#i discovered the tag for it on tumblr and went crazy
westywallowing · 7 months
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I did it I drew them pls go read it I beg u
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brynnterpretations · 2 months
LOVED the the boys ship you wrote me (went anon at first bc i'm shy and new to tumblr lmao) so wanted to ask one for my the boys oc since i saw you do ocs too!!
her name is veronica daumas, she's in her late 30s, brazilian (speaks portuguese and english) and has been living in the us for 10-ish years (faceclaim is taina muller). she was a private eye in brazil before messing with some big corporations (aka vought), giving herself a lot of trouble, and having to fake some documents and burn some bridges to move to the us. she was recruited for the first mallory team due to her investigative abilities and, of course, is brought back to the team for the s1 shenanigans. during the years between the first mission and the start of s1, she was working as a sort of particular investigator for a brazilian-american crime boss in nyc.
personality-wise, veronica is a nosy bitch. she loves fucking around and finding out, prying for information, discovering things about people. a bit grumpy and snappy, but who in that team isn't? brutally honest too, not in an edgy, wanting to be a bitch way, but in a comically careless disregard for if something would be rude. her own crazy drive to pursue the truth makes her not realize some people might not want the whole truth at all times. it's not like she doesn't lie ever, she actually controls information very well when she wants/needs to; she really wants to be the one who knows things more than other people do. she's in a weird middle ground in the insane-to-normal spectrum: if butcher is one side and mm's the other, she stands aside with a cigarette to film whatever will go down between them. she's not one to stop anyone though — your problem! chronic bailer: if it's gonna go down, she'll leave. addicted to getting away with things. will absolutely back off and save her own skin, which is a conflict she has to grapple with when she inevitably comes back in contact with the boys, and starts getting attached to them as they slowly realize they actually are a team. she has left a lot of people behind in her life and it's something that's slowly coming back to haunt her — oh shit, she cares about the people she loves. and bailing won't solve her problems if she still feels for the things left behind.
i originally ship her with frenchie but wanted to see your input, hcs, and any other opinions since i absolutely loved your writing!! thanks in advance <3
I am so glad you liked your ship, and thank you so much for sending in another! I love Veronica so much and if you ever post a fic of her I'd love to be tagged in it. I hope you're well and again, I'm so glad you enjoyed! This brought a smile to my face. ♡
I ship Veronica with...
Frenchie ♡
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GIF Source: @yocalio ★ (link)
I agree with your pairing — Veronica definitely seems like Frenchie's type of partner, and vice versa. Dark and varied past? Check. A love for drama? Check. Wanting to be independent, but becoming attached to a group of fucked up people just trying to do the right thing day-by-day? Check.
I've mentioned this in a few other HCs, but I don't see Frenchie as a person to move fast romantically at all, so it would definitely start with a lot of interesting conversations and a healthy dose of playful flirtation. If Veronica is someone who's comfortable with hookups, I feel like it would be likely for she and Frenchie to be sexually intimate with each other before catching romantic feelings.
Once in a relationship, the two of them would be quite the chaotic duo, and would always back each other up. Sometimes, Frenchie will not know what she's talking about, but if anyone (*cough* Annie *cough*) tries to push back on any of Veronica's ideas or input, he will fight for her like a guard dog.
Generally, Frenchie really trusts Veronica's decision-making skills and intuition — he's always been more of a tactile person when it comes to work in the coup, so her investigative abilities are incredible to him — and always makes sure she's properly heard by the group, even when they're all yelling over each other, which is... a lot.
Frenchie is very fascinated by Veronica as a person, and would always make time to talk to her in-between missions. It would start as very run-of-the-mill questions, at least by Frenchie standards (her work in Brazil, how it was transitioning to life in America) before slowly becoming more personal. However interested, though Frenchie will always be patient — he knows how personal people's pasts are, and always respects her if she doesn't want to divulge information.
The two of them would definitely balance each other out. Frenchie is endlessly loyal, to his own detriment — Little Nina called him little doggy for a reason — and Veronica's ability to know when's the right time to bail would help him gain a lot more self-awareness and respect, while Frenchie would be able to show her that sometimes, not every time is the right time to bail.
During missions, he would always make sure he has a line of contact with Veronica, even if they weren't directly working together, just to give her words of encouragement and check in on how she's doing. He knows she's capable, yeah, but he just wants to hear her voice (and know what's going on, because he, too, is a nosy bitch). Sue him.
Frenchie is not shy at all with PDA, and would always be very physically close to Veronica, whether it's a hand holding hers, an arm wrapped around her shoulder, or just standing by her side. He also lives for sleeping with her, no matter who's the big spoon.
Frenchie loves hearing her speak Portuguese, and will often ask her to read to him.
Tons of cute, silly nicknames for her, such as mon bijou, mon trésor, and ma chouchoute.
As for the rest of the coup...
The Boys ☻
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GIF Source: @yocalio ★ (link)
Butcher really likes Veronica, finding her to be funny, competent, and very, very funny; the man could not deal with another moral compass on the team. Even when he's not a hundred percent down with an idea of hers, he'll back it up just to start shit with Annie and M.M. The guy's gotta get his fun in somehow.
He also definitely would invite her out to drink a lot (strictly platonically, though, because our boy is not a homewrecker).
However, it wouldn't be without its stressors. Considering Veronica's bluntness and lack of hesitation with calling out bullshit, I could see some pretty gnarly arguments happening between them, especially if it concerns Frenchie
On the topic of M.M. and Annie: M.M. does quite like Veronica and doesn't snap at her, but can get annoyed with her pretty quickly, especially when he senses that she's about to bail. Still, though, he finds her extremely intelligent and invaluable to the team, and believes her to be a very good person, even with her guarded exterior.
And, for Annie — I hate to say it, but Veronica and Annie would not get along at the start. Annie is very much an endlessly hopeful and loyal person, to a rather damagingly "go down with the ship" mindset, and would find Veronica to be flaky, selfish, and a hazard, likely having a relationship with Veronica similar to her relationship with Butcher.
That doesn't mean there wouldn't be room for improvement, though. Annie's decently intuitive, and as she senses Veronica becoming more and more attached to the team, would begin warming up to her and holding far more respect for her as a person.
Hughie would be quite wary of Veronica and probably wouldn't interact with her too much — sorry, he's a nervous little fella — but, like M.M., would also hold a lot of respect for her.
Kimiko would love her, finding her to be an extremely funny, interesting person. Like Frenchie, Kimiko is someone who highly values honesty, and would find her to be a refreshing person to be around, especially since Veronica isn't afraid of standing her own.
Additionally, Kimiko is admittedly pretty drawn to gossip and other "nosy" things that she wasn't able to pick up on or enjoy during her time in the Shining Light Liberation Army, so if Veronica dispels any information she's picked up on to Kimiko? The woman will be sold.
So... welcome to the team. She's one of the boys, for sure.
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fantomette22 · 4 months
Do you have any recommendations of bloodborne fan fiction? :3 I'm getting hungry for Laurence 👀
Heya!!! I'm very honoured you are asking me of all people! 👀 I mean maybe you did ask other people too x)
Hm I will try to put here a few links! But that really depends what you want to read 🤔
Do you prefer Fanfics very Laurence-centric? Some where he's just a character between many others? Do you want actions based fics? Something more calm but who are very thoughtful? Something very tragic where Laurence die or when he start to loose it maybe? At which moment of his life? Or do you prefer fics more based into relationships with other characters? And in this case which pairings? Are you more comfortable with something soft where there's just tension or maybe something more intimate? Are you alright with something more graphic and mature perhaps? (there's some very wild fics if you take the time to read some tags on ao3 but I really can't bring myself to read them XD).
Or are you the type of person that will take almost ANYTHING because you are so desperate for the slightest thing? 😂
So yeah it really depends what you are looking for.
But anyway if you are asking ME for recommendations should I understand it's really the ones I read and like? Well I was kinda busy this last few months to read fics. And when I did, I really tend to focus my time to read some featuring particular characters (like gehrman for ex). Fics focus on Laurence aren't my thing except in a few cases (even if he's in my top 5 characters)
But now I will have more time to read and finish written mine as well! That make me think...
Before I sent many link with fics mainly focused on Laurence I know I guess I need to put mine and my friend fic there as well x) They are mostly centred around Maria I supposed but also many other characters as well.
Christened in Blood written my dear friend @heraldofcrow
It's mostly focus on Maria & Bloody Crow backstory + her interpretation of how the lore went. Laurence is there a bit too XD he might show up more later as well.
My own fanfiction, A scholar's dream. It's one of my more complete headcanon/interpretation retracing all the events of the lore before the game. At least 1/4 of it for this first fic, that I haven't finished yet. It's mostly based on how the old blood was discovered by Byrgenwerth, how the healing church was founded, many characters backstory on how they meet. And university shenanigans. (I have 2/3 of chap 7 completed I will try to continue soon). It's focus on many characters and well Laurence is quite an important figure there. Not the most important but still important enough.
Alright now I tried to re find a few fics with Laurence as a main character i remembered reading too. There's some i didn't had time to read yet but are mainly focus on Laurence and written by a few people I know as well. or generally have many people on Tumblr who read them.
Bloodorne fanfictions by @mrslittletall like the Crazy Cat Vicar
Fics mainly focus on Laurence/Micolash :
Bloodborne fanfictions by @karnaca78
Bloodborne Fanfictions by @synthwayve
and fanfictions by @kiybee
@subzeroparade have written many fics where Laurence is the focus as well.
There's a lot of other fics focus on Laurence/Ludwig or with Laurence/Brador as well, even caryll/laurence. I had to dig in ao3 a little but go check it out you might found cool things! (sorry didn't had time to read them all for sure) there's also many little oneshots, focus with only Laurence or even bigger multi chapter fics with Laurence being a main character or not.
I remember reading Synchrony a while ago and it was cool I think. It's mostly focus on Ludwig and his adventures at Byrgenwerth.
I think there were why very cool entered around Laurence at Byrgenwerth as well + gehrman and fanfic.net. I tried to found it again but failed.
I can't just put the entirety and fanfic.net, ao3 and many others so I will stop there I think x) sorry I forgot anyone ;-;
If you want others based on other trope/characters please let me know I will try my best.
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artistic-lj · 7 months
Okay so I “made” a new gender apathetic/apagender flag because the one I found/we have was just kinda lacking for me?? Like it’s okay and I don’t dislike it, but I thought it needed something
So the current one, according to gender fandom wiki or whatever (https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/Gender_Apathetic), is by @pridearchive (idk why I can’t tag them but I also just don’t understand tumblr so oh well)
But anyway, I’m not a huge fan of the fact that a lot of the definition relies upon the usage of the word “lazy” a lot, because like, while it’s true that laziness and apathy are similar, they are not the same. I was confused for MONTHS as to why everyone around me cared so much about their gender, both cis and trans people, and I just didn’t. Like, I thought my dad might understand cause we talk about queer stuff all the time and he was like “???… but I am a man, that’s just a fact… are you saying there’s people who don’t care??” And that confused me more cause I was like “wait even cis people care that much about their gender expression??” Because for me, I thought that trans people really cared about their gender identity and expression because of the dysphoria they dealt with from being born as the opposite sex. So, to hear that cis people also have a strong sense of gender and really care about the way they present and are perceived threw me for a loop.
So I went down this rabbit hole for, as stated previously, MONTHS, just trying to figure out if anyone felt the way I did because I felt fucking crazy. No one else spoke about not caring about their gender identity, not caring if someone called them a guy or a girl or something in between. I found labels like Aporagender (“a gender identity that is neither masculine, feminine or inbetween the two but nonetheless involves a strong sense of gender; a term similar to maverique.” - https://en.pronouns.page/dictionary/terminology#aporagender) and genderfluid (“a gender that varies, or changes over time.” - https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/Genderfluid) and bigender (“a gender identity which can be literally translated as 'two genders' or 'double gender'.” - https://gender.fandom.com/wiki/Bigender) but none of them felt right, even if I liked their flags.
But then, out of frustration, I decided to google “what is it called when you don’t care about your gender” and gender apathetic popped up. And I read the description and I felt so… understood. I felt like, no matter how small the group was, I had finally found people who understood me and felt the way I did. And then, because I’m annoying and visual, I saw the flag… and I was just… feeling very… ehhh…
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Like, the brown, purple/lavender/light blue, white, and gray on their own aren’t inherently bad, but something about it just felt bland and… nothing like the sense of relief I felt when discovering I wasn’t alone.
And then I clicked through onto the post about the meanings of each color and began to like it even less
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But, I pushed forward, ignoring my dislike of the color arrangement and meanings behind them and sharing my newfound label/identity and flag with my friends. I finally felt like I had something I understood.
That is, until one night when I got bored. And I started searching for flag makers to see what was out there. I came across a Reddit post about a custom flag builder (https://www.reddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/ooz3tb/custom_pride_flag_builder/) which lead me to Team Ultima’s custom pride flag maker: https://www.teamultima.org/flag/
Needless to say, as an artist and someone who’s nitpicky about colors and designs, I was stoked to find something that allowed so much creative control! After messing around with it for a bit, I made this:
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Now, I know it’s not really that different from the current flag. But, to me, this feels a lot more balanced and cohesive. With the one by pridearchive, the “light blue,” which we all know is just lavender tbh, was the only color that had a bright saturation besides the white. Our eyes are naturally drawn to it and this does not allow our eyes to flow along the flag and take it all in. We kinda see the purple and get stuck there. Not only that, because we expect white to be in the middle of pride flags (as well as Im sure a lot of other color theory reasons that I’m not knowledgeable enough to know of or explain), the flag felt top heavy and uneven, with no equivalent saturated color along the bottom. The flag was lacking horizontal symmetry and I think/hope I did a good job of bringing it to this flag without it feeling like it’s too much or too little.
With all that being said here are my/the new and improved color meanings:
Brown - The natural human desire to find a sense of belonging and community, even if said community is formed around having a label for not caring about labels. It can also represent the warmth and security felt by having a label that represents how you truly feel.
Light Blue - A feeling of tranquility and peace towards one’s gender identity and expression
White - The limitless void of possibilities in which one can express themselves
Lavender - The mixture of all genders, feminine, masculine, neither, and everything in between
Gray - Lack of gender stagnation, not caring if one’s gender presentation is not as simple as black or white
Anyway, I’ve never posted anything like this before so… lemme know if I’m totally doing it wrong and all my color meanings are terrible and way off base or whatever. I’m gonna make a separate post of just the flag and the color meanings and whatever so that people don’t have to read all my dumb backstory to get to the actual “redesign” 💅💅
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This is a kind of introduction to this blog, my main blog (where there is a considerable amount of good omens considering that I have this specific one) is: @voids-ideas
About season 3 here
I am an autistic person who since I was little started to develop interest in moral issues, the concepts of good and evil are something that interests me a lot. And my favorite area is, in fact, the gray area. And the idea that you can't define people in concepts of good or bad, because there is no monochrome. There are grays.
There are grayscales. So well... can you imagine my surprise when one November 16th I hit play on a series because tiktok recommended it to me, and I discovered that it was the love story between an angel and a demon who were getting to know each other and learning that they were neither completely good, nor completely bad, but a scale of grays?
I went crazy. And since that day, I've watched the series three times (possibly more if I don't remember to edit this post often). I could spend hours writing here all the things I've loved and found combined in the series in the most beautiful way it could happen, but I don't think we have enough time for that.
So I'll just say that this is my first time being extremely active in a fandom, my first time interacting, sharing theories, reading other people's theories and generating some of my own. And so far, I'm loving every second of it.
I feel it is appropriate to warn you that I have a very poor ability to explain things in a few words, so I will probably make very long texts.
And I want to write down that respect for all people is something very important to me, so just... I wanted to mention that, and in case at any point I say something that doesn't align with that, I hope I can correct it.
If anyone wants to send me questions, messages, or whatever, they are welcome. I love every notification I get from tumblr
That's it, bye!!!
PS: When I figure out how to use tags here, maybe I'll tidy up this blog
Suggestions for me to try to draw here
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myladyofmercy · 1 year
I got tagged by @tessabennet to do a
8 shows to get to know me
list and she did it as a kind of watch history and I loved that method so I am copying it
1. h2o: just add water
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this show defined my childhood. i was obsessed. i remember only being allowed to watch the rewatches on saturday mornings but not the premieres that came mondays through thursdays. when s3 came around my parents allowed me to record the episodes on vhs and then watch the episode the next day. when the finale aired i had a friend come over after school the next day and we watched the last two episodes even tho she already watched them the night before. in the scene where lewis walks down the stairs in slow mo she pulled out her flip phone and recorded the scene because she thought he looked so cute.
also rikki made me gay and i was always her when we played mermaids in the pool.
2. glee
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my first big teenage obsession. i think i started watching when season 2 was airing. the last two seasons took so fucking long to come out dubbed that it was the first time i streamed an episode right after it aired in the us even tho my english wasn't that good yet. i also got my mom and my aunt to watch it. my aunts favorite was finn and when i read that cory had died i called her right before bed to tell her and she told me later she couldn't sleep that night.
my favorite characters were quinn and kurt. quinn made me gay(er)
also i wasn't in fandom spaces back then so i managed to escape all the crazy shit that went on in the fandom back then but i have met some new friends recently who were in it and told me some horror stories and i really feel like I dodged a bullet.
3. gossip girl
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i only watched this show after it aired but it's so messy and a definite guily pleasure.
also unpopular opinion but my favorite character was jenny (i am also obsessed with her band and their music and covered two of their songs in my school rockband)
4. the originals
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i always preferred the originals over the vampire diaries because i just liked klaus and the other mikaelsons more than elena and co. i also became obsessed with the soundtrack of the show and used to listen to the tracks on youtube and would then convert my faves. that's how i discovered my love for ruelle.
5. shameless
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another big obsession I discovered between s4 and s5 airing. i remember crying real tears when ian and mickey broke up in s5. i think gallavich was the first pairing i watched fanedits on youtube for and also how i discovered twenty one pilots and my ultimate beloved florence and the machine. i also had a fan account on instagram at one point that got some likes from emma kenney.
6. supernatural
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oh supernatural.
i discovered the show at a very low point in my life and bingewatched 10 seasons back to back while staying home from school. destiel was the first ship i ever read fic for (twist and shout anyone?) and even tho this show went on for wayyyy to long and made some very questionable choices it still has a place in my heart.
7. 911
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at this point in time this show is probably my biggest obsession right now (probably because a new season is airing right now) i saw gifs of buck and abby on tumblr when the first season was airing in 2018 but only started watching when the spin off started and i rediscovered it via tumblr during s3. i have done multiple rewatches at this point and this show can truly make you laugh, cry, look away in disgust and believe in humanity at the same time.
also either buddie is the best slow burn of all time or the biggest queerbait since destiel and i am down for the ride.
8. young royals
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where do i even begin with this show. it showed up on tumblr in july of 2021 and then i watched it the second weekend of the month and my life changed. since then i have started being truly active on tumblr, creating content myself, reading fanfic earnestly and by some great writers who i can call friends now, learning swedish (even tho the bird scares me), found a bunch of friends from all over the world and flew to fucking canada all on my own to visit people i met through this show. like what the fuck. even tho my obsession is a bit dormant right now they have just started filming the third and last season and as the amount of content will grow my obsession will too. i know it.
okay so this was a fucking essay but i really enjoyed this little deep dive into my watch history and even tho i don't expect anyone to do this I'm gonna tag some of my lovely friends (who i may or may not have found through that small swedish show at 8.)
@tooindecisivetopickaurl @i-love-semicolons @prince-simon @angelbabysimon @cloudywilmon @royalwilmon @oatmilkovich @ungaroyals @aro-of-artemis @little---versailles @cantputitintowords
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riddlerosehearts · 2 years
not to be a hater (though this is more hating on how fandom treats sapphic ships and female characters than anything) but last night i felt bored and deranged and kept thinking about my changing opinions on ATLA ships, so i sorted the mai/ty lee tag on AO3 by kudos and kept track of how long it took me to find an actual mai.lee fic, usually just by looking at tags and descriptions but sometimes taking a peek at the work itself... and it took 53 fics lol. 53 fics down the list of most kudos'd fics in the mai/ty lee tag, to find a 3k oneshot that is actually about them. on some of these i would click the "entire work" button and search for their names, just to find zuko and sokka's names mentioned 700 times each while mai and ty lee's would be mentioned maybe 10 times each. ugh. their tag already only has 871 fics to zu.kka’s almost 6k to begin with.
like, to be fair, from what i could tell based on their tags and descriptions, only 33/52 of the previous fics--so around 60%--were entirely/primarily focused on zuko or zu.kka (or the set of harry potter/zuko crossover fics i found). the other 19 fics seemed to be the odd zu.tara, zuk.ki, or azu.tara fic, or even gen fic about azula, katara, toph, or the whole gaang, that included mai.lee in the background. so not every one of the top fics in the mai/ty lee tag is actually focused on male characters. but still, to see so many of them be like that... i tried sorting by date updated and most of the stuff on the front page wasn’t about them either. :/
idk i just kinda feel like this backs up what i said before about mai.lee mostly just getting popular because zu.kka got popular and its fans wanted to get mai out of the way, and not because they actually care about the girls and their dynamic. NOT saying everyone who ships zuko and sokka is like this of course, but i think it also shows in the fact that zuko/sokka/suki has become a semi-popular ot3 whereas i have never once seen mai shipped with zu.kka, as part of an ot3 or even ot4. she just gets paired off with ty lee and then the two of them get a secondary role at best (in several of the fics i opened up, mai and ty lee were tagged but literally not even mentioned or there was just one line saying they were dating) in every fic. people just don’t seem to actually like her and to be honest, i don’t like her much either, although i tried to get myself to. i tried to more closely examine her character and see the good in her and i started thinking mai.lee would be a cute ship and seeking out content for it about a year before the ATLA renaissance of 2020. content was scarce but a lot of the oldest fics for them on ao3 are, at least, actually about them even if they’re just short drabbles. so after the renaissance i was excited to come back to tumblr after a hiatus and discover that they were finally a popular ship and people were seeing how good they could be together, but then every time i went to look for fanworks about them, on ao3 or here on tumblr, i realized everything i’m saying in this post. they’re a wlw ship, so of course they’re not actually popular, that would be crazy. of course their “popularity” is entirely owed to the fact that a mlm former rarepair (yeah, zu.kka was not that popular pre-renaissance, people who wanted an mlm ship used to prefer jet.ko) that involves mai’s canon love interest blew up. and i just hate that this sort of thing seems to happen in just about every fandom. i wish the ATLA fandom could’ve been better about it.
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hoshinasblade · 2 months
reposting in hopes that my tumblr is back to normal. i got tagged as a spam bot again :/ pairing: hoshina soshiro x f!reader content warnings: nsfw, minors please do not interact
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the idea popped up in hoshina's brain in the heat of the moment.
he was already touching himself, his right hand slowly pumping his hard cock. hoshina was leaning on the headboard of his single bed, and he briefly rested his head on the pillow behind him as he tried to remove his boxers currently pooled around his thighs.
his thumb started playing on the dripping head of his cock, spreading the precum down the rest of his shaft. hoshina almost feels a bit dirty doing this - usually he has you to take care of him, but not tonight. assigned to lead the month-long training and recruitment of newly-enlisted candidates for the defense force that began a few days ago, hoshina soshiro has to stay in his old quarters back in the base again. he tries not to complain much, but aside from the fact that he won't be able to go home to you in the next weeks, he also has this little problem of not being used to sleep if you aren't beside him. restless, hoshina pulled on his last resort to calm his mind.
"fuck." in his imagination, you are on top of him. you are bouncing up and down on him, and hoshina's hand lifted the hem of his oversized shirt that you're wearing until his calloused fingertips makes contact with the soft flesh of your tits, cupping them. take this off, he ordered you and you complied, taking your time stripping the fabric off you as the muscles of your legs double their effort so you can continue your movements on him.
hoshina never thought of himself as a boobs guy until you, and now when the two of you are alone together he can't spare ten minutes without subtly attempting to fondle you. you have agreed multiple times to let him fuck your tits in the past - hoshina should really be more embarrassed to admit that he had never cum quicker than when you gathered your chest around his cock as he fucks into the valley of your chest and even had your warm tongue out of your mouth on the other end. he told you once that you looked like a slut - his slut, if he's being accurate - and your only response is you love it anyway when he's manhandling you so it's a win-win.
hoshina cannot remember the last time he had to masturbate, but then again he also cannot remember the last time he was this horny without you available to help him out, and only if the third division base offered more privacy, he would have gotten this over with` some hours ago. but now as he is stroking himself in a steady rhythm, a thought occured to him.
grabbing his phone from the bedside table, he opened his camera app, setting it to video. he had to hold the device using his left hand so he can continue fisting his shaft, and as he puts himself into the lewd scenarios involving you in his head, his moans started to be louder, his breath getting erratic and shallower by the second. "'touching myself while thinking of you, baby," he said, making sure his words were captured in the video he's taking. his hand wandered slowly to the base of his cock, teasing himself in the process. 
"you make me so hard." hoshina moaned, his hips titing upwards. the camera went out and in focus but hoshina was too busy to care reliving the time you sat on his lap without your panties on - he is not a fan of sex positions where he couldn't see your face, but he discovered he also like the view of seeing your ass jiggle whenever he shoves his hardness in and out of you. it drove him crazy when you came while he is still inside you, his fingers playfully tweaking your nipples - he unintentionally bit the skin near your neck when it was his turn to cum inside you, and he would have felt sorry for it, but the bite mark looked so hot on you and in hoshina's depraved mind, it was nice to leave a remembrance on your body, a reminder that you are his.  the memory was almost enough to push him over the edge in the present. 
maybe if he was actually with you he would have had the patience to delay his climax but in the isolation of his room, hoshina does not have to be a gentleman. his left hand is beginning to feel numb with the way he is holding his phone so he can capture the last parts of his exhibition. you had always been able to tell whenever he is already close - hoshina gets real mouthy with his dirty talk as his thrusts get sloppy. "shit, i wanna cum inside you so fucking bad," he panted as he sense his high settling in. 
hoshina made use of friction, his curled fingers jerking up and down at a quicker pace. he tossed his head back, the pleasure taking over his entire body that there is almost no place for logic or sense anymore. nothing could compare to the sensation of your pussy clenching around him but this has to do for now - his hand stroking his own cock from the base to its angry, red tip wet with precum. hoshina knows he isn't gonna last long now, and he let himself get carried away with the current of his orgasm. 
hoshina did not have the presence of mind to stop himself from moaning your mind out loud as he spasmed. he choked on a few more colorful words as he kept on tugging on his cock until he is sure he's got nothing more to give. gentle aftershocks consumed hoshina as he tried to catch his breath. he is still holding on to his phone, but he did not dare move further to stop the recording. he closed his eyes tightly, and his thumb hovered on the stop button, pressing on it. 
it took hoshina a hot minute to recover. he cleaned up as best he can, wiping his cum off his stomach with tissues. he was lucky he didn't soil his blankets, he thought. 
he feels light now that he is satisfied, sated. hoshina laid on the bed, glancing at the digital clock in the table, scolding himself for staying up this late when he is needed for training tomorrow. he wished the days would go by quicker so he could go home to you already. he very much loves the profession he chose, but he is undeniably a better man when he knows he will see you at the end of his day. hoshina sighed, picking his phone to send you a good night message.
the video clip he took for you was the first thing he saw when he unlocked his screen. he was only planning to let you know he is thinking of you, but hoshina let the video load inside the message bubble in his conversation thread he shares with you.
with a devious smirk on his face, hoshina clicked send. 
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quick note: might be the last post for this week. i am going on holiday next week so i am planning on getting some writing done. as much as i would like, im trying not to post the song fic entries yet until they are up to my standards - sorry guys. thanks for your patience as ever!
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thetruthaboutnolan · 7 months
Well TLDR of the backstory. An elitist grammar nazi narcissist got mad I called her out. She apparently ‘coded’ which is code for stealing from codepen and just changing text families and colors. And I code. Also this diva had they/them pronouns on their RPH blog but She/they on what they called an aesthetics blog so I’ll switch between the pronouns.
So when I brought my abilities RP to tumblr from its original home on jcink I needed a skin. I found a theme hunters blog and got it directly from their post. I assumed that tumblr was like jcink in that the skins on resource sites/blogs you could use and basically make them a base and design them however you like so long as you keep the original created. So I did that. Turns out tumblr is not like jcink and coder really hate when you do this. Even had the theme maker of the theme I used get asked if as I claimed the theme I used was theirs. To which the theme maker said it’s code looks like one of theirs but I had edited it to much that though don’t consider it as their theme but a custom one I made off their coding now. And of course Nazi and her followers just read ‘no’ and ran with it.
I didn’t notice that there were a couple of aesthetic ls trending at that time such as a mouse hover drop down navigation and a div for a welcome message. So I went to my skin on jcink and codepen to look for an up dated version of both but keeping my aesthetic from the original roleplay. So I adds them and designed them.
This was when crazy nazi chick came in apparently since we both had the same aesthetics both that were ‘the it thing’ at the time as well as we both had a monochromatic color aesthetic for our theme just mine was cityscape themed and theirs was forest castle themed?
So basically I had a drop down navigation, they had one, I had a welcome div, they had one, I had customized posts that looked different depending on what they were for, they had customized posts. Which that last one was kind of what set them off the most as the nazi was keeping how they were getting their posts to look different despite all just being text posts. I discovered if you put the tags to appear in the over all posting div you could completely customize each one based off the tags.
So the Nazi was revamping their dead RP of the same genre and openly admitted they were going to target mine to get PR going and it did. Them claiming their bullshit got people to join their group over mine out of pity but then they would later rant about how no one applying was good enough to be on their site and they regret ever being an admin for people that weren’t approved writers.
Then she gave up and deleted everything after telling everyone to drop the drama with me, it’s over, stop bringing it up. Yes a lot more was involved but that’s where the coding bit ends. Well that and I found she was stealing codepen codes and other sites offering their codes for free like the isotope sorting code everyone uses to death now. She originally claimed she made it then after places linked to the site she took it from she changed it to say she thanks this site (she didn’t link to it) for letting her use it. Then she released and used two templates that used it that she again claimed as her own but they were example codes the website itself showed and things see only on jcink and claiming they were their codes simply because they were the first one to post and use them on tumblr.
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hopenight · 2 years
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I posted 2,779 times in 2022
7 posts created (0%)
2,772 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 25 of my posts in 2022
#critical role - 9 posts
#exandria calamity - 7 posts
#exu: calamity - 7 posts
#exandria unlimited - 6 posts
#exandria unlimited calamity - 5 posts
#zerxus - 4 posts
#exu calamity - 2 posts
#raven queen - 2 posts
#cleric - 2 posts
#the raven queen - 2 posts
Longest Tag: 86 characters
#her warlock patron is the champion of ravens because i have thoughts about vax as well
My Top Posts in 2022:
Except one frames one of them as the hero because we follow his story and the other as a villain because she’s opposition to the party. 
Seriously just imagine it.
Picture Zerxus, who went down a similar path to Delilah, looking at his husband and saying “I broke the world for us.”
Picture Delilah, who couldn’t bring Sylas back, saying, “When you kneel to one god, you kneel to them all.” 
Maybe I’m just going crazy here, but I think I’m on to something.
Change my mind. 
30 notes - Posted June 7, 2022
So I’m rewatching EXU Calamity episode 2
And I’m referring back to this post of mine. 
46 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
So apparently I’m just going to share all my feral ass thoughts on the Raven Queen during EXU: Calamity
Out of all the deities that the world of Exandria has presented to us, I think that Raven Queen fascinates me the most.
To be fair though, this is true with most pantheons. I’ve had a standing fascination with gods whose domain includes death since I was small. I’m sure witch tumblr or something can explain that affinity and fascination that I’ve had with it.  (Nevermind my own existential death anxiety, which was sure fun to discover was a thing for me after my 18 year old dog died in my arms, but I digress). 
I wrote this on a reblog to another post about the Raven Queen that I can’t find now because my tagging system is non-existent, but I think what I find the most fascinating is that she was mortal.
The Raven Queen was a girl once. She had parents that she had a relationship with. Though whether or not it was a good one, I cannot say. I like to think that it was, but I see so many people go through so much trauma because of their parents I’d like for the god of fate and death to have seen her parents teach her kindness and compassion.
Maybe she learned how to sew or knit or weave at her mother’s knee. Maybe her father would carry her on his shoulders. Maybe they fought when she was a teenager, as all parents are wont to do with their kids. Maybe she snuck out to dance in the forest with friends and get tipsy on wine. 
Maybe she ran through feels and got sunburn on her shoulders, pale skin peeling red from enough time under the light. Or maybe she would sneak out to watch the stars and dream of “what if”. Maybe she had crushes and was told her laugh was “too obnoxious”. Was she told to be more ladylike as a child? Or was she too serious and shy, shunned by the other children for being awkward?
Did she have an innate talent for magic? Or did she study and learn until the power sparked up at her fingertips? 
She had desire to learn based on what see in EXU. She was a mage and a pretty damn good one. She was a teacher or at least it sounds like she was one based on what Patia reveals. The Raven Queen as a teacher makes a lot of sense and again is endlessly fascinating.
She had dreams, perhaps, before her ascension. Did she want a family? Did she want to focus on her career? Did she want to travel the world or the planes before her eyes turned to godhood? Before the God of Death did something that made her decide that he had to go? 
Now based on what we have, she ascended because the previous god of Death took, what’s been described as, a tyrannical stance over it. And I would certainly love to know what that means. She also was a follower of this God again, love to know what that means, especially in the Age of “gods who?” Arcanum. 
Does she miss being mortal, I wonder? 
I mean think about her situation. She described her situation with the other Prime Deities as “precarious” to Vax. The other gods took away what was to be her domain, death, and instead made her the goddess of the instance of death, of transition. They destroyed her rites (which, you know, valid) and either her name was removed as part of ritual (Ehhhh? Vecna still has his name) or the gods did like some sort of mega modify memory.
Were her parents still alive, I wonder? How do you handle that? Knowing your child’s face and name one moment and the next...nothing? Only the knowledge that your daughter has become a god. Did she have siblings? Did they have to mourn losing their sister? 
How lonely do you think she must be? Only she remembers her name? By the time the main campaigns of Critical Role have rolled around, anyone who remembered her as a mortal and loved her is long dead. 
Do you think that her followers understand that sort of loneliness? Feared by most mortals, disliked by the gods, alone in her realm as she watches the strings of fate. Does she remember learning how to weave at her mother’s knee? How to craft with those delicate strings as her mother carded a hand through her hair and called her by her name? 
Does she still wish that? To hear someone say her name? Or would hearing it really make everything too real? 
Maybe that’s why she sees out people who know loneliness: Vax’ildan, Purvan Suul, even Liev’tel had an air that read to me that she knew loneliness. Hell, I created a character for an Exandria campaign who is a cleric of the Raven Queen that had a lonely childhood. 
In her champions and her clerics, does she want to find someone who understands? She is a god, but she was mortal. Maybe she had to sacrifice that part of herself to become a god, but did she sacrifice all of it? 
Or maybe, in her lonely existence, she still feels like she is both.
Maybe, in her heart, she wishes that someone would call her by her name again. 
Just one last time. 
93 notes - Posted June 5, 2022
You guys remember that character concept on TikTok where a paladin got his power from his wedding vows?
Because I know Zerxus says he gets his power from the people of Avalir. But he doesn't seem to love Avalir?
But based on context clues, you know who seemwd to love the city? His husband. Zerxus says he was supposed to be the first knight.
What if he has let this whole narrative spring up around him? What if Zerxus got his power from Evandrin and his love for him? And Evandrin loved Avalir.
So Zerxus is the first knight and lets this myth spring up around him? What if its his love for his husband that gives him his divine magic?
What if its that love that leads him to ruin?
175 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
*stares at the sad boy paladin*
297 notes - Posted June 3, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thegalleonsnest · 3 years
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I’m a bit late on this, but it’s here! This is not only my anniversary piece, but my love letter to both the game and the community as a whole. I wanted to include as many grumpuses as I could, and I got way more than I ever thought I would ever draw lol. There was a point where I just had to stop or else I would be in muppet purgatory forever, but I really tried to get as many as I could.
Bugsnax as a game was something I didn’t expect to hit me on such a personal level. It truly was a game I fell deeply in love with for being inspirational, emotional, and creative. Because of that, it kicked a nasty art burn out phase I got right after graduating college, and made me pick up my tablet again. My art drive has been so strong, I’ve made more pieces this year alone than the last 2-3 years combined, and that’s saying something. I’ve improved so much too, it’s crazy looking back at what I was making at the start of the year to now.
This game had me so invested, that the moment I finished it, I went online and found so many other people who were also super into it. I actually wanted to push my comfort zone and put myself out there. I wanted to meet people, get involved in the community, talk to the artists I ended up looking up to as I discovered them through the tags. It’s such a surreal experience, because it actually happened! So many of these people are incredibly kind and talented, I feel honored to have made friends with so many of them, and have created some amazing friendships with them too.
Because of all this, it really made me put my year into perspective. 2021 was not an easy year for me personally. There are people out there in the community who mean so much to me...it makes me really appreciate them so much, and I have nothing but gratitude. There’s plenty of personal stuff I rather not get into, but if it were not for me taking the steps to put myself out there, meet people, and have people that genuinely support me as I support them, I literally don’t know where I’d be without them. You guys made and continue to make my year a very special one. I literally can’t thank you all enough, you all have my deepest gratitude.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you guys for the incredible year; and thanks Young Horses for the amazing game that kick started this whole thing.
Also, yes, this is desktop wallpaper compatible! 1920x1080!
(Keep an eye out in a reblog for an Artstation post for the complete breakdown of this piece and alternate versions of this piece! Will feature higher resolutation versions of these!)
Alrighty, now to properly credit all the people who’s OCs made an appearance in the piece! For the sake of making sure this post doesn’t take up over half your scroll bar, just click read more. There’s also some fun facts if your interested too.
Credits. I’m gonna start with the people from the back and work our way towards the front. There’s a couple of people on this list who don’t have tumblr, and their next best social media is either Twitter or elsewhere.
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(Ignore Clumby lol) Going from Left to Right 1. Snedra Magnificar - @susiedreemurr 2. Talara Quietbell - @girlyliondragon 3. Lorabetta Nightshade - @smol-tired-binch-blog
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Left to right 4. Jeffany Sparklight - @snorpington-fizzlebean 5. Lampton Wakley - @underturd 6. Alonsy Notaspy - @alon--sy 7. Rupyne Loupdaze - @ennnet
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From top left to bottom right 8. Shadow Filbo - @spade-snax 9. Honeypie - @sheepeart 10. Tallpine - @snafubravado 11. Causskin - @jillibean06 12. Lezster - @spade-snax 13. Snaktooth (The big guy lol) - @snorpington-fizzlebean
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Left to right 14. Borko Pickypluck - @/QBJ on Twitter 15. Chester “Cheesy” Chullabaloo - @snafubravado 16. Peeply Griffleseed - @moominmamma-time 17. Juleo Shimmershine - @punk-rockrz 18. Margarine Fabledfungus - @fungusry
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Left to right 19. Boty Cuddletight - @fuzzyblizzardkitty 20. Sheepe Plumpoof - @sheepeart 21. Buddy Sonderthing - @happysonderthing 22. Pethani Milkysocks - @peanuttindraws 23. Maltah Mailstrife - @ennnet
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From top left to bottom right 24. Quillda Tiddlything - @calliopepreforms 25. Ambla Longstock - @harleyonz 26. Averie Flickersnap - Blizz-chan on DeviantArt 27. Zeela Rivershriek - @hazey-moonlight 28. Buddy Dirtdigger - @longlive-the-new-fresh
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From bottom left to top right 29. Mollinda Goosechase - @smol-tired-binch-blog 30. Lawnsie Lampshade - @soulgypsywastaken 31. Peppy Beeblebop - @thepearlad 32. Bud Scribblescrap - @basedsnax
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Alright, first big group. Starting from the bottom row, left to right, and work our way up each row from left to right, we got
33. Willius Bortus - @the-forest-cryptid 34. Chordical Gallopano - Oh hey that’s me lol 35. Jay (we never got a name, so uh) - @jaypsnax 36. Cheery Chocopaw (giving the piggyback) - @dynablade 37. Whybin (piggyback-e) - @ryrolie 38. Noot - @the-forest-cryptid 39. Megawatt Slashflic - @alon--sy 40. Gabzell Diamondhaze - @wambusenjoyer 41. Sleepy - @sleepytaytay 42. Smelliott - @dogboyboyfriend 43. Orlifa Featherbean - @cheesesteakphil 44. Sunny Frazzlefuzz - @stupidsunny-d 45. Cloudia Driftyfloat - @stupidsunny-d 46. Franey - @jillibean06 47. Lazloo Morrowell - @basedsnax​ 48. Zhenya Funkytoad - @angryjojofrog 49. Frankly Battletap - @lynnesgalaxy 50. Arnlo Doodlydoo - @dani-k-k 51. Fuzzly Snickerwhisker - @dani-k-k 52. Meeptah Moonsmoke - @hazey-moonlight
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From the bottom row, from left to right, and work our way up from left to right again 53. Seacile Cellopaw - @thylawhiskers 54. Cardikin Giggleheart - @strabbyshortcake 55. Everlee Meganugget - @girlyliondragon 56. Noelle Gigglefunny - @strabbyshortcake 57. Suzzah Sheepmoon - @/PeanutTheRoo on twitter 58. Scrungly Tickletfit - @/Master_Meowster on twitter 59. Emery Fizzleham - @glittery-cheepoof 60. Wrongle Wigglebottom - @susiedreemurr 61. Peachie Wigglefunny - @girlyliondragon 62. Kerleb Clumbertail - @pastel-snorpy 63. Quimbly Dazzlestomp - @its-laney-penn 64. Neddy Honeyfidget (Giving the piggyback) - @spade-snax 65. Mylon Magicknight (Piggyback-e) - @nonbinarybardd 66. Dizzee Muffinsparkle - @mylas-stash 67. Kedric Furball - @thylawhiskers 68. Duplo - From Discord (friend of @/Master_Meowster on twitter; person does not have social media) 69. Peeble Clumbertail - @pastel-snorpy 70. Lyton Writesworth - @nonbinarybardd 71. Clofur Cuddlepaw - @lucky-slime 72. Majorir - @deplorabletwink
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And of course 73. McGee - That’s also me.
Fun Facts:
- The total number of Grumpuses is 87. 73 of them being OCs and the other 14 are the main cast.
- If you noticed, I tried grouping a lot of these guys with certain themes and have it make sense for them to hang out with each other (kind of). I tried my hardest to keep it consistent, but there may be a few stray guys cause it would ruin the sort of even looking set up if I changed where they were.
-Obviously, some of the interactions and pairings are more or less little nods to other people’s connections with each other, whether it’s personal friends or people really liking their ocs together.
- I had to save out 5 different versions of this project because I had the time lapse running the whole time. The files were becoming so big, saving/opening the file became a struggle. Between the 5 files w/the time lapse recordings, the total file sizes ended up being 15.3 GB.
- The clean, final version of the project w/out the time lapse and still retains all the original layers is 172 MB.
- I started this project on November 6th, 2021 & finished it on December 2nd 2021 (That’s about 3 and half weeks, or about 26 consecutive days. No, I did not take a single day off working on this; and don’t worry, I took care of myself and had people check up on me just in case I was found lying on the floor family guy style)
The milestones dates are as followed,    - Sketch from start to finish: Nov 6th - Nov 11th    - Outline/Flats for initial background: Nov 11th - Nov 12th    - Outline/Flats for Characters: - Nov 13th - Nov 23rd     - Background Shading: Nov 24th - Nov 26th    - Character Shading: Nov 26th - Dec 1st    - Clean Up/Additional Background Detail: Dec 1st - Dec 2nd
- A good chunk of these guys have fully drawn out bodies just in case bits and pieces were shown or I had to move them around if the original sketch wasn’t gonna work.
- I haven’t done a large scale project like this since Dungeons and Grumpuses which was all the way back in March of 2021, so that tells ya how much I’ve grown and improved over the last couple of months.
- I have been told several times that I was crazy and was gonna die during this project, and I did several times lmao.
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burnedbyshoto · 4 years
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— You’re an avid listener to NSFW ASMR artist Hawks. It’s just your luck that he’s offered to have phone sex with you.
pairing: takami keigo (hawks) x fem!reader
warnings: smut, 18+, slight abuse of power/influence, phone sex, masturbation, degradation, praise, nsfw asmr artist!hawks
word count: 5,018
a/n: my keyboard is broken and i could actually cry. but hey, hawks do be sexy even tho I would never trust him with my life. also LOL this might be a call out to a lot of us, do not be offended or I will cry.
kinktober day 14 main kink: phone sex | kinktober masterlist
Fantasizing about being in relationships with fictional characters was entirely healthy and normal.
That was something you believed to the core. It was fictional; thus, no one but you were to be hurt at the end of the day. The character, being fake, could never have an opinion because you must be real in order to have an opinion. So when you were between boyfriends, you discovered a new anime, and before you could stop yourself, you fell hard for a character.
It started as a mild obsession.
You had looked up fanart via google images, your heart warming when you saw the plethora of different fanart. The anime itself had been in circulation for a few years now, the manga for much longer, so the content was endless. Then google images wasn’t enough, and you began crossing into Twitter and Tumblr.
The fanart became better, more engrossing, and definitely much more NSFW. And then, one night during your endless rabbit hole down Tumblr after your daily search on Twitter, you stilled when seeing a new type of content.
⇒ grey fullbuster x reader
The obsession grew worse.
So much so that you had followed nearly five hundred self insert writers and artists on Tumblr, and maybe seven hundred artists, meta writers, and thread makers on twitter. But three months into consuming all the content you could find, you came across a new name that made you tilt your head.
Hawks Fierce Wings
It was a name that was being repeated and heavily talked about on both sites. It was an ASMR artist, apparently, and you frowned at the thought. You didn’t have anything against ASMR videos, but you weren’t exactly sure how to handle an anime ASMR artist. Were they cosplaying while making all those weird ASMR sounds? You really didn’t have any idea, but due to the immense boredom of your lazy day in, you decided to hell with it and tried out his most popular video.
It was simply entitled: Hawks is Jealous.
Did you have any idea as to who Hawks was? God, no, you didn’t. But if it was just some random cosplay he was going to do, you didn’t think it was going to matter. So as the only slightly educated ASMR listener, you never truly became invested when it was a thing; you slipped on your earbuds and pressed play.
The introduction screen faded into an illustrated picture of a slightly handsome man, and some calming yet tense music played in the background. You shifted, eyebrows drew as you waited for the ASMR session to begin, and when it did, you were not ready.
“I saw you walking around with that asshole today,” a voice practically growled in your ear, and you froze.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
Oh, no!
For almost an entire hour, you sat glued to your sofa, your fingers digging into your lap as the jealous, spiteful words of this man named Hawks poured bitterly in your ear. His words were a near aggravated assault on you and definitely something you were beyond uncomfortable hearing from a stranger, but there was something about his voice that kept you there. Maybe it was the tenor of his tone or the way there was this sly, cunning scent to his words that he seemed to hide deep within his throat, but there was something that kept you there.
The second the passionate, heated kissing noises and heavy moans began to spill from his lips, you screeched, slamming your laptop closed as your cheeks pounded heavily.
Oh my god?!
It took a bit, but eventually, you were able to finish the audio and quickly figured out why he was an NSFW artist. You had never, ever heard a man eat a pussy fake or real as eagerly or vigorously as he did. Your hands were gripping the pants of your leggings, and your chest heaved.
Oh, motherfucking shit.
Finding out there were almost seventy other videos for you to still experience sent you scrambling for more, and eventually, you had to confess you were obsessed. Despite the anime fandoms you had discovered him for, Hawks seemed to be more famous for the content he created as himself. His real name was unknown by the looks of it, and he was only addressed as Hawks by his audience, something you caught on to quickly. So only after creating a new profile for his Youtube account, you made quick work of liking and commenting on every single of his already published seventy-eight nearly one hour and thirty-minute videos. 
Each one was different.
Each one filled with various roadmaps on how Hawks' scenarios would play out for you — the listener. When he used his own persona, he called the listener his little dove or his chicken nugget, sometimes his KFC thigh, or his shish kabob. 
You were glad at the very least he didn’t call you by any of those nicknames when pretending to fuck you at a speed only a “porn-is-my-only-education-on-porn” virgin teenage boy. You knew it wasn’t ideal, usually, but for some reason, it just worked. You commented on everything, read his summaries and thoughts on each video. Eventually, when you found yourself on his final, most recent video, you were ready to go a step further.
The Patreon app on your phone seemed jarringly out of place as you opened the app and subscribed yourself to Hawks' highest tiered option for the price of twenty USD.
And when you got your access to his page, you were immersed in more heavier, better content.
It was a goldmine in a sea of fools gold, and you absolutely went insane.
You weren’t sure if you were insane, needy, or just straight-up idiotic for scrolling to the very first Patreon post and indulging in the content Hawks created. 
There was a stark difference between the warnings alone between the Youtube videos and the Patreon posts. While the porn was readily accessible on Youtube, the kinkiest thing that ever happened in a video was a slight implication that Hawks had left the listener on a vibrator and fuckmachine as he went to go talk to the visiting neighbors.
It was a slight, tiny zone out and miss a detail, but one you had clung onto like an obsessed psycho and even commented on in your comment on the post. Of course, Hawks hadn’t responded, not that you had ever expected him to because all things considered, a video that was eight months old and hadn’t done that well, to begin with, didn’t seem like anything he would remember: notifications and all. 
But Patreon? Oh good, sweet, ravishing Patreon.
The very first video was of the following:
Stepbrother!Hawks fucks Stepsister!Listener in the stairwell during Christmas Dinner.
After praying and swearing to all the deities of the world that you were merely a person with a voice kink for this man and not, in fact, a perverted pseudo-incest worshiper, you clicked on it and began. It was downright sinful.
There were active voices whispered in the background as Hawks laughed about how fucking slutty you were for letting your brother fuck you like this. In the hallway, like a dog, where anyone in your joint family could walk out into. He laughed that you probably wanted it, how your wet ass pussy was greedily sucking him in, so how could you even begin to deny your lust for your brother.
You had to take a break five times during that audio.
Eventually, you do end up catching up.
Each video he had ever posted to your disposal, and most likely due to the different tier levels, you always commented on the videos. Even if it made you feel awkward for lusting over things months old, even if there were no other comments on the videos, which was much more common than you thought, you always commented and liked. It wasn’t anything ever crazy, you had seen the rarest comments bring a whole essay of analysis on why they loved it or the hating words, but you kept it simple.
Just something to keep Hawks spirits high without draining you even further of energy.
A simple: holy shit, that was hot as fucking hell!!!! you never disappoint me!!!
You never expected anything out of it; as a matter of fact, you had merely thought that you were doing the least by merely appreciating his creations when, one night, a few hours after you had gotten home. Your phone chimed with an alert.
Your mouth formed an ‘o’ in surprise; you hadn’t realized there was going to be a new release after he had just updated four days ago. Still, you popped in your earbuds and began the audio with a simple title.
i fuk ur stupid lil pus until u cri
He wasn’t precisely putting much effort into his titles these days, but his tags were definitely accurate and entirely explicit in what was to come. And in this newest video, the prominent tag was degradation.
You weren’t entirely into degradation, but still, you did what you had to do because you weren’t turned off by it. With the beginning sounds of the music playing in the background, you warped into the situation Hawks carefully carved.
But, oh?
Your face simmered with heat as Hawks dirty words dripped from the earbuds, the wet, squelching noise of your cunt and throat being fucked like some inanimate object made you soak through your panties as his disparaging words burned against your spine like a hot brand. After the thirty-minute audio was finished. Your body trembling with the aftershocks of an orgasm that had come despite the lack of actual stimulation of your clit, and you panted on your bed.
Opening your phone once again, you quickly liked the new audio and typed out your comment.
listen, i know i always comment about how fucking hot this shit is, but i have /never/ fucking soaked through my panties… you just did that and i expect a full refund for these panties 💦
You pressed send and, without so much of a second thought, continued your night. You had dinner, talked with friends, and ended the night curled back on the couch with a wine glass in your hand and a simple sit-com playing on the TV. The familiar sound of the Patreon alert rang in your ear, and you frowned, confused.
Grabbing your phone, you opened up the device and nearly shrieked at the sight of the information the notification that said:
Hawks F.W.: lets see those panties before i refund anything
A chill ran down your spine as you quickly put together the indications of this message, and you smirked, despite your quivering hands. 
Me: I have a seven inch dick requirement before seeing any of the goods — yes, that includes my panties
And from that very moment, you began a strange arrangement between you and the NSFW ASMR artist Hawks.
Working was the worst part of your life, you would say.
At work, you would sit in your small 4x4 cubicle, your shelves stacked with plenty of papers and items you needed, not to mention the computer that took up the majority of your desk. You weren’t quite sure what your job here was, you sort of sat at your desk and did meaningless assignments when assigned, but you did nothing for the most part. 
Before becoming an active Hawks stan, you would spend your time doing nothing playing video games. You had somehow managed to install a VPN onto your hard drive so that your employers wouldn’t be able to see what was on your screen outside of the home screen. They couldn’t trace what you did all day, but they could care less, given you got all your work completed on time and done in an over exceptional way.
But lately, since you had dropped into this… engrossed whore like relationship with Hawks, things changed. 
To be honest, it still shocks you to no end when he tells you that he had always been aware of you. Well, with your consistent, ever appearing comments on his posts and overall enthusiasm for everything he posted, it was hard to not be aware. The mental image of your soaked through panties after a long day at his own work had sent him over the edge, and he finally messaged you.
Through the DM’s in Patreon, the two of you grew to become quite the friends with benefits. He would send you countless personalized audio files because you had quickly confessed to your voice kink and how his voice sent your stomach into hormonal knots. In return, you’d send the picture of an occasional soaked panty, and if he was lucky, an audio clip of your pathetic whines back to his audios.
You couldn’t complain about this arrangement.
But as the number of his patrons doubled, and he wanted to entice his subscribers with paying him even more money, Hawks began to offer a bimonthly personalized five minute audios for his $20 tier. The fans poured into that spot, and Hawks and proudly sent you the new number of adoring fans he was getting. On account of growing platforms such as Tiktok, the number of new listeners he got was nearly exponential, as he currently passed one million followers last week. 
The cheeky bastard was also making enough money to stop working his regular work hours anymore. Choosing to transition slowly into his Patreon career while recording.
Hawks, however, seemed to have other ideas for your eventual personalized voice audio.
Hawks had simply asked if, by any chance, you were going to be working tomorrow the night before. Groaning loudly in recognition of your work schedule, you had texted him back that you were going to be working. Snidely including the fact that you weren’t rich like him, you needed the tedious old nine to five job.
Hawks: how utterly boring anyway u can b free around 2?
Me: Eh… probably not. Busy girl w busy schedule, ill be back from lunch so no break Why?
Hawks: well, u knw tht uve been amzing & th bst follower so i wanted 2 give u smthing better then the personalized audio
Me: Oh? Well, what is it?’
Hawks: pick up tmrw n find out
He had changed the subject immediately afterward by dodging all of your questions with ease. So you dropped it, and the two of you resumed a night of flirting. But now, sitting in your small cubicle, your eyes flashing to the clock that read 1:57 p.m., sweat began to build on your palm.
You peered down to your phone as you waited for something, anything from Hawks to show up. The fucker was too cheeky, evasive, and quick for his own good. You felt like pouting as you glared at the phone, waiting for the screen to light up.
And you stilled when finally, at precisely 1:59 p.m., your phone gleamed with light. You couldn’t abandon your computer mouse quicker than you did as you grabbed your phone, unlocking it, and reading the message from Hawks.
Hawks: do u have earbuds?
Me: Yes?
Hawks: good put them on n pick up
The moment you had read the first message, you were already pulling out your earbuds, synching them up to your phone, and placing them into your ear. But your jaw dropped when, for the first time, the call feature highlighted onto the screen, the time immediately changing to that of 2:00 p.m. The decline or accept button had never looked as daunting as it did right now.
Despite the call trying to go through, you still saw his follow up.
Hawks: if u dont pick up u wont get shit
You felt your heart hammering in your chest as both fear, apprehension, and excitement boiled through your veins, the hammering blood pounding in your ears as you waited for some sort of noise on the opposite side of the line.
“Little dove?” Hawks' voices filled your ears, and despite yourself, you smiled softly. The naturalness of his voice sends warm thumps down your spine.
“Hi, Hawks,” you whisper breathlessly, your head already checking to make sure your neighboring cubicle mates didn’t try to look over the divisions to stare at you. For the most part, the office building was quiet except for the phone calls, the clanking of computer keys, and the monotonous music playing softly on the speaker's head. 
“Whatcha doing?” he drawled, and you felt your skin heat up when you heard the all too familiar sound of his shoes hitting the top of his desk, the soft whine of his chair as he leaned back onto it. “Are you really at work?”
“What do you mean, am I really at work?” you squeaked, half horrified at the way the lazy, warm heat of lust was infiltrating your body at the sound of his voice, and the annoyance that he thought you had been lying? “Of course I am; it’s two p.m. on a Wednesday!”
“Ah, so little dove-chan is a raging pervert who engages in phone sex to bypass her long hours at work?” Hawks sighed his tone that of understanding and dismissal. You splutter. “You never fail to surprise me.”
“I do not do… that!” you stammer, your face feeling like hot cinders, your fingers and eyes double-checking to make sure that the audio was going to your earbuds and your earbuds only. You also couldn’t help the way your eyes swept around you, trying to make sure you hadn’t accidentally invited unwanted attention. “I said I was busy!”
“But, you picked up my call?”
“You said, or else!”
“Mmm, okay, I think I see,” Hawks tutted, and although you had never seen what you supposed to be his handsome face, you could imagine a lazy, toothy smirk on his face. “Don’t worry, I don’t mind using your little cubicle to talk you into fucking yourself good for me.”
Your jaw drops.
It hits the desk, and the muffled shriek of utter humiliation is only silenced because you bit onto your tongue like a rabid animal.
“Aw, you sound so excited for me already, little dove. I bet you want to know what I’m going to do to you, don’t you? I just know that I’m going to make you feel so... good…”
“Hawks!” you plea in a hushed whisper, your heart hammering where you sat frozen like a deer in headlights. Sure, you had definitely played his audios before to pass the time, but never before in your existence had you had actual phone sex. This was riskier than just listening to his audios; his audios always had a pattern, a way to escape from the madness of his voice when people were closer than you’d like. But this? No, there was no escape. “I’m at work! I c-can’t!”
“But, fuck, I want you so bad,” Hawks' voice dipped into a gravely tone, his voice just perfectly scratchy enough that your shoulders trembled in unspoken, untouched want. “I want to feel your cunt around my cock, baby, your pussy is so hot and I want to be the fucking lucky bastard that gets to fuck you through your bed.”
“O-Oh my god…”
“I’ve been thinking of what your tits look like,” Hawks continues on, his voice continuing in the style you liked the most. It was raw, heavy, and deep. No character impersonations, just him, pure Hawks. “I hope they bounce the way they do when I imagine you riding me. I want to see you moan when I kiss the underside of your tit, I want to see your face when you realize that you’re my girl, nobody's else's, but mine.”
Heat floods your panties at his words, your shallow breaths making him chuckle on the other end. 
“You’d be so lucky to be just mine, wouldn’t you, little dove?” Hawks snaps, his voice demanding a response, and you heave.
You look around, no one is near, and you croak out: “I’d be so lucky.”
“I’d be so lucky.”
“Mm, there we go,” Hawks laughs, and your ears prickle for any noise that may indicate that someone was listening in. “What? Are you getting nervous that your needy ass will be heard by your coworkers right now? Answer me.”
“Mhmm,” you hum loudly, your cunt pulsing with more incredible heat and your hands shaking with a slight fear of being caught.
“Aww, don’t worry, little dove. I’m sure your boss will understand that you’re my newest fucktoy and will let me continue. Maybe they’ll want to join in?”
You whimper softly, shifting in your seat at that thought. You didn’t really want your boss coming anywhere near you, he was old and gross for one, and nothing could take the place of this beautiful man's voice in your ear right now.
“Oh, was that a no? You don’t want other people fucking you, do you, y/n? I bet you only want to have my cock in your tight little pussy, bet you want to watch the way that greedy little thing sucks me in, begging for my seed. Would you want me to cum deep inside you? You would like that little dove; you’d like to be full of my cum.”
“H-Hawks,” you keen as quietly as you can, your hips shifting uncomfortably in your seat, your heart hammering in your throat. The pressing heat in your cunt is growing, your panties growing with wet slick as Hawks' voice whispers down your ear, filling every empty and void space in your brain until you were having trouble focusing on the very much public spot you were in.
Hawks let out a soft, guttural moan, and you froze, face entirely combusting into an inferno as the familiar slick slapping of his fapping cock filled your ear. Immediately, you forgot everything.
“A-Are you—?!” you splutter, unable to find the words or the energy to come up with a way to ask if he was masturbating right now. Your eyes spun, your mind in a complete haze as soft, raunchy moans spilled from his lips, striking against your nerves and soul with each successive sound.
“I’m only trying to help you out here, dove,” Hawks growled, undoubtedly in effect to a rather loud smack of his fist colliding with his thrusting hip. “You’re the little office slut who picked up a phone call to entice in phone sex. I bet you knew exactly what I was going to do, and your pathetic, needy whore self caved to my instructions.”
Your fingers curled into the armrest of your chair.
“I bet this makes your boring ass job tolerable, the perfect distraction to a shit job, then imagining a few minutes of fucking yourself against my hard cock.”
“That’s not true!”
“No?” Hawks laughed, not believing you any more than you did. “So you wouldn’t hate it if I showed up and fucked you into the wall of your cubicle? You wouldn’t mind if I claimed your sweet-smelling pussy against your desk for everyone to hear? I know you can scream like a bitch in heat. I know that pretty little cunt of yours would milk my cock dry. Oh, I just know you would look so fucking sexy with your back arched, eyes closed, and you begging for hours just to cum. You wouldn’t cum without my permission, right?”
You gasped, heart fluttering, hammering in your chest as you shook your head, not trusting yourself to speak.
“I need a verbal answer, little dove.”
The heat in your core was blistering, your thighs shaking with your unadulterated lust and need as you ground into the cushion of your chair. All logic and moral long gone as he snarled and moaned your name in your ear, the slick of his fapping cock echoing like a great bell in your ear. You wanted to hear him cum, wanted to listen to the pithering sound of his echoing moans as he spilled the contents of his balls onto his hand — and how you wished it was your womb.
“I won’t cum w-without your permission!” you whispered, your skin shivering with your fear of being caught. 
“God, you sound like such a dirty fucking bitch. I bet your pussy is fucking soaked already. Bet you really want to run that slutty embarrassed finger against your clit but don’t want to be caught by your perverted coworkers,” Hawks hissed, his breaths turning into steady, heavy hot pants. You mewl softly, confirming his spoken thoughts, and he huffs out a laugh. “How many fingers do you normally shove up that pretty cunt of yours, little dove?”
“T-Three!” you gasp, your forehead pressing to the cool of your desk, your eyes glazed over and looking at the entrance of your cubicle, fervently wishing that no one tries to check on you as you grind against your stable chair. “O-Only three fit.”
“Fuck, you really do have a tight cunt, don’t you,” Hawks snaps, the wet sounds of his fisting hand around his cock a beautiful melody in your ear that makes you whine at the back of your throat. “Bet you can’t even fit cocks up your cunt without lube, huh. You gotta stay on top, or else you’ll get hurt with how thick and long my cock will be up that baby pussy of yours.”
“H-Hawks!” you grit out, the friction of grinding on the seat no longer working.
“Go to the bathroom, now,” Hawks commands, the small gasps on his voice from his approaching orgasm more than enough ammo for you to do as told.
You sprint to the bathroom, the slick of your cunt hot, and evident to you as you sped to the bathroom. Your phone clenched in your hand as you locked the door behind you, glad the room was empty. Barely managing to get yourself into the stall, the toilet paper placed on the seat as you raised your legs up, already prepared. The skirt you wore was bunched above your ass, and the panties you wore, stretching out around your knees.
“Sounds like you’re ready to start fucking that pussy for me,” Hawks laughs, but there's no humor, just bite. “Put in three fingers, now.”
Without even arguing or caring, three fingers slip into your cunt, and you cry at the feeling of your fingers completely stretching you out. The smell of sex and slick filling your nose as your fingers slick up, fucking your tight cunt as you moan louder and louder for Hawks. 
“God, your fucking pussy is so fucking wet, I can hear it from here!” Hawks moans, the frantic sound of his drilling hips gaining speed and momentum. 
“I want it to be you!” you moan, your face burning in your humiliation. “I want it to be you fucking my pussy, claiming me in this bathroom. I need you, Hawks, I want your cock so badly!”
“Fuck,” Hawks gasps, something tumbling in the background. “Such sweet words for a fucking dirty ass cumslut,” he growls, and your legs shake, your clit and cunt thrumming with your increasing arousal and pit of tightness in your core. 
“HAWKS, FUCK!” you sob as your hips try to start a merciless speed against your fingers, your body trying to match the speed in which Hawks was fucking his own hand.
“Keep screaming my name, whore.” Hawks gasps, his noises of pleasure beginning to grow louder and louder, your eyes crossing in satisfaction. “Screaming my name like the fucking slutty mess you are. All this shit just to get me to fuck you? God, you’re so fucking pathetic y/n. Begging for me, begging for more? I think you’re my favorite little dove ever, gonna make you mine whenever I get to fuck that pussy.”
“Hawks!” you wail his name again, your arms and pussy throbbing with the energy it takes to keep up with his inhumane speeds. Your vision seeing stars as you tremble more and more, your legs slipping from the toilet seat, yet. “I am your whore, your little dove. Please let me come, please! You fuck me so well, fucking hell, please, I needa cum, I needa cum!”
“Cum with me,” he snaps, his voice so deep, so dangerously smooth. It was precisely what you needed, the voice kink you had for his tenor exactly fulfilled entirely with that simple, last command. And just like that, your jaw slackens, head slamming backward, and pleasurable waves crash through you.
Your fingers still rock at your clit, and your vice gripped walls, your toes curling within your shoes as you soundlessly scream. Hawks, on the other end, is practically snarling, voice deep and altogether dangerous as grunt after grunt leaves him, and you can imagine the milk-white cum splattered all over his chest and hand. A beautiful, perfect sight that you wish you could see for yourself.
Exhaustion settles in your bones as you sit on the toilet, still entirely exhausted as you heave for air. 
“I think that was the best fucking orgasm I ever had,” you mumble, your eyes closed, not ready to stand up and move. “Thank you.”
“I’m good at what I… at what I do,” Hawks stumbles, husky exhaustion ringing in his own voice. “Now, little dove, finish up work, and I promise there’ll be a surprise waiting for you when you’re done.”
Not entirely agreeing, but not disagreeing with his command to go finish you last… two and a half hours at work, you begrudgingly said goodbye to Hawks before washing your hands and exiting the bathroom.
When five o’clock came, you watched as your phone screen lit up, and your face flushed as you read the DM from Hawks.
Hawks: this is my fav audio now ↳ hawks_littledove.mp3 but you surprised me today, so in case u ever want to have more fun sometime  call me 03-9183-2495 ;)
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mangacat201 · 2 years
Got tagged by @hedgewyse whom I was very happy to get to know better via this tag game, thanks a lot! Sorry it took so long to respond, I needed to get on tumblr on the laptop where I can actually type up text and I had a lot of things going on this past week that kept me LOL.
Favourite colour: Blue.
No explanation, not particular reason why, it’s just always been blue. All shades from deep purple to almost white. But I have a special place in my heart for the word ‘turquoise’, which I feel is just so the most. 
Currently reading: Oh good gosh, my open doc reading list is so long, I will constrain myself to the most recent things...
“(Love is)The second oldest profession” The 9-1-1 Buck/Eddie pornstar!AU I knew I needed but kept for a special occasion
I’m also reading “Achtsam Morden” a national German bestseller and the first actual like physical book I’ve picked up in probably four years. It’s hilarious and murdery and perfect
I’m listening to “Blood & Paper” by Kevin Hearne (whom I recently got to meet at a book signing event when he was visiting here and a friend asked me to spontaneously tag along - best decision in ages) Love the audiobook version read by Luke Daniels, he’s a whizz with the accents.
“Hide the drums (there’s fire in the sky)” latest installment of the Magical Marriage Ribbons-Verse, the Untamed Mega Saga, for which the author starandrea has been posting a chapter every day since May 31st 2020, so 805 consecutive days as of now without missing ONE. It boggles the mind. (I’ve started reading when the verse was ... oh I think about three parts in, I haven’t missed one too since then)
Last song: “The Greatest Show on Earth” - Nightwish, it’s my soundtrack for my daily yoga practice (no I am in fact not joking), so it doesn’t really count last leisure listening was the soundtrack of ‘Robin Hood - Das Musical’
Last series: Ooofff... ok, so many balls in the air at the same time. I’m watching “The Sandman” of course, as you do and loving it. Also “Extraordinary Attorney Woo” which is THE MOST(tm). Recently finished my rewatch and catch-up of “Manifest” and rewatched a couple of episodes of The Devil Judge with a friend who just started and that I got into it, remembering why I can’t be normal about those boys (and how delightful it is to rewatch with someone experiencing sth for the first time). Of course went down the magnificent and batshit crazy rabbithole that is Kinnporsche. Also, “Tomorrow” which is definitely my fav K-Drama of 2022.
Last movie: Day Shift - Fun and a nice remix of vampire tropes that you don’t really see on top of each other a lot. But it felt more like a set up to a movie trilogy I don’t know if it’s made enough impact into getting, so the premise might have been served better as a mini series? ...The Gray Man, which was solid and enjoyable and absolutely bonkers with how hilarious it was to watch Chris Evans have a ton of fun playing straight up, no holds barred, unredeemable villian. Ryan Gosling can stay... Ana de Armas is queen bee.
Currently working on: My last day of vacation :sob: and of course my WIP/plot bunnie enclosure excel spreadsheet (yes, I do not do things by half until I halfass writing them). Anyway, actual words or plotty thinky thoughts were put into:
- The Devil Judge a/b/o PWP (that has, so far, about 5k of set up and no porn) with a Jung Sunah made them do it scenario and non-traditional dynamics (yeah, idek...)
- Vincenzo Inception fusion - Jang Han Seo wakes up from getting shot to a curious set up of sleeping people around him (really really wanna write this one but the premise is so vast I’m afraid of flaming out again)
- three separate 9-1-1 Buddie fics of varying size and scope that reaches from one’s in love the other isn’t and confessions make things complicated (or do they), the fall out from the truck bombing goes the other way for Buck & the “Eddie deals with his 5B-issues by discovering shibari”!AU (do NOT try this at home-therapy)
- The Untamed - Blades of Glory!AU
pheeeeew. hooookay, wow, that was interesting, hope your learned something about me. I’mma tag some people, but please, feel free to participate at your own leisure. @hattalove, @the-marathon-continues-nip , @iskarieot, @themostglorioushour, @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels , @fondofeveryprickle, @ahhhnorealnamesallowed, @sam-t-a, @b612sunsets
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therealvalkyrie · 3 years
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Hi everyone! As you could probably tell, I've officially hit 500 followers!! I started posting my writing just a little under a year ago after watching AOT obsessively in quarantine, and I will always be so grateful to myself that I did. I'd been reading fanfiction for a long time and toyed with the idea of writing my own, but never went through with it until I literally became so obsessed with Levi that he was in my dreams every night. I was in love! I was manic and a little unhinged! I wrote my first piece of x reader fanfiction that I didn't think was trash! And what did I discover when I posted it on tumblr dot com? A whole bunch of crazy, deranged, talented, brilliant people also obsessed to the degree of fanfiction with this short, fictional man and all the other men I've come to love. I found precious friends and role models and ingenious writers, and I found joy in sharing my writing.
Thank you, all of you, for making me a space in your little community. For saying, "Come in, stay a while! What do you think of Bokuto's tits?" Thank you for giving me a space to feel unjudged and loved, and for giving me the opportunity to love you all back. I so very genuinely wish I could wrap you all in blankets and keep you safe and warm, but I suppose thirsting over two-dimensional men will have to do for now~
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To that end, I'd like to give you all something in return! There are two options for this celebration:
ONE :: Send me a detailed description of you and your selfship (from AOT, HQ, or BNHA) - how you met, where you live, if you have pets, kids, plants, any special traditions, habits, why you fit together, your special song etc - and I will write you a personalized drabble (fewer than 500 words) of your domestic life together. It'll be cute, it'll be fluffy, I would like to heal your heart<3 Side note: poly ships are welcomed and encouraged!!
TWO :: Send me a detailed description of yourself - what you like about yourself, zodiac sign, personality type, favorite passions, hobbies, likes and dislikes, anything you can think of that might help me out - and I will ship you with a character from a fandom of your choosing (AOT, HQ, or BNHA) and give you a timeline of your relationship: how you meet, when you move in, what you do for birthdays, when you meet their fam, and if you stay together or if you break up eventually. This one has the potential for being not as fluffy, but if you'd like me to not include breakups or similar, just let me know and I am happy to do it:)
⇢ Please send in an ask stating which option and which fandom(s) you would like, along with your description of yourself or you and your selfship
⇢ You may pick both options, but please send separate asks for each option if you would like both. This is just for my personal organization!
⇢ Please don't spam asks or ask me when I'm getting to yours - I promise I will! If it's been a while and you think tumblr may have eaten your ask, just reach out to me to see if I got it:)
⇢ You don't have to be following me, but please have an easily accessible 18+ age in your bio or rules!
⇢ I will tag all posts regarding the celebration with #valkyrie's five hundred. Make sure to block that tag if you don't want to see the event!
Once again, I love you all more than Hange loves titans, more than Shouto loves cold soba, more than Ushiwaka loves his farm<3 Can't wait to see you all in my inbox!
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mrs-dr-reid · 4 years
(A Criminal Minds Fic)
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Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Summary: The team often misplaces Spencer in a crowd, and the Reader usually has to resort to “drastic measures” to find him so they can get back to work.
Genre: Sooooo fluffy, my guy.
Warnings: A few swears. One F-Bomb.
A/N: Okay, so, I love those tumblr posts where a fictional character can’t find their friend/sidekick/partner in a crowd, and they yell something to make the other person respond, then go, “Found him/her”, so that’s why I wrote this. Enjoy!
Word Count: 1,630
Spencer Reid is notorious for getting lost and/or distracted when the team has to enter a large crowd on a case. And funnily enough, Y/N L/N is most known for always being able to find him again so the team can keep working. Albeit through unorthodox means. Here are the top four best instances of how Y/N found Spencer, and one of how Spencer found Y/N.
The team was canvassing the Santa Monica Pier in regards to a series of drownings in the area. Only problem was it was the busiest day of the week, and it was teeming with people. Hotch, Rossi, and JJ were back at the local police station setting up the investigation board, which left Emily, Derek, Spencer, and Y/N on canvas duty.
They spilt into pairs, and Derek and Emily took the left side of the pier while Spencer and Y/N took the right. After about 20 minutes, Derek called Y/N and said, “You’re on speaker, L/N. We’ve got nothing so far, Little Mama. How’s it going for you and Pretty Boy?”, so she replied, “We managed to get a few things that could be helpful. We’ll have to compare them against the case info, but that shouldn’t be too hard once we get back to the sta...tion,” but trailed off when she noticed Spencer was out of her eyeline.
She said, “Hey, Derek? You or Emily got eyes on Spencer?”, so he responded, “Can’t say we do. Why?”, and Y/N said, “I seem to have misplaced him,” while craning her neck to look around.
Emily said, “Should we try his cell?”, so Y/N said, “No. I’ve got this,” hung up, then cupped her hands around her mouth and yelled, “GEE, I SURE DO WISH SOMEONE COULD TELL ME HOW MANY KERNELS THERE ARE ON THE AVERAGE EAR OF CORN!!!”
A few seconds went by, then she heard Spencer yell from a churro stand, “STATISTICALLY, THERE ARE OVER 800 KERNELS ARRANGED IN 16 SEPARATE ROWS!”, which made Y/N smile and say, “Found him,” before working her way through the crowd to get to Spencer.
He offered her a churro with a smile, so she accepted it and said, “Thank you. Alright, back to the station with you, Churro Boy,” before grabbing his arm and pulling him along with her.
JJ, Hotch, Spencer, and Y/N were checking out the dumpsite for the latest victim in a series of strangulations in Shipshewana, Indiana. The body was found in an alley by a flea market, and while Hotch was talking to the local police on the scene and JJ was questioning the garbage truck driver who discovered the body, Y/N looked up from examining the body and realized that Spencer had wandered off when she wasn’t paying attention, making her whisper, “Goddamnit, not again,” and try to locate Spencer in the sea of heads flowing through the flea market.
Hotch walked over to her and said, “We’re heading back to the station. You know where Reid is?”, so she said, “Not yet, but we both will momentarily,” which made him shoot her a confused look. JJ came over to them, noticed Hotch’s confusion, then said, “You’ll see,” just before Y/N yelled, “I WONDER IF SHERLOCK HOLMES WAS BASED ON A REAL PERSON!!!”
Just before Hotch could ask what that meant, Spencer yelled back, “HE IS!!! SIR ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE MODELED HIM AFTER ONE OF HIS MEDICAL SCHOOL PROFESSORS, DR. JOSEPH BELL!”, which made Y/N smile, say, “There he is,” and pat Hotch’s arm before going to get Spencer. JJ said, “Told you,” and went to get in the SUV.
Y/N found Spencer at a second-hand book stall, and he held up a slightly worn copy of Gone With the Wind and said, “Nearly mint condition for six bucks! Can you believe it?”, so she responded, “Crazy. Let’s get moving, Bookworm,” and grabbed his hand to bring him back over to the SUV.
Rossi, Spencer, and Y/N were retracing an unsub’s footsteps through a farmer’s market in Nashville, Tennesse because Emily had made the connection that all four previous victims and the latest victim in a series of abduction-homicides had made purchases there before they vanished.
Rossi took the north end of the market while Spencer and Y/N took the south. After the two of them had interviewed five stall owners, Y/N noticed the absence of a 6’1” shadow looming over her. She took a quick look around her, let out an annoyed sigh when she couldn’t spot Spencer, then said to the owner of the strawberry stall, “Thank you for the information. Now if you’ll excuse me, I seem to have lost track of my colleague,” before venturing into the crowd.
Y/N called Rossi and said, “Did Spencer make his way over to you?”, which prompted his response of, “He did not. Why? Did he wander off on you again?”, so she said, “Yup. I swear, that man has the attention span of a golden retriever. I’ll find him, one sec,” then hung up and put her phone in her pocket. She yelled, “HOW COOL WOULD IT BE TO KNOW THE EXACT NUMBER OF RIVETS THERE ARE IN THE EIFFEL TOWER?!!”, and waited, apologizing to the patrons in her near vicinity for her volume.
Spencer’s voice came from a handful of stalls down with the reply of, “THERE ARE APPROXIMATELY 2,500,000!!!”, which made her mutter, “Bingo,” before heading in the direction of his voice. She found him at a homemade donut stand, and he held up a brown paper bag while saying, “She had my favorite! Chocolate frosted with sprinkles! And she had yours too! Homemade bear claws!”, which made her say, “Excellent. Remind me to put a bell on you when we get back to the precinct,” before taking his arm in hers and dragging him off to find Rossi.
Emily, Spencer, and Y/N were tasked with scoping out the latest crime scene in a series of stabbings in Duluth, Minnesota. This particular crime scene happened to be right near a pop-up carnival, and while Emily was talking to the local police, Y/N was interviewing the witnesses, and Spencer was surveying the scene, Y/N turned her head to see that Spencer was no longer by the crime scene.
She whispered, “Son of a bitch,” just as Emily came over to her, which prompted Emily to say, “Reid go AWOL, again?”, and Y/N to respond, “And the man swears he doesn’t have ADHD,” making Emily laugh slightly before saying, “Do your thing, Girlfriend,” and going back to talk to the lead detective.
Y/N yelled, “IF ONLY SOMEONE KNEW HOW LONG PLAYING CARDS HAVE BEEN AROUND FOR!!!”, and a few seconds later, Spencer yelled back, “PLAYING CARDS WERE FOUND IN CHINA THAT DATED BACK TO AT LEAST THE TANG DYNASTY, WHICH WOULD HAVE BEEN FROM AROUND 618 TO 907 A.D.!!!”, which made her mumble, “Yep. Boy Genius located,” before trotting off to look for him.
She found him at the cotton candy vendor with a bag full of the sugary pink stuff, and when she shot him an exasperated look, he said, “What? I was done looking over the crime scene!”, so she grabbed his hand and said, “One of these days, I’m buying you a backpack leash,” before dragging him back to where Emily was, but not before she snatched a handful of cotton candy from the bag he was holding.
The whole team was out on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, Louisiana looking to catch an unsub in the act of hunting for their next victim when Y/N got separated from Spencer and Derek. When Spencer noticed, he said, “Hey, Morgan. Did you see where Y/N went?”, which made Derek say, “Nah, man. I thought you two were joined at the hip. Y’all are coming up on three months now,” and wink at Spencer.
He scoffed and said, “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean she won’t wander off,” before the two men tried looking around in an attempt to spot her. Derek said, “Huh. Normally she’s the one that has to track you down, Pretty Boy. This must be one hell of a role reversal,” and ruffled Spencer’s hair.
Spencer shrugged him off, then said, “Hang on, I want to try something,” and Derek said, “Alright. Get your girl, Lover Boy,” so Spencer rolled his eyes, then cupped his mouth with his hands and yelled, “SPENCER REID IS THE WORST PROFILER IN THE BAU!!!”, and it took less than three seconds for Y/N to yell back, “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU JUST SAY?!?!”, from a few yards away.
Derek burst out laughing, and Spencer smiled fondly before saying, “Found her,” and going to look for Y/N. He found her near some street musicians playing a variety of jazz songs, and when they started playing “La Vie en Rose” by Louis Armstrong, Spencer said, “It’s our song, Y/N/N,” which made her jump before saying, “Yeah, it is,” with a wistful smile on her face.
Spencer wrapped an arm around her waist, then led her back to where Derek was waiting while saying, “You’re never going to live that down. You know that, right?”, so she smacked his chest and said, “Yeah, I know. And here I was always teasing you for wandering away from the group,” before smiling and kissing his cheek.
Spencer smiled, then pressed a quick kiss to her lips before they rejoined Derek to keep an eye out for the unsub, but both Spencer and Y/N had a bit more pep in their step.
Tag List: @homoose, @hurricanejjareau , @xgoldentigerlilyx, @therestisconfettis, @less-intelligent-spencerreid, @aryaarathornson, @thomasgibsonfan01
Let me know in the comments if you want to be added
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wangxianficrecs · 3 years
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Fic Finder
1.  Hi, I'm looking for an Untamed fic, maybe you'll be able to help. It's a canon divergence AU in which WWX doesn't lose his core, Jiang Fengmian lives and it's implied that his core was transferred to JC (heavily implied; JFM retires as the Sect Leader after that). This is absolutely not the most important part of this fic but it's a paragraph that I've got stuck in my head and now I'm searching for the rest @_@ Thanks in advance! ~ @otemporaetmores
FOUND! by @notsobabblespace, who was reminded of  I’m aching and I know you are too by edenwolfie (part 3 in series, M, 23k, wangxian)
FOUND!  by @jim-is-spocks-thyla, who suggests ❤️ to arrive late is better than not to arrive at all by Moominmammashandbag (M, 35k, wangxian) [ETA:  Oops, not this one.  JFM has no core, but he didn’t give it to JC]
2.  Hi Mojo! I’m in need of you/your followers help in finding a fic that I read a little while ago. It was a fic where Wei WuXian and Lan WangJi lived together in Cloud Recesses and their children were Sizhui and an OOC that was younger than him. I remember SiZhui faced a lot of criticism for not being the chief cultivator’s real child? And they were happy he had a younger sibling that would be sect leader in the future because he was blood. Come to think of it, this is probably an ABO fic too. Thanks for your time 💜
FOUND! @andidontmeanto believes this is Blue Blood by PotterheadAvengerDemigod (T, 91k, wangxian, my post)
3.  Aksks it's like 3 am but I just remembered a fic and I can't find it?? I'd really, really appreciate your help. It was a wangxian fic, maybe a oneshot idk, and lwj was kind of a nerd and wwx a badboy? So basically lwj has a massive crush on him and dresses up like wwx etc. (i think he even got an undercut) and after a party they sleep with each other at lwj's place?
4.  i’m looking for a fic set in the where lwj’s mother killed his father? i don’t think that was a main plot point but it did show up in his backstory - any idea what this might be? ~ @thehype
FOUND!  @rentslirott thinks this could be ❤️the best of you by sysrae (E, 42k, wangxian, my post)
FOUND!  @castaways-logbook offers  The Right to Care by travelingneuritis (E, 39k, wangxian, WIP)
5.  ... same as #6 ...
6.  Hello friend, sorry for the inconvenience but I wanted to see if you could please find me a fic that I lost but I only remember more or less the final part, it goes more or less like this, lan zhan and wei ying are kidnapped by jin guangyao and lock them up if not I'm wrong in some cells next to lan xichen after the fights jin guangyao dies but lan xichen did know how bad jin guangyao had done and he didn't care and then to get revenge he wants to kill wei ying but lan zhan kills him and sizhui gets scared It was more or less like that, please help me ~ @isa0123lol
FOUND!  by @wangxiansfics who says that tragically it’s no longer available, but @dulachodladh found it on WaybackMachine here: Thread and Needle by haysel (M, 86k, wangxian)
7.  Hi, Mojo! I'm glad that you're back but I hope you enjoyed your time off tumblr! Can you and/or your followers help me find a fic? I think the summary was talking about wwx and somehow they were asking mingjue for help since he's the only one who can help. The summary was in italics and it's a dialogue from some guy? And a shorter summary below. Sadly this is the only thing I can remember but I hope you can still help me
FOUND!  @alwayswenning suggests love, in fire and blood by cicer (E, 360k, wangxian, has it’s own fanfic here, I just finished this last night!, my bookmark)
8.  Sorry to bombard you as soon as you're back, but this one's driving me crazy--a modern AU where they met online. WWX thinks LWJ is an old man from how he talks. I don't remember much except the excerpt made it seem like he still was amused by/enjoyed talking to him, and Wen Qing was telling him it was a bad idea and to stop. It's not How to Fall In Love With a Catfish, tho that one is brilliant! (Also any top notch identity porn would be great) Hope your break was restful, you deserve it! Thanks
Here’s my #identity porn tag, but I’m not sure about this exact story.
I'm the anon for #8 on the fic finder. Though I'm excited to read it, the suggested fic isn't the one I was looking for. I swear I thought I saw it on here around a month ago or slightly more, but searches have failed me.
FOUND!  Rating: General Audiences by Mishaa (T, 18k, wangxian WIP) -  mysterious author LWJ (speculated to be an old man because of his formality) and infamous artist WWX paired up for an Untamed Big Bang (in an AU where JGY was the series’ antiheroic protagonist; this fic was written before the release of CQL.)
FOUND?  could you be looking for  Something Real by Latios (G, 5k, wangxian, my post) - wwx thinks lwj is an old man, but there’s no WQ.  There are many pictures of bunnies.
SIMILAR! @emilysidhe thought of ID Bro Saga by Bowandtie (T, 39k, wangxian)
9.  Hey, how are you? Could you help me please? I've read 3 fanfics once, but I can't find them anymore. 1 - Nanny Problem, Wei is going to be the babysitter of A-Yuan, he is an omega and Lan is an alpha. 2 - Doctor Perfect, Yibo is an omega nurse and Xiao is an alpha doctor. 3 - The Baby of my Omega, Yibo is omega and Xiao is alpha, both of them are bodyguards, but Yibo has to protect Xiao in the beginning. I think they were at ao3, but I really can't find them. Can you help me please? Thank you!! ~ @weallmad
10.  Hi! Im happy you’re back. I hope you had a good break. I missed your recommendations, but at the same time i got a break from fics and actually studied to my tests haha.  [Ah!  I’m glad to hear your time was spent productively!]  I’m looking for a fic like Linger in the Sun by etymologyplayground. In the fic im looking for wangxian slowly lose their senses instead of all of them at once. Like they lose their hearing, then touch, sight etc, They can’t see each other or hear each other. I’m sorry i can’t explain very well.
FOUND?  Could you be thinking of  ❤️shadows in the sun rise by Yuu_chi (E, 25k, wangxian)?  Only lwj losese his senses one by one in this one, though.
11.  heyyy im trying to find this fic where wwx died the first time he was thrown in to the burial mounds then 10 years later he gets resurrected or something. I can't find it on AO3 and it's been bugging me for days. Thank you!
FOUND!  Well, @moku-youbi offers both of these as possibilities:
Did I Not Explain Why the Sunset Turns Red? by 3988Akasha (E, 100k, wangxian)
we're starting at the end by Miss_Enthusiasimal (M, 95k, wangxian)
12.  Hi I am looking for a fic where wwx is a witch (/mage?) in a world where magic is being persecuted (especially in Gusu) except for Yunmeng/Lanling I think but they're still frowned upon nonetheless. Then after accidentally hurting Shijie, wwx runs away, and ends up hiding in Gusu pretending to be a servant to lwj (lwj is a prince, lxc is the emperor) but lwj actually knows of his identity and tries not-so-discreetly to protect him from being caught. Thanks!
FOUND! by @bibliobasilisk who gives us Witchfinder by misbehavingvigilante (E, 86k, wangxian)
13.  Hi! Firstly, I'm glad to see you're back, and I hope your break was a good one! I'm trying to find a LWJ/WWX story that I had planned to read and ending up losing before I could. It was set in the immediate aftermath of the 33 lashes, LWJ is in the Jingshi recovering when a healer(?) discovers he's pregnant (by WWX). It may have been a/b/o verse, but I'm not 100% on that. Part of the story was a flashback to when WWX was still alive. Thank you!
FOUND!  by nonny themself.  It’s Unexpected Surprise by Glucose_Gremlin (E, 4k, wangxian)
SIMILAR! @mondelgel suggests my heart is kept as pure as ice in a jade vase/一片冰心在玉壶 by Daledesu (M, 21k, wangxian, WIP)
SIMILAR! from @impending-cuttlefish:  something new, something white, something blue by ariskamalt (E, 140k, wangxian, WIP)
14.  I'm trying to find this one fic where Jin Ling finds this diary that Wei Ying wrote as the Yiling Patriarch that basically reveals everything, including the golden core reveal and it even has training tips that helps Jon Ling improve. When Wei Ying comes back, he tries everything to keep him there because he is THE best uncle now. I need to find it because it is a N E E D.
FOUND? by @theladypeartree who says, “The Truth (Untold) is jl reading jyl's journals, not wwx's though. And mordant is jl returning wwx's journals that he found, not grew up with. Neither fit #14 properly, but I seriously could not find anything closer after two solid days of searching. Good luck!“
The Truth (Untold) by anxiouswreck0_0 (g, 3k, wangxian, jin ling & wei wuxian)
or this one on ffn:
mordant by tennisnotensai (M, 18k, wangxian, here’s the link for mobile)
15.  I have heard tell of a Sizhui/Jingyi fic where the boys end up going to Wangxian for advice about how to be intimate. Can you help me find it?
FOUND!  @manaika-chan says this one is On Advisement by LaMachina17 (M, 19k, wangxian, zhuiling, chengyi)
16.  nm
17.  Hi! Sorry, do you happen to know that nsfw fic where wwx is still studying in the cloud recesses and he’s reading a novel (im not sure if it was from nhs) that features a cultivator couple and there’s a scene in the book where the woman was pegging her husband? Basically wwx got curious about this and tried fingering himself. I remember he was hiding in the back mountains and then lwj eventually caught him
FOUND?  Could you be thinking of  Deep in the Woods by malkinmalkout (E, 5k, wangxian, my post)?
18.  Ahhh I'm going crazy trying to think of a fic that I've read where Lan Zhan killed Wen Chao in a locker room and nie huaisang stood guard outside the door! Then lan zhan went to lan huan and said I killed someone and he said did they deserve it? Then it's fine. And I can't remember the name of the fic! Have you heard of it? ~ @uchihaautumn
FOUND! @artemisisdiana offers So Full Of Love (Wouldn't Know Where to Start) by witchupbitch (M, 54k, wangxian, WIP)
19.  Hi, I was wondering if you could help me find a fic. I read it a while ago and I don't really remember all the details but it was a modern au where Lan Wangji was a police officer in this small town and Wei Wuxian comes back after years, having left the town due to some stuff. Thank you in advance.
Btw love your blog. I live for your fic recs.  [Thank you!]
FOUND?  Could you be looking for medium blues by dark_and_terrible (E,193k,  wangxian)?  It appears to be taken down atm, but it might come back (it’s done it before).
FOUND! by @grannyweatherwaxshat who offers When a Bird Flies, It Leaves Feathers by Bem_Kofi (not rated, 75k, wangxian)
20.  Hi mojo!! First of all I luv your blog Thank you so much for all those ficrecs.  [You’re welcome!]  Actually I’m looking for a fic I read months ago. I probably found the fic from your blog. But I can’t seem to find it now 😢 it was a modern au wangxian fic (inspired by call me by ur name?) wwx was like 5 years older than lwj. (And lwj was like 16?) Wwx lives in another city but he spent around a year in cloud recesses with lwj in the past. And wwx yanli and jc visits cloud recesses again and wangxian gets 2gether
[My ko-fi.]
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