#i don't actually care much because twitter is going to hell anyway
webawee · 1 year
Okay this is kinda stupid but my dad made me a twitter account when I was like 10 or so, and today I, seeing how much of a dumpster fire twitter is now, decided to log back in and see what was going on.
So, while I was on there I figured why not change my age to what it actually is because you only have to be 13 to have an account, right?
✨ w r o n g ✨
And now my twitter account is locked because I wasn't 13 when I first created the account. Lmao, am I supposed to be mad? Do y'all even know how many kids lie about their age to create an account and then change it later on when they are of age? Every single kid I knew back in school.
This is kinda entertaining. I mean, kids shouldn't be on social media under 13 anyway, but there are probably millions that are, and if their accounts are being shut down when they decide to stop lying, guess what? that's gonna make them lie even more, dipshit.
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jimpagne · 1 month
the worst thing v gets is being called a leech and attention seeker which is what tkkers had been calling jm FOR YEARS. while disliking v because of shippers is petty it’s incredibly interesting how many jikookers had been defending v in the last few weeks while it’s complete silence within tkkers, youll never catch any of them defend jm
That's because a lot of Jikookers don't need to falsify reality in order to represent a certain agenda. Jikookers can be the bigger person if they need to be.
As someone who is truthfully OT7, I don't sit here hoping that hate trains form around someone that I see to be a "threat" to my ship. If I'm being completely honest, I think trying to consume Are You Sure?! from purely a shipping point of view is entirely counterproductive and not a good way to enjoy content. I think it's fun to gush over certain moments, but if you're only parked outside Disney+ or whatever streaming you're allegedly pirating it from just to see your ship in action... you're opening yourself to form biases and bitter feelings toward things that might not be directly encompassed within your ship's boundaries.
This is why I made a call out post whenever certain jikookers resorted to bullying Taehyung whenever they saw that he was going to be a guest on the show. Though I already hear people coming, saying "Oh, but taekookers are bullying Jimin to hell and back, so why can't we?"
Well maybe you shouldn't because it shows that you have the representative IQ of a toad. So let me get this straight, people who are NOT Taehyung bully Jimin... your first course of action is to... bully Taehyung? I think reciprocal hate is incredibly stupid and unwarranted. If I'm going to shit on the behavior of taekookers, guess who I'm gonna take it out on? That's right, I'm going to take it out on taekookers -- not Kim Taehyung.
Taehyung is currently serving in the military, so I doubt he's logging onto Twitter or Tumblr or whatever to say nasty things about his BEST FRIEND. I think people tend to forget that Jimin and Taehyung are tied at the hip and have an entire song where they wax poetry about how much they care about one another...
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A lot of Taekookers live in another facet of reality, so in order to make half of their agenda true, Jungkook has to dislike Jimin, the company has to be forcing their fanservice, Jungkook's mother had to have been sent a script beforehand to ask about Jimin, Taehyung was lying about only seeing the trip details a few days before departure, Jungkook was holding Taehyung's waist in this screenshot (but don't look at the footage where it shows otherwise!), Jungkook only acts "cold" (if being humorously bratty is considered cold) toward him in certain scenes because the producers want Jikook to appear more real, HYBE has some joint contract with the South Korean military to put Jimin and Jungkook together in order to hide the real gay couple that is Taekook--
The more you dive into their rhetoric, the less it makes sense. Taekookers also argue with LITERAL KOREAN PEOPLE about translations in the show. Also it's super funny to see them shift from the narrative that she show is scripted to suddenly saying -- no, it's not scripted, to then saying this part is scripted, to then saying, no the whole thing is scripted again, to then saying, actually at this time stamp they went off the script and--
Fucking crazy.
I think what I noticed the most about a lot of taekooker's rhetoric is that in order for something to be true, they need to create a lie or insult the intelligence of both Taehyung and Jungkook.
So you're telling me that two grown men have to lie about who they're with and what they're doing in order to make your ship real? You're telling me that Jungkook and Taehyung are not intelligent enough to negotiate their contracts or what type of "fanservice" they have to engage with on the regular? You're telling me that Jungkook lied about who he saw on his birthday in order to protect Taehyung? You're telling me that after ten years of being in the same group, Jungkook is actually uncomfortable with Jimin but still decided to get a matching tattoo with him and all the other members? You're telling me that the homophobic country of South Korea is willing to hide a gay couple by endorsing a manufactured gay couple? In the military? Where gay people are famously treated well?
That's sarcasm, for anyone who might lack reading comprehension.
Taekookers are the literal embodiment of that one post where the person is like "source(s): trust me bro" because half of what they spit out makes no fucking sense and is actually insulting to Taehyung and Jungkook. Like y'all constantly insult their intelligence and their free will and make it seem like they're trapped behind bars and don't have enough money or power to negotiate what THEY want. I've even seen certain taekookers become Jungkook antis after Are You Sure?! came out because they think he's being mean to or bullying Taehyung.
God, the lights are on but nobody is home.
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frommike · 23 days
Honestly, people give the general audience too much flak or act like they'll need so much coddling with byler. A lot of them just don't notice anything because they don't pay attention to Mike and El's relationship, or much to Mike and Will either when they just don't consider it. These types of people really do not care what happens.
A lot of people that actually do are rooting for Will. They pity him, they want him to be happy, and they probably notice that Mike is also unhappy even if they still believe Mike loves El, and the weird behavior around Will that they can only barely write off. It is made abundantly clear that both of them struggle in what they expect from the other and what is not actually given.
A lot of people are also now tired of milkevan and their relationship issues. If not already ruined by every happy moment instead turning to center around Will's despair.
Reddit isn't a great way to gauge fans' thoughts. Everyone there is there because they specifically care about Stranger Things, posts by the few passerbys are always upvoted or downvoted(or even deleted) by the community there that is starkly against byler. Live episode discussions were filled to the brim with people criticizing the portrayal of milkevan, but the only ones who went through every comment enough to care and upvote, were regulars in the subreddit. I'm pretty sure many were deleted, too, for some reason. Funny enough, even the Reddit fans have criticisms. They just refuse to voice them in the face of seeing either byler support or any other sort of milkevan criticism that implies they aren't perfect.
What I do trust were the opinions of Twitter and Tiktok users at the time, shockingly enough. Everything on those platforms will leave the intended bubble. People that see and support posts on those platforms are from a way more general audience. And, well:
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Like I really do not think you guys need to worry too much about how it's executed to the audience. Save for being treated with the same care as other relationships in the show, which it already has been so far.
And for making it clear that it's always been there: the same exact thing will happen that happened with Will. Articles will come out with moments that hinted at something more being there for Mike. Mike and El will need to have an explicit discussion about the monologue anyways, as well as the painting. Will's feelings will need to be revealed to feel fulfilled in his arc. Explanations will be given.
If all of this weren't the case then I wouldn't be into byler. If I had to jump through that many hoops I wouldn't be extending the effort. I'm not a shipper. I usually have preferences for relationships in shows and movies, and dislike bad writing decisions made with them, but I barely interact with fandom enough to even know what those relationships are called for any other piece of media.
But I saw queer behavior in Mike while being general audience. That same kind that I saw in Will, 2 seasons before. I saw tropes associated with romance with Mike and Will, and incompatibility with Mike and El. I fully thought they were going to do a romance arc in season 4 with Mike and Will before volume 2. Hell, I was even hoping for Mike and El's relationship to actually, fully fix when season 4 came out and Will to move on some time during the season, meet someone new. Guess what didn't happen?
I am here now defending this kind of viewpoint with my life, because I hate that even with the actual chance that gay people were given for a nice, well written romance in a mainstream show, there's still a demographic of fans that call it crazy and deny all of that. The cast treats it as a probability, no bullshit, just "if it happens, it happens." But if it doesn't happen, there was apparently never anything there. While Steve's one-sided romantic feelings for and blatant incompatibility with Nancy fueled people still wanting them together for 3 seasons.
You're not crazy. Neither are the other hundreds of thousands of people that already saw something there during season 4. If they didn't get blatantly gayer, the fanbase popularity wouldn't have skyrocketed so much. The amount of new viewers that picked up on something less-than-straight wouldn't be nearly as many.
Any outrage that sparks from whoever ends up together will always just be something from the parts of the fandom that had an actual preference. Shippers. That's not the average viewer. Anyone capable of having actual discussion will be open to learning the viewpoint that comes with new information.
We are going to be fine. Promise :)
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amoransia · 1 month
Chapter 72 spoilers and also insane screaming from me. You have been warned.
Oh LORD we're REALLY in it NOW! Hold me -- literally anybody, hold me!! I don't know if I will survive this arc! (or this manga at all, for that matter!)
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Hell yeah, bro, fist bump!
What is in the water over there in the Ekuoto world? Like, genuinely? What are they drinking for them to come out like this? These homosexuals will be the death of me (lovingly).
Interesting how even Barbara and Leah get nicknamed "powerhouses" by Daniel. He uses 主戦力 in the raws which could mean "main military power" but also "main valuable assets"... once again seeing them not by their character but by their value? To be honest, I guess it doesn't mean much when he calls them this once, but I thought it was worth pointing out.
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Actual insanity lines this chapter. "Of course I'm cute." Hello? I guess being a witch deletes the very concept of shame off your brain? I kind of gaped like an idiot at this one.
30 something year old man to the teenage influencer: I'm cute, duh.
Oh boy. "I'll handle Vergilius." This is going to turn into the most doomed yaoi scene in the incoming chapters. And Charlotte is probably getting involved in one way or another. I don't know. I wish her luck, though.
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"I wouldn't mind dying for you" oh yeah baybe I am about to do something drastic.
Man What The Fuck
Vergilius heard Dante's suicidal ideation and said, NOT ON MY WATCH!!!
It seems to me that the only thing keeping Dante alive is Vergilius. Because if he has no plans after finally killing him, what else is there for him? Just dying trying to repent for his mistakes? Finally let go? So I guess Vergilius recognizes this and decides he can't die. Because if he dies, then the man he (presumably) loves dies, too.
I saw someone mention this on Twitter: Dante can't live in a world where Vergilius doesn't exist (so he gives up on life when Vergilius is gone) while Vergilius won't accept a world where he and Dante can't live together (and therefore wants to change the world).
I think there's also something to say about Vergilius' childish appearance reflecting some sort of... inner workings of his? Does that make sense? I feel like the constant mention of it is trying to point to something. Like here:
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Chapter 20 and 72 respectively.
But I'm not eloquent enough to put this into words. So I'll throw the idea out there instead!
Onto Imuri!
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Lol the english translation didn't keep the heart Imuri added in her thoughts. Basically it's the same words but with a heart like "Oh, I've been here with Mr. Priest before ♡" Normally I wouldn't care, but I think this adds to her... character? Maybe? Well, whatever. Not particularly important, but The More You Know!
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Imuri encounters Mystery Child!
I will begin by saying that I don't think it's Priest? Imuri herself doesn't think so either, so it's most likely someone else. They're muttering the name Rodrigo, which is curiously the name Belphegor uses when going to Earth in order to investigate marriage. Hm!!!! Inch resting indeed...
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Oh, God! These expressions were genuinely heartrending. She really was looking for that sliver of hope -- that her hunch was wrong. That she and Imuri could stay friends. I am heartbroken for Leah. :( (and Barbara, for that matter).
They even try to find a middle ground, too! Barbara tries to find a common goal! They really don't want to exorcize her right now! But Imuri also raises valid points: why wake him to just put him to work again?
But then she says, soo confident in herself: what Priest needs right now is me. I guess she has actual proof of that? But by God it is so egoistical. (A word that describes Imuri quite well...)
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She looks 1000x better with her fangs and her demon eyes, damn.
I'm not sure what she wins by revealing herself. She's still powerless, as far as I know. I guess she thinks she can run away with Priest using her come-to-life drawings?
Also FINALLY CONFIRMATION THAT SHE'S RELATED TO SATAN AND LILITH... THANK YOU, GOD. (Odd person to thank. Anyway,) I am well aware this doesn't mean she's like, their daughter or anything (merely related to them), but I really hope she is. It would be hilarious. Please grant me this wish, it would be so funny. (GIVE ME SATAN FATHER-IN-LAW SHENANIGANS!!!!!!!!!)
My friend mentioned that she might be revealing her connections to them in order to scare Leah and Barbara out of trying to exorcize her. After all, they don't know that she's magicless yet, right? So that might make them hesitate.
But in a way, this feels like Imuri is saying "don't you know who my parents are?! Don't mess with me!" LOL. Does this count as some sort of nepotism???
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"He'll forgive me with a simple apology!"
Actually insane thinking. Priest-kun will LOSE it when he finds out everything was a lie (and this is probably where BL Satan comes in to tempt him into Wrath).
But yeah this is selfish thinking, typical of her.
I think it's really funny that in the raws "simple apology" is just a "ごめんね", which is kinda like "sorry!"
Girl, you are not getting forgiven with that. It's just not happening. You are not teehee'ing your way out of this one.
Finally..... I am kinda sad it seems we're nearing the end arcs of Ekuoto?(?) I've been following since the very first chapter released in Japanese, so I'll miss it dearly.... Cope: maybe this is the first part, á la Dante's Inferno. Purgatory next! (Zero chance of this happening)
Anyway, good chapter. It hurt me so good. Good chapter. (going insane)
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vctrvn-ls · 1 year
I love you too? |Kenny|
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summary: you and Kenny get into a heated argument after which you try and take the first step to make peace
warnings: angst, language
wordcount: 1.35k
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"What the fuck is this?!" You heard Kenny call out from the living room.
"What!?" You shouted back, not thinking much of it, continuing to cut the watermelon for the fruit salad you were making. A series of footsteps quickly revealed Kenny who was glued to his phone with furrowed eyebrows.
"What?" You take a piece of watermelon and put it in your mouth "What is it?" You chew.
Kenny walks up to you shoving his phone up close to your face. You squint trying to see the image in front of you. It was you from yesterdays shoot, kissing Filly on the cheek as he smiled into the camera. Your eyes widened as you looked up at Kenny "And?"
"You- Look- Ah fuck," he goes back to his phone for a second before showing it again "Look at the caption."
You saw it was Twitter. Already not a good sign. And as you predicted, your mouth fell open as you finished reading the sentence:
"Damn. That's what happens when Kenny's not on the one shoot."
You look back up at Kenny and raise an eyebrow "What the hell are you doing listening to dumbass Twitter-people?" You go back to cutting the fruits, seeing as this wasn't a thing to worry about.
"This isn't the only one. That's firstly. Secondly there's rumors now that we're broken up and thirdly what the hell are you doing going around kissing other guys when you have a boyfriend?"
You were in so much shock that you had to put down your knife and lean on the counter, processing what the fuck had just been said to you.
"Fuck. You." You simply state. "That's to begin with. Also what the fuck Kenny!? It wasn't guys it was one and it's fucking Filly, now please for Christ sake tell me you're pranking me right now because you are not going to stand here and pretend like you're bothered by this." You look at him, trying to read him and his emotions, although it was quite clear that he was in fact mad.
"Yeah well they don't know that it's just Filly. And just because it's Filly, gives you no right to get all up in his face."
"Kenny you need to take a break." You chuckle dryly turning back to the cutting board.
"No the hell I don't," he pushes your shoulder, turning you around to face him.
"It's a few comments Kenny, for fucks sake just leave it alone!"
"Oh yeah? You know what else started as 'a few comments'? Hm? Our secret relationship."
You roll your eyes "We were going to reveal it anyways right?"
"I don't care."
"Ok? What am I supposed to do?"
"Definitely don't do THAT!" He held up his phone with the photo.
You cover your face with the palms of your hands and groan, still stunned that this was actually happening "Kenny its fucking Filly! You look so dumb right now I wish you knew!"
"I KNOW I LOOK DUMB! I LOOK DUMBER NOW!" He lashed out, voice booming through the whole house "It's all anyone fucking talks about. Oh Kenny's stupid. No one likes Kenny. Why is Kenny even here? Let's make an article about how everyone in the Squad hates Kenny." He mocked the comments from the internet. "Now fucking this? I just- I'm gonna- Ah fuck." He turns around and just leaves. This guy leaves! You hear him stomp up the stairs and slam your bedroom door, leaving you speechless.
You blink a few times still digesting the very emotional information that was thrown at you and decide to take a seat in the living room. You wanted to be mad, you really did, but there was just this one thing that really caught your attention. It was how focused he was on the internet's opinion, which with the jobs both of you had was a little alarming.
After a little more thinking you came to a conclusion that insecurity was what drove this whole thing in the first place. Understandable, you didn't blame him, but it was sad because how can such a special and amazing person be insecure?
It sounded absurd!
Especially with his talent, friends and status.
You felt bad for Kenny, and you could totally relate to his lack of confidence because everyone feels unsteady from time to time and with enough love and words it could easily be beaten.
As much as you wanted to go up to him and provide the comfort he so definitely needed, you couldn't stop feeling hurt by some of his words. You sigh throwing your head back against the couch.
"Fuck." You whisper, feeling the two halves of you battling inside.
You hated fighting.
It was so stressful and unnecessary, and that's exactly why you decided that you needed to go talk to Kenny. You finished cutting all the fruits, laid some out on a bowl, got a spoon and headed upstairs to Kenny.
As you got closer to the bedroom door you felt your stomach twisting into a knot. What if he tells you to fuck off? What if he doesn't want to see you at all after this? What if you break up and then you'd have toshowuponshootsanditwoukdbesoawkward!
Your mind was overthinking the future and leaving you standing right outside the door with a bowl of fruit in your hands feeling like the last idiot on the planet. It really took all of your courage to bring your knuckles up to the door and knock. Even though there was no response, you slowly opened the door and peeped in, seeing Kenny on the bed. You sighed noticing his frowned eyebrows as he scrolled through his phone.
"Kenny," you slowly sat down on the other side of the bed, not taking your eyes off of him. He didn't even look at you.
You fought your intrusive thoughts that were saying to just throw the bowl of fruit at his face and call him a dickhead.
"Look I'm sorry, I didn't think that things would spiral into something like that."
"Of course you didn't." He mumbled.
"Oh fuck you!" You exclaimed "Maybe you wouldn't be so fucking bothered if you grew a pair!"
His expression turned from angry to shocked real quick.
"What were you born fucking yesterday? It's the internet! I've seen shit way more fucked up than tweets from tenyearolds and I'm sure you have too, so stop acting like no one loves you because everyone does. Especially me and for you to even question my loyalty is so hurtful not only to me but also to you."
Kenny was at a loss for words. On one side you just insulted him, but on the other you just said you loved him and there's wasn't anything he could say. He stared at you with wide eyes as you tried to catch your breathe from all the talking.
"Uuuhhh...." He turned off his phone and put it in his pocket, turning to you and crossing his legs "I love you too?"
There was a small pause before the two of you broke out into a series of giggles, suddenly everything was ridiculously absurd and pointless. Without words both of you agreed that this fight wasn't worth the energy.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to like- I was-" Kenny groaned in annoyance as he struggled to explain "I just felt like-"
"Insecure?" You guessed.
"Yeah...That." He scratched the back of his head feeling a little uneasy at such a strong word.
"I get it." You sigh "Peace?" You hold up the bowl of fruit with a grin.
Kenny chuckles and nods "Peace." He takes the bowl.
"And it's fair of you to get jealous of me kissing Filly."
"Jealous?" Kenny chewed with a raised eyebrow "I wasn't jealous."
"Uhuh, yeah." You smirk at him.
"Wha- Nah. I was mad," he tries to hide his smile. You roll your eyes and scooch over next to him, bringing his head down and placing your lips onto his.
"Mmm, pineapple." You noded jokingly, pretending to chew.
"Stop," he giggles nudging you.
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gaspshichat · 5 months
hi chat. pearl made me cry at 9:30 in the morning so y'all know what time is it. warning there will be swears [i say the f word ☹️] bc i haven't slept but i'm somehow not sick rn which. hasn't happened in weeks
[and a quick health update: pretty sure i have narrowed down what's making me sick to three possible things. i'm hopefully seeing my doctor soon bc the refill on my meds expires in june. we're so close and i haven't been able to breathe]
pearl is funny and kind and caring. there is a reason i gave her 10k bits the other day. she deserves the entire world and more. i don't know what the world did to her that made her so kind
i'm not the only one who has a message though !! here are a few messages from people but i've seen so many in reblogs and tweets and whatnot
from my lovely partner tay aka twitter user PandoraRxse: I can’t catch streams very often but your videos always make me smile and I always look forward to a new upload. Keep doing what you’re doing, you’re amazing Pearl
from lovely twitter user SKYBL1NGS: shes like genuinely super funny and has great content that everyone can get into and shes really pretty and i loce pearlecentmoon
from a lovely anonymous twitter user: she is genuinly such an amazing artist, both in minecraft and in real life, all of her art is so lively in a way that i'm not sure how to describe best. also she is such a kind human being :))
from lovely tumblr user sapphicwhimsy: pearl is such a lovely and sweet person. shes SO kind to everyone in chat, new or old, and creates such a lovely environment to hang around in. her streams are the only ones i can sit through fully, and she has SUCH a lovely voice! i could listen to her read the dictionary, because im sure she would make it interesting. she has such a way to make everything interesting! even things like sitting still for thirty minutes can be something interesting in a pearl stream, because shes always got such amazing things to say. shes absolutely beautiful, inside and out, with a kind soul that matches her through and through. the fact that she always tries to read everyone out personally, and tries to pronounce their names correctly - and accepts corrections wholeheartedly - is so nice. and shes so wonderfully accepting to all of her community, and always has well wishes for everyone. shes truly a very wonderful and accepting person, who deserves the world! honestly the sweetest person ive ever came across.
anyway onto the next part of why i made this post
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featuring other GORGEOUS women. my god. i am so
anyway :)) it took me an hour and a half to write this bc i kept getting distracted. in short. pearl is so amazing and wonderful. it's weird how she remembers things about me and actually cares ???
[bc yes. i'm okay with anyone, including streamers, calling me vyren. you know me better than my dad does. it's okay to call me vy, vyren, gasp, or gasps]
sleepy brain wrote this post and i want to say so much more but i can't. i had a better message when i did my 10k bits message but that thing is long gone. the only way pearl knows about those bits is if she sees this
and to her community: i love y'all. y'all are lovely. thanks for helping make my shitty life a little brighter. the world may not be kind to me, but y'all are. thank y'all for that. y'all are so lovely
pearl, if you see this, sending all the love to you and your three cats. and yes. karn is the third cat
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catigereptile · 4 months
FYI, it's the Jordan River and the Mediterranean sea. LMAO
Most Palestinians are light-skinned and Kufiya aren't hijab. Most Palestinian women aren't hijabi (except for those being forced by Hamas). Arabs (except younger Arab-Americans) do NOT think of Palestinians as their "brothers and sisters," Palestinians are discriminated against, oppressed, have been expelled, and are the victims of military attacks throughout the ENTIRE Middle East and North Africa. Like in the early 90s when Kuwait expelled 300,000 Palestinians from their homes. Syrian massacres on Palestinian refugee camps. Egyptian blockade on Gaza and flooding tunnels where Palestinian refugees try to escape.
Half of the "brownface-wearing culturally appropriating white Zionists" in "isnotreal" - 50% of them - are Jews literally from the Middle East. Literally from Arab countries, they're called Mizrahim. They've been eating hummus for 5000 years. And even the Ashkenazi remained culturally similar to the middle east because the Europeans wouldn't let them integrate. And they didn't just stroll down here. Have you ever heard of the post-WWII Kielce Pogrom? The Farhud?
You Americans have to racialize EVERYTHING because it's gotta be light skinned Foreign Colonists oppressing and displacing Indigenous Brown People(tm) because how else could we have possibly ended up in this situation?
Actually, you're right. It was light skinned foreign colonists: BRITAIN and FRANCE carved up Palestine, BEHIND THE BACKS of BOTH the Arabs and the Jews moving to the BRITISH COLONY that "The British Mandate of Palestine" was after WWI and before 1948. Do you assholes KNOW what you all did after WWI? Have you ever even HEARD of the League of Nations? That the ALLIES were the ones who carved it up again after WWII. BRITAIN is the one who lied to the Palestinians after WWI. Have you ever heard of Lawrence of Arabia? The Sykes-Picot agreement? Hell, have you even heard of the Ottoman Empire?
It's been eight months and you care SO MUCH but in the end you're still the annoying westerners making things worse. Normally I'd blame it on a white savior complex but Western POC are being no better about educating themselves.
You want to help?
Donate to the red crescent and other reputable charities. Donate to anti-hamas and pro-LGBTQ Palestinian groups - and show your support for them ESPECIALLY, because things are going to be extremely unstable for them in the future. Learn about Palestinian politics, actually! Learn about Israeli politics! Protest against Egypt while you're at it! And stand with the TENS of THOUSANDS of Israeli college students who are protesting against this massacre EVERY NIGHT instead of complaining that they live there in the first place! As if they're all rich New Yorkers who can move anywhere they want!
And for the love of God, go on Wikipedia for five minutes. Stop disrespecting Palestinians and Jews with your Western savior bullshit when you don't even educate yourself about them. A Twitter account with a brown person PFP is not a reliable source, neonazis are sock puppeting. I could probably get 80% of you to use the phrase "Zionist Occupied Government" if you don't already. Stop embarrassing yourself. Jesus.
Anyway I'm falling asleep while writing on the phone
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iheartmomochi · 2 months
Dear Vocalist Momochi O•SHI•GO•TO \Back Stage!!!/ Translation
Important: as always i DID NOT make this translation. I commissioned currytantou on twitter, so all credit goes to them! I 10000% recommend you also commission them if you want a jpn -> eng translation! I always say that but seriously commission them, they're amazing!! And please do not repost this translation anywhere or use it for re-translations into another language (i've seen some people do this please just don't. it's not that hard to respect the wishes of the og translator)
You can listen to the cd here
Ahh, I’m excited to reach Okinawa! Not to mention we’re doing a special pin-up photograph session with Veronica! Oh, but the shooting will be tomorrow, right? That means we have half a day for ourselves once we touchdown. Yay!
Hey, where do you wanna go? Since you troubled yourself and tagged along, I should at least bring you wherever you want to when I’m free. Think of somewhere nice. Hehe! Oh? The announcement just now is for us, no? Let’s go then. Give me your luggage. I’ll carry it for you. Anyway, don’t you think it’s unusually packed in Haneda today? I see. It's the morning of a weekday after all. Right, everyone’s wearing suits on their way to work. Everyone’s working hard.
Let us go to our room for a bit, alright? Hehe! Guys, don’t drink too much, okay? See you tomorrow then.
Hurry and open up already. The luggage’s heavy, y’know? Ugh, I’m so tired. Actually this hotel takes so long just for us to check in. How is that even possible?
Huh?? So dirty! What’s up with this room? Did they actually clean it up? Am I supposed to spend two nights at a place like this? What the hell. Anyway, why do I have to take today’s flight if the shooting’s tomorrow? Not to mention a flight that early! Can’t it be night instead? Don’t get me started with the economy seat. I gotta deal with the public attention so at least get me a private lounge. Just how stingy could they be?
Actually, they promised something nice like a tropical resort and stuff but Okinawa of all places? If it’s a special photoshoot, shouldn’t it usually be Bali or Hawaii? That Panda guy always brings me some shitty gigs. What the heck, really? Well, yeah sure. I’m not going to be in this magazine again anyway.
Huh? Where’s the ashtray? None? Why? Huh? No smoking? Seriously! Unbelievable! What’s the staff doing? They’re not here? Shouldn’t they stay? Ah, I can’t deal with this anymore!
Huh? Who cares about shoes? This place is so dirty anyway. Nope. I wanna go back to Tokyo right away! Just how stupid can you be? I said I’m tired, didn’t I? And you can suggest going out now? We’ve come this far and you’re saying we should look for a smoking spot? If I have that energy, I’ve looked for that place ages ago. Whatever. I’m smoking here. You go buy canned juice or something. I’ll use that as an ashtray. Hurry up. You drink that ‘cus I don’t need the juice. Also, can you buy something for me to drink? Get me something Okinawa-ish while you’re at it? Right. Get me some seawater. The one in a plastic bottle. See you~
Oh, you’re late. How long are you gonna make me wait? Huh, this? Canned beer that I found in the fridge. I threw the insides because you took so long. Ahhh. What a waste. Ugh anyway. Why is this bed so hard? I just lied a bit and my back’s already hurting so much. No way I can sleep. This sucks, seriously.
Huh?! Shut up. I just gotta be careful and make sure to not drop the ash. Actually, can you not order me around? Who do you think you are? Hmm. Another excuse. Now you come here..! Hey. I said I’m in the worst mood ever, right? Do you know for what reason did I bring you along using my own money? For you to fix when we’re in this kind of situation. And yet, I’m feeling even worse thanks to you. What are you gonna do? Hey. Do something now. It’s your fault anyway. So of course you have to do it, right? Come on!
Alright, what shall we do today? Hehe! For now, will you take that off now? That’s been bothering me since this morning. Have you always had this dress? Don’t tell me you bought it to wear in Okinawa? Showing that much skin when band members and the staff are around. What are you thinking? Come on. I said take it off. Can’t do it yourself? In that case...Hm? What smell is this? The cigar’s smoke! Wa- You! Water, water! Bring it quick! Huh?! The bed cover’s burning! He- Someone?! Whatever can do, just be qu- Ah. You’re right. The fire’s gone. But hey..! Most of it was splashed on me! I bet that was on purpose! Right?! I can’t let you go today. Just a punishment won’t be enough. You know that, don’t you?
Huh? The mirror? That’s all it takes for it to fall? Just how sloppy did they mount the mirror? This hotel is seriously pathetic. So what are you gonna do? This room’s furniture is broken. I believe you know it but it’s all your fault, okay? Why don’t you start collecting the shards and apologize to me?
Ah, right. As you can see, they’re sharp so be careful when you pick the shards. You don’t want to you cut yourself accidentally. You might die if it stabs your neck by chance. Hehe! Are you afraid?
But don’t worry. I will never do anything like that. If I were to kill you, I wouldn’t go for an easy method like this. It has to be one that gives you even more pain and suffering. Otherwise it’d be pointless, no? So rest assured. Why are you silent? You’re supposed to be happy. You’re desperate and always anger me because that’s what you like. Right? Denying it after all this time? I won’t let you do that.
We have plenty of time until tomorrow so I’ll give you lots of pain the whole night. Look forward to it. You went all your way and followed me here to make sure I pulled off my job, right? So don’t complain no matter what I do. Got it?
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thebroccolination · 1 year
it confuses the hell out of me how Tumblr out of all places harbors most negativity toward BMF. situation it's much better now though, but the early period and before the show aired was nothing but spite an vitriol filling the tags. on the bright side, pretty much every other platform is head over heels for BMF, especially Reddit. they're usually critical af but BMF seems to be universally praised. anyways, I'm beyond excited for the remaining eps, and here's hoping for a strong finale so this show becomes one of the often recommended ones 🙏
On BMF getting more negativity on Tumblr than other places:
I thiiiiink it's because Tumblr has an especially high North American/European user base, and that's where the majority of the Krist hate seems to come from. What people still point to (the IG story, the rape filter joke, the "I don't want to watch Singto specifically kiss other men because this is fanservice on a variety TV show that people are going to quote out of context as me saying I don't like watching men kiss" thing) are either debunked or happened years ago, but when interfans arrived in droves in 2020, they kicked up old news like it was brand new and passed around hearsay like it was fact.
I mean, even I've learned new things since I made my post and thread about Krist back in September. For one, GMM didn't arrange his press conference in 2020 to address the issues. Krist did. Even though he'd already apologized multiple times over the years for things he never repeated, he still wanted to take accountability because of the amount of attention interfans were bringing to it. Part of that press conference was Krist even saying he'd never make excuses for what he's done and that he'll apologize as long as he's asked to.
The first(?) apology Krist made for the IG story was long, long ago, one I can't even find a translation for, that's how long ago it was. But Krist's long-time fans said that someone did translate it, but their English wasn't strong, so interfans picked apart their translation as if Krist's apology was lacking. (It's like how some interfans criticized Win in Between Us for being forceful because the subtitles originally said "kiss me" when what he actually said in Thai was "can I kiss you?" Interfans who don't speak Thai just make assumptions based on translations sometimes and it's part of my villain origin story.) Again, I don't have the apology to hand, but apparently one part of it was Krist saying something like, "I responded without thinking of how it would look. As a Y actor, I don't have those kinds of bigoted thoughts. This is my home, and I'm very proud of and supportive of the community that's raised me and cared for me," and the fan translation apparently paraphrased all of that into something like, "As a BL actor, of course I'm not homophobic." So like. Even when he's apologized, interfans have historically found a way to throw rocks at him anyway, so it gets exhausting to see people casually calling him homophobic because Melanie in Minnesota saw a screenshot of an IG story on Twitter and then made a list of six problematic BL actors you should definitely avoid because they skin babies and punt puppies into volcanoes.
On BMF being great:
I'm so excited for the last three episodes. \:D/
I'm so proud of Krist and Gawin for the work they've done up until now. It's wild to think about the amount of information they had to keep in mind as they were filming. Because, like, series already film out of order, but they also had to keep in mind different timelines of the same characters out of order. The fact that you can see not only Kawi's growth but everyone else's as well so fluidly and consistently over the episodes so far says a great deal about the quality of the production, I think. The directing, the writing, the acting. All of it is really, truly phenomenal.
Aaahhhh why is it only Tuesday. :'(
ANYWAY thank you, Anon! Sorry for the rant about Krist. I'm just tired of seeing him get so much hate for years on end when he's such a loving and giving person who's been a vocal queer ally since SOTUS. Not just during Pride, either. He really has been deeply misconstrued by interfans at large, and I just hope the people who've made up their minds about hating him (and the ones who've made their hate so public they're too stubborn to admit they misread him) will just learn to ignore him and stop tormenting him. He's already suffered panic attacks and depression as a result of the constant abuse, and it's repulsive that anyone thinks that's acceptable to do.
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A sad little something that's been on my mind
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I was scrolling through Twitter/X a few days ago, and a person had made mention that Loona was actually set to be Euthanized once she aged out of the system. That shocked me, and at first I didn't really think much of it because... Well, because I saw her "humanity" and I thought about her being in the pound as if she were a child in foster care. I assumed, once she aged out, they would just toss her out on the streets and make her fend for herself.
But Hellhounds aren't meant to be seen as PEOPLE. If I remember correctly, in the hierarchy of Hell, Hellhounds are placed even lower than Imps, and Imps are on the bottom of the list, below everyone else. Hellhounds are at the VERY bottom of the list, and are often used to perform jobs for the people who hire or adopt them. We see many of them as body guards, and others we assume have been adopted as pets (the Poodle hound at Bee's party, for example). The lady who runs the hound pound states that Blitz could find a perfect hound for any job that he may need. When he states he's looking for something more Family Friendly, she assumes he's looking for "a gift for the wife".
You go to the Hound Pounds to adopt a DOG, not a CHILD (although Blitz sees Loona as his child). And what happens to dogs in the pound when they are too old or too aggressive to be adopted? They get put down... And yes, we see a good deal of hounds in the show, especially at Bee's party. Some of them are adopted, we already know. Some of them have been hired for jobs, like Tex. And some of them may have always been "free", never living their lives in the pounds. But what happens to the ones who "age out"?
NOW! I may be wrong about all of this, and may just be thinking too much into it, because I do tend to do that. I mean, when Loona and Blitz were fighting on the beach, Blitz say that he adopted her and that should mean something. She says that it doesn't, she was almost 18, and that she didn't need him then and didn't need him now. There was no mention or hint of losing her life at the point, and it was said more as "I was almost 18, I could have taken care of myself without you!" instead of "I was about to die anyways, what does it matter?"
However, the way the woman in charge of the pound spoke about Loona, it was kind of open to interpretation. "She'll be out of our hair next month when she ages out. Good riddence if you ask me. She'll never amount to anything much".
This could be taken as "She'll be released next month, we won't have to deal with her anymore", but it was really those last two sentences... The "Good riddence" and "She'll never amound to anything much" that really got to me. Like, yes, it could simply mean that they're happy to wash their hands of her because she's useless and they're tired of housing her, but the way it was said could have been interpreted as meaning that no one would care that she dies, she wasn't going to amount to anything anyways.
I don't know... Just a little thought I had that I wanted to share.
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lemotmo · 1 month
I love that we're all just spiraling into AU theories 🙃
Q. I'm nervous about the fact that they have clearly added several Lonestar writers. That show is so ridiculous and all the BTS stuff coming out is making me more confused, haha. Because what the actual hell is happening?? Hello magazine cover!
A. Okay it's time for some truth. Is Lonestar a ridiculous show? Yes. But 911 is not free of its own ridiculous choices. I watch Lonestar. And it's nothing but mindless television. It's pure fluff. It's wacky and over the top and does certain things that are absolutely ridiculous. But so does 911. We just tend to give it more of a pass because it's the show we prefer, and overall it is the far superior product. Overall it has better characters. Overall it has better acting. Overall it has better stories, but they're still capable of telling absolute garbage. The entire back half of last season proves that. The first half wasn't without its flaws either. For starters spending three episodes on the sinking ship was definitely one episode too many, in my opinion. Especially when you account for the fact that a great deal of that time was spent on that ridiculous Norman and Lola plot. It was stupid and was allowed to take up way too much time. Was anyone dying for an update on Norman and Lola? No. Literally no one cared if we ever saw them again, but there they were front and center for three freaking episodes. Let's move to the wedding episode now. Was that much hallucinated Doug necessary? Nope. Again, way too much screen time devoted to a part of the story absolutely no one wanted to see again. The episode was excellent overall but there was way too much unnecessary Doug. Then we spent the rest of the season with Bobby and the cartel, vigilante Athena, and Eddie dating his dead wife's twin. Utterly ridiculous television. We have to call a spade a spade.
If they really are doing an AU everyone will need to understand that a storyline like that comes with a certain built in level of ridiculousness. All of the speculation is fun and interesting, and some of it probably way better than what we will actually get, but people need to acknowledge parts of it will most likely be ridiculous. It's called fantasy for a reason. We can't automatically expect it to play like Buck's coma dream. We're most likely going to have to suspend reality for a bit. Especially considering the BTS stuff we've gotten so far leans more satirical than dramatic. Obviously we have no actual details but I just don't want people raging if it goes more camp than serious. That doesn't mean the events that lead up to the AU or the parts that come after the AU can't or won't be serious. I just think people should have the expectation of at least some of it being ridiculous. And that's okay. It's okay to have a bit of fun with it. And yeah the magazine was odd, lol. I have no idea what's happening. He does look like Eddie. Kind of. So who knows. The big thing for me was that he was hiding his hand, again. So that's clearly going to be something. Hopefully he does get to punch Gerard. But I doubt it. That would just require makeup for bruising, unless he breaks his hand doing it, but the cast would just slip on and off, so there would be no need to keep it on when he wasn't filming. Then again this is 911 so anything is possible. They're clearly reading our theories though so I'm not even sure if everything we're getting can be taken seriously. This got long, anon. I'm mostly just trying to tell you to not overthink everything. Which we're all going to do anyway so......
Thank you Nonny!
I have never watched Lone Star beyond episode 2, so I can't really comment on the first part of this ask.
As for the possibility of an AU episode? It's been done successfully before in other more 'serious' shows, so it can be done. I do think the 911 writers are clever enough to pull it off.
That magazine article is probably nothing. Someone over on Twitter found the stock picture that was used for that magazine. You can find it here. So in all likelihood it was just a prop magazine and the guy on the cover happened to look like Ryan. Who knows?
I agree that Ryan hiding his hand each time was very interesting. And the magazine picture was taken in the emergeny room. So, that might be something.
But yeah, we don't really know anything at this point. It's just a guessing game. Let's just enjoy the speculating and theorising and hopefully we'll get some good new bts content this week. Then we can obsess over something else yet again. XD LOL!
IMPORTANT! Please don't repost this ask and/or a link that leads straight to my Tumblr account on Twitter or any other social media. Thank you!
Heads up! For anyone who is giving me the shifty eyes for reposting Ali's updates instead of reblogging. Read this.
Remember, no hate in comments, reblogs or inboxes. Let's keep it civil and respectful. Thank you.
If you are interested in more of Ali’s posts, you can find all of her posts so far under the tag: anonymous blog I love.
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trappedinthewalls · 5 months
So yesterday that Annie person from the P&Z circle @pleasetiemyshoelaces talked about a couple of times decided to have an absolute conniption over a post I made x number of months ago speculating over Poppy's behavior. She reblogged every reblog acting like they were made at different times, like this was an ongoing thing I'd been talking about repeatedly, and not that I'd reblogged it all in one day cause I was too lazy to edit the first post.
She called me a men's rights activist and had a "history of r#pe apologia" because I posted about this exactly once, because I believe @noehflake , and because I called Poppy a bitch. Mhmm yeah. Okay. Totally not coping over the fact that she's too much of a coward to actually confront any of the people who actually talk about this stuff on a regular basis. Annie, sweetie, this is a vent blog. This is not a critical blog. I don't have any kind of platform. There is no mission here. I'm not trying to take anyone down or harass anyone. This is where I occasionally come to complain. That's it.
For the people in the back. Noehflake is not a r#pist. Here's what happened according to the (actual) evidence (read the Poppyamory documents and the Luxander video on it for the receipts and watch the Victor Burns interview for Noeh's side of it. We already know Poppy's side cause she hasn't shut up about it): Noehflake broke up with Poppy for being a terrible partner. Poppy harassed her and badgered her and complained on Twitter about it. Zena gaslit and badgered and manipulated Noehflake into letting the trip they'd been planning on happen anyway and Poppy asked Noehflake to pretend like they weren't broken up. They met at the hotel and had sex because Poppy wanted to and Noehflake wanted to make her happy (that's a thing that ace people do, believe it or not). Then the next morning Noehflake decided she still didn't want to continue the relationship, in no small part because Poppy and Zena were screaming at each other, so she wanted to leave. Poppy tried to physically prevent her from leaving (which is a crime, by the way) and asked if Noehflake had just had sex with her to "test to see if she loved her" (which is absolutely nuts to think). Noehflake was tired of this bullshit and said yes just to get Poppy to get the hell out of the way, and Poppy was shocked enough to let her go (seriously, if someone were barring you from leaving, wouldn't you say anything to get them to let you go?). Then when Poppy kept badgering Noehflake to get back together, Noehflake admitted to lying about using the sex as a test and in truth had agreed to the sex because of feeling conflicted and wanting to make Poppy happy. Poppy took the single part of the lie and ran with it, deciding to paint Noehflake as a r#pist because she just couldn't let it go that she got dumped.
She also kept messaging Noehflake after this, and tried to friend her on Facebook.
Having sex with your ex to make them happy and then deciding not to continue the relationship is not r#pe. If anything, it's a pity fuck. And Poppy is too much of an egomaniac to accept the fact she was given a pity fuck and then re-dumped. That's what the evidence says.
I believe Noehflake's story because it has stayed consistent this entire time. Poppy's story has changed several times rapidly. And we have receipts.
I complain because this is all a bunch of soap opera bullshit and I wouldn't care if it wasn't being perpetuated people with a platform and influence over vulnerable people. If this were being done by a politician or non-internet celebrity I'm pretty sure people would be just as interested at seeing it put to an end. I'm certainly not going to do it. Other people have decided to do that. But I will complain about it. I'm allowed to. But only sometimes.
So go whine about it to someone who actually matters in this fight. You won't get anywhere whining about me, cause I don't matter. I'm a little nobody. And that's how I like it.
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numinati · 4 months
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So.... I'm sure y'all know by now...
I hit 20 members on Patreon a couple weeks ago, and to celebrate it, I released a content dump. It had really small CC in there, but one of the things included was a career mod I had made. Because that was the thing I spent the most time on, I posted about it on Twitter, and it did a lot better than I thought it would.
Now there's like 230 more of you and it's kind of one of my staple mods. 😭
I seriously want to thank y'all for all the love and support you've given me over these past few weeks. This still feels so surreal and I'm not fully able to articulate how I feel, but I appreciate you all so, so much.
After getting some ideas, I decided to expand the mod even further. Now, along with the career, you get 2 traits, corresponding pie menus, a rabbithole interaction, and a second version of the career with altered wages. Enjoy!
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Veneer Tech
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Were you the child who gave their parents makeovers they didn't have the heart to tell you were bad? Do you want to feel as important as a doctor but don't want to waste your time on boring topics like gum disease? Are you a sadist? If you fall into any - or all - of these categories, you'll love being a veneer tech. Just because you ain't on some board doesn't mean you can't make board money! All you really need is some glue, gloves, and Invisalign, anyway! Hell, if people cared about taking advantage of people, half the businesses out now would be closed. Shops shut all the way up. You deserve to get your bag too, right? ...maybe your first investment should be a lawyer.
Located in Lifestyle
Young Adult - Adult
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Description is a surprise since it's new!
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Gameplay Trait
Child - Adult
30+ buffs for each trait
Custom icons
Base game compatible (BGC)
Finessed trait is sad asl, I'm not even gonna lie 😭
Veneer Tech trait goes along with the veneer tech career, which means certain career buffs reference that specific mod
How to give sims the Finessed trait:
To give sims the 'Finessed' trait, you have to use the Veneer Tech introduction. Once the introduction is used, target sims (the sims you're talking to) will automatically get the trait. That's if it's positive, though...
Veneer Tech sims will get between $250-$500 for each positive introduction!
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Five interactions for Veneer Techs, four interactions for Finessed sims
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Both located in More Choices
Custom Pie Menu icon
Not going to spoil the buffs for these, but I do hope you guys have fun with them. <3
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Located in More Choices
Exposing the Veneer Tech and Announcing a Sale are one hour
Updating Terms of Service is two hours
Hosting a Seminar is two to four hours
Veneer techs get $5,000 and a small follower gain from hosting a seminar and $200 simoleons from announcing a sale, while Finessed sims also get a follower gain from exposing scammers.
Get Veneers Removed...
You're in pain. You're in agony. You're in a perpetual purgatory of stank breath. And you want out!
Under Travel, Finessed sims now have the option to get their veneers removed:
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They'll scroll for a little bit to check in with an actual dentist before heading out for three to four hours.
Once they come back, the Finessed trait will be removed and they can start a new, scam free life
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Celebratory buff and notification
Currently free, though you guys know I love realism... >:)
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The same career, just with lowered (better) wages.
When I first made the mod, I forgot that the Simoleons per hour were... well, hourly. I don't know why, like if I was tired or something, but that lead to the top level in the career giving sims $60,000 a day, which means $420,000 a WEEK... and since there's usually 4 weeks in an in-game calendar year that means $1,680,000 a YEAR...
I know veneer techs get a lot of money, but at some point this gets absurd. 😭
So I altered the hourly wages a bit. They're still wayyy more than average sims get for their jobs, but not like $21,000,000~ every human year.
Level 1 -> $250 (from $500)
Level 2 -> $500 (from $1,000)
Level 3 -> $1,000 (from $5,000)
Level 4 -> $5,000 (from $20,000)
Celebrity Scammer Branch -> $10,000 / M-F (from $50,000 / M-SN)
Seminar Leader Branch -> $7,500 (from $25,000)
If you still want the higher wages, they're still available with the original mod! <3 This is just for people who want a little more of a challenge. (emphasis on little, lol)
Last but not least, the original mod:
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Were you the child who gave their parents makeovers they didn't have the heart to tell you were bad? Do you want to feel as important as a doctor but don't want to waste your time on boring topics like gum disease? Are you a sadist? If you fall into any - or all - of these categories, you'll love being a veneer tech. Just because you ain't on some board doesn't mean you can't make board money! All you really need is some glue, gloves, and Invisalign, anyway! Hell, if people cared about taking advantage of people, half the businesses out now would be closed. Shops shut all the way up. You deserve to get your bag too, right? ...maybe your first investment should be a lawyer.
This is a base game rabbithole career with four levels and two branches.
I do hope y'all enjoy!
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Barbershop Baby
You just got your online certificate from the 6 hour seminar your favorite TikToker hosted and are now ready to service the streets with your dental expertise. The only problem is you don't have no expertise and are not a dentist.
But if that didn't stop your "mentor", why should it stop you? Try and make something shake for a little while. Worst comes to worst, you gotta flee the state... or the country...
...you really should look into that lawyer, friend.
Shade Room Famous
Due to the rampant amount of horror stories you have, your face is now plastered all over The Shade Room, the largest urban gossip blog in all of the US.
But to your surprise and mine tool - it seems like the saying about all attention is true, because people are now lined up your block waiting for the Smilez special.
Guess all you can do now is make sure your career lasts longer than your teeth.
Viral on TikTok
Fame looks nice on you, doesn't it? At least online fame does. After getting some shine on Shade Room, Hollywood Unlocked, The Neighborhood Talk, and even more, you've managed to rack up one million followers on TikTok. You're almost ready to release your own seminar!
Be careful, though, newfound fame brings newfound opposition. And with your multiple medical and ethical violations it won't take much to get unplugged.
The Plug
After all of the hours of hard scamming you put in, you've done it. You've got the fame, the fortune, the mid-tier rapper/influencer connections, and about 21 different YouTube videos about your crimes.
The only thing to do now is sit back, count up, and not get indicted.
And hey, if that doesn't work? At least you're making enough for a one way to Jamaica.
Celebrity Scammer
Now, about that mid-tier clientele you had...
They are all big time now. And so are you! You've 'hustled' and 'grinded' your way to the big leagues.
No more barbershops. You're doing Future's teeth in the back of your mansion. Their teeth may decay, but your star certainly isn't!
It doesn't even matter how many people say you scamming. Or how many horror stories have turned into full on nightmares.
You're the Dr. Miami of teeth now. Can't nobody say anything about that!
Seminar Leader
Now, about that seminar you said you were gon start...
You did. In fact, the only two options on your website are to book and to, well, book.
In doing so, not only have you managed to stack up even more, but now you look wise and charitible to 5% of Instagram users. Win win!
It doesn't matter if most people think you still scamming. Or the fact you don't send out all the invites to people who signed up.
You're a business person now. Can't nobody say nothing about that!
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I definitely want to expand this in the future (keyword: future 😭), but I'm happy where this is, especially for my first major gameplay mod!
Let me know if you have any issues! 💕
Thank you to:
Dessims4 for her Trap House build; you can find their Patreon here
Jasmine Raditz for her Motel build; you can find her Patreon here and YouTube here
SimmerDownDee for the "wobbly/falling teeth" buff; you can find her Tumblr here
@mylittleniesh for "Jaw Makers University"; you can find their Twitter here
SpareKiy for the "veneer breath" buff; you can find her builds here and Instagram here
DanitySimmer for her modding tutorials; you can find her Patreon here and YouTube here
Mirai for their modding tutorial; you can find their Patreon here and Tumblr here
...and a big one to y'all for waiting so long! 
Now go wreck havoc for me!!
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IF YOU HAVE THE ORIGINAL VENEER TECH MOD FROM THIS POST, YOU DO NOT NEED TO REDOWNLOAD! The files are included here so people won't have to go post-to-post, the mod itself is completely unchanged.
You'll need XML Injector by Scumbumbo for some interactions. I've included the download here, but I'd also recommend going to his page to show support <3
You can find it on my Patreon:
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mimikoolover · 2 months
I think we should stop trying to make sense of Jikook and confront it to what they say or what they sing at this point lol I feel like there’s too many things we can’t know anyway, and some parts of the puzzle are missing and will be for a long time anyway because I highly doubt they will talk about their private life anyway soon. To me, with everything we’ve witness with these two for all those years I’m still thinking they’re actually together and have been for years but honestly I know I could be wrong. I follow the Occam’s Razor theory. But we have to admit that some pieces of the puzzle don’t fit or haven’t find their right place yet and we have to be at peace with that. Personally as a 30 yo I just think I’ve never ever seen two people behaving like they do and being as close as they are without being a couple. Their song lyrics are just a detail in the grand scheme of it but it’s jus my opinion. I know they could be just two exceptionally close friends, the exception to the rule. Trying to over analyze everything they do and say can be fun at times but it feels almost boring after all this time for me because we always go in circles. In a few weeks they’ll be confusing the hell out of us again lol
I was thinking exactly this actually...like if jikook are dating each other realistically we'll never know about it. have they done stuff in the past that's sus sure but there have been sus things with them with other people as well...so writing all of that off in relation to them with each other seems strange but I want to believe and listen to what they say so when jimin talks about muse I want to believe that. we also have to remember that they are just celebrities and let's be real we'll never truly know them for who they are as people so...caring less seems to be the way to go and just enjoy the music and whatever they put out without reading too much into it. but that's kinda difficult since artists realised they want die hard stans bc those are the people who make them money so the music industry and every player in it as a whole encourages us to be die hard stans (people within the fandom do this too). frankly jungkook is the only musician I've ever heard say that he should be less important to us and we ourselves should be the most important to ourselves. I think just the way with how fandoms are people talk about stuff a lot, tbh I was exhausted yesterday after talking about muse and jikook all day long...but that's how overanalysing happens. you can take things face value but then there's people in the fandom who talk like they know more and then that kinda makes me wonder 'do I know these people when I take things face value or would I know them better/more accurately if I kept up with them the way stans do'. me leaving twitter for example, I'm sure I missed loads of shit but at this point I don't even care anymore.
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leadenn · 11 months
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Absolutely adore your fic front and back. The entire concept had me intrigued, and once I started reading, I was OBSESSED. Legit, I would talk to my friends about it, talk to my shower, talk to my Twitter mutuals about it.ALSO ALSO I adore how you write monologues, it's so funny and so descriptive, makes me feel things good things. Every single one of them you write so well, like YES he would say that! I see a lot of Raph and Leo being writen so off, like their manorisms are so yes, I could see him doing that. Casey is so cool and I adore his relationship with Abby, big bro and lil sis, he would give the world for his sister and she would love the world for him. You feel me? Oh and I love how all of them just were like "yes Abby is my favorite little sister, I would kill for her", so fucking obsessed. Casey and Abby have gone through so much shit and I'm so happy for them being around people who love and care for them. Leatherhead and Casey and Abby and Mikey are so sweet. Leatherhead is also a sweetheart, he's so nice and the way you write him makes me melttt, I become a pile of mush 🫠Mikey and Him are soooo sweet too and I swear to god you have changed my ENTIRE perspective on those two as a ship its incredible, like before I ddint even THINK that much about it, but here I am in my notes app with a full on page of how to implement leatherhead in my au AND in my fanfic, the note title is legit called 💥THAMK UOU LEADENN💥 also just read the newest chapter came back to edit this, YAY! FUCK YEAHH!! Those twoooo OUGHHHH!! The inner monologues you write are so fuckin good, like I can read that thing good without getting confused and having to re read, I understand it because you explain well! The scenes play out good and are incredibly funny or incredibly sad or both. Like holy shit. Also the way you write and hint has me going "WHAT? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN??? WHA WAIT WHA??" like I end up shocked eyes open. I also enjoy your writing so much I usually don't venture off into the collection of other stories unless they still include my favorite character but with how you write I just love everyone so much I'm like eating that shit up, full course meal gourmet food 5 stars. I know you get a lot of Mikey stuff so I left him for last on how much I fucking LOVE HIM HES SO COOL like mental stuff aside his one liners and his kick ass brain lines are awesome oh my god he comes off so damn cool like daaqmnnn who made you king of Antarctica, lord of coolness. I love his inner monologues so much, its so funny and so real like, "Yeah he underestimated how much of DICK the forest would be." Had me HOWLIBG, first thing in and I get hit in tge face with another real as hell Mikey line. That was actually one of the things that keeps me reading, what drew me in when I first found your amazing story. He'd just started spitting facts and a gnarly backstory and in my head I was like "ohhhh shittt!!" I get so excited every time an update comes out, goddamn chapter 5??? I am so goddamn proud of you for reaching 61 CHAPTERS AUGH I can't stress this enough you are doing AMAZING, you're writing so much and it's terrific every single time, every single comment, kudo, fanart, just everything, you deserve it. You're so awesome-sauce! I think I would bite the dust if I wrote as much as you, as much as I love it I am already struggling with getting past 5k words. Anyways, your writing genuinely is my coffee in the morning especially when I've run out of coffee and my phone is the only thing that morning to bring me joy. Also you intimidate me, most fanfic writers do but the moment you interacted with an account, boss music started playing in my head
I think I'll combust if I proof read this so before the guy in my head backs out I'm just gonna send it 👍😩👍
*pukes in joy*
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mav-the-artist · 9 months
Hey guys.
Slight vent i guess. It's nothing drastically serious, but putting up a warning anyways. It's me complaining abt work and my ability to interact online.
under a cut, as it's a bit lengthy.
As the year comes to a close, I think about my milestones. Yeah, I've made a few friends since making a twitter finally. i've made a lot of improvement on my art. i've also figured out my gender. my life in general has been really good, since leaving a bad situation a year and a half ago. for the most part i'm happy where i'm at now.
except one thing.
it's getting to me, working 40+ hours a week and hardly having any time at home to myself, let alone interact with my mutuals and friends. i feel bad. there's a lot of people i want to interact with and get to know more, but i have to sacrifice so much of my time off work to take care of irl stuff, family, etc.
and i have so many ideas for art, SO MANY. ideas of ocs i wanna draw from my mutuals/followers/people i follow, my fursona that i've been wanting to design FOR MONTHS, and so much more. my notes app on my phone deadass is FULL of ideas i get. but by the time i get home, all my motivation almost always is drained. i feel like a hollow void. and when i do draw, i never have enough time or energy to put more effort, more details or fully render. i've noticed my art has looked half-assed lately due to this.
after work, if my friends are in a group call, i end up just hanging out in the call not doing a goddamn thing otherwise. i enjoy hanging out with friends greatly, don't get me wrong, it's just i don't have motivation most of the time to draw while chatting in vc. hell, i don't even play video games half the time cuz i'm too tired to even do that. and there's so many games i bought this year that i only played once/never played yet because i'm too busy working/drained after work.
to my friends, mutuals, and followers who want to interact with me: i'm sorry i cant talk more or talk to you at all. i want SO BADLY to interact in fandom spaces more and make more friends, but work and fatigue is beating my ass relentlessly. however, even if we've talked a few times/rarely talk, i don't get friendship decay. we're still friends even if we don't talk in a while! and know i appreciate all my mutuals/followers greatly and will do my best to interact more.
i may be able to talk to my boss about going down to part time, as my mom and i did some number crunching and we could make it work. this would fix my problems massively, as i could finally achieve a work/life balance that i can actually function in.
in the end, i want this year coming up to be better than this one. yes, i've done a lot this year. but the next big thing is trying to talk to more than just like. 3 people online. and make more art, and improving my mental health.
don't expect this to be a reoccurring thing with me venting, as most of the time i'm a happy person. but i had to get this out. you can see why, lol
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