#i don't know if I'm explaining it properly
yan-lorkai · 3 days
Can I request Seb with a sick darling who doesn't like taking medicine bc it tastes bad?
(I'm currently sick and it's not fun lol)
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: Mood. I was sick just a few days ago because I got caught in the rain. I hope you get better soon, darling. Don't forget to hydrate yourself, rest and please drink your medicines lol.
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Sebastian is very gentle while he takes care of you, measures your temperature and spoon-feed you, coaxing you to eat even if you're not hungry right now. As a demon, he saw many succumb to illness and die, and you will not have the same fate, because, unlike other humans, Sebastian knows a lot about which medicine works and for what.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ While you not taking your medicines makes him a little exasperated at you, Sebastian keeps himself in check and calm as he explains why you should drink it. If you vehemently refuse, he'll have another approach to this matter; he brew you a very nice and warm cup of tea infused with herbs, lemon and ginger. And of course, he mix it with your medicine.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ While you may be confused and suspicious to why he isn't trying to make you drink your medicine anymore, his tea taste heavenly. And he always cuddle with you once you're done, enveloping you in his arms as he tells you all about his day, about the servant's latest mistakes and what kind of task he did for his little lord, all the while using his powers to slowly make you sleepy so you can rest properly and get better soon.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He can technically just heal you but what's the point? He likes having you associate him with a gentle, doting presence that took care of you at every step of your sickness, he was the one who brushed your teeth for you after you had throw up, who bathed you and helped you into your most comfortable pajamas, who cooked your meals and made you your favorite tea. He is simply one hell of a lover and he takes very good care of you, even when you're a little stubborn.
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grimeerie · 2 days
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So recently under a post about platonic biting me and @becauseplot had a tiny convo about Arthur and Agatha being into affectionate biting as a form of platonic love language,and i JUST HAD TO DRAW ABOUT IT ( look man any opportunity to draw my favorite blood sibs i can never PASS )
I honestly love the idea of blood-affinity folks showing thier love to their friends and partners through biting,its just so cute <3 (it kinda reminds me of how some animals will sometimes nibble to show their affection for you), they have so much love in their heart,the only way to properly demonstrate is a good ol' CHOMP
Arthur and Agatha being both of Blood and dealing with the intense feelings that comes with transcending,immediately understand eachother so they bite the others arm a lot.
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Arthur also bites Kaiser (at first hes confused,but he later understands that its meant as affection) (+ english transcript for the non-portuguese speakers)
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(K: Arthur,look over this documents for me-)
(Arthur internally: BITE BITE BITE HIM BITE HIM)
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(A: A-Ah! i'm sorry,Kai! I don't know what got over me!!´)
(K: Arthur-)
(A: Swear it wasnt to hurt,forgive me!)
(K: Im not mad,dude,calm down.)
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(A: Wait,really?) (K: Yes.)
(K: But im curious,why do you bite us so much ? I see you and Agatha do this a lot.) (A: W-well,its...)
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(A: I dont know,its kinda hard to explain...since ive transcended,all of my feelings have been so intense,you know? And that happens when im near you and our friends,its like all of the love i have for all of you can't be expressed with a hug,or "i love you",only with-)
(K: A bite ? )
(A: Exactly! I think it's my way of showing affection.)
(K: Eh...i can't really understand,to be honest.) (A: Its ok,even i dont get it!)
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(K: You know,if you want to continue biting me,i don't mind.)
(K: Just dont bite too hard,and avoid my left arm,its been pretty sensible since the burns.)
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(K: Are you crying ??)
Bonus with Agatha and Verissimo:
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(V:...God,why is my adoptive daughter so crazy?)
hope yall enjoy my silly shitty little scribbles lmao
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bertybum · 8 months
I don't really have anything to add to this, just please listen to this album
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pestilentbrood · 10 months
VERY long Ramble incoming
honestly now that I'm looking at the auraboa lore situation, I'm just disappointed. There was such POTENTIAL in the idea of the Loop and the horror of a new generation inexplicably being disconnected from it, forcing the newly hatched children into a world totally separate from that perceived by their parents (I mean, hell, they perceive TIME differently!).... but then the writer(s?) just fell ass backwards into Icky Tropes.
I feel like I can see what the idea was, especially with the recent alterations to the Encyclopedia entry... It seems like staff fundamentally understands the true Horror potential here, but... Instead, through the short story, they proposed it through the lens of a condescending outsider character, turning the fears of the older generation into something trivial. And also weirdly demeaning the Auroboa's situation by portraying them as overreacting.
Why... why would you do that? Like, from a storytelling perspective? What's gained from that? Why not embrace the true horror and even Emotional significance of that disruption? Why instead go for "ohh we NEED outsider help we NEED to be saved because we are so helpless and it is so Silly that we, creatures who have never experienced such things, do not know what sleep is"????
And if they WANTED to have a condescending outsider, I feel like they COULD have done that, but it would have to have that character realize the horror at some point. And make it obvious that their attitude towards distressed parents and children facing Eldritch Shit and the Sudden Deconstruction of it was not cool!
(or at the very least be a bit more...idk. Consistent with said outsider character? Juniper just goes from "omg I am so honored that the fascinating creatures of the behemoth have chosen me to speak to" to "oh their wasting my time because they don't know what sleep is. I'd rather be sleeping!! 🙄" like girl... c'mon now. Why are we trivializing it like this. Do you want me as the reader to be invested in their plight or not.)
I mean come on. They're beings connected through one networked hivemind-like system, yet each still maintains a silver of individuality that allows them to move freely throughout the Behemoth that they care for. And they've got an eldritch understanding of time that no other dragon could understand. They're seeing the future, past, and present unfold simultaneously. They're witnessing the birth and death of the world at the same time, and have no way to communicate it to other dragons. The best they can do is maintain their home, and even then, they see its roots spread and decay all at once.
And then the newest generation is suddenly disconnected. An inherent link between parent and child and all dragons in-between, that has existed since the creation of their species, is just suddenly GONE for the newest births. With NO explanation for it. The children have no easy way of communicating with their parents. The children are experiencing time in a way that was not meant for their species. They've forcefully been shoved into a circadian rhythm that they are Not! Built for!
The only way a parent could communicate properly with their child would be when the latter is sleeping, something that is also completely foreign to this species. It would be terrifying for all involved!!!
They are literally experiencing eldritch horror from the perspective of the eldritch being forced into the mortal.
Like why WOULDN'T there be panic!!! And why would that panic be trivialized! Why are we only shown the perspective of an outsider who looks at this situation and goes "Oh the silly tree beasts are being so silly over nothing, it's no big deal!"
That and the way the auraboas talk to outsiders. Like. There was such potential there. Real opportunity to explore how ancient, time-bending beings would communicate to someone who couldn't even BEGIN to understand the intricacies of it.
Instead we got what feels more like baby talk (even described as though they were hatchlings enunciating their first words, which... I dunno man, maybe we don't want to compare them to children like That) and less like... Beings that experience all of time at once. I mean, the hatchlings and the adults speak the exact same way, and that doesn't make any sense given the literal time barrier going on.
I totally get why people thought there was just a language barrier and that auraboas had their own language, thus causing the disjointed speak, and not that it was because They Do Not Experience Time Like We Do. And I feel it would've been far easier to get it across by just... I dunno. Do anything else?? I saw someone on here suggest they speak in the "wrong" tenses, or using multiple tenses in the same sentence, which I think would've been far more clear.
Like, as opposed to "saplings wilt! saplings silent!" just "the saplings will wilt in silence, they've wilted in silence, they are wilting silently." Said all at once like all things are true simultaneously. And if we're going for hivemind, have each auraboa speak in a different tense, all at the same time, and have them switch it up every time. Have our outsider get confused and be like "which is it? are they wilting now, or have they already wilted?" and the cluster of auraboas respond in a cacophony of yes's, no's, and maybe's all at once.
Would've probably gotten across the "alien" vibe they were supposedly going for far better than wide-eyed desperation for an outsider's guidance conveyed through disjointed, in-world described as baby speech.
And also maybe would've had less accidental connotations. Because as it stands, I completely see why people have made the connections to the real world where they have. This doesn't read like eldritch timey-wimey intrigue, or even a respectful look at how younger generations can become detached from their families' cultures over time and the struggles that come with it. It reads like a culture being perceived by an ignorant outsider who (despite supposedly respecting these dragons) scoffs and rolls their eyes because the tree beasts with their funny words are being silly again, and that Hey, isn't it actually a great thing that the children are fundamentally different in all manners now? Because now they can join the rest of us in the "real world."
Yknow. Ick.
(I Personally think it would've been better to have the perspective be one of the Auraboas themselves, especially one of the children, to really understand what was going on here. Give us the full brunt of the mind of a creature experiencing all of time interwoven as one shape. The waters fall and the oceans crash with waves. They've now fallen to drought. The ocean has yet to be born. Caves have been carved out through the waters' currents. And when I break from this timeline, I open my eyes to see a child, the child not yet born, the child born now, the child born yesterday. Why can't I hear it? Why couldn't I hear it? Why won't I ever hear it?)
I dunno. People more qualified than me to speak on this matter have already torn the lore apart, I'm just... dropping my own two cents. Potential got weirdly squandered and we ended up instead with unfortunate implications and tropes that could be connected a liiiittle too awkwardly to irl situations.
*Also, before anyone points out: Yes, I know the hatchlings aren't COMPLETELY detached from the Loop and can join it when they sleep. But the fact is, these thangs never had to sleep before. That wasn't in their species' nature. So that's still weird and foreign for them on both sides. And since the hatchlings now have a circadian rhythm, they can't stay connected to the loop permanently. And also Also, seeing as the previous generations aren't experiencing time linearly, who's to say they even recognize when their child joins the loop? They'll speak with an echo of their child when that child was last asleep ages ago, not knowing that it's not them presently, because there is no 'present' for the older generations.
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yujeong · 1 month
ur thoughts on tonkla after ep 4 ? ive seen people saying diff things. like some would say they were sweet and korn WAS a green flag, n he loved tonkla for real. some others would say he was a predator and took advantage of tonkla's vulnerability at that time. what did u think ? what could really be his intentions ? hm 🤔
Anon, the takes surrounding KornTonkla confuse the hell out of me. I know they're not a wholesome ship or anything, but I need people to stop using such extreme terms to describe their characters. Like calling Korn a predator?? Really? Guys please, where the fuck did that come from? As I explained in this post a couple of days ago, Korn has some issues when it comes to empathy. He doesn't immediately understand Tonkla is grieving and he doesn't offer any condolences or emotional support. He helps him in the only way he understands: by giving him the power to fight off whoever is giving him trouble via the ribbon he ties gently on Tonkla's forehead. A ribbon that enforces some kind of hierarchy and authority. Korn's upbringing has shaped him in a way that influences the way he shows affection to people, so of course he's going to show that in his relationship with Tonkla. He gives him money and pays attention to his needs during sex. It makes sense! That's who Korn is! So to me, Korn clearly loves Tonkla, he just does it in his OWN way. Him giving Tonkla affection mostly/only through sex isn't weird to me, nor does it mean he doesn't have feelings for him. That's what the show has made me to believe so far. Let's keep in mind that they flipped their dynamic on its head with ep4 - we all thought they had some sugar daddy/sugar baby thing going on before the flashback. There could be more surprises down the line. As Bas himself said:
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So let's wait and see.
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deoidesign · 3 months
I have a question, but it may be already have been answered in the story (my brain is just not the best with memory).
Since vampirism symbolises for you chronical illness (which, omg, that is a hot take I've never thought off before and love from now on), does Steve count as chronical ill, too, with the whole halfvampire thing going on? So, would his uncontrollable time jumping each month be a symptom of that chronical illness?
not in the story, no worries! Just a possible interpretation and my personal intent when writing.
As a small aside I personally don't like to think of chronic illness as something that people "count" as, so to speak, it's an extremely personal label and incredibly varied between individuals and as with all disability there is never such thing as hard lines or black and white... but I understand why you worded it that way and I understand what you're asking.
So, yes, Steve is also chronically ill within this framework. The entire comic is sort of shaped around this, to be honest! I mean he canonically has some pretty extreme memory issues... He's also canonically homeless (not that this is an illness but I just mean it's something I think most people forget about him when discussing him). And, yes, his condition is uncontrollable and is severely impacting his ability to live the life he wants to live.
He has just been barely coping up to the point we meet him, and has been very desperate which is what led him to creating that list of deviations. He has periods where his body is out of his control, he is unable to form relationships, he hurts others without meaning or wanting to... Yeah. He's metaphorically relating to a lot of things, really.
So, yknow, you're welcome to interpret him as you'd like! for me I relate a lot with my various issues and conditions and thus that's why I've projected on him the way I have, but of course I would understand entirely different interpretations of what is inherently metaphorical.
#I also have an extremely personal relationship with addiction#and also with anger management issues#among other things#uhm#and so reading this I think it is possible for someone to read that into it as well#however personally I dont really like vampires as a metaphor for addiction... for many reasons but#I think it's also just a bit messier than I would like things to be#and isnt how I really would personally choose to portray an addict at all.#though I do think of addiction as an illness as well so. as I was writing this I was sort of seeing glimpses of that as well#so. idk!#interpret how you like.#I mean as long as the interpretation isnt erasing his very real struggle#he is straight up homeless because of an uncontrollable condition that he has#so like. it's serious#I recognize that the way I write sort of puts a happy go lucky veneer over things#and I'm aware that it sort of hinders the severity of the situation somewhat inherently#to where people have been SHOCKED I look at steve as chronically ill when he... the entire comic is based around it...#my personal theory for this is that I uhm. me and my worlds are very accomodating and so the struggles are more internal#rather than necessarily external#besides of course the like cops being after him#but like because it's less societal and more internal I think many people don't recognize it#and because people are gentle and understanding I think they recognize it less...#I dont know how to explain this properly you will have to forgive me.#but it's something I wonder on often. why don't people recognize his extreme pain and his terrible situation for what it is..?#is it cause he has a rich boyfriend now and money is solving the situation or...#anyways.#anon#asks#if its simply because of how I write I think I need to work on that.#but if its because of people not recognizing illnesses in people who 'seem fine/happy' then I'm glad to make people second guess things
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byanyan · 5 months
ㅤbeen thinking today about how byan's anger can be really scary to witness... it's very... raw. anger is the emotion they feel the most intensely, and the one they filter the least. it's raw, it's heated, and it's very instinct-driven — they have very little control over it, and they're certainly not thinking before they do or say anything. impulses are followed, whether it's to lash out and cause harm to whatever has hurt them, or to throw or break whatever is within arm's reach just to release even a little bit of the energy that's overwhelming them. they don't know what else to do with it. literally no thoughts, all that their mind can focus on is the emotion; they just want to get it out and stop feeling this way (and/or ensure the person who's pissed them off gets what they deserve) and they'll do whatever it takes to ensure that. i think that lack of control really shows too, like it's palpable in the air and adds an extra layer of discomfort and uncertainty if you're in the same room as them. concern for one's own safety is valid in such a scenario too tbh, because they have hurt people in the past who they never would have caused harm to normally (both directly and indirectly; sometimes by their own hand, other times as an unintended consequence of them throwing/breaking something). it's not something they're proud of, but they also just... don't know what to do about it. ...they're honestly afraid of their own anger, at times. afraid of what they're capable of and what they might one day do.
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ayakashibackstreet · 4 months
My supervisor is going to have a great time looking at this chapter
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[taps mic] wings are to black mages as tails are to genomes, they're just axolotls about it
#final fantasy ix#ffix#ffix black mages#not just because of the waltzes either; there are a lot of things i feel back it up! i'm hoping to write up a post going into it properly#but like. there's a lot of subtext that they are Birbous in both the xenobiology sense and the symbolic one#and that wings are associated with Having Their True Power/Individual Form Unlocked(tm)#again there's the waltzes but also vivi has wing decorations on his trance form--multiple sets of them no less#and if you look at most black mages as having been mass-produced to a template and undercooked it makes sense#they're mostly not too impeded by the lack of wings and i think most of them wouldn't be too bothered if i knew#but among other things it might explain how clumsy they are; more specifically how much they're inclined to trip over things#they're missing a counterbalance/way to catch themselves/fly#a lot of birds that are closest to the body shape we see can get around by walking but it's clumsier and not as efficient#and if it's a mobility thing it might have made their legs shorter too#idk i may revise that a bit because i'm out of it right now and i don't think they're *entirely* birb#but they deadass hatch out of eggs and instinctively adopt and know how to care for them#they don't just take bobby corwen's egg home because his mom was dead; most of them barely know what death is in the first place#and think that the mom 'stopped' and have said they think stopped people will eventually get right back up#but they immediately know the egg needs to be taken care of in a time-sensitive manner#and what it is and how to do so; to my memory they don't express panic or uncertainty about Doing It Wrong#anyway lots of thoughts about them but vivi's last name is literally french for ornithologist so Like. i am just saying#ffixtag#FF tag#black mage tag
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bisexualmaedhros · 2 months
transfem furries hornyposting online about the relatively niche/"out there" things they're into have inadvertently helped me accept myself more than the body positivity movement of the 2010s ever did
#this will not be rebloggable because i don't want people to get transmisogynistic in the notes#it's just something i've been thinking about lately#i hope i'm not like out of line for saying this please let me know if i say anything disrespectful#i just have a lot of love in my heart for transfems; especially those who log on to this website to be gay on my dash and do their thing#trans wlw being proud of their identities helped me come to terms with my own in a way. idk how to properly explain it but#idk. our experiences are very different - you have to fight to be seen as a woman and i have to fight not to#(though that is part of my identity in most cases people would use it to negate the rest)#(and of course none of us should Have to fight that but. i hope it's clear what i mean lol)#and idk like. womanhood is not achieved painlessly for you and yet so many of you embrace it so beautifully and in so many ways#it makes me want to accept that part of myself i thought i had to kill for so long#i am not entirely a woman but i love being a woman and loving other women-#platonically romantically sexually it doesn't matter#i'm so grateful i get to share a community with you all and read/hear/watch your thoughts and experiences and such#which goes beyond sex stuff but sex stuff is a particular personal struggle of mine and it's something i've been trying to cultivate a more#healthy relationship to lately. and i also know that unfortunately transfems get treated even worse than everyone else when it comes to#kinks or whatever. i don't mean to imply that everyone has to be open about that stuff. i just mean that i'm grateful for those who bravely#and proudly are. anyway i'm losing my train of thought bc i'm packing for a trip and i'm a little scattered atm but the point is#transfem wlw i love you dearly thank you for existing#[oh also this post isn't meant to bash body positivity stuff and i know it's not all the same. it just often felt too sanitized and forced#for me to relate to. ok bye]#finielspeaks
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metronn · 2 years
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uhh weird little scribbles about empathy and what i was thinking listening to the legend of chavo guerrero this morning
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draconicapologies · 8 months
I don't even know what prompted my brain back on my cyberpunk band oc's but I sure am thinking about them at 1:40am
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atomatowriter · 10 months
Trying to explain to my quip why I want garlic knots as an end of NaNoWriMo reward instead of a cake or something: Asexuals have very few weird queer stereotypes, and this one is 200% true of me. I must embrace it.
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magic-fandoms · 11 months
Hate when the yawn is bigger than your mouth
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pyxscythe · 1 year
Also I think its time for me to come clean but I know very little about k!pyros lore but wants to find out more but also don't have time or attention spam to watch
No that's so fair I'll be honest if I weren't so fucking autistic about some of the ksmp characters I would not have the attention span or capacity to pay attention to ksmp LOL
I like to think I understand k!pyro like some of the best out of everyone and Jack would probably vouch for that but I cannot for the life of me sit and explain lore
#Yes I could explain Linc's so far pretty easily LMAO but like others not rly#K!pyro's lore timeline I could not explain in full I wouldn't immediately remember everything#There are some big things I could go over briefly but smaller things I would forget#Honestly with ksmp if you know/understand general characters you can be an enjoyer enough . Imo#Like fuck knowing the lore I think it's fun if you just like the characters cause look#Ksmp is at a good time only for Americans I think . It's at 8 pm EST.#If you don't watch from the start of s1 you're fucked on lore unless you can sit through the VOD channel#There's no good guide to watching the VODs up to the current point because not all POVs are necessary to watch really#So it's hard to properly get into atp like very hard#So if people don't know lore I DON'T BLAME THEM.#And the community doesn't help I'm sorry do not listen to 90% of what people say.#Just listen to me. Honestly. Literally don't ask anyone else about lore. They'll just talk about clownzy.#I'm deadass they will find a way to make everything about Clown or the Branzy cameo (HE'S NOT COMING BACK.)#Ignore them .#Anyways all that to say. I support ksmp enjoyers who don't know the fucking lore for 90% of it#It's not easy LMAO#Stream-only lore is hard for me to stay with and that's why I adore ksmp being in relatively short sessions on a consistent schedule#Every Saturday 8 PM EST unless something comes up. It's spaced out it's consistent it's a great schedule#In principle. The time is not great for Everyone sadly#Hell it's awful for basically all of the cast it's mostly Aussies waking up at like 8 in the morning#《👾》
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byanyan · 8 months
honestly tho one thing that's been on my mind today... is that i think byan may have undiagnosed adhd on top of everything else 🤔
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