#i didnt want to send this as an ask in case u wanted to reply but no pressure dnfnndt
sorrelpaws · 2 years
my guy are you okay you have been replying to every rick and morty screens tweet with the name of the episode. don’t get me wrong it’s very funny but also why
im autistic
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bloodrosebriars · 1 year
❄️ | @allknowingofnir
It’s almost funny how many no-name knights and Tarnished have walked by Gideon’s office without noticing — noticing the fact that the man standing outside the open door is, strangely enough, not Ensha. What’s funnier, though, is that even Gideon himself hasn’t seemed to notice yet — to notice the faint red glow coming from the hall, or the telltale brim of a red glintstone-decorated hat half-blocking the threshold.
In Alberich’s defense, he’s got Ensha’s signature pose down pat: the cocked hip, the folded arms, the thoughtful touch to the chin, the deathly silence. But everything else, and that awful, damned smile…
Well, if nothing else, Gideon is sure to notice something is off when Alberich lets out a rather loud sneeze, a puff of frost escaping his lungs like a dragon’s breath, not quite caught by the hand that flies to cover his mouth.
“Ahem. Sorry.”
And he’s back to posing dramatically.
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neopuppy · 7 months
omg wait wait i remember now!!😭 it wasnt u who posted the armpit one it was boybreed(i think u guys are mutuals? u had rly similar content so i got confused lol). this is a rly old screencap i somehow still have on my phone thank god i dont delete shit😍 i think they also mentioned something about how their astro sign related to all of this?💀
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anyway i also kinda remember their hate anon to u but it's way less vivid in my mind😭😭
-haechans armpit anon who's not anon anymore cus i gotta send the pic😞
my messy ass will reply to this bc jcjsjdjxjxjjxc NOW I REMEMBER🤣
I defended boybreed here bc amorajae had been sending me anon hate bc of her friend who I have blocked
the tea: when I started gaining a little popularity on here these group of nct writers decided to come for me. first this girl sent me an ESSAY of a message blaming me for triggering her SA trauma bc y/n didn’t enjoy the sex with Jaemin in Hot Sauce pt3, and if I could re-write it to fix that because YOUNG READERS(pretty sure she said minors), could get the wrong idea abt what enjoyable sex should feel like💀😭
she said herself in the message that she saw it labeled dubcon and still chose to read knowing she wasn’t comfortable with that and when I apologized and asked how to better warn it she didnt give me an answer lmao, and continued to shade me for writing dubcon/noncon on her account along with her little minion group.
I actually told oomf about this experience recently and I too still have screenshots from these times😁 in case anyone wants to try me again bc I DID ask a few other nct writers to read Jaemin’s part and give me their thoughts after this and every one of them said it read exactly as I warned it💀
these group of little minions really gave me such a hard time back then, so when I saw that happening to boybreed I was like NOT COOL!!!!! like who the hell made anyone here the morality police that can dictate someones horny thoughts on their own account???🙄
I was rly quiet abt how those people used to pick on me back then bc I don’t like drama but now I’m like hey if u wanna bother me…..I’m going to make sure everyone!!!! knows it😤
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zims-left-antenna · 3 months
hi!! noticed that you switched accounts here, i havent been online on this site for a bit so i didnt realize that you had replied to me back months ago T-T mb, anyways i actually did find macromedia flash 8 (that i think is the safest on the net currently? could be wrong) but its on The Internet Archive :3 i checked it as much as i could and i think its alright? i actually found it after 2 days from asking you on your previous blog. also how are you? and forgot to mention last time that i love your usernames haha! also hope that the trojan that the version you had didnt actually do anything D: stay safe!! and if you want the version i found i can always send it here ( i actually dont really know how tumblr works) and if you feel like it you can also check it over!
yknow i never noticed anything, about that trojan ??? altho...the cmd did appear three times in a row during start up (only to disappear immediately after) for a few years...until i changed computers and stopped downloading cracked stuff. yeah. could also be bcuz my former laptop was around 10 years old and overheating cuz the fans finally gave up
so idk if u sent the link for flash already but pls doo
also dw !! no pressure on replying. actually im a bit glad u didnt in case that trojan turned out to be actually true !!!
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regretisstoredintheme · 9 months
HI OMG!!! IT'S YOU I'VE BEEN TRYING TO FIND YOU AGAIN HIIII!!! You are so awesome I'm so happy you exist please continue existing argahhrhs I remember sending an ask a long time ago and you replying so nicely and making me happy and I have not forgotten about you since (I forgot ur username but also I forget my own birthday so like/lh) rahrah I hope that's not weird m sorry if it is I uhhh
Neeways for the asks thing!! If if you're still taking (idk when u reblogged it I didn't see)
what made you start your blog?
tell a story about your childhood
what’s some good advice you want to share?
Pls have the greatest day and have a very good year this year (im manifesting it this is a threat/silly)
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Thank YOU for existing 😭😭 I’m literally nothing w/o you guys I love you so much — which ask we’re you if you don’t mind me asking??? :0 I don’t remember a lot of my works BFJBSJS
anyways! Answer time!
what made you start your blog?
I started it because I had been talking to a mutual on another account I believe? In any case @tmntxthings is a huge reason why I had the guts to post my stuff :(( ❤️❤️ they were a huge support and even gave me ideas for my first post: Leo x ShyFelineReader. They are AWESOME and you should check em out >:)
share a childhood story!
Ooo boy… which one should I pick? Alright. I don’t remember a lot from my childhood, but this one’s pretty funny in hindsight.
in 5th grade, I was definitely the “everyone needs to act their age” kid.. it wasn’t cute but anyway— one day when I was playing on the playground I noticed a little spider in the wood chips. I bent to look at it and a few girls surrounded me to see what I was looking at. They freaked out upon seeing the spider but I insisted I just wanted to help it and attempted to scoop it up.
just then, a shoe comes out of nowhere and steps on the spider (and, effectively, my fingers.)
now I have a huge respect for life, so my teachers pet looking ass stood up and shoved this girl. Not like pushed — like SHOVED. “That’s an innocent creature! This is his home! It WAS at least— how would you have liked it? How would you like it if I squashed you and left you to die!?” Looking back I was intense asf as a little 12 y/o but eventually I ran off after scaring the shit out of this girl.
I… ended up apologizing once my favorite teacher’s aid had us talk to each other but STILL BADASS FOR A TEACHERS PET WHO DIDNT GET IN TROUBLE FOR ANYTHING!
what’s some good advice you’d like to share?
honestly? For someone who’s just starting out as a writer, especially a fanfic writer, here’s what I got.
Write your favorites. Nothing quite like writing what you want to give you motivation. Have an idea? Go! Do it right now! Write the dumbest version! Build the skeleton that will build your life. It’s worth getting over the hurdle of just… starting.
Don’t do requests you don’t want to. take this with a grain of salt, but you’re never going to please everyone. It can be great to get out of your comfort zone and try new things with new characters, but if you’re just starting out? Stick to the ones that make you excited, the ones that make you think “that’s such a good idea!” Or “I know just the setting for that!” And take the idea and run with it!! Most tumblr users don’t even expect their ask to be answered.
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chelleztjs18 · 2 years
I have run out of patience with authors and I don't know whether to start attacking or understand their situation I really hate waiting I mean why are you taking requests if it takes so long? Or worse, when they don't write it at all, without notifying me, and I wait for nothing
Okay, before i answer this,
To all my followers and readers, i want to say thank u for ur understanding this whole time for how long it takes for me to update on my fic or write ur requests. i really really appreciate ur patience n understanding. I am very grateful for u. Without u, i wont be here this far in writing.🥰 Also thank you so much for not acting or being like this 🌿 anon.
Hello 🌿 anon! Wow, I had to read this ask twice to actually believe what i just read n it's really not the right time for this because i am very moody. I am a person who usually feel bad and appologize easily. But no, not to u, not this time, anon.
First, "why are you taking requests if it takes so long?" , we take requests as our appreciations to our readers/followers, so they can feel they have a piece of them in the fic that we write. It's also another form of way for us to interact with our lovely followers. Some people have great minds /ideas to express.
It takes SO LONG for us writers to write because uh we HAVE A FREAKING LIFE?! Do u think that we have nothing to do but to sit n write? No, anon, we have a life, a job, kids or whatever in our life that we have to take care of / do every day. I have a 2.5 years old toddler who doesnt let me to go to the bathroom in peace, for crying out loud!
Also, just in case u r not smart enough to realize, writing is NOT easy! It takes a whole damn process to write even a simple fic. So yeah, it takes time.
Second, "or worse, when they dont write it at all, without notifying me and i wait for nothing." Maybe u should think why we dont write ur request, maybe ur request doesnt fit with our request guidelines. Or maybe it makes us uncomfortable, or just simply dont feel like writing ur request. Us writers, dont owe u anything actually. It's our blog, we can write what we want or not writing what we dont want to. Also if u request on anon, how r we gonna notify u? Maybe we replied n inform u that we r not gonna write it n u missed it.
"..and i wait for nothing." Well news flash anon, thats life. Sometimes u wait for nothing, didnt meant to burst ur bubbles anon.
Third, " i dont know whether to start attacking or understanding their situation..", the fact that u even debating on this n says it, it pisses me off! WTF?! Of course u have to understand our situation! Bold of u to say this. U want to start attacking us??! What a shitty mind u have there. What u gonna do to us? Send hate ask n punishing us for making u wait? I meant, who r u? The only thing thats gonna happen if u attack us, u gonna end up being blocked by us. Jokes on u.
Lastly, "i have run out patience with authors.", well, same to us, anon. We r running out of patience with people like u.
N if u dont like to wait and have a shitty entitled mind like this, u r more than welcomed to unfollow n leave.
How about, u make a writing blog, write some fics, take some requests get them done while u do ur chores in life n keep ur life going then come back off anon, n talk to me.
If u hate waiting for us to write ur idea, then write it urself..
Also, did u request anything to me that i havent write it? U can tell me which one is ur request, anon?
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ayan0thegl1tch · 1 month
this will be long sorry pookie
so basically we were hanging out around some random flea markets, looking at bracelets, hats, useless things like hello kitty slimes- lmao. when we were on our way to go do rides a girl waved at sophia, a friend of mine, and they did what we psychopats do when we greet eachother jk lmao. anyways she seemed around 15 at first, but when we (me and rossella, that i will call rox, another friend of mine) asked sophia she said she was 16, and when we asked the girl herself she said she was 17. This made me feel like something was wrong already. She basically self invited herself, and i was like wtf already bcus when we hangout we usually decide whether someone can come, or at least tell eachother if they do.
She asked us to go to the square pf the city but we didnt want to so we went to the rides, where she called me a sick pervert and told me i should sew my mouth.
oh, such a nice gal 😻!
i did the smash, a carousel, and then we went back to the square of the city because she wanted a burger (which will be strange for what i will say later, patootie)
When we were walking up there she started talking about how rich she was, and then when rox was talking about me giving away newborn cats cus my older cat is probably about to give birth (ill send u the pics in case) she suddenly said "my louis vuitton bracelet is so loose it hangs from my wrist!" i kinda cringed at that, but i wanted to have fun so i asked how Much it costed her.
"5500 EUROS."
(which is 6008 dollars)
i got to say i started to stop believe her after this one. she also said her parents had a porsche and showed us a picture of her supposed house that looked oh so much like one i saw already on google...
but the most fun thins she said were:
(ill put these ones in big cus yknow 🤭)
"a serie A football player asked me to take a picture with him."
"im a Gucci and Prada model, and i can invite my besties to parade with me."
now im not saying shes ugly, but shes chubby, and short and her face is kinda- nevermind. its just not a models beauty
"You know, i take the subway everytime i need to buy cigarettes because where i buy them they are better than here."
oh well, them i found out shes poor
Oh my god...people can be extremely prideful sometimes, there's cowardly people on the internet who make up lies, and then there's the people who have the guts to make absurd claims in real life. This girl you met may be insecure, but she also acts like a spoiled brat, and probably had an easier way of life through her parents not being responsible or something. I have a funny story to tell as well that actually just happened to me.
I was just chilling playing a game, grinding kills, y'know. I was about...level 2,000, and this person was around level 500, so pretty low. We'll call him Simon. There were also two people I was chilling with after a long session of farming, one...let's call him Mark, around the same level as Simon, and the other guy who we'll call...Todd, around level 1,200.(I know, I know, just ignore my bad naming skills.)
So because I was the most powerful one there at the time, I was just looking after them in a way. Like if anyone hit one of them, I'd kill the person who did so. Anyways, suddenly Mark says to Simon, "Hey, what about a 1v1?" And Simon immediately starts hitting Mark, without any explanation.
I break up the fight, Simon runs back into the safezone, and starts saying "Okay, I'm going to block you if you don't stop."
Now Mark isn't really one to talk much, just small comments here and there, so he didn't reply at the time. I ended up asking what happened, and―get this―Simon said Mark was trying to kill him.
Excuse me I saw none of that it looked like you were gonna kill him. Over a question. I talked to him about this and through a conversation back and forth Simon told me, "He asked me to a 1v1, and it got on my nerves" and I ended up mocking him over it because where's the logic in that!? You're going to fake report Mark over a question, and because it "got on your nerves" that means he "tried to kill you".
...Simon confirmed.
And the worst part of all...
He says directly to Mark's face: "I've only blocked you for two days so you learn your lesson". I'm not even joking, he literally said that.
Like he thinks he's a parent or something!? Wth??? So I ended up replying for Mark "You're not teaching him anything".
Then another guy came along, sayyyyyyy...what about Rob. Yeah, we'll call him Rob.(For some reason there was absolutely no girls around or whatever) He had about a level of 20,000 plus a title that gives you around 1M HP, so I assumed he was a hacker.
If he was though, he was actually pretty chill. Some other people joined in as well, and Simon challenged Mark to the 1v1 from earlier, so we told him to come on out. Rob even said that he had his word I wouldn't attack him.
Long story short...Simon said in exact words "I don't think I want to do that 1v1 anymore." and left after we started calling him chicken.
There was another encounter I had where I dealt with a guy on my own and roasted him, but this is long enough. Thanks for listening to me chatter on like a insane maniac! :D
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straitjacketzz · 5 months
something i have noticed in regards to owning these "popular" ocs is that people will get really mad at you and assume you have some kind of superiority complex about it, and i find that really interesting because i have no idea where anyone is getting that impression.
when i made my initial post seeking artwork of scott n jeremy i mentioned wanting to be careful in making sure i only saved artwork of rebornicas designs because i know a lot of people made their own ocs heavily based around said designs. and even though i explicitly mention in my post that it doesnt bother me to have similar obviously inspired ocs out there, i still got an ask yelling at me ad talking to me as if i was claiming object heads as my own concept.
the lack of reading comprehension and willingness to just read something and completely make up the most bad faith complete opposite interpretation of my words was Really Something.
per my last reblog before this post i mention having bought another character and while i was looking on tumblr for artwork of him i came across a post someone had made in 2023 claiming to basically have stolen said character to use as their own oc due to disliking rebornica. and they wanted to steal him as an "act of reclaimation" due to both not liking the artist and due to the fact that oc hadnt been used in a few years. i send a message to this person just saying like. Hey i know u like this oc and wanted to use him but he doesnt belong to reb anymore, i own him now, i get what ur doing and u can keep using ur redesign of him but i would prefer you not call your version of him as being rebs design anymore since like. the version they made was different enough that they could just be different characters entirely. so i didnt even say they had to stop using their own design i just asked for it not to be associated with the character that i own. n i was just met with tumblr level petty replies acting like as if i told them to stop drawing entirely or acting like i said i own all shadow ocs. in this case i just found it so confusing that when i say "hey you made a post publicly stating you are intentionally stealing this specific oc, can i ask that you not do that" and it gets read as "you cant have shadow demon anymore" i dont get it!
i had a friend who also owned some really popular oc made by a different well known internet artist so ive seen stuff like this before but its strange to be going thru it myself this time. its just crazy to me that owning these random internet ocs seems to be a bigger deal to strangers than it is to me. where does the aggression come from
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onlyswan · 7 months
hai loveee!
so hehe I sent in a few asks that u didnt reply to— it’s completely fine!!!!! maybe they got lost in your inbox but I’m just sending this in to apologise in case they were strange 😭 u don’t even have to post this, luv uuu i hope u had a great day today bby
omg sorryyy baby 😭 sometimes there’s an influx of asks so it takes me a while to reply. i even still answer questions for the iw!couple that were sent back in october. hehe. some tend to get lost too :( i’m really sorry !! pls stop by often if you want and we can talk about anything <3
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mosviqu · 1 year
i would be devastated if he stopped thats for sure but i think he said before that he still enjoys streaming very much so he definitely isn't planning on stopping in the near future 🥳we shall fear not🥳🥳🥳
IT DOES LOOK AMAZING i'm praying so hard that nothing will ruin this they have to have good music with this concept🫡
oooo☹️☹️☹️ i hope u will feel better soon!!!!☹️☹️☹️☹️ and do not worry about replying late/replying on rrxnjun it's fine ur mental health is more important!!!!💕💕💖
(btw i cant believe ur post about intak is the way i found out he has a gf and that's why his club video was released oh my lord💀)
literally also i was watching the vid and one of the guys had a very nice talking voice but. i literally do not know who it was so LMAO😭😭 only a few more days and the debut is here 🤞
bro....whatever they fed eric before he spit out that verse.... they should do it more often i feel like im levitating whenever i hear that part like you dont get it i GASPED. also we dont talk about sunwoo every time a tbz member catches my eye its him i refuse to talk abt it. younghoon was great in it!! the actual drama was shit and i wouldve dropped it after ep 1 if i wasnt in park jihoon the soloist/actor brainrot LMAO (he was the main cast and his character made me cringe approx every 4 seconds)) but the last few eps were good 😭😭 but younghoon had a very charming character and the acting was decent no bad word here
thank u for understanding! 🥺
THANK U THANK U we gotta meet when (and if) im in budapest (im half joking half serious) AHAHA. im gonna ask for ur number in case we get lost and nobody wants to speak english w us /j
BRO I DIDNT KNOW EITHER I FOUND OUT ONLY TODAY AHAHAHA i knew abt the club thing bc ppl joked that it was dry as fuck (correct) but then i saw something abt the girlfriend on tiktok and i was like wait what 😭 so i looked it up on twitter and i was like oh lord. anyways good for him apparently she's a model and super pretty so i am glad my man is getting his d sucked like he deserves ❤
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sugarcherriess · 2 years
oh wait didnt u get the long ass ask i sent compiling a list of everything that happened these past days🧍its ok if u did n didn't reply to it yet/dont want to its just that tumblr has been a little bitch for the last few days
but if u didn't get it i'll be devastated to say the least bc ,, it was long . rlly long . longer than younghoons cock sorry . n i copied it thinking "oh yes in case they dont get it i'll send it again" . n never pasted it anywhere . n my keyboard deletes the copied text after 1h from copying it . i wrote it like 36 hours ago :'D -🦦
I got it i think!!! Im just. Struggling witha devil on my shoulder (pup) so i cant seem to move past the rest of the asks
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cianishere · 4 years
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i finally found an epub of the script for Matthew Lopez’s The Inheritance!! i saw it on broadway last november and it made me sob uncontrollably, i highly recommend any maurice fans give it a read as it is a beautiful love letter to em forster’s legacy. while its based off howard’s end, it also has so many references to maurice as well as his other works, and perfectly upholds the continued relevance of forster’s works as a queer author :’-)
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toskarin · 3 years
(long, very sorry!)
i finished the fate route!!!! i couldnt finish it friday and i couldnt play saturday, so i took longer than i would have preferred;;; i think i have strong feelings abt it? this may be a situation where in two and a half hours i send another ask saying "i was stupid this is what i really think"
i think that, for one, what i Wanted is like, a happy ending where saber and tohsaka and emiya and everybody all live together happy endings yknow - but i think, while i dont know abt the other two routes, that Doesnt Fit This One! i think the emphasis on how arturias end goal isnt morally bad wouldnt have hit as well / at all if it ended with her happily living with shirou
as well: EMIYA IS,,,, WAYYYYY BETTER. in the beginning i was actually DREADING having to play 60 hours or whatever of this guy but he is way better way fast, and i actively liked him by the ending
arturia is really well written too!!!! my like,,, big fear is that. maybe some of the characterization she got in this route will be tossed aside in the others where she is not the only focus? i really hope thats not the case but im a bit worried
illya, tohsaka, and sakura the most didnt get very much, and it was kind of deadly for sakura. again this might be a situation where the only solution is to finish the game, but sakura at the moment comes off as mildly annoying at best and im just waiting for her to get more
gilgamesh ruled, fantastic villain! this is me cheating a little bit using knowledge i had previously, But. im relatively confident that archer will get more to do in the tohsaka route, ofc, and in the sakura route like. i dont know how to describe it, but i think she basically goes insane and kills people? like i think shes a tornado im honestly not sure
part of me wishes that they stuck to the horror side that we saw with the coffins near the end? i want more of that Tone, and you said a while ago that like. each route Felt Like Another Game, so part of me is hoping that i get that in blade works or heavens feel (im not sure which is first)
to be more succinct: i really liked the ending, and i think they did a really good job of making me like shirou and arturia, who are ofc the most important people to like in this route. my biggest fear is that it wont give arturia as much to do in the tohsaka route, and i really hope we get huge tone changes as well - more of the scary bits!
im gonna go through the bad ends now - i dont think there will be TOO much super interesting stuff, but i thought the few tiger dojos were cute and i love fujimura so
ty for posting abt this game often enough i played it!!! its a huge fucking blast - sorry for sending such a long ask, again!
first and foremost, MAJOR congratulations! having finished Fate route, you've officially had An Experience that you literally can't currently have any other way (not even in a pretentious vn fan way, but in the sense that the deen adaptation makes a lot up and mixes in other routes, so the full vn story is literally only possible to experience this way!)
the framing of the final scabbard scene is one of those things that's like, absolutely a "you've gotta see it to believe it"
anyway I'll keep my reply brief because I'm gonna reassure you a lot at once and don't wanna spoil anything too specific, but the next few routes absolutely play off the characterization you've seen so far and use it to allow the main cast to develop faster, and then deeper as they progress into further exploration. so while not quite a sequel, expect Saber, Shirou, Rin, et al to experience growth moments sooner to the point where each following route feels like a sequel more than a reversion to zero
also, rest assured that horror is on its way. nasu just likes to tease the full scope of how bad things are in early routes
so glad you get to enjoy it (relatively, given how impossible a true blind read is haha) with fresh eyes! enjoy UBW when you get around to it; it's raw shounen glory, and honestly holds up so well it could've been written today
also, food for thought, notice that shirou's role in the story is actually best described as "heroine" and would traditionally be filled by a female character. just a neat little subversion that's half a product of fate originally being an otome on first draft and half a product of nasu's genuine interest in playing with themes of gender
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vinnival · 3 years
i don't really mind any pronouns but i use she her! i'm 5'5, and currently questioning my sexuality (ALL I KNOW IS IM NOT STRAIGHT BAHBAH) i have fluffy dark brown hair, shoulder length im pretty sure?? my hair is fucking whack, i have brown eyes, and my skin doesnt decide whether it wants to b light or dark, but most of the time it can b pretty light and i havent gone outside 4 a bit,, pls send help][pray]]
my personality is also very idrk,, weird?> it really depends on who im talking to because i have a fear of losing people but uhh,, i'm very playful and a bit harsh, i pick fights with people,, i really enjoy listening to people vent and helping them, some of my friends consider me to be a mother figure to them and it makes me super happy honestly-- i get angry easily and it leads to me saying prickly things to people or just me breaking things, im scared of making new friends and meeting new people because of the way i am, i tend to act like a cat like meowing, hissing, and stuff like that,, i also really like attention but like,, not too much attention because its just annoying, and im an asshole.
im currently obsessed homestuck and madness combat. I think true crime cases are really interesting to me, making games on roblox, and bullying little children on there
i didnt know if i should put this here but i have mental illnesses, such as autism, adhd, d.i.d, and other things that will make me feel like one of those people that make me feel kinda gross
I'll finish this when I'm done with all the prompts and hc requests!
finally..... after 2 months..... all done !! Here we go ! Enjoy <3
You got a match! You're matched with...
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First off lemme say: he'd love bullying kids on roblox with u
Oh yeah father figure with mom friend? Perfect match
He forces you to help him take care of the boys but u don't mind because you love him <3
Ngl he probably met you off of a random website that was miraculously still up in Nevada
Replied to one of your comments or something along those lines??
He said something silly n so you were automatically intrigued
"hey lol" -ur first text
lord u were NERVOUS
But !! You immediately hit it off w him! You both slowly but surely knew more about each other
He didn't fully trust you as a person (anyone can be out to kill him tbh) so he was restrictive, but he was confident in the firewalls and proxies he set up so AAHW won't find him
Alas after enough days he finally felt comfortable enough to meet you irl
You felt 100x more nervous, scared even, but you trusted him enough to only bring one gun
Finally, you two met, immediately growing comfortable in each others' presence
2B discarded the pistol and knife he had hidden away, and you tossed away your pistol
"Don't toss your gun what the fuck"
"I do what I want pissbaby"
You can tell he gave you a scowl; "just as mean as you are online, I see how it is"
Your eyes narrowed playfully,"If you expected anything different change your standards"
Since he knew you love to rile people up for no reason, he kept calm. He would usually keep calm in these situations, so even if you didn't tell him, he'd be good
Whoa you act like a cat? He thinks that's p cute tbh
Hank also loves interacting with you bc of your cat-like habits
Oh man. Loves. I mean, LOVES. petting/brushing ur hair .
So fluffy......so pretty....
When you've had enough attention, he picks up on it immediately and respects ur boundaries
Also loves watching true crime with you ! I can see him being interested in other serial killers since he has to deal with one himself and would like to know more about their general mindset instead of directly asking hank a metric shitton of questions
He takes you into his work space while he works so u two can just talk yanno
If you start getting riled up for any reason, he stops what he's doing, gently grabs you, and leads you out of there so you don't break any of his hard-earned equipment
Aye you werent complaining he holds u so gentol....
If you have an episode of any kind, he's there to try and calm you down. He has multiple methods of calming people down depending on what type of crash they're having, if u dissociate and need help remembering what ure doing, he's totally fine with reminding you ! Don't be ashamed or afraid of your mental state around him, he's as close to a doctor that one could be in Nevada, so he won't judge you for what you have. It's a part of you :] !!
Asks you out in the dumbest way possible (in your opinion)
He gets back in the site you first met him on and shot you a message
You were confused when you checked it the next day on the same computer he used
"So... Want to date?"
"2B?!" You yelled, your voice cracking
it's been so long since I've done my last madcom matchup that I literally had to look at one of my old ones to remember how I formatted it Bruh
anyways I hope u enjoyed !!!! <3
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actualbird · 3 years
Hello Zak! Once again, you being interested in a thing and making content for that thing has invested me in the thing. The problem this time is that I would probably not enjoy the game, for the simple fact that I am a lesbian, and from what I’ve gleaned there’s a lot of romance with men. On top of that, I am not *quite* invested enough to watch a play through or go search for other fan content, so I basically get all my TOT info from your blog. I’m telling you this just to inform you that you could say anything on here abt TOT and I’d believe you. You could tell my Puppy Pierce is canon and I’d say “yeah, checks out”. You could hav just made up the one of the boys and then just pretended he was real and canon and I would never know. Use this info wisely (Also hope you’re doing well!)
hullo, kitkat!!!
last time u sent an ask it was something along the lines of "we share no fandoms but ur enthusiasm for things i know nothing about is entertaining" and now youve come full circle to a HILARIOUS new mindset of "im not playing this game (for very valid reasons, yes, it romance of a female main character (mc) with 4 men) but im interested enough to TRUST YOU ON ALL INFORMATION ABOUT IT"
before i laugh, i wanna say im very emo about u sticking around thru my fandoms of yonder, this makes me rlly happy and thank you :')
now im gonna start laughing because kjsbkJBKJSFKGHAHA god this is delightful but also you do know saying "use this info wisely" is gonna make me do the OPPOSITE
so heres what im gonna do: im gonna list out 10 things about tot characters. 5 of them are true and completely canon and 5 of them are untrue and/or headcanons ive made
u dont need to send another ask with ur answers as to what the truths and the lies are tho, i just wanna cause a ruckus. so now it's time forrrrr
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canon or not?
luke pearce, in his childhood, often got stuck in trees because hed climb them excitedly and realize he has no idea how to get down
luke pearce ripped opened a steel fence with his bare hands
marius von hagen is claustrophobic and nyctophobic because when he was a child, bullies had trapped him in a cramped, dark space for a long enough time that those phobias developed and followed him into adulthood
marius von hagen "borrowed" a guitar from a street performer so that he could impress mc with his fucking non-existent guitar playing skills, it was painful for everybody involved, the guitar included
artem wing, in response to his mentor asking him a question meant to make artem think about his wants as a human being, submitted a 10 page essay answering the question
artem wing is a noted and respected contributor to several online information websites (they didnt wanna call it wikipedia in the game but it's basically wikipedia)
vyn richter created a makeshift zipline via archery to help him and mc escape an ancient prison of doom
vyn richter has two doctorate degrees, one in psychology and the other in public health
mc always slept on the top bunk bed in the childhood bedroom she shared with luke.
mc regularly gets stalked by scorned citizens she won cases against and sometimes that stalking escalates into physical assault
anybody who does NOT know anything about tot is very welcome to participate in this game by putting ur guesses of which numbers are true and which ones are false in the replies of this post!
just because theres two for each nxx member doesnt mean one is true and one is false :)
thanks for this ask!!!
EDIT: heres the answer key if u give up HAHA
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sweetiejunie · 4 years
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Summary: You’re the not-so-typical girl next door
Genre: Slight fluff, smut «60-70% is just smut»
Beomgyu x reader
A/n: this was the smut i was hesistant about posting. I thought about it for a couple weeks and decided to just post it •_•
[Note: If ure only int in the ‘smut’ part, it roughly starts at the —.✿ฺ— till the end]
Beomgyu knew he recognised you from somewhere. He just couldn’t figure out where. The way you smirked, the way you played with your hair, all seemed familiar to him. But where?
That night soobin had invited him and yeonjun out to a diner with him and this girl he had been seeing, soyu. Apparently, and he quoted, soyu had ‘two hot friends that she met recently and thought a night out with everyone would be fun’. So in case you hadn’t figured it out yet, soobin invited them to some triple-date deal.
At first, beomgyu was reluctant to go. He didn’t like the idea of blind dating. The previous time someone had set him up with a girl they claimed to be ‘his perfect match’, the girl turned out to be the exact opposite of what he liked. She was loud, ill-mannered and overall just too childish. Honestly, he had no idea how anyone could have thought he would like her. Since then, beomgyu always preferred to choose the people he dated. But for some odd reason, he agreed to soobin’s proposal. Not sure why, but something told him he was going to regret it if he didn’t.
That’s how he ended up here, in a ‘U’ shaped booth with two of his closest friends and three, admittedly, really good looking girls. Aside from soyu, the other two girls were you and your coworker, Zoe. As these things would typically go, everyone would be paired up. In this case it was of course, soobin and soyu, yeonjun and you, leaving beomgyu with Zoe. Not that Beomgyu had anything against zoe, it was just that as the group started talking more, the contrast between you and Zoe’s personalities started to become more noticeable. Zoe was sweet, your typical girl-next-door, while you were more sly, mysterious. You were the girl every mother feared their son dating. Yet, something about you drew beomgyu in, something seemed like déjà vu.
Yeonjun was the first to point out this difference. “You know, you and zoe are pretty different, it’s kind of surprising you two are friends.”
“Y/N just started working at my salon recently and i dont know, the three of us just cliqued,” zoe stated.
“Where did you work before that?” Beomgyu asked you, hoping your answer could give some clues to his mystery.
“I just moved here from London last month,” you replied.
London, that’s one clue. Beomgyu made a mental note. You continued on about your story, telling them about, when you a teenager, how you had moved in with your grandparents and studied in korea until you graduated high school. How your parents thought your behaviour was getting out of hand and how they thought sending you abroad would someone solve that problem. In all honesty, they probably just didn’t want to have to deal with you anymore and sending you to an overseas dormitory seemed like a liable option. You were never a bad student, in fact you actually scored straight A’s and was always the too in your class. Your behaviour was what drew the line with your family, always getting caught skipping classes and trespassing on school property during the night. They were just done with it and sent you packing.
As beomgyu picked up each clue you dropped, he started to remember his neighbour when he was about 17. A girl that moved in with the elderly couple that lived next door and went to the same school as him. Rumours eventually spread about that girl. At school, he heard the students gossiping about her, saying her parents had threw her to live with her grandparents cause they didn’t want to deal with her. That in her previous school she seduced boys and slept around. Breaking school rules to the point of suspension, leading her here. Parents, including his own, were instructing their children not to befriend her and to stay away from her. The more beomgyu heard about the girl, the more intrigued he became.
Even though beomgyu was in a different class from her, just from all the talking, it felt as if he knew her. He saw her pretty regularly, in the cafeteria, in the halls and even at the bus stop, most of the time, if not always, she was alone. He felt bad seeing someone he ‘knew’ on their own but being the good child he was, he listened to his mother and stayed away. Of course, this made her an easy target for bullies, or so they thought. Every time they tried to pull a cruel prank on her, she never reacted the way they wanted. When they poured something over her head she would simple shrug and go to clean herself off.
When another girl talked behind her back, or straight up tried to insult her, instead of getting embarrassed or mad, she would laugh and reply with, “i know I’m a bitch. I never tried to hide it.”
Eventually, the bullying stopped and boys started wanting to get closer to her, something about her pulling them in. She however, never really showed much interest in any of the boys that threw themselves at her. Through her time in there, she never had any trouble getting one of the boys to be her ‘little assistant’ for the day, be it running to the nearest convenient store for her snacks or kneeling on the ground and tying her shoe laces. Any boy would have killed to be in that position, wanting to test their luck with her.
Throughout her time there, beomgyu never spoke to her. He never so much as asked for her name. But since they were neighbours, beomgyu saw her often, mostly on the bus, but he always kept his distance. Every now and then, students approached him asking for information about the mysterious girl, but he could never give them any, saying he didn’t know anything. People found it hard to believe, beomgyu was one of the most charming and best looking guys in the school, if he wanted to, he could get someone falling head over heels for him in minutes. But he knew better than to get involved with her.
She wasn’t the prettiest, maybe slightly above average at best. But her attitude automatically attracted people’s attention. The aura she possessed, one of power and manipulation. From what beomgyu had observed, she was a kind and friendly person and would have probably even made a good friend. But she had a strange way of figuring out what people wanted from her and then using it against them to do her bidding.
Beomgyu’s bedroom window faced out overlooking hers. On occasion, she would fail to shut her curtains all the way and beomgyu would look in, seeing a small section of her room, her figure walking past every so often.
One evening however, while beomgyu was studying, he suddenly heard a soft noise from across alley. Shocked, he snapped his head up. Only to see the curtains were still drawn. Looking out to the driveway, he realised the car that was normally parked there was replaced by a new black one. Thinking back, he couldn’t recall ever seeing the elderly couple driving it. It wasn’t their car. Intrigued, he continued to listen, hearing more noise which eventually he identified to be moaning. And suddenly they stopped, ending with a long sigh. Soon after, he saw her walking out from her house, in a plain tshirt, as she lead someone to the mystery car. It was a boy, one that he may have seen around campus before but never acknowledged. The boy placed a kiss on her forehead and entered the car, driving away.
At that moment, beomgyu knew. He cheeks grew red as he felt his pants tighten just at the thought. Shaking his head to rid himself of the thought, he looked back down, only met by her gaze. She had turned around and saw his silhouette at his window. Quickly crouching down to hide, he clutched his chest. He was screwed.
That morning, he feared having to face her again. She saw him, he was one hundred percent certain about it. He stood at the bus stop, his mind still a complete mess. Hitting his head with his hand until he noticed her walking out of her house. Immediately he froze, expecting her to accuse him of his deed. But to his surprise, she didn’t. She didnt so much as spare him a single glance. Part of him was relieved, but the rest of him was starting to panic more, overthinking what it could possibly mean. But maybe she didn’t see him afterall. At school, beomgyu never muttered a single word about it to the others. The thought of having o share what he knew wasn’t something he was very fond of.
That night, beomgyu laid at his usual spot on his bed, reading. Interrupted when the sudden light from her bedroom lit up the otherwise dark alley. Looking across, she had just taken a shower, she was in nothing but a towel, her hair wet and skin sprinkled with water droplets. He couldn’t help but stare at the sight in front of him. No matter how perverted he knew he was being, he couldn’t tear his eyes away. He watched as she entered her room, closing the door behind her. He figured next she would approach her window and draw the curtains, like usual. But instead, she sat on her bed, her back facing him. Placing her clothes next to her, she unravelled the towel around her, letting it drop and gather around her hip. Her bare back, now exposed to him. He knew it wasn’t much, but combined with the thought from the previous day, it was enough to get him worked up.
Not wanting to be seen again, he ran to turn his room lights off. He sat the edge of his bed, still facing her, as he started to palm himself. He studied her actions carefully, taking in the way she carefully dried herself with the towel, using a hairdryer to lightly blow dry her hair. He felt himself get harder in his sweats, just imagining what a front view would look like. Just as the thought came to mind, she stood up, towel falling on the floor, her rear end now on show to him. He wished how he could reach out and squeeze her with his hands. Sliding his hand into his boxers, he started moving his hand on his length. He felt as if he had a front row seat to the show that is your life. He continued jerking himself off as she continued on with her nighttime routine, struggling to keep himself silent. Eventually, she turned around to put her clothes on, allowing beomgyu to see her body clearly while she dressed herself. That alone got him to come undone, ruining his boxers as he continued to ride out his high. His hand lazily running along his now softened dick.
Again, the next morning beomgyu was terrified to see her. But once again, she acted as if nothing had happened. Whenever he passed her on the streets or in school, she always acted as if she didn’t know him. At this point, beomgyu thought he had gotten away with it. Cause he couldn’t think of any reason why someone would leave their curtains open, knowing that their neighbour is spying on then.
With the third night rolling around, beomgyu kept his lights off, using only his table lamp to study. Once again, he looked over, her curtains were open but today, she was just sitting on her bed, dressed only in an oversized shirt and panties, reading a book with her bedside lamp on. The lamp wasn’t the brightest, but it was enough for beomgyu to see what she was doing. He sat staring at her for nearly an hour, watching her switch between her book and her phone. Finally, she put her book down beside her. Beomgyu assumed she was probably going to bed until he saw her pull her panties off, throwing them on the floor.
He watched as she slowly slid one of her hand under her shirt, massaging her breast as small high pitched moans left her lips. His eyes widen, his mouth falling open. Immediately, beomgyu felt himself getting aroused. Moving closer to his window, as if one feet could get him any better of a view, his forehead was pressed against the glass. Her other hand moving down to touch herself. Beomgyu’s hand shamelessly moving to his own pants as she started pumping her fingers in and out slowly, as if she was teasing him intentionally. After a few minutes, she stopped, pulling off her shirt, exposing her body to him. Her hands going back to what they were originally doing. Only this time, he could see her kneading and playing with her breast as her fingers rubbed her clit. Beomgyu began stroking himself, eventually completely ridding himself of his pants and boxers, leaving himself bare for anyone to see.
Beomgyu closed his eyes, imagining that it was her hands around him instead of his own, the feeling of her small, fragile hands around his dick, pleasuring him. Suddenly, another moan escape her lips, causing him to shoot his eyes open, he stare falling back on her and how her back arched as she got closer to her high. Fuck, how much he wished he could jump over the alley and take care of it for her. The thought of roughly fucking her against her bedroom door, making her regret torturing him like this, even if she didn’t know it.
Beomgyu admired as her moans got louder, echoing across the alley, filling his ears, letting him bask in the sound. As he watched her fingers pumped faster, his hand speeding up its movement. His leaned against the window, not wanting to miss a second. Soon, he had to use his free hand to muffle to sounds of his own grunts, feeling himself coming as soon as she did, finishing at the same time. Streams of his cum dripping down the wall he leaned against. He was still panting for air as he stayed focus on her. Her chest rising and falling as she tried to catch her breath.
Up till graduation, beomgyu would spend his evenings looking out his window, his hands down his pants at whatever she gave. Most days, it was nothing, just her studying or watching netflix shows. Some days it was her naked in front of the mirror, preparing for bed. But on the days he got lucky, he would be able to see her pleasuring herself. And on rare days, he would even be able to see her get fucked by other men. How he wished he could be one on top of her, but he knew that wouldn’t happen.
Beomgyu would admit that, within those months, what he did was wrong, but it just felt so right. Every evening he looked forward to the show she was going to perform. However one day, a few weeks after graduation, it all just stopped. Her blinds where drawn once again and all he could remember was overhearing his parents talking about how the elderly couple next door was sending their granddaughter to study in the UK.
For some reason, it stung. Even though they didn’t even know each other, beomgyu felt as if he had been abandoned. Now and then, he found himself checking out his window, in hopes she would suddenly appear again, but it never happened.
This brings us back to the present. Beomgyu sat in the booth next to zoe, unaware that she had been talking to him for the past few minutes.
Was it really you? What were you doing back so soon? Was all that was going through beomgyu’s mind.
“Beomgyu!” Yeonjun called, snapping his fingers in front of his face to get his attention. “Zoe’s talking to you.”
“What? Oh, sorry i spaced out. You were saying, zoe?” Beomgyu apologised, trying to keep his focus on the girl he was supposed to be giving his attention to.
But as she continued talking, he still found himself stealing glances at you. The way you laughed at something yeonjun told you. And the way you lightly hit his shoulder when he made a joke.
Just as zoe was about to say something else, beomgyu interrupted her, “yeonjun, let’s go order some milkshakes for everyone.”
“What-,” before yeonjun could reply, beomgyu grabbed his arm, forcing him to get up and follow him.
When he was sure they were far enough away, beomgyu spoke again, “listen, dont ask any questions. We need to trade.”
“What why? Aren’t you and zoe having a good time?”
“I- we are,” beomgyu started, “it’s just, i need to talk to y/n. I think she used to be my neighbour.”
“Then why dont you just asked her like this? There’s no way im trading. Zoe is cool and all but y/n is cool,” yeonjun replied, putting emphasis on the last part.
With that, yeonjun walked back to the table, leaving beomgyu to sigh in frustration. There was no way he could just ask you like that in front of everyone. Going to order a couple milkshakes, he returned to the table. This time, he noticed Yeonjun’s arm around the back of the booth. It was his usual, eventually, his arm would end up around you, pulling you closer to him. It was infuriating, but there was nothing he could do about it.
Some ways through the night, you had excused yourself to go answer a phone call. Seeing this as the perfect opportunity, beomgyu excused himself after you. Following you to an empty hallway that connected with the bathrooms. An emergency exit at the end. He waited around the corner, calling your name the moment he saw you put down the phone.
“Y/n, hey.”
“Oh hi beomgyu, where you waiting for me?” You asked, perking an eyebrow at him.
“No-,” he considered lying for a second, but saw no point for it. “Actually, i was. I wanted to talk to you.”
“Well what is it that you couldn’t say in front of the others?” You asked, folding your arms and leaning against the wall. After all these years, you still had the same powerful aura that left him speechless and flustered.
“I- er. I don’t think you would remember but... i think we used to be neighbours... We went to the same school.”
You chuckled at his hesitation, “i do remember you, beomgyu. The moment i saw you even.”
“Oh, why didn’t you say anything earlier?”
“Probably the same reason you couldn’t. Dont think I didnt know about you jerking off, watching me every night. I’m not blind beomgyu,” you smirked.
Beomgyu swallowed hard, looking at the ground as face turned a shade of red, “you knew? I’m sorry. But if you knew, why didn’t you say anything?”
“Where’s the fun in that? Knowing that i got my hot neighbour jerking off to the sight of me was thrilling. Teasing you every now and then, my poor boy,” you leaned in closer to him before practically whispering the rest, “got me so damn turned on.”
Once again, beomgyu was at a loss for words. He felt the blood from his head rush to between his legs. The thought of him jerking off to you turned you on?
“I only wish you would have let me watch you as well,” you said out of the blue, causing beomgyu’s head to snap up in shock.
“I think you owe me. Don’t you, baby boy?”
By just listening to your words, beomgyu was getting harder by the second. Looking down, it was blatantly obvious to everyone.
“Poor thing. Do you want help with that?” You asked, you hand ghosting over his clothed dick.
Beomgyu tried to keep his cool but ended up frantically nodded at your statement, “why dont we go somewhere else?”
“You dirty boy. We’re in a public place and all you can think about is getting off. Tsk. I think you should take care of it yourself, don’t you?” This time, you walked towards the exit door, leaning against it and got beomgyu to face you. “I want you to jerk off. Right here. I think you owe me, after months of watching me do it.”
“Or you know what, im just going back to join the others,” you quickly said, cutting off beomgyu’s argument.
“No!” He said, a bit too eagerly, clearing his throat immediately after.
“I knew you weren’t as innocent as your portrayed,” you shot him a smirk, palming him through his jeans and watched as beomgyu’s eyes shot open.
Undoing his zipper, you pulled his dick out, leaving beomgyu to savour that short moment of having your hands on him. He was almost completely hard by this point, the tip red, pointing slightly upwards. Slowly, he grabbed himself and started pumping his length.
Leaning closer to him, you put your arms around his neck and whispered, “have you ever fantasied about this before? You jerking yourself off in front of me in a public place.”
Shaking his head as a response, he started working himself faster, feeling himself get more turned on by your words, using the precum that was leaking out as lubricant. He felt embarrassed you could have this kind of an effect on him but he couldn’t care right now.
“Fuck, you know baby boy, since high school, ive always found you really attractive. And seeing you like this right now is actually really hot. I’m actually staring to wonder how you would feel.”
“Then let’s go somewhere more private. I swear ill take really good care of you,” beomgyu suggested, hoping it would convince you, losing his breath as he felt his dick start to twitch in his hand.
“No, i think i like it here. Do you remember how i looked back then? I always made sure to be within your view so you could see me.”
Beomgyu shut his eyes as he listened to you speak. He remembered those days as clear as crystal. Right now, he wondered if anyone walked by, would they know exactly what you two were doing? He felt nervous getting caught. But at the same time, the though thrilled him. He couldn’t remember the last time he was so turned on, excited and worried at the same time.
“Look at me baby. I can’t wait to see the look on your face when you come. I bet it must be so hot right? I wonder what your friends would think if they knew what you did. Would they think you’re a pervert? Would they think you’re so lucky right now? While they’re stuck back there being good boys with their dates, you’re here, getting off.”
Looking up at you, beomgyu saw your signature smirk as you watched his hand moving up and down his length. His hand moved faster as he got closer got coming. Never in a million years would he have thought he would be in this situation. The girl of all this teenage fantasies watching him jerk off in a public hallway. The more he thought about his, the closer he got. A struggled groan coming from his throat.
“Fuck, im- im cumming.”
Taking a step aside, you watched him spill his cum onto the back door. You gaze never leaving beomgyu’s face until he relaxed. He looked down, tucking himself back into his pants and laughed.
“Well, fuck. I never thought i would do that,” he stated, “so what do you want to do now? I’ll go anywhere with you.”
“I’m going back to the table,” you shrugged.
“Wha- I’m sorry, what? Why?”
“I left yeonjun alone. In case you forgot, he was supposed to be my date for the night.”
“You’re still planning to spend the night with him?” Beomgyu asked, completely shocked by your answer.
“Of course i am. It’s rude to leave halfway.”
“I was really hoping this wouldn’t be a one time thing,” he admitted, a different look in eyes.
“Trust me, it wont be,” with that you started to walk away from beomgyu, leaving him on his own to make himself decent again before joining you and the others back at the table.
Sure, it hurt seeing you still with yeonjun, his arm around your shoulders, whispering things into your ear that made you laugh. But the thought of being able to meet you again was enough the keep beomgyus’s head up. It felt as if all his teenage fantasies were coming through.
Ahhhh i freaked out about posting this. Hope u liked this!!! Inspo from smt i read a few years back (i dont rly remember what cause its been so long).-.
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