#i didn't even mention the disaster of luke and leia
a-wisebear · 1 year
yes, i love the disaster lineage, a dyslexic cryptic frog, the most knighty-sith, very high and very high man still claiming children, the embodiment of the light side as infinite sadness, problem child actually is the chosen one, golden child at war, and we close it with unsupervised child with paint it's too good at it
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Things I love about Ahsoka Ep. 7: Dreams and Madness
Anakin making holo-recordings for Ahsoka.
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All I see is Anakin making video diaries and tutorials for his little sister. We hadn’t hear him say it, but he absolutely loves her and cares a lot for her. The question now is, how the hell did she get hold of those holo-recordings? Also, we need to see all 20 of them. I also think she had probs shown it to Luke and Leia at some point.
Leia saves Hera.
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Of course, Leia would save everyone’s ass from trouble. It has always been her thing. C-3PO's timing was perfect. Also, Senator Xiono can go fuck himself. Chopper ready to throw hands at a senator is icing on the cake. And if they translate what he said, the entire thing would probably be bleeped out.
Huyang is an Obi-Wan Kenobi droid version.
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Huyang complaining about Ahsoka’s reckless actions is so funny to me, honestly. In a way, she's being the Anakin to Huyang, being that Voice-of-Reason Obi-Wan persona to contradict to.
Thrawn’s mini-heart attack when he finds out who Ahsoka’s master was.
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Thrawn, externally: *pokerface*
Thrawn, internally: What? No. That togruta bitch was trained by Anakin fucking Skywalker?! Omfg, this changes things.
So, a little background, Thrawn had always admired Anakin Skywalker and had worked alongside him since the clone wars, then as Darth Vader during the empire era. And to put it on modern terms, Thrawn was his biggest fan. He knows how powerful Anakin was and what he was capable of doing. So knowing that Anakin taught Ahsoka is information that could either make him or break him.
Ezra’s reaction to Sabine telling her about Ahsoka taking her as her padawan.
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His reaction is the most Ezra thing ever. Obviously, he didn't expected Ahsoka to take on Sabine as her padawan considering she isn't force-sensitive. And Ezra is literally all of us when when we first watched the show, btw.
Ahsoka and Sabine’s Force bond.
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It’s natural for the master and padawan to have a bond through the Force, regardless if jedi or sith. But with Sabine’s lack of force-sensitivity, this was something I did not expect. But nevertheless, I’m extremely happy about it.
Ezra and Sabine’s chaotic sibling energy.
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We all know Ezra and Sabine go way back. They’ve been friends for a long time, they radiate chaotic sibling energy (sorry, sabezra/ezrabine shippers), even to the point of arguing while fighting for their lives. It's good to see that some things haven't changed.
Ahsoka and Ezra’s hug.
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The last time these two met each other was in the World between Worlds, after Ezra saved Ahsoka from Darth Vader. Ahsoka had promised to find him when they get of there. But then again, they were at different points in time and Ezra disappeared with Thrawn to another galaxy. That makes this hug much more heartfelt and meaningful.
Ahsoka Tano of the Disaster Lineage™
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• Unpredictable
• Reckless
• Purposely coming in late just to make a dramatic grand entrance and/or exit
• Never runs out of sassy comebacks when talking to the enemy
• Annoying the crap out of the people around them
• Has the signature troublemaker smirk 😏
• Expert lightsaber duelist
• Not following the no-attachment-rule
• Having good friendship with their padawans
Yep, she checks all the boxes and just further cements herself as part of the infamous Disaster Lineage™. Not to mention that she's indirectly teaching Sabine the same stuff. I can already hear Force Ghost Anakin cheering her on.
There are a lot of loose ends to tie in the season finale. Let's hope they'll give us an epic one and an interesting plotline for season 2.
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prankprincess123 · 2 years
Based solely on the fact that Quinlan survives both Order 66 and Operation Knightfall, and is still alive at least as of 10ish BBY; I would kill for even a fic of him just showing up sometime after episode 6 and after the twins meet Ahsoka. Like:
Quinlan: *shows up randomly one day being his normal self*
Twins: *trying to be subtle*
Luke: Are we sure he's a Jedi?
Leia: I mean, Obi-wan did mention him but not... *gestures to the chaos*
Ahsoka: *knows exactly who this disaster is, is just baffled that he didn't get himself killed, and is not trying to be subtle at all* Are you part cocroach?!?! What dumpster have you been hiding in for 30y?!?!
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
I always saw Obi-Wan as an asexual kind of guy. Maybe that's because I'm old enough to remember when we only had the OT and he was already old. And dead for most of it. Anyway, part of why I love Star Wars is the emphasis on friendships and how strong and rewarding they can be without romantic feelings (although Han/Leia was my first ship). May we all have such people in our lives. All interpretations are valid of course and people love what they love, just wanted to share another point of view!
I mean, that's basically how I also envision him: my "Obi-Wan Kenobi as queer text" meta described my personal headcanon of him as biromantic asexual, and that's what the other post seemed to be hinting at in: re whatever they put in the book. After all, remember kids, ignore the exclusionists: asexuality is a full and complete queer identity on its own, and doesn't need other modifiers or qualifiers to be considered legitimate. So yeah. But as I said, he has radiated such intense bisexual sass disaster energy for the longest time, and I am frankly shocked that the Disney overlords allowed even a single sentence in a YA book that might hint at confirming this. To be honest, I don't care one way or another what the Mouse says about anything, particularly SW canon, since I reject what they have done with most of it. But hey. It's nice to have anyway.
As I also mentioned in the tags, Obi-Wan is a particularly formative character for me as a queer adult, since some of my first-ever forays into fandom, fic, and slash came as a result of reading TPM-era fics with him back in the dark days, with badly designed Web pages and SLASH!! content warnings. I imprinted on him as queer long before I knew what that was either for him or for me, and so I have a certain nostalgic perspective on it. (Also, nobody could read the Revenge of the Sith novelization in 2005, come out totally emotionally destroyed, and go, "yeah, Obi-Wan is totally straight." Even if I didn't, again, actually consciously realize this at the time.)
Likewise, Obi-Wan's appearance in the original trilogy has always fit the "celibate or asexual wise-old-mentor" stereotype, who exists mostly to guide the hero but doesn't have particular passions or motivations of his own. Then they cast Ewan McGregor as the younger version of him, and Ewan McGregor is likewise very attractive. But then in prequel-verse, all of Obi-Wan's most formative and important emotional relationships were with men (Qui-Gon, Bail Organa, etc) and then, of course, Anakin and the "it's a love story" Obi-Wan Kenobi series. So the more canon we got past just Alec Guinness, the more intensely Obi-Wan read as queer to me. The man cannot even sit straight (see his pose in the Council seat in ROTS), drops his cloaks with utter drama, sasses people, and is the utter opposite of toxic masculinity. He just has Big Queer Energy, in other words, and I felt it for a long time before I was able to properly name it in either him or myself.
Indeed, Obi-Wan would read pretty clearly as gay to me, except for the fact that they apparently added in some pseudo-girlfriend in the Clone Wars animated series and other assorted female interests in the expanded-universe books. Which, quite frankly, can't help but sound like "welp, this famous and beloved character is TOO queer-coded, better add in some comphet to tone that down." However, aside from my personal attachment to queer Obi-Wan, there's another aspect to it which I think is touching and important, and that is the fact that Luke is also often headcanoned as queer/gay/bi of some description (which Mark Hamill has enthusiastically supported). Considering that the original trilogy came out in the late '70s and early '80s, just as we were losing what should have been our entire generation of gay/queer ancestors to AIDS, I would find it very lovely if Luke, a queer man, was being mentored by Obi-Wan, his queer elder, in a way that we were so often denied the chance to have in reality. So yes. There are a lot of layers to it, in my view, and as I said, I don't care whether they bother to put one sentence in an EU book or not. The heart knows what it knows. Ahem. ;)
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alrightsnaps · 5 years
some Episode IX positivity
So I watched The Rise of Skywalker and...it wasn't as bad as I expected?? The spoilers I'd read had pretty much prepared me for a disaster but (especially with the traumatizing GoT finale in mind) I have to say that, bar the way they handled Kylo Ren’s storyline and the horrifying moment they made Rey kiss her abuser, they created a pretty epic conclusion to the Star Wars series.
• I swear I could feel my heart swelling with love every second these two interacted
• Rey calling Leia “Master”
• their final hug that was shown in the trailer, with Leia caressing Rey’s hair....that's the daugter our Space Princess General deserved
• the love and care and protectiveness and mutual support between these three... I'm emotional okay????
• Finn’s “You are going alone Rey. You're going alone with friends.” reminding her that she's never going to be alone again
• my son Poe Dameron being his usual sassy self deserves a mention of his own because I love him too damn much
• everyone's reactions to seeing Lando, the respect in their eyes and voices upon meeting such a legend, DISNEY IS SPECIFICALLY TARGETING MY WEAK NOSTALGIC HEART AND I'M EATING IT ALL UP
• “Give General Leia my love” “You can give it to her yourself”
• Zorii Bliss y'all
• “Not that you care, but i think you're alright.” “I care.” I FOUND MY REY SHIP PEOPLE
• C-3PO’s “Taking one last look, at my friends”
• Bill Weasl–ummm sorry *checks notes* General Hux revealed as the Resistance spy in the First Order and being like “I don't care if you people win. I just want Kylo Ren to lose” because honestly MOOD
• the trio meeting the gang of First Order defectors that joined the Resistance
• Jannah
• sorry but I just have to add Leia sacrificing herself for (what she hopes remains of) her son and Han’s conversation with him (imaginary as it may have been) because I may despise that little piece of shit with all I have, but the whole sequence simply screamed Leia-Organa-and-Han-Solo-too-fucking-noble-and-good-for-this-world
• I just love Leia and Han so goddamn much and they deserved more than anyone a son like the glimpse we got of Ben Solo fighting for the Light (except they got a Neonazi asshole that murdered his father and then was granted an unearned redemption for some reason...... fuck fuck fuck I'm angry crying again they really did my parents dirty)
• Poe crying by Leia’s body, knowing that as her second in command he has to power through his grief, and wondering how he'll ever live up to this incredible woman he respects and looks up to and loves so much– THIS IS THE ONLY SON OF MY PRINCESS I'LL EVER RECOGNISE
• Chewie’s cry when they heard of her passing just fucking broke me
• That Luke/Rey “It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are” Moment™
• the incredibly beautiful and so quintessentially Star Wars “rebellions are built on hope” message
• Lando reminding the Resistance that back in the first war the rebels were also just a bunch of kids that poured their heart and soul in their fight and won against all odds
• seriously seeing the Resistance defeated and wretched and so tragically helpless drawing hope from their predecessors and letting that hope fuel them as they go against the Final Order?? What could possibly be more star wars than that???
• “It’s not a navy. It's....People.”
• Lando fucking Calrissian
• I can talk about the battle scene and all those glimpses of the Resistance members we've grown to love giving their everything even when they know this may as well be a suicide mission, for hours
• Rey singlehandedly defeating Palpatine on her own... you have no idea the stress I was under since Kylo Ren turned into Ben Solo or whatever. By the way the plot was playing out at that point in the movie, I was 90% sure they'd have him step in and save the day or something, in some big Redemption™ gesture. And instead we got fucking badass Rey Skywalker bringing down Palpatine with Luke and Leia’s lightsabers?? Just when all hope is lost having her hear the voices of all the Jedi knights within her, encouraging and reassuring her they're by her side?? Yup, this is absolutely 100% what I signed up for!
• The Resistance celebrating their victory with love and laughter and joy in their eyes.... and the nod to the original trilogy finale... good gods, I'm such a slut for nostalgia 😭
• lesbians in space! (....for two seconds or so, but I'll take what I can get, don't judge me!)
• Rey burying the Skywalker twins’ lightsabers in the Tatooine desert
• Rey taking up the Skywalker name as she sees Leia and Luke in the distance (Ben?? who again???) cementing the notion that we are not our genes and can choose our own paths and become our own persons
To conclude, the Reylo kiss was pure cringe and Kylo Ren sure as fuck didn't deserve redemption, yes, but overall the movie's callouts to the original series, seamlessly bringing past and present together, and the way the central theme of hope shone through the movie, not to mention the palpable suspense and epicness and heart it radiates makes it a beautifully fitting conclusion to the nine part saga.
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evergloffpress · 5 years
Bottle of Blog No. 55
The Skywalker Saga Concludes Minus Any Actual Skywalkers
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Yes, I am aware the Skywalker bloodline was present at the end but there we're no Skywalkers by name and the day was not saved by a Skywalker but by a Palpatine. Oh yeah spoiler warning in effect. Though I will also assume you have seen the movie by now that’s why some of my comments below will have little to no explanation.
J.J Abrams returned to pick up the pieces of Rian Johnson’s fiasco and to attempt to conclude the Skywalker Saga with a bang. This final review on the 9 films Skywalker Saga film series will be shorter than the others. Primarily because I mostly enjoyed the film and have very little to gripe about. The Resistance has implemented their reign of terror across the galaxy and that is when the reborn Emperor Palpatine decides to.make his presence known. Sith sorcery brought him back from the netherworld of the Force. He didn't actually survive being tossed down a radiator shaft by Vader 30 plus years before. His body was cloned and his soul was transferred into said clone. Smoke was also a puppet avatar Palpatine used. So so much for a grand origin story for Supreme Leader Snoke. Another misleading thread. Back in the 1990s, the reborn emperor idea was used in the Dark Horse comics series entitled Dark Empire which I enjoyed very much. Why did I mention that? To prove what a giant nerd I am of course. Back to the movie review. I generally liked the movie. Abrams did his best to course correct the missteps, Johnson pit out and generally succeeds. He ups the ante while the Resistance has it's back to the wall with the introduction of a secret Sith fleet. At one point in the movie Poe Dameron states with actual proof that each of the 1000 ships of the secret Sith Fleet is armed with a Death Star laser super cannon named the Final Order. So again with the Death Star. With so many Sith sorcerers and Palpatine himself lurking about in the movie why not say they had found a way to weaponize the Dark Side of the Force? That would of been something sorta different but ultimately still another super weapon. The movie does its best to cater to the fans by bringing back Lando Calrissian and other Star Wars staples. The practical effects also adds to the movie’s enjoyability. Poe is then revealed to be a complete Han Solo knock off by revealing he use to run Spice when he was younger too. Speaking of Han Solo. Harrison Ford’s cameo as my favorite Corellian smuggler was a pleasant surprise but it raises some questions. Was it all in Kylo Ren’s mind or was he a Force ghost? Suggesting that Han was a tuned to the force which would explain the phenomenal Solo luck. Leia dies in this episode in effect killing off almost the entire original crew of characters. Carrie Fisher had in late 2016 hence why her role in ROS was so limited. The character’s death is what brings Kylo REN back from the dark side of the Force which all leads to the climax.
I found the battle of Exogol riveting. The outmatched heroes taking on the Final Order fleet while Rey confronted the reborn Emperor Palpatine planetside was engaging. So as stated above Rey is Palpatine’s granddaughter. The Palpatine’s plan to transfer his essence a long with past Sith Lords into her so she may rule as Empress of a new Empire bit of course her answer is no. So with he help of a redeemed Kylo Ren they take on the reborn Emperor. Who discovers that by sucking out their life force he can return to full strength. So a change of plan takes effect. Above all seems last for what little remains of the Resistance fighters when suddenly Lando returns with hundreds of ships to help turn the course of battle. The heroes win of course and in the end, a Palpatine saved the day by taking out her own grandfather. Skywalkers and one member of the Skywalker bloodline did play a role in it but we're not the ones to plant the killing blow and end Emperor Palpatine’s new reign of terror. I kind of expected a Force ghost battle in the end. With the specters of Anakin, Obi- Want, Yoda, Qui-Gon, Yoda Leia and of course Luke coming in to help Rey saved the day instead we only get to hear their voices pep talk her on to victory. Somewhat satisfying but I wanted more. Kylo and Rey kiss in a very forced and unrealistic romance ala Harry Potter’s Hermione and Ron Weasley and then Kylo dies a hero then become one with the Force. Later on Tattooine Rey buries the Skywalker lightsabers at the abandoned Lars moisture farm when a passerby asks her for her name. After turning to see the Force ghosts of both Like and Leia she answers. Try Skywalker. Thus ends the saga of the Skywalker bloodline.
Like I said I enjoyed the movie a great deal. It did have its flaws but not enough to condemn the movie like I did the Last Jedi. Who knows what would have happened if Disney had allowed the storyline to be properly thought out. Maybe if they had given Timothy Zahn a crack at an outline then go from there things might have gone even better. Alas, we got what we got. In my opinion, this is far from being a Sy Fy channel hack Shark themed disaster movie and just shy of a classic with a home in our hearts.
Oliver Evergloff March 22nd,2020
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