#i don’t know what i’ll do if i ever receive weird comments on anon 😭
padfootastic · 1 year
I follow some wolfstar people, but I am real selective about them, they love Sirius as much as I do. Other than that, I’m mostly just hanging out in my own little corner
no but same. i follow a few r/s authors that i can wholeheartedly trust with my boys and that’s it. i’m so, so happy w this little community and everyday, i sit there, fingers crossed & touching wood, that it doesn’t become…more than this.
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pommunist · 2 months
before you post the conclusion tomorrow that needed the crucifixion image, i want to say that i may end up not agreeing with your final opinion, but i will support and agree that someone had to say what you have been saying, and you are not wrong for saying it 🫡 it is an emotional situation but you have been keeping focused on the workers the whole time and i respect that. some people will disagree with that approach to it, but you have never bullied people over this, or started being xenophobic and weird about it, or been inflammatory. you just focused on workers rights and keeping people updated. and there is nothing wrong with doing that. you deserve to post whatever you are going to post without being harassed for it and i hope you know that! i wanted to send you this ask so that if you can see it if any asshole anons show up. but hopefully they will not! have a good night 🫂 buenas noches
thank you anon these are very kind words 😭
i’m just trying my best to share information as well as my own perspective on this situation and tbh i don’t think i’ve been perfect with doing so whatsoever but thank you nonetheless !
and once again i’ve never received any hate or even a rude comment, 99% of the anons i’ve gotten since the beginning have been nothing but nice words, people having genuine questions about certain topics and/or people wanting share their personal thoughts and perspective on it.
i don’t think i’ll ever stop being pleasantly surprised at how cordial and temperate qsmblr is as a corner of the internet !
buenas noches, o buenos dias (no se que hora es en tu timezone ahora), para ti tambien anon 🫶
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bakugous-forehead · 1 year
You’re weird. I have literally never interacted with a single person on this app. After being on here now for about 10 years, never have I come across such demanding and entitled people but in these anime and K-POP fandoms. Everyone’s account is THEIR blog! Who are you to tell people how to use their blog and what for in order for them to enjoy your content?? It is not your right to try and force people out of their comfort zones for your benefit. Blocking silent readers because it bothers you literally makes no sense when they are “fans” too. All I can imagine is you acting like a tyrant child *pouting* crosses arms and stomps foot, “Hmmph! Their not interacting with and boosting my blog the way I want them to!” LOL the way it actually makes me laugh… Likes aren’t good enough for you??? If someone likes the fic that means THEY LIKE IT dummy. Silent readers are silent for a reason I don’t want anyone’s attention on me what so over. So, the least I can do to show my appreciation is through a like and if I REALLY like you I’ll follow your blog. A lot of people feel the same way everywhere on the internet not just Tumblr. It just seems to me you’re pissed because you want more attention because “I feel I work so hard on these fics!” You feel like you deserve more attention, but you won’t be getting it from us. Also, it shouldn’t matter that other people like your writings. Do you like it? Is it good enough to you? Good. Then that is all that matters. People have gotten way to needy for validation the only person’s approval you need is your own. Just admit you want more attention because with your attitude… seems like you don’t do it because you love writing… just seems like you like and wish for the attention that comes with it. Anyways, and since I do still like your writings (Not particularly your personality, thank goodness that has nothing to do with your writings.) I’ll continue to enjoy through Google!😘❤️
Sending me this fat essay on my birthday😂😭
So, the least I can do to show my appreciation is through a like and if I REALLY like you I’ll follow your blog.
Oh my god how honoured I am that you REALLY liked my blog enough to follow me, but I’m glad I blocked you because selfish people like you following me make me uncomfortable so yeah! I’ll be continuing to block people who don’t reblog their fave fics.
“Forcing people out of their comfort zones.”
You’re literally a faceless person on the internet reading anime porn whether you reblog a dick or not. Still don’t know who you are, still will never know who you are.
As I’ve said countless times, I really don’t mind if you read my shit through ao3 (it’s fully available there I think I’m only a few posts behind), I just don’t want you following me? But hey, I’ll take the compliment that even though you seemingly hate authors that you’re still going to continue reading my shit.
It’s literally so mindblowing to me that you took the time to type this out because I upset you by blocking you, but you’ll never send an author/artist you like a comment this long showing them some appreciation— even on anon. Don’t you think that’s really the issue?
Also the first line you said “Everyone’s account is THEIR blog” which is the exact reason why I chose to block you. The same way you can continue to be unsupportive and selfish on your blog?
I’ve been on Tumblr well over 10 years and this might actually be the weirdest ask I’ve ever received? And I’ve received some fucking weird ones.😂💀
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