#i’m v v happy to fly under the radar like i have been so far
padfootastic · 2 years
I follow some wolfstar people, but I am real selective about them, they love Sirius as much as I do. Other than that, I’m mostly just hanging out in my own little corner
no but same. i follow a few r/s authors that i can wholeheartedly trust with my boys and that’s it. i’m so, so happy w this little community and everyday, i sit there, fingers crossed & touching wood, that it doesn’t become…more than this.
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thebadchoicemachine · 3 years
For the writing prompt, what about ghost!Robin and Catboy!Corpse seeing present day Cornelius/Dream? Like Dream being confused and happy about his Partner and Son’s Ghosts being there and everyone else being v confused about the two random people calling him Cornelius and knowing him from a hundred years ago.
anon im so sorry. This has been sitting in my inbox for months now but I just cannot finish this story. it a really cool idea though. Here’s my incomplete first draft. I just copy and paste it from my wip to here so this is it, notes and cuts and typos and all. 
The idea is Karl shows up when they’re in the prison and they see the false timeline where Cornelius was a killer and are forced to accept he sucks
- The execution cell was supposed to be merciful, a more civilized solution than being beat to death, but everything about it made Robin gag. He hoped he would never ever end up in it. 
tw: implied indirect suicide, major death but they’re ghosts(?) 
Colors and colors and colors wouldn’t stop melting and mixing and swirling. They surrounded him. They were in him. They were him. He breathed them in without breathing, he bled them without blood, he was falling and flying and stood completely still. 
And then it was dark. No, then it was light. White and clean like the marble of a palace Robin knew he would never get to see. 
Where... where was he? He’d won hadn’t he? They’d... killed... him. They’d killed everyone. 
He wanted to die. He had to. There was boiling in his blood he couldn’t ease, he had to die, he needed them to hate him. To end him. The Jester’s Curse. Cursed to be wronged, to be hurt, to be freed. 
He’d always had it, as far as he was concerned. He didn’t know why he resisted for so long. Perhaps, despite everything, he’d enjoyed living at one point. Despite what he was, despite his curse, despite bring a jester, he wanted to live! At some point he couldn’t care less about tricking others into condemning him to the grave. 
After Cornelius, after Cat, he didn’t even fight it nor could he fight for it. He didn’t even care. Even as the ground swallowed him up in flames of the execution he held no harmony. No peace. There was no joy in his victory, there was no meaning to his death. Even in fulfilling it, he’d denied his curse. 
That’s why he was still here, wasn’t it? Jesters want to die, they want to transform, to be released into vengeful spirits of lies and trickery. He was... dead. He was also... still here... why? He knew why. He didn’t think he liked the answer. 
Robin couldn’t stand it. He couldn’t stand to bother mourning anymore. Not himself, not his long-dead family, not his new fath- he choked. He didn’t know know on what, he had no air, no lungs. He just couldn’t finish the thought. 
“We never did make it official, did we?” A solemn, comforting, voice rang out.
Robin spun around. No. What? No, it’s not. It is. He is. Right there. Standing- no, not standing. Neither of them can stand. Not floating either just… there… was Cat. 
Robin felt his eyes fill up with tears, he didn’t know how, he didn’t care. He flew into his friend’s arms. 
“Woah! Ah, be careful, child.”
“H-how,” Robin sobbed into his chest. “How are you…”
“You’re here, aren’t you?”
“I th-thought that was because of my c-curse.”
Cat sighed, gently ruffling the child’s hair.  
“No,” he spoke, finally. “I don’t think that’s why any of us are here.”
“No, I don’t think it’s what happens to everyone either. I’ve been alone as far as I can tell. I haven’t found anyone else. Not even…” he sighed again. 
Robin understood. Cornelius was gone. 
“I’m so sorry, Robin.” Cat tightened his grip. “I’m so sorry for what we put you through. We promised we would give you a better life, a safer one, but we left you in the worst way possible. You were executed because... because of me.”
“Oh,” Robin stared down at his feet. “You... were there for that?”
“No. I wasn’t- I can’t- I don’t know how to explain it, I only know what happened. Exactly what happened. It was like living a story being told to you, as though a nar- narrating...
Narration. Something clicked in both of their minds. Wasn’t there some strange… the spirals… the colors… he didn’t have a name, not one he ever told them. He had simply showed up one day, right before it all began. He wasn’t there, not properly anyway,. but he was there. He was there in the backs of everyone’s minds. He was there as he explained away every awful thing like it was a footnote in a novel. He was there as he made and told truth. He was the Narrator. 
He had such an air of control, such an air of change. 
Thoughts (memories?) of a past that never happened flashed through Robin’s mind. Cat was out investigating, Robin was carefully looking over his medical supplies. He couldn’t risk- NO. No. He swept the distraction from his mind. He wouldn’t get carried away, not this time.
The narrator. The Narrator. He had a book. A swirling and swishing mash of colors cover on his book he scribed all their horrors into. That’s where they were. 
“Cat, we need to go. He made a mistake. This… was his first time. We are not supposed to be here. We were never meant to leave. We should try to get out.”
Cat only nodded. Robin didn’t know why he understood or how deeply, but he did. This was a mistake.
The two began wandering the halls. It was strange, being able to think and move again as though his body was still his. To have his mind and thoughts working in a stream of consciousness instead of a thick muddy bog of echos. If he didn’t know any better he’d describe it as feeling more… alive.
He even reached out to guide Cat out of habit. How amazing was it that he had habits again? Cat allowed him to because he knew the comfort it gave him to have something so familiar. Although, of course, not really needing him to. They were both still dead, spirits, memories. Living- not living like this, detached, was like existing with a million tiny radars reaching out all around you. It wasn’t a matter of seeing or feeling, simply knowing. When you were so disconnected from life and itself you were able to get a much clearer and instant idea of the world, he supposed.
They walked and wandered in silence for a while. At least, a while from their perspective. Even with no real idea what or where they were Robin could tell time was… off… here. 
Eventually, they found their way out. There was no exit or pathway they walked through nor was it a sudden jump. They had just… made it out. They were standing beneath the shelter of some trees. It was raining. They were surrounded by unfamiliar structures and landscapes. Of course they were, but this wasn’t just some distant biome or kingdom it was…
“Robin? Are you alright?” 
“I- yes. I’m fine, Cat. This is- I mean, that place is just… wow.”
“It’s... different, yes. This rain is- hmm, it’s weird. I can’t feel it but I know it’s there. It’s making everything fuzzy.”
Robin stuck his hand out. The raindrops sizzled against his skin. He was so focused on the odd sensation he jumped when Cat yanked his arm back.
“What was that? Are you alright?”
“The rain, it stings.”
“Badly? Are you hurt?”
“Not really. It feels like I’m a bar of soap being whittled down by the drops but I’m fine. It only feels strange.”
“Oh, good,” Cat breathed a sigh of relief. “In that case, let’s keep moving.” 
Robin agreed. They didn’t have anywhere to go but neither felt like standing under the tree for all eternity. Besides, they were in a whole new world, maybe even a whole new dimension, and Robin was really curious to see what was with those strange building 
It all seemed impossible. 
His breath was taken away at every turn as they walked. Structures like nothing he’d ever seen before. There were so many colors, so many shapes, so many mechanics, so many things, and all so high and huge. It was amazing. 
“Slow down a little, this rain is really disorienting.”
“Sorry! Sorry, this place is just… wow.”
“So you’ve said,” Cat laughed. “What exactly is so amazing about it? Describe it to me.”
“Well, there’s so much of it. It’s like a town but nothing like a town at all. More like a whole kingdom. A very strange kingdom.  There’s no uniform to it, every build is unique. There was a castle we passed, it was huge and had so many colors! There were just rainbows and rainbows pouring out of every-”
“Mmm, interesting.”
“Oh, sorry.”
“This castle though, it felt like regret, didn’t it?”
“Y-yeah? Kinda,” Robbin had been trying to avoid thinking about that, how he could feel every building. “Uh, over to your side there is a pit, a giant crater bigger than our entire town! It’s tragic. It’s refreshing a little. It’s kind of…”
“Familiar. I- I don’t want to be near that, Robin. Let’s keep moving.”
Robin didn’t agree. He wanted to get closer, to feel what was so sad, so new, so ended, what about whatever tragedy there was familiar. He wanted to understand what he knew would hurt him, and why. 
“No! He would never!” Cat’s voice was rising. It was honestly scary, Robin had never seen him so wrathful. “He is the kindest person you will ever know! He is a protector! He’s- he is-”
“Do you really believe that?” The Narrator asked, calm and unfazed, sorrow creeping into his question. Robin couldn’t shake it from his mind. His thoughts were ruffles like pages flipping backward in a book. Like a pencil rubbing revealing words erased and undone but that had still been written. He was sent back to his flashing memories, his lies, unable to stop them.  
Cat was out investigating, Robin was carefully looking over his medical supplies. He couldn’t risk choosing wrong tonight. He’d been right to focus on himself. No, he’d been lucky. He’d panicked. Cat was out to the town now. Robin was out now. The killers knew they could stop them, they would be targets. The killers…
Part of him wanted to ignore it, to go back to thinking it couldn’t be one of them. That no one would do something like that, that is must be some outside force but Jimmy… they’d gotten him right. Robin winced at the memory of Helga, at how it had almost been him, but they’d gotten Jimmy right. He knew they had, the Narrator said so. 
The next morning, no one had died. Robin hadn’t needed to heal anyone. Cat reported Jack hadn’t left his home. It seemed like, well, it must be Jack. It just had to be, didn’t it? Robin frowned. He liked Jack enough, he didn’t want to kill anyone. He didn’t want to be wrong again but what choice did he have?
Jack was fighting. He was shouting, angry, scared. He was in the exact same place Robin had been a few nights ago. The familiarity burned inside his chest. He couldn’t stand any more of this, it needed to end tonight. 
“IT’S CORNELIUS!  IT’S HIM! IT HAS TO BE! Look at me. Look at me! You know me, I’m simple, I farm potatoes. If Helga was still here she’d remind yall I ain’t good for much else. You really think I could do this?”
Robin couldn’t comprehend what he was hearing. He wanted to believe it. He wanted to spare everyone he could but… Cornelius? Could he really condemn him any more than he could Jack? Could he any less? 
“What makes you think it’s me and not one of them? I know you’re a killer, Jack. You guessed Cat would be on your trail tonight and didn’t kill. Why else wouldn’t someone be dead today?” Cornelius’s voice was as calm and upbeat as ever, if not a bit exasperated. 
“He’s smart! He’s too smart. Look at his freaky, calculatin’ eyes, if you can ever see them. Look at him! Hiding behind that mask, wearing that ridiculous green hood, what’s that smile for, huh? None of us should have trusted him the day he set foot in this town, make up for it now. C’mon! Cat, I know you’re better than murderin’ folks for mayhem. Bob, you’re as simple as me! Robin,” Robin froze up as he was addressed directly “You’re a child, a sweet one. I’m sorry you have to live through this. I’m sorry you’ve been where I am now but I only hope that gives you the empathy you need to make the right choice. It’s him. I swear it’s not me!”
Everything felt stifled. He muffled the distraught protests of Cat in favor of listening to his own. No. No, it couldn’t be.  Everyone in town used to be friendly but Cornelius was a friend. He and Cat had been there for Robin. They’d taken him in, cared for him, treated him as their own son. Well, Cat had. 
Robin slowly blinked. What had Cornelius done for him? Thinking this way made him sick but he needed to be rational here. Did he really believe Cornelius was innocent, truly? He trusted Cat. Cat had proof he was safe, even if he wasn’t an investigator he had years and years of kindness to back him up. What did Cornelius have, really? He was kind, decent enough, but so was Jack. So were Jimmy and Helga. That wasn’t something he could base his vote on. 
So what did make him so sure it wasn’t Cornelius? The only… he realized the only thing holding him up was Cat. Cat loved him. Robin wanted that to be enough. He wanted desperately to go back home, to lay in Cat’s lap while Cornelius told them stories. He wanted to retreat into his memories but when he tried they felt corrupted, tainted, hollow. 
Every time he tried to imagine the kind way Cornelius had ruffled his hair, how he’d giggle and blush after a kiss from Cat, how he’d take off his mask at home and join Robin sitting on the porch, every time he tried to lose himself in the memory of that soft, humored, smile he was frozen inside by the eyes. Even when they were sad or kind his eyes were always vibrant, sharp… calculating. 
Robin took a shaky breath. He didn’t like this, he didn’t want to do this, any of it. He was filled with a numb resolve as he cast his vote. He had no proof either was innocent but he had no reason to believe Jack was capable of this… he knew Cornelius was. 
“The voting has finished,” The Narrator began. “Jack... Jack is the most suspected but this means nothing. Cornelius, by 3/5ths of the vote you have been found guilty. Please, step into the chamber.”
“NO!” A scream cut through the faux memory, just barely. Just enough for Robin to hear it. Who had yelled? Cat? Cor- Dream? Himself? He didn’t know, he was still lost.
Lost… Robin was so lost. 3/5ths. Cornelius obviously voted for Jack and vice versa, Bob was on Jack’s side, Cat must have voted for Jack even if only to save his love. Robin had been the deciding vote. What had he done? Was he right? Cornelius gave him no answer as he calmly stepped into the cell. The Narrator blabbed on, explaining the votes and who and what but for the first time since the colorful stranger arrived Robin couldn't listen to a word he said, instead focusing on Cat. 
Cat had run to the jail, his hands reaching desperately through the bars. “I didn’t want this. I didn’t want this,” he kept repeating. His voice was calm and low but Robin could tell that was desperate. He was putting on an act, trying to reassure Cornelius as though it would all solve itself if he just kept together. Cornelius still didn’t speak. He took Cat’s hand and rested it on his face, under his mask.
Then the grate snaped close and Cat was forced to pull his hand back. He barely moved though, pressing his hands against the wire through the bars. Cornelius pressed his hand up from the other side. Maybe Cat could feel it, maybe he couldn’t, Robin didn’t know which he preferred. 
Part of Robin wanted to put him to back away, to warn him the bars and fence was there for a reason, but the rest of him knew he couldn’t. The least- the only thing he could do was allow Cat this brief moment of closure, if you could even call it that. 
Cornelius still kept silent, for just the briefest of moments Robin hated him. How dare he? How dare he sit there, keeping Cat suffering in silence? How dare he keep Robin in this horrid suspense? How dare he not admit his crimes or keep pleading his innocence? How dare he… how dare… then Robin heard Cat whimper and the anger was gone. 
“We’re gonna get you out of here, okay? We-”
“Well, that’s not gonna happen,” The Narrator laughed, almost callously. If he wasn’t so detached from the world, so different from them he felt innocent even in cruelty, Robin might’ve felt like spitting on him. He couldn’t though, he was different. He was detached. He was like a child who didn’t know any better than to hurt others’ feelings. Like a child except instead of not knowing any better he knew too much. 
Maybe that’s why Robin didn’t lash out or protest as the narrator pulled the lever. Maybe that’s why he didn’t scream as the pistons shifted. Maybe that’s why he only closed his eyes and ignored the shouts of triumph. He couldn’t even find it in himself to be angry at Jack and Bob for celebrating, at the moment he was only glad their cries drowned out the sizzle. 
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therappundit · 5 years
The Best of the 1st Half -*2019 Pundit’s PlayLi$t*... (continued)
51. “Sake” - Curren$y, LNDN DRGS & Jay Worthy
(A smooth AF beat that sounds like it belongs on Alchemist’s Yacht Rock series.)
52. “Oranges” - Nolan The Ninja feat. Jaye Prime
(I can’t say enough about how much I enjoyed Nolan’s album. “Oranges” was an early single that kept growing on me, and continues to do so.)
53. “Mami Wata” - DJ Muggs & Mach-Hommy feat. Your Old Droog & Tha God Fahim
(Sick Muggs beat off of the final version of Tuez-Les Tous. I wouldn’t mind hearing these three drop a full project together, they all bring a different vibe and seem to share legit respect for one another)
54. “Murray’s” - Fly Anakin & Tuamie feat. Skyzoo
(Good things happen whenever Skyzoo connects with rising underground stars. Ask Griselda, and now you can ask Mutant Academy, too.)
55. “Helping Hand” - Lisaan’dro
(If M.A.D.E. proved anything, it’s that Lisaan’dro is an absolute force to be reckoned with. If you haven’t checked out his impressive debut project yet, no better time than the present to rememdy that.)
56. “Still” - Maxo Kream
(Maxo may have just dropped the best project of his career, and this woozy thumper is one of his hardest tracks yet.)
57. “Hard Bottoms & White Socks” - YG
(A lot of folks weren’t feeling YG’s latest album, but it would be hard to criticize this smooth as hell opener.)
58. “Million Man March” - Quadry & Tuamie
(Strong bars over a hypnotic instrumental, both Quadry and Tuamie more than did their thing on this one.)
59. “BIRDZ” - Denzel Curry feat. Rick Ross
(Denzel Curry and Rozay bring the Florida heat on this trippy banger off of Curry’s stellar ZUU album.)
60. “Cash War” - Gunna
(Gunna has had a fantastic year so far, and this song shows why he is a natural hitmaker. Drip or Drown 2 is one of mainstream rap’s finest records of 2019.)
61. “Elixir” - Mooch & Futurewave feat. Daniel Son, Saipher Soze & Rigz
(This Mooch and Futurewave album is something serious, and I’m a sucker for a good posse cut.)
62. “Mister” - Young Nudy & Pi’erre Bourne feat. 21 Savage
(Just a fun, bouncy collaboration from two of the game’s most unpredictable trap flows. Nudy is Pi’erre’s greatest collaborator, and there is really something to be said for any rap artist that makes it hard for the listener to guess what they’ll say next. What Savage & Nudy may lack in clever wordplay they make up for in flow, charisma, and catchy hooks.)
63. “Spongebob” - billy woods + kenny segal
(Segal’s production is perfect background for woods to go to work. If Hiding Places isn’t in your collection, that must change immediately.)
64. “NYC” - Jim Jones feat. Fat Joe
(Just one of a cornucopia of classic-sounding Heatmakerz firecrackers off of Jim Jones’ surprisingly powerful El Capo.)
65. “No Pop Filter” - Mach-Hommy feat. Tha God Fahim
(An uptempo loosie from Mach & Tha God Fahim - an atypically catchy one, too - that “pure cocaine” hook from Fahim is an ear-worm.)
66. “Still Trill” - Bun B & Statik Selektah feat. Method Man & Grafh
(I’m not sure if the live Bunb B & Statik album recording session changed the game, but at least it brought us strong collaborations like this one.)
67. “Money In The Way” - 2 Chainz
(2 Chainz has more to say than his moniker indicates, and Rap Or Go To The League certainly showed that. I wasn’t as high on this album as some, but it does have a few Hov & Just Blaze-esque anthems.)
68. “Proceed On” - Fly Anakin
(A slick loosie from one of Mutant Academy’s finest.)
69. “Headlines” - DJ Premier feat. Westside Gunn, Conway & Benny
(Truth be told, if you didn’t know this was a DJ Premier beat you all would have just been happy as hell with this one. The Griselda gang did no wrong “Headlines”.)
70. “Chiney Brush” - Mach-Hommy feat. Quell Chris
(I shouldn’t have to tell you why a Mach, Quelle and Alchemist joint belongs on this list.)
71. “Playground Bench” - Raz Fresco feat. AZ & BriskInTheHouse
(Bonus points to anyone that caught this join! A way, way under the radar AZ feature warrants more shine. But don’t sleep, Raz Fresco’s whole project is pretty dope.)
72. “CLONES” - Tierra Whack
(Walking the fine line between truth and song parody, Tierra may have been imitating her peers with this one, but nevertheless the final result is catchy as hell.)
73. “WYRM” - Quelle Chris
(Another gorgeous track from a man that low-key has one of the strongest discographies in rap music, Detroit’s Quelle Chris.)
74. “Sunflower Seeds” - Young Nudy & Pi’erre Bourne
(Perfect example of how Nudy’s flow feels so organic that he can ride all over a simple, breezy beat, ultimately saying very little, but somehow never sounding monotonous.)
75. “Omerta” - Drake
(While “Money In The Grave” received the publicity, it’s “Omerta” that gave us the glimpse of the stronger side of Drake’s rap game.)
76. “Meet Again” - Maxo Kream
(Another dope Maxo Kream song, another great example of this story telling skills as a MC.)
77. “First Or Last” - Wiz Khalifa & Curren$y
(Oh you forgot about that 2009 tape, eh? Well that’s your fault, not theirs - there are a lot of solid joints on here.)
78. “We Ain’t The Same” - Rome Streetz & Futurewave
(One of the year’s strongest collaborations, Rome Streetz and Futurewave cooked up a fantastic project with Headcrack. Keep an eye on both artists, I swear they each keep getting stronger with every release.)
79. “Enough is Enough” - Mooch & Futurewave
(Mooch has one of the top 5 under the radar releases this year, and together with Futurewave their Boss Sauce project hits hard from start to finish.)
80. “Trained To Kill (Big Body Whip)” - G Herbo & 808 Mafia feat. Gunna
(I have been a G Herbo apologist for some time now, but his latest project was the first tape he put out in a while that I felt was solid start to finish. Gunna’s hook-work completely steals the spotlight here.)
81. “Gems” - Nolan The Ninja feat. A-Minus
(Classic underground vibes from this head nodder, one of many shining moments off SPORTEE.)
82. “Still Playing Celo” - Meyhem Lauren & The Alchemist
(Still waiting on that “Code Name” B Side, but that’s just because Side A was so potent.)
83. “Clout” - Offset feat. Cardi B
(Go ahead and hate on this selection, but “Clout” easily has one of the best beats of the year, a great hook, and the star power needed to make this song hit-worthy.)
84. “Rich Man” - Monday Night
(Look out for this Mutant Academy affiliate, he can stand on his own two. Richmond, stand-up!)
85. “Homesick” - Stik Figa & Rob Viktum feat. Ty Farris
(Underground veterans unite for a joint that excels in its’ simplicity, never rocking the boat but still sounding hungry as hell..)
86. “Consignment” - Tsu Surf feat. Benny
(Tsu dropped a dope tape this year, so naturally connecting with the likes of Benny can only yield great results.)
87. “Divine” - Crimeapple & DJ Skizz
(Possibly the most devastatingly sad song on this list. A great example of Crimeapple’s potential as more of an artist than a punchline MC.)
88 “GLL” - Jace feat. KEY! and Slim Jxmmi
(Not really sure where this one came from - or how a Slim feature could travel so far below the radar at this point, but regardless, this thing is hard.)
89. “Slippery Slope” - Blockhead feat. billy woods, Open Mike Eagle & Breezly Brewin
(Fantastic combo of MC’s, and Blockhead’s production is floats along so beautifully.)
90. “Chili Noodles” - Sauce Heist feat. Ty Da Dale
(NY’s Sauce/$auce Heist is a strong up and comer, and his latest Wasabi album can - and should - be played start to finish because it is very good.)
91. “40 & a Mule” - ToneyBoi feat. therealSkitso
(Love this one right here - and ToneyBoi’s whole tape.)
92. “We Try” - Flee Lord feat. Little Prodigy
(Griselda affiliate Flee Lord must be drinking the same water as the rest of the talented artists in upstate NY right now, because he is having a banner year. The soulful presence of Little Prodigy kept this one on my radar.)
93. “Not Too Many” - Flipp Deniro
(I was sleeping on Flipp before this one, but after this ear-worm dropped, I’m checkin’ for him now.)
94. “BLOW” - Grafh & Benny
(I will never got tired of this sample. Just like I will never get tired of hearing Grafh and Benny rap side by side.)
95. “Davis St.” - ElCamino
(The young Griselda affiliate represents two generations of New York rap, embracing both the soulful grit of NY of old as well as the wavy post-Max B and French Montana influence. On tracks like “Davis St.”, it works like a charm.)
96. “Sam” - 2 Chainz
(Chainz sounds as focused as ever has on this message-sending album closer.)
97. “Let Me Tell ya” - Smif N Wessun feat. Rick Ross
(Come for the Smif N Wessun album, stay for the Ross verse.)
98. “Black” - Dave
(Not the most Google-friendly name if you want folks to stumble upon your music…then again, when you have a tightly written album like Dave’s Psychodrama, the buzz comes off the strength of the content.)
99. “Suge” - DaBaby
(What DaBaby lacks in depth of content, he makes up for with flow and sheer charisma.)
100. “Come See Me” - Killy Shoot
(Worcester’s Killy Shoot may not have been a rap artist that I was all that familiar with at the start of 2019, but he has sounded impressive on every song I have heard since he popped up on my Soundcloud.)
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