#i think there was just a Ton of blue left in the pen lol
keeps-ache · 1 year
[yells down the well]
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waltricia · 16 days
More Hawkins/Innovations Ball Observations 🔭🎈🧭
+ A Color Theory
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I know I’ve already made several posts about this ball, but I have more observations, so I’m going to compile everything here. For the stuff I’ve already made detailed posts about, I’ll just give brief descriptions.
1. Yellow. There’s so much of it here, and in the episode as a whole. Ahead of the part 1 release, I had been thinking a lot about how the color red would be used to signify Colin’s growing love- and it is, particularly in 3x04 (I’ll come back to that)- but in this episode, yellow is used more so, which is even better because it signifies how much Pen, specifically, is haunting Colin (in the romantic way obviously lol). At Stowell House, earlier in the episode, the walls are a very obvious singular yellow tone, and Colin wears a yellow waistcoat. Here at the Innovations Ball, there are a ton of different shades of yellow on the walls, props/furnishings, costumes, and in the lighting.
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Also note the blue elements.
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AND green!
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(I love Marcus repping all the Polin colors. That bodes well.)
So, yeah, lots of Polin-coding, but also, like I said, I have a particular theory about color, which I will return to at the end of this post.
2. Colin’s entrance into the ballroom mirrors the infamously unfortunate Beauty and the Beast scene from 2x04. Both scenes have our leads stopped on staircases in front of grandfather clocks (another surprisingly significant motif of the season). I love the comparison of her being lonely because she’s left alone by him in that moment- and by everyone else as usual- to now him being lonely, despite being surrounded by admirers, because he’s being left alone by the one person who truly knows him and would make that difference for him.
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3. I think everyone already knows about this parallel by now, but I have to note it because it’s so in line with my other observations- when Colin says his “it is possible to do anything” line, that scene mirrors the “assuredly, fervently, loudly” scene from 1x08. Pen and Colin are both inspiring each other, encouraging each other to be honest about their feelings.
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And I feel like that’s not the only moment where the scenes are mirrored. In 1x08, when Colin sees Pen, the crowd parts so he has (and we have) the full view of her, and he makes his way over to her from the center of the floor to the edge. In 3x03, after Colin almost reveals his feelings (similar to how Pen almost revealed her feelings in 1x08), Pen leaves him at the edge of the floor to go to the center with Debling. And the crowd, which had been parted- giving us a view of Colin behind Pen- now rushes in to block that view.
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4. Double meanings. They’re everywhere.
a) Again, the “it is possible to do anything” line. He’s delivering it to the admiring debutantes, but we know he’s really speaking to Pen. He’s really talking to her about his feelings for her. Of course, Pen thinks he’s talking to her about Debling. The hits just keep on coming for Colin in this episode.
b) In another interesting turn of events, considering she’s Whistledown and so much of what she’s said and done in the past seasons has been layered with hidden meanings, Pen goes and speaks the plain singular truth about herself and her intentions to Debling (obviously barring the fact that she’s Whistledown). Of course this is very in line with one of her main journeys for the season, which is to accept and reveal herself.
c) Colin attempts to hide the true meaning of his words to Violet when he asks her about love and friendship. Of course, he’s just so god damn transparent, bless his heart. And Violet, very sweetly, goes along with it.
And btw, after she leaves Colin to let him go approach Pen, she watches them the whole time. 💜
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d) Unserious but relevant:
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Not only are they literally and metaphorically sick, this pregnancy subplot also fits with the whole theme of nature.
e) The Whistledown narration. As per usual, it applies to multiple characters and their storylines. I’m obsessed with how it’s so intentionally layered onto the shots. The sequence is so incredible and so involved. I’m linking the post I made about it here in case anyone hasn’t seen it yet and is curious about what I mean.
5. I could be totally off about this one, but it looks to me like Miss Malhotra’s hair clip is designed like a compass. If it is, that would make sense because it would be on theme for the ball. But what I particularly love about the idea is that it’s also relevant to Polin. Hardcore Polin fans like to say that Pen is Colin’s compass.
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6. At the end of this episode, as Colin has officially fallen in love with Pen, we see the beginning of the next episode’s theme color, red.
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Which brings me to my final observation, my color theory.
I’ve said this before and I will continue to say it every time I have an insane prediction or theory: I am probably very wrong. But I’ll say it anyway…
It seems to me that each episode has a different signature color. I think 3x02 is green because Pen and Colin are starting to grow and bloom.
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3x03 is yellow because, again, Pen is haunting Colin.
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3x04 is red because they’re lovesick for each other.
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And 3x01 is everything. It’s an explosion of color.
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I think that, in many ways, 3x01 is meant to be a preview of the upcoming episodes, highlighting all of the colors. I mean, wouldn’t the presence of a “Four Seasons” ball indicate that everything is there? Everything that you would see in a year? (Or a full season of Bridgerton?) I think it probably tells us which colors will define the part 2 episodes as well, but I won’t venture to guess.
In speaking about Colin’s garden party waistcoat, the associate costume designer, Dougie Hawkes, said that it has hints about future episodes.
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I have to wonder if this color thing has something to do with that. I’m also pretty sure that all of the other waistcoats Colin wears in 3x01 are ones he wears again more obviously in the other part 1 episodes. This seems to indicate, for one thing, that the garden party waistcoat is indeed special, but also that there is so much hiding in plain sight in episode 1 that will come back throughout the season. In other words, there’s probably a lot of stuff in part 2 that’s already been hinted at in 3x01…
But I dunno, I’m probably wrong about this.
Anyway, that’s all for now! ✌️
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corvarrow · 7 months
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Alright, I couldn't decide how to best present my thoughts about this art challenge, so here's just a summary screenshot to start with - if you would like to see the big versions with the lore you can check out my tag, and the actual list itself is here!
And without further ado, here are my thoughts on this art challenge and finishing it!
Things that helped me finish the challenge
Taking a break day (or two) a week – I have a day job so this was absolutely required to not burn out, lol
Having a theme – This was nor originally intentional, but keeping it worldbuilding related really helped me come up with ideas as there were several prompts where I was just coming up with nothing otherwise.
Small canvas size – These are all fairly small - it was a 6x6 pad. Originally thought it was going to be too small, but ended up being perfect. Since I opted to do full blown scenes I don’t think I would have finished otherwise
Limited Palette/Materials – I learned this from completing previous challenges, but the fewer decisions I have to make the easier it is to do these. This one happened to actually be ink (see materials section) but I have done challenge before with like, "single set of markers"
Displaying the Art – I didn’t like having a loose stack of completed pictures, so I bought a 6x6 photo album to store them in. This was a great decision as they look very cool in there I was very motivated to complete the set
Completion Stickers - Yes, I am 2 years old. I had a paper list where I was putting stickers next to each word as I completed it, and it was very satisfying >_>a
Stuff I liked
Able to practice a medium - Yeah by the end I was feeling way more confident with ink and different techniques (wet on wet, wet on dry, etc)
Got to practice scenes and lighting – I even fit in a ton of OC cameos
Posted all pieces regardless of quality - Although this was not my first list-based challenge it is the first one I posted ALL pieces for
Got some fun pieces to revisit later - There are quite a few I REALLY like for different reasons so it would be fun to do them again later, but spend more time
Kept a consistent quality for the whole challenge - It was tempting to "get lazy" at the end but I think I managed to keep the same general quality the entire time
Used up a bunch of pages in a sketchbook I’m not overly fond of by doing tons of thumbnails - To be quite honest, if I have a sketchbook I hate enough (because the paper is bad or whatever) I will often uh, dismantle them. 8Da; I am not overly fond of the one I'm currently using, but now there's only about 14 pages left so, I will persevere.
Stuff I didn’t like
Time commitment required - Even with the breaks, I was spending almost all evening for 5 weeks working on these, which was a little Much for me. I will have to rethink my approach to any future challenges.
Using WIP designs/Not being able to spend a lot of time on anything – There’s a couple pieces where I wanted to go a certain direction and had to go with Vibes rather than accuracy for the sake of getting it done….which is fine, some of them turned out nice regardless. However would have still liked to hammer things out a little more.
Materials Used
Artsnacks Inktober Box, with some modifications - Something you should know about Artsnacks, is that often the colored materials will be the brand shown, but the color you actually receive will be random. Luckily, I got an Orange ink. Unfortunately, I also have terrible luck with PH Martin’s Orange in that it always separates no matter how much I mix it, so partway through the challenge I replaced it with a Daler Rowney Flame Orange Ink. This is a VERY similar ink, the only difference I really saw was that when diluted a lot it leaned more yellow. Additionally I did not use the blue Faber Castel Pitt pen in the box. TECHNICALLY I could have made green for all those plant pictures, but I refused for the sake of keeping a cohesive Black/Orange color scheme
Ranger Craft-It! Heat Gun - I would not have been able to finish had I not been able to speed up the drying time with this thing, it is the best
Lots of background noise - My noise of choice was a mix between scary cave and cave diving stories, as well as the White Vault podcast, which is a fictional horror audio drama
Bonus Round: Number of OC Appearances
Tower: x4
Torch: x4 (one of them in his plantbeast form)
Cavi: x3
Mady: x1 (also the only non-sion in this list)
Team "New/WIP OCs" -
Aki: x5 (one of them as a doll)
Jas: x2
Aki's sibling (final name pending): x1 (as a statue)
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meruz · 3 years
i was gonna draw tonight but i dropped my tablet pen and the barrel of the pen broke off and flew somewhere underneath (??) my bed (?) and now i cant find it so I’m just gonna answer asks before bed instead. just some art asks and more mentions of infinity train LOL
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What program and brushes do you use when making your art?
@ravki hi! part of this is in my FAQ but i’ll say it again anyways LOL: I use photoshop CC and have used photoshop for pretty much....my whole art career. I’ve dabbled in clip and paint tool sai in the past but photoshop is my true wife, we eloped away from her awful father adobe many years ago and are very happy together. 
as for brushes... I should prob put this info in my FAQ too lol,... my default brush set is actually free to download here! Tho I will say I also use steve ahn’s storyboarding brush sometimes and lately i’ve been using shiyoon kim’s brushes A TON. Shiyoon’s cost a couple bucks but they’re super worth it imo
How do you choose colors?
This is kind of a difficult one to describe from scratch but hmm.... I’ll put it this way. Generally when I go into coloring or painting something I already have some colors in mind. Like for a certain piece I know I want a bright green, or a magenta, or a dark blue in certain areas. A lot of the time I know a mood I want. So I’ll start with that core color tone and build around it. I’ll use an example from a recent piece
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So you can see here that the first color I accessed was that bright cyan. So I start with that bright cyan and then bring in its “friends” in the form of analogous colors (shown below on the far left)
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greens greys etc. THEN I know I want the characters to stand out against all the blue so I start laying down warm contrasting colors for them (middle group). the mat under them is orange, skin tones are warm, ryans flannel is red etc. then to get them to work together I work more cool colors into the shadows and slightly warmer (not too warm because its a cool img overall so in this case, greener LOL) colors into highlights. 
hope that makes sense? for me choosing colors is a lot about story and composition. If you know what you want to say, the mood you want to create, where you want to go, the path to get there becomes a lot clearer imo.
Have you ever considered making an art book?
I have! But I don’t think I currently have enough...original illustrations for one LOL? Not that an art book has to be all original work but if I were putting fanart in an art book...at that point I’d just make a fanzine. I’m making more original work lately though so maybe this year....? Who knows. For now, I do have a sketchbook up on gumroad. Hoping to do one of those next year too.
Any tips for keeping background drawings from getting super stiff, especially since things like interiors have a lot of straight lines?
This is a really interesting ask. Really great question that I don’t think gets asked enough - forgive me if I get a bit art school here but I drew up some examples.
First I think we have to investigate the assumption that straight lines make things stiff. That seems true on an instinctual level and certainly proves to be true very often But I don’t think its actually the straight lines themselves but the sort of arrangements and compositions they tend to dictate. Take this for instance.
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pretty big difference, right? there’s a couple things that make a composition feel stiff and one of the most significant is lines that are perpendicular and parallel to the frame. it feels locked in and solid, like bricks. but the moment you shift these angles even a little the composition instantly becomes more dynamic because our innate senses of weight, gravity, and directionality can sense movement.
But it’s not just diagonals let’s take this one step further
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when lines meet and terminate together those tangents can flatten and lock space so the best way to solve this is with overlap and complete intersection, forms continuing past or behind each other feel more layered and less like a flat mosaic... again, even in the simplest line drawings. So how do we apply this to a background?
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ok I drew this really fast so its potentially not the best example but I think the idea is there. This space isn’t even particularly deep, it’s basically a room, a doorway, and a hallway behind it, and we’re not seeing that much of any of those things LOL. but when you draw an environmental object like a doorway in a way that lines up with the perpendicular and parallel lines of the canvas you’re automatically flattening it and making it look rigid.
and when you create tangents with objects and characters you flatten the space around them and make it difficult to tell what is actually in front or behind or if they’re on the same plane.
GOD I HOPE THIS MAKES SENSE. Anyways. avoid those things and you’ll instantly have less stiff bgs no matter what kind of bg you’re depicting.
I wanna mention however that this isn’t to say a stiff bg with flat space doesn’t have its purposes.
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sometimes you want to create parallels and tangents. it can make characters feel closed in, trapped, regimented, part of a routine, etc. it’s also great for making a composition look ornamental (especially combined with symmetry).
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directors like wes anderson can even use these compositional elements to make images feel uncanny or harrowing! its very versatile. I think the important thing is to just be aware of when you are making something rigid and when that’s the last thing you want to do. conscious choices.
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Can you speak Tagalog?
@lemuelzero101​ I can! BUT NOT VERY WELL LOL ;;; both my parents are from Visayas! but they met and had me in the states lol so I’m pretty American born and raised. We go back to visit family on occasion but not regularly. My tagalog is mostly absorbed from listening to relatives at parties lol and my parents speak bisaya at home so I’m marginally better at that. Sorry to any filipinos out there hoping I’d be better educated, I’m like a little baby...
I do love meeting and talking to other filipinos online though, I grew up in an area that was relatively diverse but the asian population was small and the filipino population basically non-existent. I was like one of maybe 2 filipino kids in my highschool of 2000.
Apart from infinity train what shows are you watching now? Have you seen jujitsu kaisen?
Man this is gonna sound so boring but I haven’t watched a lot of tv lately.  It’s not really part of my daily routine. Let’s see... I was sort of watching Amphibia, Craig of the Creek, and the new Digimon Adventure 2020 but I keep falling off watching those for one reason or another. Also there’s a lot of episodes, it doesn’t feel like something I can just binge and be done with.
The last thing I binged was Succession. I want that show and Euphoria back so bad, when I’m done forcing all my friends to watch Infinity Train im cancelling my HBO subscription until Succession and Euphoria return so they know exactly what I’m on their list for LOL. 
I have not watched jujitsu kaisen but I’ve kept up with some of the sakuga news (I keep up with anime industry news and production info like x5 the amt i keep up with actual anime) for it and their compositing/editing looks dope. I’ve read the manga actually LOL or at least part of the beginning. I wasn’t super keen on the whole finger eating thing. Also to be honest I kinda feel like its the new Bleach and I never particularly cared about Bleach. Characters look nice enough tho. I wholeheartedly support jjk fans.
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Thank you! Thank you @keznodzieja​! <3
And thank you anons who don’t watch infinity train LOL...it’s always nice to hear when people enjoy my fanart despite not knowing the source material because it lifts a little bit of the “oh god am I being annoying???” fear off my chest. But also I think you should watch infinity train because it’s really good I have no reservations recommending it.
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epicofevil · 3 years
Series Illustrator Interview
Epic of Evil page 71-76
Meeting With AkunoP
--First, please introduce yourselves.
Yoshida Dondorian (hereon: Yoshida): I’m Yoshida. I started working on the series in “Wiegenlied of Green”!
you-ring@Kitano Tomotoshi (hereon: you-ring): I’m you-ring@Kitano Tomotoshi, who got to draw the cover art for “Praeludium of Red” and “Praefacio of Blue”.
You: I’m You. I did the cover for this book, “Epic of Evil”. This is my second interview after the one in Entr’acte of Evil, but I’m a bit nervous this time too.
--You-san answered this question in “Entr’acte of Evil”’s illustrator interview, but you-ring-san and Yoshida-san, what was your first AkunoP work?
Yoshida: I first started listening to VOCALOID around 2009 or so…So I got in around the time all those derivative fan videos of “Daughter of Evil” were coming out.
you-ring: My first AkunoP songs were “Daughter of Evil” and “Servant of Evil” of course. I think it was around the time “Servant of Evil” got uploaded, and I saw all these comments to watch it after watching “Daughter of Evil”, so I did…I remember bawling over it.
--There was a ton of uproar over “Daughter of Evil” and “Servant of Evil” at the time, wasn’t there. What was your impression of AkunoP-san himself?
Yoshida: Didn’t I hear that he completely transformed himself…!?
--Transformed (haha). That’s true, he did do an image change to wearing sunglasses and a beard.
Yoshida: My image of him wasn’t like that at all, so I think I might have been introduced to him pre-transformation at “VOC@LOiD M@STER” (colloquially “VoMas”)!
you-ring: I think I also saw him the first time at VoMas…But I can’t remember when that was lol
Yoshida: Rather than being surprised by him, I remember thinking, “Ah, so this is the guy who made the Of Evil series…!” That sort of thing.
you-ring: For an “Evil” person he seemed very good-natured. …That might count as malicious rumor, hey?
--I wouldn’t think so (haha)
you-ring: Sounds like I’m not getting scolded lol. In that sense, unlike Yoshida-san I was very surprised by him.
Celebrating Series Completion! Most Bittersweet
--Please tell us how you felt when the final and fourth installment of the series came out. you-ring-san, you were the one who worked on the cover for the fourth novel, Yoshida-san you worked on some of its artwork, and You-san you participated in the pinup art.
Yoshida: With all of the plot threads that were being revealed, from the first novel to the last I felt like it was all so very interesting…And also that I really wanted to read more of the “Of Evil” world just a little longer!
You: I had a lot of fun being able to draw art for each installment, and I remember feeling really desolate that we were at the last one. Even now I have the “Daughter of Evil” books piled up on my desk; you-ring-san’s Kyle, coupled with the book’s contents, are very striking, I think.
you-ring: While I felt very uplifted at being able to continue to do the cover art after the third book, at the same time the pressure at it being the finale was immeasurable. Still, in the end, since it was Kyle I muddled through it.
You: Also, it really felt like a collaborative effort, with Yoshida-san’s pictures really connecting the third and fourth books.
Yoshida: Aw, thank you so much!
you-ring: I would find myself going back to look at Yoshida-san’s artwork! I can’t help but sigh in admiration every time I see everyone’s artwork. You-san and Yoshida-san both have such tremendous ability for creating atmosphere in their pictures.
Yoshida: I’m truly honored…!
You: You’re much too kind! So many other illustrators contributed to the Of Evil novels, so it’s really fun in the sense that we get to see various worlds within that. Like, “Ah, that’s another way to go about it too”.
Yoshida: Yeah, I was always looking forward to it, and also every time I would get really nervous about if I’m redundant or not.
you-ring: Concepts and worldviews that I couldn’t put forward…I got a ton of motivation. I also had the same anxiety about being redundant lol, I was doing this work while constantly wondering if it was good enough.
Yoshida: And You-san and you-ring-san made such lovely art and covers from the very first installment, including “Entr’acte of Evil”. They really caught my eye when I saw them at the publisher’s!
--The illustrations for this book turned out pretty gorgeous too.
You: Wow!
Yoshida: Oh! I’m really excited to see it!
You: My heart’s all fluttery now…
you-ring: I’m gonna head over to the publisher’s in a bit! (I haven’t left yet)
You: Though everyone who’s reading this will have seen them already. Sounds great.
--On that topic, Elluka’s finally debuted on this cover.
Yoshida: I love her so much that I picked Elluka-san as my image for the illustrator comments in book four, so that makes me happy! I’m looking forward to that too! You-san’s Elluka is so pretty…
You: I was really happy to be able to draw Elluka-sama prominently, given her unique position. Her general image is really evocative of purple, which is a color you don’t see too much on book covers I think.
you-ring: I got really excited to see it as soon as I heard about it! I wanna see it already!
--On that note, all of the members here are people who’ve drawn a decent amount of characters. Please tell us of any you had fun drawing, or any you particularly like.
Yoshida: The sorceresses, of course! Naturally I love the other more human characters too, but with them having that unique position that got mentioned earlier, I’m just super drawn to these somewhat detached women… Although the frontispiece for this book is my first time drawing them.
You: In my afterwards comments I declared my favorites to be Allen-kun, Elluka, and Gumillia, but the person I get fired up about drawing is Yukina-chan from the third book. Since she’s a character that didn’t get featured in the songs originally, it was very refreshing to be able to draw her. After that, obviously Riliane and Allen.
you-ring: Yukina in the frontispiece for the third book was so beautiful, she was just too precious lol
Yoshida: Same for how you drew her!
you-ring: Out of all the things I’ve gotten to draw, I’ve drawn Yukina the most, and so I’ve become the most attached to her. In this story with so many different characters interwoven through it, I think she’s a girl with a really interesting and toothsome place in it. Also Prim too, actually—she’s comparatively more difficult in terms of time and labor to draw, but she was also pretty fun…
You: you-ring’s Prim is too beautiful, my eyes end up getting drawn to her chest…(haha)
Yoshida: Prim’s chest…and the wrinkling in her clothing under her chest.
you-ring: Wha—we’re talking about her chest now!? Shame on you lol. Yoshida-san, you really surprised me with how differently you were able to depict Yukina, despite her being the same character.
You: That illustration was so amazing, it really felt like it had that feeling of the pen telling the story. I also liked how the character silhouettes were put in with their motif colors.
you-ring: Yeah, the tracing line of the pen was great! I was just stunned at the concept put into such a picture.
Yoshida: Oh wow, thanks you guys! That kind of motif is one that’s very much inlaid into the story, and I just wanted to depict it myself…! The “Of Evil” world is full of setups and amazing motifs like that…So I just get…really excited…!
Yoshida: In that sense I also really look forward to the book binding, too! Like, “What kind of figure will be on the flap?” or “what’ll be the design on the pages this time?”…
You: I got you. The rose-->grape-->feather-->seashell designs were really cool.
--Thank you very much! I’d like you to observe the image of the cover under the dust jacket.
You: Ney-chan…
Yoshida: Praeludium and Praefacio…This is really…amazing! Anyone who hasn’t seen it should go look!
--There’s also a secret trick with Wiegenlied as well!
You: Everyone go look at the under-cover…!
Yoshida: Woah, I don’t think I ever noticed…! What is this…! *Rustle rustle* Aaah! Wow!!
you-ring: I guess everyone went to take off their dust jackets all at once, lol
Yoshida: Woooah! *rustlerustlerustle* …What a fantastic production…
You: Feels like everyone at the publisher’s made this really neatly~
Yoshida: I always get a kick out of seeing the maps and commentary! At the very beginning—if you’ll pardon my saying so—I was really dubious as to how it would turn out, since there weren’t any novelizations of VOCALOID songs at the time. But it was made with such love, and the story is naturally very interesting, I feel very strongly that this work makes for amazing books!
--When you put it like that, all the hard work was worth it!
Any Surprises? Results of the Character Popularity Poll.
--This time around we conducted a character popularity poll!
You: Kyle did very well!
you-ring: Allen had a real strong running!!
Yoshida: Woah…! I wasn’t expecting Clarith’s position…!
--There were a lot of comments from people empathizing with Clarith, it seems.
You: I see…(tears)
Yoshida: I also felt the most moved by Clarith. Congratulations, Clarith…!
--Michaela’s ranking was really surprising. And then there’s Ayn…
Yoshida: Ah, now that you mention it! That’s quite a feat. Surely you’ll put in something commemorative on the cover edges…?
You: Ah! I’ve already completed the cover, so…Everyone, please look at it with your mental eye instead…!
Yoshida: Wha…
you-ring: If I strain my eyes, I see there…
--Ayn has no character design, so you’ll all have to make sure to draw him when you get the chance (haha)
Yoshida: Well then, maybe we could slip him into an illustration… Though he doesn’t have a design…
You: That’s a good idea! Maybe I’ll upload an image to my blog then…lol
Yoshida: Ooh! I’d love to see your Ayn, You-san…! I’ll covertly look forward to it…
you-ring: You mean a festival for the Ayn I came up with!?
You: You’re gonna draw him too, aren’t you you-ring-san?
you-ring: Uh.
Yoshida: Yeah! Ayn’s gotta have this magnificent backstory, right? I feel like Akuno-san would make something like that…
--Various countries were featured throughout the story; are there any that you all would like to go to?
you-ring: It’s not a country, but I’d like to just go see the Millennium Tree at least once, soon. So in that sense, Elphegort?
Yoshida: Oh, me too! I want to go to the Millennium Tree Forest. Also, of course, the place where the story started: Lucifenia.
You: I also think I’d like to see the Millennium Tree. It’d feel like a world heritage spot, don’t you think? Also, I’d want to go to a banquet on the Freezis Estate (though I can’t).
--Held-sama is quite popular then! The Millennium Tree is meant to be a former pilgrimage site, though lately it sounds like not many people go there anymore.
you-ring: It’s an undiscovered gem! I’d just like to go there and take my time idling around, seeing everyting…
Yoshida: I’d love that! Frankly, all the countries sound dangerous…Even the Millennium Tree isn’t safe, but it has a peaceful image I think, so if I went to any of them physically…The Millennium Tree is good.
you-ring: Sorry that you asked us a question about countries and we all answered with a forest lol
And Now, To the “Seven Deadly Sins”
--Now that the “Daughter of Evil” series is complete, let’s hear some nice words for AkunoP-san, if you please.
Yoshida: Congratulations on finishing it. You did such good work! Although, as a reader, there’s still a lot more I want to see. I’m…really really excited to see the “Deadly Sins of Evil” series (chuckle)
You: I’m saying this a lot here, but I want to say thank you for all your hard work, it’s greatly appreciated. I’m very happy at just being able to depict your characters, Akuno-san. I’m also excited for the “Deadly Sins of Evil”. I’ll be in anticipation while listening to the songs on repeat.
you-ring: Always stay evil, yeah? I’m also looking forward to the Deadly Sins Series! And a sincere congratulations on finishing the Daughter of Evil series.
--Please tell us more how you’re all curious about and looking forward to the new “Deadly Sins” series.
you-ring: As a reader I’m very curious as to how the story will be told and how it’ll be released, like if each sin will be published one by one.
Yoshida: The Seven Deadly Sins have a strong impact in various different directions, so I’m really excited to see how it all ties together!
You: I’m looking forward to seeing how the various secrets woven into the work get brought to light. I feel like reading the “Deadly Sins” series will end up making me want to reread the “Daughter of Evil” series again.
--Thank you very much! Now then, please say one last thing here.
Yoshida: I am truly grateful for being able to assist in the “Daughter of Evil” series. It’s a wonderful thing to be involved in this enormous world. The songs, the books, I hope to see even more from here on out!
you-ring: I think this series has let me take part in a truly valuable experience, and it’s been a great honor to take part in it. Thank you very much for inviting me on here!
You: From the very first book to this “Epic of Evil”, thank you so much for having me draw for this series for such a long time. I’ve nothing but gratitude.
--Thank you all for your time.
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sienna-writes · 4 years
Butterfly Blood // update 1
woo! first writing update on this WIP so far! (Finally!!). Since I don't want to include huge spoilers on this book, as I might one day end up publishing (who knows), I will be splitting these posts into chatting about my process, character development, edits etc. and then include extracts that aren't too spoilery! I think it'll be okay for the first sections of the book, especially as alot of the first few chapters is character building and imagery to set the scene, tone and atmosphere.
Also, the working title of "Bleeding Out" that I HATED with a PASSION is finally gone! My novel is now called Butterfly Blood based on a excerpt way in the future of the story. (Which I'm very excited to share c: )
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I wrote the prologue after I’d finished the first chapter, to introduce the book and it’s mystery in a more captivating way than it had initially been introduced.
Frog finds himself underground in the middle of a forest with no knowledge of his surrounds, his past, or his identity. He clings to one certainty, that he is and was raised by frogs. (This book is a bit wack, just roll with it.)
As he crawls into the middle of the road, a truck starts hurtling toward him and careens off the road last minute. The driver drops down and searches for for Frog, but cannot find anyone.
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There is no blood, no screaming, no mangled man wailing on the ground. Reluctantly, the driver withdraws from the dark and locks himself in the enclosed cabin of his truck, steadying his breathing.
As the exhaust sputters to life again, and tires tug against the initial friction of the gravel, the disappearance twists the driver’s thoughts.
His passenger clings with sticky tree frog palms to the trucks stomach; well-oiled organs huffing heat and fumes onto his face.
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So this book actually began with a very horribly written chapter. The structure was a mess and for some reason I kept bombarding the reader with information about my main character Rowan and really pushing forward the idea that she’s an energetic person... Which was stiff and just poor writing, honestly. (Also, I've changed my ideas since about how I want to characterise her.) But out of the 3000 word (approx) start, there were salvageable aspects, and those went into the first chapter along with a lot more fleshing out of the scenes, setting and character. I also finally decided on a tense and perspective after being super inconsistent with it and unable to make my mind up.
But! We got there in the end, I just thought I’d share my struggle since writing is not a perfect process and there is a lot of rearranging, and sometimes it feels like pulling teeth.
The premise of this chapter is to set the scene of Blackerwick (a fictional, dreary british seaside town), introduce Rowan (our main character), and the complex relationship with her father, who has become insular over the past month before the story starts.
A little world building and set up!
Everything about the sleepy town Rowan’s family had moved to is soaked in a distinct achromatic despondency. Inland residents slumped and slogged in their routines, never caring to change them, almost afraid of living. It had confused Rowan at first when she’d come here from Ireland at fourteen, how much the dull town contrasted its landscape. It seemed undeserving of such beauty; a tall mountain range to the left of Blackerwick, and beyond it a city; wide stretches of moors headed toward the forests, and beyond the forests—the ocean. It was as if all the world’s natural beauties had congregated here millions of years ago as the earth slid into place, waiting for settlers to enjoy it. They didn’t even seem to notice.
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    Fading out of view behind her, a mangle of dark rooftops mesh amongst each other, a severe contrast to the pallidly painted house fronts, and chimneys slice into the sky, puffing endlessly on their pipes.
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Hot air is exhaled from the horizon, tugging striking, unruly orange hair from her heavy ponytail as it whistles past her face. She closes her eyes peacefully against the feverish winds, her clothes buffeting and pounding as if fighting it off. Grinning, she leans toward the sea, trusting its breath to hold her weight.
In the course of this chapter Rowan has had an altercation with her teacher and gotten a detention, pushed through the forests toward the beach, and now is returning home. She rouses her dad’s attention by feigning a headache, because he doesn’t bother with her unless he sees she is in pain etc. Now for some quality mild gore!
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    Turning, she leans in to hug him when she realises there’s blood gushing from her nose.
    “Oh shit! Shit, shit, shit! Not again!” Rowan scoops shaking hands to her nose, tacky blood spilling over her fingertips. “Dad, Dad!”
    He is already on it, tipping her head back into his cupped palm, holding tissues tightly to her nose. She wheezes and sputters, the world spinning as she lurches toward the sink, clinging to the draining board to keep her balance. Everything red, the four walls of the kitchen, red. Her blurring vision, red. Everything bleeding like her gums beneath grinding teeth as she bites down on the impulse to say something. She wants to scream, or throw up, head swimming as her world tilts upside down. Her skull rests in her father’s strong palm, a fleshy safety net.
Wash your mouth out with soap, ma’am. 
I was considering having Rowan not swear around her father, but her mother is pretty aggressive and her dad (Karmen) swears regularly, so it doesn’t seem too outrageous anymore. (I could never, my mum would flip).
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When the bleeding slows finally, and her chin closes in on her neck again she notices her father’s shirt is covered with dried, grubby gore. It looks like he is bleeding out from a deep gash notched into his chest. His heart clawed savagely from its dwelling. 
Karmen being a worried dad is best dad;
     “You said not again.” He says finally, as she gathers herself, filling glass after glass with water and gulping hungrily, throat tilted toward the sky.
    “I’ve been getting more than usual recently.” She replies nonchalantly.
    “That’s shouldn’t be normal.” He says.
     Rowan shrugs, “I’ve always been prone to bleeding and bruising.” As if to defend herself or prove her case, she pulls down her jeans slightly, revealing a black contusion on her hip. It fades into swarthy purple and blue; a gradient discolouring her pale freckled skin; a deep ink blot, as if the flesh had been punctured with a fountain pen.
    Her dad hisses sharply. “How did you do that? I told you not to go into those woods anymore!”
Ok! Enough blood! I really made nosebleeds overly dramatic lol.
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the first 2000 ish words of this chapter follow Frog (he's later named Mint), and let me tell you, his perspective came so naturally, and was such an interesting world view to write in. I'm not saying i like him, but I enjoy writing him for sure.
This chapter was initially 2100 words and I intended it to be a brief introduction of mint, but I merged it with the next one because I thought they joined together nicely. The other aspects of this chapter introduce more of the friend group (honestly the only relevent characters within this group are Damian and Jamie, the rest are low-key assholes) and set up later events.
Mint is wandering in the forest, and hunting.
He slinks into step with the deer as it rises, shaking his head as it shakes its placid mane. Serenity slices the air in two.
     Frog strikes.
    The blade almost glitters in the air as it shoots toward the limpid animal’s vulnerable throat, veins pulsing beneath frosty, translucent fur. Incorporeal beast. A surreptitious streak in the night, headfirst, embedding with a gurgle and a coarse, barbaric scream. Deer’s aren't meant to sound like this. Like a human, like something capable of feeling and hurting. Frog wriggles the blade out of its fleshy sheath and exhales into a whistle. He looks gleefully at the drowned grass damp with blood. Gushing over his squirming toes.
      Its crown tumbles to the soil, antlers embedding deep into the foliage at Frogs feet. He sits beside Stag on the floor laden with pine needles--wreathing its glazed face like christ’s crown-- and strokes the un-bloodied fur of its forehead, holding its unblinking, waxy glare. Frog is the victor.
Frog/Mint is hunting! He kills a stag! Then he brutally dissects it;
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      Peeling away at the thick membrane enshrouding Stag's skull, with tender interest, Frog carves muscle and fat from its head, pellucid and opaline, dropping the pale crumbs of carcass onto the ground. The deer’s dense ghost is not yet cold in his crimson tinted hands. 
Rowan feeling numb, because oh boy us writers like to see our characters in pain;
The water is scalding. Rowan breaks out in goose bumps. Catching her reflection in the rippling bathwater she almost doesn’t recognise herself. Flushed, pale cheeks. All sharp edges, cheekbones slicing beneath the eyes, graceful slanting nose scooping down into a slight point. Her lips protrude from her face, full and large, accommodating an easy smile. Rowan pulls her downturned lips into a small grin. The constructed happiness blurs in the water. Holding her breath, she leans into the baths hot grip, filling with her fiery hair.
    The silence smudges in her ears.
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I also wrote some banter-y dialogues but I think I'll share them another time... After they've been edited.... a heck ton... There's an over exaggerated smoking description in this chap too but I've shared that before heh :)
I hope you enjoyed this LONG overdue chapter update! So far there are 7 chapters, so I have a lot of updating to catch up on! :)
I don’t have a tag list at the moment, but if you’re interested in this wip and want to be on it, then please send me an ask or a comment and I’ll add you :)
Tag list, ask to be added or removed;
@alicewestwater @elaz-ivero @coffeeandcalligraphy @hanwatchingmovies @sirfitzroys @chloeswords @nev-953
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iamartemisday · 4 years
90 and 32 for Loki and your choice?
Is there really a choice? lol
Pregnancy Fic + Unexpected Virgin
...hoo boy.
Okay, so Loki decides one day to go to Midgard. No real reason why. He’s just bored.
While there, he meets some mildly interesting people, including a young woman about to graduate college named Jane Foster. She’s just escaped an incredibly painful blind date and Loki further helps her avoid the hapless human by pretending to kiss her in an alleyway. Her hot breath on his face actually makes him think of kissing her for real, but that’s a ridiculous notion. What kind of prince would he be cavorting with mortals? 
Regardless, as they talk about life and Jane’s plans for grad school, he finds himself intrigued by her. She’s highly intelligent for her species and while her grip on the Bifrost could not be more basic, if anyone was going to figure it out, he’d say it was her. 
Over the next month or so, Loki starts visiting Midgard and Jane more and more. As far as she knows, he’s another student like her home for summer break. As they grow closer, Loki thinks more and more about what it would be like to kiss her. Finally, the day comes and by Odin, can she ever kiss. 
Of course, there’s no way something like this can last. Even putting aside Loki’s greater longevity, there are so many people out there he’s pissed off. If they know a vulnerable mortal woman has caught his eye, no way they won’t take advantage.
That’s how Jane ends up a hostage of one of Loki’s many enemies. He is able to save her and kill the perpetrator, but he realizes now that their relationship can only end in pain. He knows now just how deeply in love with her he’s fallen. He loves her so much that he can find it in himself to erase every trace of him from her memory. Everything from their first meeting to the day they first kissed. He gives her one more kiss before he leaves her, pouring all his love and magic into it. Along with a wish that one day, somehow, their paths would cross again.
And so, Loki leaves her. Jane wakes up the next morning in her apartment with no recollection of her harrowing adventure or the prince she once loved. It’s as if nothing ever happened. 
Except as the days go by, Jane starts to have some odd symptoms. She’s weirdly sick in the morning and feels faint during the day. She’s moodier than usual, only wants to eat food she hates and gets random headaches.
There is an obvious answer that is also completely impossible. Jane is not ashamed to admit she’s never had sex (like it even matters how long someone waits). In fact, she hasn’t dated since that one awful blind date a few months ago (every time she thinks about it she feels sad for no reason, and she still can’t figure out why). Days later, the symptoms persist. As a joke, she buys a home pregnancy test. Not like it’s going to mean anything.
The test comes back positive.
Jane buys three more. All positive.
She goes to the doctor, who confirms it. 
Now, this is a major problem because again, Jane has never had sex. She rarely drinks and hasn’t been to a bar recently. A few guys in her department like her, but there was no way they’d ever do something like that to her. Right? 
The time frame of conception is determined. Jane recalls a day during that time when she did go to the bar, and now that she thinks about it, her memory of that week is a bit spotty...
At that point, Jane, being the determined woman she is, decides she can’t worry about what might’ve happened right now. She needs to think about what is happening. The obvious answer is abortion. That or adoption. How can she, a grad student going into astrophysics of all things, take care of a child? It’s not that she doesn’t want kids, it’s the idea never even crossed her mind because she’s just that focused on her goal. 
Now, motherhood is an actual reality. It’s still early enough for her to make an appointment at the clinic. She’s online researching, still unsure if she’s actually going to call, when she feels something. At first, she thinks she’s imagining it. She feels her stomach and there it is again. The tiniest movement. Maybe not even a movement at all. Maybe just a heartbeat...
At that moment, something fundamental within Jane changes. She closes her current web search and opens a new one on pregnancy guides and nearby baby stores.
A few months later, Jane’s daughter is born. While it’s definitely a bit on the nose given the circumstances, Jane can’t resist writing Christina on the birth certificate. 
It’s not as hard as she thought it would be. Erik and her mother are both huge helps. They immediately fall in love with the baby and watch her while Jane is at school and studying. By the time she gets her degree, Christina is five and has spent the last few years providing constant encouragement for her mother. She walks at Jane’s side during her graduation. She gets a little stuffed bear with a cap and gown while Jane gets her doctorate. 
The next few years are a bit hectic. Jane tries to give Christina as much stability as possible. They live in one place for a few years while Jane teaches at the university and builds up goodwill with the staff in order to get the grant money she needs to fund her research. Her efforts finally pay off when Christina is about to turn nine. Jane sets up her lab in New Mexico and they move there for the summer. They might stay longer depending on what Jane finds, but she doesn’t tell Christina that just yet. She’s already complaining about how boring Puente Antiguo is.
To entertain herself, Christina reads and writes about all sorts of fun adventures she could be having. She’s never showed her mom this, or anyone for that matter, but she has a few strange little talents no one else seems to have. For example, she can sometimes move things around without touching them. One time, she swears she turned a mean kid’s hair blue when he was bullying her and her friends. Snakes seem to really like her. She can’t talk to them like Harry Potter, but they do follow her sometimes. There are tons of snakes in New Mexico, but she’s not too bothered by it. They all seem pretty nice.
Soon Darcy arrives and she more or less bonds with her new boss’s kid. When some guy in town starts hassling Darcy, Christina asks one of her snake friends to make him go away and the guy never comes back. Another guy makes fun of Jane on the street, calling her a crackpot. He rather suddenly trips over nothing and knocks a few of his teeth out. 
Jane does notice a lot of this stuff, but not once does she think to connect it to her innocent daughter. Meanwhile, Christina is well aware that she’s the one doing this. Somehow or other, she does have powers no one else has, and she’s starting to realize just how strong those powers might be.
It all comes to a head with the arrival of Thor. Jane went out with Darcy and Erik to watch for an incoming storm. Christina had to stay home, as this could be dangerous. So, of course, she snuck along in the back hidden under a blanket. She’s right there when Thor falls from the sky. Terrified that they’re all about to die, Christina unleashes a HUGE wave of magic. Big enough to disrupt the bifrost and send Thor flying into a nearby rock formation. He hits his head hard, and as he is now human. this is not an insignificant injury.
In fact, when they get to the hospital, the poor stranger has already slipped into a coma. Jane is left to comfort her hysterical daughter who won’t stop blaming herself for what happened, She finally admits the truth about her powers to Jane and demonstrates by summoning a pen from the nurse’s station. Jane is shocked and has no idea what to do. Christina interprets this as her mother being scared of her and runs away. Jane chases after her. By the time she turns the corner, Christina is gone. Jane searches the entire hospital, but her little girl is nowhere to be found.
Now comes Loki. He’s been pretty out of it ever since losing Jane. Though it’s been close to a decade on Earth, that barely feels like a week to him. Now Thor has been banished, he has some truly uncomfortable questions to ask Odin about his origins, and to top it all off, one of his old enemies has just randomly appeared with a little girl in tow.
(NOTE: I honestly have no idea who the enemy would be. If I actually wrote this I’d just figure it out later)
His enemy mocks him for growing soft and not protecting his progeny like he should have. Loki has no idea what the hell this guy is talking about until he gets a better look at the girl. Her midnight black hair, terrified blue eyes, that face just like a younger Jane.
He hadn’t looked in on her since he left. He just couldn’t bring himself to. Now he wishes to all his ancestors that he had. The enemy issues a challenge, daring him to come and save his newfound daughter. He disappears with Christina, and try as he might, Loki can’t trace where they’ve gone. He has a few ideas, but he’s going to need some help.
And he’s going to need to correct some old mistakes as well.
At the hospital, the police have arrived and are searching for the missing girl. Jane curls up in the waiting room, thinking of everything that led them to this point. If only she hadn’t accepted the grant money. If only she’d gone somewhere else to search for bridges. If only she’d paid enough attention to her own fucking child to know that she was literally psychic. Or magic. Or something!
While she cries, a shadow appears over her. When Jane looks up, a tall man with dark hair and eyes like Christina is watching her.
It all comes flooding back.
She remembers Loki. She remembers their kiss, that monster thing that kidnapped her. Loki saved her, and then he told her they’d never see each other again. Then she woke up at home as if from a dream and it was like he never existed at all.
But he had. She knew now that she had, and she had a daughter to prove it.
Which still begs the question of how. She knows now that they definitely didn’t have sex. Loki’s theory is that his magic somehow infused with latent abilities within Jane herself (she might actually have a small percentage of Asgardian in her) and created a child born of them both. It’s a tenuous idea at best, but it’s all he has right now, and who even cares how Christina was conceived. Point is, she exists and she’s been kidnapped and Thor is in a freaking coma now and can’t help them. Time to gear up and save their kid!
Not going to go into too much detail here as I’ve already written way too much. Basically, Loki teaches Jane to harness the magic within. She already knows a few knife tricks from self-defense classes, so Loki gives her a new knife that never dulls and is virtually indestructible. When she’s ready, they strike out to find their daughter in the enemy’s secret hideout. At some point, Thor wakes up and rushes to help his brother. His willingness to go to a far off planet and fight to the death for a child he’s never met makes him worth of Mjolnir again at just the right time. Loki and Jane rescue their little girl, who instinctively knows her father the moment she sees him. The enemy is defeated and now they’re free to start over and live as the family they were always meant to be. 
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mathewmurdocks · 4 years
Tag Game: Dig a Little Deeper
tagged by @impractical-matters​ 🥰
do you prefer writing with a black pen or a blue pen? black pen
would you prefer to live in the country or in the city? this is hard. i really like both. they have significantly different feels but i love both of them.
if you could learn a new skill, what would it be? god, i could list a shit ton
do you drink your tea/coffee with sugar? sweeeeeet teaaaaaa
what was your favorite book as a child? because of winn-dixie
do you prefer baths or showers? showers
if you could be a mythical creature, which one would you be? bro, idfk. i wanted to be a mermaid forever, but maybe like a sorcerer or some shit idk.
paper or electronic books? certain books need to be paper, but electronic is more convenient. 
what is your favorite item of clothing? sweatshirt
do you like your name? yeah, its fine lol would you like to change it? i used to when i was younger but its just a name i guess. i wouldn’t even know what to change it to.
who is a mentor to you? idk, i’ve had people help me in my life but never one person over a long period of time. can i say myself? idk if that makes sense but it’s my answer.
would you like to be famous? yes and no. i always wanted to be an actor and/or writer but never the celebrity side of it. just known so that my work is known and appreciated.
are you a restless sleeper? Y E S. i have stories...insane ones. who the fuck moves the whole ass bed or punches the wall in their sleep? ME wtf
do you consider yourself to be a romantic person? i can be, but it’s not a constant state
which element best represents you? sometimes i’m water and sometimes i’m fire which is actually pretty accurate considering the walking paradox i am
who do you want to be closer to? plenty of people. well, i guess everyone cause im not entirely close with anyone. no one really knows me or wants to know me. might be my fault, might not. idk
do you miss someone at the moment? my grandparents and i always have this nagging feeling like im missing someone but i don’t know who they are.
tell us about an early childhood memory. pretending to fall asleep on a car ride home so my dad would carry me inside and to my bed while holding onto my special blanket with my name on it.
what is the strangest thing you have eaten?  idfk. maybe sand or dirt? im a pretty picky eater so i don’t try a lot of things.
what are you most thankful for? that i have things others don’t and may never get. i have food, clothes, a home, and other luxuries some people can’t afford.
do you like spicy food? N O
have you ever met someone famous? yeah, but nobody too famous. i met a bunch of rock/screamo bands (bless the fall, bmth, mayday parade, we the kings, 3OH!3, we came as romans, of mice and men, crown the empire, the devil wears prada-a couple of the band memebers actually took me to their merch tent and gave me water when i almost passed out from a heat stroke-, pierce the veil, echosmith, a couple others but i can’t recall), some popular christian artists, luke benward, ezra miller, and shailene woodley. i feel like i’ve met others but can’t think of them 🤷🏻‍♀️
do you keep a diary or journal? i used to. i had accumulated like 100 over the years and i still have some of them. i don’t write in one anymore, but sometimes if i’ll vent by writing a note in my phone or something just so i can release somehow.
do you prefer to use pen or pencil? pen
what is your star sign? aquaruis 
do you like your cereal crunchy or soggy? crunchy
what would you want your legacy to be? that i was a good person who tried and cared
do you like reading? yes, but its really hard with my adhd
how do you show someone you love them? acts. i do things for them by going above and beyond.
do you like ice in your drinks? only at restaurants or fountain drinks
what are you afraid of? being alone and unwanted
what is your favorite scent? idk, but i don’t like strong or floral scents. anything calm and natural
do you address older people by their name or surname? depends on who they are. the older i get the less i do it i think
if money was not a factor, how would you live your life? i would live simply and comfortably. nothing too extravagant. i mean, there are some things i would go all out on, like a car but having a home thats nice and big enough for me, not like a mansion or anything. i’d love to travel too, but not site see but to live in a place for like a year or two and experience it.
do you prefer swimming in pools or the ocean? ocean
what would you do if you found $50 in the ground? unless i knew or saw who dropped it, just pocket it cause what else are you gonna do?
have you ever seen a shooting star? did you make a wish? yes and yes
what is one thing you would want to teach your children? to be accepting and open minded.
if you had to have a tattoo, what would it be and where would you get it? i already have some and want a bunch more
what can you hear now? music from my headphone in my left ear and my mom typing on her computer in my right ear
where do you feel the safest? in my room with music in my headphones when its dark
what is one thing you want to overcome/conquer? my depression, anxiety, paranoia, and dependency on others.
if you could travel back to any era, what would it be? roman empire
what is your most used emoji? 😂
describe yourself using one word. paradox
what do you regret the most? i don’t know if i really have any significant regrets. anything worth regretting would change who i am and i like who i am for the most part.
last movie you saw? spenser confidential
last tv show you watched? hunters. wait, thats a lie. the librarians but im rewatching it with my mom
invent a word and its meaning. uhm, idk. i’ve done this before but i can’t remember any of them.
 if you wanna do this feel free! 
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suckitsurveys · 5 years
What do you have pierced? Both my earlobes, my cartilage twice on my left ear, and my right nostril.  How do you spend your summer nights? Different ways? Bonfires, swimming, hanging out, watching tv, etc. If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? HAWAII. Would you take anyone with you? My husband and my best friend Sarah.
What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen) Black pen. Favourite month and why? Summer months because of the weather. I’m so much happier in WARMTH. What brand logo is closest to you currently? The Windows logo on my keyboard. Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them. A coworker in person. What’s the best job you’ve ever had? This ones okay. What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? Party City. The boss was an asshole. What email service do you use? Gmail and my work email. Is there anything hanging on the walls of the room you are currently in? Yeah. A bulletin board with a lot of work related things and picture of my nieces, some black glittery bats since everyday is Halloween, electronic test boards for work, a logo of the University, some things my coworkers have by their work space. What did you have for dinner yesterday? Sloppy Joes. Have you had other blogs on Tumblr? I have this one, my main one ( @suck-it-nerds ) and a Parks and Rec one ( @parksandreccast ). I have a couple others I’ve made but never really used. Those three are my most active. Do you have any other blogs currently? I have a LiveJournal if that’s even still a thing. What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of? I hate that term. Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick) All of it. What things annoy you more than anything else. People. What kind of position are you in at the moment? Sitting in a chair. Do you wear much jewellery? Not a ton. How many times have you moved house? Twice. How many devices do you own which can access the internet? My laptop, Mark’s computer, my phone, Mark’s phone, the Firestick. And my work computer and iPad. Is there is anything that is guaranteed to always make you happy? My nieces and my husband and my kitties. What colour pants/skirt/etc are you currently wearing? Jeans. When was the last time you drank water? Like 20 minutes ago. Have you ever tried the cinnamon challenge? Nooo. Are you listening to music right now? No. Do you like maxi dresses? No. Was the last person you talked to in person related to you? Nope. Will you keep your last name when you get married? I did keep it. Would you rather have orange juice or milk with your breakfast? Depends. What are your plans for your next birthday? hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. I was trying to plan a party where everyone I knew could hang out at the same time at the same place and I gave MONTHS notice and people are flaking out on me. I guess I’m not worth celebrating. Have you ever been called a tease? Yeah. Are you a dark-haired, dark-eyed person? Nope. Are you so flexible that you can put your feet behind your head? Nope. Would you rather watch basketball or play basketball? Watch. Do you like fish or chicken more? Fish. What color are your eyes? Green. What scares you more: snakes or spiders? Neither. Has anyone told you they missed you lately? Yeah. What’s your middle name? Martina. Do you have any siblings? Yeah, an older sister. What are you doing right now? This and working. Have you ever liked someone but were afraid to tell them? Eh. Everyone I’ve liked has told me they liked me first lol. Are your lips chapped at the moment? No. When was the last time you were in a car with someone besides family? A week or so ago. What are you wearing on your feet? Birkenstocks. Think back to August, were you in a relationship? Yes. What kind of shoes did you wear today? Birkenstocks. Do you currently have a hickey? No. What color is your hair naturally? Dirty blonde. Does anyone ever spell your name wrong? Yeah. They’ll leave the H off the end or sometimes leave both Hs off all together. And don’t get me started on my last name. Do you think that texting on a date is rude? It can be. Depends on the person and the situation. Like Mark and I have been together for 8 years (today! :) ) so we went on a date and he texted someone I wouldn’t really care that much unless that’s all he was doing. How old do you look? I think I look like I’m in my early 20s. Look in your inbox, who’s your last message from? Sarah. What are you doing tomorrow? Work, swimming. What’s the weather like? It’s pretty nice out right now. Do you have any fun plans for tomorrow? You just asked me what I was doing tomorrow. What was the highlight of your week? Today we are getting sushi for our anniversary!!!!!!
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professional-anti · 6 years
Chapter Eleven: Magnus Bane
Okay, kiddos. Let’s go.
Jace and Clary leave the Brotherhood HQ, and Jace calls the cab driver a “brain-dead moron”. You know what, here’s the full quote:
Jace leaned forward and banged his hand against the partition separating them from the cab driver. “Turn left! Left! I said to take Broadway, you brain-dead moron!”
Oh, man, I’m so hot for Jace you guys. He’s so evil and cruel. I’m fanning myself. And the reason he wants to take Broadway? He wants breakfast. That’s it. It’s not a life-or-death situation. He wants fucking breakfast.
I like the idea of the diner they go to. A place where magical ppl can get together for some spaghetti. I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this, but I LOVE the idea of a secret (or not-so-secret) magical Manhattan. It’s just so unfortunate that Clare’s is so bad.
Clarinet asks Jack-Jack about Magnus Bane. Jack-Jack explains that he’s a warlock. Alec shows up. Clare is the foreshadowing master.
Clary freaks out about a guy in front of the store who looks like a demon. Clary. Girl. Come on. You know about this stuff already. It’s been like two days. Calm down. Apparently he’s a bouncer (for a diner) and is the warlock equivalent of a squib.
Honesty, I love this diner. They have blood on tap!!!! That’s so cool!!!!!! Plus, the people eating there sound way more interesting than our MCs.
[A] boy with spiky blue dreads was sitting next to a beautiful Indian girl with long black hair and gauzelike golden wings sprouting from her back.
Gotta love how the only people of color are basically set-dressing, though. At least Simon is Jewish, even with the messed up antisemitic crosses-burned-into-him dream thing. Clare’s Jewish, though, so of course she represents only herself and leaves everyone else out in the cold.
Alec shows up:
There was a kinetic, almost feverish energy to [Alec] that hadn’t been there before. Something about Jace sharpened him, brought him into focus. If she were going to draw them together, she thought, she would make Jace a little blurry, while Alec stood out, all sharp, clear planes and angles.
Oh, here it is. The “poor gay boy only comes to life in front of hopelessly straight crush” trope. Bc Alec has nothing better to do than obsess over Jace, a boy who is currently being rude to the waitress. Does Clare honestly not know how annoying rude boys are?
Isabelle and Simon show up. Apparently, even Isabelle’s perfume is evil:
Isabelle’s hair tickled [Clary’s] face, smelling of some kind of vanilla perfume. Clary fought the urge to sneeze. She hated vanilla perfume. She’d never understood why some girls felt the need to smell like dessert.
Haven’t I mentioned? Clary is the best girl to ever girl. Isabelle can’t even order right. Instead of getting something reasonable, like a large order of coconut pancakes (gross, Clary), “Isabelle fastidiously order[s] a fruit smoothie”.
Jace goes off to flirt with the waitress. Clary is confused bc the waitress is a Downworlder and aren’t they, like, totally evil? Isabelle and Alec assure her that the only kill the bad Downworlders. The rest they let live.
“Like letting spiders live because they eat mosquitoes, Clary thought.” Uh, not really. The Downworlders aren’t spiders. They’re just people, living their lives.
“So they’re good enough to let live, good enough to let live, good enough to make your food for you, good enough to flirt with—but not really good enough? I mean, not as good as people.” Isabelle and Alec looked at her as if she were speaking Urdu. “Different from people,” said Alec finally.
This doesn’t really seem like such a difficult question? Isabelle and Alec are just trying to cover up their bullshit.
“Better than mundanes?” said Simon. “No,” Isabelle said decidedly. “You could turn a mundane into a Shadowhunter. But you could never turn a Downworlder into one of the Clave. They can’t withstand the runes.”
So Shadowhunters judge others based on their ability to become Shadowhunters? Seems not at all racist. I’m so glad we had this chat. Jace comes back and explains that there’s just a shit-ton of hostility between Shadowhunters and Downworlders, so it’s not really racism.
Miracle of miracles, Isabelle reveals that Magnus Bane has invited the magical community of New York to his house for a party. God, I love parties.
There’s a whole day before the party, so Simon and Isabelle decide to go for a walk in Central Park. For some reason, this makes Clary feel a “murderous rage”. These emotions are seriously not healthy.
Back at the Institute, Clary goes exploring in the library and finds a photo of her mom and other Order of the Pheonix members-cum-Deatheaters Shadowhunters. Evil Giles shows up and points out Valentine, Luke, the Lightwoods, Jace’s mom, and himself in the picture. Clary mentions that Jace doesn’t look anything like his father. What could this possibly mean?
Honestly, the concept of a book about the children of villains isn’t terrible. It really just the complete ripping-off of Harry Potter that annoys me.
Oh, God. Clary gets back to her room (armed with a sleeping potion from Hodge) to see Jace looking at her sketchbook. I’m not even good at drawing, and my sketchbooks are still deeply personal. You can’t just look in someone’s sketchbook! It’s like a diary! WTF, Jace!
In fact, Clary tells Jace that it’s  basically a diary and that he shouldn’t look at it. This should be obvious.
Wait, I’m laughing:
“You could try not being charming all the time,” Clary said. “It might be a relief for everyone.”
Tumblr media
Jace offers to tell Clary a bedtime story. It’s the famous falcon story, the one that Clare used in her Harry Potter fanfiction. You know, where Jace’s father gives him a falcon to train, and when Jace loves it, his father kills it. Proof that Jace is Draco.
Somehow, Clary makes the connection that this story is about Jace only as she falls asleep. Whatever.
Isabelle wakes up Clary. Again, a famous moment:
[Isabelle] looked like a moon goddess. Clary hated her.
Bitch, Isabelle is a moon goddess, and I love her.
Yes, we have a makeover scene!! My secret weakness. I’m sorry, fellow patriarchy fighters. Makeover scenes are just so good.
Isabelle continues to be the coolest person in this book:
Her room looked as if a disco ball had exploded inside it. The walls were black and shimmered with swirls of sponged-on golden paint. Clothes were strewn everywhere: on chairs, spilling out of the closet and the tall wardrobe propped against one wall. Her vanity table, its mirror rimmed with spangled pink fur, was covered in glitter, sequins, and pots of blush and powder.
I want this room!
Clary gets a slinky black dress, fishnets, and boots. I want this outfit, too. When Isabelle does Clary’s makeup, Clary asks if Alec is gay. For some reason, this causes an intense shock in Isabelle:
Isabelle’s wrist jerked. The eyeliner skidded, inking a long line of black from the corner of Clary’s eye to her hairline. “Oh, hell,” Isabelle said, putting the pen down. “It’s all right,” Clary began, putting her hand up to her eye. “No, it isn’t.” Isabelle sounded near tears as she scrabbled around among the piles of junk on top of the vanity . . . She sat down on the edge of the bed, ankle bracelets jingling, and looked at Clary through her hair. “How did you guess?” she said finally. “I—” “You absolutely can’t tell anyone,” said Isabelle. “Not even  Jace?” “Especially not Jace!” “All right.” Clary heard the stiffness in her own voice. “I guess I didn’t realize it was such a  big deal.” “It would be to my parents,” said Isabelle quietly. “They would disown him and throw him out of the Clave—” “What, you can’t be gay and a Shadowhunter?” “There’s no official rule about it, But people don’t like it. I mean, less with people our age—I think,” she added, uncertainly, and Clary remembered how few other people her age Isabelle had ever really met. “But the older generation, no. If it happens, you don’t talk about it.”
Okay. So. I’m trying to judge this for when it was written. But, like. Is the homophobia necessary? It’s kind of like the ridiculous sexism in ACOTA/R. It’s a choice the author is making, for, like, no good reason. This is a case of a straight author needlessly torturing her gay character. But since this was published in 2007, I feel like this has been talked out, so let’s move on.
Ugh, Simon short-circuits bc Clary is wearing a short skirt. Please calm down, sweetie. You’re embarrassing me. Wait, what is even going on here? Jace gives Clary a dagger, and, uh, this happens:
“I could give you a thigh sheath to put that in,” Isabelle offered. “I’ve got tons.” “ABSOLUTELY NOT,” said Simon.
I’m actually laughing. Lol for real. What does this even mean? Is a thigh sheath too sexy or something? Simon, can you chill for .2 seconds? This isn’t your body. Let’s all take deep breaths.
Clary puts the dagger in the outside pocket of her backpack because there’s no way having to unzip a backpack to get to the dagger could bit her in the ass during a fight. Then Jace reaches over and undoes her hair bc, uh, shipping moment.
I’m so grossed out by the fact that in a short while, they will think they’re siblings.
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redhairedhobi · 6 years
Tagged!! :D
I was tagged by @sunnyuto​ !! Thank you hon <3
Hair Color?
Dark brown
Is your hair long or short?
Slightly long-ish, like around 2 inches past my shoulders. I’m going to cut it above my shoulders soon.
Eye Color?
Dark brown
Blood Type?
Rafs, Raf, Michhi, Peeps
Relationship Status?
She/Her or Dude/Gurl/Bro
Nope but I like drawing on my wrists in pen
Just the mediocre ear piercings that most gals have .-.
Do you want (more) piercings or tattoos?
Not really, I mean if I were allowed to I’d get so many tats but in this univere it aint happenin’
Right or Left handed?
Leo and proud :)
Listening to?
Young Wings by Stray Kids
About to watch?
Maquia (but first i gotta finish all my hw hhhh)
Waiting for?
Everyone to realize how awesome they are
Phone Call?
My dad
Text Message?
To @neko-ohime-sama-blr​
Song you listened to?
Oasis by Exo
Time you cried?
A couple days ago
Dated someone twice?
Kissed someone and regretted it?
no (I’ve never kissed anyone lol)
Kissed a stranger?
Been cheated on?
Had sex on a first date?
Lost someone special?
Been depressed?
Eh we’re all angsty teens
Drank hard liquor?
Never drank, never gonna drink
Gotten drunk and thrown up?
Talked to a person named Tom?
No? I know zero people named Tom
Had surgery? 
When I was smol (like a newborn preemie) yeah
Lost your glasses?
I don’t wear glasses lol
Turned someone down?
No but I’ve never been asked properly
Broken someone’s heart?
Don’t think so
Had your heart broken?
Been arrested?
Cried when someone died?
No...but no one’s died so far
Fallen for a friend?
…oof ooOf if I wasn’t as straight as a ruler you bet your butt I’d have crushes on all my friends
Made new friends?
Fallen out of love?
Not in the last year, no
Laughed until you cried?
Yeah a little less than a year ago but not bc I was laughing too hard, I was laughing to cover up some internal hurt and just used my laughter to cover up the tears
Found out someone was talking about you?
Yeah but only bc my friend told me
Met someone who changed you?
Found out who your friends are?
Kissed someone on your Facebook friends list?
I used to cheek-kiss my friends a ton so yeah
ORANGE SODAAAAA or a Sprite/Coke mix lol
Light blue and maroon
TV Show(s)?
Oof I’d hafta say Adventure Time was the best
Basketball, soccer aka football
Big Hero 6, Hidden Figures, The Addams Family, The Greatest Showman
uhhhhhhhh idk man Tom Holland is cute and the entire The Greatest Showman cast was amazing
Love at first sight?
Yeah, sort of
Santa Claus?
Kissing on a first date?
Yeah I do, but that doesn’t mean I completely love and accept myself all the time .-.
Hugs or Kisses?
Both!!!!!!! Hugs, if I had to choose
Lips or Eyes?
Shorter or Taller?
Older or Younger?
Same age or older bc all my friends fall in that age group
Nice arms or nice stomach?
Hookup or relationship?
Relationship but I’m in the arranged marriage life so...talking it out beforehand lol
Troublemaker or hesitant?
Mostly hesitant
What’s your best friend’s name?
I don’t have just one
What is something you can’t wait for?
February bc I get to see all 6 of my best friends in one room again
What time did you wake up today?
Do you want to change your name?
No, I love my name!
What did you do for your last birthday?
Went shopping and ate fried chicken
What were you doing at midnight last night?
Wondering how tf it got so late
What is something that gets on your nerves?
Mansplaining, when ppl assume things about me even after getting to know me, going from friends to strangers and open-mouthed eating/chewing.
Do you have a crush on someone?
What’s your most visited website?
Tumblr, AO3, or YouTube ( @sunnyuto brO these are your choices too? wh-)
Where do you want to go on vacation?
Somewhere new with fresh air and lots of sights to see
How many Facebook friends do you know IRL?
All except for like 2
Do you have pets?
Unfortunatelly no
Do you want to get married?
Yeah I guess
What career do you want to have?
Currently I just wanna major in Economics and get a job
What is something you want?
To pass all my classes and find mental peace
What do you like about yourself?
I’m always reminding my friends how much they deserve to be loved :)
Tagging: @beautifullydisasterousmilla @vin-taege @neko-ohime-sama-blr @artemisoftheeast224 if yall wanna to this
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granger--danger · 6 years
How would an author describe you as a character?
Thanks for the tag @the-most-beautiful-broom 💓 
Physical appearance?
1. The definition of short and petite, clocking in at 5′0″ on a good day. Her height and the softness in her face lead many strangers to believe that she’s just entered high school despite her age.
2. Long brown hair that forms messy waves when it’s allowed to dry overnight and a frizzy mess any other time. Worn most frequently in a ponytail or with the front pinned back using a clip.
3. Eyes that alternate between hazel and blue, depending on the weather and her clothes for the day. 
4. Olive skin in the summer, ivory the rest of the year. Her easily tanned skin and the size of her nose are what people typically use to identify her as Italian.
5. Very minimal makeup (because she doesn’t know how to use it), typically just foundation and light mascara. She avoids lipstick because it draws attention to her underbite and the crooked nature of her teeth (despite years of braces that only served to make her bite worse). 
1. Slow to warm up to new people, but once you’ve shown any kind of interest in getting to know her she quickly becomes attached. 
2. Seems really pessimistic and jaded but she’s actually just tired.
3. Likes to be in control of situations where she feels she can get a task done faster and better than others may be able to (but it’s just the ocd, she really doesn’t like being that way). 
4. Quiet in large groups but constantly listening and storing away bits of information, so while you may not know what her last name is, she knows how old your dog is and that your favorite memory was playing baseball with your dad on your fourth birthday because of whatever specific reason you gave the one time you randomly mentioned it. 
5. Awful at accepting any kind of compliments or things of the sort, but quick to drown others in her affection and appreciation.
1. Constantly has her fingers moving, whether they’re fidgeting with a pen or the ponytail holder on her wrist.
2. Washes her hands more than she probably should. 
3. Speaking of hands, hers shake all the time, most likely because of a genetic trait. It can really be an issue in a lab setting, but she makes do. 
4. Becomes the person that everyone hates when she opens a notification and then forgets to respond to a message for days until someone brings her attention to it again. 
5. Can’t maintain eye contact for longer than maybe 15 seconds at a time, so she’ll often end up staring at a person’s ear or eyebrow during a conversation. 
Average clothing choice:
1. Because of almost-daily labs, she rotates between three typical outfits during school: workout pants with a comfy tee and a hoodie/fleece jacket, jeans and a casual top/light hoodie, or dark jeans and a nice top (with/without a cardigan depending on the weather)/sweater. Comfort’s a big thing with her.
2. When she’s not in class for the summer, fun sundresses and sleeveless tops are go-to choices.
3. Her shoes are almost exclusively converse; she tends to favor the buff or navy colors, but she likes light blue in the spring as well. Occasionally on days she’s trying to look nicer she’ll choose ankle boots or sandals. 
4. Jewelry is a no-go because she’s allergic to most metals and is too poor to buy the kinds that don’t cause her to break out in hives. 
5. During the colder months she can always been seen with a red scarf. 
1. Left-handed, so it’s rare that you catch her without a smear of ink on the side of her hand. 
2. Very easily distracted.
3. Incredibly interested in the human body and how it works, but squeamish around blood or injuries.
4. Likes to think of herself a writer but has only ever completed one fic, leaving the rest unfinished and abandoned for months at a time. (I typed that and then immediately had flashbacks to when I was 11 and wrote/shared tons of fanfic for the Jonas Brothers, oh my... I’d forgotten about that weird time in my life, yikes.)
5. Dreams of living on a patch of land in a house she’s made a home with animals and a full garden out back. She’ll work as a rural/independent pharmacist and then come home each day to her spouse/platonic best friend/adopted kids, cook dinner, and spend the evenings relaxing with the knowledge that the grueling school years were worth it in the end.
Whew, this was a lot. I’m really bad at talking about myself, so this was harder than it should have been lol. If you’ve read through this whole thing, kudos - I tag you! 
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lovemesomesurveys · 6 years
When was the last time you read a whole book, to the last page exactly? It’s been a few months, actually. I haven’t read in awhile and I don’t know why, but I need to change that. How many times have you had sex within the past two years? Doesn’t have to be exact, a rough guesstimate? Roughly... zero. How many times in a month do you go to the movies? How much do you spend? I don’t go that regularly. Since October I’ve gone four times, and before that I don’t recall when I last went to the movies.
What is one of those movies that you could never get tired of watching? There’s a few that I’ve seen countless times. When was the last time you heard thunder? It’s been awhile. We haven’t had any rain since...maybe October or early November, I think. Last year we had tons of rain.
Are there many places to shop in the town you live in? Yeah. When was the last time you bought shoes? What do they look like? I, personally, haven’t bought myself shoes in years. My last new pair of shoes was last year for Christmas. Do you know anyone who claims to have the ability to see the future? No. Are you a superstitious person? Have you ever been superstitious before? I do the whole “knock on wood” thing. I think it’s just a habit at this point more than I actually believe it. Do you like any songs from country music? Yeah. Can people read your facial expressions easily? I used to be better at hiding it, but that’s changed over the past couple years. When was the last time you went on vacation? Back in May. How many states have you been to in your lifetime? Including airports/train stations? Five. When you go to the movies, do you actually watch the movies or not? Yes... why else would I go? What kind of instant messaging service do you use? Facebook Messenger, if any. When was the last time your area had a tornado warning, if ever? Never, thankfully. Have you ever had a major fight with your current partner? I’m single. Does it ever bother you when people use abbreviations for certain words? I use “lol” “omg” and “wtf”, which for some reason I’m cool with, but I don’t like “C U l8r” or anything like that. Do you ever look at random people and think they could be a serial killer? No... Does it scare you when the sky gets really cloudy and dark during the day? No. Is there anyone out there who would never judge you for anything? No. We all judge in some way or another. Do you put shampoo in your left or right hand? My left hand. When you take a drink of something, do you hold your pinky up? No. What’s the most dominant color in your room? White. How many times do you knock on a door? I don’t know. Maybe twice. What form of homework do you have to do today? None, I’m finished with school. Do you understand football? I get the basics, I just don’t care. Do you believe exes can be friends? Some can, some can’t. Just depends. If you could move somewhere else, would you? Yes. Are you happy with the way things are going? No. Do you have a reason to smile right now? I am looking forward to Christmas. Has anyone said they love you in the last week? Yes. Do you think you would be a good parent? I would hope so should I ever become one, but I don’t plan to become one, so. Do you usually have weird dreams? Yes. They’re always random and weird. And about random people from my past for some reason. Like people I’m not even friends with, or was ever friends with. I’m like wtf? Do you like your bed? I have a full size bed, which is big enough since it’s just me, but honestly I kinda just wish I had a king haha. It’s comfortable, though. Will this weekend be a good one? Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, so that will be fun. My mom and I are getting the stuff for our Christmas Eve and Christmas day dinner in the morning, and then later on that night my brother and his boyfriend will come over for dinner and gift exchange. We’ll probably play board games, too, which I enjoy. Do you think it’s funny to annoy people? No. I don’t enjoy it when done to me, so I wouldn’t do it to others. Blue, black, or red pens; or another color? Black. Do you live on a busy street, or a side street? Side street. Do you believe in love? I believe it exists, yes. If someone liked you right now, would you want them to tell you? If it was Ty. Would you go in public looking like you do right now? No. Can you handle the truth? It depends. What do you spend most of your money on? Food. Where were you at 11:00 AM Tuesday morning? At home, asleep. Have you ever dyed your hair? Many, many, many times since I was about 13 when I first got highlights. I did that for years, dyed it black once, and then two years ago I bleached it and dyed it red, which I’ve been doing ever since. What’s something that can always make you feel better? I don’t think there’s one thing that can always make me feel better. How’s your heart lately? Why the f is this question always in surveys. <<<<< Seriously. Are you a cuddler? I haven’t had much opportunity to be one. What do you want right now? To not feel like this. Who hugged you last? My mom. Look behind you, what do you see? A 4 ft tall giraffe stuffed animal with a Santa hat that I put on him. What’s on your schedule for tomorrow? I already answered this. How late did you stay up last night and why? Until about 4ish because that’s just how it goes. How’s your life lately? Sigh. Have you ever dated someone longer than a year? Nope. Joseph and I had our thing, whatever it was, for 3 years, but we didn’t actually date so I guess I can’t really count that. Do you like winter time? I love it. Are there any stressful situations in your life? You betcha. Who is the last person you physically hit? No one. Who are you currently texting? No one. Do you plan on moving within the next year? We want to, but it’s not looking good. If you were at a reasonable age, would you prefer a baby boy or girl? I am considered to be a “reasonable” age at 28, but I don’t know if I want kids. Have you ever been called heartless? No.
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exileoblivion · 7 years
all of them for you too buddy
alrighty, here goes!!1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? I try to make it equal, but I always end up with more milk than cereal
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? For the most part, yes. Unless I’m not feeling well or whatever
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? Whatever’s close at hand that’s flat and small, lol
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? My coffee has to have a LOT of creamer and/or sugar. My tea depends; for the most part, it HAS to have at least a little bit of sugar, but there’s some that I don’t mind not having sugar in, just depends
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? YES.
6: do you keep plants? No
7: do you name your plants?No
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? Either writing or drawing
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? Yup!
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? Mainly my sides, but I’ll lay on my back when I’m sick or hurt
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends? …oh god…my one friend and I have one that deals with DMMD, and I am SO not talking about that here pppfffttttttt
12: what’s your favorite planet? I don’t really have one
13: what’s something that made you smile today? I WATCHED THE LEGO BATMAN MOVIE, AND IT WAS SO DAMN CUTE ALSDKFJELAKJSDF
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? Dorky AF. Probably a lot of purple/shades of purple for the colors
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! Space smells like burnt meat and metal, or something like that? I remember hearing that a while back
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish? Chicken alfredo, or Mushroom Ravioli alskdjfalskjdf
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? I REEEALLLLYYYYYY want to dye the right side of my hair pastel pink
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. that same inside joke about DMMD omfg alskdjf
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? a writing journal? No. I do have a TON of sketchbooks though, which have random doodles in them.
20: what’s your favorite eye color? Blue. BRIGHT blue. I’ve also lately REALLLYYYY been loving shades of brown that almost look red. 
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. I recently bought a Castiel bag from Hot Topic, and while it’s not old, it has gone on a few adventures through the woods with me, and went with me to my last job quite a lot. I’m going to be using it a TON when I get my fursuit partial in 2018.
22: are you a morning person? Depends on if I get enough sleep, and wake up in a good mood
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? Laying in “bed” curled up in a few blankets with snacks and watch youtube vids
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? In the past, yeah. I haven’t had someone I could trust that much in a looonnnggggg time though
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into? Technically it wasn’t breaking in to, but I went to explore my old abandoned house and it was SO cool, omfg. 
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit? Lately it’s either my red converse or my gray winter boots
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor? Man, I haven’t chewed gum in YEARS…I dunno?
28: sunrise or sunset? Sunset
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? i can’t think of an answer to this one
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? OF COURSE
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I love them in the winter! I love the ones with patterns, or things on them. The plain colored ones are so boring, tbh. I loooveeee the ones that go up to my knees, or the super fuzzy ones. I also super love slippers asldkfj 
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. I can’t stop thinking about that damn DMMD joke between my one friend and I alskdjfalkds that happened WELL after 3am when we were both super tired to the point of delirium, and it’s just so funny alskjf
33: what’s your fave pastry? It’s a tie between pie and cinnamon buns/rolls
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? I had this plush cat that my one grandma gave me for christmas like…a year or so before she died? I named her Jellybean, and I took her EVERYWHERE with me. I should still have her…at least I did when we moved here when I was like 15…but I haven’t checked…she could be ruined for all I know ughhhhhhh
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? Yeah! I use stuff like that on rare occasions.
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now? STARSET!!!!!
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? I don’t have a room, and have way too much stuff in all different areas to keep anything organized. I HATE it :”D
38: tell us about your pet peeves! I CAN NOT FUCKING STAND THE SOUNDS OF PEOPLE EATING. IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT IT IS, I CAN ALWAYS HEAR PEOPLE EATING. I HATE IT. I HATE IT. I FUCKING HATE IT ALSKDJFALSKDJFLAKSJDFUUGHHHHHHHHHHHH. No, but seriously. I can NOT be around people that are eating. I HAVE to have headphones in. Like, no offense…I have sensitive hearing, and chewing ((honestly, any kind of mouth noise other than talking)) noises make me gag and spiral into a HUGE anxiety attack and it’s so bad alsdkjfalskdjf 
39: what color do you wear the most? Black
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you? Okay, so since I keep mentioning DMMD; I got an Industrial piercing in my left ear just like Noiz. It was the last piercing I got, and my first one from a PROPER piercer. The whole experience was awesome, and I loved it. It was back when our group was still 4 people, and we made a day of it. The piercer was SUPER nice, talked me through everything he was doing, being calm and reassuring, and just super sweet in general? Afterwards, he gave me a box of apple juice to help with my blood sugar, and I loved that idea so much, that to this day after I get tattoos or piercings, I always make sure to have apple juice as a tradition. I got my last piercing because 1.) I thought it looked HELLA cool, 2.) I reallllyyyyyy wanna cosplay Noiz, and 3.) Noiz’s character has a TON of meaning and stuff with me. Up next I’m gonna start stretching my lobes like him. Maybe it’ll be soon! 
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving? Another Note: The Los Angeles BB Murder cases
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! Sadly, no. If I did, it’d probably be a Starbucks or a Crazy Mocha
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? Like, actually laid out with a blanket and watched them for a long period of time? When I was a little kid with my brothers, watching a meteor shower
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? n-e-v-e-r~
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? sometimes
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of  for the life of me, I can’t think of any at the moment alskdjfalskdjfleakjsef
.47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? BLACK LICORICE
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? I think it may have been the dark…? And I mean…I do suffer from sleep paralysis…so…sometimes, kinda…..bllleeecchhhhhh
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? YES! The last two that I bought myself was  Gorillaz’s Demon Days and Plastic Beach 
50: what’s an odd thing you collect? Do stuffed plushes/animals count…? Cuz…ya boi has a bad addiction with buying stuffed things
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? The only ones that I can think of are all sad/depressing/triggering…
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? What in tarnation dog…I don’t get the whole babadook being a gay icon one, but it is funny af for some reason??? distracted boyfriend….is the “BITCH I WON’T HESITATE’ considered a meme at this point, cuz I LOVE that one even if it isn’t
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? I will NEVER watch or listen to that shit, get it out of here. Not yet, but maybe someday. HATE IT. Never seen it.
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? IRL…? no clue lmao
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point? God…I have no clue….probably like, raise my voice…?
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? …I really need to start paying attention to people more…I can’t think of anything…
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? Unpopular opinion…I hate that song. 
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? I don’t have enough friends to apply this to anyone oops
59: what’s your favorite myth? I don’t have a favorite myth, but can we talk about conspiracy theories and stuff like that???? cuz, holy hell…my eyes are finally open to them and some of them are GLORIOUS
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? Poetry’s okay, I don’t have any faves
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received? Probably like everything I ever give people. I can’t think of any
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? If I have apple juice, I WILL DRINK THAT EVERY MORNING ALSKFJLSKEJF
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? I kinda just leave them be. As long as they don’t get ruined
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? It looks black?
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with? convention friends. I also used to have a lot of online friends who have all pretty much disappeared that I miss terribly…
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? It’d be made of golden flowers. because reasons.
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? ALIVE alskdfjaslkdfj
68: what’s winter like where you live? It’s all over the freaking place. Sometimes it’s super cold, snowy, windy….other time’s it’s kinda cold, no snow, we’ve had a few where it’s practically spring weather?!???!?!?! 
69: what are your favorite board games? I love CAH, and other kinds of adult humored games like those alskdfj
70: have you ever used a ouija board? Not an Ouija board, but I have used a pendulum thingy with a sheet of paper that almost represented an Ouija board
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea? I love ALL kinds of tea. I have so many faves, I can’t pick just one alskdjfalskdfj
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it? Sorta, yeah
73: what are some of your worst habits? Whew boy, just about everything I do anymore is bad lmao
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. um…they’re…human?
75: tell us about your pets! I don’t have any
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t? sleeping lmao
77: pink or yellow lemonade? yellow
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? HATECLUB
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? no one’s done anything cute for me in years thx
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? The area that I sleep in has white walls. It’s the color that was here when we moved in.
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. …it just occurred to me…that I have no idea what color eyes my friends have…WELP
82: are/were you good in school? Nope lmao
83: what’s some of your favorite album art? I think the art for Plastic Beach is pretty neat
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? YES!!!! I have my Bill Cipher one all drawn up, just need to get it done. And then, I’m thinking of getting the seal of Metatron from the SH series done on my other rib, and then….I have SOOOOOOoooooOOoOOOoOoO many more ideas for tattoos, it’s ridiculous, lmao.
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? I don’t read comics, but I do read manga lol. I LOVE Deadman Wonderland, I just got the complete series of MARS which was the first manga series I ever read through, Alice 19th is SO GOOD, of course my unhealthy love for Killing Stalking, Blood Bank…um…I can’t think of anymore atm
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? I honestly don’t know what that means….? But, it’s possible…?
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Nightmare Before Christmas, Inception, Shutter, the original Halloween movies, Guardians of the Galaxy, The Lost Boys, Queen of the Damned, Ironman 3
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? Not really
89: are you close to your parents? nope
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. Okay, so…I’ve only ever been to D.C. once so far, but it’s REALLY beautiful alskdfj I can’t wait for next Otakon, and hopefully be able to explore it more. There’s such a surreal charm to it. You can reallllllyyyyy feel the history everywhere you go there. Just. Damn. 
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? no cheese plz
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most? messy buns or ponytails
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?…one of my brothers…???
95: what are your plans for this weekend? celebrate Thanksgiving, make a dessert for our dartball tournament…hope to hell I don’t get dragged to it…and hopefully write or play games. Maybe also clean too….
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? I tend to let them go for awhile before updating
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? INFP, Aquarius, Slytherin
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? too long!!! and, I think so?
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. Hiro no Tsuki/Melfina’s song, Is there Somewhere and Control by Halsey, just about the whole Undertale soundtrack, the sountracks to both Portal 1, and 2, ESPECIALLY Exile Vilify by The National, All of Me by John Legend,JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING BY STARSET, I know there’s a ton….but those are all of the ones I can think of at the moment
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 years into the future. 5 years ago was TERRIBLE, and I never want to relive it again.
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surveysonfleek · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 10
901. Would you rather have a candle scented like blueberries and creme or butterscotch pecan pie? definitely butterscotch pecan pie. 902. Which ones are fruits and which are vegetables: Banana f Cucumber v Tomato f Apple f Carrot v Eggplant v Cherry f Pumpkin v 903. Does it annoy you when people talk loudly on their cell phones in public? i don’t really care...unless it’s on public transport and you’re stuck listening to them. 904. Is love a commitment to one person, or can you love more than one person at the same time? for me personally it’s commitment to one person. but i have no doubt that it’s possible to be in love with more than one person at the same time. 905. Cover or original: Smooth Criminal; is it better by Michael Jackson or Alien Ant Farm? Blue Monday better by Orgy or New Order I Want Candy; Is it better by Aaron Carter or Bow Wow Wow? Love Song; Is it better by 311 or The Cure? It's My Life; Is it better by No Doubt or The Talking Heads?
906. What is the most uncomfortable feeling? witnessing or hearing something you shouldn’t be seeing/listening. 907. Do you like Maroon 5? they’re cool but i’m not a fan. 908. Would you ever go on a blind date TV show? nope. 909. How much of your wardrobe is dry clean only? maybe only like five pieces. 910. Who's arms would you like to crawl into? my boyfriend. 911. What the hell is your problem? nothing right now. 912. Look around you. What is the most beautiful thing you can see? my corkboard lol. 913. What is the most beautiful thing you can't see? idk. 914. Take a deep breath. Yawn deeply. Do you appreciate the things most people take for granted, like breathing? sure. 915. Do you appreciate breathing more when you have a cold and you're all congested and can't breathe right? yes, i guess. 916. Is congestion a positive thing because it helps you to appreciate breathing? if you look at it that way. 917. How is your life like a work of art? i guess i’ve had plenty of cool experiences. 918. Do you feel that your life influences and is influenced by many other lives? yeah. 919. Has a smile ever made all the difference in the world to you? not that i remember haha. 920. Have you ever looked at a tree and considered how the roots could be miles long, trailing and entwining with other roots underground, all of them holding the soil together? nope. 921. Do you notice the little things in life? sometimes. 922. Do you feel, as Jung did, that deep down, underneath our individual personalities we are all the same? no. 923. Do you feel a great oneness with the universe? no. 924. When was the last time you decided to really enjoy yourself? ummm. idk tbh. 925. When was the last time you set your self free and acted without caring at all what someone else thought? today. 926. Have you ever held someone and appreciated how delicate and fragile all life is and felt that they were even more precious and beautiful because one day they would die..and so will you? no. 927. In ten years someone else might own your house and the room you are sitting in now. Someone else might be standing right next to where you are sitting now. So that means you could be standing right next to someone but you can't see him or her because they are ten years away. Ever look at life like that? nope. 928. When was the last time you: Soaked in a bubble bath: in niagara falls lol. Read a good book outside: i forgot! Held someone's hand: a couple days ago. Felt truly joyful: a week or two ago. 929. What do you bring to this world that no one else can? tbh i don’t think there’s anything absolutely only i can bring into this world. 930. Do you feel that you are part of every living thing in this world and that all those things are part of you? no. 931. Are you more afraid of death or not completely living? not completely living. 932. What was the last thing you wanted to do but didn't or couldn't do? work today. 933. Why don't you try and do that thing now? no, i called in sick. 934. What is the most wonderful thing happening right now in the world? idk, i’m sure a ton of people are really happy at this very second. 935. Name 7 things going on around you that you normally wouldn't notice: 1. someone being born. 2. someone dying. 3. someone working their ass off just to provide for their family. 4. a couple breaking up. 5. someone turning down an opportunity of a lifetime. 6. someone getting kidnapped. 7. someone winning a huge amount of money. 936. Name three things you hate 1. someone coughing without covering their mouth. 2. arrogance. 3. physical abuse. 937. Name one GOOD thing about each of those 3 things you hate. um, nothing. 938. What do you tend to see in black and white, rather than in shades of gray? idk. 939. Admit three things you do that you are ashamed of but shouldn't be. 1. where i am at this point in my life. 2. my body. 3. doing a damn 5000 question survey lol. 940. What qualities make a person “good” in your eyes? kindness. 941. Do you have any of these qualities? i hope so. 942. Are you willing to do what it takes to achieve what you want to? eventually. 943. Name one bad quality about someone you love. lazy. 944. Name one good quality about someone you hate. idk. 945. Are you pro life or pro choice and why? pro choice. 946. If you are pro life write a reason someone might be pro choice. If you are pro choice write a reason someone might be pro life. idk  maybe for religious issues. 947. Can you see the beauty in? A bumble bee: A man skating: A woman combing her hair: A box of tissues: Yourself naked: Light: yes to all. 948. What are you most afraid of? losing someone i love. 949. Whose life would you REALLY NOT want to ever have? Why? idk. 950. Can you come up with a reason why you might want their life? - 951. Name one thing that is beautiful about your body i have nice skin i guess. 952. Name one thing that is ugly about your body my stomach. 953. Name one thing that is beautiful about your mind i like learning. 954. Name one thing that is ugly about your mind i don’t like giving second chances. 955. Who was the last person you were rude to? someone who was rude to me. 956. Are your elbows soft? neither soft or rough. 957. Are you ticklish? sometimes. 958. Are you awkward or graceful? neither. 959. Do you wear glasses/contacts? glasses. 960. If you wear contacts what's the longest you have ever left them in your eyes? - 961. What's going on where you are right now? nothing really, it’s night time. most people are asleep. 962. What is your favorite thing to touch? squishy stuff. 963. What is your favorite kind of incense? i haven’t used incense in years tbh. 964. What relaxes you? sleep and massages. 965. How much time have you wasted? a ton. 966. How do you afford your rock and roll lifestyle? i don’t have that lifestyle. 967. What does teen spirit smell like? idk. 968. Do you mostly listen or hear? listen. 969. Look or see? see. 970. Do you comprehend all the things you read? sure. 971. Is it necessary to be repetitive in order to be creative? not really. 972. Do you control your attitude or does it control you? i control it. 973. Are your relationships mostly passion or conversation? in between. 974. Do you do what needs to be done regardless of the consequences? nope. 975. Is money how you keep score? not really. 976. Who can you do everything or nothing with and still have the best time? my boyfriend. 977. Just because you're angry does that give you the right to be cruel? no. but i can be anyway. 978. What is maturity and where does it come from? being responsible and making rational decision. it comes with age and/or experience. 979. Who is the maturest person you know? my parents. 980. Who is the most immature person you know? my sister. 981. If there was a fire and you could only rescue one thing from your room (all people and pets have escaped on their own, even goldfish) what would it be? my laptop. 982. If you could, what 3 albums would you force everyone to remove from his or her CD collections? 1 2 3 i wouldn’t... everyone’s entitled to their own musical tastes. 983. Does Marilyn Manson scare you or bore you? neither. 984. What do you think of the Insane Clown Posse? a bit eccentric. 985. What's the best movie about high school? clueless or mean girls. 986. Do you like Michael Jackson better in the 80's 90's or today? 90s. 987. Is choosing a different store to shop in from most people really making a statement? not really. 988. What's the riskiest thing you've ever done? idk. 989. Have you ever ridden in a car while the driver had been drinking? nope. 990. Who needs to get a life? me haha. 991. Do write on yourself with milky pens? no. 992. What should be different about high school curriculum? i don’t go to school anymore so i don’t really care. 993. Right now are you exactly the way you want to be? nope. 994. Who can save you from yourself? me. 995. Are you a responsible person? yes. 996. "It is absurd to divide people into good and bad. People are either charming or tedious."— Oscar Wilde Do you agree? eh, i don’t agree. 997. How many greatest hits albums do you own? maybe 5. 998. Are you at risk for a.i.d.s.? not that i know of. 999. Do you want to have it all? not really. 1000. Do you collect green pictures of dead presidents? no.
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lilsurvs · 5 years
What do you have pierced? I’ve taken out most of my piercings. All that I have left are my ear lobes, tragus, cartilage, and septum. And I’m probably going to take those out, too. How do you spend your summer nights? Working... if we’re being honest.
If you could spend a week anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? I’m not sure...
Would you take anyone with you? Yes! What is your preferred writing implement? (eg. Blue pen, pencil, green pen) Black pen.
Favourite month and why? December. Christmas, my birthday.
What brand logo is closest to you currently? Apple. Last person you talked to, and through what you talked to them. Hattie, through Insta dm.
What’s the best job you’ve ever had? I’ve hated pretty much every job... but I guess my current one.
What’s the worst job you’ve ever had? Waterpark attendant at a hotel here.
What email service do you use? Yahoo. Is there anything hanging on the walls of the room you are currently in? No. What did you have for dinner yesterday? Rice and ground beef. Have you had other blogs on Tumblr? Yeah, I’ve been on Tumblr since 2009. I’ve had lots of blogs that I ended up deleting out of frustration. I always come back. I just deleted my most recent blog + survey blog that was attached to it. Whenever Tumblr had that whole porn issue and started flagging posts and account, my main account got flagged (even for photos that weren’t anywhere near “porn-y” but whatever). I went through and deleted ALL the posts, and there were like... over 30,000 posts. I went through all of that and it still wouldn’t let me have a customized profile/theme/etc anymore. It annoyed me to the point of deleting and starting over. 
Do you have any other blogs currently? I have my new main blog that this survey blog is attached to. What fandoms would you consider yourself a part of? None. Do you use anything on your lips? (eg. Chapstick, gloss, balm, lipstick) Yes. What things annoy you more than anything else. There’s too many to list.
What kind of position are you in at the moment? I’m sitting cross-legged in bed.
Do you wear much jewelry? No. How many times have you moved house? I don’t feel like counting.
How many devices do you own which can access the internet? 2.
Is there is anything that is guaranteed to always make you happy? I don't know.
What colour pants/skirt/etc are you currently wearing? Charcoal.
Have you ever tried the cinnamon challenge? Yeah, ew. Are you listening to music right now? I am.
Do you like maxi dresses? I’m torn. I’ve hated them since they’ve become a thing, but that’s probably because they were all super ugly. I’ve seen tons of pretty ones but I feel like I can’t wear them because I’m short. I’ve been dying to try one on, though. Was the last person you talked to in person related to you? Yes. Will you keep your last name when you get married? Maybe in some way. I’ll still take my husband’s name, but I want to find a way to keep mine as well.
Would you rather have orange juice or milk with your breakfast? OJ.
What are your plans for your next birthday? I don’t have any plans.
Have you ever been called a tease? Yes.
Are you a dark-haired, dark-eyed person? No. Are you so flexible that you can put your feet behind your head? I used to be, but am no longer. Would you rather watch basketball or play basketball? Watch it. Do you like fish or chicken more? Chicken.
What color are your eyes? They’re blue. What scares you more: snakes or spiders? Spiders.
Has anyone told you they missed you lately? Yes. What’s your middle name? Nichole.
Do you have any siblings? Yes.
What are you doing right now? I’m doing this survey and listening to music.
Have you ever liked someone but were afraid to tell them? Yeah.
Are your lips chapped at the moment? No. When was the last time you were in a car with someone besides family? The other night.
What are you wearing on your feet? Nothing. Think back to August, were you in a relationship? Not until the end of it. What kind of shoes did you wear today? I wore my pink Adidas when I walked Luke multiple times today. For walking around the house, I’ve been wearing blue slides.
Do you currently have a hickey? Nope. What color is your hair naturally? Blonde.
Does anyone ever spell your name wrong? Yes.
Do you think that texting on a date is rude? Not just on a date, but when you’re with anyone, really. If it’s excessive, anyway. I think it’s fine to do it occasionally but ... there gets to a point where it’s too much.
How old do you look? I get anywhere from 14-20 a lot.
Look in your inbox, who’s your last message from? Correy.
What are you doing tomorrow? Working :(
What’s the weather like? HOT and kinda stormy.
Do you have any fun plans for tomorrow? Lol, working isn’t fun.
What was the highlight of your week? Correy called me this morning and told me he’s coming home tomorrow. Although it’s not for a good reason - he got injured and because the healing time is quite a while, they’re sending him home from duty. Which means that we get less money from it, and also he’s hurt. But I’m glad that he’s coming home, so that’s like the highlight of my week.
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