#i don't ship them but drink is such a funny shipname
hascapart · 1 year
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something 2am me thought was funny and then the idea wouldn't leave my head
ink @ Comyet
dream @ joku
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lowkeyremi · 3 months
MAYA MY SWEETS !! ٩(ˊᗜˋ*)و i wanted to pop in here and ask a lil question for yousss cuz im curious !!
do you have any selfships ?? if so, what are the shipnames ?? i wanna know all about them if you do !! <333
hey hey lene!! I usually don't talk about my selfships bc I think about being judged but yes I have some!! (I'll give my favs with whys then the others will just be the ship names <3)
MAYOTA (me and aizawa!!)
oh lord I could talk about him for HOURS. we have the same birthday which I absolutely love. I met him at a hero convention, which he didn't want to even go to, but present mic dragged him to it. He wasn't getting many at his booth but I stopped by because I was sooooo excited!!! (he is my favorite hero after all) He was surprised I knew so much about him bc he's an underground hero, but I have my ways hehe. I gave him my number and he told me not to get my hopes up. It didn't really matter because now there's a ring on mah finger :D
ATSUMAYA (me and atsumu)
We met at a college party. I came with my friend as a plus one. We hit it off pretty well even though Tsumu had one too many drinks. Out of nowhere he just blurts, "You look like my future wife." Of course I didn't say anything cuz I was trying to process that sentence. He tried to cover it up saying he was drunk out of his mind and didn't mean it. I was curious as to whether he meant it or not so I went along with it, "I guess that makes you my future husband."
MAYAJIMA (sounds so silly... me and ushijima)
I was studying abroad in Japan and he was impressed with my Japanese skills. Since he's a pro volleyball player he asked me to teach him English, so he'd be well equipped with helpful words and phrases. I am not a great teacher though so we both struggled lmaooo.
SATAYA (me and tendou)
We met in high school!! He's just so funny and my kind of person. Understands my humor and we both loved teasing Shirabu and Semi :3 I just know we'd get into all kinds of trouble. Also I taste test his new chocolate flavors!!!
MAYOOMI (me and omi)
Gosh I was a pest to him at first. Annoyed him to no end I tell you. It was unintentional in the beginning, but soon teasing and messing with him became my love language. I knew he was okay with it from the way his ears would turn red. Most of his face was covered by his mask but I could still tell when he was flustered. Did I mention he's blocked and unblocked my number on numerous occasions? Yeah he loves me lol.
TOMIYA (me and giyuu)
He's just too pretty and it was hard to talk to him bc I felt like I couldn't!! I approached him first (even though I was scared) and that's when we started talking. I thought we would end up being just really good friends but he was on the same page as me.
OBAYA (me and obanai)
I didn't really talk to him because he was closed off and close to mitsuri. When shinobu was treating me once; she was talking to someone I couldn't see who it was, but I knew the voice. (I was only half conscious) It turns out he'd come to see if I was alright after my mission. He started having Kaburamaru leave me little gifts he'd find during missions or make. One day when Kaburamaru had brought me something I gave the snake a love letter to give to Obanai.
MAYOSO (me and choso)
he wanted to kill me at first :((( cuz i'm just a human :(( BUT something about me just reminded him of what it's like to have a family which is why he kept me around and ended up falling in love. He liked that warm feeling in his heart even though he couldn't put a name to that feeling. (i'll give him a hint: it starts with an L and ends with an E)
NANAYA (me and nanami)
Nanami is such a sweetheart. We met on a dating app 0-0 yeah... he was lonely and I was too. I told him how I thought I'd end up getting catfished bc there was absolutely no way some as fine as Nanami would actually be interested in me! But yes, we go on many more dates after our first little dinner date.
Honorable mentions:
MAYASHA (me and sasha braus)
ERAYA (me and eren)
CONAYA (me and connie)
MAYANTA (me and sero)
MAYAKEN (me and draken)
MAYO (me and ryo kurokiba)
there are more I just can't think of them off the top of my head :P
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rarepair-haven · 4 months
I think a cool shipname for the Fellmare ship would be: Redmoon!
That's because, well...Nightmare is related to the moon, and Fell is related to the color red, so...I think you get the idea-
Well, I think their dynamic would be...interesting.
They both really suffered enough, especially in a place where monsters keep killing each other.
And Nightmare has suffered several times from the residents of the village where he lived.
And unlike Fell, he managed to get himself out of this problem, and now he can do whatever he wants.
I really don't imagine the two of them being morally right in this relationship. I imagine more Nightmare and Fell sharing the shit in life, and Fell ending up having the ✨bastarlization arc✨ (not that he isn't a bastard already, but anyway-).
Anyway, I imagine Nightmare wanting more minions for himself, because he needed more allies, right?
So why not find an ally in an au corrupted by evil and monsters are already bad in themselves?
I feel like Nightmare would pull that polite bastard on Fell, and he'd try to convince him to join the Bad Guys.
Fell would find the name stupid, but he would enter, as he no longer had hope in that world, so much so that even his own brother became corrupted.
And well, they would maybe geek out a little about books and space, since Fell is still a Sans, so he would like astronomy, Fell would tease Nightmare with puns and knock knock jokes, they would both end up with some ass, they would have conversations like:
Fell: I feel like dying now
Nightmare: Same
And well, they would basically be depressive idiots evil bastards in love.
Fell would certainly have his strange habits, like drinking mustard and other condiments.
And Nightmare, since he's a "gentleman", would find that strange and disgusting.
And in the end, Nightmare would fill up on hot dogs and other junk that had already passed its expiration date with Fell 👍
They are both old, what can we do?
It’s my firm belief that the bad sans gang took one look at fell, held him up simba style, and made him their mascot. Hes edgy he’s loud he’s violently funny, he’s the perfect specimen to put in a room with an egotistical 500 year old and place bets on if it’s gonna end in a kiss or a pile of dust
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hws-lceland · 10 months
Who do you ship Denmark with?
A. A lot. But here's some I really like !
DenNor: :] I know it is predictable or whatever but their relationship is so special to me and is a big comfort ship and has been for so long I was talking about this on discord last night but the way Denmark loves Norway is just so sweet and genuine and it makes me so happy. And makes me want to cry. I also really like their history I think it makes it a very interesting pairing, though I am not the best when it comes to talking about historical stuff so I will leave that for now. I don't think it's a perfect relationship I think they have had their ups and downs but it works out.
I also think their dynamic is so funny is litterally this post
NedDen/DenNed !! : They're like college frat bros who are in love they're besties 4 life . I have a hard time explaining this in a way that I am satisfied with but they have a very very close friendship that is very intimate and romance/relationship wise their relationship is both. Very intimate but also very casual. Ned is generally the first guy Den goes to when he needs to talk to someone, especially during times where he might not be on the best terms with Sweden or the other Nordics. They get wasted and high together and bond over bike rides and having dumb stupid hair
Gutters is what initially got me shipping them and that definitely definitely influenced how I see their relationship.
Also I think it's funny their shipname is a palindrome
And those are like. My big two. Those are canon to me.
DenSu: I really love densu but my brain is too scrambled to be able to write a lot about it right now. I like the rivalry. I also like when they are just two old gay guys sharing a cigarette watching the sunset. Idk I want to talk more. About it because I DO have thoughts but I can't think my thoughts . Right now. But this one is also canon. to me also . Probably Top 3 Denmark ships .( I will have to come back to talk about this one another time.)
DenPru: Sorry to my one mutual who hates this ship (lighthearted) I just think they're fun. I don't have a whole lot of serious thoughts on it but I like that they're like Alfred's weirdo uncles. They're sad pathetic drinking buddies together.
DenEst: I have nothing to contribute to this one but man. I read someone in discord talking about their history together and I was hooked. It's very interesting!
DenIta: I thought about this one one time while I was high and I was like. Oh man I'm so smart. And then it just kind of stuck. Definitely a crack ship but one I have fun with.
It's basically like that one meme "This is Denmark. Denmark loves his personal space. This is Veneziano, he also loves Denmarks personal space."
And I am done typing now
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chomperzzzz · 1 year
OKAY i know i'm still playing catch up but i cannot stop thinking abt these characters AHSDSKHKJAHSKJD
okay here are ships i could see happening heeheeeheee not gonna b editing this post bc i want to see if i was right >:D
TEETH AND OLIVE. okay this feels too obvious mayb but like COME ON. They're already connected by the storybook thing but somethin abt the dichotomy of the two underdogs?? I just have a feeling they're gonna be foils and we ALL know what that means!!!
TEETH AND MARIS. THINK OF THE VIBES. Apparent extreme criminal with a mysterious and tumultuous past and a hardened pirate?? AND THEY'RE BOTH MILFS?? i see zero downsides
TEETH AND TUCKER. IDK just the vibes. Vaguely cynical and jaded but also they've got the SPUNK ya know?? the vibes. they're vibing. also criminal of every crime x knows no laws?? SLAY
OLIVE AND DARLING. WOULDN'T THIS BE SO FUCKING FUNNY THOUGH but ACTUALLY tho i feel like they could have hilarious chemistry??? ALSO she's so tiny and darling is so tall that's >>>
OLIVE AND TELOS. SHE LEFT LITTLE GIFTS FOR THEM i am literally screaming and throwing things. we don't know much abt Telos yet but that is just SO SWEET.
42 AND DARLING. IDK their realities are just so similar you know!! I just think the vibes are gonna be there omg something abt a spy and a superstar -- WOW the vibes could be so good asdkjk
42 AND TELOS. OKAY HEAR ME OUT ik we don't know much abt Telos yet BUT LIKE??? THEY DRINK TEA TOGETHER??? 42 WAS EXCITED TO SEE TELOS?? HELLOOO?? also killer x death god what WHAT
MARIS AND TUCKER. SOMEthing abt the hardened MILF and the compassionate clever one is SO SLAY. Wow. WOW.
ALSO i have an idea for how shipnames should work... CONSIDER: we use nouns!! so like teeth is teeth (lol) olive is fairy etc etc heehee so like the ship names would be like "teethfairy" (lol) "agentsand" etc etc!!!! anywaysss just a thought>:) LMK YOUR SHIPPING THOUGHTS MY BRAIN IS ACTUALLY EXPLODING RN
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