#i didnt intend for him to wear pjs
yuri-is-online 2 months
(Scatters more Aceyuu birdfeed for the lovelies)
Imagine, when Yuu awoke in Twisted Wonderland, they didn't even have their own clothes--they were in the ceremonial robes--at best they're (probably) given a janitors uniform from Crowly when they first meet Ace. Fast forward a day or so when Ace decides to camp out at Ramshackle for the first time and he really sees your situation. You're not some nutjob and their badly trained pet who broke into the school, you are in trouble.
Cut to Ace finally moving back into his dorm after Riddle's overblot and Ace is going through his stuff (to make sure his roommates didn't mess with it) and he finds like, an old pair of pyjamas he doesn't really wear anymore. This shirt is pretty outdated fashion-wise too. And he has no idea why he packed this pair of shorts for school either! They could go to a good home, he supposed, before bunging his unwanted hand-me-downs in a bag and setting off back to Ramshackle. Trying to ignore the first signs of a pitter-pattering heart as he watches your face light up with realisation when you pull out his old clothes from an old sports bag. He knew you needed clothes but seeing how much this meant to you? Yeah, Ace is gonna be doing all sorts of things to take care of you now to keep that smile. And don't get me started about how he got butterflies the first weekend he went to see you and you were wearing his (ill-fitting) clothes!
After Book 4, Ace has another suitcase of "charity clothes" from home (if Yuu is fem presenting, then he might've asked his mum for her hand-me-downs so Yuu would have some more "girly" clothes, if that's what they want) only to come up short when going to deliver them too you as he sees Deuce wrapping his old leather jacket around your shoulders, or Jack giving you an old cardigan that you're just swimming in.
He can't help but feel betrayed, in a way, seeing you accept clothes from your other friends. Logically speaking, he knows you're not in a position to be turning down charity, but the sting of losing what felt like just a you two thing hurts. He's sulking and petty and got this stupid suitcase sitting in his room for weeks while he pouts, glaring daggers at Deuce for the betrayal (Deuce is just confused, he was just helping a homie stay warm since there's snow on the ground. Jack is at least aware of the connotations but likes returning the shit Ace sends his way).
Eventually it bubbles up to one day, when the group are studying in Heartslaybul, Deuce forgot his noted in his room and Yuu offers to grab them, noticing the suitcase they bring it up to the guys and Ace squirms as Deuce mentions how Ace brought it after winter break and hasn't touched it since. Everyone badgers him for what's in it and Ace won't admit it infront of everyone else there, you gotta get him alone so later on, Yuu broaches it again and he admits its more clothes but he felt stupid seeing you get more from everyone else (he plays it off like "didnt want you swamped with stuff you didn't want" or something) but Yuu perks up, asking what he brought and if he still wants to give them to them. Maybe accidentally admitting they still mostly only use Ace's old pj's because it smells like him because his stuffs just more comfy and they like his stuff more.
Something something small fashion show for Ace something something this got a lot longer than I intended uwahhhh.....
If Ace could go back in time he'd probably punch himself for all the comments he made before he started using his goddamn brain and LOOKED at your situation he would, but he can't so he instead does what Ace does best and looks out for you while pretending he's not doing that at all and does not care.
But the problem is of course that Ace does care. You open the door in his clothes and it really doesn't matter what you're saying anymore. He's forgotten why he's here, actually, instead there's a hum in the back of his skull that he likes. He likes seeing you in his pajamas, he likes spending time with you. Ace will never say it out loud, in fact he denies it every chance he gets, but he likes spending time with you and Deuce. The other first years are fun, and he likes the basketball club, but the two of you are the best use of his time. He doesn't even think about the others maybe wanting to help you out because he's the one who takes care of you. Not Deuce or Jack, him. Maybe he spends winter break thinking about you and going through his things. Maybe he has to hype himself up as he takes his duffel bag back because his mom teased him just a little too much about things running in the family.
Deuce giving you a leather jacket breaks something in him. Ace thought Deuce would have been drowning in attention based on the bad boy appeal alone and that jacket just cements it, even if the blank look his glares get sort of soothes the jealous ache somewhat. "Don't be rude Ace! No one likes having to rely on hand me downs-" Juice is so fucking stupid he doesn't know why he bothered being jealous. Jack's a different story though because on the one hand he "hates" the idea of appearing vulnerable but on the other hand there is a chance to dunk on Ace just waiting to be taken and that has to make up for temporary embarrassment. He could probably get Leona in on this too if he spins it the right way, wouldn't that be funny? Fine, Ace will just keep his things to himself since you... probably don't want them huh. Yeah, sure he swears you always wear his pajamas but that's because you don't have other clothes. You've got stuff now you don't need him. He's not the only person taking care of you... oh well!
When Yuu asks him about the suitcase he plays it off. "Just some extra stuff, you know. Parents am I right?" When everyone leaves he teases you about it because he's embarrassed and he needs to take it out somewhere.
"You really thought of me?" There's a look on your face that renders Ace speechless. "Thank you... I. You really didn't need to but if you have something similar to the pajamas..." You were wearing the shorts tonight. Come to think of it he hasn't seen you in Jack's shirt much. Deuce's jacket was meant to protect against the snow so it's not like he can
"You can have it." He mumbles, looking off to the side instead of into your eyes. "It's not like they weren't meant for you I just forgot about it you know?"
Maybe he'll buy you something next time, no one's done that yet right?
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wosemi-sama 6 months
and the crowd went mild 馃敟馃敟馃敟馃敟馃敟馃敟 also no chara dividers im lazy rn
these r so short id add more but im rushing rn sorry lmfao 馃槶馃槶馃槶
intended lowercase!
misc. obm hcs
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wakes up at the ass crack of dawn every single morning.
wears those old man pjs. with the long hat and fuzzy slippers and gown. you know the one.
most bitter coffee you've ever had in your life how he can drink it is astonishing.
his bed, his mattress, his pillows are all as hard as rock how does this man SLEEP.
sleeps like hes the corpse at the funeral hes that one image
will pull you into a headlock and call it a hug.
guy who had mountain dew and cheeto dust in his veins instead of blood. guy who marinates in his room for two months straight. guy who- (i am immediately shot dead).
did a collab with the anti-lucifer league to create a 100k words dialuci fic to piss off lucifer (dont worry about him he got paid in anime and tsl merch).
TRULY believes he is the #1 tsl fan. and also #1 ruri fan.
wimp who VOLUNTARILY makes you cosplays if you are a cosplayer or even if you aren't. it will happen.
vtuber fan. he was like "hey i wanna be a streamer but i dont wanna show my face but i also want to be an anime boy! wait-" and now hes a vtuber.
has accidentally referred to all of his brothers as "chat" at least once. hes never recovering from that btw.
cannot stop annotating books he reads for the life of him.
all of his books are just filled to the brim with sticky notes because all he does is annotate.
once he has a crush he will start imagining him and them in the same scenarios as the characters in romance novels he read. (loser alert!!)
sneaking a new cat into hol like once a week (he never succeeds btw).
oh boy his room REEKS of perfume and body spray.
"i sprayed my new perfume in every nook and cranny! smells so floral and elegant, don't you think?" (it smells like a bath and body works threw up.)
surprisingly plays the trumpet and BOY is he loud. bro is absolutely blasting those notes.
worst driver ever btw.
freckles all over!! like a lot. *im not beating the insane allegations*
ate like 27 family size dorito bags, 30 dollars worth of taco bell, and four sprites in one sitting and he still hasnt recovered.
sleeps. like a lot. not as much as belphie but enough to be considered an eepy guy.
will randomly grab every blanket and pillow he can get his hands on and make a nest in the common room if he's up to it. and then have everyone make a dog pile in it just so they can hang out and be silly.
will NOT clean it up afterwards. lucifer will tell him to and his only response will be "im tired..."
freckles like beel too i think theyre silly.
9829364 cow plushies. (theyre all from lucifer)
will randomly gaslight people for no reason
"hey did you do the homework"
homework? what homework? there was homework? my, what even is homework? never heard of that.
"hey, i heard of this animal from the human world called a giraffe! can i see a picture?"
what? what's a giraffe? oh, those!! yeah, they're just myths. they're not real. purely fiction!!
yk that one post about tumblr funnyman solomon. he is a tumblr funnyman to me. he confidently posts his exploded spaghetti and gets 10k notes i think.
has a book club with satan and solomon. :)
probably writes oneshots of the brothers on tumblr idfk man (sorry to the simeon fans i write like nothing on this guy bro).
bodily six ("but didnt the devs say hes ten?" shut up. /j)
along with that, also shorter than in canon. (since hes. yk. a first grader. that BOY is not five foot hes one sauce packet long dude.)
favorite store in the human world is walmart. i like to think his human world outfit is all exclusively from walmart bc thats funny i think.
hands of STEEL. he tries to grab your wrist and he nearly crushes it by accident.
ice cream!! he loves it :) his favorite is strawberry btw.
also this boy is NOT a himbo hes a smart man.
needs like a hug and some sleep and also a friend this boy works too much!!
short. like really short. especially according to devildom standards since most demons are super tall.
"but isn't he six feet?" not in my heart.
somehow always making tea for some reason?? if he's not making tea then he's making pastries.
my boy does not SLEEP. hasn't slept since the sun has been birthed and doesn't plan on ever doing it.
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161 notes View notes
What was on the TOP of their Haukkah/Christmas/Birthday/etc list as a kid?
Chemistry kits, suture sets, things like that. But at the very top were books
What did their high school love letters look like?
Quotes because he didn't feel confident in his own words, careful handwriting because his normal handwriting was too messy, old language because he wanted to be formal, never sent
What is their bedtime routine?
Shower at night in case he gets called in for a case in the middle of the night, change into pj's, skin care routine he was given by penny g, brush teeth, take medication (melatonin gummies, prescriptions, etc.), write a letter to his mom, make tea, read until he falls asleep
Describe their happiest birthday.
His first birthday with the team. The cake and celebration was a bit much for him but everyone was really sweet. Penelope had a small party for him in her batcave with several books he hadn't read, hotch told him he was proud of him and gave him a gift card to a coffee shop that he still goes to, jj got dinner with him (not a date, they're just pals and Spencer got over her after she misunderstood the date), gideon got him a gift that didn't have the intended effect, but jj and Spencer became close friends and the fact that gideon gave him a gift made him happy, elle got him some alcohol that he didnt ever drink, but it looked cool, and morgan agreed not to take him out to a bar, instead watching a movie together and giving him a supply of gummies that lasted 3 months
What makes them melt romantically?
Compliments on the smallest things, things he doesn't usually hear: how his hair looks, how a color looks on him, how compassionate he is
Also, seeing you wear his clothes
What was on the TOP of their Haukkah/Christmas/Birthday/etc list as a kid?
Yes!! I agree with everything, but I feel like once his dad left it got harder and harder to afford presents and stuff with his mom's condition making it hard for her to work steadily. So years she'd completely forget that it was his birthday or a holiday, but one year she remembered it was his birthday. They went to their local burger place and Spencer got a special birthday milkshake. In the park he'd lay on their picnic blanket and she'd read to him from the Little Prince, his favorite book growing up. It was her copy that her mom gave her and she passes it down to him. He holds on to it forever and it's his most favorite thing in the world.
What did their high school love letters look like?
His high school love letters, yes, would be quotes from romantic poets or writers because he doesn't have the words or confidence to articulate what he feels. Also, I think he'd feel more puppy love than actually "real love" because he's like younger than 12 in high school. I always thought it's a cute headcannon that 12 year old Spencer tutors high schoolers for extra pocket money. He goes to their houses, but at the one house the sibling has a younger sibling and he gets a massive crush on them and tries to tell them by slipping them a note in his messy handwriting.
What is their bedtime routine?
I did this for @reidslibrarybook and it's basically just getting clean, cats, and snuggles and sleeping till 11.
Describe their happiest birthday
Well, I kinda did this already... but I love yours! It's really sweet and I adore found family and they are the literal definition of found family. And their gifts are so perfect. Also, I'm cackling that amazing profiler Jason Gideon is a Jeider..like dude they have no chemistry how are you seeing this??? I'm questioning your skills, man.
What makes them melt romantically?
Spending time together, time is so valuable to Spencer and the idea that you'd carve out time of you days to spend with him, makes him feel special. I think he'd appreciate you doing little things for him too. Making sure he gets home safe from you apartment when you're just starting to date and don't feel comfy with sleepovers yet. Or random texts with the most random things that remind you of him. I think he'd be so flustered with compliments at first, which just makes you want to do them more. His cheeks would turn all red the first time you tell him he looks very handsome. He'd love it secretly, but protest externally. He would literally die if he saw you wearing his cardigans or sweaters and would resign to the fact that he's never getting them back.
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