#i die right there on that hill
grezzirossi · 18 days
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Silly Bloodweave Sketch with my fave armors/robes for them (golden star for u if u can read my writing)
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jockbots · 1 year
goth Skydive is truly my magnum opus
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meep-meep-richie · 2 months
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´´ You already know that i´m interested. ´´
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 3 months
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Mo Ran fails to master the art of pspsps (continuation of this)
(For @airagorncharda)
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Unromanced Spawn Astarion ending is him deciding to be inspired by/ follow in the footsteps of his personal hero, Drizzt Do'Urden,
In this essay I will-
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nevarroes · 8 months
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finleycannotdraw · 11 months
Goldenheart question. Who do you think proposes? Ballister or Ambrosius?
Bonus on how they would do it? ✌️🌈
OKAY SO. I thought about this for like five minutes. decided something. and then I changed my mind like five times. and then I was like “hmm. fic time”
I know you just asked for my thoughts but I hope you enjoy this!!
Ballister had a plan.
He loved Ambrosius. Of course he did. He’d loved him when they were classmates at the Institute, loved him when they snuck onto the roof at night to talk, loved him when they became knights, and loved him when the wall came down. He’d loved him for as long as he could remember, so of course he loved him when he looked up from his crossword puzzle and saw Ambrosius dancing in the kitchen, wearing a pair of Ballister’s pajama pants, holding a pancake batter-covered spatula and looking more carefree than he’d looked in months.
He’d marry Ambrosius in a heartbeat. He’d get on a train right then and elope with him if he asked, but he thought his partner deserved something bigger, something romantic, something grand and joyful after all of the stress and responsibility he’d been shouldering since the Director’s demise.
Hence, The Plan.
Nimona had been… mostly helpful. Ballister approached her one afternoon, after Ambrosius had left for work, and sat down across from her. Since the three of them had moved into an apartment together, Nimona had gotten much more comfortable relaxing, which warmed Ballister’s heart.
“What’s up, boss?”
“I want to ask Ambrosius—” he began, and Nimona sat up straight, immediately invested.
“To marry you?” she exclaimed. “Yes. Do it. Why haven’t you done it already.”
Ballister blinked. “I thought you’d be more hesitant about this,” he said slowly. “You used to hate him.”
Nimona waved her hand dismissively. “Ehhh. The past is the past, and all that jazz. Speaking of jazz—”
“Ugh, whatever. You don’t even know what I was going to say.”
“I didn’t need to.”
“You’re horrible. Anyway, I hated him when all I knew about him was that he cut off your arm. That was before I’d lived with you guys for a year. And it would be pretty hypocritical of me not to be open to changing my opinions about somebody. He makes you happy. You should totally marry him.”
Ballister smiled. “Thank you, Nimona.”
She scoffed affectionately. “Sure, boss.”
And a plan—namely, The Plan, which was the whole point—formed.
Nimona and Ballister flew all over the city looking for parks and possible activities, such as restaurants or shows. Most people had gotten fairly used to the pair of them flying around, Nimona sprouting wings and carrying Ballister above the streets, so they didn’t worry about staying out of sight.
If Ambrosius noticed or thought it was suspicious that Nimona and Ballister constantly went out together and didn’t talk to him about any of it, he didn’t comment. The three of them still had their movie nights and game nights, and Nimona and Ambrosius still had their terrifyingly intense card games (War, Go Fish, Crazy Eights, and several games Ballister had never heard of) that Ballister was forbidden from joining, so altogether not much had changed.
One thing that did change, though, was how often he paused, watched Ambrosius do something completely ordinary, and thought ‘I want to marry this man.’ It happened more and more with each passing day, until Ballister very nearly proposed to him when he walked into the apartment and found Ambrosius standing with his feet on two separate chairs, about three feet apart, holding a collection of colorful paper streamers above his head while Nimona, in the form of a small monkey, perched on the top of his head and put them in place on the wall.
Ballister stared at them for a long moment before he said, very confusedly: “There wasn’t a more efficient way to do this?”
Ambrosius and Nimona turned at the same time, both looking quite delighted despite their precarious position atop the chairs.
“We’re just mixing it up!” they both replied. Ballister looked around. The living room was covered in party decorations and newspaper, and Ballister thought he’d never seen more glitter in his life. He pictured Ambrosius buying a basket full of glitter for whatever party Nimona was planning on throwing, and wouldn’t have been surprised if his heart actually melted.
“What’s the occasion?” he asked.
“I asked Nimona when her birthday was,” Ambrosius explained. “She said she didn’t have one.”
“And if I do, I don’t remember when it is,” Nimona added. Ambrosius threw his hands out to the sides in an emphasizing gesture.
“Which means she’s never had a birthday party,” he continued. “So we decided that today’s her birthday and we’re having a party.”
“Which is just going to be like a normal night except with decorations,” Nimona said. “The glitter was Goldilocks’ idea.”
Ballister raised his eyebrows, and Ambrosius shrugged unabashedly, then turned back to finish putting up the streamers.
Marry me, Ballister thought.
Within the next week, he had everything figured out. He’d looked at the weather for the next few days, planned where they’d go and when, and had even bought a ring, which he’d hidden in his extra pair of running shoes and shoved under the bed. If Ambrosius noticed that Ballister seemed extra nervous or more likely to become agitated if he spent too long in the bedroom by himself, he didn’t comment.
So yes. Ballister had a plan, and it was much more concrete than ‘something something something, we win’. He didn’t have a script, but he had just about everything else. Nothing could possibly get in his way now.
Or so he thought.
One night—there was nothing particularly special about it; they’d had dinner with Nimona, danced and laughed while cleaning the kitchen, and kissed while getting ready for bed—Ballister and Ambrosius were snuggled up together under their blankets. Ballister’s prosthetic arm was hanging from its charger on the wall, so he couldn’t hold Ambrosius as close as he would’ve liked, but the blond knight was lying with his head on Ballister’s shoulder, which gave him room to wrap his left arm around his partner’s back.
Ambrosius moved to tangle his legs with Ballister’s and gave his middle a squeeze, causing Ballister to smile up at the dark ceiling. If he paid attention, he could hear quiet music through the walls from Nimona’s room, and the moon was shining brightly through the window. Ballister carded his fingers through Ambrosius’ hair and breathed deeply.
Ambrosius, after several minutes, pushed himself up onto his elbow so that he could see Ballister’s face. Ballister’s arm slid naturally to rest around his waist, and he wished he had his prosthetic so that he could tap Ambrosius on the nose. Whenever he did so, Ambrosius’ face would scrunch up in the most adorable way possible, and Ballister had no choice but to kiss him.
“Hey,” Ambrosius whispered, as though Ballister hadn’t already been giving him his full attention.
“Hi,” he said in the same quiet tone, and matched Ambrosius’ answering smile. They bumped their noses together and giggled, and Ambrosius flopped to the side, landing on his own pillow. Ballister freed his arm and laced their fingers together, and Ambrosius brought their joined hands to his lips, then rested them on his chest and stroked Ballister’s hand with his thumb.
“Bal?” he said, tilting his head to the side to look into Ballister’s eyes, which he was quite honestly struggling to keep open.
“Will you marry me?” Ambrosius asked softly, simply, his gaze full of love, exactly the way Ballister had been fighting the urge to ask him for weeks.
“Oh, come on!” he exclaimed, and got out of bed to grab the ring box from his shoe, forgetting that Ambrosius had no idea what he was doing until he sat up, looking worried.
“Bal?” he said again, this time much more guarded. “I’m sorry, what—”
“I was going to propose to you!” Ballister interrupted, opened the box, and shoved it towards his gobsmacked partner, who stared at it in utter shock before looking back to Ballister’s eyes. “I had a plan! And it wasn’t ‘something something something, we win’!”
Ambrosius’ eyes were shiny. “Was it more like, ‘something something something, marry me?’”
Ballister laughed surprisedly and leaned over to plant a kiss on Ambrosius’ lips. “Yes,” he said. “Well, no. I didn’t have a speech.”
“Hence the something-something-something,” Ambrosius teased. “You know, you never answered my—”
“Yes, good Gloreth, yes, I’ll marry you,” Ballister interrupted again. “Though I think you could’ve inferred that from learning that I was going to ask you the same question.”
Ambrosius laughed tearfully, and Ballister kissed him again.
“I’m not taking your last name, though,” he added moments later. “As funny as it is.”
“Nimona would kill you,” Ambrosius agreed. “So would I, probably. I don’t want to keep my last name either. It made for some good jokes, but other than that—”
“Well, Boldheart is nice, but it wasn’t my birth name. You know the Queen gave it to me at the ceremony because somebody—probably the Director—said that Blackheart sounded too dark for a knight?”
“Right,” Ambrosius mused. “What should we do, then?”
“We could combine our last names,” Ballister suggested. “We could be Ambrosius and Ballister—”
“Goldenheart,” Ambrosius finished, and wrapped his arms around Ballister, shaking with laughter, tears, and joy. “I love it.”
“I love you,” Ballister told him, and there was very little talking for the rest of the night.
When morning came, they headed into the kitchen in their pajamas and found Nimona already up, sitting at the table with her headphones on. She appeared to be drawing—likely another action scene with herself as a large animal with Ballister and/or Ambrosius as her murderous accomplice—and didn’t look up as they entered.
“Morning, Nim,” Ambrosius said as he made his way to the coffee machine.
“Goldilocks.” She acknowledged him with a nod, then raised her eyebrows. “Sleep well?”
Ballister held his crossword puzzle up and hid his face behind it while Ambrosius nearly dropped the coffee pot. They both knew that Nimona was over a thousand years old and there was probably very little she hadn’t seen, and even less she wasn’t aware of, but she was so good at acting like a teenager that it was quite easy to forget. She watched their awkward reactions and snickered, but her eyes widened as her attention zeroed in on something on or beside Ambrosius’ hand.
“So, who snapped first?” she asked pleasantly, a wide grin forming on her face.
“Me,” Ambrosius admitted without turning around. “Wait. Who snapped first? You knew he was planning—”
“You knew he was—” Ballister began too, and they both stopped and stared at each other.
Nimona just burst out laughing.
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yourhighness6 · 4 months
One thing that will never cease to confuse me about Mai's nonexistent arc is the fact that Bryke knows how to write great minor characters/ love interests. Princess Yue only had three episodes but she is so universally beloved in the fandom and she's honestly my favorite character. I think this is just another one of those disparities that shows the difference in the quality of ATLA writing from book 1 to book 3.
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felix-lupin · 2 years
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queer-reader-07 · 8 months
the fact that crowley stopped jim from jumping out the window the moment it was clear that jim was not just gabriel fucking with everyone is so personal to me. because:
“okay, i know you’re testing them, you said you were going to be testing them. you shouldn’t test them to destruction.”
crowley was never going to let him jump out that window, he just needed to push him far enough to be sure it wasn’t gabriel.
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behindthunders · 8 months
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Aziraphale: So, what are you in the mood for now?
Crowley: A very plump angel
Aziraphale: What?
Crowley: Wot?
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nightwingenjoyer · 2 months
….jason kori and roy
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brain-rot-central · 2 months
I am practically begging for people to actually play an AA run before critiquing (bordering harassing) to the extent that they do. If you don't like it that's fine but to those who vehemently go to bat trying to argue against it/those who enjoy the story... maybe play it first rather than watching snippets on tiktok for context!
To be fair, I understand why the AA ending has so much controversy surrounding it. It's intense, and it's intense right out the gate. Baby boy is having grandiose visions of power now that he's free and demands you sacrifice your mortality as the only way to prove your love and loyalty to him. This is mere minutes/hours after ascending. He's essentially suffering from an extreme episode of mania.
And, rightfully so, that makes people uncomfortable. AA is uncomfortable. He's supposed to be uncomfortable. And personally that's why I love him. To me it's interesting to ponder the psychology behind AA. His entire breakup monologue (the actual breakup and the convo after) is him using doublespeak, something that Spawn Astarion does at various points throughout the game, as well. Because AA is Spawn A, just all of his worst qualities intensified.
AA to me is Astarion falling further behind the mask while placing impenetrable concrete walls around any and all parts of his vulnerability. If you confront him by saying he's just like Cazador (a subject he was already touchy about before), he lashes out and ends the relationship as opposed to talking about it, pretty much because he can't handle the emotional energy it would take to have that conversation. He would have to show vulnerability to you, which, now that he's the big bad vampire ascendant, he has no weaknesses! He's the best! No one can hurt or kill him!!!
It's a grandiose delusion that will fade into a hum as time goes on. And he will inevitably be left with nothing but his riches and his thoughts. Could take a year, could take the rest of eternity. But it will eventually happen. He will eventually be forced to face the ghosts of his past. You can only run so far before everything catches up to you.
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gingiekittycat · 1 month
new Good Omens fanfic...
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Quite Contrary
Rating: Explicit
Chapter 1/?
Summary: The plan is ready, everything is in place, and Aziraphale is about to prove that he’s quite capable of running the Second Coming all on his own, thank you very much.
There’s just one problem—and it goes by the name of Mary Magdalene.
(It also, on occasion, goes by the name “Anthony J. Crowley.”)
Read on AO3
This is the "Crowley was Mary Magdalene" fic I've been dying to write. I started it as a crackfic to blow off steam after my last WIP nearly killed me, but it's gaining more plot than I thought it would (surprise surprise). I have the majority of it drafted already though, so I expect to be able to post regularly (as long as the last few chapters don't fight me).
Read the tags and enjoy!
(smut will start in chapter 3 by the way)
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apotelesmaa · 4 months
I don’t think ppl give enough credit to rui for his dedication to fucking with people (outside of tsukasa of course) like. Knowing & acknowledging that nene wants nothing to do with him and Tsukasa on her first day of second year and deliberately following tsukasa to loudly ask if she’s getting along with people (just to be a jackass)? Implying his gift to akito will explode even though it won’t bc he wants to bug akito? Like I think rui at his core is full of love and a desire to make ppl smile but I also think he’s 200% committed to the bit first and foremost. If something will be funny he’s going to do it regardless of the consequences. Guy filled with zero social anxiety & a never ending desire to embarrass his friends.
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gelphiegifs · 3 months
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"Look at you."
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