#i do prefer being around people who are more reserved cuz its not as loud and scary
hecksupremechips · 10 months
The only problem with being an autistic person who doesn’t have big emotional reactions and talking to another autistic person who doesn’t have big emotional reactions is that when you talk to each other its just awkward silences and it’s like you have an idea of how a person is supposed to react to things cuz you’ve had this script memorized for years but now this person isn’t sticking to the script so it’s like OH GOD I FUCKED UP
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xanfeursel · 10 months
heard you were bored so here are some questions :) (i realized halfway through that these are all durgetash because those little shits have taken over my mind) do you like leaning into the angst of durgetash or do you prefer the more lighthearted (aside from the atrocities) dynamic? if larian dropped a gortash romance, is there any icks that would absolutely ruin it for you?
or conversely, what would be the best thing they could add in a hypothetical gortash route?
what were your biggest inspirations for lophi and vyper? do you prefer one over the other or are they equal in your eyes?
(hopefully you won't have to answer these since you'll get out of work soon)
HELLO ANON. im sorry to tell you infact waited till i actually got home to answer these because i have!!! THOUGHTS and OPINIONS about the questions asked . thank you very much btw these are all really good questions ill have fun answering
FIRSTLY, it all depends on the kind of durge gortash is being paired w imo. with vyper i tend to lean more into These Two Are Fucking Insane while w/ lophi i lean more into the sort of melancholic 'angsty' side of durgetash that i think can be real yummy too. and it's all because of who vyper and lophi are as characters pre-tadpole, too. vyper liked being a loud insane freakus while lophi was a lot more reserved and kind of a miserable mess, and that informs their relationships w/ the characters around them. i think both are good and fun to explore and i definitely like exploring the more angsty side w vyper x gortash and vice versa w lophi x gortash, so. i guess both. really. LOL .
secondly, going to answer both of the gort romance related questions in one, but i think i'm probably in the unpopular opinion that gortash doesn't really neeeeeeeed a romance and i could go without it in game. i do think he deserves more content and screentime, but that's something i can say about orin also, and frankly a Lot of parts of act 3. me and act 3 have a toxic on/off again relationship. alright.
that being *said*, if i was mr larian and i was to implement a gortash romance, i'd have it be something exclusive to a durge/evil run. or at the very least, have it have consequences with your party (i.e karlach leaving or something. love gort but i do not think you should go off romancing him scott free).
i Do think having it be exclusive to a more evil-aligned run would help add more actual content to doing an evil run (and god knows we need some with how bg3 seems to like punishing people who just want to do the evil options They Gave You) and would make the most sense, but all in all i'd just hope it's handled better than the mizora sex scene cause god how that whole thing is handled still pisses me off. hopefully this all makes sense
tl;dr, its a fun idea but i can very easily go without it especially knowing how the game treated its one other antagonist romance option
now for the lophi and vyper question... i do obviously have my biases towards vyper /looks at my blog theme/, but i genuienlly cannot pick favourites with them besides that... i use them both to explore different aspects of the durge origin in different ways bc despite what some other people say i Do think you can be very flexible w durge as a concept despite the pre-established lore for them ^_^ and i think it's very fun to play around with.
as for specific inspirations, lophi takes a lot of insp from vintage pierrot art + has accidentally gotten a very 1920s makeup vibe in My Mind. i should also note her name comes from the scientific name for anglerfish, cuz thats what i had in mind when giving her those freaky sharp ass teeth i always draw her with
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and while of course, both of my durges are trans, lophi specifically was birthed from my want to make a dark urge that leans in as heavily as she possibly could in the whole trans allegory thing. so theres that as well!
vyper's specific inspos are harder for me to pinpoint cause he's much more of a 'made up as i went' character than lophi, given he was my First dark urge and i didnt really fully know what i was going into all this yet while making him (and also i was maybe a little bit high while doing so...lol) THAT SAID THOUGH, i did initially make him with akira fudo from devilman in mind. he has the horn style he does because it reminded me of devilman ... although the akira insp is very lose and barely effects his character now.. ~_~ despite bg3 being my main fixation atm devilman is still a very very important piece of media to me so vyper being loosely akira-pilled is not too surprising if you know me well enough lololol
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idiacide · 2 years
Match-up info from 📖! Fine with either a match-up with a student or staff, whoever fits best with me. They/them pronouns please! I'd like to think I'm rather laidback and chill, generally try to be polite and amicable on first meeting. Though I definitely can be reserved if I don't click well with someone right off the bat. Though, if we have a shared interest/passion or I can sense the person is really kind, I can definitely open up a lot more easier and can get animated, loud, and excitable.
I try to be a good ear and shoulder to cry on if say my partner has something weighing on them. But if they need advice, I won't be afraid to have a firm tone with them if they need to hear the truth. Of course the support would be overflowing cuz nobody wants to see their partner sad. Definitely can say my love language is affection through physical touch and spending quality time.
Some bad qualities I do have are that I can get rather defensive if someone points out a flaw or I did something wrong. I REALLY cannot let go of grudges if someone has hurt me and I do have a bad habit of not mentioning it cuz I'm too proud to go crawling to the other person to admit I was hurt. (Trying hard to fix this though hrhgrgh) DEFINITELY can get sharp-tongued and raise my voice if someone gets an attitude with me. But at the end of the day, will try to mend anything and clear the air cuz I'd rather be happy than overthink on festering negativity.
Finally, some interests/hobbies include writing, illustrating, animals/wildlife, handcrafts (sewing, crocheting, building minatures, etc), video or tabletop games, collecting merch or interesting lil knick knacks, animated shows, and webcomics.
Sorry if this was so much info, just wanted to give as much foundation as I could, aaaaaaaa.
First paid matchup lets fucking goooo. If you yourself would be interested in a matchup+meetcute, feel free to send me 10 dollars on ko-fi and dm me to work on the specifics.
After having read this over few times, I match you with Jade Leech
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-Laidback and chill is a break and a half for Jade, who is used to having to deal with MUCH stronger personalities all day long. It would be the politeness more than anything which drew his attention. Most people tend to treat him as though he’s always up to something. Which, to be fair: he usually is. But still, it’s at least a little frustrating to be held at arm’s length before you’ve even had the chance to say anything. As time goes on he comes to appreciate your general easy-going nature. While he enjoys a bit of chaos in his life, it’s nice to be around someone who neither judges nor worsens circumstances around them.
-Its rare he’ll take advantage of your listening ear, as he prefers to handle matters that trouble him on his own. Still, having the option available to him is honestly refreshing. Floyd tends to be too caught up in his own whirlpool of emotions to really notice what’s going on with his twin. Additionally, he appreciates being able to come to you when he wants an honest assessment. Jade values truth in his partners, and hates people who dance around the facts just to ingratiate themselves. Though he’s not the touchiest person in the world, he’s eager to provide if it helps you relax.
-Again, Jade’s used to dealing with a great deal of stubbornness. There’s a part of him that can even find it endearing. He’s an incredibly patient man, and even gets a little kick sometimes out of encouraging your grudges into a vengeance cycle.Your enemies are his enemies, after all~  However, like you, he tells the truth to the people he values. He’s very careful and tactful, but manages to help you keep certain things in perspective and not go overboard too often.
-As for hobbies, while you share a mutual interest in nature, Jade’s also quite willing to learn about your other fascinations. Handcrafts and your curious collection of items in particular are very readily compelling to him, and he’ll happily listen to you explain the lore behind each of them. As long as you’re willing to repay the favor with his mushrooms.
You rocked back on your heels, fidgeting a little with the straps of your pack. The sunlight is just beginning to peak out over the horizon, and you have to keep bouncing from leg to leg to keep warm. Your breath comes out in cloudy spirals. 
Where was everyone? You were fairly certain those fliers had mentioned meeting in the courtyard outside the Hall of Mirrors. 
You hadn’t exactly been searching hard for extracurriculars, but the posted notice for the Mountain Lover’s Club had drawn your eye. You’d always loved animals, and since arriving in this strange world you couldn’t shake a lingering curiosity about the types of magical creatures that might be out there. The poster had promised an early morning hike, free for all prospective members to join. No paperwork required.
Leading to you, standing out here in the cold. Alone.
You were beginning to contemplate cutting your losses and heading back to Ramshackle to warm up when a voice startled you out of your drifting thoughts.
“I must admit, I honestly didn’t expect anyone else to be here.”
You jerked around like you’d been caught. A VERY tall young man with choppy teal hair was emerging from one of the many passageways. Like you, he was dressed for the outdoors, with sturdy clothes and a slightly worn backpack resting comfortably on his shoulder. He seemed almost amused by your presence, mismatched eyes gleaming through the dim light. 
You scrounged desperately around your still growing list of names and faces. It was early days yet, but you had the sneaking suspicion this one had a twin.... “You’re....Jade, right?” God you hope you nailed that one, switching the names somehow felt ruder than just not knowing altogether. He rewards you with a smiling nod as he comes to stand in front of you though, filling you with relief.
“And you’re the prefect of Ramshackle dorm. I’ve heard much about you.”
“Yeah, well....” You shifted a little bit from foot to foot, slightly embarrassed by the notoriety. Isekai into one school orientation... “You said you weren’t expecting anyone?”
“A club involving this much physical exertion with this little glory isn’t exactly popular among students here.” It doesn’t sound like that fact particularly bothers him. You catch a glimpse of sharp teeth as he talks. “We have a few other nominal members, but I’m typically the only one participating in activities like this.”
“Well....that makes this a little awkward, then.” You say, trying to joke off the dawning realization that you’d just signed the two of you up for multiple potential hours of one on one time.
“Is it?” He tilts his head, almost curiously. “I’m not sure....I’ve never minded the privacy, I mainly make the posters for Crowley’s benefit.”
Despite yourself, you feel the faintest twinge of irritation. Sure, it was one thing to joke about it, but did he seriously mean to imply he didn’t want you here? Ordinarily you might not assume so, but with how rude everyone at this school habitually is...”Should I go then?”
His eyes widen, almost in surprise. “Oh, no, you misunderstand. I didn’t mean it as a bad thing. A novelty, rather.” He checks his watch, humming faintly. “Shall we go?”
“Uh...” Stranger. In the woods. For hours. Well, why not. “Sure.”
He smiles again, this time giving you a full view of those sharky teeth of his. You follow him into the hall of mirror, up the stairs towards the world mirror.
“Can I ask what your interest is with this activity?” He said, glancing back at you as you follow him up the stairs. “I’d have thought you’d be more focused on trying to find your footing in the new environment.”
Again, you still weren’t sure how much he meant to sound passive aggressive. Something about the tone read more like genuine curiosity to you, though. “It’s....all been a little overwhelming, honestly.” You admitted. “But...I always liked nature back home. I don’t quite have the tools to engage in a lot of my other hobbies here, but I figure mountains can’t be too terribly different between worlds, right? Besides, there might be some interesting animals to look at. Does that make sense?”
His expression doesn’t change much. But you swear there’s something that flickers, just a little, behind his eyes. “It does. Truly.” The two of you finally arrive at the mirror. Jade pulls his magic pen from his pocket, tapping the glass and watching the ripples carefully. “I’ve always found it relaxing, as well as educational?”
He grins. “There’s such a broad variety of mushrooms to study here on land...”
In the end, the hours weren’t anywhere near as awkward as you might’ve dreaded. Jade was an easy enough conversationalist, but never seemed to mind the quiet when you ran out of words. More than that, he was a surprising fount of information. You guess it only made sense for what you assumed was the club president? But he usually had some interesting tidbits on the variety of fauna you spotted, as well as a few handy guides on the place which could help fill in the gaps.
“You really do your research.” You say, squinting hard at a few sketches of birds to see what best resembled the one echoing every last word you said. Research, research, research.
“As I said, I’m usually alone up here. Being well-researched is a basic precaution.” Caution, caution caution. He chuckles, turning to you. “Though it is rather gratifying to have someone to say this all out loud to, I’ll admit.”
Out of courtesy, you ask him a few questions about the mushrooms he gathers as you go. You’re not expecting much, necessarily, but the wealth of information is surprisingly engaging, as well as the clear passion he has for the subject.
All told....you wouldn’t mind making it more of a regular thing. Nor, judging by the surprised look on his face when you asked him about formal applications, would he. 
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discoclubofvenus · 4 years
Smoochin Hotties
Kissing headcanons for Benimaru, Joker, and Obi
Type: Request, Headcanons
Genre: Fluff
Attributes: GN reader
Warnings: Suggestive themes, minor cussing
A/N: OOoooo yeah writing these men had me weak in the knees and I was listening to slowed + reverb music? Ya these were fun to write but also I haven’t proofread them so I apologize in advance lol enjoy~
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Before giving you what you want, he’ll lean his forehead on yours and peck you everywhere but your lips (up until you whine that is)
“Impatient brat I was getting to that part”
I’m talkin this man will drag out the kiss for as long as possible and have the pace be at teasingly slow pace
He likes to take his time with you
This man would let you take control the first time you guys kiss due to him not knowing what to do
Babes is insecure with himself so I feel like he’d be insecure with kissing and would want to know what you like first 
Just know this won't be the case for long
Once he’s become more confident in kissing? Just know the makeout sessions will leave you dizzy but that’s a conversation for another day
Benimaru the type to pull you in by your hips and makeout with you once you guys are alone (some grinding will happen as well)
He will spare but a few kisses in public, he’d rather keep all of his affection for you behind closed doors so he won’t have to hold back or worry about his image
A forehead kiss for sure (I read a fic about him giving reader a forehead kiss and now I can’t get it out my head)
Most of his public affections includes: lips grazing over your cheek, short hugs, an arm around your waist, a hand at your back--chile...let me get back to the kisses
He loves it whenever you kiss his lips, it’s incredibly straightforward and he enjoys having your lips on his but shall I raise you….kissing his hands? Specifically the hands which protect everything he loves and cares for? A good way to melt this man’s heart
He’ll return your affection with a hug to his chest and a kiss to your temple, which is the most sensitive part of your head, in a way to silently say he’ll protect and cherish even the softest parts of you (I’m SOFT THE WAY I LOVE THIS MAN)
Beni also likes to kiss the middle of your chest right before he lays down on your chest for a nap fleiuwbfliuwebf
Everytime Benimaru kisses you, it’s either to tease you or give a hidden message
Him kissing your shoulder could be read as ‘Thank you for always supporting me through the celebrations and the heartbreak’
But he would equally kiss your ear just to fluster you
I keep on daydreaming about kissing Beni instead of writing plz give a minute
When he kisses you, he would rub circles on your waist with his thumb
He loves kisses especially since he knows that all of your kisses are reserved for him and vice versa
The first time you kissed him you blew this man’s world away
Mornings with Benimaru always seemed like they should be a part of your dreams. The dawn of a new day gently shakes you awake and the sunrise has never failed to stop its onslaught of kisses to your face. Much like you planned to with Benimaru. Shifting closer to Benimaru’s face, you cupped his cheek and took a moment to study his face. The man always had a relaxed face but it seems as though he reached a new level of peace in his sleep. Carefully you placed butterfly kisses all over his face, which caused him to leave his own dreams. The tell-tell signs of Benimaru waking up only spurred you to press a loving kiss onto his lips. And just like in the fairytales, your lover was awakened by a true love’s kiss. The kiss didn’t last too long as you only did it to wake up the ravenette yet he had a different plan. Feeling his forehead lean onto yours, you both stared into each other’s eyes and savored the serene atmosphere with a kiss.
After your first kiss, Benimaru prefers to start the day with your kisses and he also likes to end his day with them as well
Benimaru is a fan of hugging you from behind and planting kisses on your head
He always has a comment ready after you guys kiss, it could either be snarky or incredibly sweet (In private it's usually the ladder)
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Another one who will kiss you to either give hidden messages that he’s not able to properly convey verbally, or to tease the hell out of you
The most common kiss will be the corner of your lips (to tease) and the back of your shoulder (to show that he will always have your back)
If he’s really in love with you, he’ll jokingly kiss your knuckles (as a gentleman should, but one day he hopes to be able to walk the world with your hands linked without having to worry about anything)
His kisses really depend on his mood (if we’re being completely honest)
If he’s feeling energetic then his kisses will leave you in a haze of pleasure
If he’s feeling soft then you would be able to feel the love he has for you in every kiss (period)
When he kisses you, he will quickly turn it into a makeout session because who is he to deny his desire for having your lips in every way possible?
I say this to say that he will bite your tongue/lower lip every time you guys kiss (every time. Without fail.)
If you bite back you’re literally asking for a rough makeout session
He loves kissing your shoulder and any sensitive spots that you have on your body (be it your neck, side, ear, etc)
He enjoys the fact you’re only this vulnerable around him
He also likes whispering in your ear (about his love for you or blatant dirty talk) between each kiss
When you guys are walking together, elbows linked, and he kisses your temple *swooon* (which is extremely rare so treasure it while it lasts)
Don’t expect him to allow affection while you guys are out in public together, yes he’s suave and charming, but he’s also wanted by many enemies. Whatever trouble he gets into, Joker doesn’t want it traced back to you. 
He doesn’t want you to be caught in any danger for just being associated with him 
Whenever you guys are dancing to some soft jazz and he presses his lips on yours and makes you see stars
I imagine his scent to be overwhelming when you’re kissing him and his goal is to make you see stars everytime you kiss
He also likes kissing the inside of your thighs
He’s the type to grab you by your chin and kiss you, or he’ll keep an arm around your waist and a hand on your ass
His lips taste like cigarettes, Hennesy, a hint of vanilla (bc of his chapstick), and desperation
I don’t recommend playing with his hair while you kiss, however, he’d love for you to grab the back of his neck  
Something about you being just as crazy about him as he is about you gets to him
He definitely has experience in the kissing field (he’s had hoes before) but if you want him to Joker will go at any pace you want him to
He treasures every kiss with you as if it might be his last (cuz it might be tbh plus he isn’t sure how long your relationship will last)
He’s the type to not put a label on your relationship and is super vague about it (it’s his trust issues) but he’ll just follow what you say
When Joker wants kisses, he will get kisses damn it
He’ll kiss you in front of Viktor which Viktor will mean mug Joker and just be on his way (“I refuse to be in the same presence as a couple of horn dogs”)  
It was an embarrassing first kiss
Knocking was heard throughout your apartment as you finished putting the food in the oven. ‘Well they’re early..’ you thought before yelling out a “Coming!” to acknowledge the people on the other side of the door. Making your way to the front door, you took a deep breath to calm your excitement before opening the door to see your boyfriend (and his associate of course).
Joker held a mischievous glint in his eye as he observed your elated form. Originally he leaned down to give you a kiss on the forehead and hug...however, he changed his mind mid-action. Instead, Joker found his lips meeting yours in an innocent little kiss. The same little kiss soon started to become heated as he pulled you flush against his body. The party only stopped when a loud “AHEM.” broke through the trance you two were in. Immediately you had let out a sound to signify your embarrassment and let the two men in. You were never gonna be able to live this one down, you could feel it in Joker’s piercing gaze on you.
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Every time you two kiss, you can literally taste the adoration he has for you on his lips
Each kiss is remembered, either from a strange situation that brought forth the kiss or little quirks that happens during the act
What can he say? The man likes to keep you on your toes
Speaking of keeping you on your toes…
Obi is definitely the type to pick you up, spin you around and kiss you
It both shows off his strength and he gets a kiss from the love of his life, he will continue doing this until he no longer can
He’s also the type to kiss any body part that you’re insecure of
Got a lazy eye? Here’s a kiss on the eyelid of said eye
You got rolls? He’s kissin em (and may even leave a mark there or nibble them)
Your hands are full of scars and thighs full of stretch marks? Here’s a shit load of kisses
Obi likes to pick you up, sit you on countertops/surfaces and kiss you (you can’t change my mind)
It was totally and completely unprovoked when Obi had decided to pick you up. Where he was taking you, you hadn’t a clue. However you got a nice view of his backside—so this was a fair trade right? Just as you were reaching to grab his golden buns, you were sat on top of your kitchen’s countertop. Questions of ‘what in the hell does this man have planned?’ And ‘I should be surprised but I’m not’ filled your mind. Keeping a steady gaze on Obi’s own golden orbs, the both of you engaged in a staring contest. Another thing that was triggered unprovoked. Yet, when you blinked Obi’s face was getting closer to yours, and the next thing that you know you guys are kissing--making out even. In the kitchen, with the rest of the brigade waiting on the meal. That you guys were supposed to be cooking. Oops.
You guys got caught by Hinawa and were scolded to high hell and back about wasting other’s time
He likes to give you the look (*exhibit a: his banner) right before he swoops in and kisses you
He knows it makes you weak in the knees and he is 10000% using that to his disadvantage
If you wear lipstick/lip gloss he loves the little lip marks you leave on him
Giving him forehead kisses, kisses on the corner of his lips, or a kiss right between his eyes makes him blush so badly
He thinks it’s so precious you kiss him there especially when you pair it with an “I love your golden heart but please use your head ya damn himbo”
Gives the man butterflies
He will smother kisses all over your face, anytime he has an opportunity and you guys always play fight so you can get away from his ‘attacks of love’ (I’m literally so soft for this man, why ain’t he real)
He will hold in such a warm and secure hold every time you guys kiss
Kisses are also a good distraction for him because he’s always thinking about how can he improve, what can he do to further the brigade 8’s cause, missions, past missions, is he doing the right thing?
One kiss will help soothe his running thoughts and bring him back to reality
He loves them so much
Can’t resist your puppy dog eyes when you want to kiss him (he’ll only supply you a simple peck but back to the mission with you sunflower!)
Often gives you a forehead kiss after every mission is completed and everyone is loading into the truck
Will lightly tease you if you can’t get enough of his kisses (which is completely understandable cuz me too)
His lips are soft and they don’t taste too sweet, it’s like a fruity mint taste (like that ice breaker candy) but he loves dragging out kisses into makeout sessions
Obi is the type who will show affection in public and if a quick kiss in the alleyway leads to a makeout session….well he’s not complaining
He will want to hurry and get home though
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Survey #479
“war sends our sons to slaughter  /  another failed attack; there is no turning back”
Have you ever boycotted something? Yes: Chick-fil-A. Homophobic, transphobic pieces of shit. Has anyone ever borrowed something from you, and not returned it? Yes, a video game when I was little. I was so mad, lol. Do you vent a lot on social media? No. I don't want people to get annoyed with me. What was your first bill you started paying on your own? I haven't been responsible for any bills yet. What is your favorite charitable cause to donate to or volunteer for? I can't/don't do either really, but if I could, I'd probably donate to uhhhh... suicide prevention organizations. As for volunteering, definitely something with animals. Have you ever dated someone who wasn’t at all your usual type? No. What is something you have no patience for? Waiting at the doctor's office. Have you ever received a misdiagnosis? Yes. What’s that you’re listening to? I'm watching Gab play The Evil Within 2. What kind of relationship do you have with the last person you kissed? We're a couple. What is your biggest accomplishment in life? Still being alive. What is one thing that you really wish you could understand, but don’t? Political stuff. Economics. Have you ever been tutored or tutored someone yourself? I had an Algebra tutor the last time I was in college, and I had to strangle an anxiety attack down because I wasn't understanding the material AT ALL and felt so dumb and annoying. I never did it again. What was the last thing you said out loud (singing doesn’t count)? "It's really embarrassing," to Mom. It really is fucking humiliating that my ankles are swollen from walking/standing more and pushing my desk chair back against the resistance of the carpet. That's pathetic. I'm trying to focus on the fact it's good my body is even reacting to moving more, though. Is everything you have on actually yours? Yep. Do you ever just randomly drive around when you’re upset about something? I don't drive, but if I did, that would NOT be my method of de-stressing. What was the last act of creativity you displayed? Writing an RP post. What’s your favorite department in Wal-Mart? Uh, I guess where you can go see the plants and flowers. Do you find kite flying boring? I LOVED it as a kid. I'd still probably find it kinda fun. Do you have any interest in visiting Japan? Yes, but it's not a massive interest. I've heard the humidity can kill a bitch, and I am NOT into that. Have you ever run a cash register? Yes. I sucked. Have you ever worked as a server? No. Have you ever done the Bratz challenge on YouTube? No, but I saw James Charles do it and it was v unnerving, holy shit. Would you rather paint or carve a pumpkin? Carve. What was your worst experience in high school? My depression as a whole. How much did your senior prom dress cost you? I don't remember. Have you ever been in a serious romantic relationship? Three, if you include my current one. Which part of your body is the most muscular? Uh, nothing? What is the first site you check when you get online, generally? KM. Are you good at creative writing assignments? That's my forte. In elementary school, I actually won a I think county-wide creative writing short story assignment. Not to brag, but I've always been very proud of that, ha ha. Or would you rather just do an informative essay? That's easy for me too, but I prefer writing creatively. Are you more attracted to the badasses, or the goody-goody types? Definitely the goody-goodies. The "bad guys" have never appealed to me romantically. Do you raise your hand or participate in class? I did if I really wanted to ask something or was confident in an answer. What is something BIG you want to do with your life? Make a difference, somehow. What do you think of people who own wild animals? Do NOT just casually take in animals from the wild. That's selfish and just generally disgusting. If you're going to keep an animal generally described as wild and undomesticated, you'd better have a license and deserve that license. Know what you're doing and be certain that keeping the animal in captivity is in the animal's best interest for its unique case. Are you good at explaining things, in general? NOOOOOOOOO, I suck at that. Do you like visiting the mall? Why or why not? Not our mall, no. Its stores suck/are extremely limited, and SO much crime has happened there. Do you like window shopping? Why or why not? YESSSSSSS, mostly on Morph Market, a mostly reptile selling hub online. You can browse TONS of breeders and literally thousands of reptiles, especially ball pythons. They even have a tarantula section I like to look at sometimes. If you lost your job/home/etc., who would likely help you? If I'm losing my home, I'm assuming my mom is gone, so my dad. Why did you first kiss the last person you kissed? We were a couple and I felt like I was supposed to. At that time I didn't see him romantically, but I desperately wanted to. Funny how we're back together and I've no reservations against kissing him now. Feelings change, for sure. Plans for tonight? Girt and I will probably play some WoW Classic together. We've started playing that together, and it's lots of fun with him. :') Has anyone seen you kiss the last person you kissed? Actually, no. Have you ever been kissed in a car? Yeah. Do you think anyone has feelings for you? I know Girt does. Is there anyone in your life that knows right away something’s wrong with you? My mom. Who last made you smile? Girt, 'cuz he's a sweetheart. Where is your mother? She's in bed in her room. She feels like shit. Like, you would think she WASN'T vaccinated, though her long-time doctor has said she'd probably be dead without it while having Covid. Would you rather look at clouds or stars? Stars. Think about your biggest mistake, would you go back and change it? I absolutely would. Are you dating the person you last kissed? Yeup. What is the most immature item you own and actually use? Um. Idk. Do you always take a shower after you have sex? I... didn't know people did this? Like I know women are advised to pee after sex, but full-on showering? No. Do you like chocolate popsicles? Oh hell yeah. Are your parents proud of you? They claim to be. I don't see how. Are you interested in the ocean? Yeah; it's inarguably so fascinating. Hot dogs or hamburgers? I prefer burgers. Have you ever been to a Chinatown in any of the cities you’ve been to? No. Have you ever been to couple’s counseling? No. Do you have any dietary restrictions? No. Have you ever turned down a job offer? No. What’s the largest animal you’ve ever had as a pet? A dog named Cali that was a boxer mix. Do you ever pray, even if you don't believe in God? What exactly is the point if you don't believe in God...? Anyway, I don't. Have you ever been to Mexico? No. Have you ever gotten stuck in quicksand before? No. What's the shortest or longest length you've ever had your hair grow? To around the small of my back. The last nest you saw - was it a bird nest or a hornet's nest? I think a bird's? Do you enjoy Jeff Dunham? I don't know if I'd like him as a person, but I do think he's a funny comedian. Who is your favorite character from Frozen? I was never into the movies. I do think Elsa is kinda cool (no pun intended, lol), though. I like that she has her flaws. Did you finish high school? If not, do you plan on doing so? I did. Have you been in a simulator that mimicked a submarine or rollercoaster? A rollercoaster, yes. How often do you go out to eat instead of cooking for yourself? Mom and I try to avoid fast food for our health. We do a pretty good job at it, but sometimes for convenience's sake, we do eat it. What is the largest family of siblings that you know of? This is probably gonna come across as very judgmental, but... it really bothers me. I don't know how many kids she has now, but one of the dance moms from the studio has SO many children; I've completely lost count. Now if you want that many kids and can provide for them, that's cool. But that's not the case. She uses the "if God wants me to have a baby, then it will happen" mentality, and I'm just like... um, no hunny. Poor choices are leading to kids you're not adequately providing for. She uses no methods of protection and literally has twins whose room is a fucking closet. Ugh it just really bothers me. What foreign languages were offered to you at school? A whole lot. Only Spanish and I believe French were offered as in-school courses, but there were lots of online classes. If you were required to take a course right now, what would you choose? Photography. Team Biden or Team Trump? Over my dead body would I have voted for Trump. My vote went with Biden. What is an animal native to your country that may not exist in others? Bison are factually exclusive to North America. Note that bison and buffalo are different. What are some of your favorite autumn activities? Taking pictures of fall scenery. <3 What are some of your favorite winter activities? Going out in the snow. :') Especially with a camera. Do you eat a shit-ton the week before your period? uuugggghhHHHHHH yes Wendy's, McDonalds, or Burger King? Wendy's. What's the weirdest question you've ever asked Alexa? I've never asked Alexa anything. Do you prefer your apple cider to be warm or cold? I've actually never had it. Do you prefer your coffee hot or iced? Y'all know the story of me and coffee. Can you sing the alphabet backwards? I can't. Have you ever sent flowers or chocolates to yourself before? Ha ha, no. Is there any meat that you won't eat? Yeah, fish and ANYTHING that comes from a wild animal. Does your cat use anything other than it's scratching post as a scratcher? When we got him a scratcher WITH CATNIP, the lil butthead ignored it. -_- He scratches the carpet instead. Did you go through a vampire craze before? Are you still going through it? Nah. Have you ever forged your parents' signature on a poor test paper, etc? No. Has a bird ever pooped on you before? Omg, no. I'd die. Have you ever been sprayed by a skunk before? No. Are black jellybeans delicious or disgusting? I HATE them. Have you ever rolled down a grassy hill before? I have! I miss that.
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ghoulciifer · 4 years
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🐸 anon: “hii congrats on 100 followers🥺can i request a hq matchup with a boy.I’ll be anon 🐸 I go by she/her,5’5,have black straight hair,brown eyes and freckles on my nose.Im skinny,my zodiac sign is saggitarius.I get bored very easily,i love watching anime and movies my favorite genre is horror/gore but sometimes even romance😾.Im funny hehe also im the friend people come to when they need advice or just cheering up,i dont like talking about my own feelings and im not a talkative person. I dislike arrogant and loud people.And if i dont like someone they’ll get the hint lmao but if i do like someone i’ll be all over them taking care of them even tho i dont like pda.I like rock/punk music.I have a resting bitch face and look bored all the time(prolly cuz i am)i get attached to people fast and hate if they choose someone over me.Im anxious and have some sad days where i dont want to leave my bed,also struggle w a lot of insecurities.i have few friends cuz imtooshyandawkward.”
notes: 🐸 anon i’m so happy you decided to be a part of my event!! you sound like an adorable human and i really hope you like who i matched you up with! thank you for your support, and i hope you stick around for a lil’ while ❥
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why i matched you:
» i really feel like your personalities would mesh well with each other. Ushijima might seem like a stoic, bored brick wall but he’s got feelings, just like you! underneath both of your uninterested facades is a caring human who wants nothing more than to help those they love most.
» your natural humor is what really draws ushi in the most, he might not laugh outwardly but know he’s grinning like an idiot on the inside (and sometimes the outside). honestly he wouldn’t even have to understand what the joke means, just the way you deliver it is enough to make him chuckle. he’s super oblivious 9 out of 10 times but when he actually does register your joke? you’ve got him hooked.
» ushi is also not a super talkative person, so i feel like you two would have lots of comfortable, relaxing dates in near complete silence. he would understand your shy/awkward nature because he’s also kinda reserved and awkward, which, much like you, it often comes off as intimidating or bored. you guys just get each other, y’know?
» not really into pda? not a problem, neither is wakatoshi. he prefers to keep those special touches and intimate moments between the two of you in private. plus, he doesn’t need to be territorial with you at all, everyone already knows you’re dating and wouldn’t dare do anything to piss ushijima off.
» ushijima would never stray from your relationship after it’s been established, he wouldn’t want to waste his or your time with something as silly as picking someone else over you. he’s a very committed partner and will do everything in his power to help you understand that he’s with YOU! no one else!
» ushijima doesn’t have a whole lot of insecurities, his time developing his skills in volleyball helping him build up enough confidence to keep his head high no matter what life throws at him. however, he knows you might not be as fortunate to have that luxury, but that’s okay! he’s gonna be there for you through every self deprecating thought, every panic attack, every depressive episode, you name it. he might be a little rusty at first but once he figures out what works best for you, he won’t leave your side until you’re smiling and telling him how much you love him.
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A shrill scream rips through the small living room of your shared apartment with Ushijima, and you instantly curl into his side as the sound rings within your eardrums. The horror movie in front of you wasn’t particularly scary, of course - it was your favorite genre. But the actress who was currently being mutilated on screen was doing a very convincing job at conveying her fear of dying, how could you not shutter in response?
Ushijima feels the hand on his waist grip the fabric of his shirt and looks down to see you tucked even further under his arm, the cutest quirk to your brow as you suck in air through your teeth. He grins at the sight.
“You okay, love?”
Your eyes stay glued to the screen as you gently tilt your head upward, eventually meeting his amused gaze with the same disturbed expression. Your bottom lip juts out into a pout when you catch the amused glint in his eye.
“I’m fine, ‘Toshi, but how the hell are you NOT creeped out? Her insides literally just got ripped out of her!”
You had a point - should anyone see this massive man smiling so softly during such a gory moment of the movie, surely they’d think he was insane. But you didn’t realize you’d captivated his attention and tore him away from the movie he, truthfully, really wasn’t all that phased by. He would much rather watch the way you wiggled under the blanket in your laps and hold on tighter to him, as if the more you clung onto him the safer you felt.
Which, of course, was true.
“You’re… precious, you know that?” The hand draped over your shoulder moves to pull you in closer as he leans over and presses a soft kiss to your temple, effectively bringing a hesitant smile to your lips. The notion was so sweet it melted your heart... but the amount of blood on screen made it hard to enjoy the moment in its full glory. As the heat rushed to your cheeks you rolled your eyes and wrapped your arms around his toned waist, nuzzling into his chest and inhaling his scent.
“Yea, yea… let’s just finish the movie, okay? You can tell me how cute I am later.”
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deadline for matchups is (08/29/20)! be sure to submit your entry before this date and check the tag #tumplaysmatchmaker to stay updated!
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6-v-6 · 7 years
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tagged by @artfulkey and @ringdingdongenthusiast  🦄✨
How much sleep do you get? What do you do when you can’t sleep? I get around 7 hours of sleep, but if I’m not doing anything the next day I’ll sleep for like 10... when I can’t sleep I just lie in bed with my eyes closed contemplating the cruelties of life. Or go on my phone
What’s your best feature (physical or mental)? nothin?? Okay uh I’m pretty loyal. Like I don’t make friends easily and I’m terrible at social situations and talking to people so I have like 3 friends but if I consider you a friend I’m ride or die
What are the top 3 things you admire about your bias and why? Taemin’s drive. He’s like me in that he’s on the quieter side and more reserved with his physical affections so I relate to him a lot and I often wish that I could be so driven to achieve the heights he has. If Taemin wants something, he’s very much willing to put in the blood, sweat, and tears to get it. Number two is his dancing skills. I love dance and he is phenomenal, and what initially drew me to shinee in the first place. Lastly his perseverance. When he started off he was ridiculed and essentially laughed at for being tone deaf and instead of let that crush him he turned it into his motivation. I wish I could do that lol. 
If you could tell your bias anything what would you say? I hope you know that your voice and your dancing has touched so many people. That it’s become a strength for a lot of people who have no one else. I hope that you’re happy with the person you’ve become, and if you aren’t yet I hope you will be one day
What an album that you haven’t listened to for a while but will always hold a special place in your heart? uhh I’ve never been big on albums. Maybe the Eyes of Tomorrow album by Broken Iris. I haven’t listened to that in a few years but it... got me through a lot. Before shinee or any kpop group, that was the band I listened to that helped me through some tough times
Why do you study/work in the area that you do? cuz it’s the only thing I’m relatively good at. But I also genuinely enjoy the aspect of writing that involves world-building, and I like to create characters and build them up from nothing into diverse individuals with complex relationships
If someone wanted to befriend you, what should they do/say? ah, like I mentioned it’s kind of hard, I think, to be friends with me? Because I’m so horribly awkward. Usually if you want to be friends with me, you have to put in a lot of effort ;;; to maintain contact or reach out to me first ;; because I’ll always feel annoying or unimportant so I hardly ever reach out to people first. And most people don’t want to put in the effort to be friends with me so I’m #alone. Seriously lol in all 4 years of college I’ve made 0 friends.
Out of the people that you know irl or online, who is the most similar to your bias and why? no one??? Okay maybe my best friend angelie @silverznight is similar to taemin in that she works super hard towards her goals and she’s done a lot and gone through a lot to get there
If you could drastically change one thing about your life with no negative consequences what would you change? lmao. can i change the gender i was born as?? My appearance? My height? My career? My personality? 
You have the opportunity to spend the day with your bias in your hometown. What do you do/where do you go with them? god... what does taemin like to do.. I’d take him to a billiards hall. Maybe Dave & Busters which is this giant arcade place. There’s billiards there. We’d just play around and chat over some drinks
Post a selfie (of yourself or your bias) that you love. I copied lou and put it up above ^ I don’t love any selfie so those are just the most recent from this morning
Okay now on to Lou’s questions!
1. Post one of your most loved pictures of your bias and say what you like about the picture. 
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what is there not to love about this pic.... that’s the true question 2. What is something that you think people admire about yourself? legitimately nothing my dude 3. Is there something that you believe you and your bias have in common?  yeah!! Like I mentioned earlier, Taemin and I are similar in that we’re both on the quieter side in social situations. Awkward. Yet super comfortable and loud and goofy with close friends. Also we both are more averted to initiating physical contact, but fine with it when others initiate it 4. What is a food that you hated as a kid but actually enjoy now? I don’t think there is one? I still hate the foods that I hated as a kid 5. Which country would you choose to be born in, if not your home country? uhhhhhh I’m not sure. Sometimes I wonder about if my mom hadn’t been adopted though, and if I had been born in Korea, how things would be different.  6. What’s your favourite dance practice video? FUCK....... YOU CANT PULL THIS ON ME. Kay no it’s the War of Hormone bts one because it’s absolutely adorable and silly and one of the first ones I watched back when I was just discovering them 7. Is there a song that always gets stuck in your head when you hear it? hmm songs in general all tend to get stuck in my head. Can’t think of one that stands out 8. What’s an album that you haven’t listened to for a while but means a lot to you? Answered above in Bella’s question! 9. If you had the choice, as well as your mother tongue, what language would you choose to be fluent in? Japanese? Because I’ve spent 9 billions years trying to learn it and its so hard?? Let me be fluent already?? Or maybe Vietnamese so that I could talk to my bestie in her mother language 10. What are the qualities that you admire most about your bias? I feel like I answered this in bella’s third question so ^^ 11. What is a feature that you like about yourself? Nothing my dude 
My questions:
Would you rather be a leader or a follower?
If you could go anywhere in the world right at this moment, where would you choose to go?
What aspect of your bias would you want to steal for your own? (singing talent, dancing talent, etc)
Do you follow strict routines or do you let the wind take you where it will?
Which do you prefer: familiar places or unfamiliar places?
If you could travel anywhere in the world with anyone you wanted, where would you go and who would you take?
Describe one strange/unique quirk of yours
What’s an impulse you’ve always wanted to follow but never have? (cutting your hair, moving, switching careers, etc)
What’s your personal aesthetic?
Where do you go when you want to be alone?
You woke up with a superpower! What is it?
@blingjonghyun @tofnew @sataeminism @choiminoh @silverznight @leejinklies @sluthyun only if u want to ofc
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Survey #207
“it’s late, and you’re still staring at the light; to call it an addiction’s impolite.”
Nevermind what gender you ARE, what gender do you WANT to be? Happy being a girl. Do you ever feel ashamed revealing your age? When it's to people who are aware of how behind I am in the adult world in any context, yes. Very. If they know nothing about me, then I don't care. Are you confident enough to reveal your height and weight? Height, I don't care. Weight, fuck no. What do your parents call you? Both usually say "Britt," but Dad's more likely to use terms of endearment like "sweetie" and such. Well, Mom does use "hunny" a lot too. How old were you when you first got to go on the computer? Idr. About the "normal" age for little kids that played Neopets, probably. Would you say you’re an emotional person? Way too emotional. What’s a color that suits you the best? Black. And a color you just can’t pull off/don’t want to? Probably most... I wouldn't know, almost every single thing I wear is black. I have literally one light purple shirt, and I think that's the only non-black shirt I own. Describe yourself when you were 6 years old? Very talkative, extremely imaginative, outgoing, I was definitely weird, tomboyish, very happy... Man, I miss being that kid sometimes. A type of personality you just can't stand? The older and older I get, the more I cannot STAND a closed mind. I like people who accept they're far from always right, and sometimes, your "right" isn't such for someone else, and that is fine. You don't have to see the same way to still get along perfectly (though of course, there's no need to respect an opinion that spits upon, invalidates, or is just plain hateful towards another person/group). Like just as an example 'cuz I feel like I explained that poorly; I'm really not into the idea of polygamy at all, but I'm not against it for people it works with. You do you. Your appearance in one word would be? "Abilify." :^) City type of person or country? I like the live in a more country-ish area, but I found through Chicago I LOVE /visiting/ cities. What’s something you’re obsessed about right now? When am I not obsessed with Mark, meerkats, Silent Hill, opossums (a newer addition), WoW, etc. etc.? My whole life runs on obsessing over something, fren. Your reaction if someone told you you look 10 years older than your age? ZOINKS that would suck ass. Do you really badly want anything right now? For the past couple weeks, I've become more and more antsy to get up to Sara's again. When I land a job, fancyin' up my tattoo just because as I've said again and again it is SO important to me and must be perfect, then I'm saving up to go back up there. What’s something that makes you really stressed out? With all this job searching and such going on, it's like all I can think about, so why not mention what fucked me up at my previous ones: Putting me in a position of responsibility and expected knowledge. Ex., when I was a sales associate and was asked "Oh, do you have this?"/"Where is this?", it was CONSTANT PANIC MODE because I never knew and had to ask somebody, when I was expected to be a knowledgeable employee to the customer, and then comes the horror of feeling like I'm inconveniencing and annoying them. Have any particular standard look you look for in a significant other? I don't have a "standard look," no, but I am more likely to be drawn to a gothic appearance. But I don't actively search for someone that meets that criteria or anything. Do you listen to Wiz Khalifa? No. What are your opinions on marijuana legalization? Please legalize medicinal use already. Recreationally, idk. Do you date outside your own race? I'd have no reservations against it. I dated a Hispanic... less than a day, but still, you get the point that I don't have a problem with it. What are some of your turn-offs? SEXIST/MISOGYNISTIC, too old-fashioned, racist and/or homophobic, raunchy, arrogant/self-centered, lack of sincere interest and enthusiasm in conversation, poor hygiene, I'm gonna get SHIT ON for saying "too slutty," not taking dating seriously... that kinda stuff. I'm so picky. Are you gay, straight, bi, or trans? Bisexual. Are you vegetarian? If not, would you ever consider becoming one? I'm not now, but I hope to return to it after I get to my goal weight... In my few months of vegetarianism, it was proven that my immense pickiness with food was making the diet unhealthy for me, as I was strongly lacking in certain vitamins and such. I'm going to have to somehow overcome that if I want to return to it, which I REALLY do want to do the more and more I get into animal welfare and care. Are you in love? Yes. Are you more of a pessimist or an optimist? Pessimist, I think, out of the two. But I like to see myself as a realist. How much money is in your wallet? Literally just $11 lmao. What’s your favorite sex position? Only experienced in these with a man, so answering with that in mind. I like sitting on his lap, facing him, with my legs around his back. What do you ultimately wish for in life? Happiness and peace. Have you ever been pregnant? No. What do you think about tipping at restaurants? Tip your goddamn waiter/waitress, assholes. I do believe in tipping based on the quality of service, BUT at least give them SOMETHING for working. Do you have your driver’s license? No jkajdsklfaj;wer. I haaaave to practice more. Whenever I'm in the car, I always strongly prefer to listen to my music, controlling it from the passenger's seat, and at least right now, I can't drive with loud music, barely any at all really, so I have a hard time giving up blaring my music while Mom drives lmao. Have you ever passed out from drinking? No. What’s your favorite carnival food? Idk, I don't go nearly enough. Who did you last kiss? Romantically, Sara. Platonically, either my niece or nephew when leaving. Have you seen the final Harry Potter movie? I haven't even see one. Ever been called a slut? No. Would you ever have sex with someone not of your preferred sex? I'm bisexual so like- Would you ever get back together with any of your exes? No. Do you take any meds on a daily basis? Yep. What did you do today? Watched LPs as always; did some job searching; played WoW, way shorter than usual though; took a nap; made a new icon; took a shower; listened to music; did some social media scrolling. The usual stuff. What do you wear to bed at home? A tank top and pj pants. What do you wear to bed when you're somewhere else? The same, but with a bra. Is there a place you keep any prized/secret things whilst you’re away? No. Do you have any phobias? What? Why do you think you have this/them? I'll just talk about the unordinary ones, 'cuz I have a lot. The ones I'd consider "weird" are vomiting, whale sharks, and pregnancy. Vomiting is because it's just incredibly unpleasant, but also because I know what goes down is not supposed to come back up. Like no one likes puking, no shit, but I'm legit afraid of it and lock up on what to do when I feel it coming, like I don't know what to do. Whale sharks... ahaha. It literally came from World of Warcraft. The design of their mouths is fucking horrifying, and I hate hate hate how they sometimes phase in-and-out of the Vashj'ir map so just like pOP UP. NAH, SON. It's just their damn mouths, even though I know their esophagus is far too small to swallow a human. As for pregnancy, just... ew. I'm afraid of parasites, and it's a parasitic relationship. Something should NOT be growing inside of you. What skill do you possess that you are most proud of? I'm very compassionate, especially when it comes to others enduring emotional struggles. I really feel for hurting people. What is your greatest strength (e.g. honest, loyal, brave)? I have strong morals and stick to them. I'll always stand up for what I feel is right. What’s your greatest shortcoming or flaw (e.g. cowardly, alcoholic)? Ah jeez, there's a lot... but probably my anxiety. It's held me back and manipulated my actions since middle school. I struggle not followings its rules, but I'm sure trying. Who do you most admire? Mark, my mom, Sara, Sara's dad, Steve Irwin... man, there's too many great people. Who do you most love? Sara, my mom, and my pets, Teddy especially. What three things do you look for most in a partner? EXPRESSING OF THEIR EMOTIONS/TRULY FEELING!!!!!!!!, compassion, and a cool head. If you could ask God (to atheists - IF there was one) one question, what? Hm. Good question... There's a lot, but mostly little wonders; I feel like I have a decent understanding of the god I personally see, so don't have any magnificent questions. Perhaps regarding why they created our world. That'd be interesting. Rate yourself on these traits from 0 to 10: 0 - do not possess this trait. 10 - you have great amounts of this trait. Calm temper: 7. Charm: *big shrug* Cheerfulness: 3-4. Confidence: 0-3. Courtesy: 8-10. Curiosity: 6-10. Forgiveness: 9-10. Generosity: 8-10. Greed: 0-3. Helpfulness: Well, I like to try to help, but I don't feel I'm very successful at that, so idk. Honesty: 5-9, depending on who I'm talking to and what the subject is, I guess. Loyalty: This is very flexible, and I don't feel like I can put a number on it. It depends on how deserving you are of the trait, and yes, you can lose my loyalty in a heartbeat if you give me reason to take it away. Optimism: 0-4. Patience: This can go from a whopping 0 to a 10, lmao. Very dependent on the situation. Self-sacrifice: 8-9. Wit: -10. Briefly describe your family. Kinda broken. Tight bonds scattered between certain people, no bonds with others. What is the worst thing that has ever happened to you? The breakup. I wouldn't wish that night upon Satan himself. How did it affect you? We know. Have you ever had any recurring nightmares or themes in nightmares? Speaking of that... Jason is in most nightmares I remember. The common theme is it's either after the breakup and we have an awkward running in with each other, or it's long before when everything was "perfect." All things considered, I'd call even that a nightmare. Those fuck with me the most. Do you currently have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yeah. Do you have any close friends? I can count those on maybe two fingers. Of what are you most proud? Letting Jason go. Of what are you most ashamed? I've talked about the Joel situation multiple times. What is your religion? Theist. Where do you stand on abortion? Mostly pro-choice. Where do you stand on the death penalty? Sometimes justifiable and one's deserving end. Felons are lucky enough it's done humanely. Where do you stand on wearing fur? If you're not surviving out in the arctic, fuck you and all you stand for. Could you kill somebody? I'm perfectly aware I could in defense situations. For what reason would you kill somebody? Defending myself or loved ones. Hell, probably even strangers. I'd kill a rapist with zero fucking hesitation, even if they were assaulting someone I'd never seen before. Would you SERIOUSLY CONSIDER killing anybody right now? No. Do you trust easily, or not? NOPE. What, if anything, would you sacrifice your life for? Defending peace, gay rights, or if it was to protect most of those I love. What are your dreams/ambitions/goals? Be a successful photographer, reach financial stability, come to a point where I'm actually proud of what I've done, play a roll in wildlife conservation, be happily married, and just overall be content and satisfied with my life. How do you plan to reach them? Working my goddamn ass off and not taking "no" for an answer (not about the marriage part tho lmao). Do you ever want to have a family someday? With children? No. Who would you want to start this family with, or do you not yet know? I just want a pet family with Sara. What do you see yourself doing next year? Man, I don't have a clue... What do you see yourself doing in twenty years? I don't want to think of that. That's too far ahead. I'll be 43... I've gotta work on too many things now. Would you ever have an affair? I'm very curious as to who would actually answer "yes" to this. Would you ever have a one night stand? No. Lmaoooo actually this is sad as fuck, but I think I've said in a previous survey just knowing myself, if we were both single and clicked, I'd be doomed if it was Markiplier. My morals would sadly go out the window. If you had a month of nothing (no work, no obligations) what would you do? That's literally been the story of my life for years now, especially the past two. And it's torture. Would you ever choose a career or job where your life was at risk? No. Well, actually, I do want to do wildlife photography, and it can be pretty dangerous. Were you present at any major historical events (e.g. 9/11)? No. Do you have any famous relatives? No. Ancestors, yeah, but not close relatives. Are you a loyal member of any organizations? No. What type of criminal would you be? With how forgetful I am, I'm certain I'd be a very clumsy one that gets caught very quickly, lol. What are you listening to right now? "Voices" by Motionless In White. If you had to choose a stripper name, what would it be? Um idk. If your phone started ringing, who would you hope is calling? Someone for a job interview. Do you drink? Rarely and/or for some special occasions. Never enough to get drunk. Do you smoke? No. What is the first thing you notice in someone? I guess posture? How they carry themselves? Do you get attached easily? BOY! DO I!!!!!!!!!!! Do you like your eye color? I wish they were more blue. Would you go bungee jumping/sky diving if given the chance? Definitely not bungee jumping, I know how I react to that kind of up/down movement, and probably not skydiving, either. Have you ever been to a psychiatrist/therapist? Both regularly since middle school. Are looks important in a relationship? Not very. What is your favorite thing to do? Binge a new song I fell in love with for like days lmao. What was the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? PhotoScape. It's easier to move watermarks for photos on there, and I was working on the ones I took a few days back. Do you like to gossip? No, I feel super guilty. What kind of computer do you have? An Acer. Do you know all the words to your national anthem? I think? Have you ever failed a grade? No. Have you ever made the opposite sex cry? Yes. Have you ever had a crush on a teacher? Nah. Have you ever slapped someone in the face? No. Do you own a designer purse? Hell no. Waste of money for a goddamn purse that's just gonna get dirty and scratched. What’s the weirdest rumor you’ve ever heard about yourself? Jason and I magically had a baby over summer vacation when I was very obviously never pregnant. Do you say the "h" in the word “herb”? No, though I did for a super long time 'cuz I had no idea it was wrong. Do you speak any languages besides English? Not fluently. Can you run in high heels? I wouldn't really know, but boy do I doubt it. Do you have to take stairs or an elevator to get to your house? No. What do you usually order at Subway? Ummm I think white bread, ham, American cheese, bacon, jalapenos, banana peppers, and Chipotle sauce. I think that's it. Did an alarm wake you up this morning? No. How long is your mother’s hair? Past her shoulderblades, near the middle of her back. Is there any particular place you’d like to vacation to next? Surprisingly, I'd love to go somewhere tropical, like Hawaii or some shit like that. Somewhere with clear water and unique, beautiful wildlife and nature. What is your beer of choice, if any? Never tried beer, never want to. The smell is bad enough. That and I associate it with when Dad was an alcoholic. Did you share a bed with anyone last night? No. Well, other than with my cat. Do you know anyone who volunteers regularly? Yes. Have you ever ruined a nice pair of shoes, and how? Maybe, playing in puddles or biking through them and mud as a kid or something. Who were the last friends you went to hang out with? Sara. How many chairs are in the room you’re currently in? None. Have you texted a relative in the past week? Not besides immediate family. Are you doing anything important today? No. If I were to bring you any type of food right now, what would you pick? If I was actually hungry, I have been craving hotdogs on the grill like CRAZY lately. No clue why. When did you move into the house you’re currently living in? April-ish 2017. Do you ever sleep with the light on? No, I can't. Do you pray to Jesus? 20+ years of that did nothing. No. What was the last thing you ordered at Starbucks? N/A Do you have a bonfire pit in your yard? No. Would you consider being homeless if it meant you could travel the world? I don't know; there's lots of factors to consider. Would I be willing to leave my pets (but Teddy, probably; I'd want him with me) with my mom? Would I have something like a camper? Where am I getting this money to travel and provide for myself? Do you know your next-door neighbor? Mom knows one, but I personally don't. What’s something you have never done? Lots of things? As an example, uhhh... I've never done a cartwheel, despite childhood efforts? Name someone you know who is a true risk-taker, adventurer, and free spirit. Do you admire that person? Idk. Do you wish you were more of a free spirit? I think I already am, but it'd be cool to be more of one. Are you allergic to any medications? No. How do you feel when someone says something you’ve experienced doesn’t exist? Tell me depression isn't real, my PTSD isn't genuine, I can "get over" my anxiety if I want to hard enough, stuff like that, and I will not fucking associate with you. These are things that have massively affected my life; I dare someone to tell me these experiences aren't real issues. What worldview do you have? A realistic one, I think. I'm positive in some areas, negative in others. Hm... I'm probably more pessimistic about the world's future, though. Do you have friends who have different religious beliefs than you? Duh? If applicable, who was the first person you “came out” to? Sara. What’s one thing you’d like to do more? Travel. What was your style in high school? Some emo/metalhead hybrid that wished with all her heart to be capable of affording a goth wardrobe and bitch I still do. What’s one thing you are jealous that other people got to do but you didn’t? Have a healthy teenage experience. Have you ever taken birth control pills continuously? I have for years for my cycle. I had just about debilitating cramps and sometimes periods that lasted over a week. Who is your personality twin? Sara is probably the closest. What’s a common name that you hate? Edward, above all. Not a big fan of William, Robert, or Allen, either. Who do you wish you were best friends with? If you don't count my girlfriend as "best friend," maybeeee... Alon still? Or Baylee. I need to talk more to her, she's awesome. Do you own a camera tripod? Yes. Did you ever believe in mermaids? I don't believe so. …in fairies? I believed in the Tooth Fairy. …in Santa? Yes. Have you ever purchased alcohol? Yes. What is your newest hobby? Hm, I don't think I've found a new one for a long while... What gives your life meaning? I don't know. What motivates you to do what you do? The pursuit of happiness. What was the weather like the last time you went out? Too fucking hot. Do you go for walks often? No, though I really want to around a lake at a local, small park. Problems consist of no way to get there myself, it's WAY too fucking hot with my sweating issue, and my knees just wouldn't have it; I know I couldn't walk the full lap around it. Also expect some art installations around the path and probably the gazebo are PokeStops for Pokemon Go and really wish I could play it, so that's bait to do it lmao. What color shirt are you wearing? Pink. What is your favorite type of YouTube video to watch? It really depends on who I'm watching. Favorite on the face of the planet are Mark's ego projects, then my second fave are probably Shane's conspiracy videos, then I love let's plays. Do you need any new clothes right now? I seriously need more pants. And new bras. Do you collect anything? If so, what? Silent Hill merch and meerkat stuff. ^and if not, what would you like to collect? When I can buy shit myself, ya girl is gonna have way too much Markiplier merch. YouTuber stuff in general, actually. Too shy to ask for that kinda stuff now lol. Have you ever experienced a miracle? I don't think so. What was the last thing you ate? A burger. Do you ever eat food that’s intended for kids? ...? Like, baby food? No. Or maybe you mean shit like Lunchables? In cases like that, sometimes? What was the last stupid thing you did? Oh boy, who knows. Do you get embarrassed easily? You. Have. No. Idea. What are your top three names you like for a daughter? Alessandra, then uhhhh... I like Chloe and Adrian. Would you ever film a vlog of yourself giving birth? Hell no. I'd never wanna see it, I'd never want my hypothetical child to have to witness that, etc. Do you like getting caught in the rain? No. Wet clothes are no. Do you think your hair looks best straight, wavy, or curly? Straight, I guess? Though my hair does swoop to the right, so it's kinda a wave? What was the last craft project you completed? Oh, yeesh. I don't do crafts. The closest thing was I guess Sara's Valentine's Day gift for last year? Name 3 YouTubers you would like to meet in person: Markiplier is literally the only one that matters lmao and it's not "would like to meet in person," he will be forced to endure meeting me ok. Meeting Shane Dawson would be amazing, he's such a relatable sweetie, aaaaand #3 would probably be Rhett and/or Link, as similar to Mark, they deserve a tear-filled thanks as well as back-breaking hugs for seriously helping in keeping me alive through my suicidal year. I mean it when I say they genuinely helped me keep going. What color are your nails painted currently? They’re never painted. Do you use a pill box? No. List 3 people you know who were loving and then turned cold: Jason, Jason, and Jason. Have you ever felt threatened for your life? No. Which did you like better: high school or college? My college experience was horrid. High school had great memories, but of course negative ones, too. Which year of your life stands out to you as the most significant so far? 2017. …and why? It was my year of recovery from the breakup. What was the last store you shopped at? I went to Wal-Mart with Mom. I think that was the most recent, anyway. Do you have a favorite pharmacist? No. Do you have a favorite cashier at the grocery store? No. What’s something you discovered recently? I'm a Billie Eilish fan. What makes you more creative? Music. What’s the last magical thing you experienced? YO okay so when my brother and nephew were here, we went to the science museum and into a 360 VR-esque show about astronauts. I got SO nauseous and dizzy, but it was nevertheless extremely cool. What is the theme of your bedroom? It doesn't have a theme. Have you ever lived in a dorm? No. When was the last time you stepped outside of your comfort zone? Just tonight! I ordered at a drive-thru myself. Would you rather ride a camel or an elephant? An elephant! Do you want to lose weight? You have no fucking idea. Which insects scare you, if any? Lmao most. Especially rhinoceros beetles, big beetles in general honestly, cockroaches, earwigs, centipedes... like a lot okay. I like observing praying mantises, but I would probably have a fucking heart attack if one was on me. Do you think it’s silly to be afraid of a tiny insect? Well, yeah, though I get the likely survival reason, that being we know many are venomous, so we're naturally averse to them, especially if we don't recognize the type. Were you raised religious? Yes. Have you ever been abused? No, thankfully. Is there a coffee shop you like better than Starbucks? N/A If you could afford to get your hair professionally done, what would you get? Man, I have SO many color combination ideas. If I could get it done in the safest manageable way by a pro, I saw this look once with totally bleached/pure white hair that fades to blood-red tips, and BOY would I get that in a heartbeat. If you had a lot of money, do you think you would use it wisely? I hope so. I think so. The only thing I imagine myself being weak with are tattoos. Do you know any rich people who are very irresponsible? I don't think so... List five careers that you’d like to have: Meerkat biologist, paleontologist, artist, poet, something in wildlife conservation/protection. List five far-out things that you’d like to do before you die: Scuba-dive, I'd LIKE to ride a rollercoaster (far-out for me, trust me), but I know I never will, and uh... idk. Riding a motorcycle would be cool, but that's another thing I hiiighly doubt I'll do. What was your first imaginary friend’s name? I never had one. What was the name of the first pet that you loved? Chance, a cat my mom rescued. She was our very first family pet. She was absolutely incredible. Do you like to go barefoot? Unless I'm in a house, no. Do you like the same colors now that you did as a kid? Yeah. Do you have a YouTube channel? Yeah. Is there someone who stopped talking to you for no reason? Oh, who to begin with? Did you ever get called horrible names like whore, skank or bitch? "Bitch" more than once. Where did you sleep last night? My bed. Have you ever slow danced with anyone? With Jason, yeah. And I don't think so, but maybe Sara briefly? Have you ever cried in public? Yeah. What would you do if you were pregnant? I don't have a fucking clue. Do you like cuddling? With someone I love. Have you ever cried in school? Yes, but I think I kept it private. Who’s the last person to send you a message on Facebook? A woman whose wedding I'm shooting this Saturday. Have you ever witnessed someone else engaging in a sexual act? Just making out. Where did you get drunk last? N/A What’s your relationship with the last person you texted? She's my girlfriend. If someone went through your pictures, would they find a dirty one? No. How did you do on the last test you took? I haven't been in school for a long time. How come you’re not going out with the person you love? I am.
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