maybe that’s why so many people are hating on her now. One more reason to find Raven the goddess of this show and Clarke. .  . well, she’s always down in the dumps and should be in a dump.
Anyway, Braven would have been amazing together. But before that romantic relationship, I would have loved for Bellamy and Raven actually co-leading. We were robbed, my dudes, robbed. Raven deserved better. And she actually fell in love with a guy she hardly knew, pouring her heart out to him, which I didn’t find all that believable. Season 5 wasn’t the best for Raven. All she got was pain. Not fair. And then she lost the dude. I’m starting to ship Raven x motorcycle now. It’s probably one of the things she actually wants right now.
But then again, I ship Raven with everyone. And by everyone I just mean spacekru. They have the healthiest relationship in the whole damn show. But Braven seems like a faraway dream, especially with Becho, but I’m not complaining about Becho. My boy Bellamy found someone amazing, smart, stealthy, basically a badass. Now that’s a guy that knows what he deserves, not an entitled princess that isn’t reliable in the slightest. She might be laughing with you now, but hey, watch out. . . she might betray you to save her ass. But don’t worry, she’ll be back and begging for forgiveness again.
Which is why Bellarke is terrible. Forgiveness is given ALL THE DAMN TIME! How is that good? That just means that she’s wronged OVER AND OVER AGAIN. And she still has the audacity to keep asking for it. I don’t know about you, but sorry eventually gets old and loses its value. I’ve known people that told me sorry nearly all the time ‘cause they’ve wronged me (I’m not about to rant on that ‘cause, you know, I don’t want to remember them anymore) and I just got fed up and cut them outta my life. Sorry DOES lose its value when you say it all the time. Sorry is supposed to have you reflect on your choices and not have you make the same mistakes. Which Clarke does. I still don’t get how she’s a favorite. Or how Bellarke is so amazing. There’s nothing amazing to it. It’s all toxic and NOT because of Bellamy.
But again Raven deserves better than a fandom that refuses to pull their own heads outta their asses.
Raven x happiness needs to come true sometime.
Although I’d also love for it to happen while she’s with Murphy as well, but he seems to still be in love with Emori, so that might just not happen. Which is a shame. Murven’s got amazing chemistry and one of the best, if not THE best, developments in The 100. They’ve gone from shooting— and trying to shoot, in Raven’s case— to wonderful snarky banter. They literally protect each other. They come from freaking similar backgrounds. Who else can relate to each other just as well? They’re a family and they don’t sell each other out. And they can joke around with each other. There needs to be more humor, more playing, with spacekru, I need it. It’s like them regaining the childhood they literally missed out on. I love seeing them smile and laugh. I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Raven’s got this really adorable smile when she looks at Murphy or when they’re just talking OR JUST PLAYING OR CONTINUING THEIR BANTER. IT’S REALLY BEAUTIFUL.
And a difference with Murphy and Clarke, something that just downright pissed me off, is that Murphy actually feels bad when he does something that hurts others, especially his family (which Clarke doesn’t belong in). He has actually said sorry and MEANT it. Murphy hasn’t had as many chances as Clarke has, despite popular belief. Murphy actually is a better person than Clarke, but she still thinks she’s on morally higher ground when compared to Murphy for some damn reason. 
So, in conclusion, Raven Reyes deserves the world. She deserves her happiness, whether it be her finding it in herself or slowing finding it in herself with the help of someone else, she just deserves it. And something else she deserves. . . people to realize how amazing she is. She’s saved everyone more times than Clarke has. This girl just pushes levers, orders people to do what she tells them to. Raven or Bellamy or Raven and Bellamy should be the leaders rather than Clarke. Bellamy’s not even a leader. He’s more like a follower now. And I don’t like it one bit. He doesn’t need Clarke at all. I don’t see how he needs her. 
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natblyda · 4 years
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ᴵᶠ ᵂᴱ ᴴᴬᴰ ᶠᴵᵛᴱ ᴹᴼᴿᴱ ᴹᴵᴺᵁᵀᴱˁ
i’m using all my favorite songs i’m happy
you can’t tell, but i cried making this
#takebackthe100 day 3- favorite season /storyline
season 4 ➺ the ultimate surviving challenge.
⦓ where would you choose to be? ⦔
this one was tough!! i have many, like octavia’s path to peace and echo finding her family, but season 4 has that dramatic and apocalyptic vibe i live for ✌︎
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ashkru · 4 years
while it still hasn’t fully sunk in that the show i’ve been watching and adoring for years ends tonight, i think it’s important to remember the happy moments in leui of all the negativity i’ve been seeing on my dash.
raven gave us badass genius every minute of every season, murphy and emori will forever be examples of immaculate character development, octavia invented warrior chic, lincoln taught us to be tough and still love everyone, lexa reminded us that queer women are powerful, roan was a fair but stern leader, monty and harper showed us how to live, ash told us to be strong in the wake of trauma, diyoza was the freedom-fighting strategist we never knew we needed, gabriel taught us that it’s never too late to do the right thing, madi showed us how to be young but still powerful, and so much more.
the 100 isn’t perfect, and it never has been, but it was good. may we meet again.
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tiredmoonslut · 4 years
Clarke Griffin + "The Lonely Road" *long post alert*
Clarke's story has always always always been about loneliness.
We start the series with Clarke having spent a year in solitary confinement. An entire year without any real contact with anyone. Her only comfort being her drawings. Canonically at this time, her best friend is Wells--who she can't stand the sight of because she thinks he's responsible for A) her father's death and B) her subsequent isolation. And sure, they fix things. Wells dies. There goes that.
Then there's Finn, and we know how that goes. After a year of being alone there's someone who thinks Clarke is smart, beautiful, special, perfect just as she is. Someone who wants her company and wants to listen to her and wants to spend time with her. Turns out Finn is cheating on Raven with her. Hmm, guess all that was a lie. Clarke isn't really friends with any of the other delinquents, she just feels for them because she's empathetic and not an asshole. Bellamy eventually becomes an ally and an equal and--ah, Clarke isn't alone anymore. There's someone on her level.
Wheels inside wheels, she loves Finn but won't forgive him for hurting her, Bellamy is her friend and that's a comfort--300 grounders burn to death and Clarke has no idea if the two people who made her feel less alone are dead with them. The Mountain Men come, she wakes up alone. The cycle begins again. Season Two is a bit of a void because Clarke is the most centered she's ever been--she has her people and she knows what she needs to do: Protect them at all costs. Bellamy is alive and on her side, Raven is her friend and trusted companion, her mom is on the ground--all is well. She kills Finn and betrays Raven. Nevermind. This decision Clarke makes alone, and is haunted by, alone.
Lexa helps. Clarke feels supported by an equal while Bellamy is gone. Feelings spark, hmm maybe this is an opportunity, Clarke doesn't have to be alone--except holy shit, Finn died like two days ago, I can't move on yet. Clarke chooses to remain alone because she thinks she needs to be. Lexa betrays her, and leaves her standing alone outside the Mountain--the cycle beginning anew with Clarke on her own AGAIN.
See where I'm going with this? She pulls the lever with Bellamy at her side and she realizes that maybe she truly doesn't deserve to be supported. She's a killer and she's ruthless and she should bear that so her people don't have to. She ignores Bellamy's pleas not to do this to herself and she walks into the forest, just another form of solitary confinement.
Rinse and repeat, Lexa is there, Clarke is falling in love, she's not alone anymore, Lexa is here and Lexa is her equal and Clarke loves--
Lexa's dead. Ad nauseam. Clarke's friends are estranged from her, they don't know her and they don't try to know her. She's just the leader who makes the hardest choices and disappears sometimes. They're not her friends, not how Clarke needs. She bears it so they don't have to, on and on. Praimfaya is imminent, rinse and repeat. Clarke is alone and worst of all she's horrifically lonely. Raven resents her and Bellamy does his best but he's just one person and he can't be there all the time. Roan understands her but they're not close, not like Bellamy and never like Lexa. Finally, the end of the lonely road is on the horizon: Clarke accepts death if it means her friends survive and they leave earth without her. Clarke is alone Clarke is alone Clarke is alone.
This time it really does break her. There's nothing left for her. But then there's Madi. Clarke hangs all her will to live on the presence of a child and uses motherhood as her balm for the aching emptiness she's nursed since Season 3. If she was estranged from her friends before, it reaches epic proportions after six years of being dead to them. She daydreams about them and draws them endlessly and tells Madi story after story because Clarke is so lonely and it's what keeps her going. "Talking" to Bellamy. Wondering about their lives on the ring. It's empty, it leads to nothing. The wheel spins on, Clarke betrays them all for the one person who's never left her.
Sanctum is the new Eden. Clean slate. Time to breathe. To heal. Clarke chooses not to be alone, this time. Clarke wants out of the cycle and she chooses it. The one time Clarke tried to break out of her loneliness, it killed her.
She survives death, of course. Wins against the Primes and does better in Monty's name only for her mother to die and Bellamy to vanish and Madi to have fresh new traumas and the new Eden to be in shambles. These people still don't know her, haven't tried to, but at least they don't actively hate her anymore. Gaia is there and Gaia is gentle, and kind. But where does that lead?
So here we are, at long last. The true end of the road is on its way. Clarke and Raven are healing what's been broken between them for years. Bellamy is dead and we see how it shatters her. So how does Clarke's story end? Will the unending loneliness finally cease? Will she realize that the only way out of the isolation that has been the core of her story is to choose self-love? Will she and Bellamy end up together at last? Will she finally be a true part of the families that have sprung up in her absence?
Clarke's story is about being lonely. I just hope it doesn't end that way too.
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thecobraghost · 4 years
I swear fucking god. If Murphy or Emori get killed off in the next episode then I'm going to fuck riot. Cause these two just don't deserve anymore pain in their lives. The same goes for Raven, Jackson, Miller, Echo, Niylah, Indra and Octavia, Madi and you know what....I'm actually going to say Clarke for once in my life
But I fucking swear if my son Murphy dies or his fucking wife Emori, I ain't going to be a happy bunny
That all goes for Picasso. The dog better live too
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bellamygateoldblog · 4 years
I see your Raven with a random we don’t care about nightmare and raise you Octavia with a random we don’t care about who tortured her.
I don’t think Octavia has been given anywhere near the same unconsidered treatment that Raven has.
She was thrown with Ilian, for sure, but i more equate that with the Bellamy/Raven fling of S1.
In S5 Octavia had a storyline all to herself, and she never once concerned herself with a man who wasn’t her brother. In S6 and S7 she’s become apart of something much bigger than herself, again, no love interest in sight.
Raven, on the other hand, in S5 (was tortured) was thrown with Shaw, then in S6 was beautified and pushed aside for an entire season like some sad little mannequin with a tech jargon pulley string and shoved into the mould of a sexist stereotype until it was time for her to save the day, and now it appears she’s going to be thrown with yet another man again (coincidently, after being tortured again). Very much fitting the pattern of ‘be tortured then be saved by the love of the knight in shining armour’. This pattern includes Wick. Of course that’s an assumption from only a little bit of evidence, but that’s why i call it a “nightmare.”
Furthermore, Octavia was allowed to mourn Lincoln for several seasons. Raven, on the other hand, was denied that space through a convinient AI storyline, then it was as if Wick never even existed, then she got over Shaw in 3 seconds.
He tortured her, yeah, but that was his job and he still managed to do as good by her as he was able to. Mans was bored to death on Bardo. And watching someone’s painful memories like it’s a TV show is pretty much what we’re doing here, too. Lol. And I think people against this potential ship because he tortured her are forgetting that Linctavia started with Lincoln kidnapping her, as well as the fact almost every major relationship started badly.
I don't see their scenes as particularly romantic for now. But I wouldn't hate it, Levitt's likeable enough.
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valyterei · 5 years
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I love Bellamy and I’m glad they’re over this whole thing (and I love that Bellarke hug in 6.04). But how anyone can blame Clarke for leaving him in Polis after watching THIS… is beyond me. Just look at her face. This is the worst thing he could have done to her. This is the worst way he could have betrayed her.
Gifs are mine.
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aadmelioraa · 5 years
If there’s anyone left in this fandom who is still a fan of Clarke AND a fan of Raven...hmu. Feels like I’m the only one left some days.
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wankadi · 5 years
Idk why Raven was written to forget that E.cho was the one who gave Shaw to Diyoza and THAT led to him being forced to be on the run and forced to be a traitor. Clarke later on made a choice that made them being tortured - fact. But Raven's words: "Because of you" are so unfair. Clarke is not the only reason and she had way better motives to choose so.
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thequeenofsastiel · 5 years
I'm super over the Clarke bashing parade from Raven, Emori, and Murphy. She saved ALL your ungrateful asses from Praimfaya, thinking it'd kill her. And Murphy? Why would you bring up what happened with Emori in the lab like it was something Clarke did wrong? If I recall correctly, Clarke saved her fucking life by being willing to be a test subject to extreme radiation that literally made a man explode. She also saved Emori's life again by giving her her protective suit when Emori's broke, and didn't ask for it back when she started coughing up blood. Clarke has ALWAYS been willing to sacrifice herself to save others. Every single one of you owes her your life. Yes, she sided with your enemy. To stop you from taking her TWELVE YEAR OLD DAUGHTER into a war zone. Her actions are completely understandable. And in no way negate what you owe her. So stop acting like she's some fucking evil villain when all she did was protect her child.
Shout out to Echo and Bellamy for actually understanding where she's coming from and forgiving her. You two are golden.
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osleyakomwonkru · 5 years
Hopes for Season Six
They became a fic series. Summaries and links below, but in short:
1. Octavia and Raven to have a conversation for the first time since season 1, and to see each other for the first time since season 3.
2. Miller and Jackson feeding Bellamy the hard truths about what Octavia went through in the bunker.
3. Octavia taking off on her own on the new planet and not having to deal with judgmental assholes while she figures herself out.
1. too young to feel so numb (maybe I’m waking up today) 
The transport ship is off and away to the new planet, and Raven gets a message from Bellamy - he'd set a timer on Octavia's cryopod, set to wake her after they'd departed. And that was a few minutes ago.
Raven finds a despondent Octavia alone in the cryo chamber, and though they've never been friends, Raven knows what it is like to feel like there's no hope, and must use that to reach out to her.
“Octavia -” Raven stepped forward, but stopped short.
Octavia didn’t blame her. Even before all the stories Raven had surely heard about her since the bunker was opened, they hadn’t been friends. Hell, they hadn’t even seen each other since the battle against ALIE. They’d stopped in to Arkadia briefly before going to Polis, but the last time they’d been near each other for more than a few seconds had been -
- Lincoln’s funeral. No, she corrected herself. Lincoln and Sinclair’s funeral.
Raven had lost someone dear to her too.
Octavia looked up at her. She could tell from the expression on Raven’s face that she was thinking of the same day.
“It’s been a long time, hasn’t it, Pocahontas?”
2. and just one mistake is all it will take (burn everything you love then burn the ashes)
Sitting around a campfire on the new planet and angered over his betrayal, Jackson and Miller feed Bellamy the hard truths about what happened in the bunker, everything he was too blind to see about his sister, and her trauma that he only made worse.
When Bellamy doesn't know how to reconcile everything he's heard with everything he's done, Clarke reminds him of what had always been his greatest strength.
“Tell me, Bellamy, have you ever stopped to wonder why we’re loyal to her?” Miller looked around the fire at the others. “Any of you? Feel free to chime in anytime.”
“Let Bellamy go and you can tell us.” Echo said, a note of warning in her voice.
“Would it change anything?” Miller asked, looking at each person in turn. “If you knew what we went through? The impossible situations we were in, time and time again? What she did to get us out of them? All it cost her to do so?”
3. fly away to heal my broken spirit (there might be peace on the other side)
As soon as the transport ship dropped her on the new planet, Octavia ran.
She knew that running away never solved anything, but she wasn’t running away. She was running towards.
Towards peace. Towards healing. Towards hope.
And everything about it felt right.
She didn’t know for how long, or even how far - she ran until her lungs burned, and her breathing was getting laboured, but she didn’t stop, not until a river loomed up in front of her and she dropped her pack on the shore, falling to her knees in the shallows and drinking until she couldn’t drink anymore.
She waded in a bit further, keeping a careful eye on her surroundings, making sure that there weren’t any creatures like the river snake that had attacked her their first day on Earth. But the river was clear of all but the tiniest fish, and she submerged herself, holding her breath until her lungs burned again, and then surfacing with a loud splash, breathing in the forest air.
Finally, for the first time in years, Octavia felt alive.
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onlytime1 · 6 years
The100 has three Amazing characters by the names of Octavia Blake,Raven Reyes and Echo;it would be a pity if they became each other s replacements at turns,just cuz Rat likes to play with them.Please give all the three of them the visibility and storylines they deserve….and please stop forcefeeding us the eternal shitty material that is blorke leading anything that moves.
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natblyda · 4 years
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