#i didnt wanna come into work thinking about my car being fucked up but my manager immediately asked about it
maggot-baggage · 10 months
Hm idk if im being a bitch about the thing im mad about but i can thelp it
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calisaalutforchriss · 14 days
☆I need rest now, got me bummed out☆
summary: y/n, nick, matt, and chris, went to the mall. matt was being a dick to y/n. she cried in the bathrooms. nick got pissed off and yelled at matt. when she came back, matt said he didnt wanna go farther with the relationship. but thankfully, her best friend nick, is there for her.
a/n: guys ive been slacking sm, im so sorry. anywho, if you dont like it, idc, i could care less. youre the one reading. tysm for the requests. i love writing fluff. angst, cussing, use of y/n, crying, all photos r from pintrest.
𝕾𝖐𝖎𝖇𝖎𝖉𝖎 𝕿𝖔𝖎𝖑𝖊𝖙
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we got in the car, i sat next to matt. my boyfriend. i was so happy to go to the mall. i needed some new makeup, clothes, and a new pair of high heels. i was in the front seat with matt, chirs was in the back with nick. nick was begging me to give him the aux cord.
"come on, please?" nick begged
"no, you listen to fucking garbage." matt said coldly
my eyes widend. damn.
"fuck you, bitch" nick rolled his eyes
yup. typical nick response.
"how far is the mall?" i asked, trying to change the topic.
"i dont fucking know, check on your phone." matt said in a harsh voice
i nodded my head, a bit stunned. he never acted like this before...or at least not to me.
"uh...20 minutes?!" i was stunned, the mall was never that far.
"youre picked the wrong mall, idiot." matt says, his eyes not leaving the road.
"stop being a dick, matthew." nick said, eye bawling him in the review mirror.
"nobody asked you." matt protested, pulling into the parking lot.
i almost felt tears in my eyes. why is matt being a dick?...
"lets go y/n." nick said. we both got out the car. chris and matt bickered as we got into the mall.
"will you two just shut the fuck up?" nick asks, turning around at them as we walked into the food court.
"nick, were in public." chris whispers.
"i could give a fuck less. matt...whyre you being a dick?" nick asks, pointing at his chest.
"im not, you idiot." matt protests more.
"see? dick behavior." chris buds in.
"im gonna go to victoria's secret..." i say quietly and timidly.
"good. go." matt claps back.
i nod my head and walk to victoria's secret. but...i took an extra left, heading to the bathroom. i open the door and get in the stall. i sit on the toilet and cry. what. is. matt's. problem?!
a text from chris.
c: where are you? me and nick came to find you in the victoria's secret, but we cant.
oh shit...
y: oh yeah, sorry! im in the restroom, just had to touch up my makeup.
little did he know, my makeup was ruined.
i got up, and looked in the mirror. oh no...my makeup is smeared. everywhere...
c: do you mind hurrying up? no rush, but...kinda rush lol.
y: yeah! yeah! sorry, ill be out soon.
i immediately ran out, my heels clanking against the cold floor. i met chris.
"hey!" i say, smiling like nothing happened.
"what the hell happened?" nick asks, before i could respond matt buds in.
"damn, you look horrible. ugly, even." matt adds, chuckling.
i was absolutely speechless.
"i think we should go back home." chris adds, a look of sorry and worry in his eyes as a tear streams down my cheek.
the car ride home was absolute torture. no one talked. no one smiled. matt didnt put his hand on my thigh. my eyes didnt escape the trees from out the winodow.
"we're home." chris says softly.
"no shit." matt says, with attitude.
we all walked inside, i go into matts room. like i do, everyday.
"do you need a ride home or something? get like and uber or lyft." matt says, almost like he was implying, "get out"
"am i not staying?..." i asked, fidgeting with his pillow.
"look y/n. i dont think were gonna work out. im so done with our relationship. we cant keep going. youre amazing, y/n. you really are, but i cant."
"wait...what? lets talk about it first." i say, a tear streaming down my face as i quickly wiped it.
"no. i cant. ive made my decision."
i didnt say anything. i wanted to fight for us, dont get me wrong. but...with matt...hes always right...
i grabbed my bag and put my nike pandas on. i walked out, into nicks room.
"b-bye, nick. i love you and ill call you later, mkay?..." i said as i hugged him.
"arent you staying over?" nick asks, confused and hugged me back.
"im going home. me and matt are over." i blurted out, not letting him go.
"aw, no n/n. hes a dick anyway. youre perfect. hes short and has nose hair longer than his scalp hair. he stinks and showers in brown water. youre so beautiful, sweet, charismatic, and most importantly; sexy." nick added with kissy lips.
i laughed and let go of him, i sniffed and smiled.
"thanks." i gave him a quick squeeze before getting in my jeep. i drove home. that night, i cried. and cried. and cried.
i smiled as i laughed with nick on the phone, we were talking about the latest Rue Paul episode.
n: "and thats what im talking about!!"
we laughed and laughed.
oh...a text from matt...how wonderful...not.
the text read; "please come over, im bored."
y: "hell no." i muttered to myself.
n: "huh?"
i giggled
y: "not you, this dumbass wants me to come over. hold on."
"i need rest now, you got me bummed out🙄🙄🙄"
i hit the sent button and smiled.
y: "right?! trixie mattel is who i am mentally!"
i said in a giggle to nick.
@daniyummy thanks for thr rqqqq ilysmmm im sorry i hate this smmmmmmmmmmm
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barrysheoghan · 4 months
okay i was on the train zoning out when this scenario came up in my mind....... toxic!felix enthusiasts where you all at???
(sorry for any mistakes or incoherences, feel free to correct anything that seems wrong)
— cattonquick modern au where felix is very jealous and violent
ollie works at some bookselling place even though felix told him he didnt have to cause he's rich and he can provide for his boyfie yk. but ollie wants to do something productive during the day and he loves books so.... anyway, one night he asks felix if he can come pick him up since his shift ends quite late and felix obviously agrees cause he gets to show off his big expensive car and impress ollie's colleagues (of whom hes been jealous ever since ollie started mentioning having fun at work etc etc, especially of that one guy with whom ollie chats sometimes via text. yes, he regularly looks into ollie's phone, so what? thats what couples do.).
its 9:30pm, felix is right on time, parked in front of ollie's workplace, waiting. minutes go by and soon its 10pm and still no ollie in sight. they should have been home by now. one thing about felix : he hates waiting. and ollie's supposed to know that. he turns up the volume of the music he was listening to to match the anger that's quickly building up in his chest, making him sigh repeatedly, tap on the wheel and furiously chew on his nails. he also wants to make his presence known and hopes the loud noise will somehow make ollie get out faster.
what is he doing, for fuck sake. he grabs his phone and opens up his text message app, immediately landing on him and ollie's convo. he never replies to anyone else's texts so...
"Its been 30mins. Where are you?"
about five minutes later, the door opens up and ollie is finally out. felix stares, assuming he's going to rush to his car and apologize for being so late but, no, he lingers by the door. in fact, he's holding that door, clearly waiting for someone. soon enough, a silhouette appears and closes the shop after them. ollie stands there the whole time, waiting like a puppy, and felix can't believe his fucking eyes. he's literally fuming, his brain making up the worst scenarios of why ollie could possibly be late. and of course it involves him getting railed by his coworker.
ollie finally notices felix's car and jogs towards it. he opens up the passenger door and frowns at the loud music. felix thinks he's gonna get in quickly but he doesn't seem to want to leave. he slowly turns down the volume, not looking at ollie for one sec.
"hey! sorry im late! we were just gonna go to that one bar down the street. wanna come?" ollie says, a smile on his face, completely clueless.
"get in the fucking car." felix's voice is at its lowest pitch. he's trying to stay in control but his hands, so tightly clenched around the wheel, show that he's struggling to keep it together.
"what.... whats going on, felix?"
"don't make me say it again."
ollie gulps. felix is mad, and it doesn't look like one of his usual tantrums. he knows he should keep it low and do as he's told but he's had such a great day and he just doesn't want it to end! maybe he can get felix to calm down? he softens his tone.
"come on babe... let's go out! we'll have fun!" he leans in to put his hand on felix's arm, gently squeezing it.
the next second, he's forced into the car. felix's hand cups his cheeks, but not in a cute loving way. he's practically crushing ollie's jaw between his fingers. ollie's glasses have fallen somewhere on the car's floor and he can feel panic take over him. panic and........ some other tickling sensation he's quite fond of.
"you're hurting me-"
"shut the fuck up, ollie. shut your stupid fucking mouth. I've been waiting for your useless ass for half an hour and you think you can just come up to me all bubbly and nice and ask if i want to go have fun with you and some bitch who clearly wants to fuck you?" he's now yelling right in his face. "you wanna have fun? we'll have fun. just the two of us. at home."
he lets go of his face and reaches to close the door on ollie's side. his coworker is just standing there and watching them, looking really concerned.
"and don't you dare look at him. i'll break your nose and slaughter him." felix threatens, turning on the engine.
on the ride back home, ollie tries to make himself as small as possible, keeping his head down, shoulders in and, of course, squeezing his legs very, very tight. he has a vague idea of what's waiting for him once they get home and, boy, it's exciting.
the next day, he comes to work to hand in his resignation letter.
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queerbuckleys · 1 year
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BIG LOVE AHEAD [1.2k | cute| small town/coffee shop au] {ao3}
for @firemedicdiaz- I hope this can be a soft blanket of distraction <3. and for @singlethread- happiest of birthdays <3
surprise i wrote an au that didnt turn into a 20k+ saga lol. Title from Big Love Ahead by Mon Rovîa. enjoy!
Evan Buckley is absolutely soaked. Standing in the rain and miserable If he’s being truly honest with himself. But that’s the thing. He should be miserable. Because he just had his heart broken. He was supposed to have had the cinematic love story— from the meet cute while he had been helping Bobby host the annual toy drive to a kiss in the rain after they decided to exchange keys and each have a drawer at the other’s place, cheesy keys in a jewelry boxes, contact paper and all. But the box is in his jacket pocket and it’s pouring rain.  and Alex was the one with the car that night so Buck trudges towards home. Trying not to think about how this news will spread throughout town, for lack of a better term, like wildfire. 
Sure he could have called a cab had his phone not died of course. So yeah he was pretty much stuck walking through town, completely soaked. 
He's not sure why he stops on the corner that he does, maybe to take a break under the awning of the little coffee shop that opened recently. He had been meaning to stop by, but it felt like a betrayal against the old machine that sputtered out the perfect cup at the station. 
He runs a hand through his sopping curls. And he hears a crack of thunder and sees a flash of lightning. 
“Fucking hell,” he mumbles to himself. 
“You wanna come inside?” 
Buck jumps as he turns towards the door, where he finds a man about his age leaning out of it. He's wearing a henley and a flannel— both of which look impossibly soft. He has a towel sling over his shoulder and gentle eyes. 
“Aren’t you uh, closed?” 
“Technically, but when I see cute guys walking through severe weather I get concerned.” 
“I- um, I don't want to keep you. I really don’t live too far.” 
“I live upstairs,” The man says and shrugs, “and I can make you a hot beverage so you don’t get sick.” 
Buck swallows the fact that standing in the rain doesn't necessarily get you sick and accepts the offer. 
Once they are both inside the other man takes stock of him and how he’s dripping onto the welcome mat. 
“Uhh let me get you a towel— and maybe a change of clothes?” 
He’s gone before Buck can protest. 
He looks around the cozy shop and then locks eyes with a pair behind red glasses. The gaze scrutinizing. 
“Who are you?” the boy demands  
“Uh, my name's Buck.”
“That's a funny name. Why are you all wet?” 
“Christopher, what have I told you about rude questions buddy?” 
“It was a valid question. I just didn't know how to explain getting brutally dumped to a six year old.” 
“I'm seven!” Christopher pipes up. 
The man laughs shyly, “I'm Eddie Diaz by the way.” 
“Evan Buckley, but everyone calls me Buck” 
“You’re the…firefighter right?” 
Buck just buries his face in his hands, “Sorry there are approximately 10 queer people in this town and we must all know each other.”
“It’s okay. There’s a bathroom around that corner.” Eddie holds out a fluffy towel and what looks like a neatly rolled t-shirt and pair of basketball shorts, “sorry this is all I had that I  thought might fit.” 
“Hey, it’s better than what I've got on.” 
He exits the small bathroom feeling a bit refreshed and finds Eddie behind the counter seemingly hard at work at a new chalkboard sign. 
“Pick your poison—tea, cocoa, or decaf?” 
“Cocoa!” Buck brightens. 
“Are you really a firefighter?” Chris asks with the pure wonderment only a seven year old can have. 
“Yeah, I am!” 
“Can I come visit and slide down the pole and sit in the truck? Please?” 
Buck smiles so much it hurts his cheeks a little bit. 
He lowers his voice down to a conspicuous whisper, “You ask your dad and I'll ask my captain and we’ll see what we can do.” 
He knew Bobby would say yes, he loves having kids at the firehouse as long as they are respectful if they have to rush off. Which doesn’t happen all that often anyway. 
Eddie comes back to the table tray in hand, loaded up with two hot chocolates and a black coffee along with a cookie split into thirds. 
“Thank you, you really didn't have to do this.” 
Eddie waves it off as he brings his mug to his lips and takes a long sip of coffee. 
“Can we please visit Buck at the firehouse Dad?” 
Eddie smiles down at Chris and ruffles his hair, “Sure kid.” 
The beaming smile that comes in return nearly blinds Buck– and only makes him smile harder too. 
It’s two days later when Bobby texts that Marie (the coffee maker) has finally and officially shorted out (RIP) and asks Buck to bring a round of various coffee concoctions into work for the crew. 
So of course he stops by Eddie’s shop– which is of course swamped, because it's 7:30 on a Monday morning. 
Ravi, a kid he recognizes from one of their community events is behind the register while Eddie seems to be the one focusing on the drinks. 
“Hey um Ravi?” he asks while handing over the cash for the drinks, “Could you tell Eddie that I'm asking about my suit? He’ll know. Thanks.” he smiles as Ravi nods. 
It's later that day, they've cleaned the entire station, as per the Monday schedule, and even went on a few calls. 
“So,” Chimney pops his gum, “I hear that you had quite the roller coaster weekend in the relationship department, Buck.” 
Buck raises his eyebrow with uncertainty. 
“Well I heard that–”
“Stopping you right there Henrietta.” Buck replies holding up his hand. 
“Yes, Alex and I broke up. And yes I met Eddie who owns the coffee shop. That's it. Happy?” 
“Then what is Eddie doing here with a child and what appears to be your date night suit?” Chimney asks eyebrows climbing rapidly. 
“Just because that's all that happened doesn't mean- Hey you two!” 
“Ravi got your message to me, I took it to the dry cleaner. And I, um, thought you would want this back too." Eddie holds out the box tentatively. “I didn't realize it was that-”
“Oh,” buck smiles, opening the box, “it's just a key- it wasn't”
“Oh!” Eddie smiles, “well regardless. It's yours.” 
Buck glances over his shoulder to see that Bobby is entertaining Chris with a plastic firefighter helmet and the different parts of the engine. 
“Come here,” Buck takes Eddie's hand and pulls him further away from the prying eyes of his well meaning but nosy family. “So, I know I was just broken up with, but I would really like to take you out on a date sometime. Or just for dinner, as a thank you. Totally fine if-”
“Yes, I'll go on a date with you.” Eddie encroaches further into his space and brushes a light kiss over his lips. “Wanted nothing more since I saw you sopping wet under the awning.” 
Buck rolls his eyes and laughs. 
“So Buckley, are we gonna get free coffee out of this whole deal or what?” Chimney asks, leaning against the engine. 
He looks up at Eddie and whispers, “you can say no,” in his ear. 
“Dad, Dad, Dad, can you and Buck help me down the firefighter pole?” Chris asks, rocking excitedly on his crutches. 
“Let’s do it!” 
Eddie looks over at Buck, smiling in a way that makes Buck realize exactly where Chris gets it from, and just reflects it back.
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weebsinstash · 11 months
Same abo person here
Dude you didnt have to come at me like that with that Izuku shit. I've already been feeling more down bad for him than I ever have because I just finished season 6 and vigilante Izuku in the costume just hit me different.
Ok but like secretary or assistant Izuku who slips some shit in your coffee or beverage of choice, maybe even lunch while already having taken something himself. Planning it just so your both in a small space when it happens, my thought is if your big(in terms of a company role or whatever) enough maybe a limo or maybe he might be personally driving you somewhere for work. Just for it to kick in and well we dont want to risk crashing right? Then Izuku insists that when the other one of you starts to show signs they must've gotten triggered by the other.
And if the two of you somehow end up not fucking the next time he sees you at work he is apologizing profusely. Apologizing for not keeping track of his heats or your ruts, apologizing for his begging and pleading because it must've be so hard for you to hold back, and how 'unprofessional' it was that he acted that way with a co-worker let alone a superior.
Worst part is this just pushes him to want you more. Afterall, your such a kind and strong willed alpha to be able to keep yourself off him, not wanting to 'force' yourself on him. Not having listened to any begging because he 'wasn't in the right state of mind'.
Thing was, he absolutely was at least in the beginning. He basically immediately started begging, crying, and maybe even screaming as soon as he felt the mildest twinges of his heat. Not like you'd know though, with the way he was acting he sounded like he was dying.
Bruh deadass I have absolutely awful at keeping with anime, I think a big factor is that my laptop I bought several years ago has severely degraded in performance quality so like I basically watch anime anymore unless it's on YouTube or like I can see if my TV streaming whatever has anime on it but. My dudes I've literally been meaning to catch up with MHA since season 4 which is funny bc I still have a draft w him I wanna finish. I've mentioned it before but, it's a quirkless AU where he's your wealthy renowned psychiatrist while you're involuntarily admitted into a hospital and it devolves into him extending your stay there on purpose just so he can spend time with you and eventually when he finds out another doctor discharged you while he was away for a conference he just decides to straight up kidnap you for further "therapy" that eventually further devolves into "I see you have problems being comfortable with men therefore I'm gonna fuck you as exposure therapy :) I am Totally Not An Obsessed Creep"
Izuku really is one of those yandere that, whether consciously/intentionally or not, fully takes advantage of the fact you think he's so sweet and unassuming. If he does something that wrongs you or upsets he comes back and apologizes so sweetly and tries to make it up to you and like, it IS genuine but he is also just wanting you to be completely on his side so, he be doing a little bit of lying sometimes
Izuku: oh my goodness I am so sorry about us "somehow" getting locked in that room I had a key for (I totally didn't sabotage the key so it would break and we would be locked in). I just couldn't control myself, I barely even remember what happened, I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable, please don't hate me 🥺
Izuku when you two were trapped in a car or elevator or broom closet or some shit just the day before, in heat but also lucid enough to know exactly what he's doing: *sits DIRECTLY in your lap so his scent floods your noses* oh my gosh I just think you would look so beautiful with a little baby belly 🥺🥺🥺 PLEASE let me see you with my baby *keeps wiggling his hips on purpose to try and stimulate you, keeps touching you with his hands trying to peel your clothes off* I promise I'll take care of all of you, PLEASE have my pups, I am IN PAIN right now 😩😩😩 *continues to whimper and whine and shit trying to make you pity him because he knows you have a good heart*
Just full on drugs you so you go into a rut, and then if you ever "slip up" and fuck him, well, he isn't going to let you GET RID OF any potential pups that might come out of it. NOW the tactic is to emotionally manipulate you "oh no, our pups are innocent, PLEASE don't KILL THEM, it ISNT RIGHT, they DESERVE TO LIVE, I WANT MY BABIES, I already TOLD MY MOM SHE HAS GRANDCHILDREN"
Izuku is one of those "and then when she gets pregnant we can move into a nice big house and it might be a little rocky at first but she'll definitely love me if I keep trying and show her my heart" kind of yandere but like, he definitely has the capacity to snap from stress. You're working in an office with him or wherever and for some reason a lot of your male and or Alpha coworkers keep getting mysteriously injured? Did you hear how Shouto somehow slipped down the stairs and broke his leg from a mysterious grease spot right by the stairs? Or how Bakugou got horrrriiible food poisoning after that cookout event held last week that Izuku DEFINITELY didn't bring poison to? God, did you hear about Yoarashi? His brakes failed and he RAN HIS CAR OFF A BRIDGE AND ALMOST DIED
And here's Izuku "oh gosh, there's been so much bad news around the workplace recently, so I brought you this little treat to help ease the stress ^^" and there's 'definitely' not any drugs in it cause he finally bought his dream home to steal you away to, 'promise'
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winderlylandchime · 8 months
3x03 1/3 He is ready with a soda, coffee and a pack of cigarettes. The essentials to watch qaf: ‘okay let’s do this! How will they piss me off now?..look at my Bri Bri hanging out with his son! BRIAN? VOLUNTEERING? Yeah, right. He made files for them? I need an episode where they just show him working and coming up with shit because I wanna see my baby shine!!! HE IS MAKING THEM PAY THEM? HAHAHA GOOD FOR HIM! *he is now screaming on top of his lungs* 100% OF NOTHING OR 80% OF MORE THAN YOULL EVER FUCKING DREAM OF. BRIAN FUCKING KINNEY!!! although he would deliver that line bette- oh I don’t like that car.’ Tv is now paused because he has a lot of feelings about the car. ‘Jeep was better. Jeep is better! But if he wanted a classic or something cool, why not a mustang or something? And i know what youre gonna say! (I want everyone to know, i wasnt gonna say shit since idk shit about cars) People think ‘vette is better but i, a proud owner of a mustang 66 *holds his palm up* DIS *snaps his hand down* AGREE. This *waves to paused corvette* is shaped like a peanut! Nobody wants to drive in a peanut. Nobody likes that car unless they are 70. Why would he buy this? I get that he’s spending money cause he misses Justin but this? Not cute. And not to be hetero car dude but i just want to know what does he like about a peanut shaped car?’ There was A LOT more about the car..A LOT more. It involved youtube videos. ‘EVEN MIKE KNOWS ITS BOYFRIEND REPLACEMENT! FINALLY I AGREE WITH MI-oh god, see what this peanut did to me? It made me agree with Mike. YOU DID HAVE A BOYFRIEND! Oh look! Bri Bri isn’t suicidal about being 30 anymore. (Brian says he plans on being dead by 39) well never-fucking-mind. You are most definitely *starts singing* STAYIN ALIVE, STAYIN ALIVE AH AH AH AH STAYIN ALIVEEEEEEE BECAUSE I, I, I WONT LET YOU DIEEEEEE. Ohhhhh road trip to New York? COUNT ME IN! I love New York! Is he gonna go to new york and then blondie goes after him to kinda make a cool parallel to the time blondie ran off to new york? OH MY GOD I WAS SO WRAPPED UP IN THE PEANUT I DIDNT NOTICE THEYRE PLAYING MY FAVORITE SONG!! Stupid fucking peanut’ ‘i love seeing Debbie smile and happy but a cop? Really?’ ‘ITS BRIAN! Why does he look nervous? Did he just stumble? HES GOING TO JUSTIN?!?! OH MY GOD OKAY OKAY (his name) BE CHILL! We can do this, chill *pauses the tv and actually physically shakes his whole body* HE HAS A PROPOSITION?! Of course he went to Blondie for it, is he trying to win him back-no! We aren’t doing that Bri! He fucked up. But seriously is he trying to win him back? DIDNT HE TEACH YOU ANYTHING? Never do what youre good at for free! *waves to Brian* he is so hot.’ ‘What procedure did Melanie do? I dont wanna be dumb and wrong but how could she have something wrong with her uterus and then a laser can fix it all? That sounds wrong, did a man write this? Probably. Who will be the fath-BRIAN?! He didn’t even cause you that much problems. WHO KNOWS IF HES EVEN NEGATIVE?! FUCK YOU BITCH! FUCK YOU ALL THE WAY DOWN TO HELL! He better not give her his sperm!’ Ethan just popped up on tv ‘OH FUCKING HELL i forgot he existed since i havent seen him in a while. HOW DARE YOU CALL HIM JUS! Nobody. Nobody on this Gods green earth is a bigger snob than you goat boy. No, someone HE knows, YOU don’t even know how to properly shave, call me back when you can actually grow a beard. He isn’t trying to win him back because HE didnt do anything wrong! You are SO fucking jealous. Jealous of his money, jealous of his life and jealous of his looks….rightfully so. But it doesn’t look good on you swetheart, just like that goatee. PROVE IT? I am begging every god that has ever been talked about to PLEASE MAKE THIS STOP’ *immediately pauses tv* ‘every time someone does or says something nice to BriBri, he asks what they want, HAS NO ONE BEEN NICE TO HIM EVER?! Except blondie until he fucked it up. And me! I’m nice to him too! I don’t want Brian to have more kids, i know theyre cute but what if you end up with a boring kid? What if you end up having a Ben?’
CARNIVAL! Such a good episode.
Brian making them pay him is so iconic. This guy.
YES I know nothing about cars so I'm glad your brother can weigh in that the Jeep is far better than the 'vette. Sorry not sorry, the corvette does look like a peanut and it screams mid-life crisis. And just to point out 30 IS NOT MID LIFE. (Sorry read a fic [in a different fandom] where the two characters were 34 and described as middle aged and I had to throw my phone across the room).
Your brother describing Brian as so hot gives me life. Thank you. And yes to all the screaming that he goes to Justin for the poster. You just know that was in his mind the entire time he was negotiating.
‘What procedure did Melanie do? I dont wanna be dumb and wrong but how could she have something wrong with her uterus and then a laser can fix it all? That sounds wrong, did a man write this? Probably. YES men definitely wrote this. Otherwise the female representation would have been... y'know... representative.
Melanie trying to decide who the father should be and then 100% goes with the most wrong choice ever. Let Emmett father a child!
Jealous of his money, jealous of his life and jealous of his looks….rightfully so. But it doesn’t look good on you swetheart, just like that goatee. <- this is legendary and I will never ever be able to watch Ethan and not think this.
very time someone does or says something nice to BriBri, he asks what they want, HAS NO ONE BEEN NICE TO HIM EVER?! Except blondie until he fucked it up. And me! I’m nice to him too! HAPPY SIGH. He gets it, he really really gets it. The people I have coming to me about the house on fire analogy he made. I'm telling you, you've got to introduce your brother to fanfiction...
What if you end up having a Ben. I DIE. (also, true)
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t0rturedangel · 1 year
Ummmm im sorry to bother but can we get some frank knight x reader fluff please
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Frank Knight x Reader - fluff
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A/N :: Sorry i havent been posting guys ! I havent had much motivation but now i'll post more i promise ! Also i have more new fandoms i'll write for <33 ALSO THIS WAS REQUESTED TWICE SO I HOPE THE SECOND PERSON WHO REQUESTED THIS IS HAPPY WITH THIS !!
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" Y/n, my office now please " You heard the familiar voice of your chief, sighing you got up ignoring all the cheeky whispers from your colleges as you walked to her office, they snickered, eyes following you making you uncomfortable.
Entering the office you noted how your chief was clearly annoyed, sitting down she began to talk. " Thank you for coming Y/n " she sighed and in return you gave her a nervous smile " My pleasure Chief, so- uhm what did i do wrong now? " you asked thinking you messed up again as you did have a reputation of being a trouble maker, the only reason why she kept you with the team is because you're a relative of hers and she has a soft spot for you.
" You didn't do anything n/n, its Frank " your eyes widened for a second and one of your brows raised, confusion evident of your features " What about him? What did he do? " Leaning forward you held the end of her desk for support of your upper body " He's gotten really drunk again and i want you to find him and look after him- also please try to sober him up he has a new case " " So i have to baby sit him? " you deadpanned, disappointed you'd much rather be in trouble rather than look after Frank, you didnt hate the guy its just that sometimes he was too much.
" In a way yes, i do hope this isnt an issue, is it? " Her gaze darkened and you knew that you had no say in the matter so you didnt even bother to try and argue with her " Nope, it isnt an issue auntie, i'll go and babysit him " you groaned standing up and quickly leaving her office not letting her lecture you about calling her auntie at work
It didnt take you long to find Frank, he was by a pub laughing and singing his drunk heart out and bursting your eardrums out while he does. No, seriously, he sucks at singing. Getting out of your car you went over to the older man " Frank! Buddy hey, what cha doing ? " You grinned even though you knew what he was doing and wanted to create a conversation with him to distract him while leading him back to the car.
Frank 'huh-ed' in a slurred voice before turning to you a wobblily grin on his face as he registered who you were " Y/N !!!! " He yelled out swinging an arm around your shoulders pulling you into a hug to which you gaged " Ew- fuck Frank you reek of booze and vomit ! " you glared at him slightly pushing him as a way of getting away from him and his stench but he held on firmly " I dont fucking stink you little cheeky twat " he pulled you closer making you gag " Fucks sake Frank ! " you hissed " We need you to get sobered up ! You have a new case to work on ! " " Oh my fucking god " Frank groaned his grip loosened letting you easily get away from him.
" I dont wanna work on shit- " " You think i dont know that? You alway complain about it but you cant do anything about it so why dont you shut up and lets go get you some water yeah? " You grabbed the back of his shirt and led him to the car despite his and his friends' rebottle against you doing so.
Quickly you both sat down in the car, you being in the divers seat and Frank in the passengers, pulling out a cold water bottle you turned to him " This might not help- like at all- but still drink this, you need something different than beer " and as you chucked the bottle over he barely caught it, groaning as he gulped down massive amounts of the flavorless liquid. After he was done he looked over at you a small smile on his face as his eyes glossed over slightly. Was he about to cry? What for?
" Ya know kid, i like you " "Frank you have a wife " " NOT LIKE THAT !- I mean- you remind me of my girls ya know? you just remind me so much of them with your personality and all that other shit " You sighed and shook your head slightly " Thank for that Frank, now i think you should go to sleep might help speed up the sober-ing up process " that comment made you receive a scoff from Frank before he leaned back and immediately passed out.
Starting up the car you looked over to the sleeping man a small smile on your face " Thanks for that Frank, you know you remind me of a dad . . . " gripping the steering wheel you drove off not noticing the grin on Franks face
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reineyday · 1 year
I wanna know about 1 and 2 on that list of wips!
!!! the billy ones!!!
billy has the right to be mad at the party for not even trying to save him
uhh this one is (was?) a wip that im trying to reorganize. i wanted it to be a s4 au where eddie, nance, steve & rob are in the upside down like canon, and find billy there. when billy shows himself to be knowledgeable about the area, what's been going on, and on vecna, both nancy and steve start talking to him like he's automatically gonna help them and then billy's like "uh no fuck you, get out yourselves." and it's shooting himself in the foot bc theyre he didnt even know he could leave till they showed up, but also he's had months and months alone in this hell with the guy who possessed him, and plenty of time to relive the way nancy and steve came at him with their cars and their guns so fuck them. he ends up helping cuz he's bot stupid and wants out but stull yknow. he'll be mad about it. it's still harringrove tho LOL.
my first draft of this accidentally turned into this billy & eddie friendship short fic by mistake (which u commented on! thank u!). actually, answering this really helped me out w figuring out the plot better so double thanks! 🥰
knock knock bitch
IVE BEEN SO EXCITED ABT THIS IDEA RECENTLY LOL it's a crack-taken-seriously fic that starts in max's scene with vecna in "dear billy" where she's up against the wall in that house with vecna's hand up against her face, and before he gets her or she escapes, billy's voice interrupts with a loud "KNOCK KNOCK BITCH," actually knocking on what passes for a door in the upside down creel house door, and then he comes in with a hairspray flamethrower and vecna roars like "not you AGAIN" but billy's already spraying flames at vecna and grabbing max's wrist and running.
she's panicked and confused, and then gets more panicked and confused when billy starts yelling to head over to base three and she's like??? what??? but then notices he's not yelling at her and she looks up to see chrissy cunningham, fred benson and patrick mckinney--the coma kids???--running and keeping pace with her and billy, and they all have their own makeshift weapons (billy's got an axe strapped to his back, chrissy also has a hairspray flamethrower and a bat on her back, patrick's got a crowbar and a broken hockey stick fashioned into some sort of spear, and fred has?? a crossbow????), and they all seem to know where theyre running.
there's more plot about how jason ends up starting his witch hunt against eddie and the living statuses of all of them, but yeah, the premise is that billy's been running around in the upside down being a general asshole to vecna and saving the s4 gate kids and teaching them how to survive, and ive become attached to their weapons and the kinds of conversations they have at night. they work out together to keep their cardio up. billy and patrick have talked about their abusive parents. chrissy's taught them all cheer maneouvers that have helped them get out of tight spots. fred has an archery hobby cuz i think he'd be best at long range considering how he's the only one that's not a jock lol.
max is the one that finally brings in the knowledge of how they might be able to get back to their bodies--theyve been stuck in comas, some of them with a gnarly twisted limb or two, but otherwise fine--and they start questioning how billy's there, and if he has a body in a coma too that no one knows about. 👀 havent figured out what to do about the music element waking them up thing yet tho, since max & the party already know about it at that point, and that would end the coma plot point early... yeah.
thanks for asking!!! and for always replying so kindly to my comments on ao3 lol i know u fielded a whole bunch of them just recently. cheers!!
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dinopant · 8 months
You were written up for telling a swiftie to not play her Taylor Playlist?? Please tell that story, that's so wild sjfbjsbd
it really wasnt anything big or special honestly
but uh, the day the taylor swift playlist got re-added aback to the starbucks radio rotation
my coworker who looOOVES Taylor Swift, spent the whole day repeatably turning the radio back to the taylor swift playlist, for out ENTIRE shift. Telling everyone around her all the taylor swift trivia she knew about every song
i didnt say anything! its not a big deal, i think its annoying but whatever. i have bigger fish to fry and care about.
BUT, that same day I was just informed my car was beyond help and was not drivable, so i was without a car
fucking sucks, but i was taking it in strides, as it was all I could do. Be a big boy and just deal
but i go back in two days later, tired, the car stress has started to actually settle in, and its a the day starbucks is doing their stupid half price all ice drinks and its so fucking busy
im really not feelin it! i really didnt want to be there but, sucks to suck, get through the day
but uh, i was like
i wanna do something nice for me! im gonna turn the 80s playlist on, its my favorite
so i queue up the 80s to play
and my Swiftie coworker, who didnt see me do this, had no idea i had just selected a playlist
overrides that choice and put the taylor swift playlist on again
long story short, I told her in qoute 'I cant take anymore taylor swift, i cant fucking take it today'
a bit too loud, a bit too venomous and on the floor in front of customers
i immediately left the bar and went to the bathroom to cry and calm down, realizing i was in no shape to talk to others without being rude. I asked my coworker to come to the back so i may apologize for my behavior, for like. 10 minutes.
and i got someone to cover my shift and i went home unable to continue my shift in my state.
In my YEARS of working, i have never snapped at anyone, or had to leave work early. its just not something iv done and i know i was in the wrong
anyways, that coworker despite everything still went to our store manager to tell her what happen and that 'i know this isnt Sammi's normal behavior, but he made me uncomfortable'
so in short, i was written up for a single moment of rudeness toward the Swiftie at work after she wouldnt stop playing tayolor swift music nonstop.
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pissmoon · 1 year
I am so fucking pissed at this guy. He thinks we are bffs because we went to one music fest together and we were smoking when i had nothing better to do. He bothered me and whined and begged that i cover 2 of his shifts so he can go to Berlin with family. I almost always agree to shifts exchanges with coworkers when i can but in this case there was a huuuge joint bday party 2 coworkers were throwing and i told him i want to go and he was offended (i was invited and he was not🙃)...? And it pissed me off how like... He planned an abroad trip with family but he didnt bother to take paid vacations leave he just assumed i'll always exchange shifts with him whenever he asks because i cant possibly have plans and life of my own and he felt entitled to it?? I ended up agreeing tho bc there was 1 shift he could take so i have 5 days off in a row. If its sooooo important to him that he's been bothering me for 1 fucking week. So, 1 hour after we and our manager signed our exchange shifts paper he told me he is too depressed to go to work and cover one of those two shifts of mine and he'll be taking sick leave 'but dont worry you will not get in trouble because i'll 100% be on the second one'. Yea we had a shift together and he didnt tell me that before i signed the shit even tho he already knew! I was so pissed but I believed him and i was kinda too excited about having 5 days off in a row. Next fucking day he tells me he's not going to Berlin with family on that date and if i wanna go with him for 1 or 2 days on my 5 days off. At first i thot well if u dragged me in the middle of this mess you can take me to Berlin in exchange for the hussle. But after 1 day i realized wait ill be on the first day of my period no way i am going to sit in a car/train for hours and then walk around Berlin when its all windy and cold and told him that. He came to my apt uninvited as he always does and kept being like pls pls pls pls go with me. I was like dude idk if i feel right yea maybe but ill probably wont even be able to get out of bed. He took that as a yes i guess and went to a pub with the main gossiper coworker and a MANAGER as he was on sick leave and BRAGGED about how he is going to Berlin with me. On sick leave when he was supposed to cover my shift. Like he made it look like i intentionally exchanged knowing he wont come to work so we can go together? Of course i didnt even feel like going anywhere on my period but he had to tell everyone. And bam big fucking surprise. He promised i wont get in trouble because he 100% will cover that second shift right. He fucking forgot about it and went to Ukraine of all places and called in with some 'my kid is sick' bullshit to work. And he bragged to me about all the trips he had to be on because he was too sad to go to work as i was getting in trouble at work because of him!! He knows damn well our workplace puts bans on exchanging shifts on ppl who fool around like this. I dont give a shit if he gets not so legit sick leaves but he dragged me in the middle of this mess like what for? He fucking gets 4 sick leaves a week to get out of work he can travel whenever he wants. To be petty and selfish now - I didnt go to that coworkers party, i was banned from exchanging shifts along with him. I talked to the boss and they unbanned me after 1 week, but before that happened uhh. I missed the concert by patriarchy and spit mask because i could not exchange a shift with anyone. God i hate this dude so much now how can one be this immature and selfish like what are you 11. I told him it him it was selfish and entitled behavior and i feel like he used me and didnt care ill get in trouble and he didnt reply since. He didnt even say fucking sorry
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37q · 1 year
so yall know i gotta lor sis righ. well. fuck dude. those obligations from earlier. part rant part support seeking skip to the very end for that second part
context. 17 y/o not in school, homeless, lowkey estranged from her parents. father is unemployed and lying abt it, abusive and his ego is constantly reacting to his material precaritys impact on his manhood, sits at my old shop all day doing nothing. mom, actually employed, covering for dad, also used to work at my old shop before being fired for stealing a stack of cash, getting worse w her precarity and also sits at the shop a lot a lot. no idea where her lor bro sleeps. no idea how old he is too, could be 12 in an 8 year olds body for all i kno
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so i pick her up at 1030, we go to the mall and check the ubreakifix type place and they dont work on iphone 8s. bet. we have a spare XR she bought off her big bro. missing sim tray, got a free replacement from the shop. go to the apple store, the XR is permalocked unless factory reset from the icloud acct tethered to the device (truly dystopian imo), schedule genius bar appt for tmrw at 11. take her back to her friends house, the one i hired a month before i left so she could have a comrade and a place to stay nearish work that isnt her moms (although they were kicked out of their motel right when i hired steven i think. so, unhappy coincidence?).
sis works then so i drop her off at work at 9 and take her phone w me. go home come back to the mall. genius at the bar says its busted, whatever. not like i been sayin that. its missing like the bottom 1/5 of the backing like straight up exposed circuitry and she leans it on its bottom edge on whatever flat surface she can find at her perpetually wet food service job. refurbished options more expensive than the cheap 'new' products, not saying much tho. deliver busted phone and info to her -- her mom and dad are there ofc -- go home. later pick her up that night (last night) and drive her to her gfs in the heights. oh also dropping steven and their mutual friend off at stevens on the way. whatever its like literally en route its actually kinda perfect every time.
apparently im picking her up this morning. Okay. oh yeah shes locked out of her paycard account. she locks the card when shes at 0 in case she gets an auto withdrawal thatll overdraft her. she got paid today so she was gonna unlock it but how did she access her acct previously? thumbprint. no password memory whatsoever. pretty fair, id say? she texted me asking for the last 4 of her SSN this morning. nobody picked up her call to the bank(?) until she called them in the car with me. the form required to change login credentials when u dont have account access required those digits and a form of photo id. no ability to access it from her ADP because the pw changed at some point but it still took her print.
reminder. shes homeless and out of school. she has a birth certificate but thats where my certainty of her documentation ends. ive run into this before where i wanted to start a real bank acct for her but they require legally viable photo id and even non driver state ids require 1. proof of permanent residence (X) and 2. proof of enrollment in school for minors (X) at the MVA.
so anyways weve kinda hit a wall with the limitations her unsupportive parents / guardians have provided! its taking up a large portion of my emotional, mental, physical, and temporal space in life right now so i wanted to make a post about it. my little bandaid desire is to at least set her up with a new phone which i estimate would be $200 minimum for actual 'verified third party vendors of used phones' but ugh i didnt budget for this.
oh the support seeking! if you know me and wanna ease the load on my sisters shoulders a but, id be grateful for some help raising funds for a new phone! ill include some $ links. if were unacquainted but youre reading this anyway and have a spare $5 wed love the support! thanks for reading :)
cashapp: $rmwperfect | venmo: @rmwperfect | paypal: @37q
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hatsunerandal · 1 year
part six of my playlist analysis!!
part 1 <;- part 2 &lt;- part 3 <- part 4 <- part 5 <- BACK TO THE SOUP WITH YEE
la seine - vanessa paradis no fucking clue what theyre saying but lockwood does idk he just knows french i feel it in my bones. he taught lucy the girls part and they sing it together. he didnt tell her wtf it meant hto and i think thats funny.
merry go round of life - nuvo orchestra THEY DANCE TO IT IN THE KITCHEN LATE AT NIGHT WHEN GEORGE IS ASLEEP SO THEY DONT WAKE HIM WAILS SOBS CRIES.  father - the front bottoms do i remember lockwoods canon relationship with his late father? no!! have i decided he has daddy issues?? yes!! (other than his dad being. dead. yk) young girl a - siinamota go look up the english lyrics. have fun. :) a match into water - pierce the veil we've seen how protective lockwood is of lucy, now what if someone almost killed her? think about that for a little bit smile. faster car - loving caliber this is about to give some people fucking WHIPLASH. im not even gonna explain this one cuz i wanna see how many people get it. its only sex - car seat headrest this song is just me projecting onto lockwood so im not. gonna vent here LMAOO laugh till i cry - the front bottoms more lockwood being reckless after lucy left? methinks yes. meteor shower - cavetown (i dont support or even like cavetown all that much i just have an emotional attachment to this song dont kill me please) RHHHGHGHGHFH THIS SONG IS SO CUTE ITS SO THEM ITS SO DOMESTIC AND SILLY JUST IMAGINE IF THE PROBLEM DIDNT EXIST AND THEY COULD GO OUT INTO A FIELD AT NIGHT (if they lived somewhere were feilds existed obv) AND LOOK AT THE STAIRS IM ACTIVELY SOBBING. ribs - lorde this song puts me into an immense state of grief everytime i hear it because it has one of those "nostalgia for something that never existed vibes" and i cherish it so dearly for that and it just gives them vibes. it fits their trio so well (i love holly but she doesnt exist yet here). alien blues - vundabar this is self explanatory i think. come a little closer - cage the elephant this one is similar to ribs for me. where is my mind - the pixies soft nighttime vibes reading together before snuggling up and going to bed <33. its ok i wouldnt remember me either - crywank lockwood thinking about death and how much he has to work with death just knowing jess is right there :( its one of those days when he just cant. get out of bed. luce and george always help him through those days, but its still hard.
memento mori - crywank same thing slightly different font. creature - half.alive uhh fuck you [throws religious trauma at lockwood] my alcoholic friends - the dresden dolls angry lockwood, but not anyone in particular, just angry at the system and the way it treats kids. because its a fucking nightmare and i hate the government. two birds - regina spektor owie owie owie norrie and lucy but the one who stayed didnt have a choice :(. i love you so - the walters rrhhfhhfhfhfhd angst angst angst theyre both feeling like their to much so they both start distancing when literally all they want is to be in the others arms but they cant because theyre afraid. goodbye, my danish sweetheart - mitski i love this song sm its so lucy idek why its just. her. cigarettes & feelings - the haunt absolutely locklyle skirting around talking about their feelings for WAYYY to long. perfume - lovejoy ouch lockwood constantly smelling lucys perfume wherever he goes after she leaves, he sees her shadow everywhere, thinks he sees her out of the corner of his eyes, but shes not there. its all futile! its all pointless! - lovejoy lockwood and his suicidal-ness just thinking for to long about how long he has to live and how hard it will all be. ramblings of a lunatic - bears in trees lockwood ranting to lucy late at night with her hands in his hair just listening to him talk about random shit but theyre together so its ok. snakes - mccafferty i have a slight mccafferty problem can you tell? i dont even know it feels like another just 'them talking' song. the house with no doorbell - mccafferty this entire song is so lockwood coded i will die on this hill. drop from our windows - mccafferty same as the last one. fentanyl - mccafferty i dont actually really know for this one i just think its lockwood vibes. water fountain - alec benjamin what lockwood thinks is gonna happen if lucy hangs out with kipps LMAOO. this is sorta a joke but hes genuinely scared that kipps is going to steal her from him. nights like these - pigeon pit another lucy-and-lockwood-are-both-having-breakdowns-and-panic-attacks-but-seperately-wishing-they-could-be-together type beat. little lion man - mumford & sons lockwood thinking about jess -> could also be lockwood thinking about how he drove lucy away after she left. trees II - mccafferty jesus i have a mccafferty problem. 'i need you more than you need me' NO YOU BOTH NEED EACHOTHER AND YOU DONT RELAIZE IT BECAUSE YOURE TOO BUSY BEING SCARED OF OPENING UP TO THE OTHER ONE DAMMIT. twin size mattress - the front bottoms yk i had to. lockwood is an angsty lad we know he aboslutely loves tfb. aesthetic? (more like ass-pathetic) - panuccis pizza lockwood you sad sad little man. internet ruined me - wilbur soot OK I KNOW. WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. but the actual sound of it gives lockwood vibes. not the lyrics but the sound. first love/late spring - mitski this is such a lucy song come ON its so her the whole 'i was so young when i behaved 25'??? literally her. helium - glass animals its just. its so them. also kinda feels like george watching their relationship unfold and being jealus vibes WHICH IS WHY I PROPOSE QPR- [gunshots] https://open.spotify.com/track/2BlDX1yfT0ea5wo0vjCKKa?si=32f77e7933024562 <- link because i dont know japanese!! this!! song!! if you where on anime tiktok at anypoint in time you know it and you know why its here.
1983 - neon trees dancing in the kitchen vibes. little talks - of monsters and men this song makes me so distraught but its another situation with talking to the moon (bruno mars) where its lockwood talking to himself in his room, pretending hes talking to lucy. and the series goes on!! we're more than halfway through tho :D part 7 here we go!!
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hailieshapedbox · 1 year
my younger cousin has a lot of mental health issues and its really affecting everyone in the house n we dont know how to help him help himself/: its a bit tormenting on everyone. ive tried to help a lot but i had to stop bc it was affecting my mental health and he started be really mean, now i see why everyone has to minimize how much they can help and be around. i just gotta vent real quick though bc i cant take this sometimes. my uncle missed his psych appointment with his main dr. twice and had me reschedule it bc his assistants that fuck everything up, had it all fucked up. i made my uncle buy a whiteboard to keep track of all his shit bc i have enough projects for myself, i texted him multiple times throughout the week about the appointment and helped with other reminders on top of other things for his business (and his friends jewelry start up). i texted him the day before and the day before that about the appointment, i put a post it note on the coffee maker that his friend just let fall aside and got coffee all over (but still it was right on the counter), and he still woke me up to ask me what time it was at and even had the nerve to tell me to get ready in an hour to “help get him going and get him over there”. bruh i went back to sleep, i was up for 2 hours tryna sleep laying there like a dead fish or whatever they say n barely got a couple hours. ive told him so many times ive been dealing with insomnia and he just thinks everyone has trouble sleeping and doesnt understand n ive told him im underweight and how i have no energy and its like nobody ever hears me when i ask for help. hes woken me up probably 10x now n i started hurting myself tbh bc my peace was being too intruded. i got handle and control of that though, i dont wanna hurt myself you know. but only coping method that ever helped. whatever when i got up i did knock on my cousins door n ask if he heard his dad and i texted him bc he didnt say anything. i went to go work out. when my uncle got home he saw me working out and tried to get me to go with and ik its only bc he wants me to sit in the office so he can nap in the car. i even made a joke about it and he agreed laughing and went to go take a nap. instead of going to tmobile to get this kid a new sim card that hes been needing and begging for for going on two months. lmao bruh i try
this was just one morning i could write books of diary entries accumulating my emotions but i dont have time for that tbh im procrastinating n finally writing out bc i just want this week to be over i want it to be monday i want it to be next month when my brothers getting here and my mom comes over and imma make ed come back in town.
idk if yall noticed but until valentines day, i hadnt posted anything the entire month of february. took this long being single to realize valentines day is my favorite holiday and i couldnt missy opportunity to share my heart. i even posted on iG for the first time in like a year. i love love, its all i am, its all i need.
ive had so many post ideas too, but everyone is asking so much of me. its crazy because a few months ago i fucking begged the universe for more responsibility and god damn did i get it, im really trying hard to manage and stay aligned any way i can. im getting close to getting really good. im tryna get there so soon bc i see it through so clear but i just cant. even stopped drinking and cut back on weed a bit bc i just dont have time for it.
i had a whole other thing to rant about and i could have so many others, does kinda help to vent it especially writing. i forgot what it was once i started writing about valentines day and happier things. its funny how easy it is to flow into different emotions, yet so hard to control that and discipline that. even when i then after put myself into my happiest spaces, just doesnt always work. thats why when i see the opportunity for happiness i take it and thats why i dont get stuck on things easy, i hate stagnacity (wrote a song about that the other day). not easily influenced, but easily inspired. music actually usually does it. well imma go see if it still smells like campfire in the shower n do that or something else productive n try to make the most of whats left of the day. fuck i usually post this kinda stuff in the middle of the night so not to many people see it, i try not to be a bother or negative. love you all always
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Kelechi quotes
All of these quotes , you said. I have not fabricated or spun any of these up. I obviously couldn't get all of the cute things you said to me , because then i would be here forever , but here are the few i caught.
" It doesn’t matter what you wear, there’s more to love about you than your hair" 12/02/13
" c: i’m not perfect, but I’m fine if I can make you happy" 10/26/13
" she has a fox face , i don’t like fox faced girls" 11/13/13
"FFBP" 11/14/13
"i love you " 10-23-13
you are wanted
i want you next to me
so rather than htis heater
I can cuddle with you
and we can warm each other
and talk
and fall asleep in each others arms
 me :when did you fall for me ?
 Him : “lbh, i dont know the exact moment
but i realized when i pick up my phone waiting for your text
when i told you about my dad and you listened
when you said you pray for me
when ilegit got worried when i didnt hear your reply lmao
sometimes its good
sometimes it isnt
i dont know exactly when
but its a series of events
when i find myself wanting to tell everyone about you
or interject you into my conversations
and bring you up
"just casually, my girlfriend…"
then i have to stop cuz paranoia’s a bitch
and no loose ends
and if this is gonna work, its gonna stay under wraps
and i thought to myself
fuck, i hate this
having to be quiet
not being able to shout out yea she’s mine
and then i knew i fell for you c:” 12-19-13
"so i’m happy if you’re happy" 12-24-13
me: describe the year 2013 in 5 words
him: “the year I  met  osa “ 
"no matter wherever in the world you are, as long as i have this * points at me * , it’s adequate
*after jamming to Hakuna Matata*
"I looooooove seeing how happy this makes you feel" 12-30-13
Me : ” What if we didn’t talk for a whole week, Could we do it?”
Him: ” if you wanna start it and do it. go ahead. we could, if necessary we will. But it’d be very hard for me to leave you alone and i imagine likewise. therefore, i dont want to. I love talking to you. I enjoy your company. I, for lack of better words, need you. So could I? Yes, if the continuance of our relationship depended on such, I would. If not, I feel no need to torture myself. I am a masochist but not that much” - 1-4-14
"in the eyes of the world, there is undoubtedly another woman who is more… "womanly", "dateable" etc than you. In my eyes however, you are quite special for many reasons and you are the best c:"  1-4-14
sumn  Hey, lemme tell you sumn Don’t live in fear of what’s to come  Cuz, then you don’t truly appreciate what you have now. I love you, alot. And you’re what I find myself thinking about. I usually don’t think about this topic very often if any at all Cuz I wanna enjoy our every moment together.” 1-5-14
"and no matter what, I’m always gonna be here to let you know that we can share the burden ,we’re in this together. and i can help you carry your cross" 1/10/14
"  you're a peice of art but i dont think God when he made you based you on anything else c:" 1-20-14
Me: give me 5 reasons i should stay 
I love you 
You love me 
We listen to each other 
We support each other 
I need you 
"twas great tonight babe
i had sooo much fun wiht you
and i miss you already
i just got home
tonight was surreal
you were there
we were safe
no lookin over shoulders
no nothing
you were mine
and i was yours
and we kissed alot
though i missed some of your hints at first lol
too usy watching the game
but the time with you
in a word, surreal
it was hard not msiling in the car
but now in my room
i'm beaming
and reliving every second of tonight with you
te quiero mi amor y espero que podamos hacer eso mas"
"Tu me fais tellement heureux
too many reason
your smile
yo face
yo eyes
that blush giggle you do
your morning texts
asking me how i'm doing
supporting me
being there to listen
being a friend
but also my closest companion
being the ray of light after the nsun in my world is dead
and then brightening my day
loving me
accepting my love
understanding me for the wreck i am
and dealing with me despite that
for taking my jokes
and responding with even feistier oines
for helping me realize that i'm a great person
and not ugly
and not shit
and that i deserve good
for entrusting me
the closest thing to you
the thing that is you
your heartand allowing me to give you mine also
for gifting me
with your inner secrets and trust
for giving me the honor of reassuring you that you are beautiful
wonderful woman
not done
for being intimate with me
for gifting me with many ofyour firsts
and also for accepting mine
for being honest
in a nutshell
for loving me, and being you
thats how you make me happy
*loving me/lettingme love you"
" You wore it a long time ago, but then again you're always on my mind"
" Flawless , you can call me Queen K"
" It's big but it small, it;s small but it;s big , if you keep it close it will never fall"
I can't remember the rest but it was really mysterious loll
you're awake!
i'm so happy
i thought youd slep
it was finna be a lonely night
i miss you
ok that was gushy and nasty
"You don’t shake for a passing breeze. Be a pillar and stand still because you know it won’t affect you/bother you."
  Me: Stop staring , it's weird
You: Staring is ok , if it;s at a work of art 
It’s over ten years in the future and these still make me smile. The puppy love was strong. But what is beautiful is how the love has matured for the better.
I love you Kelechi Basil.
Always have, always will.
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jet-bradley · 8 months
hey splatoon fans, while you're waiting for side order i highly recommend playing TRON 2.0
it's a FPS sequel to TRON that came out in 2003. it's about the now-adult son of two of the main human characters from the original TRON movie getting sucked into a virus-infected computer, and in the process of trying to disinfect the computer, he uncovers a plot from the company taking over his parents' company to use their laser technology to digitize armies of humans and take over the world.
do i have you hooked yet?
if i don't, consider this: i'm recommending it in huge part because it's largely a story about jet, the protagonist, learning to reconnect with his dad after they both lost his mom, who died in a workplace laser accident and was most likely partially digitized. the digitization laser was her own life's work. the digitization AI, MA3A, takes on lora's voice after her death (and is voiced by lora's actress from the original film), and there are workplace rumors that it's because alan incorporated the digitized portions of her remains into MA3A's code. jet spends a lot of the game defending his mom's digital/digitized ghost from external threats.
what i'm getting at is that if you're excited for side order because of how it's hinted at dealing with themes of grief in a y2k digital landscape... they're mostly subtext in TRON 2.0 but i still think the game is seriously up your alley.
if you're a splatoon fan who hasn't played many other shooter games before, TRON 2.0 is a great introduction to the PC shooter world imo. if you're squeamish about blood/gore/giblets flying everywhere, there's none of that in TRON 2.0. if you're a splatoon fan because you like shooters but you've never given TRON 2.0 a chance, this is your sign!
some pros of TRON 2.0:
it looks fucking awesome
TRON 2.0 has a very turn-of-the-century take on the aesthetics of the original TRON. it predates tron legacy by seven years and it doesn't have any of that apple-store aesthetic. it's got all the juicy colors of the original film, with lots of crisp details that the original animation hardware couldn't handle. the digital world of TRON 2.0 only gets better every year with age. meanwhile it's got a (for its time) state-of-the-art glow mechanic that gives the game a very comforting soft feel.
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and these are just the ones i've got on my own PC! (the last one i dont know if it's my, screenshot but the rest are from my own screenshots folder).
it can run on basically any PC
no, fr, this required some pretty good hardware when it came out... but the game turned 20 this year. i managed to run TRON on my old laptop after it very nearly split in half like a 2ds and took half an hour to boot by using my parents' TV as a monitor. it didn't even drop that many frames! this was in 2020. it didnt even have a graphics card.
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yeah i was a grown adult when that photo was taken. no i dont care that i look 13. my car had just burst an engine rod in the middle of the desert about 48 hours before this was taken, so my fit wasn't really at the top of my priorities. (don't ask.)
you can get it DRM-free
don't get the steam version y'all, i can vouch for it being super glitchy. i can basically only run it while using mods to launch it without contacting steam. get it from gog.com.
ethics note: pirate the TRON movies as much as you want but im pretty sure the original company still gets some bucks when you buy 2.0 legally, and disney fucked them over pretty bad when it comes to the rights to TRON 2.0's characters and story, and they ripped off half the plot of the game to make the movie (and the movie is worse). if you don't wanna drop $10 wait for a gog sale and drop $3. (and honestly, if you're paying $20/year to get disconnected every 15 matches in splatoon, even paying $10 for a good retro game isn't the worst financial decision you've ever made.)
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its-inevitable-lupe · 11 months
And IDC WHAY SHE SAYS … but DUDE LMAO a part of me just wants to fuck her over and mess with her and whatever she just got yesterday… because DUDE there is a reason she went the other way and didn’t greet me and smile And I saw in the corner in my eye that she did that. And SHE is avoiding full contact because she feels… and dude when I was talking to someone in front… guys or girls she was like 👁️👁️ serious weird awkward energy. Lol. And girl is so fine and for me to MESS IT UP DJDBFKFBDNDNDKF AND ITS NOY ABOUT DATING BUT AS PEOPLE WE BOTH JUST CANT SPEAK.. can’t Be ok because S has an idea of me and literally we argue.. like some couple… and I made a joke weeks ago that this other person is out therapist. Like DUDE I wanna confront her and say hey why aren’t you talking to me or being this way and I kinda hinted it MONDAY AND SHE SMILE AND WALKED AWAY AND SHE KNOWS LMAO. And then the dead eye contact we did that day on Monday and I use to be so shitty and go different directions and avoid her and she would notice… and then she started doing THAT.. when she was always happy to see me and we would talk for hours…. And everyone Knew. And SHE WAS LIKE AAAH the last weeks in May and JUNE but THEN FATHERS DAY WEEK CAME AND FUCKED MY WHOLE SHIT WITH EVERYONE 😭😭😭😭😭what kind of CURSE IS THIS SHIT. Like she was all over me… and then when I send a picture that I was at the gym and Harry Potter was playing and Her friend was at the gym later and S CAME TOO EVEN THO SHE GOES TO A DIFFERENT GYM AND MORE MONEY AND SHE WAS LIKE OHHHH I JUST WANTED TO COME LOL AND IT WAS CLOSER LMAO LIESSSS AND WHEN SHE SAW MY MSG BUT DIDNT REPLY BECAUSE SHE WANTED TO SURPRISE ME… UGH WOMAN IS SO FINE… and her friend too lmao and they both see my stories 😆… and after the gym I said bye with my other friend and she’s like NEXT TIME INVITE ME .. bc we went to the restaurant her friend works and she said she waited and i didn’t say shit… and then that’s night I went to her gym and left a cute af message in a paper on her car…. That’s why she was feeling it a lot…. And DAMN I FUCKED UP… and I didn’t go to her gym and I hate myself lmaooooooo.. now I have to see her stories and life as ugh fuck. I hope something happens and she message awhile she’s on her trip because I know I won’t message first but FUCK. Idk if I should make her jealous but I think that made her go farther because of how I talk to SO MANY ma slush her away and I didn’t want them .. I’m just dumb. I NEED TO MARRY SOMEONE AND SETTLE DOWN LMAOOOO BECAUSE I CANT GO WITH GIRLS AND DRAMA AGAIN xd… but UGH FUCK.
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