#i don't have anything to eat (without screwing up my future self) so. i just decided not to eat
poisonmaximoff · 3 years
BELATED FATE (Elizabeth Olsen x FemReader).
The whole story: here.
Chapter 5. Close to her
Elizabeth's POV:
We entered the restaurant and immediately went to the second floor, sitting down at the free table by the window that was showing us a magnificent view of the sunny, quiet street. We didn't talk much on the way here, and it seemed like we were both in our own thoughts. I ordered some random salad I saw on the menu, and she ordered risotto with chicken and spinach.
"Do you like italian cuisine?" I asked to start a conversation.
She looks up from the window and a small chuckle escapes her mouth. "I like literally any food that I see on my way." She doesn't look like a foodie, so that surprises me a little, but I enjoy learning little details about her like this one.
Curiously narrowing her eyes, she asks: "Why did you only order a light salad, are you on some type of the diet or something?"
"Yeah, something like that." Little does she know, I just lost my appetite recently due to constant exhausting self-digging and a feeling of being lost and incomplete.
"But why? You look already amazing and you have a perfect body!" She instantly says and I catch a glimpse of regret in her eyes. "Or does it have anything to do with health issues?" I'm so sorry if I'm being neglectful, I didn't mean to" she stars gibbering and over-gesticulating. 
"It's okay, it's okay, calm down. I just have this fasting days sometimes to detox my body." I'm a professional of making up lies for literally no reason.
"Oh, I get it, I'm constantly trying to have couple of those, but then like screw it and go to McDonalds." I was about to say that she doesn't care about her organism, but then suddenly remember that I used to eat junk food from time to time too. And she's a grown person, who can take care of herself. She definitely doesn't need me to make sure that she eats normal food.
But I just can't ignore the urge to ask her something. "Do you often cook homemade food? I mean something healthy, like soups or side dishes?"
"Did my mom send you to babysit me?" she answers me with a counter question, but her eyes show me all the unseriousness of the question.
"Well, she pays me a fine sum for this, so...But for real, do you?" I just need to know.
"Don't judge me please, but I actually can't cook at all and mostly eat takeaways and order deliveries" she says shrugging and fidgeting in her seat.
God, why are we so different, but I still feel so drawn to her, needing to know every little detail about her, even if I don't find it has anything to do with my interests? Although maybe it's much deeper than that.
"What are the most important and valuable things in a relationship for you?" I don't understand why I jumped so abruptly from one topic to another, and I didn't even have enough time to fully realize what exactly I was going to ask.
Her face becomes visibly confused and she looks away from me for a second, pressing her lips together. I was about to apologize, but she didn't let me.
"Sincerity, loyalty, trust and ability to accept each other's drawbacks. People don't need to have a lot in common to be in a healthy relationship. The main thing is to have a common picture of shared future and readiness to support each other. I'd like my partner to respect my opinions and wishes without trying to impose their point of view. Relationship...it's about acceptance I guess and constant working towards better understanding of each other. Emotional bond is way more important for me than sexual intimacy, for example. I mean of course it's a very pleasant pastime and a perfect opportunity to show your love and affection to your partner, but it's not the main thing in relationship."
I'm pleasantly surprised that she didn't laugh it off and seriously answered my question, especially in such a detailed way. Now I'm starting to understand what special I see about her and why I feel so connected to her. She just perfectly described my own position regarding the topic.
Y/n's POV:
El's question took me by surprise, but I decided to answer it honestly. When I noticed that she had quieted down and stared at the table, I already regretted my decision. Shit, I probably got carried away too much.
"Did I take it too far?" I ask hoping that she just comprehends everything I said.
"Oh? I'm sorry, what was that?"
"Did I say something wrong?"
"No, on the contrary, you described everything exactly as I'd have done it. I'm just surprised that we after all have something in common" she clasped her hands in the lock and gave me an adorable smile.
I'm actually very glad that she shares my opinion al least regarding one thing. Maybe I shouldn't worry so much about the fact that we don't have many common interests.
During lunch, we talked a little more about relationships between people and our social circles. Then it was time to go to the next meeting, which our partners moved to a restaurant twenty minutes away from the place we just were in.
"If only I knew that we're supposed to go to restaurants, companies and just talk to people, then I asked to be your assistant much earlier" I grinned at her and was met with her soft smile.
"Trust me, it's much more than that. I'd be in love with this job, if everything was like you described."
"You don't like your job?"
"Not like I don't enjoy it at all. Sometimes it's just too stressful and having no clear work schedule makes it hard to plan things like personal trips, for example. I can suddenly be called for a meeting or business trip and I have no choice but to accept it and do my job, you know."
"Wow. I didn't think about it from that side. It must be terribly uncomfortable to cancel your plans because of this and realign it with someone else's."
She gave me a sad smile, nodded and said that it's necessary to get used to it, because it becomes a significant part of your life.
I love the way Elizabeth's posture and facial expression change when she turns on her "professional mode". It's like two different people, which is quite intriguing. We approach two men who are already waiting for us at a table in a restaurant and shake hands with them one by one. One of them is short and plump, while the other, on the contrary, is tall and thin brunette wearing stylish glasses.
"Good to see you again, Miss Olsen" says the first man to Elizabeth, bringing her hand to his mouth to give it a small kiss. Gross. Do men really believe that they can win a woman's full affection only through such gestures of attention?
"Nice to see you too, Mr. Garcia."
"Let me introduce to you my assistant Jacob" he says and points to the guy sitting next to him. When I turn my head to look at him, I see that he's already staring at me and gives me a shy smile when I notice it. Elizabeth's eyes flick between me and Jacob and then she introduces me to men.
The negotiations are quite intense, I'm trying to participate, but quickly lose the thread of the conversation, so now I'm just sitting and listening to them. Something touches my hand and I see that Jacob passes me a piece of paper folded in half. Not quite understanding what it means, I unfold it and read: "Such a beautiful girl and all bored. I would love to entertain you whenever you want. How about tomorrow at 6 p.m. at the «Richelieu»? My phone number is on the back." Did he just ask me out after knowing me for like half an hour? Not that I'm not attracted to men at all, but when such gorgeous woman like Elizabeth sits next to me I can't even imagine going on a date with anyone else.
I flick my eyes between Jacob and the note, noticing that El went quiet for a few seconds. I raise my eyes at her and meet a second-lasting burning look before she continues speaking. Another two hours later, Mr. Garcia finally agrees to the terms that Elizabeth offers him and they sign a contract. Seeing her so smug and proud of her work definitely warms my heart.
During goodbyes, Mr. Garcia kisses her hand again, and Jacob does the same to mine, then smirks and winks at me, what doesn't go unnoticed by El. Her features hold a cold expression, so I can't tell exactly what she's feeling right now.
She reached the car without changing her stoic face, and when we got into it, she just silently stared at the wheel before breaking a silence a minute later.
"What was that, Y/n?" she asked in relatively calm and low voice.
"What exactly do you mean?"
"Did he invite you on a date or something? During a damn business meeting?" a bright edge of irritation is in the sound of her voice.
"Why are you so mad about it, El?" I'm trying to remain calm, though I don't understand why the hell it could bring her to such reaction.
"So he did. You know, you could arrange a personal life during your free from work time, Y/n. It's terribly unprofessional" her voice dripping with annoyance while she refuses to look me in the eyes. I don't understand anything, it's not even my fault that he did it and now she's doubting my ability to hold myself professionally. I already disappointed her on my first day.
"El, look at me please" she doesn't move. "Miss Olsen, please give me a minute of your attention" she rolls her eyes, but still turns her head so she could meet my gaze.
"You know that I couldn't telepathically tell him to not pass me this note, right?" I'm trying to talk to her as calmly as possible, not provoking her on another wave of negative emotions. "He did what he did and I left the note there. You're right, it would be totally unprofessional to arrange some date during a negotiation. Besides, I have no interest in him or anyone else yet."
Her features visibly relaxed and the previous anger disappeared from her eyes. "You left it there?" she clarified.
"Yes. I'd never agree to go on a date with a person knowing only his name, and especially during working hours. Can we go now?"
I see her mood instantly improving and she finally starts the car. It was an actually long and a bit exhausting day, so I feel unusually tired, even though it's a pleasant tiredness. Elizabeth noticed my small yawn and gently asked: "So, where are we going?"
"Home. I just want to finally get home."
"I literally don't know where you live, Y/n" she says with a small laugh.
Oh shit, I must be really tired. I tell her my address and she promises to take me home safely. My mind habitually replays today's events. She is so different with me and during work. Memories of her perfect posture, her confident tone when she spoke to people, her slightly furrowed brows and clenched fists when they didn't agree to her conditions... All of this I find super-attractive for some reason. But with me she is usually so indulgent and patient that sometimes I get lost because of the contrast she shows me. I feel a little guilty about the situation with that goddamn note, even though I definitely wasn't able to prevent Jacob's actions. Just seeing her upset about something related to me is definitely not what I want. I love her smile and will do my best to see it more often.
Soon we arrive at our destination. Elizabeth gets out of the car and walks around to open the door for me. What a gentlewoman.
"I didn't know you live in the high rise, Y/n" she says and lifts her head to look at the huge beautiful building with many windows.
"It has always been my dream, so my parents made me this gift for the 20th birthday" I say and fond memories arise in my head. I couldn't be more grateful for everything they have done for me.
We walk along the parking lot, past the reception, where I greet Ms. Anderson, and get into the elevator. I press the button for the top floor and soon we find ourselves at the door of my apartment.
"Well, here we are," I say with reluctance to say goodbye to El so quickly. "Maybe you'd like to come in?" I add with a hint of hope.
"I'd love to, Y/n, but unfortunately not today. I promise to definitely come visit you another day, deal?" She looks at me apologetically and I nod to her, hoping she didn't say it out of pure politeness.
"Of course, El, goodnight then, drive home safe."
"Goodnight, Y/n, I will" she says with a last smile and heads for the elevator, and I remain standing at my door staring at her back.
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louweasleymalfoy · 4 years
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I am currently eating with the squad in the Slytherin table. It was me, Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle here today and my boyfriend, Draco and Pansy are nowhere to be found.
Even if we are in the same friend group, me and Pansy never really liked each other. She hated me for dating Draco. The feeling was mutual. I hated it when Pansy would try to flirt with him, though Draco never really acknowledged her
Dinner was almost over and Draco's still not here. Odd. Maybe he's busy? I sighed, convinced that he's probably doing something important
Dinner came to an end and me and the others finally went to the dungeons. I climbed up the stairs that led to the dorm I shared with Pansy.
I were about to open the door until I heard moans coming from the room. I scrunched up my face in disgust.
Gross. Did Pansy really have to bring a boy to our room. UGH, I facepalmed
I was about to walk away, maybe just go to Draco's room since he has his own room. That is until I heard the name she was moaning
"Ugh! Draco! Fuck"
Is this the reason why they skipped dinner?
My eyes widened and without even thinking, I opened the door. And there was Draco and Pansy. Pansy was smirking when she saw me while Draco had an emotionless face
I quickly left the room and went to Blaise's instead. Blaise basically had his own room since Draco moved out of there.
I cried and explained to Blaise everything that happened and he comforted me until I fell asleep. I am like a sister to Blaise so he didn't really mind letting me sleep in the other bed in his room
*Time skip
I was sat at great hall next to Blaise. I didn't really want to go but Blaise forced me. Blaise was talking with a fellow Slytherin while I played with my food.
Pansy and Draco was missing again... Well more like Pansy was missing because Draco just walked in.
He had bags under his eyes and sat next to me.
"Hey Babe" He said, smiling. He leaned in to kiss my cheek but I pushed him away
"What the fck is wrong with you!? Don't you 'hey babe' me!" I shouted, almost everyone in the great hall was looking at me
"What? Are you okay love? what's gotten into you? You know...I am tired, not even having the energy to eat, but I decided to go here just to see you and you're acting strange" Draco said, looking a bit annoyed
"What's gotten into me? Wow Malfoy how could you forget so easily? You know what? You're right. You're tired. You're probably fcking tired from screwing Parkinson last night! I saw you okay, with my own two eyes and you just stare at me. How dare you cheat on me Malfoy! I'm done. We.Are.Done!" I said getting up and leaving the great hall to curl up and cry in my dorm, hoping Pansy wasn't there
Draco sat there with his jaw dropped and a small tear on his face. He looked at Blaise but he only gave a disapproving look.
"You know what dude? I don't understand why you did it. But stay away from Y/N. You're my best friend but she is also like a sister to me and I don't want her to get hurt even more" Blaise glared at him and went to his class
Draco ran to his dorm and cried. After crying his eyes out, he sat on his bed and got lost in his thought
She said she saw me. She said I cheated and that she saw me fcking Parkinson. How is that even possible! I didn't even talk to Parkinson yesterday.
I was staying up all night, making homework and thinking of an anniversary gift for Y/N.
This is crazy. I would never cheat on her. Something isn't right and I need to get to the bottom of this
Three days later...
It was three days after the break up. It was a Saturday and today was supposed to be me and Draco's second anniversary and I felt miserable.
I was walking through the halls, not looking at where I'm going, and bumped into someone
"Ow! Watch where you're going!" It was Pansy....and she's with Draco
"Oh my! look at who we've got here. It's poor lil Y/L/N, what? Are you sad that Drakee-poo chose me? I've always told you. Dracy would choose me because I am prettier than you and you are nothing!" Pansy said in that annoying high pitched voice and laughed
I was about to cry but I was holding it in...that is until I saw Draco. He was laughing as well and I felt tears fall down my cheeks
"Awwww are u crying? Boo hoo. It sucks to be you" She laughed again
"Oh yeah? Well you're a slut! Stealing someone's boyfriend because you're nothing but a whore!"
Pansy was furious
"why you!" She raised her hand, about to slap me
I prepared for the impact, but it never came. When I opened my eyes, I saw Draco stopping Pansy's wrist tightly and— HOLD ON! THERE ARE TWO DRACOS!!!
Pansy looked confused as well, looking at Draco beside her, and at the other Draco who was holding her wrist
I was about to say something until i noticed something wrong with the Draco besides Pansy. He was changing appearance until he became his old self again, it was Theodore Nott.
I was confused, until realization hit me. POLYJUICE POTION!
Pansy shrieked. Realizing that she was with Theodore the whole time and ran.
Draco was FURIOUS! and was about to go after them until I stopped him
He looked at me and his face softened
"Y/N! Oh my god, I swear i didn't cheat on you! I would never do that because I love you so much! I came here to tell you that the Draco you saw Pansy was with wasn't me but then I saw her about to hurt you. Are you okay?" He said cupping my cheeks
" Yes Dray I'm fi—" he cut me off
" Oh god...she didn't do anything else did she? I love you very very much and i swear that if I sa—"
I cut him off by smashing my lips to his. We kissed for a while until we had to break away from each other for air.
"You don't have to explain Draco. I understand." I smiled at him and pecked him
"Oh! I almost forgot!" He said, reaching for his pockets. He pulled out a box and handed it to me
"What's this?"
"Just open it" He smiled
I opened it and saw a locket inside. It was beautiful emerald locket. When I opened it, there is a moving picture of me and Draco laughing
Draco took it from me and helped me put it on.
"That night...when you thought I was cheating on you...I was actually thinking of a gift for you"
He took my hand in his and kissed it
"I love you more than anything Y/N and I will never let anything come between us. I want to spend my future with you and be able to call you my wife someday. Happy Anniversary Love"
I teared up and smiled. I got up on my tippy toes and kissed him with all I got. We stayed there in the empty hallway for a while, just staring at each other
Unbeknownst to us, Blaise was in the corner and saw everything that happened. He shaked his head, smiling, and left us alone
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meenah-chan · 3 years
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Requested by: @zimelu-eloni-nova-lycan (hope you see this since I can't tag you ಥ‿ಥ)
My apologies in advance if Malleus is OOC. Other than wanting to play TW and doing a bit of research of him, I know nothing 😂 I never thought of taking requests coz I'm a slow writer but it was quite interesting so I did it anyways. (And took daaays to finish 😂)
To Thine Own Self Be True
An OM! Brothers x GN! Dark Fae MC (slight OM! X Twisted Wonderland crossover)
5.47k words
Genre: flangst
Trigger warnings: self harm, violence, self depreciation? (cringe jk) Read at your own discretion.
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"You're an incomplete puzzle... I hope you find your missing pieces." And thus, they were sent to someplace they didn't know...
They... have always been alone. But Y/N is not lonely. They have Malleus, a powerful yet caring brother. They have their grandmother, that even as busy as she is, tries to show her love as much as possible.
They are the only one they need. As long as they have them, they needn't anything else. Or atleast they think so.
"As a part of royal family, you have to broaden your horizon." But they think otherwise.
Before Malleus' departure for Night Raven College, he left Y/N a word, "You're an incomplete puzzle, Y/N. I hope you find your missing pieces." and that was months ago, and they were still confused by it.
Incomplete puzzle... It doesn't feel like they are. They are content of what they have. They capable of doing most tasks perfectly. They fulfill their responsibilities impeccably. It's not like they can't live on their own either. Having no friends and acquaintances but they're two family members is also fine. They don't need any more. No one who could stand their presence anyways.
The intimidating dark energy far more destructive than a fae possessed, in which Y/N could never control. Those menacing, sharp green eyes. Their skin as pale as the dead corpse, and lips charred black. But most of all, those pair of disgustingly sharp, black horns that keeps on growing back no matter how hard they try to get rid of it.
Y/N is the epitome of fear. They knew it more than anyone. If they were to be reckoned that way, it is better to maintain distance from everyone.
But I should fulfill my duty, atleast. They thought, fortifying their resolve as they stood before the future King of Devildom and his butler. "Welcome to Devildom, Y/N Draconia."
"It's an honor to be of your acquaintance, Prince Diavolo." Placing a palm on their chest, Y/N bowed.
As per the two Kingdom's agreement, they were to live in a safe place different from a lavish lifestyle they have been used to inside their gold plated walls. And thus they were led by the Future king's shadow, Barbatos, to their new home. The House of Lamentation.
House of Lamentation. What a gloomy and dreadful place, befitting a sinister being like me. they scoff.
But the sight the dark fae witnessed within that walls was not within their expectations.
"Beel! Don't eat the my wallet! H–Hey, I said let go! My goldie'll snap! B–Belphie, help me!" A white-haired man is pulling a leather wallet from the teeth of a bulky orange-haired one.
"Smells chicken mushroom oil." While the orange head kept their teeth sunk into the wallet almost ripped into two. "It's just a drop, stop going crazy over it!"
"Belphie, wake up! You promised you'll help me with clearing dungeons today! The raid will start anytime now!!" A violet haired male violently shakes an asleep man in blue but the man is far from dazed at all.
"Hrmm... Five more minutes—" "We have no more time!! I can't play with a missing player!"
A feminine faced guy appeared right in front of them, instantly invading their comfort zone and kept locking eyes with them. "Ohh? Who is this with you Barbatos? Ahh, The one moving in! You're quite early, darling. Ignore those bunch in the back and play with me?"
"Behave, you fools!!" A booming voice reverberates and in an instant, the rowdy bunch is silenced. "Such a disgrace..."
Except for one, who didn't make any ruckus until that very moment.
A bucket came flitting up in the air and in the next second, all of its contents all poured on the man who controlled the ruckus a while ago.
"SAAAAATAN!!" It was an utter chaos. This place far from the gloomy place they have in their imagination. It is filled with rabid demons that could obliterate them were they to join forces, and now Y/N have to adjust in this new environment.
"I see it's not a great time to introduce myself." Said Y/N, yet the only one who probably heard them is the butler beside them. "If you'll excuse me, I would like to know where my room is."
"As you wish, your Excellency. Allow me to lead you the way." The butler responded to them. They left the common room, where the rowdy ones moments ago, were trying to suppress the supposedly-most decent of the seven, from destroying the mansion.
Y/N usually do not receive a normal greetings on the events they've been into or more like, forced to come by either their grandmother or by Malleus. It could be the fairies either— gives them space with no one dare shorten the distance; reluctantly greet them before leaving them as fast as they could or; flat out ignore them.
Yet so far, the experience I have today is by all odds, the most insulting way I have ever been greeted. Y/N clasps their trembling hands as they sat on the bed.
I wish this will end sooner. This will be a hell for me...
Almost everyday is a crazy, eventful day. Far different than their everyday life in the Valley of Thorns, their homeland. First impression doesn't really matter to Y/N, but for some reason, they couldn't stand them since day 1. Sure, they haven't done anymore distasteful things like the rude way of welcoming them. Still, the members of the family are crazily weird in their own ways. And they hate it.
Lucifer is the eldest of the brothers. The one who leads the brothers and manage everything in place.
"As your family have wished, you were to live differently than you have thus far. So I won't exempt you with the cooking and housework."
"As a part of Royal family, I expect great things from you. I won't tolerate screw ups."
"Remember to complete your tasks. I am assigned by Diavolo to take care of you, so I will check on your activities throughout your stay here." He is an ass. A bossy and dominating dictator who think he could order a royalty like them.
But one time, when they entered his study, they saw a scene they never thought they'll ever perceive.
*Tak* A fountain pen falling from his gripless hand.
He was splayed on his desk filled with tall stacks of paper, out cold. Y/N didn't know they would witness such vulnerable side of such condescending demon.
So they chose to put off their business for tomorrow, placing his coat over him and letting him rest.
But the event didn't occur only once. Atleast twice a week of exact time before midnight, he's always been unconscious on his desk. That's when Y/N realized: he is not strict and short tempered for no reason.
As the eldest, he took it to himself to be the father figure to the brothers, all while perfectly doing his job as Diavolo's right-hand man. He fulfills his job with perfection. But perfection doesn't come without hardwork nor sacrifices. For the sake of his great responsibility he sacrifice himself, working so hard until he drop on his desk.
With thoughts of him made Y/N ponder over something.
Does having a father feels like having a Lucifer in my life? Maybe it is, they never knew since they never remember their's. He isn't as bad as they thought he were if they think it that way. That is praiseworthy, as they think so themself and deserve some respect.
No more stern expressions whenever speaking to him. Being more compliant if his instruction is reasonable. Thanking him even for a simple thing he does for them.
Soon, they noticed he doesn't nitpick them either and praise them for every job well done. The dark fae may still be annoyed with him but that's not a bad outcome at all.
And then there's Mammon, the second eldest, who is supposed to assist the eldest.
"Ye're a royalty right? So ye're loaded. I'm in a pinch right now so let me borrow from you." He leans on their shoulder, with his smug grin.
"Don't listen to that fool. It's past 200 years and he still haven't paid his debts to me yet."
"Shut up, you otaku!"
Behind violet-haired appears the black haired demon. "MAMMON..."
"EEK— W–Wait!! Lucifer, this is not wha–ACK—!!" Mammon is a scum. A rude demon who could care less of his words and language. Trouble is where he is. Even so, in his tough exterior, Y/N took note of a soft side.
Y/N saw him one time, poking at the mopping otaku demon outside his room. "Yo Levi. What you doin' there?"
"Just let me be... I lose my raid last time because I couldn't play... Now I can't even bear looking at my PC... No one would want to play to a no-show gamer like me..."
"Hmm... Then, it can't be helped. C'mon, your big brother Mammon will play with you!"
"Yeah, Yeah. Let's play to your heart's content" He pulled him up and push him inside his room.
Consoling a sad brother, lending a helping hand when they need it. He may not look like it, but Mammon is also taking good care of his brothers. All the emotional support Lucifer fails to give his brothers, Mammon provides.
So before Mammon entered the room, the dark fae decided to tap his shoulder, earning his attention. "You really love your brothers."
"W–Wha... Where does... who loves—"
"That's really admirable." They promptly reach out a bottle of a jet-black faerie dust only they could concoct. Mammon gingerly took it from them and scanned the inside. "That may help you settle some of your debts. Then..." After giving the bottle, they went on their way.
"AAAAHHHH!! THIS IS ULTRA RARE!" As expected to a man who could appraise goods.
They remember Malleus from his caring side, they couldn't help but smile and commend the yellow demon. I miss my brother...
Leviathan on the other hand, has a different case. He is the third-born of that household. A timid person... At first glance, atleast.
They just can't understand him. He spoke in language they couldn't wrap their head around like, "LOL! ROFLMAO!", "Tss, normie..."
It is tolerable, at least. What they can't tolerate is the fact that,
"UUWAAH!! MY RURI-CHAN LIMITED EDITION COBALT PIN AND FIGURINE IS HERE!!" He is, by far, the loudest. His sudden and unexpected outbursts kept on triggering every jumpy cells in their system.
Leviathan is too hyped he seemed to enter his own dimension. He skipped through the corridor, he sung a Ruri-whatever song that is, until, "Ahh—" he made a misstep in the stairs, a few steps away from them.
Y/N dashed and caught them barely in time, with firm hold between his shoulder blades and another to his package, which should be flying right now but was pressed secured to his chest.
"You should be more careful or you'll hurt yourself. Your treasured package almost fell." They sighed.
"... An angel has descended." He stared at them in awe. As he move his hand to the box, he touched their hand. That's when their position fianally sinks in to him. His face flared beet red and in a few seconds blew a fuse, passing out right on the spot.
"... What a troublesome demon..." With no other choice but to bring him themself, he carried the unconscious Leviathan up to their room. After opening the door, what welcomed them is a messy room.
No, not messy. The room is filled with items and materials of all sorts. Tons of CDs, figurines and posters on shelves and walls. Stuff toys and pillows of all shapes and sizes. Hanged intricate costumes and clothes, which in just a glance, they knew is made with effort. Even pins, threads and needle atop a... Sewing machine? Did he made all of this?
Y/N took another glance on the other side of the room. There he saw three monitors with various programs registered. A game, video editor and a Photoshop... I wonder what else can this man do?
Is this what they call a hobby? Such passion and dedication in pursuit of doing what he loves... An unfamiliar feeling for this dark fae.
They... can't really understand this man. Not at all... But I can now see him in another light, I guess...
The one who sought Y/N first were Beelzebub, the sixth-born. A bulky, tall demon who loves to eat. They were having a snack on the balcony when the older twin sniffs his way in. Such action that freaked the dark fae out internally, considering the sight they witnessed when they first moved in. The fact that they saw a few times 'accidentally' eating inedible things doesn't helped at all either.
"I followed the smell from the kitchen. Your cake smells delicious!" The drooling giant stood by them, and they couldn't take another sip from their tea.
"Hmm... Help yourself." Or you may help yourself with my flesh if I didn't satisfy your hunger.
"Really?!" He sat oposite to them and within minutes, all the plates on the table were wiped clean. "That was delicious!... Ahh that's right. Y/N, why aren't you eating with us during meals?"
"I'm used to eating by myself."
"But why? Eating with someone make the food taste better." Y/N doubt that'll be the case if that someone is him, who could definitely eat them if his appetite cries its needs.
Beelzebub touched his chin, thinking. "Hmm... How about I eat with you during snacks time? I'll bring food you'll definitely like!"
"Ah—" And they lost their timing. His eyes sparkles like stars and the pure happiness in his voice made it impossible for them to refuse. They wouldn't know what he could do were they to decline what he desire.
Since then he would appear without fail during Y/N's snack time, sharing both of their food with each other.
They tried to slowly end such dangerous activity yet, the enthusiasm in his eyes whenever he eat held them back. In the end, Y/N conceded, increasing their baked goods everyday to sate the needs of the ball of sunshine before them– who could bring warmth or burn them. As a response he will also eat it all like it's his first time eating their goods.
He is a man of few words yet, also quite easy to read, especially when eating the sweets they made themself. A straight forward person who means just as he say.
He would even sometimes bring his other twin, who will eat a few bites before snoozing.
"Beel really likes you, you know..." They glanced from their teacup to the youngest, seating beside them as the gobbling twin is busy with his food.
Belphegor stares in an ever-drowsy eyes. He is the man they least interacted with. How can they? Whenever they see him, he is always asleep. And it's not like Y/N is interested in communicating with him or anyone at all. "He even does his research for everything he brings you here. I don't know if you knew, but he really want to convince you to eat meals with everyone."
"...Ehh? Why? We're not even..." Y/N raised an eyebrow.
"Because he loves everything you make. He wants to talk to you ever since the first time you cook, but you're too antisocial to even eat with us."
"Says the demon who is always sleeping whenever I see him." Y/N snorts before taking a bite from the cupcake Beel brought. Hmm... this is good...
"...You, are you getting enough sleep?" Belphegor peers at their face.
"...None of your business."
"Whatever..." He frowns before burrying his face on his pillow.
What a keen observant. Y/N thought.
They've also been observing him since the first day. They share a lot of classes together and the dark fae knew, he is someone who rarely attend his classes, and whenever he does, he is always asleep. They also never saw him hold a book, much more read it. Yet, when they have exams, he finishes halfway the alloted time, almost the same time as them and sleeps after. The worst thing is that he could pass them easily.
He... is a dormant monstrosity. They conclude as they unlock the door to their room the day after. But before they do so, they noticed something.
Beside the door is an unfamiliar paper bag and inside... is a pillow, a bit caved it to the top center—similar to the one they use back to their home to be able to sleep well. It also comes with a note:
'The caneles and the stew is passable. You can throw away the pillow if you don't want it. Just know that it took me a great deal of effort to buy that.'
Really, what a frightening observant.
And there is Satan, the fourth-born, a pretty decent guy who craves for nothing but knowledge. If Y/N may say, he is the one they spend the most time with, though it's not that much.
"What are you reading?" Voicing not a word, they faced him the book cover.
"L’intelletto e Il Cuore... Hmm, that's a good choice." With at least 3 meters away from him, and few to no words exchange between them inside the library, it's not really that much.
He is a rational and intelligent man who respects personal space. Though, from time to time he would snicker eerily between the silence they have, holding either a cursed or homicide book. Creepy.
"What did you say...? The books you borrowed from me... Fell in the river? And it was washed away...?" And when he is angry, all his rationality is thrown out of the window.
"I–I will replace it I promise–" Pleads the peach-haired demon, kneeling before him.
"Replace, you say...? Didn't you know they were a Century membership gift to me from the Bibliomagicus Guild? Do you think that's replaceable...? Ha... Haha...HAHAHAHA!! THEN WHY DON'T YOU REPLACE THEM WITH YOUR WORTHLESS LIFE, HUH?!"
His wrath makes Y/N tremble, like all the bookshelves and books present in the library. Right, the books, the bookshelves. He'll destroy everything if this continues.
"Somnus Enim a Dum." So in a snap they cast a spell, amplified by their own dark pixie dust, and render him unconscious.
"Y/N!" That night he showed up in the library, frantically and still disheveled clothes and hair.
"Thank you. I don't know what would've happen if you're not there. And I also apologize you get to see that side of me." It's the first time they ever saw him smile without looking at the book. A smile similar to their brother.
"You're weird. You got so angry because of books that you'll ruin all the other irreplaceable books here."
"Don't mind it. I'd feel bad if the books are ruined."
"...Right." He chuckled, brushing his hair with his fingers and fixing his clothes to place. He then picked up the book he's reading, pulling the other sofa to sit beside them.
Now that's annoying. Nevertheless they let him. For they're a mere guest.
The fifth-born, Asmodeus, is not a problem back then. Having only a few occasional invitations for salon and parties, they could decline politely. But after the book incident, everything about his approach changes.
Since then, there was Asmodeus, everywhere!
In the classroom, in the library, in the music room, in the planetarium, in the balcony, in the bed, even the bathroom! He won't give them a break!
"Y/N~ I noticed you're always with Satan in the library. Are you getting along well? Beel too, you always bake and eat with him. That's so unfair! And you invite Belphie without me? Don't tell me you already like one of them?"
"If you'll choose one of us, shouldn't you choose me, the most beautiful demon of them all? I swear I can love you thousandfold than any of them, but... of course you can only be my second~~"
"What's with you and Lucifer? You always went to him every night. Is it a nightly endeavor? Hey~? Y/N, don't ignore me~!" He is a complete chatterbox. A motormouthed demon who don't know when to shut up.
But being with him comes with a few merits. Despite not looking like it, Asmodeus is a real gentleman. He maybe not as keen as Belphegor's capability to observe, but Asmodeus is an attentive and thoughtful demon. He does his everything to provide every small help he could give to them.
Whilst not needing help, it's much better than him being a clingy, dead weight. Y/N tries to look at the bright side.
"But this is tiring..." Y/N sighed, closing the book they are holding.
"Are you tired of reading? C'mon, let's go out and breathe fresh air!" I'm tired of you, you idiot.
"If you want to go out, you can go." The dark fae massaged their temple. It's been throbbing from time to time after that incident with Satan and Asmodeus bugged them.
"No! You've always been cooping yourself here or your room since coming here. You have to go out from time to time or you'll wither away!"
"You're so noisy Asmo. Y/N said they don't want to go." Asmodeus pout at Satan sitting beside Y/N, before pulling the dark fae out of the library and House of Lamentation.
"I'm telling you, I don't need this." Asmodeus holds 5 hangers of clothes, pondering which one fit them best.
"But~ It's such a waste for a beautiful person like you if you don't try dolling yourself up..." They stare at Asmodeus as if he just said the most ridiculous thing he could ever say.
"Don't tell me..." Asmodeus stared at them in disbelief, gasping dramatically like he always does,t "Y/N, YOU'RE GORGEOUS! DON'T EVER THINK YOU'RE NOT! YOU'RE A DROP DEAD BEAUTY AND—" They covered his lips before he could even shout louder in such a public place.
He then pulled their hands off after a few moments. "And look! A bit of blush suits you! And black lipstick—" Y/N let him dressed them up— in exchange of shutting up. He chose meticulously, accenting every parts that they consider an abomination. A dizzying position they were in.
But the real deal has yet to come. What's worse than being bothered by a bug? More bugs...
"Asmo, are you nuts! You're hogging them all to yourself!" Mammon barged in their room as Asmo is applying makeup to them who gave up on him for a while now.
"Y/N couldn't come to our snack time because of you." Beel and Belphegor followed close behind, clearly unamused of Asmo's action.
"I haven't even got a chance to introduce them to the wonders of anime and games!" So do is Leviathan.
"They prefer reading in the library more, right Y/N?" Satan rest his back on the door frame, crossed arms.
"Excuse me? If I may say, Satan, Beel and Belphie are the one who took their time more than I!"
"YOU—" And their greatest fear since living in Devildom occurs. All hell broke loose. An all out brawl of the short tempered demons before them with all the six brothers, a thread away from transforming and blasting everything they touch. No... That's not it. Without transforming, they're already smashing everything into pieces.
The dressers. The desk. The chairs and mirrors. Everything but the bed they are sitting on.
"WHAT'S HAPPENING HERE!" The last and the strongest of the brothers made his appearance, yelling in his most intimidating voice.
And they...finally snapped.
"Each and everyone of you... GET. OUT!!!" Such horror reflected on their eyes, with their whole being trembling uncontrollably. Tears poured down one after another. All of the emotions the brothers have never seen them make all spilled before them. As if a predator threatened to the end of their life.
On their hands...
were horns severed from their own head. The seven demons were so taken aback their bodies moved on their own to comply to Y/N's order... or more like, plead.
And the doors were completely closed.
They never left their ransacked room. They wouldn't open their doors to anything. No food, gifts nor even apologies. All but the brothers' words received a single response: "Malleus... I want my brother."
Hence the brothers and future king have no choice but to call him as soon as possible, or they will perish inside such place, alone like they've always been.
"Thank you for taking good care of my sibling. I hope you will continue so in the future."
"We also hoped we could. Yet considering the circumstances, I doubt they would want to stay here a second longer."
"Let—" but before Malleus could even finished his sentence, Y/N came flying down on him.
The distressed fae buried their face in their safe haven's chest. He then proceed carrying them in his arms, assuring them they are safe.
Lucifer led them to the music room, giving them privacy in their conversation.
"You've become so light, Y/N. And what happened to your horns?"
"...I wanna go home."
"Why? Do you hate this place?"
"I'm scared of them since the first day."
"That's understandable... But is that all?" Y/N stare at him in disbelief, while Malleus smiling softly at them.
"...Then what else... should I feel? I know I'm a monster... But that doesn't mean I could live with such monstrous demons! I'm just a monster with a weak heart!"
"Then you can blame it all on me. I'm the one who chose this place for you after all." All words were blown off Y/N's mind. The furrow between their eyebrows disappears as their face relaxes.
"Brother... But why?"
"I want you to realize your own self."
"Now answer me. You said you're scared of them, but do you hate them? Do you want to leave this place so badly? Is that really everything you've felt in this place?"
"Of course! I... I..." Y/N already knew the answer to his question, way before he even asked.
"They were annoying, noisy and self-centered bunch who does things as they pleased. They keep dragging me on their antics, I never had a peace of mind... I hated it, I despise it. I..." They bit their lips.
"I felt so frustrated! Why do they look so lively and happy despite being so unruly? They're always on each others neck yet they were having fun? Why?! And hobbies? How can they have such thing? I have nothing of sort! I just wake up day after day, desperately searching for something and fill this empty void inside me!"
"I fulfill my responsibilities without fail, on what cause? I have no purpose! Seeing that demons made me feel so miserable with my existence!"
They looked on their lap, holding back the tears on verge of falling. "What do they have that I don't? They're also the strongest, incredibly so that even I shook when they unleash their power! So why aren't they isolated like I am? How can they live a normal life unlike me?!"
"I think you already know the answer."
"...Because... They rely on each other. I never relied on anyone nor let anyone rely on me..." Malleus' smile widens when they hit the nail on the head.
"You're a strong person, Y/N. You won't even depend on us, not until today. You're capable of anything. You're just afraid of any more rejection, of being left behind." He paused and lift their face to meet his eyes, "Diavolo and others explained to me what happened. They said the incident frightened you. Yet knowing you, I doubt it is fear. Will you tell me why you blew off?"
"...I was overwhelmed. They were fighting over me. It never happened to me before so don't know what to feel. The attention was too much that I hated it. And I don't know how to respond to them..."
"So you brushed them off and isolated yourself." They nod weakly.
"And you snapped your horns to show them you're not who they think you are; to scare them off."
"Something like that..." Malleus smiled at them as he pet their head. "See? It's not bad being honest to yourself. Do you still want to leave, now that you let it all off your chest?"
Y/N shooked their head. "I want to stay."
"My Y/N is amazing... To surpass all the beings who estranged them. You're all grown up now." He held them in his arms, Y/N nuzzling onto his chest.
"Come on, they've been waiting for you for the longest time. You know what to do, right?"
"Yes." They left the room, Y/N clinging to him like never before. As childish as it seems, Malleus knew they grew a lot in just a few months of living in Devildom. It is indeed a great decision to choose the brothers to take care of them. They were no longer the incomplete puzzle he saw before he left for his studies.
"Y–Y/N..." Waiting in the common room are the seven brothers with Diavolo and Barbatos.
"W–We understand if you really want to l–leave." Mammon looked down as he clenched his fist.
"It was our fault." Leviathan followed.
"We've been insensitive, pressuring you despite knowing you're not accustomed interacting with a lot of people." Satan said with a serious frown.
"We even destroyed your belongings." Asmodeus glanced away, holding onto Satan's jacket.
"We'll make it up to you in any form."
"Y/N, sorry." Belphegor and Beel voiced respectively.
"It was due to my negligence you have to experience such incident. I also want to apologize." Lucifer held his palm to his chest for a slight bow.
"N–No!" Y/N strongly shook their head, "I should be the one to apologize! I'm so sorry!!" before bowing deeply.
"Y/N!? No, please raise your head—" Diavolo held Lucifer's shoulder to stop him like Malleus cued to let his sibling continue.
"It was all my fault! I've been a coward all this time. I was wrong for trying to push you all away when you don't mean harm. It was all my fault for venting all my frustrations to you. Please, if you would still allow it, I want to stay a bit longer."
"Y/N you are more than welcome here so please raise your head now. We don't deserve your apologies." Satan was the first one who walked towards them to raise their head.
"Y/N?!!" But as he did so, a crying Y/N appears in the brothers' view.
"This is the first time I will ever ask someone but," they sob and sniff, "will you guys be my friends?"
"Y–Yes, so please stop crying!" As conflicted as the brothers are, being asked such question that could hinder their future plans with them, they were forced to agree to their wish instantly.
Let's leave it for another day... The same phrase runs in the thoughts of the brothers, a very rare occurence to happen once in a millenium.
With Asmodeus' lead—he, Mammon, Leviathan, and Beel wrapped their arms around them to console the crying faerie. Lucifer, Satan and Belphegor stood a feet away from them, watching the five in the middle.
As things calms down, they decided to sit on the same dinner table for the very first time. Food were served by Barbatos, who prepares who knows when. He could actually have predicted such outcome for all they know.
The place were so warm, and lively. "This tastes wonderful." That's an understatement. The food have the richest taste than everything Y/N ate in their entire life. "You're right, Beel. Food were best eaten with someone." Beel have them a toothy grin. "I'm glad you get me."
After the meal, Y/N fell asleep on the spot. "Hehe, they're so carefree now." Belphegor played with their fringe. They didn't woke them up and instead carry them in a new room, letting them have the deep sleep they couldn't have for days.
"Congratulations, for being Y/N's first friends. I'll leave them in your care." Malleus bid his farewell to everyone, not bothering of waiting for Y/N to wake up. "I also hope this incident will be the last one."
"Yes, we won't let such thing happen again, and ensure a comfortable life for Y/N throughout their stay here." Diavolo answers in stead of everyone. The brothers are not in the shape to reply as they absorb Malleus' first sentence.
First friend. Such a bitter-sweet word. Whether the word stings them or not, it doesn't matter. It won't stop the brothers from trying to achieve the same goal as subtle as possible.
And so, a not-so-obvious scramble goes on.
This took longer than I expect 🤣😂 In all honesty, it was quite challenging, making a blatant All Brothers x MC. I also don't have a plot and flow until I actually wrote it sksksk dunno if that's a good or bad thing 😂🤣 and this was the longest one I wrote for the past half a year.
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surveystodestressme · 7 years
A – Accidents
01. Have you ever been in a car accident? i've been in three actually lol
02. Do you have a lot of scars? kind of..
03. Have you ever been in a fist fight with someone? no
04. Have you ever seriously hurt anyone by mistake? not like physically
05. Have you ever had stitches? Where? not that i know of
B – Beauty
06. Do you consider yourself beautiful? yeah, i think i am
07. Are you self conscious of how you look? not at all.
08. Do you put on a lot of makeup? i only put makeup on occasionally and when i do it's only lipstick or eyeliner
09. Would you ever consider getting plastic surgery? nah
10. What do you think makes a person beautiful? their personality and how they treat others.
C – Consequences
11. What was the longest amount of time you’ve been grounded for? not very long. my parents never stuck to it
12. What would you do if you got pregnant, keep it or have an abortion? i really want to say that i'd do the right thing and have the baby then just give it up for adoption... but at this point in my life, i really can't have a child so i honestly don't know
13. Do you ever think about how your actions affect other people? sometimes i do.
14. What do you think is the worst punishment someone could give you? taking my loved ones away from me
15. What is one thing you wish you didn’t do, just because it wasn’t worth it in the end? i'm not for sure
D – Dealing
16. When you are mad at someone, how do you show them? i'll usually say really passive aggressive things or just say that i want to be left alone
17. Name a time when you had to be strong. when i was giving up on hurting myself. i mean, i guess i shouldn't say it like that. when i decided to get help and stop hurting myself. it was hard to get help and it was a hard thing to stop.
18. Have you ever dealt with a divorce or parents fighting? Any kind of abuse at home? my parents have fought before but nothing serious
19. When people at school don’t accept you, or have problems with you, how do you react? well, when i went to school, i just ignored them. i was so used to getting picked on that i just figured it was always gonna happen, ya know?
20. Have you ever lost someone to death? Explain how you got through it. honestly, the most traumatizing death i've ever gone through was my cat, lilly. she was 16 years old. she was a part of my life since i was 3 years old. she was so important to me. she slept with me every single night, under the cover and cuddled up next to me. she was so lovable. i saw her deteriorate over her last year of life. it was so hard because i saw her become really lazy, she lost half of her body weight, she stopped eating, she stopped sleeping with me, she even cried whenever people tried to pet her. it was so hard to get over her death because she was everything to me. she was the best cat ever. i will never forget her
E – Experience
21. Have you ever had a job? Any volunteer jobs? i've had several
22. Do you think that you are sexually experienced, or not at all? i mean, i think i'm pretty experienced.
23. Have you gone through a lot emotionally, or has life been easy thus far? i've been through a lot in the past.
24. Do you think you are ready to be on your own (have your own home, job, etc.)? i will be once i finish college
25. How old do you act? i think i act my age
F – Family
26. Is there anyone in your family you don’t talk to? Why? nah
27. If you had to choose, family or friends? family probably
28. Can you tell your parents or one of your parents anything? yeah, i think so
29. Do you have any siblings? If so, do you ever get jealous of them? two. i used to get jealous of my sister all the time because all the people that i had crushes on always had a thing for her and it annoyed me lol
30. How often do you spend ‘quality time’ with family members? at least once a week if not more
G – Growing
31. How tall are you? How tall do you wish you were? i'm 4'11" and i wish i was at least 5 foot lol
32. Do you think that you have grown more in the past year than any year before that? lol no
33. As a person, do you think you are mature for your age or still act childish? i think i'm pretty mature
34. Are you scared to think that one day you will turn 30, then 40, then 50? nahh i have no reason to be scared. i'm actually excited for the future
35. Do you believe you still have a lot to learn? absolutely
H – Hope
36. Love – real or not? real
37. Are you a pessimist of an optimist? optimist
38. Do you believe in fate, that everything happens for a reason, or do you think that our actions lead the way? i think actions lead the way definitely
39. Do you think that after we die our spirit is still alive? i don't think so
40. What gives you hope when you just feel like dying? i have people who love and care about me who are always here for me
I – Issues
41. Do you suffer from depression or constant sadness/loneliness? i used to, but i've got it under control now
42. Do you have any type of disease or disability? nope
43. Are you currently in a hard relationship or have bad luck with the opposite sex? nada
44. Do you think that you are alone in this world? absolutely not
45. How often do you think about death, suicide or running away? not anymore at all.
J – Jokes
46. Say a word or phrase that would not be funny to anyone but you & one of your friends (an inside joke) darude sandstorm
47. Are you usually the one who makes people laugh,Or the other way around? i make people laugh a lot
48. Do you cry when you laugh hard? sometimes i do, but it's not super common
49. Write down a hilarious moment you had with someone that makes you laugh to this day! i can't think of anything right now
50. Do you ever get in trouble for laughing or talking a lot during class? lol yes, honestly. in high school they used to move me to sit by other people and then i'd just talk to them too.
K – Knowledge
51. The purpose of school: to learn, to cause trouble or to hang out with friends? to learn
52. Do people refer to you as smart, dumb, or average? smart.
53. What was the highest grade you have received (full course mark) ever? i finished high school and am currently attending college
54. What was your last average? This year would you like to maintain it or aim higher? i have no idea, i usually get between A's or B's
55. What do you find the most interesting subject to be (to study or to talk about)? science
L – Love
56. Are you currently in love? If not, have you been before? yes i am!
57. Do people around you show you a lot of love (tell you they love you, hug you, kiss you, etc.)? i think so
58. Is love worth it? i believe so
59. Do you hate it when girls in their young teenage years say they ‘love’ someone that they’ve been dating for a few months? it used to bother me, but honestly some people just fall really fast and that's okay. i told jack i loved him after only dating for 3 months so i definitely believe someone can honestly just fall in love quickly and that's perfectly normal.
60. Does it take a lot for you to say you love someone, or is it just a word? i only tell people i love them if they mean a lot to me
M – Money
61. Do you believe that money makes the world go round? yeah
62. Is your family on the poor side, average, or above average when it comes to money? probably just slightly below average
63. Are you saving up for college/university, or planning to? i'm in college now
64. Would you rather win millions of dollars & be set for life, or find the perfect person to marry & start a family with? well, i've already found the perfect person so i'd rather win the millions
65. On a scale of 1-10, how important is money to you? 8
N – Naughty
66. Are you a virgin? nope
67. What do you think about doing sexual things with someone you’re not going out with? i don't judge people that do it, it doesn't bother me any
68. Do you know anybody you consider a ’slut’? What makes you say that? nah, i don't judge people based on how much sex they do or don't have
69. If you could, would you erase some things you did in the past or make it so you did more? nahhh
70. Do you consider yourself more nice or more naughty? You can’t say both! nice i guess lol
O – Openness
71. How long does it take for you to open up to someone? it usually takes some time
72. What does it take for you to fully trust someone? it takes some time for me because i've been screwed over before.
73. Are you generally untrusting towards people because of past experiences, or any other reason? ^^^^
74. When are you comfortable with someone sexually? i don't know, when i trust them fully, i guess??
75. When it comes to parents and close friends, what’s the limit of what you can tell them? i tell my parents anything if they ask, and same goes for friends.
P – Positive
76. Have you ever had an experience with someone that didn’t necessarily end positively? If so, would you rather erase the memory of that person because of the sad times or keep the memory of that person because of the good times? i mean, yeah i've had bad experiences with people but those experiences have made me who i am today and i wouldn't be me without experiencing those things
77. Do you agree with the saying: better to have loved and lost than not have loved at all? yes and no. i'd rather to have loved and continue to be loved and love in return lol
78. Are you more optimistic or pessimistic? What do you try to be? optimistic
79. Do you agree that something good can come out of everything? sure
80. Have you ever had a time where something really bad happened, but something really good happened because of it? If so, please explain what it was: i'm sure i have but i can't think of anything
Q – Questions
81. When faced with a problem, do you ask for help or try to figure it out yourself? i try to figure it out myself before asking for help
82. Do you often question the world and how we came about? What are some things you would like to know about creation? i don’t question it at all.
83. Do you think the government is truthful? If you could ask the president one question, what would it be? let’s be real, probably not.
84. When someone does something wrong to you, do you confront them and ask them why they did it or just let it go? i will probably confront them
85. What is one unsolved mystery about the world that you want answers to? the kennedy assassination or the moon landing
R – Respect
86. How do you show respect? manners
87. What can someone do for you to lose all respect for them? be disrespectful, hurt someone on purpose, do something completely wrong or illegal
88. Do you respect your teachers, parents, and other authority figures? yeah
89. When you are disrespectful to your parents, what is the punishment? they just yell at me or send me to my room
90. If someone is mean to you, are you mean back or do you kill them with kindness? it depends on the person/situation
S – School
91. If you are still in school, what grade will you be going into? junior yr of college
92. When will you graduate high school/college? a couple years still
93. After high school, what did you do/are you planning to do? i took a year off from school then i went to the junior college by my house
94. Do you like or hate school? What do you like/hate about it? i love it
95. Have you ever been suspended, expelled, or dropped out of school? nah
T – Temptation
96. Have you ever done something wrong, knowing it was wrong, because something inside of you said it was okay? several times
97. Has anyone ever pressured you to smoke or drink? Did you do it? yeah, that's how i got into smoking cigarettes. but i drank all on my own.
98. Did you ever cheat on someone? Why did you do it? nah
99. Did you ever want to do something sexual with someone you didn’t really know or love? What did you end up doing? i wanted to. i knew him but we were just friends, i almost had a threesome with him and my best friend when i was really drunk
100. Do you give in to temptation easily, or are you more independent and strong willed? independent
U – Unique
102. Do you do a lot of things because your friends are doing it? i used to be like that but no more
103. Do you follow trends, wear whatever you want, or wear really unique pieces? i wear what i want
104. Do you give in easily to peer pressure? Do you do things such as smoke, drink, or have casual sex? not usually
105. What makes you different from people your age? i don't really know lol
V – Value
106. What’s the most expensive thing in your room? my computer
107. What’s more valuable: your life or the lives of your loved ones? Would you sacrifice your life for other people? my loved ones are more important, i would sacrifice myself for them in a heartbeat
108. What is something you value not because it cost a lot, but because it means a lot to you? my baby blanket
109. If there was a fire in your house/apartment, what is the first thing you would grab? my cat!!
110. Do you think past memories and experiences are more valuable than what could possibly happen in the future? they’re about the same.
W – Wishes
111. If you had three wishes, what would they be? happiness and a sense of accomplishment
112. Would you rather wish yourself to be happy, or your loved ones? my loved ones.
113. Do you believe that wishes come true if you really believe in them? nah
114. Have you ever had a wish come true? If so, what was that wish? not that i can think of
115. Do you find wishing for things a waste of time because everything that’s meant to happen, will happen? kind of
Y – You
121. Are you more independent or social? independent
122. What is something that makes you very mad when you see it? crime, rape, abuse
123. Do you think that you have potential to do great things? absolutely
124. Do you think people are born a certain way, or develop their personalities based on what they go through in life? nurture over nature.
125. Do you think people are generally good? everyone can be good
Z – Zest
126. Are you currently happy with your life? Why or why not? yes i am happy with my life
127. Do you go on FacebookCraze.com to get facebook survey’s and quizzes like this one? nope i get them from tumblr
128. When change occurs, do you get scared or are you excited for it? depends on if it's change that's going to benefit my life or not
129. Do you like to try new things, meet new people? yes i do
130. What is the most motivational thing in the world? idk.
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karasunovolleygays · 8 years
That doesn't disqualify you! I currently have an F in all of my classes. I mean, it's not because I'm not smart, but I seriously just can't do the work. I don't get distracted from it, but when I try to sit down and do it, it's like my brain is just going "no no no" over and over, and I just stop immediately because I can't. Do you ever experience anything like that? I don't know if that's my ADHD or something else, y'know?
God yes. This is my constant state of being going through life, and just so you know, it’s not the way it’s supposed to be. Just the constant stress of things needing done that you know perfectly well you can do, but just Starting It or even Thinking About It seem so daunting. It casts such a long shadow over everything you do to the point where it’s hard to enjoy things you love to do because sometimes, you can’t even manage to do that. Then getting overwhelmed by being so easily overwhelmed is another layer of sludge over your already taxed willpower.
For instance, take writing as an example. When my ADHD is in a chill stage, I can sit down and laser focus on writing for hours and hours, putting put 10-15k worth of writing in eight hours or less. That’s actually one of the perks of the type of ADHD I have*. (*assuming my self diagnosis according to studies and questionnaires is correct)
But then Something throws everything off. A change of schedule, an unexpected task of the most mundane sort, and it all falls apart. I rapidly become incapable of anything more than the barest necessities because I’m too bored to get out of my chair or off the couch. Too bored to eat. Too bored to sleep. Too bored to enjoy things I know in my mind give me pleasure (tv, movies, writing, reading, drawing, listening to music, hanging out with friends, sexytime stuff…stuff like that I usually embrace). Too bored to go to work (that has happened to me before and it Sucks).
The worst part about these types of mood swings is how stupid and worthless they make me feel sometimes, especially since I also have depression and anxiety (those ARE diagnosed). I don’t know if it’s something you struggle with, as well, but it’s a cocktail of Can’t Do Anything, Worrying About It, and Hating Myself For It.
In short, I’m not a professional, but if you see adhd symptom posts and identify with even a couple of those factors, it’s worth getting checked out because you more than likely do. About 4% of all American adults have it, after all. I’d dig more for a comprehensive study in multiple nationalities, but the ultimate irony is that my brain got bored and itchy doing the search. >.>
Choose your medical professionals wisely because not all of them are qualified to help you through it, yet they still carry the power to send you down an even worse path with incorrect diagnosis or the wrong meds. If a visit to a professional isn’t in the cards for you for whatever reason, there are things you can do. 
Talk to the people around you and let them know that you have a problem and what it looks like/feels like when this problem surfaces. Teach them to recognize the signs so they understand why you are the way you are when your ADHD takes over. I had a VERY awkward conversation with my boss one day, explaining why I miss so many days of work and why I act the way I do sometimes. It was not the best day of my life, but it was a relief because I didn’t have to worry about hiding it so I could focus on working through it.
Know your limits! If you’re in an upswing and feel like you could punch a comet, try to make sure you don’t pile obligations onto your future self which might not have the same drive or stamina to keep up with all of that stuff. Think carefully before signing up for long-term obligations, and if it becomes too much and it’s something you can pull out of without negative repercussions, learn how to let yourself do that, too.
Lastly, give yourself a break. Does being too bored to do anything but veg make you feel like a lazy piece of crap? Well, screw that. It isn’t your fault, and feeling guilty for something that you can’t help will do precisely 0% to improve your cause. Just do what you need to do to get through downswings and make sure you don’t go off to too many races when things are peaking for you. 
I hope this helps. I’ve had my own fair share of troubles dealing with my* ADHD, and if any of my experiences can help you, then chalk it up as time well spent. Sorry about the wall of text, because those are daunting for me, at least. But if anything here helps you (or anybody), then it was time well spent.
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