#i’m-not really. but i do see the follower count climbing and low-key it scares me lmao
padfootastic · 2 years
I follow some wolfstar people, but I am real selective about them, they love Sirius as much as I do. Other than that, I’m mostly just hanging out in my own little corner
no but same. i follow a few r/s authors that i can wholeheartedly trust with my boys and that’s it. i’m so, so happy w this little community and everyday, i sit there, fingers crossed & touching wood, that it doesn’t become…more than this.
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idjitlili · 4 years
Lurking in the dark.
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Not my gif.
Summary:  Jareth uses a disguise to lurk around you before the Labyrinth like he did with Sarah, as an owl. Until you accidentally wish away your dog.
Warnings:mentions of tight pants. Mentions of feeling lonely.First smut...you’ve been warned, well just oral, and a handjob.
Word count:4325
A/n: low-key based in my home country, ah yes England.
Y/d/n=your dogs name, or change it to cat or fake pet.
Though you weren't 16, like Sarah, being an adult, Jareth felt pulled to you. No, he was not a pervert, times were different.  Maybe it was your love of your dog, maybe it's how lonesome you felt, that dog unknowingly brought hope into your life. Yes you did love your family, but sometimes you just got lonely.
Maybe it was your love of films, you could watch your favourite film a million times, yet feel so invested into watching it again. Maybe it was your stack of books, some you already had ,which were your favourite,but had gotten pocket editions or ones with different covers.
How Jareth had found you, well that was a different question, not him dressing down , changing his hair to place the labyrinth in difference book stores , illegally. Yes, that was how he had found you,when he had done that. Soon he had figured out, you regularly went to the book store, after following you home in his owl form.
This particular day had been most stressful, though the rain was calming, being drenched to the point your underwear were soaked, not like that. Frozen, you just wanted to get to Waterstones before they shut, practically running. Not only wanting to get there but also get home quick too.
Rushing into the store , the door closing behind you, the warm air embracing your freezing body, you just hoped you wouldn't get in trouble for being soaked in here. It wasn't like you were going to wipe your clothes on all the books , ruining them.
Then, of course more problems occurred; you could not for the life of you find a book you desired.  Sighing , you pushed your dripping hair from your face, you could only imagine how bad you looked in that moment.
Yet, you had continued your search, with no luck until a man had cleared his throat from next to you.
His hair clearly blond from his roots, the rest a light red colour almost ginger but not. His eyes bright blue, yet it seemed like he had heterochromia, aswell as larger pupil in his left eye. His cheekbones highly defined, his body skinny, overall the man was very handsome.
Turning to face the man, highly embarrassed by your state. "If you don't mind-" this is when you thought you was going to be asked to leave, your stomach dropped. "-hearing my suggestion." Okay, that still found like he was going to ask you to leave, but his voice wasn't aggressive.  "...okay?" You weren't sure what to say, only letting out a quiet word.
The man had reached up to the shelf above you , pulling down a small red book, so he wasn't kicking you out.  His pale hand gently holding the book in front of you, 'The labyrinth.' You had taken the book from him, to look for a summary , yet there wasn't one, nor a publisher or an author name.
"You take that home,on me, if you don't like bring it back."  
"W-wait, you d-" You didn't know this man, you felt guilty getting it for nothing, but he had interrupted you. "You've had a long day,clearly,  now go get home,y/n"  The man simply placed his hands on his hips waiting, his words followed out like water, turning to go do whatever he was doing.
"W-wait." He had spun around , his eyes looked at you in slight annoyance, hurrying you up. "What's your name?"
"Ziggy." You had looked at you watch at the same time, before looking back at the man- but he was gone. Thus, you left.  Hold on , how did he know your name?
Not spotting the owl, that stood on the lamp post watching you...
You had begun reading the book , as soon as you had gotten out of your soaking clothes , into warm ones. You wondered how Jareth could like a girl with no sense, no you didn't , you thought why she wearing her baby brother hat.
Yet, your dog would not allow you to sit in peace, shoving their toy under the cupboard making you get up and get it otherwise they wouldn't stop crying, or eating all their food and scratching for more. Then, they had knocked your drink everywhere with their toy.
Groaning in annoyance , for the hundredth time. "You know if the Goblin king was real, y/d/n, I'd wish for him to take you for a time out." Of course you handed read that far you didn't know what would really happen to him..
"You know what, I'll just say it, just in case. I wish the goblins would take you away, right now."   A crack of thunder had made you jump out of your skin turning towards it , before turning back hearing scratching on the floor, to see nothing, by this time it's pitch black, only light from a small lamp is seen , your dog is gone.
Suddenly the door crashes open, an owl flies in , before turning into a man. Not that you could see him much. "Uhm, I mean thanks for taking my dog for a time out , but uh thats dognapping, so.." He had only laughed loudly.
From what you you could see his hair was a huge blond mullet, there was glitter everywhere, and those pants...
"What's said is said."
"What the bloody hell does that mean?" That wasn't legal, he had broken into your home and stole your dog.
"I have brought you a gift, it's a crystal, nothing more. but if you turn it this way and look into it, it will show you your dreams. but this is not a gift for an ordinary girl who takes care of the dog.....do you want it? then forget the dog." You had scoffed at him, you could go ebay and get a crystal ball, who was this wannabe Gandalf?
"Sorry, no, I would like my dog." The king, looked disappointed with your answer, did he believe that would really work?
"don't defy me." His voice stern , as he threw a snake at you , but completely missed, coughing out a small laugh, as the man pretended it never happened.
"Y-you're no match for me."
"Stop with all the talk, how can I get y/d/n back?" With that , he had gestured you to come to the window, a huge maze could be seen, well labyrinth, instead of the dark sky. Turning back to Jareth, you realised you were no longer in your room, but outside the labyrinth.
"So, how does this work?"  You could clearly see the man now, known as Jareth , the Goblin king, his eyes seemed very familiar, left pupil bigger than the right.  He had pointed to a 13 hours clock, that had appeared.
"You have 13 hours in which to solve the labyrinth , and reach my castle, before your dog becomes one of us forever, such a pity." And boom he was a gone, not much to work from.
Now finding away into the labyrinth, indeed that seemed easy, of course it wasn't, no entrances , you thought of the only thing you could do... Climb the wall.  By the time you had gotten over , there stood Jareth in the tight pants.
"You know, there was a door. This shall be your only warning." Poof he was gone again, if you continued climbing walls maybe you'd have to compliment his pants. Next time put a bloody door.
Though you had no idea what in gods earth you was doing, you just decided to head straight forward as you could, thus to get to the castle quicker. Not going one away and ending going through the side door out of the labyrinth.
As you could expect, Jareth was not very happy that you were travelling through his labyrinth, like it was your house. In fact, he was angered, so much , that he wanted to pick you up, as if you were a rag doll and dump you to the start. Then again, you’d just go twice as fast through.
So, there sat Jareth on his throne, with your dog upon his lap, his little whip thing in hand. Suit up Jareth, your not Indiana Jones. Staring into the crystal ball, unable to think.
The fact you had gotten passed the sausage dogs without a second thought pushed Jareth over the edge... He had attempted to jump scare you, but of course it had went south. Jareth rarely had anyone not beat the Labyrinth, and honestly you’d think he would’ve improved it.
Jareth hadn’t spoken in your presence, to inform you that he was there, instead he had placed a hand onto your shoulder. What he was not expecting was you to turn around at sonic speed, punching him square in the face.
Stumbling back, him his boots, holding his now bloody nose, he had let out a yelp in surprise. He did not expect that, not at all.
You had reached some sort of lake, with a path down to a small house, when you had punched Jareth anyways.
After you had seen that it was Jareth that you had punched, who else would it be, guilty travelled up your body suffocating you. Almost instantly you had rushed to Jareth, ripping part of the end of your t-shirt, bringing the fabric to his nose. Pulling his bloody hand from his nose, with a harsh grip, since he lead stiff.
Your face was sweating, not only were you scared that he might kill you, but also you had felt bad for him, after the numerous times he had checked up on you. You wondered if he ever spoke to anyone other than the Goblins, you wondered if he could even leave this place without being wished.
Gripping his sharp jaw to move his face, allowing you to make get a better look at the bleeding, keeping the fabric to his nose, soaking all the blood up. You didn’t even know Faes bled.
“J-Jareth, I’m so sorry! You made me jump, I swear I didn’t do it on purp-“ Jareth liked the contact, the anger he felt before had slipped away, your soft fingers upon his skin, your favourite t-shirt now ruined as you had sacrificed it for his nose. Oh, and he knew that was your favourite shirt.
Your pleading e/c eyes staring into his mismatched ones, made both of your hearts beat fast than moments before. It almost made him forget why you were here; but when he did remember his eyes returned harsh. You only felt bad because you were frightened, he knew you’d leave him soon as you had beaten his labyrinth.
Oh how wrong he was.
Pulling away rudely, using his magic to pull a clock out of no where, using his gloved had to skip it forward three hours, smirking. Fake smirking, the quicker this ends the better, he could not bare to fall in love with a silly human girl again, just to be rejected.
Your eyes widened in confusion, your torn end of your t-shirt still in your hand, bloodied. “W-what?” 6 hours left.
Poof Jareth was gone yet again, oh and how he had some plans for you. Stood in brief shock of what had just occurred, trying to forget the tingles that had erupted down your hand, throughout your whole body, like electric shocks. Shaking it off, like you were about to warm up for pe , just like high school. Ew.
You had continued down the path, to the small house, and within minutes you had reached it. Didn’t seem like there was away around, only way was through.
Thankfully, it was unlocked, allowing you straight in. Only for it to slam close behind you, you didn’t think of anything of it, all you could think about in this moment was how your stomach was growling loudly.
The rag now placed into your back pocket, as you searched the tiny kitchen for anything, coming across an overly large strawberry, you didn’t even think before you had devoured it.
In that moment you heard it the door clicked, you had rushed to it testing it, locked, of course. Your feet now suddenly soaking wet , gulping you had looked down the floor covered in soapy water, rising dangerously. Surely he would not kill you?
All the windows now sealed shut, no upstairs , only the chimney , thankfully wide as. You did the only thing you could, your stomach turning, feeling light headed, the water reaching your knees.
You got in it, but the walls were too slippery so you held your breath just as the water got above your shoulders. Swimming up the chimney with the water, not full breast stroke of course, no room for that. The water pressure building at such a speed you ended up flying out the end of the chimney, no idea how that was even possible.
Then everything went black, soon entering a dream world...well no it wasn’t a dream. Now dressed in gown, at a ball, a masquerade, the room almost packed with guests with goblin like masks., all wearing big expensive gowns, or suite like attire. Loud laughter dimmed out by the loud gently music.. what.
Turning every which way, you felt like you were looking for something, just you could not recall what. A skinny man, with a bo dazzled suite, a long blond mullet with stripes of blue to match his suite, a diamond at his next instead of a tie or bow, frilly shirt. He held a similar goblin mask, only when you caught his eye he had pulled it away.
Only you and him without masks, his eyebrows with no ends, h-his strangely familiar eyes , his thin lips, you felt a strong pull towards him.
“There's such a sad love
Deep in your eyes a kind of pale jewel
Open and closed
Within your eyes
I'll place the sky.”
All you could do is stare at him, as the song began, mouth gapped at him, your dress that before felt heavy no felt like nothing, as he began walking towards you, through the people.
“Within your eyes
There's such a fooled heart
Beatin' so fast”
Trying to get passed the strange people, to get him, he simply danced with other people that already had partners, I mean, like pressed up against the partners.
“In search of new dreams
A love that will last
Within your heart
I'll place the moon
Within your heart
As the pain sweeps through.” He didn’t even try to get to you as you chased after him, these strange people suffocating you, getting in your way on purpose.
“Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone.” Then he was gone, your eyes searched the room, not seeing him hidden behind a fan behind you, continued your search. As he smirked behind you, oh how he couldn’t stop feeling the way he did about you, he thought it was funny how now you chased him instead of the other way around.
“Wasn't too much fun at all
But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down.” He had continued making his way through the people, in direct view , as you searched still.
As the world falls down
Falling in love.” Squeezing through the people, feeling panicked, you had no idea what was happening, nor why you felt like this for a strange man, shoving pushed the people that circled you.
“I'll paint you mornings of gold
I'll spin you Valentine evenings though we're strangers 'til now.” You had found him, as a fan moved, he stood sandwiched by two woman.
“We're choosing the path
Between the stars
I'll leave my love
Between the stars” Only then did he come towards you,his face should no emotion, you wondered how you had gotten here. Now with a mans hand out waist and the other in his hand as you danced.
“As the pain sweeps through
Makes no sense for you
Every thrill is gone
Wasn't too much fun at all.” You couldn’t remember knowing how to dance, but you and Jareth done turns in sync with all the other dancers, staring deeply into his mismatched pupils.
“But I'll be there for you-ou-ou
As the world falls down
Falling” Jareth-how did you now know his name, now singing along, wow self loving much , who plays their own music. He had every right. Only then, did you feel yourself leaning to his lips.
“As the world falls down
As the world falls down.”
Jareth had noticed, leaning towards you as well, you felt your lips connect to his soft ones, as your eyes closed. That’s all it took for your remove your hands from his shoulder and hand bringing them up into his blond hair. Pulling his face towards yours, not allowing yourself to disconnect from him, you both had stopped dance at this point.
His arms now around your waist pulling you both closer together again, one of your hand now cupping his cheek, as you both kissed. Pulling away for a second to breathe, before pressing your lips against his again harshly this time, biting his lip hard, he had almost jumped, letting out a yelp, only then were you able insert your tongue into his mouth.
You both had long forgotten the people that surrounded you both. Jareths grip now tightened, your tongue fighting against his. Only until he had pulled your hair, pulling you from him lips, your eyes slammed shut, your hands now against his clothed chest, as he pressed kisses down your bare neck. A small moan had escaped your mouth, your hand travelling down to his pants. “Can I?” Jareth had looked into your eyes, his other pupil now almost reaching the same size as his other, nodding.
You hand cupping, his manhood, his pulse heightened under your touch, Jareth had groaned loudly, his bulging member against your palm, as Jareths hips had pushed against your hand for friction. Jareth now sucking harshly at your neck, rubbing your hand against him.
You had forgotten about the room full off people;but Jareth had definitely not, he did not want to take you in front of them, at this moment he didn’t care, he had not had pleasure in a very long time. Leaving your neck, Jareth had joined your lips again, biting your already swollen bottom lips, returning to sloppy small kisses, you had wished that Jareth had picked a less poofy dress.
Your hands leaving Jareths body, he had let out a small sigh, he had thought you had remembered, especially when you began to lift the bottom the dress. Only then did you notice the people, wide eye, but they were still dancing, even if they were looking, Jareth touch was intoxicating.
Your calf’s now on show, almost touching Jareth again, how starred down at you confused, as you looked up at him with a small grin, lifting your leg up and over hip. Instantly he had gripped the soft skin under your thigh, your dress now bunched up to your waist, as you wrapped your arms around Jareths neck.
Pressing your clothes core against, his bulging, your core soaking through, jumping up, so that both of your legs were now wrapped tightly against Jareth. Your lips on his, his hands travelling up your legs slowly, all the way to your waist again, wet kisses as your hips began to rock against Jareths stone member. Your stomach turning into knots against him.
Your clit pulsating against him, undoubtedly he could feel it too, your speed quickly increase, pushed Jareth over the edge with a loud groan, you were pressed against the stone floor. Still, you grinned harshly against him, his hands now either side of your head, his only your upper back against the floor.
Looking into his hungry eyes, pleading for him to do something, stopping your hip movements . “J-Jareth, a-are you sure we should do this here? W-with these people?” Jareth had only smirked at you lowering himself to your ear level. “Love, you’ve got nothing to be ashamed about, plus they can only see when I want them too, understand?” Whispering into your ear, that must be why they didn’t even look your way.
“Now, I must ask, do you want this? Definitely?” His face not inches from yours, his eyes searched yours. “Yes, please.” With that Jareth had unwrapped your legs from him, tearing the bottom of the dress, he was a very skinny man, it was a shame ‘twas a lovely dress. Only your underwear covered you bottom half now, your heels now discarded.
Snapping your legs closed in embarrassment, Jareth had lifted your leg by your calf pressed gently pecks all the way up, till he got your thigh, his eyes meeting yours as you sat up on your elbows, you had nodded at him, anyone would’ve been nervous, especially a virgin.
His lips now reattached to your soft skin on your thigh, gently he had pulled your legs apart , your heat had already been dripping from just kissing, but now it was a river. A snap of his fingers and your underwear were gone.
Jareths face now dangerously close, your whole lower parts on show to him, he had grinned up at you, his hot breath on your most sensitive area, sent chills through your core... literally. Jareth had groaned just feeling your thighs shake in his hands, his erection now painfully restricted.
With that he had slid his tongue up your folds one, letting out a gasp, you hadn’t been touched like this ever. He had brought a single figure to plunge into you, swirling it around you for only a second, his other hand now holding your stomach down, from your squirming underneath him. Removing the finger, his eyes locked onto your as he slipped it into his mouth, sucking on it, before pulling his finger out of his mouth with a pop.
His face satisfied with you, whimpering , he had barely touched you, yet you were pooling already, orgasm almost there, “please...” Parting your folds, he had slowly removed eye contact, his tongue now licking you like an icecream cone, your nerves on overdrive, he had plunged his tongue into you, his hand back on your thighs, squeezing as he swirled around in you. Your legs clenching on his head, grinding into his face.
“Jareth!” Considering you were quite shy, with men anyways, the moan of his name, caused Jareth to tighten his grip, tongue from your opening, he rolled your clit gently between his teeth, you hand cried out, your legs thrown over his shoulders, you could feel your orgasm coming. Pulling tightly at his long hair for more, a loud growl had erupted from his mouth, travelling through you, your stomach tightening.
So close to satisfaction, “J-Jareth..” His tongue had attached back onto your clit, bringing his fingers close to you, one of your legs still on his shoulder, the other leg, he had placed against the stone floor, spreading your legs widely, so that he could insert his finger into you. Your back now curved from the floor, adding two more fingers into your wet opening.
Sweat upon your face, like drops of rain water, allowing you a moment to adjust, Jareth had began to his fingers into you, his mouth detached, faster, and faster by the second. Spreading his fingers in you, you couldn’t hang on any longer. Your legs now shaking like hurricane, Jareth knew you was close, your head thrown back, as you finally met your orgasm.
Removing his fingers, as the please hit you like wrecking ball, throughout our lower half, you had let out a loud moan of pleasure. Your hips finally buckled , riding your orgasm in Jareths face. Panting heavily, Jareth had looking up , wiping the remaining of your juices on his palm.
“J-Jareth?” He now laid next to you, how was he still fully clothed? He had hummed in response. “C-can we just start with that for now,” You were worried, that he’d get angry, but instead he had just looked at you with a gently smile. “Of course, love.” Then you noticed, his painfully erected member, bringing your hand to his bulge rubbing him again, groaning in surprise.
“I-I’ve never done anything like this.” Jareth only nodded, as you stroked him through his pants, he wasn’t going to take your virginity not like this. He was a good man- fae sorry, he took all those children from people that didn’t want them. Shouldn’t be thinking about this right now.
Slipping you hand into Jareths pants, you stroked him harshly, rubbing the his tip gently with your thumb when you reached it, before repeating the cycle. Jareths lips upon yours , you could still taste yourself on him. Quickening your pace, soon enough his he had bitten down roughly onto your lip, as he came.
Yet again, you were both laying on the floor, laying your shoulders on his arm, that wrapped around you laying in his chest.
“Can I have my dog back? I mean- if you let me go back, you could come too, o-only if you want to anyways?” You had stuttered out your words , causing Jareth to laugh at you, he had a feeling you still remembered.
“Of course.”
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tricksters-captain · 3 years
Helmut Zemo imagines - Hostage Part 1
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AN: I came up with this idea for a series in the shower and I hope you guys are as intrigued by it as I am. Also I’m aware it’s posted later than I said but I’m a perfectionist and couldn’t post it until I was happy with it!! To make up for it, I have some Laszlo Kreizler smut coming up soon for you Alienist fans. 
Summary: You were chosen as one of Karli’s elite. You became a super soldier to help your cause, make the world a better place but taking the serum came with a price. After being cornered one day, you’re taken by the famous Helmut Zemo to give him answers or face the consequences. 
In This Chapter: Introductions. You are sent on a mission for Karli, only for it to turn bad. 
Pairing(s): Zemo x Fem!Reader, Karli Morganthau x Platonic!Reader
Word Count: 2,703
Warnings: Spoilers for TFATWS, violence, strong language 
You stared back at the burning building as the truck pulled away. 
Despite the rumbling of the thick tires on the tarmac beneath you, you could hear the screaming. 
“Hey.” DeeDee placed a hand on your shoulder and tugged you round. “Don’t look.” 
You could see in her eyes that she was just as shocked as you were but was trying to hide it.
The task had been to remove as many supplies as possible from the GRC depot to take back to the camps in Riga. There had been no mention of bombing the place. 
Lennox’s eyes met yours in the rear-view mirror. You were all thinking the same thing. 
Why would Karli go through with something that hadn’t even been discussed?
“Turn here. It’s faster.” DeeDee leant forward pointing towards a more narrow alley as fire engine sirens echoed up ahead. 
Lennox did as suggested and the others followed close behind. 
It wasn’t a long drive from Vilnius to Riga but you all stopped when daylight broke to take some time to eat something. 
You sat down beside Diego, your eyes flickering to Karli every few minutes as she dished out supplies for you all. 
She noticed. 
“(Y/n).” Karli remained standing as she handed out the last can to Dovich. 
You took the hint and rose to your feet. 
You followed her to the side of the abandoned structure as the others tried to tune the radio. 
“What’s the problem?” Karli asked you, a hard expression across her features.
“What’s the problem?” You couldn’t help but scoff at the question. “Karli, you blew up a building with people still tied up inside.” 
“I did what I had to do. It’s the only language these people understand. You saw just how much food, water and medicine they were sitting on. If we had a fraction of that just a few months ago Mama Donya might still be alive.” You could see the tears Karli was trying to suppress as she spoke of Mama Donya.
“You still should’ve consulted us before you went ahead with it. We’re better than an eye for an eye and you know that.” You cautiously took her hand into yours to try and comfort her. “We’re trying to make a difference here.”
“And that is how we do it.” She dropped your hand as she defended her actions. You shook your head but didn’t retaliate. You knew there was no use in arguing with her in that moment. 
“There’s something I need you to do after Mama Donya’s funeral today.” Karli was quick to change the topic. “A mission for you and DeeDee.” 
“What is it?” You asked, folding your arms across your chest. 
“I need you to go to these coordinates immediately after the funeral. One of our allies will be expecting you both. He has information and something I need. It’ll be a parcel, small enough to conceal so you can make your way back to us without any suspicion.” Karli texted over the coordinates and the information on the contact. 
“How can you be sure it’s safe?” You asked as you studied his profile. 
“I wouldn’t send you if it wasn’t.” Karli paused before she wrapped her hand around the back of your neck and brought your forehead to hers. “We have to stick together now more than ever.” 
You closed your eyes and exhaled a shaky breath. 
“One world.” You muttered. 
“One people.”Karli pulled away just as Dovich called over to you both. 
They had managed to get the radio to work. 
You sat down and opened a can of fruit slices to try and quench your hunger. 
“The depot that was bombed was funded and run by the GRC, the Global Repatriation Council. One of the workers killed was the father of two and had only been on the job for one week. After condemning this latest action by the radical group known as the Flag Smashers, the GRC formally began drafting legislation known as The Patch Act, which would seek to restore traditional border regulations and fast-track the return to normalcy. The act of violence has also brought attention and followers to the Flag Smasher cause. No one can deny the world-wide reach of this group is growing, as is the danger.”
You shared a look with Gigi and Dovich as you listened to the broadcast. Your stomach churned at the mention of the father. You swallowed hard as you placed your food down. 
Karli parted from the group again, feeling the pressure of the eyes on her, but you chose not to follow. 
You had known Karli for 3 years. You met in Riga and became close quickly. You both had lost everything and then you had each other. When she took off to Madripoor, you followed. She always knew how to get people to see things her way, she had a spark inside of her that drew in those who wanted to fight for something; she was powerful for 19. She only grew more powerful with the serums. 
You had backed her and supported her from the start but something was twisting. Something was going sour. You had never killed innocents before but in Karli’s eyes; was anyone on the side of the GRC innocent?
“Finish up. We need to get to the border in time to meet our contact.” Karli strode past the group and didn’t stop until she climbed into one of the cars. 
You cleaned up after yourselves, leaving no trace that you were there, before you got back on the road. 
You were back in Riga soon enough, your contact at the border let you through without any issues and you made it to the checkpoint with all the supplies safely. 
Fortunately, you still had time to spare before Donya’s funeral. 
You remained hidden, on the low, whilst Karli went with Nico to pick up the leftover serums. 
You had previously spoken about creating more super soldiers. You had been against it. There were more than enough of you for the moment and the process of turning into one was beyond any pain you’d ever felt. You didn’t think more people needed to go through that. However, the vote passed and more were to be created. 
“You ready?” Karli asked you as she returned. You nodded. 
You headed to the secret location of Mama Donya’s funeral and fell into the crowd as the body came into sight. Mama Donya had been important to Karli and therefore important to you. She had been a kind woman. Kind to you. But Karli had a bond with her that you didn’t. This was Karli’s time to heal, to grieve, to help those who also relied on Donya. 
You watched Karli step up to say a few words. 
“I don’t remember my mother or my father. Same goes for siblings, grandparents, cousins. What I do remember is being alone. Worse than being hungry or cold or scared. I was alone. Until Mama Donya. Like a lot of you here, Mama Donya saved me. She clothed me, fed me, loved me.” You followed Karli’s eye line when she gasped softly. 
It was Sam Wilson. Avenger. 
You felt your blood go cold. Usually where there was one avenger, there were sure to be more. 
“She taught me that we have to do for each other because they won’t. And we know who they are. They imposed struggle and hardship on us, then labeled us as criminals for pushing back. But the struggle is what brings us all together. People who have nothin’ in common. For we are, after all, simply one world and one people. So live accordingly.”
As you stepped forward and placed your bouquet of flowers down beside Donya, Karli clasped hold on your wrist. 
“Go now.” She whispered under her breath. 
“What about you?” You asked. 
“I’ll be fine. Get to the contact.” Karli tried to assure you but you weren’t certain on leaving her. Dovich guided you away to stop you from arguing with Karli about it. He told you that he was going to stay behind to help Karli and that you had a more important job to do right now. 
You had to give in and leave. 
As you made your exit, you grabbed DeeDee and the keys to the motorbike outside. 
“We gotta make a detour. Make sure we aren’t being followed.” You announced as you climbed onto the motorbike. 
“Karli said our guy would wait for us so it’s better to be safe than sorry. We can’t mess this up.” DeeDee agreed with you as she placed herself behind you. 
You took off down the street and did your best to lose any tails. 
You ended up ditching the bike and moving underground once you were sure you were alone. 
You were either really lucky or they had only brought enough backup to deal with Karli. 
“We should be close.” You checked your phone to read the GPS before placing on your mask. 
DeeDee held the flashlight up as you worked your way through the empty tunnel. 
“You’d think Karli could organise a rendezvous point somewhere a little less musty.” DeeDee grimaced as a trio of rats scattered past you both. 
“This is the safest way. We may have gained a lot of supporters above ground but we have a lot of enemies too.” You tried to defend Karli’s choice but even you had to admit that the sewers were a low point for you all. 
“You think she got away okay?” DeeDee asked, the concern obvious in her voice despite her blank expression. 
“I think Karli’s smart and she wouldn’t stick around if she knew she couldn’t win.” You may have been anxious for her but you rarely had doubts with Karli. Even without the serum she always managed to slip through the cracks. 
As you continued to make your way through the tunnels, you spotted a silhouette up ahead. 
You narrowed your eyes as DeeDee shone her light on him. 
Fortautely, it was your contact.
“Greetings.” The man smiled widely at you both. He wore a bright head torch that stopped you from looking him in the eye and a large forest green coat. 
“We’re here to collect the parcel and information for Karli.” DeeDee informed him, shading her eyes from his light as she tried to lift her gaze. 
“Yes. Yes. I know.” The short man pulled out a small object wrapped in brown paper from under his coat. “Karli said you would be coming.” 
As the man spoke, you heard something splash in the water behind you. 
“What was that?” You asked, looking back to see if you could spot anything. 
“It was probably just one of the rats.” DeeDee tried to assure you but the hairs on the back of your neck began to stand up. 
You had a bad feeling about it. 
“I’m going to check it out.” You whispered to her. “Better safe than sorry.” You repeated what she had said earlier. 
“Be careful.” DeeDee handed you her flashlight before letting you go. 
You crept back round the corner from whence you had came. You remained close to the wall to avoid any oncoming intruders head on. Peering down into the water, you saw that it had been in fact just a rat that was now paddling through the sewage. 
“It's okay.” You relaxed, shouting ahead so they could hear you. “It was just a ra–––” You were cut short by a gloved hand covering your mouth. 
You sent your elbow backwards instinctively which threw your attacker into the wall. 
You spun around to see a figure dressed in a lavish coat with a purple mask covering his face. You furrowed your eyebrows at his appearance. You didn’t recognise him as an Avenger. 
He came towards you, sending a fist to the side of your head. You managed to block his attack, kicking him in the chest. 
You thought he’d be no match for you with your enhanced powers but he managed to put up a good fight. 
He wrestled with you against the wall as he gained the advantage. You resorted in head butting him to get him off you. 
You sent your leg up into his side but he wrapped his arm around your calf and yanked you forward. You lost your balance as he grip moved, hooking under your knee. He squeezed your thigh against him as he pulled out a rather large syringe. 
“DEE! RUN!” You managed to howl before the needle sunk into your thigh. 
You tried to fight again as he dropped your leg but your vision became patchy and your balance began to sway. 
Not to your knowledge, he had injected as much tranquilliser into you as one would a tiger. Your enhanced abilities wouldn’t help you with that, you were soon out cold. 
The stars shone above you as you and Karli laid back on the bonnet of the car. 
“I genuinely believe that you could be the one to change things, Karl.” You said as you munched down on the chocolate bar she had gifted you. 
“What are you on about?” Karli furrowed her eyebrows through her smile as she turned her head to face you. 
“I mean look what you did for my birthday, just using your powers of persuasion.” You smirked.
“Persuasion isn’t enough to change things.” Karli disagreed. 
“You’re right but right now, people need someone to look up to. Half the world is gone and hope isn’t something that's easy to come by anymore.” You stated. 
“And you think that person could be me?” Karli scoffed at the idea. 
“I think you could do anything you wanted if you put your mind to it.” You broke off a piece of chocolate and handed it to her. 
“I think you’re spending too much time around Mama Donya.” Karli took the chocolate and popped it in her mouth. 
“We’ll see who’s right one day.” You mused with a small smile. Karli rolled her eyes before trying to steal another piece. “Hey! It’s my birthday present!” 
When your eyes finally opened, you realised you were no longer in the sewers. 
You were standing but your hands were up above your head, chained to the wall behind you and a large metal strip was around your neck also. You desperately tried to search your surroundings through your mask but the restraints stopped you from moving much. 
The room was dark, no windows, a few dim lights dotted around caused the room to seem almost a brown colour and there was little furniture. 
You would’ve been a fool if you didn’t noticed the gun on a small table off to the side as well as the medical equipment glistening on a tall metal cart. 
Your head throbbed and your mouth held the metallic taste of blood. You tugged at your wrist restraints to test their strength and to your luck they were holding. 
“You’re awake.” You heard a thick accented voice when you stopped rattling your chains. “Good.” 
The possessor of the voice, your kidnapper, stepped into light and you clocked who it was immediately. 
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It was Baron Helmut Zemo. 
Zemo could not see your face as he had left the mask on you but he could tell from your eyes that you knew who he was. 
“I bet you are wondering why you are here. Tied up in this basement.” Zemo started. “Let’s start with introductions, shall we?” 
You remained silent.
“My name is Helmut Zemo––”
“––I know who you are.” You retorted. 
“Then you know what I am capable of.” Zemo glared at you for the interruption. His hands finding his pockets as his eyes settled on your own. 
“I know you’re going to kill me.” You knew of what happened with the Avengers. You knew of Siberia and the destroyed soldiers. You knew of his hate. 
“I’m not going to kill you.” Zemo wagged his finger at you. “Not yet at least. No. We have a few things I’d like to discuss first.”
“Like what?” You scowled at the man. 
“Like the whereabouts of Karli Morgenthau.” 
@cathrin2405 @serenityfirefly97​ @shannon-posts​ @dxnxdjarxn​ @hiddlepiddlediddlewiddle​ @trelaney​  @sierrabaltzer​  @daydreamer-in-training​ @e-barba​ @ornella0910​ @natty13 @bry-97​ @cherieweasley​ @kermuddgen @madelyn-barnes @jaxcliffaconda​ @candicerace​ @mo320 @takacsgram @hiccup005 
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scintillasofbeomgyu · 4 years
-ˏˋ⋆ ̥ 𝗳𝗼𝘅'𝘀 𝗵𝗶𝗿𝗮𝗲𝘁𝗵 – part one: the beginning (cyj)
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pairing: choi yeonjun x fem!reader x kang taehyun
genre(s): fantasy, period!fic, nine-tailed fox!yeonjun, crown prince!taehyun, angst, fluff here and there
word count: 4,1k
the spirit who had been guarding the south side of the mountain, a nine-tailed fox, is requested by the crown prince of Joseon to make an appearance before his betrothed. though reluctant at first, he agrees on condition that their meeting is fleeting and under the guise of a mask.
an: this was inspired by the kdrama ‘tale of the nine-tailed’, hence the similar elements. events may or may not be historically accurate. ++ i’m really anxious about how this fic will be taken, but i’ve put too much effort in to let it sit in my drafts ksks. might post the part 2 if you want! let me know what you think!
(finally posting this as a gift for the immense support i’ve been receiving! thank you! ❤️ and low-key bc sumi has been thinkin about kitsune yeonjun)
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Sealed by the promise of two youths many moons ago, your betrothal to the crown prince of Joseon was something which was not unbeknownst to anyone in the country. Many young ladies, noble and common alike, coveted your fortune and would make desperate pleas to the gods to have half the luck you did. And perhaps anyone else would have boasted about how fate had favoured them, but you didn’t.
“(Y/n)? Are you listening?” his highness asked, raising an eyebrow as you continued to flip through the pages of a book you had picked up from his desk. You placed the book back where you found it and turned to look from the pavilion, out across the pond and above the canopy tops to the mountains in the distance.
What had intrigued you about the palace was not the status, nor the riches, nor the people who dwelt within it. After all, you preferred to be neck-deep in books of history and literature, poetry, and volumes which questioned which was myth and which was reality. Your father, though, was as open-minded as anyone else was about the education of women at the time – not at all. So you had resorted to killing two birds with one stone; appeasing your father by agreeing to meet with the prince meant getting your hands on books you wouldn’t be able to find anywhere else.
But today, you had an entirely different motive.
“Do you believe in mythical beings, your Highness?” you asked, turning to face the prince who stared back at you, wide-eyed.
The seemingly sudden question had him taken aback.
From the very first meeting, you had puzzled Taehyun. Like you, although he knew he had to do it some day, the topic of his marriage hadn’t interested him. Or rather, it was more important to him that the person he would one day wed had the same interests as he did – the good of the people and the flourishing of the country.
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t expect you to be as crazed about love and titles as the other noblewomen of Joseon were, at first. So he was pleasantly surprised when you had arrived at Gyeongbokgung, not batting an eyelash in his direction. But when he had attempted to open discussions about politics and solving the exorbitant taxes expected from the people, he’d find your nose buried in one of the books from the pile you sifted through by his desk.
Taehyun was already struggling to figure you out, and now you asked him this.
“I’m not sure what you mean,” he cocked his head to the side, folding his hands behind his back. “have you come across something thought-provoking?”
“It’s quite straightforward; a yes or no question.” you shrugged, smirking as your eyes caught the not-so-discreet glances his personal guard and the eunuch had given one another.
Ultimately, to have relations with the throne was not all sunshine and roses. For your own protection, and to ensure you were not used as leverage against the king, your father had sent you very far from home – to Southern Jeolla. And it was upon your arrival back in Hanyang, after many years away, that you had come to hear the rumours which had surrounded the royal family.
A gumiho. A nine-tailed fox. The spirit which protected the forest. A being which could not be trusted. The one to whom the country owed it’s prosperity. The one at whose hands the country could fall into havoc.
You knew better than to believe the words of storytellers and self-proclaimed chroniclers. It was the fact that they had all said the same thing which had perturbed you. It left this unsettling feeling, which just wouldn’t fade away. So you read book after book, folklores and retellings, each and every documented account of those who had insisted they had seen the man with ‘eyes which glowed like hot embers even in the light of day’. It nearly drove you insane.
That was, until just this morning, when you had overheard the court ladies chattering away in hushed tones about how so-and-so had come to see the prince again, how much so-and-so frightened them, and how they wondered for how much longer the king would leave the future of the kingdom in the hands of such a wild-card.
You turned to look out beyond the trees again, a sudden gush of wind rattling their branches and sending their leaves sailing through the air. “Let me meet him. This... friend of yours, your Highness.”
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Taehyun nodded, taking a leaf from the shrub in front of him between his fingers, “I thought you’d say that.”
Yeonjun huffed, taking a bite out of one of the freshly picked apples the prince had brought along with him on his visit (as some sort of incentive, he supposed). The scowl he had adorned etched deeper into his face as Taehyun’s proposition crossed his mind a second time. He should have left the boy to the wandering spirits all those years ago, is what he thought. The fact that Yeonjun had allowed him to follow him around and meet with him must have made him cocky.
In the beginning, he trusted them. Yeonjun had spent thousands of years cultivating the forest and protecting those which lived beneath it’s canopy. He had taken an oath to never allow any harm to come to it, and as a sort of by-product, had taken up an arrangement with the king to hand over to him any miscreants who chanced into his territory. And for hundreds of years, this agreement was honored. King after king had revered the spirit who protected the people, throwing grand festivals in his honor.
Until humans did what they always do. They became consumed by greed and corrupted by power. They feared that the existence of a powerful being, and the esteem in which the people held it, threatened the very authority of the throne.
On a night which felt like yesterday to Yeonjun, the then king had convinced him to appear before the people, reasoning that he deserved to be celebrated and loved; not lurking in the depths of a forest where he wondered alone. His yearning for family provoked, he had left, only to return to enormous crackling fires which devoured everything in their path.
Now he was being asked to entertain the likes of one of them again? An insolent, entitled woman who was probably the daughter of some power-hungry government official nonetheless? He wouldn’t allow himself to be made a fool out of again.
“I’m aware you cannot leave the forest unguarded for long periods of time, especially at night,” Taehyun said, brushing the bits of earth from his hand onto his silk garment. “which is why I want to bring her here.”
The half-eaten apple hit the forest floor with a thud.
“What did you just say?” the same incredulity written on Yeonjun’s face, embedded into his voice.
Taehyun grinned sheepishly, “Hyung, can’t you do me this one favour?”
Quickly taking a seat beside him, the crown prince of the Joseon dynasty grabbed onto the sleeve of Yeonjun’s black robe and tugged at it. Yeonjun sucked a sharp breath of air through his teeth and slapped his hands away. The memory of a scared little boy in disheveled clothes, sobbing as snot ran down onto his lips crossed Yeonjun’s mind. He bit back the grin which fought to pull at his lips.
“I thought you weren’t interested in love? Why all the effort then?”
Taehyun dropped his hands from where they had been grappling at Yeonjun’s robe and stood up, clearing his throat before folding his hands behind his back again. Yeonjun smirked. “It’s not by choice, the woman in question is frightening. Only the gods would know the lengths she would have gone to had I refused her.”
Many minutes of back and forth bickering had passed before Taehyun managed to convince Yeonjun to appear before you. This reluctant agreement came with conditions, however. Leaving the mountain for even a moment during nightfall was out of the question, but that didn’t mean that he was okay with some suspicious woman wandering into his home. So, they had settled on the foot of the mountain closest to the north side. Yeonjun had also made sure to point out that although he had agreed to let you see him, he never agreed to introductions.
“You never struck me as the type to attend parties in the evening, your Highness,” you hollered from your palanquin which lagged behind his. When no reply came, you seethed, biting back the urge to punch a hole through the expensive wooden barrier in front of you. He had suddenly appeared at your father’s estate just as the sun had dipped beyond the horizon, not bothering to give an explanation before your father had the guards stuff you into the tiny varnished vehicle. “You haven’t yet answered me, your Majesty. The question from earlier.”
You cried out in pain when the palanquin was suddenly set down, tossing you up in the air like a shuttlecock. Hand still pressing down on your head from where it had hit the roof of the palanquin, you glared at Taehyun’s outstretched hand when the door folded open. You violently slapped the hand away and pulled back your skirt, nearly kicking his shins as you climbed out. Accidentally, of course.
Your behaviour amused Taehyun, a smirk finding its way to his lips. He whispered something to Soobin, his personal guard, who had given him a distressed look in return. He sighed as Taehyun placed a hand on his shoulder, giving a quick nod before returning to the entourage. You raised an eyebrow when Taehyun offered you a smile, gesturing his hand to the left of where the road forked into two.
The evening air was brisk; the various flora emitting a plethora of unique smells which blended together as they crawled into your nose. Leaves rustled as the forest creatures scurried across the floor; the occasional flapping of wings and hoots of the wide-eyed, mice-eating predators filling the otherwise eerie silence. The pale moon, which shone like a great halo in the sky, casted it’s light through the trees, creating beautiful natural skylights and mysterious shadows. The breeze was ever-so gentle, seemingly caressing your cheeks as you followed Taehyun down the path filled with earthy soil.
“You’re going to kill me aren’t you?” He chuckled at the question you had posed. He took a firm hold of your hand as he helped you cross the stream you had encountered, squeezing it a little tighter as your shoe glided off some algae, smiling when he heard the under-the-breath cuss.
When you had both safely crossed over into the field of long grass on the other side of the bank, he caught his breath for a moment. “My men say there came a troupe from Jeonju in Northern Jeolla a few days back,” Taehyun started, motioning for you to follow behind him as he stalked through the vegetation.
You groaned. Just how much torture was he planning to put you through? Did he find out you had ‘borrowed’ some of the books from his shelf?
After another few dreadful minutes of walking, an enormous tree came into your sights. It’s trunk looked as if it could house a small population, and it’s branches spread far across the open space; a meadow. Taehyun smiled in satisfaction and wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead, before placing his hands on his hips. Was this what he wanted to show you? You were far too tired, and your feet hurt way too much to enjoy the sentiment.
“Right, as I was saying,” The prince continued. You took a seat on the soft blades of grass and began pulling the shoes off your aching feet. “Despite journeying across the country to perform in gisaeng houses, I’m told the productions of this troupe were rather enthralling – ”
The sound of your snorting earned a glare from the prince. You shook your hand, “I find myself in constant surprise this evening, your Highness,” you laughed. “Hearing the term‘gisaeng’ from your mouth would send chills down anyone’s spine.”
The distant strumming of a zither whispered in your ears and your body froze. Slowly, the field, which had been lit only by the silvery hues offered by the moon, glowed in shades of green and yellow as fireflies hovered in the air. Then the zither stopped. Your neck snapped in the direction of scuffling feet by the tree trunk. Figures dressed in black placed paper lanterns varying in size at the base of the trunk, before scaling up to the branches.
A gasp slipped from your lips when the zither had suddenly started playing again; much louder this time. Ribbons dropped from different branches around the tree, carrying men and women who spun as they unravelled. Sporting white masks in the form of a fox, they danced around the tree, twirling and swinging back, dipping low before soaring through the air with such delicacy it gave you goosebumps.
“This performance is called the Fox’s Hiraeth,” Taehyun whispered, eyes fixated on the scene before of him, “you asked the other day did you not? About gumihos in Hanyang.”
His Highness’ attempt to throw you off was painfully obvious in that moment, and it did not go unnoticed. But just before you could make the remark that you had been carefully curating for exactly this situation, the zither had come to a stop once again. Leaves rustled above you and you lifted your head into a pair of the prettiest eyes you had ever seen.
They were a shade of light brown; little flecks of green and amber peeking from in-between when light passed through them. Bewilderment swam in those sparkling orbs behind the mask, it’s wearer holding his breath, not looking away for even a moment. The feeling in your chest drew a smile onto your lips, so big, it pushed up the corners of your eyes.
He pulled back suddenly, and a strong gust of wind blew right through you, making you squeeze your eyes shut. The wind seemed to blow harder and harder – Taehyun had to press his hands onto your shoulders to prevent you from being gone with it. When it had died down and you opened your eyes again, you shot up, shoving his hands away.
The lights had gone out and the fireflies were nowhere to be seen. The lanterns and the troupe too had vanished into thin air; leaving not a trace. But that was not what was distressing you.
Hands clenching fists into your satin skirt, your eyes searched desperately, “where did he go?”
“Who?” Taehyun questioned, tightening the black cloth strings of his gat. He blinked, feigning innocence so professionally, it antagonised you. “The performance is over; we should leave.”
Pulling your lips between your teeth, the agonizing feeling of having lost something important tearing at your chest, you made a decision. You were positive that Taehyun knew exactly what was going on, but you weren’t about to waste any more time trying to force an answer out of the tight-lipped prince.
Where the meadow under the peculiar tree ended, the forest started again, and spread all across the mountain. You could have been mistaken, and that man may have just been another one of the performers. But it was the forest. It felt as if it was calling out to you; screaming. Every one of your limbs ached to dash into its depths.
Taehyun cleared his throat and turned away instantaneously when he noticed you hurriedly tearing off your blouse. You tossed the garment carrying the golden emblem to the ground, and slipped your shoes back on, ignoring Taehyun’s voice which bombarded you with questions.
He grabbed onto your hand before you left and you stopped, peering down at where your bodies were joined. “It’s dangerous.” he said; his voice as firm as his grip, yet eyes pleading with you like those of a child.
Despite your fathers’ lasting friendship, you had never met Taehyun until a few days ago. And if you did, you couldn’t recall. The confounded stares he had thrown at you upon your arrival had amused you; they were not contrary to that of the other noblemen and their sons whom your father had introduced you to. You didn’t act like the prince’s woman – they had probably expected someone who they could easily manipulate and bribe to their liking – but you were very much the opposite.
It was his behaviour in the days that followed which had taken you by surprise. He’d have books stacked up all around his desk which varied in genre, and were organised by author and publication date, whenever you visited. He seldom spoke and never forced conversation with you, but he’d call for tea and sweets then leave them at a certain place on the tabletop untouched. You’d catch his eyes glancing up at you every once in a while in your peripheral vision, and a smile would find itself to your lips.
He cared for you and you had grown to care for him as well. But you knew that if you left with him right now, your insatiable curiosity would only grow and you’d just end up returning here anyway.
Placing your hands over his, eyes asking him to forgive you, you slipped out of his grasp.
“I’ll be okay.”
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Yeonjun paced up and down the cliff once more. He glanced over his shoulder at the mask resting against a boulder behind him, then slapped his hands onto his face and lamented. He couldn’t figure out what had gone wrong. Everything was happening exactly as he had planned – the dokkaebi had put on their show, relishing in the fact that they were pranking humans; the trees, the breeze and the critters had agreed to set the mood for what he had intended to be your heart being won over by the Taehyun.
He peeked through the spaces in his fingers at the wooden guise, and proceeded toward it. He knelt down and picked it up, eyes fixating on the slots where they were housed previously. He was certain he had prepared for everything, but that all changed when his eyes met with yours.
They stared back at him in surprise, but that surprise slowly transitioned into a warmth which enveloped him; the light of the lanterns which reflected from them, inviting him closer. They scared him, too. Under the mask he had given himself the appearance of one of the lumberers who frequented the forest, but your eyes seemed to stare right through him. They reached into his depths, baring him before you.
Yeonjun glared, irritated with how foolish he had been. He should have trusted his instinct and refused Taehyun no matter how much he insisted. It was absurd that after all these centuries he still let himself fall prey to the ludicrous fantasy he would ever be able to live and feel as they do – he knew that was the real reason he had gone along with this preposterous idea.
His grip on the mask tightened before he hurled it into the bushes. Your voice exclaimed an ‘Ow!’, making him topple over in surprise. The golden rays of sun spilled over the summit just as you stepped out from the flora, bathing you in it’s warmth and highlighting your features as it chased away the night. You rubbed your head profusely where the mask had hit you, pausing when you noticed Yeonjun’s figure on the floor.
Hands on your hips, smiling in triumph, you blew the stray strands of hair from your face. “Found you.”
He had never in his life met such a vivacious woman. Your hair looked like a bird’s nest; tiny twigs and leaves buried within the now tousled black locks. There were tears in your hanbok. Stains of dirt, grass and mud soiled the skirt. Alas, you still had a stupid smile plastered across your mucky face. He caught himself before he started grinning like an idiot too, shuffling amongst the earth before rising with his back turned towards you. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. Was he looking down on your intellect?
“You’re not very clever for an ancient spirit,” you remarked, tossing the mask at his feet. His frame froze, making you scoff.
The hair cascading down his back was a pale shade pink which shimmered under the light. It contrasted the pitch black robes he adorned, which were embroidered with silver. When he turned around to give you a look of wry amusement, you noticed the bangs which framed his face were more washed out in colour compared to the rest of his head. His slanted eyes were mono-lidded, and they glistened as beautifully as the night before. His lips were plump; it’s colour reminded you of the strawberry tanghulu you had seen in the market.
He stepped closer to you, smirking at the way you were entranced by his beauty, until his face stood only inches away from yours. You cast your eyes away from him, gulping as you took a step back. His eyebrows furrowed when you cringed, staggering before you fell to the ground.
“Are you alright?” he fretted, the role of the charismatic flirt quickly abandoning him as he helped you to your feet. He wrapped his arms around your waist, lifting you into his arms, and carried you to a place where you could sit comfortably. You gripped only his garments tightly, eyes still refusing to meet with his; the scent of flowers lingering on your clothes as he set you down. “His Majesty did not accompany you?”
He knelt down beside you and pulled off your shoes. Blood had soaked into your socks from all the hiking you had done the night before – the back of your shoes had cut deep into your heels; climbing over boulders and through thick vegetation had made the soles of your feet sensitive and prone to cuts and scratches. He pulled his lip between his teeth, eyes shooting daggers into yours.
He poured some of the alcohol he had been storing over your wounds, and massaged in the compound he made of medicinal herbs he had momentarily disappeared to go and find. He tore pieces of his robe to bind them when he was finished, then folded his arms over his chest. “I’m taking you back to the palace.”
You jolted up from where you were seated; Yeonjun pushed your shoulders back down. “None of my questions have been answered, I’m not leaving until they are.”
“Don’t you have a prince to marry?” he contended, tapping a finger on his chin, “they’re not going to be impressed when you return looking like this.”
“What’s your name? Are you really a nine-tailed fox? How old are you? Do you eat human livers? If so, why? Is it true that you are only able to receive titles like the ‘Spirit of the Mountain’ when you don’t feed human on livers? Are you actually a woman? Do you really want the best for this country? Do you wish to bring it to ruin for your own pleasure? Is it true that – ”
He took a step closer to you, and lifted your chin with his finger, closing your mouth. You held your breath as his eyes flickered to your lips, and he smirked noticing the blush spread across your face. He reached behind you and pulled the jade pin from your hair, the tresses falling gently down your back. Bringing the hairpin before you, and his lips to your ear, he whispered, “I dare not rob the future king of his woman, my lady. You should return home for your own safety.”
His hand travelled down the length of your arm, trailing goosebumps and setting fire to your skin. He placed the pin into your hand and lifted it, brushing his lips across your knuckles. His eyes locked with yours and you gasped as they glowed like a setting sun.
A horse whinnied as it strode into the area, making you tear your eyes away from Yeonjun’s. Taehyun slid off it’s back, rushing to your side. He grabbed onto your shoulders brows furrowing as he examined you from top to bottom. “Are you alright, (Y/n)?”
You nodded absent-mindedly, searching for where he had gone. Taehyun led you to his horse, and lifted you onto the saddle, sighing as he found you still trying to see past the trees and their leaves. You squeezed onto your chest as you rode away, an inexplicable feeling overtaking you. You had to see him again. Not out of curiosity. No, you – you just had too.
Yeonjun held onto the trunk of the pine tree and swung his body around from the backside. Watching you ride off into the distance, eyes still set on finding him, he sighed, twirling the ring he had slipped off your finger around his.
“(Y/n), huh?” he muttered under his breath, exhilarated by the way it rolled off his tongue.
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Foolishly, Completely Falling
Summary: Spencer declines to spend the night with Luke, but there's a reason for that, and things start to click into place when Spencer shows back up at his doorstep at 2am, hours after being dropped home.
Tags: hurt/comfort, fluff, angst, past toxic relationship, nightmares, est/dev relationship
Pairing: Luke x Spencer
Word count: 2.5k
Read on AO3
When Luke asks Spencer if he wants to stay the night for the first time, he isn’t as quick to agree like Luke expects. The TV is playing a game show on low volume and they’re lying comfortably together on the sofa, quietly enjoying one another’s company after a busy day. They’d had a lovely evening out at the Mexican restaurant Luke had managed to convince Spencer to try before a cuddle and far too much making out on the sofa, so he’s feeling pretty good when he whispers the question into his boyfriend’s ear. Instead of the excited agreement he expects, though -- after all, the first night in the same bed with a new partner is always exhilarating -- Spencer freezes. 
“Hey,” Luke says, tone quickly sobering up. He shifts a little to get a better look at his boyfriend’s face, worried he’d said the wrong thing. “You don’t have to if you don’t want to, baby. We can just cuddle a little longer and then I’ll drive you home, yeah? Whatever you want.”
The kind voice he uses seems to slowly shake Spencer out of his frozen trance, gradually pulling himself up from the quicksand of his thoughts to respond to Luke. “No, I want to,” he explains slowly, thankful Luke is so patient when he tries to articulate complicated feelings. “There’s just… it’s because-- I don’t know how to tell you.” He sighs in defeat as he fails to tell his boyfriend how he feels, slumping down a little as he relaxes his previously stiffened muscles, collapsing into the warmth and safety of Luke’s chest. 
“You don’t have to justify it, Spencer,” Luke says earnestly, running his hands up and down Spencer’s arms gently as his face contorts with worry, a small sense of relief coming from the feeling of his boyfriend physically relaxing under his touch. He can’t help but feel a sinking pit of fear in his stomach that maybe he’s made a massive misstep, maybe Spencer isn’t as into this as he is, maybe there’s something really, really wrong.
Instead of voicing his concerns, though, he simply revels in the moment: Spencer’s head on his chest, his body flush against his own as their breathing syncs and they take in the last few moments of peace before the world switches back on and they have to part ways. 
If only he could stop his tumbling mind and enjoy it properly. 
Spencer seems mostly recovered from the awkward moment by the time they clamber into Luke’s car to drive him back home. He’s barely switched the engine on before Spencer is telling him about the technology of contactless keys and how they were invented, the dangers they present to society as well as the vulnerability they have to hacking before going on a tangent about a factory in Ireland that accidentally discovered a serious technological advancement. He’s chattering away happily in the passenger seat, and the tension Luke still holds in his shoulders dissipates as he listens to him ramble about things he cares about. 
It’s hard to focus on the road, really, when Spencer chooses to be so utterly adorable. He can’t keep his eyes off him when he’s passionately lecturing somebody about something everyone else finds insignificant or confusing and he finds endlessly fascinating. The team makes fun of him constantly for the way he stares at his boyfriend, and he’s not overly fond of the new nickname ‘moon eyes’ that he can’t seem to shake, but it won’t stop him from appreciating Spencer’s knowledge, making sure he knows Luke supports him no matter what. He knows that he gets shut down far too often, that people appreciate him for his intellect only when it’s valuable to him, and he’ll be damned if he ever makes him feel that way. 
He listens dutifully the whole drive back to Spencer’s apartment, managing to drive safely despite the distraction, and he can’t suppress the laugh at the surprised look colouring Spencer’s face once he sees they’ve arrived. He goes into a little bubble when he’s info-dumping, only coming out of it when there’s a significant change in his environment, but Luke can’t stop the fondness from spreading through his body as if it’s the first time he’s ever seen Spencer make that face. 
“We’re here,” Spencer observes, a slightly sheepish look spreading across his features. 
Luke absolutely cannot accept that so he leans across the console to press a deep and loving kiss to his lips, startling Spencer out of his embarrassment as he kisses back with just as much vigour. “You want me to walk you up?” Luke asks as he pulls away, bringing a hand to Spencer’s face to gently brush a few curls off his forehead.
“I’m good,” Spencer smiles, looking adoringly at Luke. If he was a more acrimonious man he’d be annoyed that everyone misses the matching looks Spencer sends his way, but there’s something special about them being just for him, like there’s a little bit of him he gets to keep just for himself. He’ll take that over Spencer getting teased even more any day. 
“Okay, baby.” He leans in to give him another kiss, quickly this time, before leaning up to peck his forehead, too. “You sleep well. If we’re not called in tomorrow I’ll swing by and we can do something together, how does that sound?”
“Perfect,” Spencer says softly. He puts his hand on top of Luke’s and caresses his knuckles gently, and for a second Luke is convinced he’s about to say something but he decides against it, settling on a soft smile before he’s clumsily climbing out of the car and walking towards the elevator into the building. 
The shy wave Spencer gives him just as the elevator doors close is enough to keep his heart warm through winter. 
Luke heads straight to bed as soon as he gets back home, switching off all the lights and getting ready in the bathroom before slipping between the sheets. It’s barely 11 but he’s exhausted from a busy day at work followed by the date he’d had with Spencer and he can feel the exhaustion tugging at his limbs. He’d hoped that he would be cuddled against a warm body tonight, and Spencer’s absence makes the bed feel so cold, even with Roxy warming his feet. 
Eventually, he manages to slip off to sleep, though, because he’s woken up not long after by Roxy leaping off the bed and whining at his bedroom door, startling him awake. “Roxy?” he asks, immediately on high alert. “What’s wrong, girl?” He sleepily pushes the covers off him, exposing himself to the frigid air of his apartment as he contemplates reaching for his gun when he hears it. There’s a tentative knock at the door, probably not the first, far too quiet to have woken him up if he hadn’t had Roxy. He jumps into action and pulls a t-shirt on as he walks to his front door, flicking on the lights as he goes, not wanting to trip over anything in the dark. 
It’s Spencer. He’s standing there looking nothing short of distraught as he wrings his hands nervously in front of him, that sheepish, embarrassed look Luke had been so desperate to kiss away earlier returned in full force. 
“I’m sorry,” he whispers, looking close to tears. “I just, I didn’t know where to go… usually I go to JJ’s but Henry and Michael are staying with Penelope tonight so she and Will could have a proper date night again and I didn’t want to interrupt but I didn’t want to be alone so I thought that maybe… maybe it would be okay if I came to see you, but I’m sorry if--”
“Hey,” Luke gently intercepts Spencer’s rambling with a careful hand on his waist and a step closer. “Why don’t you come in?”
It’s a bit of a shock to see his boyfriend on his doorstep only hours after he’d dropped him off, especially since he’s clearly in quite a state, a very different Spencer to the one who had kissed him deeply and waved him goodbye earlier in the evening, but Luke doesn’t want to do another thing until Spencer is happy again, feeling safe and comforted. He’s going to try damn hard to do that for him. 
“I’m sorry, Luke,” he apologises again, voice tight and anxious, eyes glassy as he follows him inside and hesitantly sits next to him on the sofa. “I should have asked before turning up here and I’m sure I woke you up. God, I’m such an idiot sometimes, I should just--”
“Spencer,” Luke says, voice a little louder to cut over Spencer’s panicked word vomit. “You are always welcome here. No matter what, okay? You don’t have to be afraid to come here, ever. I’m your boyfriend, I want to take care of you.”
“Really?” he asks, looking almost floored at Luke’s words.
“Really.” Luke promises, reaching over to gently wipe a spilled tear from Spencer’s cheekbone. “If I was upset, wouldn’t you feel the same way.”
Spencer’s eyes widen in understanding as he nods vigorously, causing Luke to smile fondly.
 “Now. What’s going on, baby? Did something happen?”
“Um,” Spencer hesitates, simultaneously not knowing how to properly voice his feelings and afraid of how Luke might react to them. Luckily, Luke knows how to be patient with Spencer, waiting quietly as he traces patterns on his forearm. “You know how earlier I said I did want to stay here but I couldn’t?”
Luke hums. “I do, yes.”
“Well, it’s because I was scared.”
Luke’s finger pauses for a short second in surprise before continuing its path, trying to convey his non-judgement. “What of, sweetheart?” he asks, praying that he wasn’t about to say him. 
“The last time I shared a bed with someone, he wasn’t nice to me,” Spencer confesses, looking into Luke’s eyes briefly, long enough only for Luke to pick up on the intense vulnerability swimming in his pupils. “I get… really bad nightmares. And my ex, the one I told you about, George?” He waits for Luke’s acknowledging nod before continuing. “He got… angry. I disturbed his sleep and he yelled a lot before breaking up with me.”
Luke nods slowly, finally understanding the situation. “And you were afraid that the same thing would happen with me?” he asks gently, not judging Spencer for his fear at all and hoping he can see that in his eyes. 
“Yeah,” he whispers, looking down at his twiddling fingers for a long moment before finally looking back at Luke, tears gathering in his eyes again. “I’m sorry, I should have trusted you.” 
“Oh, Spencer,” he soothes calmly, gathering him up into a hug and carding his fingers through Spencer’s curls in just the way he knows he likes. “You can’t control a fear like that. It’s a natural reaction to be afraid of repeating a previous experience, especially if that event was upsetting or traumatic.”
“I know,” he mutters miserably, face wedged close into Luke’s neck. “I’m still sorry.”
“It’s okay, baby,” he says. “Is that what made you come over tonight? You had a nightmare?” He feels Spencer nod and his heart breaks. His boyfriend has been silently suffering through these awful nightmares alone, all because some asshole had broken up with him for something he couldn’t control. “I’m sorry, Spence. Do you want to talk about it?”
Spencer shakes his head, as he pulls his face away from Luke’s neck. “I’ve tried that but it doesn’t work,” he frowns. “It just makes me relive it and the anxiety gets worse. It’s better if I just try and acknowledge them before moving past them.”
“Whatever works for you, baby,” Luke says. “Now, how about we get you changed into some pajamas again and you can come and stay with me tonight. I just want to be here for you, Spencer, comfort you if you have a nightmare, hold you even if you don’t. Nothing will happen if you do have one, alright? Except you being able to avoid travelling across town at 2am to seek some comfort, because I’ll be right next to you, cuddles at the ready.”
“You promise?” Spencer asks hopefully, finally seeming to relax a little. 
“I swear on my life,” Luke grins, before pressing a chaste kiss to Spencer’s lips and standing up. “Come on, let’s get ready for bed.” 
Spencer’s wearing a soft t-shirt already but Luke demands he change into one of his own, claiming he wants him to be as comfortable as possible, but they both know he just can’t get enough of Spencer in his own clothes. It feels like an extra layer of protection Luke can wrap around him, keep him safe and warm in his clothing, protect him from anything formidable, including his own mind. “It smells of you,” he smiles approvingly as soon as it’s settled over his shoulders, too loose for his smaller frame. 
“Well, baby, you’re gonna love cuddling with me in my bed then,” Luke winks. “I’m not sure anywhere else could possibly smell more like me.” He switches off the lights in the house and calls Roxy back to bed, before slipping underneath the duvet, which is much more pleasurable this time, Spencer curled up against his side as Luke wraps a comforting arm around his waist. 
He savours Spencer’s satisfied sigh as he curls up tighter, pressing as close to Luke as possible; his clingy nature is one of the things he loves most about him. There’s nothing Spencer likes more than climbing into Luke’s lap or laying across him on the sofa, holding his hand in public or pressing himself as close as possible until Luke gets the hint and wraps an arm around his waist. He loves being held, which works out well because Luke isn’t sure he likes anything more than holding him, drinking in the comfort that comes from the closeness, the inexplicable feeling that is being Spencer Reid’s boyfriend.  
“Thank you, Luke,” Spencer whispers, voice clearly showing how drained and tired he is, but he sounds relaxed and comfortable, and that’s what matters most.
“Anytime, baby,” he whispers back, smile playing over his lips as it always seems to do when he’s around Spencer. “You sleep now. You’re safe, I’ll be here.” 
“I know.” Spencer’s whisper is even quieter this time as his breaths even out and his muscles relax slightly, and Luke has never envied his boyfriend’s eidetic memory more. If he could bottle this exact moment -- Spencer slowly falling asleep on him, trusting him enough to stay no matter what happens, the warmth and comfort of the embrace -- he’d never stop playing it over, a personal paradise just for the two of them recorded in his mind forever. 
Just having this moment, though, having this memory all for himself, will do Luke just fine. 
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burnedbyshoto · 5 years
Kinktober Day 8 ~ kink: tentacles
pairing: dom!amajiki tamaki x fem!reader
warnings: smut, cursing
word count: 2,848
a/n: wow.........I actually really hate tentacle porn, it always disgusted me, but I would let one man fuck with me tentacles. yes you guessed correctly, shouto. just kidding its definitely tamaki, enjoy sluts!
You sometimes wondered how Amajiki Tamaki was such an unconfident man. His need for perfection was something that worried you, after all, in your eyes he was perfect. Your relationship with Tamaki had begun with major bumps in the road.
He had assumed in the beginning that you hated him. Your sweet words only a taunt in his mind, your affectionate smiles only a hidden snarl. It truly broke your heart when he finally admitted that to you. Tamaki was such a talented Pro-Hero that it often left you bewildered at his nervousness. You knew he would never get defeated in battle. But his often flashes of anxiety that filled his veins while he was in fights scared you.
You would watch via television while Tamaki went from confidence to crippling anxiety. Your hands always clutching your chest as you stare at your, at the time, best friend gets stomped on screen. However, without fail, Tamaki always pulled through. Of course, once you were finally done with work, you raced to his house. Waiting for the indigo haired boy to return home, bruised but victorious.
You could never resist throwing yourself into his arms, his voice squeaking your name. Heavy with embarrassment. You would always follow him in and help him with whatever he needed. You used to leave whenever Mirio and Nejire showed up. Given the three of them were best friends you always felt like you were intruding. It took a while but when Tamaki finally insisted along with the other two, you stayed.
You never expected to become friends with this very talented Pro-Heroes. Even now it made you smile whenever the four of you hung out. But things changed drastically between you and Tamaki. It all beginning after a fateful encounter with a merciless villain.
You remember watching from your office. Too many Pro-Heroes and sidekicks were getting tossed around like rag dolls. Your eyes widening as the onlooking camera crew focused in on Suneater running to the scene. They praised your best friend! Tamaki seemed unaffected by the villain's immense threat as he began to apprehend him.
It was a long fight.
It lasted an entire ten minutes, dramatic highs and lows. All to the point where you believed Tamaki had been killed. The panicked screams escaping your mouth as your coworkers held you. But with tears still streaming down your eyes, Tamaki rose. The costume is torn and in shreds, he ate something. Your shouts intermingled with the entire floors as you cheered him on. And within seconds, the villain was finally defeated. Tamaki standing over him, chest heaving as more Pro-Heroes arrived on the scene.
Tamaki shortly fainted afterward and was then rushed to the hospital.
He was released that same night, thankfully. You were in the waiting room for him to be discharged. Mirio and Nejire asked again if you were sure you were able to take him home. Your eyes were swollen and puffy due to the high amounts of sobbing you did. Your lips are chapped and brittle as you waved them away. “You guys have early rounds tomorrow,” Your voice weak and yet steely strong. “I can get him home. I’m fine now.”
“There’s nothing wrong with feeling scared, y/n-chan,” Nejire says, her voice serious as she held your cheeks in her hands.
It often made you speechless when Tamaki’s friends turned serious. They were all such dynamic people you forgot they could take things very seriously.
“I got this handled.” You affirm, your mouth pulling into a soft smile. They hugged you before leaving. The quiet hours of the late-night consuming you as you waited for Tamaki to be officially released.
You saw the battered hero exiting his room and into the hallway. Bandages surrounding his arms and a few gauges on his cheeks. He acknowledged you with a shy smile, his head slamming away from you as he talked to a nurse.
You stood up, collecting your things as you walked over to the Pro-Hero who talked with the nurse. She looks at you as you approach the counter, a tired smile on her face as she greets you.
“Hi, I’m assuming you’re here to take Amajiki-san back home?” She questions and your head nods in confirmation. “Okay, well please keep an eye on him. We were able to heal him mostly with our resident healing quirk. But he will be extremely groggy in the next few hours when it hits him.”
“O-Oh, of course. I’ll do my best to look after him.” You say with a bow, and a muffled sound comes from Tamaki as you grab his arm gently.
“Ready to go?” You ask, your eyes locked on his blushing cheeks.
He nods, and with that, you take him home.
It’s silent the entire car ride to his home.
Your eyes shifting over to his stiff form as you drive.
He had nothing to say to you, and you had nothing to say to him.
You had been scared out of your mind for him, but you couldn’t help the anger from filling your veins. The only question was why were you so angry?
Angry at him? No, that wouldn’t make sense. You worked hand in hand with Pro-Heroes, you knew what they did was because they wanted to be everyday heroes. So why were you mad at your best friend for scaring you like that?
Your hands tighten over the steering wheel as you pull into his driveway. Stepping out, you helped a stumbling Tamaki to his feet. Your eyes staring ahead as he leaned against your shoulder for support.
You often forget your friend was as strong and as big as he was. His weight crushing your shoulder. You attempted to maneuver him towards his front door.
“Y… Y/n…” Tamaki mumbles as you get to the front door.
“Yes?” You respond getting him to lean between the corner of the walls. All so that you can fish out his spare key from under his rock garden.
“Butterflies are my… my favorite things.” Tamaki tells you this, and you laugh as you shake your head. Your fingers finding the cool brass key and you stand up to see Tamaki looking at you with groggy eyes.
“I know that, Tamaki.” You remind him, “You told me that during our twenty questions drinking game.”
His face flushes red, and you sigh as he slams his head against the wall, his body shaking. “No… it’s not just that.” He admits and you quirk your eyebrow as you unlock the front door.
“Then what is it, Tamaki?”
“C-Can I call you butterfly?” He asks you, confidence seeping into his voice and you freeze as his front door opens.
“W-What?” You stutter, as the man stumbles in his stance, he looks so tired and yet so painfully in love with you.
“I… I like you a lot, y/n…” Tamaki whispers, and he takes a few steps towards you. His tired eyes burning as he presses his forehead against yours. Your chest is hammering as you feel his flushed skin against your own, his eyes closed as if this was a dream. His hands resting on your waist as you choke softly. “Today with that battle… I thought I was going to die, and I was going to die a coward. I couldn’t die knowing that I… that I never got to confess my feelings for you. I’ve always been a coward, my entire life… I know that! But as I lay there… as I lay there--” His eyes were full of tears and your hands grasp his face.
Your fingers brushing away his falling tears as you shake your head, “You aren’t a coward, Tamaki.” You say, the anger within you making sense now. You were in love with your best friend. “You weren’t going to die there, I wouldn’t have let that happened.”
A broken sob escapes his mouth as he shakes his head, furious. “I am a coward, y/n. I’m in l-love with you, and I never confessed until I thought I wasn’t coming back.”
“Even if y-you don’t like m-me back, can I p-please call you butterfly… you just make me so happy…”
His dark eyes search yours, and without a single word more, your lips press against his. Your soul overcoming his own as he cries against your mouth. You don’t care, and tears are coming down your own cheeks as you pull him in close. Your lips uttered to him everything you had never told him. Promising him a future he would never think of until now.
You were in love with your best friend, and you were going to live the rest of your life engraving that into his heart.
When the two of you showed up to the next hangout with your friends. Everyone was so overjoyed to see Tamaki turning beet red as you held his hand cheering in excitement.
Your love was pure, forgiving, wholesome.
Late-night dancing, lingering kisses in the morning, and an insane amount of food dates.
Tamaki surprised you in many areas. His initial anxiety and unconfident nature erasing in many areas. After five minutes of doing something, he tended to feel confident. Of course, the greatest surprise came in bed.
Humans had a natural ability to make things… sexual, to say the least. It took until your fifth month anniversary for you to ask Tamaki to bring his quirk into play. Your mouth brushing against his trembling torso as your hand grasped his cock. “I want to use your tentacles one day,” You sighed, and like that, Tamaki had come into your hands.
Of course, it took another month for Tamaki to not crumble when attempting your request, but once he did. It unlocked something new and exciting within Tamaki. Something that made you wish you had asked him to bring his quirk to bed earlier.
Tamaki bit down on the golden broken takoyaki, your tongue slipping out of your mouth to lick your lips.
“Are you sure you’re ready for this, butterfly?” Tamaki asks as he finishes his food. Your thighs rub together in anticipation as you laugh.
“I’ve never been more ready for anything.” You counter, a cunning grin on your face as his gentle face smiles.
You had no idea what was going on in his brain, but the confident smirks sent waves of pleasure down your spine. Your breaths turning into pants as you wanted him to climb on top of you. Last time around he had simply fingered you, but it seemed he had a new idea in mind.
Your eyebrows furrowed as Tamaki pulled up a chair, and sat down on by the foot of the bed.
“Tama-chan?” You ask confused, why was he sitting down.
A shriek leaves your lips as something grasps your wrists and ankles.
Your body is pulled against the mattress, and you gasp as you try looking. Sure enough, four pink tentacles are holding your limbs tightly to the bed. The suckers on the limbs making you groan in pleasure at the intense pressure it added to your arms. Pants leave your mouth at the sight of Tamaki smiling at you, pure of innocence.
“You’re quite beautiful when you’re spread out like this, butterfly.” Tamaki sighs as he leans against a single hand, a grin curling on his features. Your body trembled as another tentacle traces up your leg. The cool limb touching your inner thigh, and you struggle against his tentacles. Your body wanting nothing more than to cover up. “Now, now, don’t cover-up. I love seeing your clenching pussy like this, butterfly. I don’t want you to hide from me.”
“Tamaki…” You moan his name as the tentacle moves to your left breast. It encircles it tightly but continues moving. It is quick to reciprocate its actions to your right breast. You arch off the bed as the tentacles pulsate, squeezing your chest delicious as you cry out his name. Good god was this on another level. You shudder against his groping tentacle. The tip of the tentacle pressing against your nipple and you whine greatly.
A chuckle comes from Tamaki, but you lack the will to stare at him in the position. Your arousal feels like its growing as you feel the heat being emitted from your lower lips. Your hips shifting to ease the uncomfortable buildup within you. You weren’t getting the attention you needed down there. Unfortunate for you, Tamaki seemed focused on your breasts right now.
“What’s wrong, butterfly?” Tamaki asks, a smirk all too evident in his tone.
You curse as your hips thrash against the mattress. Your jaw-dropping as his tentacles continue lavishing your body. The pleasure in you only seeming to spark higher as he watches from afar. Your head spinning with lust as you can’t help but feel dirty as his tentacles do his bidding. The tentacles around your wrist tighten and you moan out.
“Do you need more?” Tamaki wonders, and you finally manage to look back down at Tamaki who bites down on his lip. “Tell me, butterfly, do you want more?”
You nod your head, unable to trust your voice as he grins. He raises a single finger, and you watch with the utmost glee as it manifests into a tentacle.
It immediately sinks into your desperate cunt, and you mewl loudly. The moving appendage pressing against the walls of your pussy as it thrust into you. Your hips slam up against Tamaki’s tentacle, your jaw falling down as you pant. The feeling mind-numbing as it slams in and out of you. Over and over, twitching and twirling within your dripping cunt. You plead for more, wanting nothing more than Tamaki’s cock to enter your pussy as well.
“Tama, please! Oh my god!” You scream as the tip of his tentacle easily presses into your g-spot. “SHIT!”
He slams the tentacle into your g-spot without mercy. A feral grin on your face as you continue thrashing against your bonds. His tentacle growing in girth inside your spasming walls. All while he continues to build the fiery pressure from within.
“I think you’re being too loud.” Tamaki groans. The tentacle that was groping your breasts shooting down. The smooth skin pressing against your aching cunt.
Your head throws back and your mouth drops as you’re about to scream his name. You’re cut off as another tentacle fills your mouth. Your scream is muffled, and you choke around the tentacle. The tip of the tentacle pressing against the back of your throat. The tentacle rams further down your throat, and your eyes roll back. The double penetration overwhelming you. There is nothing more that you can do except take it. Letting him have way with you as he fucks both your mouth and clenching pussy.
In and out, your body trembling as he fucks you in both places fast, hard, unforgiving. Your dripping cunt making the most lecherous noises as he pounded into you. The occasional gags emitting from your throat as his thrusts don’t give you enough time to adjust to his speed.
“Kami, you look so fucking delicious like this.” Tamaki pants from the distance, and you moan around his tentacle. Your mind wanting him even more so as the building pressure of your pussy increases. “Are you ready to come yet, butterfly?” You sob a sound that’s choked around his pounding tentacles. Your head nodding as your cheeks feel as if they are on fire. “Then come for me.”
It all comes crashing down. The tentacle sliding up and down your throat erases your sobs. The tentacle pressing into your pulsating clit goes faster. The tentacle slamming into your pussy widens within your clenching walls. You come hard, your vision turns white as you choke around the tentacle.
Your body weakly thrashes around on the mattress as he tentacles finally leave you. Your body sweaty, aching, and on a whole new high as Tamaki finally crawls onto the bed. A teasing smile on his face as he presses butterfly kisses to your collarbone. You heave for air as his touches are achingly sweet.
He gathers your limp body into his arms, and you sigh as he smooths your bruised wrists. “You were so beautiful,” He whispers. You groan slightly as he presses a kiss to your aching throat. “But don’t think this is over.” Your eyes slide over to Tamaki who grinds his raging boner into the palm of your hand. “You’re just too sweet to resist.”
“Tamaki.” You moan as you begin palming him through his restricting pants. You grin as you feel his lips beginning to suckle against your neck. You smirk as his hips rock against your moving fingers. You whine as he pins you back onto the bed, the tips of his hair brushing against your flushed and sweaty skin. Butterflies once more erupting into your stomach.
“I’m glad you're ready for a round two,” Tamaki groans as your fingers grip his hard-on. You chuckle as you silence him with a kiss.
“Me, too.”
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of-a-chaotic-mind · 4 years
Buried Alive
Summary: Reader wakes up buried in a coffin, Dean, Sam, Cas, and Jack make it to her just in time.  
TW/CW: Dean Winchester x Female!Reader, Reader is buried alive, Reader has a dislocated shoulder and broken leg, Dean has a break down, ghost makes an appearance, also Reader writes a goodbye note which is in italics, gets kind of angsty/sad at times.
Requested?: Yes! A lovely Anon said, “Hello love, may I pleaaase request a dean x reader one shot where she gets Burried alive (and she's already injured) because they got separated on a hunt and she only have a few minutes left before dean saves her and after she wakes up he gets a panic attack because he was so scared of losing her and she's the only one who can calm him down?? Pretty pleaaase can you include details I looove when I can picture every scene especially while she's trapped...”
Word Count: 2,372
A/N: This got pretty long pretty quick lol. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it! It was really fun to write and I tried to put in lots of detail. As always, requests are open and love to all!
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[This gif highkey lowkey hurts my heart...]
Your POV
   Waking up in a dark, musty, wooden box is never a good thing, especially when your leg is bent the wrong way and your right shoulder is throbbing from being out of socket. Unfortunately, that’s exactly where I’ve found myself upon waking up. I try to remember what happened and recall separating from Sam and Dean, after some debate, to draw out the ghost we were hunting. I was looking around the old church and got knocked out.  
   Out of instinct, I press the palm of my left hand against the worn, splintery wood and try to force it upwards. Upon doing so, soft, damp dirt flows into the cracks. I drop the lid back down as my heart begins racing. I force myself to stay calm as I search to see what might be left in my pockets. Unfortunately, whatever put me down here thought to take all my weapons. It’s not like they’d do me any good at the moment anyway, I suppose. I do, however, find my phone in my jacket pocket. With a shaking hand, I pull it out and press the home button, I hope and pray, to whatever deity might actually be listening, that I have bars. No such luck.  
   I just so happen to glance at the lid above me and in the dim light of my phone, I see them. Long scratch marks litter the underside of the lid. Suddenly, the burger and fries that I had for lunch starts preparing for launch sequence in my stomach. I look back at the screen of my phone as if I might have miraculously gotten bars in the span of the past few minutes and of course find none. What I do find just might be my savior. I train my attention on my phone’s lock screen picture of me, Dean, Sammy, Cas, and Jack leaning against the hood of Baby. “Alright Cas, you there?” I pause, wondering what to tell him, “I don’t know where I am but I know that I’m buried underground. I don’t know how long I’ve been in here but I can feel the oxygen is getting low.” I might not have enough time left. I decide to type out a goodbye message on the notes app on my phone:
Hey boys,
   I might not make it out of this musty ass box so I thought I’d write this out here. I want you guys to know that I love you. Take care of each other and please for the love of all that’s good don’t try to bring me back, no matter how manageable you think the cost is. I never thought that I’d go out this way, always wanted it to be a blaze of glory, but here I am. Remember the good times we’ve had and remember me as the badass hunter that I once was and not the dumbass hunter who managed to get herself caught by a spook and shoved in a pine box. Anyway, tell Baby I love her. Dean, I love you too. Keep moving forward for me. There’s a letter in my journal for you.
                   I’ll be waiting for you boys on the other side,
                  In the words of Jimi Hendrix, “Excuse me while I kiss the sky.”
    I consider trying to add a Metallica or Zeppelin reference as I finish typing the last sentence but can’t think of one that would fit and hit save instead. Darkness creeps in on the edges of my vision before overtaking me.
Dean’s POV
   “Where the hell is she, man?” I ask Sammy as I pace back and forth across the room, “She should’ve been back a while ago and all my calls are going to voicemail. I’ve even left voicemails and got nothing.”
   “I don’t know, Dean,” Sammy answers as he peeks out the blinds on the window into the night, “We could-” he’s interrupted as a flap of wings is heard. I turn around and find Cas and Jack both standing there.
   Before I can ask, Cas launches into an explanation, “(Y/N) prayed to me. She said she’s buried underground and that the oxygen is getting low.”
   My heart leaps into my throat. Damn it, why did I let her go off alone? I go to punch the closest wall but Sammy catches my hand, “Can you figure out where she is?”
   “Yes,” Jack answers, “We would’ve gone straight there but we... don’t have shovels.” I grab my keys and jacket and race out the door with Sammy, Cas, and Jack right behind me, Cas spouting off coordinates. We get in the car and Sammy gives me directions and I pull out of the parking lot like a bat out of hell. I have to get to her as quickly as possible. I can’t lose her. Not now and not to something like this. She deserves to go down fighting not buried and helpless. In the rearview mirror, I can see Cas’s expression of concern and Jack’s knee bouncing as he fidgets with his shirt. I’m reminded that I’m not the only one worried about (Y/N) and take a rain check on my own impending melt down. Sammy shakily points at a turn up ahead and I take it on two wheels.
   After a couple more turns, I pull off on the side of the road behind an old beat-up clunker, beside a wooded area. Sammy leads us straight to the coordinates and we get to digging. I’m almost certain that the guys can hear my heart pounding as I hope with all I’ve got that she isn’t buried very deep. Finally, as our shovels hit wood, I carefully jump into the hole to pull the lid off of the coffin. I toss the lid to the side and my heart takes up residence in my throat once again as I discover that she’s out cold. I quickly and carefully wrap my arms under her and lift her up to Sammy who lays her gently on the ground as I climb out of the hole.
   When I drop to my knees on the leaf strewn ground beside her and pull her into my lap, Cas has his palm on her forehead, “She’s still alive. I've healed the break in her leg but her shoulder needs to be popped back into place before I can heal it.”
   Sammy lays a hand on Cas’s shoulder, “We can worry about the shoulder later.”
   I pull her close to me, careful of her shoulder, and beg, “Baby, you gotta wake up.” I kiss her forehead, “Please wake up. I can’t lose you.” It’s silent as I let my tears fall. Jack drops his knees on the ground beside us and Sammy and Cas squat down as well. They’re careful to give us space but I know they’re silently hoping just as hard as I am that she’ll wake up quickly.  
   “Guys, I think we should-” Sammy stops as she takes a deep breath.
   “Hey sweetheart, you awake?” I ask as my heart starts racing. I brush her hair out of her eyes. It takes a few seconds but her eyes finally open.  
   She curls into my chest as I hold her tighter, “I was so scared that I’d lose you.” I can’t stop the flood of tears that break through the dam.  
   She slowly sits up and throws her legs to either side of me before scooting closer and wrapping her arms around my waist, loosely due to her shoulder, “Shhh, it’s okay baby. I’m here.”  
   I say nothing and bury my face in her neck and try my best to stop crying, “I knew I shouldn’t have let you go off alone. I should’ve been there with you. I should’ve-”
   She stops me, “Don’t do that, Dean. Remember how we talked about this?”
   “But I-”
   “No, it was my decision. It’s not your fault,” she says calmly. She rubs my back and begins humming Metallica and soon I’ve managed to stop crying but unfortunately, I continue hiccupping. I pull away and look over her shoulder at the guys. As much as I don’t want to let her go yet, we need to get her shoulder fixed and I’m sure they want hugs too. She kisses my cheek before getting up.  
   She hugs all three of them before returning to Sammy, “Can you pop this back in place for me?”
   “Y-you sure?” he asks, confused as to why she doesn’t want pain killers first.
   “Yeah, it’s not the first time and it probably won’t be the last,” she chuckles. He pops her shoulder back into place before Cas heals it for her.  
   Finally, she returns to me and wraps her arms tightly around me, “Let’s get out of here.” We turn to walk out of the woods and pass a church that I didn’t even notice on the way in, that must’ve been the one she wanted to check.
   “Uh, guys, we have a problem,” Jack states. I tear my eyes away from the church and look ahead of us. Standing, or rather floating, just a few yards away is the ghost we had been hunting.  
   I sigh, “Shit, we don’t have any salt or iron with us.”
   “No but I know where some is,” (Y/N) says excitedly. How on earth is she so ready to spring back into it right after almost dying?
Your POV    I drag Dean with me and the other guys follow as I run into the church. I bolt down the stairs to my right as we enter and find exactly what I’m looking for. A fireplace in one of the offices down here still has iron pokers hanging on its mantle. I remembered seeing them when I came through here the first time. I also happen to remember that there’s a kitchen down here too. I take an iron poker for myself and hand Sam and Dean one, “Cas, Jack, you guys might want to fly the coop. We can handle this.” They look unsure but leave anyway in a whoosh of wings. I take off toward the kitchen but unfortunately find no salt. That’s when Sammy is thrown against a wall. Dean and I whip around to find the ghost holding Sammy by the neck. Dean slashes through it without hesitation and it disappears and Sam regains his breath.
   “Please tell me you have some idea of how to get rid of this guy,” I ask Sammy.
   “Not quite,” he responds.
   Dean looks dumbfounded at both of us, “There’s literally a cemetery right outside.”
   “No, he’s pissed off because he wasn’t buried in the church cemetery like he felt he was supposed to be because he was the pastor,” Sammy informs, “The legends say they buried him in an unmarked grave after burning him at the stake for witchcraft.”
   “Shit, so we’re not looking for bones then,” Dean mumbles, looking around the office.
   “Right now, it looks like all we can do is get the hell out of here and try to dig around for what might be keeping him here,” I explain. With this, we all three high tail it to the car. We have to stop a few times along the way to slash through the ghost but finally, we make it and head off on our way back to the motel.
   Once we’re finally back in our motel room, I shrug my jacket off and head for the shower, “I’m gonna clean up really quick and then we can get something to eat and some rest and revisit this case in the morning.” The boys agree so I grab some clean clothes out of my bag and head for a warm, relaxing shower.  
   I pull of the dirty, sweaty clothes and step under the warm spray. I let the grim and gross wash away some before washing off with the soap. I wash my hair as well and only pull myself out of the shower when my stomach growls. I step out and dry off before pulling on my clothes. I’m working on drying my hair when I step out of the bathroom to find Dean and Sammy both sitting on the end of the bed with tears in their eyes. I tilt my head, “What’s wrong guys?”
   I drop the towel on top of my bag and step over in front of Dean as he hands me his phone. Looking down at the screen, I read what I thought I had saved to my notes on my own phone. Apparently, I was so out of it when I typed it up that I accidentally typed it up in a message to Dean and hit send when I thought I hit save. My heart sprints in my chest as I look back up at Dean and try to explain, “Dean, I-”
   He says nothing and instead stands and wraps his arms around me to once again pull me in close to his chest. I can feel him shake as he tries to hold back his tears. He pulls away and looks me in the eye, “Did you really think you wouldn’t make it out of that?” I nod solemnly. He takes a deep breath to steady himself, “Well, I’m glad you did. Next time, you can tell me that in person when we go down together, yeah?” I mentally thank him for not mentioning the letter tucked away in my journal.
   I nod again as Sammy chuckles, “I should’ve known that even when you think you’re saying your last words, they’re going to be attempts at humor and classic rock references.”  
   I smile and laugh, “I thought the Hendrix reference was rather poetic.”
   Dean looks at me laughs weakly, “I figured you’d have thrown in a Zeppelin or Metallica reference.”
   I shake my head as I head for the door because my stomach growls, “I thought about that but I couldn’t think of one that would fit. Besides, I wouldn’t want to ruin some of your favorite bands for you.” Together the three of us head for dinner but I know in the back of my mind that we’ll be recovering from today’s events for a while to come.
Taglist: @emiijemii​
Dean Winchester Taglist: @akshi8278
43 notes · View notes
that-one-gay-girl · 4 years
Oh, Baby
Tumblr media
Pairing: Daddy!Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2342
Summary: While Dean, Sam, and Y/n are on a hunt and things take an interesting turn as they head back to the motel…
A/N: Let me know what you think about this, I might make a sequel! Let me know if you want to be tagged! Requests are open!
A/N 2: Update: I’ve decided to turn this into a series! Check out the next chapter!
The fire burning the body of the vampires shined in the dark night as Sam, Dean, and you walked back to the impala. “I hate vamps.” you say in disgust as you climb in the backseat covered in blood. “Lets head back to the motel wash up. We can head back to the bunker in the morning.” Dean says as he looks at you through the rearview mirror and starts up baby. The ride is filled with the low sound of Metallica playing as Dean drives back to the motel. Throughout the drive Dean continues to glance at you through the rearview mirror as you struggle to stay awake, exhaustion crawling through your body.
An hour later, Baby comes to a stop in a rundown motel parking lot “Y/n fell asleep? She never sleeps in the car” Sam says softly “I think she's got a stomach bug, saw her throwing up this morning when I came back with coffee” Dean replies as he gets out of baby opening the back door and waking you up softly “Y/n, we’re back at the motel, wake up sweetie” Dean gently wakes you up. You blink your eyes open taking in your surroundings before sitting up and getting out of Baby to stretch. The three of you make your way inside the motel room. Sam goes into the shower as you sit down on the bed waiting for your turn. “You feeling okay Y/n?” Dean asks you. Standing up you walk over to Dean hugging him “I’m okay Dean, just a stomach bug. I'll be fine in a few days” you smile at him. The door to the bathroom opens and Sam comes out dressed in clean clothes. “I’ll grab food while you two shower.” Sam says grabbing his wallet and baby's keys. “Oh! Get me four supreme burritos!” you say as you walk into the bathroom with your bag and turn on the water.
While Dean and Sam are talking you pull the box of pregnancy tests out staring at the box before finally deciding to get the test over with. Sam looks at Dean waiting for him to announce his food order “three burritos, two tacos Sammy.” Dean pats sam on the back as he walks towards the bathroom. The sound of the impala's engine rumbles through the quiet night as Sam leaves. Dean twists the doorknob to join you, but finds it locked. He knocks on the door as you look down at the pregnancy test in your hand, the positive sign staring back at you. “Y/n, unlock the door, I want to shower with you.” He says with a smirk resting on his face. The sound of Dean's voice snaps you out of your state of shock as you shove the pregnancy stick into your bag, zipping it up quickly. “Not tonight, I don’t want to get you sick” you lie as you undress quickly and get in the shower washing all the blood from your body. Dean walks towards the table in the room drinking a beer as he waits for his turn in the shower or the food, whichever comes first. An hour and a half later the three hunters are showered and sitting around the small kitchen table as they eat. Dean and Y/n scarf down their food like it’s their last meal as Sam quietly eats his salad while reading a lore book.
The next morning the three of you pack up and head back to the bunker, the ride is short and you can’t wait to get back home. All morning you had been fighting off morning sickness, not wanting the boys to suspect anything. You were scared if you were being honest with yourself. You grew up in the hunting life with your family, you always wanted a normal life, but it wasn’t in the cards for you. Shortly after you turned 21 you split away from your family to “hunt on your own”. This really meant finding a home, a job, and settling down. Along the way your plans got interrupted by the winchesters and you never settled down, you continued to hunt and now it's been 13 years since you met the winchesters and 3 since you started dating dean. You never talked about kids or marriage, hunting was your life and a priority. You were scared of how Dean would react, you were scared of raising a child, but also excited because for the first time in your life you had a chance at normalcy. The impala pulls into the garage and everyone unloads ready to have a break from hunting. After months on the road the group of hunters needed time to relax.
Three weeks, Sam was actively looking for cases but the past three weeks had turned up nothing even slightly supernatural, it had also been three weeks since you found out you were pregnant and you still hadn’t spoken to dean. You were going crazy, you wanted to tell him but you were so scared. The hormones didn’t help you hide things either, the night before you were watching batman with Dean and started crying. You made up the excuse that you were starting your period soon but you knew pretty soon you were going to have to tell Dean, especially since Sam found out.
You were coming out of the OBGYN in town looking down at your sonogram, you were three months along and couldn’t keep the smile off your face despite Deans unawareness. As you were walking to your car a large man bumped into you, making you drop the sonogram and regain your balancing. Looking up to see none other than Sam Winchester as he bends down to grab the fallen picture. Before you can react Sam flips the photo over to return it, his eyes widening when he sees the contents of the photo. “You’re pregnant?!” Sam says shocked. “Yes, please don’t say anything to Dean, I-I haven’t found a way to tell him yet. I’m scared.” you say ashamed, looking down at your feet. Sam places the photo in your hand pulling you into a hug. “I promise I won’t say anything, but you have nothing to be scared of. Dean is going to be over the moon when he finds out! I can’t think of anyone better to be parents than you two, this is truly great news Y/n” Sam smiles widely. “Really? You think he will be happy?” You question one last time. “Trust me Y/n, i’ll finish the supply run, you go home and tell him.” After that you quickly depart from Sam, you make a pit stop at the bakery getting a fresh apple pie before heading back to the bunker.
When you pull into the garage you notice the Impala hood open, Dean underneath it working on her. As you step out of the car with pie you clear your throat. “Dean? Can we talk?” you ask, walking towards him. “Hey honey, what do you need to talk about? Oh! Pie!” he says excitedly eyeing the pie. “How about I dish you some pie and we talk in the kitchen?” You respond, walking past Dean into the kitchen as he follows. As you hand Dean the plate of pie you sit across from him nervously wringing your hands together. “Y/n, honey,” Dean grabs your hands softly to stop you “Calm down and just talk to me. WHatever it is, I'm sure it’s fine” he says, taking a large bite of pie. “I’m pregnant” you blurt out as Dean's eyes widen and he starts coughing frantically. You stand up quickly hitting his back as he finally regains his breath. “Are you okay?!” you ask freaking out as Dean started choking. “Give a man some warning next time?” he asks as he gulps down his beer. “Pregnant?” he repeats looking at you as you sit down again. “Yeah, I'm three months along.” you smile softly pulling out the sonogram handing it to Dean. Taking it softly in his hands Dean looks down at the small photo of his baby. A small tear slips from his eye as he looks up at you smiling. “We’re having a baby!” he says excitedly jumping up and pulling you into a burning kiss. “I love you!” he kisses you again “And I love you” he bends down kissing your stomach, bringing tears to your eyes. “You're not angry?” you worry looking into his eyes. “I could never be angry with you, especially over this? You are carrying our child, I love you!” You pull him into another kiss as the bunker door opens and Sam comes in “Is it safe?” he asks not wanting to see anything unclothed. “Guess who's going to be an uncle!” Dean runs into the war room excitedly “Me?” he asks with a knowing smirk “Congratulations man” He pulls Dean into a hug.
-6 months later-
“Dean, go on the hunt already. Charlie will be here in 10 minutes. She's just getting snacks from the gas station.” You push Dean towards the impala as your large belly pokes out beneath your shirt. “Excuse me for being worried about my wife” He says teasingly as he pecks your lips one last time. “Your wife will be fine with Charlie. We are just going to watch Lord of the Rings on repeat till you get home.” you joke with a laugh. You exchange goodbyes one last time before Dean climbs into the baby with Sam and drives off. 30 minutes later Charlie arrives with bags of food and a large pile of movies. “This is going to be the best girls weekend ever!” she pumps her fist in the air as she sets everything up in Deans cave.
The week passes by quickly and soon enough you receive a text from dean letting you know they’d be home in about a day. “Charlie could you bring me another pillow? I just can’t get comfortable” You say tiredly and in slight pain. “Feeling any better?” she asks, putting another pillow behind you. “No, I feel like it's getting worse, I’m going to try to take a nap, maybe that will help?” you say unsure as you close your eyes. Charlie leaves to let you sleep and texts Dean to update him.
“Charlie says she's still in pain” Dean tells Sam as he presses on the gas harder. “It's probably just normal pregnancy pains. All sorts of weird stuff has happened to her she's never experienced before. Maybe this is one of those things?” Sam says, trying to calm Dean down. Dean doesn’t respond and just continues to speed through back roads.
Charlie is in the kitchen making nachos when she hears her name being screamed. She quickly drops everything running into you and Dean's shared room. “Y/n!” Charlie runs in to see you holding your stomach in pain, blood spreading down your legs. “Somethings wrong!” you cry in pain and fear. “Just hold on Y/n, we’re getting help.” Charlie grabs towels and helps you into her yellow bug. As she speeds down the road to the hospital you grab her hand tightly. “You're going to be fine y/n, the baby is going to be fine. Nothing bad is going to happen, do you hear me?” she panics as your eyes begin to close heavily. “Save my baby” is the last thing that leaves your lips before darkness pulls you under.
Dean runs into the hospital, spotting Charlie in the waiting room, her head in her hands. “Charlie! Charlie what happened!” Dean questions as he runs up to her. “I’m so sorry dean she…” charlie begins before she breaks down crying. “She's what, charlie!” Dean panics as a doctor comes out. “Family of L/n” the doctor questions the room as Dean runs up to him quickly “What happened to my wife! Where's my wife and baby!” he shouts at the doctor. The doctor takes a step back before responding, “sir, your wife was brought in tonight with a placental abruption. She lost a lot of blood and we had to rush her to have an emergency c-section done before the baby was compromised. Your child is in the NICU recovering well, we have her on oxygen to help her breathing but she should be off of that in a few days. Otherwise, your daughter is perfectly healthy. Your wife however did lose a lot of blood. We gave her a transfusion and she is now resting in her room. A nurse will take you to her room in just a moment.” The doctor finishes telling Dean. Dean nods as he sits next to Charlie. “Thank you, I don’t know what we would’ve done without you Charlie,” Dean says, hugging her tightly as she cries silently.
An hour later a nurse comes by to take Dean to your room. “Hey you” you smile weakly as Dean walks in the room closing the door behind him. “Don’t you ever scare me like that again, I can’t handle losing you” he says laughing as tears fall from his eyes. “Hey, baby i’m ok, our daughter is ok. We made it through this now let's enjoy it” you hold his hand rubbing your thumb over it. “Have you seen her yet?” he questions you as you shake your head no in response. “Lets see what I can do” he stands up and leaves the room, half an hour Dean returns with a nurse pushing a clear cart with a baby in it towards your bed. Dean helps you adjust the bed more so you can see her. “She has your eyes” you smile as the nurse places her in your arms. “She's beautiful, just like her momma” Dean sits beside you admiring her. That night is spent with family celebrating the new life brought into the world. Celebrating the bundle of joy that the winchesters would do anything to protect. “Welcome to the world Luna” you kiss her head softly.
Chapter 2
@akshi8278 @hobby27
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httpnxtt · 4 years
Hold That Thought - Reid x Reader
Author’s Note
Just your friendly neighborhood crime junkie here :’) This is my first writing, basically ever, so I’m super nervous. But, my discord babies are always sending snippets of their fics and I always boost them up like a true mom friend so I figured I would give it a shot. 
Ever get so close to doing something that would change your life for something to just… ruin the moment?
As much as angst kills me, probably way too much angst :’)
Spencer Reid x BAU Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4k
“Wheels up in 30.” Hotch said, storming out of the conference room. The team sat for a moment, all staring at each other for a moment, silently questioning whether they should follow Hotch or Y/N. Slowly, Reid got up to find you, leaving the team behind. He knew this case hit hard for you, probably Hotch as well. 
“Hello?” Reid questioned as he slowly pushed open the door to the women’s restroom. He could hear your sniffles from crying across the room, but needed to make sure no one else was there in fear of making them awkward that the gangly man was in the ladies room. Confirming the vacancy, he stalks over to the last stall, slowly knocking on the door.  “Y/N, I know you’re in here.”
“I’m okay, Spence. Really. I just needed a minute.” you claim, hearing your raspy voice betraying you. 
“You’re a really bad liar… can I come in?” He whispers. Slowly, you reach up from the floor, unlocking the stall, immediately retreating to the floor with your knees to your chest, head in your hands. Spencer slowly retreats to the floor as well, as much as the thought of the bacteria and germs want to push into his mind.
“I know this is hard for you. It’s okay if you want to sit this one out, jellybean.” He whispers to you, wrapping his arm over your shoulders to pull you in. “No one would judge, and I’ll make sure no one questions it.” comforting you, slowly rubbing circles into your arm attempting to relax you. Spencer Reid, your best friend since the day you joined the BAU, knew anything and everything when it came to everything in the world, you included. 
Shortly after joining the BAU, your team received an extra long case leaving you all exhausted. Just after finishing the paperwork, you noticed it had started pouring. You walk over to your desk, gathering your belongings to meet Dr. Reid at the elevator to drive home together as you happened to live in the same building. Ever since you were a little girl, storms always made you panic. You loved the rain, but the thunder and lighting scared you to no end. Driving home with Spencer, you noticed the rain start to pick up, indicating an impending storm. Reid noticed you subtly retract back into your seat, closing your eyes. As he pulled into the parking lot, he noticed you release a shaky breath, gathering your belongings. Gathering his own belongings, you guys braced yourselves to run from the car into the building, a good 50 feet to go. Reaching the building, Spencer stifled a giggle as he watched you wring out your hair, suddenly drenched from the storm. You quickly looked up at him, trying to hide the panic in your eyes, immediately retreating your eyes back to the floor. 
‘Are you okay, Y?N?” He asks, hesitating to rest a hand on your shoulder. But, as you debate responding, the elevator dings, signalling its arrival. You stepped in, quickly pressing the button for your floor, Reid following you in. He looks at you, expecting an answer during the short ride up. 
“I’m okay, Reid. Really. Just tired.” You lamely try to excuse your behavior, unable to admit your fear to your colleague. The elevator doors open on your floor, you scurried off to your door, fumbling with your keys. Reid follows suit, right down the hall. As he opens his door, he calls to you.
“Whatever you say, Y/N. Goodnight.” He says, looking at you with worry. 
“Yeah, goodnight Spencer.” 
Inside your apartment, you quickly rid of your work clothes, hopping straight into have a quick shower. While washing your hair with your lovely vanilla mint shampoo, you heard a loud crack of thunder. You quickly rinse the soap out of your hair, rushing out without conditioning. You opted to use the shitty leave-in conditioner you save for moments like this. Quickly putting on your fuzzy pink pajama shorts and an extremely oversized One Direction tour shirt, you climb into your bed. As your head hit the pillow, you try to lull yourself into a sleep. Slowly drifting, you hear a loud crack of thunder again, springing up out of bed. Grasping onto your childhood stuffed animal, you curl up under your covers, trying to think of anything but the storm. Quickly after, you hear not one, but two loud cracks in succession, leading you to the brink of tears. Grabbing your phone, you sprint down the hall from your apartment, banging on Spencer’s door. 
“Y/n?” you see Spencer as he opens the door, his curls going every which way on his head, black pajama pants with little aliens all over them hanging almost too low on his hips, with nothing covering his torso, showing you his slightly defined chest and his small yet toned arms. You see him look at you with confusion, quickly shifting to worry as he takes in your tear stained cheeks. “What happened? Are you okay? What’s wrong?”
“I-” your voice falters, betraying you. “I’m sorry Spencer, I shouldn’t have woken you.” You turn on your heels, trying to quickly leave feeling like a burden. But as you go to leave, you feel his soft hand grasp your arm. Gently, he pulled you back, turning you to face him. 
“Do you want to come in and talk about it? I can make tea.” He quietly offers. You slightly nod, him moving out of the doorway to let you through. “What kind of tea do you want? I don’t have much, I usually stick to coffee.” He says as he walks to the kitchen. 
“Coffee is okay with me.” you say. You heard him stifle another laugh from the kitchen, returning with two large mugs. He passed one to you, made perfectly with much too much sugar and much too much cream… just the way you like it. “Thanks.” He slinked down onto the couch next to you, slowly sipping his coffee. Even at three in the morning this boy had an extreme caffeine addiction. 
“Are you going to explain what happened or do I have to profile you?” He says, showing you a small smile. 
“You wouldn’t dare break the team rule, Reid.” You shot back. You looked down at your mug. “Promise you won’t make fun of me?” you quietly ask him, afraid of the ridicule of the experienced FBI agent sitting next to you. 
“Pinky promise.” He stuck his left hand out to you, reaching his pinky in your direction. You hook your left pinky to link with his much bigger finger, giggling. 
“I sort of panicked because of the storm.” You whispered to him. 
“You’re afraid of the rain?” He asked, looking at you softly. 
“Not rain. I love rain. But the loud cracks of thunder and the flashes of lightning scared me. Always have.”
“That’s nothing to be ashamed of. It’s actually called astraphobia. Surprisingly enough, 2.1% of the population actually suffer from astraphobia. Although that’s a completely normal fear as it can be scary and although rare can be deadly.” he rambled on statistics of your fear, making you feel comfortable. “At least you’re not an FBI agent afraid of the dark.”
You giggled at his admission. 
“I’m sorry to put you out like this Spencer. I just panicked and didn’t want to be alone.” you say, continuing to drink your coffee. “I know you were hoping to get sleep.”
“It’s okay, Y/N. I don’t mind. I wasn’t getting much sleep anyway.” He smiled with you simply smiling in return. “Do you want something to eat? I don’t have much but I can see what I do have…” He trailed off, embarrassed by his lack of items in his kitchen. You get up, trailing behind him to the kitchen. He rummages through the cabinets to find something sweet as you look at the pictures all over his fridge. Our team, mostly. And JJ’s baby boy Henry, his mother. Some nerdy pictures as well. 
“All I can find is jelly beans that were hidden in my cabinet from Halloween.” He turns to you sheepishly. 
“Well then it must be my lucky day, red jelly beans are my absolute favorite.” He just smiled back. The two of you simply sat on the couch, talking and laughing until the sun came up, sharing the pack of jelly beans, Spencer specifically avoiding the red ones just for you. 
“Thanks for staying up with me, Spence. I really appreciate it. Although it was weird seeing you not in a shirt and tie. Specifically not a shirt at all.” you laughed, feeling a blush start to creep onto your cheeks. You saw Reid’s cheeks tint a slight pink as well. 
“I could say the same about your work attire. You’re always a badass with your all black and doc martens. Now you’re sitting on my couch in pink shorts, bunny slippers and a…. One Direction shirt? Who even are you, you can’t be Y/N!” He laughed, his eyes crinkling and his dimples showing. You shoved him on his shoulder, giggling along with him. 
“On that note, I think I should get back to my apartment and get ready for work. I’ll see you in two hours for the drive?” You questioned, moving to the door. 
“I’ll see you then, jelly bean.” He beamed at you as you left, butterflies erupting in your stomach. 
That night, Spencer Walter Reid became your best friend. He was there whenever you couldn’t sleep, always providing your favorite jelly beans. During your late night chats, he learned all about your past too. 
“It’s okay, Spence. It’s just a case. It just struck a nerve when Garcia was explaining the details.” You sighed, your head still buried into your best friend’s chest. You felt the blush start to creep its way onto your cheeks, the butterflies attempting to plague your stomach. “We should probably get back anyway. We have less than 15 minutes now to get to the jet.”
Spencer leans his head on top of yours, his cheek squishing into the crown of your head, the scent of your shampoo wafting into his nose. He felt a jolt in his stomach, a weird sensation almost like… butterflies? He slowly lifted his head, placing a gentle, barely there kiss to the top of your head, moving to help you stand. As you got up, you stand in front of Spencer, looking up at him with your big, sad eyes. He gently wraps you into his arms, you sighing at the earthly scent of his soap, as well as a slight mixture of cinnamon and coffee. If only you could tell him what was truly bothering you, aside from the case. 
“Let’s go catch the jet, Y/N. I’ll have the jelly beans in hand waiting for you.” he says as he lets you go, guiding you out of the bathroom. 
On the jet, Hotch pulls you aside to check in. In your time at the BAU, Aaron had become almost an older brother to you. As much as Spencer stuck to you, like two peas in a pod, Hotch always protect you when he felt necessary. Understanding the nature of the case and your history, he was angry with himself for not warning you prior to the presentation. 
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay. I’m very sorry for not informing you of the contents prior to the presentation.” He says, frowning more than usual. 
“It’s okay, Aaron. Don’t worry.”
“I saw Reid go to find you. Did anything happen?” he questions you, raising his eyebrows suspiciously. Damn profiler, even he knows. 
“No, nothing that you’re thinking. He’s my best friend, that’s all it’ll ever be.” Fighting to keep the frown from appearing, Hotch reads right through you. 
“Whatever you say, “jelly bean”. He mimics your name, you slightly punch him in the shoulder giggling while retreating to the jet’s couch where Reid already has a blanket and jelly beans to share with the file in hand ready to brief you and support you. 
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. 
“Three women dead. All three stangled, then shot in the head execution style. All mothers, ages 25-35. All their children have absent fathers, leaving the mother a single parent of the household. We have the kids in custody now, we’re trying to contact next of kin due to the father’s leaving.”
“What’s strange is that asphyxiation was the COD, meaning the gunshot wound was post-mortem, a severe overkill.” Spencer chimed in. 
“What kid of sick monster kills not only mothers, but single parents?” you mutter to yourself, only Reid catching you due to proximity. He looks at you as a lone tear rolls down your face. 
“Do you need a minute, bean?” he whispers, checking in on you as always. 
“It’s okay, Spence.”
“Okay team, we need to look at this with fresh eyes. Head back to the hotel and get some sleep, we’ll revisit this in the morning.” Hotch declares. As the team heads to the hotel, Spencer sticks to you like glue. 
“The hotel was overbooked, we need to double up on rooms.” you go to look for Emily as doubling up usually gets your much needed girl time in, but Spencer but in.
“I’ll room with Y/N.” he claims the key, grabbing your hand. You simply look up at him, then to Emily giving her an apologetic smile. She simply latches onto JJ, making you promise to visit them later. Spencer gently leads you over to the elevator. 
“Why are you ditching your pal Morgan? You always double up together.” You question him, extremely confused. He simply walks in as the doors open, pressing the button for your floor.
“I just want to spend time with my best friend. Is that a crime?” He shoots back playfully. 
“You just want to make sure I won’t do anything stupid. You can’t lie to me, Spence. I’m a profiler too. “ You shoot back. “You don’t have to baby me.” You pout, crossing your arms, much like a child throwing a temper tantrum. 
“Whatever you say, bean.” he snickers, walking to the room and unlocking the door. The room is pretty standard. The bathroom right inside, a little hallway leading to the main room. 
“Oh..” you both look over, seeing one queen sized bed in the middle of the room. “Sure you don’t want Morgan back ‘pretty boy’?” you tease the poor boy.
“I think I’d rather not wake up with Morgan trying to spoon me. Except he’s the one trying to be the little spoon.” he deadpans, putting his suitcase away. You stifle a laugh going to sit on the bed. “Do you mind if I shower first?” he asks you, turning to get his clothes. 
“Go ahead Spence.” you say, grabbing your pajamas to change now, simply showering in the morning. Once changed, you pulled out your favorite book of all time. It was a children’s book, probably one someone would question a grown adult having, but it was special. It was the book your mother read you every night as a kid. You didn’t always feel accepted growing up, by anyone but your mother. But, your mother found this book when you were a wee toddler and it was almost a mantra in your home. Especially when you were sad or lost, she would cuddle you close and tell you a story. As you slowly flick through the worn pages, your eyes start to well up. This case hit close to home for you. You missed your mother dearly, her being your only parent growing up. Now, someone was trying to take that away from other kids too, in your hometown nonetheless. But, you pulled it together to help the team, not that you added anything special. As you neared the end of the story, you heard the shower turn off. You heard Spencer open the bathroom door, you laying in bed, holding the book close to your chest. When he saw you, his heart ached for you. He could tell you had been crying whether you admit it or not. He sunk into the bed, pulling your back flush against his chest, holding you in his lap. He tried to sooth your pain, understanding how hard this must be for you. Slowly, you pick your head up to look him in the eye. 
“Thank you, Spence. I’m so glad to have you.”
“Of course, bean. What’s the book you got there?” He questions, you holding it closer to your chest, afraid of it being seen. 
“It’s just a childish thing. Don’t worry about it.” you whisper, going to move from his lap. 
“Y/N, what is it?” giving you his signature puppy dog eyes.
“It’s just my favorite book. My mom read it to me whenever I felt lost or upset or like I didn’t belong. I always carry it with me for times I feel that way, when I can’t run to her and have her read it to me.” Tears welling up again, Spencer brushes his soft hand over your cheek, his thumb catching the lone tear that falls down. 
“I’m sorry Y/N. I wish I could take you for her to read it.” He hugs you close. 
“Hey Spence…” you whisper,
“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” he asks in reply. 
“Nevermind, it’s silly.” you claim, laying back down on the bed. 
“Bean, I would never call your questions silly. What is it?”
“Would you possibly read it to me?” you question, your big eyes looking up at him as if this would glue every broken piece back together. 
“Of course. What book is it?” he asks, grabbing the book from your hands. “Bean… what the hell is a ‘Rumple Buttercup’? It looks like a toddler drew this.” he questions, looking at the unique illustrations of the loveable monster on the cover. “And what the hell kind of name is this? Matthew Gray Gubler? Who the hell goes by all three names? Do you see me walking around addressing myself as Spencer Walter Reid? No! Pretentious authors thinking they run the world.” He rambles, you just giggling at his antics. 
“Spence. It’s a kid’s book. What’s that saying? ‘Don’t judge a book by it’s cover’? Ya know, I never gave you a nickname. Maybe I’ll start calling you Rumple. Or better yet, Buttercup.” you giggle. 
“Yeah yeah, okay let’s go.” he says, pulling you close so your head lays on his chest, hearing his heartbeat as he softly reads. As he reads your favorite book, you feel the butterflies in your tummy, but ten times more than usual. His soft words and his heartbeat mixing together to create a beautiful lullaby just for your ears, you slowly nod off. As you're almost into a blissful slumber, Spencer notices. He places the book down beside him, switching off the light. He looks down at you, kissing the top of your head once more. “I love you, jelly bean. Sweet dreams.” you hear as you nod off to dreamland. 
“I think it’s time to give the profile.” JJ states in your team meeting. 
The team heads out to the main room where all the police officers are looking at them expectantly. 
“We’re looking for a white male, aged 30-40. We have reason to believe he is a father himself, but a neglectful one. One that has not seen his kids. He may have been fighting for rights or visitation for his kids which was the stressor, then going after the single mothers as surrogates for what was keeping him from his family.”
You stayed in the conference room with Reid while they released the profile, working on the geographical profile. 
“Hey Spence, I’m going to make a coffee run, want anything?” you ask him, fidgeting with your hands. Ever since you heard his words last night, your stomach has had butterflies in it. He obviously said it as a best friend would say, he would never see you more than. 
“Want me to go with you?” He asks, looking away from his giant map on the wall. 
“I think I know the way to the local coffee shops in my own town.” you slightly laugh off as you get ready to leave. “Venti hot coffee with seventeen million sugar packets, got it.” you giggle, sauntering off, leaving Reid and the team behind you. 
  As you’re leaving Starbucks, your sweet cream cold brew in hand along with Reid’s sugary goodness, you notice something peculiar. Parked across the way from the SUV was a small red pick up truck, with a man sitting in the front, awkwardly fidgeting while watching people within the cafe. You sit in the SUV, watching for a bit to see if he makes a move, but maybe 10 minutes later he takes off down the road. As you drive back to the station, you can’t seem to get the truck out of your head. As you return to Reid, you notice the rest of the team is gone, must be doing interviews or visiting the scenes. You hand the drink to Spencer, accidentally brushing your hand against his, sending electric shocks down your hand through your body. You quickly retreat, walking the other way. Reid notices something is off in how you’ve acted since you both woke up this morning, a tangled mess of limbs. As he goes to say something to you, you ring Garcia. 
“All knowing oracle of the BAU unit happily here to serve my baby, what can I do for you, Y/N?” she greets you cheery as always. 
“Hey sweetness. Can you cross check our list of possible suspects with a red pick up? I saw a man awkwardly watching the cafe I went to in the truck. Maybe nothing but I can’t get the truck out of my head.” 
“Oh baby you obviously question my skills. Of course I can do that lovely lady, but it’s still 50 names on this list.” 
“Any way you can narrow that, Garcia?” you ask, pleading to whatever higher power existed. 
“Let me check in with the rest of the team if they have more info for me. Toodles, love.” you hear as she clicks the phone off. You look over and see Reid staring at you, quickly glancing down as if he didn’t want to be caught looking. 
“I saw you staring, Reid. What’s up, buttercup?” you dramatically draw out the nickname. He looks at you in surprise. 
“Why don’t you tell me what’s up, Y/N? You’ve been acting weird around me all day. Did I do something?” He questions looking hurt. You’re taken aback by his statement, not expecting that. 
“I-” you start, stuttering. 
“What is it?”
“I heard what you said last night.” you whisper to him. 
“What did I say? Was I sleep talking?” he’s confused. 
“I heard you say you loved me, Spencer.” you say louder this time, looking up at him. 
“Of course I love you! You’re my best friend! Why the hell does this warrant being weird?” he questions, getting annoyed at your questioning. He knew he shouldn’t have risked his admission when he said it, knowing you wouldn’t buy his lame excuse of it being your friendship love. 
“Oh.” you say, sounding defeated. Knowing the pain would be coming, and feeling the pain of the words twisting the knife in your heart was very different. You felt tears threatening to spring from your eyes. 
“Wha-” Spencer looks at you with a painful look. “What do you mean, oh?” he questions. 
“Nothing Spence. Let’s work on this case.” you say, avoiding his eyes. 
“Y/N. What. Did. You. Mean?” He questions you, now starting to move closer to you.
“Nothing. I knew it was hopeless to believe there was more to that, you’re my best friend Spence. Just my best friend.” you say, looking at your hands. 
“What are you trying to say?” He asks, now so close he is practically chest to chest with you. He takes his hand, pushing your chin up to look at him. 
“Spence… I lo-” you start to proclaim, but hear Morgan’s yell through the entire office, cutting you off. 
“Hold that thought, bean.” Spencer says, rushing off to follow after Morgan. What the hell had you gotten yourself into now?
Tags: @timey-wimey-lovi
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Cloudwalker Series: Mouse the Dragon
Alright, so here is Mouse’s little origin story... thing, because Mouse is precious and deserves all the loves. Oh, and you can meet Azeera, another sorcerer boi.
Drawing of Mouse Here
Warnings for mentions of death, grief, mentions of slavery, ‘animal’ cruelty (contained in a very small space).
Word Count: 1700
Tag List: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi
Orrien hated busy places, he hated the noise, the stall owners drawing attention to their produce, the chatter of so many people, the chopping, the grinding, the sound of animals. He hated the mix of smells that didn’t go together at all, fish and cinnamon, fruit and dung.
He hated the heat, the buzz, the way he had to bustle past so many people that just didn’t even notice he was there. He kept his cloak pulled up high, hoping to keep his tattoos hidden. No one could know he was a sorcerer. It was dangerous. They’d assume the worst, that he’d escaped or was going to start an attack on behalf of a kingdom. Sorcerers were not simply free, certainly not in his land anyway.
He kept his head down, buying what he needed to get by until he could travel to the next kingdom. Always searching, desperately looking for a new purpose now that he had lost his only son, and the man who had loved his son had turned to darkness and death. Orrien needed time before he went back to the Red Hills, back to the land he’d been born and raised on.
“Mama, look over there!” a child cried. Orrien turned quickly, thinking perhaps they were looking at him. He heaved out a breath of relief, seeing she was pointing at a small market stall. The mother ushered the child away from whatever it is they had seen. Orrien couldn’t help but approach the emptier area of the city. Something drew him towards it and didn't fight the urge to follow. He saw the owner of the stall was a cloaked man. Orrien couldn’t see his face, but he knew enough about him already. He had light magic, Orrien could feel it, but that didn't necessarily make him a friend. 
Orrien pondered speaking to him, to find out who he was, but he was distracted by a strange tink noise. He turned his head to see a very small jar on the table, and at first Orrien thought it was a small lizard. He stepped closer, seeing that its grey skin was actually metal. He picked up the jar with care. The cloaked figure grunted, but that was all.
Orrien inspected the jar with more care, seeing that the small dragon inside looked incredibly scared. They were so small, only the size of his middle finger. They clawed at the metal with one foot, but the jar was so small they could barely move. They stared at Orrien with wide eyes. He felt so drawn to them. He couldn’t leave them trapped like this. It was cruel. It could kill them. Besides, a small companion like this would likely do him some good. He turned the little paper tag attached to the jar. Enchanted dragon, 100 pieces.
"A trinket has caught your eye, sir?" The man asked. Orrien recognised the voice somewhat, but he couldn't put a name to it. "Some 'trinket' for one hundred… You can’t put a price on a life, enchanted or otherwise. You know no one will ever buy such a small charm for so much. Distress them for too long and they will lose their magic. Why push for so much money?” “The enchantment on this dragon is... immense. They were made with incredible power- from love and care. They are practically alive with their own personality... My greatest work. They deserve a loving home, but are you worthy?"
"Money and power does not equate to kindness," he hissed. My greatest work. Orrien hoped he’d put the voice to the right face, and the fact that the dragon was enchanted. Reluctantly, he eased his hood back a fraction to show his face, his tattoos. "You of all people should know that. You say they deserve a loving home, but you treat them so harshly," he grunted before putting his hood back. "Trapping them like this. You should be ashamed… Azeera." The man carefully moved his hood away, showing bright green tattoos on either cheek, a sharp contrast on his dark skin. Orrien had been right after all, and his relief must have showed. He belonged to the Sorcerer's Circle, one of the eight. His enchantment magic was impressive.
 “Correct, though it seemed to take you a while, Orrien of the Red Hills, high sorcerer of the Kingdom of Everblade." He remarked. “Former,” Orrien corrected glumly. There was no kingdom left to serve, not that he’d ever enjoyed serving that wretched man. “Indeed. Word spreads fast. But here you are, in front of me, as I’d waited and hoped. Fate always finds a way, doesn’t it? In truth, I thought you were dead."
“Why would you think that?” Orrien frowned. “Well, the last I heard of Everblade, it was being called Everblood and had fallen. I wasn’t sure if your apprentice had turned on you also.” Orrien sighed. “That castle was so low it could not have fallen any further… Avizon has chosen a darker path, but he would never turn on me.” “Then… tell me, where is your son? Are the rumours true...” his voice faded off. Orrien looked away and kept his eyes on the dragon that was now headbutting the glass with a repetitive tinking noise. “He is… he’s gone. Avizon told me the king killed him while he rested from wounds gained by protecting the castle. That is why Avizon rebelled and attacked. I was a coward and left him. I wasn't going to stop him after what Halve had done, but nor could I stand by him…"
Azeera sighed and bowed his head. “That is indeed a terrible thing to hear, but this was Avizon’s path to walk, his destiny. Fate always finds a way, even if you had stayed behind. I don’t know how Ignium will feel about the whole affair, but I shan't be the one to tell him.” “Perhaps, but what does my son have to do with buying a dragon?” Orrien asked. "And if I may ask, why are you here? Are you not still serving Queen Daphne?”
Azeera shook his head. “Not all of us were kept on as short a chain as you, you know? I was allowed to leave the grounds, but alas, no. After… Everblade, the queen decided against magic defences, despite my years of unwavering loyalty. Royals are realising we are powerful, dangerous, and most importantly, unhappy. Her focus is on the army, on a group that won’t risk so much if one loses control. She did not care for the reasons why young Avizon turned on the castle. She reflected and I believe she feared his actions would influence me. She released me peacefully, no quarrels, and gave me a home to try to keep me from turning bitter. I consider it early retirement, and really you can’t consider freedom to be a punishment. So here I am, selling trinkets to pass the time."
"I see. For what it is worth, I am sorry for Avizon’s actions. I should have been able to do more to stop this.”
Azeera shrugged. “It is a difficult situation, but when I saw Avizon after you saved him… I didn’t expect him to turn to violence, but I cannot say I’m shocked. What Halve did to him was beyond human.” Orrien shuddered, he needed a change of topic. “So what is this fate you speak of?"
"Ah, yes, that. Orrien, I don't think he told you, that it was a surprise but your son saved my life only days before the attack. I offered him a favour in return.” Orrien looked back down at the dragon and stared. Was he leading to what he thought?
Orrien continued to stare. When he stared in the dragon's eyes, he could see their pleading. They dug at the glass desperately, but it was so cramped it barely equated to anything. It bit at his own tail, but it didn’t seem to damage itself at least. Did he imagine it, or was there a familiarity? All he knew was that he couldn’t leave them. His heart told him that he needed this little one. He gritted his teeth. Orrien pulled the cork out of the jar, ignoring Azeera’s grunt of a protest. The little dragon scrambled out and hid in Orrien’s palm. He opened his hand just enough to stroke their head. They seemed so much more relaxed now they had access to magic, that they could move.
“The only way to contain them was to take away their mobility. They’re quite the trouble maker and an escape artist. They had started with a very comfortable abode,” Azeera explained with a soft grumble. Orrien put his hand up to his shoulder, letting the dragon climb onto him. They hid behind Orrien’s ear, chewing nervously on it. Orrien couldn't help but brace to have to argue or fight, to have to run away and get to the horse, out of habit more than anything.
“You're tired and on edge, old friend. I can recommend you an inn or offer space in my home to rest? That little dragon is meant to be yours. They were the favour Ro asked of me. They were to be a gift… for you. He poured his heart and soul into helping me make it… After seeing what happened to the castle I left before I could give it to him. I assumed they would be forgotten about, that you were dead, and so I put them up for sale for a good home. Fate had other plans. Your son’s love drew you here.”
Orrien bit back tears. He had not expected anything like this. For Ro to have left him something so... pure. The dragon began to slide down the front of Orrien’s cloak, so he put his hand out as a platform. “My debt is paid, the offer of rest is still there? The inn is the Crooked Key. It is welcoming of our kind and my home is just around the corner."
Orrien nodded. "Thank you, for everything you have done for me."
Orrien bowed his head and left, cradling the little dragon in his hand. “You’re so quiet… so small, like a little mouse.” He stopped and smiled. “Yes, that will be your name. I think it would have annoyed Ro just as he’d have wanted,” he smiled softly. He scratched their back, enjoying  watching the dragon weave through his fingers and arch their back like a cat might.
“To get a favour from a sorcerer as powerful as Azeera and ask only for a trinket for your father… Oh, Ro, my poor boy… This world was not made for one as pure as you.” He forced himself to take deep breaths, to calm before he let the dragon back onto his shoulder and disappeared into the choking crowds.
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mycupoffanfiction · 5 years
Moya Devushka
Bucky x Reader | Pietro x Reader
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Summary: The Reader is reunited with mentor and father figure, Bucky after his recovery from his days as the Winter Soldier and her boyfriend, Pietro is terrified and anxious to get to know him.
Warnings: A super super super tiny hint of angst, but the rest is fluff, promise!
Word count: Approx 4500
Pietro Week Masterlist
A/N: Hey loves! I tried several times to write this, I had to tweak a couple of things to get it to work out well, but it turned out much longer than I had intended. I hope the anon who requested this comes across this and enjoys it and I really hope it was what they were looking for! (I really do apologise that it took me so long to write this!)
ALSO I low key want to do a part two of this or a follow up drabble where Stucky becomes a thing because I was getting Stucky vibes while writing the diner scene 😅
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“Prinţesă?” Pietro’s soft voice caught your attention and you glanced over your shoulder to see him approaching. “I thought I might find you out here.” He smiled, stepping up to join you at the balcony railing. “Is everything alright, Prinţesă?” Pietro asked quietly. You let out a sigh, contemplating your response and tilted your head back a little to look up at the stars.
“I don’t know, Piet.” You replied, barely above a whisper. Worry had been eating at you all day and now that the time was approaching, it made you even more nervous. “Talk to me, Prinţesă.” He whispered, putting his arm around your shoulders and hugging you to his side. You closed your eyes and felt a sense of calm when you felt Pietro pull you close, his warmth was so comforting and he kissed the side of your head, his lips a subtle reminder that he was here and he was listening if you needed him to.
You had been excited all week, you had to occupy yourself with as much as you possibly could to keep yourself from going crazy with excitement and getting impatient. But today hit and you saw what was meant to happen today in a different light and you slumped. You hid yourself away all day, anxiously awaiting, mind going over hundreds of what if scenarios.
Today was the day Bucky was supposed to come home from Wakanda. It was also the day that you would see him the first time as Bucky and not as Winter and it worried you. “What if he doesn’t want that relationship anymore?” You voiced one of your concerns. “What if he doesn’t remember me? Or he thinks I’m awful for what we did together under Hydra?” You asked.
Your past was tightly intwined with Bucky’s. Years ago your family was hit by Hydra and instead of killing you or leaving behind a witness, they took you. At the time you were only a child and you were so fraught with grief and confusing emotions that Hydra’s manipulation tactics were easy to use on you when you were in such a vulnerable state. And so, instead of the sweet, innocent child you had been, you started working under the Winter Soldier. Moya uchenik, he would call you. His apprentice.
At first he was harsh and would teach you with a heavy hand. It was unforgiving work with an even less forgiving learning curve, but eventually Winter began to grow more attached to you. It was a strange partnership to say the least, one of mentor and apprentice, but behind the backs of everyone else, he started to treat you like his own. He gave up his food for you, gave up his warmth for you and took pain for you so you didn’t have to.
“Prinţesă, look at me.” Pietro gently gripped your shoulders and turned you to face him. “Bucky will remember you and I do not believe from what you have told me of him that he would give up the connection he had with you just because of his new beginning.” He tried to reassure you, reaching up to run his thumb along your cheek.
“But the longer you stay up here, wondering about what might happen, you will miss his arrival. I don’t think that is good for either of you.” You nodded as he spoke. He was right and you knew it, you were just afraid of what could happen. “Perhaps it is you he needs to see when he comes home.” Pietro’s words hit you and you looked up at him with a saddened expression, eyes softening at the realisation and you nodded.
“You’re right Piet.” You whispered, letting out a sigh. He smirked, looking a bit surprised that he was right, but you had always told him he was smarter than he gave himself credit for, he just liked to take things less seriously than others.
“Do you remember when we met?” Pietro asked, putting his arm back around you and tugging you against his side. “And that night in the facility in Sokovia, you told me about your past with him.” He reminisced. “I knew when you told me about him that you would see him again.” Pietro smiled widely and rested his head against yours, his soft wavy hair tickling you a little. “Those were rough times, I had no idea what happened to him after Shield was compromised.” You sighed.
After Shield was compromised and Pierce was taken down, you were transferred to Sokovia and put under Strucker, who at the time was experimenting on the twins. They took you under their wings immediately and you grew an especially special bond with Pietro that you had both shared ever since.
Now all three of you were part of the Avengers and Pietro and Wanda had insisted to Fury, Steve and Tony that you join with them. It was either all three of you or none at all and for the loyalty and feeling of family, you were grateful.
“I have to admit, I’m a little afraid to meet him.” You sighed. “You’re afraid?” Pietro shrieked. “How do you think I feel, Prinţesă? He is practically your father, what if he does not approve of me?” He teased, over dramatising his way of speaking so you knew he was only joking, though you could tell there was an edge of truth to his words. Giggling, you gently shoved his arm, receiving a chuckle in response and a kiss to the forehead.
“But please, tell me why you are afraid, Prinţesă.” Pietro toned it down and went back to being serious now that he was pleased he’d managed to get some amusement out of you. “We’ve only know each other as the Winter Soldier and his apprentice. He doesn’t know me like I am now and I don’t know him as Bucky.” You explained, hoping that it made sense. “What if he doesn’t like me like this?” You asked. “Dragoste mea, he will be mad not to like you. You are the sweetest and kindest person I have ever met.” Pietro shook his head, giving you a reassuring squeeze around the middle.
“Now, no more what ifs.” He encouraged, turning you in his embrace to hold you properly and look down at you. “He is arriving soon, but I think I am possibly more scared than you are.” He gave you a lopsided smile and while he looked relatively unphased, you could tell there was a mountain of worry under the guise of that gorgeous smile. “Is that so?” You asked with a smile. “Why, are you so worried, Piet?” You asked. “It’s your turn to air your worries, tell me what’s on that mind of yours.” You spoke softly, reaching up to brush some of his silvery curls to the side.
“According to you and everyone else who has seen him, he is tall and angry looking with a metal arm, I’m a little afraid that if he knows I am… involved with you that he might uh- you know.” He trailed off, pulling a face at the thought. You snorted and shook your head. “Piet, he won’t hurt you, I promise he won’t and even if he tried to, Steve and I are well matched to him, I wouldn’t let him touch you.” It was your turn to reassure him and you rubbed his arm, smiling softly up at him.
You and Pietro would tightly bonded and there was no way someone else could do anything about it, even if that person was of great importance to either of you. “We’ve been through a lot together, you and I. Nothing like that will happen. I want both of you in my life, preferably on good terms with one another.” You smiled.
Pietro opened his mouth to say something, only to be interrupted by his phone buzzing loudly in his pocket. Pulling the phone from his track jacket pocket, he saw a notification from Friday. “Come, we should go, he’s about to arrive.” Pietro gestured for you to come a bit closer and he scooped you up into his arms before speeding down to the main living area where Bucky would be arriving.
It wasn’t long before several more people convened in the living room to greet him, but Tony had insisted you go right in the front, which made you even more nervous and you couldn’t imagine how overwhelming a whole group of people waiting for Bucky must be to him. The sign above the elevator suddenly came to life, indicating someone had gotten in from the parking lot downstairs and your nerves instantly increased. Pietro stayed at your side, holding your hand and whispering comforting words in Sokovian as you watched the numbers on the lift change as it climbed the building.
Your heart thumped loudly in your chest and you were sure at least Pietro could hear it as the elevator stopped. There was an excruciatingly long pause, which in reality was just a few seconds before the doors slid open, but to you it was far too long and you wondered if some of Pietro’s impatience was rubbing off on you.
The doors slid open to reveal Steve and Bucky and while everyone else in the group excitedly greeted them, everything seemed to go quiet and muffled for a second as you and Bucky caught each other’s gaze. Steve tried to tug him along to greet everyone, but he stayed stone still, eyes set on you and the moments seemed to tick by so slowly as you were unable to read his emotions or reactions.
Pulling away from Steve, he approached you slowly. He slowly and silently looked you over, seeing that you held the hand of the silver haired guy next to you, your body language, the way you leaned slightly against him suggested you were more than friends. He’d never seen you like this before, he’d never seen you in casual clothes with your hair the way you wanted, with little details and splashes of personality shining through that you were robbed of in Hydra.
He wondered if you had recovered for the most part from your time there with him and he wondered how you felt about him, if you villainised him for what he did as the Winter Soldier or if you even liked him now that you no longer relied on him to keep you safe. In some ways he didn’t want to interrupt the life you had started here, but he wanted nothing more than to know the girl who stood in front of him. He wanted to get to know the girl who stared up at him with those sad eyes, full of worry and he wanted to take up that role again but this time not as your mentor, as your father figure, as Bucky Barnes.
“Hi Bucky.” You gave him a small smile, breaking the silence that lingered between you both. “Hey Sweetheart.” He spoke softly, taking a step towards you, some of the others quietening down and giving you some space. “Can I call you that?” He added and you quickly nodded in response, feeling your emotions build up and tearing up at the sound of his softer, less harsh voice and tone.
He opened his arms, only slightly so the gesture wouldn’t be so awkward if you declined his request and you let go of Pietro’s hand to throw your arms around Bucky, letting out a little sob as you rested your head against his chest and felt his arms close around you, holding you tight.
It felt both so familiar and yet so new. The way he held you was the same as it always had been, flesh arm holding you tightest, metal arm over the top of his flesh one, pressing so gently so not to hurt you with his enhanced strength. You knew this was different and new when you felt Bucky lean down and rest his head against yours, feeling and hearing his breath against you, the slight stutters between each breath that told you he was holding back tears and the emotions were just under the brim.
You shared whispers between each other, both in Russian and English. Hushed I missed yous and gentle reassurances that you still wanted each other in your lives.
Bucky drew in a breath as he leaned against you, holding you so tight as if you might disappear if he let go. “Moya Devushka.” He whispered as he closed his eyes, letting the tears roll down his cheeks.
Even after the meeting was over and Bucky had taken time to greet everyone, he wanted time to settle in and relax, but he didn’t want to be alone. He’d barely spoken a word to anyone else other than you and Steve, giving only simple greetings and light, easy to escape conversation. Between Bucky being nervous and overwhelmed and Pietro being terrified of your returned father figure, they shared only a hello and then kept their distance from each other.
Alone now with just Bucky, you slid a cup of hot black coffee over to him. “There’s sugar if you want some. Took me a while to get used to being able to sweeten things.” You explained, pointing at the little pot of sugar on the counter. Bucky responded with a gruff hum and nodded, taking the mug from you and thanking you quietly as he sat down at the kitchen island. You noticed he omitted the sugar without even sparing a glance at it and just let his coffee cool for a moment before taking a sip of the strong dark liquid.
“Steve told me how they found you.” Bucky spoke up and you looked up to meet his eyes as he spoke. “Told me how they got you and the other two to join.” He added. “Pietro and Wanda.” You reminded him of their names and he nodded. “You’re close with them?” Bucky asked and you nodded in reply. “Wanda and I are close, like sisters. Pietro is- it’s a bit different with him.” You smiled, eyes softening as you looked shyly down at your hands.
“Will you tell me what he’s like?” Bucky questioned, hoping you’d take most of the conversation. Being faced with all of those people as he came in had been overwhelming and he’d rather hear someone else talk to him. “And what’s your life like? I want to know everything I missed.” The corners of his lips quirked into a tiny smile only for a second as he watched you shuffle and get comfortable in your seat across from him.
You struggled to think of where to start and for a second you fidgeted with your hands as you formulated what to say. “It took a while to adjust.” You started, filling the silence. “It was overwhelming to begin with. It was a lot and I was too shy and afraid to do a lot of things. I’m sure if you asked either of the twins, they’d tell you I still need a lot of encouragement to do something.” Bucky liked that you smiled as you mentioned your two favoured people, you evidently loved them both very much and he hoped he’d be able to make you smile like that one day.
“When I was taken to Sokovia, I met the twins. I was scared of them at first, but Pietro and Wanda were the first people to show me kindness in a long time.” You explained. “Piet was there for me through everything after that and he was always there to hold my hand when I was afraid. He helped me open up more and feel a bit more confident about myself and helped me to see that I was more than what they had made me.” You avoided using the name of Hydra too much in case it bothered Bucky.
“After the battle of Sokovia, we joined the Avengers.” You went on, smile widening as you approached the best parts of the story. “I’d been able to really grasp real life before, it was hard but Piet helped. We tried food together and we discovered tv shows and pop culture together.” You went on to list other things you’d learned in the early days of your freedom from Hydra.
“We became training partners since we work well together and after that we became partners in the field. I’m sure you can imagine it wasn’t long before we were partners in every other sense too.” By that point you were smiling like an idiot and Bucky felt a happy, sweet warmth in his heart for the love you’d found. “You’re in love with him.” He managed a half smile and you returned it with a nod. “I’d like you to meet properly sometime, get to know each other a bit, if- if that’s okay?” You asked, worried to overstep on what Bucky was comfortable with. “Yeah, some time soon, Sweetheart.” Bucky mustered a full smile and a nod. He wanted to do what made you happy and if meeting Pietro made you happy, he’d do it.
“Jus’ give me some time Doll, the most I’m ready for is you and Steve.” He sighed, looking down at his mug at the admission, defeat clear in his features and he felt as if he was letting you down for asking for some time, but you understood better than anyone else in the tower what it was like to come back from Hydra and though your time had not been quite as torturous and long as Bucky’s had been, you still understood.
“Of course.” You flashed him a smile, though you weren’t sure he saw it and after a moment of silence lingered between you, you hopped up from your seat and stood at his side, wrapping your arms around him, Bucky instantly melting into your sweet embrace and rested his head on your shoulder.
“Spasibo moya devochka.” He mumbled into your shoulder.
It had been a couple of weeks since your heart to heart with Bucky and he’d agreed to meet Pietro in a public space as long as you and Steve were present.
“I’m nervous.” Pietro whisper yelled at you as you attempted to coax him into the diner you’d all agreed to meet in. You both watched Bucky and Steve through the window as they talked, clearly quite comfortable and relaxed in the booth they had picked out. “Why are you nervous? C’mon, we should at least get you two more acquainted than just a hello.” You encouraged, to which you were met with the frantic shaking of Pietro’s head, wide eyes and a string of no’s in response.
“Piet, you agreed to come and meet him properly.” You smiled encouragingly up at your boyfriend. He pouted a little and fidgeted for a moment until he finally let out a groan of defeat before you’d even said anything else. “Alright, alright, I suppose I should.” He sighed. “He just scares me, Prinţesă.” Pietro whispered to you.
“I have not once seen Pietro Maximoff scared of anything.” You raised an eyebrow, gently tugging him towards the diner door. “Come on, if we keep them waiting any longer they’ll come looking for us, I’ll make it up to you later.” You winked at him and Pietro instantly melted back into his flirtatious demeanor, giving you a lazy grin and a wink back. “I will take you up on that later, prinţesă.” He chuckled, stopping you for a second to capture your lips in a soft and slow kiss.
Giggling, you broke the kiss and tugged him into the diner to meet with the two men. “Sweetheart, you made it, I was starting to worry.” Bucky beamed at you, standing up to greet you. “I’m sorry we’re a little late, I didn’t mean to worry you.” You sighed and smiled sadly up at him, letting go of Pietro’s hand to hug Bucky tightly and then greet Steve with a hug that was just as warm and loving.
“Pietro.” Bucky’s greeting to him was a lot colder than the one he’d given you and every bit of encouragement you’d given Pietro that it would be fine, completely shattered in that moment and the Sokovian felt immediately out of place and very uncomfortable as he shook Bucky’s hand, who judging by Pietro’s reaction, Bucky was putting a bit more grip and force into the hand shake than he had expected.
Sliding into the booth with Piet next to you and Steve and Bucky opposite, you started to feel nearly as uncomfortable as Pietro when you started to notice your father figure glaring daggers every so often at your boyfriend during your chatter. While you tried to keep things light and friendly, it was hard to deny that Bucky was judging Pietro hard on any action he made, though you didn’t quite appreciate the fact that he was scaring the usually chatty, sarcastically witty twin into silence.
After a good few minutes of chatting over the menus and discussing what food to get, Bucky listening to the suggestions from you and his best friend, it wasn’t long before Steve asked you to come and help him order the food at the counter and you silently mouthed an apology to Pietro who looked at you with absolute horror that you were leaving him alone with Bucky.
“He hates him.” You grumbled to Steve as he threw an arm around your shoulders while you waited for the waitress to come over. “He’ll warm up to him, Sweetheart.” Steve sighed, glancing back over his shoulder at Pietro and Bucky at the table. “I don’t understand, he seemed positive about Pietro when I told him about him the other week.” You sighed, crossing your arms as you looked up at Steve, who instantly bit his lip as a look of guilt crossed his face and the super soldier drew in a nervous breath.
“What did you do, Stevie?” You quickly caught on to his realisation and wondered what the hell he’d said to Bucky to change his tone about Pietro so much. “I might’ve,” Steve paused to clear his throat and he gave you a pained look. “I might have mentioned his past when he was more of a ladies man.” He winced as he told you and cringed as he watched your shoulders deflate. “Steeeeve-.”You groaned, but before you could continue, the waitress arrived and Steve let out a sigh of relief that he was spared for the time being. He was in deep trouble and he knew it.
“Look, I know you make her happy and her happiness is all that matters to me, but I swear to god, running man,” Bucky paused to lean over the table and fix Pietro with a stern glare. “You don’t wanna know what happens if you break her heart.” He spoke gravely and Pietro started to realise what Bucky’s problem with him was. “I intend to do no such thing, Mister Barnes.” He assured him. “My attention is only for her, I love her and I can tell you that I will be deserving of punishment if I am ever stupid enough to hurt her.” He responded.
“Lemonade!” Steve announced loudly as he slammed the tray of drinks down onto the table, interrupting Bucky’s next sentence and completely shattering the tension. “Scoot over old man.” He nudged Bucky. “You’re old.” Bucky glared. “Yeah? Well you’re almost as old, same difference.” Steve smirked. “You’re way older.” Bucky retorted, prodding Steve playfully before letting him drop down into the seat.
Piet got out of the booth and held your hand to help you climb back in, giving you a gentle kiss on the side of the head as he sat down next to you. “He always like that with her or is he puttin’ it on?” Bucky whispered quietly to Steve. “He’s always like that, Buck.” Steve smiled, watching the sweet display as Pietro put his arm around your shoulders and slid your drink over to you before handing out everyone else’s, serving himself last. “He’s always sweet with her, happiest I’ve ever seen ‘em.” Steve whispered back to Bucky, hoping he could patch up some of the misunderstanding he’d caused previously. Perhaps you would let him off the hook later, being in trouble with you was not within Steve’s best interests.
For the first time during that meeting, Bucky finally cracked a small, soft smile as he watched Pietro joke around with you a little. The rest of the meal went smoothly and it was only when you and Pietro were about to leave, that Bucky stopped you both.
“Wait! Wait a second.” Bucky’s metal hand dropped onto Pietro’s shoulder and he tensed at the action. You sent a worried look towards Steve and watched as Bucky relaxed a little and took in a breath, smiling softly at you both. “Thanks for coming to spend lunch with two old men.” He gave you both a genuine, soft smile. “Maybe we can do something more relaxed next time? I’m sure you two have a full library of movies I gotta catch up on, right?” Bucky suggested.
“I’d like that Mister Barnes.” Pietro nodded and smiled, holding out his hand to shake before you could take the reply. Bucky grinned at him and returned the nod, shaking Pietro’s hand more gently than before and giving him a friendly clap on the shoulder. “It’s Bucky to you, kid.” He smiled, looking happier than he had when you had first arrived and he turned to you.
“C’mere.” He held open his arms for you and you stepped into his embrace and hugged him tight. “I’m happy for you.” He whispered against your hair. “M’sorry I was real harsh earlier, jus’ kind of protective, y’know?” He sighed, rubbing your back as he held you. “I get it Buck, it’s okay.” You smiled against his shoulder, squeezing him a bit tighter.
“Love you, Bucky.” You spoke quietly. “I love you too, moya devushka.” Bucky whispered back, kissing the top of your head before letting you go.
You said goodbye to Steve and left him with a long hug and waved at the super soldiers as you turned away to link hands with Pietro and go about the rest of your day. Bucky stepped out onto the street and glanced up the road where he saw you and Pietro sharing a kiss and he smirked, turning to Steve and leaned into his best friend. “What did you call her?” Steve asked, the quiet whisper from Bucky to you having not gone unnoticed to the other super soldier.
“My girl.” Bucky replied, grinning as he watched you and Pietro walk away together with his arm around you.
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taetaesbaebaepsae · 5 years
Blood Moon
A/n: spoopy season Namjoon for my KSC project. I had fun with this one. Also a caveat: a blood moon happened four times in 2013 and once in January of 2019 and won't happen again until 2032! But for the purposes of this story we'll ignore that.
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Summary: The blood moon is coming, and the alpha of your wolf pack wants to choose you as his mate. You're not ready, and your best friend Namjoon is more than happy to help.
Warnings: dirty truck bed sex, that old werewolf marking kink, a little blood, unprotected sex (if you aren't supernatural wrap it up kids), scent kink, oral sex (female receiving), possessiveness, I feel like the ending is shitty but what are you gonna do
Word Count: 2699 (I LOVE WEREWOLF AUS)
The blood moon is in three days, and Namjoon's skin feels like it doesn't quite fit, like it's stretched too tight against his skin.
He tells himself it's the upcoming shift, his body preparing itself to shed that skin, but he knows better.
Namjoon is well versed in lying to himself, since he's been masquerading as your best friend since you were pups.
Before he ever knew what love was, he knew his heart beat only for you, and the blood moon was in three days and it's time for the alpha to choose a mate.
The tall, broad shouldered alpha, known for his good looks in human form and his sleek black fur in wolf form, and Namjoon's older brother, Seokjin, had to choose a mate.
Everyone knows who he'll choose. It's not official but everyone sees the secret glances and stolen kisses at barn dances, everyone in the pack thinks it's just so cute, your secret romance.
Except Namjoon, sitting with a beer in his hand and watching Seokjin spin you on the dance floor, his stomach rolling at the way you're smiling up at him, eyes dreamy.
He leaves before the dance is over but he waits for you outside, waits for you because he's your ride home, waits for you because you asked him to, waits for you because he'll spend his whole life waiting for you.
When you come out you've got red lipstick smeared around your mouth and Namjoon is biting the insides of his cheeks when he wipes it off with his handkerchief.
"You'll be in big trouble if your mother sees you looking freshly kissed, Y/n," he scolds, and your laugh makes his chest ache.
"Aw, don't be jealous, Joonbug. I'm gonna find you a girl at the blood moon festival."
Namjoon snorts as he opens the passenger door of his truck for you.
"You'll be too busy getting hitched," he mumbles, and you keep talking for a moment.
"There's that cute redhead with the freckles. She's going on twenty five and not mated, I could-" You process his words and freeze. "Wait, what did you say?"
Namjoon drops the keys into his lap, looking at you wide eyed.
"What, you're telling me you don't know? How can you not know? You know the rules, Y/n, the alpha chooses a mate on the blood moon before his 28th year-"
"I didn't realize it was time! Are you...are you saying he's gonna choose me?" Your voice has gone all high pitched and panicky, and Namjoon puts a hand on yours.
"Hey.... it's what you want, right? You've been seeing him for years, off and on-"
"Sure I've been seeing him but that's a lot different than being mated to him, Joon! Can I...can I say no?"
Namjoon tries to ignore how his heart is soaring but his hands move before he can stop them, he tugs your shirt off your shoulders, eyes searching your skin.
You jump and tug your shirt back up. "I didn't let him mark me, Joon, what kind of wolf do you take me for?"
"Then you can say no. You can say no and we'll... we'll just run." He says in a rush.
"Run? Why would we run? Fuck, I shoulda paid more attention in Mama's Sunday wolf customs classes, huh?" You mumble, eyes wide, and Namjoon can't help but smile, looking down at your hand in his.
He should be scared. He should be terrified of what might happen if you refuse to be mated, how you might be tossed out of the pack you relied on, but all he can feel is his heart lifting, feeling like for the first time in a month there's not a boulder on his chest.
He rubs circles on your palm with his thumb, quiet for a moment.
His voice is soft when he speaks. "I...I know a way to get you out of this, but it might not be what you want."
"What is it? I swear I'll read that stupid book you told me to read about wolf traditions, I'll do anything you want if you just help me."
You lean closer to him and he can smell your fear mixed with that rose and the smell of maple bark that he'd know a mile away.
He takes in a deep breath and meets your eyes.
"He hasn't marked you, so if someone else does, before the blood moon..."
Your eyes widen a bit. "Okay. Okay that's fine but who am I gonna find to-oh. Oh."
Namjoon feels heat flooding to his face and he looks away.
He feels your hand on his face a second later, pulling him back to face you.
"Do it," you say firmly. "I trust you, Joonie."
He searches your face. "Y/n, I..."
You shouldn't trust me, he wants to say. You shouldn't trust me because I want you for myself. I want you so fucking bad I can't sleep at night and this is selfish and stupid and Seokjin might rip my throat out over it. I could die and I don't care, I don't care even a little if it means I get to die for you.
He doesn't say it, doesn't say anything at all, just looks around the parking lot.
Everyone's gone, it's only his truck in the parking lot.
He looks down at the gearshift in the middle, huffing in frustration. "There isn't enough room. We can do it tomorrow night, maybe at your place-"
"No," you say, swinging open the door of the truck. "We do it now."
There's a lump in his throat as he follows you, and you hop into the bed of his truck, looking up at him expectantly.
He stumbles getting in next to you and he's blushing, thinking that of all the ways he'd imagined this he'd never thought it'd be here, in the dirty bed of his truck outside Kim Taehyung's annual barn dance.
"What happens...after...?" You ask, rubbing at your arms.
Namjoon shrugs. "Nothing. Nothing really. The pack will know, pretty quickly. Our scents will be mingled. It doesn't mean anything, not if.... not if you don't want it to."
He slips your top down one of your shoulders, drawing in a sharp breath at how you shiver when he touches your skin. Your shirt keeps creeping back up and you impatiently tug it over your head, tossing it behind you.
Namjoon is overwhelmed for a moment at the expanse of your skin, at how he can't decide where he most wants to kiss you.
His hand is shaking a little as he trails his fingers along the line of your throat, across the dip at your collarbone.
He ducks his head and puts his lips there, that little hollow, and sucks a small, purple mark, testing your reaction.
You let out this little whimper in the back of your throat and his cock pulses under his jeans at the way your scent floods his nostrils.
He lifts his head to look into your eyes.
"Are you ready?"
You don't speak, you just nod, your eyes darker than usual.
Namjoon doesn't waste time, he's heard it can hurt if one partner doesn't like it and he never wants to hurt you, wants to make it quick.
It's easy for his fangs to unsheath this close to the blood moon and he bites down as gently as he can on the juncture of your shoulder and throat while still breaking the skin.
It's overwhelming, how your scent washes over him, how he remembers you in high school with your hair braided, the first time he couldn't take his eyes off the curls at the nape of your neck, the first time he ached to kiss you.
"Joonie," he hears you cry out his name and he lifts his head, eyes snapping to yours, worried, panic climbing up his throat. There are tears trailing down your cheeks.
"Did I hurt you?"
You shake your head and then you're climbing into his lap and your mouth is on his and he's forgotten how to breathe, head swimming with your scent and the taste of your tongue.
When you pull away he gasps in air and you're looking at him so softly, your hands going to unbutton his jeans and it's all happening so fast it makes him feel like it's all some kind of fever dream.
Even if it is, even if he'll wake up sticky and panting, he has to make the most of it because who knows if he'll live past Friday since he's marked the alpha's girl.
You still manage to get your hand down his pants and for a moment he just watches your small hand in awe as you cup him through his boxer briefs, bucking up into your hand and letting out a low growl.
He finds the strength to still your hands and lie you down on the bed of the truck, tugging off your cut-offs, and you're whining out his name again and again when he slips your panties off, spreads your thighs.
Namjoon pauses when he sees a fading bruise on your inner thigh, his skin suddenly got, a headache pulsing at his temples, something feral chanting mine mine mine.
He growls again, lower, and nips at the mark, making one of his own there.
You yelp out and he kisses you there, softly, murmuring against your skin, "I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry. There was a mark there and I had to-"
"Hey." Your hands are in his hair and your touch calms him, and when he looks up at you, your eyes calms him even more. "Hey, he didn't mark me. You did."
He nods, loves you so fiercely in that moment he feels like his heart might burst.
He lowers his head, buries his nose in your cunt, unashamed, and inhales you, your scent of rose and maple bark and the musk of your sex making him dizzy.
He can't help but moan when he tastes you, lapping at your juices, nosing at your clit to inhale again, his cock so hard it's aching.
"Ah! Joonie...Namjoon... please, please..."
You tighten your thighs around his head and he sucks your clit between his lips and marvels at how responsive you are, how quick your thighs are trembling.
He can smell it when you're about to come, it smells almost like rainwater, mingling with your other scent and he just keeps licking and lapping at you, stiffening his tongue to insert into you.
You almost scream out his name, tugging at his hair, pulling him up to kiss you.
"You gotta fuck me, Joonie. You gotta fuck me hard and fast right now or In gonna explode," you babble against his mouth and he laughs, drunk on your taste and smell.
He's inside you in a moment, after fumbling with his jeans, moaning praises into your mouth.
It's hard and dirty just like you'd asked because it can't be any other way, he's been harder than diamond since he'd marked you.
"Y/n...baby...I want to make this good for you but you're so good, so perfect."
You're sliding up and down the bed of his truck with your head thrown back as he fucks you, and all it takes is the sight of his teethmarks on your shoulder to make his balls draw up tight.
"Fuck, fuck, baby, you look so beautiful with my mark. You look like mine, yeah? I..." I love you, is what his mind is chanting. Fuck, I love you.
But this is about you. This is about saving you from being mated by someone else. Getting to mark you, getting to be inside you is just a bonus.
You wrap your arms around his neck and lock your ankles at the small of his back to pull him deeper and he can’t hold it anymore, he’s coming inside you and kissing you again and again until his lips are bruised.
It’s half an hour later when he’s able to think again and by then you’ve tugged on your cut-offs and your shirt is covering the  mark and he’s in the driver’s seat again, aching to snatch the fabric off it.
“Joonie, I didn’t know,” you say, and for a moment he doesn’t know what you mean and then his face is flooding with heat.
You’d felt it too, then, when he’d marked you, felt what he felt, how he saw you, and he wants to bury himself in the gravel outside the barn.
He doesn’t look at you when he starts the truck, and his throat is working when you slide over to straddle the gearshift and put your head on his shoulder.
You kiss him quick on the lips when you hop out of the truck, smiling, and then he doesn’t see you for three full days.
At the festival on Friday Namjoon is looking at the beer stills and wondering if he gets drunk enough before you arrive he won’t shift and try to kill his brother when he touches you when he sees you, watches you tug on Seokjin’s arm.
He’s already on edge, already been trying to call you and text you, stopping short of showing up at your house because your family might smell you on him and figure it out. He’s already twitchy from the blood moon, bones aching with the impending shift that he knows is coming right before the eclipse, that you’ve all prepared for by wearing loose clothes that you won’t mind ripping.
When Seokjin slips an arm around your waist as you lead him away Namjoon feels the fur that isn’t even there yet stand up on the nape of his neck.
He watches for a moment, telling himself he won’t follow but of course he does, his feet carry him there without his brain even knowing it.
Namjoon misses the conversation, but what he sees is Seokjin pulling you into his arms, leaning down to kiss your shoulder where his mark was under your shirt and he’s halfway through the shift before he knows what’s happening.
He takes it well, your old beau, and you appreciate it because you’ve all been friends your whole lives, they’re like family to you, Seokjin and Namjoon and the rest of the pack.
“Sorry, Jinnie,” you say, sheepishly, when you tug your shirt over to show Namjoon’s mark.
He just smiles at you, a little sadly. “Ah, I figured he’d get you in the end. You always did like him better, when we were kids.”
“Only because he didn’t cheat at horseshoes,” you laugh, and he laughs with you, pulling you into his arms.
Suddenly, Seokjin stiffens. “Oh, fuck,” he says softly, and that’s when you turn and see him.
You hold out your hands to the big, russet wolf, kneeling down a bit, exposing your throat, your mark, but he’s snarling, his eyes on Seokjin, who’s trembling a bit, trying to resist the change.
“Joonie,” You say, softly, and against everything you’ve ever been taught about male wolves, you approach him, running your fingers through the fur at his neck.
The big wolf whimpers, then, turns his eyes to yours, and you let him scent you, rubbing his nose along your mark. He exhales and finally sits, still watching Seokjin with fierce eyes.
Later, when the dawn is breaking and you’re both lying naked in the woods, bodies tired and aching from the shift, you nuzzle your nose into his neck. 
“You know, there’s another blood moon in three years, Joonie. Think you’ll be alpha by then?”
Namjoon blinks sleep from his eyes, confused. “Alpha? What? That’s what we were trying to avoid, Y/n, you getting stuck with a mate you didn’t want-”
You shush him with your mouth on his, smiling.
“After what I saw? How you looked at me when I was an acne ridden teenager with my stupid braid? How could I not want to be your mate?”
You kiss his dimples when he smiles, over and over, and come the next blood moon, you wear your mark proudly - all of them, in a strapless gown.
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Notebook Shocker: Mafia!Kaminari x Quirkless!Fem!Reader
Bruh its like 6am. I started this at 1am. Idk how writers do it. im drained af and probably spelt shit wrong but thats what edits are foooor. 
Mafia!Kaminari x Quirkless!Fem!Reader
Warnings: A lil torture, violence, and mafia stuffff
Plot : A certain mobster had caught you stealing 
Word Count: 5.8k
“What do you mean….someone took it?” Deku groaned in annoyance, fiddling with a pen behind his desk. His green eyes scanned over Kaminari’s sheepish stance, “That notebook has a lot of intel, if that gets in the wrong hands I won’t know what I’m going to do to you,” Deku continued, a sharp glare adding to the threat.
“I know, I know! Don’t worry about it boss, I’m gonna get it back. I saw who took it,” Kaminari explained, “I just wanted to let you know, I can track her down. How far can a little girly get?” He grinned as he rubbed the back of his neck. He knew he pissed off Deku but in a way he wasn’t too concerned yet. He just had to get that notebook back, and that would mean having a little chase with the girl who he saw last night.
“I don’t care who has it or how you get it back. I want that notebook, and bring her too! I wanna know who’s after it,” Deku ordered before waving his hand to dismiss him.
Giving a small head bow, Kaminari excused himself to go save that notebook. He didn’t know what was in there, but he knew it had to be important to rile up his boss that much. Walking down the halls of the hideout, he quickly made his way to the dinning hall where he knew his friends would be. Not minding the few bodyguards who nodded his way, Kaminiari pushed open the tall doors to the grand room and smiled over to his pals, Kirishima and Mina. “Guys! I may or may not have gotten myself into a bit of a situation,” He chuckled and took a seat at one of the seats across from them.
“What did you get yourself into this time bro?” Kirishima smirked looking up from the playing cards as Mina also took interest in the conversation. “I lost the notebook, the one Deku wanted,” He started which had already caused a worried look onto the duo’s faces across from him.
“Dude not cool, that had all the intel on certain politicians,” Kirishima sat up straighter, “Yeah, wasn’t Deku going to use that to bribe one of them to fund us?” Mina added into which Kaminari froze up.
“Wait, that notebook? Why would he make me in charge of that? Why not Todoroki or Bakugo?” Kaminari whined realizing how much worse this situation was and put his head to the table letting out an annoyed groan.
“Because they aren’t here at the moment! Duh! He sent them to go do something else like a week ago? You’re so daft Kami!” Mina teased but she looked a little worried for her friend who was now toying with the dinning cloth on the table.
“Let’s go, Kaminari, I’ll help you,” Kirishima began, to which Kaminari lifted his head with a relieved grin,”Really? Aw you’re the best,” The blonde responded happily and stood up with hope in his eyes. He did not want to stall much longer knowing Deku would lose it if he was still here and not out looking for that book.
“Good luck guys! Just remember to stay low! Deku doesn’t want any more loud operations! He’s still fixing the last screw up,” She reminded them. The boys simply nodded giving her a quick goodbye before heading out quickly to their cars.
Gripping onto the notebook tightly which you had stolen last night, you sat on your couch eyeing the cover of the simple black book. It was a simple job really, but something felt off. It was too simple. You weren’t a rookie when it came to stealing things, petty robbery and pickpocketing being your job after all, but you weren’t a professional. So why did someone like Shigaraki have you do a job for him. 
He hadn’t even asked you himself. One of his henchmen had asked you if you were interested in a job.
“It’s a quick and easy task! Just pop right in and grab a notebook, that’s all we need,” The man who introduced himself as Mr. Compress explained. “We just need someone with not much background, someone who doesn’t look suspicious,” He added on when you had asked why they wanted someone like you to do the job when they had many capable people of their own. “We will pay half now, half later,” Was the final deal breaker.
Surely you could have refused something like this but when he had pulled out a few wads of cash, your eyes had grown big at the sight and agreed. He wasn’t lying about it being easy either. You dressed fairly casual that night and went to the location he gave you. It was a small apartment building tucked away at the end of the big city with not many people around either. It was perfect.
You managed to climb up the building’s fire escape and perched yourself carefully onto the railing of the outside door to the apartment number. The lights were out and it was silent as well. Quickly grabbing the lockpicks tool out from your back pocket, you made easy work of the sliding glass door before letting yourself inside the home.
“Whoever must live here must be whack,” Were the first words to leave your lips as you looked around at the decorations and trinkets.It wasn’t fairly messy but there was nothing that matched. It just looked like a collection of things spewed out here and there. Quickly getting to work, you started rummaging through the living room, but only found video games, weed, and instant meal packages here and there. Letting out a huff, you made your way to the bedroom and started pulling out drawers, digging through the closet, and finally lifting the bed sheets and mattress to the side to find a small black notebook tied to a shoebox. 
“Found you,” You sighed in relief, “Was about to think you weren’t here,”. Untying it from the shoebox, you straightened yourself out before you heard the keys rattling and the doorknob jiggling from the front room. “Shit!” You cursed and quickly looked to his bedroom window. Rushing over to it, you unlocked it with a click, looking down to see that there was a little balcony below you.
“Hello?” You heard from the front room, a concerned male’s voice as footsteps got closer to the bedroom you didn’t have the time to think or look back as you made the decision to jump down, landing with a bit of a thud against the metal flooring before jumping down from that balcony as well. It was a lie to say it didn’t hurt the soles of your feet.
“Hey! Get back here girly!” Was all you heard from him before you took off running, the sound of something hitting the ground with a zap behind you causing the adrenaline to push you to run faster.
You hadn’t stopped running until you were met with a semi busy street, the nightlife letting you blend in with the crowd. You had managed to get the notebook and yourself out of there in one piece. It’s how you got here, back to your home unaware of the golden eyes that had trailed you back to your street.
Looking down at the notebook, you carefully opened it and skimmed through it, famous names and politicians you recognized with dirty secrets scribbled onto the side of the names. “Wow,” You breathed out before an uneasy feeling settled into your stomach. There was a lot in this book, a lot of information anyone in the deeper side of things would love to have. Yet here you were, something that could change a lot in the public's eye of view, resting in the palms of your hands. What made it worse was you were told to hold onto it till someone named Dabi was going to pick it up from you. Standing up, you looked around your apartment scanning for a place to hide this. 
Deciding to put it into a cereal box for now, you went to go take a shower and call it for tonight. You were far too drained to do anything else but that.
The next few days you took it easy, leaving every now and then to get groceries or get a coffee at the nearby cafe, doing your best to keep an eye out on anything that would make you feel unsafe or alerted.
“Come on Kami, you have to be sure,” Kirishima muttered as they stayed low in a stolen car, parked outside the apartments in which you lived. “I’m pretty sure that’s her, same hair, same face,” Kaminari eyed the building watching as you returned from the store again,”Clueless little thing huh? I don’t even recognize her from anywhere, she doesn’t even seem like the type to do anything like breaking into houses,” He spewed on watching as you swayed your hips up the stairs to your own little home,”She’s a cutie though,” 
“Yeah, but that cutie has something important. You’re right though, I haven’t seen her around, wonder how she knew about the notebook,” Kirishima mused before grabbing his gun, making sure it was loaded just in case before cocking it,”You sure we need that?” Kaminari asked to which Kirishima looked up at the apartments through the window.
“I hope not, but we don’t know her quirk or if she’s even alone up there,” the redhead responded with hesitation. He didn’t want to hurt her, just scare her enough to get what they want. “But you know what you’re gonna have to do. I’m just here for backup, this is your mistake bro,” kaminari only huffed back at his friend but nodded. Getting out of the car, the duo quickly made their way up the stairs and to the door they saw you vanish through. Reaching for the doorknob, Kaminari gave it a small tug and to his disappointment it was locked. Giving a look to Kirishima, the blonde gave a nod before knocking on the door.
Hearing you scuffle behind the door, his chest felt like it was going to explode when he heard the soft and sweet,”Hello?” come from inside. “We got a delivery for you!” He responded. Kirishima nudged his shoulder giving him a questioning, ‘What the fuck?’ look but when they both heard the door unlock, then quickly focused back to it.
Wasting no time, Kaminari rushed in grabbing you by the arm, his other hand flying to your mouth as he gave you a stern warning look as Kirishima followed inside, closing the door behind him with his foot. Drawing the gun just in case, Kirishima eyed the apartment before looking back at you and Kaminari.
The blonde knew you were in shock, your eyes wide as if you were a deer in headlights but tears quickly prickled at the corners of your eyes as he saw you eye the gun. “Hey, hey, shhh don’t cry it’s okay. Don’t scream or struggle, he won’t use it I promise,” Kaminari cooed, keeping a tight hold of you regardless. Little zaps sprung from his fingertips to show you that while he was talking sweet, he wasn’t going to let you try anything. Walking backwards towards your couch, he slowly removed his hand from your mouth,”Please...don’t hurt me,” You whispered out as you looked up at them. Kaminari would’ve felt more bad if it weren’t for the fact that you had stolen the notebook he was supposed to be keeping. He had to admit though, your wide eyes looking up at him like that made him feel something in his chest.
“Won’t have to if you give back that notebook you stole, baby, just tell us where it is and it’ll make this much easier,” He said sweetly to you and pushed you into the couch, having you fall back onto the cushions. Looking down at you as you pushed yourself further into the couch to try and keep some distance from him had him smirk with a bit of pride. He may be relaxed with his friends but man oh man if he didn’t look scary when he wanted to.
“I don’t know what youre talking about,” You tried to play off, to his disliking. He really didn’t want to have to hurt such a pretty woman like you but damn it if you didn’t spill it out he’d be forced to.
“Lying isn’t pretty you know,” Kaminari cooly muttered before lifting his hand up,”Search for it,” He said over his shoulder to which Kirishima started to go through your things. “I saw you taking it from my home, going through a man’s bedroom isn’t nice,” he continued in a teasing tone as he lowered himself so he was perched on his heels so he could look straight at you. Taking his hand he placed it on your leg causing you to tense up with worry. Watching you eye him back with uncertainty, he only smiled back in return as he let a few sparks against your leg.
“What the fuck!” he watched you hiss and try to pull away from his hand to which he only gripped the top of your leg tighter,”Ah uh,” Kaminari chuckled, a twisted tone in his voice, “Come on now, I don’t wanna have to hurt you more. Just give us the notebook,” He pressed on trying to get you to spill it already, “I’ll give you a minute to tell me, if not I might have to fry a few nerves, and we wouldn’t want that would we baby girl?” 
“Don’t call me that,” You spit back to his surprise. Fiesty one? Yeah he can dig that. “Don’t be so mean,” Kaminari uttered back in fake hurt as he shocked your leg with a little bit of a higher voltage watching as tears came to your eyes,”If you keep this up I’ll have no choice but to think you like this,” He teased and watched her as she gripped onto his own wrist trying to pry him off,”Let me go!” You cried out in frustration. Watching you struggle against his grip was cute but getting annoying, “Did you find it yet?” He shouted looking over his shoulder to try and find Kirishima who was currently digging around in your bedroom. 
“Not yet,” his friend called back. Kaminari was about to reply when he felt something hard smash against his head as well as you crying out in pain at the same time. Letting go of his grip on you, he fell back with a “Oof”. Holding the side of his head, he looked up to see you had headbutted him and were now on your way of getting up towards the door. “Fuck,” Kaminari gritted his teeth and sprung up, being quick to grab you by your wrist and letting out a painful wave of shocks getting you to scream. 
“Kaminari! The neighbors will hear!” He heard Kirishima yell at him causing him to grip onto her mouth, tugging her into the wall and pressing her stomach against the cool surface, “You know babe, I don’t usually get mad,” Kaminari whispered sweetly in your ear in a sickening tone, “But you’re really pushing it right now. Give it up or I’m going to show you how much I can really make you scream,” 
Feeling you tense up and shake against him had the blonde tilted your head back to see terror in your eyes. If this notebook hadn’t been so important, he would have probably apologized right then and there.
“Cereal box,”  He felt you mutter in his hand making him confused instantly. Removing his hand, Kaminari gave you a questioning look. “It’s...It’s in the coco puffs,” You sobbed out and he could tell you were trying to keep yourself calm through this. Looking over to Kirishima from across the room, he watched his friend hurry to the kitchen knowing they had limited time now that they made too much noise here. Digging through your cabinets, he watched his friend pull out a cereal box and spill the contents out, the notebook falling onto the counter, “There it is! Fuck there it is!” Kaminari laughed in relief while holding you between him and the wall,”See that wasn’t so hard? Who would’ve thought cereal was the answer?” He joked trying to lighten the mood.
“I don’t know dude, but we need to get out of here now, the neighbors probably heard her scream,” Kirishima responded but was smiling as well. It was funny seeing that you hid it almost so well in a breakfast box.
“Please...let me go, you have everything you want,” Kaminari looked down to see you with pleading eyes and while he wished he could say they were done with you, he couldn’t. “It’s not that easy baby, you stole...from the mafia no less. That was stupidly brave but our boss isn’t happy,” He explained and when he saw the look on your face of hesitation and fear he tightened his grip on your arm, “Don’t do anything stupid, just cooperate, it’s gonna be fine,” He tried to reassure you but already he could see the defiance building up, “I don’t want to have to knock you out, just relax,” 
“Here, blindfold her,” Kirishima reached over, handing over his headband knowing all too well how these things go. “No! I-” You began to try to fight back but Kaminari was quick to shock that out of you. “Kiri, hold her will you,” He muttered, taking the blindfold with one hand before gently pushing her to Kiri who grabbed both of her wrists and kept her sturdy. “Look just be good and we won’t have to hurt you any further,” Kirishima tried to reason with you looking down at your fearful expression before the black headband covered your red puffy eyes.
“One more thing, get her hands behind her back, I don’t trust her to behave in the car,” Kaminari requested and watched as you struggled a bit against his friend who pulled your hands behind your back. Taking off his own belt, he made a makeshift handcuffs and tightened them around your wrists,” Alright let's get going before we get caught, oh and baby, don’t scream when we get out there, I really don’t want to sedate you with my quirk,”
After having the two strangers pull you out of the house quickly and get you to the car, you sat quietly in the back of the car, your heart and mind racing with thoughts and emotions. They had you blindfolded and your wrists tied up together making it difficult to calm down but at least they had the decency to buckle you up. “Hey, breathe, don’t hyperventilate,” You heard the blonde one suddenly say in the midst of the silence. That’s when you realized you really were breathing quick. “Fuck you…,” You mumble back and hear them both sigh a little as the car took off. “What’s your name then?” You heard the one named Kaminari speak again to which you only glared into your blindfold,”Gonna shock me if I don’t tell you?” You questioned back bitterly but hushed. 
“Just tryna make conversation, make you feel a little better,” You heard him respond with a huff before the radio was turned on. You felt somewhat relieved when the music replaced the awkward silence in the car. ‘You just had to get greedy with the money offered and this is where you ended up’ You furiously thought to yourself. Listening to your kidnappers talk with the music in the background had somewhat calmed you down just a bit to start feeling the aftermath of the shocks. Your leg and arm felt tingly still and a headache started to grow from the headbutt earlier. You’re sure to have a bump there later. 
Leaning against the seat of the car more, you shut your eyes and try to zone out to try and get a plan going. You hadn’t realized how much time went by before the car came to a slow and then a halt before hearing a gate screech open and for the car to move slowly forward, the tires sounding like they were on gravel as they stopped again. 
“I’ll get here,” You heard Kaminari say to which the other man snorted,”Not like I was gonna. Here take the notebook too. I said I would help, but I’m not going to face Deku. I already got my ass yelled at a few weeks ago and I’m not getting further into this,” He stated.
“Fineee,” was all you heard before the car doors clicked shut and footsteps to your side opened the car. Feeling hands reach in and unbuckle you, you kept silent in fear as well as anger before he picked you up out the car and helped you over his shoulder,”I can walk!” You hissed.
“Yeah, so can I,” Was the only snarky response you got back as you were carried off. As you reached the inside of wherever you were, you could hear small talk here and there as well as doors opening and closing. You started to feel a bit more nervous with how many people you could hear. Your kidnapper remained eerily silent as well as if he himself was nervous himself.
“Bring her in here,” You heard a different voice call out as Kaminari made a sharp turn into a different path following the voice. After a few more seconds you felt colder as you were put down and pushed into a chair. “Hey-” You started but a quick shock silenced you right up as your arms were tugged out from the belt and a cold metallic material was wrapped around your wrists.
“Now come with me,” The new voice spoke again and the footsteps traveled out the room, a door swinging shut with a loud click afterwards. Now you were chained to something, in a cold room, with a blindfold still on.
“Hello?” You called out and after no response you leaned over getting your face close to your hands before tugging off the blindfold. “What the fuck is this,” You muttered out as light brought onto you a cool grey room with nothing but a table to where your hands were chained, the cahir you were currently sitting on, and a chair in front of you. Starring around, the solid blocked out door was the only way out and god knows how many people were on the other side.
“Don’t cry...don’t you dare cry,” You growl to yourself trying to keep composure as you stare at your hands in anger. Breathing in and out as best as you could to keep from crying you wanted to think of a way out of this but there weren’t any ideas popping in. You were just a small time quirkless thief, not some mafia enemy. You didn’t know how to deal with this.
The door clicked back open causing you to turn your head quickly back to it to watch Kaminari walk back in with a folder,”(Y/N)...such a pretty name! You should have told me earlier baby,” He said making you stiffen up in your seat eyeing him with a glare,” But you really should have said something about being quirkless, I would have gone easy on you,” He pouted over to you making you bare your teeth in disgust.
“Why? Being quirkless doesn’t make us weak,” You spit out in malice disgusted by his suggestion,”I stole that notebook from you without one,” You proudly stated in a matter of fact tone. “Mhm, yeah but look where that got you girly,” Kaminari shot back taking a seat across from you before looking through whatever file he had on you. Golden eyes locked back to yours and a chill went down your spine from the grin he had,”So missy, I see you actually have a fair share of robberies in your file. Well, this time you hit big money huh? Wanna share where you got that information on the little notebook?” He started. 
Taking a small breathe, you knew you couldn’t give that away. Deep down you knew that wasn’t the best idea even if you were in this situation. If Shigaraki’s crew figured it out you told on them, you were most definitely dead. “Bite me,” You answered glaring back down at your hands not wanting to see what expression the man had.
“Maybe later, but right now I kind of need answers baby girl. See, the boss needs answers and he always gets what he needs,” Kaminari laughed lightly but you could tell he wasn’t too happy with your answer, “So lets try this again. Where did you get the information? Don’t make me shock a quirkless girly like you,” 
“I’m not making you do anything, you’re just fucked up enough to be the villain of the situation here,” That line alone made the room feel even colder as you lifted your head to see Kaminari silently put the folder down. He was still smiling and you couldn’t help but want to scoot further away from him. The chair beneath him squeaked against the floor as he got up and made his way behind you. “I told you I’m really slow to anger right?” He muttered lowly without the smile leaving his face and you felt instant regret as he reached over, his chin over your shoulder as his arms trailed up your arm and made their way to your hands. Flipping them over he forced his hands into yours, holding onto them tightly.
“Fuck off,” You huffed trying to shake him off but before you could try to shake him off, a high voltage sparked through both of your hands and through your arms reaching the rest of your body. Screams ripped through your lungs and your back arched off the chair as the tears had flowed down your cheeks. He didn’t let up until he was sure you had learned the message, letting the shocks die down but didn’t move his hands. You went limp against the chair breathing heavily as sobs shook through you.
“Shhh, it’s okay. I’m only hurting you as much as you hurt me with your mean little opinions,” He whispered but something in his voice gave off a small hint of him liking this, “Now, who told you about the notebook?” he asked again his breath close to your ear, “And think hard about what you wanna say. If you wanna act tough, I’ll treat you like you’re tough. You can handle more can’t you babygirl? I’ll make it last longer next time,” He laughed into your ear before he licked the shell causing another shiver to go down your spine.
“You’re...an asshole,” You cried out trying to hold onto the thin string of bravery and confidence to get through this. You heard a dark chuckle from behind you before your mind went blank. A searing pain of shocks went throughout your whole body as your scream filled the room once more, trying to tug your hands away from him but to no luck he remained the stronger of you two. It felt like this would never end and that this pain was going to be with you forever. After what felt like hours, the shocks stopped as your mind went numb. Your eyes closed as they felt heavier and your body felt like it was being pricked over and over again with needles.
“Don’t pass out on me now, come on wake up!” You barely even heard his voice as the blonde squeezed your hands before he helped you sit back up against the chair,”man, I went a little overboard huh?” Chuckled filled the room as he gave light taps to your cheeks causing your eyes to open to look above you, golden honey pools hypnotizing you for a little. “Hey pretty baby, you back from your little high?” He joked before tears pooled down your cheeks again, afraid of what more he could do to you. “Just tell me okay? We don’t wanna be doing this all day and night do we?” He questioned with a smile as he took your hands again making your resolve snap.
“H-He..he told me he would pay me alot...I just wanted to pay bills,” You cried out breaking under the pressure and pain, wanting nothing more than to quit being a thief and just go home to curl up in bed, “Shhh, it’s okay. I get it, you just wanted to survive out in this cold world. Give me a name, I’ll make this all better,” he breathed out, his thumb on your right hand stroking the back of your hand trying to soothe you.
“His n-name is Mr. Compress. I really don’t know his name please...don’t shock me please, that’s all i know! He wanted the notebook and gave me your address that’s all! Please let me go,” You begged wanting nothing more than for this to be over.
“Good girl, there you go. It’s okay, that’s all I wanted,” Kaminari praised before letting go of your hands which you automatically tried to pull back to yourself, your palms red and starting to swell. “I’ll get you some water okay?” He hummed as he gave you a condescending pat to the head before leaving the room. You didn’t care for what he did, you felt so drained and your head just felt so heavy. Closing your eyes you finally gave out and slumped over the table, your breathing uneven.
You felt like you were on a cloud surrounded by angels who covered you in their feathers. It felt like you could sink into that pleasurable feeling forever if it weren’t for the pain coursing through your hands. You didn’t want to move, you didn’t want to open your eyes. You didn’t want to be shocked-
You started to remember the moments before you had passed out and panic flung through your chest. You had to get up, assess what’s going on. Managing to open your eyes, you were met with a dimly lit room and soft fleece blankets all around and over you. Carefully sitting up you hissed in pain when your hands ached. Bringing them in front of you, white bandages were wrapped around your palms and fingers. Confusion hit you all at once as you looked up, the only light source coming into the room being from the ajar door. Squinting to try and see better throughout the room, dread filled you as you recognized your surroundings. This is where it all started. The room you took the notebook in.
Being quick to stand up, you felt woozy but the need to leave was greater than the need to sit down. Stumbling to the door, you swung it out and peeked out to see Kaminari sitting lazily on his couch, a ps4 controller in hand as he button mashed away. It was odd not seeing him in a suit, rather in shorts and a simple hoodie. Carefully stepping out, you looked to the front door trying to convince yourself to make a bolt for it. Taking in a small sturdy breath, you launched yourself out the room to try and get to the door but it seemed like your body had other plans. Wobbling forward you managed a few steps before your head pounded causing you to fall to your knees and groan.
“Careful! You’re probably still a little fried,” A voice came from above you and helped stand you up. The same golden eyes that had you crying and being shocked were now looking at you with worry. Dumbfounded by his expression, you let him lead you to his couch and sit you down,”You might want to take it easy for a while, you put up quite a fight in that room,” Kaminari chuckled to which you could only blink at him with confusion as to what was going on with the sudden flip of being nice.
“I want to go home,” Was what you finally managed to say after the two of you had stared at each other in silence. “Yeah...that’s not gonna happen baby girl. It’s a bit more complicated than that,” He responded with a small smile that had a sign of pity in it.
“What do you mean? I really just want to forget everything and go home, please,” You tried to argue to which he shrugged and sunk into the back of the couch getting comfortable again. Not bothering to look at you, he stared at the t.v ahead of him, “Well, there were three options on what to do with you. One, we could have killed you which I really didn’t want to do. Two, we could have released you but that would have left us open for an attack. Shigaraki’s side could have kidnapped you right after and tortured you again and killed you after for information about the book and us. Then this option. I could take you home with me, keep you safe and away from your own crimes and as well as us safe from others taking you for information. I took a liking to you, it would have felt a shame to kill a pretty babe like you,” He explained fully, before looking back at you. You felt horrified, looking back down at your hands to come up with something to say but you didn’t. You drew a blank. All you could think was that if you did leave, you’d have two mafia groups looking for your death/capturement but if you stayed, you would be forever locked away with this man who you know nothing of beside the fact that he works for the mafia.
“Hey, I know that’s a lot to take in, but I’m doing you a favor, keeping you here to stay alive. All you gotta do is listen to me, and we’ll both be happy. You can also call me Denki from now on, ‘Kay?” Kaminari hummed as he got up walking to his room and coming back with the soft blanket you were snuggled into earlier. Dropping it onto your head, he plopped down next to you.
“Denki?” You whispered out his name as you hugged the soft blanket around you for the comfort, “What...what am I supposed to do here?” You asked fearful of the answer looking at him as his eyes had a brighter shine than before.
“Just be a good girly and we will see what you can do,” He answered back and looked back to his game starting it back up, “You’ll make a cute little housewife or something. We’ll figure it out,”
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calpalirwin · 4 years
Drunk In Love
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Summary: Part of the “I wish you would write a fic where” requests in which Ash asks why the reader is cautious hanging out with his friends. And it's cause of how much the reader has to explain they don't drink but people never respect their answer. So Ash tries going sober for x amount of time in solidarity and realizes just how much alcohol was prevalent in his life. And the reader is worried they're accidentally manipulating him but Ash can't thank them enough for not drinking and for the social experiment they inspired.
A/N: Always be respectful of people’s choices regarding drinking (and most other life choices as well). Also sorry this sucked lol. The easing myself back into writing for fun is proving to be difficult.
Content: Pressures of drinking
Word Count: 1.4k
And away, and away we go!
“Hey, love, you ready to go?” I asked, bounding down the stairs. I paused in my tracks, frowning as I looked over at her, still lounging comfortably on the couch.
“I was just going to stay in. But have fun, and send everyone my love!” She flashed me a bright smile before turning her attention back to her show.
I sighed as I walked over to her and hopped over the back of the couch to land next to her. “Well if you’re not going, neither am I,” I decided.
“Ash…” she told me, hitting pause on the remote. “You should go if you want to. See Mike’s new place. Hang out with everybody.”
“I want to go with you,” I told her honestly.
“And I want to stay in.”
“Why what?”
“Why do you never want to go out with me? Are you afraid of the press?”
“No,” she shook her head. “Your life doesn’t scare me, Ashton.
“Then what is it?” I pressed, raking my hands through my hair to stem my growing irritation. In our three months of dating she had never once gone out with me. It was starting to make me wonder why she even bothered to come over at all if she was just going to sit on my couch while I went out with friends. “Is it the guys? Did they say something wrong? Do you not like them? Do you not like me?”
“What? No! Ash, of course I like you! And your friends are great!”
“Then how come you never want to come out with us?” I asked, my voice small. Fuck, I hated feeling vulnerable. I hated that I questioned everything constantly. I hated that I felt I needed to question everything all the time. Why would she only go out with me when it was just the two of us? Why did it bother me that she didn’t want to join in on nights out with my friends? Was it really a bad thing that she was encouraging me to go out without her? Was it really a bad thing that she preferred to spend time with me alone?
“It’s not that I don’t want to go out with you guys, Ash. It’s that…”
“What?” I practically begged. “Talk to me, love. Please. I’m going crazy over here.”
“I don’t drink, Ash.”
“So?” I was confused as to what not drinking had to do with choosing to not go out. 
“So,” she sighed. “People give me a hard time for it. They say I haven’t found a drink I like yet. They call me uptight, and say how I need to loosen up, or that I need to stop being a little bitch.”
“Who says that?” I asked, my jaw clenching.
She waved her hand dismissively. “People, Ash. Just in general. Look, I’ve been dealing with it for four years. I don’t feel like I need to justify why I don’t drink. So I just prefer not to put myself in situations where I know there will be drinking. That way I don’t have to deal with the judgement.”
“Baby, I-” I faltered. I didn’t know what to say. Did we really live in a world where people judged you more for not drinking than for drinking? Did she judge me for drinking? “Can I ask why you don’t drink?”
She nodded and offered me a small smile. “It’s a personal choice I made after I’ve seen what drinking can do to people.”
“If I promise not to drink, will you come with us?”
Her hand squeezed around my fingers. “That’s not it at all, Ash. I’m not bothered by other people drinking. I respect their choice. I’m bothered when they don’t respect mine.”
“What if I promise not to let that happen?”
She laughed. “What are you gonna do, tough guy? Beat people up for me?”
I puffed out my chest and flexed the muscles in my arms. “If I have to,” I grinned.
She laughed again and placed a soft kiss to my lips. “Alright. Give me a couple minutes to change.”
“Hey! You guys made it!” Calum greeted, clapping me on the shoulder and giving her a hug. “C’mon, let’s get you guys a drink before Luke drinks all the tequila.”
“Uh…” I stuttered, rubbing at the back of my neck. Damn, not even thirty seconds into the night…
“Luke can have it,” she laughed. “I’ll just stick with water.”
Calum’s eyebrows quirked up. “Drew the designated driver straw?”
“Something like that,” she laughed more.
We moved to follow Calum to Michael’s kitchen where people were crowded around, making their own drinks or making small talk. “Are you sure you’re okay?” I whispered low in her ear.
“Yeah, I’m fine. Cal just gave me my out.”
“I’m sorry,” I apologized anyway.
“Hey! You’re here!” Michael cheered, his green eyes already glossy. “Better hurry before Luke drinks all the tequila.”
“But when I taste tequila!” Luke sang loudly from where he leaned against a counter, a bottle of tequila held tenderly to his chest.
“Nobody wants your nasty ass tequila, mate,” I teased Luke before turning to Michael. “We’ll just stick to water.”
“Playing designated driver?” Michael hiccuped as he produced the water while Luke cried to his bottle that I didn’t mean what I had said.
I nodded, taking the waters from my friend and passing her one of them.
Michael raised an eyebrow the same way Calum had only moments ago. “Well if you change your mind, you guys are welcome to stay. Plenty of rooms.”
“Thanks Mike,” I clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“I’m so sorry,” I apologized for what felt like the millionth time as we lounged together in Michael's backyard.
“Ash, it’s fine,” she responded in kind. “I’m glad I’m here. Mike’s new place is awesome.”
“But-” I protested.
“Shh,” she shushed me. “Trust me, I’ve dealt with worse.”
I wanted to keep protesting that she shouldn’t have to deal with any assumptions, but I ultimately decided against it.
“Hey love, you ready?” I asked. It had been about seven months since Michael’s housewarming party. In that time, she had continued to deflect on nights out, and I had stopped drinking myself. I figured since today was just a hang out at Luke’s this time, she would be willing to go with me.
I grinned when I found her at the door, car keys in hand. “Been waiting on you,” she teased before tossing the keys through the air towards me.
I snatched them and grinned wider. God damn, I loved this woman.
“Hey! Glad you guys made it!” Luke greeted.
“You act like I don’t know where you live,” I laughed.
“Whatever,” Luke laughed with me. “Guys want something to drink?”
“Water’s fine,” I told him.
“Still on that sober streak?”
I shrugged. “I wouldn’t call it a streak.”
Luke nodded. “Right. Not a streak. Lifestyle choice.”
I made to follow Luke deeper into the house to the kitchen but her hand wrapped around my arm, holding me back. “You’re sober?” she hissed.
“For how long?”
“Since Mike’s party.”
She did the math in her head. “Since I told you I don’t drink, you mean?”
“Yeah… why are you mad?”
“I’m not mad, Ash. I’m proud of you. But… I mention all the shit I deal with for not drinking, and you decide to become sober the same night? That’s…”
“Eye-opening?” I suggested when she faltered.
“Manipulative! Ash… I didn’t tell you because I’m bothered by your drinking. I told you that other people drinking doesn’t bother me. It’s when they expect me to because they do that bothers me.”
“Love, you’re not manipulating me.”
“Oh, so it’s a coincidence then?!”
I pulled us off to the side as her voice began to climb higher. “Would you stop? I’m a grown ass man. I can stop drinking if I want to.”
“I’m just saying that the timing seems sketchy to me, Ash. If you want to stop drinking, I’m all for it. I’ll support you with anything, you know that. But I want you to do it for you. Not me.”
“I am doing it for me! Look, I didn’t realize how often I get asked if I want to have a drink until you pointed it out. I always thought I was careful about my drinking, but I didn’t realize it controlled my life the way it does. And yes, it took you pointing it out for me to notice, but stopping it was my choice. You didn’t make me do anything.”
“Ash… I-”
“I know. You don’t want to manipulate someone into not drinking the same way you don’t want people to manipulate you into drinking. But, love, that’s not what’s happening here.”
“You promise?”
“I promise.”
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bow-woahh · 4 years
She-Ra season 5 thoughts
A chaotic summary of my feelings/ reactions of each episode! Spoilers. Obviously. 
Episode 1 — Horde Prime
- First of...Adora stop throwing yourself into battle challenge - "You're not She-Ra anymore" — TELL HER SIS - The way Catra was so smug but Glimmer was not having any of it "You're just as alone as I am" if that ain't the truth idk what is - Catra wanting the climb up the ranks? Sis I don't think so let's see how long that lasts - The DINNER pissed me the fuck OFF - Oh yeah here's my obligatory SW FUCK OFF CHALLENGE - Micah, King, glare at her!! Yes!! - The way Scorpia said "Catra thought my singing was annoying" honey - That clone was SO annoying stfu about Prime being omniscient and omnipresent and shit like ugH idC - Bow and Adora are the BROTP - Scorpia stinging Adora to keep her safe - and that's on friendship - The way Prime INSTANTLY called Catra out "Adora means something to you" listen I hate the gay but damn he's smart. He saw right through her act. - "Adora chose her side and I chose mine" that doesn't mean you don't still care Catraaa - Also that was REALLL quick lmaoo the way five seconds she was like "imma climb up the ranks" then in about two secs HP was like "sis I have no use for you" - "What are you going to do to me?" IM CRYING - Adora and those weird flashback PTSD things -- are u okay sis?? - This was the first episode and I already want to cry so....wow
Episode 2 — Launch
- Adora omg she's so fatigued girl S L E E P - Bow getting pissed at everyone for not letting her rest...what a king - Catra disobeying HP and talking back to that clone but then HP took its form...fuck man that shit scary - STOP CALLING HER  LITTLE SISTER CHALLENGE JESUS FUCK - Everyone hates Entrapta wow ouch - Literally Entrapta being horny over robots is hilarious lmaoo - Mermista is a great leader and they worked so well together ahhh! I'm loving Scorpia and Frosta's friendship - Entrapta got the signal!! I'm proud -  Adora stop following holograms and illusions challenge -  Adora being all like "I don't know my destiny anymore but I know I need to save my friend." LIKE YES HONEY -  Glimmer is sO volatile like honey,, did you need to break HP's crystal ball thingy?? DID U?? -  also she knows her dad is alive now and that H U R T S ++ I bet she doesn't know the sword is broken so fuckkl -  Micah as She-Ra?? something I never knew I needed -  SW not being in this episode at all? love that for us - "I reinstate my horray" I LOVE YOU SCORPIA - "Can you stay?" MY FUCKING HEART GLITRA FRIENDSHIP HERE WE COME
Every episode I just feel immense f E AR
Episode 3 — Corridors
- THIS STARTS W BABY CATRA AND ADORA?? NOELLE WHY ARE TRYNA KILL US?? - Catra and Glimmer talking about sleepovers and Adora...damn my heart - Adora and her stupid ponytail 💀 - "I'll never say sorry!" - THE WAY YOUNG CATRA WAS SO JEALOUS EYE— - "There's no one in the entire universe who cares about me." - "Im sorry! For everything." IM SO UPSET WTF -  CATRA IS FUCKED BUT SHE SAVED GLIMMER -  HP GTFO CHALLENGE -  I'm so proud of my baby tho wow... -  What the fuck we gone do now? -  so much happened in this episode so this is a lot shorter because my brain is numb. Catra is gonna get brainwashed?? isn't she?? -  "I want to do that one good thing in my life." IM CRYING Y'ALL
Episode 4 —Stranded
- Adora is like "Catra, Catra?? saved you?? wtaf?” Lmaoo - Bow and Glimmer fighting is hurting my HEART - KYLE HAS A CRUSH ON ROGELIO?? SCORPIA DONE EXPOSED IT AHHH - Swifty tryna contact Adora?? kinda cute - him impersonating everyone was onbrand and kinda funny ngl - The way Adora is like "it's complicated" lmaoo girl everything is w you - I live the star siblings omg yeS - "I have to save someone. Someone I—" omFG ADORA - Adora is S T R O N K - she GLOWED OMFG SHE RA?? IS THAT U?? - BOW AND GLIMMER BEING OKAY?? MAYBE - Etherians really are wilding out here - YESSS THEY JOINING THE REBELLION - "Maybe we'll never be friends like we used to be."  Glimmer...I love her sm - "I can't just leave her there. I have to try." Adora actually cares so much about her!! and I love Glimmer being supportive wow we love a queen! - THE BEST FRIEND SQUAD IS BACK TOGETHER!! LETS GOO - "She-Ra is back." Swift Wind is annoying but thank you. thank you for saying that horse.
I literally threw my hoodie across the room and forgot that I did that wow lmao
Episode 5 — Save the Cat
- My friend who's ahead me said wait for episode 5 now I'm fucking S H OO K - this episode name has me shook I can't - its WRITTEN BY NOELLE?? WE'RE FUCKED - I love Wrong Hordak SM what an idiot - Catradora really is gonna be canon wow - WTAF IS THAT SHE IS NOT MY CATRA SHE IS A CLONE her hair tho?? kinda nice - the way HP said "your Catra." like low-key he said gay rights - "You broke my heart. And he has made me whole again." - "We both know I don't matter"  and "you're and idiot" "I know" THESE TWO ARE MADE FOR EACH OTHER - SHE JUMPED OFF A CLIFF FOR HER - the way she's holding her?? so soft - SHE RA IS LOOKING FLY -- and is she taller?? - "You miscalculated" YES QUEEN I LOVE HER. THAT WHOLE FIGHT SCENE WAS AMAZING - FuCK HORDEP PRIME - Darla is the best Light Hope SUX - the "Hey, Adora" was SO SOFT IM SO HAPPY
That episode really hiT different Catradora is DEFINITELY canon EVERYONE SAY THANK YOU NOELLE
Episode 6 - Taking Control
- Adora. Chill. - Catra's trauma...wow - honestly I have SO MUCH TO SAY and so little at all. - The ending w Catra joining was so cute and all the Catradora interactions are SENDING ME this is the development I need - "Adora. Stay." MY HEART - thank fuck that chip is gone YAY - Entrapta and Catra making up? Catra saying "Thank you and I'm sorry" her least favourite words -- characters DEVELOPMENT - The way Catra blushed when Adora transformed GIRL YOURE GAY - SHERAS POWER IS TOO MUCH SLAY GIRL - Horde Prime FucK off challenge I hate him - Micah tryna be a father figure? cute - the endING FUCK WHY WOULD THEY DO THAT SPINNERALLA??? POOR NETOSSA
okay but where tf is DT, KYLE, LONNIE AND ROGELIO??
my mum is so tired of me screaming lmaoo
Episode 7 — Perils Of Peekabloo
- Catra just SAT on Adora's lap the PDA is unmatched - We love a filler wow - we literally can't trust anyone this shit sucks - SCORFUMA STANS STAY WINNING - Mermista and Seahawk kinda cute tho (the  heart eyes) - DT I KNEW IT   - CASH KITTEN? EYE—JUST SAY SUGAR MOMMA AND GO - NETOSSA DOESN'T DESERVE THIS - MERMISTA TO - EVERYONE is chipped WTF - DT is a theatre gay through and through   - THEY'RE FUCKED WE'RE FUCKED - NOOOO SCORPIA 😭😭😭 - "I'm the muscle, remember?" - SCORPIA'S POWER, HER REACH, IT'S AMAZING - everything is going downhill FAST - "Happy Anniversary" EYE—😭😭😭😭😭
well that sucked What the fuck we gone do now?
Episode 8 - Shot in the Dark
- The soft smile Catra gave Adora while teasing? love that - loving this new squad - the wAY HER TAIL FLUFFED UP SHES SO SCARED MAN - Wrong Hordak is my main g - the LAUGHING!! THE BLUSHING!! EVERYONE CAN SMELL THE GAY TENSION - omg Catra being the brains of the operation?? yes please - "Catra's first mission" THEY'RE SO OBNOXIOUS I LOVE THEM - "I'm going to kill your friends." "Please don't." we are ASCENDING - Casta? Strike her down anyway please 🙏 - Adora is SO WHIPPED the way she blushed at Catra making the door - "It's such a cute sneeze" BOW KNOWS IT CATRA IS CUTE AND THATS THE TEA - literallyyyy I hate SW GTFO CHALLENGE get OFF my screen 😡 - CATRA WHY DID YOU LUNGE AT THAT THING?? - OMFG MAGICAT?? (Nope dumb bitch) - "I'm coming!" "Hurry." - "I'm sorry. I got angry. It's something I'm working on" ADORA GLOWED AND SAID "You are?" WE LOVE SELF GROWTH AHH - It was Catra's hand OMFG IN THE TRAILER - Adora and cat thing being magic? we love it - MELOG IS SO CUTE and Catra can talk to it?? wowow - they love taking strays lmao - Wrong Hordak's character arc is the best one in the show - CATRA HAS AN IDEA?? YES - Preach Casta shut Weaver up - "That about sums it up, yes." I love them as a team - the hand holding? so cutee Catra don't pretend you're not whipped - oml Glimmer kissing Catra before Adora? EYE— Glitra shippers gonna be so happy at that one moment lmaoo - THEY'RE HOMEEEE
ahhh we're getting close to the end nooo
Episode 9 —An ill Wind
- oh god oh god - Catra is so badass with Melog i LOVE HER EMOTIONAL SUPPORT ANIMAL  - having to fight your own wife? that shit sucks - Erelandia? it's free - omg HP is angry asfff - FROSTA CHILL SHE PUNCHED HER HARD - Adora and Catra are soft 🥺 that's all I have to say
Episode 10 — Return to the Fright Zone
- omg are we gonna see Kyle?? Lonnie? Rogelio?? (also nope, stupid hoe) - okay but Netossa getting screentime? YES PLEASE - I love the intro sm ahhhh - also her knowing everyone's weakness? love that shit - ouch Perfuma ouch didn’t have to go so hard on Catra and YET - omg I forgot Bow's dads existed - "Mostly bad memories" 😔😔😔 - competitive gfs for the win - Catra FLEW tho WOW Scorpia is STRONK - the dad jokes are immaculate - "I'm working is being a better friend. That has to count for something right?" - "We don't throw tanks at our friends" sis you don't give flowers to your them at this current time either - "why did I get stuck with the water Princess?" Catra...baby I love you - omg there's a fail safe THANK FUCK I was legit speechless - "There's real power in love and friendship" preACH IT GIRLIE - SCORPIA FIGHT IT YESSS - legit forgot Spinny and Netossa were fighting lmao oof - FINALLY ANGST OVER THE WIVES ARE BACK - omg THE PAN TO ADORA ABOUT BEING VULNERABLE AHHHH - Perfuma is Catra's therapist that's my headcanon - OMFG I FORGOT ABOUT SW FUCK SHIT CATRA BABY IM SORRY
damn I'm stressed out
Episode 11 — Failsafe
- Weaver STFU challenge - them taking about their abuse? we love to see - "We— I could really use your help" KILL ME NOW THEY'RE TOO MUCH - "Not because I like you" she says SMILING - Melog is Catra's affectionate side prove me wrong - Stan Entrapta for clear skin - SW doesn't deserve rights (as per usual) - DONT TOUCH HER BITCH LITERALLYYYY WHYYY - and now She Ra is glitching?? fuck - Catra is so jumpy eye— "Trust Me" MY HEART SBSBDB - Weaver really called her a DISTURBANCE STFU 💀💀💀 - Entrapta and bird horse ftw what a tag team - OMG NO BE CAREFUL - "Did you just jump in fire to save me?" SHE WAS SO SMUG - can SW burn like... now? - "It's none of your business" LITERALLY BUTT OUT  - "Catra, she distracts you, confuses you." WEAVER I FUCKING HATE YOU SM I FUCKING I WILL PUNCH MY SCREEN - Entrapdak being a thing? I do not know how to feel - "Your imperfections are beautiful."  I am.... conflicted - SW doesn't deserve screen time - Catra is an i no cap (I genuinely have no clue what I meant so sorry about that) - i think the fuck not - this episode is so stressful - Catra saving Adora >>>>>>>>> - what an awful reunion for Glimmer damn - "It doesn't always have to be you!" IKR IT SHOULD BE WEAVER - fuck dark magic fuck it all - Catra's upset?? no my baby 🥺 - this whole episode is just traumatising - Adora's heart do be glowing - Catra's LEAVING?? why?? - "What do you want Adora?" - MY HEART BEEN BROKE SO MANY TIMES I DONT KNOW WHAT TO BELIEVE 😭😭 - omg this time instead of Adora leaving it's Catra (you are a dumbass DUH) - that H U R T S - ADORA TELL HER YEs QUEEN
Episode 12 — Heart Part 1
- I am not prepared for this - Adora...baby I'm so sorry - Glimbow moment with a banjo?? that was cute - Adora really is a party popper - "Adora doesn't want me. Not like I want her." AND THAT'S ON LESBIANISM BUT ALSO FUCKING OUCH  - but really Catra...do you really think Adora doesn't want you? girl are youb B L I N D?? - Wrong Hordak is MY GUY - Stan the rebellion for clear skin - NOOO WHAT THE FUCK MY HEART DON'TPLAY WITH ME LIKE THAT THEY NEARLY KISSED AND IT WAS A FUCKING SIMULATION - real Catra be CAREFUL - "We have to warn Adora" YES SIS WARN YOUR GF  - "I thought I could make my own destiny" U STILL CAN SIS - I'm scared I'm fucking scared - my HEART IS BEATINGG FASTT - I really hate Horde Prime uhhhhhhhgg - for once in your sorry life do something good Weaver jfc - "I can't leave her behind again" - BEST FRIEND SQUAD + MELOG YES - "Bow, I love you." GLIMBOW IS BACK ON AHHH - BUT AT WHAT COST??? (literally what am I saying??) - "You deserve love too." AND THAT'S ON PERIODT - Glimmer coming in clutch!! - Mermista and Seahawk do be cute tho - Micah is actually the worst rn wow - "Goodbye, my oldest enemy" CATRA COME QUICK AHH
the last episode....I'm not ready to say goodbye
Episode 13 — Heart Part 2
- ofc this is written by Noelle - "Hey, Adora" MY HEART - "I'll catch up okay? Get to the heart." - SW ACTUALLY DIED?? THANK YOU MY GIRLS CAN HEAL NOW
andd that's as far as I got before freaking the fuck out with everything that was happening onscreen but THE CATRADORA KISS WAS EVERYTHING and the ending was perfect 🥺💖
Thank you Crew-Ra, Noelle for making such a beautiful and heartwarming show, this will be remembered for years to come because what this show did was incredible and unlike anything I've ever watched.
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prince-cally · 4 years
A little thing I wrote for Team Same Voice based off a Headcanon I have with @helixed-inferno about how Jack was the one who gave the Vagabond his jacket. Please enjoy!
Jack  knew that Geoff was desperate for a crew. It had been the two of them for some time. Old friends committing basic crimes. She knew Geoff craved more, so did she. However , she wasn’t sure about the man when Geoff dragged off the streets. She had heard of some rouge kid with a bad attitude on the streets causing chaos. She knew Geoff wanted to meet him and offer him a job. He already had a kill count, and the first time Jack saw him. She could see why. He was large but well covered. He was silent and barely spoke. He could easily sneak up on someone in an alleyway. She was surprised when Geoff announced he had taken the job. Now there were three of them. Jack decided she needed to do her best to welcome him into their small crew.
 Geoff had been working with him , helping him build his skills and trying to discipline the other. He had a bit of a temper in  him when he wanted. A few holes in the wall and bloody knuckles after fights had shown that. Jack did her best to get him to open up. She would chat with him - or to him whenever he was around.  A month went by before she heard him speak. He had a deep voice and soft southern accent. She found out his alias was The Vagabond , he was a year older than her and he was from Georgia. 
It wasn’t long before Geoff brought home two more kids , Michael and Gavin. The Vagabond fell back into his quiet self. Only responding in soft grunts and growls when the Jersey boy or Brit tried to speak to him. Jack felt like she was back a square on with him. She wasn't about to give up though. Training continued for them , and Jack found herself being paired with The Vagabond while Geoff handled the pair of best friends. Jack would talk about her experiences during cool down , The Vagabond sat and listened. Offering nods , grunts, and the occasional snort or chuckle. 
Finally, Geoff felt comfortable enough letting The Vagabond out on his first job. Geoff would be sending him out on a simple stake out.He would be sending Jack with him. The Vagabond grumbled in response and wasn’t seen again until it was time to leave. The Vagabond had his face painted the same the day Jack had met him. However, instead of being smudged from sweat and rain , it was clean and sharp. It scared the shit outta Gavin when he saw it. 
Jack was waiting by the car for Ryan. She leaned up against reading over the notes Geoff had given them. She looked up and offered the other a smile as he made his way through the garage. 
  “ Ready to go?” She asked , reaching to open the drivers door , his hand caught her wrist. 
   “ I’ll drive. “ He simply said, sliding around her. 
Shrugging she climbed into the passenger side. It was the first time he'd spoken to her in weeks.
 “ Seatbelt. “ The Vagabond growled , clicking his own into place. She obeyed silently. There was no reason to fight him on it. 
The first few minutes of the drive was in  awkward silence. The Vagabond reached forward and turned on the radio , turning to dial. He found a classic rock station and settled back into his seat. Jack almost swore she saw him smile. The drive was about an hour, they rode in comfortable silence the rest of  the way. The Vagabond pulled into the motels parking lot with a huff. 
“ Wanna grab the gear ? I’ll go check in.” Jack offered. He responded with a nod and another huff. 
She wandered to the front desk, using cash and the fake ID Geoff gave her, she grabbed the key and returned to the car. 
“ Looks like we’re in room 106. Right across from the appartement we’re supposed to be watching.” 
The Vagabond said nothing. This was going to be a fun few days , Jack thought with a frustrated sigh. Once in the room and set up , Jack dropped onto the bed. “ At least this is a nice room for a motel.” She said, mostly to herself. 
“ Geoff really went out of his way for us, huh?” The Vagabond chuckled a bit. 
The voice startled Jack, but she laughed a bit herself. “ I suppose so.” The rest of the night passed with nothing but the T.V and  passing traffic for noise. The Vagabond laid on his bed , back propped against the headboard. He was cleaning his knives, every once in a while there was a hum of approval or a sigh of annoyance from him. Jack had been reading details , for about the third time that evening. Wanting to be sure she had every detail, she sat the papers down.  “ I’m hungry. I think I’m gonna grab some food. Want anything?” 
“ Honestly, I could go for a burger.” 
Oh, so the fearsome Vagabond did eat fast food. She couldn’t help but smile to herself.
“ Alright , I’ll be back.” She ran down the street to a burger joint. She returned with food not much later.
“ One burger meal , and a surprise chocolate milkshake.” She hummed dropping his bag by his side. She glanced down , taking a look at his knives. “ Got enough of those? “
“ No.” He said, pulling out a fry. “ You never have enough weapons.” This time he was smiling. 
They ate their meals , flipping between the News and Jeopardy reruns. Jack caught herself glancing over at the other person. She had never spent this much time with him outside of training.Usually , The Vagabond stuck to his room, during dinner he’d grab his food and return with little notice to anyone. He’d give Jack a quick nod in thanks and be gone. Now she felt she could get a decent look at him. She could tell his black hair was dyed, his blonde roots starting to show from neglect. His jeans were worn and faded in places. He wore a plain black hoodie , she never saw him without it on. Now he had the sleeves pushed up around his elbows. She could see the tone muscles and  scars from knife fights that littered his arms. Looking closer Jack could see where the jacket had been sewon several times. The hoodie itself seemed thin too. Granted Los Santos was warm most of the time - It could still get cold during the winter. She suddenly felt for him. Wondering just what kind of live he lived before having a place at the Penthouse. 
“ Can I help you?” She nearly jumped at the sound of his voice. “ You’ve been staring at me.” When she looked at him, she wasn’t able to read his expression. 
“ No. Just never seen you with your sleeves rolled up.” She said. 
“ Ah, well there's a reason for that. “ He held up an arm, showing off the scars again.
“ I assume those are from fights ?” She asked.
“ Something like that.” There was a bit of smugness in his voice. She rolled her eyes as he pushed down his sleeves. She wasn’t going to pry into that.
“ Who's taking the first watch?” Jack asked. Moving off the bed and to the window. 
" I will. I don't sleep anyways. " He said plainly. Jack raised a brow, not sure if that was supposed to be a joke. She assumed it was not.
" Suit yourself." She finished her milkshake and tossed it into the trash bin. 
She looked at the time. It wasn't too late , about 12:30. However, if they were going to do this job right she'd need to be rested and ready. While she hot herself ready for bed , The Vagabond made himself comfortable by the window. He closed the blinds leaving just enough open that he could see the apartment across the way. The lights were still on. Hopefully he'd catch something tonight. Jack killed the lights and slid into her bed. She pulled out her phone, sending Geoff a quick text letting him know they were settled. 
" You won't sleep if you're on your phone." 
" Okay, Geoff." 
That got a snort out of The Vagabond. Jack couldn't help but smile to herself. She was surprised with how much more talkative he was when they were alone. Something in her chest lit up. After months was he finally opening up? She hoped so.
Jack wasn't sure when she fell asleep or how long she had been out-  but she woke up to The Vagabond standing over her. 
" Our guy is on the move. " Was all he said in a hushed voice. 
She sat up reaching for the light when he stopped her. 
" No. It could give us away. Apparently we weren't the only ones watching out for someone." He sat his gun in her lap. A dagger was in his hand and a tri-dagger on his hip. The Vagabond moved back to the window, peaking out of it. "No time for you to get ready. Now's our chance. "
 He quickly moved through the door. Jack sighed , a tank top and shorts wasn't ideal to fight in, but at least he let her have his gun. She followed him out the door and took cover between cars.  Their target was going in and out of the building in a frantic manner. He was throwing bags into the trunk of his car , he was on the phone with someone.
" Ramsey isn't going to get his fucking money. This much dough ? I'm not letting this go. I think he has someone watching me though. I gotta get out of here." The other man shoved the phone into his pocket. Using the man's panicked nature to go unseen The Vagabond moved across the street. A purr left the Male as he came up behind the other. He was so much bigger than the other man. Jack had never noticed how large The Vagabond was.
" I don't think my boss will be too happy to hear that you're taking his money." He purred out in a low voice." Also, if you think you're being watched. Maybe you shouldn't announce what you're doing while standing outside, dumbass."  
The man spun pulling out his own blade. " Who the fuck are you? " He shouted , swinging his knife wielding arm at him. " Ramsey sent you? Get lost asshole ! " 
Jack took this chance to move across the street , gun drawn and ready to fire. The Vagabond had the other man occupied. He effortlessly dodged the attacks of the other man. A hysterical laugh left his throat. 
" Oh, this will be easy ! But fun." The Vagabond laughed.
Jack took this chance to search the car.Looking for any sort of information on the guy, who he was talking to or where he could be going. She didn't expect this to happen the first night of the stake out , but hey , what could she do. She listened to the two men fight it out behind her. In case The Vagabond needed her for back up. He didn't seem like the type who would ask for it. And she wasn't sure he'd even need it . She let out a soft gasp as she was grabbed and pulled from the car. Apparently their man wasn't alone. Jack was able to get away from his grip, easily throwing him to the side. She felt for the gun which had been left in the front seat. She swore under her breath. It was a rookie mistake. Nonetheless, she stood in a fighting stance, ready to go. The guy picked himself up and pulled a switch blade from his pocket. At least it wasn't a gun , she thought. Jack and the man struggled for a moment, she had gained a few shallow cuts and a bloody nose. They pulled apart briefly and he lunged at her before she could react. In a split second Vagabond was in between them. The man's knife caught his hoodie and tore it open, it then caught his arm , leaving a deep stab wound. That sent a fire Through the Vagabond and his dagger found the other man's throat. He dropped the lifeless body like it was nothing. 
" Grab the cash. And let's go." Jack was picking herself up , glancing between the body and the Vagabond. Who had a crazy , pleased look in his eye. " We need to go before the cops show up. Someone was bound to see or hear that. Where's the other one?" 
" Dead." He said ,pleased and smiling. He already had his arms filled with bags.
She didn't say anything else, grabbing what was left. Jack packed the car as the Vagabond sweeped the hotel room for items that could give them away. Once it was clear they retreated into their car and left. 
Jack was driving this time. Taking back roads and detours to avoid any main roads just in case. After about thirty minutes of driving she pulled over. 
" What?" The Vagabond asked. He was still hyped up from the altercation.
" I need to fix up your arm. That looks nasty." 
" It's fine. Don't worry about it." 
" No." She said , reaching for the first aid kit. She got out and went to his side. 
" I don't need your fucking help." He snapped suddenly. " Touch me and I swear to God-" 
" You'll do what?" She snapped back. " You'll do what Vagabond? Kill me ?" 
He fell silent, eyes wide for a brief moment. Then he looked forward and stripped off the torn and blood soaked jacket. Jack tossed it in back and went to work on his arm. 
" Have you ever stitched yourself up before ?" She asked, trying to break the tense mood. " Vagabond-"
" Ryan." 
" What?" 
" My name is Ryan." 
" Why are you telling me?" She asked, genuinely curious. 
" You aren't afraid of me. I think that deserves you knowing my first name."
She snorted. " Why would I be afraid of you?" 
" I killed two men less than an hour ago. Threatened you - and yet you stood your ground." 
" Well, yeah. I don't fuck with punks." 
" Yet you put up with Michael?" 
They both laughed then. Once she was done, they rode back in comfortable silence.
Once back at the Penthouse, they unloaded the car , getting ready to take the bags to Geoff. Michael greeted them right of the elevator. 
" You assholes are on the news. Geoff isn't happy." He glanced down. " Maybe he will be once he sees all that cash of his that had gone missing though." Michael smirked. 
When they entered the living room,  a picture of their fake IDs was displayed on the screen. 
" Shit. We missed those." Jack sighed. " At least they were fakes." 
The screen displayed a news woman now. Way to dolled up for it to be covering a double murder. 
" The authorities are calling these two criminals "The Fakes" since all that can be found is their fake IDs. Whoever these criminals are - They are intelligent and dangerous -" Geoff switched off the TV.
" The Fakes. I like it." He said , turning to them. " Oh, you both look like shit. Put my money in the office and get cleaned up." They both simply smiled and did as they were told. 
Geoff ended up cutting them in a good chunk of money. He said it was for " all the troubles" they had to deal with. They weren't complaining though. It had been a few weeks and Jack decided that she had been laying low long enough. She went out to do some basic shopping and to just have some fun. When she returned she found Ryan at the kitchen table. She made her way to him and dropped a bag in his lap.
" What's this?" He asked.
" A gift? You've never gotten one before?" 
" Haha. Fuck you." He said playfully. He opened the bag and pulled out a leather jacket. It was black and blue with white strips on the arms. 
" What's this for ?" 
" I feel bad that your hoodie got destroyed. " She admitted and he rolled his eyes. " Plus you need something better to keep you warm when it gets cold.. and you seem like a leather guy ." She winked at him. 
That got her a true laugh. 
" I hope you like it and I hope it fits. I guessed your size."
" I like it a lot. Thank you, Jack."
" No problem, Ryan." 
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