#i do not like the circular rectangle. bad vibes
keeps-ache · 1 year
[yells down the well]
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othersystems · 3 years
Do you have any predictions about what "new" fashion trends will emerge in the future (exciting or not lol)
nothing very interesting tbh. just early 2010s. i think a lot of it is already on here. early instagram filters, kind of sepia. those jeans for guys that came right before skinny jeans that were kind of baggy skinny. true religions already selling those again tho so not really a prediction the "ricky" fit. flat brim hats for guys again. more of a clean cut/diamond earrings late 2000s look. some idiots are gonna do the chin strap again. also spiked hair. mullets are going to be very out of style in general just very artifact of 2016. also the 2000s thing is just gonna be what all sorority girl types wear in 2022. like american eagle and target will only sell lowrise bootcut jeans and there will be a mini meltdown i think where people freak out cuz it will be less easy for people to feel stylish lol or seperate from “normys” or whatever. as there is really no difference between the two anymore. dressing overly edgy will also feel corny. more oversized printed zip hoodies as jackets a la jesse in breaking bad. Tiny sunglasses also totally out of style, large bug eye only, but tiny regular glasses (NOT circular, rectangle shape) will be in style. "Vintage" American Apparel. ballet flats. Blogging but less of a professional "wanna be journalist" substack manner , more just party blogging again. not in a video blogger kind of wy. that gives too much away, something MUCH vaguer. interest and nostalgia for last nights party/cory kennedy culture . probably some kind dubstep revival lol. also 2011 edm style will be big.
“Over sharing “ online will be out of style . People will hold their cards closer.
in general professionalism/academia is going to be out of style but so is “trash” culture. luxury culture “the bimbo” is also going to seem v corny. like going to fancy restaurants being photographed drinking martinis or whatever.. i think there is going to be a drive towards going to “normal” seeming establishments. kind of 90s style cafes that have no placeable aesthetic (NOT the “fake authentic” like fake dives and diner vibe) the anti-aesthetic
artistically a huge pull away from movies and tv etc with “a message” but also a pull away from autofiction. more classical character studies and twists on genre. i think a big turn away also in “knowing” things. like having the answers politically or socially. 
ive said this before, but cozy 90s interiors over stuffed fabric couches, fish tanks and yes, wooden kitchen cabinets. functional and useful, very anti midcentury style. also mosaics
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wthelvetica21 · 4 years
🔗💀Linked Souls
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in the Digital Cabaret’s lobby
All four of the Mystery Skulls investigators found themselves in a calmly lit room with skull decor. It was quaint to say the least. There were also musical instruments like guitars and old fashion keyboards on the walls as well like it was a recording studio. All of them were laying on the same large circular sofa with two tables.
Lewis: What… The hell… just happened…? Guys?
Vivi: Just a few more minutes okay Lew. I swear… mar 
Vivi rolled back sleeping with her plush turtle that she kept in her backpack before they headed out.
Arthur: (yawn) Can you keep it down… Whoa OH HOLY SHIT! Where are we guys? This can’t get any weirder man.
Mystery: *soft barking* (I must keep a low profile for now. I have a feeling that we’re not… in our world anymore. I sense four none hostile souls and least one that’s harbors some justifiable apprehension towards us.)
Lewis is the only one who could hear Mystery via supernatural telepathy.
Lewis: Huh? I hear voices from outside… 
Lewis along with Mystery and Arthur put their heads on the double doors to listen in.
Teenage Male Voice: I don’t know if this is a good Idea Doc. They seem sketchy as hell if you ask me. Especially the ghost rider reject in particular.
Calm Female Voice: I’m sure hun, my tombsona can since people’s intentions right away. They seem to be looking for someone or something whom was involved with the murder of the young man in the suit who has become a ghost. It’s all I could glean however. But the dog though.. is odd… He’s not a threat to us but that might not be his true form.
Suave German Voice: He could be a lycan… What? It’s possible since that ghost is particularly one that still has his body. 
 Mystery: *tilts his head* (A lycan? As in a werewolf? He also knows that Lewis is a special case as well.)
Softer Male Voice: … 
Strangely Familiar Voice: What’s that Armstrong? You think that we should meet them one by one? Maybe 2 by 2 would work better. I would rather meet them later… I’m still having a hard time processing this whole situation. I just woke up after all.
Lewis: Wait?… Is that the? (Is that the guy singing in that weird dream from earlier? Could it be that comatose guy who was begging for help? It’s modulated a bit but it’s that voice I heard. I just know it.)
Mystery: whimper (Lewis? You look like you’ve seen a ghost. You know that voice?)
Lewis: Uhh… I could’ve sworn I heard his voice before. (he said softly)
Calm Female Voice: Don’t worry cher. We’ll go first. Come on Rust since you’ve been itching to meet them.
All three backed up from the door so they wouldn’t get hit.
Teenage Male Voice: WHAT!? Why the hell me? Why not Tesla, Armstrong, or even your… Hey don’t give me that look. Dammit okay fine… let’s meet them already. (mumbles in Spanish)
Lewis: Tch… (Yeah you’re already gonna be a pain in the ass from the get go. Must be a high schooler or somethin’.)
Strangely Familiar Voice: Wait! I changed my mind. I’m very curious about these people from another universe.
The double doors open and two individuals come out. One was a woman who had discolored blue skin with glowing neon blue paint. And she had flowing hair that acted like willow wisps. She also had the attire of a stage magician with some witch doctor elements. The most noteworthy thing about her was the navy blue mask with glowing cyan eyes and outlines that took up most of the top portion of her face. She could even be mistaken for a ghost like Lewis. 
Vivi: OMG, she’s… so… cool! Oh man I wish I had that classy outfit she’s wearing. I could match with Lewis for once.
Mystery: *tilting his head groaning* (She’s certainly someone Vivi and Lewis could get along with very well. Maybe she patched us up from that elevator.)
Doc: My name is Doc or you could call me Ms. Doc for convenience. I’m the drummer for The Living Tombstone. Next to me is zero_one. He’s our keyboardist and composer. He also does the vocals as well.
The other individual was a tall svelte man who was shorter than Lewis but slightly taller than Arthur.  He looked like he was wearing a skin tight jump suit with yellow circuit lines with an orange fade to them. In the center of his torso is a rectangle that looks like a microchip with a heart beat indicator. He also was wearing a helmet that had a plume of golden orange hair made out of plasma and a pair of headphones. But what really caught Lewis’s attention was the LED skull with a bolt shaped crack on the right. He recognizes him as that guy from that dream he while he was passed out on that mining elevator. Almost immediately both of them blurted out…
Lewis & zero_one in unison : Do I know you from somewhere? But how?
Lewis : Hold up… Um Hey… (Aw man this shit just got weird already.)
zero_one : Uh… Hi there… (Oh… awkward.)
Arthur: Welp… This just got awkward and weird fast. What is going on here man? You recognize the dude with the mohawk?
Lewis : It’s a… 
Rust: Oh that does it… I’m going in. What flying fu…. oh… This is already got a weird vibe. Who the hell are you people anyway? AND You… yes you the ghost rider reject how do you recognize our front man hah?
Lewis : growls (Great another asshole with a green motif. But he’s some kind of punk who’s just got outta high school). 
sigh (trying to contain his anger) I’m not sure, I just seen someone like him that’s all…
Stoping the young man in biker attire with the green skull mask from lunging at Lewis was a slightly older gentleman who’s color scheme was similar to Lewis’s. He had the attire of a mad scientist with a winter hat.
Tesla: Can you not be hasty Rust for just a moment. They are not a threat to us remember. Herr Geist (german : Mr. Ghost) I still have so many questions. How did you find the elevator to this universe?
Lewis : Umm… (Who the hell is this guy? He looks like he just stepped out of an anime or a game or something.)
Long story short but it may sound batshit crazy ; we were chasin’ a dismembered gang green arm with a single black eye. Did ya’ll see him.
Rust: uhh… what? What kinda story is that? You must be tripping on something really strong to come up with that.
Behind the slightly befuddled young man in the green was a larger skull faced man with a burnt space suit who’s glowing red. He looks like he’s trying to calm things down before a fight breaks out between Lewis and Rust. 
Armstrong : … signing (I believe we all need to calm down first before we get our stories out there. I’m Armstrong gentlemen, lady, and… dog. You hail from another universe?)
Lewis : Huh… good point sir. (Why do I know what he’s saying even though I don’t know sign language. This shit really couldn’t get any weirder.)
Lewis then gives a paraphrased version of what Armstrong was saying to rest of the Mystery Skulls gang. Doc explained that Armstrong has tinnitus but can still play the guitar very well despite that. His tomesona can also give some form of synesthesia to compensate for his hearing loss.
Rust: (shakes his head in disbelief) Fine whatever. Names Rust, don’t ya’ll forget it. I do the vocals and rap.
Tesla: Guten Tag, my name is Tesla Herr Geist, Chicken with Mechanical Arm, Mysterious Dog, and Liebshen.
Lewis : *groan of frustration* (Oh that’s effing lovely. He better be usin’ that word as a term of endearment and not trying to flirt with her. But at least he isn’t an annoying little punk like the green one.)
Vivi: Oh how rude of us not to introduce ourselves. We are the Mystery Skulls ; we’re paranormal investigators. I’m Vivi Yukino, I’m the researcher of the group. But my day job is at a used comic book shop called TomeTomb. Oh I also know how to play electric guitar.
Tesla: Oh is that right Liebshen? Very nice indeed.
Armstrong : … (puts both of his thumbs up for approval and nodding)
Doc: Huh, TomeTomb(soft chuckle) what an interesting name. And you are young man?
Arthur: I’m Arthur Kingsmen, I’m just the mechanic of the group and I’m not as interested with this paranormal crap as much as Lewis and Vivi. And I work with my uncle Lance at his auto repair shop called Kingsmen repair. Also I play keyboard and actually own three keytars as well (he said proudly). Ha they almost costed me an arm… and a… (nervous chuckle). Yeah, the arm is a different story though. (he said sheepishly scratching his head.)
Rust: Well it must have… literately. Holy shit man, three of them? Talk about overkill.
Lewis could see zero_one light up like a kid in a candy store as soon as Arthur mentioned his keytars. He could feel this feeling radiating in the core of his locket ; its joy. He then sees zero_one approach Arthur like someone who was reunited with a long lost sibling.
zero_one : Three keytars? (in rapid secession) What brand are they? How did you get them? What year were they made? Do you have any pictures of them? 
Arthur: (he had a smile that the rest of the Mystery Skulls gang haven’t seen in months) Really? I have a 1980s Casio, a late 90s Korg, and an early 2000s Yamaha. I had some connections back then and I usually find them used online even though they were still…kinda expensive. And yeah I have pictures of them on my phone, you can come and look if you want.
The Orange-Yellow color coded duo sat next to each other like they just got a new hand held game and rambled on and on about mods and midi plug ins for keytars for a good 20 minutes. Lewis wished that he didn’t go into that cave in the first place. The relationship between Arthur and zero_one was not just like two long lost brothers but it was like his friendship with Arthur before this whole third wheel and ghost thing ever came about. Lewis felt a small pang of guilt before getting interrupted with a question.
Lewis : sigh… (At least Arthur is feelin’ better already after all the shit I put him through. Maybe comin’ here isn’t going to be that bad after all. Just Maybe…)
Rust: Who’s the dog though? Gotta say though he kinda looks badass with the red and black.
Mystery: *shrugs in embarrassment* (Yabai. (Japanese: Oh Crap.) Maybe I shouldn’t show my true form now, maybe wait til they are ready or Vivi or Lewis mention it.)
Vivi: Oh his name is Mystery. He’s our mascot, sorta. I know he isn’t a ghost like my boyfriend over here.
Tesla: Boyfriend ha… Oh well, but you could do so much better then…
Doc: Tesla stop. Lewis is Vivi’s beau, just leave it be. There are other women you know…
Tesla: Uhh. Gut, I’m a man of honor.
Lewis : (Oh sure you are hat guy.) 
Okay then, I’m Lewis Pepper and I’m more the guy who handles the heavy equipment in our paranormal investigations. My day job is waiter and chef at my adopted family’s restaurant “Pepper Paradiso”. I also play violin and I am a train vocalist.
Rust: Oh… really? Come on zero_one, me and you, let’s nock this amateur down a peg or two.
zero_one : You’re kind of putting me on the spot here Rust. Lewis did say he was trained, maybe you should’ve not called him that.
Lewis : (narrows his eyes) (Oh, I’ll knock this Rust punk down a peg or two.)
 Oh really Rust. Alright I’m game but just you and me. Mono a mono. Let the best vocalist wi…. huh?
Then a feeling comes over both Lewis and zero_one that made both of them and harmonize a beautiful arpeggio that brings all the room in awe. Rust was drowned out by both of them because he was just as shocked as everyone else in the lobby.
Doc: Oh honey, both of ya’ll voices are like two angels. And you thought he was an amateur Rust?
Rust: Well, damn I’ll admit it, you and zero_one won on this one. For now.
Armstrong : … signing 
zero_one : interpreting for Armstrong : Well since the introductions are out of the way, I believe you said something about a dismembered arm earlier. Is that the reason why you stumbled into our universe?
Lewis : Well yeah, it said it lead us into a trap or some shit like that. It was also working with someone or something else that wanted to do all of us in. 
* Loud Alarm *
A I Voice: Warning security breach detected. / Subject identified as a green dismembered arm that has already made entry into timeline v. / prerecorded transmission from the multi-universal edge by Helvetica. 
Helvetica: Something has just breached the reality layline. Sending distress signal to prime universe about Null’s escape. Butterfly effect radiating towards other divergent TLT timelines. Three inter-universal ones from the prime timeline. At least three no… it’s five from the universe MSA (Mystery Skulls universe). I’m making my way to timeline v as soon as possible. End of Transmission.
Lewis : Welp… I can see things have gone to shit already. At least we know where it is now. Might as well go looking for it but we’re do we even freakin’ start huh?
Tesla: I’ll get to the bottom of this, I promise you. My prime self told me about this Null character but… what is it doing at this time period I wonder? Poor fraulein Helvetica sounds like she can’t handle this on her own. She might be proto_type’s student but even a student needs some extra help. We should worry about the four ones from our universe first before the one’s from our visitor’s universe.
zero_one : Wait? There are people from Lewis’s universe that crossed over to this universe too? What’s going on here?
Tesla: It’s most likely a butterfly effect like the distress called mentioned. Oh I believe we already have a lead or two, that’s gut. Really gut.
A I Voice: First sightings found downtown at High May’s Junior, Le Macabre Dance club, and Toriyama’s School for the Arts.
They decide to split up into teams to not only look for the possessed arm but for at least three people from the prime timeline in TLT’s universe.
 Mystery, Tesla, and Vivi are going to that Toriyama Art school in Japan since Vivi is fluent in Japanese. Lewis is thankful that Mystery is with her if Tesla tries anything.
Arthur, Rust, and Doc decide head to that Le Macabre Dance club which is in Puerto Rico. Rust apparently knows his way around there.
While Armstrong, Lewis and zero_one head towards a popular hot spot on San Francisco’s Yvette district; more specifically a hole in the wall bar known as High May’s Jr. Lewis decides to go there alone since he can change his form at will unlike Armstrong or zero_one but has agreed to meet up with them later once they found whom ever they are looking for. Armstrong thinks he’s way too conspicuous to be seen in public and decides to rendezvous with this Helvetica woman who made that distress call earlier along with zero_one.
End of Transmission
Lewis :  Well. I still have my ID and all. But I don’t think it’ll matter all that much. I swear this whole thing with timelines , butterfly effect and shit makes me feel like I’m in a very anime video game. Was something like Blaze blue or whatever? Or someone’s fanfic… Umm… Nah, that’s fu_king bonkers.
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